#my most recent incident is strange and scary at the same time
baphofemme · 2 years
i have GOT to invest in an actual sleeping schedule because i've been having sleep paralysis episodes for the past week
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Bakugou Katsuki - Rising
So I told someone a while ago I’d be writing an essay on Bakugou’s lines from 284, and I’m keeping true to my word. If you’re wondering which lines, well my friend, these lines;
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So this, to me, is one of the most emotionally packed pages of these recent chapters. For one, it shows us that Bakugou has always been watching Deku, the same as Deku has been watching him. Since they were kids, probably from the age of 4, Bakugou was able to tell Deku never thought of himself first, it was always what he could do to help and protect other people with no regard to his own safety or well-being. 
“He’s always been like that.” 
How would Bakugou know Deku has always been this way if he wasn’t paying attention to him? It goes beyond his bullying in Middle School, because he’s watched Deku stand up for other’s his entire life. The very first scene of the manga is Deku protecting a child from Bakugou and his group of misfits, despite being quirkless, and essentially helpless. 
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Despite being scared, and knowing he didn’t have the strength to take on those boys, he still stood his ground and did what he could to protect the other kid. Bakugou witnessed that first hand, since he was the aggressor. He was the one Deku was protecting someone from.
There was no way Bakugou wouldn’t remember something like that.
We know he remembered how Deku extended his hand to him when he fell in the stream, even though Bakugou was fine and didn’t need any help. Deku still waded through that water and even risked possibly getting himself hurt, to reach out to Bakugou and make sure he was alright. 
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Now, I am going to point out that the stream incident definitely happened before the scene of Deku protecting that boy since it’s evident they’re older in that scene, but it was presented first (literally the first panel of the entire manga), so it takes precedent. 
Then we have the big one, which is the Sludge Villain incident, and Deku’s biggest show of self-sacrifice probably to date within the manga, since he was quirkless and would have certainly ended up dead if All Might hadn’t managed to power up. Even with the times he’s wrecked his body using OfA, he at least had some kind of fighting chance because of the power, but with the Sludge Villain, he had nothing. He was just throwing himself out there in hopes, by some miracle, he could do something to save his friend, even if it meant losing his life in the process. 
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Another instance of Bakugou witnessing firsthand the self sacrificial nature of Deku. Throughout the manga we’re given these instances, and the next big one is Bakugou’s kidnapping. Now, he didn’t see Deku’s fight with Muscular, but he did see the aftermath, he saw that ruined body running at him full force with no care to the damage done to himself, and even before that, he saw Shoji carrying him while Deku continued to plan out their plan of rescue, like his entire body wasn’t a crumpled mess. 
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Time and time again, Bakugou has been witness to Deku’s behavior, to this self sacrificial nature. The scene above is the first real time we see Bakugou acknowledge it. He tells Deku to stay back, he knows if he continues trying to fight looking like that, he’s going to die. I’ve seen other translations and I believe in the anime he says something to the context of “Don’t come, Deku.” Which, either way you look at it, it gives the same impression of Bakugou trying to protect Deku in that moment. Because he knew if there was an opportunity for Deku to reach, he would have fought until there was nothing left of him. 
“And now that he can do so much more...”
This line is important because it is Bakugou acknowledging Deku’s current strength with OfA, but it is also his confession of worry because he knows who Deku is, and what this means for him. If Deku was reckless and willing to sacrifice himself when he was a 4 year old child with no quirk, well now that he has the strongest power essentially in existence, that means certain death. There is nothing stopping him from completely destroying himself, and we saw a brief example of that when Deku fought Muscular, though not even close to the level he was going at Shigaraki, and what Bakugou was actually getting to witness during this chapter and 285/286. 
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I use the above image because it kind of shows how bad off Deku was, which is far worse than when he fought Muscular, let me remind you. That scene is in chapter 285, after he’s essentially destroyed both of his arms hitting Shigaraki probably upwards of 10 times with 100% OfA. 
Remember, Bakugou has been watching all of this from the ground. 
“Something doesn’t feel right, it makes me wanna keep him at arms length.” 
Well ya know, I don’t really blame you for feeling that way, Bakugou, I wouldn’t feel right if the kid I knew my entire life was willing to die at literally every turn without thinking for a split second about himself, either. It’s a little strange, but that’s what makes Deku the unstoppable force that he is, because he has the drive to save people no matter what. Now if he could master his power and depend on other’s, it would be even better, because then maybe he wouldn’t have to kill himself trying to protect people.
But seriously, that line shows Bakugou's uncertainty about getting close to Deku, because that kind of behavior is scary. It's intimidating. To just...throw your life away for the sake of someone else, that's gotta be scary to see someone do, and Bakugou has witnessed it over and over because of his closeness to Deku.
Now for the big one.
"Back then, I ignored my own weakness...so I ended up bullying him."
There's the kicker, folks. The real development we've all been waiting for.
I do want to point out that when Bakugo was 4, he didn't realize he had weaknesses like that. He was honest to God just a bratty kid that probably thought Deku was weird for caring so much about people despite, essentially, being useless to them. Because what could Deku do? Nothing. He couldn't help anyone because he was quirkless, but he still tried, and that's what affected Bakugou so strongly.
So strongly, in fact, that he never forgot it for a single second.
From 4 years old all the way up to 16 years old. 12 years. 12 years Bakugou Katsuki was witnessing Deku's self sacrificial nature. Again and again he watched as this boy who had nothing, continued to fight for something, and then he was granted power, terrifying power, and now Bakugou is left to wonder how the fuck any of this could have happened. Because if Deku had just stayed quirkless and accepted it, maybe, just maybe, he would stop that self sacrifical bullshit. Maybe he would see himself a bit more.
But then he was given OfA, and all of that hope was gone. Now he was given a power meant to take on the greatest evils and every person before Deku had died for the cause, so why would it stop with Deku, who was already ready to get himself killed to protect someone else when he was like 14 years old?
The scenes we have of Bakugou acknowledging Deku's behavior, and acknowledging his own behavior, it's such a raw scene. It takes a lot to acknowledge you've done wrong by someone else. It takes a lot of strength to sit back and recognize those ugly parts of you, and here Bakugou is, doing just that. And he isn't doing it for some self righteous get me off, either. He's doing it because he genuinely cares about Deku's well being, and he always has.
It never came out the right way, and he sees that now, but that doesn't mean the concern wasn't there. He just didn't know the right ways to express it, but as things have gotten more serious and now Deku is truly risking his life for this cause, he's come face to face with it. He can't hide from it anymore. The more OfA develops, the more Deku is going to put himself out there, and Bakugou isn't going to sit around while he kills himself when he could just learn to ask for help.
This stretches all the way into 285 and Bakugou's sacrifice, because he saw Deku about to end up seriously hurt or worse, and he knew he couldn't let that happen. Of all the years spent endlessly tearing himself apart for other people, Bakugou knew he needed to show the other in some way he didn't have to do it like that. He didn't have to fight alone.
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That, and it was part of his atonement. It was a piece of his apology to Deku, to show him that he valued him, and he was willing to put his life on the line for someone, for him.
Bakugou didn't think when he rushed out to save Deku. It was instinctual, like breathing. He saw someone he cared about in danger, and his body moved on it's own. That, from the angry brat we get in chapter 1, is a beautiful showcase of perfect character development and growth. If you take into account everything I've discussed throughout this, it should be easy to realize or at least see a bit of Bakugou's perspective, and his thought process when dealing with Deku.
It never justifies any of his past behavior, but it gives us clarification, and then allows us to appreciate his thoughts and actions in 284 and 285 even more.
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defensefilms · 2 years
Damn It, Ime Udoka, Not You Bro!!!!!
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Boston Celtic head coach, and the only African head coach in NBA history, is in trouble with the league for having an affair with an employee of the Boston Celtics throughout the 2021/22 season.
And more and more, it appears that Udoka will be forced to sit out the 2022/23 season through suspension.
Look, where do you think people meet people? Most people, meet their significant and less than significant others, at work.
I mean, let’s be serious here, are we seriously getting mad because two full-grown people hooked-up, and the reason they happen to know each other is because they met at work?
Is that what we’re mad about?
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As most NBA fans would probably know, Ime Udoka is married to Nia Long, and I won’t lie, it’s a bad look for a dude to cheating on his wife and all, but that’s not for the NBA to ajudicate or even try to be a part of talking about. 
Now, the league and the Celtics might feel that this kind of hurts the image of either or both, on a PR level, especially now, with the NBA looking to oust Rober Sarver as Phoenix Suns owner for what are essentailly conduct issues.  
The way Shanon Sharpe explained it on today’s episode of Undisputed, is that the Celtics are doing this as a kind of protective measure from legal action, that either the employee in question or Udoka himself, could bring fourth in the future, but I don’t think that’s the case at all.
Stephen A Smith had one of the better moments of his recent career by pointing out the very same thing on ESPN First Take, which is that why did the Celtics release this information to the public?
