#inhabit online
b4kuch1n · 5 months
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Hello! Honoring the call for a global strike, from now (24/01/2024) until the end of this week (6AM Monday 29/01/2024, Hanoi/Jakarta time (GMT+7)) I am offering one full-body sketch of any character you want for every e-sim you donate.
All you need to do is:
go to gazaesims.com
follow the instruction there and donate an e-sim of any plan
screenshot the confirmation of your purchase and donation
send the screenshots to me via either email ([email protected]) or Tumblr DM, along with the character you want a sketch of and any references you have on hand.
Standard commission/request guideline applied. I'll run streams in the next four days (and perhaps after as well) on Youtube doing these sketches live - those will be announced on this blog as they happen.
I'm not currently affiliated with the Cartoonist Cooperative or any other artists doing the same drive, but if my art's not what you're looking for, definitely give the Coop's site as well as the e-sim tag on Tumblr a look! And if you're not looking for sketch commissions from me or art commission in general at the moment, I encourage you to donate an e-sim anyway if possible.
Thank you for your work and support - I can't wait to draw your character!
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shedidntevenswear · 7 months
Tis the season where I am once again shocked that grown adults need to be reminded that:
Public transportation, INCLUDING AIRPLANES, are for the public and even though your ticket cost a lot doesn't mean it magically turns into a private space where you are entitled to upmost comfort at the expense of everyone else.
Children are human beings and therefore part of the public and have just as much right to be in public spaces and it's insane to expect parents of young children to just drive cross country or not travel at all to be with family for the holidays because it might annoy some people for a few hours.
If you don't have noise-cancelling headphones in the year 2023, human noises (coughing, crying, talking at a reasonable volume, laughing, etc) from other members of the public that bothers you on public transportation is your own damn fault at this point.
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meirimerens · 1 year
how do you stay out of drama on tumblr? it seems like everyone drags everyone into things, especially in the pathologic fanbase
don't know what kind of trench warfare you're living in the patho fandom but to me it's like Shockingly calm compared to the other fandoms i've been in. "especially in the pathologic fanbase" i frankly have no idea what you mean. like this might be a warzone to you but apparently i've been unconsciously dodging the draft for 7 years and through 4 different fandoms. i also realize i might have built an immunity to it. i don't know How i do it it just how it is. few reasons(?) i can think of are
been online since 10yo so i seen worse
i'm nonconfrontational and hermite-like in general. i don't associate with many people. i stay out of the spaces i think i'll find people i dislike and i do not seek their company, even if they seek mine. there are planny awff people i'd like to explode with my mind like a trout but like. i keep scrollin. i don't keep them around in my mind to poison it.
fits within ^ but like i'm just some guy. i'm not a very big account. i have few friends and acquaintances. i don't like to mingle. i just write my shit and draw my stuff and do my thang and move on.
not even a fandom-exclusive thing this is an Online thing wholly but like i been online for over 10 years so i've very much internalized the fact that like. I am (and you are) going to read some braindead takes by maladjusted people on the Braindead Takes From Maladjusted People Websites. so i've worked on having the self-restraint, the self-discipline, and in general the common sense of, when seeing a braindead take, to sit down, take a deep breath, tell self "well this is dumb as shit lol" and scroll down. in 5 scrolls i'll see the second braindead take of the day. that's how it is. this is a skill that you HAVE to work on if you're over 20, especially if you're over 25/nearing 30, and ESPECIALLY if the op of the braindead post/tweet that's getting you all fucked up is a kid. it is a Non-action that to not interact. it's so easy. you have to work on that skill or you're gonna look goofy silly.
^ more on that: it's a non-action to not respond to baity anons. it's a non-action to not put yourself in discussions with unhinged people. like just leave it. keep scrollin. don't feed the trolls. you can fully and truly dislike someone and wish to explode them in your mind like a trout and still keep scrollin. it's not a big thing at the end of the day
i'm just some guy and frankly idk how some of you put yourself in dramas but i have no interest in finding out. i've almost exclusively have had people Being On Good Behaviors around me and a) i will return the favor b) if anyone tries anything the floor will give out from under them. peace and love
tldr as a general online thing and not even fandom remember than you're going to see braindead takes on the Braindead Takes websites and learn to keep on scrollin.
this is not an invitation to make me privy to drama or to try to pull me in some. i will pull the rifle from my dodge-draftin home's wall if i have to snipe you out.
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loubatas · 8 months
Hey Brittany !
I noticed you’re a fan of webcomics as I came across your page seeing that you re-blogged a webcomic related post.
I’m Melissa, and I’ve recently embarked on an exciting zombie based webcomic project!
It would mean the world to me if you could check out my recent post about my GoFundMe campaign and consider liking or re-blogging it!
