#sad. idk. I want him to be healthy. the vet said he is for his age and his blood work looked great but we still don’t know why the seizure
sanchoyo · 9 months
annoyed I’m not getting as many hours as I’d like at work bc when I started they were giving me mad overtime 😔 ik it’s probably the holidays but at this rate it’s gonna take me (materialistic) forever to get the things I want and actually need ☹️ tentatively once again considering if I’d have enough self discipline to do something like a patreon before remembering I hate putting stuff behind paywalls 😭
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species-dysphoria · 1 month
can't sleep, gonna share pictures of my cat and her brother, who sadly passed away a few years ago.
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This is Boo. She is the cat I'm taking to the vet. She's very lovey when she wants to be, she loves to climb on my back. She tends to be very skidish and cautious. Boo grooms herself a lot and i think she has some anxiety especially after losing her brother, so i think she uses cleaning herself as a coping method? Her fur is very fluffy and soft, almost like a little rabbit ♡ I know she is a senior cat but we never were sure of her age. we rescued her and her brother, Caspian, together. they were so bonded to each other that when the shelter tried to separate them, they both cried all night. they used to sleep on top of each other...
ever since we lost caspy, Boo has been my best friend. she follows me everywhere and sleeps with me at night. she is my packmate. we are equals and care a lot about her.
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This is Caspian or Casper or Caspy. He was Boo's brother. He was a huge cat, he was 20 pounds normally and vets even said that he was healthy. He was just a really big lovey dovey baby. Basically a giant kitten for his whole life. He loved to pounce on me when I had my back turned. Caspy would snuggle as close as possible to me whenever he got the chance. Purring loud. He LOVED soft blankets and would always be kneading and sucking on them but only if the blanket was on me. He loved anything that was orange, but especially his orange mouse (pictured in the second photo). He would carry that mouse everywhere and bring it to my room.
I still get really emotional thinking about him cause he was my best friend and loyal packmate. Got me through some of the worst abuse I've experienced and was always there to support me. He was almost like a weighted blanket cause I would just pick him up and lay him on me and he would just roll over and chill.
He developed diabetes later in life and never really recovered after that. I would help groom him cause he lost all motivation to do so. I would get up early in the mornings and feed him and give him insulin.
Worst part was that the insulin made him smell different so Boo became aggressive towards him. He would try so hard to just come sit by her like they used to but she would hiss at him and leave.
Every day, I miss him. He was such a sweetheart and even though he would bite me in the middle of the night to get him food and once bite my nose so hard it gave me a little scar there...he was my bubba. I will always remember him as my best friend, the one who was always there for me, and my packmate.
uhh if you read this much thank you. these issues with Boo has me worried and scared about losing her. Hopefully things will be ok.
I'm unsure if they were actually siblings or not, we rescued them together and the shelter wasn't sure. idk how much I trust the shelter cause they also lied about them not being de-clawed. makes me very very very sad for them. I hope that boo is not in pain due to that horrible procedure.
thanks for reading my long ass posts about my cats. enjoy the cat pictures ♡ I hope u guys find them just as cute
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peanutmoggo · 8 months
I miss my two late cats. They both died the same month as my birthday. They were brother with about a year age gap. One died at 13, one at 12. Pretty old for incest born Persian home cats. I love them both, but I guess they love each other more. The younger died first, in less than a week his older brother passed away.
The younger one died of severe renal disease. He was a petite cat, born healthy and talkative. But somehow always had a health issue. Once he had some kind of bacteria in his eye that we had to drive miles to the north to find the well known animal's eyes specialist (our local vet has no expertise on that). Thank God he survived the disease. But not this time. Doctor said that he had a small sized kidney that it was prone to such illness. He passed away after being hospitalized for two days. I love how the vet took care of him after he passed away. Not only did they wrapped him, but I guess they put some kind of perfume (or idk what) that he smell like a flower. We buried him at the small park near our home.
The saddest part is, the older was in a healthy shape before he died. Not until his brother passed away, he was still cheerful, playful, ate a lot. His tail was always facing up to the sky, he walked like a submarine. But the day following his brother's passing, he became a very very depressed cat. He wouldn't leave my grandma's bedroom and keep facing at empty spaces. His tail was laying low, he was no longer a walking submarine. We had to feed him by our hands because he wouldn't even touch his food. Sunday, January 21st, we brought him to the vet. Just to make sure he was all good. Doctor said he was very much healthy, but sad, only very sad. Doctor gave us vitamins and recommended us to give recovery wet food. The doctor talked to him as if he would understand (I personally believe he did). The doctor told him that it's okay to grief and be sad, but life must go on because everyone loves and cares for him so much. After the counseling session, the paramedic trim his paw until it looked perfectly round, cut his claw, and clean his ears.
The next day, Monday. He was all okay. He ate his food, no sign of vomiting, nor refusing to eat. I was going to work so I got this good news from the cleaning lady. That was a really good news and we were all happy about it (we talked cheerfully on the family group).
My sister took care of him until 10am and got back from campus at 2pm, only to saw that he was laying on the floor, gone.
Up until now, I still cannot believe a physically healthy cat just died unexpectedly. But maybe, every living being can died of sadness. And that's sad.
Those two silly cats are up there now. We buried the older brother next to his late younger bro. I think both of them are in the middle of some sort of family time, bonding and playing around with their dad and siblings who passed away before them. Ah that must be joyful to reunite with your loving family.
One thing that keeps me awake tonight, I think the older cat sort of want us to bring him to the vet to take care of him for his last days. The last grooming, and the last good bye to the doctor that has been caring for him for long as he lived. It's unbelievable that he passed away in such good condition with paw trimmed and all.
God I miss you both.
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Little Stardew somethin’ somethin’
*Barges into your house with fluff nobody asked for* In this house we LOVE and RESPECT our sad boi and wish him well. 
