#nerevar misses his leilei
trickstarbrave · 1 year
i wanna write smth for leilei’s good nerevar being stuck in shamat’s timeline bc i find the idea just fascinating. and my brain is too scrambled to work on other stuff
riiju-lei and shamat from @mulberrycafe
Shamat stared at the tied up chimer anxiously. Honestly, even though he was currently disarmed and restrained, Shamat was still actively repressing screaming, choking down bile that was bubbling in his throat.
He thought Nerevar was dead. Shamat saw him die. He saw Vivec’s spear ram through his chest, breaking his ribs and piercing his heart. He saw the light fade from his blue eyes. He saw Vivec carry his shrouded body for ascension.
“Why should we believe you?” Kaidan asked, arm firmly wrapped around Shamat’s waist to hold him close and comfort him.
The story Nerevar told was strange. Perhaps even stranger than him coming back from the dead. He was from a world where he found a dragonborn who was also the reincarnation of Voryn Dagoth, and the two got married happily? Shamat couldn’t believe that. Why would any version of himself be happy to be Dagoth Ur, the sharmat, cursed and shunned wherever he went? Not to mention Shamat knew first hand how cruel and controlling Nerevar could be. He still had scars on his back from how viciously Nerevar whipped him.
“I’m telling you all I know.” Nerevar answered, his eyes steady.
“Then why did you grab my husband?” Kaidan questioned. At that, Nerevar’s cheeks flushed as he looked down, embarrassed.
“I genuinely thought he was my husband.” Nerevar answered. “I don’t just make a habit of hugging everyone I see. I was confused and disoriented after ending up here.” Nerevar looked disgruntled now. “Though I was shocked myself to find out this one married you...”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kaidan raised an eyebrow, annoyed.
“Nothing bad, it’s just...” Nerevar coughed nervously. “I couldn’t imagine my Leilei seeing you like that.”
“Well,” Shamat glared down at him. “I’m not yours.” Shamat hated when Nerevar would call him ‘my Voryn’, stripping him of his identity and trying to possess him. Even thinking about it made his skin crawl, and he worried for this ‘Riiju-Lei’s safety. Was he also kidnapped by the hortator? Did he have Voryn Dagoth’s identity shoved onto him against his will as well? Was he forced to marry the hortator in a rushed ceremony, isolated from everyone he loved?
“No,” Nerevar’s voice was steady. “You’re not.” He replied. “You don’t have the same accent, you both laugh differently, you’re a few inches shorter...” Shamat felt his skin crawl from the level of detail he seemed to have memorized about the other dragonborn. “He also has piercings and you don’t. Not to mention he’s no longer a dunmer but a chimer as well.”
“Look,” Shamat sighed. “You’re going to stay like this until I figure out how to get rid of you.” It felt wrong to just slit his throat when the hortator hadn’t resorted to violence himself.
“Try and pick up a weapon and I’ll break your arms.” Kaidan added, before kissing Shamat’s cheek. “Go get the other’s, love. We can take turns guarding him and figure out what to do with him.” Shamat nodded, giving one last glare to the hortator before leaving for the rest of team Dragonborn.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Riiju-Lei: *all 3 eyes very irritated from crying as they leave the hall of the dead* gods if I keep weeping like this I think id like to go back to having no emotions at all…
Nerevar: and deprive the world of your smile? Absolutely not~ *pats his shoulder gently*
Taliesin: or your adorable laugh~
Riiju-Lei: I-it is not adorable.
Kaidan: I dunno, it does sound pretty cute when you start honking like a baby horker~
Lucien: or start snorting like a bristleback.
Riiju-Lei: *visibly blushing* I- I don’t sound like either of those things!
Sero: *cackles* pay up Xelzaz I told you he’d start blushing again!
Xelzaz: You lot cheated!
Riiju-Lei: Y-you’re taking bets on my emotional responses now?!
Inigo: yes shame on you all! … *sneakily takes his winnings from Xelzaz*
Nerevar: *chuckles and shakes his head at them* leave him be… *waits till Riiju isn’t looking before taking his share too and snickering* So, corner club before we leave?
Riiju-Lei: I guess, I don’t think you’d enjoy it though but… it’s really the only place any of us except for maybe Lucien and Kaidan would be welcome… the dunmer who owns it doesn’t particularly like me given I was raised by a nord and most people in this city like or at least tolerate me.
Nerevar: hm… maybe we can wait until we reach Kynesgrove then…
Riiju-Lei: Mhm… I don’t particularly want to go passed what’s left of my old house either. I don’t know what type of emotion that’d kick up out of me…
Nerevar: old house?
Kaidan: aye. When we first came here with him to gather his belongings and bring them to whiterun we found it burned to the ground and the brickwork covered in racial slurs against dunmer… even the district it was in is a slur against dunmer people.
Nerevar: *clenching his fist a little under his cloak* …I see…
Riiju-Lei: *sighs* let’s just g-
Everyone: *turns to see Rolff stone-fist next to a guard, pointing at Kaidan*
Kaidan: oop, shit, hope you all have enough to bail me out for this.
Nerevar: I- what did you do to him? He’s missing half his face!
Kaidan: He was harassing a dunmer woman then tried to hit LeiLei while his back was turned. So I punched him and my gauntlets did the rest.
Guard: *walks over* Alright you’re under arre-
Nerevar: *steps out in front of him* It is my understanding that my companion here was attacked first by that- gentleman. My other companion here leapt to his defence.
Riiju-Lei: *sighs* nerevar don’t bother. He’s the brother to ulfrics right hand man, they won’t listen. *opens his wallet* okay how much is the fin-
Nerevar: *gently makes him put it away before looking at the guard* Is that so… in that case. Unless Ulfric would like the great houses of morrowind to side with the empire once again and join in on this civil dispute. He, And his right hand man. Will have an audience with me.
