#in terms of florals strawberry flowers would also be very fitting for her
always looking for scents that remind my of my characters/that they might smell like
red roan would be a p good base scent for amity -- strawberry oatmeal, not too sweet, but comforting. warm. solid. and oatmeal is smthing they could have made with ease while traveling with the caravans. probably needs some sprucing up -- add a touch of smoke and/or sulfur for her magic, but yeah, it's a good base
except. i made her allergic to strawberries. alas.
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onlyhorn · 3 years
@rcguna​ gives Rem a birthday gift!
By the time Rem gets her gift from Raguna she’s already had a wonderful homecooked breakfast in bed from her lovely fiance. Would she expect anything less? Pancakes with his own recipe of strawberry syrup. Cheese omelet with hash browns. Thick cut and perfectly crisped bacon. Delicious! But when she’s finally out of bed and dressed Raguna has a small but long and finely wrapped box for her.
“Happy birthday, my love, my Remedy~” He’s playfully singing for her, not well in tune (this may be somewhat intentional if only to get her giggling in her own beautiful voice) but the song is enthusiastic nonetheless as he recites ‘happy birthday’ before holding it out.
When the box is opened inside she would find a lovely Chef’s knife. The blade was sleek and shockingly sharp to the touch (because really, who doesn’t test for funsies), and imprinted with several flowers quite reminiscent of those that the couple grew outside of the homestead in the warmer months. They may not be colored the same radiant blue of her eyes that the farmer was once again lost in, but the faceting of the design catches the light beautifully. So too was the handle, shaped to fit her hand and balanced to feel natural when in use. Perhaps a bit more attention was paid to the weapon–er, knife… but can one fault the farmer’s enthusiasm for making her another gift?
The important thing here is… does she like it? Is she impressed? It should be a given he smithed it all himself after all, and her reaction was eagerly awaited.
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It all starts with a tired, sleepy yawn. Arms reach out high over her head, torso lifted up to allow herself to stretch more appropriately, only to then be greeted by the rest of her awakening senses when the sweet smell of strawberries and the savory scent of cheese and potatoes fills the air of her bedroom.
When glancing off to the side, she spots it; a buffet fit for a Roswaal-sama, a lovely breakfast that looked almost too delicious to pass up!!! Pancakes that were stacked high, topped with a beautiful ruby glaze of strawberry syrup, and a little dollop of freshly-churned butter on top, as well as a serving of a golden omelete served with strings upon strings of perfectly browned hashbrowns, and perhaps the most tantalizing of all… thick, sliced bacon, which on its own looked like a gift from the gods!
Normally, Rem was against eating so promptly early in the morning, but today was a special day, isn’t it? (She should know, Raguna’s been softly teasing her about it for what felt like the past two weeks leading up to it.) It comes as no surprise to her that her lovely fiance had decided to greet her this morning with an absolutely delectable breakfast… And truly, it would be an insult not to feast her eyes, and her mouth, on the various delicacies left for her to enjoy!
Little did she know that while she was feasting on this delicious breakfast left for her, Raguna was finalizing preparations for when she finally left their bedroom. It takes almost a half hour to finish all the food (she ate that quite fast, didn’t she?), get dressed, and prepare herself for another wonderful day to spend with the man she loves—
Only to then be greeted by no-other than the breakfast-maker himself, very clearly singing in awful tune to get her to laugh, which he succeeds at almost instantaneously. A combination of the hearty meal coupled with the corny morning greeting… oh, even when he made himself look ridiculous, Rem couldn’t help but feel her heart flutter more and more whenever she’s around him! He calls her his Remedy, but couldn’t she say the same about him? Hm… perhaps not. Ragmedy doesn’t have a nice ring to it. Heh.
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“ Good mooor~ning, troublemaker. “ Ah, just listen to the return of her own sing-song voice, so much more in-tune than his previous attempt and, perhaps most important, all the more lovely. Rem had figured what to expect from him when she first spotted him with his hands behind his back, clutching what she could only assume was a gift. Adding onto that comical factor from before, he does an awful job at hiding the surprise!
