#danny x joy
all-my-ocs-are-evil · 3 months
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Jason's been pestering Danny about why he looks like a borderline walking corpse for ages and Danny has decided to put his lying skills to the test. (he has none)
rambling below cut
I've been playing w the idea that the more Danny transforms, the more his ghost form gets "lively" while his human form gets weaker and more sickly. He knows that if he keeps transforming like this then, one day, he's not going to have a livable body to go back to, but he really doesn't want to think about all that. He's more interested in the weird "totally dead but not dead" Wayne son who may or may not have a thing for his sister.
everytime i do one these im like "this time I'll keep it simple so I don't have to suffer through colouring bc I have zero foresight—it'll be greyscale at most" and then all of the sudden its 4am and i'm trying to finish a stupid comic but i decided to add "some" colour to spice it up and hide my shitty ink job and then SOME COLOUR ALWAYS BECOMES FULL COLOUR WHY CAN I NOT ESCAPE THIS STUPID CYCLE!!
(did this all stem from me not being able to decide between a super pale character design and one w a vibrant tan bc I love white hair + tan but I also love extremely pale albino so I forced myself to find a way to make both work? never! that's absurd!)
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rinriniisthekatch · 5 months
I posted this prompt in Haunting Heroes server. Decided to post it here too.
Danny, in all his infinite wisdom(10th grade wisdom), has decided to take a break. And taking a break, he means he doesn't want to de-age no matter how funny it would be to Clockwork.
All Danny wants is to be left alone while exploring a city as a tourist.
Except now... Fenton Luck striked down and being in Happy Harbor slurping on a smoothie watching mini sidekicks (cough heroes) try to beat the shit out of a robot.
Honestly, it's a good show, worst teamwork, but good show
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noxcheshire · 5 months
But I like the idea of the phantom world being reincarnated into very unexpected people.
Like I still love the idea of Danny being Martha or Thomas.
Or Dani being another clone, or her being Damian, and Sam being Poison Ivy and or Martha, etc.
But I also like the unhinged nonsense of Sam being a clone in the dc world — ideally Kon, and Dani (or Dan) being Bruce, while Vlad is gasp Thomas Wayne.
I just think the idea of Danny finding out that in an alternate world he married a nicer and age appropriate Vlad and had the son the guy has been demanding for so long in their world is hilarious.
The absolute mental breakdown that boy will go through: this is my son, and I love him, look at him go being a hero and kicking ass, but holy fucking Ancients above I fucked VLAD —
And on the other hand, can you imagine Bruce’s reaction? To his alternate mom being a sassy teenage boy, his alternate dad being an older guy ‘preying’ on this kid that absolutely HATES the guy, and being an absolute creep while his alt self **gestures to your choosing** is either a tiny girl menace or the biggest and meanest growling ghost that is BARELY tolerating being in the same space as the living.
But they also hate his alternate dad and would punch him into next week with Mom! Danny.
This man will being going THROUGH IT.
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ekat-fandom-blog · 2 months
Musical Chairs the second
Based off of my Musical Chairs prompt
Danny was working with the Teen Titans when a magic user hit them with a body swap spell.
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Cuckoo Clocks
Red Robin (Kinda) AU where everything during that timeline happens and Tim finally has his proof Bruce is still alive and he's ready to tell the JL and stop Ra's (whose on his way to Gotham to destroy all of things/people Bruce loves to get back at Tim for the whole blowing up his bases thing) all at once...
Only he suddenly finds a glowing green sticky note on his forehead. He is no doubt confused and jumpy from everything so far so he's tempted to forget about it and just move on but Tim has always been curious so he reads it.
"Finding the Lost in the stream will not be easy to fish out even with help gained. Find me first and I might lend you the correct lure.
Finish your battle with the False Immortal and find Phantom, he shall lead you to me and should you be right on time, I might be inclined to help.
And Tim... well, he's done a hell of a lot of questionable things so far at this point, why not take a chance on this too.
