#in that her brother can actually stand her
softfem-dom · 3 hours
random xmen hcs 'cause i'm bored <3
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✰ Logan is a loud burper. like yknow those annoying kids that try to see who can burp louder/for longer? yeah, that's him.
✰ Hank was (and is still somewhat) obsessed with puzzles. I will not elaborate.
✰ Cyclops is the most dirty minded out of the team. Like somebody can be like "eww, it's wet" and he'll be there grinning like a fucking 11 y/o.
✰ Charles likes to talk in students' and teachers' minds and say some shit like "I know what u're doing" when he knows there's someone roaming the school after hours. ^he also used to do the shit of "I know what u are" when he was younger.
✰ Rogue and Kitty did that trend with the "run fast for your mother, run fast for your brother" (or smth like that) in which they do a handshake and then start running.
✰ Bobby does that 'styling my hair' thing when he's in the shower.
✰ Storm can and will turn the lights off when walking out of a room when there's still someone inside just to tease them.
✰ Logan never closes doors. Everyone is starting to suspect he does it just for the hell of annoying them.
✰ Kurt always has a bowl of cereal as a midnight snack. Eats it crouched over the counter too.
✰ Jean has helped students with impulse dyeing their hair more than three times.
✰ Logan has cero space awareness and he'll sometimes bump his shoulder/arm against the doorframe or random furniture.
✰ Cyclops is the type of dude to walk with his arms completely outstretched infront of him and bent knees whenever inside a dark room.
✰ Kitty likes Sanrio, Cinnamonroll is her favourite. ^ Logan calls Kitty 'hello kitty' from time to time just to piss her off. ^kitty absolutely hates this.
✰ Quicksilver tried the mixing an energy drink with sour gummies and will prufosely go out of his way to tell everyone not to do it. ^still nobody knows what happened.
✰ if it was set in the 2000's, Rogue would definetely be a creepypasta kid (but the actual creepy stuff, not the fanon). ^Kitty would be a fanon creepypasta kid, her fav were jeff and nina (she's basic).
✰ More than three different kids have asked Hank if he was the Beast from the disney Beauty and the Beast movie😭
✰ Jean collects the cake-stand figurines from the birthdays celebrated in the school.
✰ Logan hates white chocolate with a burning passion.
✰ Kurt only eats the white cream from the oreos. ^Logan eats the cookie.
✰ One time Cyclops frustrated Logan so much that he real close into Cyclops face to argue with him and Cyclops blurted out "you look like you want to kiss me". ^Logan punched him in the gut after that comment.
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moodymisty · 2 days
So I actually have a 'Uriel Ventris has a kid' story written, If this goes well I'll post more.
Taking in the scene before him, there was only one thought in Roboute Guilliman's mind; This is all Belisarius Cawl's fault.
He was over 10 millennia old and he had seen some of the worst things the Galaxy had to offer, from competition from other species, betrayal by his own brothers, and the eldritch Tumors called Gods. He didn't believe that anything could surprise him anymore.
And yet, here he was sitting dumbstruck before a baseline woman, three of his sons, and a tiny human who seemed to be the only one enjoying all of this.
He cleared his throat, "So, ma'am, can you care to explain how you ended up having your charge?" He pointed at the little boy, only for said child to pipe up, "My name is Apollo!"
The woman's cheeks coloured despite her dark complexion, "I apologize on his behalf my lord, he does not know what he is saying." The boy was about to speak up, only for his mother to put her hand over his mouth, muffling his voice.
"Yes, now about young Apollo here." Guilliman continued, a part of him wanted to laugh at the small child's antics, but he had a job to do.
Isadore composed herself, she was in front of a primarch, she cannot disappoint him, especially for Apollo's sake.
"Lord Belisarius Cawl had recruited me to assist on a project, and as my family considered it a great honor, I went with him. I assumed that I would be a servant in his lab, cleaning up after his experiments. However, it seemed that he had a different idea in mind."
Her blush deepened, the implications making everyone uncomfortable.
Roboute wanted very badly to smack Cawl for tricking her in such a way. "I see, do you know who his father is?"
Isadore shifted in her seat, "I was not privy to much of the details of the experiment, but from what I could gather, his father was an astartes from the Ultramarines Chapter."
