erabundus · 2 years
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@liroyalty / @thiirteenreaper / @diegesis-x-dolonia / @aceparagon for mention also! thank you for the asks, they're very sweet. 🥺💖
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vixlenxe · 2 years
@inavagrant​ said:
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“Better tell me what it is first.”
Untrusting of everyone? Even ‘himself’? More likely then you think!
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grislyintentions · 2 years
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Starter for: @inavagrant
The leaves of the trees within the pavilion bore the same shade of red that adorns the skies in her plane of Euthymia. Each measured step causes the floorboards to creak, decades of neglect weakening it's very structure. Were one to stumble across the Almighty Shogun in what remains of the Shakkei Pavillion, they would most likely be compelled to pinch at themselves in an attempt to seek confirmation of reality.
Yet, against all odds, it was indeed she that currently occupied this space. At least for the time being.
The sun has long since set when she departs. With only the luminous glow of plants to light the way, there exists both a quiet beauty and devastation to what was Tataratsuna now. To think of the extent in which the Fatui had been able to exploit the rigid thinking of her Shogun puppet to this extent, to manipulate her decisions through falsified information and redirecting her attention to quashing the rebellion...it leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth. Never again will they have the opportunity to do so. Never again.
As she rounds the edge of the clearing, Ei pauses. "The darkness does not conceal your presence nearly as much as you think. State your intentions."
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inyvat · 2 years
@inavagrant liked for a starter
Lumine supposed there could have been WORST things in the world. Like coming face to face with Dottore. At most she'd probably deck him in the face as she didn't see the point in killing the man. A quick death was too good for that person. Though she wondered what the former Balladeer, now named Tetsuya, would do instead.
It was thoughts like these that had her questioning if she was okay or not. Considering that the former 6th Harbinger had been manipulated and experimented on. She wondered if Dottore would be able to handle everything that Tetsuya gave him before begging to die. Or if he'd find his torture methods something like a tickle. She shuddered at the thought.
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The tunnels they were exploring were'd naturally made. But they weren't man made either. Lately the desert had been experiencing earthquakes, seismic activity, around the area with the tornadoed sandstorm. She'd gone to investigate for Nahida, but she hadn't figured that Tetsuya would be joining her. She rubbed her arm though that the unsettled feelings she was getting through the air. Because of her connection to Anemo, she could feel hints of something on the air down there. And it was making her queasy.
"What's Nahida think?" she asked her companion. "You can probably get a better reading of the air down here than I can… but it feels…. dark, sticky even. Nausating almost. I think this could be the Abyss Order… but I want to hear your imput and Nahida's thoughts on why she sent you to met me here."
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fatedevour · 2 years
♢  —     @inavagrant​​​ replied to your post “ Every Scaramouche out there ready to throw hands...”
tetsuya vc: bitc h
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   “  Is that the best you could come up with? Your list of disappointments continues to grow. To no one’s shock, I’m sure.  “
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vixlenxe · 2 years
I personally enjoy your portrayal. I really like how invested you get into your muses and you just let them run rampart. It's always an enjoyable and fun chaotic-filled read when you and your characters appear on my dash. You're doing a wonderful job, I really mean that. Like I can feel that you're having a good time, you bring your characters to life and that is actually something very difficult to do when it comes to writing in general. Anybody can write something, anybody can write a character, but giving them life is something completely different and I do want you to know that you accomplish that. Give yourself more credit, thanks very much for the enjoyable rps I can read on my dash in passing!
You also seem like a really chill person so always looking forward to seeing you around!
beep beep how’s my portrayal ?
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I write the characters I write because I feel like I can bring them to life. Be it through how they talk, how they act, or even if they just vibe with my style of writing. It also helps that I hyper fixate over them all, for reals, when that happens I will just keep fucking talking about them. I'm surprised ya'll aren't sick of me & my hyper fixations.
I mostly just have a lot of anxiety around canon characters. It's very easy for someone to waltz up & tell you that your portrayal of this character is wrong or too ooc(and I'm guilty of making some canons a bit ooc before. ripporni).
But I'm having so much fun, & I'm glad you are too! I get to happy to know that others actually read what I have going on, & enjoy it! I enjoy watching your take on GI's (b)rat bastard too! Tetsuya is both a riot & got a surreal amount of depth to him, more then Zero does despite them being the same character. I love he, I love seeing him. Please keep rocking him as you do, & I can't wait for more interactions with him & you!!
