#infodump time yaaaay
renegadessys · 11 months
Please info dump about Radiant Sun, I don't know what this is but it sounds fascinating and we're overdue for a new obsession
OK SO. FIRST OF ALL IM SO SORRY ITS NOT REAL. YOU CANT WATCH IT. :(((( It's a dnd campaign we played with our wife. SOMEDAY we might make it a show. Depending on how things go. BUT.
The Radiant Sun is the name of a D&D party in a home game we did. It consists of 6 people (as well as 40+ npcs) who are all batshit insane.
- Razor. The "main character" if a DnD campaign has one. Tiefling sorcerer who finds out later that he is secretly a member of the royal family and has special magic powers. MORE ON THAT LATER.
- Verona. Razor's bf who grew up as a captive in the same thieves' guild he was a captive in. They were friends since they were kids. She activated her own sorcerer magic (Divine Soul) and healed him when he got fucked up and tortured. She dies at one point early in the game and it is a catalyst for some Character Growth.
- Alixa. Batshit crazy 15yr old drow who was a custom homebrew class (knife artist, think rogue aesthetic but the whole point is doing cool shit w daggers). One of the central Problems in the world the campaign is set in is that there is a massive attempt by high elves to colonize the Underdark. She is the only survivor of her family who was killed/driven out. THIS WAR IS IMPORTANT BUT NOT FOR THE REASONS YOU THINK. Also she gets a giant pet lizard that can breathe fire. His name is Sparky.
- Avaciel. Former high elf noble who was cast out of her home city after it was taken over by Drow that wanted to find footing in noble cities to make the monarchy pay for the war/colonization effort. Became a bard who plays the violin like a badass.
- Shade. Shade is a demigod of The Shadow, one of the dark six in some dnd related pantheon that I don't remember the name of. She was created by that asshole as a failsafe measure in case her "dad" was ever slain by other gods, he set up his soul and powers to transfer into her body and planned to possess her and use her for his own purposes. She meets a demigod of another one of the dark six and eventually finds out that NEITHER of them are actually the kids of their "parents" they're actually kids of a DIFFERENT god and they're twins <3
- Aiyise. Personality and backstory wise a Straight Rip from another campaign we did but we wanted to fuck around with her so we gave her some totally different plot stuff and made her a cleric instead of a divine soul sorcerer. From a noble family who she believes to be great people until she gets un-modify-memory'd and finds out that they were actually horrible to her for her whole life and before she went out to adventure they wiped her brain. She is the tankiest motherfucker EVER. She's also the most uwu soft girl you will Ever meet.
Originally the party is called together by the Chamberlain of House Satra. House Satra is the ruling family over the continent the story takes place in. One of their daughters, Kyria, has gone missing! Oh No!! Party is told that several groups of adventurers have gone to find her and have all gone missing. They're a last ditch effort.
Notably. These kids are like 17 at oldest. Except for Shade who is weird and Avaciel who is like 23.
They do it anyway bc they are BROKE AS FUCK!!!!! And are promised lots of shiny money. And thus their adventures begin. They find Kyria, adopt her into the party, meet her "dad" (the "king" who is actually super super trans), are rewarded, and then are asked by the queen to go investigate a city that her brother is being held in for crimes she knows he didn't commit. Political bullshit. Whatever. These kids are incredibly hyped bc since all the official adventurers super died they have been appointed the Interim Defenders Of Toris TM. They feel all special. So they go.
While they are on the way, they are attacked by a Solar, a high angel of the Shadow who has been sent to retrieve Shade. Shade is not there when this happens so naturally the party, who have all known each other for like A Week, tell the solar that she's not there and they won't tell him where she is. So he tries to kill them all! And ends up killing Verona. Which makes Razor, understandably bc she is his not-quite-gf-but-hes-in-love-with-her, BIG MAD. They kill this asshole (Alixa is doing some insane called-shot/homebrew rules bullshit) and find out that these angels (because they are CR TWENTY ONE. AND RHE PARTY IS LEVEL FOUR.) are super powerful and drop super rare items. Including resurrection materials! So they continue their quest to their destination knowing that it's a big city and clerics can maybe help.
Other stuff happens in the interim BUT!
