galacticspromo · 3 years
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                          THE EMPEROR IS DEAD !!
As planets across the galaxy celebrate, the remains of the Empire continue to wreak havoc on the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance begins to reorganize into the New Republic... but across the galaxy, faces from the past and future appear as the war continues...
GALACTICSHQ is an appless star wars rpg, set in the year 4aby, incorporating muses from all trilogies !
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movedonhq · 4 years
Good afternoon, tag lurkers! I just got done cleaning and now I’m online for the day. I’d love to see some apps in our inbox, whether for ocs or for some of our skeletons.
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rey1x1 · 4 years
ofstoneandseahq asked:
Of Stone and Sea is an upcoming, original, slice-of-life roleplay loosely inspired by life, the hardships it brings, and NBC’s This is Us. The plot centers around fifteen London-based, thirty-something year olds reuniting to help out their alma mater. Though their purpose is largely academic, they soon learn that being in the proximity of old connections and lost friends is a lesson of its own. - Hi Haylie, hope you're having a wonderful evening! Could we please have a shoutout?
                                               SHOUTOUT !
WOW! I absolutely love your skeletons suggested fcs! You have a set body diverse character, a great mix of cis and trans/nonbinary fcs and characters! I’m super excited to see where ya’ll go and tossing this in my recs tag!
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catastrophicadblog · 4 years
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thrive. revive. survive
in a world where nightmares are real and the dead walk the earth, the small community of fairvale shines like a beacon of light for those struggling to survive, offering a small sense of normalcy in a time there is none.
the catastrophic is a tumblr based, original character, zombie/horror roleplay for players 21 and over set in the fictional town of fairvale, georgia, that draws inspiration from the walking dead franchise as well as various other zombie related media. the catastrophic aims to be an inclusive, natural and collaborative experience for all our members.
                                    [please click here to be directed to main]
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kelownapromo · 4 years
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Kelowna, British Columbia is what the town’s 130 000 inhabitants would call welcoming, blooming and filled to the brim with opportunities of all scales. Its main industry of orchards has kept the town on the map of Canada since the 1890s and is today a local attraction for tourism, with anything between lush hiking trails to lead you forward into the nature surrounding the town; to the mysterious lake monster known as Ogopogo said to lurk beneath the surface of Lake Okanagan. It’s hard not to fall in love with the town, whether you be an older soul looking for a place to settle for life, or a younger spirit hoping to reinvent yourself.                         
                          Will it be your place to call home?
KelownaHQ is a Discord original character and town roleplay that focuses on muses of ages 30+, set in the ever so real town of Kelowna, British Columbia but with a mix of genuine and made-up locations to make the town seem more compact. Kelowna is proud to announce we are PoC and LGBTQA+ friendly, with a heavy focus on accessibility! Link to main is in the source. 
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nemesisadrastia · 7 years
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What is it? #incrpg is meant for all RPGs that boast inclusivity of varying kinds, but strive for all forms of inclusivity. It’s a tag that excludes discriminatory activities in the form of whitewashing, racism, inaccessibility, homo- and transphobia, misogyny, and other things. The rules for posting in this tag are very simple, and if your RPG doesn’t follow these rules (see: standards), then don’t bother posting in it, because you’ll only be doing two things: exposing your RPG as subpar according to these standards, and this will not go well for you, as well as putting garbage in this tag.
POC INCLUSIVE – this means no whitewashing (white characters with a POC face isn’t POC representation), the ratio of POC to white is equal (or even 2:1, it would be very nice), COC that actually interact with their culture in one way or another (even if the character is disconnected from their culture, the fact that there is a disconnect means they’re interacting with their culture).
ACCESSIBILITY – your RPG main isn’t a container theme, everything is legible (this means decent contrast between backgrounds and body fonts, as well as body fonts of 11px or higher), and you actively provide information subverting walls of text by promoting the use of images and bulletin points to convey information; as a rule, your members also don’t use container themes or tiny ass ant fonts. For RPing itself, this also means plain text, no small/fancy text make up, no excessive and pointless use of the bold, underline, and italic functions. You’re trying to convey information, in or out of RPG, not win typographic design awards.
