#rewards and recognition
headsupcorporation · 8 months
Employee Rewards and Recognition Program | Headsup Corporation
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An Employee Rewards and Recognition Program is key to employee engagement, making your employees feel valued and recognizing their hard work. Some Ideas for Employee Rewards and Recognition in Hadsup Way.
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sodexobenefitsindia · 9 months
Employee Incentive and recognition program
An Employee Incentive and Recognition Program is a structured initiative implemented by companies to acknowledge and reward exceptional employee performance and contributions. Through this program, employees are incentivized with various rewards like bonuses, gift vouchers, or trips for their outstanding efforts. Recognition events or ceremonies are organized to publicly acknowledge employees' achievements, boosting their motivation and loyalty. Such programs foster a positive work environment, enhance teamwork, and improve overall employee morale, resulting in increased productivity and success for the organization.
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articlebeats · 1 year
Do you think awards are important for one’s life? The answer is yes. Rewards and recognitions are essential for every individual. It can be a token of appreciation, trophy, medal, badge, or certificate. 
A person who completes the work within the period is worthy of such tokens. Is it needed for every profession? Yes, of course. Such medals and badges will encourage the best worker as well as the freshman in the field.
Recognition is a simple word that brings happiness to people’s faces.
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zagglepropel · 2 years
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vegahr · 2 years
Best Practices for Peer to Peer Recognition
What kind of incentives can you provide? What are the mistakes that you can avoid while implementing it? To anyone reading about this for the first time, these would definitely be some questions in your mind. Here are some healthy practices that can ensure a successful peer to peer recognition culture!
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strawglicks · 2 months
Guy that works too hard VS Guy that doesnt work hard enough
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 4 months
Which egg is a teacher’s pet?
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nataliescatorccio · 1 year
i just want people to know that just because your content doesn’t get many notes, doesn’t mean it isn’t worthwhile. there is someone out there, a living breathing human being, who appreciates it, whose day it made that little bit brighter, and who admires what you do. nothing is a ‘flop’ if it made one person happy.
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porcelainvino · 5 months
i’m glad you guys like my art 😭🫶
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tenderesthands · 2 years
WATCHING C3 EP32 AND LIKE BABE WAKE UP!!!!!!!! NEW INSANE ASHTON & LAUDNA SCENE JUST DROPPED!! god i love them SO much! they are so <3 my fucked-up-broken-but-trying-their-best babygirls <3
the acknowledgement that contrary to all the other members of the bells hells they are the only two who are visually fundamentally broken. the only two whose mere existence invites gawking stares and gasps. the only two whose trauma is out there in the open, on display, like a circus, for the world to see and judge. the mutual UNDERSTANDING and kinship that they truly cant have with anyone else in the group!
laudna dropping her happy persona and being serious and vulnerable with ashton, sharing her fears and anxieties about being irredeemable and broken beyond repair and ashton putting his foot down and being like fuck no! we are NOT irredeemable! but we ARE broken and THAT'S OKAY! we can be broken together. and we can try to be the best broken we can be. ashton making it crystal clear that he CARES about laudna and he SEES her and he UNDERSTANDS her. and laudna smiling just a little.
i think it's so important for laudna to have this type of dynamic with ashton, because as much as i love imodna with all of my heart they do not have this type of understanding, because imogen can do no wrong in laudna's eyes, she is perfect and beautiful and good and worthy of an happy life. even if she's a little broken it's nothing that the incredibly capable talented imogen can't fix herself.
but laudna doesn't see herself as someone capable, she's lost and broken and scared. so i think it's so so important for laudna to realize that oh hey!! here's another person who's fundamentally broken just like her!!! another person who clawed their way out of certain death and was scarred forever because of it!! and look hey, here's them trying to do the best they can with the shattered pieces they have left
maybe life does not have to be meaningless and doomed. maybe the future doesn't have to look so grim and dark. maybe she can try her best with the broken pieces that she has left. at the end of the day that's all any of us can ever do.
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miss-biophys · 1 year
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Researcher’s dream continues. 🥳🥂🍾
My research papers were cited in 300 scientific studies.
2012 ... 1st paper published as a BSc. student
2019 ... PhD award, start of postdoc, 8 papers published
2020 ... 100 citations
2021 ... 200 citations
2022 ... 11 papers published, others in preparation
2023 ... 300 citations
This is encouraging! Achievements like this bring me joy and motivation to keep doing good science. Especially in times when I feel like the results just don’t come and I have to work really hard for it.
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amoreenamp3 · 8 months
boygenius getting multiple grammy noms but mitski not getting a single one unleashed a wolf in me
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clonerightsagenda · 9 months
The neighbors watching two paramilitary guys stake out an empty house for 6 hours as part of a psychological prank: 🤔
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sugaronmytonguedotmp3 · 2 months
damn thesis is submitted
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zagglepropel · 2 years
Motivate and incentivize employees and channel partners with Zaggle Propel's rewards and recognition platform. Zaggle Propel helps you to increase channel loyalty, and drive employee engagement.
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elegantzombielite · 6 months
"We offer great rewards to a man who can tame a tiger, admire those who can train horses, monkeys, and elephants, and praise to the skies the author of some modest work. Yet we neglect women who have spent years and years nourishing and educating children"
Francois Poulain, author, philosopher, and priest (?? July 1647-1723)
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