#in my writing peep show fanfiction arc
pipermintz · 1 year
Peep Show 2023
Jez is at the flat sitting in a circle of mostly trans women, he is dating one of them. Mark has been studying lingo all night to try and fit in. Mark walks through the door and awkwardly sits down, everyone is staring at him.
Mark: Right hope I didn't interrupt your "Fallout New Vegas" or whatever you girls do. You know, I actually think it's very brave to uh (everyone is staring at him, he starts to clam up) make electronic music without *clears throat* knowing much music theory.
Jez shakes his head disapprovingly
Mark, thinking to himself: Why am I bombing? I thought mentioning Fallout would surely garner a chuckle. A pity chuckle. Oh no. Oh no no no. The shirt!
Mark runs into the bathroom, the camera stops on him looking in the mirror. He's wearing a shirt that he grabbed from a lost and found earlier that day after someone dumped coffee on him. The shirt says "#1 Harry Potter fan".
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silkyshulks · 2 years
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I posted 3,991 times in 2022
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#arcee - 5 posts
#mlp g5 - 5 posts
#twilight sparkle - 5 posts
#mlp fim - 4 posts
#last bot standing - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#bro i would almost all the time get the hot for men who don't show their faces
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62 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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68 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
      Hiya peeps,so I just watched the whole season botbots with my friend on discord,and we discussed about the show performance,and it was acctually good,BUT I have one problem with this show and its...
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      Ok,so let me explain my rage over this juice box first,so the first thing I noticed is in the first ep,she questioned where Burgertron was,and then she shrugs it off like its not a big deal,and im like?!!?!Bitch WHAT ain’t you worried about your bf or something like that??And then when Burgertron got caught by Dave on accident,everyone’s pissed obviously,and Ulf’s reaction to the situation is like Burgertron did some war crime or some shit,but wanted to not assume my expectations first because I thought there was gonna be an arc where she realizes Spud Muffin manipulated her to think that Burgertron made a betrayal to the Hunger hubs and blowing the cover of every botbot gang.
     But in later episodes where Burgertron is trying to change for the better,she just becomes so blinded by Spud’s manipulation that she kinda becomes a dick to Burgertron,and Im thinking like...!??!Bitch,thats just fucking toxic,I was even considering that Burgertron shouldn’t even be with Ulf at this point.But when we were watching the finale,and the show finally makes Ulf realize that Spud is just a manipulative bitch,I was like,ok this is the part that I can forgive her sins and her just apologizing to burgertron,right...OH WAIT SHE DOESN’T FUCKING APOLOGIZE TO BURGERTRON FOR HER BEHAVOIR TO HIM?!!?!
     Oh thank god Burgertron didn’t go back to the hunger hubs,Ulf was just gonna be more of a bitch to him for all I fraggin know,PERIOD.😡🤬😡🤬😤 and in conclushion,she had the potential,but the writers fucked up her character development and her relationship with Burgertron.
{feel free to add on your own opinions in the comments}
97 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Are you SasuNaru or NaruSasu or both?
[[Disclaimer: This is Fandom critical. And that too extremists only. Not bashing or criticizing the ship or the characters. You be warned]]
Lolz. I am not very much into fanfictions, Anon. For the reason being, Time constraints (Job, Life and this blog keeps me occupied) and Sakura, Hinata being there in the fictions for no reason... That too in the very first paragraph. Sigh!!!
No Thank you.
What matters to me is the Well-written story and how Romance gels seamlessly inside the narrative to the point you should feel it in your Skin without even realizing it... 
It should be like, after facing so many horrible things in your life, you want a shoulder to lean upon for momentary comfort. And to me, Romance means that momentary comfort... A warmth... Like A Sanctuary.
I won’t get into a story if romance becomes a 24/7 pleasure house when it’s all about Romance and Smex. This is just me alone and am not condemning or mocking anyone if they like something else. This is another reason why I can't get into Fanfictions.
So, these top bottom discourse (which is where this SN and NS comes into play) was never my cup of tea. And In that Aspect, I have no preference or inclination or to be exact... I have zero interest in it.
And I've seen some past ugly discourse on this topic which goes way back to 2018 or 2019 which gave me this clear bullying and harassing tone from one particular side. 
In my Observation,
NaruSasu fans (not everyone, I repeat not everyone.. Only the extremists ones) are clear-cut hypocrites who hates Naruto to the core but ship Sasuke with him because they self-insert themselves into Sasuke and want a doormat boy who chases behind them like a Dog. They are the ones who actually bullies SN fans for not caring about Sasuke as if they care so much about Naruto... They made clear remarks that Naruto looks Ugly, Naruto looks like a frog.... He looks uglier than my Grandma but Sasuke looks pretty and all that. Yikes!!!
NaruSasu claims that SN self-insert themselves in Naruto and want Naruto to be fucked. But the biggest hypocrisy is, NS ain’t any better. They just self-insert themselves into Sasuke and want to be ravaged by Naruto. That’s all. Acting all high and Mighty is just NS thing it seems.
I am telling you I would rather read 1000 SS and NH horny posts than reading that stupid shit about our very own ship. 
Oops!!! No thanks, Bye!! Leave me out of it.
As for SasuNaru... I have no clue about them. As much I’ve seen, I don’t see them hate Sasuke like NaruSasus hate Naruto..... But I’ve heard that “They always makes Sasuke into a Horny boy in the Fanfics just like what SS does with Sasuke and hence they are no different from SS”. Again, another complaint from NaruSasus...
To me, As long as someone gets the Canon Sasuke right IN THE CHARACTER ANALYSIS POSTS AND other meta write-ups... That is enough for me. I don’t give a quarter about how Sasuke or Naruto were being portrayed in Fan fictions or Fan Arts. But what SS does is, they shamelessly claim Sasuke was eye smexing Sakura while he was trying to kill her in the Kage Summit Arc, Orochimaru Lair...
And I’ve yet to come across such Horny Canon analysis posts about Sasuke from our Fandom... So, I don’t have any issues with SN, in that aspect.
But, I've seen some SN arts where they photoshopped Sasuke tapping Naruto's Forehead, Sasuke eye-smexing Naruto like he did with Sakura...
That’s just cringy.
That's not even romantic from Sasuke's side and I've been endlessly saying this in many posts... We mock SS for that and now SN are doing the same thing😒😒
This shows the desperate side of SNS fandom...
And SN peeps mocks me because I wrote Sasuke mirrors Kushina post, half a year ago. I promise you, I never wrote that post with that NS/SN mindset (I don’t even know what it was back then)... That seme/uke shit has never even crossed my mind. I simply wrote it because of the striking parallels. What’s so difficult for SN fans to accept canonical facts, I wonder???
Whereas I very recently realized this ask I got many months ago was sent by a NaruSasu shipper...[[Again I promise you, I didn’t even know anything regarding this NS/SN thing).... And this post is being reblogged by SasuNaru Shippers... Sigh!!!! But the asker has a version of Sasuke and was very arrogant about it... Like they know everything about Sasuke and that SN stans has to read the Manga.... But I proved them wrong by citing multiple panels. If that is how Sasuke was being portrayed in NaruSasu.... then I am not their ally. Nope. Nada.
