#in vulnerability to me as other stuff - don't worry! you're not alone! because damn I wonder how I rationalize this too! LOL
As much as I've been feeling like a shitty friend lately just kidding I always feel that way. Phew! Is it the insecurity? Probably! Yep, I better fucking work on that, because god damn that is my own fucking problem! No sarcasm, not to toot my own horn but just these past two/three days I've finally felt like I've been a really great friend and said some really awesome shit to them to make them feel supported and :') ...god. God damn. It's just really nice when the words work for me again, and I can finally think of exactly what I intend to say to my friends. Because (as I implied earlier) I do often feel like what I have to offer them is highly inadequate in comparison to what they offer me in our friendship, and since words and being thoughtful (and patient and a good listener) are, I feel, my best qualities that I can offer my friends, it feels so good when all parts of those things finally feel like enough to me. Fuck. It's better than drugs or whatever else people think is the pinnacle of the human experience. lol
I'm just. :') I love my friends so much and I always endeavor to properly convey that to them. Which also means I feel especially shitty when I think or feel like I've failed to do so! Ahhh I am...truly fragile! and insecure, or whatever.
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Solitaire Quotes I found on Goodreads that you might need to read today
“I don’t want people to be worried about me. There’s nothing to worry about. I don’t want people to try and understand why I’m the way I am, because I should be the first person to understand that. And I don’t understand yet. I don’t want people to interfere. I don’t want people in my head, picking out this and that, permanently picking up the broken pieces of me.”
“As far as I'm concerned, I came out of the womb spouting cynicism and wishing for rain.”
“All I know is that I’m here. And I’m alive. And I’m not alone.”
“You like to act as if you care about nothing and if you carry on like that then you’re going to drown in the abyss you have imagined for yourself.”
“There’s a time and a place for being normal. For most people, normal is their default setting. But for some, like you and me, normal is something we have to bring out, like putting on a suit for a posh dinner.”
“I think you should know that I make up a lot of stuff up in my head and then get sad about it. I like to sleep and I like to blog. I am going to die someday.”
“You look like you're having a midlife crisis." "It's not a midlife crisis. It's just a life crisis.”
“School literally doesn’t care about you unless you’re good at writing stuff down or you’re good at memorising or you can solve bloody maths equations. What about the other important things in life?”
“Nobody is honest, nobody is real. You can't trust anyone or anything. Emotions are humanity's fatal disease. And we're all dying.”
“There comes a point, though, when you can't keep looking after other people any more. You have to start looking after yourself.”
“Do you think that, if we were happy for our entire lives, we would die feeling like we'd missed out on something?”
“I hate the phone. It is the worst invention in the history of the world, because if you don’t talk, nothing happens. You can’t get by with simply listening and nodding your head in all the right places. You have to talk. You have no option. It takes away my freedom of nonspeech.”
“We’re so used to disaster that we accept it. We think we deserve it.”
“I actually think that a lot of people are very beautiful, and maybe even more beautiful when they are not aware of it themselves.”
“The problem is that people don't act. The problem is that I don't act. I just sit here, doing nothing, assuming that someone else is going to make things better.”
“I don't know why I made all that fuss the other day. No that's a lie. I do know why. It's because I'm an idiot.”
“I think it's better to just read and not study books.”
“Happiness," he says, "is the price of profound thought." "Who's that quote from?" I ask. He winks. "Me.”
“Just because something doesn't matter doesn't mean it's not worth doing.”
“I really don’t do anything unless I actually want to do it. And most of the time I don’t want to do anything at all.”
“I hadn’t realized I was crying. I don’t really feel sad. I don’t really feel anything.”
“Basking in the light and glory that comes with not giving a damn.”
“I think you should know that I make up a lot of stuff in my head and then get sad about it.”
“You know, if you want to be happier, you have to try. You have to put in the effort. Your problem is that you don’t try.” I do try. I have tried. I have tried for sixteen years.”
“we're all waiting for something to change. Patience can kill you”
“What can I say? People aren’t observant. People don’t question stuff like this. They never think twice about déjà vu when there could be a glitch in the Matrix. They walk past tramps in the streets without even glancing at their misfortune. They don’t psychoanalyse the creators of slasher-horrors when they’re probably all psychopaths.”
“If this is the best time of my life, I might as well end it immediately.”
“Split between the green and the blue, there is an indefinable beauty that people call humanity.”
“Nice people are vulnerable because they don’t know how to be mean.”
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rickyolsonmiw23 · 1 year
Shadows on Tour
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The lights dimmed, and the crowd roared as the band "Rising Echoes" took the stage for yet another electrifying performance. Andy, the lead guitarist, was in his element, his fingers dancing over the strings, lost in the music. Tour life had its difficulties, but the adrenaline of performing always made it worthwhile. 
As the final notes of their set faded, the band members left the stage, drenched in sweat and grinning. Backstage, amidst the post-show buzz, Andy's smile started to fade. He had seen something tonight that gnawed at him - something he could not ignore any longer. 
He found Chris, the drummer, in a corner, a haze of cigarette smoke surrounding him. Andy hesitated for a moment, his concern warring with the fear of what he might find out. 
"Chris, we need to talk," Andy began cautiously. 
Chris turned, eyes narrowing, "About what?" 
Andy took a deep breath, "I saw you sneaking something earlier. Something... not good." 
Chris's face darkened, "What are you, my babysitter now?" 
"Andy, this isn't a joke," Andy's voice trembled with a mix of anger and worry. "I saw you taking pills. What is going on?" 
Chris's eyes flashed with defiance, "Mind your own business, man. You're not my keeper." 
Andy's concern intensified, "Chris, I care about you. We are a team. But I can't stand by and watch you hurt yourself." 
Chris's laugh was bitter, "Hurt me? You are such a drama queen. I can handle my own stuff." 
Andy's fists clenched at his sides, "Handle it? Chris, you are spiraling. And I won't stand by while you self-destruct." 
"Save your hero act for someone who gives a damn," Chris spat, pushing past Andy. 
Andy grabbed Chris's arm, his grip tight, "Damn it, Chris! We are not just bandmates, we are friends. And friends look out for each other." 
Chris wrenched his arm away, his voice dripping with venom, "Friends? You think you know anything about me? You're just a guitarist who can't mind his own business." 
Andy's eyes flashed with hurt, "Fine, if that's how you want to play it. But remember this - when you crash and burn, don't expect me to pick up the pieces." 
Chris's laughter was bitter as he walked away, disappearing into the shadows of the backstage area. 
Days turned into nights, and the tension between Andy and Chris grew. The music suffered as the once tight-knit band started to unravel. The energy that had once fueled their performances was now channeled into heated glares and biting comments. 
One night, as they stood on the brink of another show, Chris's eyes were hollow, his movements sluggish. Andy's worry had escalated into desperation. He approached Chris one last time, his voice quieter, gentler than before. 
"Andy, this is killing us. Killing you," Andy's voice trembled. "I've seen you spiraling down, and I can't stand by and watch it happen." 
Chris looked away, his shoulders slumping, "What do you care?" 
"Because you're my friend," Andy's voice cracked. "And I won't let you destroy yourself." 
Chris's facade crumbled, his eyes glistening with tears he had been holding back for too long. "I don't know how to stop, Andy. It's all too much." 
Andy stepped closer, his voice soothing, "You don't have to do it alone, Chris. We are in this together. Let's find a way to get you the help you need." 
Chris finally looked at Andy, vulnerability etched across his face. "I'm scared, man. I'm scared of what I've become." 
Andy reached out, a hand on Chris's shoulder, "I'm scared too. But we will face it together. And we'll come out stronger on the other side." 
Tears fell freely from Chris's eyes, his defenses crumbling. "Okay, Andy. Okay." 
And in that moment, amidst the chaos of the tour and the shadows that had threatened to tear them apart, a new kind of strength emerged - the strength of friendship, of confronting the darkness together, and of finding the courage to heal. 
Here's another short story for you guys to read and to enjoy hahahaha love you 😍
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Also enjoy this pic of ricky with man bun doing his makeup hahaha 😆
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thedandelion-writer · 3 years
❝sleeping habbits, mondstadt edition❞
Pairings: Diluc x reader, Mona x reader, Kaeya x reader, Jean x reader
A/N: There we go, part 2! Also a modern au :)
<- Liyue edition
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Diluc hardly ever sleeps deeply
Some days, he'd even wake at the slightest sound
He feels the most vulnerable when asleep, thus the hyperawareness
You snort and thinks it's funny. Relax Diluc, no one's going to murder you in your sleep!
On the days where you would come into bed after he was already turned in, you had to tiptoe around as if you were afraid of disturbing a baby. Even your breathing was silent.
The amount of sound that would wake him up varied. But you weren't sure if today was especially bad, as in footsteps could wake him up bad, or if it was mild, as in even the rustling of the covers would be okay.
It was all going well so far. You've slipped into sleepwear and was just about to settle in, mentally congratulating yourself. But maybe you thought you were in the clear too soon, because as soon as your weight hit the bed, it creaked.
You cringed inwardly, slapping a hand over your eyes as Diluc stirred.
"Don't wake up, love," you skirted over. "It's really late."
"It is really late." Was that an accusing tone you heard?
"Hehe...I was just finishing up some work." You quickly slipped underneath the sheets, body instantly enveloped in warmth. "I'm sorry for waking you."
Diluc shook his head before pulling you in closer.
"It's better with you here," he said. "I wouldn't mind staying up all night to wait."
Or maybe it wasn't the so called assassins who might come to him in the night that he feared. Maybe it was because he was afraid that he wouldn't see you again the next time he awoke.