NO HUMANISING OF GARBAGE – none of your characters, whether bio characters or accepted original characters, are active bigots, nor do they humanise these characters; we don’t care to see people RPing nazis, white supremacists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, ableists, etc (this doesn’t mean that the characters can’t experience these things, but that’s what NPCs, self-paras/one-shots, and backstories are for).
OOC SAFE SPACE – your members are respectful, and don’t subscribe to any of the above topics. Naturally we understand that as a mod, you can’t smell whether a member is racist or homophobic from the get-go, but if these things come up, if you want to post your RPG in this tag, you’re expected to deal with this one way or another; this also means that you as a mod don’t subscribe to these things, and if you or a member is called out, you’re expected to listen and consider this call out like an adult, and deal with it.
NO FEMALE BANS – if you want to post in this tag, you don’t ever go on female bans. As it is, female bans are misogynistic, lesbo- and biphobic, as well as transphobic; it just is what it is, don’t question me on it.
TRANS INCLUSIVE – on that note, have trans characters in your RPGs. Have nonbinary characters in your RPG. The more the merrier. If you’re an OC RPG, promote the apping of these characters some way. Let prospects know that they’re accepted, and for the love of stars, don’t subscribe to stereotypes either (do your research, and expect your members or prospects to do or have done research as well, if they’re cis).
FAT INCLUSIVE – are you a bio RPG? Great. Use fat FCs. Promote the use of fat FCs and the creation of fat characters. Just do it.
DISABILITY INCLUSIVE – make and promote the creation of characters with disabilities; characters in wheelchairs, characters with prosthetics, amputees without prosthetics, blind characters, deaf/HoH characters. Invisible disabilities are also a thing; have characters with chronic pain, have autistic characters, characters with ADHD, characters with learning disabilities, mentally ill characters. Avoid/don’t subscribe to stereotypes and do your research, and set the standard that your members do the research.
RELIGIOUS INCLUSIVITY – have characters whose religion is important to them, and don’t make all of them Christians; there’s plenty of religious diversity in the world, so show this in your RPGs. Have Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhi, etc. Have varying intensities of holding to their religion (one character might be more intense in the following of their religion than another character). Do your research and expect your members to, as well.
DO YOUR RESEARCH! – we don’t expect you to know everything. If for some reason, you’re unsure about the inclusion of a character whose culture, religion, gender, sexuality, disability, or general quality of life you’re not sure about, or scared of portraying/writing about, do you research. Ask people about it, read posts about personal experiences, just do your research, and expect your members to, as well.
Do you find these rules absurd or stifling? Then #incrpg is probably not a place you want to post in. Do you think some of these rules are good, and others are “kinda pushing it”? Then again, this tag just isn’t for you. There’s loads of tags for you to promote your RPG in, I’m sure you’ll have success in those. However, if you feel you can keep to these standards and find the rules attached to this tag reasonable, and you’re able to translate these things into your RPG and the characters you make, then we encourage you to post your RPG in this tag.
PROMOS – this is for promotions only. That means, a picture and a prompt, and links to important information you want people to see immediately.
NO UPDATES AND APP COUNTS AND SUCH – very simple; this tag is not for your updates or little notes to prospects, because it doesn’t tell anyone about what your RPG’s about, and it’s just garbage people have to wade through.
CHARACTER BIOS – are you a bio or skeleton RPG? Then you can post bios in this tag, as long as you don’t spam or flood the tags.
PROMOTION SPEED – be aware of how active the tag is; if there’s several posts a day, then you could, in theory, show your promotion once a day to make sure people know the RPG is still active. Promote according to what the tag is offering in terms of speed; it’d be disappointing if the tag were to show your promotion several times in a row, and it’d be annoying to prospects too, undoubtedly.
Obviously this tag won’t work with some community effort. If you, as a prospect, find these rules absurd, then just don’t go into the tag, because it’s not for you. If you stand by these rules, then try to promote it through word of mouth; let others who stand by these standards know that there’s a tag dedicated to them, their needs, and all-round inclusivity. The only way this tag (and, eventually, the RPGs that post in it) will succeed is by promoting it and being active in it.