She really didn't know what else to say, before being fooled by Cawl, she was a rather simple seamstress from an Agriworld. She wasn't considered particularly beautiful either, with plain brown hair, eyes, and skin. A bit taller than average, which was her only stand out feature, but that was cancelled out by her rather ugly freckles marrying her face and body.
Never in her life did she think that she would have a child fathered by an Astartes, for one, she thought that it would be impossible for Space Marines to father children at all.
"I see," the primarch's eye seemed to develop a twitch, he didn't realise that when he gave Cawl the orders to research Primarch virility, he should've been more specific as to where to stop. "We will have the young lad her genetically tested to find his father, then we will regroup and decide how to move forward. Uriel, please escort our guest here to one of the serf quarters so that she may take some rest."
She watched as a tall marine with short, cropped, straight black hair with startling blue eyes nodded and motioned for her to follow him.
She bowed before the primarch and left the room, her child looking up at her curiously.
As they made their way down to the serf quarters, Uriel couldn't help but sneak glances at her, she was beautiful in a down to earth way. Gorgeous chocolate colored hair, clear skin, and deep brown eyes. Her height giving her a matronly aura and her full lips seemed soft.
He tried to push the thoughts away. Their father had recently revealed to them that he was going to give them a choice to have offspring to bolster the Imperium's numbers of neophytes.
He didn't know how to feel about that, but as part of this decision, marines were made to go through intense hypno brainwashing to return to them their more base urges.
Uriel hated how they made him feel like an out of control animal. He didn't like not having full control of his thoughts. Besides, the last thing the poor woman would want is to be harassed by astartes when she had already gone through so much.
He secretly admitted to himself that any astartes who fathered her child was a lucky man.
This is basically how the story would go, as Isadore and Uriel grow closer to each other and some shocking reveals as to whose soul Apollo has in him.
Also, yes, Uriel has a thing for Milfs. Isadore has low self esteem as she wasn't considered attractive in her culture, and Cawl only saw her as an acceptable carrier for astartes children.
So, yeah, tell me how you guys feel about this.
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added your second post to this one so it's all together <3
the 'i don't know the father' mystery! it's a classic XD and poor guilliman having yet another weird thing to deal with on top of all the other weird things in 42m XD
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riddles-n-games · 11 hours
Here's a Libby and Avery headcanon for y'all. When fall arrives, Libby and surprisingly, Avery, love going to stores and looking at fall-theme decor. Normal, right? Well, that's exactly where you're wrong. The second those two find the candle aisle with fall scents, they go absolutely feral, furiously inhaling smell after smell from every candle they grab. They can pass three hours no problem just standing there in that one aisle in one store without ever moving and people kind of get annoyed at finding them there but they don't care. Those two are on a mission.
After Avery is named the Hawthorne heiress, they made their intentions clear of going on fall shopping and continuing their tradition, despite Alisa's ridiculous attempts to stop them (seriously, she's no fun). So, given Oren's obligations as Avery's bodyguard, he tailed them but the girls also started dragging him into their candle shenanigans. Though they are still the ones primarily investigating which scents interest them, Avery and Libby casually began to include him in this process by passing candles between each other and then thrusting it under his nose. They would also ask him what he thinks and at first, he was quiet and unresponsive partly because he was confused why they were asking him at all. 
Eventually, the more the girls went on such shopping trips, he began giving his opinions starting off with just one word sentences until he actually began quietly suggesting and sounding a little too invested before going back to stoic badass bodyguard. Oren takes his duty very seriously and sometimes requests for them to get him a s'mores scented candle or pumpkin pie (he has a big sweet tooth which only Xander knows about because he’s Xander and also because he’s a softie with a big mushy heart who just wants to find these kids new, good parents and make them happy in whatever way he can). Of course, this would make Avery and Libby grin smugly and share a mischievous look with each other every time when they exited the store.
When they come back to the House, the amount of bags filled with candles is enough to take up a whole section of the Great Room. That’s how crazy it gets. Avery calls it one of her first very important investments when Alisa nearly faints at the sight of them. But they do make good use of them. Libby and Avery focus on every single wing and section of Hawthorne House with a collection of candles that fit the vibe and once Xander gets wind of this, he wants all in. 