Guard: and, who are you exactly?…
Nerevar: Indoril Nerevar.
*a few hours later*
Riiju-Lei: *sitting quietly at the large table in the main hall of the palace of kings, knee bouncing as he and the others wait for nerevar and kaidan to return from their meeting with Ulfric* …I feel, sick, my chest feels tight and my hands and feet are cold. What emotion is this?
Lucien: anxiety, nervousness… it’s okay to be scared, I am too… being an imperial and the son of a notable captain I don’t particularly feel safe in here.
Sero: it’ll be okay… *folds his arms a little tighter feeling nervous himself*
Riiju-Lei: I hope you’re r-
Rolff: *suddenly screaming as he’s dragged out of the room in shackles to be taken to the jails* BROTHER YOU CANT DO THIS! YOU CANT SIDE WITH THEM! BROTHEEEEE- *silenced as the doors shut*
Nerevar: *walks out with Kaidan* I’m glad we could come to an understanding. The high council will provide funds for the betterment of our people housed within your city, the argonians and khajiit will be permitted within the walls. And we’ll remain neutral in your affairs.
Galmar: *huffs and storms out past them to the jails, most likely to give his brother a talking to for embarrassing him*
Ulfric: *walks out after him* yes. Now if there’s nothing else I have a war to get back t- *pauses spotting Riiju-Lei amongst the group* I know you. You were at Helgen.
Riiju-Lei: Yes. I was. Now I’m the Dragonborn. And I’ve been a citizen of this city longer than you or your fathers fathers have been alive… *stands up, feeling anger bubbling within himself the longer he looks at him* So if I hear anymore talk of my kind or anyone who isn’t a nord, being mistreated in these walls. I’ll do what that bastard and his mates did to my house. And I’ll burn this whole city to the ground.
Nerevar: LeiLei. *looks at him sternly but with a soft understanding in his eyes, knowing now at time of diplomacy is not a moment to lose his temper*
Riiju-Lei: *huffs and turns to leave*
Ulfric: *realising now he’s standing in a room with two extremely powerful threats he’d be smart not to piss off any further* I understand.
Riiju-Lei: *glares back at him* …good… *storms out*
*a few minutes later*
Team Dragonborn: *catch up with Riiju-Lei as he crosses the bridge leaving the city*
Nerevar: Hey- *pats his shoulder gently*
Riiju-Lei: *gritting his teeth in frustration* Arghh! I hate this feeling! I hate him for making me feel this way! I promise if we come back in a month NOTHING will have changed and that cockhead will be walking around harassing the grey quarter all over again!!
Nerevar: And if he does I will make good on my threat and side with the empire again. *strokes his cheek* he’s not worth your fury, dreamer…
Riiju-Lei: *sighs and relaxes into touch, the feeling of familiarity it brings giving him comfort* is it really worth that much effort?…
Nerevar: if it makes you happy, then yes…
Riiju-Lei: *smiles and holds his hand looking down shyly as the anger gives way to love and content happiness*
Taliesin: *suddenly smiling as he watches them*
Kaidan: what’s got you so happy? I nearly got arrested and you’re grinning.
Taliesin: I just realised something. The first day we saw LeiLei smile. It was right here. I’m betting it was the day Nerevar first came to skyrim~
Kaidan: really?… huh… to think they were always so close without even realising it.
Taliesin: *leans against him* I’m glad he’s found his happiness now… and I’m glad you’re not arrested. It’d be hard to make love to you with all those guards watching~
Kaidan: *coughs* I- calm down you wait until we get a room before you start talking like tha-
Sero: *suddenly books it past them with the guards chasing after him* HAHAHAAAAA!!!
Riiju-Lei: WHAT DID YOU DO?!
Inigo: *runs out after him and the guards* I tried to stop him! He set Rolff stone-fist on fire in his jail cell!!!
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
Had a comic idea. For Riiju-lei and Nerevar. Tho it’s a bit of a naughty one.
I imagined it in the weird little cross over where Nerevar gets stuck in shamat’s world temporarily. But it could work in a normal setting too.
Just them in a tavern and there’s a bard singing. Nerevar looks over across the table at his husband with a loving look on his face, absolutely smitten and happy. Leilei is wearing a low cut shirt and just kinda slyly smiles making sure no one else is looking and moves it aside slightly showing off one of his piercings. And immediately Nerevar is VERY happy and excited, a big blush on his face.
Cue shamat staring in horror from further away watching such blatant flirting and provocation from a version of himself to NEREVAR no less. And Kaidan just being like “??? What’d I miss???”
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
writing up more of this silly little idea bc i guess i like torturing nerevar
Riiju-lei and Shamat from @mulberrycafe
Nerevar sighed, slumped against the wall. It seemed Kaidan and Shamat were done having ‘fun’ upstairs, the creaking of the bed finally stopping. It was uncomfortable to say the least; Nerevar quickly came to terms with the fact Shamat wasn’t Riiju-lei, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t strange hearing someone that sounded so much like his husband having sex with and moaning out the name of another man. It made him feel uncomfortable a little nauseous.
Lucien and Inigo were taking turns watching him this time, talking quietly while Lucien struggled to stay awake. They were pretty lax all things considered. Nerevar had heard extensively what this world’s version of him was up to and he wasn’t happy about it at all. But given he hadn’t fought his bonds or done anything in particular, there wasn’t a need to hold a blade to his throat every waking hour.
He slumped his head forward, nuzzling into the scarf wrapped around his neck and shoulders, breathing in the scent. He missed Riiju-lei terribly, and he knew the other must be panicked wondering what could have happened to him. He didn’t know what effect he might have being so far away; did Leilei feel hollow without him again? Or did the pain of missing Nerevar now that he knew what it was like to laugh and smile with pure joy hurt him more than words could describe. He gave a shaky sigh, trying to pretend his arms weren’t bound and that he was instead embracing his chimer husband, holding him gently while the two of them fell asleep.
