#indeed the superior of all the lakes
lizalfosrise · 10 months
Hey Rise, it's AK favorites time again. Give me your best defenders. Gameplay, personality, aesthetic, whatever.
Alrighty! Let's place this under a cut:
Launch Faves:
Spot - I see full kemono in Arknights I black out and go feral good yes very nice. That healing smokescreen remains very helpful, and he's just a real solid bro. His VA caught my eye too, since I was watching Raildex that year so I'd been hearing him quite a lot.
Cuora - Roaming baseball turtle is Fucking Invincible. HOMERUN!! Her module lore story was pretty nice in a sledgehammer-to-the-heart kinda way given it was her memory issues + her baseball&bat's origin. Incredibly solid and the first elusive 4-blocker saving our asses and storing up Pure Gold Ingots in the Factories. Homerun indeed.
Croissant - Really cool and fun character (we got her southern US drawl back hooray) with the interesting gimmick of being the push-stroker(they can never live this naming scheme down) defender. Problem? S2 says yeet 'em! No problem boblem. Niche and therefore undervalued at the earlygame, but Integrated Strategies with the Force+2 manual obtained must've made some fun shenanigans.
All the Fortresses, honestly. They're great in character, in aesthetics and I greatly enjoy having their long-range bombardments. Firewhistle's brought us Burn procs and it's delightful to watch the bonus damage pour in. I can be trusted with the Londinium Self-Defense Artillery cannon emplacements.
Don't use 'em enough but they're fun: Duelist and Sentinels - Aurora is cute and has access to Cold proc manipulation tactics (plus that claw-shaped staked, slim tower shield is a work of art); Liskarm has been a faithful SP battery pistol-shooting down aerial threats while Blitz has the flashbang spam going for him.
Guardians are lifesavers, of course. Gummy's frying pan bonk stuns every third hit can actually be incredibly useful. Blemishine is a far better pick than Nearl due to her Sleep mechanics and yknow, 6* bulk/Skill 3 (she's cool to borrow as a support unit but I don't have her fully invested). Saria is pretty solid here and with regards to character&story, but at the same time I never actually E2'd her until mid-Dorothy's Vision because I finally experienced her Skill 3 and needed her to be beefier for a map clear (or several) that event.
Horn - "YOU WANT TO TOPPLE ME?! BY WHAT?" Episode 9 was so great, and then we suffered a Manfred to the Self-Defense Artillery. That CG towards the end of Ep9 with a heavily-injured Horn pulling the S3 glare at Mandragora after auto-rocketjumping Bagpipe away was phenomenal. Incidentally a major part of why if you have taste you'll understand that Horndragora is the superior toxic yuri pairing rather than suffering that watery tart of a catgirl. I'm more enamored with that heavy-duty shieldcannon though, naturally. The Victorian Army gets all the cool gunlances eh? That VA olive green drab is a wonderful colour scheme too, really. The overheat flame vfx during S3 are a delightful detail on the chibi sprite and for that reason though I'll get that (somewhat mismatched) Lady of the Lake skin, I won't equip it often. But S1/S3 were absolutely outstanding during IS2.
Asbestos - The most tsuntsuntsuntsuntsuntsuuuuuundere foulmouthed foul-tempered vkei-ass Aussie salamander is just so iconic, bless her. Funky and rad design, personality and until Shalem appeared, the only Arts-shotgun shielder. Trying out her Skill 2 in IS2 was pretty fun since I only rarely used her prior honestly. The details gone into fitting her entire theming around asbestos are so so good.
Mudrock - Initially I wouldn't use her due to the 35dp cost buuuut I reached the point where 'This is fine actually' after a while of wanting to properly invest in her and yeah. Fucking incredible with sneak-healing via Perfumer. Spin2Win is forever relevant! We need a skin that brings back the full hazard suit towering over most other chibis though. Really good as a character, her parts in Twilight of Wolumonde were what made that event remotely bearable to me.
Her fellow Juggernaut companion Penance is likewise extremely good in aesthetics, character and as a unit.
Eunectes - Same deal as above, I actually haven't used her so badly she's not actually E2 yet. But I think she's incredibly gorgeous and a very cool Forgemaster. The Acahualla Trio are very, very fun! Summoning her upgraded Raging Ironhide must be a real lovely feeling given how much of a nuisance it is to fight.
Nian - Unemployed. Commando. The only Sui fragment I have at E2. Fellow spice fiend. Many noteworthy things can be said. I greatly enjoy her. We need to see more of the situation with training up Purgatory now going forwards in that storyline. Love that her E2 splash shows the(or at least, her) bestial Sui form has a maw in the chest.
Shoutout: Ace - He would've been male 6* Defender, absolutely, the way he tanked Talulah 1v1 during the Chernobog Exfiltration long enough for every surviving RI Operator to redeploy disengage & evacuate. Legendary guy. There's no Elite Operator covering the Defender class as a Temporary Recruitment in Integrated Strategies, so personally I feel like that's where he might've been.
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heimdallsbraids · 1 year
Blood of Mine | Ch. 6 (Heimdall x fem!reader)
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Summary: Life is pretty simple. Survive the harsh conditions of Fimbulwinter in Midgard, trade with your dwarven friends in Svartalfheim and – avoid the shit out of Odin’s most loyal lapdog? If word reaches the All-Father about your blood-bending origins, you’re doomed… (Hints of Avatar: TLA, but not a crossover)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Profanity
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Chapter Six: Björn
It was the morning after Thor’s big feast, and you awoke feeling more well-rested than you have in a long time. Your dreams pleasantly consisted of travelling to some foreign lands, far away from the troubles of Asgard – no Odin, no Heimdall and certainly no threat of Ragnarök looming around the corner. It was a nice change from the recent nightmares you’ve been having.
Feeling good, you opted to wear one of your new dresses, admiring its splendid quality as you stood before the window, peeking outside. It was an emerald green number with delicate stitching along the hems and ivory symbols lining your full-length sleeves, showcasing what you assumed was Asgardian supremacy. It fits you like a glove, and you were tempted to order another to take back to Midgard once you built up some savings.
Exiting the hall of bedrooms, you were surprised to see the double doors to Odin’s office open, if only a crack. The man himself could be seen standing behind the massive desk, muttering away as the hushed cawing of a raven echoed around him. It was an odd sight, and you were nearly out of earshot before he called out to you.
You exhaled slowly, backtracking around the corner to peek your head inside. “Yes, Odin – I mean All-Father?”
He beckoned you in with a humoured shake of his head. “Got some time to chat?”
Not having much of a choice, you nodded and stepped inside. Unfortunately, you hadn’t seen Heimdall standing off to the side when you peeked in before, and you barely held back a groan of displeasure as his lips tilted upward in a sly smirk. Here you were wanting to avoid the Gods, and now you were stuck alone in a room with both of them. Just your luck!
Odin didn’t miss the interaction. With a pointer finger, he gestured between you and his son. “You two know each other?”
Heimdall’s answer was prompt. “Of course, All-Father. I make it my business to know who or what enters the realm I love.”
The insinuation behind his words wasn’t lost on you, and you inwardly cringed as he gave you a pointed look while saying it. You tensed. Could he make it any more obvious?