In NaruSasu, Naruto is a Horny Hunk (because he did reverse harem (sigh)). Some SNS shipper really said this in her argument that Naruto is Horny for Sasuke IN CANON😑😑
In SasuNaru, Sasuke is a Sex-God.
My take : Both are wrong. Because Canonically, one is severely suffering from internal homophobia and closeted... Another don't care about such things...
In NaruSasu : Naruto is a Prized Simp/Slave/Dog.
In SasuNaru : Sasuke is a Prized Trophy.
Both are vomit inducing, tbh.🤢
I cringe at the take of Naruto being called as Simp while ignoring the fact that Sasuke also said "I couldn't stop paying attention to you", Wanting to walk next to Naruto... 🙄
Furthermore, Both are not Simps. Sakura is a simp, Hinata is a simp..
See, these are the reasons... I said.. Neither.
So, I guess... I don’t even know where I belong even inside the SNS fandom. LOL. Just take me as a Naruto/Sasuke Shipper.
But if you ask me what is Canon to which the author hinted many times?? Or something that's close to Canon???... 
I would say it is NaruSasu because of Chapter 486 poster and also Author himself officially acknowledged that Naruto is the Hero and Sasuke is the Heroine.
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But the same Author also did these,
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It seems Kishi don’t care about this Top/Bottom thing, I guess????
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Stars And Fire (Nalu Fluff Week 2019)
Nalu Fluff Week (2019)
Genres: Romance, Fantasy Friendship, Family, Hurt/Comfort, Lyrics/Poetry, Young Adult Fanfiction
Prompts: Smile, Harmony and Spirits (Implied)
Rating: K(+) and older due to designated reading level. No mature, or  sexual/ adult content included.
Summary:She is the stars to his fire- originally one of my entries for Nalu-fluff-week 2017 on a previous account. Hoping to have it resubmitted for this year @nalu-fluff-week.
A/N: Hey peeps, it's your girl MillenialStarGazer ( @millennial-star-gazer) back again! This time it's with an entry for  @nalu-fluff-week  2019. I originally entered this Nalu inspired lyric/poetry piece for Nalu love fest back in 2014, (under my teamedwardjace/twishadowhunter alias) and for fluff week 2017 on my deactivated celestialgeekmage account after further revisions. Now, I'm hoping to resubmit it again for this year's fluff week. Anyway hope you enjoy, and don't forget to check out my the rest of my writing!
Disclaimer: I swear I don't own the rights to Fairytail, though if I did Natsu would have (consensually) kissed Lucy senseless with wild abandon by now . (But hey, they did officially become canon - if not already before- just not in a way some were expecting, so bonus!)
(Scroll down  past the cut for the  legend, corresponding links, and actual  poem/lyrics). 
Read Stars and Fire on other plaftorms and the rest of my writing here:
(Note:  The Tagging feature and hyperlinks don’t seem to function properly  on the desktop site in recent months  for  any users ( which is hopefully temporary)  . However, both features seem to work just fine on the  ios/android app and mobile site for everyone.   If on desktop,  copy and paste the  below links into another tab or window on your browser.
1. Stars & Fire
B. Fanfiction
I.  Primary Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13379456/1/Stars-and-Fire)
II. Secondary Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13143482/1/Millennial-Drabbles)
C. A03
I. Stars and Fire (A03 Version) (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20443970)
II. Sizzling & Fluffy Millennial OTP, & Paring Ship Drabbles/Teasers (A03 Version) (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18244343/chapters/43167767)
2. Mast Post Of My Fic and Writing (Click Here:) (or here: https://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post)
Italics: lyrics/poetry prose Bold: Song Section Marker (Bolded Italics Within Brackets: A/N/ authors note on which point /arc in the manga/anime the lyric references for a clearer picture)
1. Do you remember the day when we first met? I swear it was fate for our paths to cross Thought you were strange, but I liked you anyway You showed me kindness when I was down an my luck that day
(A/N: Reference to first few episodes)
Now here we are, we've come such a long way. Follow me and I promise to see you through
You are the stars and I am the fire (reference to Lucy being a celestial wizard and Natsu being a fire dragon slayer) You and I- We were always meant to collide You are my best friend , The one who will always hold a special place in my heart Hope you know that I'll be always be here for you To catch you when you fall (Reference to all the times Natsu catches Lucy) To be the one to hold you, to dry your tears late at night I'll protect you from the demons in the world, keep them at bay, fight by your side That's how much you mean to me So take my hand and we will take on this world together
2. Do you recall that day, the battle of our lives? You were trembling, terrified out of your mind (Reference to the epic battle with Hades during the Tenrou arc) I'll never forget, the image imprinted on my mind Believe me, I was afraid too But then I found courage in your resolve Do you remember the time you wanted to give up? You were crying, tears flowing like cascading rain Till I held your hand in mine
You found the strength to pull through
(Reference to that iconic Nalu moment in episode 122)
Your smile, your laughter, they light up my life When you're grieving, I'll be the one to dry your tears fall late at night
till' you see the sun shine again Hope you know I'm always here for you Never forget how much I care for you
3. Come with me and we will take on this world together So glad to have you in my life Never forget how much I care for you Come what may, hell or high water , whatever lies on the road ahead of us, we will face together I will shelter you from the storm, will protect the future for us to we go on more adventures together
(Reference to Grand Magic Games Arc)
I will always be there to smile and laugh with you, to stand by your side Never forget how much I care for you
Chorus (x3)
Fic Tag Squad: @fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveofevents
@nalubookclub @nalu-week
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate   @writer-appreciation  @caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says
@soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy @bearpluscat @narutoyaoifan
@mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic @bearandbirdfan @pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117
@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog @precenna @sugarpolis @fairywithajetblackheart @mercurius-orion @dark0angel13 @h-eartfilias @hungrypeanut  @shootingstarssel @sovay-says @satyrykal  @narutoyaoifan  @moeruhoshi @doginshoe @bmarvels
A/N: Just to clarify the other A/N:s throughout are to make the lyrics more accessible to readers who may have difficulties understanding the meaning behind certain metaphors for a variety of reasons (including those with disabilities or anyone who has just gotten into Fairytail which is by no means to insult their intelligence at all). Not to mention, it would be far too tedious to explain it all in the final author note. 
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to like, leave a comment/review, reblog or all of the above-feedback would very much be appreciated! Feel free to check out my other the rest of my writing! (Corresponding links are in above, in the navigation bar, and bio if on tumblr.) Oh and be sure to stay tuned for chapter updates of my other fics and various projects in the work! Why not check out my fellow friends/mutuals' writing too! Same goes for the other participants in fluff week – a whole lot of talent there! Alrighty, that's all for now folks! Thanks so much to my all my friends/ mutuals , followers and readers for the all incredible support so far! Until next time- take care!
