#infiltrations routes
vicky-nanjappa · 1 year
J&K Encounter: New Infiltration Routes by Pak? ISIS Modules busted in Pune: Analysis on PGurus
Vicky Nanjappa Investigative Journalist Vicky Nanjappa details how Pakistan continues to find new ways to infiltrate into India. What are the new routes, new challenges they pose and how should India proceed? and the recent ISIS Modules that got busted in Pune.
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
Please More bean eclipse au but… it’s sun babying Eclipse! Because he gets over his trauma via babying Eclipse right?
Also the baby carrier is funny 😄
Absolutely love that Sun gets over his trauma by babying the younger brother. In a sense its what they both need. To you and the anon who wanted something nice for Sun and Bean Eclipse interacting. Eclipse is far more comfortable being carried or held by Sun vs Moon actually. (altho like... in terms of who he'd rather be held by. Its KC, then Earth then Sun (Lunar is a contender only Sometimes). Never Monty. Moon is never perferred on this list but always over Monty.) Also just kinda... BY HEIGHT PREFERENCE LOL
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Also Bonus!
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Bloodmoon's arrival means i finally get to explore Bloodmoon and Sun bonding (This man jsut has trauma between these two where we settle it by Family Time because its obvious its needed and Sun admits this.) Also Bloodmoon being a bully and trying to steal attention and mess with Eclipse.
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lesbiamano · 3 months
3rd sem missed deadline ending has always been so dreadful and one of my favorites (or i guess most hated) bad endings in a way. but like the thing is i completely erased it out of my memory that maruki shows up (for obvious reasons i think) and i straight up got jumpscared when i he started talking as i looked up this ending again. god i hate everything so much i HATE this
you can just tell this guy was counting down the seconds to deem akira unable to make a choice so he’d simply make it for him! this scene is so deeply unsettling so uncomfortable which is, well, great for what it’s set out to be but i’ve watched this 3 times in a row now and each time i puke a little in my mouth. it’s all under the guise of “i don’t want you to suffer anymore. i hate watching you suffer like this. so i’ll just choose for you, and i’ll make it all painless” the way akira isn’t part of the reality his friends now live is so upsetting too. all of his friends got what maruki deemed to be what they deserved (though they’re the things each character willingly let go of as a sigh of making progress, which makes him forcing them back to where they used to be because he thinks they were “happier” even more horrible, but i digress) and they all forgot about akira. in a way maruki knows that it’s simply easier to get akira out of the way. nobody else would reject his reality or think of leaving this way. and nobody seemed to even need akira at all anyway in his reality, so it’s a win win for him. maruki controls everything neatly, everyone is happy; and akira rots away in his room for basically ever.
and i fucking hate those freaky tentacle hand things man. obvious why of course, and everytime i watch them come out a shiver runs down my spine. this guy needs to be publicly executed
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fiopico · 1 year
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BG3 doodles, getting used to drawing my girl comfortably. There are so many things I want to draw from my playthrough!!
Bonus under the cut. :)
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(The way Lae'zel started to thirst for her after they killed the leaders of Goblin Camp was kind of cute LMAO.)
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noficbyhalves · 8 months
Altaïr: I got you one of those "plans" you're always on about
Malik: ...this is a map
Altaïr: Of guard patrols, yes. For the plan. Since you like plans.
Malik: Where did you get this map
Altaïr: ...
Malik: I know you didn't make this yourself, since it's
Malik: y'know
Malik: Actually Legible
Altaïr: Soooo, it's good? You like it?
Malik: That's not an answer
Malik: Altaïr
Malik: Altaïr
Malik: How many people died for this bizarre romantic gesture
Altaïr: ...Good talk
Malik: Goddamnit, novice
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camelliagwerm · 1 year
I forgot how happy just roaming around in the open worlds for Horizon makes me. I normally hate open world games but the exploration aspect of HZD/FW truly is so wonderful, and the more options for traversal in FW really makes it for me
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ask-dametagala · 2 years
Infiltrating the castle!
Dark Meta Knight knew he'd need a disguise at some point. Taking off his mask and scratching Meta Knight's emblem off his pauldron wasn't going to be a good long term solution to his little problem. Even though no one would recognize him, rumors would definitely start popping up all over the place about a caped stranger. Unlike the mirror world, Dreamland inhabitants are awfully noisy and just can't seem to keep their mouths shut. News travels fast and soon enough, Meta Knight will know of his presence. That was something he wished to avoid at all costs. He wasn't ready to see him again, not yet. Maybe covering his body with leaves? He could use mud as glue, it would still work. Then again, maybe being a bush monster wasn't exactly the brightest idea, that would still make him awfully suspicious.
