#independent star wars prequels rp
corruptedforce · 9 months
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Independent Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader from Star Wars. Multi-verse and Multi-Ship
Highly Supportive of Canon, slightly Canon-Divergent, can be talked into some fix-it and the occasional AU. We lean more towards Legends and not towards anything in the Sequels or from any shows, except for Kenobi.
Character and Plot driven, although there are ships, so adult content happens.
Barely controlled on a good day, by Tanya
He and I are both highly opinionated. Established June 2022 on my multi crowsandmurder; here since January 2023
( promo // carrd )
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
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I’m working on the Anakin/Darth Vader starters I owe from this starter call.   
Feel free to still like my starter call :) 
It can be found HERE
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forcesensed · 3 years
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#FORCESENSED  is  an  INDEPENDENT,  PRIVATE,  and  LOW  ACTIVITY  roleplay  blog  for  OBI-WAN  KENOBI  of  the  star  wars  franchise.  primarily  prequels,  tcw  (2008),  and  headcanon  based  with  minor  influence  taken  from  the  comics.  written  by  ewan  (  they/them  ),  21+  from  the  UK.
for  the  moment  while  i  gently  dip  my  toes  into  writing  a  popular  canon  muse,  i  will  be  very  selective  with  who  i  follow  /  interact  with.  this  isn't  something  personal  towards  your  muse(s)  /  blogs,  i  promise  !  i  don't  have  a  lot  of  free  time  these  days  and  on  the  days  i  do,  i  don't  have  a  lot  of  energy.  i  want  this  blog  to  be  as  stress-free  as  physically  possible.  if  you  want  a  fast,  on  the  ball  writer,  this  is  not  the  blog  for  you.  PRIVATE  =  MUTUALS  ONLY.  please  only  interact  with  me  if  we're  mutuals. IF  YOU'RE  A  PERSONAL  /  NON-RP  BLOG  DO  NOT  FOLLOW  OR  INTERACT.  THANK  YOU.
guidelines  /  dossier  /  eventual  verses  page.
interest  checker  /  tracker.
other  links  i'll  definitely  get  to  writing  soon.
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skywlkrr · 4 years
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howdy folks! welcome to an independent, highly selective, mutuals only blog for 𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐑 of Star Wars, adored by 𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙴 (she/her/25). a lot of my portrayal of anakin is based mainly off of the clone wars, the revenge of the sith novel, and other various media that pertain to the prequels. please take into consideration normal rp etiquette! i have my rules for more information below as well as on my blog. i am currently working and going to school so my activity is pretty unpredictable. but i’m always up for new clone wars adventures for anakin!
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dearkaelsman · 5 years
Because I’m currently unemployed and my province is in recession wooo
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: Ashli
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I can say the alphabet faster backwards than forwards. I am also a proud BlackBerry user in 2020.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Eyes and smile are the first things I notice. After that I feel like it’s different things I find attractive on a person or reflective on personality.
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Hungarian-style cabbage rolls. Beef belongs in them, not pork.
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Meat pies of any sort (they’re too rich for my palette to handle and literally make me feel sick).
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: I don’t believe in feeling guilty about things I enjoy if they’re not hurting anyone. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: In the winter I go full-on fleece PJ’s because I’m Albertan and it gets down to -40*C here. In the summer, a t-shirt or tank top and Lululemon pants/shorts.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships because I lack self esteem.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Generally speaking I believe everything happens for a reason, however, as a recently unemployed journalist, I do wish I had paid more attention to job openings while working at my last newspaper that was shut down in January. I genuinely loved what I was doing, where I was working ( the pay was practically minimum wage but it was a job), so I didn’t pay attention to them before, and now I’m literally living in one of the worst areas of my country to find a job, and unable to afford moving to where there’s work.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: If I’m comfortable with the person, yes.
12. FAVOURITE BOOK: I read a lot so it’s impossible for me to narrow down to one book. The Harry Potter series (specifically Prisoner of Azkaban) will probably be amongst my favourites, especially given it was the first book series that made me love reading. Beastly by Alex Flinn is one of my go-to rereads when I’m looking for something romantic because I really enjoy the way the book is written, and as a girl that often ends up RPing guys, it’s nice to have that “male” type perspective on a romantic relationship. The Immortals Series by Tamora Pierce is also a long-standing favourite. 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Cats. I could so easily by a “crazy cat lady,” but I just have two at the moment.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Dearka x Miriallia (Gundam SEED, obvs.), Anakin x Padme (Star Wars), Trunks x Pan (DBZ), Mitsuhide x Kiki (Snow White with the Red Hair), Sakura x Syaoran (Cardcaptors)
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. I’m super picky with pie.
16. FAVOURITE SCENT: The smell in the air after it’s rained in the summer, OR what my sister and I like to call “warm sunny kitty,” which is how the kitties smell after they’ve been sleeping in a sunbeam all afternoon.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: I don’t really crush on celebrities as much as I’ll find a character attractive in a show or movie that I’m watching. I recently binged “Spinning Out” on Netflix which unfortunately got cancelled after the first season, and I really liked Justin Davis, played by Evan Roderick, so I guess he might count as my current celeb crush?
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Right now  I’m very much in Star Wars obsession mode so I’d like to go to Disney World to check out Galaxy’s Edge. Eventually I want to see the life-size Gundam in Japan and visit Cat Island, and visit Greece and Italy.
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: 100 per cent an introvert.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Probably.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android. Apples rot.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Yeah, I’m slowly catching up on games while I’m unemployed. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a recent favourite, but I’m super excited about the remaster of FFVII coming out.