Diluc doesn't really have a set time in which he'd go to bed
But he goes in relatively early because he also wakes up, relatively early
He was used to sleeping alone for the longest time, but now you've come and spoiled him
It just doesn't feel the same without you next to him anymore
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Mona is the type of person who'd keep all her astrology books, trinkets, etc on her bed
Just splayed out and messy because she fell asleep whilst using them last night. And the night before...and the night before that
Never bothered to cleaning it up because it'll end up messy again anyway!
Sometimes you'd roll onto your back and ouch--there'd be a mini telescope or something
"Oww," you groaned, a pain stabbing at your side.
The culprit? It was unsurprisingly yet another one of Mona's astrologer's stuff. What the heck was this even called?
After plucking out the round, metal offender to place on the windowsill, you look over to your sleeping lover.
"Well at least someone's getting a good night sleep," you grumbled.
Somehow Mona always found a way to avoid all the nonsense she laid scattered on your shared bed. You always supported her passions, but this is getting out of hand.
As if sensing someone was talking (or in this case, thinking) about her, Mona stretched a little and curled up tighter into herself. You sighed softly to yourself, not being able to be annoyed for long.
You cleaned up the best you could (even though you already did that before turning in), and laid back down beside her. You'd have to make sure Mona would pay you for the troubles she's caused you tonight. And you only accept payment in cuddles!
The bed has to be beside a window. Always.
If the skies are clear and starry you best believe she'd be staring at them, talking about the things she loved most (other than you of course- ) until the both of you drift off
The girl's a night owl so you have to be able to put up with late night tinkering
Also--awful awful bedhead
But don't ever say it to her face, you will get hit by a pillow (or worse!!)
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The guy has absolutely no regard for how freaking cold he keeps his room
It's an eternal winter in there, even when it's blazing hot outside
Worst part? He doesn't even have a proper blanket. That, sir, is a rectangular piece of cloth
If you like the cold? Then sure, let him keep it that way. If not, you would have to make some changes around here.
"You should've told me you lived in a fridge??" You said, half jokingly through chattered teeth.
"You don't like it sweetheart?" He faked hurt, sauntering up behind you to grasp your shoulders as if you were newlyweds inspecting a new house to move into.
"Uhh well, there's literal frost on the edges of your window. And it's not even winter, Kaeya, clearly I'll be a popsicle by morning!"
It was your first night staying with him. And in your head, it was going to be all romantic like you've seen in the novels and shows. Warm cuddles, kisses underneath the blankets (oh my gods that blanket is paper thin), legs and arms entwined and you'd wake up like that.
But archons be damned, this was not what you had imagined.
"You'd make a very good looking popsicle then, love," he had the nerve to laugh so you elbowed him in the ribs.
"Alright alright, I'll make it warmer for you, how does that sound?"
"And I want a new blanket."
"Consider it done," he ruffled your hair to press a kiss onto the crown of your head.
Anything to please his darling.
He also sleep talks
And it's the funniest shit you'll ever hear if you're awake to hear it
One time you recorded it and now you use it as blackmail, threatening to send it to Diluc every time he'd get too cheeky
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Her sleeping schedule is messed. up.
Jean would never admit it, but she loses a lot of rest time due to her work
You keep telling her to please get more than 2 and a half hours of shut-eye per day, but she is stubborn as she is lovely
Which worries you a heck of a lot, obviously
Doesn't help the fact that this woman can sleep anywhere. On a chair sitting down, face on a desk, on the bus, against you, the list goes on
Sometimes, when she's worked herself to the limit, you'll find her asleep at the most bizarre of places
Funny story! One time, Jean fell asleep on the train on the way home and missed all her stops
You had to find her in the middle of nowhere
"Darling-" you hurried to embrace your tired looking lover as she ambled her way out of the station.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry you had to come get me in the middle of the night," Jean murmured into the crook of your neck. "I must have worried you too...I apologise."
You held your tongue at all the things you piled up to say on the drive here, but the scolding could wait until tomorrow. Right now, looking at her exhausted complexion, you couldn't bring yourself to tell her anything other than everything's alright, she can rest now.
Jean looked at you with eyes full of appreciation and affection, eyes that never failed to melt you like ice cream on the summer pavement.
Aside from that, she likes to keep the bedroom very neat
If she does sleep in the bed, Jean would constantly put your comfort over hers
You need some warm milk in the middle of the night? She's on it!!
Your pillows feel uncomfortable? Take hers!!
Oh dear you've accidentally rolled too much into her side? It's no problem, she can just move over to yours
Good morning kisses are her thing
But usually she gives it to you because she's almost always out of it first
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genesisinferno · 3 years
This was meant to be a future chapter for "Follow His Footsteps" but the scene wouldn't leave my brain so now you guys can have it and I can finally get it out of my head. I'll probably have to something a little differently for this planned scene, rip.
"Just this once," Cross said. He wouldn't do this again. He wouldn't let his guard down again - he couldn't. If only for himself, he couldn't afford to let his guard down more than once. He had to stay on track, he had to stay focused, he had to be cold and distant at all times...
But just this once. Just this one time, he could afford to let his guard down, right?
"Just this once," Killer agreed with a nod, something almost sly in his empty gaze. They both knew he didn't truly believe that and was just going along with it - he had every intention to get Cross to drop his guard again, regardless if Cross wanted to or not. Cross should care, he should withdraw or be annoyed. He should keep his guard up. But he was tired. So, so very tired. So, this time, only this time, he would let it go. But he would never do it again, no matter how much it hurt or how much it killed him inside. Just this once.
Cross stares at Killer for a moment, cautiously. A part of him still didn't want to let go - he had built this mask up for so long and he'd forgotten what he was like underneath. It almost scared him, not knowing who he was anymore. He'd been a different person in X-Tales and had worn a mask ever since he'd destroyed his home. To let go now, even if only for a short while, was terrifying. It was a vulnerability he hadn't allowed himself in so long. He could still put his mask back on after this, right? He could still pretend, right? Killer wouldn't... try to draw him out again, right? (He knows he would.)
Something in Cross snaps, strained and tired from the pressure of holding himself together for so long now, and that's all it takes. He ducks his skull, wrapping his arms around Killer in a loose hug. Cross drops his skull onto Killer's chest, his arms tightening until he's almost crushing Killer in his grasp. Killer, for once in his life, is silent as he wraps his own arms around Cross, returning the hug. Unlike Cross, Killer doesn't hesitate in holding him tightly, as if he's afraid that if he doesn't, Cross will run from him again. Something about the action, something about the unspoken intentions and feelings that lay underneath causes Cross to shake. He has to physically restrain himself from crying. He knows what he is and he knows what he does. Not just to Killer, but to the Dust and Horror too. Even to Nightmare and Error. He knows how he worries them, how he brushes off their concern so easily that it makes them frustrated to the point they feel angry and helpless. How they look out for him all the time and just want him to let them in - something Cross can't afford to do. Something Cross is too scared to allow, in his current situation. Because letting them in means getting more attached, means putting them in even more pain when he leaves. It means it'll hurt them further.
Just like Killer is hurt now, because of him. Cross hates the feeling of helplessness he feels, the frustration at not being able to help further, the guilt and the pain, and the worry and fear of losing Killer. He hates how he knows that they feel like this about him on a daily basis. But like he's done for so long, he doesn't allow himself to lament on his own mistakes or shortcomings - instead lashing out at the one before him.
"Dammit, Killer! You almost died, you idiot!" Cross snaps, glaring at the injured skeleton with unshed tears in his sockets. For a second, Killer seems almost surprised but then his signature grin stretches over his skull.
"Yeh, but I didn't," Killer states it like it's some obvious fact he's proud of, when he should be more concerned with the fact that he nearly died and still isn't completely in the clear yet. Until they find a way back to the castle, Killer's still very much at risk. Especially since Cross' makeshift first aid wouldn't do much more than support Killer's injuries until they could get proper help.
"That doesn't make it any better," Cross whines, almost childishly. Oddly enough, Killer's casualness helps to keep the tears at bay. If he can still do that much, then it's possible it's not affecting him as much as Cross had originally feared. It's something he has to chance to bounce back from like usual.
"Sure it does," Killer chirps and looks at him teasingly. "Ya worried anyway?" The question takes Cross aback, because of course he is. It had been his fault Killer was injured to begin with. He got hurt protecting Cross while he was stupidly distracted by something or the other. Despite how much Cross tried to deny it, tried to refuse the feelings, he cared about Killer - about all of the bad Sanses, even though he couldn't afford to. He's discovered he's absolutely terrible at remaining detached when put in front of skeletons hellbent on caring for him - even though he didn't need the care or the worry.
"I... of course I am. You... you're hurt and it's my fault. You could have died and it would have been my fault," Cross mumbled sadly, the tears finally spilling out of his sockets. They dropped down onto Killer's shirt, soaked up by the fabric.
"Hey. Hey. Don't say shit like that, makes you seem like you really care underneath all that bravado," Killer chuckled. Cross gripped him tighter for a second, remembering himself. Killer was right. Even if Cross decided to let his guard down for a bit, he still shouldn't say stuff like that. He couldn't take it back. Killer seemed to notice the change, quickly speaking up again.
"In all seriousness... don't worry 'bout it. I ain't going anywhere. Think you can get rid of me that easily?" Killer seemed amused by the thought that anyone could even consider the thought of it. As if he were immortal. He wasn't. He was strong but even he could die. Not to say that it was easy to kill him - Killer was like a parasite with a grudge, hellbent on taking everyone down with him.
"No..." Cross sighed and Killer's smug grin sharpened. Cross just sighed, burying his skull in Killer's chest and simply soaking in the fact that Killer was alive and allowing himself to be relieved at the fact instead of pushing it away. He'd gotten him out in time. He'd been there. They've avoided the worst case scenario. Killer was alive and they still had a chance out of this.