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minty364 · 1 year
DPXDC Prompt #55
What if Danny’s core worked like the Shikon Jewel from inuyasha? It gets split into however many pieces, depending on how long you make the fic.
Jason was raiding a GIW facility and finds 2 such shards, when they form together with a brilliant light, a larger shard is found. Danny finds himself slowly regaining consciousness with every shard to the point where eventually he can sense the other shards and core speak to Jason.
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romancemedia · 7 months
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Cartoon Romances + Jealousy
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ev-arrested · 1 year
You ever read an batfam incorrect quotes post, and you’re like, “yup…this is pretty incorrect, alright.”
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
So in Young Justice the ghost/ghostly people they’ve dealt with all have anchors in the mortal plane. Klarion has his cat Teekl, and Dr. Fate has the helmet. So when they hear about this ghost boy who kidnapped the mayor of a small town and robbed a bank, they look into it. And what do you know, there’s a kid in that town who looks an awful lot like the ghost kid. That kid also randomly disappears sometimes and often has strange bruises. The obvious conclusion? Daniel Fenton is either the anchor for Phantom, or Phantom is possessing this kid and making him do stuff. Either way it’s not good, and they need to save him.
oh my god I love this misunderstanding. Phantom's enemies think that if they destroy Fenton, then Phantom would be banished from the mortal realm.
Danny has no idea why people are now attacking him out of work hours. What the heck went wrong this time?!
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dannyisababyking · 2 years
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faeriekit · 2 years
How much excitement is conner holding in during the parent teacher conference XD cuz like,danny his dad,his father. The first adult that loved him unconditionally for no reason meets MM the man that sees no issues in conner discovering his identity slowly and calmly teaches conner. Allowing chaos and humor to mix in
Like yea black canary awesome but because of the way superman treated him having a positive male role model is just that much more speacial
(Sorry for bad spelling at this point Im going off the rails without thought XD)
It's the excitement of having two (TWO!!!) of his favorite adults in the room plus having a night outside of vigilante stuff at a restaurant, which he hardly ever gets, so imagine a kid desperate not to fly off or start glowing just *vibrating* I want to try the fried zucchini sticks
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sorenkingsley · 2 years
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bookoftheironfist · 9 months
If Marvel is wondering how to adequately celebrate the big 50th anniversary this year, I have ideas for a few series they could announce. If you'll indulge me...
Iron Fist Volume 7: Danny and Pei Get Their Powers Back. Miranda Is Also There (Please, I Miss Her).
Immortal Weapons Pan-Dimensional Kung Fu Shenanigans Series
Power Man and Iron Fist Volume 4: Mayoral Edition
Power Man and Iron Fist...2! (2 Power 2 Fist?): Pei and Victor Alvarez Team-Up
Daughters of the Dragon/Nightwing Restorations Ongoing
A Sparrow-Centered Series Set in K'un-Lun. Steel Serpent Is There Too.
Shang-Chi and Iron Fist: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu
More Adventures of Orson Randall and the Confederates of the Curious
Wu Ao-Shi Solo Mini-Series
Li Park Solo Mini-Series
Joy Meachum Retrospective/One-Shot
Spin-Off Series for That Future Where Dani and Lucy Are Married. Also, THIS.
Mini-Series About Danny and His Friends' Childhood Adventures in K'un-Lun
"Misty and Danny Forever" Ongoing, As We Were Promised
Retrospective Series of Colleen and Misty's Pre-Marvel Premiere Adventures
Book of the Iron Fist Anthology Series: New Stories About Past and Future Iron Fists We Haven't Met Yet
It Isn't Easy Being Green: Epic H'ylthri One-Shot
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
DCxDP fanfic Idea: Marriage trap the Office supplier!
Danny had developed an appreciation for office supplies. He didn't know where it came from; just that one day, as he was cleaning his parents' office, he noticed their invoices and Order forms were out of order, so he chose to organize the binders.
