#in omen's mind... there is every
scuddle-bubble101 · 9 months
Omen sighs heavily, putting a hand over his face and rubbing his sockets. "I see..." It seems I owe him an apology as well then. The nightmare straightens his coat a bit and huffs. "I'm sure you may have been able to tell, but Malice is.... Sensitive when it comes to those he cares for." That was an understatement of course. Malice could be considered near inconsolable when he was upset. The only option now was to let him work through his anger until he tires himself out.
How unfortunate to lose that au early... it still had potential, but I suppose I can overlook his outburst this time.
"Well, regardless, I'm sure you'll wish to apologize later. I'll make sure to have him see you when he has calmed down." Omen looks down at Evris, his expression softening. "...Trust is hard for some of us... I'm certain Malice understands that you had not intended to... hurt him."
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[Annnnd I can see that did absolutely nothing to console him......... shit.]
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"Or... We can try- A different approach to this..."
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"Does that sound good to you?"
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"I'm sure what I can offer is some calm solace for you for the-"
"I need to see him O-omen, ...I need to see.... T-to see he's ok."
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raggedy-spaceman · 1 year
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one of my FAVOURITE interactions is when aziraphale is possessing madam tracy, because when aziraphale sees crowley he says his name in the most loving, thankful and tender voice i have ever heard, communicating ten thousand words at once, the most important ones being i am so glad you're here.
and then crowley replies in a would-be casual voice "hey aziraphale! see you found a ride." but its so familiar, and immediately knowledgeable?? like crowley has just arrived but he already knows everything about the situation, and i love it so much because everyone else is still so behind, trying desperately to figure out what's going on. crowley and aziraphale though? they're there side by side knowing exactly what the other knows, no explanation or catching up required.
and then of course:
"nice dress, suits you"
"ahh! 🥰 this young man won't let us in"
"leave it to me"
the way they lean into each other??? the softness in aziraphale's voice as he says one little sentence knowing that he can count on crowley to fix it for him. and then crowley leaning and softly promising that he'll do this bit, don't even worry about it angel.
everything is just so reminiscent of an older couple who know each other inside and out, can always rely on each other, and can communicate their feelings and the situation with a half glance alone
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actual-changeling · 8 months
someone should have stopped me from putting these side by side but here we are. i can't do this anymore what the fuck.
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a difference from at least six thousand years—and they are completely different people, crowley is absolutely right about that. the starmaker was lost in the fall, and crowley has been trying to find himself again ever since.
the final fifteen robbed him of anything light that was still persevering, because crowley's don't bother is him giving up. he's done. he can't do this anymore and then he still waits.
he still waits.
and he will keep waiting.
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bilaudad · 3 months
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experimenting with more simplified or cartoon styles, and practicing not being afraid of color and not being so self-conscious showing the process
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sygneth · 11 months
Today in Things That Would Heal Me: Aziraphale looking at Metathrash like this
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(late-night sketch, excuse my brain, it thinks this is funny)
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myfairstarlight · 4 months
"But how could Aziraphale believe for a second that Crowley did that horrible thing" because Crowley takes credits for shit the humans do themselves all the time? Because Crowley gets mad when Aziraphale implies he's kind?? But then also gets offended when Aziraphale assumes the worst??? Idk man these two are a mess okay
Added on edit: That's why I kinda want more flashbacks in s3 from Crowley's pov. Because he's still a demon, yes, his main demonic tactic is being a massive annoyance, but that's mainly in modern times, he still had assignments to do and I doubt Beelzebub gave him jobs where he just needed to be an inconvenience. He could get away with not killing Job's kids but what if for other assignments he wasn't so lucky? And he probably had to be buddy buddy with not so top-nutch people too. I know we'll probably not gonna see the moral complexity of this explored but I think it's something interesting to think about.
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alanabloomluvr · 1 month
autism in their eyes, homosexuality in their heart.
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thecosmicrebel · 4 months
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Thought I'd wait till Pride Month to post the ✨gayest frame/drawing✨ I've ever created to date.
Once again, I took part in another Good Omens frame project run by @gomensframes along with hundreds of other artists. And honestly it was so fun being a part of it and SMASHING JOB to all the other artists that took part YOU ALL ARE ARE AMAZING!!
Every Frame Against the Wall
Frame: 182
(legit i screamed when i got my frame because look at it...it's SO GAY)
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barely-getting-bi · 1 year
frantically violently rapidly switching between
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mbat · 7 days
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this was an idea i had last year that i found in my files and decided to revive. woe, angst be upon ye
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p4nishers · 1 year
can yall stop hating on my bbg aziraphale he's literally just an immortal teenage girl
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weepywhalewatcher · 8 months
My mum is buying me a second hand Good Omens book since Amazon didn't have the old cover, just the one with David Tennant and Michael Sheen (don't get me wrong, I love them, I just don't like those kinds of covers). Anyway I'm excited for season 3 even if it's gonna be ages.
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tired-and-swaggy · 1 year
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castielsparkle · 1 year
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mrghostrat · 7 months
Hear me out.
Surely you were exposed to Healthy Harold in the life ed van, and if you were like me you also had the life changing experience of seeing the person who just spent the better part of an hour teaching you about the dangers of nicotine chain smoking behind the van during lunch.
Crowley and Azi would definitely be that couple to travel Australia with Harold the Giraffe (Harry the Rabbit??) trying to help kids while immediately committing all the sins that they just warned against.
my primary school was straight up bush, and that bus was always parked in the big kids area by the fence line where it got real wild and you couldn't see much. so i had a pretty fantastical experience and COMPLETELY BELIEVING that vegetable enthusiast was a real ass giraffe, and refusing to believe the year 6's who SWEAR they saw the chick's arm controlling it
(were you also a local celebrity if you got to pat him????? i never ogt to pat him. the jealousy raged inside me, like. next year. next year i'll be the one)
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