#in my defense i was already going to be off the whole next week anyway so all i'm REALLY doing is starting my vacation a day early
markantonys · 1 year
self care is taking 9/1 off work to celebrate Wheel Of Time Day
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Porcelain Steve - Part 4
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
"I don't think this is a good idea," Nancy says, a week later, as she takes a step back. She doesn't seem aware of the physical distance she's added between herself and Robin, but more importantly, herself and Steve in Robin's outstretched arm.
Robin frowns, pulling Steve back towards her body, eyes flicking to meet with Eddie's where he's been hovering awkwardly off to the side, feeling so very out of place. He was going to stay in the van, but when they arrived Robin had raised an eyebrow and said 'aren't you coming?' So, he'd climbed out and followed her into the Wheeler's living room, where he is now.
"What?" Robin asks.
Nancy crosses her arms and looks off to the side. "We shouldn't pass the doll around like this. The more we move it, the bigger chance of someone breaking it."
"It?" seethes Robin, "Steve is not an it!"
"Shit, no, Robin I know that. I didn't mean to say that out loud," Nancy says, then her face screws up as she immediately regrets saying that. "I don't mean that, either. I just, this is. Difficult. For me."
Eddie can't help the scoff that leaves him at that. As if Nancy is the only one taking this harshly. If she knew how long Dustin had cried into his chest two days ago she'd probably have a bit more perspective. Eddie's come to realize she's a badass with a shotgun, a great strategist in dire situations, but when it comes to being a person with emotions and feelings? He's not sure Nancy learned how to do that.
That might be unfair of him to say because he didn't know Nancy before spring break of '86 and didn't really get to know her before she packed up and went to college. This is the first summer since then, so still not a whole lot of 'hanging out and getting to know Nancy Wheeler time' has happened.
He did get to know Jonathan and Argyle, though. Got to hear about her past with Jonathan and Steve (Eddie feels a bit like an idiot for everything he said about Nancy to Steve during the worst week of his life, but he's used to being embarrassed by things he says and pretending he's not). So, he's heard about her steamrolling over people's emotions with her own logic and wants, though can concede it never seems to be intentional.
He tries to lower his hackles because Robin's already on the defensive and Eddie doesn't know Nancy. Just knows of her from people she's hurt, which is almost always a biased retelling anyway.
"Like it's not difficult for all of us?" Robin asks.
"No, that's not what I meant. Just- give me a moment!" Nancy whips around, so that neither Robin or Eddie can see her face. Her shoulders heave up and down like she's taking several deep breaths.
Eddie moves into Robin's space but hovers just beside her, unsure if she'd welcome a hand on her shoulder or not. She huffs out a sigh, as if able to read his mind, and the next thing he knows she's weaseling her way in between him and his own arm, using him as a leaning post like she might with Steve if he were, y'know, still a human and not a doll. He's not used to how touchy Robin is yet because she's only like this with Steve but he's getting there. He's not Robin's soulmate, and he's not trying to be, but he does want to be there for her while Steve can't.
"I'm surprised you're giving her space to think," Eddie whispers into the top of Robin's head.
"Yeah, well, Steve doesn't need to hear us arguing. It's like, all he hears lately."
He pats her arm with his hand since she's draped his arm across her shoulders.
Nancy finally turns around. "Can. Can we put Steve up in my room? I have to say some things that I'm not ready for him to hear yet."
"Oh." Robin says, before offering Steve out.
Nancy takes him, muttering a soft, "I'm sorry, Steve." before she disappears up the stairs.
"What's on your mind, Wheeler?" Eddie asks, breaking the silence that had settled uncomfortably since Nancy's return to the living room.
"I don't really think of Steve as an it. I don't. It's just- easier for me to think of the solution if I'm not thinking about how that's really Steve. I know that's Steve, that he's been transformed, but if I acknowledge that, think about it too much, I spiral. I've taken to just... thinking about some abstract magic doll instead of Steve. So, that was- it was an accident. I didn't mean to say it."
He feels Robin nodding her head, adjusting her stance as she crosses her arms.
Nancy continues, "I don't think Steve should spend time here. With Mike or I. We aren't- it's not going to be good for Steve. He's not going to feel welcomed or wanted here. Except maybe for with Holly, but she cannot know he's here. She'd try and play with him."
Eddie frowns. He understands that Mike isn't going to part of the Hang Out With Porcelain Steve rotation, because whatever beef they have can't be fixed while Steve's like this, and until it's fixed, that would just be torture for both of them. He's not sure why Nancy thinks she'd be just as bad, though, so he asks, "No Holly, no Mike. Why are you also a no?"
The look on Nancy's face is comical, a mix of indignation, sadness, and a bit of how can you seriously not already know the answer mixed. "Because I won't hang out with him. I can't be walking around my house with a porcelain doll that looks like my ex-boyfriend. He'll be left, probably face down, on my dresser, until someone else's turn comes around."
"You could put in the effort, you know. It's not going to kill you to pretend to care for a day," Robin says.
Nancy sucks in a sharp breath. "I do care! Just because I don't want to cuddle with Doll Steve and tell him all about my day doesn't mean I don't care. Just because I don't express my feelings and emotions the same way you do doesn't mean I don't have them."
"Ok, right, yeah, that was unfair of me," Robin concedes, "but what's the part you aren't saying? None of this sounds like something you had to lock Steve in your room for. It's understandable, and Steve wouldn't hold it against you, you know."
"I know! I do! That's why I can't. There's- Robin, you have to know. Steve and I aren't- we're still more like ex's than friends. It's... complicated. We're working on it, though, the being friends thing. But it's..."
"Complicated," Robin sighs, stepping away from Eddie now, halfway to Nancy before she stops walking, hands on her hips.
"That spring break, it fucked us all up, and the months that followed, but I was so- Steve and I were dancing around each other, and Jonathan and I were good, then not, on and then off and then on. And I-I led Steve on, because I would turn to him when Jonathan and I were fighting, or on a break, or whatever-" Nancy stops to take a breath.
Eddie feels something ugly rising in him, jealousy and anger. He doesn't have any right to be jealous. Steve and he are friends, and Steve's straight so it's not like Eddie ever even had a chance, but he's jealous anyway. That Nancy gets that kind of attention from Steve. That she can just keep pieces of Steve on a string, enjoying him when she wants and discarding him when she doesn't. Anger that she can just treat Steve like a yoyo and get away with it.
A little angry at Steve, too, for letting her do it.
"Did you and Steve have sex while you and Jonathan were together?" Robin seethes.
"No! No! There was one time, Jonathan and I were off-again and I tried- but no!" Nancy is pink in the face, and Eddie's surprised she even answers. It's not his or Robin's business if they did. He thinks she might only be answering honestly because it's Robin asking. "Steve said no. He told me he wasn't going to do that the Jonathan. Because he knew what it felt like to be on that side. And even now that Jonathan and I are done, moved on, Steve and I aren't- so it's complicated."
That's news to Eddie. He thought Nancy and Jonathan were still a couple. He's a little shocked to learn that Nancy is confirmed available and Steve didn't jump on the chance.
"Oh! I get it, now, why this is not a good idea," Robin says. Great that she knows, because Eddie still doesn't. "He said no, didn't he?"
Who said no to what?
Nancy's eyes snap to Robin. "What?"
"When you asked Steve to be your boyfriend again. He said no."
"He told you-?"
"No," Robin interrupts, "Steve would never, and you know that. I just know Steve, and the one thing he would never tell me about if it happened. That's why you don't want him here."
"You're in love with him!" Eddie blurts because he's also just figured it out and like Robin often does, has no brain to mouth filter.
Nancy looks to Eddie now, a small frown on her face. "Possibly. But it doesn't matter because I had my chance and it's over now. So, I can't have him here. Not while he's like this."
"I'll go get him," Robin says, leaving the living room.
"Eddie," Nancy locks eyes with him. The look on her face is pretty intense. "He told me no because he thought he was in love with someone else."
He blinks back at her. "Were you hoping he told me who? 'Cause he didn't. That's a question better left for Robin."
All he gets in response is an eye roll.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 10 months
Sending gifts to Mary secretly, thank you!
Mary Saotome x They/Them Reader
A/N: Here you go, hope you enjoy! Word Count: 1,471
“Yumeko, did you leave this on my desk?” Mary asked, somewhat suspicious of the small paper bag sitting right in the middle of her desk.
Yumeko circled the desk, hands clasped behind her back. “Nope.”
“Suzui?” Mary interrogated further, glaring suspiciously at the boy.
“N-no!” Ryota held his hands in front of his chest defensively.
“And Ririka had nothing to do with it either, nor Itsuki…” Mary grumbled, looking down at the returned texts on her phone. “I don’t like this.”
“You won’t open it?” Yumeko asked, eyebrows arched.
“Why would I look into a random bag with no indication as to who the sender is? In this crazy school? I don’t think so. I’m not stupid.”
“I’m sure it’s fine Mary. How bad could it be?” Yumeko asked, skimming her fingers over the handle of the bag.
Mary crossed her arms. “It could be a trap. I’m not opening it.”
“Hmm… then I will take the gamble. I wouldn’t want to see this gift go to waste.” Yumeko stuck her hand into the back and was mildly disappointed to to only find a pack of pens. Granted they were really nice gel-ink pens, but for all the fuss Mary was making, Yumeko found it very underwhelming.
“Pens? Who the hell would want to give me pens?” Mary asked aloud, not really expecting an answer, but Ryota helpfully chimed in.
“Oh, weren’t you upset yesterday because you misplaced your favorite pen?”
“I wasn’t upset, just annoyed.” Mary clarified, because it was a very important distinction to her for some reason. “But the point is, if neither of you did it, then who? I only talked about it with you guys.”
“You were quite expressive about it Mary. I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole class heard all of your complaints.” Yumeko teased, taking a seat at her own desk.
Mary glared at Yumeko and then looked down at the paper bag and pens distrustfully. So someone in her class had been eavesdropping on her conversations, hm? Well, Mary didn’t like that one bit. She did however, need new pens, so after carefully inspecting the packaging, she caved in and tore it open, placing the new pens in her pencil case and tossing the garbage out. All the while, she observed the classroom with a watchful eye, wondering which among her classmates gifted them to her and for what reason.
By the next week, Mary had lowered her guard concerning the mysterious gift, finally writing it off as the non-threatening gesture that it was. However, when she entered the classroom, she was faced with another package. This time, it appeared to be a neatly packed bento in a disposable box. Nothing that would give Mary clue nor cause to find the person who left it there.
“Good morning, Mary. Oo! What do you have here?” Yumeko weaved around the desks once she entered the classroom herself. “I thought yesterday you said you wouldn’t have time to make your own lunch today because of that early morning gamble we agreed to. I remember you weren’t looking forward to having to pay for lunch here. Highway robbery, I think is what you called it.”
“I didn’t make this. Someone left it here.”
“This early in the morning?”
Mary’s eyes glinted. It was early, so early, that there were hardly any other students at school. She already suspected one of her classmates. She could go to all the usual dens, see who was around. Process of elimination!
“Outta my way!” Mary stormed past Yumeko and out of the classroom to search the hallways and gambling dens. She found a couple of her fellow second year Hana classmates, but when pressed, they all claimed not to know what she was talking about. They couldn’t even offer up any possible culprits in their place. It was aggravating.
“Did you find your secret gift giver?” Yumeko asked once Mary strode back into the classroom.
“No.” She grumbled and crossed her arms. “Not yet anyway.”
Mary arrived just before classes begun that morning, noting that the rest of her classmates had filed into their seats. She slid into her seat and exhaled into her hands, rubbing them together vigorously. It had snowed last night, and the gloves she usually wore had a hole in one of them. She would wear them anyway, but in this school with its snooty, rich students, it would be a death sentence, so she would have to go without until she could get new ones… or until her secret gift giver did. And this time, she would be ready.
After going about her day, casually mentioning the weather and how cold her hands were to Yumeko and Ryota, she felt she has successfully planted the bait. She would catch them this time.
The next morning, she arrived to school early and hid in the corner of the classroom. She had reason to believe the gift would be dropped off at her desk like the times before, but she also rigged a small camera in her shoe locker just in case they switched it up and decided to put the gift in there. They must surely know she’s onto them by now after all.
Mary was almost falling asleep the the corner when the back classroom door slid open and she jolted awake. She stayed hidden, watching the figure step into the dark classroom. They crept to Mary’s desk and deposited a small box and that was exactly what Mary had been waiting for. Before the person could exit the classroom again as if they had never been there, Mary turned on the light.
“Ah!” (Y/n) yelped and tripped over one of the desk chairs, tumbling to the floor.
Mary cursed and strode over, “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) rubbed their ankle. “I’m fine…”
“Good.” Mary punched their shoulder.
“Why are you sneaking around and leaving stuff for me on my desk?”
“I know you well enough that I know you wouldn’t accept the gifts if I tried to give them directly so I thought it was best to remain anonymous.” They rubbed their arm anxiously.
“You looking for favors?” Mary asked suspiciously.
“What? No!” (Y/n) gawked, “Of course not!”
“Then why are you doing this?”
(Y/n) flustered, “I just wanted to do some nice things for you because… well, because I like you and I think you’re awesome. I didn’t think you’d want anything grand so I listened to what you would tell your friends and got you little things that I thought you’d like or find useful. You aren’t mad… are you?”
It was Mary’s turn to fluster now, having (Y/n)’s concerned eyes looking up at her from the floor.
“N-no! Why would I be mad? Get off of the floor, you look pathetic.” Mary tugged (Y/n) to their feet. “I just think it was weird, that’s all.”
“Oh…” (Y/n) looked down at the floor and Mary internally slapped herself.
“Not bad weird just—“ she groaned, “thank you,” she murmured, “for the pens and the lunch and stuff. It was very thoughtful. I just don’t like surprises or mysteries. I have to deal with enough guessing games when at least one person tries to cheat me in every gamble.”
“I understand.” They smiled shyly and then picked up the thin box they had on Mary’s desk. “Then, here. This is from me… although, I guess that’s pretty clear now.”
“You don’t have to give me this you know.”
“I know, but I want to.” They smiled and presented her with the box, “Please, open it.”
Mary exhaled and took the box into her hands. She slid the ribbon off and popped the lid off, revealing a pair of warm-looking gloves. Pastel polka-dots with a cream base.
“I didn’t know what color would be best… but then I saw these and they reminded me of your thermos. Do you like them?”
Mary slipped one onto her hand. It felt almost as warm as her face felt in that moment.
“They’re more durable then I thought they would be just by looking at them. They’re really nice. I like them, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief.
It was quiet for a long moment and then Mary cleared her throat.
“It’s so damn early that I haven’t had breakfast yet. Want to come with?”
“To the cafeteria?”
“Hell no,” Mary waved her hand, “that’s highway robbery. We’re going to the convenience store.”
“Sounds like fun.” (Y/n) followed her out of the classroom.
“Great, let’s go then. I need coffee.”
Mary slipped the second glove on and put her coat back on and they walked out of the school together. She was definitely going to treat (Y/n) to a couple warm treats once they arrived at their destination.
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hannahssimblr · 3 months
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July seeps into August in a yellow haze. The heat has stupefied the village, slowing all movement, the tourists wading through the humid streets with ice creams melting down their hands, the only kind of food it feels acceptable to eat. It hasn’t rained in weeks, since that first storm of summer, and the landscape struggles. The grass in the local pitch has shrivelled, and the earth has become a powdery dust that fills the air every time our football skims it. It keeps sticking to the sun cream on our skin. Every evening I need to wash an extraordinary amount of grit, dirt and sand out of strange places, like the creases in my elbows, and the webbing between my fingers and toes.
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I launch the ball down the pitch to where Jen is bouncing foot to foot near the goalpost, and wander towards the sideline to mop sweat from my brow with the t-shirt I stripped off an hour ago. 
“You want water?” Claire O’Gorman holds her pink metal bottle to me. It jangles with the fluffy charms and beads clipped to it. I shake my head. Jen saw her kissing Shane last night at the front door before she left, so at least twenty percent of the backwash already in that water is bound to be his. I don’t tell her this, because if she doesn’t know what backwash is, I’ll have to go through the whole rigamarole of explaining it, and inevitably end up looking stupid, so I just shake my head.
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“You’re running like mad out there,” she comments. “I don’t know how you’ve the strength in this weather.”
“You just endure it, I guess.”
“Hm, I couldn’t. I’m like a princess. I just really don’t like sweating and getting all out of breath. Evie is like you, though,” she adds.
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I’m careful to arrange my features into a neutral expression. Claire has been hanging around with us every day for the last week, for reasons that nobody has explained to me, not that I have asked, but when I chat with her, I make sure that I never, ever bring up Evie. Teenage girls are detectives. They pick up on the tiniest facial expressions or shift in tone and use it against you.
I’ve been bamboozled before, and the last thing I need is for Claire to go home to Evie in the evenings and tell her, God forbid, that I asked a question about her. The multitudes of ways they could read into my body language makes me feel queasy. 
“Right,” I say in a bored voice, and scratch my armpit. 
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“She’s always like, go go go! All the time, you know? Like playing tennis one minute, swimming the next, going on a mad run the next it’s like,” she rolls her eyes for emphasis, “take a break, girl, please, you know?”
“I’ve been trying my best to convince her to come to that festival too, just to get away from the routine, but I can’t get her to give me any sort of answer about it.”
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I frown. “Did you invite her to the festival?”
“Oh, was I not meant to? I kind of thought it’d be fun if she came, you know, so it’s not just me.”
“I didn’t know you were coming either.”
Her face drains. “Oh, well, Shane asked me, and I-”
“No, no, you can. Oh my God, obviously, I didn’t mean-”
“Right! Okay, of course, but like, I don’t want to impose on-”
“Just I didn’t know Evie might come, that’s all.”
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“Well, yeah, I thought it’d be nice for me to have a close friend with me, but if you don’t want her to... like, she might not be able to anyway, so.”
“I don’t not want her to come.” God, why does this feel like a conversation two thirteen-year-olds would have? I swear I haven’t felt this juvenile in years, and I cringe, as though some other version of myself, the cooler Jude, is watching me engage in this conversation and groaning into his hands. Sometimes, these days, I feel like the cooler Jude is slipping through my fingers like handfuls of sand.
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“She’s actually really nice,” Claire says with an edge of defensiveness. “I know she’s a bit quiet. I thought that when I met her first too, she was kind of known as the weird girl at school, but when you get to know her, she’s a really sweet person.”
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“I know,” I say, my face burning. “I mean... she seems nice. I didn’t mean to imply that she isn’t. Please don’t tell her I think she’s quiet, or weird, or that I don’t want her at the festival or anything like that.”
“No, of course.”
“Because I do… like... think she’s nice, and it’d be okay if she came with us. I would even want her to, actually.” Shut up. God, please, shut the fuck up, you dickhead. 
Claire smiles and nods. 
“But don’t tell her I specifically want her to either, just… Don’t tell her anything.” Oh, line me up against a wall and shoot me, execution style. 
“I won’t.”
I bet she will. And I bet she'll tell her about about the smell of desperation off me, too.
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“Turner!” Shane bellows. “What are you at? Your team mates are flailing over here.”
“Right, bye,” I tell Claire, and turn around quickly, unable to bear the embarrassment for another second. 
As I walk back onto the pitch, I screw my eyes shut and thump my fist against my forehead. 
I’m toast. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lenniharrisonsims · 28 days
Behind The Scenes...
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Imperial Palace, Glimmerbrooke, 3:50pm
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Kat: So that means Thursday night is just myself and the Prince, which means you can cook up here again, but unfortunately, we have the Minister’s dinner Friday night, so that’ll be a big to-do, and you'll have to cook downstairs in the big executive kitchen. You can hire any extra staff you'll need.
Chef Arlene: I’ve already prepped a menu for that, if you want to take a look.
Kat: The new Minister of Defense is so finicky, he can’t eat just about anything- or doesn’t like to.
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Chef: Well… you know I love a challenge.
Kat: I’ll have Vera get you his list of “allergies” as soon as we’re done here.
Chef:  Is he capable of defending the Empire if he can’t defend his own gut?
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Kat: I don’t think he’ll last very long, but you didn’t hear that from me.
Chef: Of course *laughs*
Kat: *laughs* I have to remain neutral, remember?
Chef: My lips are sealed, Ma’am.
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Rose: Mama?
Kat: Just a moment, darling.
Chef: Your Imperial Highness.
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Kat: Then Saturday night is a rather fancy dinner but it’s just myself and the Prince, the Crown Princess and Mr. Marin, and the Prime Minister and her wife.
Chef: Do they have any dietary preferences like the Minister of Defense?
Rose: Mama, can I speak with you, please?
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Kat: Just a second, Rosie, please? No, they’re really easy.
Chef: I made Selvadoradan cookies, Your Imperial Highness, if you’d like to try some?
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Rose: No, thank you, Arlene.
Kat: Anyways, then Sunday is the usual family dinner, with the usual guests. And of course then starting Monday, you all have the week off.
Chef: It’s very exciting.
Kat: I’m excited too. Yes, Rosie, what did you need?
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Rose: Can… can we talk alone?
Kat: I’ve got a lot on my plate, my love, can we hustle so I can go through the menu with Chef Suki?
Rose: I just… I wanted to ask permission.
Kat: What for?
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Rose: To go back to Selvadorada, to Ramses. The war is over, and everything is at peace. Travel has opened up again, and I would like to go home.
Kat: I don’t want to go through this again with you.
Rose: Mama, please, everything is safe now.
Kat: I’ve already made my decision. You are not going to Selvadorada.
Rose: Mama-
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Kat: We are going to Selvadorada.
Rose: …. What?
Kat: We leave on Monday, the whole family, we’re taking the Imperial Yacht and making it a vacation.
Rose: What??
Kat: You, me, your father, Ophelia and Luke, Ben and Taylor, we’re all going down there.
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Rose: You’re serious?
Kat: We want to celebrate you, and the end of the war. And by the end of next week, you’ll be married.
Rose: What?!
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Kat: You had already planned pretty much everything with Queen Anaid, I just reached out to her and we’ve been putting the finishing touches on everything secretly, to give you this big surprise.
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Rose: Oh Mama!!
Kat: I’m sorry I kept you here and in the dark for so long. I’m so proud of you and your loyalty and commitment.
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Rose: Thank you, Mama, thank you thank you thank you!
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continuing-studies · 2 years
Go to Asia with your family: Toddlers hiding things
One thing about being away with small kids for an extended period is that there is a lot of development happening while you're gone. By the time we get back to Germany in the springtime, our son will have lived more of his life to that point traveling around Asia (3 months) than in his so-called home (2).
But their development doesn't just go on pause. Just as I would like to think that somewhere deep inside their little minds these kids are being influenced positively by the experiences they're having right now, all of the different phases that would come anyway for them are coming here and now, while we're on the go.
As one might expect, we see this in particular with our older daughter. Toddlers are already such complex little creatures, like a tadpole that is almost big enough to be a frog but hasn't quite grown its full frog legs. There's something new happening inside their brains literally all the time. At the same time, being in a totally different environment inevitably shapes the context in which every new phase takes place.
