#in my defense the first time I was like…2 and also drank bleach that time and as a kid I was real good at child safety kids
freckleslikestars · 1 year
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Guess who just drank air freshener again
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Down and Dirty in Nashville Pt. 2~ Dirty Little Secrets
loThis is another entry into the marvelous  Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @cocomaxley and @leelee10898     . thanks again ladies for inviting me along! Catch up here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
My tags: @fullbeaumonty@brightpinkpeppercorn@hopefulmoonobject@itsstillnotwhatyouthink @blackwidow2721@choiceslife@dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
CGW tags: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds@give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo@tornbetweentwoloves@ownworldresident @lodberg
As always if you want to be added or deleted let me know!
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         Stephanie awoke with a sinful sensation coursing through her body. Peering over her shoulder she found Maxwell, chest pressed against her back as he planted gentle kisses to the back of her neck. She felt his fingers between her thighs gently stroking her core.
     He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he hummed “Happy Birthday.”
     “Did you think I forgot? It's your birthday, Red. I wanna start your day off special.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder, then her shoulder blade, and finally the top of her spine before she rolled to face him.
    “And what exactly did you have in mind?” she giggled.
         Stephanie and Maxwell joined their friends in the kitchen. Alicia and Leo were making pancakes while Liam was frying bacon.
    “So I've got bad news. Our dinner reservations are being pushed to tomorrow night. Something about a banquet...anyway we were double booked. So it looks like we need new plans for tonight.” Anitah told everyone as she came into the kitchen, phone in hand.
     “Don't think we've forgotten that you all lost last night's bet either.” Alicia said pointing at the guys with her spatula.
     “That's right! You all will still have to dress up like us for dinner tomorrow.” Gen reminded.
     “False. That wasn't a win. Maxwell cheated. The little turncoat. He went to perform with your team.” Leo scoffed.
     “Hey! They were having more fun than we did! I couldn't help myself.” Maxwell defended himself and Liam shook his head.
   “Leo's right. Maxwell voided the bet.”
     “No way, guys. A win is a win. We expect you all to look gorgeous tomorrow. You too, Maxie.” Stephanie grinned. The guys rolled their eyes.
      “Fine. But from here on out, you ladies can have Beaumont. We see where his loyalties lie. Stef, you can stick with us.” Drake commented.
            “Well it's my little Rosebud's birthday today. I say we go dancing to celebrate.” Maxwell chimed in.
    “It's your birthday, Stef? I had no idea. Happy birthday!” Pam exclaimed.
  A chorus of happy birthdays later and everyone agreed to a night of bar hopping and dancing in downtown Nashville.
         “More booze?” Rashad asked, already a little more than tipsy as they all stumbled into the rental house.
      “Hell yes! Drake you be bartender!” Stephanie shouted, the alcohol already coursing through her veins amplifying her voice.
    Drake rolled his eyes reluctantly letting go of his wife's waist to take his place behind the kitchen island. We waved his hand over the dozen or so bottles of liquor scattered on the counter.
   “The ladies each get ONE drink outta me, then it's someone else's turn to keep bar.”  he announced, already mixing the first drink. He dropped in a sprig of mint leaves and pushed it across the counter.
    “Here ya go, Brooks.” He laughed as Anitah grabbed the mojito with a smile.
   “Who's next? How about the birthday girl?” He nodded towards Stephanie.
    “Long island iced teeeeeeeeea.” She giggled leaning  so far over Maxwell's lap she nearly fell over.
      “Careful, Red. Let's try to stay up right.” Her fiance laughed. He'd seen Stephanie casually drink before. He'd even seen her a little tipsy, but this was like a whole new side of the love of his life and it amused him.
     Drake approached the couch where the couple sat a few moments later, long island iced tea in hand and an uncharacteristic smug grin on his lips.
    “This time it's my turn to get your girl white girl wasted, Beaumont. Think you can handle her?” He joked.
     “I am NOOOOOT white girl wasted, Drake. I'm birthday girl sauced thank you.” Stephanie clarified. Maxwell and Drake shared a look as the ladies laughed.