Aside from that, this should serve as a community tag, and it shouldn’t just be one person making sure the RPGs that post in this tag uphold the standards provided in the rules. This should be a community effort, and if an RPG posts that breaks these rules, don’t hesitate to contact them to make them aware of this post and the rules provided.
Have anything to add to this post? Reblog it with your comment. Do you feel the rules need to be revised in some way, or an important inclusion point was missed? Shoot me an ask! Want to complain to me about how this is reverse racism or cissexism or whatever else? Contact me and allow me to block you!
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skybournerp · 7 years
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       “I want people to be afraid of the woman I dress”
Name: Alexia Correa Nickname: Alex Age: Eighteen Date & Place of Birth: March 2nd, 1999 & Rio de Janiero, Brazil Sexuality: Up to Player Pronouns: She/Her Faceclaim: Barbie Ferreira Alternate FCs: N/A Status: OPEN
Major: Fashion Design Classification: Freshman Occupation: Student Rank: Hero Power: Super Strength Limitations: It can be difficult to control her own strength to do activities such as sewing with a needle and not breaking it.
+  driven, innovative, influential –  spoiled, naive, short-tempered
One would think that a girl with the entire world and everything it could offer at her fingertips would be satisfied, sated, and want nothing more. The youngest of four to Augusto and Valentina Correa, household names in superhero technology, Alex Correa had it all, and yet none of it was what she truly desired. All the Correa children would come to develop athletic abilities, and with their eldest daughter already finding her way in the world, they expected the same of their three other children. But Alex proved to be more demanding than her brother and sisters. 
Nothing seemed enough for the ‘princesa,’ as lovingly dubbed by her siblings. Countless maids, personal drivers, home chefs, and private academies were cycled through until her parents finally cracked down and threatened the loss of allowance and, god forbid, mandatory attendance in a public school. Alex’s temperament mellowed for a few years, acquiescing to her parents’ wishes, but flared up again when she developed her superpower: super strength. Augusto and Valentina were overjoyed, and immediately signed up Alex for weight-lifting, wrestling, and jiu-jitsu, much to the girl’s dismay. None of these sports were cute. It was too easy to overpower the other students and win. And the more she won, the more her parents were invested in her abilities and hovering over her. Where was the fun in that? 
The pressure only grew once she entered superhero high school. All her past wins–the medals, the trophies, the notoriety–ensured that most of the student body knew her by name, or at least knew of her reputation. They all expected greatness. And she wasn’t willing to deliver it. Not once had anyone asked her what she was interested in. Not once had anyone allowed her to truly speak her mind. She began to lash out, slacking in school work, losing in tournaments, skipping out on classes and practices. It became the new norm, but as the years progressed, Alex could no longer relish in being a disappointment. 
Having just barely graduated high school, with no real-life plans to speak of, Alex made a choice. Collecting some of the more valuable, less-likely-to-be-missed items scattered about her family’s grand estate, she bartered and pawned until she had enough money of her own to purchase a plane ticket. She was on her way to the United States to live with a friend, bringing little else other than a suitcase of clothes and a few other items to sell once stateside. No one in her family but her sister Joana knew of her plans. She and Joana arranged a taxi ride to the airport, and with a long hug goodbye, Alex left her legacy and family behind. 
A few months passed, and Alex found herself in the process of applying to Skybourne University. All those years of neglected training left her powers unstable, volatile, difficult to control, and deep down, it scared her. But she also needed something to do with her time here, and didn’t want to have to start work at a low-income job and then work her way up. So Skybourne seemed like the best idea. And anyways, they had a fashion design program headed by world-renowned designer Phoenix Tseng, which immediately appealed to Alex. Hopefully her courses would provide her some insight on what to do with her life and how to make herself happy, and no one else. 
Augusto Correa (father - estranged) Valentina Correa (mother - estranged) Isabelle Correa (oldest sister - estranged) Ryan Correa (older brother - estranged) Joana Correa (older sister - alive)
Phoenix Tseng: Everyone who is anyone in the super hero community knows of Phoenix Tseng. They make the best costumes. And Alexia is determined to win them over so she can get an internship with them. After all they are one of her main reasons for attending Skybourne.