The jig’s up! The present is presented, and the maid quickly takes it in her hand with a mischievous little giggle. “ Oh, my, I wonder what could be in this little box..~ “ A gift, obviously, but the question is, what kind? A toy of some sort, reminding her of herself or of Raguna? Maybe even a little pair of fuzzy mittens for when the weather gets cold? Oh! Or maybe, A cutesy little bow to tie in her hair, something to match a tie he got for himself, wouldn’t that be adorable?
Too bad the item in the box was the exact opposite of adorable…. at least, in terms of its general use.
A knife!?
Goodness, he really did make her a knife! Even if it wasn’t cute, it’s very obvious that the design is of his own making! The floral pattern on the blade gleamed with the tilt of the metal against the soft lights nearby. She stares at it holding it by the handle and gently inspecting it with her fingertips… And yes, she is tempted to poke the very sharp tip with her index. Poke. Ouch! Yup, that’s sharp!
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“ I never would have thought that I’d find a knife to be such a romantic gift for a birthday present, honey. “ She flips the blade skillfully in her hand. If Raguna wasn’t already used to her skills in the kitchen, the action could have been seen as a threat. thankfully, she knows how to handle her blades. “ Did Beatrice put you up to this? I was complaining about how dull the other knife seemed to be getting recently… “
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“ But I distinctly don’t remember you being aroound for that itty-bitty conversation. “ Oh dear… This meant that Beatrice wasn’t going to be safe from her love and appreciation either, if that turns out to be the case. Regardless, Rem leans forward, setting the knife down on the nearby table so that she isn’t holding it while she plants a long and meaningful smooch right onto his blushing face. 
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“ I know it’s my birthday, but I would really like to try to use this knife later today. How about we make my birthday dinner together? We can even invite Beatrice to help and get her hands dirtier for once, hm? Of course, I might get sleepy after a big meal too… “ Oh no. “ So I’d also appreciate it if you, you know, ‘helped me to bed’ after we finished~. “
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raphaelarider · 7 years
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The Sorting Hat || WDPA Challenge 001
Personal Questions
What is your real, birth name? Any nicknames? When and where were you born? Raphaela Florence Lights. Raphi is easier for people to say, so that’s my go-to nickname. I was born in Mercer Island, Washington, on June 21st, 1996
What is your Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (If you don’t know go here, this question is optional.) ENFP
Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it? Raph and Raphi are my most commonly used nickname. My papa called me Sunshine because of my optimistic personality, and Simon has taken to calling me that, too. I’ve heard Blondie pretty often. Lola calls me Razzles.
What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features) I’m about 5’3”, with long golden hair and huge green eyes. I look about 25-27, but I turn 21 in June. I have freckles across my nose and on my shoulders. Also, I’m pregnant.
How do you dress most of the time? Do you wear any jewelry? I’m most often seen in dresses in shades of pink and purple, as those are my favorite colors. I also wear a lot of floral print, and have been known to walk around barefoot most of the time. I don’t wear a ton of jewelry, usually just small earrings. Of course, I wear my wedding ring all the time, stacked on top of my mama’s old gold ring.
What don’t you like about yourself? What kind of things embarrass you? Why? I don’t like my height; I wish I was taller. I’m embarrassed by my clumsiness, I still haven’t gotten used to running everywhere, and I trip over my own feet at least once a day. I wish I was more graceful.
In your opinion, what is your best feature? My best feature, physically, would be my eyes.
Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.? Si and I live in a pretty nice apartment a few blocks from campus. It’s an artist’s paradise, full of easels and paints and projects all over the walls. It is bright, with lots of windows and shades of blue and yellow. I love our little home.
What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much? My mother’s gold ring. It makes me feel as though I still have a physical part of her to hold to.
What one word best describes you? Bright.
Familial Questions
What is/was your family structure like? (i.e. are you adopted, how many siblings, pets, etc.) My grandmother adopted me after my parents passed, and the two of us lived alone for quite some time, until Pascal found me.