Odin hummed, sounding pleased. “Always on the ball, this one! If you ever have any questions about Asgard, he knows everything there is to know about it. He’ll be happy to show you the ropes.”
“I’m sure he will be,” you replied monotonously, doubting that very much.
“Indeed. Now, I’ve been meaning to say…” he began, fluffing with some scrolls along the expanse of his desk. Some were new, others were old and tattered, and a few were lying open with foreign characters written over them. “You’re more than welcome to come and go from the city as you please. I won’t always be around to take you, but Heimdall here has the ability to travel by bifröst if you ever find yourself missing home.”
Your brows rose at that. Travelling to Midgard with Heimdall? You didn’t know him all that well, but something told you he’d rather go anywhere else than to the realm of humans and shitty Fimbulwinter weather. Not to mention, you doubt the locals at your camp would appreciate his uppity, better-than-thou attitude – if he didn’t just up and ditch you by the Lake of Nine, that is.
You glanced at him to gauge his reaction, but he gave nothing away as he regarded his father and superior with a stance that meant business, all upright and straight-backed. He looked like a hound, ready to bark and bite on demand if its owner commanded him so. It certainly didn’t scream familial love to you. It piqued your curiosity, but you weren’t about to comment on it.
“When’s the soonest I can leave?” You asked instead, making Odin cease all actions and huff a laugh. Even Heimdall quirked a brow, but he otherwise remained stationary.
“Already so eager to leave? I hope you haven’t run into any issues; any problems…?” He trailed off.
“No,” you answered. “I’ve just never been away from home this long. I want to check on my dad and see how everything’s going.”
“I see.” Odin took a moment to drum his fingers against his chin, thinking. Then, he clicked his fingers, “How’s about I take you there now? Meet the parents, see the town?”
You winced. “There’s only one.”
“Parent,” you clarified. “I only have one. And it’s not a town, either.”
“My apologies. I had no idea.” Odin rounded the table and lay what you guessed was supposed to be a comforting hand on your shoulder. “If you want to go now, we can. Just let me make some arrangements beforehand to keep this place up and running while we’re gone, and I’ll be right with you. Wouldn’t want to return to it in shambles, would we now?”
With that, the man was off, leaving you and Heimdall to stare at where he’d stood nearly two seconds ago. Seeing no reason to hang around, you circled back and made your way to the great hall, figuring you should probably squeeze in a quick meal before your trip. You had no idea the younger God was hot on your trail until he cut you off, treating you to a face full of his leathered tunic. You sputtered and reeled back with a heated glare.
“Running from your problems isn’t very becoming of you, sunshine. Reality getting too hard to face?” He sneered, glowing purple eyes locked onto yours.
“How am I ‘running from my problems’?” You snapped, wanting nothing more than to knee him in the groin. He seemed to notice this, too, because he wedged his leg against yours, preventing you from doing so. You continued, “I’m going home to visit, not hide!”
“That’s right, wench, you won’t ever be able to hide from me. You may have gotten off yesterday, but you’ll be put to work very soon – that, I promise you.” He finished lowly before stalking off through the front doors of the lodge.
You could only stand there, dumbfounded by his harsh overreaction. You had no idea how he came to the conclusion that you were running away, but the nerve he had to act as if you’d somehow forgotten about your agreement pissed you off more than anything. You kicked the wall out of frustration. What did it matter to him anyway? You’d be out of his hair, out of his realm, and most importantly, far, far away from his precious All-Father.
The two of you had also gained quite the audience since, when you finally calmed down enough to look up, several servants and helmets were staring at you, clearly baffled by the scene they’d just witnessed. Aggravated as you were, you stormed off to your room. Thanks to Heimdall's little hissy fit, you no longer had an appetite to worry about.
You were sitting on the bed with your knees tucked against your chest when you received word from a servant that the All-Father was ready. You were silent as his ravens surrounded you in waves, clearing out once you’d arrived in Midgard. You instantly recognised where you were, but the sudden exposure to sub-zero temperatures had you huddling your arms to your chest for warmth.
“Hah, almost forgot!” Odin chuckled. He waved his hand toward your shivering form, “Efri-lá…”
Suddenly, as if a blanket had tucked itself over you, the cold whispers of Midgardian winds weaned away, leaving you nice and toasty in your new Asgardian dress. You probably should’ve changed into regular clothes beforehand, but you were too busy sulking to think correctly. You were just lucky Odin had that trick up his sleeve, or he would’ve had to take you back.
You mustered a small smile. “Thanks. We’re actually not too far from camp.”
“Lead the way,” he encouraged.
You observed as he tucked his cape so that it enveloped him entirely, granting outsiders nothing but the vision of a tall man. He looked every part the mysterious God you’d heard countless stories about throughout your childhood. It was hard to believe you were now his personal guest in Asgard and that he was bringing you here on a house call, of all things. You would’ve been pretty chuffed if you didn’t know any better.
“So,” you began awkwardly, adjusting the sleeves of your dress as you walked. “I take it you’re not as busy today, then?”
“I figured I could spare you some time. After all, you are my guest.” He stated, his voice accompanied by his crunching footfalls in snow. “I do apologise for the blatant neglect. I’ve been a very busy man as of late. Gotta keep the people happy, you see?”
You wanted to scoff at his honeyed words. Sure, the people inside the walls of Asgard were probably satisfied enough, but everything outside of it? All the other realms that suffered, thanks to his input? You didn’t doubt that they were in an absolute state. Especially Vanaheim.
“I see,” you echoed, struggling to maintain your composure. “It must be hard. Protecting so many people, I mean…”
“Ah, it comes with the territory, I’m afraid, but I don’t let that stop me. Enough about me, though,” he declared. “I take it you’re enjoying your stay in Gladsheim?”
“It’s a beautiful city,” you answered honestly, thankful for the change of subject. “Your granddaughter’s very nice, too. We spend time together quite often, actually.”
“So I’ve heard! She’s a fiery young thing if I’ve ever seen one – big dreams, too. It’s a shame she takes so much to her father.”
You tilted your head in muted shock. Was that a dig at Thor? Did this man have a healthy relationship with any of his sons?
“I’m pleased to know she took responsibility for our guest. I have to admit, I was a little worried at first.” He finished jokingly.
A familiar cave opening appeared in the distance, and soon enough, the sounds of people talking drifted within earshot. Your heart began to race. You were eager now that you were actually here, about to see your father again. You weren’t lying earlier in saying that this was the longest you’d ever been away from home and, thus, away from him. You missed him.
Your camp neighbours stared as you hurried to the back with a peculiar man trailing behind you. They had no idea who he was, and you were more than happy to keep it that way.
“Dad?” You called, running inside.
You were surprised to see that he was awake – sober, even – and he immediately stood from the stool near his bed, pulling you in for a bear hug. “Where the Hel have you been, you little shit?”
“I’ve missed you, too, Dad.”
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before shuffling to the other end of the tent where a heavy wooden chest sat. He lifted a weighty green sack from inside and gave it a shake, the tell-tale sounds of clinking money reverberating in the tent.