"...do you want me gone?" Killer's voice is quiet, far quieter he's ever heard it, and Cross can just barely pick up on the insecurity hidden within it. His skull snaps up, more from the tone than the actual question itself. Killer is supposed to be annoyingly confident, not sad or insecure.
"No!" Cross denies immediately, surprised and more than willing to fight Killer on this if he has to. There's the slightest shift to Killer's expression and a tenseness to his body that Cross isn't familiar with. To his surprise, at his words, Killer's expression returns to normal and he relaxes slightly, pulling Cross closer to him minutely.
"Then it's all good, yeh? Besides, I'm getting a voluntary hug from the solitary soldier himself, so it wasn't all for nothing. Heh," Killer chuckles, and Cross glares at him for it. He has half a mind to ignore Killer entirely. His inability to shut up ruins everything.
But then the smile drops off Killer's face again and Cross finds himself unable to keep the glare up, instead watching Killer in concern.
"Just this once... tell me something, Criss-Cross," Killer's voice is quiet and soft that it doesn't even sound like his voice anymore. Cross isn't used to this vulnerability and it's beginning to send him into a panic. He doesn't know how to deal with stuff like this anymore. He hasn't dealt with stuff like this - even for himself, that he doesn't know what to do. "Do ya care at all? Would you... be better off without me?"
Everything about that question was wrong, especially coming from Killer. From secure, overconfident, stupid Killer. And it hurt. Crap, it hurts and this is exactly what Cross was trying to avoid. He didn't want to hurt and he certainly didn't want any of the Bad Sans to hurt because of him. Apparently, he'd failed both points, because Cross cared so damn much that it hurts. He didn't want to lose Killer. He couldn't stand the thought of it, let alone bear the pain that would come from it. He'd lose whatever sanity he had left if he lost one of them, he just didn't want to admit it. That is, he didn't want to admit until Killer asked. Because now Cross was willing to, if it meant that Killer would just stay.
"I don't wanna lose you. So don't go, Killer," The tears spilled out of his sockets, as he whispered, "You've gotta... You've gotta stay with me, okay? D-don't leave me." Killer held him tighter, as if afraid to let him go and Cross clutched onto him for dear life, afraid to ever leave this moment.
I don't own any characters. This is meant purely platonically but I guess you can see it as Kross if you want to. But yeah, this is meant to be brotherly, with Cross being super afraid to open up and finally taking one of the first steps to. I wrote this instead of writing the next chapter but since this isn't a major delay, I think I can get away with it.
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years
hope you guys love this one! took me a lil while because i wasn't sure how to structure it and in the end i went with little headcannons :) <3
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christmas with him is so cute and cosy
he's so thoughtful, thinking so hard for your presents and what you like
enlists april for help because obviously he can't buy them
wraps them up super carefully, with a cute lil note around the string
never fails to tell you how much you love him
and it's not always direct
under the mistletoe, for example. he will give you a little smirk and point to the ceiling wherever it may be placed.
and baby, his kiss? sweet yet passionate, short yet keeps you intoxicated. just amazing *chef kiss*
other examples of his touches are when you're doing something and he just leans against you for a lil while lost in happy thoughts
or holds your hands when you come back from the cold. he warms you up real good hehe
or rests his forehead against yours, allowing the christmas lights to dance across his body.
you totally place a cute lil hat on him
in turn, he braids in some tinsel in your hair. so now your hair is a sparkly mess. but you're having way too much fun to care
such a cheery mood overall
you guys may even belt out to christmas songs
his laughter is so catchy, your favourite tune. so it ends up with you both giggling halfway through the song
and later, you're both wrapped in blankets, sipping at hot cocoa
he loves these quiet moments, warmth flooding both your bodies while the movie is playing in the background.
his hand will always be touching you, somehow. if you're decorating the tree, he'll be right there to help you.
still in shock he celebrated this festive holiday with an angel.
"merry christmas, my love" he whispers at the end of the night, hearing the fire crackle in the background
"merry christmas, sweetheart" you reply, looking deep in his eyes.
that's love swirling in those oceans pools
and then he kisses you tenderly.
nothing has to be extravagant, over the top. just this intimate moment between you and him is all he loves.
christmas could end with him making love to you or wrapped in each others embrace.
your choice, honey ;)
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christmas with this guy is really and truly unpredictable
but not 'cause he's angry
oh no, he's the most relaxed and chilled person.
well, kinda. (he woke up with glitter everywhere and mikey screeching in his ears that it was christmas)
but it's because, you never know what the nights going to hold with him
you may go out for a motorcycle ride, admiring all of new york in it's beauty
or he bring you to the rooftop, to admire your beauty
but what he loves, is being down in the lair. that's his home and with you and the overall vibe, it's so comforting. your house isn't a problem, either :)
this bad boy will hang up mistletoe in areas where you're sure to enter and will immediately run to you when you're underneath one.
"guess we better kiss, per tradition~"
you're going to be the one to part lips, raphael has no self control. he will have a makeout with you, literally anywhere. only exception is splinter
and he wants you to hang the lil star/angel on top of the tree.
will hold your waist and pick you up like a lil feather. "that's so beautiful babe, like you"
music (christmas, ofc) will be playing softly in the background
home alone is on t.v. and in your hands are warm cups of cocoa
he added the lil marshmallows (cutie)
and when you laugh, his face breaks out into his own little smile
he can't help it, you're so fucking gorgeous
"merry christmas baby" his finger is under your chin, directing your attention to him. he's sincere and vulnerable in this moment. his heart is on the line here
gets super insecure and sad when you don't reciprocate the love back.
but you do, you always do.
this christmas has been the best by far, spending every second with you.
"merry christmas, sweetheart"
christmas sex to end the night! (if you want to, though. everything is all consent!)
his lovemaking is normally all passionate, to savour the happy moments.
however this depends if you've been nice or naughty, raphael will decide
although knowing him, he will say naughty ;) kinky turt
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one of the few times where all work is dropped and he can have fun!
but to be honest, will check time to time on his work. fear not hon, his focus is mainly you!
all the sweet treats will have a lock on them if possible
leo will have to warn him not to touch the frosted cupcakes
you may have to restrain him a little
he finds you sweeter though anyway ;)
he loves, loves, loves decorating stuff and will start with his lab.
will have you with him, as he drapes christmas decor around the lair
all the taller stuff, he will have you to sit on his shoulders and do for him.
lowkey can reach but he wants you on him
he puts on christmas music but will end up with you both dancing in each others arms, miming the words.
asks you what you wanna do, since he wants this night to be the most perfect for you
but you remind him that it's his night too and whatever he wants to do, should be incorporated
and so, he brings you to the couch, grabbing the massive bowl of popcorn and blankets on his way
you're more than happy
he will sneak mistletoe kisses, lil nerd
and then leans against you, with his signature smile
y'know the one where his cute lil smile is parted, showing his teeth slightly. yes that one
you kiss him once, then twice, then three times because you can't help it.
he's so freaking peRFECT *cries*
and the lair looks so beautiful, bathed in a golden light kudos to you. such a romantic moment~
"merry christmas, my dove" he whispers, holding your hand to kiss the top of it.
a rosy hue paints your cheek and your heart thumps happily
"merry christmas, love"
he doesn't mind having sex with you
but the night finishes with cuddles and happiness.
couple a cute nerds, you both 🥺🥰🤍
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oh honey, it's all the pick up lines, all the jokes packed in this sunshine
"i'm not santa, but you can sit on my lap"
"mikey, do we have any pizza? i figured we can-" "i don't think we do only because you've stolen a pizza of my heart" he clutched his chest dramatically
when you're setting out the christmas presents and food, "babe, tie your shoes! can't have you falling for anyone else!"
"hey sweetness, do you have a name? or can I call you mine?"
and you can't even be mad with him. it's so heartwarming
cooking with him is so much fun
singing out to random songs
if you haven't already, will plop some reindeer ears on your head
"if we gonna do this, we gonna do it properly!"
you guys make all sorts of foods. especially gingerbread cookies. and then it's a competition to sees who makes the better one
this is all the while, belting your hearts out to songs
he twirls you under the kitchen lights, turns this into this massive dance number
with him singing all the way
laughter and chuckles escape both your mouths and finally he looks at you
happiness is literally beaming out of every single crevice in his body.
"merry christmas, to my sweet, gorgeous, beautiful, honey bunch" he holds you close, his hands around your waist and you grin
"merry christmas, to my wonderful, adorable, funny, stunning and amazing turtle" you kiss his cheek but he kisses your lip, hugging you close.
tearing up because that's the cutest and meaningful thing anyone has ever said
oh by the way, mistletoe kisses are a mUST!
literally, it's crazy because every corner you turn, boom! there's a freaking mistletoe
which... kinda backfired since you were under one with his brother
he let out a gasp and ripped off the extra added mistletoe muttering angrily.
you smooched his cute nose instead
but the night finishes as it started with laughter, happiness and excitement.
you know damn well, he won't refuse sex with you. if you're tired, he won't push anything.
he's perfectly content with snuggling you :3
and celebrating it all together is one word: magical. one big happy family. if you're working on christmas day, he will wait for you to come back. depending on your mood, he will either sing merry christmas to you while dancing around the lair with you or wrap you in a fluffy blanket and place you in his lap. and the second you're in the lair, all worries must be left at the doorstep and you enter a literal wonderland. he will make sure you have the best time of your life. forgot his present? absolutely no fucking worries. sick and ill? he will be your lil doctor, still incorporating some of the festive cheer. because he loves you so much.
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fortheloveofkuroo · 4 years
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Part 1 Part 3
Karasuno boys are having a sleepover in your place, their Manager!