Who was your father, and what was he like? Who was your mother, and what was she like? What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married? My father, Michael,  was the CFO of a major airline based in Seattle. He was extremely quiet, but a smart and caring man. He was the king of our household, guiding and protecting us no matter what. My mother had the opposite personality, but shared the same strength and wisdom. Her name was Felecie, and she was a botanist who taught at the University of Washington. They were happily married, and I was very close with both of them.
What are/were your siblings names? What are/were they like? (If you have siblings) I have no siblings.
What’s the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? What’s the worst thing you’ve done to one of your siblings? (If you have siblings)
When’s the last time you saw any member of your family? Where are they now? I last saw my Grandmother the night before she left on a three day trip to Spokane. I have not spoken to her since I left, which was the next morning. That was two years ago.
Who is your closest friend(s)? Describe them and how you relate to them. I would say my closest frend is my husband, Simon. He knows every part of me, and we love each other more than I could describe here. Besides him, Shego is also very close to me. We’ve even kissed once. I consider Nav my brother. He walked me down the aisle in place of my papa. I’m also close with Tiggs, Ariel, Anna, and Lola.
Childhood Questions
What is your first memory? I remember playing with my parents in a park, and Mama catching a butterfly on her finger long enough for me to notice all the colors.
What was your favorite toy? I had a pair of moon shoes, they were fun to bound about the Tower in.
What was your favorite game? My grandmother and I were great at hide and seek.
Who was your best friend when you were growing up? I didn’t know any people besides my Grandmother while I lived in her house.
What is your fondest childhood memory? Every year my parents were alive, they would take me to the Summer Solstice Festival back on Mercer Island. I loved watching the lanterns float into the sky. I plan on taking my daughter to see them every year.
What is your worst childhood memory? The day my parents were killed was the worst day of my life.
Adolescent Questions
It is common for one’s view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it? I believe that authority should mostly be listened to and respected, as a result of growing up in a house where Grandmother always knew best. Now, though, I believe that it is okay to bend the rules, so long as no one gets hurt.
What “clique” did/do you best fit in with? (Royals, Dark Royals, Wallflowers, Bookworms, Punks, Hipsters, Rejects, etc.) I’ve been a Royal for as long as I’ve been here.
What were/are your high school goals? What were/are your uni goals? My high school goals were to finally get out of Seattle, which I did. Now, I’m studying art history in order to be a curator for a museum somewhere in LA. My number one goal at this moment is keeping my daughter safe and making sure she is loved.
What is/was your favorite memory from adolescence? What is/was your worst memory from adolescence? My favorite memory is baking cookies with my grandmother. My worst was the time she told me I couldn’t go to the festival on my birthday, after I had had my hopes up for a while.
Do you own a car? Describe it. If not, describe your dream car. I have a little blue Prius.
Occupational Questions
Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from? I’ve been working at Ann’s Flowers in Santa Monica for two years. Recently my work has been featured at the Museum of Modern Art in Los Angeles, which brings in a little extra money and will help when I go on maternity leave.
What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.) Ann is a wonderful little old lady who cares so much to make sure all of her employees are enjoying their work. She is very active for an older woman, and always carries candies in her purse.
What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? Which ones don’t you get along with? All of the flower shop employees are very sweet. Most of them drive the delivery trucks so I only see them when they pick up the bouquets.
What is something you had to learn that you hated? Setting the temperature on the oven higher to speed up cooking time is not always the best idea.
Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why? I try not to be, but I’m a bit of a reckless spender. Simon has tauht me to be more careful with my money.
Likes & Dislikes Questions
What hobbies do you have? I’m most often found painting or drawing, but I also play guitar, bake, knit, cook (barely), sew, and dance (ballet).
What bands/artists do you like? What song is “your song?” Why? My taste in music is mostly folk, artists like Mumford and Sons and The Lumineers. My favorite song right now is Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd, because it reminds me of adventuring and summer days.