The brothers are all rather amused by the candle obsession but by the time Libby and Avery are a year into their respective relationships, Jameson and Nash are slightly terrified when the next fall comes around. Especially once their girlfriends quite literally drag them into going with them on the shopping trips as new recruits to their madness. Though the sisters still do most of the searching together, they split up into teams at times with their clueless boyfriends as second opinions. 
Nash and Jameson learn quickly and even Xander joins them soon enough. At the end of Candle-Mania, they have a Candles-giving where they give special candles that they chose specifically for their loved ones (they even gift the staff thanks to Nash’s people skills). It becomes a new tradition that is another fun fall festivity until the fall fair shenanigans that Xander comes up with. But speaking of Xander shenanigans, after he discovers that Avery and Libby also do candle trades, he decided that alongside scones, candles become a bargaining chip between him and Avery especially during the fall when they are in competition to find the most of a specific candle scent or a candle theme set. Grayson is the tally marker and Thea and Rebecca team up to help Xander while Jameson and Avery duo up as usual.
The Hawthorne brothers and Avery do come up with some fun uses for the candles throughout the year such as creating a themed scavenger hunt, a clue to a mystery, wagers, etc.
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alluralater · 4 months
hey everyone, i won’t be as active for a while. got home last night super late after being on the road for 20 some odd hours. dealing with some family things and as an older sister, my priority of taking care of my siblings comes first before anything else. being on here is amazing for me but i don’t think i’ll have much time for it. reminder to please treat those in your life who are battling addiction with patience and care. i lost my older brother (sweetest person i’ve ever known and he remained that way up until his last night) to suicide and alcoholism, trauma and ptsd, depression and his feelings of hopelessness. talk with the people you care about. another of my siblings is dealing with the same and i refuse to let it escalate to such a terrifying end twice in less than a fucking year. remind the people you care about that there are beautiful things to live for. show them kindness and love. there is all kinds of misinformation out there but know this, you can make a difference for someone. don’t let them suffer in silence.
#if you have me on snap then you saw the super gorgeous views and such on my way to idaho but what you did not see was me picking#up my little sister. propping her body up with pillows in a hotel room to make sure she didn’t aspirate on her own vomit in her sleep.#pouring out her water bottle of white claw and talking to her about drug use.#i never make her feel as though she has disappointed me or that she should feel ashamed. shame helps nothing. love helps everything.#i’m going to get her back into treatment soon- i just need her to know she has a home when she’s out. detoxing here first and being#positively reinforced for every single step of the process is so fucking important. it was terrifying to learn that if i had not gone to ge#her when i did that she probably would have died there in the next few weeks.#my fear of death for her is not what guides me though and there’s a huge difference between that and doing something out of love. being#there in dire moments is important yes- but being there through the mundanity of recovery is JUST as vital. it’s a process and it’s hard.#she’s moving in with me for awhile so i can help her through this sensitive time in her recovery.#she’s trying so hard and being recognized for that has literally been making her sob. knowing she has people who truly care for her is#everything. now that my stepdad is away from her like across the country i can actually finally help her. she’s starting to understand and#without me saying anything- she is starting to see what he’s done to her and our family. she needs love and support and stability. she need#reasons to live. sorry im kinda rambling a lot in these tags but i just… i can’t lose another one. the love i carry for my siblings is#unlike any other. i’ve treated them like my children since i was a child and those are my own issues but our mother is gone now too so it i#up to me.#losing my brother last september and my mom the year before that- grief has just been back to back.#in the hotel room i couldn’t sleep. she fell asleep so quickly and all i could do was watch her and think about all of the things i want to#do to make her feel like her life has value and worth enough to stay here and not go. my little sister is forever four years old in my mind#yes she’s an adult of 23 but she is a baby to me. she’s so young and she has so much ahead of her. she deserves a happy and fulfilled life.#our lives have been… very hard. 4 out of 5 of us are still standing and i plan on keeping it that way.#this is not the pain olympics or whatever but listen- if i put an adult in any of the situations we were in as children they would not#survive. we only did because there was no other choice. now there are escapes and we are old enough to try them all- every single one of us#has searched for some escape. it spirals and escalates and it doesn’t help but it is an escape. giving her love and affection and getting#her the help she needs and doing it the RIGHT way- it lessens the need for escape. there is nothing wrong with being an addict.#addiction ends one of two ways. life or death. unfortunately there is no in between. she’s going to feel everything- bad and good. i want#her to know there is so much good. that she is good. every move i make right now matters so i don’t think i’ll have time for tumblr or#much socializing.#just a heads up yk. thank you for your patience in advance <3
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moeblob · 5 months
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Karen has four older brothers and this is Ross! He's the second oldest and he looks rather polite and smiles a lot and when he's at work he can behave most of the time... but he really has such a foul mouth it puts Right to shame.
