indylulu645 · 7 years
Update (sort of, finally wrote something)
When you wake up and you're surrounded by nothing but lots of thick ass wires, a sarcastic crow, and the feeling that you're mid-surgery, you're probably right to feel a bit annoyed, maybe even cranky. When said crow is talking to you, you're pretty damn sure you're delusional. "Mira!" Max (I love the name, I'm not even sorry.) "Wake up! It's time to get rockin, girl!" The light was blinding me as I opened my eyes, a few doctors standing in lab coats around me and all writing furiously as they took all my vitals. My skin prickled as I began to reboot my senses and systems back to full blast, my head light and hazy. "You're good, get up, we gotta go!" I reached out to the crow, to Max, rubbing my eyes with my other hand. "Why is there a big ass welcoming committee? Like I was just in here.." Max fluttered himself closer, landing just above the wires running into my arm and I finally had a moment to look down. Oh, I could see my inner mechanisms and my organs, which you would think is fucking horrifying. It isn't after you see them falling from your abdomen more than like a hundred times. "Damn it. Why?" Bird boy flew up to the middle of the room, his wings rapidly enlarging and shifting to accomodate me as he began to glow with a faint red light. "No time. We have to rescue a team of people who got caught in the mines near your old place. I've been following them and they ran into some sort of beast. Kind of like me when I get mad, but not even half my strength. Or my anger." He swooped me up and held me close as he grew to his average height, around six foot or so. I managed to wrap my arms around his neck and he smiled to me, his face shifting to a his preferred human appearance. Eyes darker than midnight, feathers melting into a super cozy, long black robe that fell just beyond his feet. A loud roar flooded my ears as the reality around us warped, the needles and cords inside me being yanked free of my skin. My body immediately began rebuilding the skin, muscles, and tissue of my stomach and my chest below my bust. Fingers tightly curled around his robe, I used my own energy to speed everything up, allowing us to be swallowed into a void of darkness and light. From an outsider's perspective we probably looked like we just magically poofed away, no possible way of explanation. The forest was so quiet apart from the sound of the wind rustling the trees as we appeared in full form, Max dropping down and releasing me as he fully reformed as a machine besides me. I landed on a foot, unfurling my wings enough to catch my fall. "Really? Why aren't you still a crow?" I teased, closing my wings and drawing my sword. "No time," He replied, also materializing his scythe and scanning around us. I followed suit, sniffing the air and catching the smell of iron. "Hold up, dude. I think I smell something.." I sniffed harder, drawing the scent deep into my sinuses and my lungs, tasting it. "It smells like human blood." Max finished for me, heading to the northeast and jumping into a nearby tree. "It'll be faster this way, get up here!" I quickly followed, sniffing as we began to scour the area, using our smell to pick up anything. At one point we finally stopped, having been jumping from tree to tree and took a second to re-orient ourselves. "Max?" I looked around and he almost scared the piss out of me by suddenly jumping right up next to me and leaning super close, his nose lightly brushing mine. "Yes?" His eyes were so serious but he was being really silly. I fought down those feelings of mine. "What if it's just blood and they're dead? I mean, I obviously have no desire to give up, it's only been like ten minutes.." He shushed me with a finger to my lips. "Don't jinx it, Mira, you're not gonna think that way. They'll be alright, I mean it smells really fresh and the scent is not only getting stronger, it's also becoming more concentrated. Sniff, woman, sniff." So I did. A myriad of flavors and scents started to flood my nose as I slowly inhaled deeply, analyzing with my systems the smell and the direction of where those poor humans could be. "Fuck!" I heard a shout and I immediately tuned my ears and my eyes changed from a bright white to blue and red, the infrared on my left eye much better than regular vision and hence immediately picking up heat nearby. "About 200 meters due south? I see something on the ground, looks like a human." Max smiled. "Good girl, you're getting it. What do we do now?" His smirk was hard to ignore and I smiled a little. "We go in." He grinned and grabbed my hand, yanking me from my perch and jumping down. We both landed about 50 feet from what looked like a massive cave, sword and scythe at the ready. "Need anything?