4. Nishinoya Yuu
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Yea boi he's excited.
Yuu have been always a fan of yours. Sure he loves Shimizu Kiyoko more than anyone (expect Tanaka lmao) But you, you're just so different that you shines in his eyes.
"Sleepover at (Y/n)'s home?! Not Bad!"
He is excited as hell.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Is your house bigg?" He excitedly asks. "Well, you'll see." You answered.
He cannot calm down geez. Unlike Asahi, who's nervous as hell he's very excited and everybody can tell.
"You guys can dry yourselves here, i'll shower first and prepare your dinner!"
Something about seeing your domestic self seems very unusual to him. He's not used to you who's not yelling and controlling people in the Gym.
You seems very famous for your strictness to the boys. But they're not complaining though.
He waits (strangely) patiently and being his usual self, with Tanaka he guards the bathroom.
"We, as a real gentlemen we have to guard our lady from danger. Especially when she's in her vulnerable state." Nishinoya explained. Tanaka answered with his nods.
Ofc you can hear everything from inside. "OI YOU TWO GET OUT FROM THE DOOR!" you opened the door, with bathrope on and wet hair.
Ofc these two guys arestunned. "Omg (Y/n), you're actually so hot-" "GET OUT!" you kicked both of them to the living room and quickly change to your clothes.
Doesn't took too long before you finished cooking dinner with Sugawara and bring them to table.
They all eat so much. You barely eats. That's alright, they worked so hard. It must be tough for them.
This guardian deity noticed that you don't eat much. So he gave a few portion of his Karaage to you. Without you even noticing.
"Eh,? I'm sure i finished mine though." You wondered. Nishinoya grins, "It seems like the Kaarage fairy likes you, (Y/n)!" Followed by cheering from Hinata asking if Kaarage fairy is real or not.
You know it's from him. It's not rare for Nishinoya sharing his food but it warms your heart.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
"I VOLUNTEER MYSELF!" Nishinoya shouted before Sugawara holds himself. "No you're not! I don't trust you!"
"Nishinoya-senpai is tiny so i'm sure he can sleep with the others just fine." Kageyama adds. "HAAH WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYY?!"
Omg the chaos. You had enough for some point.
"Geez! I'll sleep by myself. Don't make a ruckus and Good night." You snaps while closing the door. Leaving some of them guilty.
You can't lie that you feel a little upset. Maybe you're tired. Yeah, you're prolly tired. You're gonna apologize to everyone in the morning.
It's been hours since you turn off the light. Hell it's already midnight and you can't seems to fall asleep. You're mentally and physically tired but your eyes don't want to close even an inch.
So you left your room. Moving around a little hoping you'll get (even) more tired. You move slowly, making sure you don't make so much noise that loud enough to wake everybody.
A glass of water is enough to calm yourself down right? Nah it's not. You're still hungry.
"Psst. Hey."
You turn your head around, a boy with dark drown locks and a little golden blonde highlight on his bangs. It's undoubtly him.
"Noya? You haven't sleep yet?" You whispered to him. He shakes his head, but both of your movement is too loud for the first year that ate sleeping in the living room so you dragged him somewhere else.
Should you bring him to your room? Dang it but you're still upset. So you dragged him outside to terrace. Letting go of his hand as you two sits.
"Why are you still up?" Noya shrugs. "I don't know. How about you?" You shrugs back. "Idk. Prolly-" your stomach suddenly shrieks, cutting your words and Nishinoya cannot help but laugh.
"D-Don't laugh! You'll wake everybody!" You hit his arm as he coughs. "Um, wait here 'kay" he left. You have no idea what he's planning but oh well.
You hug your knees as you looks up, the sky is so clear. Thanks to the rain and storm earlier.
You nose picks up something. A savory delicious smell coming from inside the house. Wait is this his plan?
Not so long, Noya came back with two noodle cups. He gave one to you and place himself right next to you. He only give you a grin before you two busy enjoying your instant noodle.
Not only your stomach but your heart warms up now. It's the little silence that you two in.
You smiled. After putting your cup of noodle away you chuckles.
Nishinoya confused. "What? You still hungry??"
You shakes you head, "I just don't remember keeping instant cup noodles though.." "Oh it was mine. I brought spare food everywhere, because y'know i eat a lot." Nishinoya grins.
You thanked him as you ruffles his golden bangs. And your hand quickly got snatch from his head before you know it you already cornered between him and the cold concrete wall behind you.
Is this what kabedon looks like?
He slowly release your hand and apologize. Very ashamed of what he have done. He excuse himself but you stopped him.
"...Stay for a while."
God how can he say no?
Being in the same grade as you provide him with a lots of opportunities. Not only he can see you everyday outside the club activity, he's given the opportunity of interacting with you because you two are in the same class ans apparently, you sat beside him.
He nods and sits back while you quietly watch over his side profile. Damn, you never knew that Nishinoya is actually.. Pretty good-looking.
"Sorry, i acted without thinking earlier."
"Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Also, gotta admit though, you look cool with your hair down, Noya."
You can tell he's surprised. A girl? Tell him he looks cool? What? In? The? World? Is? Happening???
It seems like the cold air and the full stomach is now making you drowsy. Noya notices this, he grabs your hand and leads you to your room.
"There there. Sleep tight kay?" He spoke as he cover your whole body with blanket. It's warm.
But it's not enough.
"Hnnh.. Noya, cold." You whine.
"Haa?? Then what do you want me to do? Cuddle you up?" He jokes. Well suprisingly you nods.
Noya shocked, but why not right? He smiles as he enters the soft blanket of yours and sighed.
"Fine i'll spoon you."
5. Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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He's literally dreading to go to your house.
"Oh shit nvm Kiyoko-san is number one- ...but sleepover at (Y/n)-san's house though, BUT KIYOKO-SAN!! B-But (Y/n)-san.."
Yeah that's what his mind probably looks like. He obviously loves Kiyoko but heck, when you appear infront of him. It's like another flower has bloom.
He swear to himself that he only devotes himself to Shimizu Kiyoko and not do anything weird but protect you as Karasuno's manager and that's it.
But when he enters your house, and seeing everybody so relaxed, he thinks "heh why not?"
Especially when he saw you getting out from the shower. He feels like he just cameback fro a long day at work and his wife is serving him-
Dang it, he hates himself. He can't pick. He loves Kiyoko so much but you.. You keep disturbing him.
And ofc you don't even know that this is what's going on. You only think that Tanaka loves Shimizu-senpai so it's cool he acts very defensive to the managers especially when they're outside the school.
But why is so nervous yet so happy when he sees you?
You cameback from the kitchen, placing the dinner on the table with Suga-san helping you out.
The entire scenario of you being his wife serving him right after he cameback from his work is very vivid.
He shakes his heaed as he stuff and chomps down his rice. Secretly stealing a gaze over your direction. Everybody's attention is slightly moves towards you too.
The way you eat, the way you speak, the way you smiles..
He ignores those all and focus on his meal and moves his focus elsewhere by teasing another member whose embarassed or flustered just because they're in your house.
But he's secretly overwhelmed too.
And not so long it's sleeping time.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
Sugawara was quick to respond. But you already sighs and shakes your head. "Nevermind i'll sleep by myself.. Goodnight Guys."
Shit. He felt guilty now.
He tried to erase his feeling of guilty away, Nishinoya and the others are very quick to fall asleep. They left him alone. Awake in the darkness.
He can't sleep with this guilty feeling on his chest. As a true man, he must deal with his problem straight away.
So he brace himself and lightly knock on your door.
No answer. "Shit, she's probably already asleep. I should just wait untill tomorrow-" and the door opens.
Revealing you with a sleepy face and messy hair. So you did already sleepy.
"S-SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO INTERRUPT. PLEASE GO BACK TO SLE-" "Tanaka shhh.. Not so loud.." you yawns as you rubs your eyes.
"It's fine, what is it? I'm awake now." You smiles. He want to say something. Tanaka is a simple guy, if something is interrupting him, he will told you immediately.
"No ah.. I'm sorry (Y/n)-san. You should probably go back to sleep-" "Geez.. Be quite!" A shout suddenly startled both of you. Causing you to quickly drags Tanaka inside and shutting the door.
"Okay, what do you want to say?"
Man, Tanaka Ryuunosuke is stop working.
He's inside your room, he always wonder what a girl's room looks like. (His Onee-san's room is a very different one in his perspective)
"Hellooo? Earth to Tanaka? Ya there?" You wave your hand infront of him as you tap his bald head.
"A-Ah yes! It's.. I want to apologize about earlier." "Huh? Oh, that's alright. I was just tired so a little ruckus kinda bugs me. But that's okay, i'm sorry too for sounding so annoyed, eheh."
Your awkward pure genuine smile moves his heart.
He smiles. Is that it? Is this his choice?
"Say (Y/n)-san.." "Geez Tanaka drop the suffix. We're in the same year." You protest. Tanaka awkwardly chuckles and nods.
"What is it?" You wonder. Anticipating an answer from a boy who's sitting infront of you.
"Do you.. Have someone in your mind?" He looks down. Didn't even that brave to look at your eye. Untill he feels a little thud in his shoulder. He looks up..
You fell asleep on his shoulder. Oh my God.
The panic.
He's panicking inside and it shows. You, who's now asleep and sound on his shoulder suddenly slides to his lap.
He quickly carry you to the bed and tugs you in.
"This is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad"
Poor boy lol.
But one things he notices, your hand.. It won't let go of his hand. Even though he relase your hand, you kept looking for his hand.
"How adorable," he think to himself.
"...Don't leave."
"..I won't. Because, i think i love you.."
6. Kageyama Tobio
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Honestly, this boi can't behave himself when he's near you.
