#inanimate voresanity
cheesy-plz · 10 months
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Sketches before I go to sleep! Gn
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cheesy-plz · 11 months
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Last sketch wasn’t that good but, YIN//YANG GIVES ME HUGE PRED VIBES… (especially Yang)
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cheesy-plz · 11 months
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Mm clo//ver tumny :3
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owo-vore-time · 1 year
Another Day of Betrayal May Be Upon Us (I.I.3 Vore)
New I.I.3. EP comes out today and I want to get this out before it comes out so I'm in a rush and I will update this later with story tags
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'Another day of betrayal may be upon us…'
Candle thought to herself as she walked over to their teammates. Tomorrow was going to be a big day; it was going to be the anniversary special, so Candle told everyone the night before that they could discuss possible plans and strategies. However, in her sleep, the Inner Flame gave her a message:
"Another day of betrayal may be upon us…"
What did that mean? The thought plagued her mind as they sat down next to Bookmark, who was sitting next to Balloon. Bookmark smiled at Candle.
"Heya Candle.", Purr greeted as her cheeks slightly flushed. Candle let out a tiny giggle.
"Hello Bookmark. I hope you rested well." Candle replied, her cheeks also slightly flushed. There was a mutual attraction, but the two never publicly dated nor showed they were attracted to each other; neither of the two wanted to draw too much attention. Soon, Silver Spoon joined them, sitting down next to Candle and looking pretty tired.
"I still don't understand why we have to do this meeting so early." He yawned, stretching his arms to the absolute longest before he settled them into his lap.
"I figured being up early would help us get a let up against the others. We both know that Yin-Yang sleeps in a lot." Candle explained. Silver Spoon let out a tiny huff.
"I guess so."
"So… are we ready to discuss?" Bot asked. Everyone else said their own version of "yes" and with that, everyone began discussing strategies and possible plans.
While everyone was discussing plans, Candle was looking around her team to see any possible signs of betrayal. And while doing so, Candle couldn't help but notice Silver Spoon would be looking at Bookmark intensely every time she looked at him. 'Was he the one who was going to betray Bookmark by voting him out?' Candle asked herself. 'That'd certainly be in character. And I certainly have that.' Candle was thinking about how to prevent this when they felt their stomach silently growl. And that gave Candle an idea to not only keep Bookmark from being betrayed by Silver Spoon, but also get Bookmark in a secluded area.
"Is anyone hungry?" Candle asked. Everyone nodded. "Bookmark, would you be okay grabbing food for everyone?" Bookmark perked up and looked away from the grass she was fiddling with.
"Oh sure. Do you want anything, Candle?"
"I'm good." Candle responded, subtly eyeing Bookmark up and down. "Do you want me to accompany you when grabbing everyone else's food? That way, you don't have to make multiple trips."
"Oh! Sure! Thanks for helping Candle." The two both stood up.
"It's my pleasure." After grabbing everyone's orders, the two made their way to the Pic-Nix table.
Candle moved closer to Bookmark, and Bookmark slightly blushed in response.
"By the way," Candle whispered. "There's something I need to ask you in private. I'll tell everyone I'm going to the volcano for guidance from Inner Flame. Wait a few minutes after I leave and go to our usual meeting spot in the woods." They instructed.
"Okay." Bookmark responded.
The two eventually got everyone's orders and returned to the group. After some eating and talking, Candle got up and told everyone she was going to the volcano from guidance from her inner flame. A few minutes passed and Bookmark told everyone that he was going to check on Candle, heading into the woods. However, when Bookmark went to their meeting spot near a tiny pond, Candle wasn't there. Bookmark called out for Candle a few times but no response. Bookmark decided to just sit there and wait for Candle.
Candle was not too far away from the pond, practicing some magic. With a small wave of her hand, a rock shrunk down to a small size. 'The spell still works. That's good.' And with those thoughts in kind, Candle began to walk over to the meeting spot for her next target.
Bookmark continued to sit there, wondering when Candle would arrive. Unknownst to purr, Candle was slowly creeping up behind him. With the activation of her magic from her hand, Candle put a spell on Bookmark.
Bookmark suddenly got a weird feeling. The world flashed a purple tint and then the word seemed to shift. Everything seemed to be growing taller. Bookmark looked around in confusion. Why was she shrinking? When Bookmark reached a foot long, he heard a small chuckle and heard footsteps behind purr. She turned around and saw Candle approaching purr, looming over her. Soon, Bookmark was barely 3 inches tall, but at least the shrinking stopped. The now giantess let out a low chuckle.
"Hello, my dear.~" Candle cooed with a growl in her voice. "Sorry for the sudden shrinkage but I'm afraid your time on the show will have to be cut short." Bookmark gulped and took a step backwards. She felt a lot of emotions at that moment. Scared. Confused. And very flustered.
"C-Candle? What's going on??" Bookmark squeaked out while taking a step back. Candle just took a couple steps towards her. "What do you mean by "my time in the show will have to be cut short"??" Candle let out a half-hearted chuckle.
