#indra day 🌳
okmcintyre · 1 year
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zchraa · 27 days
🌳 a happy text + ela
Zehra: INDRA SMIIIIILED Zehra: Twelve months since she even existed and those single smiles are worth every struggle. Zehra: I love her more than the whole world Zehra: I love you, but Indra just made my day (I'm not sorry) @elaxkaya
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I request the senju family,indra,itachi,sasuke,neji and madara with a s/o who suffers a miscarriage?Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Please don't read if this triggers you!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, s/o suffering a miscarriage (!), mentioning of depression
s/o suffers from a miscarriage
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜I do know that Indra is for the most part a rather cruel Yandere to have, but especially for him starting a family would be important, though the reasons aren't exactly the most pure ones. He needs someone to carry on his legacy and terrorize Asura and his village when he isn't there anymore. It's also a great way to bind his darling to him with a child. That aside Indra would mellow out after starting a family with his darling and he naturally looked forward to the day where his darling would give birth the moment it was official that she was pregnant. Indra became more soft and started treating her more careful to avoid risking to damage the baby and the health of his darling.
💜Shock, guilt, anger. Those are his emotions for a very long time after the abort of the unborn baby. How else could he feel? He's a brute, but he has his own share of emotions as well. He grew quite fond of being able to raise his children and teach them everything he knows so they can carry on his legacy. But that was just taken from him and deepd down he fears it might be after all his fault for the ways he's treated you in the past. His darling probably feels the same because the life wiped out was the one of an innocent baby. Sadness and guilt can not be avoided especially from her side. Indra is somewhat wise enough to not blame you or make you feel any more guilty than you already do, instead the loss of the baby somewhat makes you two grow closer. But he still wants to try again as soon as his darling is emotionally and physically alright again.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑He is worse than Indra because his darling probably doesn't hold the same significance to him as for Indra. Madara has a clan of his own already and if we're talking about him still being part of the Leaf Village, he still has a home and wasn't betrayed by anyone yet. So funnily his need for children wouldn't be that great as it would be for Indra. But as the head of his clan he needs heirs obviously to take over the clan when his time has come. And similar to Indra it would be a rather effective way to get the s/o a bit better under control with babies. And since he at the very least cares for a healthy pregnancy he as well prevents from harming his darling in any way.
🌑I do like to believe that he cared for the child as more than just a potential heir so it definitely affects him as well, though different from his darling who might shed tears, he won't cry. But he grows extremely bitter and everyone from his clan who tries to give him their condolences will trigger him. Madara doesn't really know who exactly he should blame since the s/o is already suffering from all of this and that just leads him to letting his anger out on everyone around him. Hashirama is the only one who manages to endure his anger and somewhat comfort him. He funnily grows around you very silent instead of voicing his frustration out, maybe out of some respect. He doesn't possess the same ability to shield the blame on himself quite as much as Indra does so he gives himself not that much fault like Indra does. Even so, he also wants to try again.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Hashirama is a heavily family man and he would want a big one in that matters as well. He probably wouldn't push his darling into it since he wants the desire to have a few children as mutual. But he would be the happiest man when you tell him that you're pregnant and I do see the village and the clan celebrating the day the news come out. His clan would most likely look forward to the next heir of the clan and the village is happy for their Hokage. But really, no one could be quite as excited as Hashirama and he would treat his darling so much more like royalty than he would have done already now that she's pregnant with a child.
🌳That makes the heartbreak and the agony only so much more worse for him in the end. It is just such a hard blow to his heart and to pretty much everyone in the whole village when the horrible news get out. Just everyone is in shock and Hashirama will cry about it a lot, he feels like he might have done more. Doing work normally afterwards becomes extremely hard for him and even his brother can't bring himself to nag him for it since he understands the heavy loss. Hashirama and his darling cling most likely on each other for a long time afterwards for comfort and the first few days after over the whole clan and maybe even village is a rather depressed mood and he and you probably get a lot of condolence letters from the citizens. Hashirama is afterwards a bit paranoid to try again out of fear the same will happen again and this paranoia will be reflected in the way he would treat his child that is born healthy if you are ready to try again. More smothering and doting due to the trauma of the loss of his first child.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Family certainly is important for him, but the thought of having children of his own is not really something he really considers much. Tobirama is a busy guy and different from his brother he doesn't have the same patience for a child as much as he has and he wouldn't be able to handle too many children alongside with all the other work he has to do. You would probably have to ask him about how he feels or his clan. Highly likely even his own brother who asked him when he would be able to call himself "uncle Hashi". Tobirama isn't that keen on having a family of his own, but if you would be fine and want one, he will warm up to the idea. He's kind of strict with things like food and certain activities, but only because he values health and safety of mother and baby.