Hopeful Fluff of Shane getting better. Idk what to call it but I wrote it soooo-
TW: Mentions of alcoholism and withdrawals symptoms 
Mornings were your favorite. The crisp mountain air coming in from your open windows. Helping erase the slight bitter tinge of mead and wine fermenting in your basement before the next festival. Pouring another cup of coffee you watch the sunrise from your kitchen window. It’s golden rays bounce off the river water flowing lazily outside your garden wall. A few fat salmon jumped out teasingly, scales shining in the cool fall air. 
“Whatca think Salem?” You pat your shepherd's head. “Fishing after herding the sheep? Or a horse ride into town? I think Gus has got some new treats for ya.” Salem woofs, wagging his tail once before trotting to his dog bowl. He eats quickly then eyes the back door expectantly. “All right, herding it is.” Checking the breakfast casserole in the oven and peeking in on your boyfriend’s sleeping form you tiptoe out the house to get your morning started before breakfast. 
Watering and harvesting took longer than usual. The fruit trees hung low and groaned under the weight of their labor. The peaches looked exceptional this harvest too. You pick them, making a mental note to preserve some for Evelyn and Abigail then sell the rest to Pierre. After the harvesting and several trips to the storage shed you go to check on all your babies. 
Several new chickens had hatched overnight too. Three brown, a white, and another void. You tuck the little black chick into your hoodie and give it a smooch. As useless as their eggs were for eating you always had a soft spot for these tiny goth chickens. Taking it to the coop you had specially built for your void-born feathered friends you deposit the little one amongst its brethren. It peeps in thanks before waddling off to peck at the fresh feed.
Morning chores done, you jog back to your house hoping your casserole hasn't burned. The house smelled of spiced ham and fresh garlic when you reentered. The rest of the windows open to let in the river breeze and faint scent of your flower patches. The fireplace roared in its corner, chasing away the frosty nip that clung to your cheeks. “Shane?” You follow the noise from the mudroom to the kitchen entrance. 
“Ye?” He poked his head around the corner. Warm brown eyes blink at you blearily. The corners of which were still crusted over with sleep. He must have just rolled out of bed. “Morin’.” He yawns widely scratching at his rumpled old gridball hoodie. Exchanging a brief morning breath laden kiss you smooth down a few of his more wild strands of bed head. 
“Thought you were taking the day off?” Your lips touch again, pulling a happy little hum from him. 
“I am. Just thought I would finish making breakfast so you could put your feet up faster. Plus, I think I finally figured out your ham recipes.” He drags you to your favorite spot at the breakfast nook before going back to the oven. “It’s the clove to cinnamon ratio ain’t it? Too much of either distract from the flavor of the fat.” 
You nod in approval at his deduction. He pours you another cup of coffee, his hand shakes on the carafe handle. He was jittery today. Whether it was his anxiety spiking or just the jitter after a decent night of sleep you don’t know. But he’ll tell you when ready. He catches you staring when he turns back with two steaming plates of your eggs and veggie casserole and a thick slice of ham. “Tell me what you think.” 
“I’m sure it's fabulous. Gus better watch out or there will be a new chef in town.” Shane practically glows at your praise watching you like a hawk as you eat. You inhale it, the morning exercises catching up with you. He lets you eat in silence, his previous twitchiness evaporating into a nervous silence. “Everything good?” You ask in between bites. You hated to pry or push but sometimes he needed a little nudge to get talking. 
Shane stares into empty space above your head worrying his low lip. His fluffy brows dipping low. “Shit-ye- I got something to talk to you about.” He rose then, shuffling off to your shared bedroom. You exchange a worried look with Salem. He whined low in his throat then followed Shane. Since Shane had moved in Salem had stuck to him like glue. It tickled you, as he was not the friendliest dog to people that took your attention away from him. But, with Shane, he found a couch companion and a late-night walking pal. It worked out great for Shane’s mood and recovery. 
Your boyfriend reappeared with a black binder and several stacks of paper. He places them in front of you. “I’ve been thinking over what you’ve said.” He stuffs his hands in his hoodie pockets burrowing himself deeper into the thinning fabric. “Between you and Harvey I-I want to have a go at it.” His eyes are downcast in shame. You riffle through the brochures. 
Brentforest Care Facilities 
“It’s a three-month inpatient care program. Harvey helped me set up the initial psych evaluation and has vetted for it. He’s got some friends that work there too. He-we think it would be good to work on a few hold-ups I’m having.” His stomach turns sour at the downward tug of your lips when you see the zero’s on the page. “Marnie is helping me cover the cost, an’ after the first few weeks I’m even allowed guests.” He pitters out, the overwhelming need to fill the dead air as you read disappeared as quickly as it had come. 
“You got it all sorted out huh?” You look up from the documents. Shane nods. You look back at the books, then him. He forces himself to breathe through his nose. This is it. This was the last straw, it had to be. He couldn’t blame you though- he wasn’t worth the effort. 
No-nope. Not starting this again. He fought with himself shaking the thoughts right out of his head. He trusted you. Dr. Martina trusted you. You were there during the worst of his withdrawal symptoms. The fevers, and shakes; you never flinched from his unwarranted shouting and irritability either. How many sleepless nights had you spent comforting him as he wept over things he wasn’t ready to talk about. You had gone through a lot with him and still was. You wanted to see him healthy. This was just another step. 
“Dr. Martina- my therapist- and I have been working on this for a bit. I just need a few more signatures and to make the initial payment. Then- then I’m good.” He raises his eyes to meet yours, pushing the fear he felt further down in his chest. 
His arms were suddenly filled with you. Your warm body flush with his. Soft skin and fresh windswept hair flooding his senses with your hug. “I’m so proud of you.” You mutter into his jacket. Farm callus fingers grip him close inviting him to hug you back. Shane let out a shaky breath he hadn’t even known he was hiding and reciprocated. He held you close and rocked you both side to side. “What do you need me to do?”
