#in news entirely unsurprising I enjoyed the 10 years of longing for someone you shared 24 hours of romance with - film starrring thom green
nomorelonelydays · 5 years
Can I present maîtresse-en-titre Sid. The prized beauty and only son of a humble coastal town family whose red lips, fair skin and sparkling eyes catch the attention of Russian emissary Kovalchuk, who is visiting the Western kingdoms on business for the king (Zhenya, who stepped into the position in extreme odds of his parents ceding the throne early and his brother moving away to marry). There is a special day of celebration in the small harbor parish to watch as the foreign delegation (1/?)
so much more under the cut!!! it’s literally an epic guys
passesthrough the only high street. Amid the local beauties who had adornedthemselves in hopes of catching the eye of a visiting nobleman or noblewoman,Sidney stands out for having made no special effort beyond his Sunday best andyet effortlessly catches the eye of everyone in Kovalchuk's entourage. They areofficially staying at a hotel in nearby Dartmouth but after supper, Kovalchukenlists a few companions to hire post horses and ride back to Cole Harbour andenquire about (2/?)
 theyoung beauty. The inhabitants of the parish keep much earlier hours thandashing young gentlemen and when they obtain the young man's direction from thelocal public house and are ushered by a stunned Trina and Troy into their tidybut small parlour, young Sidney is brought down in just his nightdress anddressing gown. Kovalchuk finds him even more charming in his bewildered andsleepy state but after tea and a one-sided discussion, he has resolved that theking would disregard all (3/?)
 bondsof friendship between them when he found that Kovy had kept this treasure allfor himself. Instead he enjoys the blushes and sweet looks Sidney gives himwhen he hears of the plan offered to his parents: to travel with Kovalchuk'sgroup and share their accommodations, be assigned his own servant, and receivea courtly education to go with his newly forged (literally) identity as amember of Canada's nobility. That such beauty and naivety as Sidney's couldeven elevate him beyond (4/?)
 theposition Kovalchuk is sure he will already receive - maîtresse-en-titre - butcould very well be asked by the King to fulfil one of the most prominentpositions in the kingdom by his side. Sidney is immediately aghast at the ideaof leaving his beloved family and home at the edge of the water for a foreignland where his entire past would be ripped away. He does a full disney princessflounce and runs upstairs to throw himself on his bed. Kovalchuk is unsurprisedand undaunted by the (5/?)
 reactionand is in fact only more charmed by the loyalty and lack of greed shown by it.He takes his leave of the Crosby's and only begs them to talk with their sonand consider: King Evgeni is a benevolent if proud and fearsome ruler who wouldlikely sympathize with all Sidney had to give up in order to be in his bed andin his court. If anyone could upturn the absurd ceremony surrounding the statusof courtesans, it is he. Two days of fraught negotiation between parents andchild ensue. (5/?)
 Whatultimately wins Sidney over is that, if the rumours of the Russian King'scharacter are true, then Sidney's own ascension to nobility could bring greatfortune to his family. It could preserve his sister from being forced intounwanted matches and relieve his parents of much financial difficulty. ButSidney is not so unselfish that, when he rides to Dartmouth alone with hismeagre belongings, he wouldn't have turned back had he not made Kovalchuk swearto at least a hope of one day (6/?)
 Sidneyseeing his family again. Kovalchuk spares one moment of selfish longing at thelook of fierce loyalty and purity in Sidney's bright eyes, sighs the temptationaway once again, and indulges himself in a kiss to one soft cheek when heswears his word as truth. The journey from there is too dazzling and befuddlingfor Sidney to really comprehend homesickness. His old clothes are given asidelong glance by his manservant - Guentzel - before Sir Letang is usheredinto Sidney's life (7/?)
 andannounces a great many changes to be made not just in Sidney's attire but anintroduction to courtly life and manners. Guentzel - Jake, as Sidney begs to beallowed to call him - is merely a boy and while given the position mostlybecause Sidney will not know the slight insult in so inexperienced a servant,Sidney is infinitely grateful that his new companion is too young to maintainformality with him for longer than a day. They become fast friends and alliesamid the lack of (8/?)