🌊Initially he won't cry about it, Tobirama decides rather to be there and comfort his darling who will be shattered far worse since she was the one carrying the baby in her womb. But just wait until he is for himself and gets to think over everything again. That's when it'll finally hit him at his worst and he cries out of frustration and sorrow as well. He knows that technically he did his best to ensure that you're healthy as well as the embryo and ultimately it was no one's fault. But that doesn't stop the thought "I could have done more" from popping up in his mind and his ability to work get affected from it. I think it would be much more worse if Hashirama is at that point in time already dead because he would be the best person to comfort him during such a time. The experience takes it's toll on him and he grows afterwards much more softer to his s/o since she's scarred for life now. He would be somewhat more iffy to try again.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌I see Tsunade having a big soft spot for children and she would be happy to start a family with her darling and if the children are adopted or made through test-tube fertilization wouldn't really matter to her, she'll love the little one nevertheless. If the baby will be made through more artificial ways she would take great care in guaranteeing that nothing will go wrong during the pregnancy and that mother as well as child will be healthy after birth. She kind of wants to ditch work so she can look after her darling, but Sakura ans Shizune offer help so the Fifth Hokage can focus on her duties whilst one of them looks a bit after the s/o in the meantime so Tsunade has less to worry about.
🐌The poor woman would have her heart broken all over again after having gone through such a traumatic experience. Tsunade loved that child already very much, even if it was only a few weeks old and as a medic it would be all the worst for her. Because she feels like she's completely failed to do what she was supposed to do and no one can really talk her into thinking otherwise. Similar to Hashirama and his darling I see Tsunade and her darling clinging on each other and comforting the other like this as well. And just like her grandfather she struggles to concentrate afterwards as well, she's emotional afterwards and can't really suppress her tears of sorrow and disappointment. She probably gets many letters filled with words of sadness and condolences as well and Sakura and Shizune try their best to help as good as they can as well. Tsunade probably drowns her pain in sake sometimes as well.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Itachi would react the most torn apart about this. He is somewhat happy with the though of a child, but there are so many worries coming with it. He is a member of the Akatsuki and if words gets out you're pregnant chances are very high that you'll be hunted down whilst you're in such a vulnerable state as well. He would risk losing darling and child and it strikes fear in his heart and the fact that his child would have to grow up isolated and with constant dangers is another thing. A possibility would be pleading the Leaf for help to guarantee safety, but people might still go after his darling even there. Additionally you can't blame him for wanting to see his child growing up as well, a bit selfishness is even for him not completely avoidable. So Itachi stresses a bit out on what to do.
🍡But even if that baby meant more stress for him, he would have died for them the moment they would have been born and he feels great pain over the loss. Itachi won't express how emotional exactly he is since he doesn't express them very often and similar to Tobirama he wants to stay strong for his darling and be her shoulder to cry on for the sorrowful time after the miscarriage. He puts the comfort of you over the one of his own and he kind of tries to avoid going on any missions and leave you alone in such a state. It makes him extremely uneasy. Otherwise than his darling he has no one to express his pain and sadness too, maybe Kisame if he trusts him more enough. Otherwise he keeps his emotions for himself and so chances are no one except him and his darling will ever know about this heartbreaking experience.
Neji Hyuga
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🕊Neji seems to be another one of those guys who would want to start a family with their darling at one point in the timeline. Though similar to the First Hokage he would never force his darling into anything as long as she doesn’t want a child as well. Now if his darling indeed wants a family of her own, he would be extremely happy. And when she tells him that she is pregnant Neji will tear up a bit since he is rather emotional with the s/o. But he is over the moon with the thought of the growing baby made out of love inside of the s/o and he grows more protective from a very early point on. But Neji really is just bursting with anticipation and the whole clan is glad for him as well, especially Hinata. After all Neji had to go through, who wouldn’t be?
🕊He’s really just shattered afterwards and grows seemingly more bitter towards others to the point where he reminds others of his younger despiteful self that used to look down on everyone. That only lasts for a few days though, it functions as a subconscious way for his mind to protect the pain and grief he has inside of him. Neji certainly grows paranoid afterwards as well due to the obviously bad condition his darling is in, completely emotionally traumatized from the loss of the little baby she was growing inside of her. It might lead to the point where he would use a strategy often used from Hashirama, gluing himself to your side as often as possible. The Hyuga additionally grows warily around people who might possibly trigger his darling whilst trying to speak out their apologies and the only person he really trusts most is Hinata who tries to constantly somehow soothe Neji’s and your pain.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙For Sasuke it is just the same as it would be with Indra. He has a clan to restore, though I don't see him forcing his darling into having more than one child if they won't be able to handle it. Despite everything he values and treasures you a lot and wants the child to grow up as normal as they can be with him as a father. However, he does kind of coerce the s/o into having at least one child with him. If you wanted a child yourself anyways he at least doesn't have to use manipulation on you and it increases the chances of a semi-normal family life so that's only better. He would definitely settle down once he knows that his darling is pregnant and focus on caring and protecting his family.