“Mmm?” He pulled you away from his neck. You loved burrowing your face there for some reason. Months ago he had hated when you did that. He always thought he smelt of stale sweat and the recycled air of the JoJo Mart. It had clung to every part of him for years. Hardly attractive by anyone's standards. But now, working out in the coops and fields alongside volunteering at the Community Center, it had all but disappeared. Now you swore he smelled like earth and like the pine trees that grew around your house. You had even admitted his sweat smells better too. Perhaps his alcohol sweats were finally lifting. Or maybe it was the better diet you made him eat. 
“What do you need of me?” You kiss his scruffy cheek. Eyes alight with determination and affection. 
He returns your kiss with a light peck of his own. “A few signatures- to show you can visit. An’ if there was an emergency you would be a contact. If-if that’s ok with you?” He asks.
“As if you had to ask.” You beam putting your forehead to his. “I’ll miss you.” You whisper between feather light kisses.  
Shane sighs in utter relief around your coffee scented lips. “Promise to write?” He asks cupping your cheeks to rub his thumbs over the sun kissed skin. “And feed Charlie too?” You laugh, nose scrunching up in delight at his joke.
You seal the deal with a kiss. 
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ayoitsnic · 3 years
Crowley x Reader x Lucifer
Part 1
*Based loosely around 12x15 but Ramsey kills Gwen and gets away
Word Count: 2.6k
Trigger Warnings: Injured animal? Idk? If you think something should be added to the TW list drop a comment or DM me
Summary: Humans aren’t supposed to see hellhounds, so what happens when y/n finds an injured hellhound and brings it home to care for? 
*Disclaimer* Lucifer will be introduced in the 2nd part which should be up by Saturday 4/3/2021
It was almost midnight when y/n got off of work. She was exhausted after her shift at Regional West Medical Center in Nebraska. As she trudged through the parking lot to her old, beat up 2002 Suzuki she couldn’t help but feel eyes on her, like something was watching her from out in the darkness. Fumbling with her keys she turned to unlock the driver’s side car door (The remote to unlock the door was broken. The car could only be opened with the actual key.), only to freeze in place when she felt the hot breath and heard the heavy breathing of some sort of animal behind her. “Dear god, please let it be my overactive imagination.” she prayed silently, knowing it was no use. Whatever stood behind her was very much real.
Very slowly she turned to face whatever it was that was sniffing her, her keys moving between her middle and ring finger in case she needed to defend herself. Instead of being met with what she thought for sure would be a small bear or a rabid coyote, she was met with a very large dog. A very large dog that looked like it had been through absolute hell. Its fur was matted and caked with dried mud and dirt, and it was covered with cuts and what she naturally assumed was its own blood. It was hard to tell through the thick, matted fur but it also looked very underweight. “Oh you poor baby….” Y/n’s heart melted upon seeing the creature.
Obviously the dog had been out on its own for a very long time. Y/N took pity on it. It seemed so sad, and it didn’t appear rabid or vicious. It looked like it just wanted help. Reluctantly she reached down to check for a collar. There was a collar but it was in a foreign language. One she’d never seen before. Unlocking the back of the car she coaxed the dog in with some leftover food she had from her lunch break. She knew the poor thing must be starving. Being hurt it took a little help getting in. Little did she know how dangerous that dog really was or that there was a man out right now searching for it.
The K-9, which y/n decided to call (Dog’s name) had fallen asleep on the car ride home, snoring softly over the radio that was playing some Green Day song. Pulling into the driveway, (Y/N) stopped the car and turned off the radio. Almost on queue (dog’s name) looked up to see where they were. A light was on outside, illuminating a large porch (Which could probably use a new paint job, if we’re being honest) with 2 rocking chairs, a small table and a plethora of healthy, brightly colored plants. She picked up the injured dog and carried it inside, planning on taking it to the vet in the morning to see if it was microchipped.
She was going to let the dog sleep in the basement for the night, unsure if it would destroy the house or not. She remembered her aunt’s German Shepherd who took pleasure in tearing up sofas, and eating her plants. The dog also really needed a bath and she didn’t want it on the furniture until it got one. Unfortunately around 3:30 am, y/n felt a dip in the bed and then something making itself comfy by her feet. Looking over, she found the dog curled up in bed with her. Way too tired to deal with it now, and knowing she had to wash the sheets anyway she just fell back asleep let the dog stay with her so long as it stayed at the foot of the bed.
The next morning, Y/N got up early to go to the pet store and get stuff for the dog. She called up the local vet, making an appointment, she washed the sheets, and most importantly she began trying to wash (Dog’s name). At first the dog resisted, wanting absolutely nothing to do with the water. Y/N knew exactly how to deal with this though. Placing a glob of peanut butter on the side of the tub to keep the dog preoccupied, (Dog’s name) happily entered the bathtub. A trick y/n had learned from that aunt with the poorly behaved German Shepherd. By the time y/n was done with the dog she’d had to drain and refill the tub 3 times before she gave up and kept it drained, just using the shower head. She couldn’t believe how much blood and dirt had come off this dog.
Around 2pm the doorbell rang and this dog who was once so sweet, albeit a bit skittish turned into an absolute beast. Running to the door, loud deep barks and growls left it. The dog seemed ready to tear the stranger on the other side of the door to shreds. It was almost like it had turned into a completely different dog. “(Dog’s name)!!!” Y/n shouted as she raced down the stairs after it, hoping to get to the door before the dog did. “NO!!!” She yelled. Even hurt and underweight, (Dog’s name) was really big. If it wanted to break that door, it probably could. Without thinking, Y/n quickly grabbed the dog by the collar to stop it. “I said no!” She told her firmly with a pointed finger. The dog whined, tail between its legs as it hurried back up the stairs to the bedroom to do that thing dogs do when they roll around on the rug to dry themselves.
The front door had a glass window looking out so y/n could see the stranger. He was short, and wore a nice suit. He seemed only slightly concerned about the interaction. The man didn’t even flinch as the massive hound lunged itself at him. It seemed like this was a normal day for him. Actually, he seemed more unnerved after she called the dog off. Opening the door, y/n apologized profusely for the dog “I am so sorry about the dog! I-” Before she could continue, the man squinted at her, clearly confused about something. “What are you?” He questioned in an English accent.
