#moved on rp
lastcellontheleft · 5 months
We didn’t get a S4 announcement, but you know what the absolute best thing about today’s C2E2 Hannibal panel truly was? 
For almost the first time since the show ended, Fannibals showed how profitable Hannibal can still be. 
C2E2 sold out of their remaining VIP ticket packages with guaranteed panel seating within 48 hours of the reunion announcement. Paid PopVerse subscriptions to stream the panel spiked with previously untapped demos (if socials are anything to go by). The largest event hall at C2E2 was overcapacity 45 minutes before the panel; while that’s normal for cons like SDCC and NYCC, in my experience that’s less common at C2E2.
Not to mention Mads and Hugh making bank with autograph and photo-op sales; a huge component of drawing in good talent to table at cons as well, making sure they make enough over the weekend to justify their presence beyond panel appearances. From a talent booking/event management perspective, this is the absolute dream scenario.
So, here’s the super fun part: ReedPop, the company that owns C2E2, also owns/operates New York Comic Con (NYCC), one of the highest-profile US entertainment conventions after San Diego Comic-Con. Now that ReedPop is aware of the viability of Hannibal programming, it would be extremely surprising if RP didn’t attempt a run at a larger, proper reunion panel at NYCC.
Honestly, great job, team. 2024 could very well be the year we get real buzz going again!
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enderwoah · 1 year
watching martyn's lore stream yesterday was so funny bc grian is literally never beating the Watcher allegations. martyn said that he was DMing him to betray scott and get a move on because it was all taking too long. after it was all over he DMed martyn saying that that was the best decision to make there. if you watch from scott's pov, you can hear him say "finallyy" after impulse dies and martyn is going on his little rant. like he doesn't ever do it on purpose but it's actually so funny this is why he was chosen to be a watcher isn't it My God
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gothamcity-official · 12 days
It's Friday the 13th!
Scarecrow has escaped but has not yet set off any fear gas. Keep an eye on your BatWatch apps and this account to stay informed.
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Sqeak Squeak:
Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak Squeak.
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astroninaaa · 1 year
forever has just paused his stream to explain that
1. all of this is rp, cellbit and him are good and not actually mad at each other, what happens in the qsmp stays on the qsmp!
2. he agrees that q!forever is in the wrong. he thinks what happened shows that q!forever is truly at his lowest point, bc q!forever’s whole thing is that his main goal is to protect not only richarlyson but all the eggs, so the fact he hurt leonarda just showcases how much he’s losing it. (and my own note: it so is against q!forever’s morals that he immediately went to apologize to q!foolish and explain himself after)
3. he wants to remind the audience that in the last couple days q!forever has genuinely been going crazier and crazier and getting more tense by the second, being away from richas and not knowing if richas is safe, being stressed with the whole judgement that might make it so he isn’t even richas’s dad anymore, having the french doubt him and his motivations towards protecting the eggs (before he did anything to leonarda), and now being frustrated with the fact his xp farm (that he’s put hours of work and effort on) has been ruined. so while q!forever is in the wrong and definitely not in his right mind, this is not something that’s coming out of nowhere.
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atthebell · 9 months
cellbit deciding not to tell richas they threatened his life and having to pretend everything was okay before the blue bird mission is up there as one of the rawest qcellbit moments tbh
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cavalierfou · 1 year
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TEXTURE PACK – by cavalierfou
This pack comprises 15 simple textures.
I made all of these from scratch. You do not have to credit me when using them but please do not steal, redistribute or claim them as your own.
Please consider liking or reblogging this post if you use this resource.
I hope you enjoy them! ♡    DOWNLOAD HERE
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ephemxras · 2 months
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little guy ! 🍓
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writing-for-life · 2 months
Dream’s Therapist
I am in the last throes of preparing with previous session notes (Intake, Insomnia, Nightmares, Emotions, Parents) when my receptionist informs me that the client has arrived. Slightly early again, but we are getting used to it at this point, to the degree that it would seem patently strange if he were on time or late. She informs me he has, as usual, brought a book to pass the time.