Y'know ya boi Tobio never really cares about the outside world of voleyball. So he never notice any stuff that's going around even if A LOT of girls in his class are crushing on him.
In the middle school everybody seems so distant from him because of his past attitude, but he's willing to change when he came to Karasuno and boom, he met you.
What a spark of fireworks.
So now his world revolves around two things. Voleyball, and you.
Kageyama doesn't want to bother you, so he decline. But his poor self didn't bring umbrella. He already made up his mind that he'll sprint to home untill he (accidentally) heard your quarel with Daichi.
Well, why not?
So this boy tags along, and being the polite boy he is he behave SO POLITE IT HURTS YOUR EYES.
"Jesus Kageyama, you don't have to be so polite." You laughs as the other members starting to notice. Kageyama's forehead form a confused expression.
He's actually pretty quiet and calm in your house. Your house remind him a lot of his Grandma's house. The atmosphere, and the living room is practically almost identical.
He tried to enjoy the moment but ofc Hinata Boge will annoy tf outta him.
When you distribute the towels, something struck your mind and he snaps you out of it.
"(Y/n)-senpai? Is anything wrong?" You shakes your head and gave him a thumbs up, i forming everything's fine. He's happy with the little interaction that you're both having.
That's just enough for him.
It's almost his turn to shower, some of the member that showered first already back, and Hinata decided to go ahead and shower first. Taking over Kageyama's turn and leaving him behind.
He was about to chase after him but Daichi pulls him back. "Don't make any ruckus." He advised Kageyama.
But Hinata strangely came back with a pale face. As if he runs to a ghost or something.
"Oi what happened? You run to a ghost or something?" He asked, mocking him.
Hinata face turns to serious yet doubtfull. Oh shit something serious must have happened. Kageyama nudge him. "What happened?"
Hinata gulps, "... I saw Suga-san and (Y/n)-senpai in the kitchen.. They were.." Kageyama scoffs. "Yea they were cooking. What else they should be doing, huh?"
"No! Listen.. They were.. Ugh.. S-Suga-san.. Cornered (Y/n)-senpai.." Hinata whispered to him. Kageyama's heart almost stopped. So it's true.
A while ago, while he was practicing his jump serve, his ear caught something rather interesting. The third years were discussing about the managers. Including you.
"How about (Y/n)?" Daichi asked. "Aaah, i think everyone in the team atleast have a crush on her though. I mean ofc i had a crush on her, who wouldn't?" Sugawara jokes. Bur Asahi agreed too.
What? So he against the senpais too?
And the first years and second years too. Wow you sure are popular.
He gets up, clenching his towel between his fist and walked to the kitchen. While Hinata tried to hold him but poor guy he gets thrown away :(
Once he stepped to the Kitchen, he saw you and Suga. But both of you are blushing. Shit, he doesn't want to admit this but he think Hinata's not telling a lie.
"Oh Kageyama? The bathroom's that way." Sugawara's finger gesture over the bathroom and helped you with the meal. He can see a glistened of rivalry in his kouhai's eyes.
"Thanks." As Kageyama shuts the door. He curse to himself. Now he have to compete with Sugawara too? Not only the setter position but.. Girls too?
He spent his showering session by collecting himself. He must not show any emotion of upsetness. Then he gets out and surprise surprise he bumped into Sugawara.
The silence between them omg.
"Excuse me-" "Hinata told you, didn't he?"
"Shit. He knew. Now play dumb Tobio."
"H-Huh? What did you say, Suga-san?" He lies. Sugawara know from the start that Hinata will run to Kageyama and spill everything. And Kageyama Tobio is bad at lying.
"You know, that me and (Y/n)-" "Food's ready!! Everybody let's gather aroundd!" His words were cut off by Daichi's announcement.
The whole dinner session are spent well, Kageyama's usual quarell with Hinata about the food and you being so wholesome and kind about it.
But the way you and Sugawara's movement after that kitchen incident keeps bothering his mind. What if Sugawara..
And dinners ended. It's turn to sleep now. He's kind off sleepy already because of his routine. So after the room division, he will go straight to bed, he think.
"Um.. Due to lack of the space, one of you have to sleep with me."
"I VOLUNTEER MYSELF!" Nishinoya shouted. But he gets hold back by Sugawara. No no no. He cannot let anyone especially Sugawara to sleep with you.
"Nishinoya-senpai is tiny so i'm sure he can sleep with the others just fine." Kageyama adds. "HAAH WHAT DID YOU SAAAYYY?!"
"Let's go to the distributed room first and see, who's the one left. He gets to stay with (Y/n)-senpai." Kageyama proposes. Actually not a bad idea.
At first everyone doesn't want to take their place but their tired body forces them too. One by one, they all collapsed on the futon or matresss once they saw one. And that left us with Sugawara and Kageyama.
"You should choose, (Y/n)." Sugawara smiles.
Kageyama's almost lost because of his consciousness running out. He's THAT sleepy yall.
"Well then, i think i'll pick.." "Sugawara! There's one spot left here!" Before you can decide, (again) Daichi interrupts. And Kageyama's eyes almost rolled back because of his sleepiness.
"Fine then. Goodnight (Y/n), Kageyama." Sugawara smile as you both walk back to your room. Holding back his emotion.
You told Kageyama to wait and prepare his bed. You feel sorry for him, he must be so tired and yet he still force himself to fully awake.
"There, Kageyama. You can sleep now- Ehhh!" Whaddya know sis, he falls down. Face first to the matrass luckily not the floor.
You chuckles a little. This boy is very adorable. You know how he adores you when you help hin with his set practice. You ran your fingers trough his jet black hair, combing his hair.
"...Nyam, i like you.. (Y/n)-senpai..."
WOW. Didn't expect someone will confess to you trough sleep talking but sure i guess. A little laugh burst from you lips. Cheeks a lil' warm.
"Sweet dreams, Tobio.."
Part 3 coming upp~
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stimmypaw · 4 years
stimmypaw reads the apprentice’s quest, a blog post
A big one, just a bunch of thoughts as I’m reading it, of course, lots of spoilers for the first book in the Warrior Cats series A Vision of Shadows. This will be covering just the first book tho, it’s all in the Read More, let’s gooooooo!!!!
Vision Of Shadows time
Lots of new cats!!! I don't remember these guys as kits or anything wrow!!! I like their names but itll take a while to get used to them
Also cant believe they printed stormcloud's dead name
Omg there's a cat named beepaw
I love these cats all of them so much im going 2 cry
All new names are perfect
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I'm glad leafpool smokes weed
I love reading from Jayfeather's point of view, his grumpiness hasn't grown on me ever but thats just me, I still enjoy it lots he's great and its fun
Firestar and Leopardstar's characterizations are On Point i love it
OOF i feel so bad when jayfeather is mean to others, poor kestrelflight, I love those two
Lovely Jayfeather moments now its time for the first chapter
I like this duo! Also I didn't think I'd ever say this but shut up squirrelflight one can have fun AND learn with their mentors
Sparkkit sounds nice she makes jingling bell noises when she walks around
Alderkit is chadphobic /j
I can see Alderkit taking deep breaths to relax its rotating in my mind its beautiful
God this first chapter feels so good and comfortable, like eating noodles and chicken nuggets. I am so so deeply in love with it, its gorgeous!
Sparkkit is so perfect too, and Graystripe remembering Firestar aaaaaa
DUSTPELT SAID WHAT? PHDHAHAHHA OH NOOOO I don't remember their relationship much, must have been fun, I love young little creature squirrelflight I MISSED HER SO BAD WOW
I started reading the second chapter and died, I think ill take a break now 2 sleep heehhee
I love them describing twoleg stuff its always so fun and alien, like watching an animal planet show about funny sea creatures.
Also I have determined sparkpaw is my favorite, might be my favorite cat ever next to hollyleaf??? I really identify with her and also she's autistic i have decided that
Alderpaw baby noooo hhhh their mentor at least is trying to show its okay, he seems very emotionally distant so far and alderheart feels very emotionally needy, actually both of them do, did I mention I love Sparkpaw??? I might be imprinting myself 2 much on her
I love how like, its clear both of them are absolutely anxious and worried about others opinions on them, which is clearly something they got from being Firestar's grandkids, deputy kids and leader kids. And bramblestar too, I recall him being quite the anxious lad ahhah. Sparkpaw will be showing confidence and being loud but the second anyone isn't approving of her or she does something "wrong" she gets small and quiet, and she ended up setting a high bar for herself by being good at hunting and fighting so I'm curious to see how that will go. Also there's nothing wrong with being guided through a crowded place to meet others Sparkpaw!!! I bet the two of them would be stuck without not knowing how to talk to others had Needlepaw not shown up. I love them, my gf is mocking me saying I'm a Sparkpaw kinnie.
Apprentices will like learn about a thing and tell everyone about it all the time and assume its always true in every situation and thats valid I love kids like that. Also in my head Needlepaw kinda looks like a porcupine. Oh boo she's fatphobic >:(
I love apprentices they are so fun and silly, just making fun of the leaders like its nothing. The way they are clearly learning and absorving everything their warriors say and do like sponges its just ***chefs kiss***
Omg shadowclan is just full of 12 year olds help
And then the old person said "it sure is hard being old!" And everyone clapped
Shout-out to pretty Riverclan apprentice #481977 I love her
Leafpool: 👁👁
Alderpaw: I knew it im cursed and awful and terrible and I will never amount to anything
I wish the cats didn't seem to be giving up on him so easily though
Ah yes the classic thunderclan move "you suck, into the medicine hole you go"
The way sparkpaw changes the things she says and how she does when it isn't the status quo around her oooooooooooooyeaaaaaaa I love 1 autistic cat
Alderpaw considering your problems lesser than other cats won't help you deal with them better bro
I love Needlepaw's excitement about Alderpaw being a medicine cat apprentice, and her sarcasm, she feels like a preppy teenager
Ahhh this is so good, I am so thirsty for family moments like this, just Alderpaw bonding with grandma, I’ll definitely want to draw this one it’s so sweet.