“Hellhounds? Really?” She questioned with a quirked eyebrow and a small grin, crossing her arms and constantly turning to keep facing the man. It was obvious she didn’t believe him.
Obviously his question confused y/n as she gave him a look of confusion back “What do you mean ’what are you?’” She stepped out onto the porch, closing the door behind her “I'm human”
“Yes, really.” The man continued, as serious as a heart attack “You especially shouldn’t be able to control that bitch. I’ve only ever known one person to be able to control Ramsey and you and not that person.”
“Oh really? And who might that person be then?” Y/n asked, beginning to think this was some elaborate prank being played on her by a friend or coworker.
Remembering what the demon said about her being able to control the hound, y/n gave it a shot. Raising a hand she firmly commanded “Ramsey stay.” Not only did the dog stop dead in her tracks, she laid down and waited for further orders. Now most people would be a little freaked out by this; finding a hellhound that they didn't know was a hellhound, and now being visited by a demon sent to collect said hound. Y/n however wasn’t afraid. Actually she kind of got a Déjà vu feeling at this.
“No you can’t be. Humans can’t see hellhounds, much less control them.” Normally Crowley would just collect the demonic hound and leave, with humans being none the wiser that the rogue canine was even there, but not only did this woman know the hellhound was there, she was taking pretty good care of it. Even stranger, the dog was letting her care for it. There was something different about this woman, something special. He just wasn’t sure what it was yet. Crowley circled y/n, inspecting her. He was trying to find any indication of her not being human.
“Lucifer.” Crowley responded
At that, y/n was done. “Look pal, I don’t know what kind of kool-aid you’re drinking but I’m not buying it. Now’s the part where I tell you to get off my property.” she turned to go back inside, closing and locking the door behind her. As she turned to head upstairs though, Crowley was standing right behind her, his eyes red. She let out a screech, jumping as far back as she could (Which wasn’t far as the door was right behind her). Again, the dog that the demon in front of her called ‘Ramsey’ came running to her defense.
“The name’s Crowley. King of hell.” He introduced himself “May I ask who you are?”
“Y/n y/l/n.” she responded before telling him “Queen of this house.” This was crazy. Y/n was standing in her entryway conversing with a demon king. “Could I offer you tea ‘your highness’? Maybe Coffee?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she addressed Crowley as 'your highness' She wasn’t gonna hand over the dog so easily, and something told her the demon wouldn’t be leaving without Ramsey.
“.....Who are you?” Y/n asked the man
Y/n and Crowley sat in her kitchen, sipping tea and chatting. “Why aren’t you afraid of me?” The demon who sat across from y/n questioned “Most people would run, or beg for mercy if a demon showed up at their doorstep. Not invite them in for a drink.”
If it weren’t for the fact that y/n could sick Cujo on him at any moment, Crowley wouldn’t be being so patient with her. He wouldn’t be trying to convince her to send the dog to her death. “I’m sorry but I can’t let you take that dog back.” Y/n told Crowley. For some reason she felt bonded to that dog, with the overwhelming need to protect her.
“I’m afraid I must insist. She’s dangerous and unpredictable. It’s for the best that she be put down. She’s killed a lot of people who weren’t on hell’s hit list while she was topside.” Crowley explained “A pup like that out and about isn't good for business. It makes it look like I’m not in control.”
“Do you want me to beg for mercy?” Y/n asked with a smirk and a small, dry chuckle. “Sorry but you’re not very scary so forgive me if I’m quaking in my shoes.” She would never be seen begging for mercy. Not in a million years.
“I thought you were the king down there.” Y/n questioned “A king answers to no one. You could turn, walk right out that front door, and pretend she vanished. That you weren't able to find her. Or you could go back and tell your people she attacked you and you killed her. Besides, you’re a demon. You don’t really care about the people she’s killed, do you?” Y/n definitely cared and felt bad, she just didn’t believe Crowley did.
“The Winchester’s. They hunt monsters. Vampire’s, werewolves, demonkind, et cetera.” Crowley explained “They’re ruthless, and if they find out that dog is here they will show up and kill her. Painfully. If you hand her over I promise her death will be a painless and merciful one.” Of course he would make the boys sound worse than they were. In reality they’d kill it as quick as possible if they could. He’d say anything to get her to give up Ramsey. 
“Of course I don’t, but some hunters I know care a lot about the people that were killed. If I don’t collect this dog, they’ll come and collect her for me and they’ll be far less inclined to sit and chat over hot beverages.” Crowley explained
“Tell me about these hunters.” Y/n asked, genuinely interested. "I assume you're not referring to people who shoot buck in their free time."
“Let them come.” Y/n spoke after quietly mulling over what was just told to her. Whether she was underestimating these hunters or just didn’t believe what Crowley was telling her he was unsure. “She may be in a weakened state now but she’ll get better. She’ll get stronger and when she does I’ll be the only one who can stop her. If they show up, I’ll be ready and they’ll have to go through me. When they get through me, she’ll be ready for them too.”
“Y/n I know you think-” Y/n cut off the demon king, her patience wearing thin. She had all the leverage she needed in this situation and she knew it “You said I was the only one who could control her. Now I don’t know how or why that is, but that means there’s nothing stopping me from sicking the dog on you. If she really is as vicious and dangerous as you claim she is, I would be afraid of the one person who can send her after you. I’m telling you to walk away. I’m giving you an out. I strongly suggest you take it.”
Thinking about it later though, she was actually kind of sexy. She knew she held the power and the leverage in that situation and she knew how to use it. Not only that but she was bold enough to try and intimidate not just any king, but the King of Hell. And she didn’t need to raise her voice once while doing it. She was clearly a strong, intelligent, woman. He liked that.
After he was gone, y/n was in fact a little freaked out. If there was a hell that meant there was a heaven. Would she be going to hell just for harboring this animal? And better question; how do you even properly care for a hellhound? She imagined it would be a lot different from taking care of your average, run of the mill Pitbull.