“About that…” You trailed off, scratching the back of your neck.
“You couldn’t have given me some warning before running off like that?”
“Hey, it was for our benefit!” You argued, crossing your arms over your chest. “I had to do something, or we’d have been screwed within a few weeks!”
 “I know. And I am sorry.” Your father sighed, dropping his arms to his side in defeat. “I promise I’m trying. It’s just, ever since your mother-”
Your hand shot up in front of you. “Please, don’t. It’s been years, Dad. We… we need to move on.”
“Am I interrupting something?” It was Odin. He lifted the tent flap and peeked inside. You almost forgot about him amongst the influx of complicated emotions, but you were honestly glad for the interruption.
“No, you can come in if you like.” You told him, shaking your head.
Your dad sent you a questioning glance as he returned the money to the chest, silently asking who the Hel this man was and why he was stepping into your home. Nevertheless, he straightened up and held out a hand, facing him with a presence you hadn’t seen in a long time.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Ah,” Odin grasped the offered hand. “I’m Odin. You could say I’m your daughter’s new boss.”
You didn’t miss how your father’s grip tightened or the way his eyes flickered to yours upon recognising the name. You shook your head, signalling him to play along.
“Björn.” Your father replied, smoothly taking on the role of the unassuming parent. “Thank you for that, by the way. You’ve helped us out of a tight spot.”
Odin seemed to revel in the praise as he clasped his hands behind his back. The two began chatting, and you quickly excused yourself to grab the two men a drink. Upon your return, you discovered them sitting on the stools, still talking.
“Wouldn’t you rather be by your daughter’s side?” Odin asked, and you froze.
“What?” You interjected. You crouched down, eyes flicking between them in curiosity as you handed them each a cup of freshly brewed tea.
“I extended the offer to live and work in Asgard to your father. I thought it better for the both of you that way.”
You were immediately reminded of Heimdall’s words a few nights ago – how he believed Odin already knew what you were – and immediately began waving your hands in front of you. One family member in the devil’s den was more than enough.
“Don’t be silly, he’s fine here in camp. Right, Dad?” You urged, hoping he’d take the hint.
“They need me here.” He agreed firmly, nodding his head. “Fimbulwinter’s only getting worse, and we’re about to have a few new additions join the camp, so we need all the people we can get.”
Odin took a sip of his drink as he processed this. “I can respect that. However, the offer remains the same should you change your mind. Asgard will welcome you with open arms.”
You sighed in relief, not realising you were even holding your breath in the first place. A few more pleasantries were exchanged before the sound of a raven squawking had the God standing from his chair and returning his cup.
“Business calls, I’m afraid. I’ll meet you out front.” He ominously declared. “Until next time, Björn.”
You were granted a private moment with your father as Odin left, the sounds of his footsteps and hushed words fading not long after. Deeming the coast as clear, your father gripped you by the arms, shaking slightly.
“What have you done, sprout? You’re not safe in Asgard,” he jutted his chin toward the tent’s exit, “-and certainly not with him!”
“All I know is I was lucky enough to meet his bitchiest son, then Durlin kept me out of Niðavellir for a good month, and then suddenly, he was taking me to meet Odin!”
“Durlin?” Your father spat, venom lacing his tone. “Really? Did that little shit blab? Oh-ho, if your mother was still around-”
“That’s what I was thinking – and that’s not even the worst part!” You were anxiously shifting on the spot now, waving your hands in grand gestures to help explain the shitstorm you’d gotten into. “That bitchy son I mentioned before? He knows! He fucking knows!”
Your dad stilled. “You’re not going back. Tell him I’m sick or dying – shit, anything!”
“I can’t! If I even think about leaving, he’ll tell his father…”
“Which son is it?”
Grave recognition overcame his features, and your father threw his hands in the air. “Of all the sons, it had to be him!”
You wanted to ask how he knew Heimdall, but you feared Odin would become suspicious if you continued to delay, so you quickly leaned in for a hug instead. “Look, we’ve got an agreement going, so I should be fine until-”
“Should be?”
“Come on. I have to go!”
He shook his head as you pulled away from his tight embrace. “I’m always here, sprout, you know that. Dad’s always here…”
“I know,” you whispered, having already made your exit.
Your chest hurts.
A/N: Yoo, what is with the lack of Odin gifs? I could hardly find any except for the ones where he's getting beaten the shit out of by Atreus, Kratos and Freya omg
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sayaka-mga2024mi4017 · 3 months
The Shining (1980)
The relationship between Predator and Prey
The relationship between predator and prey can be defined as where one species will eat another. However, if we were to apply this concept metaphorically to human relationships, one would hunt or exploit another simply for being superior in that instance. We will notice this being a recurrent theme in The Shining.
The opening scene begins with a wide-frame shot of the lake, then a forest landscape, which will then lead to an overhead shot of a car going through the windy roads. A noticeable feature of this scene is that the camera angle is always tilting and never stable. The way it follows the vehicle's movement is almost akin to that of an entity that is always watching, even going so far as to say that the vehicle is being stalked. Along with the eerie music, even the lighting from the sun’s glare is harsh, hence adding to the feeling that there is an entity hunting. Since the audience does not know what this entity is, it keeps them on edge as we are left to guess that it is indeed a paranormal being.
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The camera tilt continues when Jack (the main character) enters the hotel for the interview; despite it being subtle, it still creates a sense of discomfort along with the harsh lighting and gloomy atmosphere. The sense that someone is always watching.
How we know these little elements are all intentional is when the scene cuts to the apartment complex, where Wendy and Danny are at the table having breakfast. The camera angle is stable, the lighting is filtered, and the overall colour palette adds to a comfortable atmosphere in the environment.
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Throughout the film, the characters who take on the role of prey are none other than Wendy and Danny. Both characters have their own unique qualities that represent prey. Danny's horrific visions from ‘Tony’ (or his shine) essentially act as a form of survival instinct, and although Danny has experienced traumatic situations, they have kept him alive.
Wendy is a victim of her toxic marriage with Jack through his alcoholic throes. As seen through her meek and submissive demeanour, especially when confronted with anything related to Jack’s abusive behaviour, there is an instant response of denial and subservience on Wendy’s part. Another feature that needs to be noted is that Wendy’s facial features (especially her big eyes) resemble those of the term “a deer caught in headlights.” She especially resembles that of a meek creature that could be easily hunted down.
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Jack’s role can easily be categorized as predatory, considering his abusive past and the tense atmosphere he brings to the family. However, an interesting feature is that Jack is an insecure character; this was emphasized in his interaction with the ghosts in the Gold Room. Prior to his second time entering the Gold Room, Jack had a near-violent outburst at Wendy for simply recommending leaving the hotel for Danny’s health. However,  as he entered the room and the waiter who had spilled drinks on him, it did not elicit a reaction from Jack, as he simply brushed the action off and reacted calmly.
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It creates an interesting dynamic in Jack’s character, as we do realize that he does not carry the role of apex predator, as that belongs to the paranormal/ghosts of the hotel, who heavily influence Jack’s behaviour throughout the film.