And Karen when she was a kid couldn't pronounce S's and they sounded like Z's. So when her brothers would be leaving for school she would say "enjoy zool" and just. Could NEVER say Ross's name correctly so he told her to just call him Oz. And it stuck but only with Karen. She's the only one to use it and no one else is allowed.
#my characters#also fun fact she has decided to legally rename him for when shes mad at him#so instead of yelling his full proper name#she will yell OSWALD THOMAS WILSON which is the fake first name but actual middle/last#and its just thats a guy that she wouldnt want to admit to knowing if she saw him in public#hes actually p short so yeah hes a short king#the oldest bro and the second youngest are both taller#the middle middle is basically the same height as him so karen really is just the wittle bab#and all her brothers are super protective of her bc thats their baby sister#she does however have a strong sense of I GOTTA PROTECT THE MIDDLE GUY#so she is kinda used to standing up for older guys just bc of he#but it comes into being a problem when she meets rick and is like fuck it he may be older but#he is too kinda for this world and also theres no way i can love him hes basically a baby brother#and she will pick on him but also would absolutely throw hands for him#and and i know the tags are long as is but eventually karen and rick move past the whole youre like a brother vibe#and they become very good friends - still zero romance involved - but she starts to treat him less like a family member#and it makes him feel less awkward and in turn he feels more open to joke sometimes#cause for a long while rick is just this is really awkward and i wish we would stop matching on dating apps but she wont leave me alone#so its rude to turn her down when she offers a friendly drink to check up on me#but its actually karen being protective older sister mode despite being the youngest of five#this is the most i have managed to draw in like two weeks i think#now im super tired bye
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donnydamakkk · 2 years
unpopular opinion: there is no point in the show in which jeid would have made sense. jj never seemed interested in him, and his feelings always felt misconstrued and misplaced. they never had that kinda chemistry.
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 2 years
I know I'd decided to only write one more bowuigi fic aside from the one I'd already written but I can't stop thinking about the idea of Bowser repeatedly kidnapping Peach for relationship advice and Peach getting so fed up with him about it that she tricks Luigi into being her body double so that Bowser kidnaps him instead and they can talk like Actual Adults instead of using her as a third party to vent to all the time
#i imagine Luigi also talks to Peach about the same relationship problems#because shes more in tune with romance stuff than his bro is#(whos still low-key trying to wrap his head around his brother dating Bowser of all people)#and theyre not listening to her very reasonable advice of 'just talk to each other about it it'll be fine'#so neither of them are doing anything about the misunderstandings and its driving her mad#anyway it would be funny for Bowser to have a whole conspiracy board#about how Luigi not sending his daily 'buongiorno!' text and shooting down 2 of Bowser's 3 date ideas in less than 5 seconds#means that hes fucked something up irreparably somehow and Luigi's mad at him what do you think Peach how do i fix this#meanwhile Luigi-dressed-as-Peach is standing there tied up like ah.#maybe we should talk about this properly.#(theyre both anxious messes about this fledgling relationship lmao)#meanwhile Peach tells Mario to hold off on the rescue for a day or two so Luigi and Bowser can sort things out#Mario has no problem with this because he too has also been subjected to the ever-shifting conspiracy board#and has no desire to hear about his bro's relationship from Bowser's perspective beyond a surface level ever again#(the conspiracy board goes beyond a surface level)#and Kamek knew from the second Bowser grabbed 'Peach' that it was actually Luigi#but he's also tired of Bowser asking him every 10 minutes if Luigi actually likes him or not instead of paying attention in meetings#so he just leaves and takes a nap instead of letting Bowser know about his mistake#because he sees what Peach is doing and yeah this is the only way this problem's gonna get solved#bowuigi#bowser#luigi#princess peach#yeah so i'm rubbish at writing established relationship stuff so if anyone wants this then please take it away from me thanks#mlv.txt
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mushimatsu · 2 months
i knowwww hes a piece of shit but in my heart i want to believe totoko is the one osomatsu would get his shit together for . im insane about them. IN MY HEART they don't realize how much they like each other yet, totoko was surprised w how jealous she was when they were hanging out with kin and i think osomatsu kind of is only thinking about sex so maybe he doesn't realize it either but eventually they do and obvs hes not gonna be perfect right from the get go and he would fuck up over and over again and she would get mad and it would be rocky but he keeps trying bc he LOVES HER !!!!