........Oh….it's you. Hello, Galacta Knight…"
Out of nowhere, a familiar knight appeared from behind the trees, giving him the usual dumb smile on his face. This amused Dark Meta Knight, satisfied that the man he was looking for showed up right in front of him.
"Hello, Dark!"
"Well…you never told me your name! So I took the "Dark" out of "Dark Meta Knight" for convenience. Speaking of which, what IS your real na-?"
"Enough, I'll get straight to the point. I came here for you."
"I-....f-for me?"
(….why is he acting so bashful? No matter…)
"Yes, I wish to make acquaintances with you. Ever since we first met, I wanted to get to know you a little better. "
"Oh! I- I didn't expect this! I wanted to know more about you as well but I never thought you'd take the initiative…"
"I am not like my br-.....my brot-....my b-broth-.......Meta Knight. I am not like Meta Knight, I am usually more open with my feelings. Now, for what I came for."
He walks closer towards Galacta Knight and lets go of his cape.
"O-Oh! REALY?! I'm always happy to spend time with a new friend! Tell you what, the king of this star is holding a grand Necromas party where everyone is invited!"
"Huh, so we're still celebrating the birth of the man who literally tried to spread darkness throughout all of Popstar."
"....Dark...are you saying that...NECRODEUS IS A REAL PERSON?!"
"Yeah it's a long story. But for now, let's get out of here first, I want to show you something."
He extends a hand out to the knight, waiting patiently to see if he was okay with holding hands with him again. Galacta Knight must've noticed how strongly he pulled away from him the last time they held hands. Knowing this, Dark couldn't help but think of how ridiculously passionate Galacta Knight was. Wasn't he feared in the past? Feared to the point of being imprisoned in a crystal jail for eternity? That's what Meta Knight's memories seem to recall. It was certainly unusual for someone like him to suffer such a harsh fate. But nonetheless, what's in the past is in the past. He grabs ahold of Galacta Knight's hand and follows the warrior as they fly out of the forest.
Once they are out, Dark Meta Knight's cape immediately transforms into a pair of dark, torn wings. He lets go of the warrior's hand and flies on his own. Together, they scale the giant Necromas tree planted by the diligent waddle dees, passing through various decorations, handmade by each inhabitant of Dreamland. Despite only seeing glimpses of their appearances, the love and dedication to the craft of each ornament was impossible to be unseen. In mere seconds, they were already high above in the skies, hovering over the glowing tree, which was now considerably smaller due to how high up they were. Soon, they managed to find a good spot to land on, choosing a high mountain cliff just tall enough to see castle Dedede. Galacta Knight laughs as he spreads his arms out, enjoying the cold winter breeze while gazing upon the castle's festive lights. The dark knight follows suit and gently lands next to the galactic warrior.
"There! King Dedede's castle….ah it's shining so brightly. It might be a little hard to see it…."
"See what?"
"One of castle Dedede's towers has a wide rounded balcony, difficult to spot through all those lights for you. I can see it just fine, my eyesight is considered the greatest in the galaxy too!"
"Nonsense, just give me a few seconds……."
".....doooo you see it?"
"I will! You are making me lose my focus."
He chuckles in response to Dark's sudden fluster, it was oddly amusing to see him get so worked up. Galacta Knight smiles in excitement, anticipating what's about to come next.
"There, i see it."
"Oh! The one with the marble railing right?!"
"Yes, marble railing gilded in gold."
"That's the one!"
He springs up in joy and points towards it, happily flapping his wings. Dark slightly flinches away, being a bit taken off by his sudden excitement.
"I'll be waiting for you there once the party starts, only if you come of course!"
"I will. "
"Really? That's- that's GREAT! I- oh stars this makes it SO much easier to attend-! Phew…."
"Hm? What's wrong?"
"Oh it's- it's nothing. I'm just letting out a little steam. The party will start in 3 hours and there's already so many guests. It's a huge event, you know? A bunch of fancy aristocrats will be there. King Dedede must be very renowned."
He plops down on the soft grass and lays back, feeling the grass against his wings. Dark notices this and sits down next to him, unconsciously touching his soft feathers.
