#in which case take an ibuprofen
option-monad · 1 year
i was wondering why all the allergy medicine here is so expensive
why are you cutting this shit with pseudoephenedrine omfg
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angelnumber27 · 1 month
ok lemme talk about somethin real quick
The way the ibuprofen tablet I take has this imprint on the pill’ says “1-2” on it. Now why would I comply to that. bitch you know damn well im not taking 1-2. I’m a 3-4 girl at least and will continue to be that girl forever as I am in an amount of pain in which 1-2 pills will not adequately do shit for. Like all the time lmao.
Something that really unsettled me about it is this- how can you assume that any dosage is the right one for everyone.. to the point of literally imprinting it on the pill? Meds affect people differently and to generalize a single dosage like that feels dangerous to me. That’s kind of basic fucking common knowledge…especially for those who work in these fields and distribute these medications
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hughlauriebf · 7 months
genuinely curious if anybody has done the math on how many pills house does daily because vicodin's a combination with acetaminophen with like 500mg per pill... which even if he's taking like ~8 daily that's still ~4000mg, how is this man not jaundiced?
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orcelito · 5 months
Ok triple vaccine is kicking my ass. Now. I am.now grateful that I scheduled it with a day off after
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
Discovering things about myself while looking at the good boy knife wasn't in my January bingo but I'm not upset or surprised
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congrats anon
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
aaron being the softest most domestic man when he sees you’re in pain ?? yes please he coddles you and becomes your personal dr.
cw; mild injury descriptions, fluff and concerned aaron <3
aaron stood over you from your seated position on the couch, placing an icepack on your head gently.
"you have to-"
"keep ice on it, i know." you immediately wince at the contact, despite how faint it was, before you placed your hand overtop his, taking over. he sat down besides you, your minor protest resulting in a hint of panic to flash through his eyes.
you had been deemed clear of a concussion from the paramedic, or anything serious for that matter, but the diagnosis didn't prevent your head from an inevitable pounding. not only that, the jet seemed stuffier than usual on the way home; the added pressure making your head feel like it was moments away from exploding.
"the ibuprofen should kick in soon." aaron assured. "that'll help."
you began to nod, but frazzled words came rushing out of aaron's mouth.
"hey hey hey don't. don't move your head. i don't want you jostling around too much."
"i'm not." you were whinier than you anticipated, closing your eyes. if only the throbbing would stop. "believe me, that's the last thing i want to do."
aaron exhaled a breath through his nose, the concern on his face still not faltering. his jaw was tense, his eyes were troubled- to be fair, they had been for the past few hours. he refused to acknowledge anything that wasn't you, continuously scanning for any signs of your injury worsening.
"why couldn't you have let morgan take the brunt of the impact, like normal." aaron joked lightly, wanting to reach out to stroke your cheek, or brush his fingers through your hair. just something, anything. but to prevent inflicting any more potential harm, his hands remained strictly on his lap.
he hated seeing you in pain.
"thought i'd do him a favor for once." your eyes were squinted as you peered at him. while your uncomfortableness was clear, your expression was still adorable in a way that made aaron's heart melt.
"you're very thoughtful." he chuckled softly, his lips tugging into a small, pitiful smile.
you huffed in agreement before beginning to readjust yourself, which caused aaron to react, as if he were more than ready to take on some dangerous force. he moved so quickly it was almost humorous.
"relax, i just wanna get comfortable." you mumbled, accompanied by a faint laugh.
"take it easy." one of his large hands found your back. "and if that's the case, bed is a much better option."
"but you're comfier." you shrugged, slowly positioning yourself where you could lay your head on his lap, on the opposite side of your wound, of course.
again, aaron told ahold of the ice pack, holding it in place. there was no way he could deny you anything you wanted. "alright sweetheart. get some rest."
"and if you wake me up for a concussion check, i swear."
aaron laughed softly, already aware he wasn't going to refrain from his original plan, concussion or not. "no promises there."
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llamagirl28 · 5 months
Some more news
Hey folks it's been a month since I disappeared now I'm back with news. First off I want to say thank you all for your support and patience. I will kindly ask you to extend me some more, because I've come to the decision to take January off as well. I'm keeping the billing paused on Patreon so if you're already subscribed you won't be charged for the month. Kofi doesn't allow for that so if you don't want to be charged, please remember to unsubscribe. In case you did get charged, feel free to drop me a message and I will sort it out.
I'm not thrilled about it. I badly wanted to jump back into writing with the coming of the new year, but unfortunately my hands don't agree with me. I can tell you that the issue seems to be with the ulnar nerves. So I've been resting, taking ibuprofen and doing light exercises, and I'm planning on seeing a doctor soon.
I have missed writing but I've been getting some work done by voice memos in which I outline scenes and detail plotlines, dialogues and descriptions. So all in all I did make some progress, and managed to keep myself entertained by thinking about BOC.
I'm feeling better now and I'm hoping that I'll be recovered by February. Overall it's been a very good year and I'm very proud of the writing progress I've done. I want to thank you all for your patience and support and wish you a happy New Year! ❤️
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stsgluver · 8 months
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summary. instead of spending two weeks in a hot country, you're stuck in a cramped hotel with your boyfriend.
wc. 1.3k
tags. richly!gojo au, fluff, slightly suggestive themes but not really you've got to squint hard, swearing once
series masterlist
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“i’m literally dying,” gojo whined, falling back dramatically onto the double bed in the room.
you shot him a glare from where you sat on the floor, searching through your suitcase for ibuprofen which you had grabbed in the airport’s pharmacy to help with the searing headache you had. despite his tendency to have migraines that could leave him bedridden for days, gojo had decided not to bring any painkillers just in case and that was just one of many reasons you might be killing him before the fortnight is over. “if you complain one more time you will be dead.”
you were meant to be going on a two week, all inclusive holiday with your darling boyfriend and his mega rich family in a hot foreign country, the worries of college pushed far to the back of your mind for fourteen days of pure bliss. 