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girlysword · 5 years
Okay, let’s break this down
The North: They get independence, but no one else? Why didn’t Dorne ask for independence, or the Iron Islands? Why didn’t the Riverlands and the Vale say, “You know what? We just gonna hang with our Northern peeps. See ya suckers!”
1. Bran has lived his entire life in the North, which has just seceded. Being a functional foreigner was one the red flags about Daenerys. Not that Bran will go mad, but there is a reason there are residency rules for a politician to be eligible for office.
2. None of these people know Bran or what he is like as a ruler. His only experience is about two weeks when he was ten.
3. Bran can’t have children. Uncertainty in terms of inheritance is what started all this. The show also made a point to show Westeros isn’t ready for a democracy yet.
4. Isn’t the supernatural supposed to be a double-edged sword? ( Not that Bran can do much anyway, seeing as how there are no weirwoods in KL)
5. Besides Tyrion being Hand, this is the endgame I have the hardest time imagining GRRM actually writing. From what I remember, the theme of leadership in Bran’s story in tied with Winterfell, not the concept in general. But GRRM did say he was going to a have a twelve year old conquer the world, so what do I know?
1. First of all, I’m not pressed about Bronn. I’m positive that is a show invention.
2. Even leaving out bringing the Mad King’s daughter to Westeros, Tyrion has made several errors. But he has to be Hand to fix his mistakes. WHY COULDN’T THAT BE JON’S KARMIC JUSTICE?
3. Speaking of Jon, why is he punished for kinslaying and not Tyrion?
4. I have two theories for what happened
a. D&D love Tryion so much, they ignored GRRM’s ending
b.  GRRM meant for Tyrion to be the villain who survives. He becomes the new Littlefinger, slithering his way into places he is not wanted.
1.  Before this episode, these characters have been really hard to predict for me. I flip flopped back and forth between an ending close to what we got, and a more domestic ending.
2.  As Jon’s best friend, who learned important things and challenged the status quo, it seems logical to give Sam an “important” part in the endgame. On the other hand, he is the closest analog to Samwise Gamgee and it would have been sweet to see him settling down with Gilly and their children. People have also pointed out that he technically isn’t qualified to be a maester. (If I were writing this story, Sarella Sand would be Grand Maester).
3. Davos has been so close to the politics of the story, again, it seems logical to give him a political ending. On the other hand, in the books, he has a family to go back to.
4. Brienne is the perfect knight, but she also is the sole heir to her house. Has the Knightsguards vows changed so they can inherit? You think that would important enough to include…(this is one of the things that pissed me off about Jaime’s ending. He and Brienne would have made lovely Lord and Lady of Tarth)
5. To make matters more confusing, I’m pretty sure GRRM doesn’t consider these main characters so he might have not told D&D where their stories end.
a. Jaime wasn’t banished and he killed a king half the country supported. Dany just showed up and burned everyone.
b. Greyworm started the killing of innocents on the ground and he is leaving. Why on Planentos does he have a say?
c. There is no reason for the Night’s Watch to still exist. The White Walkers are gone and the Wildings are chill now.
d. What remains of the Wall is in the North, which has just seceded.
2. If this is GRRM’s ending, I’m sure leaving will be Jon’s choice. I still hate it, Jon abandoning his responsibilities grinds my gears, but that at least makes sense. I also think GRRM will make it clear that Jon and Sansa have feelings for each other, but they can’t be together right now. I feel like D&D felt beholden to what GRRM told them that they laid hints for Jonsa, but were too chicken to stick the landing.
1. I actually don’t mind this ending. Or at least I saw it coming. That “west of Westeros” line in season 5 wouldn’t make sense without this. Although, a lot of things were hinted without follow-up, so, again, what do I know? (Was there any significance to the white horse Arya rode, or what it just a pretty visual?)
2. I hope that this is what GRRM meant by a twelve year old conquering the world.
3. GRRM said none of the spinoffs cover the continuing adventures of Jon, Arya, and Sansa. Which makes me think he is going to give them an ending that sets up possible continuing adventures. Which makes me think, for better or worse, the show endings are likely some pale resemblance of the book endings. For these characters at least.
4. I think GRRM would make it clear that Arya is going to come back someday, and that she makes sure that her family is okay before she leaves (why didn’t she go to Sansa’s coronation D&D?)
5. Someone write a fanfiction of Arya’s continuing adventures, change the names, and publish it (like a reverse Fifty Shades).
1.Besides Dany’s character arc, I feel like this is the only thing D&D got kind of right. The coronation scene is absolutely the scene in Sophie’s house. D&D went all out directing that.
2.It really sucks how alone she is though. There aren’t even any friends or family there. Where is Arya?  or Captain of the Sansa Stark fan club, Yohn Royce? I feel like GRRM wouldn’t leave Sansa that isolated. She would also probably have an inner monologue about how her heirs will be sired by a wolf (waggles eyebrows).
3.In addition to the Sinbad Arya book series, someone write a book series about a queen and her wildling lover.
Drogon: There is a WMD on the loose! That can only cause problems in the future.
Me: I’m doing really well actually. After the leaks came out, I decided to just assume the absolute worst and it worked for me. I’m pretty light-hearted, ready to let go and live exclusively in fanfiction land. I’m not even planning to read the books (if they come out) unless I hear really really good things about them.
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Exchanged Whispers (BNHA Fan Fiction) - Chapter 1: Vernal
A/N: i’ve been seeing a couple of fanfictions where the reader is portrayed as a villain’s daughter aiming to become a hero or something of that sort, so i thought i’d change it up a little..
this is me trying my hand at writing fanfictions for the first time, so pardon me if chapters are short, the scenes aren’t entirely accurate as the actual anime/manga, and the characters if they aren’t exactly portrayed accurately. feel free to send in any constructive criticisms (not hate mail, pls know how to differentiate) and yeah, i’ll try to entertain and edit them as best as i can :)
just a heads up, it’s in the first person pov, which made it weird for me to read since I originally wrote the reader as ‘you’. and i’m not gonna go in depth on the characters in 1-C, since they don’t exactly play a main part in the story and also because i don’t wanna portray them wrongly, in case they do get portrayed in the manga in future, but i get to describe one or two of their appearances thanks to the sports festival arc 😚
p.s. [Y/F/N] means your full name
Chapter 1: Vernal
vernal (adj.) of, relating to, or occurring in the spring; fresh or new like the spring extracted from Dictionary by Merriam-Webster Inc.
I stood in front of the stairs and ruffled my hair in exasperation. I had rounded the building too many times to count and I’m back to square one where I started my futile search of my classroom.
I’m not one without a sense of direction, which just shows how huge the building was with their floors being at least 2 metres tall, identical walls painted white with a blue border framing the upper part, and floor-to-ceiling glass windows. It was like a maze, every turn I take looks exactly the same as the corridor I just passed, except for the different labels on the doors which are the only identification of my present location, and in my current case, the counters to how many times I have ran down a certain corridor.