    A beer for Gen, a glass of Cabernet for Pam and a Malibu bay breeze for Alicia and Drake finally returned to the living room, taking his seat next to Pam, one arm around her shoulder.
   The fellas had filtered in and out of the kitchen already, pouring their own drinks and Leo was the last to return, with a bowl, some paper and pens, and his drink, completing their circle as he plopped down between Gen and Alicia on the floor.
      “Okay, okay..so the rules are you have to write a secret…” Stephanie explained, her speech slurred.  “Don't show innie-one then throw em in the bowl. We mix em up and take turns readin em. Everyone has to guess who wrote that secret. If you guess right good for you. If you guess wrong, even better cuz ya gotta drank.”
    “Anyone else notice how strong her accent is when she drinks?” Maxwell chuckled. Stephanie shushed him, playfully elbowing his side.
     “Oh yeah, we've noticed.” Gen laughed.
      Everyone scrawled down a secret, tossing the balled up papers into the bowl and Stephanie shook them around. She arched an eyebrow at Brad who stood in the corner, ever vigilant.
     “Hey there, cowboy. Will you do us a solid and read these? It's no fun if we can guess the handwriting.”
      Brad took the bowl, picking up a few balls and dropping them, further mixing the selections.
    “Okay first secret: my significant other and I had sex in Bastien's bed.” Brad read, his eyes going wide as some in the group began to snicker.
   “Hmmmm.its either Leo or Alicia...I'm bettin Leo.” Stephanie announced.
    “Look at his face! It's totally Leo!” Gen agreed.
After a few more  guesses Leo revealed that, yes it was his secret.
    Brad reached back into the bowl. “Okay, uh….” Brad's face had suddenly become a deep shade of crimson. His eyes flicked toward Rashad and he took a giant scissor step backwards, away from the group.
     “C'mon Brad. Read it already!” Anitah called. He gulped and finally read, “I slept with Anitah's security guard, Brad.”
      The ladies giggled wildly as Drake, Alicia and Pam all pointed at Gen.
       Rashad arched an eyebrow in his girlfriend's direction.
      “I totally did, okay? It's my secret!” She said taking a long pull of her beer.
     “Was he good? He looks like he'd be good in bed…” Pam giggled
    Gen narrowed her eyes at her friend, purposely avoiding Rashad's gaze as she turned a bright shade of red, before finally answering, “Mmmmhmm. Yep. Really good, Pam.”
     “Next secret!” Brad exclaimed speedily grabbing another paper. “It says ‘my golden number is 8. 8 people.”
     “Well we know it's not mine.” Leo laughed, hands up defensively. “Is it Liam?”
    “That's a.. how did Stephanie say it? That's a draaaank.” Liam poorly attempted a southern drawl. “It's not my secret, brother.”
   A few more incorrect guesses were shouted and finally Pam said, “We know it's not Anitah, Leo, Liam, Gen, or me. I know it isn't Drake…”
   “Wait why does it just say people?” Leo asked.
    “Obviously so it doesn't give away the answer by saying men or women.” Drake rolled his eyes.
    “Or perhaps because it means BOTH men and women.” Rashad chimed in.
   “My guess is Stephanie.” Leo said crossing his arms over his chest. “And I'm also willing to bet that Rashad is right. She's been with chicks AND dudes.”
    Stephanie raised her glass, gently bowing her head in Leo's direction. “Guilty as charged.” She drawled and took a sip of her long island iced tea, her fiance's bottom jaw smacking the floor.
      “No….not my Rosebud. I feel like this is something we should have already taken advantage of somehow.” He commented.
   “Wait, I'm...I'm confused. Stephanie has been with 8 guys? That's what we're talking about?” Drake chimed in.
    “No, Drake. Your cousin has been with 8 PEOPLE.” Pam tried to explain, but her husband just blinked at her, clearly still confused.
       “Drake it's because I'm-” Stephanie started but Pam cut her off.
    “I'll explain it to you later, baby. Let's move onto the next secret.”