 Englishspoken in the entourage as they travel the remaining distance of Canada beforesetting sail again for Russia. Sir Letang revels in dressing Sid in the finestsilks and jewels, in spite of Sidney's embarrassment over being decoratedhead-to-toe in glittering finery and sweet-scented creams and oils rubbed intohis body (mercifully done by a kind and brotherly man named O'Brien, whoexpertly overcomes Sidney's shyness). Several other gentlemen become interestedin aiding the young (8/?)
 would-becourtesan's development: Sir Dupuis is a wryly funny fatherly sort, Sir Reavesis a raucous type with a protective streak as big as he is himself, and SirKessel is a dour man who Sidney takes an oddly intense affection toward. LordGonchar is a quiet but kind gentleman who seems to oversee the whole andoccasionally intervenes to keep the baudier and rowdier business away fromSidney. It is he who Sidney goes to for assurances about his possible new home.And possible new (9/?)
 newlover, the King. All of the men on board with Sidney during the arduous trek toRussia's capital think the world of their King but Gonchar's lengthier historywith him and quieter ways offer more to comfort Sidney than the fervent, almostboyish loyalty of the others. The length of the journey is such that Sidney hasreceived quite the education and indoctrination into his new way of life by thetime his tired body is listing into Kovalchuk's side as their carriage takesthem to the castle
 grounds.Kovalchuk cups a gentle hand under Sidney's chin and lifts his sleepy face topress a kiss to his brow. "Sleep a moment and be refreshed to meet theKing. And know this: should my good friend be so foolish as to not want you inhis apartments, you will find a welcome home in mine." Sidney is too tiredto even hear let alone understand and merely mumbles his thanks and drifts intoa brief nap as they make their way round the castle walls. When he awakesrefreshed (9/?)
 blessedby the recovery of his youth, Sidney is led briefly to his new chambers torecover himself from his journey before almost immediately being led away forpresentation to the court. His traveling companions have clearly done much forcreating excitement among the nobility who assemble in unusually large numberfor an otherwise ordinary day of business to see this pretty curiosity from thewindy shores of Canada. Sidney is grateful to be taken in on Gonchar's armrather (10/?)
 underthe heated gaze of Kovalchuk or the playfully teasing irreverence of the othergentlemen. Jake had regretfully gone with the other servants to the kitchensfor plain refreshments and easy camaraderie that Sidney earnestly wished forinstead of his task ahead with it's stiffness and terrifyingly fine foods.Sidney is far too shy and terrified to lift his eyes for more than is requiredfor protocol as he is presented before the King and his parents. His fine flushmerely accentuates (11/?)
 youthfulcolor and all his shyness is attributed to his youth and unaffectedness. It bafflesSidney to hear the nobles around him praise his poise and his appearance as ifhe were not there, but Gonchar merely presses Sidney's arm closer to him andguides him to tables groaning with (surprisingly delicious looking) food andbeckons a draft of wine for Sidney's nerves. The sight of so much pastry andcheese and potato warms Sidney greatly to the day and he is just feeling strong(12/?)
 enoughto face the endless line of introductions that Letang had warned him about whena deep voice beside him murmurs "I never see someone look at piroshki soexcept my brother when he eight years old." Sidney's nerves return in fullforce as he looks up (and up) into the face of the King. An extremely handsomeface with eyes that seem too kind and sleepy to belong to a ruler and a smiletoo rogueish for one. "Come, must have you satisfied when you look withsuch hunger!" (13/?)
 Sidneyisn't sure if he's imagining the slyness with which it is said but the Kingmakes no subtlety about how much he wishes to indulge Sidney's appreciation forhis country's food as he chooses dish after dish and presents them for Sidneyto eat. Right out of his fingers. Too overwhelmed to react and too hungry tocare, Sidney gratefully takes each proffered morsel of sweet and savory andgreedily licks up the wine that drips from the goblet His Majesty raises toSidney's lips. (14/?)
