#in which case yes OF COURSE yosuke would have to be included in it
daily-hanamura · 1 year
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layercake · 4 years
Why Naoto is Heavily Trans Coded, and How The Discussion Surrounding Him Needs to Change
Hello, I’ve never written or posted anything like this before LOL so this is a bit daunting. But this subject is something that’s been bothering me for a long time, and I wanted to get it out somewhere. So let’s talk about how Naoto Shirogane is heavily trans coded, and how the fandom has a problematic culture surrounding the issue that really needs to change.
Tw // discussion of misogyny , transphobia , and mentions of harassment
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Initial Shadow Confrontation 
Since the discussion is most often about what’s “canon” and what’s not, let’s first take a look at what the game actually does give us about Naoto’s character. During the confrontation with Naoto’s shadow, we learn that Naoto idolized detectives as a kid, and wanted to be one himself when he was older.
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However, this posed a problem for him in multiple ways. One, he was (is) still a child, and the people in his field don’t take him seriously because of it. He tries desperately to escape this fact, to try and act as mature as possible, but ultimately he can’t change how others will perceive him at his age.
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This is what the shadow confrontation focuses on most heavily. But then it switches to discussing the other part of the issue-- the fact that Naoto’s ideal image of a detective is a man, and he “isn’t.” 
At the end, Yukiko says “You must know already that what you yearn for isn’t to become an adult or to become a boy,” and Naoto accepts it. This is what most people point to when saying that Naoto can’t be trans, because he agrees that it wasn’t what he wished for. So, easy, right? If you take this as him telling the truth, then it looks like an open and shut case-- he isn’t trans. But Naoto’s actions don’t really fit what he says here. 
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The issue starts with these next lines (below) in particular. To me, Naoto’s tone in the first line is regretful, and doesn’t strike me as a sentiment someone who is cisgender would necessarily hold. Why would he want to “change into a man?” To fit his ideal image of a detective? As he says here, yes.
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(Real quick before I continue, it’s not clear in the dialogue screenshot but it’s important to note that Naoto does say “yes” to Yukiko’s question about him not liking being a girl. He nods his head)
The narrative that the game tries to go with after this is that the “ideal image” Naoto wanted to live up to, including the male aspect of it, was unattainable and formed primarily because he felt that was the only way he could be a detective. 
But, is this really that much of a problem? We all look up to certain types of people, people that we want to be like-- and for many, this can factor into gender identity as well. If Naoto really just wanted to be a cool, male detective, that doesn’t at all negate that being trans would be a part of that for him. 
Naoto’s other words and actions, as well as the framing of this scene as a whole, make the scenario feel a lot less believable to me for multiple reasons. Naoto never initiates the conversation that him wanting to be a boy is incorrect-- Yukiko does. Naoto isn’t even the one to trigger his shadow-- Kanji does that. Naoto had a lot less agency in a lot of these decisions than the other characters did with their shadows. 
Naoto’s Continued Actions
The fragility of the narrative Atlus put together for Naoto continues to grow throughout the rest of the game, due to the way he behaves after the initial shadow confrontation.
For starters, it’s implied that Naoto is not his birth name, something that i think a lot of people either miss or forget about-- and yet he continues to go by it throughout the course of the game. We never find out his deadname and he never expresses a desire to share it with anybody.
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The day after the “reveal,” Naoto doesn’t change anything about his appearance, mannerisms, or how he presents himself. He honestly seems uncomfortable with the fact that everyone has found out, in a way that felt much like being outed to the whole school, as opposed to finally being seen and accepted for who you “really” are.
I understand that such a drastic shift in people’s perception of you would be overwhelming to anybody, no matter if you were cis or not. But if Atlus really wanted to hone in on the idea that Naoto was happy about this change, they could’ve at least made him…. Well, happy about it. Even if it was just a small smile, just a tiny indication of relief even despite how hard it will be to adjust, it would’ve made it at least a little more believable that this is what he really wanted.
But that’s not the case. Instead, he’s uncomfortable, he still binds, he still wears the school’s male uniform, and he still goes by Naoto. The only time any of this actually changes is if you as the protagonist push him to, which… is a whole other mess.
The fact that Naoto has even gotten to this point, though, speaks more volumes to me than anything else. Passing is not easy. Coming out is not easy. Naoto would have had to go through difficult lengths in order to get not only his school, but the country and media to see him as a man.  He’s a well-known "detective prince".. someone was bound to look up his records and find out about it. That's a huge risk to take.