Seeing the hortator seemingly digging around in his scarf though, Inigo raised a brow, patting Lucien’s arm and motioning toward Nerevar. Lucien also raised an eyebrow, before the two approached.
“I do hope for your sake you aren’t hiding anything in there.” Inigo remarked.
“Honestly, he’s been a bit too well behaved for my comfort. I’m starting to get anxious.” Lucien shuddered. “He hasn’t even gone on a long tirade or demanded to see Shamat or anything! I can’t help but feel like he’s planning something...”
“Let me just see what you have in there.” Inigo hesitantly reached for the scarf, and Nerevar felt his anxiety spike.
“Don’t take that!” He suddenly shouted. He hadn’t raised his voice since he got here, trying hard not to make everyone more nervous than they already were, but he couldn’t just sit back and let them take it from him. “I-it’s from Leilei... He gave it to me.” Nerevar buried his nose in it once more. “It smells like him, like the chill and snowberries of Windhelm and lavender in Whiterun...” He could practically trace Leilei’s journey through the scarf, all the little scents the fabric had picked up in Riiju-lei’s life, all of the places he made a home. He could imagine the happy laughter of children if he tried hard enough, and could almost feel Riiju-lei’s arms around him. “Please, don’t take it...” His voice cracked slightly as he bit back tears.
He could survive this if he had the scarf. He could live through the anxiety and uncertainty that he’d ever return home so long as he had the fabric keeping him going and reminding him of his beloved. But if he lost that--lost the comfort of the soft fabric and the scent that grounded him--he didn’t know what he’d do.
Lucien and Inigo looked at each other, before Inigo sighed, his ears going back.
“Alright. but I am watching you, understand?”
“You sure that is a good idea old Indigo?” Lucien asked, using a playful nickname.
“So far he hasn’t made any sudden moves.” Inigo replied as he went back to his seat. “I would also feel bad just ripping things away from a prisoner because I can.” Lucien still looked at Nerevar anxiously, taking in the way tears shined in his eyes and the sadness deep within them. It was possible the hortator was acting, lying and manipulating to get their sympathy, but even Lucien felt like it would be cruel to take that from him.
“... Hopefully Kaidan won’t be too upset about it...”
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
alright writing a little smth for leilei and nerevar not liking bishop
riiju-lei by @mulberrycafe (dragonborn reincarnation of voryn dagoth)
Nerevar was shivering as they entered the inn, frost sticking to his cloak.
“I don’t know how you can stand this.” He rubbed his arms, while Riiju-lei laughed softly.
“I was raised here. It’s actually quite pleasant most of the time.” He explained, before laughing again. “Though even I’ll admit I was getting cold out there in the storm.”
The two had decided to make a little pilgrimage alone to Azura’s shrine in Skyrim as part of their honeymoon. It gave them quite a bit of time alone to enjoy the other’s company and for Riiju-lei to show the hortator the beautiful wilds of Skyrim. Of course a snowstorm meant the two would be much safer retreating into an inn rather than trying to set up camp.
Nerevar glared at him with a playful smile as he approached the hearth, removing his gloves to warm up.
“I’ll get us a room.” Riiju-lei said after giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
“i’ll even sleep on the floor if it gets me out of that storm, Leilei.” The Hortator called after him as he walked over to the counter. Riiji-lei chuckled softly, asking the woman at the bar if there were any rooms available, before being directed at a small room with a rather narrow bed that would barely fit the two of them covered in furs and heavy wool blankets. It was far more humble than the lavish temple in Mournhold, but he knew Nerevar wouldn’t mind so long as he got to sleep next to his husband and got to stay warm.
Just as he went to turn back to fetch Nerevar so the two could put their stuff down and take off some of their armor to get comfortable before eating, someone came up behind him, clearing their throat. Riiju-lei turned, seeing a tall nord with short brown hair, unlike how most nords typically kept their hair long and in elaborate braids. Maybe he was in the Imperial army, or maybe he just preferred the style. Either way, his cheeks were flushed and he swayed slightly, clearly intoxicated.
“I’ve never seen an altmer woman as short as you.” The nord chuckled. Riiju-lei at this very moment missed his empty, emotionless face from before he found his heart, as right now he couldn’t help but make a disgruntled look. Regardless of the face he made, the nord continued on, smug and full of himself. “It’s actually kind of cute. I don’t like women that are too tall. And you’re quite the exotic beauty.”
“I’m not an altmer.” Riiju-lei corrected him. “Nor am I a woman. You’re drunk.”
The man didn’t take well to that scowling.
“What do you mean not an altmer? Have you see yourself?”
“I was a dunmer. My skin now was a blessing from Azura.” The man rolled his eyes.
“Weird daedric superstitions... You must be some altmer and dunmer crossbreed then? And why all the jewelry if you aren’t even a woman--”
The nord was cut off by a hand grabbing his shirt from behind, dragging him back. Nerevar was smiling, but it was a terrifying, angry grin that showed he was close to snapping.
“My husband is simply wearing the jewelry I gave him.” Nerevar answered his question. “And I think we’d both prefer it if you kept your mouth shut and left us alone.”
The man turned sharply, glaring at him.
“Great, another short altmer.”
“Chimer.” Nerevar corrected. “Predecessors of the dunmer.” The nord seemed only more annoyed at the explanation, rolling his eyes.
“An elf is an elf. Sorry I don’t know all the nuances. If you have pointy ears and yellow skin what else am I supposed to assume?”
“You can assume nothing and mind your business.” Nerevar relied.
“And who the hell do you think you are, king?”