When it comes to politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don’t you care? The more I learn about politics the more I consider myself an activist. There are so many causes to get behind! I take personal issue with deforestation and the violation of human rights.
What time of day is your favorite? What kind of weather is your favorite? I love sunrise, I’m an early bird. My favorite weather is warm and sunny, especially in the springtime with the breeze and the smell of the flowers.
What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food? My favorite food is hazelnut soup, and I hate tomatoes.
What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.) Strawberry lemonade!
What’s your favorite animal? Why? I love all animals, although I’m partial to chameleons. I’m trying to convince Simon to let us get a dog.
Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind? I don’t consider Pascal a pet, but others might, so I’ll mention him here. He’s my chameleon.
What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.) Laying in the grass to watch clouds is the most comforting to me.
What’s a pet peeve of yours? People who don’t seem to have any long-term plans or goals.
Sex & Intimacy Questions
Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, pan, or something else? Why? I would consider myself straight.
Who was the first person you had sex with? When did it happen? What was it like? How well did it go? (If your character is sexually active, if not, skip this question) The only person I’ve had sex with is Simon. The first time was a few months into our relationship. It was actually really nice, but it’s gotten a lot better since then.
Do you currently have a lover/crush? What is their name, and what is your relationship like? What are they like? Why are you attracted to them? Si and I have been together for about a year and a half, and have been married for six months. We often compare ourselves to the sun and moon, opposites, but can’t e without each other. We’re both artists and we both love the outdoors. We travel together as much as we can. I love everything about him. He is so kind and affectionate and warm. He is my other half.
Describe the perfect romantic partner for you and describe your perfect date with them. My perfect partner is someone who will love me unconditionally, and laugh at all my jokes. Someone who is braver than me in the dark, and probably likes burnt food, and isn’t afraid to have a bit of fun. I’d love to take them to a museum, where we talk about paintings and people and get ice cream after.
Do you ever want to get married and have children? When do you see this happening? I am married, and will be six months along with my first child this week.
What is more important – sex or intimacy? Why? Intimacy. Sex isn’t meaningful without it.
What was your most recent relationship like? Who was it with? (Does not need to be sexual, merely romantic.)
What’s the worst thing you’ve done to someone you loved? I ran.
Drug & Alcohol Questions (if your character’s a drinker/does drugs, if not, skip to numbers 5 & 6)
How old were you when you first got drunk? What was the experience like? I was 18. It was about three weeks in to my first year at WDPA. I don’t really remember most of it, except that I lost my wallet.
Did anything good come out of it? Did anything bad come out of it? I realized I really like strawberry daiquiris. I didn’t have a debit card for a few days.
Do you drink on any kind of regular basis? I used to drink occasionally, but haven’t since I got pregnant.
What kind of alcohol do you prefer? White wine or something fruity.
Have you ever tried any other kind of “mood altering” substance? Which one(s)? What did you think of each? I think one time I did on accident, it was at a party. I thought it was fun.
What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Are there any people should not do? Why or why not? I think everyone feel alright with trying everything once. It’s all part of the human experience.
Post-Powers Awareness Questions (For those who have powers)
When did you go through when you gained your powers? What was it like (in your opinion)? I was unaware of my powers until the age of five, when my grandmother adopted me and informed me.
What do you think now of being magical? Is it cool, or have you been screwed? I think it’s great that I can help people, especially if staying young is important to them. However, my grandmother believes that people may use me for my powers, and that I must be wary of the greedy.
Do you have a mentor? Who are they? How did you become their student? I don’t. I’ve never met anyone with the same power as me.
Do you have any magical items? Where did you get them? No, I don’t.
Think of a major event that happened during your training/initiation. What was it? I was never really trained, besides learning the incantation that causes the glowing.
What is something you had to learn during your training that you hated? Why did you hate it? I learned that my grandmother didn’t like it when I sped through the song, but I was always in a hurry, and I thought it produced the same effect, and that it didn’t matter how fast I went.