In addition to this, he binds. He goes by masculine pronouns and a masculine name. He very audibly changes his voice to be more masculine. I don’t know how to tell you this, but this is just…. not something cis people do? At least not comfortably. 
In fact, doing all of this would have been incredibly uncomfortable for Naoto if he was cis. As someone who experiences dysphoria, looking like and being seen as a gender you are not can be really, really painful. If transitioning was something he really didn’t want, why would he put himself through all of that? Was it really to escape misogyny? Me asking this isn’t minimizing the issue at all, because I understand that it’s incredibly serious and hard for countless women. But I would generally think someone’s first reaction to facing misogyny isn’t to… completely change their identity and present as a different gender.
On top of being probably the hardest option of escaping misogyny available to him, and one of the most uncomfortable, presenting as a man doesn’t necessarily get rid of any prejudices Naoto may face. In fact, I would argue that it’s considerably more dangerous. Especially in a rural town like Inaba, where people seem to not really understand or approve of being LGBT. Naoto is smart, he would have thought of all of this. So why?
Inherent Transphobia of Naoto’s Arc 
There is something to be said about how much misogyny is present in Japan’s workforce, especially in fields like Naoto’s, and the importance there is in discussing that. The base idea behind his struggles and message isn’t inherently a bad one, but the way the game went about it was problematic because it put down transgender identities in the process.
The first time I watched Naoto’s shadow confrontation, it was really distressing to me. The game continuously repeats the idea that you can’t “cross the barrier of the sexes,” that Naoto “can never really be a man,” and  that “you can change your name, but you can never change who you “really” are.” I hope I don’t need to explain why this is a problem.
Naoto’s wish to be a man, regardless of what was driving it, is depicted as something temporary and childish. Something that Naoto “didn’t really want,”  something that was just an excuse to run away from the misogyny he was facing. Even if it was unintentional, this message is incredibly harmful to transgender people.
It would have been a better and much more coherent message about misogyny if the writers had steered clear of trans themes entirely. In fact, I think they did so well with Sae’s character in Persona 5-- she’s in the same field of work, facing very similar struggles, but she doesn’t react in the same way as Naoto at all. 
Kanji and Homophobia 
It’s even worse that Naoto’s “reveal,” on top of being problematic by itself, is used as a method to bury Kanji’s exploration of his own sexuality. The problems with Kanji’s own shadow are bad enough to warrant their own long rant, but the reveal that Naoto was “really a girl” this whole time allows the story to completely wave off his gayness for good.
This isn’t something unique to this game-- the trope of “two boys fall in love, but one of them turns out to be a girl so it’s fine” has been used numerous times in other media to explore the topic half-assedly. It plays with the “exoticness” or “drama” of a gay romance, but backs off at the end in order to uphold societal norms and prevent backlash. 
This doesn’t really give any kind of good commentary on gay relationships, nor does it depict them in a positive or helpful manner. It isn’t something that these games should be getting kudos for doing. 
I think there’s also something to be said about how poignantly bad Atlus is at really tackling the problem of misogyny. It tries, especially with characters like Ann and Sae, and in certain aspects it can succeed. But then they have scenes like the pageant and Every Beach Scene Ever, where the women are forced to wear swimsuits or revealing clothing against their will, or their bodies are talked about without their consent. There is consistently a character in each persona game who is forced to do the whole misogynistic dipshit gimmick that’s supposed to be funny-- Junpei, Yosuke, Teddie, Morgana, Ryuji-- and while this is obviously not a Persona specific problem by a longshot, it’s still indicative of how unsuccessful these games often are in delivering the message that society’s systemic misogyny is an issue.
This is something I think about a lot when people try and argue that Naoto’s story can’t be about him being trans because it’s “an important message about misogyny.” Atlus often doesn’t deliver on such stories already, and they certainly didn’t with Naoto. As soon as Naoto returns to “living as a woman” he’s subjected to the same misogyny that the other girls are. His chest is commented on, he’s forced to be in the beauty pageant, he’s made uncomfortable in the bath scenes-- really, all Atlus did after the reveal was make the problem worse for him. 