While they are in Faultline (the city) they find out Lots Of Insane Shit. Most notably, they find out that these things called the Draconic Eternals, basically giant ancient dragons that were sealed in a demiplane thousands of years ago, are still alive and trying to break out!!! They find out that there's a guy in the city who framed the queen's brother for killing a revolutionary who was actually his girlfriend so that he could get power over the city. The party subsequently kicks his ass and leaves the power in the hands of the revolutionary (who is not dead!!!) and her sister. Mostly her sister tho. Bc the revolutionary is busy kissing her fiance.
They go back and there's a big dance thing and Verona and Razor and Kyria see the "king" sneaking off somewhere with the chamberlain and decide to investigate. They follow them to a secret chamber and have the most insane series of stealth check rolls EVER and find out that. Uh. The king is working with the dragons. And killed his son, the prince, in order to help them break out. Because his son, you see, has this thing called the Soulscar. It's basically raw magic but super upgraded and powerful. And the only other person alive in the family line with the soulscar is mia and presumed never to return, and the soulscar is the only thing that could keep the dragons from coming back, sooooo they kill the kid! Kyria, notably, is Fucked Up about this bc that was Her Twin Brother.
You see where this is going from my character descriptions.
ANYWAY. After that horrible revelation they go back downstairs only to find that the oldest child of the royal family accidentally got Wish spelled into being like 16 and it can't be undone so she can't really be elected the next replacement for the king like the whole country was planning to do bc. Yknow. War Effort. And ALSO Avaciel's city's destroyer family is here. Or at least their son who she was supposed to marry is. And they are both super upset abt it!!! Because he's the only reason she's alive!!!! So Why Is He Here!!!!!!!
Their next quest is to go reclaim Avaciel's home city. Which they do. And then they go back to the main city.
And they play a game. With all their collected npc friends. Kind of like an icebreaker game. It's a staple of our campaigns tbh.
In that game, one of Razor's friends/the guy who watched over him and Verona at the thieves' guild, Hawke (who is also super a trans woman), is invited to play. And through a series of increasingly convoluted questions and a use of the Divination spell cast by Aiyise in order to find out what happened to Kyria's brother that was supposed to have died..... The Truth Comes Out. Razor is that kid. He was not killed. The king and his brother, the other person with the soulscar, created a plan that faked his death and saved his life but made him unfindable and hid him somewhere no one would ever look. And Hawke!!!! Is that "brother"!!!! And worked at the thieves' guild the whole time to take care of him!!!!!! AAAGHGHGH. Our entire party went INSANE when this was happening. It was crazy. So much shit made sense after that.
So Razor, now knowing everything, is taken to properly meet his family. He meets his actual parents in the context of being their kid. He finds out that they've saved presents for him for every birthday, memoirs, letters written to him etc in case he ever got to come home. Lots of tears etc.
And the "king" tells them about the dragon thing.
It turns out the draconic eternals have held blackmail over his head for like 3 decades. Just before the family's oldest kid was born they contacted him from their demiplane and said "if you do what we tell you we will wait until your family has died naturally before we descend upon your world and kill everybody. Otherwise we're doing it in like a decade lmao" and he, convinced he could find another solution with enough time, agreed to do what they said. And then they made him "kill" Razor (birth name Kyus) and he faked his son's death bc he couldn't make himself do it. He started the war at the dragons' bidding because he needed time to find a way to save the Entire World. And he didn't have that time without doing some genuinely horrible things. So he did them, and accepted that the world would hate him for it. Because he was protecting them from something much worse.
Then the "king" who I am now going to refer to as the queen bc she's trans and I feel bad decides that she is going to go against them. She can't do it anymore. So she arranges for a royal announcement to be made. She is gonna tell everyone about her son, about the dragons, about everything, and they will go from there.
Razor has known his family for like a day and a half btw. And he's about to be presented as a prince. And he doesn't want to go back to looking like he's "supposed" to. Which his family is fine with!!! But the kingdom maybe will not be. He doesn't do it anyway tho.
During that speech, the capital city is sieged by an assortment of "undesirable" races (orcs, drow, goblins, giants, etc) led by a tiefling who is so so so mad at the royal family and doesn't care what their excuse is. Uh oh! Razor recognizes him!! He knew him from the thieves' guild!
That's not important right now. What IS important is that he magically turns Razor's entire new family to stone and then drags them through a portal to God Knows Where. And Leaves.
And Razor jumps through after him. No time for the rest of the party to go.
He chases the guy with every ounce of his magic through an entire giant stronghold. And eventually he escapes. And Razor is So Mad.