     “This one says: I've slept with Olivia Nevrakis….multiple times.” Brad dutifully read the next paper.
    “That's Drake Walker! I know it, I know it!” Stephanie exclaimed, and Drake looked as if he were about to lunge across the room at her. Liam's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped momentarily. The king quickly corrected his features while Maxwell spit his drink in a wide spray all over Brad's legs. “S-sorry, Brad. Drake slept with Livvy?”
     Pam quirked an eyebrow. “Figured as much. Oh and by the way, remind me to thank her for all she taught you.”
      Drake looked at his feet, unable to meet Pam's eyes, even if she'd taken it in good humor.
    “Can we move on please?” He asked.
    “Moving on!” Brad declared. “I spit in Madeline's food.”
    Everyone pointed at Alicia who merely shrugged, proud of herself as she took a swig. “She deserved it.”
    “I slept with Kiara Castelsarreillan.” Brad said.
    The group exchanged glances. “Um...was that a confession, Brad? Because ew.” Anitah piped up, but the guard shook his head. “It's a secret, your majesty.”
    All eyes fell to Drake who scrunched his nose is disgust. “ You guys JUST read mine. I only put one secret in there.” Everyone took a drink, contemplating their next guesses.
      “Gotta be Rashad. That's my guess.” Maxwell announced, and Rashad sheepishly nodded.
     Pam threw her head back in the deepest belly laugh imaginable, finger thrust towards Genevieve in an accusatory fashion.
     Gen looked appalled as she glared at Rashad, screwing her face into a disgusted scowl.“Really? How long ago was this? Do I need to have my skin bleached?!”
    “Years ago! I was nineteen and drunk. It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Rashad explained.
     “Only a few left.” Brad stated uncrumpling the next paper. “Olivia Nevrakis took my v-card.”
     “Liam. If Drake slept with her, Liam definitely did.” Alicia guessed.
    “Sorry to disappoint, Alicia, but I did not give my virginity to the duchess.” Liam replied as Anitah smiled at him. Liam gulped inaudibly.
    “S'gotta be Maxie then. Was it you, baby? Who's this Olivia chick anyway?” Stephanie questioned.
    Pam reached for her phone and swiped a bit. “She has been really helpful with fundraising for the clinic, actually. Here's a pic of us at the last fundraiser we did.” She passed the device to Stef who looked over the tall, thin fiery haired woman standing next to Pam.
    “That must be where Maxwell's red hair kink started!” Gen bellowed, slapping her knee jovially. Stephanie handed Pam her phone and her head snapped in her fiance's direction. “What?” He asked defensively. “I do NOT have a red hair kink. That's not the only thing I love about you. It's just a coincidence.”
    “Coincidence my ass!” Anitah called, fingers flying over the screen of her smartphone. She thrust the screen in Stephanie's direction, a picture of Maxwell clearly intoxicated, dancing with a woman with bright red hair. Gen, Pam,and  Alicia had other shots of Max with various red headed women. Even Leo showed Stephanie a picture of Maxwell grinding on a rather handsome ginger man.
    “Looks like you're just full of secrets, aren't you Beaumont?” Stephanie asked, folding her arms across her chest, a smug look on her face.
   “It isn't...like...that….thanks a lot guys!” Max stammered, his cheeks flushing.
            “On to the next. I was in a brief but steamy relationship with Isaiah Domvallier.” Brad announced.
    “Steamy? What the hell does that mean?” Drake barked in Pam's direction.
   She sunk deeper into the couch. “How do you know it was my secret?” She asked innocently.
    “Well it certainly isn't Liam's.” He retorted.
    “ Okay, so it was me, but it was before you Drake, honest. It was very brief.”
    “And steamy...I heard. How many times?” Drake's jaw clenched.
    “Aw Drake, come on. Green ain't your color!” Stephanie chided.
    “A few. No more than ten.” Pam admitted and Drakes fists tightened into perfect balls.
   “I knew he was shady...no offense Rashad.”