When we were in Pakistan last month Maya began hiding things for the first time (that we're aware of). To any parents reading this: maybe you know this one? It's cute, and funny, but sometimes there are also things that maybe you left out which you didn't want to be hidden, and this might lead to some stressful situations or, in our case, an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Keep reading for the details!
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Saturday 21 January 2023
Lately Maya has developed a habit of mysteriously hiding things in strange places.  We first noticed last week when all of a sudden half of the pieces to her baby and grown-up animal puzzles went missing.  Zara kept asking me where they all were, to the point that I got a bit defensive thinking that she thought I was simply being careless and lost them.  In reality I was as confused as she was.  When Maya and I were playing with the puzzles in the drawing room last Saturday morning, just one piece was missing - the baby rhino, the same one that has been missing since we left Berlin.  A few hours later at least 4 baby and grown-up animal sets were completely missing, along with a few more random individual pieces.
We puzzled over the missing puzzle pieces for the rest of the weekend.  I looked in sofa crevices, under carpets, and every other tight space I could think of where Maya wouldn’t possibly cram one or several puzzle pieces.  Zara at one point announced that she had figured it out - Maya probably put the pieces in the trash bin.  This sounded plausible, but I convinced myself it wasn’t true because the trash had been taken out the same day we were playing and that would mean the pieces had entered the Karachi waste stream already, never to be seen again.  They’ll turn up, I insisted.
The next day Zara finally shared some good news - she knew where the pieces were.  She’d asked Maya, who the whole time had been saying they were upstairs but declined to give any further specifics.  Eventually Zara asked again when they were in the bedroom together and Maya pointed to the bottom of the bed, where there is the slightest of gaps between the solid wood bedframe and the floor.  I’d already dismissed this as a possibility myself, thinking the gap was too small.  But sure enough, upon checking further I could see the edge of one of the baby animals poking out close to the opening.  One-by-one apparently because I can’t imagine it working out any other way, Maya had taken the time to slide at least 8 individual puzzle pieces underneath a massive wood bedframe in the only place where they would fit, because why not.
I got the missing pieces later in the week after I had my strength back.  It was a physical task.  Before sliding the heavy bedframe across the floor to reveal the pieces, the large double mattress also had to be lifted off the frame and propped against a wall.  And in order to move the bedframe, multiple other pieces of furniture also had to be temporarily adjusted.  The sight of the pieces after straining to push the heavy, unwieldy frame across a marble floor was a bit like finding buried treasure.  Moving the physical manifestations of heaven and earth to recover toys that my child has hidden in the most impossible places - these are clearly the things that bring me joy as a toddler papa.
Later in the week things got a bit more real when Zara’s pink fanny pack all of a sudden also disappeared.  She realized that she couldn’t find it as she was getting ready to leave to bring Camino to get his vaccines on Thursday afternoon.  I asked if there was anything important in it - no passports or important documents, fortunately, but there was a fair amount of cash.  Zara looked everywhere, as we did with the puzzle pieces, driving herself mad in the process as each new obscure location failed to yield the pink bag.  We ran through all the scenarios.  Hadn’t Maya been wearing it that morning?  Did she bring it to Nani’s school?  Zara didn’t think so.  Where was she playing with it last?  I had seen her with it in her bedroom that morning.  Was it there?  No.  Zara asked Maya where she put it, her frustration with the situation (and with Maya) becoming increasingly clear.  Maya kept repeating that “Maya put it somewhere”, but wasn’t able to elaborate.
Finally Zara left with Camino and Maya went down for a nap, which gave me some time to look around again.  I honestly didn’t even know where to start.  It felt like Zara had already frantically searched everywhere, but maybe with a clear head and not being in a rush I would be able to figure out where somewhere could be.  I scanned the main upstairs common area as well as our bedroom, and then wondered if Zara had checked the two leather side tables next to our bed.  I opened the top drawer on my side - sure enough, there was the pink bag, sitting there in the drawer next to our two journals.
Later on when Zara came back I walked downstairs with the pink bag, eager to show her that the mystery was again solved.  While she was out Zara had already called Rita, the house cleaner who has been coming over every day to the house where we're staying, to ask if she’d seen the bag while she was over that morning.  Rita made a special trip back and was looking around for the bag, just as I walked into the living room with it.  Although Zara and Rita were both obviously happy that we had found the bag, things disappearing in homes can be a touchy subject in Pakistan, and we saw that in Rita’s reaction.  The vast inequalities in class and material ownership here make petty theft from domestic helpers a not-infrequent occurrence, and Rita was obviously sensitive to any suspicion that we may have had that she may have taken the pink bag.  In reality that was the furthest thing from our minds — we knew all along that the culprit was our mischievous 2 1/2 year-old.  But Zara had to clear this up and reassure Rita, who was fighting back tears.  She has been wonderful to us this whole time and particularly cute with Maya, who she even looked after on one of our last days for a few hours.  So Zara, naturally, felt terrible that this pink bag mystery had made Rita feel in any way insecure about what we might have thought of her.
That afternoon we all sat on the terrace as the sun went down, Camino on his back in his usual spot taking in the Karachi street sounds, Maya playing with playdough, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan serenading us all through our BlueTooth speaker.  Zara attempted to explain to Maya that the situation with the bag had made Rita feel really bad before trailing off.  How do you articulate the human complexities of post-colonialism, inequality, feudalistic social hierarchies, and material wealth itself to a toddler who just likes hiding things?  
We left it there, for now, as a chilly evening breeze eventually blew us back inside the house - a conversation for another day. 
On Friday as I was getting something in Maya’s room, I noticed just in time out of the corner of my eye as she attempted to slide one of her Spanish dinosaur books into that same opening as the puzzle pieces, the one between the bedframe and the floor. 
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I want to talk about 3 choices books but since I got vip for this month I'm obviously ahead of all nonvip readers, so I'll be putting my thoughts under the cut as well as tagging "[title of book] spoilers" but not main tagging
First: Hot Shot
I am so disappointed with this one 😞 genuinely liked it up until the chapters where MC goes to Casey's hometown. I was willing to look past some of the cringe (imo) smut dialogue cause I actually really like Casey as an li, but the whole "leak" plotline is kind of wack, and I thought maybe the tension/pining coming back after the breakup would be enjoyable but it's just very... bland and it comes off as more as the MC & Casey just missing having sex with each other (which is fine I guess) but aside from them saying "I miss you" all we get are horny thoughts/comments, not much memories outside of reporting & sex are brought up. RIP Casey Jameson, I actually liked you, but this book & MC were not it for you ✌️
Second: The Deadliest Game
I'm actually loving this book, I was very hesitant as I thought it'd be more like DLS (where there is a mystery but the smut was at the forefront) but it's nice focusing on the mystery and having more than 1 li; and the shock from last week's chapter paired with having to choose someone to lock up based on the current evidence?? So good. Also, I found it very interesting, during my first read of today's chapter, I chose to lock up Angelina cause of the whole affair thing, and Liz got super defensive but the second time around I thought, wait Pete has more motive, and when I selected him, Liz was saying "MC is a mystery writer so they would know" (not word for word, I am paraphrasing from memory) & it's very interesting how differently she reacts, and no one, not even Steve seems to put up much of a fight when MC suggests locking him up, I haven't seen how Liz reacts if we choose her, but based on today's evidence she is far down the suspect list so out of the choices we get to choose from, Angelina & Pete seem the most suspicious. But, BUT, I also find it interesting that it's the 2nd time we can suspect or defend Jun against suspicion, like of all 3 li's I just find it fascinating but I don't really have a theory for it, just wondering if they're pulling a DLS with that one. But ahhh the description for the next few chapters are making me nervous ngl
Third: The Ghost of Us
It's only what, 4 chapters in? Even so, not having learned my lesson from hot shot, I am genuinely enjoying it so far. I was hesitant with the first chapter but a little more open by chapter 2. Then chapter 3 & 4 really got to me. I like Grey, they do seem to have similarities to Trystan, but oh I know this book is going to break my heart because of how much I like Grey already. There is some backstory to MC besides the medium stuff, which I like. They have been so focused on their career and it's shown how lonely MC is, and gahhh the almost kisses with Grey, despite them being a ghost? Has me going insane, but the latest chapter, they have a corporeal form???? Like I need to yell about that!!! There's no way they can just walk around like they didn't die, people will recognize them, I need the next chapter!! Actually thinking of restarting and recording the chapters as I play them, it's just unfortunate I can't decide on an MC, I might choose the MC I chose from TDG but unfortunately the premium hairstyle I wanted doesn't really suit her (T.T) oh well, I'll figure that out soon anyway
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nirikeehan · 1 year
ahem. I mean. I'm so normal about this.
aNYwAy, give me those two hooligans with: 'a mage’s staff, splintered in the center' and/or 'templar armor, marked by lightning', please??
Oh my God, Mer, this one got away from me.
As in like, I sat down and banged out 4k in the course of a week.
So I decided to post the whole thing to AO3 here and post the excerpt that fills the prompt here for @dadrunkwriting.
Set up: Cullen and Samson are tasked with bringing in a runaway mage named Danyel. They track him to Darktown, Samson tries to negotiate, but things are about to go sideways.
WC: 1515
CW: Canon typical violence, PTSD, Samson is a shady mofo as per usual
Cullen held his breath. This was the crucial moment, when the apostate had to choose between surrender and a less pleasant alternative. Danyel seemed reasonable enough, and Samson made the Gallows far more appealing than Cullen thought he could, especially on the fly. The boy scraped a knuckle against his eye, thin chest heaving. Samson waited, keeping a steady gaze on Danyel.
Danyel’s face scrunched up, and with a frantic cry, he twisted out of Samson’s grasp and dove for his staff. 
“Fuck,” Samson growled, but Cullen moved faster. 
He leapt forward, drawing his sword. The mage swung the staff toward him, summoning a magical barrier along the way. Cullen’s sword clashed with the shimmering shield, its energy crackling and vibrating under his steel. Cullen dug his feet in, throwing his weight against the barrier while he summoned a dampening effect from the lyrium in his blood. He raised his off-hand, spreading his palm wide, and the barrier stuttered. Danyel gasped from the effort of trying to maintain the spell, going pale as the blade broke through. 
Cullen’s sword bounced off Danyel’s staff. The staff splintered in the center, but did not break in two. The force  threw them apart — Cullen recovered and assumed a defensive stance, while Danyel backed up into the far wall. 
By now Samson was at Cullen’s side, blade drawn. Unlike Cullen, Samson favored his left hand when fighting, and the two of them stood before the mage like a mirrored image. 
“This is a bad idea, Dany,” Samson said, advancing on him. The mage threw a ball of lightning that he dodged, and Samson darted to Danyel’s left and thrust. 
The boy stumbled out of the way, herded closer to Cullen. Cullen tried to make a grab for him, but Danyel ducked and spun behind Cullen. 
“I’m not going back!” Danyel spun his staff and slammed it into the ground, chain lightning rippling through the air around him.  
The electricity was so close Cullen felt his hair standing on end. He fell back beside Samson, waiting for his friend to make the next move. Samson had an enviable fluidity to his sword work; what he lacked in brute strength he made up for in dexterity and creativity. He saw openings that eluded others, and wasn’t afraid to take risks that templars of noble stock, having been trained in more gentle dueling tactics in their youth, tended to avoid.
Samson feinted to the right, then pulled away when Danyel aimed his next spell there, sliding past the mage and delivering a blow on the boy’s shoulder with the flat of his blade. Danyel cried out in pain, nearly losing control of the staff. 
“That was a warning,” Samson said. “You ought to rethink this, before I lose my patience. You stand down, we stand down.” 
“You won’t.” Danyel turned to follow Samson’s trajectory, giving Cullen a shot at his back.
Cullen summoned another wave of dampening energy. He delivered it on the boy’s dominant hand as he tried to hurl a lightning ball in Samson’s face. The spell fizzled, and Cullen managed to grab Danyel’s wrist, holding tight. 
“Let go,” Danyel cried, but Samson had already seized his other arm, twisting the staff from his grasp. Together, they wrested the boy to his knees. 
“Didn’t want it to come to this,” Samson muttered. “You know that.”
“Would you like to shackle him, or should I?” Cullen asked quietly, while Danyel continued to fight against them. He hoped Samson would volunteer, that maybe if someone familiar did it, that might calm him. 
Samson let out a haggard sigh. “I’ll do it.” But as he reached for his belt pouch, Danyel wrenched his arm free and, with a heart-wrenching scream, aimed a crackling fist at Cullen’s breastplate. 
Cullen did not have time to react. One second he was leaning over the mage, the next he was flying backward through the air. He hit the wall with a stunning force; the air escaped his lungs as he slid down to the floor.
I’m dying, he thought, struggling to breathe. He lie prone on the ground, unable to stand, unable to move.
Above him, Samson and Danyel circled each other. Samson had his sword sheathed, his hands in the air. “Listen, Dany. Listen. It’s not too late. I know a guy, all right? I can get you in touch with him. He can get you out of the city. I just need you to calm down. Just calm down, and you and I can walk out of here, forget this ever happened.”
They’re leaving you. Leaving you to die. The voice slithered through Cullen’s mind, and it sounded so much like Uldred’s that he began to shake. That’s what everyone does to you in the end. 
Samson had his arm around Danyel. “Hey, look. Where’s your staff?” 
The boy turned, searching for the fallen weapon. Cullen coughed, gasping for air. Samson looked up, his deadpan grey eyes meeting Cullen’s own. Samson inhaled once; without breaking Cullen’s gaze, he raised his mailed fist and slammed it against the back of the boy’s head. With a sickening crack, Danyel crumpled to the floor, unconscious. 
Samson stepped over the mage’s body, kneeling beside Cullen. “Easy does it now. Slow breaths. You just had the wind knocked out of ya, is all.” 
He gripped Cullen by the shoulder and helped him sit up. Cullen tried to listen and not let the panic win. With each inhale he seemed able to get more air into his lungs; he felt his pulse, at last, slowing. Samson knelt nearby, keeping silent, waiting him out. 
“I’m all right,” he whispered shakily. “Sorry.” 
“’S nothing to apologize for.” Samson inclined his head. “You’ve got a wicked souvenir, though.”
Frowning, Cullen followed Samson’s gaze. His breastplate had a scorch mark snaking through it, slashed diagonally through the flaming sword emblem. 
“Shit.” Cullen let out a desperate, manic laugh.
He climbed slowly to his feet, relieved that his armor had absorbed most of the impact and nothing felt broken. He’d probably be bruised for weeks, but it could be worse. 
Samson returned to Danyel’s motionless form, staring down at him with a tired look on his face. “Poor blighter.” 
“Is… he going to be all right?” Cullen asked uncertainly. 
“Yeah, yeah. I think so. He’s got a nasty crack on the head,” Samson said, as if he wasn’t the one who had put it there. “But once the healers look at him, he should be fine.” He prodded the boy’s torso with the toe of his boot, searching for pockets full of contraband.
Cullen leaned against the wall. He still felt out of sorts, not entirely stable. He licked chapped lips and wished he was back in the barracks, in his bed, where he could be horizontal for about a month. “What… what was all that about?” 
“What was all what about?” Samson didn’t look up. 
Cullen wondered, suddenly, if he’d perhaps hit his own head without realizing. “Didn’t you tell him… you know someone who could get apostates out of Kirkwall?” 
Samson raised his chin sharply, eyes narrowed. “What — and you believed me?” 
“Well.” Cullen felt as though he were back on that awful ship that had sailed him to Kirkwall, with the ground unsteady beneath his feet. “You sounded very convincing.” 
In the growing silence Cullen feared Samson might be angry with him, but then a smile broke on his lips and he let out a sly laugh. “And a bloody good thing, wasn’t it? I was worried for a bit he’d take us both out and we’d never see him again.” 
Cullen could not share his friend’s mirth. The encounter had been too fraught, and the calls too close. Samson was right — it could have broken bad in far more ways than it had. Cullen felt a little ill, seeing the undignified way the young mage lie there, having his person rifled through. He looked away and cleared his throat. “Well. I suppose we ought to figure out how to get him back to the Gallows.” 
“Right. At least we’ll be able to collect that pat on the head from Meredith.” Samson strode to Cullen and leaned companionably beside him, crossing arms over his chest. “You think she’ll make good on the lyrium bonus?” 
Despite everything, Cullen felt the warmth of gratitude spreading through him. He bit back a wry laugh. “I wouldn’t count on it.” 
“Nah, I guess not. I swear that hag must have a good cackle every time she denies my requisition requests.” Samson shook his head. “Fine, then. We’ll have to go out for drinks to celebrate. Don’t even think of refusing, I can see it in your face that you want to. I think we deserve it for surviving the mage’s onslaught, don’t you?” 
Cullen let out an exasperated breath, but Samson’s enthusiasm was infectious. He smiled wanly. “I guess you’re right.”
“Damn straight I am. Now c’mere and give me a hand. I have a feeling this kid’s gonna weigh more than a sack of Carta dwarves.”
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pequenosol · 2 years
Alright!! I have A LOT of stuff to write about today, so here goes nothing! Also, I'm spoiler ing this because. Well. Major ending spoilers fftdtrdrssrdrdr
My original plan was to fight Arven next, but after completing the Victory Road storyline, I was sent back to the academy, and as I exited, Clive caught up to me and (to no one's suprise) revealed that he is, in fact, Director Clavell. Then the weirdo claimed he was Cassiopia, and proceeded to fight me, and I proceeded to kick his rear. ALSO. YOU GUYS. He has a Polteageist on his team 👀 I didn't know he was a man of fine taste!!
After I beat him, Clavell admitted he was lying and got dragged away by one of the teachers. Since I was already there, I decided, eyyy! Why don't I finish up Starfall Street? So I headed to the courtyard for a beatdown.
Cassiopia was there and, to no one's surprise again, revealed they were Penny and challenged me to a fight, which I proceeded to easily beat them in (though all those Baby-Doll Eyes were very annoying >:/). Afterwards, there was a bunch of Team Star stuff that made me cry ;u; I LOVE THOSE LOSERS SO MUCH, YOU GUYSSSSSS-
Also. This screenshot. I'm DYING over it X"D WHEEZE-
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After that and some more lore and dialog, I headed over to the Lighthouse to meet up with Arven and see what his dad wanted.
Also. Somehow I beat Arven there even though it's been over a week??? X"D
Anyways, we go inside, Turo called us, and told us to bring the Violet Book down to Area Zero, aka the crater. We say yes, but Arven's nervous and wants to test his abilities because apparently the Pokemon down there are very strong, so we fight. And I destroy him.....Tbh I'm not sure if I'm the best indicator of strength??? XD The battle wasn't really fair at all dtddrrsrsrsdrdfdt
After that, Arven says we need to get a team together, and I suggest Penny and Nemona, to which he's like, "Yeah they'll work ig."
So, I head out to the entrance of Area Zero, land there, and then poor baby Oolong gets scared and won't come out :c Turo calls us and tells us we need to unlock 4 lock thingies at four different lab stations scattered around the crater, so we do that! There's also a lot of Pokemon around there you can fight, but because I'm lame and doing a nuzlocke and hyperfixating on the story I didn’t fight any of them :p As we proceed to unlock stuff, we face a few scripted fights, everyone talks (especially Arven about his daddy issues), and can. can I just say I LOVE the rivals' dynamics with each other??? It's so fun oh my god...
Anyways, as we unlock the last gate thing (which, I will say, I love the aesthetic of the last area xgdtdtf) Turo glitches out and struggles to say children. Like. Sir.
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This ain't how you spell that.
Anyways, I'm starting to get sus vibes from that man. We proceed down further to the main lab, and get attacked by a bunch of Paradox Pokemon. We beat them up but I get separated from the rivals and have to go inside the lab by myself. Oh and Oolong's out of their ball now! :D Also there's another Miraidon who's a total DICK >:c (pardon my language ^^')
While I'm in the lab, the Turo that was calling us revealed that he's actually a robotic-ai-clone of the original professor. Tbh. I would have been very suprised if I hadn't already spoiled that for myself X"D Anyways, apparently the real Turo died by protecting Oolong from the other Miraidon in a territory scuffle. The AI Turo takes me into an elevator, gives me some exposition and answers, and asks me to turn off the time machine that the original Turo made because it's messing up Paldea's ecosystem.
Once we get into the time machine room, AI Turo tells me how to turn it off, and warns me that once I do so, the lab's defense system will be triggered and he'll likely attack me. But then he says that he believes in me, so that makes me feel better c: I put the book in, and prepare myself for the final fight.
And. Like. Let me just say, the whole getting-ready-to fight scene is awesome as HECK. As for the actual fight, it. Was a bit scary X"D Turo’s Paradox Pokemon hit like TRUCKS, even though I was around 8-9 levels higher than them. I had a few close calls where my Pokemon almost died, but we were managing to defeat Turo's at a fairly decent pace.
At four Pokemon in, my Team was looking worse for wear. Turo sent out Iron Hands next, and Fennel, the Pokemon I planned to use to take them down, wasn't in any shape to do so. I know how Hariyama fight- I have one after all; they're very bulky with high HP and Defense stats. Fennel wasn't a special attacker and was low on HP- she wasn't going to be able to defeat them. So, I sent out the only Pokemon I had on full HP that would (hopefully) be able to deal damage without taking too much in return: Cinnamon.
Cinnamon started chipping away at Iron Hand's massive HP bar. Then, Iron Hands retaliated with a Thunder Punch- and Cinnamon ATE IT LIKE IT WAS NOTHING. BRUH!! 👀
Iron Hands went down the next turn, and out came Turo’s last Pokemon; Iron Valiat. I was sweating buckets. Cinnamon was the best equipped Pokemon to deal with them, but even knowing that, I was nervous as HECK. And it didn't help that Iron Valiant went first and got a crit with psycho cut. With my heart pouding, I clicked torch song and hoped for the best...
And Cinnamon OHKO'D them immediately!! CINNAMON BABY- this is why you're my favorite <3
Anyways, Nemona, Penny, and Arven showed up after I beat him, but turns out it wasn't over, Turo becomes a rock, LOCKS MY POKEMON IN THE POKEBALLS, and sends out the mean Miraidon.
Thankfully, I figured out that I can send out Oolong because Turo only locked Pokemon registered to me, and Oolong's registered to him! Also, I LOVED the final fight... it was scripted, but it was very fun and clever! We defeated the other Miraidon, and then Turo calmed down, told Arven he loved him, and told us he had to go into the future, else the time machine would stay running, so he did that. Me and the gang then headed home, and the credits rolled.
Man, can I just say I Iove this game??? 👀 It was so good, and the characters were all pretty well written! I know there's some post-game stuff, but I usually don't do the post game stuff, and I have a couple other video games I'd like to play, so we'll see XD
Thanks y'all, for hanging in there and going through this journey with me! :D Have a good day!