On top of this, his story never actually meaningfully tackles the problem of misogyny in the detective force. It’s not a major part of his social link or the general plot of the game-- honestly, it’s barely even touched on at all after the initial confrontation. Thus, the idea that “Naoto can’t be trans because it erases a story about misogyny” is just plain untrue. There never was a coherent one in the first place.
Problems Within the Fandom
Despite all of this, there is such an intense backlash from the majority of the fandom if anybody dares to bring up these issues with Naoto’s story. Naoto being trans is generally seen as something ridiculous and stupid, or something to insult and mock people for.
I understand that there's always going to be people who say provocative stuff like this, no matter what anyone does, and that it’s not something exclusive to this particular fandom or character. But the problem is that this rhetoric isn't just from them anymore--the consensus among so much of the fandom seems to be either that Naoto absolutely cannot be trans, or that speaking about it at all is "annoying discourse" and taboo. Even from fans that are LGBT or allies themselves. 
This in and of itself is such a telling thing to me. if you find yourself getting angry about the subject, really ask yourself why. Is it such a problem for people to reclaim a transphobic story? Is it such a problem for a character to be trans in the first place?  There is room for discussion and nuance regarding this situation, but we have to make it for ourselves. We can accept that Atlus’s base game will never actually give us a coherent story about either misogyny nor being transgender with Naoto’s story. But petty arguments and insults thrown at people who bring up this topic isn’t any of that-- it’s just poorly masked transphobia. 
So at the end of the day, no, Naoto being is trans is not “canon.” Of course Naoto would not actually be allowed to be trans, he is a main character in a game series where the only explicitly LGBT characters have been consistently buried, stereotyped, or demonized with only a few rare exceptions.
Yes, you’re allowed to headcanon whatever you want about him. I can’t stop you from wanting a story about misogyny, or from seeing Naoto’s gender as something more fluid than I do. But you can’t ignore the fact that his story, as written in canon, is laden with transphobia despite its intentions. It’s not a ridiculous or harmful thing for trans people to want to reclaim that.
There are still a lot more issues with how Naoto is treated in the game-- especially in his romance route-- but that’s a whole other can of worms I’m not ready to unpack today lol
Hopefully all of this made sense though, and feel free to bring up anything else I may have missed or point out any issues you might have with it :-) Thanks for reading!
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forkanna · 3 years
The rest of the morning was spent getting dressed and ready for their day to begin. Rise only had a few of the more cliched touristy things in mind, since she had been planning it out with the whole of the Investigation Team — such as whale watching, or hitting up Okinawa World. Even though none of them were old enough to drink their fabled "snake liquor", they were all for exploring the caves that ran beneath the theme park.
When Ai had asked if she wanted her to return the favour, Rise declined. The truth was that while she desperately wanted to sate her urges, she knew they were both feeling a little out of sorts from all their exploration so far — which was why she thought the downtime would be good. Now they could sort through their feelings while sightseeing, and come back to it several hours later, hopefully having gained some kind of wisdom along the way.
Though there was one small problem…
"Will you stop that?" Ai hissed as she and Rise lingered toward the back of the group climbing the steps to the historical Shuri Castle. Yukiko was definitely the one most interested, but the others didn't mind seeing the notable sites.
"Stop whaaat?"
"Stop trying to grab me by the balls. I tried to tell you, it's not a toy!"
Pursing her lips, she pulled her closer to whisper in her ear, "It's my toy. I'm having a lot of fun with it." But then she dropped back with a giggle. "And we both know that if you didn't want me to, you'd try harder to stop me. But all you have to say is 'You need to stop' again and I'll know you're serious."
Ai pursed her lips… but said nothing. Perfect. She had a feeling she was enjoying the attention, even if not the specific form it took. "Dumb bitch," she said yet again.
"You love meeeeee," she cooed with a grin and a little bounce as they reached the top, leaning over to rest her head against her shoulder. Even though she decided not to grab for her unmentionables anymore, she wasn't going to leave her alone.
"Okay, you two," Yosuke sighed irritably as he laced his fingers behind his head. "I know you two have this whole weird 'bet' going, or whatever it is, but do you have to rub it in for the rest of us who don't have anybody? Like, look at Yukiko and Chie and Naoto; they don't have boyfriends! You're gonna make 'em feel bad, too!"
Apparently, he had thought appealing to their solidarity with other women would be more effective than pleading his own case. But Rise just giggled, because she saw the look Yukiko and Chie shared. Naoto was as stoic as ever… but she thought she noticed Kanji blushing. That would make perfect sense, those two — she just had no evidence they were also a thing.