"Well, you see my dear," Candle began to speak as she bent down and scooped Bookmark up with one hand. "I received a message in my dreams telling me another betrayal may be upon us. And while looking at who could possibly be betrayed, I noticed Silver Spoon looking at you pretty intensely. So I figured I'd take matters in my own hands and take you out of the game myself. Just in case Silver was planning on getting you voted out." Candle explained, eyeing Bookmark up and down. Bookmark just stared back up at her. "So, I'm going to have you be disqualified due to absence. As someone who's been close to being voted out several times, let me tell you, it isn't a good feeling."
Bookmark looked at Candle's eyes for a moment before looking down at her midsection. Purr could faintly hear the gentle rumbles from within. He had a pretty good idea as to what Candle had in store for her.
"So, where will you be hiding me after I'm disqualified?" Bookmark asked. In response, Candle let out a low chuckle that honestly gave shivers down Bookmark's spine.
"You think you'll be let out after your disqualification?" Candle teasingly purred. Candle than let out a small laugh, sending more shivers down Bookmark's spine. "Oh no. After I eat you, you'll be alllll *mine* and won't be leaving my stomach anytime soon.~ I can't be letting The Floor get to my sweet little tiny after her disqualification, now can I?" Candle looked at Bookmark with a mischievous look in her eyes and a sinister smirk on their face. Oh how she just *loved* watching how Bookmark squirmed in their gaze. She should have started doing this *ages* ago.
Candle bent her index finger and rubbed Bookmark's cheek with the back of it, licking their lips slowly and eagerly. Candle then gently pitched Bookmark's handle and lifted the tiny high above their head as they eagerly looked at the tiny.
Bookmark looked down as her body filled with dread, watching as slowly, Candle opened her mouth.
Before Bookmark could even process the sight in front of him, purr was let go, sending her falling into Candle's mouth before it was shut behind her with a *tlk*. Inside it was warm, dark, and moist. Bookmark grabbed Candle's tongue, which stopped him from slipping into the throat which was eagerly pulsing behind purr. Her heart was racing, his cheeks were red, purr didn't understand why Candle was doing this, and furthermore, why a tiny part of her *enjoyed* it. Candle's tongue lapped at his face, coating purr in thick, sticky saliva which loosened her grip. All the while Candle hummed in delight, obviously enjoying the tiny's taste. The more slick with saliva he got, the more purr could feel her grip loosening, sensing the throat eager to pull him in coming closer and closer to doing so.
Suddenly, purr felt one of her legs slip into the throat, and, despite his panicked squirms, the throat swiftly dragged purr down into Candle's throat, gulps echoing around her.
Bookmark continueld to squirm inside the constricting, slimy, and muscular chute until he was finally pushed inside the belly, which gave her plenty of room to move around. Bookmark tried to look around but the only light came from the faint cyan glow of Bookmark's exposed eye. Candle meanwhile, sighed and rubbed their belly. She could barely feel Bookmark in there and Bookmark couldn't be seen at all. 'Good. No one will notice that Bookmark is inside there.' Candle thought to themselves. There was a few moments of silence as Candle rubbed her belly before she felt Bookmark moving. Possibly struggling. Candle could sense that this time Bookmark wasn't the most keen on being eaten, which Candle did feel bad for. However, Candle felt that this was better than Bookmark being possibly betrayed by Silver Spoon and voted off.
"Settle down, my dear." Candle said to the tiny inside her. "You might not find being "trapped" in here the most ideal, but we both know the alternatives would either be being voted out because of Silver Spoon or The Floor trapping you within his own stomach."
Bookmark didn't say anything, and Candle didn't need purr to. Again, Candle knew he wasn't the most happiest with this, but Candle still thought this was better than the other options.
"Besides, you won't be trapped in there 24/7. That would be crazy. Whenever it's necessary for you to let out, you will be. And when you're done with whatever business you're doing, you'll be let out." No response either. 'Either she's sleeping, ignoring me, or giving me the silent treatment.' There was a silent, awkward pause that Candle broke by sighing a little. 'I should get back to the others.' Candle began walking out of the forest, finally moving her hand away from her belly.
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cheesy-plz · 11 months
Comfort pred…… bbbbb
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owo-vore-time · 2 years
I'm yearning again. Can you two please eat me I want it so badly-
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owo-vore-time · 2 years
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Pred and prey moment
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owo-vore-time · 2 years
So, did this EP make me any less normal about The.Floor?
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Absolutely not would any of you expect otherwise /lh /silly?
Of course, the winks and tongue clicks were always welcome <3
Anyways yes I'd still let him eat me nothing will change that sir please eat me
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owo-vore-time · 2 years
Give me a B.F.B Inanimate.Insanity character(s) and I will share vore thoughts of them I wanna ramble
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owo-vore-time · 2 years
Dear God sir please eat me,,,
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