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anarchistbitch · 1 year
well it's not like according to tradition I replied in a timely manner lmao dont worry about it
sfjkfjsdk me too, i dont usually make playlists, i just leave everything in my liked and shuffle it and let it be what the universe dictates but idk i felt like getting them into one playlist
well if you add pepa pig id burst out laughing in the middle of a call probably and one of my work friends would probably shout "send her to sleep" bc thats what we say when we send clients back bc we cant do anything from our end so it would be funny and we would just ultimately skip it lmao
im looking forward to whatever songs you add, the playlist is long as fuck already tbh so it might take a while for the oli london song to come on
SFGDSJKFGDS well in my defense I had to ask bc i didnt know how long youve been on tumblr so yeah (shiro's cloning and the episode about it and the fight with keith)
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anyways i motherfucking hated that they exploded adam and then tried to console us with curtis but anywaaaaaaay the fanfic is dirty laundry which if you were in the fandom i doubt you didnt end up hearing of it or at least the discourse around it but anyway it got deleted but i had it downloaded so have a google drive link https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwU9LMiUJoN7RjFWSGZVUlJQd1U/view?
yeah, the whole not enrolling classes in uni is a mess and i try not to think about it too much rn (i am seeing a therapist and i hope that by next year i have figured out what i want to do) but i like my job, we(my team)'re actually planning to rent a house and stay there a weekend very soon to celebrate our supervisor's bday :'3
making choices that will greatly impact our futures is seriously so hard, and i also not qualified for any career advice but manifesting that whatever you choose in the end allows you to be happy
just last night it started raining hard so i got up to turn off the fan but then like two minutes later i got up to turn it on again bc even tho it was raining it is still so fucking hot, seriously hate the weather rn
god mountains are so preetty, specially when the weather is cool and they get all foggy
atsv is a masterpiece and it continues from itsv so damn well, i really do love it and i hope hollywood gets up it's ass and pays their workers what they're owed so we can see it soon
KJSDFJKSDFHJS i am still seeing so many miguel o hara edits everywhere for real, i gotta say tho im in love with hobie and pavitr
JKSHFJS i used to do something similar with fob, i had a lot of them printed out and would put them on my binder cover so that i could memorize the lyrics so i was all day everyday singing them until i memorized it and the changed it for another song
idk how id rank fob albums, its so hard when theyre soo good but i really do love so much for stardust, aside from that one i think my favs are save rock and roll and american beauty american pyscho, mania was the first album i was a fan of them when it came out so it has a special place in my heart as well
my special lyric is part time soulmates full time problem, ive always been a fan of soulmate aus and hhhhhhhh just makes my brain smooth, also we started off as shiny dimes but we got flipped too many times, we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never going to change 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
cheers to us and our interesting meeting jdfshjf
love you and i hope you have a good week :3 get plenty of rest and fun and water!!
i feel like if we had a competition on late replies i would emerge victorious😎(crying inside)
honestly fall is prolly the best time to make playlists[not that im gonna, but sure is a nice time yk] but ahhhh anyway!!!! havent added anything but u will know when i add it <3
check hello tumblr user nonbinarymikaela pls provide access to the drive check [i checked out of any fandom drama cause i had so many exams that yr lmao. only time the edu system saved me]
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[this is me actually hi]
honestly idek if i like my degree rn, like i really wanted to go for a history degree a couple years back before i changed my stream[its a whole educational system thats actually fucking fucked in india i hope it dies soon💜] but on the flip side - it was pretty hard to get a spot in my uni anyway so now im just in a whirlpool of smth. bleh
thinking of how next year is so close is like skewering me and roasting me like a kebab😭😭😭😭[but like dont keep a strict timeline yk, ur like seriously cool and i think any decision you take will be the best as along as your the one taking it ] [i wish i had answered this earlier so i couldve wish you good time on ur retreat but i hope it was good anyway💜💜💜💜💜💜💜]
man i need to like seriously cope up with my decisions cause i need to take an exam for my career which is seriously sooo..... but yea thats how its going
omg its raining here too and my college[which is seriously just a reformated jungle] turned into a swamp ish and they STILL didnt cancel classes. and i forgot my umbrella. i came back home like a sad wet cat .
gotta love that near-to-the-equator ass weather with climate change [i need to kill billionaires rn]
hope the strikes come to a fruitful end soon[for saf-aftra & iatse !!! fuck the amptp!!] but also i wouldnt mind waiting a couple years for btsv if the animators need that time to like animate in a safe and healthy manner yk
OH wait also im on my halloween movies watch rn!! just finished the addams family and watching paranorman rn [i need a gomez man btw. need him to be silly and obsessed and intense.and mwah]
[also if u wanna watch an indian series made in heaven is pretty cool(its okay-ish in terms of writing but it covers some very important social issues + the main leads are hot and dubious. what more do i need to watch a show)]
hobie kinda scratched a very specific itch in my brain like i want to be him AND kiss him , pavitr is so slay, and o'hara needs like a massage session thing where they unlock the trauma in ur knees or like a stamlo 50mg.
me & my friends fav fob lyrics was the 'how the mighty fall' cause we would do that "fall out...boi" intro everytime lol
i dont think i have a fave lyric but i think immortals was a top contender for reasons[i like big hero 6 :3]
Song rec: nothings new by rio romeo (saw it in a reels animatic and .. yea)
to many more yrs of late asks 🥂(appy juice cause i dont like the taste of alcohol)
my love and hopes to u💜💜💜 and also an umbrella for this weather☔
p.s. drink water/soup/iced tea + i care for u+ W in the chats
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have a lot to say these little idiots need to be beat up everyday we have a lot more people that have to come in here and we need Army troops here we need our troops here now. You keep on making faces at us and screwing around with us and we need to cordon off our areas and set up defenses and within Charlotte county we need to do it everywhere in Florida and right now and we need to have it done there's a lot of them coming down here now and they'll be here shortly and we need to have some people watch it now some battle groups are moving over and it is ridiculous these assholes want to fight 24 hours a day and you just want to keep going until they're done and we're going to have to do that and get rid of them and that's what they're doing and in the upper Midwest they're emptying out and they're going to the Northeast pass and they will be a bit early which is good we don't want to be a huge freeze out. We don't really need it that's not a huge issue up there and it seems idiots doing it so I'm going to minimize it and New York is very cold anyways it doesn't go down to much of DC for the movie and I mean in New York is susceptible to cold snaps and it doesn't freeze out much of it it freezes all of New England the Pennsylvania is not frozen out so we're going to get to work and we are going to start taking these people down here and all of the world and we're going to do it neighborhood by neighborhood block by block and minority more locked around too I can't stand them huffy and puffy and backstabbers then single the stupid s*** all the time and they're like cars and he's ridiculous you can't work with them it will replacing them at the sheriff's office pretty soon they will be out along with the nasty idiot running social security she is a complete moron and yeah she sat there at HMC ruining everything and made a mess out of it. The sun said something you made sense one day these women run a household and they go around screwing around with people they don't really do anything that's what she was doing he was disgusting and wondered her out of there and so is he you are always saying it and they tried to do it it was impossible this big fat idiot which is ugly sin saying that stupid s*** all day long that's who she is she had no idea what she was doing as a business person no idea that people need money to get there for gasoline I mean Jesus Christ are so f****** dumb this guy next door owned all these businesses all over the world had tons of characters and he ruins his empire cuz he's sitting there bothering one person I don't have time for this made huge advances here my son has made huge advances here and we don't want that guy next door I don't know what the hell he's talking about you lost everything and we gained it and you don't get it.
I'm going to take more raceways I'm going to competition with the max already but they're not really doing much they're like two raceways and we have about 70 and they're outside the perimeter ones inside the Midwest and now for Midwest don't count unless we're going to have those areas and now we're moving out here and we're going to take over some areas here and get these assholes out of here did they've had thier fun with our son just driving around. And they're going to come down here too the max are they were just placed by these retards too and they're going to display them and they need the area and they need that place and they see us taking it foreigners to have areas and we don't need them meaning we don't need to retards and we're fighting Tommy f and we need these idiots out of the way they suck at it.
We're going to start doing this again we have huge construction projects and we set it all up and record them off and we spend most of the day fighting s*** heads we're still building and they're going to get done it's just going to take longer and the more you do that the week or they get and we noticed a huge drop in their power levels and they can't do a whole bunch of stuff it started with construction this week and we get it and he was saying the whole time.
-we have a few things happening here in Charlotte county and all over the world and these guys are still going at it with the empire and they're fighting the clothes and they're hardly there and they're going to be gone for real doing this stuff
Thor Freya
We're going to give it an update in the moment
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redactedlily · 2 years
today has been a bit of a bumpy one. not like super bumpy, but like sorta bumpy.
i had therapy today, and i really like my therapist, she's nice and all, but i'm not the biggest fan of the way our sessions go. i'm used to coming in and just kind of talking with my last therapist, but she starts us off with this "mindfulness meditation" video (not my thing) and she has me do these little assignments and tasks? which i can see working for someone else, but it kinda feels like a chore to me. plus, i was on a spiel about some issues and concerns im having about my new job and (now i dont think she realized) but she kinda cut me off and had me write out something about gender identity. i realize that sounds unrelated but lemme kinda detail it better
i was listing some issues i was having at work (for context its a daycare and my first job at one, im not good at it yet but im trying) and i was in a bit about how all my coworkers come from very different lives than i do, and sometimes it feels like a hurdle (im 19, alt, trans, etc. and most of my coworkers are middle-aged cis women like moms and also kinda intimidating and stand-offish)
i was saying that since they all seem to come from similar backgrounds and have more in common, while my life and experiences dont quite match if that makes sense. i feel like an outsider kind of. anyways, i was talking about how im worried how they perceive me as trans-ish. i usually describe myself as trans-ish because of the fact i chose to use genderqueer to identify, but i present more-so as trans mtf, if that makes sense.
she stopped me to have me take 10 minutes to write out a thing about my identity in detail so she could kind of get a better idea i think? it also could have been for my sake, but i know whats going on already, for several years actually, so i really dont need it written down for my sake?
anyways, i did that and then she asked me to keep a journal over the next week about how i feel around others thru this kinda trans-ish lens (when i go out and about to the store, a resturant, etc.). i understand where she is coming from but i dont think i need that. its not really something im that concerned about in my day to day, its mainly just applicable to my job right now
plus after that we ended the session only a half an hour in? like we started at 2, and we ended at 2:30. i thought i was getting a full hour? huh? plus i didn't get to talk about the other stuff i wanted to cover, like my social problems im having and like 3 other things i cant remember as i type this (but i knew it then i swear)
anyways that was a whole thing. i have another session next week same time. im gonna maybe see if i cant get the sessions to run the way i want? part of me wants to just cancel and find someone else cause im afraid to say anything negative, but part of me is like "well im paying you to listen to me, so A-lets do what i want, and B-ill be taking my full hour, or at least until 50-55 minutes"
i talked to my mom a bit about it before she left (she went to hang with her friend) and she said i should bring it up to her next time. this also brings me to my next bit, which is mainly centric on my behavior in general
im generally unhappy with my personality and behavior to be honest. it would take me like 12 pages to explain in paragraphs, so imma use a bulleted list, except with dashes, cause dashes are cooler
-i wish i was more timid and introverted rather that my more boisterous and ambiverted self
-i worry im not considerate of other peoples feelings as much as i should be
-i worry i go on the defensive too much
-i worry i take/ask for more than i give/offer
-i worry im not pulling my weight enough
-i dont feel i try hard enough to succeed in almost any aspect
-i think ive become less patient and quicker to anger in recent years
-i worry im not mature/ready/in a good enough state to work in child care
-i spend way too much time pointlessly scrolling on youtube or tiktok, but its hard to stop because i get bad fomo about current meme trends (cringe)
-i dont think i really see the big picture as often as i should
-i feel i have too many negative behaviors that need correcting and i just dont realize it
thats just a start i think. lately i just feel so swamped. ive been broke for way too long, and thats causing me issues like nobodys business. i really have been craving a fresh start for so so long and it feels like everytime i think its just within my grasp it gets yanked away. some new obstacle or setback comes up and suddenly its all over.
like the other day, my brakes failed and i got into an accident (no one was hurt, virtually no damage) because there was air in the brake line. now im gonna have to pay to get the lines drained and refilled, plus get the leak fixed that caused it, plus replace a fucked up tire that i just noticed, and fix the wheel bearing thats been fucking with my ABS for like 8 months. so i either need to save up money for that or let my grandparents pay for it (and then try and pay them back if they'll even let me)
really, honestly, i want to take my truck, pack it up with some essentials, and just, start driving. pick a direction and keep going. but i cant even do that cause my truck is out of commission until god knows when, and like a million other obstacles on top of that.
it really just feels like, once everything starts looking up, i get kicked in the balls
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timetodissociate · 2 years
Next Contestant
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: No Upside Down AU. Eddie is at least 21 here, and reader over 18. Mentions of drinking, harassment, and curse words used. Steve and Eddie are also friends in this fic just because.
Summary: You work at a local bar, and Eddie hates it since the drunks like to get handsy. Inspired by the song Next Contestant by Nickelback.
I judge by what she's wearing / Just how many heads I'm tearing / Off of assholes coming on to her
"Babe, where are you going?" Eddie asks, leaning against the bathroom doorway as I finish my eyeliner. I feel him studying me, taking in the black tee shirt, shorts, fishnets, and combat boots I'm dressed in.
"I picked up a shift at the bar tonight. Figured since you have D&D tonight it wouldn't be a big deal." I answer with a shrug.
"I thought we agreed you weren't working at the bar anymore?" he asks defensively, crossing his arms.
I take in a deep breath as I put my eyeliner back in my makeup bag before facing him, "No, we didn't. I know you don't like it, but it's only one night; Stacy went into labor yesterday and they needed someone who knows what they're doing to work tonight."
Eddie's eyes narrowed at me, looking thoroughly annoyed now. "And you decided that their staffing issue was your problem?"
I run a hand through my hair, eyes narrowing at him slightly, "I am not having this argument with you right now. I need the money, and it's only one night."
Eddie laughs incredulously, "Right. One night that will inevitably lead to two, then three, and so on. Before I know it, you'll be back to working there all the time."
"I need to leave" I state, pushing past him and moving to the front of the trailer to grab my bag and keys. I hear Eddie's heavy footsteps behind me, his once excited demeanor turning sour. I reach the front door, hoping to make a quick escape when Eddie's hand shoots out, pushing it closed as I try to open it.
"Eddie," I spin around to glare at him, "get your hand off the door. You're going to make me late."
He matches my glare with one of his own as he lets out an unamused chuckle, shaking his head. "No. If you needed extra money, why didn't you say anything? I could pick up an extra shift at the garage, or an extra gig."
I cross my arms, taking a deep breath, "Eddie, I am not taking money from you. Especially since the whole reason I'm trying to earn extra money is for your birthday gift."
"You are not going to pay for your own birthday gift, Munson." I say, exasperated. "What is your issue with me working at the bar anyway? I thought you trusted me?"
Eddie's face contorts to one of guilt before he steps forward to pull me into his chest, "I do trust you, sweetheart. I just don't trust those drunk bastards. They get..handsy, and I hate it. You shouldn't have to get groped to earn money."
I bite my lip, snaking my arms around his middle as he talks and feeling my heart squeeze in my chest at his confession. Damn bastard; if I wasn't dead set on getting him that new amp for his birthday next week I wouldn't go in tonight. But I'm in desperate need of another hundred dollars to purchase it, and I know I'll be able to make at least that since it's a Friday night. "I know baby, but I swear this is the last time. I already told Paul this is my last shift."
Eddie sighed, kissing the top of my head, "I swear you're going to be the death of me."
"So, I can leave now?" I ask, smiling up at him.
"Yeah, but I'm driving you. And I'll come by when the campaign is done; I don't trust those bastards to leave you alone when you leave."
Don't they know it's never going to work / They think they'll get inside her / With every drink they buy her
"Oh, come on doll, just one drink won't hurt." the sandy blond 24-year-old male - Todd, I think - insists as I shake my head no at him.
"Sorry, I don't drink." I answer, setting the bottle of beer he requested in front of him as the bar door opens. I glance over to see Eddie walking in with an animated Steve trailing behind him. "That's gonna be two dollars."
The man shakes his head and slides a five-dollar bill across the bar top, "Keep the change, doll. In case you change your mind."
I pick up the money, punching the transaction in and shoving the three dollars into the tip jar as Eddie and Steve seat themselves at the end of the bar closest to the door.
"- just don't get it, man. Like, who hates Fast Times at Ridgemont High?" Steve is asking as I set two beers in front of them, shooting Steve a questioning glance.
"Please tell me you didn't take your date to see Fast Times as a first date, Steve." I interject, making Eddie laugh.
"Oh, he definitely did."
"What's wrong with going to see that movie? It's a great movie!" Steve asks, bringing the beer bottle to his lips for a drink.
"Steve, that's a terrible first date movie. She probably thought you were hoping for a quick lay."
"What!?" Steve sputtered, "How would you get that impression from a movie?"
"Because, when I go see that movie, it usually ends with Eddie and I fucking in the back of the van." I answer, making Steve's face turn tomato red.
"I did not need to know that." Steve answered as Eddie grinned, winking at me.
"She isn't lying though. It's one of my go to movies for guaranteed sex."
"You two are weird." Steve retorts, shaking his head as I let out a laugh before stepping away to check on the patrons sitting in the booths.
Is that your hand on my girlfriend? / Is that your hand? / I wish you'd do it again / I'll watch you leave here limping
"Alright, did you need anything else?" I ask as I set the bottle down on the table, turning my attention towards the group of men playing pool.
"That depends," Todd answers as he moves to stand next to me, "Any chance I can get a side of you with nothing on it?"
I roll my eyes, "Definitely not." I answer, trying my best to sidestep him as I feel his hand graze my ass. I hope to God Eddie didn't catch that; the last thing I need to do is to break up a fight tonight because this guy can't seem to keep his hands to himself.
I make my way back towards the bar after doing another sweep of the tables, noticing Eddie's eyes trained on me as I step behind the bar again.
"You want another Steve?" I ask, picking up his empty bottle.
"No, but I'll take a water. Gotta sober up a little for the drive home."
"You want another, handsome?" I ask Eddie, to which he shakes his head no.
"Just a coke for me, sweetheart." he answers, glancing towards the pool table. I nod, turning to grab the drinks and hoping Eddie is still seated when I turn back around.
Another thirty minutes passed before I announce last call; almost everyone got another round, including the group by the pool table. I take their final drinks over, setting the four bottles down and accepting a twenty-dollar bill from one of the other group members. I'm pretty certain he said his name is Chuck.
"You can keep the change." he states, giving me a smile as he brushes his brown hair back from his face, "I'm sorry about the way Todd has been all night. He gets stupid when he's drunk and can't seem to realize that not everyone wants to sleep with him."
I shoot him a sympathetic smile, "Thanks. I don't have to worry about him driving, right?"
He lets out a small laugh, "Definitely not." he answers right before I feel a hand grab my ass.
"So doll, you wanna come home with me?" Todd asks, hand still on my ass.
Before I even have a chance to respond, he's yanked backwards to face a very pissed off Eddie. "Didn't anyone teach you to keep your hands to yourself?"
"Why should I? It's obvious she wants me; she's been flirting all night." Todd retorts, shoving Eddie's left shoulder, "Now fuck off."
Where the fuck did Steve go? Chuck steps forward as I scan the room for Steve, "Todd, man, come on. I think it's time we left anyway."
"You should listen to your friend before you get your ass beat for touching my girl." Eddie warns as Todd steps closer to him with a grin on his face.
"Oh please, like you could actually do anything." he taunts, "Besides, I doubt you actually can take care of her. If you did, she wouldn't be working here and flirting with me."
Before I can say anything to try and de-escalate the situation, Eddie punches Todd in the face making him sway slightly. Both men are now grappling each other, knocking into the pool table as they both swing at each other. Chuck is behind Todd, trying to pull him away, as Steve comes out of the bathroom. His eyes widen at the scene, making a beeline for Eddie and tries to help pull them apart.
"Jesus Christ, knock it the hell off!" I yell as they manage to pull Eddie and Todd away from each other. There's only a handful of people left now, and ten minutes until we officially close but I don't give a shit after that little testosterone show. "Everybody out, now! We're officially closed!"
A few people grumble, obviously not happy they have to desert their drinks due to the scuffle. Steve is trying his best to keep Eddie from going after Todd again as his friends are shoving him towards the door, their pool game quickly forgotten. Todd definitely looks like he may have his nose broken, and his left eye is starting to swell.
"Eddie, man, calm the fuck down. It's over." Steve says, moving in front of him and shoving him a step back as he tries to move towards Todd again. Todd is yelling something about meeting him outside, but I slam the door closed on him and lock it before whirling around to face Eddie.
"Really, Munson?" I ask, picking up beer bottles off tables and slamming them on the bar top. "What the fuck were you thinking?"
Eddie side steps Steve this time, shooting me an incredulous look and throwing his arms out. "Seriously? You expected me to just let that fucking slide?"
"Yes, Eddie!" I yell, throwing my hands up to rub my face. "I would have handled it if you didn't fucking overreact!"
Eddie lets out a harsh laugh, "Are you fucking kidding me right now, Y/N?"
"Um," Steve interjects as he inches towards the door, "I'm gonna head out and let you two work this out."
"I'll let you out Steve," I answer, moving to unlock the door for him.
He shoots me an apologetic smile as he leaves, "Sorry I wasn't quicker with the assist."
I sigh, running a hand through my hair, "Don't worry about it. It was nice seeing you at least." He nods, locking eyes with Eddie over my shoulder as he steps past me.
"Good luck!" he calls out as I shut the door, locking it again. I lower the blinds on the door and step behind the bar to shut off the outside lights, deciding to ignore Eddie as I clean up. He's still standing by the pool table, watching me with his arms crossed.
"So you're just going to ignore me now?"
"Yes," I answer, "Let me finish cleaning up and then I'll look at your hands and face." he doesn't respond, moving to sit on one of the stools at the bar as I finish wiping the tables and bar down, collecting the rest of the beer bottles as I go.
Once everything has been wiped down and thrown out, I turn my gaze on him, still slightly annoyed. I walk around the bar with the first aid kit in hand, watching him turn around on the stool so he can face me. I grab his right hand, biting my lower lip as I see that he busted two of his knuckles open during the scuffle. I can feel him studying my face as I grab an antibacterial wipe, opening it and pressing it to his open knuckles.
"Ow," he hisses as I work on cleaning his busted knuckles.
"Oh, shush." I retort, "You wouldn't even be hurt right now if you had let me handle it." I move my gaze to his face, making sure he doesn't have any other cuts. Other than a small gash on his lower lip, he seems fine.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart." he responds, slipping his fingers into my belt loops to pull me in between his legs and leaning his forehead against mine as I meet his gaze. "I watched him trying to touch you all night, and knew you were uncomfortable. When he finally did touch you, I - I just fucking lost it."
I let out a small sigh, placing my hands on his chest, "I know, handsome. But you have to let me try to handle the situation first. If I can't, then you can step in."