It was just to make things easier to find the information when Tax season came around, but he found a strange joy in locating the correct stamps to mark each form.
Approved with a little thumbs up.
E-mailed with a flying envelope.
Entered with a little arrow.
Scanned with a picture of a scanning machine. Completed with a little check mark. Even the Cancelled and its accompanying x-out circle made him feel giggly.
Before long, Danny went hunting from some dividers and was excited to assign colors to certain tasks. He even made sure to separate everything by the order in which it was completed. By the time he was done, he realized he had no more use for his stamps, so he chose to go about the rest of the office.
He did not sleep that night. The next morning, the Fentons woke to their office lab in its best state since they had moved in. Everything had a place, and everything was neat and tidy with Danny happily explaining his organization system- all written down and marked on colorful legal pads he found shoved in a box.
Since then, Danny would excitably talk about the newest pen, sticky note, paperclips, or paper clamps he had found. Often, they were in strange shapes- "Look, Dad, these are sticky notes shaped like toast inside a Toaster holder!"- and no one could tell why it bought him such joy.
Even desk organizers excited him, often seen changing up his things every once in a while with new highlighters or traveling pens. His two best friends were often spotted walking behind Danny at any store within a fifty-mile radius of Amity Park that sold office supplies.
But that meant no one was surprised when Danny eagerly announced he would work in an office until he had enough money to open his own stationery store. What was surprising was that Danny somehow managed to find a job at Wayne Enterprise right out of high school as an office admin assistant.
A high-ranked one. He was the right-hand man to Bruce Wayne himself, working as a personal assistant then anyhting else.
It was clear across state lines no one knows how Danny even managed to land an interview since Mr. Wayne asked for at least a bachelor in office management to even apply or that Danny seemed unworried about living in a crime-infested city working for the man that was target a lot due to his wealth.
Danny only talked about all the superb brands of pens and notepads he would get with his new salary.
What was more shocking was how efficant Danny was at his job. He breezed through his work like a pro, getting Mr. Wayne on time every time (no one knows how) and cheerfully gaining the approval of the board.
Danny often stepped in for Mr. Wayne, Mr. Wayne-Drake or Mr. Fox, quietly becoming known as "Third-in-Comand" at WE despite the fact everyone knew him as "just the admin assistant"
He was also known for being very excited to show his desk to the office, covered in cute or interesting supplies from around the world. He spent hours schooling through websites and making wishlists of things he wanted to buy and try out.
Danny Fenton was a gift among the staff. He ran the office like a smoothly oiled machine, employing new systems and communication means that errors rarely happened in different departments.
WE genuinely feared the day he would leave the company to open that store. They tried to bride him by offering to pay his entire college career and make him a head of any department he wanted, or even officially give him Mr. Wayne's PA position but Danny insisted he wanted to open his store someday.
A plan was hatched by a low-level intern who had personally seen Danny take minutes with an invisible-ink pen and black light at his interview, only to witness the man fight for his right to have a paid internship and full benefits.
He mentioned how convient it was that Danny was close to every member of the Waynes. Yes. Bruce Wayne made it clear he would not be adopting the boy seeing as he was too old for that but what if....they ensured Danny stayed with WE if they made it the family bussiness?
Danny could still be a Wayne. They just had to get him to marry into the family, and WE could keep the embodiment of an office employee forever.
His idea spread through the company like wild fire, and not long, every single person who's checks were signed by Bruce Wayne was gunning for a chance to give Danny and a Wayne a wedding.
(Unknown to them, Danny is the hero Phantom, who, upon learning Batman's ID, instantly asked to work for him in an office setting because he wanted to open a stationery shop one day. Feeling blackmailed, Bruce allowed it, thinking he would catch Danny lacking, only to....find out the kid genuinely loved his job? And was good at it?
His kids are close to him as fellow vigilantes and are unaware of the WE employee's goal.
