#incentive and recognition
Employee Incentive and recognition program
An Employee Incentive and Recognition Program is a structured initiative implemented by companies to acknowledge and reward exceptional employee performance and contributions. Through this program, employees are incentivized with various rewards like bonuses, gift vouchers, or trips for their outstanding efforts. Recognition events or ceremonies are organized to publicly acknowledge employees' achievements, boosting their motivation and loyalty. Such programs foster a positive work environment, enhance teamwork, and improve overall employee morale, resulting in increased productivity and success for the organization.
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shareyourideas · 7 months
How to Set Up a Successful Referral System
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bitternanami · 1 year
imo personally just for me. i do not feel this emotional aversion to likes that artists on this platform purportedly have. and this is a perspective very informed by my having had the capacity, in years past, to log off from social media for an extended period and just make things for myself and my loved ones. theres an element of privilege in that, that its not my livelihood rn, sure.
but i honestly think anyone with the ability to do so should periodically make a couple things just for themself, just to reacquaint with the feeling of having created something. like, dont post them. it doesnt matter what numbers would show up next to them. fully experience the process of creation itself, stripped from any external meanings or emotions ascribed to it by adding public perception into the mix. ultimately the skills you cultivate belong to you. every skill you have belongs to you. do you feel like you own your skills? thats something im working on.
giving any sort of advice or soapboxing about this scans as really self-important to me, so like grain of salt obviously, im one guy. and unplugging the way that i did (that is, out of avoidance/anxiety) back in like ~2017-2019 or whenever it was was Not good for me overall! but i think it did force me to take ownership of my artistic skillset as a thing i am growing like a plant, pruning and overseeing as needed, a thing with inherent value completely irrespective of what the socmed machine would like to make of it
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avonmom · 1 year
Recognition of my team, #TheSuperSellers of the top sellers & achievers for #Avon C8 2023. #JenAntunesBeauty #AvonRep #TopSellers #Recognition #Avonincentive
The Super Sellers Team Recognition Campaign 8 2023 Recognition is one of the benefits I love as an Avon representative. Together, we celebrate one another’s successes & triumphs, no matter how big or small they may be. Building a business takes hard work & dedication. My job as a team leader & mentor is to ensure that each of the representatives on my team do recognize & celebrate their…
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townpostin · 21 days
Govind Vidyalaya Tamolia Marks Teachers' Day with Fanfare
Students lead cultural program; four educators receive special recognition Govind Vidyalaya Tamolia celebrated Teachers’ Day with cultural performances and awards, highlighting educators’ crucial role in students’ lives. JAMSHEDPUR – Govind Vidyalaya Tamolia commemorated Teachers’ Day with a vibrant celebration in its auditorium, featuring performances and recognition of outstanding…
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xoxodayempuls · 11 months
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kylecorbett · 1 year
The Psychology of Rewards and Recognition: Boosting Motivation in the Workplace
The Psychology of Rewards and Recognition: Boosting Motivation in the Workplace Introduction: Rewards and recognition play a vital role in motivating employees and fostering a positive work environment. By: Kyle Corbett and AI Assisted Understanding the psychology behind rewards and recognition can empower businesses to design effective motivation strategies that drive productivity and…
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wonhofeet · 2 years
it seems hogwarts legacy rlly is a game created for those who love harry potter but don't play rpgs >.>
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gabotaf · 2 years
Quick Facts: Grant of SRI for CY 2022
Quick Facts: Grant of SRI for CY 2022
Legal Basis Administrative Order No. 1, s. 2022 — Authorizing the Grant of Service Recognition Incentive to Government Employees for FY 2022 Budget Circular No. 2022-4 — Guidelines on the Grant of Service Recognition Incentive to Government Employees for FY 2022 Who’s entitled to the SRI? The following government employees may be granted service recognition incentive (SRI) for CY…
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zagglepropel · 2 years
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latenightreadingpdf · 5 months
Brewed Connections - Spencer Reid
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Summary: After his favourite coffee shop closes unexpectedly, Spencer Reid discovers Y/N's charming coffee shop and becomes a regular customer. Bonding over their shared love for literature, the two develop a close friendship.
The sun filtered through the windows of the quaint little coffee shop, casting a warm glow over the mismatched wooden tables and chairs. Spencer Reid, with his usual mop of messy hair and earnest expression, peered through the window. He had been searching for a new coffee spot since his regular one closed down. This one, with its shelves brimming with old books and the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, seemed promising.