"Ahh….I don't know what to wear. They'll be so many important people there. I could just wear my light armor, i'm sure it's fancy enough."
"Light armor?"
"Indeed! One of my different soul armours. It's adorned with shiny gold patterns! That should surely leave a good impression~☆"
"Interesting. Tell me more about this…soul armor."
"Hm? You don't know? Well alright….so…everyone has a soul, right? So imagine this….."
The dark knight finally made progress, Galacta Knight opened up more to him. They've got more than enough time to talk to each other, which means their relationship can finally advance. His hard work will finally be paid off! The other knight will start trusting him more and more…and soon….he will tell him all about the jamba hearts! Though…articial intelligence? Armor and weaponry from the soul? These were all…foreign concepts to him. The technology from Galacta Knight's era is truly outstanding, maybe a little more inquiries about them wouldn't hurt….
Two and a half hours had passed, Galacta Knight was already out of breath. This was his first time in forever that he got to talk so much! Their enthuastatic conversation made the warrior get up from laying down on the grass. He would eagerly talk about how his armor worked and answer all of the other knight's questions, even if he himself couldn't remember the correct answer. Dark Meta Knight couldn't remember the last time he had such a thrilling discussion. The way Galacta Knight presented his knowledge was rather clumsy and abit hard to follow, but his passion was made extremely clear to him. Had this astral ever got the chance to talk about these things to anyone else?
"Oh….I think we chatted for quite a while….…I should get going!"
"Mm, I….should find something to wear as well."
"Really? Have anything..... nice in mind?"
"I'm….not too sure. I have a very limited closet."
"I-I can understand that. Well, g-good luck!"
.......Hm? Why was Galacta Knight acting so flustered? Dark casts him a confused look.
"What's wrong?"
"Y-your hand…"
"What do you mea-"
He immediately pulls his hand away, clutching it tightly in his other. Unknowingly, his fingers were caressing Galacta Knight's fluffy feathers.
"How long was I-?!"
"You were doing it the entire time! Haha! Don't have to worry much about it! It's fine~!"
His wings immediately start flapping, quickly taking off into the sky. Once again, he left the temporal warrior without any warning. Galacta Knight sighs and stands up, waving to him.
"See you soon!!"
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tea-cat-arts · 2 years
Anyone know if someone has edited Mest’s face bouncing around the screen like the Microsoft idle animation while “you ruin everything, you stupid bitch” plays in the background?
And if one of y’all decide to make it, can you please tag me
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waywardsalt · 1 year
i want to get off mr. okumura’s wild ride
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bragganhyl · 1 year
Gaura, head on fire, decked out in her dragon cosplay, pulling up to a sea worshipping cult: How do you do fellow water zealots?
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nebulaleaf · 2 years
god of multi-tasking <- (is playing 3 different p5r files at once)
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gwyoi · 4 months
I feel like sit down full service is out and fast casual is in. Like where you pay at the front and then sit down instead of having a server come to your table
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princekirijo · 6 months
Ah you're about where I am in my NG+ run! Makoto's cool it really is a shame that her mechanic pretends like we hadn't heard of technicals and weaknesses despite having been using then for 2 dungeons at that point
Yeah that's exactly my problem with her "role" in the group because it makes literally no sense that this member who just joined starts explaining to me the purpose of status effects like I haven't just gone through two palaces and mementos 💀
I don't mind Makoto being the strategist at all I just wished they integrated it better into her mechanics.
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thethief1996 · 1 year
Israel has cut water, electricity and food to Palestinians in Gaza. They are buying 10.000 M16 rifles and plan to distribute to civilian settlers in the West Bank to hunt down Palestinians. They're bombing the only way out of Gaza through Egypt, after telling refugees to flee through it, and have threatened the Egyptian government in case they let aid trucks pass through. Entire families, generations, are being wiped out and left to wander the streets hoping they don't get bombed.
Palestinians are using their last minutes of battery to let the world know about their genocide and are being met with a wall of "What about Hamas? What about the beheaded babies? Killing children on either side is bad!" even though the propaganda claims have been debunked over and over again. How cruel is it to ask somebody to condemn themselves before their last words? Or before grieving the loss of their entire families? When there's no such disclaimer to Israelis even though their government has shown over and over genocidal intent? Like who are you even trying to appease? What will your wishy washy statement do against decades of zionist thought infiltrating evangelical and Jewish stablishmemts?