 The relationship between predator and prey is seen throughout the film, such as the paranormal stalking of the family within the parameters of the hotel, forest, and mountains. Along with the interaction between characters,
A key moment that clearly emphasized this dynamic was between Danny and Jack. When Danny attempted to sneak into the room, he noticed that Jack was awake. Nothing about this moment was heartwarming, as the audience was left in suspense and fear about the safety of Danny. Through Mise-en-Scene, the placement of the mirror highlights Jack’s role, and his slow, quiet movement is akin to a predator mere moments before it pounces.
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Even as Jack holds Danny, Danny is still, makes little to no movement, and speaks quietly with calculated words to not elicit a reaction from his father. This moment clearly resembled a prey’s survival instinct of freezing when they sensed the immediate danger of a predator nearby.
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In a more visual aspect, it is shown metaphorically using the hedge maze. As Danny and Wendy go exploring the hedge maze (as they were playing beforehand), we cut to Jack inside the hotel, overlooking a miniature model of the hedge maze. Although the characters are not in close physical proximity, this does create the connotation that Jack is watching over them like a predator watches its prey. Wendy and Danny’s interaction within the maze is blissful and oblivious to the imminent threat of Jack’s insanity.
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There are more physical representations of this dynamic; however, it is more obvious as Jack has been consumed by his insanity.
An example worth mentioning is when Wendy is backed up the stairs by Jack as he threatens to kill her. It creates a sense of irony. Although Wendy quite literally has the upper ground, she still maintains the role of prey and is constantly cornered.
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Another instance is the iconic bathroom scene where Wendy is literally cornered and has no way of escape as Jack breaks down the door with an axe. Wendy’s reaction is frantic, and she does attack him in the process. Since she has no escape, she resorts to the survival instinct of ‘fight.’
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As Jack staggers throughout the hotel and the maze to hunt down Danny, we notice that the camera angle is unstable again and mimics his movement. Further, he adds to the idea that his insanity has consumed any sign of humanity as he resorts to instinct. It is simply animalistic. 
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However, Danny outwits Jack and escapes the maze. The reunion between Wendy and Danny is heartwarming, as they immediately escape in Halloran’s snowcat. Moments before Jack’s death, he bellows incomprehensible words into the night and dies like an animal.
Finally, we look into the role of the paranormal. Despite there being no active role from them, we do notice their presence through Mise-en-Scene (unstable camera angle, eerie music, harsh lighting) and influence (their influence primarily extends to Jack through the interactions in the Gold Room).  However, their interactions with Danny and Wendy are similar to those of a predator taunting and playing with their prey. As seen by the appearance of the two individuals in the room, one wearing a bear costume and the other finely dressed, along with Mr. Grady standing before Wendy with a bleeding head, the blood gushes out of the doors before her. Tony’s warnings to Danny ultimately come true, as seen through the appearance of the twins and the hauntings of room 237.
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Wendy witnessing the blood gushing out the doors
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Mr. Grady immediately greeting her after with a playful tone
Through this, we are aware that the entire family is susceptible to the hauntings and whims of the paranormal, hence making them the apex predator in this situation since the hauntings have persisted for decades. Despite the curse not taking any active action against the family, it relies on Jack to do its bidding.
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When Jack fails to do so, his death the coming morning feels less natural, like a natural death, and almost akin to a punishment, or maybe even resorting to kill Jack since the most obvious prey (Wendy and Danny) had escaped.
In summary, the role of predator and prey plays a crucial element in representing the human psyche, especially in that of the main cast. We discover that fear does indeed lead the human mind to resort to primal survival instincts, and those who incite fear involuntarily take on the mantle of predator.
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mahayanapilgrim · 5 months
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The Birth of Padmasambhava
THE WORD padma is Sanskrit. It was preserved as a Tibetan word and means lotus flower. Sambhava means
"born from." Padmasambhava's usual name in Tibetan, is Pema Jungney, translated from the Sanskrit name Padmakara, which means "originated from a lotus."
When Padmakara was born from a lotus flower and, also, while being led back by King Indrabhuti, wherever he was set down, a lotus spontaneously sprung up. The king exclaimed, "This child is truly a lotus-born one!" Therefore he became renowned as Padmakara.
His ordination name was Shakya Senge. Later, when he became learned in the fields of knowledge and presided as the head of five hundred great panditas, he was known as Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born. Thus he is indeed named after his manner of birth.
It is universally renowned that the Precious Master took birth from a lotus flower in a way that is called instantaneous birth. Instantaneous birth in itself is nothing to marvel about since all beings take rebirth through one of the four modes of birth: womb birth, egg birth, moisture birth, and instantaneous birth. But this master's birth was superior to ordinary instantaneous birth. The reason is that the lotus flower from which he was born, in the center of Lake Danakosha, had been fused with the combined light rays of compassion of Buddha Amitabha and all the buddhas of the ten directions.
This is not just an exaggerated praise tenaciously offered by old ignorant followers of the Nyingma School;
Padmakara was foretold by Buddha Shakyamuni himself in many sutras and tantras. If it was the case that those predictions are found only in the Nyingma tantras, it would be difficult for other people to have full trust in them, so here is a quotation from the Immaculate Goddess Sutra:
The activity of all the victorious ones of the ten directions Will gather into a single form,
A buddha son, who will attain marvelous accomplishment, A master who will embody buddha activity, Will appear to the northwest of Uddiyana.
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julesofnature · 2 years
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“It is the largest body of fresh water in the world, as we have all heard time and again; but those are mere words, and convey no idea that any mind can grasp. How long and wide is it how does it compare with salt-water seas of which we know and how with bodies of land of which we have some knowledge? By such an analysis we shall learn that Lake Superior is indeed one of the wonders of Nature and one of the proudest of our possessions–or semi-possessions to speak more correctly. The great lake is 360 miles long and 140 miles wide at its largest crossing. It possesses a superficial area of 32,000 square miles, or four times as many square miles as the State of Massachusetts. Roughly speaking, if we could turn the State of Indiana into water it would make another lake the size of Superior. Michigan itself is not twice as large, nor is Wisconsin which is a trifle smaller than the State of Michigan Lake Superior has 1500 miles of coast, or within 500 miles of the coast extent of the great Black Sea.”
 “Along the Bowstring, Or South Shore of Lake Superior”- by Julian Ralph, first published in 1890.
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mythvoiced · 8 months
❝  clearly genius has turned to madness.  ❞ doe
"What definition of 'madness' are we working with here," preoccupied gaze, distant and focused on something else, the screen he's facing reflected on the lenses of his glasses.
Since when has Doe cared about avoiding things detrimental to his health?
But he isn't avoiding her, not per se. She's as established a presence in his peripheral as she is... well, just about anywhere else. In the phantom of her footfall when someone approaches his door and it isn't her, in the lingering of her touch when he feels it ant across his skin or longs for it to be there, in the draft of her movements painting the air with the blurred out afterimages of her passing, all-encompassing and never quite gone, making it that much harder to miss her... and that much more maddening when he does.
The easiest way to put into words how disturbing Amelia's presence is to the overall sanctity of the world, it's mentioning how Doe's mind is splitting his experience of it:
the world before Amelia
the world after her.