 Theentire court is not so subtly observing this blatant seduction, though theKing's parents cast him enough looks like he chooses to continue with the moretraditional courting of asking Sidney to dance. Sidney is charmingly littleadept at it but combined with the King's enthusiasm for big group folk danceswith easy steps, they make a happy pair moving about the floor. Too soon,Sidney is mortified by his own weariness and valiantly stifles his yawns. Butat a word from Gonchar (16/?)
 KingEvgeni graciously suggests that his young guest be seen to bed early. He drawsSidney close enough to murmur so that only he can hear: "Sleep tonight andarise late. Take time to recover in comfort of your own chambers. For tomorrow,I will bid you come to mine." Between the warmth in his cheeks from thewine and dancing and the heat he can feel in the King's gaze, Sidney's senseslist along with his traitorous body into the heady debauchery like a moth to aflame. When the King
 givesSidney one last look and licks his full lips, Sidney is almost desolated totears at his absence. It takes the firm arm of Gonchar and Jake's amusedattendance to cool the fire which the King alone had lit inside Sidney's virginheart. In the solitude of his great bed that night he frets over theconsequences of his dizzying evening. But his hands touch his own body beneaththe stiff and fussy nightdress and bring him sweet relief and almostimmediately after, a sweet long sleep.
 OkayI'm running out of steam because it's late here so fast-forward to Sid beingprepared for his first night with the King, lots of awkward explanations fromO'Brien and Jake's mouth hanging open as he listens and Sir Kessel rolling hiseyes at Letang and Reaves getting downright graphic. It turns out that none ofthem need bothered because a) Sid forgets most of it when he is escorted to theKing's bedchamber dressed in quite a ridiculous number of fine clothes for suchan assignment
 b)the King finds it endlessly charming that Sidney truly is pure and not justputting on an act like so many courtesans he’s had before. He adores guidingSidney and making him happy and comfortable in reviving the heat and attractionhe had begun the previous night. Sidney meanwhile fully appreciates the adviceto rest so well as he experiences the King’s voracious sexual appetites andstamina. He introduces Sidney to every pleasure his body can experience andtakes him completely only as
 thenew dawn is rising and bathes Sidney in a soft glow as he pants his way throughreceiving the King to his very hilt. His weary body shakes on the bed as histhighs are held open by his knees as the King’s strong slim hips pound betweenthem. He had blessed Sidney’s thighs with praise at their size and chased itwith worship for the roundness of Sidney’s ass, and then the scorching heat asthe King performed an act Sidney had never imagined royalty to ever do. But thepreparation was
 gratefullyreceived now that Sidney is trembling and sobbing on the King’s hard length.When he wantonly raises weak hands to pinch at his own kiss-reddened nipples,the King makes a broken cry somewhere between a howl and a bellow that makesSidney’s eyes fly open. The King pours all he has left inside Sidney’s body astheir eyes meet, and Sidney has a mad thought that the King looked almost as ifhe were in love right before coming apart himself. Cut to the following dayKing Evgeni takes
 arare holiday in which to court Sidney properly (but still with fucking) and helearns of Sid’s true identity and comes good on wanting Sid as his husband andreuniting him with his family even though Sid gladly chooses to live with Genoas long as he gets regular visits to his family. Also a bit of drama beforeGeno proposes where Kovy gets a bit too leery with Sid when he thinks Genomight not be serious about Sidney and tries to make a move, only for Geno tocatch them
 andSidney is terrified they’re about to duel but instead Geno and Kovy throw downfor a wrestling match in the sand used for sparring and Kovy submitting andthey both end up laughing and slapping each other on the back. When Sidneylooks baffled, Gonch assures him it’s just how Russian men are and everythingis fine. Sidney and Geno live happily ever after and the whole kingdom adoresSidney and his family get titles! End!