but fate clearly didn’t think you’d earnt such restbite as upon arrival and taking the mandatory test, both you and gojo had tested positive for covid-19. the light sniffles he had put down to hayfever and the headache you’d assumed was just what came with having gojo satoru as a boyfriend, were in fact symptoms of the illness you both had.
so now here you were: isolating in a small hotel room until your isolation period was up, or you both tested negative. it was sparsely decorated – a double bed in the centre of the room and a television opposite. there was a small open wardrobe where gojo had dumped his suitcase and an ensuite that would just about fit your lanky boyfriend. although not the best, there was some air conditioning as well which made the stifling heat just a little bit more bearable.
the staff had given you a specific number to call if either of your symptoms got worse and food would be brought to you at specific times everyday (not like the usual room service gojo was used to where he’d order banquets of food at stupid times in the morning). there were also the morning tests that you now had to do daily which left you pathetically sneezing afterwards. all in all, nothing that you had expected for your get away.
after finally finding the medication, you quickly swallowed two pills down with a sip of water. the sooner they could kick in and actually do something to help ease your discomfort, the better.
crawling onto the double bed, gojo welcomed you with open arms and you gratefully curled into his side, throwing one of your legs over him. yes, it was boiling and yes, you were mildly irritated with your boyfriend, but you were also in pain and, for all his flaws (which he denied having any), nothing could top being held close by him. the two of you were clingy with each other at the best of times – being ill and feeling sorry for yourselves only made you both worse.
“pass me the remote,” you patted the space next to gojo blindly, too lazy to lift your head to actually search for it. it had now been almost an hour of you two cuddled up on the bed, and for the last thirty minutes gojo had been rewatching the same show over and over. whilst you headache had marginally subsided, listening to the same crappy show was only driving you insane.
“no, i like this show,” gojo whined, swatting your hand away.
“satoru,” you dragged out, muffled as you pressed your face further into his top, “you’ve watched this episode three times, you don’t need to watch it again.”
gojo hummed thoughtfully, running his hands through your hair. it was enough to make you fall asleep if you weren’t careful. “yes i do.”
“why?” you rested your chin on his chest, meeting the gaze of his bright blue eyes that sparkled as they looked down at you.
“because i’m ill.” he coughed twice for affect, sounding as pathetic as ever as he ‘checked’ himself for a fever too. 
you narrowed your eyes at him before pinching his side, causing him to let out a small yelp. “who’s fault is that?”
“no. yours,” you said pointedly, a little more alert as you relayed all the reasons why it was in fact gojo’s fault that you both had contracted this illness. “i said don’t go to geto’s party, we’re about to go on a very expensive holiday. you said but baby please please please-” you huffed, rolling back onto your back next to him defiantly. “so i gave in, as per, and now we’re–”
gojo brought his other hand to messily pat the top of your head, coaxing you to turn to face him. “i love it when you’re mad,” he was wearing a shit-eating grin that only widened when you blankly stared back at him – your annoyance radiating off of you in waves more powerful than the ones you could’ve been enjoying on the sun-ridden beach. “you’re so sexy.”
“you’re corny. and annoying,” you sat yourself up as you held out your hand, lifting a finger with each complaint, “and stupidly tall, and a pain in my ass… and i feel like you’re not even listening.” 
gojo crossed his arms behind his head as he condescendingly nodded along, gazing up at you with a lopsided smile. his top had risen up ever so slightly to expose a sliver of his abs and you hated how attractive he looked when all you wanted to do was throttle him for his childish behaviour.
“oh i’m listening baby,” he encouraged with a teasing tone, tracing small patterns on the exposed skin of your leg. “go on.” there was a fire in his wake, one that no hot weather could ever compare to, not even covid had this much of an affect on you.
“i don’t think i want to anymore,” you mumbled arms crossed as you slowly lay back down and avoided his eyes, trying not to give him any indication that you were a complete fool for his touch (like your sudden bashfulness wasn’t completely giving you away).
gojo was slow with his movements, thoughtful as he dragged his hand up along your thigh, grazing your hips, giving your waist a light squeeze as he traced the outline of your body. your breath was caught in your throat as you allowed him to do as he pleased, all previous grievances forgiven as you watched entranced. gradually, he closed the gap that you had created, shifting his body until he straddled you, holding his body up by resting on his forearms either side of your head.
gojo dipped his head down, lips milimetres from your own that you would barely even need to lift your head from the pillow to touch. his voice was an octave deeper as he spoke. “shame, i was just starting to–” 
and then he fell into a fit of very loud and very barky and very not sexy coughs. he didn’t even give you the decency of trying to limit the spread of his germs and buried his head into the crook of your neck once his coughs were over.
“mood fucking ruined,” you hit his shoulder lightly and he babbled something that was completely muffled and only tickled as his lips brushed your skin. “please let me at least change the channel so i die from this illness and not insanity.” 
gojo lifted his head up ever so slightly, just enough so that he could peck the corner of your lips and point to the spot next to you. “i slipped the remote under my pillow. tv’s all yours baby.”
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a/n. I think this is like the first thing ive posted in almost a month. I MISS YOU GUYS xxx
taglist. @jar-03 @animeflower26 @hyori2
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quiet love- drabble
2007!alex turner x reader
taking care of sick alex (a bit) mostly fluff
clicking the overhead light off, you made your way into the bedroom, which was dim and cozy, your lover already tucked into bed. alex’s bedside lamp was on, the bridge of his glasses drooping down his nose as he read through one of your favorite books.
your heart swelled at the sight. he glanced over at you when he noticed you’d entered the room, folding a page to mark his place in the book and setting it on the nightstand. “hey,” you spoke softly, handing him a cup of tea and shuffling under the covers.
he softly thanked you, voice broken and congested. you held the back of your hand to his cheek. “you look all flushed, you want another ibuprofen?” he shook his head. “i took one a bit ago, hasn’t kicked in yet.”
you frowned, feeling sorry that he was so sick. “alright, anything i can do for you?”
alex took his reading glasses off, setting them in the case. “just stay with me,” he croaked. you nodded, scratching his scalp softly, fingertips carding through the short brown hair. “one last thing,” you smiled, quickly hopping up and making your way to the record player, popping in a sinatra vinyl and fiddling with the volume knob so it wasn’t too loud.
he smiled softly, eyes glassy with fever. you scrambled back into bed, propping your neck up on the pillows and positioning so that you were holding him, his head resting on your chest. your hands were a bit cold, but they felt nice on his feverish forehead. you leaned down, kissing the top of his head. “tired?” you asked.
alex made a soft little “mhm” sound and turned so that he was lying on his front, pressed against you with his arms wrapped around your middle. smiling softly at him, you ran your fingers through his hair. he nudged his nose into your collarbone, sighing sweetly.
your kitten jumped up onto the bed, startling you a bit. she pranced atop the pillows, nuzzling herself around your neck and winding her face through the strands of your hair. alex watched, chuckling softly. “she’s like me if i was a cat,” he mumbled. you giggled. “yeah, how so?”
