#inconsistent art style vibes
rainba · 6 months
with luka and spicy foods, a scenario where they're both sweltering due to the spice, and when darling asks for milk, gets a mouthful and then kisses luka so they can share it... i am so normal about this man •//////•
Absolutely genius idea anon…….
If it’s his darling that’s initiating it, where you get a mouthful of milk and then try to kiss him, he’ll roughly lift you up by the collar of your shirt and just. start passionately making out with you… It’s as if his ego gets cast aside entirely and he really becomes a mess. Pushing you down onto a nearby table, pulling you onto his lap-- he'll do whatever is the most convenient at the time. (If you’re taller than him, he’ll just yank you down by your collar instead ^^)
He’ll be embarrassed that he caved into you like that afterwards, though– scoffing it off. Miiiight pretend that it didn't happen. (Ignore the fact that his tail is wagging..!)
However– if it’s him who’s initiating it, he’ll be sooo condescending towards his darling. Even if the spice is also too much for him to handle, he’ll do absolutely everything in his power to make it look like he’s got everything under control. He’s totally fine–!! It’s his darling that needs the milk, not him..! 
Luka would be sipping up the milk and pointing at his lips with a smirk, leaning down a bit closer to taunt you. He’s practically saying, “if you want some, come and get it~”
If you actually cave in and kiss him, he’ll grip you by the shoulders and be super aggressive about everything. Pinning you against the wall, trapping you, not pulling away until the both of you are desperately gasping for air. Super messy.
His nails might dig into your skin a bit too deep– causing some blood to be drawn. (He’ll kiss the marks to make you feel better afterwards! All while teasing you, of course.) Spicy foods tend to melt away his colder exterior... Most of the time…..
He really just sees it all as a fun little game mwehe
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thejudgingtrash · 4 months
Good and all for him
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But I say let’s bring back this diva right here:
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The upper two and the bottom four are physically not the same person 😭
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jenceno4848 · 8 months
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Screencap redraw of my favorite scene from 100 Epitaphs by the famous Ferry
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anon-agent · 5 months
Small art dump since I forgot to post these
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Testing out my new rendering brushes and Noodle and 2D are siblings your honour.
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And a screenshot redraw of Pac-Man
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magic-mountain-road · 21 days
Heyy we saw your art thing and got a request. We have a Pearl fictive we'd like art of if that's okay, please? (Yes, Steven Universe Pearl). She looks like source, only difference is small fangs and arm hair near her elbows (also she wears the pre-s5 outfit, the post Steven the Swordfighter one?). It's totally okay if not, but we thought we'd give it a shot. Thank you if you do this!
- Laura, bat king collective
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killadelphias · 4 months
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more workplace distractions: totally forgot about my "trash animals" series i drew for my coworker. now that he's moving desks to a spot w a bulletin board my artwork is re-gracing us after 2 years in a desk drawer
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estbela · 5 months
idk how would people describe my art ?
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milk-and-cereal · 8 months
i have so, so many unfinished voca drawings in my drafts. i am desperate to post them on here asap but my hyper self-critical brain keeps telling me they're not good enough yet and my adhd brain doesn't want to let me sit down and finish them LOL
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sanchoyo · 1 year
the job has been going surprisingly ok! I got most of my hours for the week done in like 4 days and im kinda hoping next week i can cut that down to getting it done in like, 3 and then having 4 days off lol. but i do have a webinar thing to attend tomorrow and im dreading it dskkfhkj. i never do well at live meeting call thngies. I do ok at in person ones but for some reason web based ones wig me out x_x (its only like 45 mins and mic only so it could be worse??) auggh
#just experiencing Real Heavy anxiety abt it. like im sure itll be fine#but also its kinda objectively funny to have a training/basics and faq webinar. after ive been working here almost 2 weeks? LMAO??#a bit late for training isnt it?? 😭 ive been learning on the job...#ive made a few mistakes so far and my brain is like. the person is going to call u out on ALl of them and be mad#but. the guide literally said u have 3 months to get ur accuracy up to a certain level . so i know thats just anxiety talking#BUT STILL.#at least i recognized they were mistakes on my own and dont make them anymore?? like im still learning TwT;;#i dont actually hate the job its very chill and a diff vibe from my prev jobs and the work is kinda interesting#like its prob not what id choose to do ideally. but. not mental breakdown type terrible?#like itd never be enough to live off of and the work loads are very inconsistent but. yk. its better than nothing#and better than going back to retail hell. ill die before i go back.#im kinda just hoping theres a lot of new hires at the webinar so i can just knda sit back and chill w/out having to say much lol..pls dont#be a small group...#i also want to try and list more things on depop tomorrow or this weekend bc idk whats going on w me#but i like. hate evryhting i own suddenly ?? and want to kinda overhaul my style...#ugggh. my brain is full of bees lately#sanchoyorambles#i also wanna post some art sometime soon bc my art blog is STAGNATING but i havent had anything huge to post#im working on smthbehind the scenes but its BIG and taking TIME
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bisquth · 2 years
Okay, so saw a twitter post. And the idea wont leave my mind so im just going to post it here coz i love tumblr too... I wanna finish that weird ass au thats horror theme lmk swk centric but funny...and wow so many wips... I had also start that stupid ass time consuming af animatic coz funneh n my drive is also just coz of funneh ... Good night im sleep deprive rn...excuse the hideous colouring i know...