23. DREAM JOB:  I don’t like limiting myself which is why I like being a journalist/photojournalist where I get to experience and do a number of different things. That said, if I could do nothing but shoot events for a newspaper - and sadly newspapers don’t employ straight photographers anymore - that would be ideal. Potentially I wouldn’t mind delving into the political realm with behind the scenes stuff, or combine my love for nerdy things with writing/photography and somehow get paid for it. And paid more than just above minimum wage LOL.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Buy my dream camera, the Canon ID X, repair the gear I have that needs to go in. I’d look into opening up a viable independent local newspaper for central Alberta that isn’t tied down to a corporate, American-based chain or operating as a political propaganda machine, and once I have some job security, move into a place of my own.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: Athrun Zala. He’s very much a self-righteous character that believes he’s the only one that really knows what’s going on, and the only one who NEEDS to know what’s going on. Much of the friction he created within the Le Creuset Team was as a result of him not letting his teammates know that Kira was a friend and Coordinator piloting the Strike. I believe they would’ve approached battles differently if they had known, and it would’ve eliminated the doubts of Athrun’s leadership when they were searching for the Archangel on Orb, and honestly may have saved Nicol’s life in the end. If he wasn’t so self-righteous, he also wouldn’t have played into Durandal’s hand in Destiny, trust Kira and even Lacus to be on the right side of things, and perhaps even prevented that whole Cagalli-Yuuna situation. He might even actually let one of the many women fawning over him (he honestly doesn’t seem interested in ANY OF THEM, Cagalli included), and let Dearka and Yzak know what was going on in Destiny when they were left in the dark about Durandal’s master plan, and what role the Archangel and Athrun were playing in the war.
I guess what bothers me, too - and it could just be the Dearka in me talking - but he gets preferential treatment a lot. As far as I know, the story is Dearka was demoted for his defection from ZAFT, while Athrun, who defected AFTER Dearka and didn’t even have the balls to return right after the war returned in Destiny and was given back his red coat and a FAITH badge as if he’d never done anything wrong in ZAFT’s eyes....only to pull the same shit again.
Honestly, the man has no direction in life, and is somehow lauded as a hero and exempted from any sort of repercussions of his actions.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Voltron. Miriallia-mun and I were both into Voltron when it came out and even cosplayed Hunk and Keith together and it was the best. But as it goes with many fandoms, the show got hijacked by brutal shipping wars where one couldn’t just enjoy the show. The fandom then became really toxic, calling for the creators to be assaulted or worse at conventions, or insinuating they were homophobic because they didn’t make their slash pairing canon. I couldn’t have cared less about ships in the show, and the final season showed some catering to toxic fan pressure and had some poor plot points which honestly left me uninterested in watching the show after the final season.
tagged by: Stole it from @aegis-destiny
tagging : Anyone who wants to.
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crystalshined · 2 years
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𝑪𝑹𝒀𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑫   —  independent,  low activity,  roleplay blog for TRU VELD and DARRA THEL-TANIS based on star wars: jedi quest novels by jude watson. primarily set in prequel era and following legends canon.
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TL; DR  — Tru and Darra are introduced as peers / friends of Anakin Skywalker between ep. I and II of the prequel trilogy. If you are following me I will assume you are chill with this concept. You can check ‘timeline’ for notable events involving my muses that list most things that happened in the books.
𝑮𝑼𝑰𝑫𝑬𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑬𝑺 under the cut
I WRITE WITH MUTUALS. Mutual follow means we follow each other. I will only follow other star wars rp blogs.
I AM A SLOW WRITER, if that’s not your thing we can keep interactions in short writing forms. Please do not expect replies the same day you send me things. My activity on this blog is sporadic for now, this might change if I get more interactions going.
PERSONAL BLOGS!! Please don’t reblog / like my roleplay threads, thank you!
PLEASE SPECIFY MUSE FOR INBOX MEMES otherwise it’s a wildcard you have been warned! Feel free to turn any ask meme into a thread.
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS are 100% welcome to approach me about pre-established relationships. I love OCs!! My only request is that there is an information page about your muse on your blog beforehand.
MY HEADCANONS ARE JUST FOR ME.  If they concern your muse I don’t mean to force the interpretation on you in any way, in fact I will love to hear your take and incorporate it in threads. I promise.
THIS BLOG IS MULTIVERSE & DOESN'T PRACTICE EXCLUSIVES Individual interactions happen in separate verses BUT I may reference friend's blogs in my writing cuz that's fun.
I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT. There will be however nsfw themes present on this blog such as violence, mentions of war, mentions of death, injury, body horor etc. follow at your own comfort, I’ll do my best to tag appropriately. I do not need any triggers tagged.
For any other purposes, the owner of this blog is Ama (she / they,  21+)
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forcesensed-archive · 4 years
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#FORCESENSED  is  an  INDEPENDENT,  PRIVATE,  and  LOW  ACTIVITY  roleplay  blog  for  OBI-WAN  KENOBI  of  the  star  wars  franchise.  primarily  prequels  and  tcw  based  with  inspiration  taken  from  personal  headcanons,  plus  minor  comic  influence.  SIDEBLOG  TO  TIMEROGUED.  
loved  by  ewan  (  they/them  ),  from  the  UK.
at  the  moment,  while  i  gently  dip  my  toes  into  writing  a  popular  canon  muse,  i  will  be  very  selective  with  who  i  follow  /  interact  with.  this  isn’t  something  personal  towards  your  muse  /  blogs,  i  promise,  i  just  suffer  with  a  lot  of  anxiety  and  i  want  this  to  be  as  stress-free  as  physically  possible.  PRIVATE  =  MUTUALS  ONLY.  remember  that  this  is  a  sideblog  so  all  follow  backs  will  come  from  the  blog  mentioned  above  !!  you  DON’T  need  to  be  following  me  there  for  us  to  interact.
guidelines  /  dossier  /  eventual  verses  page.
other  links  i’ll  defo  get  to  writing  soon.
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