#in love with Adam
magicalyaku · 2 years
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I had to write like three emails this month and am left thoroughly drained to write anything else at all. x_x Apart from that, though, my January was actually pretty good. I finally talked my coworker into getting the snowboard trophy in Tales of Vesperia for me because I failed horribly at it and it was the last one missing for Platinum. My friend and I spent like 3 hours thinking up the plot for an entire novel because I complained that books are always about that but never about this. Aaand I got a new bookshelf! So let's fill it up!
In Love with Adam (Liam Erpenbach): This is by a German author whose newer book "Solange wir die Sterne sehen" I read a few months ago. I liked this one a bit better. It's not quite as heavy (no sick boyfriends) but still reasonably serious. Funnily, I found the writing style of this easier to read than his second book. In return, the pacing is bit wonky. I'll keep an eye open for the author's next book! (I'd actually like to read more local authors. :I)
If this gets out (Sophie Gonzales & Cale Dietrich): This one was ... long. Not that it was boring or bad. But for what happenend I think it could have done with a few pages less. I'm also not totally sold on the "two authors writing one story in alternating points of view"-thing. While they claim in the afterword that the other author captured the characters oh so well in their respective chapters I would not fully agree. They did sometimes feel a little off. If I had to choose betweeen rereading this or Kiss & Tell, I'd choose the latter. :'D
Hell followed with us (Andrew J. White): Now this was something. It's the sort of "I have a vision and I'm going with it all the way to the far end no matter what you say", which earns my full respect. While I wouldn’t say I loooved the book, it sure was really good and I had great time (as much as you can have if everyone is dying). I liked the characters and they deserve all the happiness they can get! :( I just wonder how much of the story and the imagery I missed. There's a lot of Bible quotes in there - would it have made for a different reading experience if I had actually touched a Bible in my life? Also my ability to visualise things in my mind is very limited, so all the gruesome gorey stuff? Can hardly affect me. But it also made it harder to track Benji's descent (ascent?) to monsterhood. Good book. And that cover!
The Circus Infinite (Khan Wong): I rarely read true science-fiction, even though I like the genre in other media. Not quite sure why. Maybe it's also partly because of my lack of visualisation. It's hard work. :'D The Circus was a little hard for me as well, but you get pretty close to the main character Jes at least and that helps. Most of the others stay a bit underdeveloped though. The love interest for instance? I don't think he had much going on except being "perfect". 8D But to their credit, that really wasn't the point of the story. The romance was really healthy though, which is a big bonus point with Jes being ace. A year ago I read Beyond the Black Door by A.M. Strickland. I hated the romance in there and got so annoyed in the beginning already because the ace main character works or is expected to work as a pleasure artist and they spent so much time talking about sex and I was like “Why do you think I wanted to read an ace book?! You’re talking more about it than any other book I ever read!! D:” Of course, Jes ends up on a “pleasure” planet as well and has to visit a sex club in the course of the story. He’s also an empath and can suss other people’s horniness among other feelings which makes it even harder for him. But all of that was handled much better and more organically than in Black Door, so I didn’t mind it. There’s also a lot of real adventure going on that revolves around other things. Recommended.
Carry On (Simon Snow 1) (Rainbow Rowell): Finally something light and easy! As always, I was in need of a fantasy story, so after years I finally caved and borrowed this from the library. It was fun! There's only one thing to nitpick (careful, long rant ahead): My personal preference of points of view. I don't like first-person. I strongly dislike alternating first-person. Do I still read a lot of it? Yes. Because I've gotten a whole lot more tolerant during the past two years (I ditched so many books before because of their first-person narrators. :'D) But if I held on to that I'd read like three books a year. If the writing is decent enough, I can accept a lot. But I grew up on third-person, and am also German, so I complain! Take Bone Weaver by Aden Polydoros. First-person for the heroine only. We don't get anything that happens between the boys while she's not looking and it sucks! D: Hell followed with us has three points of view. Main narrator is Ben in first-person, but there's also Nick and Theo who get third-person. Mixing things up like that is so weird to me, especially since they only get 3 chapters in the whole book! Like, if a character only gets to narrate a single chapter, is it even worth to put in? Surprisingly to myself my answer is yes. It still feels weird, but I appreciate very much the inclusion of these chapters and wish Bone Weaver would have done the same. Now there's Simon Snow. And I lost count on how many people are narrating. Six? I accomodated to it as the story progressed and everyone actually got more involved. But ... Do I really need 4 perspective changes within the span of one kiss? (No.) :I I wish third-person would get popular again. The infinite possibilities it holds. u_u But I try to be a tolerant person and not let that spoil my enjoyment of the book. Will be picking up the other volumes soon!
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley (Shaun David Hutchinson): I read the author's latest book Howl last month and now one of his oldest and I'm glad that I read them in that order! Because in Howl there's a lot of shitty people and bad stuff happening. In Five Stages of Andrew, there's still bad people (but they are “out there” away from the story) and bad shit happening but there's also a lot of nice people. Like genuinely nice people. It kinda rebuilds my hope in humanity. xD It’s also smart as usual and there are comic pages inside! It’s a really nice book indeed and yes, it made me cry.
I complained before how many of the books I read lack the balls to do really mean things to the main characters (there are some stragglers of course, looking at you, Mason Deaver), and I'm honestly not really good with bad stuff either. I like to know that things will be okay in the end. But. It makes you love them more, doesn't it? My favourite books of all times, the one I worship and adore, is an old German children’s book Die Katze Leonore (”Leonore, the cat”) about a kitten that gets abandoned because her fur is black unlike her siblings. And really bad stuff happens to her (she loses a paw and later dies). I bawled my eyes out when I read it the first time as a kid. And it made me love that cat and every cat in the world. My friends are always baffled when I laugh out loud about funny books even in public. But I’ll cry easily too when they’re sad. Those stay a lot longer in the heart. So come on, my books, give me feels this year as well, please. uAu
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lucdoodle · 7 months
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thought that one Alastor scene would look cool in comic lettering, so i drew this
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notherpuppet · 6 months
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Buckshot: Part 3 of 4
Getting to know the nanny
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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rius-cave · 8 months
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Continuation to this comic
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daily-spooky · 3 months
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trashy-greyjoy · 8 months
sometimes, it's not so much about the romance as it is about the devotion. the adoration.
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akascow · 5 months
i have this picture as my current desktop screen so everytime i close my laptop i say ‘game over’ and slam it shut
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My favorite thing about Annabeth is her wardrobe.
Cause like, Rick simplifies her clothes in a way a man would, and you can tell.
Cause in EVERY book, from The Lightning Thief to Chalice, she’s in the goddamn CHB shirt. With like some shorts or cargo pants. Nothing more, nothing less.
He’s made improvements over the years, giving her some other clothes. But he’ll always come back to old faithful.
Like, he most definitely did it on accident, but he made her so Adam Sandler and I love it
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gleafer · 5 months
The Flower Experiment! Another Eden Adventure❤️❤️❤️
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The angel was too stunned to speak.
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lolbutjustabit · 5 days
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the maitlands !! ➿🪦
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moonsnqil · 1 month
'their magic. their quest. their awfulness and strangeness'
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starkspi · 2 months
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From "Managerial Liberties" on AO3 by @miribalis (where they collect fallen angels like shiny Pokémon at the hotel), it makes me really happy (and has my heart).
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notherpuppet · 5 months
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Chaggie moments in rule 63 AU
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discofama · 8 months
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sketch of my favorite ship atm
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daily-spooky · 3 months
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Them >>>> 🖤
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giohorttensya · 3 months
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Ronan and Adam
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