Take action. Israel will fall back if public opinion turns its tide. The UK fell back on its bloody decision to cut aid to Palestine under public scrutiny. The USAmerican empire spends $3.8 billion dollars annually solely on this proxy war while its people suffer under a progressively military regime as well. News outlets are canceling last minute on Palestinian speakers while letting Israelis tell lies unchecked. Palestinian refugees are being targeted in ICE establishments and mosques are already being hounded by the FBI. France and Germany have banned pro-Palestine protests, while Netherlands and the UK have placed restrictions . You have the chance to stop this from turning into repeat of the Iraq war.
I want to do something but there's hardly anything for me to do from Brasil besides spreading the word and not letting these testimonies fall on deaf ears. I'm asking you to do this same ant work from wherever you are.
Eye On Palestine (instagram / twitter)
Mohammed El-Kurd (instagram / twitter)
Decolonize Palestine (website with a chronological explanation of the occupation and debunking myths)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Plestia Alaqad (directly from Gaza. Many of her videos are interrupted by bombs)
If there's a protest in your city, please attend. Here's an international calendar of events:
Friday, October 13
ALBUQUERQUE, NM (US) – Fri Oct. 13, 3 pm, UNM Bookstore, University of New Mexico. Organized by Southwest Coalition for Palestine.
BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA (US) – Fri Oct 13, 6 pm, Sproul Hall (Vigil), University of California Berkeley. Organized by Bears for Palestine.
DOUAIS, FRANCE – Fri Oct 13, 6:30 pm, Place de’Armes.
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – Fri Oct 13, 5:30 pm, Brunnsparken. Organized by Palestinska samordningsgruppen Gothenburg.
GREENSBORO, NC (US) – Fri Oct. 13, 4 pm, Wendover Village, 4203 W Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC. Organized by Muslims for a Better NC.
LONDON, ENGLAND – Fri Oct 13, 5 pm, Keir Starmer’s Office, Crowndale Center, 218 Eversholt St, London. Organized by IJAN UK.
MEANJIN/BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 13, 6 pm, King George Square.
MIAMI, FL (US) – Fri Oct 13, 4:30 pm, Bayfront Park. Organized by Troika Kollectiv.
NAPOLI, ITALY – Fri Oct 13, 4:30 pm, Piazza Garibaldi, Napoli. Organized by GPI and Centro Culturale Handala Ali.
NGUNNAWAL/CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct 13, 5:30 pm, Carema Place.
PERTH/BOORLOO, AUSTRALIA – Fri Oct. 13, 5:30 pm, Murray Street Hall, Boorloo/Perth. Organized by Friends of Palestine WA.
PORTLAND, OREGON (US) – Fri Oct 13, 3 pm, 1200-1220 SW 5th Ave, Portland.
PORT RICHEY, FL (US) – Fri Oct 13, 7:30 am, Route 19 and Ridge Road, Port Richey. Sponsored by: Florida Peace Action Network; Partners for Palestine; CADSI
PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA – Friday, Oct. 13, 7 pm, UP Main Campus, DSA Building opposite Thuto. Organized by PSC UP.
WITSWATERSRAND UNIVERSITY (SOUTH AFRICA) – Fri Oct 13, 1 pm, Great Hall Piazza, Flag demonstration. Organized by Wits PSC.
Saturday, October 14
ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct. 14, 2 pm, St. Nichlas Square. Organized by Scottish PSC.
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, Aotea Square, Queens St, 291-2997 Queen St. Organized by PSN Aotearoa.
DETROIT/DEARBORN, MICHIGAN (US) – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, Ford Woods Park, 5700 Greenfield Road. Organized by SAFE, PYM, SJP, Handala Coalition, more.
DUNDEE, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct. 14, 2 pm, Place TBA. Organized by Scottish PSC.
EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND – Sat, Oct 14, 2 pm, Princes Street at Foot of the Mound. Organized by Scottish PSC.
FRANKFURT, GERMANY – Sat Oct 14, 3 pm Hauptwache, Frankfurt am Main. Sponsored by Palestina eV, Migrantifa Rhein-Main and more.
GLASGOW, SCOTLAND – Sat. Oct 14, 2 pm, Buchanan Steps. Organized by Scottish PSC.
HOUSTON, TEXAS (US) – Sat Oct 14, 2 pm, City Hall, 901 Bagby St. Organizd by PYM, PAC, USPCN, SJP and more.
LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND – Sat Oc 14, 12 pm, Church St. Organized by FRFI.
LONDON, ENGLAND – Sat Oct 14, 12 pm, BBC Portland Place, London. Organized by a broad coalition.
MILANO, ITALY – Sat. Oct 14, 3:30 pm, Piazza San Babila. Organized by Young Palestinians of Italy, UDAP, Palestinian Community, Association of Palestinians.
ORLANDO, FLORIDA – Sat Oct 14, 3 pm, Lake Eola at Robinson and Eola, Orland. Organized by Florida Palestine Network.
TORINO, ITALY – Sat. Oct. 14, 3 pm, Piazza Crispi. Organized by Progetto Palestina.
VALPARAISO, CHILE – Sat Oct 14, 6 pm, Plaza Victoria, Valparaiso. Organized by Comite Chileno de Solidaridad con Palestina.
WASHINGTON, DC (US) – Sat Oct 14, 1 pm, Lafayette Square. Organized by AMP.
Sunday, October 15
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS – Sun Oct 15, 2 pm, March from Dam Square to Jonas Daniel Meijer plein.
NAARM/MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, State Library Victoria.
TARDANYA/ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, 2 pm, Parliament House.
AUSTIN, TEXAS (US) – Sun Oct 15, 3 pm, Texas Capitol. Organized by PSC ATX.
GADIGAL/SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – Sun Oct 15, 1 pm, Sydney Town Hall.
SANTIAGO, CHILE -Sun Oct 15, 11 am, Plaza Dignidad, Santiago. Organized by Comite Chileno de Solidaridad con Palestina.
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dilvei · 3 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 ( y! emperor x m! assassin reader )
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yandere! emperor x male! assassin reader
attempted murder
attempted poisoning
mentions of torture
some dubcon tumble & kissing in the sheets ey
directory: part one, part two [ coming soon ]
this definitely could've gone to a much, much darker route but instead it turned out kind of cute(?). i once had a similar idea to this one but as like a longer fic but i don't have the time for that so eat this instead y'all 🌈🌈
requested by @n4muqr
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✾ | much is unknown of the current reigning emperor, dimitri, and what little is known about him is all rather rudimentary, really—merely the common knowledge shared and repeated by most already.
✾ | for instance, it is often said by the masses that dimitri is akin to a sleeping lion. a calm and quiet presence... until a single misstep is made in his presence, prompting his unbridled fury. the emperor does not merely desire perfection, he demands it with an almost relentless, crazed fervor. the emperor will not— cannot simply stand by when something in his vicinity does not reach that impeccable state.
✾ | another topic, oftenly brought up, is his cruelty. the amount of enemies dimitri has amassed on his path to the throne is not few, and those who remain are, well, tortured and tormented inside the cold dungeons for as long as they draw breath.
✾ | but none of those rumors are the ones that pique your interest in the emperor. no. what fascinates you about dimitri is the fact that he has yet to marry, and has remained so for several years of his reign, much to the utter bewilderment of his own people and his own court.
✾ | and the reason for it is so ridiculous that, the first time you heard it, you nearly topple over from laughter. the emperor is unmarried not because he is unattractive or ugly—the opposite really, if the rumors are to be believed—but because he deems that there is no one perfect enough yet to stand by his side. ridiculous, really. but what is an emperor if he is not arrogant?
✾ | still, the fact that there is no direct heir to the throne due to this is utterly hilarious to you. even more comical is the moment when, one day, you are given the task to assassinate said emperor.
✾ | you hold no loyalty for powerful men like dimitri, especially when they are reputed to be arrogant fools. and yet, curiosity stirs within you as to who issued such an order, for you are certain that you are not the only one sent to assassinate dimitri. his little brother perhaps? he is, after all, next in line to the throne.
✾ | a day after you receive the task, you simply... wait, and you remain waiting even as news of failed assassination attempts after another reaches your ears. not one assassin has succeeded, and it baffles you, really; it is either due to the emperor's extreme luck or, perhaps, his perfectionism has extended to other aspects of his life—namely, the protection that surrounds him.
✾ | so, you plan. disguising one's self to infiltrate the palace would take too long, and the likelihood of success is slim, especially given dimitri’s vigilant eye monitoring everyone’s movements. in the end, only one course of action comes to mind.