Danny just really likes Office Supplies. It might have something to do with his Ghost Obsession changing, or it's a Specail interest. He doesn't really care for the reason)
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call-me-strega · 3 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #22: the Respectful Catcall Guy
Have y’all seen the videos of the respectful catcall guy? The one who says stuff like “Hey girl! You look like you file your taxes in a timely manner!”, “Hey Dawg! Your eyebrows look like they are on point bro!”, or “Yo! You look like you know how to fold a fitted sheet!”. So instead of an unpleasant experience with harassment you get a nice complement? Y’all know those guys?
So that but it’s Danny and Tucker (Sam’s camera women) on their summer road trip to visit colleges. No on is safe from compliments, not civilians, not super heroes/vigilantes, not even rouges are safe.
Some of these interactions would include:
“Damn Dude! You look like you contribute equally to household responsibilities!” (To Barry out with Iris and his kids, he laughs proudly and Iris says “Yeah he does!”)
“ Hey Man! You look like you always pull up for you friends!” (To Wally picking up a drunk Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, and Roy Harper after an undercover Titan’s mission gone wrong. He smiles awkwardly while his friends laugh)
“Dang Bro! You look like you’re taking your meds regularly!” (Trickster/James Jesse tv show version, he says “I am!” not questioning how they would know he takes meds)
“Damn ma’am! You look like you love every dog unconditionally!” (To Wonder Woman after she stopped to pet a dog)
“Dang girl! You look like you could bench press your friends! I bet you give great hugs!” (To Cassie Sandsmark at a Core Four hang out. She proudly shows off her guns and Bart yells back that she does give great hugs)
“Wow Girl! You look like you know how to use healthy communication and boundaries in your relationships!” (To Black Canary, she smirks proudly)
“Damn man! You look like drink your respect women juice at breakfast, lunch AND dinner!” (To a Clark Kent treating Lois to lunch)
“ Wow man! You look like you make an effort to be and active and present part of your daughter’s life! (To Deadshot/Floyd Lawton and his daughter Zoe out for dinner)
“ Dang girl! You look you know how to find joy and whimsy in life!”(To Raven, she smiled and appreciated it, but did double take at the amount of extradimensional death magic on these kids which check with them about later)
“Dang sir! You look like you know how to properly season your cooking!” (To Alfred Pennyworth out on a grocery run)
“Damn miss, you look like you make environmentally conscious lifestyle choices!” (this is actually Sam to Poison Ivy, she follows it up with “I’m a big fan of your work”)
“ Damn boy, you seem like you’re super passionate about what you believe in and deeply care about the people you love!” (To a budding, upstart crime lord Red Hood who is shook by positive feelings at this time in his life. They track him down and explain liminality and help him deal with emotions before he does smth too drastic like decapitating ppl *cough cough* But he still becomes a Crime Lord to mess with his family and still have a dramatic reveal)
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rboooks · 1 year
DC x DP Fic idea: The Bakery is a Front!...right?
Danny Fenton starts his own business in Gotham. He knows that moving to Gotham is dangerous in a way, but it is the only other place with enough natural ectoplasm that can sustain him.
He wanted to move away from Amity Park to start on a clean slate. His parents now knew the truth, and to show their support, they were turning their research into a more sociological base instead of biological- I.E. ripped ghosts apart. Jaz got accepted into her dream college- Oxbridge. She moved overseas and is doing well in her advanced physiological courses. They told their parents of Dani, who promptly adopted her and signed her up for a traveling club under the condition she returned home for school.
The ghosts stopped challenging him after he explained Amity was his haunt and that it was bad manners to spar inside a haunt. He is open game in the ghost zone, but Danny got to choose when to go in there- his obsession requires him to defend something, so defending weaker ghosts in the Zone was a good option.
Danny always wanted to be an astronaut, but his teenage vigilante lifestyle ruined his chances- it isn't even his grades. It's a fact Danny's heart is so slow due to his ghost side it is mistaken as a heart condition. No space program would ever send him up with that. Danny decided that he would instead go with his second joy- baking. He opened Phantom Bakes in his second week in Gotham using funds from his Ghost King vault.