Crowley stood his ground, calling her bluff. He didn’t believe she would actually do it. “Ramsey!” Y/n called “Ramsey c’mere girl!” she whistled as the Hellhound came barreling from upstairs “Ramsey, hurry up! Go get him! Get the demon!” Y/n told Ramsey in the same sickeningly sweet baby voice most humans use to talk to animals they find cute. Before she could get to him though, Crowley had disappeared into thin air.
After hours spent searching on the internet y/n got her first lead. Okay so it wasn’t really a lead. It was more of an idea. It’s not like she could just log onto wikipedia and pull up a page on 'How to take care of a Hellhound'. She did however find instructions for summoning and trapping a crossroads demon. She didn’t realize there were different types of demons but to her, a crossroads demon was still a demon so good enough right?
Late that night y/n put Ramsey in the car with her and drove to the nearest crossroads. Spray painting a ‘devils trap’ in the road she buried a box in the center. It contained a photo of her, some graveyard dirt, and the bone of a black cat. No, she didn’t go out and kill a cat. She was able to get that from a wiccan shop on the outskirts of town.
After burying the box, she stood and read the incantation she had written on a scrap of paper “Daemon, esto subjecto voluntati meae!” She waited a moment and when nothing happened she thought she might've gotten a word wrong. That was until she heard a woman speak behind her “What can I do for you tonight?”
Jumping a bit she turned to face the demon. “I just need some information.”
.....To be continued....
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sn0tcl0wn · 4 years
oh right iggy update; since they put him out they slowly made stricter rules about him being inside and he didn't like the dog and (as i predicted) in turn drifted off and slowly reverted to being feral. he was born feral and presumably only went to humans he saw on the street because he saw other cats being taken care of that way and was a sickly, abandoned runt. but then i was the one who nursed him back to health and trained him and cared for him to a point where they grew bitter that we "overbonded". then when they took in both a dog and a second cat after the death of a cat that was essentially his adopted father, he started growing antsy and spraying due to stress. then they started throwing him out. then when that dog left they missed her and replaced her with a hyperactive puppy. and my cat who was already forced to live outside was either too scared of the dog to stay in or they'd throw him outside. now he's gotten to a point where he doesn't want to come in at all and only meows when trying to get food from neighbors. he hunts and seems to be in a colony now. i tried several times to bring him in but he wants to be outside now and idk what to do except let him. i still look for him but i usually only see him for a split second before he walks away and disappears on me. he comes to see me when i'm out on the porch, he seems to know cig + weed smoke = his former human, but he isn't my cat anymore. i've been through this before, it's usually what happens when i bring males in. for one reason or another they demand to go outside and i've only managed to fully domesticate one who still sprayed everywhere even though he was fixed. this is why i stick to girl cats tbh. but i do miss my little muscular man. he was the first familiar i've had since charline and it's been a rough few months trying and failing to bring him in and make his life inside comfortable. i genuinely tried everything to a point where i was buying him special food and gifts that ended up just being eaten and played with by gizmo. which is fine he's my little buddy too. but he isnt my cat and i just....i really fuckin miss my cat, man. homie used to straight up help me find shit and was hyper in tune with my emotional state to a point where he'd comfort me before an episode started and would throw fits and circle around me to warn me of an oncoming seizure or fainting spell. and now he's a wild man, eating squirrels and presumably doing whatever they did in warrior cats.
anyway if you wondered why i stopped posting about him, he moved out but he's fine i guess. i really do not like the circumstances but it's gotten to a point where even if i bring him in they'll throw him out for the sole reason being he isn't "supervised" as if he was ever the only cat, or animal for that matter, making messes around the house.
in similar, somehow less tragic news; my boy dante the grumpy lizard passed a couple months ago. i had to process it because he was the last one and i tried real hard with him too. though it may not seem it, it was actually a success as when we got him he was already in his teens and sickly and when he died he was around twenty and much, much better and even surprisingly active until the last few days. he was a very good and strong animal who fought a lot of hardship and lived a long life with his last few years being healthy happy ones. he was still coming out and letting us interact with him towards the end as well so he didn't seem frightened, he just started looking kinda aged these past couple years and we weren't too surprised he died. if anything we were still shocked he came back as well as he did and was clearly a very healthy, happy animal. i was sad for the loss but he was also in a good place and actually lived longer than the vet said he would so it was a bittersweet kinda thing. both situations are tbh. iggs is way happier outside, he was miserable in the house and i could tell. he only wanted to see me if we were in the front lawn and due to the fact that i have shit inside to do during the day i could only spend so much time with him like that and it got to a point where he became aggressive upon realizing i was taking him inside.
unfortunately animals aren't people so you can't tell them you'll miss them in a way they'd understand. while i managed to make them feel comfortable at their weakest they both turned and did the same for me with iggy being more understanding of my needs while feeding and caring foe dante was deeply therapeutic, especially when he started showing signs of actual trust. it's been very hard without them and i just feel like i've been weirdly silent on their states considering those two were my pride and joy and suddenly they've vanished.
i feel like a family vlogger channel trying to explain why my children have disappeared from my videos.
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clonazemoth · 3 years
It's 4:31 am and I am with my cat, he felt lonely in the dark and started crying. So I came downstairs to feed him and be with him until he falls asleep again.
My cat's name is Kiddo (that's the nearest translation for his name in spanish), he's all black and has pretty yellow eyes. On his lower jaw, he only has one tooth and his two lil fangs; on the upper jaw he has all his teeth and fangs.
Kiddo is sweet, he likes to play and sometimes likes cuddles. He can eat a lot, so I try to not leave his bowl full all day, plus he doesn't forgive any kind of food, if he has the opportunity he will eat anything. I've seen him steal chicken, carrots, chayote, corn, meat, ham; he'd drink the water on my glass, the soy milk and even try to drink juice or tea or coffee. It's a fuckin miracle he hasn't been poisoned by one of my ugly neighbors. This cat TRUSTS ANYONE AND ANYTHING as long as they give him food.
But that's not what I wanted to share...