Not uncommon, to divide one's life into sections depending on how poignant and lasting states of being were. There's his childhood, cut off from the rest, belonging to a boy who he no longer is, a boy he visits sometimes, cowering in the far corner of a dimly lit room where it's always night and they never talk.
There's his brief visit to an orphanage, so brief he'd run before they could get the paperwork done and pull his name out from digging around in his throat, so brief it's hardly worth a mention, so brief he willingly forgets it, let's it drown in a lake of 'uneventful'.
There's the early start of the group, early twenties, his early stumbles, his mad luck, as though the Lady had granted him the ability to survive his early stunts in these endeavours to make up for the starvation of his younger years.
Everything deleted from his teen years, after the child, before the group, simply left to rot somewhere in the back of his skull.
The group.
Then Amelia.
And now... something new.
Something that distinctly tastes and smells of her. She occupies far too much of his world now, far too much of his mind.
Genius has turned into madness indeed. He used to believe himself more capable than the world had given him a chance at being. Used to believe himself sturdier than the fucking devil, used to believe himself capable of looking a grim reaper into his eyes and be recognized an equal in mystified mourning at least.
Now, he floats.
Like stuck in a permanent high.
Things matter less.
It's dangerous.
He looks up, doe-eyes refocusing behind his frames, plucked gingerly off his nose a few moments after. He closes them, tosses them onto the table, they're cheap and practically uses if he really thinks about it.
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"Or are you referring to you and I," he asks. It's muted under a monotone delivery, but genuine curiosity does reign superior here as he crosses one leg over the other and leans back. He regards her, like a queen listening to a messenger, like a guard dog awaiting an order.
He smiles. His self-deprecation is never soft and easy to consume with a few bites, depicted in shy downturns and avoidance of eye contact, like movies paint their ladies. His self-deprecation is rotten and bitter and tastes like iron. It's furious.
"Do either of us qualify for 'genius'? When we're so suited to 'madness'."
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screendimdotcom · 5 months
Lake Mungo
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I tried - yes, tried - to find a semblance of a riveting narrative within its watery depths, but alas, all I stumbled upon was a quagmire of narrative emptiness and a confused, muddled mess. Let's embark on this journey of reviewing a film that seemingly tried to mix a serious documentary style with the clichéd elements of a horror flick, only to end up tripping over its own feet in the process.
Picture this: you sit down with a bag of popcorn, ready to immerse yourself in a nail-biting, heart-pounding cinematic experience. But as the minutes tick by, you find yourself engaged in a constant battle with the urge to check your watch, because, my friends, "Lake Mungo" appears to be a master class in how to stretch a thin plot over what feels like an eternity. And in this eternity, it seems that suspense and thrill took a long vacation, leaving behind their lackluster cousins, boredom and confusion.
I need to acknowledge the film's attempt to bring something different to the table with its faux-documentary style. One might argue that it lent a certain authenticity to the tale, but let's not kid ourselves here. This style instead served to heighten the monotony, making viewers slog through a seemingly unending series of interviews and "found footage", which ironically, you'll wish remained unfound.
And let's take a moment to discuss the plot, or rather, the lack thereof. The storyline meanders like a lost river, unsure of where to flow, sometimes trickling into streams of the supernatural, only to diverge into puzzling tributaries of family drama and inexplicable plot developments. It's as if the creators threw a dart at a board of generic horror tropes and just went with whatever it hit, concocting a hodgepodge of elements that never quite gel together.
Furthermore, the acting could very well serve as a study in wooden performances, with characters that seem to have been marinated in a vat of apathy before gracing the screen. The emotional depth here is so lacking; one might find more resonance in a conversation with their houseplant. And the less said about the dialogue, the better, as it stumbles and bumbles its way through an awkward script that seems almost determined to keep the audience at arm's length.
But oh, let's not overlook the cherry on top of this cinematic sundae: the climax that promises revelations and twists, yet manages to deliver an underwhelming resolution that leaves one feeling more bewildered than satisfied. It's as if the creators were building a castle of suspense, only to reveal a shaky structure held together by twigs of weak plot developments and a few stray leaves of attempted scares.
In the midst of all this, one can't help but chuckle at the sheer audacity of "Lake Mungo." It strides boldly into the realm of horror, armed with a bag of tricks borrowed from superior films, yet fumbles spectacularly in its execution. It's akin to watching a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat, only to reveal a stuffed bunny that's seen better days.
"Lake Mungo" serves as a sterling example of how not to craft a compelling horror movie. It's a labyrinthine mess of half-baked ideas and missed opportunities, where tension is as scarce as a coherent storyline. It's an adventure into the doldrums of horror filmmaking, where the only scares to be found are the creeping realization that yes, this film indeed goes on for a whole 87 minutes.
So, gather your friends, prepare your favorite snacks, and settle in for an evening of bewildered laughter and mirth as you navigate the murky waters of "Lake Mungo." It promises an unforgettable journey into the bewildering, the absurd, and the hilariously underwhelming – a true masterclass in cinematic disappointment!
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dfroza · 5 months
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A touch of B&W
do you see how you read but never actually “connect” your thoughts?
(only until you do open up to this inner conversation of the heart)
will you ever “find” me here?
[Monika Kross]
Presque Isle on Lake Superior
#nmu #presqueisle #marquette
1.23.24 • Facebook
Always reaching out from this shoreline…
and do you know our Creator and Father is always on a massive heavenly Throne ruling over Creation and its sacred “Breath”?
just as an immovable and majestic mountain, an unshakable Tree of Life
(Life is a constant and eternal force of nature inseparable from Love)
And Love is constantly True.
and we don’t normally hear God speak, nor do we see Him in His brightness (although people do see the Son as a Man and the 2nd Adam who is also now in Heaven)
but we have the silent and invisible Spirit here on garden earth with us to illumine His thoughts and His Heart inside our own
to offer hope and Light and encouragement for the journey…
(spiritual truth)
i hope to “mirror” this from the open book of my heart and its pure Winter dream by a conserved “seed”
A post by John Parsons:
Today is Tu B'Shevat, the 15th of Shevat, which marks the "new year" for trees...
The “Tree of Life,” etz ha’chayim (עֵץ הָחַיִּים), is mentioned ten times in the Scriptures. In the Torah it first appears in the center of the paradise of Eden (Gen. 2:9; 3:22-4), but it is soon lost to humanity because of Adam’s transgression. In the book of Revelation, it reappears in the center of the Paradise of God (Rev. 2:7, 22:2), resurrected on account of the faithful obedience of Yeshua as mankind’s “last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45). Those who have washed their robes by means of His righteousness are given access to this Tree in the heavenly Jerusalem (Rev. 22:14). The paradise lost by Adam has been regained by the greater ben-adam, Son of man, Yeshua the Messiah.
In the book of Proverbs, the Tree of Life is a metaphor for the life of wisdom (chokhmah), which is the implied subject of our verse above (see Prov. 3:13). Traditional Judaism identifies talmud Torah (the study of Torah) as the Tree of Life, promising wisdom to those who “lay hold of her” (a Torah scroll has wooden rods called atzei chayim – the “trees of life” – used to roll the parchment). According to the Rabbis, the eternal life that was lost in Eden was restored to humanity with the giving of the Torah at Sinai.