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as if hinting me. I took a moment to consider this. "Not a lot of time, Mira, gotta get it rocking." He gently pushed me forward and I took off, bounding effortlessly as my eyes shifted to night vision. Sure as shit, I saw a few figures laying about two or three meters in from the entry, to my left and mostly hidden by a large boulder. A voice came from beyond it, definitely a sign that they were all still alive, just hanging on. "Mira, you know how to patch up people, so you can help a lot right now." I nodded and sheathed my blade, approaching a man who presumeably was the one who called out and knelt besides him, gently taking his hand. "Hey, it's okay, my name is Mira. I'm here to help you. Could you tell me what happened?" I kept my voice calm and did my best to remain reassuring. The poor man had been bitten so hard that a chunk of his side and some of his clothes were missing, head scratched up pretty bad and several lacerations and cuts all over him. He was so scared, I could feel the fear literally bleeding off of him. "Please, miss, please help us! There's been a rabid beast that had attacked us when we were exploring and we didn't even know.." He was choking up on his words and I carefully began to examine him, lightly running my hands over his arms, legs, neck, face, torso. Everything that could be broken wasn't which was good, but he told of a twisted ankle and probably dislocated shoulder. "God above me, please let me live!" He cried at one point, grunting as he tried to lift himself. "Don't move, alright? I need you still or else you might actually do more damage than good." A woman next to him was apparently coming to and I felt a bit bad for not noticing until now. Max was coming towards me with another woman and two teens, who looked to be about 17-19, a girl and guy both lacerated throughout their bodies, but nothing serious. I was so glad I had a shit ton of medical training before now. "We have to leave!" The girl was shouting. "Please get us away from here! There's this huge fucking monster around and it's gonna kill us if we don't go!" He was stumbling as he tried to wrench free of Max and practically grabbing me. I carefully took him on, bracing my feet so he could lean. "Max, hospital?!" I asked, a bit edgy and impatient. He shot me a concerned look that was buried under his cool expression. "You go, I've got some stuff here I really need to do." He seemed so collected. I reached for the other man and the woman, the kids huddling close. "Please... you'll both die here, especially if he stays alone.." I glanced to Max, but he was packing as much as he could of their stuff, checking as he did for any first aid kits. After a moment, he threw two of them to me. "Do what you can, Mira, but please take them out of here. You know you can travel faster with people than I can, and I can hold out just fine. Come back when you're done. I promise I'll still be here and okay, right?" He patted my shoulder and grinned. "What's some little beast to me, anyways? I can kick this thing's ass. You gotta go!" He dropped the kits besides me and took off, winking over his shoulder at me as he disappeared over a small hill. I shrugged a bit and went right to work, bandaging the man who was clearly the father while he tried to console his family, telling them there's no way he's gonna die. "I promise, and honey, make sure everything is okay when you get home, alright?" "Hey," I gently patted his shoulder. "You're going to be alright. I know it's weird, but look at your bindings." I murmured to him, leaning in and shifting my vision to check his sight. His pupils were fine, breathing and heart rate a little fast due to panic, but otherwise he would be alright. "A few transfusions will be fine. I can take ya'll to the street." I said, keeping myself together, thinking of, well, maybe a certain someone. None of anyone's business. Anyways, I needed to focus my energies, so I did, closing my eyes and giving off a similar glow as my bandages which were fast acting and binding the cells of the father's skin together all over him. "Everything will be okay, because I might be a machine, but I've got enough magic to heal you lot at least on the surface. Might need to go to a doctor for the heavier stuff, that's much more draining than this, honestly." I smiled reassuringly. "Ready to go?" They all looked at me with hopeful and mildly panicked expressions as I unfurled my wings before closing them, glowing light and all, around all of us. Time began to still before shattering around us. "It might be a little rough, alright?!" I shouted above the roar as I began to wrinkle. I felt their energies falling before we reached the hospital parking lot, landing as daintily as my feathers when they fall. Immediately a nurse came running to us and I relinquished the family to her. "Be careful, the husband appears to have some ankle issues. His vitals are good, though, and he should be alright." The nurse nodded and briskly set to work on them. I waited for a moment to make sure everything was okay before stepping outside and looking around. I wanted to fly, this time. Warping took way too much out of me and I couldn't really handle it for too long. I wished, for the billionth time in my life, that I could be upgraded until I was so new and so advanced that I could eventually take over for him, but the higher ups were very finnicky about it, so I decided to leave the thought, choosing to rocket down the middle of the parking lot and firing my powerful thrusters so loudly the roar drowned everything else out for a split moment as I ascended rapidly, my wing strokes ppowerful bursts of speed until I was just skimming over the tallest buildings with ease. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, after long time of being surrounded by skyscrapers, I felt the light brushes of the trees with my wings as I skimmed their top most branches, twigs barely anything but a blur as I flew. 'Oh, wow.. this is why I changed. This is the most amazing and powerful freedom of my entire lifetime and I would honestly never really give it up. Everyone said that I could do it right now, I could be the most powerful being on the planet, but aside from the company being super strict at times about it, I felt so used to this body. I was super fast and strong, had amazing eyes, ears, everything was beyond advanced in a way no one else could ever understand. I loved how it felt as I did spirals and corkscrews in the air, then flying up as high as I could go near the stratosphere before tucking my wings in and dropping from nearly a mile before suddenly throwing them open and blasting my thrusters to get the right speed as I climbed up, banking hard to my left and dropping again, low and to the ground once I found a clearing. The grass barely touched me as I found the cave, drawing my sword and closing my wings just before the opening. Carefully, i pushed my hair back and stepped inside, the rush still flowing hot and lively through my blood. My heart was pounding and nearly skipped a beat when I saw a shadow cross my vision for a fraction of a moment. I took my battle stance and readied my sword, my eyes immediately switching to night mode. "Mira! Come here!" I exhaled in relief, realizing who it was. "Max, where you at?" I didn't need to shout, the cavernous mines had allowed my voice to echo. "Little to your left!" I heard him call back, his voice was fading. I adjusted my hearing a little and followed what sounded to be his footsteps. "Max!" I called, jumping over a pile of rocks and boulders. After a few extra seconds of carefully jumping from rock to rock, I found him, standing at the edge of the most beautiful and biggest underground waterfall. "Mira, you're here. Took ya long enough!" He held his hand out to me, helping me over an especially slippery slope towards the edge of the massive lake. "Woah.." Was all I could really say. "Be careful, I wouldn't want my best mate to be dragged in by that thing.." He sighed before drawing his scythe. "Maybe our friend here wants to play. Take a side and I'll go another way. I think Cthulu's cousin is amphibious, though. I got a look at him before, and he's fucking huge. Maybe I could take him alone, but I don't want to push it. You only back down if you're injured or really don't think you can handle it, alright?" I nodded but he instantly was off and running to the other side of the lake as the large beast ascended from the water, rushing to the shore with such immense speed that I thought Max was doomed. He was on his feet and in the air in less than two seconds while I took the other direction, trying to slice it from behind, shooting off energy blades from my sword. Clearly this was gonna take forever, to be honest. Max shouted to me as he jumped and dove right at the monster, his blade cleaving deep into the flesh of it's huge head, it's bright red eyes flaring blood in fury. I should've been quicker, but it saw me and immediately charged me, swatting me hard into a wall. "Mira!" Was what I heard as I stumbled to my feet, blood trickling down the side of my face. I morphed my hand, it shifting into a powerful energy cannon before firing repeatedly as I rushed at it. It cried out a roar of pain and fury, backing off enough to let me slice into the trunk, severing it. "Nice job!" Max followed up with a mightly swing to the neck, just managing to cut it open. He swore as he, too, was still thrown back for his efforts. "Max!" I rushed over to his aid, to be pushed over enough as a huge blast flew between us, throwing us back and away from one another. "Damn it, Mira, are you okay?" He swung again, his scythe ripping more flesh away as I savagely tackled several tentacles from it's back end, a blast of light energy dispersing and slicing the tentacles clean off. "God! It's got like way too much fluid to be killed easily!" I shouted, right before being smacked by one of the tentacles. The beast screeched, the water around it vibrating as it did. Not even a second later I was being shoved to the rocks below, shouting as it rammed my spine against a boulder and sending a mighty shockwave through me before my central nervous wiring kicked in and shut off the minor nerves that allowed feeling, enough for me to jump back up, albiet with a bit of trouble, to my feet. Clearly, the creature had other plans. I was grabbed again and thrown right into Max, who dodged just enough to catch me. He landed hard on his feet, the two of us skidding several meters. "Holy shit, Mira, are you alright?" I had lots of cuts all over my arms, presumeably from a bunch of suckers trying to rip me to pieces and my side just below my breasts was pretty deeply wounded, blood practically streaming down my side. I groaned in reply and made to get to my feet before it came at us again. Max tightened his grip on me, pushing me behind him. "No. Mira, you're hella injured, I can't have you fighting anymore, lest you die on me."
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