💙He doesn't really have anyone besides his darling to mourn over the loss either since he is not living with her in the Leaf and he planned on keeping the pregnancy from them a bit longer as a secret to avoid any kind of conflict reganrding the council who would probably want the Uchiha clan back in their village. He doesn't show it on the outside that much as well because as an adult Sasuke is less of a dick and similar to his brother decides to comfort you for now since you might need it more than he does. He cared greatly about the child as well so it isn't like he will be just fine either, this loss will remain as a painful memory on his mind. He grows kind of terrified for a while after to try again out anxiety to have a repeat of events which wouldn't be good for both of your sanities.
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okmcintyre · 7 months
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hey💖Can you do Tobirama,Hashirama,Madara,Itachi,Sasuke and Indra with a s/o whose giving them the silent treatment?
Whatever you wish for.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, possessiveness, violence, harsh behavior, threatening, blackmailing, bribing
Silent treatment
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜That will not work with Indra since he expects obedience and is controlling, terrifying much in that matter. I do see him not working very well with a very talkative or clingy darling to start with, he needs a lot of his own space and appreciates silence. So he wouldn’t be someone who would want to talk often with his s/o to start with. He is after all someone who does ignore them from time to time too, most likely when he’s stressed or with his thoughts somewhere else. But if his darling ignores him, that’s something entirely else. It’s disrespectful for him and will piss him greatly off. Not only that, but whilst not admitting it, Indra does feel the tiniest bit insecure about himself. He was after all rejected by his father for his brother who was a nobody, but still beat him and became the leader of the village. So ignoring him and not appreciating will give him some nasty memories coupled with a stinging reminder of his hurt ego and pride.
💜You won’t be able to do this for too long, the moment Indra gets what you’re doing, it’s already game over to say the least. You only get this one warning from him, you know? And it is maybe better to use this one ‘friendly’ warning before he decides to go with other ways which are far more painful and cruel and not worth the pain at all. If this is still whilst he’s part of the village, he wouldn’t be that incredibly violent, but he would end up monopolizing your time a lot and somewhat threaten you to talk finally to him. Who knows, his brother might try helping even though Indra didn’t want his help.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑Whilst it is with Indra already a piece of horror, with Madara this is even more intense. He is just a lot more complicated and twisted than Indra is, not to mention a whole lot more controlling due to having lost his brother and having gone through the trauma of his whole clan who he respected betraying him for the Leaf Village. It led him to a literal war-starting paranoia and made him just so much more prone for any sort of disobedience. Different from Indra, Madara has a lot more confidence in himself so whilst his darling ignoring him won’t poke any sensitive spot in his heart, it will just make him mad for the reason that they won’t listen to him and he gives only few warnings.
🌑It’s in general just so difficult to please him since he expects a lot and also never really tells his darling what they can do to help them, it’s just a blind game for them. And he has no qualms about hurting and punishing his s/o whenever they slip up which will happen very fast in here. This small act of rebellion will be short-lived, just wait and see. If we’re talking about a Madara in the village, he would be a bit less intense about this, but still ready to go to extreme lengths, including involving the darling’s family so they start paying attention to him once again.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Good luck with trying to successfully ignore him because Hashirama is a lot to endure. He's extremely clingy and also somewhat very needy for his darling's attention so please just give it to him. Because that guy is really prone and whenever his darling is in a bad mood, he is as well. To go as far as giving him the silent treatment he must have done something pretty terrible because normally Hashi is really charming and funny, besides his clingyness. And if he did something wrong, be that bribing you or something similar to hat, he knows why you act the way you do. And believe me, he feels terrible about it, in a way even thinks that he deserves it. Nevertheless, it will lead him to constantly being down and upset, people noticing that he seems more depressed these days and the longer this continues, the more it might actually affect his work.
🌳Hashirama is different from the previous guys. He doesn't hurt nor threatens his darling. As I mentioned, he might be delusional, but he knows that whatever he did to lead you to going as far as coldly ignoring was wrong. He won't really give up and leave you alone though, he just talks to you in hopes of getting you to respond, also trying to do things to please you. But after a while he will realize that you won't do as much as look at him, letting him leave feeling like a kicked puppy. Most likely way how you started to talk to him again was either through Mito or Tobirama. Both know Hashi very well and are also persons who know about his feelings. So one of them might have visited you to talk to you, Hashirama maybe even requested their help. Mito is the more enjoyable option here because I feel like Tobirama would be somewhat mad at you for a.) upsetting his brother and b.) causing him to not work as good and focused as he used to be anymore.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He expects behavior, as harsh as this may sound. But Tobi isn't the softest Yandere to start with either, he's quite dangerous to be clear in here. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't be the type to sometimes ignore you as well, most likely when he is really busy with stuff or does it on purpose so you have to be the one to come back to him and ask for help because your life is once again in some troubles. He does feel bad about it somehwhere deep down, but if his darling would on the other hand just behave, he wouldn't have to do all of this. It doesn't even make him really mad, it just leads him to being annoyed since he thought you would know better than to behave like a bratty child. I'm pretty sure he expected some sort of rebellion anyways because as I said, he is aware of his wrong actions.