As the bells above the door chimed, Y/N looked up from her work station, her eyes meeting Spencer’s. Her heart did a tiny flip. "Hi there," she greeted with a radiant smile.
"Uh, h-hi," Spencer stuttered, a shy smile crossing his face as he approached the counter. "Could I get coffee with lots of sugar, please?"
"Of course," she said, her fingers dancing over the coffee machine. "One super sweet coffee coming right up." She couldn’t help but notice his adorable awkwardness, finding it endearing.
With his coffee in hand, Spencer retreated to a cozy corner booth, selecting a book from the nearby shelf. But his attention kept drifting back to Y/N, who was now humming softly to herself as she worked.
Caught in the act of staring, Spencer quickly averted his gaze, his cheeks warming. He tried to focus on his book, but thoughts of the enchanting barista lingered.
Before leaving for work, Spencer bid farewell to the woman behind the counter. "Thank you," he said, his eyes meeting hers once more.
Y/N’s smile widened. "Have a good day!"
The next day, Spencer made a deliberate effort with his appearance, donning his favorite glasses and a smart sweater vest. As the chime of the bell announced his entrance, Y/N’s face lit up in recognition.
"Welcome back!" she greeted cheerfully. "Glad you enjoyed your coffee yesterday."
Spencer was momentarily speechless, struck by how captivating she looked. "Um, thank you," he managed, his gaze taking in her outfit, dark jeans and a Doctor Who tee shirt. "I like your shirt. Are you a Doctor Who fan?"
Y/N’s eyes sparkled. "Yes, I am! Are you?"
A spirited conversation about the show ensued, with Spencer’s coffee prepared and handed to him along with a complimentary chocolate chip muffin.
"I didn’t order this," Spencer remarked, confusion evident in his voice.
"It’s on the house," Y/N said with a wink. "Consider it an incentive to come back."
Blushing, Spencer stammered out his thanks. "I’ll see you tomorrow," he promised before hurrying out.
Their morning encounters became a cherished routine. Y/N had his order memorized and always added a little extra treat, delighting in Spencer’s surprised expressions. They shared their love for literature during Y/N’s breaks, their discussions ranging from classic novels to obscure scientific journals.
Soon enough, they exchanged phone numbers, their connection extending beyond the confines of the coffee shop.
One day, Spencer sent a text explaining his absence due to a case. Y/N felt a pang of disappointment but understood. Meanwhile his colleagues noticed his unusual attachment to his phone.
"Derek, what's up with Reid? He's been glued to his phone all day," Emily remarked.
"Yeah, it's weird," Derek added, eyeing Spencer suspiciously.
Cornered by his friends, Spencer denied any attachment to the device. However, Derek managed to snatch his phone and discovered the playful exchanges between them.
"Ooooh, pretty boy’s got a girlfriend!" Derek teased, waving the phone in the air.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Spencer protested, cheeks aflame.
Blushing furiously, he tried to reclaim his phone from Derek's grasp. "Give it back, Derek!"
Derek held the phone out of reach, his grin widening. "Not until you admit you've got a thing for this girl."
"I do not have a 'thing' for her," Spencer insisted, though his flushed cheeks and stuttering protest said otherwise.
Penelope, ever the tech wizard, chimed in, "Oh, come on, Pretty Boy! We've all seen the way you light up when you're texting her."
"Yeah," Emily agreed, "It's adorable."
Aaron Hotchner, trying to maintain some semblance of order, intervened, "Enough, Derek. Give him his phone back."
With a dramatic sigh, Derek handed the phone back to Spencer, but not before sending a wink his way. "You should invite her to meet us sometime."
Spencer rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "We'll see," he said, tucking his phone safely into his pocket.
The team exchanged knowing glances, eagerly awaiting the day they would finally meet the mysterious Y/N who had captured Spencer's attention so completely.
The bell above the door chimed, and Y/N glanced up to find Spencer standing there, looking a little sheepish. Without thinking, she rushed around the counter, enveloping him in a warm hug.
"I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were back!" she exclaimed, pulling back to look at him.
"I wanted to surprise you," Spencer admitted, a shy smile gracing his lips.
After serving him his coffee, Y/N declared a break, eager to catch up with the intriguing man who had become such an essential part of her daily routine.
As they sat together, coffee in hand, Spencer and Y/N realized that their connection went beyond shared interests and sweet treats. And as the days turned into weeks, their bond only grows stronger, proving that sometimes, the best relationships start over a cup of coffee.