I took a deep breath in and exhaled to calm my impatience and prepared for Search Attempt #7. Just as I rounded the corner for the *insert large number here* time that day, I bumped into something, or someone to be more specific, and fell back onto my hands, both in surprise and exhaustion. “Are you alright?” A hand appeared in my field of vision, offering to help me up on my feet.
My eyes travelled up to the face behind the hand. The boy standing in front of me had spiky red hair and sharp teeth, and if I looked closely, I could see a slight scar above his right eye.
I dusted my skirt and nodded, “Yup, thanks for the hand.”
“No problem, I was the one who caused your fall in the first place.”
I shook my head and hummed in disagreement, “I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, I was at fault too.”
“The name’s Kirishima Eijiro, it’s nice to meet you,” he offered me a hand again, this time for me to shake, which I gently took and did so.
I introduced myself as well, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Kirishima.”
“So, [Y/N],” the way he said my name sent a chill down my spine, “what are you doing wandering these halls alone when class is about to start-“ he paused to check the time on his phone- “in a minute?”
I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. “To be honest, I’m kind of lost,” I admitted sheepishly.
He chuckled at my response, “I’m not surprised. What class are you from?”
General studies, huh? “I’ll take you there.”
It was only at that moment when I realised how late I was. “Holy crap, I am so dead, and I am going to drag you down with me!” I started to panic.
“No, it’s okay, my classroom’s near yours anyway,” he tried to calm me down and gave me a reassuring grin.
“Speaking of, you haven’t told me what class you’re from.”
“Me? I’m from 1-A,” he replied, the smile still plastered on his face. “Well, we’d better get going, otherwise we’ll be later than we already are.”
I thanked him for the trouble and proceeded to walk side-by-side with my benefactor as he led me down the winding halls to my classroom.
When I walked into my classroom, my classmates were already in their seats and the teacher was briefing the class on what our first activity in UA will be. Everyone turned to look at me in question, except a boy who was sat in the corner near the back door, his chin on his palm, and staring out the window. All I can make up of him was his crazy tuft of purple hair. When the teacher hurried me to take a seat, I briefly nodded and took a quick glance around the class before realising that the only seat left available was one beside him. I briskly walked to my seat and settled down, catching up with what I might have missed as the teacher repeated what he had said (for my sake).
When lunch break finally came around, I was immediately surrounded by my classmates. “Oh my god, your parents are MIND DUO right?” The very mention of my parents made me shudder, but I smiled at my classmates and nodded.
“Ooh, what are they like? How is it like to be the daughter of MIND DUO?” their incessant questioning caused my brain to stop functioning entirely. I was clearly struggling to answer all their questions but nobody seemed to notice.
Except for a certain someone I never would have thought of.
“Can’t you see she’s uncomfortable? Why don’t you all leave her alone?” a gruff voice suddenly came from my right.
Everyone turned to look at the source of the voice, including me, even though I already knew who it was. Finally able to get a good look at his face, I could see his messy hair framing the upper half of his face and bags under his hooded eyes of a matching colour. As soon as he said that, he stood up and sighed, leaving the classroom to remove himself from the situation.
“We’re sorry if we were bothering you,” my classmates apologised before introducing themselves one at a time.
“Having parents with such awesome quirks, what might your quirk be?” a male classmate with brown hair and dark skin asked.
“Amiability,” I responded rather quickly, as if it was my second nature. “It’s not as flashy as my parents’ quirks but basically, I get along with people really well, both heroes and villains alike.”
My classmates looked at me with tilted heads and confused faces, causing me to burst out laughing. “It means that I can dupe them into thinking I’m one of them, allowing me to lower their guards and get more information out of them,” I continued with a smile.
Scattered ‘oh’s reverberated through the air as my classmates slowly understood what I said.
I excused myself and left the classroom, in search of my tablemate (sort of) to thank him for what he did earlier, but my original plan was interrupted when I heard someone call out to me as I passed by 1-A classroom. I backed up and my head popped into the classroom, peeping inside to see a familiar red head waving at me and signalling for me to go in. He was standing at the table of a boy with ash blonde hair that was styled not so differently from his. The scowl on his face made me hesitate for a moment but I managed to gather the courage to step inside. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I walked towards Kirishima, but the overwhelming feeling of me being in a hero class overtook the out-of-place sensation.
“[Y/N]!” Kirishima welcomed me enthusiastically as soon as I reached his side and started rambling on about something to me, although I wasn’t really paying attention to what he was saying as I felt the seated boy burn holes through my head with his glaring red eyes.
Kirishima looked over at the frowning boy and realisation dawned upon him. “Ah, I forgot to introduce the two of you. [Y/N], this is Bakugo Katsuki. Bakugo, this is [Y/F/N].”
I awkwardly lifted a hand and mumbled a ‘hi’, a subtle side-grin forming on my face. The only response I received in return was a scoff, which I was taken aback by. Before I could ask Kirishima to hold me back to stop me from beating the crap out of this r00D boi, he took my arm and dragged me around the classroom, eyes glistening eagerly, “Let me introduce you to the rest of my classmates!”
“Sure…” I barely managed to respond as I tried to comprehend the current situation I was in.
“Ooh, who’s that beauty you’ve got with you, Kirishima?” a girl with horns, pink skin, and hair a shade darker came up to the both of us.
“Oh, Ashido, this is [Y/N]. She’s from class 1-C,” Kirishima halted in his tracks, letting go of my arm and pointed back at me, who was a step behind him, with his thumb. I pouted slightly at the loss of contact.
“You’re from the general studies? How’s the curriculum like there? What do you learn? Is it any different from the hero course? Why did you apply for general studies? What’s your quirk? Do you have a boyfriend?” she was like an assault rifle, attacking me relentlessly with her never-ending questions, but her last question definitely caught me off guard.
“Um…” I was trying to find the right words to answer when Kirishima stood between me and the overly-excited Ashido.
“Hey, hey, cool it. You’re gonna scare her away.”
She gave a coy grin, “Oops, sorry.”
As Kirishima picked up my arm again and pulled me past her, my free hand covered one side of my lips and I managed to whisper into her ear, “Actually, I applied to UA in hopes of finding a boyfriend.”
I winked at her as she gaped at my fading silhouette. “Call me Mina!” she yelled before I disappeared from her sight. Without looking back, I waved her off casually in acknowledgement.
Throughout the whole introductory journey, Kirishima was a really big help in overcoming my awkwardness and insecurity, but it was also partially thanks to my quirk that everyone was really easy to get along and communicate with. Except for that one gross and creepy perv that I really don’t want to have anything to do with (you already know who it is).
I took a quick look around the classroom and saw Jiro holding an opened bottle of ice water, trying to get past Mineta. I imagined the water emptying onto his small stature and blinked, a smirk forming on my lips as it became a reality.
“Well, lunch break’s almost over. Want to go and grab a quick bite before class starts?” Kirishima turned to me once he was done, taking a deep breath and exhaling from all the exhaustion.