He gives me a small smile, brushing his lips against mine. "Does that mean I'm forgiven?"
"Not quite, but I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me." I tease, earning a laugh from him.
"Mm, sounds good to me. Can't wait to get you home though; you've been driving me wild running around in this outfit all night."
"Oh, yeah?" I ask, smirking as I loop my hands around his neck, pressing against him.
"Mhmm," he responds, moving his hands to my lower back before pressing his lips to mine for a kiss. It' starts off slow and gentle, then turns needy as he slips his tongue into my mouth, moaning lowly as my left hand tugs his hair. Once we finally break apart, we're both trying hard to catch our breath.
"You about done here?" he asks, trailing kisses down the right side of my neck.
"Just have to count the drawer so give me like another twenty minutes, okay?" I answer, untangling my hand from his hair as he slips his hands up the back of my shirt, the coolness of his rings making me shiver slightly.
"Fine." Eddie sighs, dropping his hands from my body so I can step away from him. "Maybe we can put Fast TImes on when we get home?" he suggests, winking slyly as I let out a laugh.
"I'll think about it."
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Cherry Bomb Part 8 (Final)
Characters: Eddie Munson x OFC Mary Cherry
Summary:  The last chapter! Eddie and Cherry start the build-up to crossing the final thing off her list, having sex. While they're both excited about sleeping together for the first time, they're more nervous about the conversations they want to have before. Cherry finishes her list and starts a whole new chapter of her life. With Eddie.
Part 1 - 7 if you missed it!
Comment & Reblog to let me know you like it and want more Eddie content!
Warnings/Triggers: Sex. Losing virginity. FLUFF. So much gd fluff. Confessions of love.
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The faint sounds of Dio came from the room where the Hellfire Club met. As ordered by their leader, Dustin made his way in early, a box in his arms. He looks to see Eddie, stretched to grab a box off a shelf, on tiptoes and shirt raised enough with his high arms to show his midriff. He grunts and bounces, fighting the stiffness in his ribs.
“You look like you’re doing better,” Dustin says making Eddie jump and then stare him down defensively. “Sorry.” Dustin holds his arms up in surrender. “Your ribs finally heel up?” Eddie lays the heavy-duty scissors he was after on the tabletop.
“By next week I’ll be back to normal. Whatever that means now.” He moves to throw his hands dramatically but only makes it halfway, as he didn’t want to bother his ribs again.
“At least you won’t be moving around like an old man anymore .” Dustin grins. “Bet you’ll miss Cherry waiting on you hand and foot though.”
“You’d be surprised how quickly it gets old.” Eddie exhales.
“Man I’d kill to have Susie wait around on me. Bring me food, talking in that baby voice when she gets all sweet on me.” A dopey smile moves across his face.
“There’s a fundamental difference between us Henderson. I don’t like the help, the babying. I prefer to do things myself.”
“Yeah the difference is I know having help is a good thing and you don’t.”
“I know it’s good to have it I don’t like the infantilization that comes with it.” He cuts himself off quickly and waves his hand to dismiss the conversation. “Did you bring the stuff?”
“Yeah.” He smacks the box in front of him. Eddie moves over next to Dustin to inspect. “You mean you don't like it when she baby talks you?”
“Henderson.” Eddie groans, otherwise ignoring him.
“You’re gonna say to my face that you don’t like it when Cherry starts in with that Eddie baby stuff?”
“How do you know that?” Eddie’s eyes shoot towards the shorter boy.
“Oh, I know plenty. I’m a ninja. People don’t notice me around.” He poses dramatically hunched over the table. “I was gonna ask her about something a few weeks back and you two were on the other side of your van I overheard.” He stands and admits after a stare-down from Eddie. “Plus she’s always touching you now anyway. I see how she rubs your back when you think no one can tell. Cause you wouldn’t let her otherwise. And how when she holds your hand under the table, and her lipstick leaves kiss marks on you sometimes.”
“You are observant.” Eddie looks him up and down.
“I’ll take it for the compliment it is.” He bobs proudly. “I however am not observant enough to know why I needed to bring my miniature paints?” Eddie was now collecting colors and holding the tiny glass vials in one hand.
“To paint something.” Eddie states, eyes concentrated on the box.
“No shit.” Dustin frowns at him. Eddie sighs first in response before finding the final color he needed. “But to add further to your mystery I also had to come early. Alone.” He states with a hint of agitation.
“Because I didn’t want anyone else to know what I was doing.” he announces, making his way back to his carved wooden throne chair. Dustin watches as Eddie pulls a denim jacket from his bag. He shakes it and lays it out, taking the metal scissors to the sleeves.
“Am I going to sit here and watch you make arts and crafts?”
“Are you going to keep asking questions until I answer or can you mind your own business?” Eddie bites back.
“You already know the answer to that.” Dustin states obviously. “You know I’m naturally curious and you can’t have me do some secret mission without filling in the details.” Eddie finishes a rough cut on the sleeves, leaving Dustin to stew for a moment.
“Here. Try this on.” He throws the denim vest at him.
“You’ve gotta tell me why, man.” Dustin shakes the vest at a slowly approaching Eddie.
“Can we swear a vow of secrecy here?” Eddie offers, arms crossed and his hand on his chin.
“If you want to invoke the sacred vow, I, as a party member have no choice but to obey the Master.” He holds his arms out and bows as is his dramatic flair. Same as Eddie.
“Then consider it invoked.”
“Do we need to roll for it or-“ Eddie rolls his eyes in response.
“This is real life not for the game. Try it on.” He snaps his fingers. Dustin does as he’s told, waiting for Eddie to spill.
“Should I- pose or-?” He stands with his arms awkwardly to his sides.
“No. Can you move okay? Move your arms around. Armholes too tight?”
“Nah can barely feel them.” He swings his arms and throws some fake punches. “Do I need to test drive it? What are we doing? Recon mission? Espionage?” He strikes a 007 pose.
“No.” Eddie shakes his head and motions for him to give him back the jacket. “You are the closest to Cherry's size. If it fits you I know it’ll fit her.”
“Ohhhh. So this is for her?” Eddie doesn’t respond as the answer was obvious. He returns to his chair and begins to mark on the vest with a pencil. “You’re making her a vest. Like yours?” Dustin tentatively moves closer.
“Yes and no. They’re called battle jackets. Or vests. Whatever.”
“Right, the metal head gear with the patches and shit.”
Eddie nods and continues drawing.
“So why are you making her one?”
Eddie lets out a loud sigh before moving his face to look at Dustin who has now sat in the chair closest to him. His face read as annoyed with its pressed lips and glaring eyes but he was also feeling defensive. A bit vulnerable. He was wondering what information he could trust Dustin with now that they were in the moment.
“This is under the secrecy vow. You got it?” He points a finger to the rapidly nodding and eager boy. “Besides me, you’re the closest guy in the group to Cherry. She likes you. Trusts you.” Dustin had a small and genuine smile on his face from receiving this information. “And I am… making her a present.”
“Anniversary?” Dustin blurts out.
“Sure. We’ll call it that.” Eddie quickly takes the scapegoat offered. “I wanted to get her something nice. But I don’t exactly have the money to go get… whatever the hell people with money buy their girlfriends.” He shakes a hand dismissively with a clear bite of anger for the fact of it.
“Like flowers and candy?”
“Exactly. Perfume and jewelry. Ya know.”
“So you two are really serious aren’t you?”
Eddie's eyes shoot defensively dark to Dustin’s inquisitive ones.
“I mean I know she’s nuts about you. And you like her more than you let anyone of us know so it’s gotta be. You got the shit beat out of you for her for Christ's sake.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” He moves his eyes back to the vest, back hunched over.
“So that’s a yes.” Dustin states. “And you’re making her something instead.”
“Right.” Eddie mutters.
“You aren’t really the letterman jacket and class ring type. Makes sense.”
“She’s worn my jacket a few times. She’s talked about wanting patches for shows we’ll go to and stuff like that. But I don’t think she’d get away with destroying one of her jackets so I dug around and found this old one of mine in the back of my closet and thought it would work.”
“Resourceful, I like it.”
“I think she will.” Eddie says it out loud but Dustin isn’t entirely convinced.
“Are you asking me if she will or convincing yourself?”
Eddie tossed the pencil to the table and huffed.
“Look man, I’m trying to help. I wanna help! I like you. I like her. And you are clearly… struggling with something and I wanna help.”
“Okay. Bad choice of words but you’re being defensive. Not the usual kind either. Plus you never talk about her to us so I know it’s gotta be something heavy going on.”
Eddie sighs and rubs his face. He didn’t like being told what he was feeling but it was true. Cherry would want him to talk to Dustin.
“I’m not good at this… girlfriend shit.” Eddie slouches back into the chair and finally meets Dustin’s eyes without them looking like he was thinking about killing him.
“You’ve… had one before…right?”
“Don’t be stupid, yeah.” Eddie rolls his eyes. “But those weren’t… they didn’t get… most weren't serious.”
“So are we talking marriage here or-“
“Slow your fuckin horses Henderson, shit.” Eddie pumps his hands at him.
“Okay! I’m just trying to translate Munson into English here.”
“I didn’t date most of the girls I’ve been with. Those I did I didn’t DO shit for them, ya know?”
“So you were a shitty boyfriend?”
“I mean probably but I didn’t try to do anything special or… make anything special for them. “ he was trying to walk around the real cause of why he was trying to do something significant. He would ask for his opinion but he was NOT going to discuss his sex life with Cherry. “I wanted to do something nice for her. After the shit we’ve gone through this year I wanted to show her… ya know, that I give a shit.”
“Ah. Okay yeah, I think I get what you’re saying. She’s special. You want to treat her special. You want her to feel special.”
“Pretty much yeah.”
“And you haven’t done this before?”
“Kinda but… not like this.”
“Uh-huh.” Dustin smirks.
“What the hell is that face for?” Eddie groans.
“Have you never been in love before Eddie?” Dustin boldly asks. Eddie blinks with a blank face in response. “C’mon a blind man could see it with you two love birds. You love her, you want to do something nice for her. It’s sweet! It is! I’m happy for you.”
“I really wanna punch you right now.”
“C’mon! It’s obvious. How you two look at each other. Standing up for her, I saw how she acted when they took you away man, I KNOW. She deserves something special she’s a cool girl. I get it.”
“How did she act?” Is the surprisingly quiet question followed
“Did no one tell you?”
Eddie’s eyes move around the room in thought for a moment. “I don’t think so. If they did I forgot.”
“Oh hell, she lost her MIND.” He stresses. “She was crying about you being hurt as people came down to help and she was IN the ambulance but the cops had to pick her up to get her out to keep her here for questioning. She kept grabbing you and screaming and crying and-“ he stops seeing Eddie’s face go soft. “Sorry.” Dustin stops and speaks with less excitement. “She fought cops to try to not leave you alone. I heard she snuck out of her room in the hospital to go find yours and didn’t leave your side. Sure sounds like love to me.” Dustin throws his hands up and shrugs.
Eddie’s eyes aren’t angry for once. They slowly glanced around the room before he moved to lick a tiny paint brush straight and pick the red paint from the bunch. Dustin could make out now that he’d drawn a pair of cherries on the chest.
“She’ll like that.” Dustin adds with a softer approach. “It’s cute.”
“Thanks for telling me what happened.” He offers and it meant more than it would appear.
“I didn’t see anything before you were knocked out, but I did see that. The least I can do is tell you how it went down. I can’t believe no one told you.”
“They might have but… pain medicine man. And concussions. Everything’s foggy.”
“Have you not talked to her about it?”
“I didn’t want to upset her it… was nasty what they were saying to her. She was a mess.”
“Maybe you should. Maybe it’s been long enough. Might help you get closer.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Eddie purses his lips in thought. “Don’t really need any help on that front though.”
“Just need help when it comes to you expressing your feelings? That’s a new one.”
“Expressing anger and annoyance are very different from expressing-“
“Love?” Dustin interrupts, grinning like an idiot.
“Yeah.” He answers with a tight voice that isn’t completely full of annoyance for Dustin’s bold interruption. It was very subtly laced with a hint of relief the conversation had brought to him.
Eddie grunted as he pulled himself up onto the roof. For the first time in a while, it was from work and not pain. He moves as gracefully as he can, which had never been much, to draw as little attention to himself as possible as he follows Cherry's voice to one of her bedroom windows. With the window open, he rests his arms on the sill and sees her dancing around her room, headphones on with damp hair in nothing but panties and a Van Halen t-shirt she’d gotten at the concert.
“Du du du du du du du du du…” a familiar tune comes from her, eyes mostly shut and moving her body to the music as Eddie made his way through the window. She remains oblivious and he enjoys the show with a smirk on his face. With his elbows on his knees and poor posture, his eyes followed her around the pink and frilly room. It was twice the size of his, a four-poster bed with matching sheets and canopy, white wooden furniture with gold accents, every piece matching contrasted the look she had and the assortment of posters and magazine pages she’d recently put up on her wallpapered walls. The feminine childish energy of the space she’d now outgrown surrounded her as black panties flashed and her chest bounced singing a song about sex from a band who found themselves targetted in the middle of rising satanic panic. He chuckles to himself, a cross on the wall as she sang, “Tonight I’m gonna give it all to you. In the darkness. There’s so much I wanna doooo.”
The rebel in him ate it up, he was a very big fan of irony after all. Perhaps that’d been the main point of attraction at first. The girl with the ribbons in her hair asking him to help her with wide eyes turned into the woman holding him by the hair, pressing his face into her fluffy soft center and demanding more of him. He’d been fond of her at first, amused. He figured she’d chicken out and bail honestly. Those kept suburb girls usually think they want to rebel but when faced with new things they find they’re not able to handle the expansion of their worldview and retreat. But Cherry had plunged head first. She hadn’t looked back or given him any reason to doubt her ability to handle anything that came her way. It was early on he realized she wasn’t doing this for a thrill, she actually wanted to change. Then he started to appreciate her.
That’s when she started getting bolder, the kissing, the touching, the vulnerability of soul searching shared with him so seemingly easily. Then he admired her.
Then she blossomed into another person. She even moved differently than she had. She wore her new look, it didn’t wear her. She had confidence and energy to her that he wanted to be around, that he preferred being around more than anyone else. She was open and honest and for some reason, as confounded as he was about it, she liked him back. And as it goes from time to time, when luck and serendipity meet at a crossroads, both their feelings for each other grew. The physicality of it was a big focus at first, then as it happened more often it became a perk. He suddenly didn’t have a twinge of disappointment when she’d say she was on her period and they couldn’t do anything. He found he had just as good of a time listening to albums and talking to her, sharing smokes and drinks, and freely discussing any subject that came to mind. It was then he knew he was in trouble.
It hadn’t taken getting beat up to make him admit his feelings for her. It wasn’t even Dustin telling him about how she’d reacted to it all that made him realize it. It’d happened before that, and everything after had only sealed it. And now, as he watched her dance uninhibited he no longer felt like his feelings were a bad thing. He was ready to fall into the cliches of sex and love with her, and this was where he found himself being the one having a bout of personal growth, not her.
Interrupting his ruminations she turns and sees him and yelps, eyes going as wide as he'd ever seen them as she jumps back. The back of her leg knocks against the corner of her bed causing her to topple over backward, knocking her headphones off.
“Oh my god you scared the shit out of me!” she says exasperated, it quickly turned into a shared hearty laugh as they met eyes, and both couldn't help the bubbled-up laughter. “How long have you been there?” she asks, sitting up and switching off the walkman. Eddie rises to walk over and help her up.
“Long enough to figure out what song you’re listening to.”
“I'm sure my cat howling of the lyrics made it easy.” she gives a self-deprecating joke quickly followed by a hello kiss from him. “What are you doing here?” she asks, hands to his chest as he put his arms around her.
“Your parents are gone already, I wanted to see you before school.”
“Couldn’t wait?” she snickers and puts her arms around his neck.
“I’m impatient as hell you know that.”
“I wanted the new hair to be a surprise,” she says pulling away and one hand ruffling her damp hair.
“I know I’m not supposed to admit I don’t see what’s different but...”
“Well it’s wet so you get a pass.” she chuckles, moving to plug in her hairdryer. “Mom and I went out yesterday and I got some highlights and maybe a new dress I was planning on wearing for a certain special occasion coming up…soon? I hope? Not that I'm rushing you on feeling better I-”
“Impatient?” he interrupts her unneeded apology.
“For you? Always.” she coos and returns to him, a quick peck. “I mean have you seen you?” she looks him up and down he returns the compliment with a genuinely bashful smile, his smile lines deepened, the crinkles in the corners of his eyes growing into that controlled chaos of his hair.
“What about you?” he reaches back to grab a handful of her half-bare cheek, his thumb rubbing to find the fabric as silky as what it covered. “I got a show this morning. Are you sure you don’t want that special occasion right now? I mean I'm ready to go, you can check if you want.” he gives her the smile that had always sent a jolt through her long before she knew what the feeling was.
“Don’t talk like that, I’ll have to change panties.” she giggles as he leans in to kiss her with more intent this time. “Mmm…” she savors it for a moment, the warmth spreading in her body, the way his hands gripped into her bare skin. “Mmmph!” she breaks away. “Don’t get me started. We don’t even have time to do anything even if we could.” she scolds, a very light pat to his ribs.
“That’s what I snuck up here for actually.” he clears his throat and readjusts himself in his jeans. “Besides checking off one of the things on your list.”
“Are we still doing that?”
“Pretty sure I saw a line about having a boy sneak into your room.”
“True. But I was thinking more at night, you know? Not at 7 am while I’m getting ready for school.”
“Semantics.” he waves his hand. “Besides, I had to show off.” he raises his arms and stretches in every direction before giving a little jump, weight to one leg, and then the other before letting his arms fall with a slap to his sides. “I’m all healed up. Squeeze me.”
She gets closer, hands to his ribs, giving him the test they’d been doing the past couple of weeks to check on his progress. She does so and he doesn’t wince or make a sound. Nothing moves, nothing pops, he was solid again. She felt a rush of heat to her cheeks and chest.
“You’re finally healed up!”
“Good as new.” he pats his chest. “I mean I couldn’t have scaled that trellis if I wasn’t.” he offers as further proof.
“So that means we can…” she says it quietly as if the subject of them having sex hadn’t been openly discussed before.
“I’ve met all your requirements. I got better.” She gives a girlish giggle and puts her hands to his face to pull him down for a kiss.
“So…this weekend?” she offers between kisses.
“Whenever you want, babe.” he hums contently as she kisses away from his mouth to his jaw.
“I mean... I want it now.” another breathy giggle into his ear that made his cock jump. “But this weekend. We’ll go out. Then you can… go in.” she bites his ear lobe, hand in his hair and another tight to his back where she’d missed pulling him close. Instinct kicks in, arms wrapped around her body and his skin seeking out hers. “The problem right now is I don’t want to stop this.” she moans with a smile, returning to his mouth. She feels the cold of his rings on her face as he holds it. She’d refrained from kissing and touching him while he healed to specifically avoid this situation. But she hadn’t realized how badly she’d needed it until she had it again. “Fuck, I missed this. I missed you.” she exhales.
“You smell so fucking good. Mmph.” he inhales her, hand tightening his grip. “I don’t wanna stop either, Cherry baby,” he mutters into her throat. Her breath had picked up, and the small mewls of pleasure denied escaped with less and less hesitation. His hand moved to her chest, only covered by the thin t-shirt. He brushes his thumb over a hard nipple and she moans, chest heaving and a strong grip on his hair that forces a similar sound from him. “We can take the edge off. We don’t have to… rush anything.” he offers a compromise.
“I can't be late for school, Eddie.” she whines, still not attempting to push him away as he began kissing her after her objection.
“And you know how fast I can make you cum.” his hand slipped down her front to cup and soothe the ache between her legs. Her breath catches at the words first then the touch. “I won’t make us late.” his voice swings deep and he meets her eyes. She’d said yes with her body already.
“Promise?” she answers weakly, already kissing him again.
“Promise.” he whispers against her deprived mouth. “C’mon, let your Eddie baby get a reminder of what you taste like.” With that, her knees gave out with a whimper. He leaned down to pick her up and carry her to the bed where he laid her back and they both had quick reminders of what the other felt like under their tongues.
They cut it close. Sliding into class as the bell rang. Thanks to Eddie‘s driving which could be considered reckless endangerment he kept his promise. She wasn’t late.
Eddie worried about a lot of things. He acted like he didn’t. To anyone that didn’t REALLY know him, he gave a fuck about anything. But nothing had given him the knot in his stomach quite like wondering if his idea of a great night would equal out to what his girlfriend considered special enough.
She pulled away to get into her car to drive home after finishing up a session with the club. He grabbed her lightly by the wrist. He told himself he’d ask tonight, this was his last chance.
“C’mere.” he pulls her back in and she gives him an only slightly patronizing smile. “What do you think about camping?”
“Camping?” she wonders with pursed lips, both moving their arms around each other as they spoke without a second thought about it. “I’ve done it a lot. Church stuff.” she shrugs. “It can be fun. Why?”
“I thought about driving us out somewhere with a nice view this weekend. It wouldn’t be camping in a tent, we can use the van. We could move my mattress into it, bring some food, some tunes...”
“Some condoms?” she grins and teases him.
“Oh they’re in the van already.” he grins and nods enthusiastically. “One in my wallet.” he adds as if he’s going to count the number of places he’d stashed them. “We can star gaze if you want. It’s supposed to be clear that night.”
“You checked the weather?” her voice had a baby talk quality to it.
“Yeah?” he lets out a nervous chuckle. “I wouldn’t want to take you out somewhere if a storm comes through.”
“I dunno.” she shrugged and scrunched her nose at him mischievously. “Worked out pretty well last time.”
“That’s...” he lets out a deep almost dumb genuine laugh. “That’s true.” he gives her a playful peck on the lips. “But I wanted it to be… ya know, special. Nice starry night, under the sky… doors open and music going seemed like a good idea.” he sounded almost nervous and it made her heart skip a beat. Her big mean metal head trying to be romantic. “I thought it’d be better than my place. We can fuck there anytime, but since it’s your first time and all…” She hops to her tip toes to kiss him to shut him up.
“I only care about being with you. I don’t care where it is. Don’t worry about it.” she whispers, keeping it between the two of them in case anyone was lurking around. “You’re more nervous about it than I am.” she giggles and kisses his cheek.
“Well I’ve never done this before, I know you say you don’t wanna make a big deal about it, because yeah it’s not but also yeah it is.” he pauses, a concerned look on his face as he brushes back where her hair touches her face. “I don’t want you to regret anything. Not me, not how it happened, where it happened.”
“And I’ll tell you like I have about 100 times now. If it’s you I won’t.” she kisses his hand that gently caressed her cheek. “But what do you mean you haven’t done it before? You’ve… had sex before.” she states with raised brows to emphasize its obviousness.
“Yeah, I meant. I’ve never…” he looks around with a slight wave of paranoia. “I’ve never been anyone's first.” he almost mumbles it and it suddenly makes sense to her.