At that, Nerevar threw his head back and laughed. The few other dunmer pilgrims watched on with rapt attention; all of them knew who exactly Nerevar was, it was impossible not to, especially after word of the wedding in Mournhold spread.
“I am Hortator and king of Morrowind, Indoril Nerevar.” Nerevar gave a cocky smile.
“And I’m the emperor of Tamriel.” The nord scoffed.
“I see you don’t pay attention to many things outside of Skyrim.” It was Nerevar’s turn to roll his eyes. “Regardless, I’d prefer if you leave my husband alone.
“Or what?” The nord glared down at him condescendingly, haughty arrogance dripping from every word.
The next moment, however, the nord’s ass ended up on the floor as Nerevar wasted no time decking him in the face. The other patrons gasped, but not even the owners made a move to stop or reprimand the chimer. The nord howled in pain on the floor as Nerevar wrapped an arm around Riiju-lei’s waist.
“Come on, Leilei. Let’s go put our stuff down.”
Inside their room Nerevar shut the wooden door loudly, tossing his bag to the floor.
“I could have handled that, Nerevar.”
“I know.” Nerevar replied. “I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t. I just know you don’t enjoy fighting, nor did I want you to dirty your hands dealing with a stupid drunk on our honeymoon.”
Riiju-lei laughed, putting a hand on Nerevar’s chest. “You know I’m a healer. I’m obligated to go fix his broken nose.” 
Nerevar smiled back slyly. “I’m sure he’ll live.” 
Riiju-lei rolled his eyes, giving Nerevar a kiss on the cheek. “At least let me try. Maybe your punch sobered him up.”
“You’re too kind for your own good, Leilei.” Nerevar held him firmly by the waist, clearly not wanting to let him go. He leaned down to kiss Riiju-lei warmly, sliding his lips against Riiju-lei’s with a clear passion and fire behind it. Breathlessly, Riiju-lei pulled away, golden cheeks flushed. Nerevar opened his mouth to speak when the door was roughly slammed open.
“Get back here you pointy eared little fuck.” The nord had blood running down his face, nose now crooked. “You can’t just punch me and walk away.”
“And to think my husband was actually going to offer you some healing magic...” Nerevar shook his head with a heavy sigh. “I see you still need some help sobering up.
“Nerevar,” Riiju-lei warned him. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Leilei, this isn’t the first barfight I’ve been in, and it will not be my last.” Nerevar kissed him on the cheek. “With guys like this it’s important they learn their lesson the hard way.”
“I won’t rough him up too bad, Voryn.”
“After I kick his ass I’m coming for yours shortie.” The nord glared at Riiju-lei, making the chimer groan in annoyance.
“Nevermind. Just beat some sense into him however you need to.” Riiju-lei preferred there not be any violence, but he also was used to this sort of behavior at times. A stubborn nord would refuse to listen to anyone. He was just surprised it wasn’t in Windhelm.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Nerevar: *shivers adjusting his cloak as the ship sails into windhelms harbour* azuras mercy I forgot how cold it was here.
Riiju-Lei: *just wearing a shirt and trousers with a pair of boots* hm? Oh yes. I suppose I’m used to it. My father used to put me in the snow when I’d have fits as a child.
Nerevar: I? That seems a bit harsh, children are meant to throw tantrums.
Riiju-Lei: hm? What? Oh no I never threw tantrums I, never felt anything enough to even get frustrated like that. No I’d… get very hot, and then my body would start convulsing. So he’d put me in the snow to cool me down. I got used to it and after a while the fits just stopped until… well until I came into contact with debris from red mountain… I now know it was ur dagoth attempting to possess my body when I was an infant but… Voryn, I? Me? Myself. *sighs* I was already in possession of my new body and thanks to my fathers intervention.
Nerevar: you stayed in possession of it… *smiles softly at him then at the shipyard as the argonians wave from the docks before diving in to guide the ship into port* I can’t wait to meet him.
Riiju-Lei: …I think he’d of liked you… mother too…
Nerevar: *squeezes his hip gently*
Riiju-Lei: *rests his head on his shoulder* …
*water splashing and the sounds of a very sickly high elf bringing up his dinner yet again*
Riiju-Lei: *looks over to see Taliesin slumped over the rails hurling* I thought he’d of been able to hold it in we’re nearly home.
Kaidan: *holding Taliesins hair back* the ship lurched and so did his stomach. *pats taliesins back* were home love…
Taliesin: gods k-kill me- *grabs the rails hurling again*
Scouts-Many-Marshes: *from the water below, definitely swam into it* UGH WHAT THE FUCK?!
*a few hours later*
Riiju-Lei: *walks into the hall of the dead quietly, a bottle of mead and a bushel of snowberrys and dragon tongues in hand* miss Helgird?
Helgird: *wrapping a body for burial* Oh now here’s a face I haven’t seen in a while! Hello LeiLei, come to visit your parents I assume? Oh, and you brought friends?
Riiju-Lei: *looks back at team dragonborn and nerevar* yes, they, wanted to meet them too. A… lot of things have changed with me and they want to make sure I’ll be okay seeing them again.
Helgird: *smiles warmly* I’m glad to see you’ve finally found people who care about you dear. You know where to go, and the rest of you- *waves an embalming hook at them menacingly* keep your voices down. The dead can still be woken you know. *snickers and resumes working*
Riiju-Lei: *smiles and nods* it’s good to see you again Helgird. *walks past her and down a corridor leading to the older burial chambers*
Nerevar: *walks along side him quietly observing the Nordic burial practices finding them odd compared to dunmer culture* she seems very familiar with you.