He served everyone and asked no questions. He was mostly sure half of his customers were gang members, but he didn't start anything and didn't allow any fights in his bakery. He became a sort of haven for everyone. He even began preparing packs for people experiencing homelessness, and bought the building next door to put some heating systems for anyone to sleep In during the winter.
Despite his obsession with protection, his human side made it possible for him to ignore it. He decided that his teenage years were spent too much giving in to his obsession and that in his twenties, he would retire. He did nothing while the various Bats threw themselves into battle, he turned a blind eye to petty crimes and basically tried not to bring any attention to himself.
He managed about six months until he accidentally walked through a cloud of fear gas while texting Sam and Tucker. His friends were tying the knot- the fact they all were best friends and exes was only slightly strange- and he was so focused on helping them plan the wedding as their Best Man he didn't hear the gasps, and horrified yells until he ran into Scarecrow.
He apologized for not looking where he was going and got a needle shoved unto his arm as a response. Danny's reflex to that was to punch the man a foot away from him.
The Bats quickly locked up the villain, and Danny decided he needed to be gone as fast as possible. He tried to return to his everyday life, but the next day, some of Scarecrow's goons showed up at his bakery asking him for work....so he hired them and taught them to make pastries. Then those goons brought over some friends who needed work but were recovering addicts and couldn't find employment.
He added coffee to his menu and threw them into that. Then some street kids asked if he would buy some stuff from them. Danny told them that he wasn't interested in car parts, but he was interested in furniture for the building next door. He had kids bringing in broken bookshelves, bed frames, and much more, paying them far more than the shady garages would.
Then some shady groups of men kept coming to his bakery asking for money for protection but Danny can protect himself just fine and proved it every single time a group made trouble.
He started having the streey kids make deliveries hoping to get them out of life of crime.
He made natural ectoplasm which, after much testing and research done by his parents, proved to clean out dangerous substances from the body. He made unique pastries that could help overcome addiction and heal withdraw.
He saw the light slowly return to the eyes of a drug-ridden community, and it brought him so much joy he barely charged for them.
Unknown to Danny, he has set himself as a up and coming villain. Rumors of his Fear Gas immunity attracted the attention of the Joker- who was found with all limbs broken, beaten black and blue after the clown tried to take a swing at Danny's employees. The baker had taken his broken body back to Arkharm, dragging the bleeding man through the streets uncaring of the line of red he left or the various people recording him in awed fear.
The rest of Gotham waited to see his true colors as he carefully built a front and gathered people. Some want to take him out as soon as possible.
Red Hood, most of all, after he heard that Danny had kids run special deliveries to know addicts. The only reason he hadn't blown his brains out was because Danny hadn't set himself up in crime alley.
The Bats had even talked him into joining an undercover mission to learn more about Danny. They didn't know what drugs he was moving or if he had a hand in other crimes, and needed more information that Oracle was unable to find.
She couldn't pull anything on Danny, driving her insane. (Techus erased Danny from the internet as a prank once and forgot to undo it.)
That led to Jason and Tim entering Phantom Bakes, acting like street kids who ran away from a homophobic father looking for a job.
Danny had them decorate cupcakes within the hour, letting them know he didn't expect them to crunch out masterpieces. They knew it would be a while to see Danny's real business so they bite thier tongues and got to work.
Tim just hopes they finish this mission before Jason snaps and shoots their main suspect....or before Danny romances the entire of Gotham because, goddammit, he has as much game as Brucie pretends to have. It's getting frustrating to see so many people throwing themselves at him, only for Danny to pretend not to notice. His good looks, charming personality, and carefully manipulated cover, drag good people into his schemes. He didn't want another Harley Quinn.
(He will ignore that his heart skips a beat whenever Danny gets too close. Thank you very much. It's just a crush; people get those all the time.)
(Part 2) (Part 3)
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