Thoughtful Questions
What about you is heroic? I believe my altruism is heroic. No matter what, I think that people are ultimately good, and that they should have the chance to redeem themselves if they have done me wrong. It takes a lot to forgive some people, but it’s worth it in the end.
What about you is social? What do you like about people? Everything about me is social. I enjoy people, I enjoy their resilience, and dreams, and every quirk about them that makes them unique.
If a magical being, describe the color of what magic you use, is it of a light color, bold and bright, pastel and sparkly, etc. My magic is gold, and shimmers brightly, even in the dark. I’m like a glowworm.
Are you a better leader or follower? Why do you think that? If you think the whole leader-follower archetype is a crock of shit, say so, and explain why? I like to think that I am a leader, but not in an outstandingly forward way. I do my best to lead quietly, and be an example to people who are having a rough day, and need to know that things always get better.
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kevinmoyer · 6 years
Best Weddings of 2017 :: Romantic Black Tie Wedding in France :: Eva & Jon
If you’re dreaming of a destination wedding in France then this next wedding from our Best Weddings of 2017 will make you want to pack your bags tomorrow! Photography by Greg Finck.
Happy New Year! And a very special welcome our newly-engaged couples out there who had an extra special holiday season. We are kicking off 2017 with this wedding that ticks every box you might ever have dreamed of. Destination wedding in France? Stunning historic venue? Delicate Monique Lhuillier number? Luscious blush florals we can’t stop thinking about? And finally, dancing the night away with your new spouse in a gilt-edged ballroom? This classic, romantic black tie affair has it all in spades!
Bride Eva designed all of the beautiful stationery and paper goods herself. She tells us: “as a former stationery designer, the design of the invitation was very important to me and I wanted to create an elegant suite that captured my aesthetic. It was so nice to finally be able to execute my own invitation, instead of ones for other couples, and I designed our save the date in less than an hour! I’ve been a letterpress printer for several years, and printed the save the dates myself. I had the rest of the designs foil stamped by a local company, and the calligraphy was done by Rachel Carl, who I’ve worked with before on other projects.”
The Ceremony
Why did you choose this location for your ceremony? It was important to us that our wedding venue be both elegant and intimate, as well as have a beautiful outdoor location for the ceremony. As soon as we saw the Pavillon de Musique de la Comtesse du Barry, we knew it was the perfect spot. The building is magnificently decorated, needing little added embellishment, and it has a big, gorgeous terrace with a view of Paris. It also happened to be the perfect size for the number of guests we were expecting.
What was your ceremony music? Our ceremony music was played by Jazz Around Midnight’s Gypsy Trio, led by Alex Beker. They played high tempo swing music with two acoustic guitars and a double bass. We wanted a French sound that was fun and relaxed. The trio was just right. The music before the wedding was mostly Django Reinhardt hits. Our families walked down the aisle to La Vie en Rose. When I came out, the band played an acoustic version of Etta James’ At Last, which they learned specifically for our wedding.
Who officiated your ceremony? How did you choose him/her? Jon reached out to his longtime college friend, Brian, about officiating our ceremony. Brian is a an extremely gregarious and versatile character, who previously worked as a standup comedian, before becoming a lawyer and technology executive. We didn’t think twice about asking him, because we knew he would be cheerful, funny and professional. It was the right choice, and he hit it out of the park!
How did you go about planning your ceremony? Our officiant actually planned most of the ceremony! He had never officiated before, but he called on a few friends he knew who had. From their suggestions he wrote a wonderfully funny and light ceremony that was exactly the right tone for us.
Is there anything else that you’d like to share about your wedding ceremony? We decided to forgo bridesmaids and groomsmen, and to have only the Best Man and Maid of Honor. These two are our closest, most important friends and it felt right that they should be the ones standing next to us as we got married.
What was your favorite thing about your wedding ceremony? Our officiant sent us a few questions before the wedding to answer and keep hidden from each other. He only revealed what each of us had said about the other during the ceremony itself. It was some of the most heartfelt, loving words I’ve ever heard from Jon, and to hear it in front of everyone we love was very moving. Of course, I also really loved my dress and the flowers!