    Rashad laughed, “ None taken. That relationship is actually how I met Pam in the first place.”
      “Final secret.” Brad began and all eyes turned to Liam, everyone knowing it had to be his.
   “I slept with Olivia Nevrakis.”
       Drake and Maxwell shared a look before turning back to Liam.
     Anitah was fuming.
      “When? How many times, Liam?!”
       Liam fumbled with his fingers nervously, looking directly at Anitah. “ I...well...it was a long time ago. Before my social season.”
     “You said you didn't sleep with her.” Anitah accused, poking the king in his chest, one hand on her hip.
   “I said she didn't take my virginity, Nitah. I never said I didn't sleep with her.”
   “Well there's another good question! If not Liv, then who? Who got the king's v-card?”
   You could practically see the steam rising from Anitah's ears as she crossed her arms.
   “Nitah…” Liam began, but his wife's raised eyebrows told him that he'd better find an answer.
   “If Drake leaves, I will gladly tell you.”
   “Oh, no way in hell am I leaving now, Li. I wanna hear this.” Drake smiled.
   Liam rolled his eyes. “Alright fine. But may I remind you, if you hit me it's treason. I lost my virginity to….Savannah Walker.” Liam squared his shoulders trying to look regal. “Are you happy now, Anitah?”
   The queen's jaw dropped open momentarily. “ Savannah I can live with, but Olivia..we will definitely be talking about this again.”
    “Well I'm sure as hell not happy now. What the fuck, Liam? My little sister? Really?” Drake snarled. His face was beet red and his jaw was clenched. Drake looked as if her we're a bomb about to explode. Pam placed a hand on his shoulder, silently calming her husband by measures.
    “I'm very sorry Drake. I should have told you sooner.” Liam replied, embarrassed.
       “Well I guess Duchess Lythikos has certainly made her rounds among the court.” Rashad laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
      “What about Anitahs secret?” Alicia asked as Brad placed the empty bowl on the table.
       Anitah looked like a doe in headlights.
     “I guess I forgot to throw one in.” She shrugged.
    “Well that's not fair. I want to know your secret.” Liam demanded.
   “How does it feel to want, my king?” Anitah asked.
    The ladies laughed as they watched Liam's famous vein pop out of his neck as he gritted his teeth.
     “ This isn't funny, my queen. Rules are rules. What's your secret?”
     The queen placed a finger to her chin, mock-thinking.
    “I know! Why don't you go find Olivia and ask her for a secret, Liam?”
       Although they had had a good time playing the secrets game, everyone was still just a little tense as the couples headed off to bed.
       Stephanie starfished atop the bed, tilting her head to the side as Maxwell slipped the shoes off of her feet.
     “Did you have a happy birthday, Rosebud?” He asked and she smiled against the sheets.
     “Mmmhmmm. Oh, but did you have fun too? It's your stag party weekend after all.” She questioned sitting up to face him.
   “As long as I'm with you I'm having fun.” He laughed, sliding her shirt over her head, replacing it with one of her silk nightgowns. She leaned back and drunkenly peeled her skin-tight jeans down her legs as Maxwell pulled off his jeans and t-shirt, crawling into bed beside her.
   “Good. And I can't wait to see how hot you and the guys will look tomorrow night for dinner.” She giggled, curling her body into him as the little spoon.
   “Are you sure you ladies can handle the competition? I mean we are totally gonna slay tomorrow night. It's been a long time since Leo and I busted out our high heels.”
   “A long time, huh? You have GOT to tell me that story, baby.”
   “All in good time, Red. You'll get to hear all of the stories.” Maxwell assured her, but she was already asleep.
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ravenstyx · 7 years
Heartbreak Grows in the Garden Chapter 2: Between a crucifix and the Hollywood sign, we decided to get hurt. Now there’s a few things we have to burn. Set our hearts ablaze
Rated: MA for Sex. Drugs. Alcohol. Violence.