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irondevilpunisher · 7 years
Joy Meachum & Iron Fist thoughts
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So while waiting for the Punisher I’ve had time to marathon the Marvel shows again before the new series dropped. And lets just say rewatching Iron Fist I got a better insight into who Joy Meachum is. It surprises me she isn’t as beloved in this fandom as some of the other ladies in the marvel tv universe. Then again Karen Page for the most part suffers from the same absurdity; guess that’s what happens when the actress plays the part so well. I mean Jessica Stroup is damn good as Joy and gorgeous as hell. She brings a lot of depth, intelligence, integrity and complexities to the character and commands the screen every time she’s on. Its not really shocking to me as her previous works in other shows have been outstanding. But I think for me Joy Meachum is by far my favorite of Stroup’s characters.
Joy is so unique because she can go either way; bad, good or somewhere in middle. Either way Jessica makes you feel for this person because underneath that tough, sophisticated business woman exterior is a tortured soul; damaged and broken which is ironic considering her name. I’ve come to realize of all the characters on Iron Fist, Joy is the only one who wears a mask [metaphorically]. In many ways she’s very much like Karen. All her life she’s put up walls, refused to get close to anyone and strictly kept her mind on the company and her family. She even wears her clothes like armor to protect herself. Unsurprising. Joy didn’t exactly have it easy or a normal upbringing. Her best friend and his parents supposedly died in a plane crash when she was 10. She lost her father to cancer at 13. And we know nothing about her mother. The only person Joy could count on was her older brother Ward; a man keeping secrets of his own. 
Ward and Rand became Joy’s entire world for the past 15 years. She’d never formed any other relationships or interests outside of that. It kinda makes you wonder about what Joy fears. Her hardened closed off persona tells me she’s severely afraid of getting hurt again; of being loved or loving someone outside her blood.Though she loves her brother wholly and tries to help him and do right by her family; Joy deliberately forsakes herself from anything or anyone else and that’s what makes her such a tragic figure. I mean she spent years trying to live up to what she thought Ward was on top of trying to exceed her father’s expectations. she put so much effort into the company and for the most part made it better than what he father had done.
This was an ongoing trend for 15 years then BAM! Danny Rand comes back from the dead and throws her whole world out of wack. Just as Joy is content with the life she’d built for herself, someone from her past whom she loved and thought was deceased suddenly shows up. What’s her reaction to this? Terror and hesitation. If you really think about it Joy pushing Danny away no matter how much he screamed made sense. She’d already mourned him once and considering all the agony she’d gone through after the Rands’ and her father’s death these were just old wounds she wasn’t prepared to reopen. This woman literally thinks she’s seeing ghosts when he strolls up to her apartment. Nothing good had come into her life, why would it now? So Joy’s immediate response to Danny at every turn is to reject him. 
But here’s the kicker, no matter how much she tries to drive him away in the beginning there’s still that twinge of hope in Joy, a part of her wants to believe him so badly. Even after she and Ward drug Danny and have him committed to a mental institution, Joy still finds herself searching for answers regarding his arrival; if he’s telling the truth and where he’s been for the past 15 years. First she goes through old photos to see if the kid she remembers resembles anything like the strange young man spouting things off about her life.Then Joy does the one secret thing only Danny [her friend] would know about, sending him a package of M&Ms to see if he dissects the brown ones like they use to do when they were kids. Sure enough he does and Joy knows without a doubt in her heart its Danny. 
So what does she do afterward? Joy is torn between her loyalty to her family, the company and her feelings towards her childhood best friend. Sure she’s glad he’s alive but at this point Joy still feels she can’t afford any attachments. She doesn’t think there is any room left in her life to include Danny. And She’s convinced herself the girl he knew is long gone. So she resorts to push him away again this time at Ward’s behest by restricting Danny of his Rand name and rightful place at the company. This is the first time Danny glimpses the cold and cruel side of Joy which he doesn’t like at all. In fact her actions succeed in that he finally renounces any semblance of the bond or trust they once shared together; which ends up stirring him into Colleen’s direction. 
