#inbox meem
burdened-boy · 11 months
i have no idea what its called, but my gf has this thing where her wallet is attached to her keys and other doodads with a little chain. that way, its always in one spot and she can just grab it all at once.
kira seems like a very put-together person, so i could see her having all of her supplies connected like that, and within reach.
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kleinstar · 1 year
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gonna do this thing where i just delete everything from my inbox so i can start fresh! if i reblog same meem as last week you may resend the same ask though!!!
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Doing what I enjoy most....!! playing a cumbersome instrument.
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direstraitscomic · 3 years
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Dire Straits: in a very bad or difficult situation
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two years before The Robot War the RED team finds themselves in a bitter loosing streak against the BLU team who've somehow managed to procure a suspicious amount of fire power. With their tactics outmatched and the Administrators silence on the matter, the Mercs of the RED team grow exceedingly desperate. As their pay gets cut with each loss, and each fight getting more humiliating than the last they look to request the help of a third party. Through blind desperation this help comes from something most unforeseen. From something teetering on the very edge of mortal comprehension. Particularly from some poor bastard in the wrong place at the wrong time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOL YEP I'M STILL GOING WITH THIS. COMIC IS GETTING ONE MORE REVAMP. The final one god willing. More on the update under the cut!
So to provide a little context for those who've been waiting for this. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Real life stuff really came around and beat my ass. Currently, my situation is slowly getting worse but I refuse to stop now. The comic had to be put on hold because of how outdated it ended up getting. I did go back to revamp the pages before but I kept finding errors and inconsistencies that just didn't make sense. I feel this comic deserves the effort and I feel you guys deserve a good well-written story. Not only that, but Elly got her final redesign and it's a pretty heavy change. Throughout making this comic her back story changed three times. YES, THREE TIMES, because I kept finding shit that just did not make any fukin sense, some parts were terribly cliché and unoriginal that I ended up growing to hate and one was accidentally too similar to the plot of a game that, at the time, I was unfamiliar with(Maybe it was different enough to get away with I don't know I didn't want to take chances). I unfortunately am a bit of a perfectionist and have very high standards for my work; as shown by how many times models were changed between pages. This is partially due to the fact that she never had proper HWM sliders and setting models up for SFM is HELL. She kept breaking so she needed to be fixed up and given a simpler design to made her easier to operate. As of right now however, her appearance and narrative is set for good, she has HWM now, clean topology, cleaner textures and less bones. Not only that, but I had to make an entire map for this. That meant learning the ins and outs of the Hammer Editor, and gathering up a shit load of props. The Hammer editor (while very powerful) is a right pain in the ass to use, especially if you want a clean functional map.
This took quite longer than it needed to be. This is THE LAST TIME I am going back and redoing these pages, and this time I'm going to stick with it if it freaking kills me. I don't care if it's cringe. This comic means a lot to me as do the characters and those who've read it. Plus it's FUN and I'm allowed to have FUN Janet I wouldn't have been able to make this story if not for the help of @the-talon-ted-meem She well practically co-wrote it. Go give her love and spam her inbox with horrifying emojis or some shit Lastly, this comic is, in a way, made to commemorate Colin "Elliott" Wyckoff a.k.a Kitty0706. There's a lot I can say that's been said a thousand times already but he wanted us to laugh in his stead not be sad. In his honor, I'll help what he influenced live on for as long as I can. Pages will be uploaded weekly. Old pages will be probably deleted enmass soon unless people want to keep them. Then maybe I'll stuff them into a google drive link, I dunno
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
enough ask meem spamming
i should answer the ones i have in my inbox lol
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smutav · 5 years
Mogar E3?
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this is the last one i got in the inbox but I’ll still take exp requests through today
expression meem
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fawnnbinary · 4 years
WHO is in my inbox spelling it "meem," do you know how much that gives me the giggles?
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xkuja · 4 years
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SPEED: Currently slow, though that will hopefully change once things settle down around here / in life. I miss being around to roleplay consistently...! But right now I just have no way to predict if I’ll have both time and motivation at the same moment or not~. Subject to change once I can sit inside a cafe again.
REPLIES: Multi-para usually. I have no idea how long a reply needs to be to make it a novella, and I can’t keep Kuja contained to a single line... He flourishes too much.
STARTERS: I don’t mind writing starters as long as I have ideas and my partners seem enthused for them. I usually prefer that roleplays are continued from memes or prompts, though, as I like them to be put to use rather than just one-offs.
INBOX: Hahah what inbox. I don’t see any inbox what are you talking about~~~?
SELECTIVITY: I’m trying to be more selective with who I continue writing with. While I like to give everyone who wants to interact with Kuja a chance, my writing meshes better with some than with others, and it’s easier for Kuja to interact with certain types of muses over others. He’s pickier than I am about who sparks his interest, positive or negative~.
When it comes to shipping, I’m especially selective.
WISHLIST: Any threads containing conflict, violence, drama... Delicious~.
HONEST NOTE: I’m sorry I’m so slow right now. My activity will pick up eventually, and I appreciate anyone who still follows in the meantime. Come say hello~. I’ll even try and send some memes to people in the meantime~.
TAGGED BY:  @scphiroth​ *gentle hiss* TAGGING: it’s a helpful meem for those who have more to put on it than I did this time around~ please take it!
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landprotectedby3 · 6 years
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my drafts are empty what is this witchcraft
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rinkagaminer · 7 years
what's the dankest meemay
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kleinstar · 1 year
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// Just a note I have bunch of meems at my inbox but brain empty so I might just clear them for next week sorry about that
Also kind of stuck with event stuff mostly unsure what I want to do but I'll at least continue the threads I have on it now tho (in Edgar's case I need to wait out fmstuff from other thread so bare with me there)
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cryptiboy · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers💕 Got this in my inbox recently, hope you have a nice day!
I’m so sorry I’m answering this so so late but I did also appreciate it when you sent it even if I didn’t answer right away,, anyway I’m a simple man, I see
- my boyfriend ♥️❤️💕🥰😍♥️ ( @autitransylveon hes very handsome and funny and cute and talented and a sweetie pie and I love him a lot and you all should check his main out, and also his scene blog @scene-nekoboy )
- cats
- youtube videos made by passionate creators that are both incredibly informative AND entertaining, especially in niche topics I don’t know much about yet in videoessay format, give me those advanced powerpoints!!!!
- funney meems :)
- concerts and performances where the audience is REALLY excited and supportive and into it and the whole energy throughout the venue is just <3
and I go absolutely feral!!!!
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bleedsloyal · 5 years
inbox: 0
drafts: 1
erika: hassled
spare starter meems ma’am
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pucket · 6 years
the same old posts in my inbox stay there to rot. i watch the names of blogs change, catch the flu and deactivate and for what. all bc i didn’t wanna post a silly meeme
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guromantlc · 8 years
Send ♫ For A Song I Associate With My Muse
Alternatively, send ♪ for a song I associate with your muse.
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