#inevitably might here him boning kaidan and just get so sad
trickstarbrave · 1 year
i wanna write smth for leilei’s good nerevar being stuck in shamat’s timeline bc i find the idea just fascinating. and my brain is too scrambled to work on other stuff
riiju-lei and shamat from @mulberrycafe
Shamat stared at the tied up chimer anxiously. Honestly, even though he was currently disarmed and restrained, Shamat was still actively repressing screaming, choking down bile that was bubbling in his throat.
He thought Nerevar was dead. Shamat saw him die. He saw Vivec’s spear ram through his chest, breaking his ribs and piercing his heart. He saw the light fade from his blue eyes. He saw Vivec carry his shrouded body for ascension.
“Why should we believe you?” Kaidan asked, arm firmly wrapped around Shamat’s waist to hold him close and comfort him.
The story Nerevar told was strange. Perhaps even stranger than him coming back from the dead. He was from a world where he found a dragonborn who was also the reincarnation of Voryn Dagoth, and the two got married happily? Shamat couldn’t believe that. Why would any version of himself be happy to be Dagoth Ur, the sharmat, cursed and shunned wherever he went? Not to mention Shamat knew first hand how cruel and controlling Nerevar could be. He still had scars on his back from how viciously Nerevar whipped him.
“I’m telling you all I know.” Nerevar answered, his eyes steady.
“Then why did you grab my husband?” Kaidan questioned. At that, Nerevar’s cheeks flushed as he looked down, embarrassed.
“I genuinely thought he was my husband.” Nerevar answered. “I don’t just make a habit of hugging everyone I see. I was confused and disoriented after ending up here.” Nerevar looked disgruntled now. “Though I was shocked myself to find out this one married you...”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kaidan raised an eyebrow, annoyed.
“Nothing bad, it’s just...” Nerevar coughed nervously. “I couldn’t imagine my Leilei seeing you like that.”
“Well,” Shamat glared down at him. “I’m not yours.” Shamat hated when Nerevar would call him ‘my Voryn’, stripping him of his identity and trying to possess him. Even thinking about it made his skin crawl, and he worried for this ‘Riiju-Lei’s safety. Was he also kidnapped by the hortator? Did he have Voryn Dagoth’s identity shoved onto him against his will as well? Was he forced to marry the hortator in a rushed ceremony, isolated from everyone he loved?
“No,” Nerevar’s voice was steady. “You’re not.” He replied. “You don’t have the same accent, you both laugh differently, you’re a few inches shorter...” Shamat felt his skin crawl from the level of detail he seemed to have memorized about the other dragonborn. “He also has piercings and you don’t. Not to mention he’s no longer a dunmer but a chimer as well.”
“Look,” Shamat sighed. “You’re going to stay like this until I figure out how to get rid of you.” It felt wrong to just slit his throat when the hortator hadn’t resorted to violence himself.
“Try and pick up a weapon and I’ll break your arms.” Kaidan added, before kissing Shamat’s cheek. “Go get the other’s, love. We can take turns guarding him and figure out what to do with him.” Shamat nodded, giving one last glare to the hortator before leaving for the rest of team Dragonborn.
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