I nodded at his suggestion, almost too quickly to be natural.
He smiled and led me out of the class, unaware that he was still holding on to my arm.
A/N: THAT’S IT for this chapter, it turned out longer than i expected, started with 300+ words and ended up being 1,300+ words, or more than that
i do hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it (minus the parts where i got frustrated with writer’s block, and putting what i imagine into words) get ready for the escalation in the story though, you’ll never see it coming ;)
Exchanged Whispers Chapter List
Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4
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Writer: Sistercacao
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Hello again, fandom peeps! Welcome to April, and maybe, eventually, Spring. I appreciate all the likes, reblogs, and love everyone has shared for our creators, and please, as always, if you know someone who you feel deserves their moment in the spotlight, send them my way!
As a reminder, since it’s been a while, I pick creators by a random number generator. Please be patient if you haven’t seen your interview yet. I won’t forget anyone! 
Now, on with the show!
Author/Artist Name *
Sistercacao ( @scacao )
What content do you create? (If more than one applies, please select your main focus) *
What other content do you create?
Nothing else
Where can fans find your content?
scacao.livejournal.com (until my AO3 is active) (Now active!!)
How did you find Gundam Wing?
Saw it when it was on the original Toonami run :)
How long have you been writing or drawing/painting in this fandom?
10 years
How long have you been in the fandom? (Not necessarily creating for it)
15 years
What has kept you in the fandom? Or kept you coming back?
This is my first and really only true yaoi fandom love. I am so attached to these characters and the happiness I've gotten from reading fiction in this fandom over the years. I leave for years at a time but always come back.
Is there a go-to fic or art piece that never gets old? What is it?
Trial & Error by Maldoror, Domestic Bliss Arc by Flamika, All of the works of Lorena Manuel and Becca Abbott
Please recommend one fan work you believe everyone should see.
Becca Abbott's stuff. Any/all of it.
What piece of advice would you offer your younger self, in terms of creating?
Make outlines of your stories because you will forget what you were going to write :(
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What programs do you use?
Google Docs
Describe your writing method from start (an idea) to finish (posting your work).
1. Get the inspiration (songs help!) 2. Write it out (I have a bad habit of writing a whole fic in one sitting) 3. Come back to it 1-2 days later to edit with fresh eyes. 4. post
How long have you been writing?
10+ years
Do you do research for a fic?
If so, how much research?
A few hours of googling, max
Do you have a beta reader?
How many WIPs do you currently have?
1 - 3
Who is an author or writer who inspires you?
Becca Abbott, Keelywolfe, Jei and Sunhawk (because they're still so prolific!)
Where do you get your inspiration? What inspires you to write?
Specific songs can conjure an entire story arc for me. Fic prompts can really help as well, and current events.
What are some areas you feel you need to improve upon?
Finishing what I start, in particular multipart fics.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, humor
Do you have any writing goals for this year?
Just write consistently!
Which work are you most proud of?
Armistice (won the Moments of Rapture contest I wrote it for, which is life a life's accomplishment in the 1x2 fandom!)
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Favorite pizza?
olives, anchovies
Do you ride roller coasters?
Pet peeve?
In fiction: spelling mistakes, out of character characters.
What do you do to relax?
Write, sew, watch television, program.
Name one cool/fun fact about where you live or somewhere nearby (if you don't want to be specific).
I can walk to the beach!
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins best describes you, and why? (Pride, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath)
Sloth, because I have a hard time finishing what I start sometimes :(
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A Red Candle (Marichat May 2018): Chapter 6
Prompt: You carried me bridal-style in one akuma attack and now Paris ships us together.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Fanfiction AO3 Wattpad
Chapter 6: Cat's Out of the Bag
Marinette wondered why Chat Noir hadn't come yesterday. And why he had acted like that during their fight with Fatemaster.
She knew that Chat Noir was obviously bothered by something. It was personal, he had said. She knew that she shouldn't intrude. But it hurt her heart that she knew someone close was hurting and yet couldn't do anything to cheer them up.
So she was hoping that she could help him as Marinette. He would talk to her, right?
But he didn't show.
Even though it had been less than a week, she had gotten used to his presence. She had been doing homework yesterday when it was around sunset. But she couldn't focus. She kept hearing knocks on the trap door, and she had gone up there smiling her biggest smile and becoming disappointed because she almost expected a knock on the trap door. Her eyes kept going to the door instead of her homework, and when she had forced herself to focus on her homework, she had read only "Chat Noir" on her paper. Then, when she had tried to write out her answers after finally being able to read words other than Chat Noir, she had written, "Chat Noir, why aren't you coming?". Understandably, Marinette's face had become as red as it could have. She had tried to erase the words until the paper had ripped. Then, she heard a knock at the door and she had smiled her biggest smile possible and opened the trap door. She asked, "Chat Noir?" but no one had answered her call. No one to call her princess. All her energy left at her reminder of her pet name.
She didn't know what made her be called princess by Chat Noir. Maybe it was just Chat Noir's flirtatious nature. But Adrien had called her princess too. Granted, she may have misheard it and substituted the misheard word for what she wanted to hear, but she really hoped Adrien called her that. If that wasn't misheard, she couldn't think of a better dream. She really hoped it wasn't misheard. But come to think of it, if she had really been called princess by two different people, it would be interesting. Was there a princess-like quality to her? She liked to think that she did. Think of all of the dresses, and the designs of the dresses she could wear! And she would almost be virtually guaranteed happy ending. By doing what? By just sitting around to be rescued. Wait. No, she didn't want to be in fairy tale. She didn't want to sit around. Or be rescued. She wanted to be in an action movie, where she could be the princess who is a badass at fighting and leads her nation to victory. Kind of like Joan of Arc, but not die burned alive.
To be fair, though, she could say that her life was like a fairytale of some sorts. She was an ordinary girl who had gained super powers and fought bad guys as Ladybug. Her partner had a crush on her and she had a crush on a famous model who happened to be in her class. It sounded enough like a story that would be in a book.
She shook her head. Homework. Maybe Chat Noir might come in an hour or two, because the sun was setting, but she had to focus.
Just then, her phone vibrated.
Girl, did you see the newest post on Ladyblog? 7:31 PM
No, I haven't. What happened? 7:32 PM
You just gotta watch it. Trust me. 7:33 PM
Marinette wondered what had happened. She hoped that it wasn't that Ladybug or Chat Noir's identity had been revealed. She typed in the address for the Ladyblog and clicked on the first post.
Title: Chat Noir Friendzoned, And Another Crush?!
Her eyes widened. She clicked the video.
"Hey peeps, it's your girl, Alya, coming at you with an interview with Chat Noir!" Alya was on a sofa with Chat Noir to her left, so that it looked like Chat Noir was on the right and Alya was on the left. She guessed that the background was black to maximize focus on the two.
Alya cleared her throat. "So, lots of people have wondered about what happened with Fatemaster. Why you didn't give Ladybug a fist bump."