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erabundus · 2 years
@inavagrant &&. replied... a handshake is the best he can do
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❝ ...  ❞ it's a reflex instilled in him by centuries of meticulously memorized social conventions that has ren taking his hand. a few moments pass, before he asks, ❝ did i do something to DESERVE this?  ❞ follow up question — at what point does he get to let go? or are they simply meant to stay trapped in this perpetual cycle of hand shaking for all eternity? ( considering who they are, that may actually be possible ... )
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I want to give a shoutout to all my friends: @wiindblume, @wcyfarer, @aeviare, @tenebriism, @inavagrant, @scarletooyoroi, @captivemuses, @verdantscribe, @mercyburned, @pertinasities, @nekasu who have given me the best rp experiences in (and out since I've known tenebriism for like ever) the Genshin RPC. I love you guys so much and you mean the world to me.
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visionkept · 1 year
🌻  friends like siblings
⛅️ friends of circumstance
I am so late but please consider this humble offering
🌻 friends like siblings
⛅️ friends of circumstance
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Guess what Apollo, I'm replying this late SO WE ARE EVEN ! But for REAL this time. . . what if we plotted out the concept of Tomo being the REINCARNATION of Tetsuya's THIRD BETRAYAL ? NOT KIDDING ! I'm actually looking forward to exploring this idea more. It has potential and I'm offering TETSU a "LITTLE" brother that now happens to be 6'3'' and an ex wanted criminal too ! They would be the bestest uncle for those scaramona / scaralumi kids btw, they will even get the greatest cousin: TAMA . The offer is OPEN . . JUST SAYING 👀 @inavagrant
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momijiba · 1 year
seeing luna and apollo ( @starsdescent & @inavagrant ) also having matching keychains of their muses ship is making me smile ;;^;; it reminds me of avalon and mine matching keychains.. and something about having matching keychains with your rp partner is just..reminding of something like friendship bracelets..
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grislyintentions · 1 year
💬 + Tetsuya (for Miss Ei!)
Meme (x) || Accepting || @inavagrant
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I have given this some thought: How exactly does one define the criteria for 'motherhood'? Does simply giving life to another automatically make you a 'mother', despite having never raised your 'child' much personally?
These questions are, undoubtedly, difficult to define. Most others would hold differing opinions on what it means.
To speak plainly: I know nothing about being one. Yet the boy deems me one. I do not understand him, nor will I claim that I can ever fully understand him.
Though maybe the point isn't necessarily to seek understanding but acceptance: to accept him for who he is, was and will become. Maybe that is what it means to be a 'mother'. I would like to learn and find out the answers for myself.
My boy is currently in Sumeru experiencing life for himself. Last I heard, he had graduated and seems to be doing fine. Little by little, he is shaping his future through change. And perhaps I too, should try and follow his example by doing the same. Maybe then, I will better meet him at the crossroads and share some of his perspective. I would like that.
I wish him well. And will await our next conversation together.
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
Examine + deez nuts! (AWRAXAWRAXA)
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Where do we even begin with this one.
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Sumeru has easily remained a land that holds many boons. Yet, as many karmic cycles dictate, many lands that hold bounty also require to hold many more questionable things. And what better than to actually dive into the sauce better known as these...
Big... Nuts...
Something in you feels like screaming.
Ajilenakh nuts happen to be a really popular specialty. You've noticed it often taken into a variety of sweets. However, a monkey's paw effect happens to be equally visible in this measure. You can't help but perceive that there's a fine share of particulars no matter where you travel, the Akademiya, the desert, or maybe some cosmic plane in between these realities. There's somehow a natural understanding that these nuts are forever tainted.
How just going on about the word nuts manages to call the most belly deep laughter imaginable from many. To take the reigns of imagination and easily turn anyone into a wordsmith, catching the hidden hells such as 'Sugma' or 'Ligma'. From what you remember, there's only one particular realm where such thoughts are immediately banished into solely being in the mind; Aaru Village.