“Okay that makes sense.” she purses her lips and nods. “You were the one acting like the virgin, I couldn’t figure out why.” she laughed and pat his cheek. “What about your first time? You regret it?” she boldly asks.
“Do you really wanna know about that stuff?”
“I wouldn’t ask otherwise. I’m making a point here.” she bumps her nose to his.
“No… it was. It was…” he chuckles and looks away with a twitching nose for a moment before returning his face to hers. “It was good. It was sex so, of course, it wasn't bad.” he snorts a little in amusement. “It was fine.” he offers with shrugged arms.
“Did you make a big deal of it?”
“No. It just kinda happened.”
“Then see? Stop worrying about me. Like you said, it can’t be bad. I want you to be as excited as I am about it. I don’t want you to worry about me. I want this. I want you. Got it ya big sensitive sweetie?” she gives him the scrunched nose again, kissing him with an affectionate noise.
“I know it’s more of the fact that-” he winces and sighs, getting her attention. “I’ll just say it I guess.” he mutters and rubs his head. “I don't have a lot to give you, you know? I’d give you anything you wanted if I could and since I can’t I want the things that I can do to mean something. I don’t want you to think I don’t care because I’m not showering you in gifts all the time like other guys could.” Instead of answering she kisses him. She goes in deeper every time he tries to keep talking until he gives in to her.
“None of that had even crossed my mind,” she reassures him. “One kiss from you is worth more than anything any other guy could buy me.” she whispered against his lips while his eyes remained closed, kissing the corners of his mouth. “If I didn’t want you I wouldn’t be with you. That means all of you, exactly how you are.” she holds both sides of his face. “Understand?” he nods, feeling a flood of emotion and relief as their lips ghost against one another.
He could’ve said it right then. He almost did. He felt it in his bones at that moment. He shared insecurity and she took it by the neck and threw it out of existence. No one had ever been that tender with him, that understanding and accepting. He had a new thing to occupy his time with now, stumbling over drafts in his head for how he’d tell her.
A dopey smile spread across Eddie’s face the moment he recognized Cherry’s car come into view, sitting on the back of his van, he waited. Seeing her feet first as they stepped out of the car, her always pristine converse crunched into the gravel of the driveway. As she pushed the door open, a bare set of legs, as smooth and shining as he’d ever seen them appeared, his eyes following the line of her body up and almost catching a glimpse up the short hem. She stood, a shimmy to pull the dress down as he forgot to keep his cool and blatantly stared at her in the tight black dress. She spoke, but he didn’t hear her, she walked to get her bag from the trunk, and he was distracted by the curve of her backside as she bent over, leaning and head tilting as he watched. She stood with her bag at her side, her cheer duffel so out of place with the rest of what she was wearing. As she walked closer he leaned back, chin up and eyes gazing half-lidded until the snapping of her fingers with their red painted nails made him rapidly blink and then lazily wet his lips.
“I’m sorry… what?” he moves his face to meet hers, red lips and her hair as big and blonde as he’d ever seen it. She didn’t need the dark liner and eyeshadow for her eyes to smolder because she was scolding him with no intention of punishment with her eyes.
“I said I wasn’t going to not wear this dress, even if we were camping. So sneakers it was.” she twists her foot for a point of emphasis.
He clears his throat, thumbing his nose as he stood and kept looking her over. “Am I supposed to hear anything you’re saying when you look like this?” his voice was full of tease and a masculine grit to it even though he spoke quietly. A hand moved around her to snatch her close by the waist before a strong hand arched down her butt. “Who gave you the right to look this good?” he avoids the cherry red lipstick and kisses her jaw as her breath catches in her chest and her lids flutter shut for a few short moments, welcoming the kisses to her neck.
‘I was hoping you’d like it.”
“I like you in anything. And I love this. But you are so god damned sexy right now.” he keeps his face close to hers, one side of his mouth drawn back with his dark brown eyes looking at her made-up face flushed and affected. “All this is mine?” his lip snarls playfully, his nose wrinkling as he drives both hands back, a cheek in each hand as she lets out a giggle. “I better get you put away so no one else can see you.” he bites at her jaw as he scooped her up with a squeal, her arms wrapping around his neck and her legs around his waist. She shouted his name but only held on tighter. He walked her over to the back of the van where the doors were open, with one last good smack to her ass he dropped her on the mattress that took up most of the back. She fell into a pile of pillows and blankets safely, he tossed her bag into the corner before returning his attention to her. She looked around as he hovered half bent over her.
“Oh this is nice.” she says twisting to have a better look.
“Yes it is.” he pinches her outer thigh, just under the ridden-up hem of her dress.
“You big idiot.” she grins and grabs his shirt to pull him in for a kiss. He collapses on top of her and she laughs, getting squeezed in his arms with her leg splayed out. “We aren't gonna make it to the site are we?” she laughed as he pulled away.
“Oh were we goin’ somewhere? Cause I’m right where I wanna be.” she slaps his cheek and kicks his butt with her heel lightly and he snaps at her hand her with his teeth and a bark. Another squeal of laughter escapes her, feet kicking in the air as he gave her harsh little biting kisses down to her chest before finally rising off of her. “I put too much work into this for us to not go.” he shakes his head, fixing his clothes as she rises right behind him to wipe the lipstick off his face. “Although if you wanna get it on in the middle of the trailer park with the doors wide open honestly, I could be persuaded.” he offers as he watches a smile beam across her face, looking him over and then approving of her work.
“Wouldn’t take much huh?” she coos and nuzzles her nose to his, a hand grazing over his crotch where it was easy to tell he wasn’t entirely joking.
“Shit, babe.” he jumps his hips back to grab her wrists. “Already going to have enough trouble concentrating on the damn road with you beside me, don’t make it harder on a man.” he winces his face slightly and a sexy smile with naughty intentions meets him.
“But making it hard is my favorite.” she pouts and he gets her by the chin.
“Down girl.” he whispers. “Get that sexy ass in your seat. We’re leaving.” he punches a final kiss to her lips. She happily turns and crawls up to the front. He shakes his legs out as he makes his way to the driver's seat. A readjustment in his jeans he looks around to see if anyone sees.
“Buckle up.” he orders without thinking as he starts the van.
“Yes sir.” she smirks and wobbles her head.
“Save that for later, sweetheart.” he gives her a sharp nod, a bounce of his hair as she bit her lip and settled into her seat. She was hoping he’d ignore her advice for once and drive fast.
The drive mellowed them out, hands reached out and clasped together in the space between the seats. She was curled up and facing him in her chair, fingers soothingly rubbing on his rings as she watched him. With the windows cracked the wind whipped around the console and blew his hair back to show off his face. She’d loved pushing the curtain of curls away and admiring his jaw and cheekbones when they were alone. She watched him talk and sighed quietly, contently to herself with eyes that were surely shaped like hearts. The shadows of the downing sun and the coverage of trees on either side of the road danced across his features, accentuation his strong profile of a prominent nose that suited him and lips that were full and plush to add a softness to his pre-raphaelite beauty.
The audible growling of Cherry’s stomach led to them taking care of basic human needs first after they arrived. Eddie set up a little fire not far from the back of the van, the cliff’s edge a little farther out from that. He’d driven her to a lookout, a high point overlooking lakes and a valley that his inner romantic thought would serve as a good backdrop to spending the night together. He piled sticks by the back of the van to feed the fire all night. A full cooler sat next to it, keeping the door propped open to not obscure the view. On top of it rest a beer just out of Eddie’s relaxed hands grasp and a pile of ashes from the joint Cherry had let die continuously as she lazily puffed whenever she remembered it. Neither were looking to get wasted, but a soft buzz after a meal, wrapped in each other's arms as they watched the sunset seemed too good to pass up. She was absent-mindedly messing with his rings, turning one around his finger as her hand rested on top of his on her chest. He didn’t mind.
“It’s beautiful.’ she exhales, voice light and content.
“Yeah you are.” he smiles even though she can’t see it, leaning his head down to kiss the side of hers making her mewl and kiss his hand.
“Coming out here was a smart choice. “ she praises with a nod, watching the sky fade from its pinks and yellows to purples and navy. “It’s romantic. You keep surprising me, Munson.” she turns to face him, popping up onto her knees and putting her hands on his upper thighs. “Who knew you under all that hair and glaring there was a big softie.” she scrunches up her nose and nuzzles it to his as he playfully rolls his eyes, snapping at her with his teeth. “You’re hard where it counts, don’t worry.” she makes herself laugh.
“I’m glad you think it’s romantic. That’s what I was going for.” he wraps his arms around her and pulls her to his chest, collapsing her arms as she lands with an oomph on top of him.
“The seclusion, the sunset, the nice buzz, and tunes.” she sighs contently.
“Speaking of, what the fuck is this?” An almost twinkling sound played over the speakers.
“I love this song!” She shoots up to her knees again.
“I sure as hell didn’t add it on the tape.”
“You don’t like REO Speedwagon?!” her mouth falls open and she gawks.
“No, the guy sounds like a girl.”
“Well all the guys you listen to LOOK like girls!” she laughs and shoves him, moving out of his lap.
“That’s different!”
“AND EVEN AS I WANDER I'M KEEPING YOU IN SIGHT!” she starts singing, leaping past the van’s edge and standing with her arms spread wide by the fire as she did her favorite thing which was a combination of making Eddie laugh and simultaneously annoy him.
“Christ sake.” he snorts and raises with his arms out to grab her.
“...COME CRASHIN' THROUGH YOUR DOOOOR!” her out-of-tune voice shouts, hitting invisible drums in the air as he approaches. “BABY I CAN'T FIGHT THIS FEELIN ANYMOOOORE!”
“Cherry!” he barks out in between laughs as she eludes his grasps. Her bare feet kick up the dirt around the fire, her dress riding up as she spun, lit by the fire and moon and not much else with the sun having finally faded behind the mountains. She squeals and giggles as he snatches her up, her legs kicking into the air, both wrestling each other with growing breathless laughter.
“There’s a solo though Eddie!” she plays air guitar while he holds her from behind around her shoulders.
“You’re not even using the right hands for the right thing!” he snorts and shakes her. “What the fuck kind of guitar are you using?”
“The kind that fuckin’ SHREDS!” she declares obviously, being utterly ridiculous and making his face light up like a happy child.
“Not to this shit it’s not.” he growls and grabs her hands and spins her out to pull her into his chest.
“It’s a pretty song! It’s a love song! That’s why I added it!” she pleads between catching her breath and beaming up at him.
“Babe you’re great but you have questionable taste in music sometimes.” he kisses her forehead. Then the song switches to something slower. Something even less to his liking. This song barely even had a guitar in it.
“Oh this one is so NICE Eddie.” she pouts, putting her arms around his neck. “It’s from Top Gun, it’s so romantic.” she coos.
“Cherry, I’d like to apologize for failing you in introducing you to good music.” he shakes his head.
“Shut up.” she giggles and pops up to kiss him. “Dance with me.”
“I’m not a dancer, sweetheart.”
“You can slow dance.” she groans, putting his hands on her hips. “Indulge me. This is my special night remember?” she lilts, openly being manipulative and he gives in without a second thought. She hums and squeezes him, her cheek nuzzling into his chest as her lipstick was long gone between eating and kisses.
“I remember.” he exhales, resting his head on the delicate puff of her hair. It’d been easy to forget the conversations he’d been having with himself the past few days, easy to want to just enjoy himself and not pressure himself to be vulnerable. She certainly made it easier than he expected. From her sweet affectionate demeanor to her almost childish hyper spouts of energy he fell for her harder every time she made him smile. Which kept happening more and more often. He gives her the rest of the song in silence, a proper slow dance as she hugs him like a teddy. A familiar whubba of guitar fades in and he sighs in relief. “Now this I can handle.”
“Not complaining about Van Halen? You must be trying to be nice.” she raises her head.
“I told you a hundred times I don’t hate them.” he laughs and throws his head back in a groan before a light headbutt to her forehead.
“I know. I just like watching you get mad when I say it.” a devilish little giggle comes through as he pinches her cheek. She gives him another peck, her shoulders swaying. “I won’t make you fast dance. Don’t worry.” A more sultry smile comes across her face, holding him by one hand as she moves her hips. She mouthed the words, gaining courage now, having put the song on the tape for a reason. It’s not a point missed by him. So he scoops her back up and moves his hips and begins to sing the words back to her and for a moment she’s dazed, basking in his charming smile and dark eyes shifting in the firelight.
“And I can’t recall. Any love at all. Ah baby this blows 'em all away.” he spins and dips her as she lets out a squeal of laughter and her hair falls back around her shoulders. “It’s got what it takes so tell me, why can’t this be love?” they both sing to each other. It wasn’t exactly dancing, as she knew he wasn’t holding a lot of skill points in that area. But it was perfect. Rather it was imperfect. It was perfect for them.
With a back and forth, faster than before he moves her around the fire as they chimed in off-tune voices breaking for laughter. He shakes his head, his hair tickling intentionally into her face in the wordless parts, headbanging to the guitar as he held her close and she couldn’t escape.
“I wanna know why can’t this be love.” they finish with a loud and echoing final word before he squeezes her and spins around until her feet lower back to the ground. The music fades into Led Zeppelin as they pull one another into a kiss. The breathy laughter grew soft and sweet, back into a slow sway before she broke it off, looking over his face before his dark long lashes fluttered back open, halfway closed and dark in the flickering shadows. A chill runs over her bare skin, air from the night catching on the slight sheen of sweat that had gathered.
“I brought you somethin’,” she whispers, a soft caress of her nose to his before letting him go and moving back to the van.
“You did?” he blinks rapidly coming out of his haze of affection and endorphins. He follows her back with unsure steps, hands shoved into his pockets as he watches her almost disappear into the darkness of the body of the van. “I… brought you something too.” her head whips his way as he leans into the back of the van.
“You did?” she repeats his former question. He bites his lip and nods, motioning to one of the bags he’d brought. “Who first?” a hint of nervousness in her voice.
“Mine.” he nods and gives her permission to open the bag. “I know this isn’t really an anniversary, we don’t even know when that would be.” he huffs out a quick laugh. “Since tonight would be an anniversary, one we’d remember, I wanted to give you something for it.”
“You didn’t have to get-”
“Open it.” he sees her twitching fingers and gives her impatience its antidote. She pulled out the denim vest. “I didn’t get any patches since I wanted you to make your own choices on that. It’s yours after all.”
“You got me my own battle jacket?” her voice was feminine and lovely, a purr of surprise and happiness as she looked it over. “OHMYGODLOOKATTHELITTLECHERRIES!” she runs her words together they come out so fast. She quickly puts it on and crawls out of the van with her gift in her hand, hidden away. “Did you do this? They’re so cute!” he’d painted two red cherries with a sparkling highlight of white and bright green stems.
“I did.” he nods slowly, proudly.
“Baby!” she squeals out and hugs his neck, dropping him down to her level. She kisses his face. “I'm gonna look like we go together now!” she hops up as quickly as a bunny and stands to pose.
“Looks even better than I thought. Fits you good.” he gives a slight tug to the front.
“I look like a total badass, Eddie. I love it!” she bounces on her knees and hugs herself. “I didn’t… GET you anything per se and now I feel bad.” she laughs, half bent but smiling wide. “Mine is more of a… gesture,” she speaks with a slight mumble, her nerves growing the closer she got to reveal the content of her hand. She reaches for his hand and leads him closer to the cliff’s edge.
“I actually had a… a gesture too.” he adds, eyes looking away from her for a moment.
She waits for him to meet her eyes, trying to find what he was thinking in them.
“Let me go first? I’m afraid I’ll lose my nerve if I don’t.” she smiles, more with her eyes than her mouth. He nods seeing the vulnerability in them. He could wait a few more minutes. “Thanks,” she mumbles again, opening her hand to reveal two things, a ring and the worn and creased copy of her list. “This was my promise ring.” she holds it up first to the light, then turns to the darkness of the valley and the lake below. “I don’t know why I held onto it. I haven’t worn it in a long time now.” she shook her head at the gold-colored band, remembering everything it used to represent to her. He joins her by her side, arm around her shoulders, listening intently. “I don’t need it anymore though. This isn’t me now. I don’t believe what I used to. This stupid little thing meant so much and now it doesn’t mean anything.” she shrugs and huffs out a laugh. “I wanted a symbolic gesture of… releasing it, ya know? I wanted to send it away, banish it. The last symbol of who I used to be destroyed so it can’t hurt me anymore.”
“It’s no Mount Doom but… if you throw it in it'll be lost forever.” he motions with his hand out to the valley.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” she nods with intent, holding his eyes and determined. She held it in her hands, seeing it so harmless and inanimate in the moonlight as she looked at the subtly rippling water below. She lets out a sigh, then a deep inhale as she chucked it as hard as she could into the water. They waited, Eddie, stepping closer to her until slight tink of a sound was heard.
“Shit,” he mutters. She turned her head quickly to his, hair a wave around her face. “You could’ve pawned that.” he offers with a nod over the cliff. She bursts into a laugh and holds his face and kisses him.
“You’re so fuckin’ cute sometimes.” she chuckles and pushes his hair back, finding the statement a perfect mix of realistic and adorable, just like he was. “Not a bad idea though. But it wasn’t real.” she added quietly. A lop-sided smile stays on his face as she gave his cheek a soft pat. “I know we said we were done with the list but..” she slowly moves her hand away to hold the piece of paper between her hands, staring down at it like it might bite her. “I thought we… you should cross off the last thing on the list.”
“Ah.” he nods, knowing the last thing had been to have sex. “I will happily mark that off for you sweetheart.” he leans down to kiss her and she lets out a soft little sound he didn’t expect. “I’m… honestly flattered.” he gives her a soft chuckle and another charming grin. “By you letting me both literally and figuratively cross that off the list.” he elaborates with his hands nervously.
“I want you to start at the top, okay? Don’t read ahead. I wanna hear them, okay?” she had a white knuckle grip on the paper as she extended it towards him. He moves away only slightly, putting his arm around her shoulder and turning to have the firelight face the text. He clears his throat, shaking out the thin paper and shaking his head to clear back his hair, holding her tight to his side the whole time.
“Smoke cigarettes.” he giggles off, it seemed so far away now. She wraps her arms around his tightly, her face to his chest. He rubs her back reassuringly, caught off guard by the attentiveness but continuing nonetheless. “We’ve got our basics, steal something, Sneak out, Wear Makeup, drink, get drunk, smoke - not cigarettes.” he chuckles again. “Some of my favs rounding us out, Masturbate, watch porn, have an orgasm, etc, get off by someone else's hands, could be my favorite so far. “ He grinned and looked down at her, kissing her head. “Oral sex…” his voice starts to trail off as he read. “H-have sex...” he gulped and blinked going silent for a moment. A taken aback heave of his chest moves her face. “You want me to…” he wets his lips. “Cross-cross off the last one?”
“Yeah.” Her voice is soft as she looks up at him with big eyes that looked the same as they had months ago. “Would you?” her voice was a whisper.
“The… very last one?” she nodded, her eyes hopeful and fearful and his still processing. He turns back to the paper and feels his heart pound a little harder in his chest. “Fall in love.” he reads aloud. The silence is heavy, filled with the background of insects and a crackle of fire but none of it is noticed over the rush of blood in their ears. He folds the paper, putting it into his jean pocket and holding her by the shoulders. “You love me?” he asks as if it was the hardest thing to believe.
“Y-yeah?” she rasped out, her hands shaking as they rest on his forearms. “Is-is that okay? I mean-.”
“You love me? You’re in love with me?” a smile that as it grows melts any of the fear away that had built up.
“I love you.” she answers with a hesitant smile of her own beginning to bloom. “I’m very much, in love with you, Eddie Munson,” she adds with a subtle nod, her hands calming and grasping his arms. “I didn’t mean to it just ha-” He cuts her off with a dive bomb of a kiss. Two hands to her face, deep and desperate he took her. It grew, and not slowly, hands to his hair, wobbling tip toes to reach were steadied by strong arms that wrapped around her body.
“I was so fucking nervous. I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you I loved you.” he bubbles out the confession, stating his periods with kisses. “I knew I had to. But I didn’t know how.” he admits with a smile, hers mirrored his, nuzzling into his face like a kitten.
“Tell me.” she asks with closed eyes and a dreamy hum.
“I love you.” he kissed her temple. “I love you too.” he kisses her nose. “I didn’t mean to either.” he smiles. “But you made it so easy.” she feels a well of emotion in her stomach and swallows back tears.
“I didn’t even know it was love. Not for a while,” she admits. “I felt it and I knew it was impossible to ignore but… I loved you without even trying.”
“We didn’t have a chance did we?” they both laugh and kiss with less desperation.
“We had no choice.” she giggles as he kisses her cheek and squeezes her tightly. “Is it too cliche to want to have sex after this?” she asks with laughter building in her chest. “It only makes sense to follow up I love you’s with it.” he shrugs and they part, taking her hand and leading her to the van.
“Never cliche.” he reassures her. “Even if it was.” he raspberries his lips and throws his arms dramatically. “Who gives a shit.” He saw the look of confidence come back on her after slipping away briefly. “After you.” he bows and holds his hand out to help her up into the van and it amuses her greatly.
He stands, hands up on the top of the van, his lean form looking as she sat on her knees. His silhouette was almost black against the orange glow of the fire. “I don’t know what I expected.” She admits. “I had this plan- this idea of how we’d go about it but now that I’m here doing it I’m not as confident about it, to be honest.”
“What do you mean? What did you wanna do?” His voice was deep and reassuring as he bent down to crawl next to her. “I’m yours, babe, do with me what you will.” He plops down on his side, propped up on his elbow with a smirk as he ran his hand down his body to present himself.
“Can’t believe I'm in love your dumbass.” She laughed and leaned in to kiss him which he greedily accepted. “Ugh.” She lets out a sound and breaks away the kiss.
“Well, you don’t wanna hear that after you kiss the woman you love.”
She snorted and shook her head. “It’s just a lot. All good!” She reassured with animated hands. ”Now that it’s OUT there I expected to not feel as overwhelmed by it. But it’s like it’s done the opposite.” She explains and moves to look in her bag. She crawled past the blankets and pillows, the soft sheet on the mattress not burning her bare knees as she crawled across it. “Butterflies.” She bashfully admits and pokes her stomach.
“That’s what happens when you open up to things. Good nervous and excited all piling up on each other.” He elaborated. “If you’re nervous that’s totally normal too. But you know I’m not going to like-hurt you or anything right?” He reached out to touch her thigh. “I mean… in bed or between us.”
“You're sweet.” She turns to smile at him and takes out another tape. “I know you wouldn’t. I trust you. This is the first time I’ve felt like this and it’s like I wanna crawl out of my skin because I’m so full of good feelings. Instead of the yucky reasons like I’m used to.”
“So…excited?” He asked. She stopped her travels to the boom box propped in the corner to think for a second.
“I guess that is it. And also just… happy.” She smiles bashfully and turns to pop the new tape in, putting the other back into the holder.
“It feels foreign sometimes doesn’t it?”