He goes through an Arc Of Growth tm where he meets the giants' main god and is given a magical item that he will need to seal away the draconic eternals. There are 7 of those. The party already knows about one??? I think??? I deadass don't remember the timeframe on this. But they need to find all of them.
(Also at some point they find out one of the dragons didn't actually get sealed away bc he betrayed the other ones and he agrees to help them but that was an in between thing)
ANYWAY. Eventually Razor is reunited with the party and they go deal with All Of Those Guys' Bases. At one point in that whole thing Alixa finds out that she was chosen by one of the drow gods (NOT lolth) to be her champion and gets given a few bits of paladin magic as a treat. And also one of the important magic items!!!
They eventually stop all the guys and talk their leader down bc Razor and him used to be Buddies tm. And they get him to stop being Insane. And fix his family. And his family is back!!! But when they get back to the capital city they have to deal with the fact that the thieves' guild has taken over bc nobody was there to stop them. And Razor and Verona have TRAUMA tm around those guys. Esp Razor bc their leader tortured him because he knew something about Razor's magic (could see the soulscar via true sight) but Razor didn't know at the time so he just got beat up a bunch.
They fight them!! And win!!! Eventually!!!!!! And the city is (mostly) restored.
The party has a lot of stuff to do. At varying points, they are required to stop THREE separate apocalypses. An apocalypse based on the ancient elemental beings that a cult led by people including Aiyise's fucked up family are trying to resurrect almost happens but some of the party and friends (including Aiyise and her two besties from childhood) stop it. That arc includes a genius 15 year old basically inventing unsterilized open heart surgery on top of a mountain to save the kids of the crazy cleansing cult guys bc they had magical chips inserted into their hearts that had to be destroyed before they could kill the cultists. Necessity my beloved. <3
Eventually the Final Battle comes. The party fights its way through each Draconic Eternal in groups, boosted by the power of like 4 different gods. At the same time, 4/6 members of the Dark Six god group are trying to end the world in a different separate way than the dragons. So they have to fight 4 gods and like 12 fucked up evil dragons that are like ancient dragons dialed up to 15. But they have crazy magic items and are level 20 and have the blessing of, again, like 4 different gods. So they do it.
Holy shit. It's done. The Radiant Sun has just collectively stopped a triple apocalypse. Razor gets to be with his family, Verona gets to marry her bf, Avaciel goes home and rules over her city, Aiyise and her partners start patching up the damage done to their religion by training a new not crazy generation of clerics and paladins, Alixa gets to work as Eilistraee's champion, and Shade and her twin brother take over the roles of The Shadow and The Fury, their "parents" who aren't actually their parents. So they are gods now.
Everybody lives happily ever after.
For now...?
I'm sure there's a million other things to say abt them and I did NOT give the full details of every quest bc this was meant to be the overarching plot line so if you wanna hear anything abt specific people's personal arcs or anything I will answer all your questions ever. There is a chance that someday this post will be deleted off the internet because maybe this will be an Actual Animated Series someday and yknow. I dont want my whole plot online for everyone to see. But who knows!
Thank you so much for letting me infodump <3 ilysm
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nemmet · 5 months
top 5 fred moments (*´꒳`*)
YAAAAY THANK YOU LEE!!! it's always hard to come up with my overall/all-time favourites since i love so many of his little moments across multiple incarnations!! but here's some i've been spinning in my brain as of late :)
the be cool scooby doo season finale where he reconciles with professor huh and lets him have the mystery machine so that he can escape and be free. the way he goes from despising and avoiding his father to using one of daphne's hand puppets (something he's hated throughout the whole show) in order to communicate with him in a way he knows will get through. when he tells his father he loves him, and his father replies "i love you" by returning the mystery machine at the very end - but fred is disappointed, because the thing he really wanted back was his dad. this finale was an absolute gutpunch and i still tear up thinking about it. genuinely how have i not seen anyone talk about it. i am shaking you violently by the shoulders and infodumping about be cool scooby doo lore to you
MORE be cool scooby doo i'm sorry except i'm not because it's my favourite show and i won't shut up about it. fright of hand is such a good episode and i love freddy or not with all my heart. the way he was so dedicated to someday being a stage magician that he had a custom costume and persona all ready to go at a moment's notice. having a bunch of varied interests that he's obsessed with is pretty standard fred fare by now, but it's nice seeing a more uptight and mystery-focused fred like bcsd enjoy something random so earnestly. also, the fact that it's mentioned that he does his own eyeliner and it isn't treated like a joke?? icing on the cake.