This type of thing can be handled in-house, especially because this was a consensual relationship, so it does seem strange that the Celtics let the public in on this, and the way it reads, is that the Celtics are hedging their bets, in case they ever need a reason to be rid of Ime Udoka. 
The real scary part, and the nugget we have to remember moving forward is that there are more details to this story, and not all the information has been released to the media yet.
There will likely be more news, and there better be, because the idea of losing a whole year of coaching, over an affair is really crazy, bro.
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What I am most concerned about, is the decision-making of a man that cheats on Nia Long.
Ime Udoka is still my favorite head coach, and I dont think this should cost him his job, but bro cheated on Nia Long, he’s gonna wear that on his jacket for a minute.
I took the liberty of putting the picture of the woman Ime had an affair with in the picture above. She’s former WNBA player, Allison Feaster, and according to her Linkedin, she was working with the Celtics Player Development program, and that would be how all this came about.
It’s unfortunate, but it’s kind of a sign of the times, and there is no way her career is going to be unaffected by this, which is also unfortunate.
What’s crazy is that all over the corporate world, and in retail, and any other place where people work, they’re having these kinds of relationships or incidents occure in their workplace, and it doesn’t end up ruining people’s lives and careers.
Here we have a situation where the wife that’s been cheated on, has to have the story play out on a public stage, Ime Udoka is going to lose a year of his career, and “the other women” is going to have her career probably shelved as a result of this.
Feels a little scapegoat-ish, but I’ll wait for the info we don’t already have because something ain’t right.
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cosleia · 4 years
I (29M) want my boyfriend (34, scary) to treat me as well as he treats his cat. AITA?
(kylux, ~900 words)
My (29M) boyfriend (34, scary) treats his cat (3F) better than he treats me. He has many affectionate nicknames for her, but all he calls me is "idiot" and "beast". She gets all his attention when we're at home. She's the one who gets to curl up in his lap. He makes special food for her and sometimes even feeds her by hand. He never raises his voice to her. Meanwhile, he is always yelling at me, even in bed (though that isn't ALWAYS bad).
When I told him I want to be treated like a cat, he laughed at me. AITA?
~ My (34M) work acquaintance (29M) frequently makes unreasonable demands of me. He leaves his things in my chambers, he accosts me any time we are alone, and he falls asleep rather than leaving once our business is concluded. Why I have not put a stop to this is beyond me.
I have humoured him, but today he made a request that has me utterly baffled. The interaction has weighed on my mind ever since. "I want to be a cat," I believe are the words he used.
Naturally, I laughed. I expected he would storm off and terrorize a subordinate as usual. Instead, however, he seemed to crumble, as though he were delicate and fragile rather than the great beast that he is. I have not been able to put his sorrowful face out of my mind.
I am most certainly not the asshole, but I would appreciate reassurance to that effect.
UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who responded with helpful comments. To the asshole who asked if my kitty litter needs to be changed, fuck off.
I was going to try to be more specific, like many of you suggested, but we haven't been alone since he laughed at me. He hasn't come back to our quarters, and every time I go to his office, a member of his staff is always there. I can usually scare them away, but now they all refuse to leave. They just stand there, shaking. He must have threatened them.
I think he hates me now.
As evidenced by the replies to my previous post, this forum is bereft of reasonable advice, but I am at a loss. Since the strange incident in which my work acquaintance responded unexpectedly, I have done my best to avoid any encounters that might produce the same result. Unfortunately, as I am lacking enough evidence to form a conclusion about what occurred, the best strategy I could conceive of was avoidance.
So far, I have successfully managed to keep my distance, but I can't imagine I will be able to maintain this separation for long. Not only do we work closely together, but I am finding myself uncomfortable with this state of affairs. I have grown accustomed to a certain standard of living, and that standard includes frequent contact with my work acquaintance.
Nothing's the same without him.
UPDATE!!!! I don't know what happened but my boyfriend and I made up!!! I was standing alone at a viewport looking at the stars and thinking about the incomprehensible nature of the vast universe when he suddenly came in and marched right up and stood next to me! I didn't say anything because I was so surprised, but then he didn't say anything either, so I started getting mad. I asked him why he was there. He wouldn't look at me, which was totally weird, because he's the type to look you right in the eye no matter what. Then he finally said something like "Please tell me why you wish to be a cat. I promise I won't laugh." That was a weird way to say it but I told him all the stuff I want, like you all suggested. He actually looked at me then and I got embarrassed. But he was like "Oh." And then he smiled! He's really pretty so I kissed him. He kissed me back! And then we did some other stuff that's probably TMI.
But the best part is, he came home and let me lie with my head in his lap and he petted my hair!!! It was so good!!
So that's what happened! Thanks to everyone for sticking with me. If anybody ever needs advice about hand-to-hand fighting or embracing the Dark Side of the Force, lmk!
Well, as some of you rightly surmised, the man about whom I have been posting is rather more than a work acquaintance. It is difficult for me to reveal this sort of personal information about myself. I must also admit that I did not realize the truth of it until recently.
I spoke with him and it was a great relief. As it happens, he did not mean he wished to be transformed into a feline, though if you knew anything about this man's arcane mysticism you would understand why I might come to that conclusion. His true desires are far simpler. For posterity and to bring this matter to its conclusion, I include here a sampling of the list of requests he gave me:
Affectionate nicknames (I have chosen "darling")
Petting his hair
Addressing him gently and kindly
Feeding him by hand
Holding him
Acquiescing to these requests has turned out not to be any sort of hardship at all. In fact, it has only added to the depth of pleasure my standard of living brings me.
I am pleased to have the opportunity to share this exemplary model of behavior and to enrich your lives with the record of this experience.
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
what are your thoughts on viktor and being neurodivergent? though like, obligatory disclaimer that if riot ever did come out and say that "hey! viktor is canonically [something]" that would be catastrophic but i think it is a little bit of fun for consideration
Oh! Well I like to think he's autistic, which is partially because I am too. (Of course in canon it would be catastrophic because haha, oh man, look at how they've treated Blitzcrank's biographies ever since they gave him an updated one. There's some coding in there, alright, and I am... not a fan...)
I’ve posted a lot of long posts recently (this is no exception) and this is also on a kind of tricky subject, so I’m readmore’ing it.
So anyways, while I have to admit that some of the reason why (my) Viktor is autistic is because I am - I think that you can make a general semi-convincing argument. Or I'm so wrapped up in my own interpretations that I can, at the least. Anyways, from here on out when I say Viktor I mean my personal take. Your mileage may vary on applying this to other interpretations.
(Also, thoughts on new lore Jayce's being kind of coded to be like, a stereotypical autistic dude? (If you have any I mean.) I don't like that Riot is doing it, of course, but I've seen a few good rehabilitative takes on it in fandom. @hamartio's Jayce springs to mind, because their Jayce has been developed over the years and also written by someone who like. Cares. Anyways, I have my own personal Jayce ideas that rely on his old lore so he's not really an asshole there, at least in those regards, so I don't really have many thoughts on new Jayce. I think new Viktor is... pretty coded as well, but it’s also insanely stereotypical. The whole “always working, always wants certainty, gets into automation not because he (primarily) wants to help those injured by catastrophes in Zaun but because the catastrophes interrupt his work” thing makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I’ll write sometime on why the rewrite of his lore fails, in my opinion, to hit upon the same themes of his first - would that be of interest to folks? Anyways, this parenthetical is too long.)
I think that autistic Viktor is cool and makes sense, somewhat because of the fact that the ways he goes about solving his problems are, er, unorthodox. (Of course I am not saying that the GE is because he’s autistic, because that’s stupid. This is why I’m kind of squirrely about talking so openly about what I think Viktor’s got going on, and why I don’t really trust if a non-autistic person headcanons him as autistic. There’s a lot of room for that headcanon to just reinforce the “autistic people are supergeniuses with no emotions that work based off of Facts and Logic” trope, and I hate that.) Since a lot of autism is about feeling adrift from/at odds with neurotypical society, I think that Viktor’s general solutions and also his idealistic leanings in the face of everything Zaun is tracks for that. Roboticization makes sense as a way to stop suffering and death, because it’s more achievable than individual feats of immortality through magic or whatever. Viktor doesn’t really get why people would be so opposed to it - he’s made it clear that while he dislikes his own emotions and wants them gone, he doesn’t expect others to cast off theirs. (Maybe he expected that when he was in the thick of his emotional pain, mostly because he couldn’t imagine others choosing differently than he at the time, but not in the current day.)
Of course, externally, when the scary cyborg man who admits to cutting off his own limbs says “no, being a robot is cool, you can keep your emotions even”, any Zaunite (or any person) is going to interpret that as “he is definitely lying”. Viktor doesn’t quite make that leap. (I have thoughts on the whole Theory of Mind concept and I don’t mean to say that Viktor can’t empathize - he does, and does too much - with others, but I think that in this instance he just can’t quite understand sometimes why people don’t believe him.) He also doesn’t quite get why people would be so attached to the bodies that they’re currently in, especially if he can make a mechanical replica. Or why people might want to die and pass into non-existence after a life well lived. (To him, personally, there’s always more to do. Also he’s terrified of death but that’s another topic.)