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Employee Motivation Benefits | Sodexo
Sodexo offers a range of employee motivation benefits that are designed to boost employee engagement, productivity, and overall well-being. These benefits include incentives and rewards programs, health and wellness initiatives, and employee recognition programs. Sodexo also provides digital tools and platforms that enable employers to monitor and measure employee motivation levels and tailor benefits programs to specific employee needs. With a focus on promoting a healthy work-life balance and fostering a positive workplace culture, Sodexo's employee motivation benefits are designed to help businesses attract and retain top talent and drive long-term business success.
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"Is social media designed to reward people for acting badly?
The answer is clearly yes, given that the reward structure on social media platforms relies on popularity, as indicated by the number of responses – likes and comments – a post receives from other users. Black-box algorithms then further amplify the spread of posts that have attracted attention.
Sharing widely read content, by itself, isn’t a problem. But it becomes a problem when attention-getting, controversial content is prioritized by design. Given the design of social media sites, users form habits to automatically share the most engaging information regardless of its accuracy and potential harm. Offensive statements, attacks on out groups and false news are amplified, and misinformation often spreads further and faster than the truth.
We are two social psychologists and a marketing scholar. Our research, presented at the 2023 Nobel Prize Summit, shows that social media actually has the ability to create user habits to share high-quality content. After a few tweaks to the reward structure of social media platforms, users begin to share information that is accurate and fact-based...
Re-targeting rewards
To investigate the effect of a new reward structure, we gave financial rewards to some users for sharing accurate content and not sharing misinformation. These financial rewards simulated the positive social feedback, such as likes, that users typically receive when they share content on platforms. In essence, we created a new reward structure based on accuracy instead of attention.
As on popular social media platforms, participants in our research learned what got rewarded by sharing information and observing the outcome, without being explicitly informed of the rewards beforehand. This means that the intervention did not change the users’ goals, just their online experiences. After the change in reward structure, participants shared significantly more content that was accurate. More remarkably, users continued to share accurate content even after we removed rewards for accuracy in a subsequent round of testing. These results show that users can be given incentives to share accurate information as a matter of habit.
A different group of users received rewards for sharing misinformation and for not sharing accurate content. Surprisingly, their sharing most resembled that of users who shared news as they normally would, without any financial reward. The striking similarity between these groups reveals that social media platforms encourage users to share attention-getting content that engages others at the expense of accuracy and safety...
Doing right and doing well
Our approach, using the existing rewards on social media to create incentives for accuracy, tackles misinformation spread without significantly disrupting the sites’ business model. This has the additional advantage of altering rewards instead of introducing content restrictions, which are often controversial and costly in financial and human terms.
Implementing our proposed reward system for news sharing carries minimal costs and can be easily integrated into existing platforms. The key idea is to provide users with rewards in the form of social recognition when they share accurate news content. This can be achieved by introducing response buttons to indicate trust and accuracy. By incorporating social recognition for accurate content, algorithms that amplify popular content can leverage crowdsourcing to identify and amplify truthful information.
Both sides of the political aisle now agree that social media has challenges, and our data pinpoints the root of the problem: the design of social media platforms."
And here's the video of one of the scientsts presenting this research at the Nobel Prize Summit!
-Article via The Conversation, August 1, 2023. Video via the Nobel Prize's official Youtube channel, Nobel Prize, posted May 31, 2023.
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apas-95 · 7 months
Idk how to feel about China opening diplomatic relations with the Taliban. Yes Afghanistan's assets should be unfrozen and the entire reason the Taliban runs Afghanistan now is the fault of the US, but they are still an extremely brutal reactionary theocracy enforcing the most extreme gender apartheid in the world. It's not China's (or anyone's) place to change that obviously, but I can't bring myself to celebrate China opening diplomacy with them as a win for the third world.
So, in a word: non-interference.
You're right that the Taliban are a reactionary organisation, and you're right that they're in power because of US interference and invasion. Furthermore, you correctly point out that China should not attempt to change the internal political structure of Afghanistan, but the reason for that is much more than an abstract notion of sovereignty or respect - it is moreso a matter of practicality.
The Taliban are in power because they are the Afghan-nationalist group most favourable to US interests. The US would prefer its puppet government be in power, but failing that, there are groups it very much does not want to take power, such as Afghan communist organisations. The US directs more resources to undernining those groups than it does the Taliban. In any case, the Taliban are still better for Afghanistan than the US-comprador government is, but they are still ultimately in power due to continued US intervention. The US refusal to recognise the Taliban is an element in a continuum of intervention, attempting to tip the scale towards US-favourable groups - it is, counter-intuitively, an element of the exact strategy that is keeping the Taliban in power.