Summary: She’s a stunner and a taker, she’s amused; she’s a faker and you like it that way. (This is the story of all the hearts Cana has left in pieces. Multiple parings. Modern AU)
Also found HERE
Her name sounded like a waterfall and her hair was first bleached and then dyed to resemble one, too. The colour wasn’t complete, white mixed in with the ocean blue; water tumbled over rocks the way the tresses of her hair cascaded over her shoulders.
She’d met Juvia at the bar downstairs two nights before and all of the things Cana knew about her could be counted on one hand. 1) Juvia wore a cross and not just for pleasure or style. She believed. Honest to goodness. 2) She also claimed she hated it but couldn’t take it off. 3) Juvia loved a boy and lost that love because she loved too much. 4) Juvia had never just laid out on some shitty bed in some shitty motel room with two others, drunk as fuck while a party they were supposed to be attending raged in the room next door. Tonight she did. Tonight, she kissed a man that had, at one point, been only her best friend. Now, his cock was out and between her breasts and Cana knew she was using it as a perverse source of comfort. That was fine. If she needed a dick on her while Cana worked between her legs, then that’s what the lady would get.
Nails painted black dug into Cana's leather gloves, legs sheathed in fishnet stockings wrapped around her shoulders. The man got off Juvia’s chest and got behind Cana. She watched Juvia’s face to see if she was jealous. No. Not then. Maybe never, not for this. Juvia didn’t love this man. He spread Cana wide and inched in and he wasn’t as thick as Elfman or as attentive, really. Now that Cana had an impartial lover, she clearly saw the difference and was so, so glad for it. Elfman was long gone and here was something she didn't know. Someone she didn't care about and they didn't care about her.
He went in deep and bottomed out and it hurt more than it felt good but Cana moaned anyway, just to hear something other than her thoughts. Juvia moaned, too, and switched from holding Cana’s hands to her hair and shoved her face in closer between her legs. Cana focused more on this girl, this girl that had stumbled out of her church glassy eyed three days before Cana ever met her, this girl that used to wear dresses buttoned to her throat but now settled for things she spilled out of, this girl that used to have hair the colour of gingersnaps to go with her eyes as blue as the ocean, this girl that still had a cute spattering of freckles that covered her cheeks and her nose, this girl that had never fucked a woman but told Cana upfront that that’s exactly what she wanted.
Juvia was a special girl.
She twitched against Cana’s tongue and then she was coming and the man behind Cana was fucking her harder and Cana couldn’t feel a goddamn thing. Not pain anymore, not pleasure. All she could think was Juvia is a special girl. Juvia is a special girl.
She was a special girl. Not a nobody. A real girl.
Juvia pushed Cana away so Cana never had to run. “Fuck me, Gajeel.” That was his name. Gajeel. Days ago, he’d been the shadow to Juvia’s sun, but now she slummed in the dark with him and Cana could relate. He pulled out of Cana and Cana moved back completely, giving him space. She went for her water bottle on the counter and was glad for the way vodka burned her throat almost raw. She drank again and again to the sounds of Juvia’s high-pitched moans.
It was there, with her water bottle against her lips, that she heard a very loud and very distinct sound from the room next door. Voices, commanding entry.
She pursed her lips and capped the vodka. Gajeel still pounded into Juvia and didn’t show any signs of slowing. Cana adjusted the skater dress she wore and got on her combats. Her leather jacket came next. She looked toward the door and thought no, thanks, when feet pounded up the stairs. The balcony it was, then.
She had her keys out and the balcony door open when they started hammering on the front door. Gajeel stopped mid-thrust to look over his shoulder and Juvia was still oblivious.
"Open up!"
“Is that the fucking cops?”
“You got it, hoss.” Cana shouldn’t have taken the time to confirm his question; the seconds she wasted meant that their door was burst open. Men in black police uniforms and helmets rushed in. They weren’t just regular cops; they were part of a raid unit. Two of them backed out with a battering ram and more filled their space, guns drawn.
“What the fuck?” Gajeel wondered but Cana already knew.
“Drugs are next door, boys. You got the wrong room.”
Cana’s blasé attitude was wasted on them. "Put your hands on top of your head and get on the floor.” They sounded serious.