Riiju-Lei: yes, I’ve known her her whole life in fact. When she became the carer to the hall of the dead I’d see her once a month when I’d come to visit my parents… *stops in front of a wall with two urns nestled side by side to each other, dried snow berries and dragon tongues beside one, and a bottle of mead by the other* …
Nerevar: Leilei?…
Riiju-Lei: *feeling a sadness deep inside of him finally bubbling to the surface as tears he couldn’t shed back then finally begin to spill* th-… this is ma and da… *removes the dried flowers and replaces them with the new before doing the same with the mead* I… *chokes back a sob as his heart is finally allowed to grieve* I miss them.
Nerevar: *hugs him gently as team dragonborn crowd around him to comfort him too* They’d be so proud of you… *smiles seeing two ghostly figures appear that only he can see, an old nord and Argonian couple, both of them smiling and hugging onto Riiju as he cries, not even knowing they’re there* …They missed you too…
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The Mourned & the Healing pt1
Follow up from the mourned & the heretics
Riiju-Lei: *quietly walking through the halls to the chamber of Azura, stopping just outside the door as the temple guards block his path* I wish to commune with the lady of twilight.
Guards: *both look to each other before stepping aside, opening the large doors for him as they do*
Riiju-Lei: *bows his head in thanks and steps inside, looking back at the doors as they close before staring at the dimly lit room before him, taking in the open space illuminated by the warm glow of oil lamps, and the giant statue of Azura in the centre* …lady Azura?… May I speak with you?…
Riiju-Lei: *sighs and steps closer to the statue* I know it’s… been a long while since we last spoke… after I returned your star. But now I need your help… *kneels down and sits before her* I was raised by a nord and an argonian. I grew up worshipping the divines. I don’t understand dunmeri culture or customs, never mind religion. But I want to understand more… I want to know more… so I can thank you properly for saving my nerevar…
Azura: My champion, rise.
Riiju-Lei: *quickly gets to his feet and blinks only to open his eyes and immediately have them water up as the scent of intensely sweet perfumes assault his nose, and a bloom of pink and purple haze surrounds him, the chamber gone, the statue missing, and the ground beneath him now the hand of a giant goddess* I- *turns around and nearly jumps clean out of his robes in fright seeing a large red eye staring down at him* HOLY SHI- *clings to the thumb of the hand as he nearly falls off* m-my lady?!
Azura: *giggles and smiles holding him up to her face* Hello my champion. I take it you understand now my departing words.
Riiju-Lei: “walk the waking dream of the one who sleeps to find the heart you’ve lost” … *smiles and nods looking up at her* I chose to walk as voryn dagoth instead of dagoth ur… I found my nerevar… I found me.
Azura: *smiles and nods slightly* and for walking the correct path I gave you the blessings I did him. While your eyes may still be read, your skin is the chimer gold. Walk now as a beacon to your people, towards the future that awaits them beyond the gloaming horizon. *gently strokes his face with her thumb* what did you wish to ask of me?
*a few hours later*
Riiju-Lei: *steps out of Azuras chamber with a headache from the perfume of her realm, and blue and purple roses braided all through his hair* thank you. *nods to the guards before walking off*
The guards: *both doing a double take as they spot his hair before peering into the chamber trying to figure out how he got them*
Riiju-Lei: *walks down the hall, passing the meeting chamber on his way back to his and nerevars room, only to stop upon hearing his name* huh? *walks over and listens in*
Nerevar: *speaking with the archmaster of redoran* The lands of house dres now belong to Riiju-Lei and house dagoth, but they’re useless as they are with the argonians rampaging through it.
Archmaster of Redoran: but my lord none of my men can penetrate through their forces and they refuse to communicate with them. The farmers are too afraid to return to work in fear our strength will fail against theirs.
Riiju-Lei: *suddenly steps into the room* let me speak to them then.
Nerevar: LeiLei…
Riiju-Lei: I can speak dunmeris argonian. I was raised by a liberated slave, a brilliant woman who knew their plight and lived it. Let me go there, let them come to me-
Nerevar: no leilei, they’ll attack you before you even get a chance to-
Riiju-Lei: Please… Violence only starts when the talking stops. So let me raise my voice for them to hear it… if needs be I can protect myself… but please let me try to pacify this without the need of violence…
Nerevar: *looks at the arch master then at Riiju-lei* …
Riiju-Lei: …please?…
Nerevar: *sighs* …Okay… I trust you, LeiLei.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The mourned & the heretics Pt2
Part 1 here
Riiju-Lei: *seated on the bed in nerevars quarters on the ship, pulling on his boots as they sail into port* okay im rea-… nerevar?…
Nerevar: *seated across from him staring at his helmet quietly* hm? Sorry I was, somewhere else…
Riiju-Lei: … *gets up and walks to him before kneeling at his feet and staring up at him* what’s wrong?…
Nerevar: *smiles and sets his helmet down, gently taking his hands in his* it’s nothing. I just get a strange sense of deja vu whenever I come back to morrowind… the first time I did it I was on a prisoners ship, with Saint jiub would you believe it heh… I’m okay, I’m just… *smiles and leans down kissing his forehead above his third eye* I’m just glad this time, I’m returning with you.
Riiju-Lei: *smiles up at him adoringly* I hope… I can meet everyone’s expectations of me… I understand… I did a lot of bad things in my past life, even if I didn’t want to… I want to make things right.
Nerevar: *stands and helps him to his feet* Hush, you’ve nothing to prove to anybody LeiLei. You’re a kind and remarkable soul, besides. House Redoran is already singing your praises for your efforts in solstheim, along with house telvanni surprisingly, though- I have no clue why.
Riiju-Lei: huh, Neloth really did keep his promise then.
Nerevar: I?! Neloth?! You-
Riiju-Lei: yes he was on Solstheim, didn’t you see the giant mushrooms?
Nerevar: I, no I was more focused on finding you. Now that you mention it I think I heard a silt strider there too… gods I wonder what else I missed while focused on you.
Riiju-Lei: *snickers* nothing important I’m sure.
