#in work limbo where i've sent out all the emails i need to send but nobody's responded yet and i also don't have anything to work on
leofrith · 1 year
oh we are SO back (deep in the hyperfixation with my own fic)
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tiredwithlifetoday · 5 months
Entrepreneur, a term to be hesitant around
This will be a little more broad of a post but I will one day tell some stories more about this topic. I have had a large variety of clients from social media creators, YouTubers, OF content creators, and a select few times people in the film industry. Obviously nobody is perfect. Some times people will get on my nerves or maybe we don't see eye to eye on some things and that's totally fine. That's just how life is and as long as I can have an open communication with the client then we can get work done or we can figure out if it isn't a fit. However in all my years there has been one type of client that really put it into my brain that I will not work with them and that is self proclaimed entrepreneurs. I have to stress this, being and entrepreneur is fine. I've worked with entrepreneurs and had a totally alright connection and got some work done. I am stressing the "self proclaimed" part of the entrepreneurs. This would be people that I swear to god, need to hit some kind of daily quota of saying the word entrepreneur or they die. This has been a few clients in the past and they are increadibly, INSANELY impossible to get any meaningful conversation with. These are the people that need to talk about the entrepreneur life and all these entrepreneur books that other entrepreneurs should read and that they follow these famous entrepreneur... you get it? It's kind of like the pot head/burnouts that only talk about smoking weed everyday and can't hold any other conversation. (I have nothing against weed, just saying) I've had times where they would send me something to work on and they always just send a file and say "Hey we need a video on this" and me being the person I am would instantly reply to the email, slack message, telegram, whatever and ask something like "I have received the file, is this something that needs to be a short? Do we need captions for this? What is this person looking for?". And nothing. I wouldn't hear back from these people for like 2-7 days. They would instantly go offline. Yes, this always put the work they gave me into a weird limbo because I'm not going to work on something with no direction on what it's supposed to be if we do a variety of content. This could fall into any type of content we would make. So after the 2-7 days pass and they reply, without a doubt they always always ALWAYS send a message asking "So hey, where's that video?" and I have to look at that message they sent, look just above it to my question, look back at the message they sent, slam my head on the table, and kindly reply "I'm sorry, I didn't have a direction to go off of for this video. What were they looking for?" and I had to just pray they would give me SOME information and if they did I would do the video same day and send it to them. Even on voice calls, this would be an hour long conversation of them telling me about their plans, motivations, where they are going currently (for some reason they are never at a desk and outside walking somewhere? I've never seen these people in a building take a call), and all these things BUT THEY WON'T TELL ME WHAT THEY NEED FROM ME! I get that you're trying to start a business, but you hired me to do a job and I am here to do said job. I do not care nor do I have any opinion on your other business problems, just tell me what you need from me and I will get it back to you as quickly as I can. TL;DR: If the person you're talking to can slip the word entrepreneur 5 times into the first 2 minutes of speaking to you, run.
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