I also think that Viktor’s empathy is of the hyper- rather than hypo- kind, partially because I feel like outside of self-advocacy groups the mere concept of autistic hyperempathy is seen as like... impossible? It’s also because he generally seems to be kind of an emotional guy in canon before Stanwick, what with the lore saying that “almost no trace of the original man remained” in reference to Viktor reemerging as someone without emotions. That, combined with the fact that he was described as having a “hope to better society” before everything went down, kind of makes me believe that he was a naive idealist type. (Again, not that autism makes you naive, but...) But yes, hyperempathy. Hence "no pain, no wars, no suffering, no death” being part of his ideology for the Glorious Evolution. He gets pretty ripped up about people being hurt, and it’s really only gotten worse over the years as he’s grasped the full scope of pain in the world.
Personally, I write pre-Stanwick-incident Viktor as someone who is still somewhat awkward with expressing emotion, but it’s not due to him not having them. It’s due to the fact that the ways in which he naturally expressed them and in which he interacted with the world were just... seen as odd/different/etc. (I don’t think Runeterra has an autism diagnosis or particularly excellent psychology, even in Piltover and Zaun, so he just gets the “you’re a weird dude” treatment for his entire life.) Stimming or smiling a certain way or talking a lot about his interests or, you know, the general autistic existence is weird to most people around him, as it unfortunately is in real life. So he’s more reserved until you actually know him, because he’s just masking all the time. (Fun fact about my Viktor: he’s pretty expressive under that actual mask of his. It helps to not have to micromanage expressions all the time when he isn’t experiencing a bout of flat affect due to [gestures vaguely at everything else going on with his mental state], although he sometimes feels poorly about not being able to manage himself. But that’s his issues, and I think it’s good for him to show emotion.)
Side note - Stanwick was able to do such a number on Viktor due to: a) Stanwick being very charismatic and manipulative, on top of being an actually smart man and scientist - he’s really a great example of a “good Zaunite”, in the sense of being good at being what the culture rewards, b) Viktor actively dealing with the death of his parents and Stanwick being an older adult who’d treated him kindly and had never seemed put-off by Viktor’s oddities, and c) Viktor not realizing that he’d get backstabbed, because yes he knows that that happens in academia but Stanwick’s nice. Whether or not the outcomes would have been the same if Viktor were more competent at being “a good Zaunite”... well, probably not. Viktor ended up where he did because of who he is.
(Secondary side note: Viktor has a very strong and very black-and-white sense of what’s right and wrong, as well as general black-and-white thinking. You can see how that would have... not helped in the situations he was put through.)
This is getting kind of rambling, but I guess the point of this is that Viktor’s wanting to remove his emotions may be cloaked in the language of them being “inefficient” or “unhelpful”, which would feed into autistic stereotypes, but it’s really more of a matter of them being too painful and raw for him to process. He feels too much and hurts too much, and no amount of positive emotions in the world will (in his mind) make up for the pain he’s felt and will feel. So it’s better to not feel anything at all, isn’t it? At least then you aren’t overwhelmed by it all.
Viktor just hasn’t fit in with Zaun for all his life, really. Not as an odd child who can tell you all about science-fiction and techmaturgy, not as an odd and reserved teenager/young adult, not as a bright young doctoral student still dealing with grief but trying to make the best of it, and... not as the Machine Herald. But now he’s given up on trying to fit in, for better or for worse.
(Other miscellaneous and less serious autistic thoughts on him: generally a pretty fixed diet, partially due to being autistic but also due to what’s easily available in Zaun + what agrees with his stomach. A fan of weight and pressure - I like to think that the reason his outfit is like that is that he finds it comforting, and also that he has a weighted blanket or two around. Special interests of general techmaturgy, robotics, and science-fiction. He can talk for hours about any of those, and has. Both his parents were mildly spectrum-y, his mother a little bit moreso, so they just kinda assumed that him being him was out-of-the-ordinary and a bit strange but not something “horribly wrong”. Oh! And his third arm, which is under a little less conscious control than the rest of him, still stims sometimes when he’s working or otherwise not paying attention to it.)
This was very long and jumped around a lot, because I find it hard to give a convincing paragraph-by-paragraph argument about exactly why I think that Viktor is autistic, or rather why I headcanon him as such. But hopefully it was interesting! I just have a lot of thoughts on him, as well as the general state of autistic-coded or perceived-as-autistic-by-individuals (both allistic and autistic) characters in media and so it’s very hard to do anything concise without branching out into discussing other topics.
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Courtship: Respect
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland (Malleus x GN!reader)
Warnings:  Mentions and depictions of smoking/tobacco usage
Next chapter | AO3 version
Slight revisions and full version posted on: 5/4/2021
The alarm clock on your phone is loud and annoying, but it’s the only sound that will wake you up without fail so you can get a head start on your more demanding days, like today.
Groggy and neck a bit strained, a sign that you’ve slept on it wrong, you carefully push yourself up and off your bed. You come across your first hurdle of the day. A few wolf cubs had settled on your chest and your sides during the night. You try carefully to move them off of you and to the side of their mother, who has settled near your feet and isn’t afraid to growl or snap her jaw should you even think of shifting or moving away from her. Unfortunately, the pups seem determined to stick by your side despite your efforts. Luckily the pack’s alpha, Gunter, is settled right behind your head and acted as your pillow for the night. He must be why your neck feels stiff as hell.
You reach back and start petting behind his ear, rubbing into the bunch of dotted scars beneath his coarse hair. You feel his body stretch and shake as he wakes up as well. A small whine comes out of him as he gives out an enormous yawn. It makes you yawn as well.
“Ready to start the day?” you whisper to him.
He huffs with a bit of attitude as if to say, “Not really, but what choice do I have?”
You redirect his attention to his pups, preventing you from sitting up without disturbing everyone else. With silent understanding, he removes himself from underneath your head and carefully steps over one of his brothers, who has graciously allowed you to use him as an armrest somewhere during the night. After another good morning stretch, Gunter begins the slow and steady process of picking the pups up from the scruffs off their necks and setting them elsewhere on your bed.
While he does this, you grab your phone and do a quick sweep of all your notifications. You have a few emails, one a weekly newsletter about current and future school events, most of it spam. You have a couple of dozen messages from Ace and Deuce detailing an argument over whether the former ate the latter’s piece of strawberry shortcake they were saving for after dinner. Apparently, they thought to ask you to be their mediator since it was clear they weren’t going anywhere arguing and pointing fingers back and forth at each other.
Unfortunately for them, they messaged you right after you conked out. You were exhausted yesterday, having to deal with an especially rambunctious and mischievous Grim. You were also scrambling to gather the reading materials needed for one of your classes before the other students can snag them. The most recent and urgent incident is figuring out what to do now that the only generator that powers up all of Ramshackle is going out or outright failing to even start up at all. You also have a decently sized garden to tend to, and the next large harvest is today. Once everything has been properly collected, washed, and either stored away in your pantry or given to Sam so he can sell and make a profit on your behalf and his own (it’s a 60/40 split and you had to fight tooth and nail for that 60), you have to replant everything once again after you’ve tilled the soil…
To say that there’s a lot on your plate is an understatement.
Free from your furry prison, you’re finally able to sit up and move your limbs freely. Something slightly damp presses against your bare shoulder, calling for your attention. Gunter, still clearly tired (expected of anyone, human or wolf, having to wake up at six o’clock in the morning), is now awaiting proper payment for his services.
“I got some dried venison in the kitchen,” you offer. The way his one good eye pops wide open and his tail begins to rapidly wag, the deer jerky will suffice.
You give the top of his head one last rub before standing up and heading straight for your bathroom to take a quick shower. Since the availability of electricity has been scarce lately, so is the availability of heating throughout the dorm. Unlike the ghosts, who can’t differentiate between hot and cold (unless it’s magically sourced), you can. Unlike the ghosts who are already dead, you will die in this late winter cold. Grim has better control of his blue flames compared to when you first met him, so he can now essentially be his own heater. He seemed a bit too comfortable keeping himself warm and letting you freeze to death, considering you’re the only reason he’s enrolled in this school.
You make do with what you have and your situation. Even when you gathered all the untorn and clean blankets and piled them on top of you last night, the cold still found its way underneath your cocoon. Gunter, the leader of a small bunch of wolves you had been taking care of during your first few weeks in Twisted Wonderland, must have seen you struggling to stave off the cold and settled himself next to you during the night followed by his brother, his sister, and finally Gunter’s mate and their pups.