Kiddo, well, he kinda gets lost sometimes. I don't mean it like when he used to go out to walk on my street, no, I mean like in the house. Lemme explain. I can be watching TV with him playing on the sofa or the floor, he'd walk around a bit and maybe go up the stairs, once in my bedroom or half way on the stairs he'd findhimself alone or not able to see me... So he cries.
When Kiddo cries, he does it like he's being tortured, like he's spent his whole life alone and asking for help. I call him, sometimes i have to walk where he's at and get his attention and once he sees me, he comes to me and he's fine.
Kiddo is not blind, he's a healthy cat according to the vet. Two vets have said that maybe he's just a bit spoiled, but idk. The previous family didn't want him, they gave him to me when I was looking for a similar cat I had lost. "No, no, this iis your cat. I'm sure" said the girl, but I knew this wasn't him. I kept Kiddo since that day five years ago.
I like to play cartoons for him, Kiddo seems to enjoy Miraculous Lady Bug and Adventure Time. My mom sometimes plays classical music for him, he likes it for calming down or sleeping. We have the TV on almost all day for him because that seems to help so that he doesn't "get lost" that much.
But really, we can be in the kitchen and he walks a bit and looks at the counter or the wall and he'll start crying until I caress him or talk to him. When "he is found" he looks at me like saying 'oh, there you are, I was scared' with such sad eyes... Maybe he understands that the other family didn't want him, maybe he thinks I'll abandon him. Or maybe he'll have issues with his memory when he's old, like alzheimer or dementia.
For now I just hope he understands that this is his home, he is loved and taken care of, and that I will never abandon him.
It's 4:31 am and I am with my cat, Kiddo, he felt lonely in the dark and started crying. So I came downstairs to feed him and be with him until he falls asleep again. And I love him very much.
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olddragonsnot · 7 years
ok who wants 25 puff facts/random things regarding puff
i am bored n wanna write about my son
1. puff’s full name is...get this: Captain Puff Dwight Birdsworth III. his name came to me in a vision & that’s all i can say on the matter
2. puff doesn’t know what the sky is
3. puff’s favorite things include flowers and waxworms
4. the flower thing is no joke; this kid REALLY loves flowers:
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5. his passion in floristry will be supported by me
6. i, a lot of the time, address him as “lizard boy” & i greet him with a “waaaaowwww!!! look at you” :) skdkfggghgs
7. u can tell he needs to poop if he starts to get really hyper and running all around - idk why but an analogy that came to mind when i typed that is when paul revere rode on horseback in the middle of the night to warn everyone that “the british are coming!” of course, that’s not how the actual event went down, but like....we all know that fabricated story about good ‘ol revere ya know? anyway, that should give u a good visual of how puff acts before he defecates :) nnnsjjfkg
8. he has a tongue
9. when we’re outside n someone passes by, he’ll tense up OR he’ll find solace in my hand that i’ve cupped around him (if he hasn’t already crawled into my hair lmao)
10. puff enjoys going outside! i can tell he wants to go out when he glass surfs in the early afternoon & once we get back from the walk, he is very tired lol
11. if puff & i received a million dollars for every time we’ve been asked by strangers, “is that an iguana?” we’d have like 20 million dollars - so i’m not annoyed by it, but it’s a thing
12. puff coughed ONCE out of the blue n i took him to the vet the very next day to only find out .....he’s perfectly healthy. i got temporarily dropped from my class bc taking him to the vet was more important than going to class
13. u know that vine with the rat?? “‘SZZZKAHH!!’ ‘is it - is it real?’” well once, i was in rite-aid w puff on my shoulder & a lady asked me if puff was real n i said yes, he is; she shook her head “no” in a very convinced & serious nod: “no...it isn’t real.” lady, he just moved his head while obviously inhaling/exhaling oxygen & other elements during this entire conversation - WHAT MORE PROOF DO YA NEED????
14. hornworms ....that’s it
15. i’ve never seen him head bob or wave n i’m kinda sad over it
16. i have pics of his mom & dad....wanna see?
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(pics from celebritydragons.com)
17. it didn’t take long for me to spot puff at the reptile expo & know that he’d be the lizard i’d raise :’) that’s so cheesy hsjfkkgh
18. every night, i have him lay on my chest with his blanket on top of him so he can fall asleep n we do this for at least 4 hours lmao we have a CLOSE bond ok we GET each other. no but really, it’s the best feeling to know that he feels safe & comfortable enough to fall asleep on me ❤️
19. he has many weegles (wiggles, but it’s funnier to pronounce it “weegles”)
20. not a big fan of vegetables/fruits AT ALL n it is VERY FRUSTRATING lol
21. ive never given puff crickets bc i think roaches are so much better.