Cana tried again. "Did you not hear me? We got nothing in here."
"On the ground, hands on your head!" 
Gajeel complied, though his dick was out, Juvia, too. Cana inched toward the bannister and two guns pointed her way. “Seriously. We’re not selling anything. We’re not even using. We’re just drinking and having a good time,” she said defensively. 
The team lead nodded at one of his officers and they detached. Cana saw his intention immediately and scurried for the railing. She wasn’t nearly fast enough, too uncoordinated, maybe, or maybe she wanted to get arrested.
This wasn’t the first time she’d had her cheek pressed into the ground, not even by a cop. She went with resignation after that.
The cell reserved for intoxicated persons in Magnolia's only jail was small and dingy and reeked not only of freshly poured concrete but chemicals, too, used to cover up the scent of piss and vomit. 
Juvia sat on the bench across from Cana, staring up at the ceiling, palms skyward, tears streaming down her face. Cana watched with detachment that bordered anger. "Why are you crying?"
Juvia blinked. "We're in jail." Obviously, her tone said.
"We're in the drunk tank," Cana snapped. 
"And our girl Cana here knows there's a difference."
Cana kept her eyes trained on Juvia while Juvia eyed the officer with eyes as wide as medallions. Oh, yes, Juvia was a good girl. Cana didn't know what to feel looking at her now. She'd known that the fishnets and the nail polish and the blue lipstick and hair dye had been a front but here was proof in living colour. Juvia was just a girl in Cana's fucked up ride.
"I'm not drunk anymore," Cana said to the wall. She could tell he was trying to catch her eye but she refused to look his way. Would not, not for anything. 
"You didn't find any dope on us, did you?"
"Your friend had some."
"He wasn't my friend, just some dick I found." Literally. Juvia winced. Cana kept going. "Neither of us even knew he had it and we're sober now."
"I can't let you drive like this."
"I'll take a cab," she responded. "And get my bike tomorrow." No more cruiser rides. If she showed up at Fairy Hills in another she'd lose her spot.
The silence was long and tense. Almost familiar, though, for Cana, who had what felt like a lifetime of experience with long, drawn out silences. "I'll call you a cab," he said eventually. "Wait here." His boots sounded over the concrete floor and a door at the end of the hall banged open and closed.
Juvia asked, "Do you know him?”
“Well enough.”
“Because this happens to you a lot?"
Cana responded with the silent treatment. Juvia's tears came with more frequency. She had the decency to cry silently for ten whole minutes until the cop returned with his keys freed from his belt. He opened the door and said, "Cab's out front.”
Cana got to her feet and didn't wobble despite still being in the thick of a drunk. She was a professional. Magnolia's jail was familiar enough that she navigated all on her own and her favourite police officer didn't try to lead her out.
"Stay out of trouble, ladies," he said at her back and Cana gave him the finger. He sighed, she sighed, and Juvia sniffled.
The yellow cab sat beneath the streetlight. Rain misted through the headlights. Cana grabbed for the front door, Juvia for the back but Cana held her door closed, preventing her from getting in.
"What are you doing?" Juvia looked so, so ingénue. 
Cana looked at her long and hard. "Get a different cab."
"Go home, Juvia. Without me. Go to confession, tell your man you're sorry for being so pathetic and start over again; better this time." She could do it, Cana knew she could. 
“I’m serious and not at all sorry.”
"This isn't what you're looking for."
Cana pulled open the door and got in.
"Cana! Please—"
Cana slammed the door in her face and addressed the cabdriver—a middle aged man with more grey than brown in his hair. "Coffin Ridge."
The cabby said, "He said you'd try to get back to that dump bar. I was paid to take you home, missy."
Cana didn't know what was worse, being so predictable or having him take care of her like an invalid. She fished through her wallet for a hundred-dollar bill. It was going to go toward a new exhaust but she figured this was more important. "Coffin Ridge."
The cabby took the tip like she thought and after getting dropped off, Cana drove her bike home just to spite him.
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