Chat Noir widened his eyes. "How did you find out about that?"
"Some of the kids who had been hiding in the locker rooms filmed it and uploaded it on YouTube. It's now trending at number one."
"Oh," he looked down at the ground. Was it from shame?
"Did the dynamic between you two change in any way? We know from the fight that you and Lady were still working great like you usually do. But the things that happened in the meantime were very…different."
Chat Noir sighed. "No, nothing changed between us."
"But the way you reacted was very different. It was as if…you had been friendzoned. And Ladybug didn't know what had changed between you and her."
Marinette groaned. She had done that. And she remembered the interview that Alya had asked her alter-ego today at 1 PM.
Chat Noir grimaced. "She had said to me that she only considered me as a friend a month ago."
Alya gasped. "So she did friendzone you." Chat Noir looked at the ground, cat ears turned down. "But your dynamic hadn't changed then. So what happened recently?"
Chat Noir winced. "It...it regards my identity. I can't tell."
"I'm guessing it's something painful."
Alya nodded. "I understand. We will now move onto the next topic, if you don't mind."
Alya projected a photo onto the black background. It was a picture of Chat Noir and her in Gamer, when Chat Noir had rescued her from the akuma. He had carried her bridal style. Chat Noir gaped at the picture.
"This is Marinette, my friend. There have been some fans of the Ladyblog who have been thinking that you gained a new...relationship with someone else significant to you."
Chat Noir couldn't take his eyes off the photo. He looked as if he had been betrayed. Then, he realized where he was and cleared his throat. "She had been chased by an akuma and I had to rescue her. There is no other relationship between us," he denied.
"And yes, I understand when that happened. But there have been fans of Ladybug and Chat Noir who had seen you on top of where she lived."
"I might have been grooming myself there." Chat Noir replied. "And doesn't that seem creepy? Figuring out who lived in the bakery I had been on top of?"
"Yes, but there have been four consecutive sightings of you going there. Also, the bakery is famous and so is their daughter. Combined with multiple sightings of you always knocking on her trap door, it is very strange." Alya looked at him with suspicion. "What is she to you?"
There was a great silence in the room.
"She's…a friend," Chat Noir finally said.
"A friend?" Alya raised an eyebrow. "How did you two become friends? And how did you meet in the first place?"
"Well, we met in the Evillustrator incident. A guy who liked her had been akumatized, and she was treated to a date with him."
"Oh. How did you two become friends?"
Chat Noir sighed. Marinette thought he was being interrogated instead of having an interview. She felt bad for him. "It was when Ladybug had rejected my advances. Marinette had been hurting too, and so we talked about our heartaches with each other."
"A friendship from heartache," Alya repeated, nodding. "So, why is it that you have been going to her house so often now?"
"Well, she had said that I could visit her anytime when someone had broken my heart again."
"No. Someone in my personal life. Very personal life," Chat Noir raised his voice a little and stared at Alya, as if saying that Alya shouldn't go any farther into the topic. Alya gulped and scooted a little bit away from him. "And I enjoyed her company. There is not many people a superhero could talk to without them thinking that you aren't human," Chat Noir smiled, although his tone was that of heartbreak and loneliness.
"And have you been talking to her about what led to you not fistbumping Ladybug?" Alya asked.
Chat Noir leaned his head to the side a little. "No. We only talk about random stuff, like our favorite video games and bands." He sighed. A look of resignation appeared on his face.
"Pardon me if I make any wrong assumptions, but connecting the first topic with this one, is you not fistbumping Ladybug because of her?"
Chat Noir looked like he had been hit in the gut. Then, he stood up and sighed. "Look, this is getting very personal. If you are going to keep asking personal questions, I have no choice but to leave."
"But-" Alya said. Chat Noir started to walk away. She sighed. "Okay. Alright. So that concludes the interview, peeps. Many thanks to Chat Noir for joining us today."
The screen went black.
The comments were flooded with "he has a crush on her," "is she the rebound?" and "I SHIP THEM." She read some arguing about what a superhero exactly was, what Ladybug and Chat Noir were exactly, and if they should be treated any different from any other human interpersonally. But not enough.
She leaned her head back, staring at the ceiling. What had I just seen?
Her phone vibrated again.
So, did you see the interview? 7:46 PM
Yup. 7:46 PM
What is with you and Chat Noir? 7:48 PM
Just like he said. Friends. 7:48 PM
Uh huh. And you expect me to believe this just like, that? 7:49 PM
But that is the truth. 7:50 PM
Might not be the truth for him though. Why don't you ask him? 7:51 PM
But I don't want to ask him. I don't like him like that; I like Adrien. You know that. I don't want to reject him, when Ladybug had already rejected him. 7:56 PM
And Chat Noir needs someone to keep him company. He's lonely enough as it is. 7:58 PM
When did you do the interview? 8:05 PM
Today at 5. I asked him for an interview on the Ladyblog, and he accepted it. 8:07 PM
You know that he might never accept an interview from you ever again? 8:09 PM
I hope not. I fear that he might. 8:10 PM
But it was worth it. It's getting immense amounts of feedback. 8:11 PM
Marinette didn't know how to think about it. Did Chat Noir really have a crush on her? On Marinette, and not Ladybug? Or was it Marinette and Ladybug?
She looked at her trap door. Would Chat Noir come today? Or would he come never?
She didn't blame him if he didn't.
He didn't. Twice. Marinette sighed.
It was now Monday, and Ms. Bustier was lecturing about something, with the book Romeo and Juliet on her left hand. She wrote something on the whiteboard with the right. But Marinette couldn't focus because of someone in front of her: Adrien. He kept fidgeting and looked as if he was constantly trying to turn to her, which she was excited about, but then stopped and returned to where he was. Then he would start moving in the other direction, as if he was a pendulum swinging back and forth. This was repeated over and over for the entire class period, and Marinette couldn't think of a reason why.
She whispered to Alya her worries that Adrien didn't like her anymore and didn't even want to be friends. Alya replied that Marinette should talk to him about it during lunchtime.
The bell rang, and Marinette was more nervous than ever. She really hoped that Adrien didn't hate her. Was it that she had pushed him? She thought that it had been necessary that he move fast. Or maybe he had found out she had a crush on him? Whatever the reason was, she would apologize about it, and hopefully Adrien could find it in his kind heart to forgive her.
When she had finally found Adrien and Nino with Alya by her side to give her energy, Adrien had been still trying to avoid her. He was looking in any direction but her, and actively trying to avoid her.
She felt like she was old iron. Rusting, hard to move.
But she didn't want to feel like this forever. So she decided to take the initiative. She touched him from the back and turned him around.
"Adrien, I'm so sorry, I never should have-"
Her voice was silenced by his lips on hers.
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seenashwrite · 7 years
Fic Writer Interview Thingy.
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I was tagged by the awesomesauce @waywardjoy who knows I hate chains but also knows that my love for talking about myself [humbly] will win out every damn time. Writers I can think of off the top o’ my head are tagged below [minus Joy, who’s already done it], if y’all wanna throw this in your hopper as a standby post. Good Qs, all!