Poor Yosuke. No chance at love unless Narukami came back, or he decided to give in to-
"WHAT A PRETTY CASTLE!" Teddie burst out in a gushy tone of voice, lacing his fingers together next to his own face as he stared up at the doorways. "Ohhh, can we live here? Pleeeeaaaase?!"
"No," Yosuke sighed very tiredly with no hesitation whatsoever. "And I thought I reminded you a whole damn five minutes ago to keep it down!"
Rise was laughing at that reprimand when her cell phone went off, making much more noise than Teddie ever had been. Holding up a finger, she stepped a little further away from the group to take it.
"Miss Kujikawa."
After a brief second of surprise, she managed to breathe, "Minoru-chan! What's… I mean, hey!"
Minoru Inoue's stoic voice returned over the earpiece of her phone as she turned away from the group. "I have been trying to call you all morning. Is there an issue with your cell phone carrier? Would you like me to look into the cause of-"
"No, no, it's… it's fine." This was inconvenient, but she wanted to get it out of the way as quickly as possible. "So what's up? I'm out with friends, we're on vacation."
"Yes, about that… I'm going to send you a couple of images. Tell me if you notice anything."
So she pulled the phone back in order to check the screen. Sure enough, within seconds the images were coming in via text, and when they finally loaded…
"O-oh, you saw those!" she laughed as lightly as she could manage despite the way her heart began pounding in her throat. So many pictures! Each one featured her and it behara laughing together, walking hand in hand, arguing… only one or two showed anything that could be construed as romantic, but all of them could have been explained away as friendship if one tried hard enough. "Yep, all according to plan. It's fine! They're fine, don't… don't worry about 'em!"
"Which 'plan' was this? Certainly nothing approved by the label."
"Something I thought of on the spur of the moment. It's so easy for an idol to fade into the background, isn't it? Well… here's me, finding a way to stand out! It'll be great — you'll see!"
"There are already a lot of polarising comments on the message boards," Inoue went on, and Rise found herself glancing around to make sure nobody else could hear her. A couple of her friends — including Ai — were glancing over at her to make sure everything was alright, but they were far enough away they probably didn't catch a word. "Everyone is very invested — for both positive and negative reasons."
"See? It's working!"
"No, you misunderstand, Miss Kujikawa. The label is uncomfortable with your career taking this direction. They're considering severing their association with you."
Rise felt her blood chill in her veins. "They're gonna fire me? Because… I'm dating a girl?" She had considered adding a 'maybe' in there, but decided against it. That wasn't how she wanted to move forward with her life.
"They're considering it. There's no real official position on these matters, but businessmen tend to be more conservative. Even if they like the idea of flash and attention-seeking behaviour because it typically only helps a celebrity's visibility, if it's the wrong kind of visibility, it could eventually reflect poorly on the label itself."
"That's not fair," she immediately shot back. And then her higher reasoning skills kicked back in. "And they already know what a moneymaker my voice and my looks are, that I know how to work it. I'm cute, and I know how to be cute."
"The label wants you to be cute and available," he stressed. "They understand that most of our idols will marry eventually, but they hope to get as many men lusting after the idea of being your boyfriend for as long as possible."
"They're delusional."
"Yes, they are. But that's where the money is."
Sighing, she found a nearby pillar and leaned back against it as she thought about the entirety of the situation. Tried to weigh her options. "Well… okay, so I can ride the scandal for a while, can't I? Like, there hasn't been a lesbian idol. Not that I remember."
"Don't you think there's a reason why you can't remember? Because they aren't encouraged to be out publicly. And if they can't conduct that business in private, then the labels have no use for them."
Anger was starting to overtake her anxiety. "That 'business', huh? Maybe it's not any of their business."
"Of course it is. An idol in this country? Literally every aspect of your personal life reflects on your profession, colours public opinion. You know this as well as I do."
"Well… I don't care. Like, if they really want to cut me loose, they can go ahead, but I think they would really be shooting themselves in the foot if they don't see how this plays out first."
"They're already on point of doing that, Miss. You're already essentially 'retired' and trying to make a comeback. If there were going to be a homosexuality scandal, it would be ideally placed for when you're already riding high on the charts, or are on a slight decline — and even then, it's still very risky. So you should really start thinking about whether or not you want this comeback at all."