When the client walks into my office, I note said book is “Molloy” by Samuel Beckett, which he holds in his right hand. A moment later, it has disappeared, and I catch myself wondering where to. In any case, his body language tells me he is not in good spirits today: The coat stays on, he does not talk at all (usually, he at least greets politely, if slightly formally), and he just takes his seat without waiting for me to bid him to sit (which he usually does). As he sits down, he huffs (I can’t call it anything else).
I decide to bring up the client’s homework at the beginning of the session to get it over and done with. The question was whether it were truly paradoxical to allow himself to dream while thinking he is responsible for other people’s dreams.
DT: How did the homework go?
Dream (I notice he purses his lips): I do not wish to talk about it.
DT: You don’t have to if you don’t want to, you could…
Dream (He actually interrupts me): Then what is the point (I notice he does that overly plosive T again) of coming here?
DT (It’s one of those days again): Well, it is you who said you don’t wish to talk about your homework? (He glares at me, pouts but stays stumm.) Look, it isn’t really for me to tell you what the point of coming here is, to quote you. Even if I have thoughts about it. Can you remember why you want to come here?
Dream (The silence lasts four minutes): I have walked an eternity’s worth of dreams. Yet, I mostly remain the observer and never seem to touch anyone’s… soul.
DT (The homework hit a nerve. He definitely engaged with the question): So you long for connection?
Dream: When the last dreamer forgets my name, I will cease to exist (The delusion is in full force, but I am starting to understand why). There is no true connection for me.
DT: What makes you think that people who care will forget about you?
Dream (I notice a sound not unlike that of a strangled cat): Because no one remembers me as soon as they wake.
DT: Well, I’m wide awake, and…
Dream: (I notice he mumbles something that sounds like, “Unfortunately.”)
DT: Pardon?
Dream: No matter.
DT: As I was saying: I am wide awake, and I remember you; otherwise this would be very hard to do.
Dream (He frowns so hard that I can almost feel it physically, but he remains silent. Today will be like pulling teeth I guess.)
DT: If you long for connection, did you ever try to initiate it?
Dream (He snorts, only to then look out the window. The silence only lasts around a minute this time): Yes. (I am waiting because I initially think he might expand. He does not).
DT: What about your siblings? You told me previously that the relationship with some of them is fractured. What about the others? Anyone you’re close to? Or at least get along with?
Dream: My elder sister… perhaps.
DT: Okay, that’s a start. Can you tell me a bit about her and your relationship?
Dream: She is everywhere, at all times, to collect souls and guide them to the afterlife (I am briefly contemplating whether she is really in the funeral business or if this is one of his strange allegories again, but I let the thought slide). I envy her certain sense of… detachment.
DT: And why is that?
Dream: She quite possibly carries the heaviest burden of all of us. And still, she remains… optimistic, kind, compassionate. She perplexes me.
DT: Would you say she is the sibling you're closest to?
Dream: (I notice a certain sense of hesitation): Perhaps she understands the nature of our existence most. But even she cannot fully grasp my realm. Or understand me, for that matter.
DT: Did you ever try to explain?
Dream (He looks at me as if I am someone very young and very stupid. I am neither. Well, at least I am fairly certain about my age): What I am cannot be explained or understood. By no one.
DT: Try me.
Dream (He leans forward in his chair, cocks his head to one side and looks at me intently): Will you answer a question first?
DT: That would depend on the question—I can’t promise anything.
Dream: You mortals hardly ever do.
DT: Just ask and see what happens.
Dream (I notice he is staring at my paperweight again. Hasn’t happened for a while): What do you know of eternity?
DT (I have no idea where this is going, but I decide to play): It is not a concept that means a lot to me. Nothing is eternal.
Dream: That might be true. And yet, what if there were such a thing, or at least something that gets very close?
DT: Then I would probably still endeavour to focus on the here and now, because that’s all I can do.
Dream: Do you never yearn for things beyond your reach?
DT: That’s inconsequential to our conversation.
Dream: Is it, though?
DT (I sense he is trying to corner me somehow, so I decide to redirect while pretending I don’t): Let’s assume for a minute it isn’t then. So what if I did yearn for things beyond my reach?
Dream: I would consider it… (He hesitates, briefly looks down at his hands and then looks at me again) relatable.
DT (I am glad he relates, but I also think I need to redirect even more): Of course you would. Isn’t that what every type of connection is about? Even professional ones?
