#ineffable husbands thru the ages
thesedrawnpens · 10 months
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So I decided I wanted to write a series of fanfics about Aziraphale and Crowley and one of their many friendships throughout the ages. So I decided I would do the first one that came to mind for me: Oscar Wilde.
And, of course, being the Normal Person I am, I made art to accompany the fic so you too can visualize what I think these two man-shaped beings would look like visiting with Wilde. I hope you enjoy.
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inhonoredglory · 11 months
Good Omens s2 Ending Take, Book Perspective
Remember @neil-gaiman said Good Omens s3 is the plot he & Terry imagined for the book sequel to Good Omens (said many times but reiterated here). Season 2 literally exists to explain WHY Aziraphale & Crowley love each other so much because Season 3 was ALWAYS going to have them separated.
I can see now that the Second Coming plot was SUPPOSED to happen with Aziraphale taking over from Gabriel. (Imagine a Discord-style book answering the question, What if a bastard angel was in charge of The System?). Neil had to work the love story part INTO this existing plotline.
Cuz in book!GO, the ineffable husbands aren't as intense a love story. They're very low-key. They could spend ages apart and not have as much angst as they do in show universe. Book!Aziraphale is NOT as traumatized as show!Aziraphale.
Good Omens book 2 could have just started out with Aziraphale in heaven without as much emotional explanation for why they're apart, cuz the husbands weren't SO co-dependent as they are in the show.
Gaiman knew that show!Gomens needed MORE development/explanation of why we would still believe they're in love once we see they're apart for much of Season 3.
So Gaiman heightened the aspects the show did really well: the love story, religious trauma, tenuous nature of Aziraphale & Crowley's existence, the actively manipulative nature of Heaven, Aziraphale's need for doing good and saving the world from Heaven's incessant need for war (the Heaven and Hell vs the Earth threat Crowley talked about in Season 1).
This season is part of a bigger unified plotline that includes the Second Coming AND the South Downs.
Good Omens s2 is making way for s3. The endgame has been and always will be Aziraphale and Crowley settling down in the South Downs. We just need to get thru the low point and the drama to get there
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Bounteous mass media mechanizations...
generate fixation spurring sexual exploitation evidenced courtesy adulation particularly regarding young females,
whose seductive poses linkedin selling (hard) wares versus advertising males sporting, harkening, approximating Adonis with remarkable beauty.
Western civilization commercialization, commodification, communication methodologies adrip with deification, edification, glorification institutionalizing the libidinal market, the vast majority modalities relay transmission via subliminal messages. The non-innocuous tentacles housing advertisement objectives thwart conservative principled paradigm blatantly bind scantily clad, seductively alluring fashionable super models, albeit highly paid visually captivating physiques of men and/or women attaining just barely the legal age
for consensual intimacy – being able, eager, ready, and willing
indulging as prime time player asper anatomical fancy feast. Tis upon that ascending pedestal, (a mere hop, skip, and jump along the royal red carpet treatment), where storied career launched courtesy coquetry.
Nymphs inevitable masterfully baited, lured,
and victimized toward risque business tactics (i.e. questionable ethical, moral, and parochial precepts skirted). Nonetheless marketable cache cows frequently, indubitably, naturally sally forth into klieg lights of fame and fortune. A significant entry vis a vis segue-way into celebrity stardom invariably venerated, paraded, included acquiescence treatment as saleable merchandise.
A representative penultimately pitches
packaged person (possibly pampered pink, perhaps poignant playbook perused 'pon Peter Piper picking, pecking pickled peppers) peddled as analogous
analogous to a widget.
The primary difference contrasting
parading an aesthetically pleasing individual versus purveyor peddling an inanimate object includes heavy emphasis toward repurposing a person larded amidst salutary, savory sensuousness, soothingly sublime sultriness steeped, groomed and bathed with visually arousing, beguiling, captivating desirable effects.