Ship captain: *muffled from outside the door as the ship comes to a stop* Lord Nerevar! We’ve arrived at Seyda Neen.
Nerevar: *sighs* Let’s get going then. *smiles back at Riiju* …Ready to see your homeland?…
Riiju-Lei: *nods up at him and smiles, holding his hand tight* I’m ready.
Nerevar: *nods and picks up his bag, waiting for Riiju to grab his too before opening the door to see the morning fog still shrouding the bay* Morning everyone!
Xelzaz: good morning lord nerevar! Gods I’ve missed the humidity.
Sero: *stretching* ahh yes, smell that mildew~ like someone just put out a campfire. It’s great to be home.
Inigo: *fur all curly from the humidity* it is quite enjoyable yes! Like riften but much more comforting in some way.
Lucien: perhaps it’s the lack of thieves trying to pick your pocket? I love the volume it’s given your fur too~
Kaidan: *carrying Taliesin out from the cabins* are you going to be sick again?
Taliesin: *practically green* get me off of this blasted ship please-
Nerevar: *snickers* glad to see everyone’s well. Alright follow me, I’ll get you all registered.
Riiju-Lei: *shyly holds his hand and walks beside him off the ship and into the Census and Excise offices only to jump in fright as everyone inside drops what they were doing immediately and starts fussing about in the presence of nerevar* oh- *hides behind him a little*
Census officer: L-lord nerevar you’ve returned!! We weren’t expecting you back so soon usually your journeys last for years! Did you succeed in your sear- *pauses seeing team dragonborn behind him, and Riiju quietly peering out from behind him*
Nerevar: *smiles* I did, I’d like to get this lot registered under house indoril please, except for this one. *gently ushers Riiju out from behind himself, holding him by his waist* He already has a file but it needs updating.
Census officer: I- oh yes of course I just need the file holder name.
Nerevar: Voryn Dagoth.
Census officer: I?… excuse m-me sir? *looks at Riiju*
Riiju-Lei: *blinks all 3 eyes at once* hello.
Census officer: … *falls back fainting from shock*
Nerevar: oh dear.
*a few hours later*
Riiju-Lei: *looking visibly uncomfortable as they walk from the census house, quietly tying his bandanna back around his forehead covering his third eye* …
Nerevar: are you alright?… *gently rubs his back*
Riiju-Lei: they were… afraid of me… once they knew who I was everyone went quiet.
Nerevar: … *gently unties the fabric from his head letting his eye be free again* You are not responsible for the actions of your past life LeiLei… I promise, once word gets around on who you are, things will get better… not voryn dagoth, not dagoth ur. You. *gently strokes his cheek* I promise, nobody will mess with you while you’re with me…
Riiju-Lei: *smiles and nods looking a bit more at ease* okay… *gently holds his hand against his cheek* …can I have my bandanna back though the ash fog is irritating my eye-
Nerevar: I- oh sorry here- *ties it back around his head adjusting his hair*
Lucien: Mournhold is quite a journey from here. How are we going to get there within a day like you said-
Nerevar: look up. *points behind the census building*
Lucien: hm? *looks up* HOLY MOLY AND I THOUGHT DUSTY WAS BIG!!!
Riiju-Lei: *looks up to see a bull silt strider decorated with the sigils of house indoril slowly making its way around the building following the stable hand* how on nirn did we miss that when we got off the ship!? The fog wasn’t that dense!
Nerevar: he was laying down. *smiles watching the silt strider scrunch up its legs lowering itself down onto the ground* okay hop in everyone. *looks to the stable hand hand hands him a bag of coin* thank you for looking after him*
Stable hand: *bows to him respectfully* the honours all mine sir, he was no trouble at all.
Nerevar: *nods and climbs in* Every- Kaidan are you okay?
Kaidan: *huddled at the very back of the group, wedged in the corner firmly looking mortified* yeah, fine.
Taliesin: …oh my god you’re afraid of heights.
Kaidan: I am nnOT- *grabs on tighter as the silt strider bellows out a howl and raises itself up to its feet*
Riiju-Lei: *looks over the lip of the beasts hollowed shell as it begins to walk* it’s not that bad, Odahviing flew much higher than this.
Nerevar: *smiles and glances over at him while he gently controls the silt strider via its exposed brain nerves* Getting to ride a dragon with you was truely an experience I’ll never forget. *smiles and looks out over the land from their view point* what do you think so far?…
Riiju-Lei: it’s, different but… beautiful. *smiles back at him, hair billowing in the breeze*
Nerevar: I’m glad, I hope you’ll enjoy your time h-
Lucien: Oh look! I can see red mountain from here!
Riiju-Lei: *looks over at it* …
Everyone: *suddenly gets ready to catch him in case he starts having a seizure again*
Riiju-Lei: *smiles* it’s not spewing out as much ash today, that’s good.
Everyone: *breathes a collective sigh of relief*
The silt strider: *bellows out a howl as if relieved as well*
Kaidan: …Taliesin hold my hair I’m gonna be sick-
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Riiju-Lei: *laying in his bedroll in tel mithryn, trying to rest so they can track down Ildari in the morning and failing, still trying to figure out who this miraak person is and now… who he really is…* … *sighs and places his hand on his forehead and hisses in pain forgetting about his new third eyeball* Ugh… this sucks… *Reaches up again and gently touches it after closing it this time…* Voryn dagoth is… ur dagoth but… which one am I? *sighs and rolls onto his side, closing his eyes to try and sleep* …
Riiju-Lei: “Hot… why’s it so hot?…”
???: “Wake up…”
Riiju-Lei: “who?… who said that?…”
???: “don’t listen to him…”
Riiju-Lei: “I?… ny voice? Who? Who said that?
???: “Wake up dreamer. Accept your role as my vessel.”
???: “Please don’t trust him! Don’t listen to what he’s offering you!”