“cause i would do exactly that.” he nodded at how she was purring into your neck, her tail brushing your hair. you smiled at him, cradling his face in your hands, caressing his cheekbone softly with your thumb.
“i love you.”
taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed)- @ultragirrl @inmyownfantasywrld @almluv @raven-ql @ohladymoon @yourstartreatment @missbabyjay @andulina567 @blair-s-world @rentsturner @indierockgirrl @kittyrob0t @averyzversi0n @michelleisheres-blog @kennedy-brooke @madeinuk @mathdebate00
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Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
-Secret crush Gojo!
-Yandere Gojo
-Physical altercation I guess.
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia like drugs or violence related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
🏷:@busyreader17 @starlight5cat @xavlyzn (I love y’all for tuning in I appreciate your comments🫶🏻🫶🏻)
Chapter 3
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Some dew drops are seen sliding down the windows of a custom Gulf Stream jet ;due to the rain as it lands on a clandestine pathway in the city of Shanghai, China.
As the wheels below the jet deploy you feel a soft warm hand tap you on shoulder waking you up out of your slumber, as you feel the jet tremble due to the landing;you gasp yourself awake due to the strange circumstances of your awakening.
-“Good morning Miss, I hope your flight with us has been lovely. I’ll leave you a cup of coffee ,a bottle of water and some ibuprofen in the case that you require them. Mr Gojo and Mr Geto are waiting for you outside the jet so you can all head to Báisè de huā villa. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be taking my leave.-“ Said the flight attendant before taking a bow then leaving.
You wink your eyes in hopes that I’ll help you understand what the fuck she just said,since you slept too little, you were still a bit drunk from all the whiskey from a few hours ago. You popped an ibuprofen then exited the master bedroom which you don’t remember getting into. You notice that your top is now lingering a scent of a mens cologne, but you shrug the thought off and conclude that the alcohol is just messing up your senses.
As you strut through cabin corridor,you quickly spot the jet door.Which leads you to an unknown country full of posibilites or new found problems. You tip tap down the jet stairs in hopes of finding warmth in one of the 5 Ford Everest parked by the path way, but you soon notice that in front of you is your boss and his god mother standing proudly before 2 lines of 20 men , 10 on each side forming a hallway to the vehicles while respectfully bowing down to them. Out of instinct you decide to take a step back to process the power demonstration being held before your boss, you knew he was a shady man but you’ve also never thought of him like anything else but a coworker; as you take a step back you also realize you’ve stepped out barefoot and now you have an un pleasantly wet foot.
-“Fuck.”- You comment making heads turn your way as you practically announce your arrival, as their workers noticed you ;one of them ran over to you to place and umbrella over your head.
As your presence is known; Gojo swiftly turns around and looks at you with slight amusement sparking his blue orbs.
-“How shameful,I should fire you.”-He recites while walking over to you, while making some weird hand gestures tu one of his men.
-“Be my guest.”- you reply as you gather your hair up in a pony tail to look more presentable.-”Lovely weather isn’t it?”-You comment as you rub your feet together trying to fend off the cold.
He scoffs strolling over to you ,knowing he wouldn’t fire you in his wildest dreams, a few seconds after ;the assistant whom he was signing to handed him a box. He then proceeded to crouch his tall figure to the ground , it looked as if he was bowing down to you, then he took some slippers out of the box to then grab an ankle delicately to slip then on. As of you weren’t already nervous due to this unexpected action,the look of his men piercing you made you anxious.
-“I can put them on myself you know. Stand up you’ll get your suit dirty.”-You mumbled squatting down to take the slippers from his hands.
-“Don’t tell me what to do.”-He expressed looking you dead in the eyes as he snatched back the fluffy slipper from your hand putting them back on your other foot.
3 figures could be seen sitting down in the main dining room of the Báisè de huā villa, it is currently 2 pm and all of you just woke up from a few hours of sleep after you guys arrived from the landing site.
You were now in an impromptu business meeting as your boss explained to you your obligations as his secretary while on this very important work trip.You timidly smiled as you see how the passion for his work ( truthfully power hunger) sparked a passion in his eyes ,as he explained to you how he wanted to add Chinese territories to his reign; starting with Shanghai.
Todays meeting was very important ,here he would be meeting with a very noteworthy drug supplier that worked with very few clients due to the quality of its goods and mainly to avoid getting dragged in between gang wars, the goal for today is to be accepted to the client list and negotiate prices.
You were perfect for the job
He knew that from the moment that Geto and he started stalking you, after seeing how you built wonderful companies from zero, that you were the only one capable of fulfilling their expectations. Yes, you were young, and many people may associate that with immaturity, but your age only highlighted your strategic thinking and endless energy.
You started to supervise some work your underclass men sent you to Japan when you noticed a clothed reflection on your computer screen.
-“Do I bore you?”-The deep familiar voice questioned.
-“Sometimes.”-You snapped back in annoyance due to his stupid questions.
He frowned from your unexpected reply , your tone making him a little sad. He knew you were a woman of firm character,a quality he admired about you ,so he started to worry of what would happen if you found out about what him and geto did.
-“Are you being sincere?”-Gojo asked in a more serious tone.
-“Dead serious.”-You reply as you smile from ear to ear at his “playful” questioning.