22. ive upgraded puff’s enclosure before to an animal plastics T8 (a $200+ enclosure) & he HATED it. he was constantly stressed out & had temper tantrums in the enclosure at least once a week
23. he smells....*takes a sec to smell him skdkfkgg* good...idk how to describe it but i LIKE it
24. my favorite parts of puff’s body is his stomach & the fat part of his tail on the bottom .....they’re both really squishy what can i say
25. i took him to my geology class for a presentation on the dimetrodon for the sole purpose of splayed-legs & to calm my nerves a bit bc there is absolutely no relation between bearded dragons & the dimetrodon BUT i got an A & everyone loved puff ❤️
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This one time a million years ago @kidzbopdeathmetal tagged me to share the top 10 songs that I am listening to right now. So better late than never....and in no particular order....also I would love to read why you've been listening to the songs you list, so you get that from me whether you wanted to know or not.....here we go: 1. En Livstid i krig - Sabaton - when they played this song live is the moment I went from "I'm a casual fan" to "this has instantly become problematic" 2. California love- Mustach feat. Martin Westerstrand - ....the weird sound of Martin w. Rapping in English.....uhhhh.....I.....i listen to this because he doesn't sound like him? But he does? Kinda? It makes my brain hurt. I literally listen to his voice for hours on end.....like if he could just talk in the background of my entire existence I'd be ok with it.....in Swedish....but idk how much of it I could take in English.....is that weird?.....you know what IS weird???....Two fuckin Swedish dudes covering 2pac and dr. Dre....in rap/rock stylization. I.....can't......stop listening, apparently. 3. Mörk materia (som ler) - Lillasyster - since we just brought up Martin w. I'll continue with this one. 1. It's a well put together song. I mean most of his songs are beautiful to me....his writing and style just clicks with me......SONG style....not....fashion style....(side note: I would LOVE to help them with some sort of aesthetic direction for their band....) 2. From my shit knowledge of the Swedish language - this song is about stupid American republican dudes who want to make choices for women. "Det du tror du vet om kvinnor är helt fel" (correct me if I'm wrong....but pretty sure that translates to "what you believe you know about women is completely wrong") my fav verse is "som en amerikansk republikan angående vetenskap och evolutionen är du rädd och blind och arg och feg och du har skygglappar som döljer allt du ser"...which,again, please correct me if I'm wrong, translates to "like an American republican regarding science and evolution, you are scared, blind, angry, cowardly, and have blinders hiding all you see".....AND IF I DON'T AGREE WITH THAT STATEMENT WITH EVERYTHING IN ME.....I love this song. I love this band. I love this vocalist. Yes. Yes to all of it. 4. Cirice - ghost - talking about bands, songs, vocalists that I love....this falls in all those categories. I've never disliked this song. But I'm not usually one for popular songs.... But it's a different beast entirely when played live. And the stupid new ghouls (whom I adore more than is healthy)(not including chAir) put some weird mesmerizing twist to it with their stupid banjoy thing.....I HATE IT......but like in the most loving way? Like my knee jerk reaction the first time was "wtf. No. You've ruined it.......I hope they do that at my show"...I don't know....but since I saw the new ghouls play this.....it's grown a place in my heart that was only full of con clavi con dio and mummy dust and pinnacle to the pit and Elizabeth and absolution. 5. The journey home - reinxeed - my stupid Disney princess. Has the hair and vocals of an actual Disney princess.....and I can't stop listening. Pretty sure he wrote this one after watching Pocahontas. He is literally one of the most musically talented beings on the face of this earth. Nothing deep though, just prettily composed story telling songs with gratuitous guitar solos and falsetto notes that I can't even hit. The Favorite™. 6. Can't walk away - night by night - speaking of favorites.....this band was just a few years behind I think. Like my 2008 self would have lost my shit over this band. The fuckin harmonies tho. The melodies click with me. I was singing this to my friend as we were forced to walk back to our hotel from the Iron Maiden show. Yes, I thought I was hilarious. No, she didn't agree. The Favourite™. 7. Omen Amen - Wednesday13 - before ghost....there was Wednesday. I'm sad his new album didn't get the positive public opinion that it fuckin deserves. I think it's great. And I will forever support the entire band.....even if I don't fangirl any more.....you just can't fangirl when they know you......well....I can't anyway. I get all awkward and self conscious. And that's never fun. But these guys will always have my love. 8. Vampire lover - Genitorturers - I am SO FUCKING STOKED they're touring this fall. One of my fav live bands. This one time I tried to fangirl over someone but they approached me and got in my face and somehow the tables turned and they were then telling me every show I'd seen them at but never said hi to them and then did a face plant right into my boobs and I remember looking down at the top of his baby powdered hair thinking "what the fuck is even happening in my life right now. So much for having my fangirl moment" #youcantmakethisshitup 9. Lone wolf - goldnwolf - these boys have been in my life a decade this November. I will always support them. If you want to see behind the scenes of their video photos or warped tour photos or west coast tour photos of their previous band......I can point you in the direction.... 10. Livande död - Raubtier - I would kill to see these guys open for sabaton. Like.....who do I talk to to make this happen. I NEED it in my life. Favorite lyrics from this song: "att tyst och still adaptera fogligt böjd att passa in det kan jag aldrig acceptera den vägen äro icke min" (correct me if I'm wrong) "to silently and calmly adapt, flexibly bend to fit in, I can never accept that, that road is not mine" love it. Love their industrial sound. Don't LOVE the vocals, men det kan jag acceptera. So there's you're 10 songs and more info than you ever wanted to know. If you're reading this far....consider yourself tagged and tell me 10 songs you're liking currently....no really. I want to know.