Riiju-Lei: “listen to who?! Who even are you?!”
Voryn Dagoth: “I’m you!”
Dagoth Ur: *suddenly flashes through Lei’s mind as the heart of lorkhan pulses behind him and the screams of those his plague corrupted echo in his ears*
Riiju-Lei: *sits up sweating, all three eyes glowing in the darkness of the tower, tears streaming down his face as he feels, genuinely feels, real fear running through him* I- I-
Inigo: *jumps a little from his sleep and looks over at him* my friend?…
Riiju-Lei: *starts sobbing quietly trying to explain what happened only to choke out a fragile whimper* I’m s-scared-
Inigo: *never once witnessed him displaying genuine fear before, or heard his voice so full of emotion* Leilei? What happened?… *crawls out of his bedroll and over to him sliding under the furs and holding him tight*
Riiju-Lei: *chokes back more sobs, whole body trembling as he hugs onto his friend* I don’t know wh-who I am…
*the next day*
Riiju-Lei: *sleep deprived, head in utter agony, only able to hear the voices and the heart beating loudly in his skull as he slices through ash spawn*
Kaidan: LEILEI BEHIND YOU- *freezes seeing the dunmer spin around at an inhuman speed and punch his fist through the ashen creatures chest, holding its heart stone in his hand as it crumbles into a pile of dust* good jo- *watches him crush the stone in his hand, it’s red energy flowing up his arm and into his glowing red eyes* that can’t be good-
Taliesin: what can’t be go- *sees Lei’s eyes and watches as the dunmer walks further into the ruin* that definitely isn’t good… *looks at the rest of the group and chases after their friend only to find him in a large cavernous area, staring Ildari Sarothril down*
Ildari: You've gone far enough. Neloth is a fool to think he could send some low life to finish me of-Ugh! What- my heart stone it’s-
Riiju-Lei: *hand raised towards her, slowly squeezing into a fist* I am not a low life… *blood pouring from his third eye as the voices grow louder and louder each screaming for him to choose them as the doom drum beats faster and harder against his skull* I am. *feels a moment of serene peace as he makes his decision* Voryn Dagoth. *clenches his fist crushing her heart stone*
*meanwhile in raven rock*
Elder Othreloth: It is an honour to have you here Hortator. Our settlement is small but we welcome you with open arms.
Nerevar: *smiles and nods his head* the welcome is appreciated indeed. I was not expecting to see this place so, lively. Last id heard it was a shell of its former glory with the empire having abandoned it.
Elder Othreloth: *chuckles* indeed it was. Only a week ago a young dunmer with an argonians name arrived and found out the truth of the east empire companies departure. With it brought to light the mine was reopened and already ships are arriving for trade. He even cleared out the temple of these foul creatures the guards have been calling ash spawn with no want for reward, heheh, I paid him and after he’d left I realised he’d snuck it back into my pocket when I’d turned around.
Nerevar: An argonians n- *remembers questioning the guards in whiterun after narrowly missing Voryn in the crowd* This dunmer, who was he with? I- oh gods I could only make out the Akaviri man and the high elf with him over the crowd-
Elder Othreloth: oh yes, he was with quite a strange arrangement of people but they clearly make an excellent team. yes he was with a great big hulking behemoth of a lad, a well kept high elf, an argonian, a young imperial man, teldryn sero who occasionally comes by to repent after spending his money poorly and regretting it the next day, and a, very odd blue khajiit. Why my lord, are you in need of his services to?
Nerevar: Something like that, but- he is here then? On the island?
Elder Othreloth: yes indeed I believe so. The last I heard they left the bulwark yesterday. I don’t know where though but given raven rock is the only port im certain they’ll return to leave at some point.
Nerevar: *sighs with some slight relief that he hadn’t come this way for nothing* thank you, it’s important I find him as fast as possible.
Galdrus Hlervu: *suddenly snakes his way over* Pardon me for butting in Hortator but are you searching for this, Riiju-Lei characte-
Elder Othreloth: Did I give you permission to approach our lord Hlervu? Have you forgotten yourself?!
Galdrus Hlervu: I- f-forgive me master Othre-
Nerevar: *holds up his hand in dismissal* I’ll allow it this once. Riiju-Lei… is that his name?…
Galdrus Hlervu: *bows his head* yes my lord, but I feel you must know. There have been rumours amongst the councillor and the captain of the guard that he grew a third eye after coming into contact with debris from red mountain. Just like dagoth u-
Elder Othreloth: Do not dare speak the title of the Sharmat in this temple or before your king! I will not allow you wandering around and spreading such ridiculous gossip freely!
Nerevar: third… eye-
Nerevar: *looks over towards high point tower seeing smoke rising up over the hillside* oh no…
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The mourned & the healing final pt3
Part 2 here
*A few weeks following their first wedding*
Riiju-Lei: *seated beside nerevar in the silt strider as they approach Tel Fyr after an adventure across all morrowind to show him his homeland* By the 9 look at the size of it!!
Lucien: and I thought Tel Mithryn was big! It’s no wonder everyone respects Divayth so much! The level of power needed to maintain this must be immense!
Nerevar: now you see why he’s my closest confidant next to LeiLei. *smiles seeing the servants pushing platforms up to the strider as they approach so they can dismount, and Divayth Fyr waiting to greet them at the front door* Last stop before our journey back to Seyda Neen.
Kaidan: *crawling to the edge of the silt strider just ready to drop dead at this point from travel sickness and his fear of heights* thank the gods- get me off of this damned thing.
*a few hours later*
Riiju-Lei: *seated on a cushion next to nerevar and Divayth as the rest of team dragonborn explores the tower with the promise of not entering the lower chamber beneath the onyx hall* its, bitter sweet. I’m glad to be going home and to see my family again, my friends, my kids… I have a lot to tell my mother and father when I visit them in the hall of the dead too…
Nerevar: speaking of which remind me to place honours from both of our houses when we visit them.