Oh to be young and silly.
I really am enjoying like, Alderpaw’s struggles to seeing how he fits in the clan, how he fits in himself, how he wants to be seen and what he wants to be, it’s really good. I Am Engaged(tm) With This Plot.
SPARKPAW NOOOOOOO but also Yes I want her to be shown vulnerable and weak please 
POP, god watching this stuff always awful, the cats must have thought he broke her ahahah
Also, really great that they learned from Dovewing and now like leave choices and discussions about prophecies between adults
And plus Brambles seemed to take the time to explain stuff to him, seems he wont be going alone either the 1 thing is that he will be the only one knowing what the journey is really about, why though??? I didnt read Firestar's Quest or whatever why does Skyclan need to be secret??? Seems quite silly really!
I could feel squirrelflight nearing explosion here, this was very fun, i wish they werent hiding this though!!!
The secret thing is showing to be a plot point so I am once again Very Engaged
Also, wonderful dialogue bit, someone asked Bramblestar why an Elder is going and:
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Lovely perfect perfect
I miss you dovewing
Oh boy this is it
Traveling book moment
Graystripe: Soooo you're excited to go on the journey to the old territories and Skyclan?
Sandstorm: Yes! It's been ages and-
Graystripe: I'm sure the tribe will love the visit too
Sandstorm, groaning: Oh noooo I forgot about how the tribe is in the way of every journeyyyyy noooooo they're such a racist caricature, please tell me you have a plan
Graystripe: Yes don't worry about it the writers forgot about the tribe in my comic book so you can just use the excuses i did to actively avoid it
Sandstorm: Oh thank Starclan
Sparkpaw's desperation to prove herself oof, her anxiety with understanding the prophecy, oh boy, and Alderpaw feeling too overwhelmed by the questions and not managing to talk!!!! I am so glad they are both autistic
Hoping "Being Leader" wont mean theyre putting nonsense responsibility on the apprentice again
Ah good Sandstorm is on the lead again, as she should, she should have been leader she would have been great
I can't believe Alderpaw thinks I look stupid and diseased :( /j
Everything about this twoleg scene was scandalous I loved it, Sparkpaw just toppled over a trash bag and they are eating from it, iconic, also did those twolegs throw out a whole turkey? Damn
Its not that Sparkpaw is freakishly good at hunting she is very hungry and constantly on the watch for things to eat
BRO Ive never been in a road where the drivers are this wild, throwing bottles out of the car????? Ive seen Fruit being thrown like once or twice, what the fuck!!! I'm glad they are going to wait until the morning to continue
Okay I was not expecting Needlepaw to show up this girl is chaotic I love her
Needlepaw is like Rono from Bambi 2 if he wasnt a mean bully and thats very epic
Very curious character though, how come her mentor isnt teaching her the warrior code properly? Is that an issue with all apprentices?? Is the clan overwhelmed by 12 year olds and they won?
Having lots of fun trying to play the game "what animal are they describing this time" the erins made here, im glad they're in a farm. Worried about Sandstorm though :c
Fuck im worried about sandstorm a lot, her wound hurt on Me
Yeah water is good youre right sandstorm
Aw man I hope she's okay let her at least survive to meet skyclan please
I am so sad
Alderpaw denying it, Starclan shining upon their vigil, everything crushed me i cried
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Alderpaw considers Nihilism
Haven't seen a cat thank starclan for prey in a while its
Oh look they time skipped a journey! They don't tend to do that thats nice
I'm so excited to be meeting The Skyclan that everyone in the fandom knows now
So far they seem kinda mean but thats most clans at first glance really
Okay somethings up
I uh have heard of Darktail pretty sure he's a bad guy so yeah something really bad happened to Skyclan
Am worried
Darktail sounds like an evil himbo* i may be enjoying him actually
*himbos are usually nice by default so he's just evil and stupid and strong
Does needletail know these cats already?????
Oh okay fuck
I've been quietly reading the rest because I am just concerned and I want them to be okay as quickly as possible
Waterfalls are a classic nice
Oh boy time for our unlikely duo of Alderpaw and Needlepaw to get out of a Mess!
I did not expect this to end up with the two of them journeying into parenthood, but I'm happy it did
Well actually I'm very unhappy theyre so lost and there's no sign of Skyclan I am very worried for everyone involved Sparkpaw must be feeling awful!
Twigkit is a great name
Yeah this ended terribly
Overall! Frigging loved it this book was GOOD and a great start for the series I am very excited to read the rest, SO WORRIED ABOUT SKYCLAN THO AAAA the characterizations were great the characters were great the pacing was fun and I didn't get bored once!
I think o only wish I had read this sooner really so I could look up others thoughts without getting heavily spoiled about the last books, I can watch a few videos already though thats a start ahhaha. But yeah it was great and it felt very good to read, haven't swallowed up a book so quickly in a very long time!!! Very happy I finally got my hands on this 💕💖💕💖💕💖 cant wait 2 start the next one
If you read all this, hope you had fun hahaha, ill be making more of these cus theyre fun and I like talking about warrior cats thats just my thing
Til next time
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angellesword · 5 years
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Summary: Yoongi doesn’t know how to finish writing his song.
Pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Idol!Hoseok
Genre: Fluff, minor angst
Word Count: 2.8k (One-shot)
Warnings: discussion of insecurities
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Yoongi glared at the intersecting lines in his strikingly white paper. The heavy red inked pen he used to draw those lines was enough to make his head hurt.
He just crossed out an entire stanza of the lyrics he wrote for three hours.
Three. Fucking. Hours.
The lyrics just didn’t fit on the beat of the song he produced. What the hell was wrong with him? He was usually satisfied with his works. In most cases, he could actually finish producing and writing a song in a short period of time.
So why couldn’t he do it now?
Was it the wine?  Yoongi absentmindedly ran his finger through his lower lip while thinking.
Was he too dependent on that bittersweet liquor so now that he stopped drinking it, he felt as though he couldn’t function well?
Was that it?
Or was it his pride?
Namjoon offered to help, but Yoongi just brushed him off. He knew Joon had a lot on his plate right now. With his upcoming mixtape, dance practices, meaningful speeches for their love yourself and speak yourself campaign, Yoongi didn’t want to become one their leader's responsibilities.
But the main reason was probably his pride. Namjoon could balance both his personal and work life. So why couldn’t Yoongi?
Yoongi felt a hand resting on his shoulder. For some reason, his body began to relax. He was wearing an extra layer of clothes, but he could still feel the comfort and warmth in this person's hand.
He looked back only to see the uneasiness in Hoseok's eyes, his hand was still on Yoongi's shoulder.
"Hobi...you're here...." Yoongi said. His voice was betraying him, though. It's like his system was still processing the fact that Hoseok was really here.
Inside his studio.
And it was just the two of them.
"Yeah. I knocked exactly twenty times." Hoseok replied meticulously, worry was still visible in his eyes.
Yoongi had this rule for the rest of the Bangtan members. They should knock twenty times before entering his studio. But the members, especially the maknae line, didn’t seem to understand the concept of knocking. The boys just barged into his studio whenever they wanted.
"You didn't answer, so I just pressed the magic numbers and went in." Hoseok shrugged his shoulders.
Since the Bangtan boys kept on invading Yoongi's studio, he decided to exercise the use of password lock, but Yoongi was bad when it came to remembering some stuff. There was this one night when he slept outside of his studio because he forgot his passcode.
So when he finally remembered, he immediately told Hoseok about it. He was the only person Yoongi could trust who wouldn’t invade his privacy.
"I brought some food, hyung..." Hoseok smiled brightly as he raised his other hand to show the paper bag containing take-out food.
"Hmm...thanks." Yoongi smiled a little. It's past midnight and he still hadn’t eaten dinner. He barely left his studio.
"Jimin asked me to have dinner with him, but I figured you're the one who needs someone to eat with so..." Hoseok finally removed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, he then walked straight to the table.
"It's Chinese food. I hope you like it,” Hoseok turned to face Yoongi who was still seated on his swivel chair.
"I eat anything..." Yoongi kept on playing with his lower lip while looking at Hoseok intently. He was watching his every move carefully.
"Good! I brought a lot!" Hoseok smiled. It's the kind of smile that showed his little dimples. The one Yoongi liked the most.
"So...you're going to...eat with me...?" Yoongi asked even though he already knew the answer. Hoseok literally told him a few breaths ago.
"Yes. I just went out with Jimin so I can buy our food. And..." Hoseok stopped speaking momentarily to open the sachet of sauce using his mouth. "I didn't want Jimin to eat alone, so I waited for him to finish."
"I see..." Yoongi nodded.
Hoseok was really that type of person. He always made sure everyone was happy—that everyone was safe. He was always so full of love, especially when it came to his family, friends, and ARMYs, their fans.
Sometimes Hoseok's personality was too much for Yoongi. The former knew how to break almost everyone's wall. He knew exactly what to do or say to a person. He could make anyone feel so special—like you're the only person who matterred. He made everyone feel as though even their pettiest reason should never be ignored.
It scared Yoongi.
Because what if....
What if...he got the wrong idea? What if he thought that he was special, but then Hoseok did this 'special' thing to everyone?
Yoongi was not the smartest person, though he knew that vulnerability and oblivion were the greatest downfall of a human being.
Oblivion. Growing up, Yoongi didn't experience the warmth and kindness of this world. In fact, fate was a little cruel to him. He learned things the hard way. He grew up thinking that everything was not for free.