Leah Johnson: The two of them have been assigned as roommates and Alex is excited to get to know the girl. Ever since meeting her, Alex has been toying with the idea of asking Leah to put her in contact with the theater director so she can try costume design.
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driftwoodpromo-blog · 7 years
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The Strangers ; Two
Who Woke Up In Room 202?
You wake up. You wake up and your head pounds like a jackhammer, and there’s a bottle of pills on your bed. You open it, even as your headache grows worse. Unmarked bottle, orange round pills, imprint 44 218. Aspirin. No memories of how you got here, not even a name, and a bottle of pills you can identify by sight. You dry swallow one, thankful, even if you know nothing else.
You close your eyes, waiting for the pain to subside, but it increases as you get flashes of a past you don’t remember. The first memory that comes to you is of the whistle of an arrow. You’re 12, maybe 13 in a misty forest and someone is whispering in your ear about being upwind of the deer. That’s all you recall, but you know that wasn’t the first or the last time you ate something you hunted. The next memory brings a smile. It’s the slide of fabric of a white coat, the weight of a stethoscope laid across the back of your neck. Nothing else comes, not locations or faces or names or who taught you to skin a deer or even if you studied to earn that coat.
You hide the bottle in the pocket of your hospital scrubs, and if one of the six Strangers hears pills rattling on your person, well, that’s both your secrets.
+ : Conscientious, imaginative, dependable.
- : Socially awkward, dramatic, judgmental.
Age Range: 22-25
Suggested Face Claims: Malese Jow, Jacob Artist, Aisha Dee, Alberto Rosende
Who Are The Other Strangers To You?
You suppose One is the leader of your little merry band of misfits. They are the one the others look up to, or are gunning for to take top spot, so you’ll throw your weight in behind them. You feel like you make a better follower than leader and One is clearly a leader, you feel like you can trust them. Or at least trust them a fraction more than the rest.
Five is dangerous, you could tell from the first day. They eyed the knife rack in the Grey Seagull’s kitchen a little too gleefully, and you see them whispering with Three. One distrusts Three, but they don’t see the snake in the grass of Five you think. Luckily you’re there to back One up, so you’ll be keeping a careful eye on Five.
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silverduckie · 4 years
Okay so I know we all “misuse the tags,” but given theres now drama about the tags that I’m being forced to read on my personal dashboard, lemme just remind people what the original purposes of each of the tags are because #WhyNot. I’ve been on this website way too long, so I actually remember when some of these were added into the mix. #oops
RPH - roleplay help
RPT - roleplay talk
RPA - roleplay advice
RPC - roleplay community (edit: it also could have been a critique tag, one of the two!)
RPHR - defunct, I think, but it was roleplay help resources where you used to be able to see only resources with zero drama tolerated in it. (I miss it, we should bring it back)
Edit: @rey1x1​ reminded md of tags I was missing so I’m gonna include those here too!!
RPCW which is Role-play critique writers (like reviews and opinions for rps but also more about writing or it used to be) along w/
RPCHA - Roleplay Critic Helper Assistant 
AFCH - Actual Faceclaim Help or Alternate Faceclaim Help
FCH - Faceclaim Help 
CBR - Could Be Related
RPHP - roleplay helper promo
for like status updates or asking for requests
And these last two aren’t rph but I think they’re great so thanks to Haylie for pointing them out:
INCRPG - Tag for inclusive rps, click anywhere in this link for tag rules
SRPGC - Safe Roleplay Game Community, Another tag for inclusive rps, similar to the above but click anywhere in this link for the post proposing it!
/end of edit
I don’t care how you use the tags, obviously, other than like the rphr one - if we bring that back I care (edit: I also care about the inclusive ones). But I figured I might as well share a brief history lesson. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves (drinking water, taking breaks, self care is important folks) and I hope you have a good night / morning / why @ timezones. 💕💕
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galacticspromo · 4 years
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                          THE EMPEROR IS DEAD !!
As planets across the galaxy celebrate, the remains of the Empire continue to wreak havoc on the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance begins to reorganize into the New Republic... but across the galaxy, faces from the past and future appear as the war continues...
GALACTICSHQ is an appless star wars rpg, set in the year 4aby, incorporating muses from all trilogies !