Of course, with three full-grown wolves and four chubby wolf babies as your immediate heat sources, you overheated in no time and had to throw off all your covers and strip down to your underclothes in the middle of the night since your pajamas had quickly gotten soaked in sweat (and most definitely covered in their thick fur). A cold shower is just what you need to clean up after a long night drenched in sweat.
You also need to clean your sheets, but without electricity, your washer and dryer are out of order for the time being…
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Cold showers suck, but once the ice-cold water hits your back, it woke you the hell up. You probably spent only five minutes in there before you quickly rinsed off and got out because of how unbearable the ice water was.
Once you’re properly toweled dried, you head to your closet and change. You put on clothes you don’t mind getting covered in dirt and sweat; a simple wool sweatshirt and some overalls lined with thick fleece. You also put on a pair of knitted crew socks and secure them to your leg with a pair of garters.
Right as you snap the final metal clasp on the knotted fabric, you feel a familiar bump on your shoulder. Gunter is giving you his best pleading face he can manage. Most people likely wouldn’t fall for it, what with the many scars littering across his body and face, making him look scary rather than cute. You feel a little tug in your heart. Luckily, you’re all dressed up and ready to start your day, so you quickly straighten up and usher him downstairs to give him his well-deserved treat. You grab your phone before you exit your room so you can peruse it on your way.
As you read over old texts and useless emails, a new notification comes in. It’s another message. As surprised as you are to receive a message so early in the morning (Ace and Deuce are likely still snoring and drooling into their pillows at this hour), it is the sender of the text that makes your slowed strides halt completely.
Good morning. I hope you had a pleasant and well-deserved night of rest. I’m currently getting ready to head over to the Ramshackle dorm to help you with your harvesting, as I promised. The coat you’ve made and gifted me during the holidays also fits perfectly and is by far the most comfortable piece of clothing I now own.
Thank you again for your most generous gift. I will inform you when I have arrived.
Yours truly,
Malleus Draconia
You can’t help but smack your palm on your forehead. You’re not annoyed or exasperated, it’s quite the opposite, actually. You’re happy that Malleus’s charm can somehow manifest even within a text message. In fact, this isn’t the first time he’s sent you a message formatted and written like a formal letter. If someone were to look at the small messaging history between you two, they’d see that a great majority of it is just Malleus sending you these long strings of text. They would also find your messages, or rather, your poor and embarrassing attempts at mimicking his language and style (he says he gets a laugh out of them, so maybe they’re as bad as you think). There’s also always a follow-up message, gently reminding and encouraging him to relax and not worry about offending you for speaking casually for you.
His response is always the same, and it makes your stomach feel strangely fuzzy.
You have earned my respect, now I must strive to earn yours.
It’s only been a little over a month since he dropped the bombshell that was his desire for your friendship to evolve into a proper, romantic relationship. To say it surprised you is another understatement. You were thoroughly flabbergasted once your mind finally registered his words as genuine. To hear him say “I love you” and direct such a powerful statement towards you was truly the last thing you expected since arriving in this strange world.
But through all the outer uncertainties there was one thing you were certain of, your inner uncertainties. Malleus is a dear friend of yours. Even amongst Ace or Deuce, two individuals who have been with you since the beginning and nearly every overblot incident that has come your way, Malleus holds a special place in your heart as your dearest friend.
But a friend is all he’s ever been in your mind. There was truly never an instance where you pondered or even held some amount of desire or expectation that your friendship could evolve into something more. You felt like a total prick during the end of his confession, asking him if you could sit on his words for a while and come back to him when you have a more certain and final answer to give. Watching the hope and nervousness in his eyes turn into one of pure and utter sadness and even embarrassment, yet he willed himself to conceal his heartbroken emotions back for your sake. It hurt like hell. What was supposed to be an exciting and relaxing end-of-winter-break party in Scarabia’s dorm (and an apology party for Jamil’s actions against you), turned awkward. Neither of you stayed any longer once you went your separate ways.
Despite what had happened, when you received a proper smartphone (and a proper phone plan to boot) as a gift for Christmas, one of the first things you did was transfer all your old contacts into the new device. The first person you messaged was Malleus, wanting to check in on him after your last encounter and to wish him a happy holiday. He answered back in a matter of minutes, much to your surprise. While he’s not the most tech-savvy, your major concern was whether he was holding up well after what happened and if you guys were going to remain as friends. You went on a whole tangent, trying your best to not sound so desperate and ensure that your response is in no way his fault because it most certainly is not. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s you.
Gunter suddenly tenses up. His fur instinctually puffs out, trying to appear bigger in anticipation of whatever threat he’s detected in the kitchen. Metallic clanking and clashing come from underneath the kitchen island where you store all the pots, pans, and heavy-duty appliances. A loud and harsh crash riles up Gunter enough that he feels the need to growl at whatever is underneath the cupboard.
You quietly move past him and wave your arm, signaling him to move back a bit. He listens to your orders and takes a few slow steps back. You position yourself on the side of the cabinet, fingertips pressing onto the top of the door to prepare to open.
“On my mark,” you whisper to Gunter. “One... Two…Three!”
You yank the door open, and Gunter quickly launches himself towards the potential threat. Though, not a second passes before he’s suddenly skidding across the floor, trying to immediately halt himself. He barely avoids hitting his head against the wood and giving himself a nasty bruise. When you ask him what’s wrong, he sticks his head into the cabinet and pulls out the apparent intruder.
It’s Blossom, a young fawn you rescued from the rose gardens of the Heartslaybul dorm. It was during the preparation of the unbirthday party near the start of the school year that subsequently led to dorm leader Riddle’s overblot. Cater assigned Grimm, Ace, Deuce, and yourself to paint the roses red with him. On top of rose painting duty, Cater was also on the lookout for a supposed ‘rose thief’ who had been snagging some roses from their garden right from under their noses. The scoundrel they were looking for was the fawn before you. From the way he still wobbled on his feet, he wasn’t even a month old when you initially rescued him. He’s lucky you found him when you did. His front leg was caught in a rusted and dull, but full-sized bear trap they set up in case the thief was a wild animal.
“What are you doing in there?” you ask the little troublemaker. “Probably trying to find a snack to chew on, huh?”
Blossom thrashes, trying to break free from Gunter’s hold on his scruff. He of course fails, but not without giving out a distressed scream and trying to plead for forgiveness by giving you his best innocent look. You shake your head before looking up at the small clock hung up on the wall above the refrigerator. It runs on battery so you have to worry about the time no longer being correct when the house lacks power.
It’s 6:15, still way too early. You tell Gunter to let go of Blossom and he does it without argument. Blossom quickly runs up to you, using your own body as a foothold to jump up into your arms. Once you have a hold of him, he bombards your face with little licks and nuzzles of his snout. While this action is normal and you would gladly accept it, you know better than to think it’s not the fawn’s attempts at trying to distract you from his misdeed.
“If you’re looking for the sugared flower petals, you won’t have any luck down there,” you tell him. He immediately stops his loving ministrations and gives out a disappointingly snort before relaxing in your arms.
You chuckle and give him a few apologetic pets on the head as you walk over to one of the upper cupboards and rummage around the various jars, trying to locate the dried venison for Gunter. You also grab a jar placed far in the back with the aforementioned candied rose petals Blossom was most definitely looking for. The moment you open the jar and the heavy scent of sweetness and floral whiffs in the air, Blossom begins to excitedly thrash about in your arms and tries to stick his head into the container. Luckily, the small nubs on his head, his newly budding antlers, stop him from reaching too deep.
You spend the next few minutes feeding your companions their early morning treat. The doorbell rings as you let Blossom lick the last specks of sugar off of your now damp palm. After rinsing your hands off and drying them, you head to the door. You open it and take in the sight of a newly arrived Malleus, dressed in a simple black dress shirt and a pair of loose-fitting linen pants you made for him when he expressed discomfort over his PE uniform the last time he helped you in your garden.
“Good morning!” you greet him as brightly as you can without being too loud.
“A good morning to you as well,” he greets back. Unlike you, who is still groggy and slow, he seems properly energized despite the time. You’re jealous. You’ve been waking up at the crack of dawn for years, at least a decade now, yet your body isn’t used to the early routine. Though compared to the hundreds of years Malleus has on you, you probably won’t show any sign of improvement until your hairs are gray.
“Have you eaten yet?” Malleus asks.
You shake your head. “The electricity is out, so I can’t use the stove or open the fridge too often.”
“Crowley still hasn’t replaced your generator?”
“No,” you frown. “Every time I try to bring it up he either gives an outlandish excuse or just flat out tells me I don’t need a new one.”
His eyebrows pressed together, clearly upset as you are at the headmaster’s failure as your caretaker. You reassure him it’s fine. Everyone in the dorm has been saving money for emergencies like this, and it just so happens that the money you’ll make for selling the produce you collect today will bring in just enough to buy a brand new generator. You’ll be out of electricity for another week, two at most, but have enough firewood and nonperishable foods to last until then.