🌊I feel like he wouldn't use his position to threaten you, at least at first. Don't get it wrong, he is very willing to use it whenever he feels the need too. But he would like to not do this for something so ridiculous like this. There is surely another way to solve this. Tobirama feels like he shouldn't use his power simply because you decided to rebel a bit. I think he would just return the favor. He will ignore you as well, at least in private because in public he wouldn't do it. It doesn't sound as bad at first, but the problem is that his darling has to rely on him for a lot more things than they might expect, starting with the permission to go outside since the Anbu are watching them all the time. And so he will humiliate you once again because you can't keep this up forever, ending with you having to beg for forgiveness once again and him just acting smug about it.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡He is the best person in here to deal with this. Itachi is respectful, very much as well and feels also really guilty about what he did. He's a lucid Yandere and is all to aware of what unspeakable things he has done, not only for his s/o, but in general. And he carries this all too heavy burden with him. Itachi would never force you into anything as long as you don't do the first step, the only time when he did force you into anything was when he kidnapped you for which he is quite apologetic. He really doesn't expect much from his darling and tries to be as nice and considerate as he can be with them, it's honestly the only thing he can do after taking everything they knew away from them.
🍡He expected it anyways. He can't expect his darling to not be mad at him since the whole situation is really unbelievable. Who wouldn't flip out when being kidnapped from a stranger who happens to be the famous wanted criminal Itachi Uchiha? He gives you a lot of free space, not wanting to make you feel cornered or pressured in any way. It is hurtful for him to just being treated like air, but he couldn't have expected anything more from you either. He would never show how much this might sadden him and just give you time. There are times where he will still engage in one-sided conversations with you, not even trying to get you to answer. He just wants someone to listen since he has a lot on his mind.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙Except Itachi and Hashirama all the wrong guys in here were chosen, sorry to say this. Sasuke has to start with terrible mood swings and lashes quite often out on his darling for the smallest things, especially if he is already tensed up or in a bad mood. And he's also the type to give his darling the silent treatment as well and won't even apologize for it or even do as much as really feel bad for it either. He is just so incredibly prideful to admit all too often that he loves his darling since he always and still somewhat believes that love and friendship is ajust a weakness to have, meaning his darling makes him weak. His emotions confuse him and he can't progress to why he likes his darling that much in the first place, making him irritated with the whole situation and he blames it on the darling.
💙Sasuke has a controlling mania as well, maybe not that extreme like Madara or Indra, but still worse like in many other Yanderes. Next to that whilst he never really cares what his darling might think and feel when he ignores them, he definitely knows that he hates it when his s/o ignores him. It makes him agitated and from there on you have to be careful or else it will end in just another painful lecture. If we're talking about a mature Sasuke I feel like he would treat you more like a parent a bratty child, definitely not about cruelly making fun of you about being like this. As an adult Sasuke might have a bit more patience, but he still dislikes being ignored and the moment he suddenly becomes serious is the moment where I would advice to stop ignoring him, appreciate a more patient and less violent Sasuke as long as he is this way.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi and Hello,it's me once again with yet another ask(I can't help myself, your writing is just so much fun to read!) I'd love to see some headcanons for the Senju brothers, Neji, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Kushina, Asura and Indra and a childhood marriage promise. The darling and the yandere made a promise to marry when they grow up. Soon after the darling's family moves away. And by the time they meet again they completly forgot about that foolish little promise. Maybe have a crush on someone else too?
Such a wide variety on characters. Oh, I’m going to have fun with this😈.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, threatening, blackmailing, bribing, kidnapping, sabotage, violence, death
Childhood marriage promise
Hashirama Senju
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🌳Hashirama is definitely the type to make such a promise to you when the both of you were younger since he had the hugest crush on you already back then. His brother probably scolded him for making such stupid promises to you. I do believe that Hashirama was, when being younger, often scolded for being such an airhead and “too nice” person. So I can see people giving him the “if you continue being such a weakling you’ll never find someone to marry later on” saying. But every time they told him this he would just give them a goofy grin and tell them that he had already found the person he wanted to get married too.
🌳Hashirama was the type to always tell you this as well, being already as a child someone who often complimented you and went on childish dates with you. And he always promised you that later on he would make sure that he would always keep you happy. He even talked about having children of your own. You found it cute at that time since the both of you had been only kids and so one you told him one day you would like marrying him too, making Hashirama blush and give you a bright grin. The both of you made on that day a pinky swear.
🌳Poor boy was so heartbroken when you left, whining and blabbering to his younger brother about how he couldn’t understand why you had moved and why you had to leave him. Had he perhaps done something wrong? If it wouldn’t have been for Tobirama’s scolding speech about collecting his shit he could have continued for hours.
🌳Hashirama never forgot you and for sure never once forgot that promise for once. In his heart he stayed as the young romantic boy who had dreamed about marrying you, his darling. The both of you most likely met after the village had been established, your family moving in there since it provided more safety. And Hashirama was so thrilled when hearing that you had moved into his village, most likely storming to see you the moment after the words “(y/n)” and “back” had been registered in his mind.
