#in which i make assumptions about what'll happen from here
makerkenzie · 2 years
By series end, how many years do you think will have passed in-universe, from the beginning of A Game of Thrones to the epilogue of A Dream of Spring?
I'd like to separate this into 2 stages. I think it's entirely possible there'll be a time jump between the penultimate chapter and the epilogue, and I'd like to estimate both of those time periods.
Let me think, from the first chapter up to end of Dance, it's been 2 years-and-some. Let's round it up to 2 1/2 years. Between now, and the denouement, we need to get:
Dany takes control of the Dothraki,
at some point Tyrion makes contact with Dany and becomes her new right-hand man,
Dany makes an alliance which provides enough ships to bring her army westward,
I expect the ships will mostly come from the Greyjoys and the Tyrells,
So we'll need to wait for the Tyrells to exhaust all their options with the Lannisters,
Although that won't take much longer,
But the ships will need to get to Slaver's Bay and back to Dragonstone, and that's a process,
meanwhile last we saw Winterfell, Stannis was there and about to run up against the Boltons,
whereas Jon was just murdered by his own men,
so we'll need to have the Baratheons dying off while Jon is resurrected,
not to mention finishing off the Boltons, and for that we have to wait until Lady Walda gives birth, so it seems it'll be another month or two at least until Jon moves back into Winterfell.
Dany meets up with Jon Snow and he convinces her the Snow Zombies are the bigger priority,
Meanwhile there's also fAegon running around with the Martells, Jon Connington, and Varys, so at some point they'll need to be defeated,
the news of Jon's true parentage comes out, and that's after he and Dany have been shtupping for a while, whereas,
the Wall gets knocked down,
and Cersei still has a lot of hell to raise in KL before someone wraps some kind of hands around some sort of throat, so that'll take some time,
but keep in mind a lot of these events can run concurrently with other events and I don't claim to know what the sequence will be.
Anyway, there's the King's Landing Ka-Boom,
Other items to check off the to-do list: the Tyrells get finished off, Littlefucker gets what's coming to him, Euron Greyjoy meets his doom, two if not all of the dragons die, and Tyrion chooses Jaime over Dany.
AND THAT BRINGS US TO THE PENULTIMATE CHAPTER, which I suspect will be just after they've gotten rid of the Snow Zombies and they're figuring out how to move forward with what's left of the Seven Kingdoms.
I estimate another year and a half for Dany & Co. to show up in Westeros. From there, I give it 4-6 turns of the moon before she meets up with Jon. We'll say 7 moon's turns before they find out Jon is Rhaegar's son, and 3 moon's turns until they defeat the Snow Zombies.
Based on 13 moon's turns in a year, that gives us almost 3 years between the end of Dance at the penultimate chapter, which means 5 years-and-some since the beginning.
BETWEEN THAT AND THE EPILOGUE, I want to say at least 3 years. Could be as long as 10. Maybe even more? Probably not more than 10.
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heliosoll · 2 years
The Old Story (and why it doesn't matter)
Recently, I've gotten quite a few asks from people who are worried about repeating the old story. A lot of these asks went something like "I can't stop repeating/living/thinking about my old story and I'm worried that will affect my manifestation". So I'm here to tell you why the old story is bullshit (kind of) and why you don't need to worry about it!
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♡ So, what is the "old story"?
The old story is literally what it sounds like. Say you're manifesting being rich. The "old story" is you not being rich, and repeating that old story would be any thoughts that don't align with you being rich. Thoughts like, "i can't buy this, i don't have any money, i'm so poor" etcetcetc, can be seen as you repeating the old story. Meanwhile, the "new story", aka what you're manifesting, would be any thoughts/actions that align with you being rich, "i have so much money, i'm so rich, i can buy whatever i want whenever i want".
♡ Okay, that's all good and well, but why are you people so worried about it?
Well, there's this idea that repeating the old story can hinder your manifestations. And tbh that does make sense. If you're manifesting being rich, why would you tell yourself you're poor? It does make sense that living in the old story would be indirectly manifesting it to continue, doesn't it?
But this is the fucking law of assumption, which means we can assume whatever we want and it has to be true for our reality.