You wanted food? Okay. Suffer by walking from school to your home in exchange of using your transportation fee to buy a cheap cup of instant noodles instead.
You wanted money? Then let me buy your hard produced music beat for a few bucks.
You wanted to be famous? Spend your life as a teenager full of worries and questions. Will I even debut? How many more songs should I write and produce just to be rejected again?
Isn't leaving Daegu and going to a strange and cruel town enough? What more do I need to do?
You see, these things were some of the reasons why Yoongi could not accept the love and care Hoseok gave for free. Yoongi’s oblivion about unconditional love turned him vulnerable.
He didn't know that someone was capable of doing such things because he grew up in the absence of it. The little affection shown by Hobi made Yoongi feel a lot of things...to the point that he couldn’t control and distinguish it.
Was it love? Or was he just thankful to Hoseok?
"Let's eat, hyung~" Hoseok called, but Yoongi didn't move.
Hoseok pouted and went straight to Yoongi's back. He pushed his hyung's swivel chair until it reached the corner of the table.
Yoongi groaned when his upper abdomen hit the table's corner.
"That's what you get for being lazy." Hoseok stuck his tongue out at him.
Yoongi just shook his head—trying to ignore the fact that his heartbeat just doubled because of Hoseok's silly expression.
Both of them ate in peace. Yoongi wasn’t talking much because he was still worried about his unfinished lyrics. Hoseok, on the other hand, was busy with his food. Yoongi didn't mind. Hoseok's presence was enough to ease the tension he was feeling.
"By the way, Hyung. How's the song you've been writing?"
Yoongi froze the second he heard the question. He remembered promising Hoseok that he would let the younger boy hear it today. It's actually a song that would be rapped by the two of them this upcoming Festa.
Bighit decided to divide the Bangtan Boys into subunits for this year's anniversary. Seokjin, the best vocalist, and Namjoon, the band’s leader, would release a music video. It would be under the production of Golden Closet Film.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeongguk were phenomenal dancers so they chose to choreograph dance steps.
Hoseok knew that their members were doing their best. This made him a little anxious and pressured. He wanted to show his best abilities to the ARMYs so kept on pestering Yoongi about their performance. But now that he could see how stressful it was for Yoongi to finish the song, he suddenly just wanted to do something else.
"I'll let you listen to it by tomorrow..." Yoongi stood up and started cleaning the table. Both of them were done eating.
Hoseok noticed the change in Yoongi's mood. Did he say something wrong? Was he too demanding?
Uneasiness washed all over Hoseok again. He studied Yoongi's face. His hyung's lips were protruded into a small but sulky pout. His eyebrows were furrowed too.
Hoseok cleared his throat. He didn't want to upset Yoongi.
"Listen, Hyung..." He started. "Uh, you don't really have to do this...I mean, it's going to be an unofficial song, so....you should not...uhm...." Hoseok tried to find the right thing to say but he couldn’t. So instead, he just helped clean the table.
Yoongi stopped him, though.
"I'll clean up here, Hope. Just do something else..."
Hoseok pouted and sighed in defeat. Yoongi must have been really upset.
Hoseok was dying of curiousity now so he went to his hyung's working table to know what had gotten him so unmotivated.
He raised his brow when he saw five crumpled papers on the table. There were also at least ten scattered white papers here. What really caught his attention was the paper with a big X mark on it.
Hoseok read the words on that paper. A small smile formed in his lips when he realized that Min Yoongi was genius.
This sounds so cliché
but believe me when I say
your smile completes my day
we're contrast, just like what they say
i'm monochrome and you're a rainbow
my dark picture has been colored by you, oh you.
Baby you're my muse. (and my only hope)
"Hyung, why did you remove this? It's brilliant!" Hoseok went near Yoongi just to shoved the paper on his face.
Yoongi immediately snatched the paper away from Hoseok. Damn. He should've thrown this stupid paper in the trash bin!
"I-It's stupid, Hope...." Yoongi avoided Hoseok's shinning eyes.
Did he notice that the song was for him?
"It's not! ARMYs will like it! I like it! No—I love it!" Hoseok grabbed Yoongi frail shoulders, causing him to groan. Yoongi's body felt weak. He had been sitting on his swivel chairs for hours.
"Hyung, you might think I'm only saying this out of guilt for not helping you..." Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek. Sure, he was really guilty but... "You know I don't lie. When I say it's beautiful, it is really beautiful..."
Beautiful. He said that word as if he wasn’t just pertaining to the lyrics but also to the person in front of him.
"So what if it's cheesy? I've always admired your talent for conveying feelings into meaningful words, Yoongi-hyung."
Yoongi blushed. Here we go again. Why did Hoseok always know the right thing to say? Or did he? Maybe those weren’t really the right words. It's just what Yoongi wanted to hear.
Maybe it's never about the right words but the right person.
And maybe it's the way Hoseok spoke or the way he looked at someone as if that person was the sole reason why the sun rises, and why the moon illuminates the heavy, dark night.
"Why are you doing this to me, Jung Hoseok?" Yoongi glared at Hobi. His eyes were slightly red because of unshed tears and frustration.
"W-What do you mean, Hyung?" Hoseok stammered.
Yoongi blinked and then he took a step backward when he noticed how Hoseok's eyes quivered in trepidation.
"I'll finish the song before the anniversary, Hope. Just trust me..."
Hoseok sighed in relief when Yoongi smiled. Nothing else mattered when he saw that gummy smile.
Hoseok’s phone suddenly vibrated.
"Oh! Hyung! Look! Our company just posted the concept photos for the Festa!" Hoseok enthusiastically visited their page to see the photos in his phone.
Hoseok couldn't be happier to see that his favorite photo of him was the album's cover. It took him and the rest of the members two days to finish the photo shoot.
It turned out really well.
But his happiness was short-lived because after several minutes, his photo's likes didn't increase at all.
25,010 likes. 3,056 comments. 743 shares.
He checked the photos of other members.
107,346 likes. 8,222 comments. 4023 shares.
Hoseok couldn't keep track on the numbers on his co-members' photos because it was increasing rapidly.
He was delighted since his members were well-loved and respected by the fans. However, he couldn’t deny the fact that he felt insecure.
It had always been like this. People liked the other members more than Hoseok. He was also often the target of mean and baseless comments on social media platforms. As much as he tried to ignore it, he couldn’t. Some words were too painful. He couldn’t stop thinking that perhaps, they were right.
"Yeah?" Hoseok flinched when Yoongi touched his shaky hand.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi questioned with furrowed brow. Hoseok's face was really, really pale.
"Huh? Uh...yes. I'm just...." He trailed off. Hoseok didn’t want to lie but he also did not want Yoongi to think he was being petty.
But Yoongi wasn’t having any of his bullshit.
"I know that face so don't you dare lie to me." Yoongi’s voice was low and full of authority. "What's wrong?"
Hoseok swallowed. Hard. He didn't dare to speak.
"Hope, I am asking you..." Yoongi warned. He took a step forward while Hoseok took a step backward.
This annoyed Yoongi. He took another step forward but Hoseok repeated his annoying move. Though, this time, he hadn't done it successfully since his ankle hit the front leg of the swivel chair.
And because Yoongi wouldn’t stop invading Hoseok's personal space, Hobi just decided to take a seat on that swivel chair.
Hoping Yoongi would stop, Hoseok released another sigh of relief.
Yoongi had finally stopped walking towards his direction.
But it's not because he was done with Hoseok. It's just that Yoongi was now standing at most three feet away from Hoseok's swivel chair.
"I asked you what's wrong, Hope. You. Did. Not. Answer. Me." Yoongi said firmly. He even snatched the phone away from Hoseok's grip.
Yoongi's forehead creased because of confusion. What's with these pictures and why was it making Hoseok sad?
Yoongi scrolled down to see all the pictures, trying to understand what's wrong with it. Not a minute passed but Yoongi already knew what this was all about.
"We talked about this, didn't we?" The look on Yoongi's face screamed “I am disappointed.”
That's the problem with Yoongi. When he offered a solution to a problem, he instantly believed that it was the best and it should be followed.
Like when he told Hoseok to ignore the people who didn’t appreciate him, he thought Hoseok's insecurity would just magically go away. Because in Yoongi's case, it had always been like that. Whatever Hoseok did or said,Yoongi believed and followed it.
"You really think the damn numbers matter? Hope, you're..." Yoongi could not finish his sentence. What was the perfect word to describe Hoseok? Did that word even exist?
"This is the reason why I don't want to say anything to you, hyung. You won't understand." It took Hoseok everything not to let his voice crack.
Perhaps Hoseok's greatest downfall was fear. Fear of not being enough. Fear of not being able to show the role he himself wanted to portray. Fear. Fear of not attaining the security he wanted to reach.
It's not about the money. It's not about him getting tired from going extra mile for other people.
It was fear. Fear of not being loved. Fear of leaving this world and not being able to justify the importance of his existence.
Because, why did it have to be him? There were so many people who deserved to live. To be in his position. But why him? What's so special about him?
"It's not that I won't understand, Hope. I can't understand..."
But Hoseok didn't say anything again. He was just trying so hard to purse his lips together and God, Yoongi's patience was being tested.
"You're so fucking insecure. Do you know that?”Yoongi leaned forward so his face leveled Hoseok's.
Yoongi titled Hoseok's chin as he examined his face.
"We should do something about that..." Yoongi whispered. His eyes were still busy scrutinizing Hoseok's face.
"Y-Yoongi..." Hoseok's voice was soft.
Yoongi smirked. His stomach twisted when Hoseok dropped honorifics.
"Yes, Hope?" Yoongi bit his lower lip, trying to catch Hoseok's eyes.
"You go around making other people feel loved when you can't even..."