Did you include any traditions in your ceremony? We wanted a lighthearted and non-religious ceremony without any traditional expectations. The only exception to this were the vows.
What were your vows like? This was the one traditional thing we wanted! We stuck with the traditional vows: “I, Jon, take you, Eva, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part…” It’s an honest and heartfelt classic that never goes out of style.
What were your ceremony readings? I found a letter from Johnny Cash to June Carter that I felt was honest and relatable. It was true to our relationship, and Jon, who identifies with Johnny Cash, felt it suited us. The letter contained the right amount of mushy sentiment while letting Jon still feel manly.
Your ceremony in three words. Romantic, funny, honest.
You can read Eva & Jon’s full ceremony script right here!
What was your recessional music? After the ceremony, Jon and I walked down the aisle to Moppin’ the Bride, which was the upbeat exit we wanted.
What was the best advice you received as a bride? Don’t buy a wedding dress you need to change in any way. At one stage I was considering a dress that had sleeves, and I thought I might prefer the dress with them removed. My sister, a fashion designer and Parson’s graduate warned against making major modifications to a dress. I think it was excellent advice!
What advice do you have for other couples in the midst of planning a wedding? When it comes to vendors, hire professionals, stick to your vision, don’t hire anyone you have doubts about. As for the trickier, more emotional things: don’t be too concerned about what other people think, make sure you take care of each other’s needs first (f the groom wants something reasonable, he should have it!), don’t be afraid to break tradition, and only have there those who make you happiest.
What was your favorite moment or part of the day? The most rewarding part of the celebrations was seeing many of our friends meeting and enjoying each other’s company for the first time.
The couple included hand lettered love quotes throughout their day – so romantic! (This Gone With The Wind quote is a special favorite of ours, too, and we featured it in our Words To Love By series.)
The Reception
How would you describe your reception? The reception was romantic and elegant in an incredibly French setting.
What inspired you when you were planning your wedding? I was inspired by the beauty and sophistication of Paris and old world France. I love traditional French decor and I wanted the style of our wedding to be classic without feeling dated. I chose colors I thought would feel timeless and flowers that felt romantic and whimsical.
Having been a wedding stationery designer for many years, I’ve worked with couples from the beginning of their planning until the day of the wedding. I also have three sisters that have been married before me. This gave me several years worth of experience of how to plan a wedding! Over the years, I developed a taste for what appealed most to me.
I knew finding a venue was the first step that would inspire everything else, so that was our focus. If you can find a great place that fits your vision, there’s less work to be done elsewhere. Once we nailed down the location, both Jon and I were on the same page in terms of style. The most important thing to me was the visuals. I wanted to create a mood that was romantic, vintage-inspired, and elegant. I cared a lot about the paper items and calligraphy, the flowers, and the ambiance. Jon cared more about the music and the food. We both worked very hard to keep the guest list small, so the celebration felt intimate and personal. We committed to finding the best vendors to work with, while making sure that their taste was in line with ours.
Do you have any budget tips for other brides? I think it’s very important to know your budget, how flexible it is, and where you really want to spend the money. Be prepared to do your homework! For several months, we collected quotes from multiple good vendors for almost every aspect of the wedding, and then compared prices and styles. We negotiated hard, made sure we were only paying for things we really wanted, and requested changes to the wording of contracts when necessary. It’s important to realize that vendors make packages for simplicity, but you should only pay for the things you actually want. At the same time, we were happy to pay for good work and excellent products. It’s a balance of both cost and value, but in most cases we found that the best vendors were not the most expensive. Lastly, keep a detailed spreadsheet of your vendors and costs. You don’t want surprises when it comes to the budget.
What type of cake or dessert did you serve? We decided to ditch the classic wedding cake, which neither of us like, and instead opt for what the French do best dessert-wise: elaborately decorated pâtisseries! We ordered from two vendors, L’Éclair de Génie which makes the most incredible, unorthodox éclairs, and Carl Marletti, who make miniature edible masterpieces. We also had delicious fresh fruit, including some of the best strawberries any of us had ever tasted.