China's non-interference policy not only does not influence the internal affairs of other countries - inherently, it actively *weakens* US influence in those countries. If the threat keeping US-favourable groups in power is sanctions, blockade, and international non-recognition, then the credible promise that China, an incredibly useful partner, will engage with *whichever* domestic group takes power, no matter their ideology, allows for organic Afghan interests to express themselves and bring about organic Afghan political goals. Similarly, the provisioning of no-strings-attached investment, infrastructure, etc, makes US support of preferred groups less effective, as Afghanistan is both less desperate for support, and also has less incentive to take aid packages that include 'restructuring' demands.
In essence: refusing relations with the Taliban, like the US is doing, is part of the exact gradient of political-economic pressures that keeps the Taliban (the group least threatening to US interests, other than an unsustainable puppet) in power. Opening non-judgemental relations to *whoever* achieves power weakens that gradient, and strengthens the ability for the genuine interests of the Afghan people to determine who achieves and retains power. China refusing to open relations with the Afghan government because they do not align ideologically would not change that gradient at all, and could only add yet another set of foreign interests overriding those of the people (interests which could not be more commanding than those of the US military empire, in any case). Free and non-judgemental relations with a reliable trading partner is precisely the environment that weakens the political base of reactionary organisations, and strengthens genuinely revolutionary ones.
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avonmom · 1 year
Recognition of my team #TheSuperSellers top sellers & achievers for #Avon C13. #JenAntunesBeauty #AvonRep #TopSellers
The Super Sellers Team Recognition Campaign 13 2023 Recognition is one of the benefits I love as an Avon representative. Together, we celebrate one another’s successes & triumphs, no matter how big or small they may be. Building a business takes hard work & dedication. My job as a team leader & mentor is to ensure that each of the representatives on my team do recognize & celebrate their…
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matan4il · 4 months
To the Nonnie who asked me about the countries which recently recognized a state of Palestine...
First, allow me to make it clear why it's an anti-peace move.
Since (at the very least) 1990 and the Madrid Conference, the concept of negotiations for peace in this conflict was that Israel will give the Palestinians land to have their own state, the world will recognize said state, and the Palestinians will give Israel peace.
I'll put aside all the issues with this concept, since there still isn't any other model. Since 2010, Mahmoud Abbas has refused to so much as negotiate for peace with Israel, let alone make compromises to achieve that peace.
The model only offers two incentives for the Palestinians, one is land and self-rule, the other is global recognition as an independent state. Israel already gave them quite a bit of land (areas A, B and Gaza) and self-rule. That's never been taken back, no matter how many times Palestinians turned to violence since the Oslo accords, instead of giving Israelis peace. The only other incentive was international recognition as an independent state. That was supposed to be a prize they get at the end of the peace process, when everything is resolved, no side has any claims for the other, both have a state, and both can live side by side in peace.
What does it mean, when countries are giving Palestinians "for free" that which they were supposed to compromise for? It means the Palestinians don't have as much of an incentive to do that, to reach a final resolution to this conflict, and peace. THAT is why this is an anti-peace move.
Now let me try to respond to the other parts of your excellent ask.
but what does that even mean? Palestine doesn't have a singular, let alone functional government. Gaza and the west bank are not controlled by the same people. How can they recognize a country that doesn't have concrete boarders?
You're absolutely right. Areas A and B are controlled by the Palestinian Authority (headed by Fatah), while Gaza is ruled by Hamas. The latter is an all out genocidal, antisemitic, Islamist terrorist organization. The former developed from a secular, nationalist terrorist organization, and has never completely abandoned its roots, it just compartmentalized its terrorism ties, so it can maintain global recognition and legitimacy. But the Palestinian Authority still pays terrorists imprisoned by Israel based on how long they're serving (which means, based on how many people they've killed, known as the "Pay for Slay" program), it trains kids and youth to be anti-Israel terrorists, and Fatah also has "military wings" which carry out terrorist attacks for it.
So what does it mean when countries are willing to recognize regimes directly invested in terrorism?
But let's put that aside for a second, even if we pretended either Palestinian regime is uninvolved in terrorism, how do you recognize one Palestinian state, when the Palestinian-ruled territories are divided into two, due to their own doing... In 2006 the Palestinians had democratic elections, Hamas defeated Fatah, both agreed on joint rule, then in 2007, Hamas slaughtered Fatah's people in Gaza and took over. Which means, not only do you have two unrelated regimes, these two are actually hostile and even violent with each other. Why were the 2021 Palestinian elections canceled? Because Fatah is terrified of Hamas winning again, and then slaughtering Fatah's people in areas A and B, just as they did in Gaza. How do you look at this and recognize it as one state?