“You should at least make yourself some coffee,” Malleus urges. “It’s bad to work on an empty stomach. You've said so yourself.”
“I will once Grim and the ghosts wake up,” you reassure. “For now, let’s head to the back and get started. There’s a lot to harvest, so the sooner we start, the sooner we’ll finish up.”
He’s clearly unhappy at your dismal of his concerns. You know that being so nonchalant towards a fae is rude, but you don’t want to worry him with your own issues. You also have no desire to eat or drink, not this early in the morning at least. If you tell him as much, he’ll probably freak out like he did last time, thinking you were unwell and forcing you to lie in bed for the rest of the day.
Yes, you could have pushed back and argued that you were fine, but it’s very hard to tell him “no” when his intentions are purely out of concern for your well-being. Better to let him hover over you and see that you’re fine than to leave him stewing in his anxieties in silence.
“What have you been growing this season?” Malleus asks as he tugs on the loaned gardening gloves you handed him.
“The usual spread. Some potatoes, cabbage, and carrots. The only fresh additions I planted are some peas and kale. Oh, and broccoli!”
“Did the crops hold well when you were gone?”
“They did thanks to the ghosts. The heat from the fire faeries around the campus also made them easier to protect from the cold,” you explain. “I should probably give them some type of exotic wood as a little thank you gift.”
“You can never go wrong with a bit of mahogany,” Malleus says as he ties back his hair.
You hand him a straw hat, one that you weaved to accommodate for his black horns. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”
“Your welcome,” he smiles at you before turning back to your garden. “So where shall we start first?”
“I’ll work on picking the cabbage heads. You can cut off the pea pods and we’ll go from there.”
“Very well. I’ll follow your lead.”
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It’s 8 a.m. You know this because Ace and Deuce are woken up at this hour by Riddle and one of the first things they do is bombard you with text messages which usually forces you to turn your phone on silent mode. Despite it being late winter, you’re already working up a sweat from the repetitive and demanding motions of picking and carrying around baskets full of vegetables and cleaning them. Malleus is no better, hand continuously raising to his face to wipe away the constant wetness clinging to his forehead. You know he’s not used to manual labor like you are, so you try to bring him a pail of water every so often so he can stay properly hydrated.
“Oh my, you’re already up?”
You turn around to see who’s speaking to you and see one of the ghosts that live with you and Grim in Ramshackle floating towards you.
“Good morning!” you greet him. “Did you need something?”
“No no,” he shakes his head. “I just came to check up on my bees and saw you already hard at work.”
The ghost (Franklin is his name, but you all call him Frankie for short by his insistence), affectionately ruffles your hair with his large white palm. He’s one of the tamer ghosts, but he’s still capable of pulling a prank on you or his fellow housemates now and then. You and he have been cultivating and maintaining a small beehive since October, but he does most of the work and maintenance since he has more experience in the ways of beekeeping than you from when he was alive.
Frankie does a quick once over of the garden, his scanning gaze doubling back at seeing Malleus carefully rinse a couple of heads of broccoli.
“How long has he been here?”
“Since 6:30,” you answer back. “Why?”
“No one gets up that early unless it’s for someone they fancy,” he says rather nonchalantly, but the way he quickly side-eyes you show that he’s clearly talking about you. You try your best to appear unaffected and give a “Is that right?” type of hum, but your efforts are in vain since he just laughs at you.
“If even you know, that means he’s got it bad.”
You say nothing back because you honestly don’t know what to say, or if you should. You’re content to just go back to plucking potatoes out from the ground, but Frankie doesn’t seem to want to leave you alone just yet. He asks you to come with him to the greenhouse where the hive is being kept. The small glass enclosure also houses some flowers and herbs you use for cooking or medicine.
You quickly close the door behind you once you enter, reveling in the warmer air that hits your face. While Frankie lights his cigar and gets a heavy cloud of smoke going (his personal method of keeping the bees calm), he has you open the top and carefully pull out the panels one by one while he checks for any signs of a decaying hive and ensures the queen is alive and healthy. One of your initial worries about beekeeping was getting stung, but Frankie reassured you it’ll only happen if you purposely upset the bees or fail to care for the hives consistently. Now, you gladly let the buzzing honeybees wander around your bare skin.
As Frankie pulls out his cigar from between his lips and taps off the ashes into the respective ashtray, he looks over at you and asks, “Is everything ok?”
You give him a confused expression as you snap the cover for the hive back into place. “I’m fine?”
“You sure? Because if you ask me, you don’t seem like it.”
“I mean, I already have a pile of schoolwork I need to finish and a rundown dorm to take care of. I’m as ok as anyone in my position can be-“
“I’m not talking about any of that,” he interrupts. “I’m talking about you. Forget about Grim and your studies. How are you doing?”
“I’m fine,” you answer again.
“Are you sure?”
Well, when he puts it that way, even he must be able to see that you’re clearly not doing alright. In fact, you haven’t been alright since you were literally kidnapped and held against your will in the Scarabia dorm. Luckily everything worked out fine for everyone else, but not so much for you. You’ve noticed that your appetite is waning and you wake up multiple times during the night because you don’t feel safe, even in your own room.
Malleus’s confession unfortunately was another wrench being thrown at you. With your hands already so full of this and that, you’re struggling to figure out what needs a priority and which issues you need to either drop entirely or find someone trustworthy to take care of it in your stead. It’s hard to ask people for help when they either find a convenient reason to say no or you feel as if you can’t trust them to do something as simple as watering your plants. The only person you feel you can trust and ask for help is Malleus, and things aren’t exactly as they were between the two of you.
“Talk to me kiddo,” Frankie prods. “What’s been eating at you?”
He lifts his ashtray and makes to snuff out his cigar so he can focus on speaking to you, but you hastily reach over and stop him. You take the smoke from him and bring it up to your lips and puff a few grey clouds. Strangely enough, it tastes rather pleasant, floral, and creamy. You didn’t expect to taste like this because of the way it smells, like soil that was just freshly rained on.
“Sorry,” you hand it back to him. “I haven’t eaten and I’m practically running on fumes.”
“That’s alright,” he says, handing it back to you. “You look like you need it more than me.”
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Malleus carefully blows small bits of green fire onto his freezing fingertips, trying to warm them up after being drenched in the icy water from the water pump. He looks over his shoulder, over the stalks of peas, towards you. You’re still in the greenhouse and frantically moving your lips. He can see your eyes are glistening with a fresh layer of… tears? You don’t allow a single drop to get past your lids, wiping them just at the last second before they can pass over the threshold.
He’s only ever seen you cry one other time, when he came to your rescue in Scarabia over the break. He initially thought he frightened you with his aggressive display of magic. Once the dust settled and the blot on Jamil was expunged, no one was more shocked than he was when you boldly ran straight towards him and jumped into his arms. It was all he ever wanted, what his mind dreamed of every single time he closed his eyes. He could no longer brush off the fluttering in his stomach as the mere excitement of making and spending time with his first genuine friend. He was determined to keep his newfound affections for you with him under lock and key, not willing to risk ruining your close-knit friendship with his selfish and potentially one-sided desires.
Your desperate embrace, your toughie exterior lowering to that of a sniveling and shaking human, gave Malleus the impression that the only reason you would display such vulnerability before him was that you reciprocated his sentiments. It gave him a sense of confidence he never knew he was lacking, usually so sure of himself most other times. It made his chest burn with an aching desire to say “to hell with it all” and spill his heart right then and there.
When you extended the invitation you received from Kalim to him, he saw it as his proper opportunity to let his affections be known. He was upset (according to Lilia, more than usual) that he had to take Sebek and Silver along with him for the usual security, but he was determined to get them distracted long enough so he can pull you aside and confess to you without fear of interruption or letting his personal affairs be known to anyone else, at least, for as long as he can keep something so monumental under wraps.
As a prince, he has been taught to look at the long term for each of his decisions, as they carry substantial weight. The long term of pursuing a relationship with you meant having to deal with the prejudices and stigma against humans that still live within the hearts of his people. For once in his life, he didn’t want to think like an heir. As he watches you continue to talk to one of Ramshackle’s ghosts with increasing frustration, he realizes his love utterly blinded him back then. The only long-term his rose-tinted mind could comprehend was of the happy moments he had long conjured in his head becoming a reality.
You didn’t explicitly reject him, however; he knows your behavior well enough to know that once his feelings were laid bare before you, you would not take them into your arms and hand yours over in return. Arms crossed and avoidance of eye contact, you do this when you’re nervous or unsure, sometimes both. He held onto the self-indulgent hope that you’d show him what you look like when flustered. Perhaps you’d stutter?
You did stutter when you spoke up, but they were not the words that he wanted, that he thought he was, going to hear.
“Malleus...I’m so sorry…”
“Ah, you’re here early!”
“It’s just that…I don’t think I can…”
“Hey! Are you listening to me? You better not be ignoring me on purpose!”