🌳Hashirama most likely needed little to no time to fall in love with you all over again, never having stopped once to not feel romantic feelings for you. And due to the promise the both of you had he honestly thought that you felt the same. He’s probably even the type to bring it up to you, telling you about that he’s happy that he could now finally keep his promise to you. But you just gave him a confused look, blinking and asking him confused from what he was talking about. Ouch. That hurt him. He probably started to bombard you with explanations until you finally did remember and told him in an awkward tone that this had been just a childish promise. Nothing more. That might have counted for you, but not for Hashirama. He had clinged onto this promise all those years and now you were telling him that this had been nothing to you? You shattered his heart in that moment.
🌳It was only after this that Hashirama started noticing how you always spent time around that guy in your neighborhood, looking awfully close to him. He hadn’t noticed before, but now that he had sobered up a bit from his delusions, seeing things more clearly. And he was more disappointed and sad than angry by this. A bit at you as well for just breaking the sincere promise you and him had made so many years ago like it had been nothing for you. And Tobirama suffered most likely from a deja vu, his brother whining and complaining with a heartbroken voice that not only you had broken your promise, but also had started crushing on another guy. And Tobirama was the one who triggered his darker side in the end, telling him harshly that acting childish and complaining like a baby wouldn’t help him. If he wanted to have you back then he should start acting on it.
🌳As the Hokage Hashirama has many ways of getting rid of obstacles in his eyes. He wouldn’t want to go to too extreme lengths. He wants in the first place to stop you from falling in love with this guy so a few rumors should do the job. He actually promised to always make you happy and knows that you’ll feel very heartbroken by this. But you broke your promise as well and he’ll make it up to you again! That should make it okay, shouldn’t it?
Tobirama Senju
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🌊Tobirama was already as a child very mature, having to take care of his older brother and growing up in a time where he was confronted with death from a very young age on. Due to this it would be more spit out in the heat of an argument with him. Tobirama might have had a small crush on you when you back then, but that’s exactly what he thought of it as well. Just a small crush. Hashirama was most likely the type to tell him often:”Bro. Smile a bit or else you’ll scare every possible future bride away. Come on! Don’t always wear this dead serious face.”
🌊Tobirama is as said above not the type to make such a ridiculous promise until triggered enough. It most likely slipped unconsciously out of him, probably after you told him from something you wanted to achieve despite being clear that you would never be able to do that. Probably even telling him that when you’re older you’ll be stronger than him. In that case he would act on his pride. And because of this a small argument started and at some point he was livid enough to suddenly spit out if you would be ever able to reach that goal he would marry you. He probably tried to take these words back, but due to your bickering of him not being able to take those words back and teasing him off not having the balls to stand up for his words convinced him in the end to agree to it.
🌊Tobirama took it a lot more better when you left with your village, standing composed. He wasn’t someone who showed his feelings openly, but from his brother he couldn’t hide the fact that he was saddened by this. And Hashirama had been the first person who had shipped him and you, often teasing him about his crush on you and causing Tobirama to snap at him to stop talking nonsense. But the small blush on his face had always told Hashirama that he was right.
🌊Tobi never forgot you. How could he if his brother continued to tease him throughout the years? Your family moved to the Leaf Village later on and as soon as Hashirama heard the news he instantly told his brother about it. And his brother was most likely also the one who pushed him into visiting you instantly after. Not like Tobirama wouldn’t have done that himself anyways since he was curious about what had become of you.
🌊Tobirama spent a lot of time with you after that, most likely because his brother had begged him to. But with time he started to enjoy your presence. You had grown into a respectful and strong person. And not only that. You had also reached your goal from which you had dreamed off since your youngest childhood days. It was probably only to that that he remembered this promise from years ago. Damn it. He honestly thought you would tease him about this, but you never did. And it didn’t take much for Tobirama to figure out that you had forgot. And that stung much more than expected. Why was he so affected by such a stupid promise which he had always thought of no importance?
🌊But that proved to be not the thing that made him seething in the end. It was the fact that you started taking a liking to someone else. Some normal citizen. Tobirama knew damn well that he looked good and many people would have gone to war to just have him come on a daily base willingly over like he always did with you. But you had never seen him in that way, had you? And that was a huge blow to his pride, knowing that you preferred a civilian over someone like him. At first Tobi tried to ignore it, but it honestly didn’t take long until he exploded.
🌊We all now by now what Tobirama will do, giving that person’s life one brutal hit after another until he’s broken everything that is there to break. I think he’ll find himself constantly irritated and confused to why he’s so angry over the fact that you forgot that promise since he himself labeled it as childish at that time. But it is probably due to the fact that you were somewhat persistent on it and Tobirama was so embarrassed after promising this that he kind of started to expect from you to keep the dumb promise he had made to you. Hopefully you’ll act accordingly after he made you remember it or else he’ll be really mad. He took this promise in the end more personally than thought.