blowout beach bash is by far the better scooby lego movie but i am constantly thinking of fred getting way too into film directing in haunted hollywood. his weird little beret. his sass. his dedication. "ONE PHONE CALL AND HE'LL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN". as someone who recently made my first student film, i can confirm that being behind cameras just makes you like this /silly
that moment in the first episode of what's new scooby doo where he's stuck in the ski lodge with his broken leg and he just has to worriedly watch daphne from afar while she rides a snow quad down the mountain. mom friend fred at his absolute finest, whenever he's not around to keep everyone safe daphne's raw unfiltered adhd takes over
that tiny bit in battle of the humungonauts (mystery incorporated) when scooby is sobbing in the back of the van because he found out shaggy and velma are dating, and fred says "it's me, isn't it. i said something that hurt his feelings, didn't i." like,,,, the way he automatically assumes it was him because he has some awareness of how blunt he can be. his genuine remorse and willingness to own up to something he didn't even do, but isn't entirely certain he didn't do, either. the autism of it all. unmatched.
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Neurodivergent headcanons! (long post?)
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Skid and Pump
Both of them are autistic, Skid also has ADHD
They share the same hyperfixation on Spooky Month
While Pump doesn't stims, Skid stims mostly all of the time (flailing his arms and legs) since he's always happy and joyful
Skid's mom is pretty aware and always help him if needed
Meanwhile... Pump's parents has literal NO idea
BUT his sister does autistic and autistic protector basically
Both not that worried about it
"Why do you do that with your arms, little one?" "Mom said I'm autism!" "Autistic..." "Mom said I'm autistic!"
Skid's ADHD is definitely a problem tho, that boy gets distracted very easily
So that's why Pump is always there to remember things for him
"...and then visit the park!" "And buy the cheese for miss Lila!!" "AND BUY CHEESE!" "YAAAAY!"
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Ross and Robert
Both autistic aswell + Ross with dyscalculia
Ross absolutely hates school because
1 - His mom already told the school about his difficulties and they did absolutely nothing
2 - The math teacher is as annoying as math is
Both Roy and Robert always help him with that or just give him the answers if they're lazy
He's normally quieter because he's the non-verbal type, which could also make him kinda rude by accident
"But why should I say something when I leave a store? I just don't want anything." "But that's rude!" "It is???"
Now with Robert: he's completely fine, sometimes his mother is afraid to offend him and he's just
"Uhh mom I'm just standing there"
Stims everytime he gets excited or happy
Constantly changes hyperfixations
*Infodumps* *Listens*
Ross has a little of trouble with emotions but he tries
Tried, he eventually gave up lol
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This man has some serious problems understanding sarcasm
Never told John or anyone besides his family about his autism
"You're autistic?! Why didn't you said anything??" "Uh... why should I?"
Jack don't have many troubles hurting criminals if needed because he has lower empathy than others do
Once Mayor Evermore find out he got even more annoying, he's that type of people who treat autistic people like another species or something
Jack gets absolutely furious
*sigh* "Sir, I can still deal with that."
"Speci... ugh, nevermind." "...yes, I know you're lying..."
John is just... yeah, okay.
It's still Jack, no need to turn it into a big thing
Jack is GREAT with cats because it's easier to interact with them than actual humans
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Autistic who don't give two shits about it anymore
Yeah, it kinda affected him when he was a teenager but now he got used to it
Stims whenever he's bored and feels the need to move whenever he's angry or anxious
"Sir, why are you doing that with your hands?" "Uh... seizure."
Got into CandyClub because "oh, it's just a candy store, I guess it can maintain my calm routine"
And no. It didn't.