Your support could truly make a difference in bringing my vision to life and sharing it with a wider audience.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration! 🌼
I was unsure what to do about this, but in the end I'll answer in the off-chance you are actually a rude newbie artist here and not a scammer And also to explain to my followers why they shouldn't send you and people like you any money
First. That's not how webcomics work. You don't ask people to send you money before you actually make the comic. You first post it online, for free. You can also set up a patreon for people to support you financially in exchange of early access to your comic, and once you've published enough pages to make a book you may do a kickstarter to print it and sell the physical books But in the end the concept of webcomics is that they are passion projects, of various quality, free to read online. Some people manage to live off this, but you should never start a webcomic with the objective to live off them
If you want to get paid before making your comic, you'll have to pitch your project to a publisher But you don't ask people to send you money for a comic they know nothing about, no plot summary, no visuals safe for two screenshots on your blog's only post, no presentation of who the protagonists are, nothing "An exciting webcomic project" you say, but you say nothing about why it's exciting and why we should be interested in it, and more importantly why we should trust you
Tumblr has had its fair share of scams where people promised to make an animated series, a web series or whatever and the people ran away with the money. Right now your project looks exactly like one of those scams. No one with a smidge of common sense will pay you anything
Secondly, that's incredibly rude behaviour here I don't know you. You barely followed me before sending me this message, you didn't like or reblogged anything, you just went straight to promoting your stuff in my inbox. And the "I'm new to tumblr I don't know how it works" card doesn't work here because that would be rude on any social media Don't do that Promote your stuff like every other artists do, by actually posting art and talking about your project on your blog, and by using the relevant hashtags so people who are following them can find your work. This way you'll catch the attention of people who are actually interested in your project Because I don't like zombies stories anyway. Sorry, bad shot there
And thirdly, and this time it's more personal: MY NAME ISN'T FUCKING BRITTANY. THAT'S THE NAME OF WHERE I LIVE
If you're going to promote yourself into a stranger's inbox, maybe don't be even more rude than you're already being by calling them a completely wrong name??
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
i could not give any less of a shit about fallout 4 without dissolving into dust but fallout 3 coulda been so cool so im mad about it
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jackawful · 11 months
Oh god oh god the season of bad electoral takes is upon us, even before presidential election season
Look I will vote for your shitty candidate and also I will shake you by the shoulders trying to get you to understand that engaging in the electoral system is a distraction and a waste of energy compared to literally any action you can take outside that system
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ilovethecolorpink · 7 months
it’s kinda mind boggling to be in my online spaces and only seeing content with large numbers of likes/reposts about boycotting starbucks and mcdonalds only to walk into a barnes & noble and the line for starbucks is extremely long and going to work and my coworkers bringing in their starbucks in the morning and doordashing mcdonalds on their break
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aibidil · 1 year
A thing I've learned on the internet:
When you think someone is using an inappropriate tone or responding in a socially unacceptable and unexpected way,
chances are, this is an autistic pal or a person speaking a non-native language or from a different culture, and you should stop yourself before you attempt to mount a too-high horse
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sodafrog13 · 6 months
man the irony of trans inclusive spaces still supporting harry patter is beyond me
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lovesour · 11 months
musings below
#I would love to write fic. the ethics of RPF are convoluted but I don't bother with convoluted#I mean look. I don't know these guys so. In essence when you write fic about them you're only toying with an _idea_ of them. Not really the#Although admittedly it would be jarring to have your likeness used for fangirly wetdream daydream written in the purplest prose#the purplest prose youve ever seen and slapped onto archive of our own#The other problem is I'm not good at writing#and the Other other problem is that I actually have incredible respect for Carlos hes something of a personal hero for me#musically. theatrically. and stylistically as well. Adore that guy#and he's actually very Online. and. Present. for being an older gentleman. Alright he's not that old.#Lots of political commentary. I love to read his newsletters as well. He is actually a very warm man. Something a lot of people don't know#because they were never able to get over his theatrics and sense of style. found him arrogant or pretentious.#And he is pretentious but I say this in a strictly loving way#Anyway. Let me tell you a secret#Carlos actually has a tumblr. Yeah. And well#Frankly the idea of him being on the same platform as me horrifies me to no end. Imagine if he saw what I was doing#PFSSHSHHS. I think at the precise moment Carlos ever opened my blog. wherever i was#and whatever i was doing the flesh in which i inhabit would instantly initiate self destruct#because i couldnt live after that NYAHAHAHA#And he is so accesible by virtue of being very authentic genuine. but i can never ever interact with him online becaaause#I have a personal guideline I must always strongly adhere to. NEVER. MEET. YOUR HEROES.#So yeah. That's my musing for tonight. It's 3 AM and I'm unhinged. Like maximum of seven people will ever read this. Whatever
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Helps to have it reinforced that you can have patterns of rupture/repair and trust in *practice*--even if you did in theory--that you will not have all your safety and security torn away from you, will not be made contingent and precarious, will not be made ostracized, a pariah, an outcast from your community, will not be made homeless, will not be abandoned at the drop of a hat for making a mistake, or at the first sign of conflict. In my experience this is, very practically, a matter of "rewiring"--you just have to do it again & again, give yourself experiences to contradict the ones that came before and gave you the defensive prey-animal mentality. No amount of theory or abstraction or discourse convinced me, I just had to override past experience (where conflict had base-of-Maslow's-pyramid-threatening consequences, because I was wholly dependent).
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lukas-crowsong · 2 years
alexis: aideen is scary good at using knives but she promises to only use them for cooking-related purposes
linda: source?
alexis: divine intuition
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viktortittiforov · 1 year
lov some parts of čumblr but other parts are so embarrassingly primitively anti-communist lol
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soggypotatoes · 2 years
can't wait to block every verified person I see on twitter hehe
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eggmacguffin · 2 years
the dense minority of fans who dedicate so much time to trashing not just other comic characters but specifically other robins just makes this an exhausting and miserable place to be sometimes
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baphofemme · 1 year
i have GOT to invest in an actual sleeping schedule because i've been having sleep paralysis episodes for the past week
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