“It’s not that I’m telling you I don’t feel the same way, but I can’t exactly say that I do. It’s just... I’ve never- “
“Tsu-no-ta-rou!” Grim’s shrill voice, still a bit riddled with drowsiness, still pierce Malleus’s eardrums and nearly causes him to drop the vegetable in his hand. “Pay attention to me when I’m speaking!”
“Quiet,” he growls at the monster. “If you need your master, they’re in the greenhouse. Though, you might want to come back another time.”
“Huh? Why’s that?”
Malleus lifts Grim from the back of his fuzzy robe (you must have made it and gifted it to him during the holidays) and points to you. Frankie has one of his translucent hands on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly now and then while he speaks. You were no longer wiping your face so furiously, allowing your tears to fall and drip off of your jaw and wet your shirt as you listened to your fellow dorm resident.
“What happened? Did you smash all the tomatoes again?” Grim cranes his neck to look at Malleus accusingly.
“No, I didn’t. Those are out of season.”
“Maybe it’s about what happened at Scarabia,” Grim muses. “They haven’t been sleepin’ too good since we came back, y’know?”
Malleus nearly drops the cat. “They haven’t?”
“Nah,” the cat answers, far too casually and dismissively for the fae’s liking.
“This is news to me,” Malleus says, almost whispering to himself. He’s sad, almost offended, at the fact that you haven’t told him you’ve been having some difficulties this whole time. You normally keep him up to date with your personal life. He’s even more offended once he realizes that you’ve been worrying and reassuring him that your friendship with him isn’t ruined after what’s happened.
There’s a small voice in the back of his mind, conniving and twisted, that feeds into his already prevalent belief that your unwillingness to share with him your personal problems anymore is a sign that he hasn’t earned your respect. It’s a ridiculous explanation, but no amount of reassuring from either you or himself is going to stop his Mind from asking such a multi-sided question. Surely, if you thought admirably of him, you’d continue to allow him to bear witness to your moments of weakness and vulnerability. He feels close to you, connected to you in a way he’s never felt. He can be slow and downright miss some references to your jokes and behavior. You always put on a face of understanding, but is he so lost that your patience has worn paper-thin?
Are his feelings for you truly one-sided? Is he still jumping to conclusions too soon and just needs to give you more time and space? Did he just set a course for a ruined friendship or could his hastiness have been a fruitful gamble?
If it’s not iron that kills him, it’s the uncertainty within his heart and mind.
A shrill whistle pierces through the air and Malleus’s eardrums. Grim hisses at the sudden noise and the hairs on his neck stand up. Even Frankie and you can hear and turn your heads towards the source despite still being in the middle of a conversation. The one who whistled was another one of the ghosts who live in Ramshackle. Johnathan is his name, usually shortened to Johnny. His sunken cheekbones make him look unassuming, but you’ve rightly warned Malleus never to turn your back on that one for too long. It’s a miracle that you can keep up with all their shenanigans.
“I got the generator to start up and made some coffee!” Johnny happily announces. “Come get it while it and the dorm are nice and warm!”
“I’ll have a cup or two, so long as there’s a ton of cream and sugar!” Grim says whilst smiling. “And I ain’t skimping this time on the sugar!”
“You better if you know what’s good for you,” you sternly say, now out of the greenhouse along with Frankie. “We’re short on sugar and I’m not stocking up till next weekend.”
“Whaaaat?!” Grim exclaims, his lower jaw almost reaching the floor. “Since when did you become such a cheapskate?”
Everyone, including Malleus, did a sharp intake of breath as soon as the words passed the cat’s mouth. Everyone turns their head towards you, awaiting your reaction to Grim’s comment. This isn’t the first time Grim has gotten lippy with you and, given his nature as a mischievous little monster (a common trait between Ramshackle’s residents, Malleus is now noticing), it won’t be his last no matter how badly you scare or pull a fast one under his clawed feet. Even when your face is all puffy and wet with semi-dried tears, the look of “oh you’re in it now” is still so panic-inducing to everyone, ghosts, and feline alike. To the sole Fae present, he thinks of you as nothing short of adorable and wants nothing more than to wipe your messy face clean.
“Well, if you want more sugar there is one way you can get some more.”
“W-W-What is it?” Grim says, pudgy body shaking and sinking into the comfort and small safety of his fuzzy robe.
You approach him and bend down to grab him by the back of his neck, lifting him so he’s at your eye level before deadpanning, “Get a job, Make some money, and then buy your own.”
Once you set Grim down, he scrambles back into the home with an almost comical amount of fear in his eyes. He screams about how he’s never getting a job even if it kills him and his continued determination to find the small money vault you have hidden around the dorm and spend it all on canned tuna. Johnny, Frankie, and you all give a unison chant of good luck to him before he disappears completely.
“Has he made any progress in his search?” Malleus asks.
“Our money vault isn’t even in the house, so no,” Johnny answers, resulting in you and Frankie cackling and high-five one another.
With the power back on, you announce that it was time for a well-deserved break. It’s your turn to make breakfast and you immediately begin to ask everyone for their preferences. Frankie cuts you off and insists he take over your duties for the day. You normally would protest and insist to whoever was offering to cover for you it wasn’t a problem for you at all. “I enjoy doing [insert chore], so it’s fine!” is your usual go-to reasoning, but not this time.
Malleus notices the way you make to protest as usual, but you quickly back down and just let Frankie go ahead inside to take over for you. In normal Ramshackle fashion, Frankie mentions the cigar you were puffing and waving around earlier and says that you owe him another one, particularly an artisanal one that he’s recently read about in the local newspaper and has been aching to try.
“You got any more highly specific goods you want me to fight tooth and nail for?” you sneer.
“No, just the cigar will do,” he says before turning around to head back inside. Before he can close the door behind him all the way he pulls it back and says, “If you get it sometime this week I’ll buy a new bag of sugar.”
You whisper an impressive string of curses under your breath. Malleus has to restrain the urge to laugh at your colorful vocabulary.
“In that case, I hope your schedule is free tomorrow night. I’ll have it by then.”
Frankie gives you a thumbs up before heading back inside. Once the door behind him clicks shut, you turn towards Malleus and he physically feels his body shift from somewhat relaxed to stiff and proper. You notice this and crinkle your nose a bit, something to do when you find something endearing or as a way of silently giggling. Malleus watches with such an unnecessary amount of focus as you reach up to adjust his straw hat and wipe a bit of dirt off the collar of his shirt.
“I’m sorry for leaving you hanging back there,” you say as you pick off a stray leaf that somehow got tangled in his dark locks. “I’m also sorry you had to see me crying like that. I’ve just been so tired lately.”
There it is again. That damn twisting ache right in his heart.
“It’s fine,” he reassures you. “But if it isn’t too rude of me to ask, is your lack of sleep really all that’s wrong with you?”
You give out a long sigh. “I’m guessing Grim told you a bit of what’s been happening since winter break?”
“He has.”
Your arms cross and the ground suddenly becomes more interesting. You’re unsure, but the way your eyebrows press together is a sign that you’re conflicted. Malleus feels his frostbitten hands accumulate a layer of sweat as you silently mull over your thoughts. Despite the pain and hesitance in his heart, he wills himself to grasp you by the arm and pull you into an awkward hug. He knows it’s not exactly what you might need at the moment, and he was fully preparing you to push him away. He’s relieved when you bring your arms around his torso and reciprocate the embrace.
“I’m tired,” you sigh
“You haven’t been resting well, so it makes sense.“
“No,” you shake your head, the tips of your hair tickling Malleus’s neck. “It’s not just a lack of sleep that’s making me feel exhausted. After what happened with Scarabia, especially with Jamil, I don’t feel safe anymore.”
“Are you afraid?” he asks. To think of you as fearful is an entirely foreign concept for him when you’ve only ever been confident and certain of yourself since the first time he met you.
“Yeah, I am,” you admit without skipping a beat.
Considering what you told him, Malleus thinks your fear is justified. You have no defense against magic…
He fills a strain in his neck as his entire body suddenly seized up. You notice this and pull away to ask him what’s wrong. “Nothing,” he quickly dismisses, but you don’t let him go silent on you.
“If,” he hesitates. He’s thinking too rashly already, yet he’s still so compelled to act upon his thoughts. “Should anyone attempt to do you harm, I swear upon my name and title that I will do whatever it takes to protect you.”
He means every word, but you seem to take it far too casually than he would have liked. You press your face against his shoulder and laugh against his skin, your breath bringing him some much-needed temporary warmth. Such an ordinary action, yet it causes another pang within his heart. It settles next to the one that arose before, but he bites his tongue and endures it for your sake.
“Maybe you could play that electric violin for whoever comes after me,” you jest.
As embarrassing as it is to hear that you know about that incident (he’ll have to reprimand Lilia for telling you about that), he can’t help but laugh along with you. If making a bunch of teenagers’ foam from the mouth amuses you, then so be it.
“Thank you for offering to get your hands dirty for my sake,” you say. “That’s one thing I respect about you. You take care of the people you care for.”