Dream (I notice he straightens in his chair and lifts his chin. The silence lasts a full nine minutes before I decide to end it).
DT: Can you tell me what else you find relatable?
Dream: No.
DT: Why not?
Dream: Because that is the entire problem. I cannot relate to anyone, and no one can relate to me. However, I envy you… Your fleeting life (The way he says it almost sounds like an insult) and your fragile heart and your ability to love, lose and taste mortality with every passing moment until you take your last breath.
DT (I usually don’t flinch, but I think I might have on this occasion and need a second to gather myself. I am fully aware he is aware that I am slightly rattled because the way he looks at me is both sad but also disturbingly… triumphant, as if he were not so secretly chuffed that he dealt me a blow): And what makes you think you cannot do, or have, any of these things?
Dream: Because Destiny's Book weighs upon me. He is my brother by the way, I am not certain if I told you.
DT: Didn’t you previously tell me you never forget a thing? (Drat! I shouldn’t have said that.)
Dream (I notice he blinks slowly and actually smiles. For the first time today): Touché.
DT (I notice my sense of relief, and I’m not sure I like it): I think I might have asked you something like this before, at least in a roundabout way, but what if you could tear a page from that book? Just like that. Or at least rewrite it?
Dream (I notice he looks out the window again): That has the potential to unravel existence itself (He seems to think. After 8 minutes of silence, he finally looks at me again). Destiny is the oldest, forever chained to his book. Imagine having a sibling who knows every possible outcome, every twist of fate (So we are back to his siblings. Strange change of topic). It is rather infuriating. He once predicted I would spill coffee on a dream record, and I did.
DT (I’m not sure if I am inwardly laughing or crying at this point): So we are back to hot beverages and cup revolutions?
He just stares at me. I notice I involuntarily, or maybe voluntarily, quirk my eyebrow, to which he responds with cocking his head and resting both index fingers on his lips. He is ACTUALLY trying to hide a smile): Well, I am glad you are amused. Should we use that energy to keep on talking about your siblings?
Dream (He sighs and rolls his eyes at me, but he is still half-smiling, so he doesn’t seem to be to opposed): My relationship to each of my siblings is complicated.
DT: And why is that?
Dream: Because each one of us embodies a concept. We are bound by duty but simultaneously divided by it.
DT: Can you elaborate on that?
Dream (I notice a slightly uncomfortable shifting in his seat): Well, there is Desire… Desire is… manipulative. Always scheming, always meddling in my affairs. Our relationship is strained, to say the least. Despair is at least somewhat predictable. And then there's Delirium. She used to be Delight, but… (He suddenly stops himself and shakes his head.). It is unseemly to discuss my siblings, they are none of your concern.
DT: Correct. But you are.
(I notice his eyes turn wet, and he swallows a bit too hard. I catch myself thinking that I feel sorry for him. And I really shouldn’t.) Professionally.
Dream (I notice he stares at my paperweight again): I did not imply otherwise. (He briefly looks at me before turning his attention to the paperweight again.)
There is another brother. He abandoned his function and somewhat chose to… create. Badly. When he used to destroy whole galaxies… (His voice trails off)
DT: I guess he just came to the conclusion he prefers creating nebulae shaped like a middle finger over destroying galaxies? (Why on all fucking earth did I say that?)
Dream (I notice the eye roll): Very mature… (I also notice he loses the battle against trying to suppress a smile again) Yet possibly true.
DT (I am relieved, but I also feel I should apologise)
Dream: No need.
DT (I am confused): No need for what?
Dream: For an apology.
DT (He’s trying to read my mind now, great.)
Dream: I am sorry, I shall abstain.
DT: From what?
Dream: From intruding.
DT: Intruding on what? (I notice I sound a bit prickly.)
Dream (He stares me blank in the face): Your thoughts.
DT (This is fine. Totally fine. He isn’t really reading my thoughts, what are the chances to get it right randomly? Probably fairly high.)
Dream: Even higher if you understand common patterns.
DT (Okay, we’re playing again): And naturally, you do.
Dream: Perhaps.
DT: Then tell me about patterns between you and your siblings.
Dream (He doesn’t get angry or tetchy as expected, and instead just stares at his hands): The patterns are… endlessly complicated. I am not sure you would understand the dynamics of our relationships.