1. What inspires your work most? (The show it is based on, the actor who portrays a certain character, maybe the character itself? It could even be an experience.)
What appears on screen & the words in the script are the primary sources. Secondary sources would be what the writers/showrunner/actors say in interviews or whatnot. [I say secondary because their intent may’ve been way different, but that doesn’t matter, the end product is what it is.]
2. What is your favorite fandom to write for?
Well, I’ve stuck with SPN for a year of prep time and [as of last month!] a year of writing weekly about it [minus recent zombieitis delay ::sigh::] so we’ll give it the crown. It’s a challenging exercise, writing around someone else’s creation(s) with the goal of accuracy in portrayal/plot integration. I dig it. 
3. Which perspective do you prefer writing in? (First-person, second-person, third-person)
First & third; second works my nerves both to read & to write. 
4. Do you prefer writing reader fics or OCs?
Both, if one considers first-person to be “reader insert”.  I’ve said elsewhere I wish the whole “Y/N” thing should die in a tire fire, it is incredibly distracting. If a reader’s pretending this is them & are willing to accept traits described that aren’t actually, y’know, them, then why not just write in first person? It confuzzles me, though I ain’t dying on that hill. So, if a Nash Tale is written in first-person, y’all go on & mentally insert “Y/N” if that’s what turns your crank. [I will say, major kudos to whomever developed the name replacer add-on, I have had many laughs inputting things like “Smegma” and “Your Mom” on more than one occasion]
5. Do you prefer writing longer works or one shots?
See, now, I think a one-and-done can be a long mammajammer. If this Q means more like drabbles, well.... Those more often than not seem to devolve into longer journeys than I originally intended, but I’m starting to amass a tidy little pile of quickies. 
6. Do you take requests?
Eh. Sure. Depends on the subject matter, though - I’d make a list of stuff I won’t do, but I don’t get enough requests for it to matter. I any event, I’d make no promises for when I’d finish it. For now, I’d prefer to send out the call if I wanted peeps to send ‘em in vs. unsoliciteds. But hell, if it’s a killer idea & you know my style & think I’d do it justice? Bring it on. 
7. Do you enjoy getting random Asks?
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---> Dear Nash  <---
8. What inspires the names for OCs (or extra character names) in your works? Do you pick them from real life or just select them at random? A mix?
This required major thinking cap & cooked my noodle... Well, when I do name them; I often don’t. ;)  Honestly, it’s just what fits - does it jibe with the rest of their family’s names? With the setting? The time period? [my hatiest-hate for seeing crazily spelled, “modern” names in families with names like, say, I dunno, Henry and John and Mary and Samuel and Dean and Sam knows no bounds; triple-score if it’s set in the past and they’re named Mickayeluh ::eye roll::] Long story short: yes, I put thought into it, and yes, sometimes I associate it with people I know/am acquainted with/aware of who happen to have things in common with the character. 
9. If your story(ies) have OCs, are their appearances based on real people or celebrities? If so, who?
[Sorry, this tickled me, and I can’t not.... :::whispers:::: Celebrities *are* real people... my assumption is O.P. meant persons writer knows vs. celebs]
In my mind, they may be based in/on celebs, but I don’t wanna trample on reader imagination. I’ve ponied up a couple names/images to peeps off-the-books/off-site regarding Andrew, Mose & Jane in Top of the World, and the midwife & Burt in The Midwife, and the agent in The Lore You Know. I think that’s all. So if ya wanna know, hey, okay, holler & I’ll tell you what’s in my mind’s eye.
Specifically in cases of something that can be reader insert - and I’ve talked about this elsewhere - I make a conscious effort to not pigeonhole the reader so they can actually imagine themselves as the protagonist. If I mention specifics - such as hair length, or height for instance - there’s a reason for the plot or for the character arc as related to the plot. People can/will typically let a couple middle-of-the-road things go & still be able to picture themselves. I don’t describe skin color or eye shape or whatever, because life’s a crayon box & pictures that are drawn in only one hue/range are bone-achingly boring. 
I don’t want/need a cookie for that; it takes minimal effort on my part to execute but gives a maximum enjoyment for persons who aren’t 22-year-old lily white Barbie dolls with flowing blonde hair or buxom brunettes with legs for days, et al, while still allowing the rest to picture themselves without missing out on anything. So, y’know, why wouldn’t I? I try not to waste time describing anything at length that has no bearing on the plot, and that includes character appearance.  /rant
Jane is the most I’ve described, and even then I’m kinda slow-playing it vs. a big ol’ chunk of tips-to-toes details. For her, it’s more about the family members she favors, in both looks & mannerisms, but she’s got plenty of her own quirks.       
10. How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I got roped into writing 2 lil’ “Smallville” things a bazillionty years ago, I actually found them on FFnet awhile back & they aren’t terribly bad, I’m surprised to say. But as far as digging in hardcore? Like I say - R&D started a little over 2 years ago, I think, and last month was the 1 year anniversary of Top of the World. Which was meant to be an exercise for me & a damn gesture for a friend. And was the only thing I planned on writing.  #famous last words
And welp, on that note....
*~* See Nash Write : Master  *~*  See Nash Write : Mobile *~*
@impandagrl  @castielhasthetardis  @jalove-wecallhimdean  @kathaswings   @just-another-busy-fangirl  @amanda-teaches  @fanforfanatic   @idreamofhazel  @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps  @impala-dreamer @roxy-davenport  @blackcaptainrogers   @carryonmycobaltangel  @klaineaholic  @helvonasche  @zepppie  @littlegreenplasticsoldier  @emilywritesaboutdean  @butiaintgonnaloveem  @wheresthekillswitch  @lipstickandwhiskey   @pinknerdpanda  @hannahindie  @impalaimagining  @katymacsupernatural  @wideawakeandwriting  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @salvachester  @wildlifepixie  @deanssweetheart23  @kittenofdoomage  @chelsea072498  @salvachester  @iwantthedean  @whispersandwhiskerburn  @atc74  @abbessolute  
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indygotcha · 7 years
who in your opinion is the coolest mc ever?
IDK how to answer this truthfully, TBQH. This question landed right on my face during me suddenly feeling dissociated with my interests out of nowhere yesterday.
I more or less dunno if I can entirely distill myself to talking about who’s best among best when it comes to certain things and stuff. It seems like I can take everyone for who they are, and the ones I would love the most are the ones I might want to relate to the most, or have certain special connection.Like right now, your question brought reminded me that lately I haven’t bothered watching BNHA at all, and have had very.. “indifferent” feelings to it over these times despite having read all the chapters and everything
I think it has had to do with the time I had watched the 1st season and had overall on-going history with dissociating on liking fictional characters or relating to them and stuff. When I got into the series first time, I think it was because of its amazing shonen spirit that felt like simple, yet very reconstructed. I had been pretty depressed during that time and was already in middle of struggling through graduating high school. 
