#infants in general are bugged so his parents won't hold him long enough for him to fall asleep without putting him back in the crib
pumpkin-simblr · 8 months
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The Gauthier household is very chaotic at the moment, and things at Goodwyn House aren't much better--early in the morning on the final day of 1307, Avice goes into labour. The birth is her most difficult labour yet, and takes several hours, but eventually she delivers a robust and healthy baby boy, later named Malcolm Goodwyn once she has the chance to rest and recover a bit.
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friendodo · 3 years
pleaseeeeee tell us more about papa shen jiu modern AU im so obsessed with it too
I think I've got the backstory down from SJ's PoV. This is kinda long so a lot of it is under a read more. Here we go!!
SJ and YQ meet in a children's home.
Yue Qi's parents left him orphaned and Shen Jiu was taken away from his family by the authorities as they weren't considered fit to raise a child. Shen Jiu has a really hard time adjusting and doesn't have any friends so he often gets in fights. Yue Qi is a calming, friendly presence who will actually talk to SJ and listen to him when he speaks. Yue Qi loves reading. Shen Jiu was never given any books before he arrived at the home, but YQ infects him with the same reading bug and together they devour hundreds of books.
After a few years of close friendship, Yue Qi is adopted by some distant family of his. He's met them before, very briefly, and he can't understand why they would adopt him now rather than later but decides to be optimistic. SJ and YQ have a sad goodbye but YQ promises that he'll keep in touch and that SJ will get adopted too one day.
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But SJ doesn't get adopted. And of course, YQ breaks his promise. SJ doesn't hear a single thing from his friend.
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As he gets older he acts out more and runs away frequently. He gets moved to a different home and spends more time on the streets after he gets approached by a local gang leader/drug dealer/generally Bad Person, and gets taken under their wing. SJ agrees to it because of the promise of money -- he knows he's not going to be adopted, and Qi-ge won't be here to help him so he needs to make sure he can live independently once he gets old enough to leave the home.
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Years pass and SJ is a teenager. He sees Yue Qi hanging out with his friends, all dressed in the uniform of the most expensive private school in the city.
SJ realises that YQ ascended so high in society that he decided not to associate with him, and that he's probably just another part of his embarrassing and shameful past that he hides from his friends.
He leaves.
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Yue Qi spots him and calls out to him, but SJ knows the streets well and disappears into thin air. Over the next few days SJ hears about YQ running around the same area after school hours and in the early morning, asking about him. SJ doesn't come out to see him, but he keeps tabs on him until he sees YQ being robbed at knifepoint.
SJ runs in to get YQ away from the attacker but gets hurt in the process. He falls unconscious from blood loss and the last things he remembers are a hysterical Yue Qi calling for help and repeating his name.
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Shen Jiu wakes up alone in the hospital. Yue Qi doesn't show up again. He's not surprised, and it feeds into SJ's terrible sense of self worth.
Ironically, Shen Jiu realises that he values his life too much to keep working with WYZ. He works very hard to get into a good high school and eventually gets into the most prestigious university in the country.
But Qi-ge is there too. And he's very persistent, even though he refuses to explain why he never came back or what happened to YQ after SJ got hurt. They develop an on-off relationship that eventually ends in failure. It makes SJ insecure and he just can't forgive him.
They both graduate. Yue Qi goes abroad to do a very expensive MBA and SJ works on his Masters/PhD at a smaller university with fees that he can barely afford with a scholarship.
SJ's cousin, Qiu Haitang, dies tragically and leaves behind a small infant child. QHT was the only family member that SJ ever liked. They don't know who the father was and SJ refuses to leave a child in the care of QJL so he adopts the child and raises him as his own. SJ's life becomes even more chaotic and he just barely manages to hold it together at the expense of sleep and his own health.
Yue Qi comes back and gets a job in the same city as SJ. He seems to be a much lighter and happier man, as if he's been freed from something after doing his MBA, and wriggles his way into SJ's life once more. He's shocked that SJ has a child but doesn't ask about its origins.
SJ and YQ tentatively reconnect with each other and after they dance around each other for years and SJ begins to trust YQ again, YQ takes great joy in making SJ's life easier by looking after his adorable and obnoxious son that reminds him so much of SJ.
And then the hypothetical fanfic begins... Will SJ and YQ reconcile? What happened to YQ that he refuses to speak about? Will A-Yuan get another Dad who will buy him ice cream every day instead of just every weekend???
Hope you enjoyed this way of telling it with shitty doodles lol, feel free to ask me more questions :D
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