But let's put that aside. Let's go with the idea that these countries are only recognizing the Palestinian Authority's rule, not Hamas'... That raises so many questions. If Hamas' rule isn't recognized, does that mean Gaza, which is controlled by it, isn't a part of the state of Palestine? Does it means it's all a part of it, but Gaza is occupied... not by Israel, but instead by Hamas? If that's the case, why isn't the world protesting Hamas' occupation of Gaza? And why would Israel owe anything to the Gazans, water, electricity, food, medical care, connectivity (for calls and internet), anything at all, if Gaza is either not a part of Palestine, or is currently occupied by Hamas (which means Hamas, as the occupiers, must provide for it all of the above)?
And even with the parts ruled by the Palestinian Authority... Like you said, what are the borders? Gaza's borders are pretty clear, since Israel withdrew from them in 2005, and that was recognized (even applauded) internationally back then. But what happens in the areas historically known as Judea and Samaria, which the Jordanians occupied between 1948 and 1967, re-named them 'the west bank' (to emphasize Jordan's claim on them, as the holder of 'the east bank' of the Jordan River), and then gave up any claim to in 1988? What ARE the exact borders of the state of Palestine there? Will Palestinians coming from those areas to work or tour Israel have to pay taxes for those privileges, as workers and tourists from other countries do (and just how I, as an Israeli, would have to pay a tax if I wanted to visit Jordan, and did pay one when I visited Egypt)? Will the Palestinian Authority renounce any claims to area C, since they are now recognized as a state, but only in the confines of areas A and B? And if it is an independent state, what about all the terrorist attacks on Israelis launched from within those areas, will the Palestinian Authority finally be held responsible for not stopping them, for supporting them financially, for launching some of them? After all, if they're an independent state, they also can't hide behind the immoral excuse that resistance is justified when people are occupied. Because they're not occupied, right? They're an independent state and have been since the mid 1990's, when they got self-rule!
Let's not get into how, if they are an independent state, they should be providing water, electricity, medical care (remember that time Covid hit, and the Palestinian Authority demanded Israel pays for and administers vaccines to the Palestinians living under PA rule? That's not what independent states do) for their own people instead of demanding to be provided for by Israel (claiming they'll pay Israel back for stuff like water and electricity, but never doing so, because they know Israel can't stop supplying them or else it will be accused of causing a humanitarian disaster in areas A and B as "the occupying force"). Basically, the Palestinians juggle between demanding to be recognized as an independent state, and shrugging off many of the responsibilities that come with that, instead relying on Israel's "duty" to provide for them as "the occupier." Which is it, is Palestine an independent state or an occupied one? It can't be both!
If Palestine is a country, does that mean Palestinians lose their refugee status?
Not only they would, it would also mean they have lost it (and might owe back a great deal of money) since the 1990's already... If the PA rules areas A and B, and Hamas rules Gaza, why have refugee camps in these territories never been dissolved, and their residents settled as regular Palestinian citizens?
And let's not even get into what Palestine being an independent state means for the crimes against peace, the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by Palestinians, including ones in power, especially during Oct 7, but also since the 1990's in general...
Let's be honest here. If Palestine was an independent state and had to act like one, it would actually really fuck them over. They don't want to be one. They just want the perks and international political and diplomatic rights and power that comes from being recognized as one. That doesn't help the regular Palestinians who just want a normal life. It does help the anti-Israel terrorist regimes that rule over the Palestinians.
So these countries recognizing Palestine as a state now, before there's any resolution to the conflict? It's anti-peace, and it also only rewards the terrorists in power. But more than that, due to the timing, it's a specifically pro-Hamas move. This recognition is a middle finger to Israel as "punishment" for waging a war in Gaza. But Hamas started the war. This recognition is therefore a result of and reward for Hamas' massacre of innocent Israeli civilians, and it's literally how Hamas take it.
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That's what this step means for the average person in the conflict, too. No matter on which side...
These European countries are rewarding an Islamist and antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization for having launched the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
Let that sink in.
(also, yes to your footnote about the hypocrisy of Spain, which hasn't been as generous with its recognition of independence for the people living under its own rule, but having no problem rewarding antisemitic terrorists with exactly that)
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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