Assume that the old story means nothing. Assume that thinking about it, worrying about it, etc does absolutely nothing to affect your manifestations. While you're at it, just assume that nothing affects your manifestations at all, including things like doubts and overthinking.
Remember the very basics of the law: what you assume to be true will be true. If you assume that repeating the old story affects your manifestations then it will. But if you assume that repeating the old story doesn't affect your manifestations guess what'll happen! Yeah that's right, nothing. It won't affect you.
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And now listen, I'm not saying you should fully live in and obsess over the old story because ideally, you shouldn't. But it's okay to get worried every now and then. It's okay to have doubts or get frustrated with lack of movement. It's okay!
It's important to remind yourself that You Are God. You are literally the most powerful being in your reality. You don't need to worry about anything or do anything special to live the life you want. And yes, while it's obviously very helpful to ignore your old story, it's okay if you have a hard time with that. Instead of getting scared that "repeating the old story" will stop or hinder your manifestations, tell yourself that nothing can stop you and that your 3D will always reflect what you want, not what you worry about.
♡ BUT JAY what if I don't want to repeat the old story? What if I'm tired of the old story and get too nervous about it?
Well baby gorls (gn), simply do not repeat the old story. It's not hard! Like trust me, it's not hard. People tend to overcomplicate this. Ignoring the old story, flipping your thoughts, deciding you just don't get those thoughts... these are all things you can do to stop repeating the old story.
Don't let yourself think it's hard! NOTHING IS HARD!! If it is hard for you, it's because you're assuming it is. Change your thoughts, be consciously aware of what you're thinking, and catch yourself when you're acting like a fool. The old story is called "old" for a reason. You don't need to worry about it. It's OLD. Even just one day of not repeating the old story is better than nothing. I know it can suck to hear but you have to help yourself! It is 100% the easiest thing to ignore the old story if you're telling yourself it is.
Assume, persist, and relax. You don't need to worry about anything else.
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tragedy-for-sale · 5 years
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Continuing to answer all of @burntoutwizard 's beautiful thoughts.
Okay so this headcannon is actually like so similar to mine about what happened. This incident happened around their 5th mission, they were all still getting in sync with each other but they all missed something and Wrecker got it the worst.
Tech would constantly openly reassure them Wrecker would wake up with facts. Hunter would be lost in his own head, but he'd comfort Tech when his thoughts started to make him panic. But Crosshair was silent the entire time, he was drowning because he's closest to Wrecker. Oh dear this turned into Crosshair angst.
Whoops >:)
How to Handle Your Best Friend Dying
"He'll wake up," Tech had been rambling, sitting on Wrecker's med bed (Which was really just two beds pushed together). He was swinging his legs over the edge of the bed rather fast, and gripping the sheets as if his life depended on it.
"Why do you say that?" Crosshair hissed, who'd been brooding in his chair, which was next to Hunter. The two had been silent all morning, listening to Tech ramble, jump up and down, and frantically checking Wrecker's vitals.
Hunter would always reply to his youngest brother and pick Tech up when he'd fall to the cold floor when his world started spinning. He'd then hold Tech until he passed out. That's when Crosshair and Hunter slept, but then Tech would wake up and the cycle would continue.
"Because he has to." Tech replied as he got up to look at the heart monitor, "Because if Wrecker doesn't wake up, what'll we do? What will we do with his room? His stuff? His armor? It can't go to any of us, cause he's huge- I mean- He's not just a big person, his personality is huge, do you know how quiet the ship would be if he wasn't there? We'd have have to keep it running all the time to have some-"
"Tech," Hunter got up, walking to Tech, pulling him into a side hug as he walked them back to where their chairs were. Hunter then gave Tech a small smile, "You're right Tech, I dunno what we'll do if Wrecker doesn't wake up" he sighed. Tech was holding Hunter's arm before letting go to sit back on the bed, continuing to swing his legs. "I don't even know what happened" Hunter sighed, sinking back to his chair.
"I keep thinking back, I sensed something, but I didn't trust my gut, and if I had, if I had listened." Hunter stopped, clenching his fists while he fought his tears. Crosshair and Tech looked to their older brother, they didn't know how to handle him breaking, he was always the one picking up the broken pieces of them.