A midrash says that in the paradise of olam haba (the world to come) there stands the Tree of Life, with the tree of knowledge forming a hedge around it. Only the wise one who has cleared a path for himself through the tree of knowledge can come close to it (which is said to be so enormous that it would take 500 years to walk around it). Beneath the Tree flows forth the water that irrigates the whole earth, parting into four streams, the Ganges, the Nile, the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. In mystical (i.e., gnostic) Judaism, the Tree of Life is depicted as an elaborate symbol, the meditation of which is said to “clear the path” back to paradise.
Followers of Yeshua understand that He (alone) is the Tree of Life, the Center of the true Paradise of God (Rev. 22:2). He is the Seed, Root, Trunk, Branches, and Fruit that comes from heaven. The first Adam lost access to God by means of his transgression (eating from the tree of the “knowledge of good and evil”), but the “Greater Adam” reclaimed our access by means of His obedience, resisting the power of evil even to the point of death upon the “tree” of the cross (Phil. 2:8). The resurrection of the life of Yeshua is the “firstfruits” of all who put their trust in Him (1 Cor. 15:20; Jas. 1:18). Yeshua is the “Tree of Life in the center of the Paradise of God,” and all who retain Him are forever blessed indeed. Say ye Amen.
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Proverbs 3:18 reading:
Hebrew page:
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1.25.24 • Facebook
we’re being invited into this by the Spirit
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accesselevatordotnet · 8 months
Facts About Electric Travel Wheelchair in Racine and Lake Geneva
Disability can rob one of pleasure, especially when it hampers traveling in all ways. Being old and suffering from mobility challenges is no reason to forgo life's enjoyable moments. It helps to look around and check the available mobility aids. While a walking cane and a walker can be of assistance indoors, an independence-seeking individual hopes to get something more. No worries! One can find many devices that support quick trips in the locality and long traveling plans. It is advisable to invest in a quality electric travel wheelchair in Racine and Lake Geneva to achieve all objectives in life without feeling restricted.
It is expected to be torn between a mobility scooter and a power wheelchair. Mobility experts recommend checking the requirements and features included in the device. Finding a suitable mobility device becomes easy as a result. Some of the pluses that are definite to satisfy the end-user include the following:-
· Durable- The wheelchair is likely to be used extensively by a mobility-challenged person. The top branded devices use Lithium batteries, known for their extensive longevity. The batteries not only last longer, but they retain the charge for longer periods, too. Moreover, the wheelchair may be folded and carried along both on a flight and in a road vehicle. This improves the efficiency of the user who is reluctant to part with it.
· Smaller Turns- A person with limited mobility is bound to feel helpless in a crowd. Thankfully, the best power wheelchairs are capable of turning small corners perfectly, thereby getting the user out of harm. Navigating in small areas and tighter corners is not tricky anymore, courtesy of the wheelchair, which is lightweight and turns fast as needed.
· Practical- Traveling with a power wheelchair is a practical decision that serves the user well. First, the wheelchair is portable and folds easily, making it ideal for storage in the luggage when venturing to go abroad or catch a flight to another state. One may also easily use public transport while strapped in a wheelchair. Furthermore, the device can be operational speedily with the user having it ready without assistance. All these and more make such a wheelchair an excellent solution for mobility-challenged people.
· Safe- The superior branded power wheelchairs are durable, sturdy, and truly smart. The material ensures comfort when sitting on it, while the wheels are smooth and can efficiently travel over all sorts of terrain without jeopardizing the user. Turning and tipping over as convenient is a strength that such wheelchairs come with. The user remains safe and secure regardless of the function that the device is used for. Indeed, instances of falling from the electric wheelchairs are few and far between.
While electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters help individuals, most commercial and public buildings feel the need to install LU/LA elevators in Baraboo and Holmen. These are meant for limited use by mobility-challenged individuals who are unable to navigate the stairways of public buildings.
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fleurcareil · 11 months
North Ontario (2): Pukaskwa national park
By the time I arrived at Pukaskwa (pronounced puck-a-saw) national park the rainstorms had cleared up, so I went on an incredibly picturesque hike on top of the rocks, overviewing Hattie's Cove and the coastline full of little islands. Lake Superior is infamous for its weather unpredictability and suddenly the fog came in really quickly so instead of at sunset I had a drink & crossword on the beach in the mist... Not complaining though! 😃
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Rain in the morning meant I stayed lazily in the tent until it dried up, after which I made bacon and eggs for breakfast, unbelievably for the first time in almost two months... I usually try to pack up quickly in the morning up to my next adventure, so breakfast usually consists of oatmeal & yoghurt or an apple, but as this was going to be a prolonged camping stay & crappy weather anyway, I could take more time 😃
The park puts a lot of effort in incorporating Indigenous culture in the visitor's experience, so I first visited an example of a traditional house, which showed it was indeed waterproof after the massive rainfall we had had, and then went on a hike around a lake where the seven Elder teachings were explained... I will choose learning in a pretty natural environment anytime over a classroom! 😍 The hike allowed me to reflect on what these values mean to me in my personal life, that is until I stumbled on yet another snake, who this time had no intention to move out of the path! It took me some stomping and verbal coaching until he/she stuck out its tongue (out of frustration with me??) and very slowly made way 😂 I'm almost seeing more snakes than any other wildlife on this road trip, whereas on the lake's shore a mere few hundred meters away there's sub-artic plants because of the cold climate, so have no clue how those snakes survive...
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After it was clear that there wouldn't be any more rain/thunderstorm coming, I got out on the SUP to explore the little islands... as beautiful from the water as from land but the wind was quite strong, so I dashed within an hour into Horseshoe Bay which was a short portage away from my campsite (see pink route in Gmaps at the bottom). I then sat for a while reading a book on the beach when the sun broke out again and created a beautiful sunset.
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Next day, the wind was a bit stronger but the "inland sea" somewhat calmer as the wind now came from the land so that the water close to the shore was protected. After having packed up my camping stuff, I reversed the paddle from Horseshoe Bay to Hattie's Cove albeit in a much bigger loop (the green route in the Gmaps pic) ... although the traverse across the large bay was a bit iffy (I suddenly realized that if I would fall the board might fly away all the way over Lake Superior! 😨), the coves were as I had hoped much calmer, so I spent my time exploring them, including trying to capture in the photos the incredible clearness of the water.
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I finally said goodbye to Pukaskwa in the afternoon to get some groceries at Marathon (with a pretty mural opposite the Canadian Tire and a brand-new fancy Tim Hortons where I treated myself to a donut 😁) before heading out to the next park along the lake, but I will certainly be back in September!