Legends of many jaws being dislocated to entire bodies being shattered into a heap of dusted bones remains plentiful. Some people who have been given the wrath of Celestia itself does not even dare to announce anything about these commodities, only referring to them by the given name, never what they are. For the rumors say that a certain Village Guardian has held the utter displeasure of some wise guy who had the nerve to apply her maiden name with Nuts.
Needless to say, the said soul in question has been atomized on the spot, both as an example and as a testament to fury of what their foolishness applied to the public consciousness.
Nuts in many ways, truly are more trouble than what they're worth.
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sercphs · 2 years
Closed starter for @inavagrant
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⠀⠀⠀⠀Mondstadt was where the girl was most comfortable, and she held some loose familiarity with Liyue. Trips to Inazuma had been spare, and always heavily supervised, but Sumeru was still a very unfamiliar location to her. Her few visits had largely constituted gathering some supplies or resources for the Guild, so she'd never even gotten a chance to visit the main city.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Something that seemed like it was going to be the case once again, as the girl's focus is distracted with a map in her hands - leading her to accidentally walk directly into a hatted stranger while distracted. It's not a forceful collision, but it is a collision none the less, one that results in her on the ground and her map a bit crumpled between them.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀A hand comes up to the back of her head, rubbing slightly as she orients herself to her new vertical plane, looking up at the unexpected obstacle. It was..!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Someone that she had no idea who they were.
"Ahem- One must have been beside herself, so thou hast mine sincerest apologies, o' unforeseen one."
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vixlenxe · 2 years
Me saying I opened up my inbox for criticism & @inavagrant​ sending only positive takes & calling it criticism-
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I’m being forced to accept love
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lowenzahhn · 2 years
@inavagrant -- ;
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It was difficult to resist the urge to smile at the sight of the little Dendro Archon speaking so animatedly with Venti, the pair strolling the streets of Sumeru City after talks had been arranged to occur within the hour. It was a story almost every Teyvatian was familiar with, of how the Lesser Lord had sacrificed herself during the Cataclysm, only to reemerge after and be cruelly imprisoned... a story that chilled Vennessa to remember from her own experiences. Only for her to be liberated and Sumeru steadily rebuilt after a revolution, a brighter story that made her nostalgic to think about.
Perhaps what was more ironic was that Kusanali's closest companion was a vagrant from Inazuma, much like how she'd originally been from Natlan. It was funny how these things worked out, regardless of the monkish man's frosty exterior.
"I'm not really surprised you have an Anemo Vision, Herr... Tetsuya, was it? The element seems to resonate with many people, no matter where they're from."
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killrate · 1 year
🔥 🔥 🔥 spill bestie spill
Unpopular opinions !
Disclaimer: this is not @ those who are too busy with life to write / respond to DMs. This is specifically @ the group explicitly mentioned.
Everyone here is a little anxious ! Some part of me believes that anyone that makes it into an rpc space on tumblr has a little bit of anxiety ! It’s almost like our membership card 💕
That being said, writing takes effort from both parties. You are allowed to be anxious and your feelings are valid. But if you don’t meet your peers half-way, yet you’re upset that you’re not really getting interactions, you may wonder why. Now, if you’ve gone back on your DMs and realized that you really didn’t give your fellow writers enough to work with in terms of plotting… babe, you might be the culprit in why your notifs are dry !
I haven’t had to deal with this type of writer in about two years - so this isn’t directed at anyone in my following currently. But it’s true and someone has to say it: some writers want to write, but they don’t put in much effort behind the scenes. And often times, it’s due to nervousness - or sometimes , because you’re not sure about what your character would do / want in a given scenario. I’m fuckin nervous too , messaging someone I’ve never met before ! That’s where brainstorming comes in ✨ We all get starry-eyed with certain writers , and we put them up on a pedestal. Stop that 💕 we are all here to have fun and it’s not that serious. Comparing yourself to others is no good. Don’t feel bad about needing to brainstorm and make shit up as you go, that’s normal ! That’s writing !!
If I followed you, I wanna write with you. So if I DM you for plotting to do a small starter / answer an ask you sent, and you give me a single CRUMB ?? I’m going to assume you just aren’t that interested. Why does one person have to do all the heavy lifting ? If you’re reading this, and you are feeling attacked, I’m sorry and that’s not at all how I’m trying to come off. I AM imploring u to step ur pussies up so that you can enjoy your time in whatever rpc you’re in !
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