As soon as he realized you were playing ,the stress left his shoulders , he sighed and cackled at himself due to his behavior. He barely recognized himself, the guilt is eating him alive, he needed to makeup for it fast.
-“Want to go shopping?”
The busy Nanjing road if full of locals and tourist.The infrastructure of the shopping districts is breathtaking , the afternoon sunset is reflecting beautifully on the buildings decorated by big led screens and beautiful compositions of glass.
In the big sum of people, Gojo and you found peace due to the fact that, to the naked eye, you were no different from any tourist. Your boss stayed close to you as he scanned the environment with his icy blue eyes; he hid his hands in his cashmere pockets as he looked down on you.
-“I have a surprise, c’mon, follow me, princess.” - Your heart skipped a beat as you heard those sweet words come out of his pink lips. For some reason unknown to you, your boss only let out those teasing words in front of you. You decided not to think much of it since you knew he had his fair share of good-looking girls behind him. You knew your place, his secretary, nothing more.
His calloused, cold hand grabbed yours as he calmly walked through the crowd; he looked ahead so calmly. You felt embarrassed for thinking anything of his nonchalant attitude. But to him, oh man. His heart was running a thousand miles per hour; the only thing he could do to hide his blushing cheeks is to look ahead. Your hand felt so warm, so soft, so small against his; that only led him to wonder what the rest of you feels like. For a woman with such a small frame, you surely had too much attitude. He’d be lying to himself if he said he didn’t fantasize about all the ways he could tame that cheeky attitude of yours. In the end, that white-haired man decided it was better for him to stop such wild thoughts before he started having issues controlling his breathing.
When both of you arrived at the store, the sales assistant immediately recognized the tall man beside you and promptly led you to a private room. It seemed to be a private dressing room; it was composed of a luxurious cream sofa, a extravagant white wood table, and what seemed to be another small room to dress in. On top of the table was a black suede box with a red bow that screamed open me!
You look over to the grinning figure beside you for permission, and as soon as he gives you the green light, you scramble to open the mystery box, which reveals a beautiful turquoise Qi pao with tiny white flowers detailing the side of your hip. The cloth ended at mid-knee and seemed like silk; it glided beautifully under your fingertips, and the stitching was impeccable. Once the sales assistant noticed you were satisfied with the dress, she took her leave.
-“You shouldn’t have.”-You gasped.
-“Oh, but I did.”-He sweet-talked as he started getting closer to your face.-”How about you model that piece for me as a thank you.”
-“Model for you?”-you giggled.-“I’d rather pay credit.”- You say as you searched your purse.
-“Fuck.”- He mumbles under his breath as he drags one hand on his face.-“I’m starting to think you get a high from contradicting me, when will you stop playing dumb, my dear.”-he taps your forehead with his index finger as he mutters this sentence.
You grab his hand, catching him off guard.
-“I don’t know if fooling around with me is your source of entertainment for today, but please consider that it’s not normal for a man such as yourself to grab my hand and plan surprises for me and take me to foreign countries. I’m aware it’s all for business reasons, so I beg you to keep this as strictly professional as possible.”
With a swift movement; your hand still in his, he turns you around to face the mirror as he positions himself behind you, towering over you as he hugs you with the arm you're both holding hands with. You gulp at the sight of his broad shoulders contrasting your own back, at the way you're engulfing yourself with his aroma, sweating at the way he dared to rest his head on your other shoulder just to whisper…
-“What if it wasn’t for business, what if the absolute truth was that you drive me crazy.”-He groaned as he looked intently at your cute expressions through the mirror.-“The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you make me want to have some damn morals just so I can have the right to talk to someone like you.”
You shake your head as you refuse to accept the reality of the situation you're in.
-“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Gojo.”
He bit his tongue in anger and frustration; all he could do is tighten his jaw in hopes he wouldn’t say anything stupid.
-“Good, cause all that’s not the fucking case.”-He left the room after spitting that out in resentment at the way you turned down his feelings as he was a beggar. He knew it; he’s a fucking idiot for ever having hope; all he’s done on this trip is embarrass himself in front of you. Having to swallow his feelings these 2 years drove him to insanity; all he wanted was to include you in his life’s plans, why couldn’t you accept that?
Oh, he clearly knew why.
It’s because you deserve better.
You deserve a Prince Charming who will offer you peace and warmth, someone who works a 9-5, someone who has a family life to offer you, probably someone who doesn’t have to carry a gun in his waistband to protect himself from all the bad things he’s done in the past, someone not crazy enough to kill for you or even better someone who’s not masochistic enough to live with the burden of his unrequited sentiments towards you.
But in the end, he knew he was selfish; that’s how he got to where he is today. He knew damn well you deserved better, so why did he still have the irresistible urge to steal you away, to drown you in his feelings to the point where you couldn’t deny them.
He laughed, no cackled at himself outside of your dressing room; you had no idea what you had coming.
Three champagne glasses clicked in celebration of a newfound business project. Tonight’s meeting has been a success, even though you’ve been burning your brain cells trying to decipher what the hell happened at the boutique this afternoon. You were clearly distracted but not to the point you forgot why you were here in the first place.
You sat back into your seat, participating in idle chit-chat with the supplier. Meanwhile, your tight turquoise Qi pao emphasized your waist, the slit by your thigh earning some stolen glances from your boss as he still acted indifferent towards you after today's spectacle.
Geto could already smell what was happening between you two, but in reality, he didn’t care one bit to even ask about it. So all he could do was stand by the door, keeping watch for any potential danger.
The meeting concluded wonderfully, so you said your goodbyes to the supplier to excuse yourself to the bathroom, allowing yourself to think straight for a few minutes before returning to your chaotic reality.
As you finished washing your hands, you touched your nape with your cold hands with the hopes of cooling down your body heat. After fanning yourself a few times, you exited the bathroom.
But to your surprise, you found a familiar face in the hallway.
-“Miss! You’re Gojo’s secretary right?”-The supplier asked, waving his hands at you to come over.
-“Yes, sir, can I help you with anything?”-You answered with a grin.
-“If you’re so very kind, I’d like to know what kind of jet you both traveled here in, because I’d also like one that can hold as much cocaine as yours do.”