“Yeah.” She huffs out amused. “I’m glad you get it.” She gives him a soft smile before looking to read what she’d written on the label.
“Should probably take back that dumbass comment then huh?”
“Nah it still stands.” She laughs. “But consider it a term of endearment. I wouldn’t want you any other way.” She insists with a shake of her head.
“I’d rather you call me a different pet name.” he runs his hand through his hair as she’s preoccupied, looking out to the fire before back to her.
“Like what?”
“I don't wanna admit it but I’m fond of Eddie baby.” He smiles her way. “A good old-fashioned baby works. There’s always the sweethearts and darling and sugars.”
“Honey, pumpkin, boo bear.” She grins and finally has the tape rewound.
“I see your honey and raise you a honey bunny.” She turns back to face him now. The tape quiet a few beats before the track starts.
“I was thinking more of something like sir?” She tries and watches his eyebrows raise.
“Sir huh?”
“Or master?” She suggests, crawling towards him. “Already my dungeon master.” She coos and slides in next to him. A smooth guitar leading into what would be a heavy sprinkling of Led Zeppelin songs begins. “But Eddie baby is my favorite.” She admits, bopping the top of his nose.
“You gonna make a man feel some type of way of you keep talking like that.”
“That’s the point.” She taunts. “I made this mix with the idea of how… starved I was for you. There’s sweet and romantic and I do love that but every time I’ve fantasized about being with you it isn’t about whispering sweet nothings. It’s about me riding you.” She trailed her finger down his arm.
“Oh?” She met his eyes since the surprise was clear in his tone. “You wanna be in charge?” He offers her the option. He didn’t want to make her decisions for her. Even though he’d assumed he would be taking the lead for the first few times and the wandering thought of if that was sexist or not popped into his head.
“Yeah.” She nods thoughtfully. “I can control it easier. At first anyway. I can always change my mind.” She shrugs as her fingers work up his arm and onto his chest.
“Yes ma’am you can.” he takes her hand into his and kisses it.
“C’mon then Eddie baby.” She whispers, leaning in closer to him, lips ghosting over his, seeing his dark eyes soften before she connects their lips. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” She feels him melt before regaining composure to puff up his chest and pull her against him. “Been waiting a long time for you.” she coos as his hands move down her body with steady pressure, curving over her hips and bringing a leg up over him. Their hands moved quickly to feel bare against them, seeking out the heat and intimacy. He cupped up over her panties and she slid her hand down the back of his jeans. Once the confined space no longer sufficed, Cherry reached down to under his buckle and jeans and he took the opportunity to ride the bottom of her dress up to her hips. Another heavy petting session over their underwear commenced, and when that became not enough, his fingers trying to reach her chest and her the same for him she huffed out. “Take these off.” and sat up, skinning off the tight dress which left him to gawk at her lacey black underwear. “You too.” she tugs his shirt. He blinks with realization and strips his off over his head as she yanks at the waist of his jeans.
“Shit, baby, just a second.” he laughs, tossing his shirt to the corner and kicking off everything else.
“Should we just..” she reached down to her panties and snapped the waistband.
“As good as they look on you I think so yeah.” he nodded enthusiastically as they both stripped down impatiently and quickly rolled back together. The moans grew, both basking in the feeling of a naked body against them. Obscenities were mumbled and kisses traveled from their mouths quickly. He trailed down her neck, greedy hands taking in her chest and smothering it in kisses and panting sucks. He momentarily forgets himself and stays latched and moaning contently until he remembers this isn’t just about him. He runs his hand down her stomach, her nails gentle on his back, loving on him and scratching his scalp and playing with his hair before his fingertips grazed past her hips to the thatch of hair, recently trimmed to his surprise. He explored her boundaries, hands massaging her inner thighs, the borders of her hairline, and an affectionate rub of her exterior before he felt her hips impatient nudge forward. Still nursing away at her, which she seemed to enjoy from the mewls coming from her between kisses to his forehead and hair. He slipped his fingers between her thick lips and found her as slick and hot as expected. It was so nice to feel wanted by her body. Her hard nipples ached for him to touch them, her pussy getting wet before he even touched it, he moaned at the welcome her body always gave him knowing once he slipped himself inside her it’d be an even warmer welcome.
He kept it simple, one calloused finger circling her clit, letting the feeling build and grow just like her moans were. A desperate grunt with a shifting up of her hips told him she wanted more. He obliged and slid one finger to satisfy her first, pushing into her with no resistance. The second finger was a slower process, but she greedily sucked him in, the grip on his hair tightening so he knew she was enjoying herself. He moves steadily, not curling and attacking, giving her time to adjust as her hips began to move on their own, finding a rhythm with him. He stopped his fingers and let her hips work to take them in. She whined at first, then started to enjoy the feeling of control. He breaks his seal around her nipple and kisses up her neck, reangling his fingers so she can easily bounce herself on them.
“Is that how you’re gonna ride me, sweetheart?” he whispers in her ear drawing a deeper moan out of her before she turned to kiss him. She surprised him when she moved, hopping on her knees and pushing his shoulder back.
“We’re not doing this without me getting to play too.” she cooed with a flip of her hair to one side, starting with kissing his chest, her hands kneaded him much the same way he had her. She briefly bit and sucked at his nipples making his cock jump and tap against his stomach. She was thorough as she kissed down his ribs, covering everywhere that had been bruised with noisy smooches and licks. A tickle of kisses down his stomach to his protruding hip bones where she turned her backside towards him and started nuzzling into his thick dark hair. She felt like an animal when she went down on him. There was something awakened when she smelled the mix of something distinctly him and his soap and tonight, a bit of cologne. She licked and played first, and he did the same, sucking her remaining wetness from his fingers to replace it with more before he slid his fingers into her as she knelt beside him. She moaned with him in her mouth, her tongue attentive to the underside of his sensitive head. The vibration ran through him and stopped as one soft hand cupped his balls. He admittedly was a little lazy with his fingers, sliding in and out to graze her clit as he watched her curly cloud of hair frame her mouth taking him in over and over. Her hands roamed, nails dragging on his thighs and balls, traveling up his chest to feel as much of him as she could while he was naked and bare to her. She unconsciously started to bounce against his fingers, eliciting whimpers and moans around his cock. She spoke with him almost in her throat but he couldn’t make out the words.
“Fuck.” escaped as she rose her head and began stroking him, focusing on her own pleasure for a moment. She looked to him, her hips more purposeful as she sat up and held his hand in place with one of hers, still stroking him with her other. She rode his fingers. He, in a horny trance, watched her tits bounce, the way her ass thumped against the mattress when she came down, and the way the heat of her enveloped his entire hand as he pushed up into her as she sank. “This is how I”m gonna ride you, sweetheart.” she gives a wicked grin while she pinched her nipples, pulling them until they snapped out of her grasp. He didn’t think about it, he acted on impulse as he sat up and caught her in a kiss, knocking her back and using his fingers harder on her. He loomed over her, a ravenous kiss before a few biting and sucking ones traveled down to her center. He engulf her clit greedily, head knocking her thighs apart as he growled into her.
“You can’t talk like that and expect me to not NEED to eat you alive.” he rasps out before zeroing in on her clit with a quick tongue and his fingers now beginning to curl inside her, seeking out the spots that made her shake. The fire left half their bodies in darkness, but they met eyes anyway, her propping up to see his dark lashes fanned out over pale cheeks as his full lips devoured the most sensitive parts of her. She was hypnotized by his big brown eyes, pushing his hair back to see them better as he lapped away at her like she was his last meal.
“Fuck, you look so good when you eat my pussy.” she whimpered, chest starting to heave. Her fingertips ran light on his temples, a tender, and affectionate gesture before sliding back into his hair for a handful of grip. His eyes rolled back for a moment at her words as he moaned and groaned into her, fingers moving faster with the praise.
She felt that familiar pull, that wave that warned her of what she was rapidly approaching. But as the song she’d listened to while fantasizing about fucking him started to play she gains the strength to make him stop. Using her hand gripped into his hair to guide his strung-out face away from her.
“I don't wanna come yet.” she rasps out, chest heaving. “I want to come with you inside me.” she sighs, his fingers pushed out of her by the tightening of her muscles as she moved her legs. She quickly got to her knees to kiss him, tongue lapping at his lips to taste herself before she turned him and shoved his shoulder back, throwing off his balance. “On your back.” she orders and he obeys, cock tapping against his lower stomach as she snaked her way up his body, straddling his middle, resting his cock snug against her pussy lips. The growl of guitar in Stranglehold fueled her, feeling it move into her body and her hips undulating with the bass. Her hand runs up his chest, as she hunched over him, moving his almost damp hair off his face, the other up his neck and to his jaw, her thumb sinking into his mouth. He immediately latched his lips around her. Both their brown eyes had blown black, intense under the half-lidded gaze they stared each other down with. He saw a snarl of her lip, a hiss as he sucked away at her thumb, his hands back on her body, strong on her hips, the metal of his rings dragging against her shining skin. Her silhouette was that of a goddess as she licked his lips, a brief twist of tongues as she ran her thumb over his bottom lip. She took a deep breath, sitting straight up, hands running through her hair and then down her body slowly. She reached between her legs, raising her hips to grasp him, and started stroking. He was throbbing in her palm, fingertips feeling out every popped vein in his cock as she moaned, squeezing and imagining how much bigger he’d feel inside her. She follows the song, just like she had in her fantasies, a tempo switched as she slid him between her lips.
“Fuck.” he gritted as she put her weight on him, her soaked lips searing hot around him as she got used to the feeling of moving her hips. A back and forth grind that slid his head right against her clit.
“Get the condom Eddie.” she smiled wickedly.
“Oh shit. Right.” he snaps out of his trance and reaches up, knowing exactly where they were. With a rip open of his teeth, she slides back, holding him at his base as he slid it over himself. She slipped right back over him and leaned in to kiss him, hips still feeling their way around, side to side, a bounce and wiggle here and there as they kissed in a way that before experiencing it she would’ve called nasty. Open mouths and pants with licking tongues and bites of lips as their hands clawed at one another. Once she felt her hips warmed up, familiar enough with the feel of him under her she raised back up and lifted a leg, angling him as he soothed her with his kneading hands. With the boldest eye contact, she’d ever given she licked her lips and as the song slid in tempo she slid him ever so slightly inside her. It wasn’t pain, it wasn’t yet pleasure, as her mouth dropped open, a slight whimper as he moved deeper when she shifted her knees back to the mattress.
“You good baby?” he asks, breathless, his thumb moving immediately to stroke her clit lazily, knowing it’d help if it hurt. She hummed and mewled, her insides tensing and eager as he stroked her.
“You are.” her face fell soft for a moment as she laughed and ran her hand through her hair, settling the other to his chest. “You’re bigger than I thought.” she gave a brief raise of her eyebrow and a smirk as he put his hand over hers on his chest. With a slow lick of her lips, then a bite she moved, fully notching his head in and the first moan escaped. Her mouth dropped open and she exhaled a heavenly-sounding expletive. With a determined brow and a wanton mouth, she moved inch by inch, lowering herself onto him. “Holy shit.” she whispered as something new hit inside her. “Oh my god.” she whimpered, her chest stuttering for a moment. She heard the smack of his lips and shook her head before he could ask. “Not pain.” she panted and moved a little more. “Fuck, it’s not pain.” she moaned as she met his eyes, calm for her but a tightly clamped down upon lower lip let her know this was affecting him too. He noisily exhaled as he felt her tighten around him, rubbing her clit making her body more and more eager to take him in. “It’s so deep.” a high-pitched voice escaped her, an almost laugh that turned into a mewl.
Eddie grimaced, holding his hips back from moving, hearing her praise, and feeling the trembling of her hands and thighs against him. He kept one hand on her hip, light back and forth to try to show her some sort of affection as she worked through the hardest part. She shook as she finally let the tension in her body go, full weight on top of him and having him fully inside her.
“Holy fuck, Eddie.” she exhaled, raising her head to catch her breath. Her hips twitched as he kept his thumb to her, reaching down to keep her clit stimulated. He didn’t want it to hurt her for even a second. “It’s so fucking deep.” she groaned, hands moving down her body to touch her chest, then a pinch of her nipples that caused her hips to spasm again. “I didn't know.” she let out a soft laugh. “Fuck I’ve never felt anything like this.” she giggled again, regaining her composure, another moan, and jolt that made her hands slap to his chest. “It’s so fucking good with you rubbing my clit.” she rises and lowers herself, moans that came up from deep in her stomach grew. She’d never felt those sounds before.
She started slow, trembling every time she lowered herself back onto him. She found a pace that she could handle, half grind and half bounce, leaning over him with a hand to the mattress by his body. She tries to be the confident and sexy siren she wanted to be but was quickly losing her composure. Her eyes rolled back as helpless sounds escaped her. She imagined her body snaking, sitting upright and bouncing her tits in his face and having him drool over her but that wasn’t what this was, and as a shudder overtook her body, her back bending to it she gave up on turning this into a fantasy.
She ground her hips to his, one of his hands tight to her to help her move.
“That’s it, baby.” he rasps out as she found her rhythm, “Fuck that’s it.” he groans, his throat tight as he watched her move on instinct knowing she was only doing what made her feel good and that’s all he wanted for her. She took him in with pulsing walls that wrenched around him in waves.
Her sounds grew more desperate, fewer moans and more whimpers and whines, gaining in frequency and rising in pitch. She held tight to his chest, steadying herself and moving her hips as quickly as she could manage. She wanted more, the building pressure inside her feeling like it could snap at any moment.
“Eddie.” she squeaked out with her eyes slowly starting to roll back into her head. “It’s so good.” she cried as her head fell back to gasp for breath before he felt her tighten around him drawing a deep grunt out of him.
“I know it is baby, you’re getting so fucking tight, you gonna come for me?”
“Uh-huh.” she knocked the sounds out of herself with bounces down on his cock. “I’m so close.” she whined, losing her breath as she worked her body against his. He felt her tense, struggling with the new feeling of having him inside her so he did what he knew would help get her where she wanted to go.
“Your pussy feels so good Cherry, baby. I want you to come on my cock. I wanna feel you. You’re so fuckin’ close baby, give it to me. Give it to Eddie.” he takes her cheek and has he look at him as he says it, holding her attention, giving her a body-covering blanket of goosebumps with his words. As soon as he nodded, his thumb to her lip, her mouth dropped open and a vibrating shake took over her body. “That’s my good girl.” she cried out, wordless, trying to keep her hips moving. Soft feminine and wordless she came around him, hands gripping his chest and her hair obscuring her face as she didn’t make a sound for a moment. She’d never come quietly before. It was so intense her throat froze and all she could do was feel the waves rush over her, one after another until they peaked.
She gasped, hair being flung back with a raise of her head as she felt a new sort of surge of energy through her body.
“Fuck.” she gritted out, a new level of hunger released as she dropped down the grab Eddie by the jaw and kiss him hard. “It’s so fucking good baby.” she moaned and laughed, getting his hair and exposing his neck as the new angle helped her discover a new way to enjoy his cock inside her. His hands broke away from her clit, not being able to withhold having both clung to her as she writhed away on top of him. She moved her hips up and down, his cock disappearing in a wet sheen and slap as she threw her ass back on him. She latched on with her lips to his neck, feeling his pulse so fast under her tongue. She kissed him and panted into his ear as she felt a different sort of pleasure from nothing but him inside her.
“You want more?” he asked, hands to her hips and squeezing harder than he would have thought she’d enjoy.
“More.” she hummed into his ear. “Fuck me, Eddie. I can’t get enough of you.” He couldn’t hold back like he wanted with her moaning into his ear about how good he felt. He gripped her by her hair and turn his head to kiss her, his other hand moving to her ass to pull a cheek away from her body as he pumped his hips up into her. “FUCK!” she jumped and yelped. He froze in fear he’d gotten carried away until a thrill of a giggle erupted out of her. “You surprised me.” she licked his lips and cooed. “You’re a lot to take Eddie, baby.” she hums and kisses him back. “Don’t stop.” she clarified with a shake of her head as they go back to kissing and she’s playing with his hair. Another pump up, not as harsh this time, then another to test her before he planted his feet and started thrusting up into her. “Ohhh mygod.” she moaned out from deep in her chest, hand frozen in a grip on his hair. “Ohmygod.” she squeaked before her voice dipped low as he’d ever heard it. “Don’t fucking stop.” she begged, unable to kiss him back as he found his rhythm as he pounded into her from beneath.
Every time he pulled out she felt an odd catch inside her, something that grew and felt almost like when he went down on her and used his fingers at the same time. He worked hard with grunts and groans that she matched with as much femininity as he did masculinity. This felt different, this felt deeper inside her, this was new. She wanted to tell him how it felt, what he was doing to her was changing how she knew her own body but she couldn’t. All she could do was moan and it grew louder, more swears and pleading of his name as she watches his face change. A furrowed brow and scrunched nose in concentration were barely visible as he lay in her shadow but the light caught off the beads of sweat gathering and making his bangs wet against his forehead. He looked so good, like a sex god rockstar, he looked as good as he was making her feel. She’d never seen anything as sexy as he was when he fucked her. She doesn’t feel it like she had other orgasms, it built up in pressure before her body hunched and seized over his, a roar of a moan escaping her, almost a scream as it brought tears to her squeezed shut eyes. He fucked her through it, hearing the ragged breathing he let himself slow down, not daring to cum yet. He pushed her hips down against him which earned another guttural moan. He sat up and took her with him, getting their arms wrapped around one another in a proper makeout as she swiveled her hips against him. He moved aggressively to grab her chest and take a harsh mouthful of her tits into his panting mouth.
“Oh fuck yes.” she giggled and let her head fall back. His hands held her back tightly, then shifted her weight, picking her up with a squeal before putting her on her back and latching back onto her chest. “Eddie, my goodness.” she wailed, pushing his hair back. “Such an animal.” she mewled and wiggled into him. “I love it.” she giggled in a high pitch. “I love YOU.” she sighed contently, wrapping her legs around him as he found his way back to her easily, cock right back at her entrance the moment she felt it leave her.
He bit her nipple and grinned, rising briefly to kiss her and see the sweet face with its long lashes and pink cheeks beaming up at him.
“I love you too.” he had to respond to her affection, even if he was salivating from wanting her tits in his mouth. He left her with a grin that made her openly swoon, he knew what to do to make her melt. He dived back in with a loud growl that made her squeeze his head and laugh. But he kept his cock grazing over her now, absolutely soaked pussy.
She wiggled her hips and pouted. “Eddie.” She felt his smile against her skin.
“HHmmph?” he asked, sucking harshly on her nipples.
“I don’t like it when you’re not inside me.” she rose her hips to meet him, to try to get him back inside her. She was met with a hungry growl in response.
“You want more of my cock, baby?” he asked between traveling bites across her full chest.
“Tell me.” he moaned into her cleavage. “I wanna hear it.” he mutters between mouthfuls.
“Fuck me, Eddie. Don’t tease me. I still have to make you cum.” she smiled. “I miss your cock filling me up so deep that I can’t breathe.” She saw his eyes roll back and disappear under fluttering lashes at that. And swiftly answered her with a solid thrust inside her.
"Oh fuck! That’s…that’s different.” she blurted out feeling yet another new sensation. “It’s good! Don’t worry baby, it’s… real fuckin’ good.” she giggles to shush any worry he might’ve had for her reaction. She got to see him in action now and she wondered why she ever wanted to be on top when she got to see him work his body into her.
Facing the fire now, he was lit with a warm glow as he rose and adjusted her hips. He took her legs, hands-on her ankles, kissing her calves before his hips started thrusting again.
“Ohfuck.” she said aloud, surprising herself. That spot he’d get with his fingers that made her make almost embarrassing noises was being directly targeted by him now. “Oh thats…” she raised to her elbows to watch him disappear inside her. “Fuck that’s it Eddie.” her eyes went big like a doll, head bobbing as he fucked her.
“Your man found your spot, huh?” she’d never seen him so cocky before. “That’s because I know what I’m fucking doing with this sweet little pussy, baby.” He felt her tighten around him at his words which only made the head of his cock grab her upper walls more tightly. “Fuck, you’re not gonna make me cum,. Not yet. I’ve got to make you cum again.” she shook his head at her, his hair bouncing and damp, curls so dark and defined around his timeless beauty of a face. “Can you cum again for me? Hmm?”
She nodded and spread her legs wider, moving them away from where he’d placed them on his chest.
“That’s right.” he groaned, hands running down her legs to massage her very inner thighs. “Open up for me baby.” he spread her legs further, knowing she was flexible. “Look at that.” he whispered, moving her knees back toward the mattress.
“Holy Shit.” she moaned, letting her head fall back.
“Fuck you’re taking my cock so well Cherry.” he rasped out, watching the pink soft lips swallow him up and soak him every time he pushed inside. They gripped around his cock like they didn’t want to let him go, he wanted to sink his teeth into her at the moment, everything so soft and plush he wanted to mark it. She felt so good it was messing with his mind. This must be what people meant when they said sex with emotion was better than sex without out. He’d never loved someone like he did her, and he’d never had anyone make him feel so good whether it was while he was inside her or not.
“I want it so bad, Eddie.” she begged, eyes gaining tears in them, her hands grasping the sheets so hard her knuckles turned white. “Just like that. Every time you…” she trailed off and moaned. “Yes like that.” she grits her teeth together and watched him fill her up over and over. A steady pace was hitting her where she wanted with every withdrawal. It felt so impossibly good. Her body was so sensitive, so swollen and raw that everything was heightened and intense. She’d never came more than once at a time. She didn’t know it could feel so good to keep doing it, or that she could even keep coming but she was still learning lessons tonight. “Fuck me harder.” she pants out and they meet eyes and he leans forward, hips creating a slap every time they met hers. Her head bounced and her mouth hung open. It just kept building. There wasn’t an end. It was like he was holding her at the crest and wouldn’t let her fall over it. “It’s so good.” he saw a tear slip down her cheek.
“Rub your clit for me, baby. Touch yourself.” his voice was deep and stern and she slid a quivering hand between their bodies, immediately shaking as she felt the raw switch under her fingers. “Fuck that’s it. Good girl.” he felt her start fluttering around him again. His hands were preoccupied with holding her legs back in the exact spot she wanted, and he wasn’t missing out on touching her because watching her small painted fingers disappear between her fat little pussy lips made him want to fuck her so hard she cried.
“Eddie…” she begs. “It hurts it’s so good.” she chokes an almost sob back. “I don’t know if I can cum again. It feels so good but I’m not-” He shushes her, one hand moving to push her hair off her face.
“Breathe baby. You’re doing so good. It gets harder to cum the more you do it sometimes. You’re fine.” She nodded and whimpered and nuzzled into his hand.
“It feels so good. Like I’m gonna cum.” she whined and he held her cheek to keep her eyes on him.
“Breathe. He instructed again. He felt her take in a shuddering breath and he knew it had helped already. “You want it harder? Slower? Tell me what you want.”