"Now you're starting to piss me off," she snapped. "This isn't a 'scandal' or a 'business' or any of that stuff! This is my life! Isn't the whole point for me to be entertaining? I can do that and be with a woman at the same time!" She heard him start to interrupt, but she pushed ahead, "Maybe it's about time Japan had an openly queer pop star, because there sure as hell aren't enough of us! So you can shut the fuck up until you have something a little less caveman to say!"
And she hung up on him. Deep down, she knew she was being unfair to Minoru; he was just trying to do his job, and seeing everything through that public relations lense. But she hated the fact that they were trying to tell her she couldn't even date the woman she wanted to date. Nevermind that she was serious about it, and they all thought this was either a publicity stunt, or just some random person she wanted to hold hands with for five seconds before throwing her away. Everything in the world of light music was so immaterial. She wasn't even sure she really was gay or bisexual or whichever label fit her; why did it have to be so important to everyone when it didn't even affect them?
Looking over at Ai was enough to reassure her that she had done the right thing. Even though she wasn't even paying attention to her at the moment, just looking around the brightly-coloured interior of the castle, she was still just as gorgeous as ever — and she was a woman. The only woman Rise had ever found herself thinking about as not just attractive, but as someone she was attracted to. Every time she tried to examine that and figure out if it was a fluke, she just found herself falling yet harder for the stunning upperclassman. Who wouldn't be? Plenty of boys wanted to be with her, so it was understandable.
Because at least some small part of her was lesbian. Maybe more than a small one.
As she stowed her phone, she took a look at Chie and Yukiko. Chie was cute in a playful, carefree way, and Yukiko was so elegant. Could she be into them? No, not really; she had never thought about them that way in the past and wasn't too inclined to start now. Though if she were to choose…
That was interesting. Her brain instantly whispered, "It would be Yukiko," and she didn't even understand the reason. Was she into girlier girls?! Turning her attention to Chie, she knew she was also appealing in a different way, but something about that extra-feminine… maybe it was because she associated that with Ai now. She and Yukiko were both very put together, even if Yukiko took a simpler approach to her dress and makeup and hair; more traditional.
Weird thoughts. Shaking her head out, she jogged to catch up with the group, putting on a happy face.
"What was that shit all about?" Kanji asked idly.
"Nothing," she said with a big smile, trying to put her best foot forward. "What about you guys? What's this all about?"
After a brief pause, Chie said, "It's… a castle…?"
"Well, um, yes, but are we all having fun? Come on, get excited — we're in Okinawa! Away from our parents and school and all that dumb stuff! Let's have FUN!"
Nobody could argue with that.
                                                ~ o ~
Only once they were at lunch did Ai catch up to her and confront her on trying to hide her true feelings about that phone call. After she had related the entirety of the conversation, Ai looked like she would throw her soba and chanpuru at the wall; she even threatened to pick it up and do that very thing.
"Shhh, stop that," Rise half-snickered. "It's not that big a deal."
"It is to me! That fucking asshole thinks he can push you around and tell you who to be?!"
"I know! It's so gross, and invasive, and… I just don't think it's very nice for the label to be breathing down my neck so much!"
Ai sighed as she stirred her noodles distractedly, posture slumping. "But you'd probably better think about doing as they say."
"Well, you have your entire future to think about, right? I don't want to be the one holding you back. They're gross, but they're probably also just reading the room. They know what it takes to get you where you want to be, and… I ain't it."
A flash of anger welled up within Rise as she picked at her rafute. "No. You're what I need because you're my friend and you make me happy."
"Friend, huh? You do that with all your friends?" When Rise opened her mouth, she held up her hand, chopsticks still between her fingers. "Just messing with you."
"Shut UP, oh my GOD." Then they both laughed very briefly before Rise felt another sigh coming on. "Honestly, I think they're wrong about this. I've checked the online spaces myself, too — don't they think I have? Don't they think I'm better at it than those old crusty guys are?!"
"Tell them, girl!"
"Are you two okay over there?" Chie asked with a little laugh.
"NO!" they both answered, only making both tables laugh. There hadn't been enough space at any one table at the restaurant they found, so most of them ended up at the big one. Ai had volunteered the two of them to take another small one nearby — and Rise now realised the reason was this interrogation.
"Anyway, if they don't want me on the label anymore, that's that. I can find a way to pursue music without them."