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ayyyvivi · 2 months
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Hi I’m back :3
This piece was a lot of fun to make and for while I was absolutely hating it. I’ll probably end up hating it by the time I wake up and start seeing the details I could’ve added but at this sleep deprived moment I’m happy with the way came out!
I wanna to say thank you to the peeps that liked and reposted my work my last piece got a lot of attention and it makes me happy to see that you guys liked what I made
I decided to maybe use these post to explain how I came up with it since I saw someone mention they liked how I went through my art process so I shall be putting some description on my work from now on >:3
For this piece I wanted to make Miles swing through the city in that pinkish sunset vibe from the movie but I wanted to make it a bit different than my other sketches of him going about New York and I guess different meant a backpack that was swung in a hurry and all his stuff flying out of it! I tried putting as much detail as possible for his stuff flying out even a hidden Gojo ψ(`∇´)ψ
The buildings were a pain to make I’m still not entirely sold if I like them or not. And I tried to add lots of texture to Spider-man’s suit so it wouldn’t look so bland. My friend had mentioned to me that she likes it a lot better when she can see an artist brush strokes and it being blended makes things kinda flat and since then I feel like my drawings have looked a lot nicer! I guess I’m still getting used digital after drawing traditional for so long
OH! I should mention I’m really inconsistent with my art style for while I would panic because I know something artist must have is some kind of style for people to notice who the work comes from. Im kinda not like that I like being all over the place and I enjoy drawing in all types of ways so I know rn my work looks similar to Spiderverse but depending on how I’m feeling things can change so I guess my art style is being constantly inconsistent! Honestly this kinda gets more for during Halloween when I do my one inktober stuff so stay tune for that!!
If you guys got questions or suggestions on who you want me to draw next let me know! I know someone mentioned they wanted Spider-Gwen with a wolf cut so maybe I’ll do a quick sketch of that
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ohnoitstbskyen · 11 months
let's spend an hour and a half enjoying the Heartsteel himbos | PARANOIA animation analysis
I have decidedly mixed feelings on the Heartsteel band splash art, which are intensified by the degree to which their 3 minute music video was able to near-instantly endear me to every one of these idiot himboyband doofuses.
Heartsteel is a project that suffers a lot in being compared to True Damage and K/DA, which are the most obvious points of comparison to draw, especially since Riot seems (at least to me) to have committed rather fewer resources to their virtual band project this go around. Wisely, thus, the Hearsteel project decided to attempt a very different narrative and emotional vibe with its characters from previous efforts. Where K/DA and True Damage both presented their characters as untouchable pop-gods at the top of their game, bragging about their accomplishments, Heartsteel comes from almost exactly the opposite place.
PARANOIA is a fearful, defensive, defiant song composed and performed like a triumphal power-anthem, coming from the perspective of a group of industry outsiders who have all been devalued or burned by the mainstream.
Ezreal is a one-hit-wonder whose image got run into the ground by controlling management, Yone a legendary producer burned out on industry conformity. Kayn is a pop music bad boy whose spiteful arrogance broke up his last band, K'Sante an ambitious vocal powerhouse who could never find creative partners, and Sett a disgraced rapper who lost his contract for punching a paparazzo.
These, then, are not pop-gods gracing the mortal realm with images of their brilliance, but a bunch of down-and-out losers and untapped talents trying to claw back their careers with nothing but found-family dynamics, the power of friendship, and Jackass-style promotional stunts in their arsenal. The music video depicts them running a night-time raid on a film studio, stealing props and causing god knows how much property damage trying to film their own comeback music video.