“More.” she pouted. “Faster.” she answered after he gave her a condescending look that she literally felt make her gush wetter at her vague first response.
“Whatever my baby wants.” he leaned down to kiss her, she was too in her head about it. He angled up her hips and started a skin-slapping pace that immediately got her making noise again. NOW they were both caught up in it. With so much skin to skin, there was nowhere to hide. He pushed her hair back and kissed her, held her face, and kissed her cheeks when she’d squeeze out a tear or two. He knew they were good tears and didn’t ask any questions, only savored them for their existence proving to himself he could make this night special for her. With one hand rubbing her clit, she found the most effective flick, the combination of the curve in his cock, the angle of his hips, and the intimacy he was giving her amidst a mind-shattering pleasure was too much to defy for too long.
“Eddie.” she finally spoke, and he knew the tone’s translation.
“Yes Cherry, give it to me.” he asked of her, hitching an arm under her knee to pull her back and watching their bodies collide, hitting into her hard and faster after the steady pace he’d had built up.
“Eddie!” she called out again, eyes shut and tears falling from both now, she started to tremble, it build into a convulsion neither expected as she cried out for him, stomach forcing her up, forehead to forehead with him, clutching at his neck to keep her steady.
“Fuck me baby, god damn.” he groaned feeling the rush of her around him, feeling her orgasm run down his balls. He had to look away and gasp for breath to not cum.
“Please.” she surprised him as he swung his face back to hers. “Don’t stop. Ohmygod don’t stop I’m -” her mouth dropped open before a scream was wrenched out of her and she came again.
“Holy shit babe, again? Fuck yes.” he groaned and gave her all he had left.
With her eyes rolled back and shouts that echoed through the valley she felt every inch of him inside her, bumping against the spot that made her see double. She didn’t know this could happen. This wasn’t in any Cosmo magazine she’d read. She felt like the women in porn moaning about how they were going to cum again and she’d rolled her eyes. And here she was, eyes rolling but only to make her a hypocrite. He just kept on hitting that. Fucking. Spot.
She called his name again, lost in what was known as a rolling orgasm that hits when you get the combination of internal, external, emotional, and mental hit flawlessly.
“You got another one for me?” he growled, hips hitting her as hard and fast as he could, chasing his own end now. The growl got her attention, meeting his eyes and yanking the back of his neck down to her, her shaking legs locked him against her as she shamelessly licked the side of his face before kissing him.
“Fucking cum for me Eddie.” she growled back, holding him by the back of the neck and he felt like he was the one on his back suddenly. “I’ll cum again, just fucking cum for me.” she moaned and their teeth collide in a kiss that gnashed together as he let out some of the sexiest sounds she’d ever hear.
There was the warning, the high-pitched fast grunts, and that first delicious thrust that he held inside her longer than the other. Then a moan through gritted teeth, another hard slam into her. His kiss swollen lips parted, a softer moan of exhaustion as he pushed himself inside her as deep as he could, smothering her in a kiss as he moaned and his body jerked against her. Their bodies were slick together, naked and gleaming in the firelight. They glowed with the sweat of effort and love, limbs tangled together and a writhing mess joined as one.
For a long time, they didn’t speak. They didn’t need to. The conversation with kisses, the gentle caresses of moving hair, and beads of sweat off their faces said enough. They shared the most intimate of moments, post-orgasm and swimming in bliss and oxytocin together with the crackling of the fire close by. They stayed close and kissed tenderly, hands now light and grazing, being held and kissed until he went soft and slipped out of her.
He made quick work of the condom, making it disappear as she laid back and gathered herself for the few moments he was out of sight. He appears again next to her, pen behind his ear and her list in his hand. He was laid out like a centerfold and she mirrored his body language, greedily taking in the lean lines of his body. He was so pale he almost glowed, tattoos patched on his skin and a plethora of curls starting lightly on his chest and gaining force as they moved south on his body. He was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.
“I think we can cross these off now.” his voice is slightly raspy, deeper than normal. The calm between them now was thick and heavy like a good blanket. She hummed in agreement and snuggled up to him. “Have amazing sex.” he grinned, his smile lines deep and showing off his cheekbones. “And fall in love with the coolest fuckin’ guy ever.” he scribbles and dots the paper so hard he stabs through it. She kissed his chest, face snuggling up into it.
“I saw we burn it now.” she adds softly, the tiredness heavy on her voice.
“A little arson to finish off the night?” he kisses her forehead.
“I know how to party.” she mumbles and it makes him laugh.
“I don’t think you want to get out of the van, do you party animal?”
“Nope.” he very happily says, putting her arms around him. “C’mon I’m gonna get cold.” she pouts.
“Can’t have that.” he says in a serious tone and works on folding the list into a paper airplane. “You think it’ll make it?”
“I’m feeling optimistic,” she says moving to look to the fire as he sits up and throws the plane. Luckily the fire wasn’t far and drifted into a flame and got sucked in easily. “It is done.” she says clapping her hands and holding her arms out. “So am I.” she collapses back down to the mattress.
“You gonna call it an early night?”
“No thanks to you.” she smiles as he moves to get her a pillow and fluff out some blankets. They drift over them softly as she puts her head onto a pillow that smells like him and hums contently. ”This is perfect.” she chirps like a little bird, getting pulled into his arms. “Fuck this is nice.” she groans, making him laugh as he got her settled in against him.
“It is.” she sighs and kisses her head. “This whole day was.” his voice gets quieter, softer as she burrowed against him. The skin-to-skin contact was needed, she only wanted more of him now that she had him to herself.
“Night too. Especially.” she smiles with shut eyes.
“I don’t think it could’ve gone much better.” he finally relaxes all his muscles letting the weight of his arm fall on her. “You were…” he hums happily and it gets a giggle from her.
“Me? You made it so good, baby.” she looks up to him to show her sincerity. “If I hadn’t loved you before I sure as hell would now.”
“Maybe love you more now? Is that bad to say? We just worked so damn good together.”
“Nah. Not bad. I feel the same way. You wore me out. I’ve never felt this tired and also happy before. And I just want more of you. The more I get the more I want.” she kissed him softly before returning to the comfort of his chest.
“You can have all you want. I’m yours.” he kissed her cheek and let his face snuggle into her hair, breathing her in, still smelling candy-sweet from her perfume.
“Mmm. I’ll never get tired of hearing that.” she kissed whatever bare skin was closest to her lips. “I love you, Eddie. Like, a lot.” she sighed out before a yawn took her.
“I love you too. Maybe more?” he smiled with closed eyes.
“We can fight about it tomorrow, kay?” she pats his side.
“We can fight about it forever if you want.” he kissed her head and curled himself around her. With the warmth in his chest and her a snuggled bunny against him in his arms, he did let himself be an optimistic fool in love and entertain the thought they could be lucky enough to get to argue about who loved the other more forever.
Epilogue -
Cherry rushed into her room, back from the weekend with Eddie and bursting at the seams with feelings about it all. She tossed her bag to the floor and shut her bedroom door, she plopped onto her bed and grabbed her phone, dialing a number she recently memorized.
“Yeah, Donna?” Cherry greeted.
“Cherry? Hey! How’d it go?” she said excitedly.
“You know how you told me to tell you about it if me n Eddie ever…”
“Uh-huh.” she hears Donna laugh on the other end.
“Girl, have I got some stories for you.”
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Hope you enjoyed this story. I know I did. If you'd like more Eddie content from me, let me know. I'm open to ideas.
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eremiie · 4 years
hi PLEASE i neee stoner eren amd stoner reader😩
high off of you
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❥ 8k words | nsfw | eren x reader
❥ you’re dragged to a smoke session by your roommate, and you actually enjoy yourself— maybe a little more than you should have; and eren jaeger is to blame.
❥ content: choking, lowkey breeding kink ish, praise kink, slight orgasm denial, overstimulation, drugs (weed)
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content is how you were feeling.
you had just gotten done with your shower, your covers were finally draped over your almost bare legs, your laptop was sat in your lap and you had put your hair up to get it out of the way. you were relaxed, you were calm, and you had decided you were gonna finish off your night with an episode of your favorite show, no matter how many times you had saw it.
"c'mon, we're going to get high."
your peaceful vibe was interrupted, and in the most abrupt manner your roommate could muster; he swung the door open not even bothering to knock, leaned against the doorframe and let his eyes survey your slightly mess room before landing on you and giving you the most goofy grin.
"connie, what the fuck?" you frowned and went to pause your show only to realize you hadn't even started it. with a sigh you looked back up at connie with clear irritation written across your face.
"what? don't you want to get high?"
"i just got out of the shower, i'm in bed now," you moved your laptop and threw the covers off of your legs and pointed to your shorts. "i have pajamas on and i was about to watch my show, no i don't want to get high right now." wasn't that the obvious? you couldn't lie, the offer was tempting since you weren't the one paying, and it gave you the opportunity to see your friends again, but the getting ready process had made you shove the offer down.
as if on cue connie seemed to read your mind. "you don't have to get cute or anything. it's literally just our regular smoke circle. just throw on a jacket and let's go."
you groaned and leaned your head back letting your arm drape over your eyes. "didn't we just come from sasha's house earlier this week? who the hell is supplying y'all this fast?" you tried to come up with an excuse to stay home, but connie was clearly one step ahead of you.
"it's not sasha's house it's eren's." the stupid sly grin on his face appeared and he leaned further into your room already knowing he had you trapped. he knew, much like the rest of the friend group about the undying tension between you and eren, but nobody could pinpoint exactly what it was. it wasn't that the two of you necessarily liked each other but you were... friendlier than friendly best friends. eren and you would flirt with each other more often than not and were very hands on. not to mention how excited you'd get when you got to see him, and vice versa.
connie didn't even give you the chance to respond to that comment, your answer was evident just by the way your attention spiked at the mention of eren's name, and the way your body stiffened in the slightest. he shut the door to wait for you and couldn't help but laugh at your feeble attempt of getting out of a session with your circle.
you lost, and you were slightly upset. any other words in your defense were stuck down your throat, and connie was already long down the hall. the only thing you were able to mention was a loud, "and knock next time, dumbass!" before you did as he said, grabbing your jacket and slipping out the door with connie.
that's how you handed up where you were now, at eren's shared apartment with mikasa and armin, although mikasa's car was missing from the parking lot.
"i love the outfit. it's giving me very much... hobo." connie looked you up and down stifling a laugh while the two of you waited at the door after the first ring.
you followed his eyes looking yourself up and down as well. you did look a little silly, black crew socks with crocs over top. you didn't even take it upon yourself to zip up your jacket all the way, the black fabric draping off your shoulder on one side revealing your shoulder only adorned by a single white strap to your cropped tank top. of course the jacket was a little big, covering your sleep shorts slightly. you weren't even sure if the jacket was yours.
"shut the fuck up." you kicked connie with your croc and he hissed, grabbing his shin before being a fool and hopping towards the door some more, spamming the doorbell.
"help! i'm getting abused!" and in that moment you wondered how you managed to share an apartment with the clown.
connie's ringing only stopped when the door flew open, sasha's figure standing there with a small smile. "hey!" her tone was cheery and loud as she grabbed connie's hand pulling him into a dramatic hug before reaching a hand out to you and pulling you into one too. "i missed you guys!"
"sasha we saw you earlier this week." you forced yourself out of her grip with an apologetic smile just in case your gesture came off as rude. connie nodded in agreement and stepped aside already heading towards eren's room. i mean seriously, wouldn't it have made more sense for you not to come if he was that eager to smoke? they could've had more rounds!
"that doesn't mean i couldn't miss you." her hand embraced yours once more and she slammed the door shut, locking it and leading you to the door opened ajar on the other end of the hallway, of course eren's as he always had those red led lights bleeding from underneath the doorway. "connie told me you didn't want to come also, so this is a surprise."
you rolled your eyes. "so he knew i didn't want to come and still asked?"
"well it was worth a shot; and look where it landed you, you're about to be faded." and she wasn't wrong. she finally let go of your hand and opened the door, the bright LEDS hitting you straight on making you squint for a second before your eyes surveyed the room. jean was already chatting with connie on the futon while eren was sat on his bed with a tray in his lap, rolling the blunt.
what you didn't see was the glance he gave you when you first started scanning the room, immediately trying to look focused on rolling the blunt while attempting to hide his boyish grin. you likewise, you bit the inside of your cheeks to stop from smiling at the sight of the pretty boy; his brown locks pulled back into the sloppiest ponytail, and the hairs in the back of his head skimming the black top he wore.
"so she actually came?" jean voiced looking over to you and making his way over to you from his position on the futon to embrace you in a side hug.
"jean boy," you used his nickname to mock him before returning his hug causing him to grimace at you and pull his arm back. you started to laugh and rolled your eyes at his dramatic actions once more. "yes, yes i did come."
"doesn't she look stupid?" connie looked up from his phone at you and jean giggling under his breath. jean took in your appearance and tried not to laugh, a small smirk on his face that was wiped off when you slapped his chest then flipped connie off.
"shut your bald ass up, connie." you retorted.
"i'm growing hair, i keep telling you that!" and the whole room burst into laughter, sasha doubling over because there still wasn't a trace of growth on his head.
"connie, you have no room to talk you are actually stupid." sasha added before going over to sit with the boy after grabbing a bag of chips from the desk next to the open door.
you shut the door behind you and continued to stand awkwardly until eren spoke, "you're laughing but as soon as she takes that jacket off you're gonna try to jump on her, kirchstein." he said with a raise of his eyebrow before letting his eyes wander over your frame.
now you were really trying to hide your smile, and you cursed yourself when one graced your face anyways. "eren," you dragged out his name walking over to him on his bed before plopping yourself down and resting your head on his shoulder. "get me away from these idiots." you faked a sigh before eren chuckled and gave you a side hug much like jean’s before continuing to roll his blunt.
"damn jaeger, you were so quiet i forgot you were here." connie said, not looking up from his phone that sasha peered over as well.
"and stop making slick jokes and hurry up with the blunt." jean huffed scooting off the futon and resting his head on his palm. "i'm tryna smoke."
you watched eren look down at jean with a negative expression before continuing to roll, and you watched intently loving the way he looked while he did it. the way he let his tongue slide over the gutted blunt was enticing  and you looked from your position on his shoulder.
he let his eyes drift over to you without moving his head and then he placed the blunt on the tray grabbing the grinder and holding it out in front of you. "you wanna grind it for me?" he asked with a small smile and it caught you off guard. you took a minute to process what he said before you grabbed the grinder and let it come apart in two.
"i mean, i guess." he slid the tray over to your lap and did that chuckle again.
"do you even know how? i bet you've always had someone roll for you, huh?"
you couldn't help but break out into another smile, this one out of slight embarrassment before you bumped his shoulder playfully and setting down the grinder on the tray. "bye... i've only rolled once."
"she doesn't know how, and plus just earlier she asked me who our supplier was. even sasha knows that!" connie looked over and you met his eyes with a glare, a deadpanned expression crossing your face and the group broke into laughter again besides you.
"connie i'm gonna fuck you up." you muttered. your mood shifted once more though when eren began placing the weed into the grinder and closed the lid handing it to you.
"work some magic, babe." you were really trying not to show how excited you were, butterflies flapping their wings and flapping them hard in your stomach, especially at the nickname. you began twisting the small container and eren's calloused hands stopped yours from grinding too much. "that's good, that's good." he took it from your hands then pulled the tray over. "i got it from here."
"yeah cause she's gonna fuck it up." jean laughed and connie joined in his eccentric laugh filling the air as well causing you to groan.
"can y'all shut up? damn. you can't roll either jean."
ooohh's from connie and sasha bounced around the room and jean looked up at you amusement dancing in his eyes. "better than you."
"at least i look good while doing it." you sassed playfully while moving invisible hair behind you ear. you could've sworn eren nodded his head from next to you, and those dumb butterflies in your stomach began moving again.
"got that right." jean snapped back just as quick a flirtatious tone to his voice that caught you off guard and you raised an eyebrow at the sudden demeanor. eren looked up for a split second before glancing at you again, his eyebrows furrowed in... confusion maybe?
"weren't you just making fun of me earlier?"
"chill, we were just playing around, girl." jean responded with a shit eating grin before forming a heart with his hand and pouting at you.
"you better stop for eren gets on your ass, you know that's his girl." connie scrunched up his nose then looks towards you and eren for a reaction that he succeeded in getting. both you and eren looking up at him; eren's eyes holding more of a curious stare and yours more threatening. eren continued sealing the blunt soon after seemingly unfazed by connie's comment.
sasha gasped and widened her eyes at you. "stop! you know they don't date." she winked at you and wiggled her eyebrows and you pretended not to see her.
"yeah, they don't even date." jean added on, wondering how the conversation flipped from you to your relationship with eren so fast. it was annoying to him in the least, the group constantly commented on how you and eren should just get together and were clearly not just best friends, but the two of you seemed to haven't taken action yet.
"might as well." connie shrugged his shoulder. "anyways, jaeger finished rolling, let's get high." connie sat up, sasha lifting her head off of his arm as he did so and clasped her hands clearly ready to hit the blunt much like everyone else.
"you want the first hit?" eren rolled the blunt between his fingertips while letting the flame singe the end looking at you with those jaded green eyes, flecks of blue dashing across them in a way that made your heart melt.
"she gets the first hit too?" connie exclaimed staring at you and eren with a bored look on his face.
"who rolled the blunt?" eren asked raising an eyebrow at connie before letting his tongue run over his bottom lip and lifting the blunt from the lighter to watch the smoke float into the air, and ugh did he look good. when connie didn't answer he answered for him, "i rolled it, i choose who goes first."
"plus shes low key a newbie, this is what? her third session with us?" sasha chimed in grabbing the pillow that connie was laying on previous and rolling onto her stomach on the floor in front of the futon.
you pursed your lips before grabbing the blunt from eren, not even noticing that his arm was placed behind you until he rubbed your side in slight encouragement, his warm smile aimed at you. you put the brown wrap to your lips and inhaled the smoke, the gas irritating your airway causing you to let out a cough you tried to hold back.
eren began to laugh at you as you broke out into a fit of coughs, your throat attempting to clear up for you, and the worse the coughs got the more of your friends started to laugh, the only thing you could do was stick your middle finger up while sasha crawled to the same desk near the door to grab you her water bottle.
"i'm crying!" sasha laughed as she rolled the bottle over to the foot of eren's bed. eren's laughs died down too after he hit the blunt and then bending down to pick it up for you, untwisting the cap and passing the drug towards connie.
"woah, chill." he said before blowing the smoke from his mouth in your face causing you to suppress more coughs and fan it away. he tilted the water bottle to your lips and you let it swim down your throat, relishing in the sweet gesture from the boy next to you.
"eren," you mumbled his name taking the water bottle from his hand. you didn't get time to finish your sentence before his door opened revealing armin standing there in his pajama pants and sweatshirt.
all gazes turned towards him as he scanned eren's room growing accustomed to the new faces and scenery. "hi." he mumbled rubbing his eyes. "when did you guys get here?"
"did you just wake up?" eren asked slight concern lacing his face.
"yeah... i heard laughing. don't forget we share a wall." armin gestured towards the wall in which eren's futon laid against.
"i didn't even know you were here. i didn't see mikasa's car so i thought both of y'all just dipped." connie passed the blunt to sasha and fanned the air of the smoke letting the rest disperse after speaking.
"mikasa is at the library. she can't stand the smell of smoke and how loud you all are. i don't blame her." armin chuckled before walking over towards sasha who hit the blunt and gave it to armin's outstretched hand.
"armin you smoke?" you couldn't help but ask, the last two smoke sessions you went to with connie, armin wasn't there. as a matter of fact you never saw much of him because he excelled above you by some and the two of you didn't share any classes, yet you definitely knew him through eren.
"everybody hear smokes except for you." sasha said hoping her words would coerce you to come to join the smoke circle more indefinitely, not just pass by a few times here and there.
armin let the smoke inhale his lungs then removed the blunt from his soft lips. "i smoke with eren sometimes. not usually with all of you guys but... sometimes?" his response came more like a question than an answer as he bent down to give the blunt to jean.
"let armin hit it a couple times." eren used his head to motion the blunt in jean's hand to armin and armin nodded in agreement.
"yeah, i'm about to go back to my room anyways." armin took the blunt back holding it between his lips while leaning against the doorframe.
"why aren't you staying?" sasha pondered sitting up and cradling her pillow to her chest. armin took one last hit then walked over passing it to you which you accepted with a kind nod.
"i should be studying with mikasa but i fell asleep. i have a test tomorrow, eren does too."
"so eren's here getting high and he has a test tomorrow?" you give eren a playful disappointed glance that lasted a little longer than it should've. he met your eyes and then let his drop down to your lips before breaking out into a smile and leaning forward, burying his head into your neck. his chain dangled almost touching your lap and you felt the strands of his hair brush against your chin causing you to twitch at the tickling feel while inhaling the smoke from the blunt. when your hand dropped down to your lap he replaced your hand with his and put the wrap in his mouth while nuzzling into you.
"mikasa made me study with her for like a week straight, i'll be fine." he whined. you let a sigh leave you and found yourself stroking the hair on eren's nape while fiddling with the clasp of his gold chain adorning his neck. the smell of his cologne was mixing in with the weed, but yet that woody pine still overpowered the plant and you couldn't help but rest your head on top of his in efforts to get closer to the source of the fragrance.
"i still don't understand why the two of you haven't gotten together." armin announced eyes flickering back and forth between you and his roommate.
sasha flailed her arms out and her expression was relieved, although her eyes went wide and her eyebrows went up, "that's what i been trying to say! they already act like they date." armin nodded his head agreeing with her.
"we don't like each other, we're just friends i don't know why you all say that." you said a little too quickly, eren pulling away from your neck finally and giving you a once-over. you missed the warmth he brought but then turned your head back towards armin.
"yeah, yeah." he giggled rolling his eyes. "okay well goodnight." eren stood up and passed the blunt to armin who took one last hit then handed it back to sasha, then the rest of the room murmured a goodnight to the blonde relaxing in silence for a minute after his leave.
eren took it upon himself to scoot back on his bed until his back was hitting the wall once he sat back down, using his hand to beckon you to follow him. "c'mere." and you obliged until you were next to him, shoulders touching.
jean looked over to connie and sasha, connie still scrolling through his phone aimlessly giggling at his home screen for whatever reason and sasha looking up at the ceiling on her back now, bag of chips on top of her stomach as she got lost in her thoughts.
"remember when we used to like each other?" jean took it upon himself to abruptly reminisce on the past in the presence of his friends. he took a hit of the blunt thats length was beginning to falter, it on the verge of becoming a roach. he leaned over and passed it on to you, eyes trained on yours, completely ignoring eren's gaze
you furrowed yourself eyebrows trying to recall the time once you figured jean was talking to you, his stare telling, which you actually could. "...oh yeah, last year. i guess i did."
eren pulled one of your legs overtop of his and let his hand settle onto your thigh.
sasha's head perked up at the sudden conversation. "oh my gosh... you did like jean for a little bit. you used to gush over him-"
"sasha! i know, i know, but that was last year."