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Wildlife: 1 snake
SUPs: two
Hikes:  two
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chicagowaterpros · 1 year
Pluses Of Using an RO System in Lake Forest and Long Grove, IL
Drinking water must be unadulterated to ensure good health. While all endorse this statement, an attempt to remove both soluble and insoluble contaminants from water is the need of the hour. Sure, boiling kills off many pollutants, but it is a long process that involves multiple stages. The right way to obtain water that may be consumed and used for domestic chores is to use a quality filter. Again, one is spoilt for choice when purchasing a water filter or installing a superior system. Moreover, the plethora of options becomes challenging too. It may be worthwhile to consider the RO system in Lake Forest and Long Grove, IL, which is exceedingly popular at present. ​ The first thing that one must do before going water filter shopping is to check the variety of products available in the market. RO, or reverse osmosis, is a process that has been featured in many conversations of late. Water experts and health professionals recommend opting for a RO system to get purified water 24X7. It is necessary to understand the process first. It suffices to know that the reverse osmosis (RO) system facilitates the process of pushing tap water through a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane allows small water particles through it but holds back the bigger molecules. The system then removes the pollutants from the water, including the microorganisms that may affect the health. Sulfates, nitrates, fluorides, and arsenic are eliminated as well. Multiple minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium & potassium are filtered out too. The dealers almost always inform their prospective customers about the associated advantages of drinking water filtered by the RO process, but the buyer must be well aware of the procedure and convinced about the gains to be obtained from it. Researching the what’s and whys of the RO system can enable one to make an informed decision. It is indeed astounding to learn that the water filtered via the RO process can be highly beneficial in the following ways:- · Complete Removal of Contaminants- This process works magnificently for filtrating contaminants from all types of water. Even wastewater can be treated using this method. The tap water at home is no doubt purified perfectly and becomes good for maintaining health. The system may consist of 4-5 individual levels of filtration that clean the water perfectly and makes it suitable for consumption. · Filtered water 24X7- There is no waiting time involved when sourcing water from the system. Since the RO filter is connected directly to the faucet, there is no shortage of flowing, purified water. Storage becomes unnecessary, therefore. · Energy Efficiency- The powerful system does not use electricity. This comes as a surprise to the users, but this is true and a delight to hear. The system operates by water pressure and does not require any heat or electricity. It is, therefore, an energy-efficient system that cuts utility bills substantially. Staying hydrated is essential, but one must consume purified water without contaminants. This can be done using a popular and good quality water filtration system in Wheaton and Chicago, IL, installed perfectly by a seasoned technician.
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thegoatsongs · 1 year
Though in the course of his continual voyagings Ahab must often before have noticed a similar sight, yet, to any monomaniac man, the veriest trifles capriciously carry meanings.
[looks at the camera] I think my most favorite characters can be described as monomaniac...
Though, to be sure, from the small number of English whalers, such meetings do not very often occur, and when they do occur there is too apt to be a sort of shyness between them; for your Englishman is rather reserved, and your Yankee, he does not fancy that sort of thing in anybody but himself.
Well my closest American friends are all from the Lake Erie states, so I have limited knowledge, and in person they indeed aren't fond of you being reserved and will try to hype you up, but I'm not sure if they fancy it in themselves! They'd not be too happy about the killing tons of whales part though.
Because, in the case of pirates, say, I should like to know whether that profession of theirs has any peculiar glory about it. It sometimes ends in uncommon elevation, indeed; but only at the gallows. And besides, when a man is elevated in that odd fashion, he has no proper foundation for his superior altitude. 
Good heavens Ishmael
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biaswreckingfics · 1 year
which with all the spam-bot action I just might turn into a Karen.
I forgot (THANKS TUMBLR) what I was saying !! Boo tomato tomato.
I hope you are doing well! If not? I’m ready to through hands with anyone and anything, non physical world include (side eye tumblr).
Because these hands???
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*insert hand hearts x 3000* I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
Oh OH oH!!! I remember! I was going to comment how scary Lake Michigan is and how it makes such sharp ice. A great defense mechanism! But not as evolutionarily as great as the dandelion!
Have a fabulous Friday, weekend, and life! Get yourself a treat! You earned it!
Sorry I’ve been mia…I got a big girl job! :)
👀👀👀 hello quaaacky lmao 😂😂 I did indeed get this message
Your gif usage is 💯💯💯 every time lol. I'm doing okay!! Pulling myself out of the funk I've been in this year (or maybe it's just because it's finally not fucking freezing outside lol). I might need backup for running my mouth on Twitter though 👀👀 you in?? Lol
Lake Michigan!! It's such a pretty thing to behold, but all of those lakes are so freaking dangerous. Personally, Lake Huron was almost my kryptonite, but I fear that's only because I haven't made it up to Superior yet 🥴🥴😂😂. What's this about dandelions, though?!?!
You got a big girl job!??!?! Yay!! I'm so happy for you!! I hope you're loving and enjoying every minute of it!! ❤️❤️❤️
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mahayanapilgrim · 7 months
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The birth of Padmasambhava
THE WORD padma is Sanskrit. It was preserved as a Tibetan word and means lotus flower. Sambhava means
"born from." Padmasambhava's usual name in Tibetan, is Pema Jungney, translated from the Sanskrit name Padmakara, which means "originated from a lotus."
When Padmakara was born from a lotus flower and, also, while being led back by King Indrabhuti, wherever he was set down, a lotus spontaneously sprung up. The king exclaimed, "This child is truly a lotus-born one!" Therefore he became renowned as Padmakara.
His ordination name was Shakya Senge. Later, when he became learned in the fields of knowledge and presided as the head of five hundred great panditas, he was known as Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born. Thus he is indeed named after his manner of birth.
It is universally renowned that the Precious Master took birth from a lotus flower in a way that is called instantaneous birth. Instantaneous birth in itself is nothing to marvel about since all beings take rebirth through one of the four modes of birth: womb birth, egg birth, moisture birth, and instantaneous birth. But this master's birth was superior to ordinary instantaneous birth. The reason is that the lotus flower from which he was born, in the center of Lake Danakosha, had been fused with the combined light rays of compassion of Buddha Amitabha and all the buddhas of the ten directions.
This is not just an exaggerated praise tenaciously offered by old ignorant followers of the Nyingma School; Padmakara was foretold by Buddha Shakyamuni himself in many sutras and tantras. If it was the case that those predictions are found only in the Nyingma tantras, it would be difficult for other people to have full trust in them, so here is a quotation from the Immaculate Goddess Sutra:
The activity of all the victorious ones of the ten directions
Will gather into a single form,
A buddha son, who will attain marvelous accomplishment,
A master who will embody buddha activity,
Will appear to the northwest of Uddiyana.
Padmasambhava is also prophesied in the Sutra of Inconceivable Secrets:
A manifestation of the buddhas of the three times,
With marvelous deeds in this Good Aeon,
Will appear as a vidyadhara
In the center of a wondrous lotus flower.
The Tantra of the Ocean of Ferocious Activity says:
A holder of the secrets of all the buddhas,
The king of the deeds of indestructible wrath,
A miraculous form without father or mother,
Will appear as a vidyadhara In Lake Kosha of Uddiyana.
There exists a vast number of similar quotations, but since these will suffice for gaining understanding, I shall refrain from further elaborations. The heart of the matter is that these quotations establish that he was miraculously born from a lotus flower.