You chuckled at the poor guy in front of you, too drunk out of his mind to comprehend what he’s saying.
-“Sir, we didn’t bring any cocaine; the only thing the plane carried were the three people that were in the room with you.”-You smiled as you explained the situation to him.
-“Don’t try to act sly with me, young woman! Your boss just told me that he secretly brought over 400 kilos in that jet of his; he brought them to sell over here while I released some of my product to him.”
As he uttered that sentence, your heart dropped to the bottom of your stomach. This morning you were used as a drug mule, and you didn’t even notice it.
You truly thought he would respect your boundaries.
How foolish.
You start to tremble as you start to imagine what could have been if the navy or the immigration officers wanted to inspect the plane and found the three of you with all those drugs in it.
You run back to the bathroom feeling sick, thinking that by slim chance your hard-worked career was almost over. No, your precious life was over if they decided to try you for drug possession in a country as strict as China, all because of his stupid greed.
You dried your sweat as you quickly mapped out an exit back to Japan without your two business partners finding out about you knowing their dirty little secret. Now you knew you couldn’t trust them; it was idiotic of you in the first place to do so.
You quickly ran to the entrance unbeknownst to the fact that Geto was trailing after you since the moment you left the dining room. Sure, he could have prevented the supplier from telling the truth, but that would’ve been even more suspicious in your eyes, so he finally had to let the truth break free.
You signaled over one of the cars that Gojo put at your service; all you hoped for was to get your passport back from the villa and take the first flight back to your home country and maybe even treat yourself to a little crying session in the taxi.
But the moment your hand met the car door handle, a cold force pulled you back by your free hand.
-“Please, baby, let me explain.”-Gojo stated out as he felt his heart rip to shreds due to the liquid pearls forming in your eyes.-“You weren’t supposed to know; I knew we weren’t gonna get caught, so I didn’t want you to know since I knew you’d get nerv-“
A smack was heard echoing the Shanghai streets as Gojo held his red cheek after his sentenced was slapped into the air since you decided to give him a taste of what a liar like him deserved.
-“I fucking hate you!”-you yelled out while pointing a finger at him while wiping your tears with the back of your other hand.-“ I wish I never met any of you motherfuckers!”-You said as you pointed to Geto and his crew.
What surprises all of them next was your ability to get lost in the busy Shanghai streets after crossing a simple street.
Gojo didn’t hesitate to chase after you into unknown territory wishing he could turn time back, unbeknownst to himself that some threatening enemies were watching close by.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: Holy fucking shit man , i hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope sacrificing my spine for the time I edited this in one sitting is worth it. Any suggestions or comments let me know!! Have a good day 🥸🫶🏻💋
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anonnwr1ter777 · 5 months
Jordan Li taking care of u drunk after u had a girls night with marie and cate
(they could never make me hate cate)
- very fluffy i fear 😝
female intended reader(girlfriend mentioned once lol) prolly a little oc jordan
lower case not intended im just lazy 🙏
and tbh idk how to perfectly write drunken characters so i’m gonna resort to ye ole faithful extending the letters to make them sound like they’re sluring!- also this is dialogue heavy 😭
enjoy my loves😝
“Jordannn” Cate all but slurs as she opens the door to her room, revealing you and Marie sprawled out on the floor, giggling.
“oh my god?” Jordan sighs as they look at their girlfriend, who has yet to notice them.
“y-you should’vee camee!! We had so much fun” she pulls them into the room, but not before a drunkenly attempt at whispers “We drank so much!”
Marie looks up to see Jordan. “Noo, dont take (__) we’re having fuuuun!”
This makes you finally look up to see your partner. “Jordannnn!!!” You try your best to stand up without falling, making jordan walk over to help you up.
“Hi baby! I misssed you” you smiled up at them
Jordan fought to stay neutral as they switched in order to support you fully in their male form.
“I missed you too, let me get you back to your dorm”
“Oh boooo! let her stayyy, she can sleep here” Cate complains as she dramatically falls on her bed, making you laugh.
“shh cate it’s okayyy! i wanna go home with them” you fail to shoot cate and marie a wink, which makes the two girls burst out laughing.
“Yep, that’s enough. Say bye to your friends (__)” Jordan laughs when you wave to them as they’re dragging you out.
“Okay watch your head, there you go- just- no okay please don’t fall” Those words were mostly on replay as Jordan tried to get you back to their dorm without injury.
You finally made it their dorm-only falling once .
“Jordannn, come lay down” you slur, grabbing at their now feminine hands. “Let me get you changed first babe”
You groaned letting your weight fall dead, sinking to the floor on your back.
“Oh Jesus, baby work with me” They laugh and bend down to wipe the hair from your face. “What do you want to wear to bed?”
“I wannnaa wear you” you wink at them before laughing again.
Jordan decided to put you in one of their shirts, you’ve passed out by this point. They slid your shirt off, and theirs on-being careful not to wake you back up.
They lifted your hips to get your jeans off, leaving you in your underwear. Jordan switched and lifted you up from the floor to place you on the bed.
Jordan smiles at your sleeping state, climbing into bed after taking your makeup off and setting out some ibuprofen for you.
Jordan would never admit this, but they loved to take care of you. They loved you, and would do anything for you.
You recall drunk-asking them a while back when you and your group went out to the club- if they ever got tired of having to look after you when you got drunk. They didn’t answer you right away, just softly smiling at you as you leaned into them, fidgeting with the rings on their slender fingers.
“Man you look at her like you’re in love” Andre laughs as he looks at you cuddled up to jordan’s side.
Jordan breaks their stare from you, to look at Andre,with a small smile. “yeah”
“They’re obviously in love, when has jordan cared about anyone but jordan?” Cate laughs and sips her drink.
“Don’t be some haters” you mumbled into jordan’s shoulder.
The group laughed and Jordan pulled you closer.
“Baby” You whispered as you stirred awake. Jordan snapped out of their thoughts, “Yes? are you okay?”
You smiled lazily at their care filled tone, moving yourself to get as close as you can to them, placing your head on their chest.