Mouth full, Ai just nodded and pointed her chopsticks at her for a second until she swallowed. "YES. The internet is here and it's queer, and they're old guard who are going to die out. Viral videos are really starting to become a big part of how artists get noticed. YouTube and Niconico and stuff. Who even cares about TV anymore?"
"A lot of people," Rise sighed resignedly. "Especially in rural areas — which will also be the same people who don't want to see me dating a woman. Just not kids our age as much as we used to."
"Well… okay, yeah, that's true."
"It's okay, though. The future isn't for old people, it's for us. Me being who I am, dating who I want to date, is part of pushing forward, y'know? Not that I want to be some big activist… I don't know enough about that stuff. Not as much as you probably do. But I'm not going to hide who I am just because some old people tell me I have to; I've done enough of that for a lifetime. Now I just want to figure out the real Rise and love her, and show the world who she is."
Though she had finished and gone back to eating a moment later, waiting for Ai to respond, she never did. So eventually she glanced up to see her simply smiling across the table at her, elbows leaning on its surface as her mascara-laden eyelashes fluttered a little.
"Nothing. Just proud of what a bitch you can be when you need to."
"Huh?! I'm not a bitch!"
"It's a compliment, dumbass. Bitches get shit done."
"Oh. Well, um… thank you?"
Ai chuckled at her for a moment, prompting Rise to kick her under the table. Then they both started flicking tiny bits of food at each other from across the tabletop until Yosuke asked what the hell they were doing, prompting a loud peal of laughter from them both. Even though at the time, Rise was mostly worried about her career and whether or not she was making the right steps, she would forever look back on that as a glorious moment she had shared with Ai Ebihara. With her girlfriend.
                                                To Be Continued…
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The Case of Yosuke (Theory)
Ah, Yosuke Hanamura--- the discount Junpei Iori of Persona 4 (my boyfriend’s word, not mine!) Fun-loving, hard working, loyal friend, and all-around womanizer...
I’m here to give my two-cents on how the P4 Protagonist’s best buddy has been putting on an act this whole time... and the ways he blew his cover.
“But Zee, Yosuke is our best buddy! He wouldn’t lie to us!” fellow fans may say... But what if I were to mention he wasn’t just lying to us, but also himself?
What kind of secret has the cyclist student been keeping hidden?
The fact... that he’s got a thing for guys. 
Now you may all call “BULLSHIT!” on this right away, as we’ve seen Yosuke fawn over girls countless times... Yet have you’ve ever noticed he hasn’t been trying hard to impress them?
Think about it...
On the camping trip--- Yosuke pretty much guilt-tripped Chie and Yukiko into wearing bathing suits. 
Then there’s the culture festival--- how he signed up all the girls to be in a beauty pageant.
During both these cases, the girls were beyond pissed with him. Why, if Yosuke wanted to score with the ladies, would he do stuff to piss them off? Why not use some debonair charm to make them feel good about themselves, rather than make them feel embarrassed?
Perhaps he was just picking on them. Perhaps he wanted to live out some perverted desire.
Perhaps he was trying to impress the guys... mainly the Protag! 
From Day 1, Yosuke has been doing everything to be your (Protag) number-one best bud--- that would include pulling stunts in order to help you check out girls! 
“But wouldn’t that backfire? The Protag dates all the girls, after all...” you may say. 
Well, of course  Yosuke thought of this too... and managed to get you in trouble with the girls during his scheme. However the fault is on the Protag for going along with it (especially in the anime). In the end, the girls are mad at both of you... but hey, at least your best-bud helped you get a good view.
Basically that’s all Yosuke wants from the Protag--- he wants to give him the best experience of his life. Even if his buddy likes other girls, they’ll still have a tight bond.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, let us address the elephant in the room: Yosuke’s Social Link.
At the start, it mainly focuses on Yosuke griping about work as well as trying to overcome the loss of his senpai, Saki Konishi. Yet as it goes on, he manages to conquer his grief and let go of his grudge of living in a small town working at Junes... all because of you, the Protagonist. 
Hell, he pretty much confesses it! “You’re special to me, y’know?” -Yosuke
Then there’s one thing that not only leads to a clue of his sexuality, but also dubs him as a hypocrite: His interactions with Kanji.
Oh yeah! Don’t act like I wasn’t going to bring my main-man into this debate!