Neji Hyuga
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🕊I can see Neji as a young child, before everything happened to him, as quite the romantic and dreamy one, just like he was when he later on became a Yandere. So it’s very likely that he made that promise to you. His father probably told him often that he wished for Neji to find later on happiness in his life by marrying someone he truly loved.
🕊And Neji had already someone in vision for this. You. He was a dreamy boy and liked telling you that he really wanted to marry you later on in his life. Even as a child he had already acted a lot to you like he did later on when he had grown up. And you were back then just a kid who had dreamed of their dream prince. And here you had a young Neji standing in front of you and telling you that he wanted you to become his bride/groom later on. How could you have said no to this face?
🕊Due to his already more delusional tendencies from a very young age on he truly was grieving after you had left, not understanding why you would leave him alone after making that promise to him.
🕊As much as Neji hated to admit it, there had been a time where he had almost forgot about this promise the both of you had made. It was after he had become more bitter towards life and his clan in general. During this time he had tried to forget about that promise, scolding himself for still thinking about that. It was just a stupid dream of him. But after his fight with Naruto he had started to believe in that he could make it happen. He could marry you if he worked hard enough, bringing him back to his dreamy and hazzy state. Everyone in the clan knew about his dream so it was no wonder that Neji was instantly informed the moment your family moved back.
🕊Neji was instantly all over you again, continuing to do what he had done all the time since the both of you had been young. Treating you like his future wife/husband deserved to be treated. In his eyes you were already his partner, the only thing that needed to be done now was the marriage. So he started one day completely casually talking with you about it, expecting you to still remember that promise and give him your opinion. So he was more than just confused when you suddenly started laughing s bit and telling him that this had been just a small promise of no importance. And Neji’s brain wasn’t able to make use of this information. You had to be confused somehow! He knew that you had meant it back then!
🕊And very soon he believed to have found the reason to why you were confused. It was because of that fool there! That guy had manipulated you into thinking that you loved them! Neji was honestly beging enraged by this, feeling disgusted whenever he saw you with them. Never once crossed the thought his mind that you just liked him. For him it was obvious that you were being corrupted by them.
🕊Never would Neji give you any fault from this. No, you’re his sweet angel. It’s the other person’s fault for coming near you and luring you away. Neji’s two main ways of handling this are blackmailing or if it can’t be helped, killing. Not only that, but due to his delusions he might even force you into a marriage with him, all whilst believing in that promise from so many years ago.
Shikamaru Nara
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🦌Shikamaru would honestly be the type to only do something like this because he thinks it’s silly and is too lazy to start discussing with you about it. I can totally see his mother as the type who would continuously tell him that he would never be able to get a girl/boy by being so unspeakably lazy.
🦌You were be the one who had to somehow spark the conversation up about this, probably asking him if he wants to marry later on. And he told you about what his mother had told him, explaining that he doubted that someone would be able to deal with him. And you disagreed with him, saying you were sure he would be later on a great guy and that you for example could imagine to marry him later. This led to a small conversation about it and out of interest Shikamaru asked you if you would promise, wanting to see how far you would go to prove your words. And so the promise was made.
🦌Shikamaru never fully showed how sad he really was when you needed to move away and told you that you were truly a drag for leaving him all alone in the village. But he also told you that you should come back soon again.
🦌Shikamaru didn’t like talking very much about you because it made him sad. He never forgot about that promise too, always scoffing when thinking about it. But the older he got, the more it popped up in his head. He couldn’t deny that he was curious if after all those years you would still mean those words. He most likely heard from Ino that you had moved back, having heard it from one of her costumers.
🦌You were such a drag to only come now back, did you know that? That were Shikamaru’s first words when seeing you again. And you told him you had missed him too. Shikamaru enjoyed it really much that you were back, but there was still this part of him that was curious about whether you still remembered that promise or not. He doubted it, but still wanted to be sure. He was smart and started indirectly a conversation about the topic marriage, pushing you into telling him about it. And it seemed like you didn’t remember. He shouldn’t be surprised. It had after all just been a dumb promise two children had made. So why did he feel so upset by this?
🦌Shikamaru was good in analyzing, quickly noticing the signs you were giving that neighbor of yours. It all told him that you liked that guy. And he found himself surprised when feeling that nasty feeling in his stomach bubbling up whenever the two of you were talking to each other. It made him feel ashamed. Was he seriously jealous of that guy? Shouldn’t he be happy for you? And in all this mess there was still the stinging pain from the fact that you had forgotten that promise and no matter how much Shikamaru told himself that it was completely okay for you to forget about this, the stinging never fully disappeared.
🦌For Shikamaru it would take the longest to give in to his darker side and even then he would try to make it as harmless as possible. Probably figuring out habits that would annoy you on that guy and pointing out things that would make him look less fitting for you. You would honestly not even realize that he’s manipulating you.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙Before the whole massacre happened Sasuke was a very innocent child so the only chance for this to happen is before he lost his whole clan. He probably asked his brother for the first time about this, wanting to know if he had someone he wanted to marry. And these kind of conversations made Itachi often laugh because Sasuke was just too innocent to understand the whole concept.