Hoseok's breathing hitched when he noticed that Yoongi's face was just a few inches away from his probably flushed face.
"Love yourself..." Hoseok closed his eyes when Yoongi left a light as a feather kiss on his lips.
It's just a peck but his body reacted differently.
He knew wanted more.
But Yoongi did not have a plan to repeat that move again.
Yoongi walked towards his working table and immediately stopped the camera from recording.
Hoseok's eyes widen.
They are being recorded.
"I'm not gonna finish this song, Hope. I know what to show to our ARMYs. I’ll let them know who loves you.” Yoongi slightly raised the camera.
He just smirked when Hoseok still remained quiet.
So much for writing a song.
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niall-talk · 6 years
Alone Time continued
Your night in alone did not turn out as you expected. You ended up with a guest, but you were not about to complain. You turn onto your side to see the bluest eyes you have ever seen. You're body had recovered, but your mind was a different story. You couldn't land on a clear thought due to the millions that made your head spin. “You ok love?” His voice brought you back to the reality of you and him.
It took you a moment to stop the whirlwind in your head. “Uh yeah sure,” you closed your eyes and prayed that when you opened them it wasn't just a dream. “Don't sound it,” Niall sounded uneasy as you felt him shuffle around on the bed. You flicked your eyes open just in time to see the distressed look on his face. A lump formed in your throat and cut off every word you wanted to say. You wanted to tell him you were great. That he was great. That the world was great for once in your life. You felt the need to let him know that you were ecstatic about what had happened. Damn the lump that cut off your ability to speak.
“Okay then,” he mumbled under his breath. He slipped off the bed and ran a hand down the back of his head. He rested his hand on the back of his neck while he looked at the floor. “Sorry about,” he started to apologize. You forced the lump out of your throat, and cut him off before he could finish. “Don't say that." You managed to get out in a shaky voice. He tore his gaze from the floor and focused on your eyes. His eyes softened when they made contact with yours.
You had sat up on the bed on your knees. “Please don't say you're sorry about what just happened.” He didn't say a word he just watched you. You saw the questions in his eyes. “If you say sorry then it didn't mean anything. I don't want to mean nothing to you." Your voice came out quieter than you had ever heard it.
Where did those words just come from? Did you just confess your feelings to him? Dear God what were you doing? “You've never meant nothin’ to me.” His voice sounded softer than usual. You noticed the concerned look on his face. “Ya do know that don't ya Pet?”
You didn't know what to think at that moment. You knew how you felt about him. The little fantasyland you lived in from time to time where you and Niall were together. The fantasyland that nobody knew about but you. “I don-I don't know Niall.” Your honest answer caused him to flinch. “I mean I know we're friends. But other than that I don't know what to think.” You sat back on your feet and remembered you were naked in front of him having this conversation. You tried to cover yourself with the sheet. Your confidence from earlier had disappeared and left you vulnerable.
“What was this? Why did-I mean,” you stopped trying to get the words in some type of order. You wanted to ask what happened to bring all of this on? You and Niall had always been close in your friendship. What had just transpired between the two of you took a huge step past friendship; to you it was a huge deal.
“Don't guess I could blame it on the drink can I?” Niall dropped his gaze to your bare thigh then back to your face. You noticed the tinge of red on his neck and face. He swiped his hand over his face and dropped it to his side.
“Don't think either of us could,” you reply not exactly sure what to expect. You can't help but look him over. Those training days with Mark made it hard to look away from his lean muscles. You watched his muscles flex and roll with each movement he made.
He joined you on the bed again, this time with a different mindset. He forced himself to look straight ahead at the dresser across from him. “Wasn't lyin’ when I said I missed ya.” He played with his fingers absentmindedly while he spoke. “Missed havin’ ya around t’talk to and stuff.”
You soaked up the warmth from not only his body but his words too. You had always heard of the warm fuzzy feeling. This must have been what it felt like. You could feel the warmth spread from your heart to the tips of your toes. “Really? We talked while you were gone. Even Skyped a time or five. Not that I counted or anything.” you bit your lip as you waited for his reaction.
“Oh you didn't huh?” He let a slight chuckle escape from his lips. Niall let himself look at you. “Just not the same on the phone. Would rather have ya with me.” His lips went from the smirk to a full on smile when he noticed the blush on your cheeks.
“You had plenty of people around. You had the guys to keep you entertained.” You bump his arm with your shoulder. “I'm sure they were better company than me.” You stayed there leaned against his arm with yours. Just the feel of his skin on yours felt so right. Just that contact settled your nerves and slowed the thoughts in your head.
“Yeah but Connor isn't as soft to cuddle with. Bird is as short but he don't look up at me like ya do.” Niall laughed at the side-eye glare you gave him.
“You're not as cute as you think,” you rolled your eyes at him.
He tisked you with a reminder, “Uh I'm a model now. So I must be very cute to someone.” his face burst into the biggest smile you had seen in a long time. His infectious laugh bounced off the walls of your bedroom.
After you both regain your composure he took your hand between his. He drew circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. “Penny for your thoughts,” your words pulled him out of whatever daydream he was in. “I just don't want ta mess this up.” The worried look found its way back to his face.
“Niall we're good. Your not gonna mess anything up.” The worry on his face faded away. “I just. I mean,” you let out a frustrated groan between your mangled words. “When you said the way I look at you.” You stopped not sure you want to go there just yet. “Like you're the only man I've looked at like that.” The lump from earlier found its way back to your throat.
“Yeah I know I'm not. Just ya make me feel that way when it's just us. Like earlier when we were dancin’ together,” Niall rambled on not even a pause to take a breath. “Just felt like ya wanted me to hold ya. Like I was the only one ya wanted to hold like that.” Once again he ran a hand through his hair out of habit.
Your hand rested in his; you gave it a squeeze. His head fully turned to face you. “You are the first person to make me feel like that in a long time.” You gave him your best soft smile. “I tried to hide it because I didn't think you would ever feel the same. I just thought I was one of the guys.”
He bumped your arm with his this time, “Definitely never thought of ya as one of the lads." He smiled and placed a soft kiss to your forehead. You couldn't help the butterfly feeling in your stomach. “Never thought about kissin’ any of them like I do you.” You saw the quick shift of his eyes to your lips then back you your eyes. “Thinkin’ about it now."
You beat him to it as you raised up and pulled him in for a kiss. Your hands fisted into his hair. He let out a moan when you broke from the kiss. You felt yourself come alive for the second time since Niall had barged in your apartment. He looked at you to see what the next move was. You stood from the bed and the sheet fell from your body and you were once again on full display before this man that you had completely fallen for. You stood there looking him over just as he had you earlier. You straddle one of his thighs and wrap your arms around his neck. “I want you so bad,” you whispered in his ear before you nibble on it. His hands instantly grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to his body. “You have on far too many clothes,” you insisted as you reached down and rubbed him over his boxers.
“We can fix that,” he stated between hisses and gritted teeth. You stood and pushed his shoulders back onto your bed. You pulled at his waistband and he lifted his hips to help. After he was free from his shorts you saw his full hardened length laid against his lower abdomen. You couldn't wait to have him inside you.
He propped himself up on his elbows to watch you. You ran your nails up his thighs, and left light marks on his pale skin. He let out what sounded like a growl when you made it to his hips. You made your way above him and leaned down to lick and tease his nipples. He gasped for air when you found his cock and gave it a firm squeeze. “Easy love. Been on the road with nothin but lads.” You swiped your thumb over the head and felt the bead of pre-cum that had leaked out. You continued to rub it over his tip. “Lets see what we can do about that,” you teased a little more with your hand.
His eyes were full blown black by this time. You loved the look of hunger and lust that had taken over his features. He bucked his hips up, “Don't tease,” he warned. His voice deeper than you had ever heard it before and thick on the Irish accent. You lined him up with your body and slowly slid down onto him. You took your time to allow your body to adjust to him. Once he was fully inside of you there was a moment of pure bliss. As corny as it sounded in your head your only thought was that he was made just for you.
“Christ ya feel so good,” Niall uttered when you slowly moved up his length. Those paw sized hands reached for your body. His fingers made contact with your thighs and they dug in slightly. You had adjusted to having him inside you and had found a steady rhythm. He bent his knees and planted his feet on the mattress. This caused you to lean forward and him to go deeper when you came down on him.
Hands had been groping, mouths busy kissing, moaning and swearing as names were called out in pure ecstasy. Niall had moved to where he was now on top of you. His pace had changed to hard pounds hitting just that right spot. You felt the waves of bliss and release build to a peak. “Oh god,” you blurted out as you arched your back off the bed. Niall had placed his thumb on your already sensitive clit and rubbed circles. “So close,” was all you could get out between gasp for air.
“Let go love,” he demanded with a growl. That caused you to clench around him as he continued to pound into you. You heard him hiss and felt him start to get sloppy and out of rhythm with his thrust. You couldn't hold it back any longer. A rush of swears left your lips as you came undone under him. He continued to thrust as you recovered from the tidal waves that pulsed through your body. You felt him stall completely buried inside you. He let a primal moan from deep in his chest leave his lips. His spent body fell and covered you completely.
Your bodies stuck together from the heat and sweat that you had worked up. Neither of you had the will or the want to move. You fought to catch your breath from the weight of his body. You could care less at that moment if you could breath or not. You closed your eyes and ran you hand in his wet hair. His returned to breathing normal and rolled over to your side.
Your eyes fluttered open, and you watched him fight to keep his eyes open. You smiled to yourself when you felt an arm slide over your bare stomach and a hand grip into your side. He pulled you as close as he could and rested his head on your shoulder. You kissed his head and heard him mumble, “Why did it take so long for this?”  Your only answer was, “You were gone for to long.”
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