It doesn't.... quite nail the grunge independent vibe that it seems to want to go for, it has a rather inconsistent diegesis, and trying to cram character moments for six characters into a three minute song compresses the pace of the video to an almost manic emotional experience. I found that most of its setpieces and ideas did not land with me at all until a third or fourth re-watch, and going through the video frame-by-frame so I could actually take in what the video was trying to say.
Once I did, I enjoyed it a LOT. The character animation is expressive, dynamic and immensely charming. There's a ton of great texture work going on, interesting lighting, extremely creative effects, and the emotional heart of the video - the genuine affection between the band members as expressed through boyish shenanigans - hits brilliantly... once you slow the video down enough to really see it. There is also a truly astonishing amount of work put into flash frames and scribbly visual effects, and an absolute embarrassment of screenshots that could be wallpapers.
Anyway, I spent an hour and a half talking about a three-minute music video because I am the world's easiest sucker for charming character animation. Care to join me?
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gkdmts · 2 months
I love your art style!!!!
Where do you get your references for drawing faces?
Ruggie looks so scrungly in your art, I love him.
hey there! i'm glad to hear that, thanks!!! : ) and thanks for the question too! actually i just draw faces (and people in general) from the mind, only using references for clothing. it's fun messing with the face features and expressions, so i simply scribble them in the most amusing way haha. though it often creates inconsistency in how i draw a character so that'd make a bad drawing tip drawing Ruggie is hell yeah, his character vibe is fun to play around with. here, some more of this shifty guy! scribble scribble
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dizzy-n-busy · 11 months
We love a mildly inconsistent art style
Shaw Pack Shenanigans !!
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(All the listener mates still use they/them btw)
Sweetheart and Sam are rich asf I literally do not care what you think /lh
Also Darlin’ stay being pretty, you know the vibes 💪💪
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my-maehem · 2 years
“I’m sorry— who are you again?”
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I introduce to you my MC, Hemera! I currently don’t have any L O R E about her just yet but…
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I’m sorry but can I brag about my idea of her using her wand as a hair stick!?!? Imagine if I made a custom hair stick wand irl………
Here is the little info I have about her:
She has striking red hair that pairs well with her bright, green eyes. I love using complementary colors.
Unlike the game where we are given a barn owl, if she were to pick her own messenger it would be a tuxedo cat. Feat. My cat Max, he’s an adorable menace.
Very cocky with an inflated ego, she will bite.
Uses sarcasm 24/7, more than likely her coping mechanism.
I actually made her American because I thought it would be a fun idea to have someone with an American accent at Hogwarts. and because I’m American hehehehe.
She likes to keep her hair up almost all the time so I don’t actually know how long her hair is yet…
If you haven’t figured it out yet she is in house Slytherin, although she does share some characteristics of a Ravenclaw.
Definitely gives anti-hero vibes…
OMG I FORGOT TO ADD HER BODY FRECKLES… she has body freckles btw, similar to the freckles Ominis has on his pretty face.
That’s all I have for her currently, I’ll definitely have more details about her later, I kind of want to do more character studies of her and ofc other characters… I also just want to find a simple style I can use, apologize for the inconsistency of my art style, I normally draw realistically and I’m trying to find a simpler style to use for like comic strips or interactions.
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Now I gotta draw these boyz:
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See yeah! 🍪
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moon-upright · 5 months
julian doodle dump ???
im obsessed with him. so ive been working toward drawing julian in a way that does him justice, and i grow closer yet closer.
here's my latest drawing of the boy (left) next to the very first one (right), which i made over 2 years ago now (wow!)
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im getting there.. i do love the improvement. the problem is just whether i can replicate this vibe or not. like if i draw him this way today, will i be able to do it again tomorrow? we'll see
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here's a random array of more doodles and unfinished drawings ive made between then and now. i doodle a lot, you'll notice. it's very much on display, how inconsistent my art style is 😭 though tbf some of these are considerably older compared to others.
i just want to get to a place where i can draw whatever i want and it actually looks decent a majority of the time. but im self-taught and have zero patience, so it's slow going
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that's it for now. i kind of want to post more art, so there may be more doodles here in the future. my lack of consistency is what keeps me from posting them most of the time. like don't even get me started on my backlog of esme sketches that don't even look alike
but maybe i don't even care at all (i do)
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