For people who could not be converted by someone miraculously born, Padmasambhava showed himself as taking birth through a womb. In that version he was born as the son of King Mahusita of Uddiyana and given the name Danarakshita. When reaching maturity, he wanted to leave in order to practice the Dharma, but his parents did not permit him to do so. Unable to find any other way, he saw that he could only escape through some felonious action. He killed one of the king's children and was then banished as punishment. Taking ordination from the pandita Shakyabodhi, he was named Shakya Senge.
Whatever the case, Master Padma was not an ordinary, material person. We should understand that all his deeds and life examples are a magical display shown to convert people according to their individual inclinations. By regarding him as a normal human being, we will fail to perceive even a fraction of his enlightened qualities.
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
Lake effects.
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January 9, 2023
Denying election results has become a compulsory routine for defeated Republican candidates of the MAGA persuasion. And no one has been more committed to the bit than failed Arizona gubernatorial hopeful Kari Lake (pictured above alongside another annoying sore loser).
Indeed, Lake, a former Democrat whose only qualification to be governor was that she was once a TV news anchor, built her entire campaign on the Big Lie that Donald Trump actually won the last presidential election and therefore all elections in which the wrong person lost — especially those employing mailed-in ballots — were suspect. At a candidate debate, Lake repeatedly claimed the 2020 election was “stolen” and “corrupt.” Warming to the topic, she also imaginatively declared that 34,000 Arizona ballots “were counted two, three and four times.”
But upon receiving her adopted party's nomination in August, Lake embarked on a campaign so comically inept it was utterly destined to fail. Here's how Politico described it.
Lake calls herself her own campaign manager, believes political consultants “don’t know what the hell they’re talking about” and refuses to call big donors who are accustomed to being courted. She ignores advice from the Arizona political class and says she’s not a “huge believer” in running TV ads.
Unsurprisingly, she lost to secretary of state Katie Hobbs by just over 17,000 votes. And just as predictably she refused to concede defeat and continued to make unfounded allegations about the way the election was conducted.
She's been particularly obsessed with Maricopa County, the state's largest county and a Democratic stronghold. In fact, Lake made such a ruckus with her accusations that County Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates had to be moved to an undisclosed location on Election Day due to threats to his safety.
Lake also filed a 70-page complaint with the Maricopa County Superior Court in which she demanded the court declare her the winner of the governor's race, or else throw out the results and require the county to conduct a new election. The suit asserted that "hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots infected the election" in Maricopa. It didn’t take Judge Peter Thompson long to dismiss 8 out the suit’s 10 claims, and two weeks later he rejected the others with the comment, "The Court cannot accept speculation or conjecture in place of clear and convincing evidence." 
Lake is taking her nonsense case to the state Court of Appeals, where she will fare no better. In the meantime, Katie Hobbs has been officially sworn in as governor, and Lake still hasn’t conceded her loss. But then her idol has yet to concede his, either.
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rankertopgoogle · 2 years
Folding Dog House
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Get the Unique Collections Online - Everything for My Animals
Convenient Collapsing Canine Containers
Canines are supposed to be man's closest companion yet they will generally be chaotic multiple times. You likewise struggle with welcoming them out traveling open air or continuing setting up camp. They can upset your driving when they are put at the rear of the vehicle or will make messiness. You can utilize collapsing canine cases. They are so helpful and convenient to utilize.
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Bring along your pet anyplace you go may it be in a far off place away for home or an excursion beyond the country. Utilize a collapsing canine case to cause your pet to feel good and safe. Boxes are exceptionally flexible to use in addition to it has such countless jazzy plans to browse. It additionally has various varieties like pink, blue, green and different shades in the variety range. You can pick a variety that will go with your pet's orientation. Pick additionally the item that are produced using top notch materials and will remain long for a really long time. Containers have various sizes and will fit impeccably for enormous canines and little cartons for modest ones.
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You can likewise utilize the carton when you are cleaning the house. Canines will generally go all through the house regular and leaves messy paw prints by and large around the floor. In any case, with the assistance of the box you can get them so you can clean the house completely without rehashing the strokes everywhere. It saves you less time and exertion. Containers can likewise act as where your pet can rest or as their little bed. With cushions on the walls causes them to feel good and unwind. Since it is collapsing you can without much of a stretch store it in a protected spot, it saves you extraordinary space. It is so adaptable to utilize and encourages your canine.
 Guinea Pig Supplies - Guinea Pig Water Containers
Consider this while buying guinea pig supplies: a water dish is entirely OK for a canine or a feline yet profoundly unwise for a guinea pig for no less than two reasons. 1) Cavies will generally push dishes or bowls over habitually and 2) they will quite often poo frequently and they will generally crap all over the place. (Indeed, even in their food and water dishes) Along these lines, while choosing guinea pig supplies, you would be very much encouraged to keep away from water dishes or water bowls and to rather equip your enclosure with a top quality water bottle.
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 Water Bowls-The Disadvantage
Indeed, you can place water in a weighty fired bowl to make it hard for your guinea pigs to push over. Furthermore, you could excuse that it's a superior framework for them since it looks more normal to watch them drink from a bowl than a water bottle. In the wild, they would have lapped up water from a lake or a stream-not drained it out of a metal cylinder. Yet, when the day is finished, you will in any case be confronted with a dirty water bowl; vigorously debased with roughage, defecation, bedding and whatever other garbage that your pigs can figure out how to hurl in there. Indeed, our cavies can be (might I venture to say it?) such pigs.
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Then again, assuming that your pigs really do figure out how to flip the bowl over (and it's truly plausible that they will), it will cause a wet spot in the sheet material that can turned into an engaging favorable place for shape, growth, or other unfortunate living things.
 Pick a Water Container with a Tempered Steel Sipper Cylinder
The arrangement, obviously, is to utilize a water bottle with a tempered steel metal roller sipper tube. This will keep the water safeguarded from impurities. What's more, since it connects to the mass of the enclosure, it will be liberated from spills.
Albeit a bowl isn't reasonable for offering water to your pigs, it is as yet a convenient thing to have. It is smart to put a little, weighty dish or bowl straightforwardly under the finish of the sipper cylinder to get overabundance water.
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Assuming you watch your guinea pigs drink from their water bottle, you will see that they don't delicately lick the metal roller end of the sipper tube. It's a remarkable inverse, as a matter of fact. They forcefully assault the sipper tube. They bite on it. They shake it. They eat, chomp and crunch away at it until their thirst is extinguished meanwhile sprinkling, slopping and slobbering abundance water out of the lower side of their mouth on the grounds that, as I said prior: cavies can be such what? Right! Pigs.
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Feline Consideration: How frequently would it be advisable for you to Wash Your Felines?
Not at all like canines, are felines great at preparing themselves. They can keep themselves clean even without our assistance. Be that as it may, there are likewise times where we want to intercede. For instance, those with outside felines know that it's not unexpected for see their felines getting back home canvassed in residue or even motor oil since they love slipping into dim corners like vehicles and upper rooms.
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As per the Public Feline Custodians of America, it's fitting to give your felines a shower (with a blow dry) each 4 to about a month and a half to keep their furs spotless and gleaming too to try not to have tangled or pelted fur.
 More Information: - https://www.everythingformyanimals.com/
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