What was your first dance song? Father/daughter or mother/son dance? We skipped the traditional father/daughter and mother/son dances. Our first dance as husband and wife was to The Wedding Samba by Edmundo Ros (as featured in the movie A Good Year, which also inspired much of our honeymoon). We took dance lessons to learn a Rumba routine and spent weeks practicing almost daily in our basement.
If you had it to do over again, is there anything you would do differently? Nope. It was better than I ever imagined! (Although the day before the wedding, I’d probably skip the 8-hour tour of Versailles in 90-degree heat.) Truly though, the pictures speak for themselves. This wedding was worth the 11 year wait!
The post Best Weddings of 2017 :: Romantic Black Tie Wedding in France :: Eva & Jon appeared first on Snippet & Ink.
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zillowcondo · 7 years
How to Hygge – Tips for a Wonderful Winter
The Scandinavians know a thing or two about enjoying Winter to the full and so it’s no surprise that the Danish have come up with the concept of hygge. Symbolizing a sense of comfort and special moments with family and friends, it has huge appeal worldwide.We’re sharing our tips for a wonderful Winter and how to hygge, to help brighten up these dark days…
Definition of Hygge
There are actually quite a few different definitions of hygge. It epitomizes a feeling of coziness, conviviality and finding joy in the everyday. According to the Danish writer and translator Tove Maren Stakkestad , Hygge was never meant to be translated. It was meant to be felt. If you’re wondering how to pronounce hygge, it’s “hoo-guh”.
How to Hygge – Hygge Decor
Danish style is about functional but comfortable furniture and a minimalist vibe. Scandi living should invoke a sense of warmth, with log fires and plenty of books scattered around. For a cosy home, opt for tactile, natural fabrics such as sheepskin rugs, fake fur throws, wood, unadorned metal, ceramic and stone. A warm blanket and a hot drink go a long way to create the hygge home decor look, like in this lovely hotel in Verbier. Houseplants bring nature indoors and succulents are particularly suitable thanks to their clean lines. In terms of colours, shades of white, cream, brown and grey are ideal. Consider incorporating accent colours such as red and green for their festive vibe.
Hygge lighting will ideally be fairly low, so think wall lights with dimmer switches, fairy lights and scented candles. The appropriately named Hygge candle is by Danish brand Skandinavisk. It has a smart beechwood lid that doubles as a coaster when the candle is lit and smells absolutely divine! It’s described as echoes of baked strawberry cake, brewed tea, wild mint and rose petals but it reminds me of freshly laundered sheets. The candle is hand-poured from a blend of perfume and vegetable wax and will burn for at least 50 hours if you let it burn for no longer than 3 hours at a time. Get yours at PAD Lifestyle, the cool online concept store that curates independent labels and designs its own range of bespoke, limited edition furniture.
A hygge bedroom should have plenty of pillows, a faux-fur or quilted throw on the bed. You could also change your Summer duvet cover for a heavyweight one in a warmer Winter colour such as teal. Wooden furniture or floorboards will add a Scandinavian element or hang objects on a wooden branch for a quirky touch. Sheepskin rugs will also enhance the cozy ambiance. Try to keep tech out of the bedroom for a more relaxing sleep. Blue light from smart phones and laptops disrupts sleep patterns so it’s best to turn these devices off or remove them from the room altogether.
Hygge Clothing
To complement your hygge interior, choose comfy warm clothes in fabrics such as lambswool and cashmere. Baukjen is a London based studio that designs timeless classics such as this V neck sweater with a playful star pattern. Amsterdam born founder, Baujken de Swaan Arons and her team specialize in everyday comfy yet chic clothing. The Loxley Intarsia jumper is a super soft wool blend that would work perfectly with skinny jeans, leather leggings or simply for relaxing at home. Truly versatile and a wonderful Christmas gift for yourself or a loved one.