“I’m okay, i missed youuu so much”
Jordan kissed your head, “I missed you too, let’s go to sleep, you need to sleep this alcohol away”
“I love you too soo muchh, I don’t know what i would do without my nurse Li” You kissed their neck, right above their collarbone.
“(__) i-“
“Nooo shhh, just let mee love youu” you continue to place the soft kisses on anyplace you could reach
“You’re drunk baby”
“I’m in loveee with youu” You exclaim, suddenly climbing on top of them to give them a kiss.
Jordan couldn’t do much but blush and laugh at your display of affection. “You get so affectionate when you’re under the influence” they raise their eyebrows as you smiled at them.
“Shh i’m going to sleeep, i need to uh-“ the words get stuck in your throat when jordan pulls you down to lay on top of them fully.
“Yeah,you do need to sleep” they laughed.
silence engulfed the dorm, you had finally fell asleep- snuggled into your partners arms.
Jordan smiled as you were finally getting the rest you needed.
“you never said it back jordan” you mumbled out of your sleep, eyes still closed.
“I love you”
“you didn’t let me say it back” They teased, a blush rising to their cheeks.
“Jordannn” you whined
“i love you too”
Thanks for reading LMFAOO
i know this was definitely bad cause i haven’t wrote in forever but i see the lack of posts and figured if i could help with the jordan li addiction i would try🙏🙏
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the-guilty-writer · 5 months
I second the ask about Hotch's daughter with endometriosis!!! I'd like to see that
I just finished it ♡
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
You truly wondered how women with endometriosis survived periods before thermotherapy products were invented. Hot water bottles and heating pads were a necessity for you during this time of the month. It wasn’t that they made the pain go away - they just made it bearable enough to allow you small bits of time where you could do something more than laying down.
At the moment, a hot water bottle and a maxed out dose of Ibuprofen were holding you together - barely. After twenty minutes at school, you were sent home by your English teacher, who was concerned about your nauseous complexion. Somehow, you'd managed to do some make-up work before taking a long (and much-needed) nap.
With your dad away on a case, the list of chores was longer than normal, but the pain made moving nearly impossible, much less cleaning. Dishes needed to be put away, the kitchen table needed to be cleared, and he laundry hamper was flooded with clothes, but there was no way you could do any of it while your insides felt like they were going to fall out. The only thing you absolutely had to do was pick Jack up from school. Everything else could wait.
All the energy you’d gathered went into the ten minute drive to and from picking up your brother. He requested a snack as soon as you got home, which you somehow managed to make him food without screaming in pain. It took every ounce of energy you had left to sit at the table with your brother as he did his homework.
The pain and fatigue clouded your brain, so much so that you hardly noticed the door to the apartment open.
“Dad!” Jack jumped up his seat and down the hall toward him.
“Hey buddy,” Hotch said. The tone of his voice was a testament to his exhaustion, but a happiness to be home.
“Dad, I made this painting in art class and I really want to show you. It's in my bedroom. Come look!” Jack didn’t give your dad a moment of rest.
“Okay,” he chuckled. “I'll be there in a minute.”
Jack’s feet pounded against the floor, running to his room in anticipation. Your dad’s longer, slower footsteps followed behind. As soon as he appeared in the doorway, you could tell the case has been a hard one. He looked beyond exhausted, horrors still haunting his eyes and crushing his spirit. Not even your little brother's innocent greeting could extinguish what your dad had endured over the past few days.
“Hey, dad,” you greeted him with as much enthusiasm as you could muster up.
“Hi sweetheart.” He planted a quick kiss atop your head before moving to the kitchen. “Where are all the plates?”
A displeasement crossed your dad’s face. You'd meant to empty the dishwasher earlier that day, but the pain body had stopped you.
“Still in the dishwasher,” you said, holding back a wince as your stomach cramped.
“I thought we talked about this.”
“We did, but-”
“You’re almost an adult. I expect you to start showing up like one.” He was calm but stern. Unblinking eyes bore into you. It made you want to cry.
Hotch turned and left the kitchen, his calm footsteps indicating he was going to Jack's room.
Despite the pain radiating through your body, you stood up and carefully made your way to the dishwasher to unload it. As soon as you leaned over to lower the door, a stabbing sensation penetrated your gut. Dizziness washed over your head and blackened your vision. In an instant, you had crumbled to the floor.
You weren't even aware that you'd let out a cry of pain until your dad was kneeling next to you, a gentle hand caressing your face. Through teary, blurry vision, you could just make out the worry in his fearures.
“It hurts,” you choked out.
“I know,” he said gently. “I'm here. I've got you.”
Strong arms lifted you off the kitchen floor, carrying you to the couch. A heating pad was laid across your stomach and a straw was brought up to your lips with the gentle encouragement to drink.
When you managed to open your eyes, Hotch was next to you, a look of concern on his normally serious face.
"Hi, sweetheart." The words were the same as before, but his tone was different.
"Hi," you whispered.
"Here," Hotch brought a hand behind your back and used the other to hand you a bottle of water, "have some water."
You took gentle sips. Your father’s hand still rested on your back, rubbing it soothingly.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"You didn't make me get up." It was true.
"No, but I jumped to conclusions about what you were able to do and it made you feel like you had to do something that caused you pain." Sometimes having a profiler for a dad was a good thing. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," you said.
Hotch helped you lay down again, covering you with a warm blanket. "Can I get you anything?"
You snuggled into the blanket and adjusted the heating pad to sit in the best place for easing pain. "Just the TV remote."
Your dad smiled - his small but rare smile - before handing you the remote. The rest of the afternoon would be filled with watching bad TV and chick flicks, but he didn't mind. If it made you just a little more comfortable, then it was worth it.
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haleyhunwritess · 1 year
hiiii if requests are open can u write one where she has bad period cramps and its seb or bucky taking care of her with like lots of fluff and maybe he teases her for crying at a commercial because shes feeling hormonal cuz of her period but it just ends with a lot of fluff💕
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pairing: bucky x reader
warning: period cramps, FLUFFFF
a/n: i woke up with the worst cramps possible and all i wanted was to cuddle with someone but i'm on campus now trying to get some work done :( i wanna post some more period comfort fics, maybe today or tomorrow! i have an old period comfort fic request from @chrisevansdaughter that i'm working on that i can hopefully post soon 💗
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"Do you think it's bleeding? It feels like it's bleeding." Bucky groaned, rubbing the back of his head.