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temporarilyinorder · 7 years
You’re lucky I love you so much
Sunrise or sunset?- SunsetAre you mentally ill?- Kinda?Are you physically ill?- Fortunately notWhat is the most expensive thing you have bought?- With my own money? Probably a gift for someoneDo you have a job?- Not currentlyAre you in school?- YesAre you a dropout?- NoAre you in college?- NoIntrovert or extrovert?- yeahWhat do you think when you look at your body?- Idk it’s pretty lit. I’m strong, I’m healthy, I’m a reasonable height… no issues reallyWhat have others said when they look at your body?- lol my girlfriend likes it but idk what anybody else has saidDo you have a particular song that you feel deeply?- There’s a looooot but maybe Stay by Mayday Parade?Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive?- this is always a difficult question because I’ve felt alive a lot of times, but I’ve gotta nerd out and say that I felt pretty damned invincible and alive when somebody hung a medal around my neck this past winterguard season idk judge meAre you confident wearing a bikini?- Ah no? LolCan you look people in the eyes while talking?- Yeah! I prefer toHas anything terrible happened to you?- yeahHas anything wonderful happened to you?- Yeah! I got guard captain for my final season!!Favorite part of your personality?- Incredulous sense of sarcasmLeast favorite part of your personality?- Speak my mind too often, hurtsFavorite part of your body?- Eyes? Stomach? Arms? Hands? IdkLeast favorite part of your body?- My hips? I guess?Favorite quote?- This too shall pass.Do you have friendships with all genders?- Basically lolDo you have a good relationship with your father?- VeryDo you have a good relationship with your mother?- Fairly? Meh?Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?- My step brother and I are literal friends, my half brother is a dick but I don’t hate him I guessHave you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member?- When I was younger that was how I learned hahaHave you ever had a near death experience?- I don’t think so but maybe? IdkDo you know anyone who has taken their own life?- YeahHave you ever tried to take your own life?- NoBiggest lie you have told?- I’ll be fineDo you follow any conspiracies?- If Shane Dawson makes a video about it than I’m all over that shitDo you believe in a New World Order?- blehDo you respect your government and the way your country is run?- that’s fucking hilarious my dudeIs there currently any strife in your country?- 🙃Have you ever been displaced within your country?- luckily notAre your friendships healthy?- Now they areAre you currently fighting with a friend?- NoAre you jealous of a friend? Why?- NopeDo you believe in the Illuminati?- kindaDo you think any celebrities are associated with the Illuminati? Who?- Beyoncé? IdkHow can people tell you are nervous?- I look around the room a lot and my leg shakes and I don’t answer very quickly, also play with my hands or necklaceHow can people tell you are sad?- blank stare, quietDo you ever express your true feelings?- I really don’t know. The only true feeling I guarantee I express is the love I have for my girlfriend and color guardRegrets in your life?- Letting my best friend emotionally fuck me up and then let her think it was okayAchievements in your life?- CAPTAINNNNN and a bunch of writing awardsWhat did people say about you in school?- they called me fat and weird and gay but I never really gave a fuck I had my 2 or 3 friends so I was set What did you say about people in school?- nothing muchIs there something you have never told anyone?- I have to eat french fries in sets of 2Have you committed an illegal act?- plentyIf you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it?- Two days isn’t enough but with more time I would take @ununhexium to Disney World, going to Europe, and building a tiny house. Leftover spending would be put into savings.What were your aspirations at age 5, 10, 15, 18?- Vet, Artist, Writer, Video ProducerDescribe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined?- lol so I went on a cruise at 13 and over the course of five days I managed to single out one cute girl, spend half of my time with her, and then she kisses me while fall out boy was playing on the last night. She fuckin knew she was my first kiss too haha, and honestly? I didn’t imagine it going down like that at all. When I was little I always thought it would either be at a school dance or like, outside of a convenience store, or over a game of spin the bottle. I was very burdened by cliches as a kidGrowing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household?- My dad was fairly wealthy, but I lived with my mom, and we were extremely low income. She only worked odd jobs at retail stores… luckily her boyfriend loves us like his own kids so he’s helped us since thenAre you from a broken marriage?- My parents were never marriedHave you been raised by a solo parent?- Technically? But no..? Haha idk how to answer, you get the gistDo you know both your parents?- YesWhat colour eyes, hair and skin do you have?- Blue/Gray eyes, natural blonde hair (currently blue), Caucasian/white skinHave you abused drugs or alcohol?- Nope.What languages can you speak?- English, .2% French, attempting to learn ASLDo you conform to your societies standards?- Not quiteDo you cry often?- VeryDo you tell people what you think of them?- BrutallyAre you comfortable accepting compliments?- No I hate themAre you comfortable giving compliments?- Meh I guess yeah. My girlfriend gets them all hahaIs any mental illness hindering your life?- Yeah. I’m recovering from some form of emotional abuse, and it kinda… really fucks me up weekly or so. Just ask my girl haha she usually has to witness itIs any physical illness hindering your life?- Luckily not. I bind daily so my ribs are always a little sore, but other than that I’m fairly healthyDo you keep up with current events?- Kinda?What’s the latest news in the world you have heard/read?- This guy killed his wife while they were on a cruise to Alaska because she was laughing at himWhat have you done today?- went to get coffee for a friends birthday, went to the batting cages with my brother, came home to my dads and ate chineseDo you sleep well?- usuallyDo you sleep badly?- nahHave you ever hurt anyone because you were hurting?- yeah and I hate myself for it every minute of every dayHas anyone ever hurt you because they were hurting?- yeahHave you ever had to end a friendship/relationship? Why?- lol YUP, because after months of putting up with what I thought was just somebody with a temper, I realized that they were REALLY screwing up my head and manipulating me and abusing how forgiving I was to keep pulling me back in. I left because she only ever played the victim and put dents in my relationship. She’s done this to people before me too, and I’m not sure if it’ll stop following me eitherHave you ever stopped someone from hurting themselves?- yeah, said ex friendHas anyone ever stopped you from hurting yourself?- yes? kinda? I don’t purposely hurt myself physically but I do have OCD from my mom and pick at scabs a lot when i feel them, and I scratch at the back of my neck when I’m anxiousDo you like your laugh?- It’s just a laugh idk lolAre you preparing for an apocalypse? And what kind?- ZOMBIEEESSSSS but not currently no lolDo you have any funny family stories?- one time when my brother was a toddler I told him to hurry up in the bathroom because I had to pee and when he came out he said “I left the seat up for you”… I don’t have a penis lolAre you religious?- mehDo you like to watch true crime shows or movies?- mehAre you interested in cults?- from a distance yesWould you like to raise a family in your country?- I’m not sureList some things you wanted in your childhood but never got?- A TREEHOUSE UGH I HAD ONE WISHIs there a large age gap between you and a sibling?- I think 4.5 years is the biggest one so not reallyAre you from a blended family?- NopeDo you believe in marriage? Why/Why not?- Yeah totally, just make sure you prenup that shitWhat is the nicest thing anyone has said to you?- I can’t recallDo you keep a journal?- I used to, and I plan on starting up againWould anyone be hurt by reading it?- MaybdDo you have children?- Just my hedgehogHave you been pregnant?- NooooList your favorite movies?- Zombieland, American Ultra, The Perks of Being a WallflowerList your favorite people?- Claire, Melissa, Kate, Danielle, Ceara, Lynn Gunn, TSwift lolTalk about the birthmarks and scars on your body?- I have a little brown birthmark on my palm, and a quarter sized pink scar on my left kneecapDo you look after yourself?- EhDo you put yourself or others first?- Others, to most extentsAre you happy today?- I have mixed emotions and anxiety lolAre you loved?- Very 😇
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