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attractthecrows · 4 months
retconning stroud out of the deep roads so i can shove laure amell and the hawke siblings and varric and anders all into the same little camp. they would all have such a bad time
#carver: dying of blight. with an inferiority complex. but mostly dying#danie: MY BROTHER!!! MY BABY BROTJER HELP HIM!!!!!#anders: oh god oh fuck. wait a minute. i recognize this area. isnt this where the commander should be? oh hell#varric: we are all going to 🪦die⚰️ in a 🕳 hole. not even a GOOD hole#warden commander laure amell of ferelden and amaranthine: oh. anders. glad you're not dead or a darkspawn but Why The Fuck Are You Here#anders: oh hell. uh.#warden commander laure amell of ferelden and amaranthine: actually shut up. darkspawn incoming. its too open here so follow me to camp#'uh- commander-' 'shut it. there are shrieks about. this is a nasty area to be in with non-wardens' [glaring disapprovingly]#they awkwardly walk to camp. sigrun and a couple other wardens are there. they all sit down & drop their stuff#amell sits on a stump and pulls out a corked bottle. pops the cork. sniffs it. takes a swig. her white hair almost seems to glow?#she coughs then asks anders 'so why *are* you this far in the deep roads with a band of nonwardens? how'd you even get here?'#anders pulls out the map and hands it over. she looks at it. her expression darkens. she rolls up the map and says 'Anders.' he looks up.#she whaps him on the head with the map and gripes 'do you have ANY idea how long I spent looking for these fucking maps?!' whap 'you dick!'#she whaps him one more time then stuffs the maps into her bag. 'that still doesn't tell me WHY you're here. out with it.'#varric speaks up: 'my asshole brother locked us in a thaig. we came down on an expedition and found an idol that he betrayed us for'#amell frowns. 'a *thaig*? there aren't any records in the shaperate of any out this far. this isn't even a main branch of the deep roads.'#'it could be ancient!' sigrun offers 'or an unsavory secret the shaperate 'lost'. like Caridin?' amell nods & turns back to varric.#'so you're looking for a way out.' they nod. 'and just happened to come by this way?' anders says 'no commander- we need your help.'#amell takes another swig of her bottle. her hair is definitely glowing slightly. 'who *doesn't* these days. but for a pair of old friends-'#she winks at anders. 'what is it you need?' danie interrupts. '-please- my brother is sick- if you can't help him he'll die!'#amell looks at hawke then at carver. gets up and steps over to him. kneels in front of him and unceremoniously grabs his face#tilts his chin up (carotid + jugular blackened) peels his eyelid back (sclera greying and bloodshot) pries open his mouth (tongue greying)#then releases his head and stands shaking her hands. 'oh yeah. that's blight for sure. this is why you sought me out?' anders nods.#'we'll take him. but you know- he may not survive the joining.' 'any chance is better than letting him die!' 'i agree.' amell says coolly.#'youre lucky. we can do it here but the prep will take time. rest. eat. be on your guard. and DO NOT touch my whiskey if you're not a mage.'#it takes like a day of prep. also no one has used amell's name so they havent figured out the Cousins thing yet#eventually amell pulls carver over to the fire and hands him a cup of the joining potion and says 'you get one warning. *don't flinch.*'#he drinks it. he lives. but he's unconscious. amell sends the party on their way#to anders: here. i found this not long after you left. *hands him the phylactery* you and justice be careful. it's getting chaotic out there#to hawke: for what it's worth im sorry. if ever you need the wardens' assistance i grant it under the authority of warden-commander amell
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
when I was in high school one of my friends came out as trans and for some reason her grandma (who I had only met like once very briefly) accused me of turning her gay. still very flattered that she thought I was so powerfully queer I could trans someone's gender like that
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maegalkarven · 1 year
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Don't trust his big wet puppy eyes, this is the Durge who doesn't have amnesia. His memories are a little dizzy and details are hard to grasp, but he is well aware who he is and what his silly little sister has done.