These cozy woollen Somerville hygge socks are just the job for lounging at home. In an attractive olive shade, they have a non-slip design and some lurex to add sparkle. Another great British brand, Somerville recently celebrated their 10th anniversary.  They’ve come up with some lovely pieces for Winter including cashmere neck warmers and charming faux fur pom pom hats.
Comfy nightwear like these stylish Clara Swan Print Pyjamas by Cyberjammies is a must. Made from cotton and modal, they have an elegant swan design, with a smart black, white, grey and teal blue colourway. This British brand is available online and at over 250 stores in Europe, the USA and Australia.
Hygge Recipes
Now is the time to brew up some mulled wine and it only takes a few minutes to prepare. Just take one bottle of red wine, and heat it gently for 10 minutes with a stick of cinnamon, a couple of star anise, a few cloves and 4 tablespoons of caster sugar or honey, as well as a few slices of orange. Take it off the heat and allow to infuse for a few minutes before serving.
Hot chocolate is another delicious Winter beverage and no one will blame you if you add a few marshmallows on top ;-). Talking of which, a melted chocolate and marshmallow fondue makes a great sweet alternative to a savoury cheese fondue.
Bircher museli is a lovely Winter warmer – OK, so it’s the Swiss who actually came up with Bircher museli but it fits well with hygge. This healthy mix of nuts, dried fruit and raw oats soaked in yogurt milk will set you up for the day. Prepare it the night before by soaking 150 g of rolled oats in 420 ml milk, 60 ml of apple juice and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. The next morning, add your favourite toppings such as blueberries, nuts and dried fruit. If you prefer, you could make it the same day using quick oats which only need to soak for 30 minutes to an hour.
Use a slow cooker to prepare delicious meals such as stew in the morning that will be ready for you when you come home from work. It’s also easy to rustle up fresh waffles if you have a waffle iron. Simply mix together 1 and a quarter cups of flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, a pinch of ground nutmeg and salt. Add 1 egg and half a cup of milk and blend until smooth. Then spray the heated waffle iron with a non-stick spray and pour a few tablespoons of the batter in. Serve with chopped bananas for a delicious Wintertime treat.
Hygge Christmas
Nothing spells Christmas quite so much as a festive wreath and this bespoke one by Phillo Flowers really has the wow factor. This RHS award winning florist is one of the most renowned in London for their magical designs. They can adapt the colours and decoration used to you or your chosen recipient’s preferences, using fragrant Winter foliage and berries. The end result is simply stunning and very long lasting. Aside from wreaths, they also supply decorated Christmas trees, table pieces and floral arrangements as well as scented candles for businesses, private residences, parties and weddings. If you’re in London, head to their Notting Hill boutique on Chepstow Road to marvel at their creations. There’s a great selection in their online store too and if you’re not sure what to pick, then their gift voucher is an excellent choice.
A Danish nisse or elf makes a cute Christmas decoration.
Skin can get very dry at this time of year, so good quality skincare is a must. When it looks as good as this REN Silent Night, Wake Wonderful set, then it’s the perfect gift. The beautifully packaged set includes their signature V-Cense Revitalising Night Cream, Flash Rinse 1 Minute Facial and Wake Wonderful Night Time Facial. The night cream has vitamin C and citroflavonoids from Calabrian oranges to reduce free radical damage, as well as frankincense and boswellic acid to relax facial muscles and phytosterols to boost lipid content. The 1 Minute Facial also has vitamin C and boswellic acid, as well as glycogen magnesium which boosts radiance, while the night-time facial contains glycolic and lactic acids and other ingredients to moisturize and refine skin tone. Now there’s no excuse not to look great on Christmas Day!
Have you heard of hygge before? We hope you’ve enjoyed finding out more about how to hygge! What are your best tips for warming up Winter?
The post How to Hygge – Tips for a Wonderful Winter appeared first on Luxury Columnist.
How to Hygge – Tips for a Wonderful Winter published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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