"Oh please, you're fine." You mumbled from the couch, clutching your lower abdomen while holding your breath as your cramps started to get worse.
This morning you'd woken up to the most painful cramps you've ever experienced. You assumed that they were pre-period cramps, and tried to go back to sleep. However, a few minutes later, you felt Bucky's hand on your shoulder gently shaking you awake. You mumbled five more minutes, before trying to go back to sleep.
"Love, wake up," he whispered, glancing down at the dark stain on the bed, "You're bleeding, doll."
Suddenly awake, you quickly opened your eyes and turned to look down at the crimson stain on the bed. Groaning loudly, you put your head in your hands. You normally got your period on time, though sometimes it could be a day or two late. It was rarely ever early. You weren't supposed to get your period for another 4 days, and yet here it was. You felt embarrassed, but fortunately that feeling didn't last long as your body started to cramp up again. You whimpered loudly, while clutching your stomach and struggling to breathe.
You struggled to sit up, as the cramps were somehow starting to get even worse. Bucky quickly put one arm behind your back, and held your hand in his, to help you sit up. You quietly thanked him before turning your gaze back down to the stain, and cursing silently, "I'm so sorry, bubba, I wasn't supposed to get my period yet. I didn't mean to ruin your sheets."
"Love, I'm not mad at you. You have nothing to be sorry about, it's okay. I'm sorry I had to wake you up but we've gotta get you cleaned up." Bucky kissed your forehead, before getting up and leaving the room.
He came back a few minutes later with some towels, a water bottle, and some ibuprofen. He handed you the ibuprofen first, which you gladly took before washing it down with some water. Then he helped you get up carefully, holding you gently in his arms as he lead you over to the bathroom. He put the towels down on the counter, then walked over to the shower to turn on the hot water.
"Alright, doll. You take as long as you need in there, okay? If you need anything, just shout and I'll come running. I'm just gonna go clean up in the room, okay?" Before you could even protest, he left the bathroom to take the sheets to the laundry.
You stepped out of the shower after a while, already starting to feel a bit better. You noticed Bucky had left a pair of his sweatpants and his favourite hoodie on the counter next to the towels. There was also a bag of supplies on the ground, with different feminine hygiene products, a heating pad, some painkillers you were definitely going to need later, and some other essentials. After drying yourself off with the towel, you got dressed quickly and decided to go check on Bucky.
You found him downstairs in the kitchen, pouring hot water into a cup. Walking over to him, you noticed a familiar sweet smell coming from the kitchen. That's when you noticed a fresh batch of his painfully-delicious pancakes sitting on the counter. You put your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He turned around, and pulled you into his arms gently, being careful not to hug you too tight in case you still have cramps.
You helped him carry the pancakes and the tea over to the living room. You sat down in front of the TV and started flipping through the channels. Bucky picked up your fork, and started feeding you small bites as you settled on what show to watch. Eventually, breakfast was over and you were cuddled up on the couch watching titanic. You've only seen the movie once and you found the ending sad, but you never cry at the ending. Until today. It seemed like your body was determined to make you miserable today as you wiped the tears that were streaming down your face at a fast pace. You hoped Bucky wouldn't notice that you were crying, especially just because of a movie. You glanced over at him and noticed he was straight at you, and trying to stifle a laugh. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't contain his laughter anymore. He got up from the couch, still laughing, as you glared him.
"Screw you, Barnes, it's not funny!" You picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it at him, but it only made him laugh harder.
"I'm sorry, love, I couldn't help it!" He chuckled as he picked up the pillow and threw it back on the couch next to you. "I didn't think you were one to cry at movies like that. It wasn't like one glistening tear either, doll, you were nearly sobbing. Don't get me wrong though, it was adorable!"
"You jerk!" You picked up the pillow again and threw it at him but it missed him once again. As he bent over to pick the pillow back up, you picked up the remote this time, and launched it at him. Unfortunately, this time it actually hit him.
"Ow, what the-" He got up, rubbing the back of his head, "That actually hurt, doll, what was that?"
"The remote" You mumbled, trying not to laugh.
He glared at you before bending down to pick up the pillow and throw it back at you. Although he didn't mean to, he threw it pretty hard and it hit your stomach, right as the cramps decided to make a comeback. He quickly apologized and walked over to you to make sure you weren't hurt too bad.
"Just go get me the pain-killers, doofus." You mumbled, laying down sideways, clutching your lower abdomen.
He got up and made his way to the kitchen, still rubbing the spot at the back of his head, the one where you threw the remote at.
"Do you think it's bleeding? It feels like it's bleeding." Bucky groaned, as he continued to rub the back of his head, checking for any blood.
"Oh please, you're fine." You mumbled from the couch, clutching your lower abdomen while holding your breath as your cramps started to get worse.