First, lets get this out of the way--- the first time we see Shadow Kanji on the Midnight Channel. 
How ironic it is that the night before Yosuke was asking you which girl you prefer (Chie or Yukiko), then the next night we’re both seeing some steamy Kanji fan-service! *no pun intended*
Now in the anime, the Protagonist was staring at the screen, stunned (pretty sure all of us players were on the ground laughing and trying to remember how breathing works); Then Yosuke calls up... and he is just a sputtering mess! It takes him a minute to try to make a clear sentence!
Alright, alright, I guess a few guys would be surprised if the punk-next-door suddenly appeared on TV half-naked and talking like Grell Sutcliffe... but why would someone be so shocked that they could barely speak?
Compare it to when he saw Rise--- his surprise doesn’t even come CLOSE to how he reacted with Kanji! 
“Then why didn’t he want to go into the bathhouse, huh?!” the question would go, and that is a fair point. In the anime, neither he nor the Protag wanted to go into the bathhouse, same goes for his reaction to it in the game.
My thought is... he’s a virgin. Sure he can make the perverted jokes and lewd comments, but when the situation comes up where he has to go into a *ahem* ‘sexualized’ environment, his nerves rack up and he immediately wants to bail. 
Doesn’t help that Shadow Kanji was overdoing it with the ‘yaoi’ dialogue; hearing that, it would be no surprise Yosuke wanted to back out--- no virgin wants to feel pressured or teased into hooking up with someone. No different than someone being at a club and suddenly some yut comes up spouting ‘sexy’ lines in order to score, when actually they’re just scaring them off. 
Am I being biased? ...Maybe. I’m just speaking from my own personal experience, though. What I’m saying is based on my viewpoint on the scenario.
Now, lets get into the part that always--- ALWAYS--- ticked me off: how Yosuke often teases Kanji about his sexuality. 
The camping trip is where it begins--- Yosuke starts questioning Kanji on whether he’s gay or not (while I’m screaming at the screen telling him to keep his trap shut so I can sleep next to my man!); in the anime, he gets the Protag in on it too, resulting in Kanji bailing on them.
[You slept with a barrier between you and the girls... you also wanted to stab Yosuke in his sleep but there were too many witnesses]
Then Teddie turns human... and Yosuke immediately asks Kanji if ‘he’s his type’, evidently taking enjoyment out of teasing the stud. 
Sure, it may all be playful fun... but why keep at it? More importantly, Yosuke, why are you teasing a guy who could bury you under the concrete?! You were scared pissless of him before, now you’re asking if he’s gay and likes Teddie?? Do you NOT want to live long enough to get a motorcycle?!
BUT, once again, I have theories! 
First, the camping trip. Why would Yosuke, right out of the blue, ask Kanji if he’s actually gay? And after Teddie comes along, why would he be asking if he’s his type?
My guess: Yosuke himself is trying to figure out his sexuality. However he’s embarrassed to open up about it... so he shifts the subject onto someone who has/had a similar complex: Kanji. 
It’s his way with coping--- he picks on Kanji for his ambiguous sexuality, because he’s insecure about these new feelings he’s developed himself. 
Of course, hanging out with Kanji only makes his hidden feelings more clear. Need we bring up the beach?
“Dude! What are you wearing?! ...I’m seeing parts I don’t wanna see!” -Yosuke
“...Then, why were you looking at those parts in the first place, Yosuke?” -Me *while taking several pictures lolz*
Moving on...
Yosuke always saw himself as a ladies-man, but once the Protag came along and all this TV World stuff happened, he’s been taking another look at himself, discovering things that he doesn’t know how to deal with. 
Finally, lets get to Rank 10 of his social link--- where he challenges you to a fight after confessing how he was jealous of you for a time. 
I think there’s more to it than that. 
After spending so much time with the Protag, learning how popular he is with the girls and eventually will be going back to the city at the end of the year, Yosuke wants to get rid of these feelings once and for all--- via allowing his best friend/secret crush to punch him in the face as hard as he can, signifying that they will be nothing more than friends afterwards.
But... maybe I’m just overthinking things. I’ll leave it up for you all to debate--- are there any points I missed? Is there evidence to rebuke or defend my theory? Have I been looking at too much SouYo fanart?
...okay that last one is a yes :P
Yosuke Hanamura: Closeted Bi, or Just Bromantic? Let me hear what YOU think!
*please be nice in the comments*
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