Unfortunately for Joy she can’t keep up the act any longer. Seeing Danny alive has already messed her up, but now its severing anything decent left inside her. Joy doesn’t like this as her conscience ends up getting the better of her. So on the day the Meachums meet with Danny and his lawyer to discuss a settlement, Joy goes behind Ward’s back and gives Danny the only evidence of his identity. A fingerprint under an old pottery key-holder, she’d been using, that he made for her. Ward of course figures it out right away, knowing his sister still holds a soft spot for Danny. It couldn’t be more obvious. Joy’s been living in his family’s old apartment, surrounded by photos of them as children. She keeps extra photos of them in a box at her desk; along with packages of M&Ms. Everything that reminds her of Danny is there in plain sight. Without realizing it Joy has been harboring her own personal Danny Rand shrine. She is either absolutely in denial or completely unaware of what she feels. But they’re there hidden deep.
Its funny because in all of Danny and Joy’s scenes together, the armor seems to crack. He somehow manages bring out Joy’s vulnerable side that she feels comfortable enough to confide in him. Danny is just so full of light and kindness that it cuts through the darkness Joy finds herself shrouded in most times. She tells him about her father’s death, what she went through since his family’s plane crash; things she hardly discusses with anyone. Not even Ward as close as they are which tells you something about the kind of friendship Joy had with Danny growing up. Now enter Danny trying to adjust as 51% shareholder of the company. He’s not very good at it but can you blame the guy? He was raise by monks for 15 years in a mythical place. At this Joy takes the opportunity to help him a little, maybe even get to know him again. For the most part they start bonding, Joy even smiles and laughs again in his presence. Gahh I can’t get enough of Jessica Stroup and Finn Jones’s beautiful chemistry; they’ve created this fascinating connection between the two characters. I live for that. Anyway they are however interrupted when a gang of assassins tries to kidnap Joy thus further straining any ties she has with Danny.
Now we get into the big stuff involving Ward and their father. In the midst of the Meachums being ousted by the board at Rand [something altogether painful for both siblings], Joy suddenly stumbles on her brother’s giant bomb that Harold had been resurrected and that he’d been forced to keep it a secret from her. Which means Joy had been living under a decades old lie. Danny of course found out earlier and only agrees to keep it from Joy to protect her from the Hand. This burdens Danny as he doesn’t enjoy being dishonest with her anymore than Ward. Joy is so conflicted, confused and shocked about her father she doesn’t know how to handle this situation. And strangely she’s more angry with Danny about the lie than at Ward, who kept her in the dark for years. Yet despite Ward’s continuous warnings that Harold is dangerous, Joy can’t let him go. Because like with Danny, Joy’s hope has been rekindled. And why would she regard Ward at this point after the lies and chasing him down for his drug habits? Joy sees her father alive in front of her. She wants that relationship again because she misses it. She needs it. 
As much as Joy wants to be happy her father’s alive she can’t be. Something prevents those feelings. And Joy starts noticing Harold’s dark, more sinister behavior. It scares her. He gets physically violent and short-tempered easily. And he tries to screw over Danny’s right to the company which Joy whole-heartedly objects to. Then there’s Harold’s dealings with the Hand which put Joy smack dab in harms way. By the end of Iron Fist’s first season Joy’s more damaged than ever. But its not the bullet wound that has her in agony its the betrayal of all people she loves. Her brother. Her father. Danny. All of them let her down in ways she can’t discern. And because of that she’s officially closed the door on everyone. On the verge of making irrational decisions based on emotion; something she doesn’t do being as logical minded as she is. Its landed Joy  in the cross-hairs of Davos’s feud with Danny and no doubt he will do whatever means necessary to take advantage of her fragile state.  
I found that Davos/Joy cliffhanger interesting because it was unexpected. You’d think he would’ve tried manipulating Colleen or Ward but no he went right for Joy. Why? What purpose does this serve him? What is he standing to gain? I mean if Joy isn’t that important to Danny why not seek out someone who is? The Answer is because Davos wants to hurt Danny and what better way to do that than use someone else he cares about to do it. Just think of the chaos Davos could create pushing Joy’s buttons as she plunges further into darkness and pain. And believe me I expect a world of pain ahead for Joy in season 2. But will she accept his offer? Her feelings for Danny are already conflicted enough to hate him or at least try to. We’ve yet to know Joy’s head space at that point nor how she even met Davos. One thing is certain though she’s hurting badly. Its gonna take more than hugs on Ward and Danny’s part to bring Joy around. 