💙Sasuke suffered, the older he got, under the pressure of wanting to be acknowledged as someone who wasn’t always seen as Itachi’s younger brother, but as Sasuke Uchiha. He wanted to be praised and looked up to and not being constantly compared to his brother. And you were the only person he truly talked about this, often looking very down when telling you how his brother could do anything whilst he was still so far behind. And to cheer him up you told him that you would choose him over his brother all the time, going as far as saying that you would even marry him later on. That promise would turn out to be the biggest mistake of your life later.
💙You were pretty much the only person who Sasuke felt like truly understood him so imagine how he felt when you needed to move. He felt like the only person who had ever loved him for who he was and had believed in him was leaving him.
💙Before the massacre happened he often felt sorrow over your absence. After Itachi had slaughtered his whole clan Sasuke wanted to focus on training, wanted to get stronger to kill his brother and avenge his clan. Revenge and hatred was the only thing he had left. Bonds just make a person weak. That’s at least what he tried to tell himself. But he knew that this wasn’t true. He wasn’t completely alone. You were still there. A bond he had never been able to break. And the loneliness inside of him combined with his possessiveness led him to searching for you after joining Orochimaru. And with his help he found you again.
💙He had never thought of that promise very much after having lost everything. He hadn’t. But somehow he had expected you to remember it. But you hadn’t. What other reason would you have to look all that happy around that other person. And that made Sasuke truly pissed off. He had expected you to keep that promise! Weren’t you after all supposed to respect him and worship him? You had always done it, encouraging him and believing in him.
💙Your crush was dead the very next day, being brutally slaughtered by Sasuke without any mercy shown. Pathetic. That person had been so weak and pathetic. What was wrong with you for falling for this guy? In Sasuke’s eyes it was obvious that you hadn’t witnessed true power yet. But he would show you whom you should give your adoration. Him. Just like you had done it when the both of you had been younger.
💙Sasuke kidnapped you shortly after, telling you what had happened to your friend and what would happen to everyone else if you would try to run away. And as soon as you started crying and begging him to let you go he asked you in a mocking tone if you hadn’t promised him to marry him? And a promise was something which was kept.
Kushina Uzumaki
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🌶Kushina was to most people only a strange girl with funny red hair. But behind that impulsive shell she had always been a very romantic girl so once you managed to get close to her she was ready to do something like this. She used to be bullied because of her red hair, hearing often comments about that no one would want to marry someone with such ugly looking hair.
🌶You were worried whenever you heard those comments, fearing that Kushina was behind that tough shell in reality hurting so you often asked her if she was alright. And when you had once witnessed someone being extremely mean, calling her ugly and that she would die alone because no one would want to be with someone like her you quickly told her, after she had snapped at that guy, that many people would love to marry someone as beautiful as her. And that’s when she told you that she wasn’t interested in marrying other persons. She wanted to marry you, the only person who had supported her and loved her for who she was. That’s how the promise to marry each other when growing up was made.
🌶Kushina threw a temper tantrum when finding out that you were moving, refusing to let go of you the last day in the academy. She begged you to not to go, but she couldn’t do anything to prevent it from happening.
🌶Being a lovestruck one she was determined to keep her promise. Later on she was indeed very desired by men in the village, but she rejected all of them. She had meant it when she had said that she didn’t want anyone else than you. The only person who knew from this was Minato, her best friend. So she found out threw him that you had come back to the village. And before he even knew what was happening Kushina had already sprinted outside to see you again after years of waiting.
🌶Kushina was so glad to have you finally back in the village and picked up where the relationship of the both of you had stopped so many years ago. She didn’t need a long time to completely fall in love with you all over again, never having forgotten the way you had been there for her when no one else had been. And she was still determined to make her promise come true. But she wasn’t a delusional, meaning she knew fully well that you might have forgotten that promise over time. So she tried to spark a conversation about it. And it was like she had feared. You had forgotten. Kushina felt pretty much devastated after this. She kind of knew that she couldn’t have expected you to remember. But the fact that she had been genuine when making this swear to you and you had forgotten that hit hard.
🌶And when she found out that you had a crush on another? Poor Minato had a hard time holding her back so she wouldn’t storm to that guy and yell the living fuck out of him. Kushina understood that you were happy and wanted to get to know that person better. And that’s when she got conflicted. She wanted you to be happy, but she also wanted to be the one person next to you that made you happy. She really tried to get a hold of her racing emotions. She really did. But the knowledge that you had forgotten the promise and now had a crush on someone else caused her heart to clench.
🌶Kushina has of course the Hokage as her friend, even though I doubt that Minato would do much against that person. He might give Kushina advices on how to make you fall out of love with them and in love with her. The thing with Kushina is that as soon as she sees that guy treating you bad or does something that gets you hurt nothing will hold her back. In the end she might startle the guy away.