Wrecker had been in a coma since they got out of their mission. They didn't remember much as they flew to the med station. Hunter remembers cursing as he pounded on Wrecker's chest to keep his blood circulating. Crosshair remembers his hands wouldn't stop shaking as he stitched up Wrecker's face, his hands never shook. Tech remembers having to take off his glasses because they kept filling up with tears. Today marked the third week of Wrecker's coma, they all started to lose hope and were all reaching the breaking point.
"..I, I'm sure he'll wake up, he's Wrecker" Crosshair finally mumbled, not able to offer much comfort. His own head was a mess, spiraling in his thoughts, which were getting too loud.
They all blamed themselves in some way for Wrecker's state. And if he didn't make it, they'd have a reason to blame themselves for his death. Hunter's gut was something they all trusted, because it was always right. He couldn't figure out why he didn't just listen to it. Tech is lost to the world when working, he couldn't hear his brothers calls telling him to hurry. He'd taken too long. Crosshair had been shooting B1s, he shouldn't have been paying attention to them, he should have been paying attention to see that commando droid.
The other two were had been very open about how distraught they'd been, but Crosshair had been silent, seeming unphased. But he wasn't, oh maker, he sure wasn't. "He has to wake up cause I still have to top his droid count" Crosshair eventually added.
Tech looked to him, his swinging legs coming to an immediate halt, "Crosshair, Wrecker could die, and the only reason it affects you is 'cause he killed more droids than you?" He exclaimed, his voice strained and upset. "That's the only reason you care?"
Crosshair's eyes widened as he turned to look at Tech. What? Crosshair had become so flabbergasted for words he couldn't speak. The pain of Tech's assumption breaking his heart. "Come on Tech, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that" Hunter stepped in.
"Then what did he mean?" Tech asked. His eyes were watery in anger, "The probability that Wrecker doesn't wake up is high, and all Crosshair can think about is their stupid game!" Tech screamed, tears of broken rage streaming down his checks.
"Don't act like you know what I'm thinking about!" Crosshair screamed back, getting up, his voice trembling, "Don't act like I don't know that Wrecker might never wake up! That we might lose our brother?! Just SHUT UP!" Crosshair hissed, Tech flinching from his older brother's outburst.
"Crosshair! Tech! Don't yell, we'll all upset and worried, but fightin' each other won't help Wrecker." Hunter tried to calm the two. Tech retreated, Crosshair didn't.
"Of course it won't help Wrecker, but here we are!" He continued, this time turning to Hunter. "Tech taking too long to open that door didn't help Wrecker! You not trusting your gut didn't help Wrecker! Me missing that damned droid sure as hell didn't help him!" Crosshair screamed, the other two falling silent.
"We might very well never hear Wrecker's voice again, and Tech assumes I don't care, that. That definitely d-doesn't help!" Crosshair's voice started to break, his eyes watering. He quickly turned so his brothers wouldn't see him cry, "You assumed I don't care about him,"
"Do you know how much that hurt?" Crosshair turned, letting his brothers see his tears. "I don't know how to express that I'm in pain, Tech, but you..." He shook his head, "I don't know how to tell you I'm terrified for him, and I'm sorry that you think I don't care, but I do, I care a shit ton." Crosshair shifted his weight between his feet, holding himself as he talked, his voice broken and melancholic, "And if Wrecker dies, I'm losing my best friend, you guys lean on each other, so you'll be fine. But me? I don't know how to react because I don't know what to do without Wrecker, I couldn't even imagine him not being here."
Tech looked down in shame, tears dripping from his face. Hunter immediately got up and pulled Crosshair into a hug, he didn't lift his arms, he didn't fight back, he simply stood there as tears flooded out of his eyes. "We're here for you Crosshair, we'll always be here" Hunter whispered to his brother. He hadn't known Crosshair had been carrying all that inside him for weeks. He must've been suffocating.
"I got you brother," Hunter continued, slowly rocking Crosshair, who'd finally hugged Hunter back. His grip was very tight. "We'll handle whatever happens together" Hunter assured Crosshair. Who'd opened his eyes as he thought, his empty heart aching.
"But... I don't know how to handle my best friend dying"
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