His body goes still once again. “Is that right?” is all his mind can wrap around and say.
“Yes, oh Wise and Great Lord Malleus. I do, in fact, respect you.”
He cringes at that title. It’s something he has heard Sebek try to enforce you to refer to Malleus as, which you never do purely so you can get a rise out of his loyal guard. Before he can ask you to never call him that again, a bunch of howl’s ring out, and the two of you pull away from each other. The wolf’s howling is usually a sign that food is ready, which you seem rather eager to get to as you interlock your arm with his and drag him inside with you.
He looks back at his basket of still dirty vegetables. “What about-“
“It’s alright! I’m not throwing a fuss over a few broccoli heads!”
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Crispy bacon, over easy and scrambled eggs, and a mountain of sizzling hash browns. Once everyone grabs a plate and sits down at the dining table (Malleus sticks close to you, hoping he can sit next to you), they grab whatever pieces of food they want in whichever quantity. Somewhere in the next room over, a faint melody plays through the speaker of an old record player. The vintage singer has a rather cheeky attitude in her vocals but with the accompanying music, it all comes together harmoniously. It’s perfect for a rather excitable breakfast.
It seems you never told the ghosts too many details about your sudden disappearance during the break. You downplay the true extent of your dilemma as you willingly giving your time and effort to help a desperate Jamil figure out what was causing his normally kind dorm leader to have a sudden personality switch. The ghosts listen carefully, and as you gradually get to the big climax that is Jamil’s betrayal and overblot, followed by Malleus’s sudden appearance, they’re all practically hanging on the edge of their seats. Your tale even intrigues the wolves and Blossom. They gather and settle near the legs of your chair, ushering you to continue your story by whining and scratching your ankle.
You don’t exaggerate Malleus’s part in your tale, something he greatly appreciates. You tell them how things happened just as they did: Grey clouds suddenly covering the sky and the occasional peak of lightning through their fogginess. Just when it seems like Jamil has the upper hand and is going to put an end to Grim and you, as well as Jade, Floyd, and Azul of Octavinelle, Malleus appears out of nowhere and effortlessly zaps the blot right out of the vice dorm leader of Scarabia.
“That deserves some praise,” Benjamin, the third of your ghostly residents, raises his half-filled mug of coffee and extends it towards the middle of the table. “To Malleus!”
Everyone, including you and Grim, raises your glasses and repeats his chant. “To Malleus!”
“To me, I suppose,” Malleus half-heartedly raises his own cup. “It really wasn’t much effort, or any praise really.”
He catches you looking at him in his peripheral and he feels a lump form in this throat that he immediately swallows. “I simply did what I believed you would have done for me if our positions were reversed.”
“Well, you’re not wrong there,” you say after swallowing a hefty mouthful of scrambled eggs. “But it’s nice knowing you have my back. It makes me feel safe.”
“Safe?” Malleus is surprised to hear you say this, considering what you told him earlier. “I make you feel safe?”
Now it’s your turn to be surprised. “Y-Yeah. I guess you do.”
“You guess?”
“You do,” you say, more definitively this time. “I promise. If you didn’t you’d know.”
He can’t help but laugh. “I can only imagine what interacting with you would be like then.”
“Probably not that good, or not at all. I steer clear of people I don’t particularly like.”
His eyebrows raise in intrigue as he sips his now lukewarm coffee. “What makes you dislike someone?”
“I dislike people I have no respect for,” you say casually. Malleus thinks you might be joking or poking fun at him, but how you take the time to look up to him while you busy yourself with feeding Gunter a few bits of bacon clearly means you’re trying to tell him something secretly. It’s definitely something along the lines of, “I don’t know where this mindset of me not respecting you came from, but it’s a load of bullshit and you need to get that thought out of your head.”
Even within his head, your language is still so vulgar and blunt. Only you would talk to him in such a rude manner.
But he respects that part about you.
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 2:
-        Gird your loins
-        I’m dying to know more about Black Noir
-        Ugh ffs Homelander smarming about on stage at Translucents funeral
-        It’s an empty box but I suppose how would people know cause invisible corpse
-        Aw no straight in with Sad Kevin
-        Oh ok angry drunk Kevin
-        Ugh not these Samaritans Embrace fuckers again
-        Oh Annie. Parroting the company line. I hope she’s gonna fuck them all over
-        Aw Kimiko is learning
-        Her lil smile
-        Oooh Hughie is a liiiiiar
-        Meeting on the subway like a couple shifty teenagers
-        Oh I forgot they microchipped the supes like dogs
-        Oh nooooo young love angst
-        Oh no a Sad Kevin incident
-        Aaaaand he’s been arrested
-        A nice archer bailed him out
-        Omfg the fake Butcher re-enactment
-        Oh do NOT tell me this crazy bastard is gonna drink the frozen breast milk
-        Oh fuck he is
-        What the FUCK, HOMELANDER
-        This visually impaired ninja seems nice
-        That probably means he’s gonna turn out to be a dick
-        OH FUCK
-        Homelander what the fuuuuuck
-        Ok what the shit is happening here in the motel
-        WHAT
-        What the fuuuuuck
-        I – MM is making a dolls house? That’s so cute
-        Oh shit smuggled people
-        Homelander is nuts with power
-        Uhhhh who is Carol and why is she staring at Kevin while he sleeps
-        Finally an archer who is honest about how useless they can be once they run out of arrows
-        Oh noooo are they gonna try brainwash Kevin with homeopathic stuff? And why do they keep offering him Fresca
-        Oh Hughie has grown a pair since last season. Good for him
-        Where’s Butcherrrrrrrr
-        Body gore porn dude is called Gecko that’s too cute a name for him
-        Stormfront seems like fun
-        She’s gonna be pissing off Homelander so much I like her already
-        I like Stan
-        Giving Homelander the dressing down he needs
-        I know it’s convenient for Toni to wear the padded suit all the time but does Homelander ever wear anything else
-        Oh hiiii Becca I still think you’re a bitch and Butcher deserved better
-        “Daddy’s home”
-        I’m dead. It’s official.
-        The fuckin smirk and the voice I’m fuckin dead
-        Is he making shroom tea
-        Why is Patton Oswalt voicing Kevin’s gills this is delightful
-        Atrain is awake again that’s not good
-        I’m cracking up at Sad Kevin and his singing gills
-        Homelander is gone way off the deep end oh boy
-        Awwww soft Maeve in the hospital with her girlfriend
-        I want to like Becca but I can’t shake the bad feeling
-        Homelander is a terrible father
-        I mean I know he has no role models to base his parenting on, but yikes
-        It’s like if Scar was raising Simba instead of Mufasa
-        ….are the gang raiding a party city store
-        I love how Frenchie always looks a mix of horrified and amazed whenever Kimiko kills someone
-        Oh shiiiiiiiit
-        You were right this season is weird
-        I like Kimiko’s brothers bedazzled denim jacket
-        Butcher don’t punch Hughie wtf
-        Starting with Hughie listening to the same song again, nice
-        Butcher is terrible at apologising it’s so cute
-        I’m sorry did Hughie just fall over trying to throw a punch
-        The kid’s a dandelion omg
-        Why are they on a boat? Did Karl just decide “I like being on boats lemme go on a boat”?
-        I see what you mean about Homelander being scary
-        He’s completely insane
-        Why does this storyboard guys shirt say assbinder
-        Chace Crawford is an excessively veiny man
-        Or possibly laughing
-        Hard to tell when they have no face
-        Annie actually leaked all the compound V stuff good for her
-        Homelander is gonna get this kid killed tryna make him fly
-        Honestly the kid looks more like Hughie
-        Oop there’s the laser eyes
-        Oh Homelander is back at the Tower and freaking Maeve out
-        Hughie don’t do it
-        Oh ok I thought he was gonna jump off the boat
-        Kevin and the cult weirdos are up to something
-        Hughie no you don’t call the girl you like crying over Billy Joel lyrics
-        Oh god boyo you don’t then drop the L word in the same voice message!
-        He’s hopeless
-        Oh nooooo Kevin is attacking the boat goddammit Kevin
-        OH FUCK A WHALE
-        For fuck sake Kevin
-        Ewwwww
-        Butcher what the fuck
-        Hughie having a nervous breakdown inside of a whale
-        No but why is Karl so hot covered in blood
-        Actually I didn’t even need to include the blood part of that question
-        Oh boy here we go, the 7 show up to find Sad Kevin crying over spilt whale
-        ….why is Stormfront tryna get all up in Homelander’s ass?? I thought she was cool but now she’s all lemme suck that radioactive dick
-        OH NO
-        Poor Kevin he’s worked so hard to accept his gills and now Homelander has knocked him back down
-        Oooo dear Atrain is having a heart attack again this isn’t good
-        Oh fuck is Hughie gon get caught
-        Oh no it’s Annie it’s ok
-        OH FUCK
-        ANNIE WHY
-        Oh I do NOT like Stormfront holy fuckin shit what’s wrong with this woman
-        Poor Kimiko
-        What’s with the random woman talking about calling off her wedding?