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taglist/moots: @chrisevansdaughter @cherryflavoredchapsticck @livvinitt @marvel1984 @mustacherrylover @babyhatesreality @timidpumpkin @matchat3a @pono-pura-vida @sonalokibarnes @alex-ackerman-11  @ailathealternate @lollabear @buckysugar
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TGIF! What a week it's been. This may be a TMI post but we're all friends here right? 😅
I went in for the colposcopy (reminder, this is for the cervix, not a colonoscopy) on Wednesday. My PCP said this was precautionary but I was still pretty nervous for the procedure. Imagine my shock when the OBGYN was talking to me before and said the cells they found were more on the side of concerning and this was an "absolutely need to do further testing" scenario. Not just "let's be extra cautious". I completely broke down in that poor woman's exam room. After coming off the breast scare, her throwing around the word cancer again was too much for me. I cried for a good 10 mins while she talked me through everything. I explained what had been going on recently and apologized for being such a mess. She totally understood and was great considering this was the first time we met lol. Anyways, she said that she definitely wanted to do biopsies which I was hoping wouldn't be needed but I trusted her judgement and let her proceed with the procedure. She took 3 total, and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. The last one sucked the worst. I took ibuprofen before the appointment just in case and I'm glad I did. Luckily it was over pretty quick but I had quite a bit of bleeding (duh - she basically hole punched my cervix 3 times) so she had to use extra of the solution that is supposed to stop the bleeding and lemme tell you. It's gross. It looks like coffee grounds coming out and I'm still dealing with it 2 days later. I was pretty sore the night of but haven't had much pain after that. It's more just annoying. It's also annoying because she said the results take about a week. If they come back a level 1 or lower we will just continue to monitor with yearly paps, but if they are higher than that she is going to recommend a LEEP. You can Google that if you want to know what I'm in for 🙃 all the research I did before said most places do it in the office but she said they are not equipped for that and it would be done in an outpatient surgery room and I would be put under general anesthesia. I am hoping soooo hard that my results come back good but a week is a long time to wait!!! I am so over this year.
On top of that, I found out I'm going to be traveling to CA multiple times this summer for work. I knew one trip was very likely but was not prepared for probably having to go once a month. It's going to be a great career opportunity so I'm not going to pass it up but I am not stoked about being away from my guys so much. I'm not in a great place with my MIL either right now and she's the best equipped to help us out while I'm gone because she's retired. So we will see how that plays out...
It's a lot going on right now. I just really need some good news back from the doctor and then I feel like I can fully focus on getting our summer planned and setting us up for success since things are going to get pretty crazy I'm sure.
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scientia-rex · 8 months
Hello, I appreciate your medical posts very much and having seen a post the other day where you said migraine was in your areas of special interest, I'd love to ask a related question. You talk about bodies and medicine and patient experience etc in a way that makes a lot of sense to me and I'd trust your take.
I have chronic migraine. I'm currently at 100% pain days, with varying severity. Very hard to pin down what is prodrome, the main event, and postdrome as it's all blurred into one. My migraine team want me to reduce painkiller usage (currently dihydrocodeine and paracetamol daily, and ibuprofen maybe every other day on top) due to rebound headache. I want to cut down because they're fucking expensive and I'm scared for my liver and kidneys. But I literally can't cope with life without them. I went off them for four months a few years ago and the pain was so severe and so debilitating I was the most suicidal I've been in my life. Without painkillers I can't get to the toilet unaided, rarely leave bed, even more rare to leave the house. It's hell. And that's not even considering the effects on everyone around me who has to pick up to care for me.
So what do I do? The way I see things, I need something to help the pain improve before I can use less painkillers, but the longer I go on trying to find something that works and not getting there, the more I think maybe I'm wrong in that. I know a bit about how codeine based painkillers can reduce your pain tolerance / pain baseline. I don't think it's an addiction issue because I've been at the same (over the counter) dosages for 4 years now. I just want to do all that I can to be better, but I also need to be alive to be better. I am stuck.
TL;DR - If you have any thoughts on the relationship between chronic migraine, painkiller use, preserving quality of life while finding a treatment, and increasing the chances of a treatment working, and where on earth the balance between all that lies, I'd really like to hear them.
Again, I absolutely appreciate if you can't answer this, don't want to etc. Giving advice online is notoriously tricky and all that. But a big thank you for your time in reading, and all your weight and exercise posts especially which make me feel so much better about my body. Wishing you all good things! 💖
I won't speak to your case directly, since I'm not your doctor, but here is my personal algorithm for escalating treatments for migraine (note that "abortives" in this case means something you take after a migraine starts to try to end it, while "prophylactic" means a daily treatment you take to reduce likelihood of developing a migraine):
-OTC combination of magnesium, feverfew, and butterbur, taken daily
-Triptans (insurance will usually demand patients fail at least 3 to cover a more expensive treatment)
-High-dose NSAIDs (as abortive treatment given risk of rebound headaches if used daily)
-Daily topiramate (insurance will always demand this is either failed or there's a clear contraindication)
-Daily calcium channel blockers
-Daily beta blockers (higher dose than used for anxiety or low-grade arrhythmias)
-Daily anti-epileptic medications (such as Lamictal)
-Monthly anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody injections (Aimovig or Ajovy; expensive so insurance will demand you've failed some or all of the previous meds)
-Abortive anti-CGRP orals (Nurtec or Ubrelvy)
-Abortive ergotamine, usually Migranal, a nasal spray (very expensive and must be repeated 15 minutes after initial dose regardless of whether symptoms are improving or not)
-Prophylactic Botox (I believe this is every 3 months, must be done in the office of a trained and licensed professional, usually but not always a Neurology provider)
-Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks (done by dripping lidocaine far back into the sinuses to reach the sphenopalatine ganglion, again in the office of a trained and licensed professional)
-Cephaly (transcranial magnetic stimulation at-home device), expensive so insurance hates covering it
Now, one of my newer tools, and my current personal favorite, is a greater occipital nerve block--easy and fast, low risk, and I've had about 90% success with my patients in aborting current headaches. Effects seem to last 3-4 weeks in most cases and since it's straight lidocaine (you don't have to include steroids, though you can) you can do it as often as needed. I generally do this in my office, but I did train one patient's spouse to do it at home given how frequent their headaches. The pharmacy lost their fucking mind about letting an outpatient have lidocaine. I don't know why.
I currently manage my pretty awful chronic migraines with a combination of monthly Aimovig, as-needed Excedrin (the combination of caffeine, Tylenol aka paracetamol, and aspirin is effective for many people but is a real risk for causing medication overuse headaches, the more official term for bounce-back), as-needed Ubrelvy (I can sleep after taking Ubrelvy but not Excedrin so it's a good option), and roughly monthly greater occipital nerve blocks (I teach my trainees to do it using myself as a subject). I wouldn't mind trying the Botox but it's a PITA to get in to see our only local Neurology provider and since my migraines are relatively well-controlled (probably 1-2 headache days a week right now) I don't think it's worth the effort.
I also really got a lot out of this lecture, so give it a try.
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