Thanks to my hard efforts though, I managed to get through and graduate with quite a bang. Quite amazing times too, especially since BNHA was still on-going and I had a blast watching it. You can read more about it here.
But again, what did happen? I think it’s an awful mix of me again having to start to thinking I’m nothing in a fandom if I can’t make myself well-known there in some way, or something. I guess because I tried to draw a BNHA OC due them becoming a trend, but then none batted an eye as much as I though they would despite me working hard on it, and it had me lose interest due war flashbacks on being rejected/ignored in some previous fandoms I was part in, and went on to go try writing some fanfictions in order to build a following. Even worse if something happens to become hated even when I liked it: Because TBQH, it’s hard for me to hate something to the point of bandwagoning on it out of spite -  I always believe they can be made better without changing the character outright most of the time.
This has been like this for the whole time now since being back in this fandom, and lately it had me lose interest on keeping up watching the newest episodes. I instead decided to follow my curiosity and watch something less intensive and prone for me to think I need to make myself “alive” here in this fandom.
Which um, leads to what I think is what reflects my feeling on this question: Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya A.K.A “Jesus-kun”
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Most standard response on this would be “why would I even wanna a bat an eye on this dude, he’s nothing well-written, he’s clearly a stupid wish-fulfilment character, etc. Hell, why am I checking out what’s considered “the worst anime” of all time, at least in mainstream presence?
Perhaps the starting point was that I knew there was already better anime out there I can kick back into if it really is trash, and well, I have nothing to lose if I watch this incase I wanna go back to good stuff again. Might as well gain knowledge on how mainstream anime works today. TBQH, I had also had some subtle feelings of being tired of watching high quality stuff and wanting to kick back a bit. 
So something odd happened during certain moments in the show. I… had moments of “feels” for more emotional scenes and stuff.
I was, frankly, appalled. Because for longest time, I had been thinking that the overall reception to something is the truth. So there was no way this show would have me in feels. In fact, it should had been complete opposite because there’s clearly plot holes, deus ex machinas, etc.
In fact, I wondered what had me keep going watching this show, and I soon realized why: because the show wasn’t actually as bad as peeps made it to be.And frankly, the “wish-fulfillment” or other things that would feel unrealistic in some ways, felt actually more beautiful due their imperfection:  because they forced me to feel them instead of trying to dissect intellectually in order to allow myself feel them in a legit fashion (A.K.A every frigging argument on Tumblr other site ever).  
Like yeah, this is definitely a dumbest excuse for a family ever
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But I again, feel like that the imperfection on how this family got together anyway, being stranded together by the circumstances that the world they got trapped and how they can be so sweet with each other makes it actually something I wanna find one day due coming from a rather broken family myself. It’s all in the feelings that this stupidly imperfect yet so cuddly and badass gave to me. 
Then come videos like this which dissect how it all is so illogical for it all to happen it is that frankly, I lose the sight of getting to it because “it’s unrealistc” and “stupid” and that feeling gets broken:
They keep piling on and on which frankly has me lose the sight of the feelings that these kind of things gives to me, from my own ground and personal past experiences + desires. And thus, I rather try to cover up my thoughts via intellectual reasonings among other things in order to stay on top instead of being forgotten.
And that’s how it’s been for most of my life, I had treated things I used to enjoy as something I need to analyze and find so objectively good that there’s no way I can be looked down upon for liking it because I was made fun of or treated like shit for just liking them for my own reasons (usually more emotional than intellectual).
But that’s not how it goes when you try to enjoy these things. It’s not about how objectively good they are - it’s about what they made you feel. The surprising part is… there usually is a reason. And it has something to do with yourself deep within. IMO, those reasonings are more purer and perhaps larger than life, compared to whatever objective reasons there are to say when something is good, reasonably explained, or other things to be allowed to be felt validly about.
So why Mr.”Jesus”-kun? 
Well, because… at first he and the series reminds me of the appealing things in anime. The keyword is on “appeal”. 
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Like, you see a dude who gets some kickass moves or abilities, who seems like, liked overall by many folk and yadda yadda. Your usual mess and stuff. But overtime on always just analyzing these things instead of just taking them in, I kinda felt like a kid again wanting to be all those things that makes for a cool person even if they might appear to be some dumbass wish-fulfillment char. But it’s the feelings that matter - since in the end, they springboard you right away from there. Like, don’t think of how he got there. Think of the first impressions you had on some characters upon seeing them be awesome enough to hype you when you flicked a channel on randomly running these anime.
Now I would have dropped this whole series at once due harem shenanigans that were so brought in about as one of the series’ most notable “infamies”, yet frankly enough, there was no such stuff enough to make Certain Magical Index look a genuinely romantic series. It just kept on whatever plots it had, even if it had some controversial stuff going for it (like the whole cousin incest-shit, but they actually resolved it in pretty “okay”, dare I say, tasteful manner compared to your other animes with much heavier focus on such topic and never bring it up again ever since.)
I thought it’d be there, but since the show wasn’t apparently harem jazz and tried to tell story arcs as they came anyway, I decided to chug along since I had gone enough deep  -  yet later on in the 2nd season, Mr.Jesus-kun goes through some hard events and through that he went on to make an act of being a fucking DECENT PERSON  pretty damn admirable and heartwarming - something I always took for granted even if I do that a lot of the time. In fact, I think he’s quite a heroic guy for a “boring” person. 
Like, he goes to kick rapists’ asses even if you might say they rip that stuff of from better anime and it’s used for pointless drama. 
And if that wasn’t enough, he goes all the way to help a girl he bonded throughout the arc she’s featured with her severe PTSD to see a very positive flipside to the incident that led her to get one, which leads to one of the most satisfying endings for an arc I’ve seen in anime for a long while:
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I think what took me most aback was how Jesus-kun himself felt so strongly about giving her opportunity such resolve, which is frankly admirable thing. 
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In the arc, he had to deal with similar feelings due certain incidents in SAO that had him also kill folk before, much like this gal Shino above. He found resolve through as well after talking it out with his personal doctor:
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Like, say what the fucking ever you want about this overly dumb MC, but this guy deep inside is a decent person throughout and tries to go all by helping others beyond virtual reality jazz that he’s given so much flack about. No fucking rocket science why girls fall for him. :P  Not that the anime is like the spinoff-games which has the harem mess people laud the series so much as for some reason.
For that, he’s been “coolest” MC for these past 3 days (and gets to join in ranks with others I know in similar being). And from what I heard about this series, it seems to keep on getting better, if only for the fact that the author (Reki Kawahara) appears to not be some stuck-up man and tries to address problems with his writing as series goes on, even to the point of rebooting the whole series for a new series of light novels. On that end, most peeps lauded anime as worse than original LNs, so I guess it means I can go fill in the blanks for these chars in them incase I get curious, and build my vision of them even further.
In short, I have a lot of MCs I consider cool.  Why settle on one only?
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And now here comes the unfollows
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