✾ | in the dead of night, you silently scale the towering walls of the palace—walls too high for most, surely, but easily surmountable for someone like you. with a mask covering the lower half of your face and more daggers than one should be permitted to carry, you ascend with ease.
✾ | landing on the balcony with barely a sound, you smile as you successfully arrive at the chambers of the arrogant emperor dimitri.
✾ | lock picking the door inside is awfully easy, and as you step into the bedroom that is almost suffocating with its golden splendor, you finally see him. you see the emperor.
✾ | dimitri is in bed, unguarded, with eyes closed and lips parted, so breathtaking to behold that, for a moment, you forget you are here to kill him, to murder him.
✾ | as you edge closer to his still body, you observe the gentle rise and fall of his chest with each soft breath. how his golden eyelashes flutter as the cold night air sweeps in from the open balcony window. it seems almost a waste to kill such beauty.
✾ | and just as you brandish your cold dagger to his neck, your other hand ready to silence his dying cries, dimitri's eyes shoot wide open, an icy gaze staring directly into you.
✾ | despite only just waking, the emperor is fast, sharp and alert, and in a blink, dimitri has already swiftly caught both your wrists with his hands in a vice-like grip, rendering you motionless as you both stare into each other’s eyes in tense silence.
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"You shouldn’t be up at such an hour, Your Majesty,” you slowly quip with narrowed eyes, breaking the silence between you as you struggle to free your hands from Dimitri’s grip. Your efforts are futile; his hold on you tightens further.
No doubt, that bruises will soon bloom like dark flowers on your skin, assuming, that is, Dimitri ever lets go of his grip.
With an almost empty sharpness in his gaze, Dimitri inches his face closer to yours, his expression thin as he responds, “And you, should not wander as you wish in your emperor’s chambers. Wherever did you learn your manners, stranger?”
"Well, certainly not around here, Your Majesty.” You let out a sharp laugh before kneeing him in the stomach. But, to your surprise, you flinch instead of the emperor. It feels as though... you just kneed a solid rock.
At your failed attempt, Dimitri merely raises a brow and sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. “I must admit, this is a first. No assassin thus far has attempted to climb my palace walls only to knee me in the stomach. I must say, you do make a memorable first impression.”
"I'm flattered, Your Majesty," you say with a faux smile as you continue to struggle against his grip. Another sigh escapes the Emperor's lips.
Suddenly, perhaps finally finding himself tired of your antics, Dimitri pulls you towards him with a firm grip, effortlessly throwing you onto his bed, pinning you under him with only a hand as though you weigh nothing.
Well now, this is bad.
Dimitri hovers above you, his warm breath caressing your neck, his gaze piercing you with a cold, steely silence. Then— he rips off your mask, revealing your complete face, twisted with frustration; Dimitri's eyes seem to gleam as he notices it.
"Must you really rip it off?"
"It obscured my view of your face, oh assassin. Your mask was a hindrance to us both," he answers, voice as smooth as velvet. With his free hand, and an empty gaze that all but screams danger, Dimitri’s fingertips softly caress your face before slowly, but surely, descending to your neck. You gulp.
Before he can act in a way you do not desire—specifically, choking you lifeless beneath him—you lean forward, rising to press your lips against his in desperation.
Not for his mercy, no—heavens, no. Your lips are coated in poison, a venom strong enough to probably lull a lion into instant slumber, and soon, will render Dimitri paralyzed as well.
Unsurprisingly, or perhaps not so surprisingly—because you’ve seen it, seen the hint of desire brimming inside his eyes, a flicker that escapes the mask the Emperor puts on—Dimitri kisses you back. And if your swift brush of lips could ever be labeled as a kiss, then what Dimitri unleashed upon you could only be deemed a ravage.
He wastes no time slipping his tongue past your lips, savoring and exploring your mouth as one might indulge in a delectable, forbidden fruit. Despite your efforts, you find yourself drawn into his passion, grappling beneath him as he intensifies the kiss with each passing moment, as though melding your bodies together.
There is no room to breathe, and your head reels from the lack of air.
A bruising grip is placed on your waist as Dimitri somehow deepens the kiss further, his tongue exploring every inch of you, and as you attempt to pull away, he presses forward, biting your lip almost as a form of punishment.
A low whine escapes your throat, seemingly satisfying Dimitri as he hums softly into your mouth. Then, finally, ever so finally, he ends the kiss, leaving you gasping for air.