The issue is, he doesn't seem to care. Just what part of his brain his idiot of a kin butchered?
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whimsycore · 2 years
Literally nothing in my life makes sense and there’s no escape from it. Even when I try to put my head down and ignore everything.
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ledians · 2 years
ok heres what happens.
#saiki has that crush on satou throughout highschool. ok we know that.#thats one sided and it never goes anywhere#saiki and akechi go to the same university. and while im not sure if i can describe it as romance#they do end up with a Weird Gay Thing going on yk#but ultimately they don't actually end up in a long term relationship. they're besties tho#teruhashi actively chooses to try to live averagely like saiki. she definitely doesn't become an actress or that kind of famous because#she doesn't want to be heavily associated with her brother. and maybe after saiki reveals he had powers she's inspired by that idk.#she's still perfect and popular and stands out in a crowd and she gets extra angel points for trying to live normally#bc ppl go omg so humble we expect nothing less 🥺#although aiming for average saiki likes comfort so when they eventually cross paths again as adults they get closer#neither are attracted to most people but they share an undying respect and appreciation for each other and#idk if they ever fall in love romantically. i suppose they could. but they do get married regardless because they're like#well we're both 30 and single and comfortably well off. might as well. but its not a bad marriage or anything they're both happy with this#and again maybe they do fall in love idk#this is what post canon looks like in my head and if you disagree... thats cool idc#saikechi is gay college shenanigans and a connection that doesn't die#terusai is predictable normalcy averageness. and thats fine
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oblako · 1 year
caught up on the ily fp and god this episode filled me with so much dread......
#first of all nol...... :(((( god it hurts seeing him like this#looking so so scared the way his expression is almost... childlike?#ik people with no reading comprehension are gonna be frustrated with him bc he's walking in circles#and yes he is but there is a reason for it! he's scared! terrified that something bad is gonna happen to her to everyone!!#because that's what he has internalized it's what his entire life has been like#and it's actually really important to make readers understand that and also for dieter to see it#that he's not just being mean or edgy that there's a reason for his behavior that his fear is very real#that he is just a kid he's powerless and this is the only way he knows how to protect those he cares about#on a more positive note it's actually really refreshing to see this messy honest raw side of him#because he is usually so composed so in control or simply insincere#speaking of raw emotions. kousuke oh GOD. standing by the door looking haunted AS HELL.#with him in this paranoid unstable state and nol's walls are all the way up... something Bad is going to happen i can sense it#this is not the time for the brothers to make up. IF they ever make up at all#and more importantly if those theories that kou just unintentionally gave yui nol's location turn out to be true...#the hospital was supposed to be a safe place rand and yujing tried so hard to make sure the hiraharas won't find nol#but if yui shows up now OH PLEASE NO#preparing myself for the worst :(#x
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novococain · 1 year
#having absolutely so many thoughts rn about maegor even outside of abo being his mother's son and this is objectively a terrible thing#bcs visenya is objectively terrible and she's hot while doing it what do you want me to do about that#but anyway. thoughts of maegor feeling violently cheated out of his birthright. not rhaena not the throne. aenys.#bcs visenya's birthright was not dragonstone it was rhaenys and aegon i and maybe not aegon i's dragonseed but he was her brother too#(orys)#and so she took that too#maegor who while aenys is heir and aenys sits the throne has CONSIDERABLY less issue with the succession and considerably MORE issue with.#aenys's marriage lol. he's like her?? a mere cousin??? not even a dragonrider?? not even a TARGARYEN?? unacceptable#he's LIVID when they wed him to ceryse instead to placate him. especially because at least rhaena would be his BLOOD jesus CHRIST#he doesn't let it stand for long tho!! either aegon i bends (he does) or he breaks (he won't) and when maegor comes to him DEMANDING#what he is owed. aegon i is like idk son. dragons aren't hounds. i can hardly tie them up and deliver them at your feet.