Also why the hell was Madam Goa there? What’s she planning? Too bad the Defenders writers didn’t think to give us a tease on that.  
All and all I’m pretty excited for what S2 brings. Anyway these are just my Joy Meachum thoughts for the day. 
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legendsmag · 5 years
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80,698 People flocked to Stade de France the eighth largest stadium in Europe on Friday to see, what could possibly be the most musicians ever in three hours. The event, With Love, Paris, hosted by Penny Lane to raise money to help the families and community affected by the attacks on her Paris show last year sold out in less than 10 minutes and drew fans from around the world. And it’s not hard to see why. When Penny posted the impressive line-up announcement last month we too were excited to see what this day would bring. 
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We were right to be looking forward to it. The event itself took place over a little more than three hours and was broadcast live on Youtube with additional coverage of the backstage area where fans could see some of their favs interact, dance and sing along to the insanely talented artists performing.
The event itself started at exactly 7 pm with, who else, Penny Lane and her hit song ��Be Alright” off her 2017 album Dangerous Woman followed by “Thank You, Next”. From there Penny started bringing up her friends. Skyler Valentine-Griffin jumped up first, surprising no one by joining her bestie on stage for a performance of “Side to Side” followed by Pennys top song of the year “Monopoly”
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Next up, “Boyfriend” featuring Ryan Price. Another major hit on the charts last year. Before Penny Lane leaves the stage for the first time, handing over the limelight to Ryan for his performance of “Love It If We Made It” 
The stage is empty for a brief moment and then none other than London Calling walk out to perform “Story Of My Life”. It shouldn’t be that surprising to see the boys here supporting their long-time friend however it’s sort of bittersweet to see the four men together, down a member so close to the anniversary of Ethan's passing. 
Maxwell Harper-Bennett takes over the stage next belting out the Grammy-nominated song “Too Good At Goodbyes” before hurrying off to catch a flight back to his own tour where he would perform in a few short hours.
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A surprising addition Chloe Zuicq storms the stage with some impressive energy. Her newest song “Don’t Worry Bout Me” got the crowd dancing. We were a little shocked Chloe made the line up as we don’t know of any real connection between her and the queen of pop but her vibe was infectious. 
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Keeping the uptempo vibe, Blaize Griffin was joined on stage by Lucas Osborne for their song “I Think I’m OKAY” where they had the crowd jumping and screaming along proving that Blaize still has IT, even when he’s experimenting with a newer sound for the rap god. 
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 The first surprise of the evening, Ryder Tomasi takes over with his song “I Remember Way Too Much”, after seemingly having drama with the night's host a bit back after being removed from a song due to some drama. However, the former couple seems to have squashed their beef as Penny rejoins the stage, in a new outfit, to perform “The Way” with her former boyfriend. 
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Next up, Penny stays on the stage but is joined by Hunter Hopkins, another surprise guest, to perform their top ten single “F*ck Apologies” before conceding the stage to Hunter for him to perform his single, “PAID MY DUES”
Roman Rizvi is up next with his bop “Straightjacket” proving that he and Penny are still on friendly terms after the backstage camera catches them hugging it out as he leaves the stage. 
An unsurprising addition to the line-up, Cherry Chambers, steals the stage next by performing her hit single “Truth Hurts” where, if you’re still watching the backstage camera, you can see Penny on the screaming along. 
Continuing the girl power trend, Maia Karim kills it with a high energy performance of “Who Run The World (Girls)” complete with some serious choreography.
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She’s joined on stage immediately following her performance by her former bandmates where Nevaeh reminds us why they’re still the world's best girl group despite still being on hiatus with high energy performances of “Salute” “Shout Out To My Ex” and “Bounce Back”.
