native-emo-bean · 5 years
Kinda funny how Canadians have the stereotype that they’re all nice when they can’t even have the decency to be nice to Indigenous people
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native-emo-bean · 5 years
There 👏🏽 needs 👏🏽 to 👏🏽 be 👏🏽 more 👏🏽 Indigenous 👏🏽 representation 👏🏽 in 👏🏽the 👏🏽 media👏🏽
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native-emo-bean · 5 years
To all of the people who claim they’re 1/16 Cherokee or that their great grandmother was a native princess:
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native-emo-bean · 5 years
Credit: Instagram, @ lilnativeboy
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native-emo-bean · 5 years
Do y’all have any idea how smart Indigenous peoples were before contact?
All indigenous groups had their own languages, doctors, hierarchy, art work, music, architecture, medicine, teachers, and more. Indigenous groups weren’t dumb at all when colonizers came, they had their own societies before contact. Then adapting their societies to fit a colonizer’s world, and now trying to revive their cultures and languages in today’s society, if Indigenous groups aren’t smart then I don’t know who is.
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native-emo-bean · 5 years
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Since the 1800s in Canada, the churches tricked indigenous peoples following their cultural and spiritual traditions, shamed them and punished them for their cultural and spiritual traditions, almost wiped out almost their entire language and culture, sexually and verbally and emotionally abused Indigenous children in residential schools, and all the Anglican Church of Canada can do is say “sorry”.
Like it says in the article, the damage has been done. In my culture, we don’t even know much about our spirituality. All shamans were called “witches”, our fucking totem poles were burned or taken away from our land because the church thought they were idols and indigenous peoples should follow and respect the rules of god.
Take your fucking apology and go to hell.
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native-emo-bean · 5 years
Both U.S. and Canadian governments were both established on stolen land from the indigenous groups, and how the hell do Indigenous people have LESS say in what happens on their land? How can the governments give less of a shit of Indigenous lives?
No. That shouldn’t happen anymore. Change. Happens. Now.
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