DT: Have you, or your siblings, ever tried to change these dynamics?
Dream (He does look slightly annoyed now): We are… constants! Change is a foreign concept to beings such as us.
DT: Is it truly? You’re changing, aren’t you? You’re even smiling. Here and there. That’s definitely a change.
Dream (I notice a face like thunder): I think not.
DT: Not what I’m seeing.
Dream (He leans forward in his chair): I. Do. Not. Change.
DT: Okay, what about your sister then?
Dream: Which one?
DT: The one who changed? The one you said, “used to be” Delight?
Dream (I notice he opens his mouth briefly to then close it again. He thinks for a hot second): I suppose, within our limited capacity, there have been…efforts to change. But…
DT: So it is possible then?
Dream (I notice the wet-cat-head-shaking): You don’t seem to comprehend that there is no balance in change. Not in any of my siblings. And I wish for balance. For a semblance of… harmony.
DT: Why do you believe there is no harmony in change?
Dream (I notice an exasperated sounding puff of air exiting his nose): I trust our time is up?
DT: No.
Dream: Very well, I shall leave then. (He gets up.)
DT: You’re right, some things truly don’t change.
Dream: I told you so. (He starts to walk out.)
DT: Are you still committed?
Dream (He stops and turns to look at me): Did you not tell me, just a second ago, that some things do not change? And did I not previously encourage you to use ink for however long you deem necessary? I do not have the tendency to go back on my word.
DT: And I don’t have the tendency to assume people aren’t free to change their mind.
Dream (He just stands there and glares at me): You have an obsession with change.
DT: Comes with the territory. Still ink, or would you rather default to pencil?
Dream (I notice the slightly exasperated bridge-of-nose-pinch): Ink. It is marginally more unchangeable…
< Previous Session
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
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amourninghost · 23 days
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how deep must we cut to reach sensation? find it, bring it back to me
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electricea · 5 months
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"We're gonna change the hearts of all the bastards like you!"
Independent Semi-Selective Ryuji Sakamoto / Skull of Persona 5.
Adored by Jassi!
OC & Crossover Friendly!
About & Rules
A hundred thanks to @ofhope for the promo!
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justsigma-bsd · 4 months
He had been walking around looking for more rocks when he’d spotted sigma somewhere and tried to stay away from him
- @currentlyeatingrocks
*He pauses at the sight of Karma, hesitating.*
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mcflymemes · 1 year
maybe this is controversial but i promise... i promise you. if a certain blog won't write with you, or won't follow you back despite your attempts and your desperation to write with them... there's always another writer, another blog, another section of the community to explore. there are so many deeply passionate writers in this community who would jump at the chance to write with you. you don't have to whine and cry and vague and send anon hate and bully someone because they're selective, singleship, mutuals only, or they just don't want to follow your blog. leave them alone, and go find another person to write with.
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no but forever kept proposing with the presidential ring. what the fuck would have happened if bad had said yes. what the Fuck would have happened if bad had said yes. it was said that whoever had that ring would be president . would bad have been saddled with an out-of-his-mind fiance and the presidency. what the fuck was that about
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aquaticshopkeep · 24 days
A familiar voice is heard humming, or trying to, he's tone deaf, through the halls and outside the shop's vent.
Soon enough an empty box is pushed in and followed right after by the on-and-off-resident dual-colored lobster.
"Oh! Sebby you're awake!! Good news! Amazing news actually look at allllll the data I got you! And I found you some more stuff to sell, especially medkits since you were low on them!"
-🦞( @lobbys-moving-shop )
His head lifts to glance out the vent at the sound, face currently in a notebook as he sketches. Huh. Never seen Sebastian with his hair pulled back fully out of his face.
"I am, yeah. Just don't rush me or I might fall over, hehe. That's great news, actually. I have... Like 2 left. Great work out there Lobby."
He chuckles, smiling as he sets the notebook aside to get up and move closer. He wants to check Lobby over visually to make sure he's still doing alright.
"I warmed some food up for Cali, made sure there'd be enough for you if you dropped by too since I haven't seen you in a bit, help yourself. Anyone give you trouble out there while I was MIA?"
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