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Two members leave the stage to watch Penny, Maia and Essence Woods perform the biggest song of 2019, “Don’t Call Me Angel” as a trio for only the second time despite the popularity of the song. 
Then Essence takes over to show us all why she’s our “National Anthem”. Despite giving birth, the young mogul doesn’t miss a beat and already looks amazing as she struts around the stage to a highly interactive crowd screaming the lyrics back at her. 
The next surprise guest to join the stage is someone no one could have expected. Joanna Martel and Penny have a history and it’s not a pretty one but the pair seem to have squashed it, or at least put it aside for the night so Joanna could perform “Hit Me Baby”. 
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New artist, Winnie Kane, takes over next by performing her debut single“Hands To Myself” holding her own on her first major performance. Not many people get to say they had their first showcase in front of more than 80,000 people but I guess that’s the perks of being the protege to one of the world's biggest stars. 
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Make way for the King, literally. King takes over the stage to perform “Redbone” bringing a more mellow vibe back to the stadium after a string of very high energy performances. 
Callan Duffy reenters the stage and makes his way to a piano where he plays his ode to his mother “Supermarket Flowers” in a highly emotional performance complete with some tears from both the audience, the backstage feed as well as Callan himself.  
Penny Lane takes over the piano (we always forget that she can do more than just sing and dance) for a duo of never performed before songs starting with “I Am” where the pop star struggles to make it through the third chorus due to emotions and moving to “Music” where the singer barely manages to finish, clearly working out some of her frustrations with her career. The backstage feed is full of Penny’s friends, there to support her through a very difficult performance. 
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After composing herself for a moment Penny does her first speech of the evening where she expresses her gratitude to the city and her fans for sticking by her through some hard times, vowing to continue to do whatever she can to help the families affected by the tragedy that struck the last year. She puts her money where her mouth is, donating $100,000 to the event, before launching into her hit single, “No Tears Left To Cry”.
Skyler Valentine-Griffin joins her friend on stage at the end, where the pair hug it out for a moment before jumping into “Bed” together, seemingly having a great time goofing off on stage together, quickly lightening the mood with their antics before Penny gives her long-time friend a kiss on the cheek, leaving Skyler the stage to perform “Rehab” 
Quinton Harper, one of the few artists on the bill that doesn’t have a feature with Penny, is the only artist given two solo songs with both “Sorry” and “Love Yourself” making the cut. 
Maia and Penny come back out, both dressed more casually to do a cover of “Don’t Dream It’s Over” clearly enjoying themselves as they dance around the stage and really get the crowd interacting. 
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The duo leaves the stage and Camisado takes over. Performing their newest single “The Last of the Real Ones” with a high energy vibe.
Penny returns, this time bringing up Olivia Marie for two songs. “Fall In Line” a fitting ode given Penny’s current drama and Olivia’s connection to all of that and “I Can Only” also speaking volumes to their lives. 
Olivia leaves the stage leaving Penny to perform “Get Well Soon” before the biggest surprise of the night. A guest performer that literally no one could expect. Penny starts by singing the first verse in the iconic Dixie Chicks song “Not Ready To Make Nice” before inviting none other than Kylie Blue onto the stage to join her. The duo share a connection and some history but have never shared the stage before like this. Penny then concedes the stage to Kylie and the live stream cuts for a few minutes while Kylie performs her hit “Delicate.”
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As we reach the three-hour mark Olivia retakes the stage and delivers a moving and emotional first performance of her new single “Praying” which brought the tears from not only the singer but also the rest of the venue.
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Olivia and Penny embrace as the younger singer heads off stage and we resume the waterworks as Penny delivers a very emotional rendition of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” before launching into a short monologue thanking everyone for coming. Everyone rejoins the stage as Penny closes the show, crying through “One Last Time” a song with a lot of meaning right now to the pop star. 
Overall the entire show was phenomenal. While there were some lower points no performance seemed to be truly lacking and everyone involved help raise a little more than 13 million dollars. | 1/10/20
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