Learned Skid a safer way to stim since he used to just jump around like crazy, always ended up hurting himself
Takes some pills to calm down some of the symptoms
Already hyperfixated on baseball, space and candy, currently he doesn't have any hyperfixations
Has trouble understanding kids because they're way too unpredictable
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pezz-mp4 · 4 months
Shout-out to that one time (today) I had autism and made Marx and Magolor shopkeepers in my DND campaign
I uh, suck at writing descriptions, sorry
Im gonna infodump now 😺☝️
So, I don't have anything in concrete writen up for them, just the (Kirby) games events up to star allies (in mago's case, that includes the epilogue and Kirby Clash), but imma talk about my headcanon's about Marx yaaaay
(Dnd)Marx was human (I think? Or a semi-human, doesn't really matter what flavor of) and one day was like "yeah, I'm gonna sell my soul to Nova" blah blah, super star's events happen, and when Marx's gets his powers, the magic burns away his arms, because I think that would be cool (and one of my friends characters had something similar happen to her, so that's something that happens when you sell your soul for power in universe, I guess). When Kirby beat him and killed Nova on the side, Marx lost (most of) his powers, including the cool magic arms, only leaving there a mark, horns, tail and ... The color purple? For some reason? (Check image 3, down left), think of this as how people headcanon Magolor to have kept the eye-mouth thing, but cooler (and really itchy for Marx, that's why all his clothes are like 3 sizes too big, so they don't touch his skin)
The end :]
I'll post Kirby, Dedede and Meta Knight when I feel like it (or when I know what to write for them in universe, because as of now, their just cool designs with no real though behind . . . Welp... maybe Meta has some though behind, he's a vampire now, I don't know why or how to explain why he became one, but it looks cool and that's all that matters)
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ourlordapollo · 11 months
Infodump time
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Cosplay is such a stupid hobby 😭 Let me tell you what I went through to get to that last image:
After realizing I wouldn't have time to teach myself how to sew, sew a mockup, then sew the cosplay, I returned my old flame, fabric dye. In a fit of ADHD Brain Fuckery, I bought the dye BEFORE looking up the specific color formulas I would need (see images 1 and 2)
This actually turned out to not be AS stupid as a move as it seemed, because upon visiting two additional stores, I realized that they didn't actually carry the colors I needed for the formulas I'd chosen
Well fuck
Somewhere in the midst of all, I decided I ALSO needed a 3-gallon dye pot so I could finally start doing things properly instead of praying and crying and half-assing
Came to understand that a Target near me would have a 3-gallon stainless steel stockpot on sale for a reasonable price
This was not the case
Determined that this trip would not be for nothing, I bought a stainless steel knife sharpener to make up for the stir stick I lost a while back and had yet to replace (temporary replacements included my good pair of cooking chopsticks, kebab skewers, and an actual literal stick I found on the ground outside)
After last night's failed dye expedition, I decided it was time to abandon these temporary perfectionist sentiments and just dye the fucking hakama, and whatever color they turned is the color they were destined to be
At this point I happened to remember to check the tag on the hakama (I had been operating under the assumption they were mostly polyester) only to realize that they were mostly cotton and I might have been able to use Rit All Purpose Dye
Man, what the fuck ever
Time to pray, cry, and half-ass
I was so done at this point, I just started dumping dye into the pot on vibes alone. I could not recreate this if I tried. I used the ends of the straps as test strips since they're never ever going to be the focal point of the cosplay and just went for it
Behold! The universe did me the sturdiest solid EVER. The color I'd nearly PERFECT!
I have no idea how I did that. I can only hope the hakamashita (okay, it's a gi) goes this well
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Now all I have left to do on the hakama is fix the pleats! Yaaaay!
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echoes-lighthouse · 7 months
1, 2, and 3 of the Self Ship ask game for 🧪!
Yaaaay!!! Thank you! My science gal <3 <3
Ask Game (now taking asks about my Secret F/Os and also my slasher children)
How well does your F/O know you? How well do you feel you know them?
I mean, it depends on when you're entering our canon! I think that it was one of those pairings where it was a very gradual learning about each other. Despite her best efforts to know everything immediately.
2. Were there any traits or things about your F/O that you didn’t know about until after you got together?
Again, we're such a gradual collision, if that makes sense? It feels hard to pinpoint what I knew 'before' and 'after.' I had never seen her soft before we got together. I didn't know that she ever calmed down, ever turned off that laser focus that she showed in our early days together. That was definitely a revelation. That she could hold me gently, that she could lie down and close her eyes. I couldn't picture that when I first met her at all.
3. Have you influenced each other’s hobbies/interests? Do you feel you’ve “rubbed off” on each other’s personalities?
Definitely! Her endless curiosity about things has rubbed off on me, and I listen to her infodump about magic/science things so often that my brain is very slowly picking up on things. In return, I think that she enjoys nature more: it's where I grew up, and it's where I go when I need to be calmed down. In my company, she has an easier time not seeing the forest as just a source of potential knowledge, but an actual concrete thing to be enjoyed with the senses.
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