Professional (astute, cute, hirsute) role model people, (whose genetics and environment allowed them to husband maximally fated beauty) must feel very comfortable in their own skin to display (just shy of promiscuity) unclothed erotic verboten part. No doubt pheromone
or testosterone pulsates thru the body electric of viewer. Coy, flirtatious indirect luring operates randy unfettered yearning bestirs the desire for immediate intercourse. Even this three score plus three year old, (whose libido went dormant as a side effect of pharmaceutical prescription medication to minimize unpredictable paralyzing panic attacks predilection) attests to increased precocity patronizing pendulus intromittent organ. Many instances incorporating some athletic, demure, the innocent looking photogenic subject just waiting to be the cover of a glossy glimmering glamorous magazine (especially an underage male or female), the head honcho may be censored, disallowed, escorted) away from any picture that hints in appropriate physical interaction. Subtle techniques and/or poses broadcasting a delectable, honorable a laudable photograph may unconsciously connote spine-tingling sensations approximating statutory rape. Such prurient intimations defy being regulated, nor ought flattering images snapped by avidly conscientious, exceptionally gifted, ineffable kindred shutterbugs banned.
Impulsiveness (particularly when
the welfare of a minor OR animal happens to be at stake)
must be appropriately addressed. If abusive actions arise subsequently birth, jump/kick start perpetuate concupiscence against a minor (simply for anatomical excitation
synonymous with any physiological endowment sans gender nonspecific characteristic), impossible mission of restitution
transgression best be acknowledged,
violation against havoc wrought upon the essence of beauty. Depredations highjacking lost precious quintessential tenderness prompts me
to ejaculate condemnation against perpetrator for the remaining life of hypothetical individual cascading like a house of cards, the mental, physical and spiritual states of being.
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imposterogers · 3 years
JO JO JO please consider: mattfoggy as ineffable husbands??
pls why is this so perfect???
-matt and foggy meeting at the garden of eden. matt: “what are you staring at?” foggy: “youre a demon. a really handsome demon. wait, how can you tell I’m staring?” matt (eyes burned out from his Fall): “I just can”
-matt wears the signature sunglasses thru the centuries to hide his eyes, and will only take them off around foggy after he says he thinks he looks beautiful without them
-matt is ridden with “catholic guilt”, both of how he Fell and his actions as a demon. he struggles with his nature, and visits the same church every ten years to confess his sins. foggy is always waiting outside with a bucket of water to pour on his burning feet
-foggy was immediately enamored with matt, and matt who could hear his heartbeat avoided him for ages. foggy finally explained it as he falls in love every day, so like don’t make it weird (later, the selfish part of matt wants to rid the world of everything else foggy loves bc he wants to be the most important thing to him and he thinks it’s impossible for him to be that with any competition)
-“why do you bother eating? you’re an angel” “bc I want to. and sometimes that’s enough” // “why are you kissing me? you’re a demon” “bc I want to. and sometimes that’s enough” (they never speak of it again)
-foggy, in the 1920s, sick of being apart from matt for decades between their little quests sent by heaven and hell, comes up with the “genius just fucking genius” idea of them each becoming lawyers in the same practice. “I’ll keep the good guys out of jail and you can keep some of the bad ones out”
-foggy goes to visit matt and sees him bleeding (black I think that’s a good demon blood color” and is furious, as mad as matt has ever seen him
-‘they’re calling you the devil of Hell’s Kitchen. what if a religious heretic gets wise and brings weapons that can actual hurt you? worse, beezlebub finds out and you take a nice long bath in holy water? what then, matt?’ daredevil takes a ten year hiatus. when he reappears matt and foggy don’t speak for another decade.
-“I’ll protect you, foggy. if they find out about me I won’t let them know anything about our arrangements” “you think that’s what I’m worried about? getting a slap on the wrist from michael? god, murdock. for someone so smart, you’re a fucking idiot’
-after aliens terrorize new york and the lines between heaven and hell get a little less defined, they restart their practice and meet karen. she can immediately tell they’re “different” and buys them little devil and angel bobble heads for their desks
-matt messes up, and is stripped of his immortality and status as a demon. foggy is given a choice to return to heaven for good or be stripped of his status as well. it’s obvious what he chooses
-matt is guilty, feeling like it’s his fault, but foggy tells him he’d rather die as a human with matt by his side than live eternity without him. matt, realizing he was always the most important thing in foggys life, cries ofc and it’s all very emotional and foggy tells him his eyes are brown and to stop using him as a goddamn tissue
-they toast the beginning of their ends and the beginning of “them” over dinner at their favorite restaurant since 1943 and a kiss
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