Asura Otsutsuki
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🔳Come on, I even wrote in the Hc’s for Indra and Asura having feelings for their childhood friend that he would be absolutely the type to tell you that he’ll marry you when the both of you are older. But I can also see him as someone who would have skmetimes gotten the comment when he was younger that if he wouldn’t focus on getting stronger and learning to behave that he would have a harder time finding a partner. But just like Hashirama he would just tell them that he had already someone he wanted to marry.
🔳He told you most likely everyday that he would later on marry you. But he was also, even though never showing it much, very affected because everyone praised his brother and called him a miracle whilst people said to him that he was a nice guy, but should try to train a bit harder. That made him a bit insecure and also fearing that you might start liking Indra more than him. The promise was made out of his insecurities and to ensure that you would stay with him. He didn’t have anything against you and his brother having a close friendship. But that was it.
🔳Confusion, heartbreak, sorrow. That were only a few of Asura’s feelings when you had to move away. He was so not motivated without you here and for the first few days just sulked about your absence. Indra and his father had to help him getting back on his feet and continuing to train and work.
🔳The only thing that kept him motivated was the knowledge of the promise the both of you made. Indra clinged onto that promise like his life depended on it, never once dreaming about entering a relationship with anyone else. And when he heard that you had moved back he literally jumped on you as soon as he had raced towards your house.
🔳Asura is a mix made out of delusional yet aware. That means that he sometimes did play with the thought that so many years had passed by and you might have forgotten the promise. But he’s also someone who believed that this swear between you and him was something special. So you couldn’t have forgotten it, could you? So he just assumed that you still remembered and one day started talking with you about it. You might try to imagine his heartbreak when you asked him confused about what he was talking about, not remembering it.
🔳He was already on the ground because of funding that out, but you gave him the last vicious hit when you told him one day that you had started to become interested in that guy in your neighborhood. And again his father and brother had to help him getting over his depressive state, his brother having gotten a lot more harsher and telling him that sitting around and feeling down over it wouldn’t be from any use. If he wanted to have you he should get rid of the obstacle. Asura was by all means nothing like his brother. But the heartbreak over the discovery that you had forgotten that promise, the slight feeling of betrayal and the comments of his brother caused him at some point to break.
🔳Asura sees your promise from back then as something special and as strange as it sounds, I can see his brother helping him with this. His brother should learn the “proper way of pushing away competition”, in short trying to teach him some of his Yandere behavior. And Asura can get very unnerving if he wants to be because it’s something out of a bad dream if he gets angry and serious.
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜Indra doesn’t really look like the type to do something like this since he was as a kid already more grown up mentally than all the others. Not only that, but since he was a wonder child he might have heard many people telling him that he would grow into a fine young man and would have a lot of women standing queue to get the chance to marry him.
💜Indra knew that such promises were never something that became reality later on. But I can see him as someone who would do it to motivate someone. Let’s assume that you were in the same boat as Asura, meaning a hopeless case compared to Indra. You always complained about everything being so hard and tiring and that you could never do that. And when Indra told you if you would work hard enough you just told him that he could say that so easily, being born with overflowing potential and being good at everything. Sometimes you felt so pressured about being his friend and not being able to meet his standards. One day he might not want to be your friend anymore. You looked so terribly down. And that’s when Indra said that this wasn’t true and if he would have to pick someone he would like to marry it would be you.
💜Indra was sad, but accepting with the fact that you had to move away from his village. Before you left you told him when coming back you would be stronger than now so he could feel proud of you.
💜Meeting Black Zetsu and becoming more and more obsessed with becoming stronger he didn’t think that much about you anymore. He didn’t forget you, just didn’t waste that much time anymore on thinking about you. I can see Asura and you being best friends because of your similarities when you were younger so it was for sure his brother who informed him that you were back and also the one that dragged him right away with him to see you.
💜The thing that made Indra respecting you and also admiring you the slightest bit was the fact that you had gotten indeed really strong, using all those years to train hard until you had become powerful to beat easily someone’s ass. Indra had never forgotten that promise, but had decided that it had no meaning to him anymore. It was okay for him to forget it, but he realized rather quickly that you had forgotten all about it too. And for some reason he wasn’t okay with that. Why was that? Maybe because you had looked up to him so much when you had been younger and the fact that you had forgotten meaning that you didn’t hold him in such a high light anymore. That ticked him off.
💜And when that weakling came into the picture it got even worse. Indra was completely clueless on why you would take a liking towards such a pathetic loser. Your talent would be wasted with that guy! Why would you waste your potential like this? When he could help you becoming even stronger? Why not him?
💜In this version Indra is still part of the village, meaning he won’t go instantly with the option killing. Instead he’ll terrorize that person and make sure that they won’t go anywhere near you again. But it wouldn’t take much for him to kill that person if they prove to not listen to him. He would also force you into spending more time with him, training for example, and will harshly tell you every time you speak about your crush that you have more important things to do than wasting time which can be used to make you stronger with such a loser like him. But after he went rogue and took you with him he made sure to kill that guy for sure.
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