Tears well in your eyes as you gaze up at him, a half-smirk playing on his lips while he hovers above you, still gripping both your wrists firmly in his single hand, still unaffected by the poison after how much time has passed. How... is this be possible? Is Dimitri perhaps immune to such poison?
As realization washes over you, the half-smirk on Dimitri’s face transforms into a full one. "The poison on your lips is sweet, oh assassin," he whispers, "but in my opinion, the kiss is far, far sweeter."
As you prepare to kick the Emperor in his groin out of extreme frustration, he releases his grip on you, rising from the bed before straightening his attire. "You have passed, my assassin. And henceforth, you will serve me, and me alone," he announces, voice ringing clear inside your head.
You blink, letting his words sink in before narrowing your eyes at Dimitri, who is now sitting languidly on one of his many comfortable chairs in the room. “Just what are you talking about?” His words make little sense, and you feel an undying urge to hurl the nearest object right at his face.
"Who do you think orchestrated the countless assassinations on my dear self, oh assassin of mine? I seek only the finest, and while I knew no one could truly ever succeed in killing me, thus far, your attempt has been the closest."
You push yourself off the bed, striding towards him with your fists clenched. "This is all beyond ridiculous. Do you have any idea how many of us were tasked to end your life?"
"I do."
You cross your arms with a sigh. "So, what now? Is my task over?" The room is far too cold now after you have tasted the warmth that is your Emperor, and your job is clearly over, now that you have, somehow, been forcefully given a new one instead.
Dimitri responds, "You are to be my assassin. I will point the way, and you will obediently follow, with no questions asked. To kill whomever I send you to kill, to dispose of their bodies with no witnesses in sight, and to return to me when I have need of you. Is that clear?"
You roll your eyes at his arrogant tone but then nod obligingly upon seeing the slightest hint of anger in his expression. "Yes, yes. Is there anything else you require of me, Your Majesty? If not, I will be taking my leave now."
"Remain still,” he commands, and a distant part of you screams in frustration as your body effortlessly complies. He approaches you slowly, offering a small smile before placing your mask back over your face.
"When we are alone, just the two of us, I expect you to address me by my given name, my assassin.” He pauses then, lifting your chin with a finger. You tense.
"And...?" you ask back, your voice shaky.
The Emperor’s gaze flickers towards your lips, concealed beneath the mask, as he issues his last command. “That last method of yours. I forbid you from employing it on anyone else,” he muses, tightening his grip on your chin, almost painfully so.
“Your lips are reserved solely for mine.”
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kroosluvr · 1 month
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pleasant dreams
for as many days or years as you may have.
BAD END LONG WINTER AU ANYONE???? (crickets chirping) erm. well
anwyay i hope i scammed at least 1 person out of fluff. whistles cutely
bad end: royal trio try, struggle, and fail to rescue any of the thieves from the delusion, or find the route to the treasure. with maruki's overwhelming hold on the thieves(+confidants) and his staggering security + ability to manipulate the design of his palace at will... (<- i elaborate on this in my shsm fic that i uploaded a while back but maruki tries to psych the three of them out of navigating his palace by hacking at all the infiltration routes they try. and since its just the 3 of them it's pretty easy to block them off) akira goro and sumire do their damnedest but they come up just short
anyway TLDR they just can't crack it and it's over.
in this case, since they don't get to rescue the thieves, they spend even more time together than Usual Long Winter AU. so i feel they're even closer than usual.
on 2/2, they stay in and sleep in, idly talk about anything other than the circumstances that they're in. they waste the day away and then fall into an endless slumber.
in the first page goro & sumire look kinda discontented, but after akira breaks the ice a little, they manage to fall asleep (more) peacefully.
im not gonna lie this treads into like TOO MUCH HOPELESS ANGST for me but also i had the idea listed down in my Royal Trio Ideas List so i had to draw it..eventually... so. (flips through stack of ideas) erm. heyyyy (i also think it turned out MORE SAD when i drew it HKDJSGSKJDW when i just wrote down the idea it was like kinda just silly)
also goro is wearing akira's raglan shirt from pre-p5r!! no reason except i like it and also i want them to share clothes
"never change, goro" hehe. Smile. well he won't have to! i guess!
bc of Longlonglongwinterau sumire is more perceptive of goro and akira. i think she probably also knows the gist of yknow goro's whole past, the whole trying-to-kill-akira thing, etc.
sorry for the scam. if u were scammed.
a little more musings cont'd here
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