Riiju-Lei: *nods and smiles before looking down at his tea* of course… But I’m going to miss morrowind…
Divayth Fyr: *pours himself another cup of tea* You can always come back to visit, and who knows. Perhaps your family will like it here too.
Nerevar: and I can always step down as Hortator if it means staying with you in skyrim.
Riiju-Lei: *shakes his head and gently places his hand to his cheek* No love, I told you I don’t wish for you to choose between your reign and me… besides, I’m head of house dagoth now too…
Divayth Fyr: *smiles seeing how in love the two are* well as per usual im happy to handle your duties whilst you’re away or until you make up your minds but… *sighs sitting his cup down*
Nerevar: Serjo Fyr?…
Divayth Fyr: since taking the position you’ve offered me nerevar I’ve done so with no want of reward or compensation. I did it because you are my friend, from the days when you first stepped into my tower seeking a cure for the corpus to now I have always been at your side… but now that the means are presented right in front of me… I must ask a favour. *looks to Riiju-lei*
Nerevar: … *sets his tea down* are you sure?… is there… no other way?…
Riiju-Lei: *looks at them both confused* what?… is it?…
Divayth Fyr: Come… I’ll show you… it’ll, be easier if you see. *sighs using his staff as a cane to stand up before leading them down to the onyx hall… and then down into the Corprusarium*
Riiju-Lei: *following beside Nerevar as the two follow the older dunmer down further into the large chamber beneath the tower* nerevar where are we going?…
Nerevar: … *looks at him with a sad and solemn expression* to say goodbye to an old friend…
Riiju-Lei: *looks at him perplexed before nervously holding onto his arm as the air around them becomes heavy with a strange mist emerging from vents above, the cure for the corprus Divayth had concocted long ago*
Divayth Fyr: *leads them through several tunnels and past several now long empty rooms and headstones after headstones* this way, he’s in here… *opens another door and steps through to a room split in two by large iron bars, and behind them, the bloated, diseased rotting mass held up by dwemer spider like legs that is Yagram Bagarn* Hello Yagram, old friend, I have someone who’d like to see- *backs up quickly and shields LeiLei and nerevar with a ward as the zombie like dwemer charges the bars spraying noxious fluid at them from what’s left of his heavily disfigured face*
Riiju-Lei: *jumps and hides behind nerevar in horror* wh-what is that?! Wh-what happened to them I-
Nerevar: I… told you about the corprus yes?…
Riiju-Lei: the disease Dagoth Ur relea-… *looks at Divayth Fyr to see the sad look in his eyes* … He’s… infected by it…
Divayth Fyr: *nods sadly* the divine disease, some called it. For once sick with its afflictions you’ll contract no other ailments, but there is nothing divine about this… *gestures to the now mindless rotting husk before them, watching as Yagram slams himself repeatedly against the bars attempting to claw them with his legs, his stomach splitting open and spewing out puss and bile as he groans and snarls in place of words*
Riiju-Lei: I… I’m sorry…
Divayth-Fyr: do not apologise my friend. I did not bring you to him to guilt you for what dagoth ur did… I brought you here to kill him.
Riiju-Lei: wh-what?! I- but- I I haven’t got my sword! I’m a healer and I can’t- he doesn’t know what he’s doing I can’t hurt him!
Nerevar: and you won’t my love… *gently turns him to face him and strokes his cheek* You’re going to cure him…
Divayth Fyr: and set him free from this curse so he may finally die in peace… *sighs* it’s my own fault… try as I might to cure him he was already too far gone when he’d arrived to the point where he had to amputate his legs and ride around on that contraption… I documented his every thought, everything I possibly could do he’d be remembered… and I watched the disease devour his mind until he… he turned into the creature before you… I tried to mercifully end him several times but each time… I couldn’t bare to do it… he was my friend… please… let him have a moment of peace before he passes…
Riiju-Lei: *looks to nerevar, then Divayth… then the dwemer still thrashing at the bars, spitting and hissing at them like a lumbering mass of infected flesh* okay… *steps forward and holds out his hands trying to find whatever power within him from his past life he may still possess* please… let him rest-… *closes his eyes focusing his energy to his finger tips as his third eye opens and glows a brilliant red* let this sickness end…
Yagram Bagarn: *gurgles and groans reaching out towards him in a mindless want of violence and need to spread the disease further, only to fall still as a calming magic washes through him, and for a brief moment, the pain finally stops, and his mind returns* …Diiivaaayth… *gurgles out trying to form words with his rotted tongue* myyyyiii… oooolld… frieeend… *forms what looks like a grin as he looks directly at the old dunmer before his body gives out, the metal legs that carried him for so long hissing as they release tension, and he topples over, dead, and free at last*
Riiju-Lei: *watches him lay there, finally at rest after hundreds of years, suffering as the last of his kind, and in agony because of his past life* … *sniffles and hugs onto nerevar in mourning*
Nerevar: *hugs him back and kisses his hair* shhh, he’s free now… it’s okay… he’s free…
Divayth Fyr: *smiles sadly and walks to the bars, covering the dwemer with a sheet* …Goodbye my old friend…
*A few days later*
Nerevar: *standing on the deck of the ship, watching as the port of Seyda Neen slowly disappears into the distance* so… what did you think of morrowind?…
Riiju-Lei: *standing beside him, resting his head on his shoulder* I think, it feels like home to me.
Nerevar: think you might want to come back again then?
Riiju-Lei: *smiles up at him* only if you’re with me~
Nerevar: *smiles and kisses his lips softly* my dreamer…
Riiju-Lei: *kisses back and sighs adoringly* my moon and st-
Taliesin: *already throwing up over the side of the ship*
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
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