#in shiguang hell help
chokehoe · 4 months
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Evil Cheng xiaoshi be like "I hate basketball and lu guang!" idk lol
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rysmaonthemic · 1 year
Shiguang dai li ren/Link Click thoughts
Spoiler season 2
I needed to take a deep breath after watching the last episode of season 2. Too many questions, too many theories: my head was and is at full speed. The whole season was hell of a ride, September 22th has to be a national holiday for Shuguang dai li ren fans 😭 (yes I’m a drama queen)
Establishing strict rules that should never be crossed otherwise terrible consequences would occur, the cliffhanger of saison 1 open the door to a large amount of questions. Thus, season 2 begins with a promise of trials and tribulations.
Through out the episodes we are the witness of massive ups and downs with a frenetic rhythm: it’s an absolute emotional roller coster for the viewers 😭. The unbearable tension reached its peak when we found out Lu guang is from the futur and he’s trying to change the past at all cost.
At the last minutes of episode 12 when we see the blood on his shirt, I don’t think it’s after being stab in S1 (he wouldn’t be so calm) it means it’s directly after Cheng Xiaoshi death in his real timeline ( bro didn’t even try to live 00.3s without CSX😭)
Despite of everything LG taught us, he broke the rules. We were aware of the rules through LG statement but now that we know he is an unreliable character maybe those rules aren’t completely true? For example the 12 hours rules (if so why would he lie to CSX?)
LG was also a time traveler: since when did he has the power?
He either had it before the new timeline - I don’t think so- or he gain it when CSX die in his arms. (Which imply futur-LG no longer has CSX power in the new time line). I think it’s the second solution.
We see LG going back to the past, is it the only time he did so? If not, how many time did he uses it?
To my mind he only used it one time. The way he feels guilty when he did it shows that it’s not something he is used to do.
What’s in the picture ?
I think he went back in time either at his first encounter with CSX or at the overseas trip : either way the LG we have known since S1 has to be LG from the futur.
We will learn more this overseas trip in s3 for sure (as well as CSX and LG past, I imagine a lot of flash back in s3)
Qiao Ling acquired Li Tianxi’s ability then how is she gonna use it ?How would she confront LG about it?
I think she would be chocked with a lot of empathy and understanding toward LG. She might combine her ability with LG in order to prevent CSX death…
Liu Xiao is clearly a new threat alongside Li Tianchen : Does he has power too? Is he kind of a time line agent or something ?😩 Will he combine his supposed power with Li Tianchen ? Now that he lost his sister and left his phone on the bench I think he has nothing to lose.
Moreover, how will CSX react to his non-death news ?
I feel like LG wouldn’t admit his act directly to CSX and CSX is going to found out through someone else. Will he be :
- Furious at LG (he prevent him from saving the village whereas CSX was deeply affected by it)
- Enraged at LG but accept his destiny
- Mad at LG but try to help LG to save himself
Whatever the answer above, I think CSX will be extremely angry at LG and his impulsivity might put him even more in danger.
LG is clearly willing to do everything and anything for CSX’s sake. However, all the event in S2 (twins etc + him being stab) is unknown to him bc it didn’t happen in his original time line. Lu Guang said something like “event seems to be changing ”
What if, at the very end, he goes back (one last time) to a past where he didn’t even meet CSX? If saving him means to never met him in the first place I think he would.
(Without LG in CSX’s life everything we saw wouldn’t happen ..?) (it’s super sad tho💀)
Whatever the end of it, LG might sacrifice himself for the life of CSX.
All in all, Lu guang is gay, we must protect CSX, QL is an adorable bad ass and we’re all going to suffer.
One last straw: LG keeps the date of CSX death as his phone password the same way Edouard Elric kept the date of his mother death on his watch. They both keep it as a reminder of their goal and the lost of their love ones 😃🔫
PS: I need to watch S1 again as well as S2
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wrathyforest · 1 year
thank you so much for your help on the photo studio layout (also i love your fanart ahaha)! i cannot BELIEVE it NEVER had a kitchen, omg. also the fact that baby!CXS's bed was so big lol it's all so silly xD
I believe you miss a little bit with gratitude, because the one who wrote the post about studio is not me, but my friend here ^^" You should thank him, but I let him know it anyways :3 And thank you for the art appreciation 🥺🥺🥺 I cannot express in full just how pleased I feel knowing people like my artworks~ ___ Yeah, tHERE IS PLANTY OF QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW THEY LIVED BEFORE and oh my god WE DON'T THINK MUCH ABOUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO CXS'S PARENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE. I mean, when the time comes, we all will be screaming and crying our eyes out because I do believe that the main plot isn't about shiguang being domestic and romantic (it's just an extra, and I wish they will live happily ever after till their heads are all white ugh.. (err Lu Guang's even whiter)..) but the story of Cheng Xiaoshi solving the mystery of his missing parents... well, who knows...
I wish we all survive this despite being doomed by narrative :D
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