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movedonhq · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Blake Jaxon Fitzgerald
AGE: 33
GENDER IDENTITY: Transgender & Nonbinary
PRONOUNS: He/Him or They/Them
DESCRIPTION: Subject is approximately 5′1″ with hazel eyes and dark brown hair and is white. Subject had family in Bunker 48, but they have since passed. Subject is known to be UTP, UTP, and UTP. Subject took pills regularly until the passing of their family, then refused and fled from their assigned bunker. Interacting with subject is not advised.
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rey1x1 · 6 years
the incrpg tag is a great idea, but the op is an exclusionist
Oof yeahhh just saw that, thank you nonnie!!
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catastrophicadblog · 4 years
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thrive. revive. survive
in a world where nightmares are real and the dead walk the earth, the small community of fairvale shines like a beacon of light for those struggling to survive, offering a small sense of normalcy in a time there is none.
the catastrophic is a tumblr based, original character, zombie/horror roleplay for players 21 and over set in the fictional town of fairvale, georgia, that draws inspiration from the walking dead franchise as well as various other zombie related media. the catastrophic aims to be an inclusive, natural and collaborative experience for all our members.
                                    [please click here to be directed to main]
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driftwoodpromo-blog · 7 years
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The Strangers ; Six
Who Woke Up In Room 206?
You wake up. You wake up and it feels like there’s a spike being driven right through the center of your brain. You look around, and there’s a book on the bedside. It’s dark green, almost black with a bright red flower embossed on the cover. Flowers of Coast and Sierra by Edith S. Clements. You flip through it, noticing the names of colorful flowers and half second snatches of their uses, their origins. No memories of how you got here, not even a name, but a book of flower origins, how ironic. You understand how useful it really is, irony aside, even if you know nothing else.
You close your eyes, which relieves your head only slightly, but there is something else than comfort lurking behind your eyes. The first memory that comes to you is of applause. You’re in middle school you think, so maybe 11 or 12. There’s a bright light to match the clear voices echoing around as you step up to a microphone. The memory disappears before you sing. You know that solo, any musical pursuit, you were a natural at it. The next memory is that of words. You’re in a dark bedroom, practicing conjunctive verbs in a language you identify as Spanish. That’s not the only language you know, but it was the first one you learned. Nothing else comes, not locations or faces or names or if there’s an instrument you don’t know or if there’s a language not stored in your brain.
You hide the book, in the squeaky drawer next to the bed, underneath the Gideon Bible. When you met the six Strangers in the hallway, you tell them you think you’re on the West Coast, but keep the book secret.
+ : Generous, kind, eccentric.
- : Reckless, morbid, distractible.
Age Range: 30-32
Suggested Face Claims: Lupita Nyong'o, Riz Ahmed, Alfonso Herrera, Diane Guerrero.
Important: Six is nonbinary and uses they/them prouns
Who Are The Other Strangers To You?
That headache persisted, until Two noticed you wincing at the bright lights. They stopped you and dumped two pills in your hand, pressing a water bottle into your hands as well. That was the instant you knew you could trust Two absolutely. If One’s thoughts were clouded by their beef with Three, you know Two will have your back.
Three is… a character. You were the first one to notice the handcuffs, which you pointed out to One. For the good of the group of course, but you never expected it to result in the low simmering feud between One and Three. You feel sorry for Three, in fact, you’re certain underneath it all, Three is actually a good person when it comes down to it. You’re just waiting for that moment to come.
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galacticspromo · 4 years
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                          THE EMPEROR IS DEAD !!
As planets across the galaxy celebrate, the remains of the Empire continue to wreak havoc on the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance begins to reorganize into the New Republic... but across the galaxy, faces from the past and future appear as the war continues...
GALACTICSHQ is an appless star wars rpg, set in the year 4aby, incorporating muses from all trilogies !
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movedonhq · 4 years
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FULL NAME: Katalina Aiyana Koch
AGE: 31
DESCRIPTION: Subject is approximately 5′3″ with blue eyes, black hair, and is black. Subject has family in Bunker 34. Subject is known to be UTP, UTP, and UTP. Subject was compliant for awhile, then fled from their assigned bunker. Interacting with subject is not advised.
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