#i.e. if your dragon refuses you not even i can help you. tame him yourself.#and that's wayyyy too much permission. maegor is VISENYA'S SON. so that's all he needs to be like bet. BET.#and boom this is how in a different world maegor did not usurp rhaena/aegon the uncrowned cause aegon is actually the fruit of his womb 🤣🤣#black magic womb!! what's a little blood sacrifice and black magic to get the mount you want. what's a lit manipulation and babytrapping#and seduction. and child-brideing. and homewrecking. and also giving birth to severely fucked up kids.#tho not as fucked up as maegor himself because they're not black magic THEMSELVES the womb that carried them is. the body that bore them is#think reneesme and bella's pregnancy. yes that. except maegor can take it even while v young because he's not entirely NORMAL.#to put it simple he's more balerion than he is aegon. he's more like a dragon than a person. constitution wise. this is not a good thing.#mind u he and alyssa v have CRAZY beef. aenys named his firstborn daughter after his mother and maegor named his firstborn aegon to show off#be like 'see? i gave you a son. aren't i better?' gloating whore. nasty asshole. tsk. serves him right that alyssa v fucks him over#he wanted to name his next kid after visenya (hence the first viserys) but he and alyssa v were pregnant at the same time#and she gave birth first. and stole his whole ass name for viserys. maegor got so livid he went into premature labor AND had to be stopped#from murdering aenys for allowing that. by aegon i himself. man had to pull out all his dad cards. still a miracle tho#terribly nyra and visenya style labor after that. three days of agony. visenya and aegon i play lion parents. vhagar is being SO loud#gives birth to a daughter—severely premature but big enough to pass for a small full term baby. she's smaller than aegon was but she's fiery#bruised by the labor but has maegor's eyes (visenya's eyes) and aenys's curly hair which is more cold than silver—like rhaenys's was#and maegor decides that if alyssa v stole his thunder for her first son then he shall steal hers for his first daughter. names her lysarra.#after alarra massey aka alyssa's mother. and then he's like NOW I'm good. moving on!! look brother a daughter 🥰 a bride for your son 🥰🥰#and meanwhile aenys is about to have a mental BREAK because maegor was only a little over halfway along and they were supposed to have TIME
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infizero · 1 year
#SPRINGTRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP#LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#jury is still technically out on whether at this point in time hes actually springtrap or if its still just william using the spring bonnie#suit. latter is more likely considering the knife and the fact that he was shown alive previously in the movie but you never know#the wear and tear on the suit doesnt look severe enough to be springtrap it just looks worn down cause of the age of it#also YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT KID IN THE CAR BEING DRIVEN AWAY FROM MIKE IN THAT FOREST DREAM SEQUENCE THING IS NOT THE CRYING CHILD#WHY DID THEY SPECIFICALLY SINGLE OUT THAT ONE KID. AND WHY DID THEY SHOW MIKE LOOKING SO DISTRESSED ABOUT IT#FOR SUREEEEE THATS HIS LITTLE BROTHER DUDE CMON#also im glad we have more details on mike and abby's situation but also i'd like more YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS RIGHT? why is mike seemingly#taking care of you on his own? please tell me all about your living situation at the beginning of the movie please so i can know exactly#what happened smile. tho hes probably gonna be vague about it and just be like ''its just me and abby now'' <- BECAUSE OF WHAT!#anyways. if the kid in the car ISNT the cc stand-in i will eat my fucking hat im so sure of it#anyways IM JUST SO EXCITED RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#oh oh also VANESSA IS SUS AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean she was sus from the get go considering her name is literally vanessa. but like#HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ANIMATRONICS BEING POSSESSED??????? the murders i understand cuz ur a police officer#BUT YOU SHOULDNT KNOW ABOUT THE GHOST CHILDREN>???????? HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!#UR WORKING WITH AFTON FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!#serena.txt
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