"i wonder why we didn't get together if we both liked each other, hm." jean looked upwards and tapped his chin in almost a mocking manner. "we used to hang out a lot actually now that i think about it, me, you, sasha and connie."
connie let out another burst of laughter and let his phone to drop to his chest. "yeah, remember that one time we got kicked out of the library because sasha got caught eating like four times and she wouldn't stop after that lady told her to?"
you chortled and sasha's mouth dropped open. "i don't even remember that, i thought you got kicked out because you wouldn't stop fucking laughing and that same lady told you to shut up like seven times!" and more laughter erupted from the ones who were there that day.
you passed the blunt to eren for the umpteenth time watching him take a quick drag then beckon to sasha to grab it as he didn't want to get up. "you both got kicked out, those were two different days." you shook your head at your friends antics and looked up at eren. "they're so dumb."
eren returned your stare and only then did you notice the way his eyes were half lidded, you were sure red was rimming them even though you couldn't really tell because of the red emitting from the lights in the room. he squinted at you and scrunched up his nose. "you look high." he ignored your last sentence wanting to stray away from the conversation he was barely apart of.
"i am high, stupid."
a small 'hmph' came from the back of his throat and it happened again, his eyes dropping to your lips causing him to lick his before he brought those same eyes back up to yours. you could've kept getting lost in them if you didn't jolt at the sound of jean clearing his throat and holding the blunt out to you.
you leaned over to grab it once more. "careful, it's a roach. don't burn yourself." he warned you, so you pinched it between your pointer finger and thumb and started to put it up to your lips but eren grabbed your wrist.
"wanna try something?" he asked you, plucking the faltering blunt from your hands and using the lighter beside him to fire it up a bit more. "wanna shotgun it?"
you had to trace back where you hear those words again... like a shotgun when you get to sit in the passengers seat? no, that wasn't it... you couldn't recall, but by the way sasha widened her eyes for the several time that night, the way connie's mouth dropped into an 'O', and the way jean's features were exasperated, him looking down to the bright light of his screen, you could only wonder eren's intentions.
he didn't even wait for a response from you, pulling through with his actions anyways. "inhale slowly, okay?" he inhaled as much smoke from the blunt storing it in his cheeks, the skin expanding from the inside and then leaned over his face mere inches from yours. he grabbed your chin with his fingers and you opened your mouth slightly watching as he opened his and let the smoke pour out of his tinted lips. you followed his instructions; inhaling very slowly hoping the moment could last a little longer, both of you staring at the transition of the smoke from one mouth to the other.
eren glanced to the side for a second to see if the others were watching, mainly searching for one pair of eyes. you saw his upper lip curl upwards slightly and you inched forward a little more subconsciously. eren watched the smoke grow thinner and felt the way your hands grabbed at his shirt tightly. he watched your eyes flutter and felt your noses brush together.
eren watched both of you lean in a little more until your lips brushed and came together, and felt the fireworks go off in both of your bodies, electric like sparks getting sent through his.
he ignored the gasps and groans of your friends and instead focused on the gasp that left your lips when they first connected with his, and the groan you elicited from him, lips meeting so fervently. he couldn't admit it until today but he wanted your lips on his so bad, your body on his so bad. he was so infatuated with you and the two of you being around each other majority of the time didn't help. he could only reminisce in the little touches and flirtatious gestures you passed back and forth on a regular day and use that to fuel his thoughts at night.
"eren," you mumbled against his lips your voice coming out like a whimper that went straight to his dick, causing him to wrap his arms around your body and pull you into his lap letting your legs swing over either side of him. eren didn't forget about the guests in the room, and as much as wanted to put on a little show in spite of jean, he pointed towards the door snapping his fingers twice.
"five dollars that they fuck?" sasha nudged connie's shoulder as they stood up and walked towards the door while she rolled up her chip bag bringing it with her. jean's figure was already halfway out the door, slamming it hard and making his way to the living room with the other two following.
"hell no, you're gonna owe me five dollars instead. i'm betting that they fuck."
"no, cause you know they're going to that's why i said the bet first, peanut head." sasha stuck her tongue out at connie and he shoved her out the door closing it softer than jean.
he kisses you even harder just basking in the feeling of your smooth lips against his slightly chapped ones, lips working in synchronization like they were made for each other and he felt so needy. his hands roamed your hips and waist, going underneath the jacket now hanging off your shoulders and feeling the bare skin of your stomach. your skin was so hot underneath his hand, just like the air surrounding the two of you.
you ground down into his lap and he hissed stilling your hips at the feeling, his mouth dropping into a circular shape, his eyebrows pointing up until a sigh left his lips once yours disconnected from his. you studied his face; his eyebrows scrunched up in lust and his lips parted slightly already missing the feeling of your lips. his nails dug into your hips as if you would run for whatever reason.
"_____... fuck." his tone was low and light and he leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to your cheek, his skin warm on yours. "you're so pretty,"
your face grew hotter than it already was and you leaned your forehead against his while your arms draped around his neck. "thank you,"
"i want you."
you closed your eyes and relished in his grip that became impossibly tight on your hips. "i want you too-"
"i wanna fuck you... i wanna feel you." eren's eyes fluttered shut as well, his forehead moving from yours to the crevice of your neck, planting his lips and nibbling on the thin skin. your breath hitched and your hold on his neck tightened. "i wanna have you."
"i'm right here, eren."
he held back a moan at how gentle and soft your voice was when you said those words, but you caught on and wanted to actually get one out of him. you wanted to pleasure him, you wanted him to shudder because of you, and you wanted your name to leave his lips like a song; but he wanted the same from you.
he was high, and high, and high off of you.
"lay down."
eren obliged with a smug smile, turning himself to the side while steadying you on his lap until his head hit the pillow, his flyaways bouncing to the sides of his face. "c'mere." just like earlier you listened to his words and leaned down so he could press his full lips against yours. his hands cradled either side of your face as you rutted your hips against him and swallowed his groans. his tongue swiped against your bottom lip and his teeth pulled at it as well until you gave him entrance to slip his tongue inside your mouth. you moaned at the feeling of your tongues colliding and dancing around each other even though both of your mouths were somewhat dry from the earlier smoke session, it still felt all good.
you felt fuzzy and your body felt like it was melting into his. when you pulled back for air eren gave you that same smile he gave you earlier, and you moved your kisses down his neck. once you reached the crevice between his shoulder and neck you moved his chain aside and licked at the spot, the feeling of your warm tongue against the shy skin causing eren to hold you a little tighter. you nibbled at the pretty skin and wondered if the mark you proceeded to leave would even be visible under the gleaming red lights.
"i don't know why you're trying to give me a hickey, they already know we're fucking." eren taunted letting his hands travel up your spine until they reached your neck, smoothing his fingers over it. you bit down on the mark as a way to punish eren for his comment then kissed it, finally pulling back.
"shut up."
eren let out a low laugh, and his low eyes raked over your figure with his lip trapped between his teeth. "when did you get my jacket?" he raised and eyebrow and began to remove the fabric that was resting at your elbows after unzipping it the rest of the way to reveal your top.
oh, so it was his jacket. you let out a laugh at your idiocy; you knew it was a couple sizes too big. "you look cute in it, but i want to see you now." he threw the fabric off of his bed and let his warm hands travel up until they cupped your breasts, your back arching in the least. his thumbs ran over your nipples, the feeling making you clench on top of eren. "like this," he pulled them hem of the white top up until you lifted your arms, now only left in your shorts and socks. he didn't even question the fact that you weren't wearing a bra. "shit..." he pushed you down until he could latch onto on of your breasts his tongue swirling around your nipple and you let the tingling feeling go down your spine until he popped off. eren begins to remove his shirt swiftly throwing it somewhere near his jacket.
you make work of your position on top of eren, scooting down on his legs and pecking his chest, abs, then v-line until your head was leveled with his dick. he stared down at you with a look of sultry while your hands worked to pull down his sweatpants. his hips lifted to help you out and you palmed at him with your hand watching him throw his head back when such a simple gesture relieved some of the tension he was feeling.
your mouth connected with his dick through the fabric, feeling for his tip that rested on his thigh and smirking against it when he hissed, hand flying to your ponytail that you threw up earlier that evening. "fuck, don't tease me like that baby."
"i wanna take my time with you." a pout formed on your face and your hands made their way to his waistband, the elastic material detailed with 'calvin klein' circling his hips.
eren's hands grabbed your jaw forcing you to look up at him before you could pull down his boxers. "and i want to fuck you... make you feel good."
your stomach twisted and even though you were just trying to do the same you couldn't help but rush pulling down the brunette's briefs until his cock slapped against his lower abdomen, your pussy squeezing around nothing at the view. his tip red and leaking and you knew that it'd be heavy on your tongue.
"eren..." he watched the way you eyed his aching dick, and he took it in his hands rubbing himself up and down with his hand while basking in your expression.
"hm?" you didn't even know what you wanted to say, you were just mesmerized and wasted no time prying his hands away to replace them with your own. your nimble fingertips ran over his tip to gather his precum and slide it over his length and he twitched, no, his dick twitched, and his fists clenched in anticipation for your hot mouth on him.
he decided to be courageous, to look down and try to watch you without spilling over himself too fast, i mean could you blame him if he did? your hands, the feeling of you over him, the way you would feel around him... he'd had wanted this forever and now it was in front of him.
in a way, he wanted to ruin you, not let this moment go in fear it wouldn't happen again.
so you finally attached your lips to his throbbing member, and he sucked in a breath hand trying to choose between flying to your head or to keep his hands to his self for now, but he chose the former his fist keeping a grip on your locks while you began to bob your head up and down. small sounds of pleasure left him and his eyes closed again, him trying to focus on not fucking your pretty throat so early in. he just wanted you and him to be one in every sense for as long as possible.
a mantra of 'yes,' and 'fuck,' left eren's mouth while your worked around him slicking him up and drawing lines up and down his cock with your tongue watching his reactions for a particular sensitive spot he might have; and you found it.
you went back up to his tip kissing it gently before letting the heat of your tongue slide down a vein on the side of his dick. "_____," eren moaned lifting his hips although he wasn't engulfed in your mouth. "i need it, shit, i need your mouth."
you giggled and placed his heavy dick back where he liked it for now. you felt it brush against your throat and you wondered if you could go any farther, sucking fervently and coming back up to spit on his head, adding more slick to him. when you went back down eren couldn't help it, he had felt when his tip touched your throat earlier and he most definitely wanted to feel that again.
his grip on your hair tightened when your swollen lips were wrapped around him again. he pushed your head down a little bit causing your hands to put more pressure on his thighs. eren opened his eyes to stare at you again, your mouth stretched out so lewdly over his cock, saliva starting to slide down his length from your mouth and your eyes shut as you tried to focusing on breathing. this only encouraged him further.
"i know you can take more, c'mon, go a little further." he said in a tone near a whisper while he lift his hips up more so that he could feel that ridge of your throat and hear another gag.
you pushed yourself, letting him take more control and then he felt it again; "mhm, right there baby, right there." he moaned when you whimpered, groaned and gagged, but this only pushed his animalistic fervor and he tried to push you down more but you lifted your head to catch your breath. "fuck, that feels amazing, angel."
you let the praise run over your body and went back down on him seeing how far you could go without his extra nudge then focused some more attention on his tip.
eren could feel the curdle in his lower abdomen but he tried his best to ignore it, letting your work him more. he let you swirl your tongue around him and pepper kisses down his length. he watched you try to deep throat him again and watched the tears spring from your eyes before you came back up, and all of this built up further until he tumbled over the edge spilling white heat into your mouth with a shout.
you were satisfied.
aching for him? yes, but satisfied at your job.
eren's thigh twitched and his eyes screwed shut as you didn't remove yourself from his length yet, cupping his balls and paying attention to his tip, overstimulating him, watching him shudder and gasp under you like you wanted. his dick hardened again while he contemplated whether to remove you from his length or let the over sensitivity go until he had no choice but to stop, and once again he picked the prior. "_____, please i want to be inside you now, wanna fuck you still."
you slipped off of him and crawled forward only now aware of the wet spot on your panties.
eren brought your face towards him kissing you with no hesitance despite him just being in your mouth. he pecked your lips and you smiled as he praised you. "you did so good, so good..." another peck and then his hands trailed down to the shorts you were still wearing, giving your ass a squeeze and spreading them. "but now i want to see that pretty pussy on my dick, yeah?"
you let him slide off your shorts and underwear simultaneously until your slick heat was exposed to him and to the air, feeling it brush over you before eren's hands could. your head fell to his chest feeling the cold metal of his chain underneath you, and your sore jaw parted when you felt his rough fingers gather up your wetness on them, rubbing through your slit. "eren..."
"c'mon, sit baby. we're not done yet; fuck yourself on me." he placed his lips on your the top of your head. "please?"
you picked yourself up and scoot back taking eren's dick in your hand once more. you didn't even care that he didn't have a condom, you trusted him, and you trusted the birth control you were on too.
finally you slipped down onto him and for him it felt like you were sucking him up inch by inch until he bottomed out inside of you. "so fucking tight... you're so wet." he groaned with his hands on your hips and yours on his chest steadying you. it had been awhile since you had been fucked and feeling so full again felt good, the stretch felt good and the slight pain subsided so quickly.
slowly, you guided yourself up and down eren's cock until you could find a good rhythm. your chest bounced above him and your ass clapped together, mixing in with the sound of your slick getting pushed in and out of you. "yeah, like that," eren hummed watching you focused, your pussy squeezing around him and you putting in the efforts to fuck yourself on him for both your pleasure.
eren's hands helped guide your body up and down him, and you leaned forward a little to add some more pressure to your clit. everything felt so good, the way he hit your cervix, the way your bud rubbed against his lower abdomen, you could definitely say this was one of the best fucks you had in a while. eren slapped your ass for encouragement before massaging the same area and relishing in your gasp.
"this feels good... and so much better when you're high." you sighed out while your face contorted in pleasure.
"or is my dick just that good?" eren joked looking up at you after your comment.
"shut it, eren.. and," you leaned forward some more. you were somewhat exhausted from riding already, thighs aching and body shivering from the pleasure. "i’m tired..." you admitted almost shamefully.
"you're tired?" he spoke in the way you would to a child while turning you around so you were on your side. his chest was against your back, the cold gold material resting between your shoulder blades and your ass snug against him. he lifted your leg and held it up while you guided him back inside of you until he was buried deep once again, this angle hitting even better.
"i got you," eren murmured against your neck while starting his pace slow. his hand trailed up to your neck and he gave it a light squeeze while pushing you further against him. he loved the way your ass bounced against his lower stomach when he started going faster, making him speed up his pace. "'m gonna fuck you so good."
you let out a slutty moan at his dirty talk, bringing a hand over to your mouth and shutting your eyes. he found that sweet spot inside of you and you couldn't help but react as well as he hit it over and over again. eren's hand on your throat went up to pull your hand off of your mouth. "don't try to hide that pretty voice, i want to hear you, i want them to hear you. get loud baby."
you were sure he felt the way you clenched around him, suffocating his dick as it slid in and out of you at a steady speed, and this time when you let out a moan you let him hear it, you were loud like he asked and tried to put your leg up even further so he could hit deeper.
"eren, fuck!" you were left pondering why you didn't think about this earlier, why you didn't listen to everybody who told you to get with eren. you could've been getting the best dick you'd gotten in years but both your stubborn, wavering feelings got in the way. "yes, oh my god, yes!" you cried out while eren bucked his hips up into you tightening his grip on your neck.
he turned your head towards him and engaged your lips again swallowing your cries and whimpers as he abused your pussy. your hand shakily made its way down to your clit to give you another push but he was quicker, dropping your leg and grabbing your wrist causing you to yelp. "eren, please."
"beg me." that same fervor from earlier returned. being edged on by your cries and shouts of his name, knowing how good he was fucking you and making you feel was such a turn on. "tell me how you want me, how you want my cum."
your breath was ragged and your leg was aching but you wanted it stretched out again where you could feel it deep. you were on the verge of tears. your hips rutted against eren for any boost, any pressure that you could get you to your high. the hand around your neck only gripped further as you didn't respond yet.
"c'mon, beg me baby."
"eren," his name came out broken, your back leaving his chest as your arched hard. "please fuck me, fuck me... please," he started to move again in the least, after all he was on the verge of cumming as well. "fuck, cum inside me, i want it, please." the sobs that left your mouth were so hot and of course he gave you what you wanted.
he fucked up into you after lifting your leg again and letting the fingers that were choking you slip into your mouth while he kissed and nibbled at your neck, speaking in between, praising you and marking you. his hand slipped from your mouth and he brought his wet fingers down to your clit rubbing for you until you toppled over the edge with a loud cry of his name. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your cunt gripped him like a vice over and over again as if you were trying to milk him.
"ah, fuck," the way you were squeezing around him caused him to unravel himself, white painting your walls as he filled you up with his cum, shaking himself. "_____," he heaved as the two of you tried to come down from your escapade.
your breathing was beginning to steady again but you could still feel yourself pulsing around him causing him to pull out before it became too much. "eren.." you answered back as your head relaxed against his pillow while you rested in his grip. you felt his lips against your neck again, then stopping at your shoulder blades.
you were blanking out from tiredness, only then did you realize the state you were in, hair in somewhat of a mess, a sheen of sweat covering both of your bare bodies, and marks littering your body. not to mention the cum trying to ooze out of you. you didn't even realize when eren had gotten up until he came back, wiping you clean and only assuming he did himself too. he locked his door on the way back in and slipped his boxers back on, reciprocating on you with your underwear.
you could feel the bed shift, eren crawling in bed beside you after drawing out the covers from underneath both of you and wrapping them around you and him, bringing you against him before you fell back asleep.
༄ ༄ ༄
you woke up to a hand shaking you, your eyes lazily opening.
"wake up, _____."
the pretty boy smiled at you and studied your features as you tried to wake up completely. you were no longer naked, or in the same position you were from last night, now wearing a plain white shirt and your underwear.
"morning, i gotta head to class soon, remember i have a test, or did i-"
"don't finish that sentence." you rolled your eyes as you sat up completely eren laughing at you. you followed his eyes, them resting on your lips like always and you took it upon yourself to lean up and kiss him, this time quite innocently, domestic almost. "sorry, morning breath, but,"
eren this time cut you off with another soft kiss, his cheeks rising from his smile as he pulled you closer to him.
you didn't want to talk it out yet, you were somewhat fine with where everything was at now, although you knew your friends and eren wouldn't want to coax a direct answer out of you sooner or later.
but you were content with the way eren kissed you just seconds ago, content with his jacket and sweats you had to wear, you were content with having to use spare bathroom products at his house, you were content with the wave armin and mikasa gave you out the door, content with the walk you and eren shared to the college, content with the last kiss he gave you before his class.
content is how you were feeling.
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e-munson666 · 2 years
PT 2
***After the incident at the Henderson house, Eddie is ultra determined to figure you out. But will Dustin be upset about it?***
+++Fluffy & Angsty+++
Still an unnamed series, tysm for the love on the first one (idk how to link it to this one yet sorry lol im brand new to Tumblr)
×drug use mention, language, angst? kinda mean Eddie I guess idk.×
>Mostly in Eddies P.O.V for this one<
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Its been two days since Eddie walked into the Henderson house and saw her, ethereal in the way she sat on the couch, crossed legs, delicate flicks of the sharpie to her nails. The way the joint hung to her lips, And the way her hair swayed from the breeze of the ac unit she was sat so close to. Why was he STILL thinking about it. Why didn't Dustin say anything about her return? Why did he even care? He grumbled into his pillow "what the fuck is wrong with me?!" slamming his fist into his mattress.
~The next day at lunch~
"HENDERSON" Eddie yells across the cafeteria, seeing Dustin and Mike wide eyed and nervously shuffling towards the Hellfire Clubs usual table.
"Um, he...hey Eddie" Dustin chokes out. "What's up" he ask, chuckling nervously. As if he didn't already know where this conversation was heading. Like Eddie hasn't bugged him constantly since Friday.
"Henderson, Hellfire is tonight, is SHE giving you a ride, or should I pick you up after I get Mike here" Eddie asks squeezing both of the boys shoulders while hovering above them where they sat.
"I don't uh....I don't know if she's giving me a ride, she wasn't home when I left this morning so I couldn't ask. I'll just catch a ride with you.......Eddie?!" Dustin realizes that Eddies grip on his shoulder had fallen. And he was angrily walking in a circle around the table.
Eddie folds his arms into his chest at the revelation. "What is her problem with me anyway Henderson" he spits, unable to hide the annoyance but still obvious intrigue in his voice.
"Eddie, you didn't even remember her, it pissed her off ok, I TOLD YOU THIS....yesterday.....remember" Dustin says sighing, rolling his eyes. He really was tired of Eddie fucking asking about his sister. Why isn't he more focused on the campaign? Wasn't tonight supposed to be a big deal?
"In my defense" Eddie began, shuffling his feet quickly as he continued circling around the group. "She looks NOTHING like she used to ok. I barely registered it was her, even after you told me!" Throwing his arms up, quickly spinning on his heels to face Dustin, now directly across from where he sat.
"Wait whats going on?" Mike asks, utterly confused as to what's happening. "Your sister is back?!"
"Yes, she's back, and apparently its driving Eddie here completely bonkers. He hasn't shut up about it since last week!" Dustin whispered to Mike hoping Eddie wouldn't hear.
"Eddie you guys were in the same grade your whole lives, you were FRIENDS, then when she graduated and you didn't, you two totally stopped being friends, and then she left to go find her dad" Dustin said, eyes trained on Eddies, watching the wide eyed, open mouthed expression on his face as he registers what Dustin was saying.
"She stopped talking to me Henderson. She didn't even tell me she was going to leave for a whole year to find her dad and then one day, poof, she was gone without a word." Eddie says leaning over the table, nose almost pressed up against Dustin's. Breathing rapidly out of pure anger. Or was it? Was he really this upset about her leaving? Or was he just mad she wouldn't speak to him after what happened on Friday?
"I know I know" Dustin says, voice cracking, scooting his face as far away from Eddies as he could. "You're mad at her, she's mad at you, and now somehow, I AM RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR BULLSHIT!!!" Dustin yells, throwing his hands in the air in defeat.
"So I'll swing by and pick you up at 6 Henderson. Hopefully she's there.....I want to know what I did that has HER mad at me" "after what she did" he spat the last part out, standing up straight and storming out of cafeteria to his van. He needed to smoke, asap. His cheeks were burning red and his knuckles were white from clenching his fists as he walked. Why was he letting her get to him so bad? After all this time? He thought he was passed this, over what happened. Slamming the door to his van as he slouched into the seat in the back, he lit a joint and took a long puff. As he exhaled the smoke he chuckled to himself, "Way to keep your cool Munson" and closed his eyes. Defeated.
"This is going to be an absolute shit show" Dustin sighs to Mike, as they both pick up their trays and head to the cafeteria exit.
"Yes, yes it is" Mike shakes his head, still not fully understanding what is going on.
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