-        Why is Frenchie taking drugs
-        What the FUCK is thiiiiis
-        Is he dreaming or is this the shapeshifter tryna stay alive by granting Homelander some sick wish
-        Yikes I feel bad for Doppelganger
-        I am fascinated by whoever and whatever the fuck Black Noir is
-        MM sees right through everyone’s bullshit
-        I feel so bad for Annie
-        Ooooo Atrain getting fired
-        MM having to put up with Hughie and Annie having a we didn’t start the fire singalong 😂
-        Ok who’s in the weird group therapy sesh with these women with strange views on love
-        Vending machine date so cute
-        Omfg ahahahaha the girl with the Ed Sheeran tattoo
-        I really want to like Becca cause she stands up to Homelander but I can’t shake the suspicions about her
-        I feel bad for Butcher
-        Homelander is a scary good liar
-        Oh shit interviewer lady is pulling out the diversity questions
-        OH FUCK
-        Poor Maeve what the fuck
-        Ugh Stormfront
-        Shut your racist hole bitch
-        Oh shit Kimiko on the warpath
-        Frenchie! Kimiko listen to him he’s tryna help
-        MM is doing a lotta sharing this episode
-        Ohhhh something bad is gonna come out about this Liberty lady they’re looking for oh fuck
-        Stormfront is like 70????
-        She’s really good with social media for an old bird
-        Ohhh fuck Homelander is pisssssssssed
-        Christ you’d know Homelander was an only child
-        Bitch you better not be fucking Butcher over
-        Got her goodbye fuck then called the supercops on him cause he’s a little broken? FUCK BECCA
-        Oh no Annie don’t give Hughie the “we can’t do this” talk
-        Pick your emo ass up and stop being melodramatic
-        All these women are chatting to Kevin?? Why??
-        Also this most recent one is super weird
-        This cult thing is so fuckin weird omfg
-        Oh gross not the Doppelganger shit again
-        Doppelganger is really bad at flirting
-        ….
-        WHAT THE SHIT
-        Nonononono don’t do the selfcest
-        Not even Homelander is that fucked up
-        This is super weird
-        Why is Homelander crying
-        Uhhhh are they doing a lesbian scene in a vcu movie
-        Christ that was terrible and way too on the nose
-        “Strong female lesbians”
-        Homelander you himbo fuck what other kind of lesbian do you get
-        I feel bad for Ashley
-        She just wants to do her job well
-        Poor Butcher. His lil heart is broken
-        Oh no baby you’re hurt and upset? That’s so sad let me suck your dick about it
-        Oh no what’s he gonna do
-        I mean it’s really fuckin hot but still
-        There’s always a cut on the cheekbone
-        “They’ve been moving her around like a Catholic priest” omg HUGHIE
-        Aww he called Hughie his canary
-        Oh shit are Frenchie and Kimiko missing?
-        Doggiiiiie
-        Awwwww soft Butcher with his dog
-        Aaaand now I feel bad for Atrain cause he’s being kicked to the curb
-        Oh gross this interview with Kevin and his cult wife
-        This is so cringe holy fuck
-        Bring back the Patton Oswalt gills
-        Why are the gangsters discussing musicals specifically Hamilton
-        Ahahaha the boys showed up at Butchers aunties house
-        The dog’s name is Terror that’s so cute
-        Hahahaha Hughie was holding the fuck pig
-        Why is there a sniper on the roof
-        Oh shit it’s Black Noir
-        Ugh what does Annie’s mom want and why is Stormfront being her friend
-        Oh hey it’s dickless
-        These two writer dudes are hella irritating
-        Poor Elena getting dragged into this shit
-        Yes Maeve scheme against his ass
-        Heartbroken Butcher is so tired
-        He needs a hug
-        Hughie give Butcher a hug please
-        Why is Kimiko in a church
-        Oh hey its Frenchie’s other girlfriend
-        Oh ok Kimiko is doing hits that’s fair
-        The old man just looking away like “I do not see it”
-        Aw no Frenchie don’t break up with Kimiko
-        Oh fuck off Cult Kevin
-        Stormfront again?????
-        Does this bitch ever fuck off
-        Wait why is Homelander giving an unapproved speech
-        This is gonna end in someone getting murdered isn’t it
-        OH FUCK
-        That’s a lot more murder than I expected
-        Ohhhh phew ok he was just daydreaming
-        Ashley is gonna go bald from stress
-        I adore grumpy Butcher
-        Omg auntie Judy is a drug dealer I love her
-        Ohhhh shit Homelander is having a nervous breakdown
-        BOBBY FROM X-MEN????
-        Uhhhh why is Homelander talking to Stormfront this can’t be good
-        Ooh MM set a trap this gon be good
-        Oop Lenny is dead
-        The random explosions as Black Noir trips the traps
-        Oh shit Butcher locked the others out to face Black Noir alone
-        YES MM
-        OH NO MM
-        YES HUGHIE
-        Oh fuck did he KO Butcher
-        Shiiiit shit shit shit
-        Yes Butcher save your Hughie
-        Oh good they all survived
-        For fuck sake Kevin stop with the cult shit
-        Maeve please save Kevin from the cult
-        Annie why are you sneaking around don’t do it
-        There’s a lot of shots of Annie’s bum
-        What the fuck is Sage Grove
-        Stormfront needs to go choke on a bag of dicks
-        Oh fuck no not Homelander again
-        Uhhhhhhh
-        Stormfront x Homelander was not what I was expecting
-        These two have the WEIRDEST relationship
-        They’re gonna do some really fucked up supe bdsm shit aren’t they
-        Frenchie is Betty White. Fair enough
-        Wait what is happening. Why is Annie letting Frenchie at her with a lil saw
-        Ohhh the chip
-        “This might sting a little” FRENCHIE IT’S A FUCKIN SAW
-        Oh fuck that’s a big chip
-        Oh look it’s loves psychotic dream
-        Well that’s suitably gross
-        Aww Kimiko hugging Annie
-        Butcher is so menacing I love him
-        Kevin tryna be helpful to his buddies he’s so cute
-        Kimiko with her brass knuckle
-        Oh man, flowers??? Homelander has it BAD
-        Annie back the fuck off and leave Butcher alone
-        What the fuck is going on at this hospital
-        Oh shit who got let out
-        What does Cindy do
-        Aaaaaaand now they’re all out
-        Good job, guys
-        Ewwwwww acid vomit
-        OH NO HUGHIE
-        Are you kidding me?? Annie can’t go all Starlight unless there’s a power source in the immediate vicinity??
-        What kinda fuckin shite superpower is that
-        Aha Butcher agrees with me
-        Ok so I’m guessing Homelander went berserk on set
-        Uhhhh apparently Cult Lunch is a therapy sesh?
-        Atrain get outta there
-        This cult leader guy is an arsehole
-        Hospital escape lookin like a horror survival game
-        Awwww flashbacks to happy times
-        Omfg Butcher with the slicked back hair
-        Welp, Annie just killed a guy
-        Oh shit a baby seat
-        Annie is gonna have a bad case of the guilts now
-        Oh fuck ok Lamplighter killed the kids by accident
-        So Frenchie went to save his friend instead of tailing
-        Oh god that’s the penis isn’t it
-        Stormfront to the…rescue? Maybe? She’s gonna kill Lamplighter isn’t she
-        Oh, no ok she didn’t kill him
-        Aw no sad Butcher cause Hughie’s hurt
-        Oh nooooo Elena found a video from the plane
-        Mallory gon kill sad Lamplighter?
-        Stormfront is coming clean to Homelander? Whaaaa
-        She was buddies with the Nazis??? SHE WAS MARRIED TO THE VOUGHT FOUNDER GUY
-        Oh fuck the head burster is still alive
-        A montage of how Stormfront is brainwashing people into racist attacks, nice
-        I hate Annie’s mom so much
-        Black Noir has just fuckin LAMPED Annie
-        Butchers mum called him 😂😂
-        Oh shit his dad died
-        Why are Hughie and Lamplighter watching knock off supe porn
-        Oh boy a racist rally
-        Homelander just threw Annie under the bus
-        Hughie that’s a really weird pep talk
-        And he’s gonna get Lamplighter killed
-        Oh shit it’s Denethor
-        And he’s not dead
-        Oh fuck he’s why Lenny died?
-        Shit Lenny shot himself
-        Butcher was SAS???
-        Ah fuck he’s bringing stepmommy Stormfront to meet the kid
-        I have an urge to run my fingers through Butchers beard
-        Frenchie and Kimiko are too cute she’s teaching him her sign language
-        Is this a cult birthday party?
-        Poor Eagle the Archer. He pissed off the cult so he’s gon be excommunicated
-        Uhhhh kiddo made a Lego film?
-        Good for him
-        I know it shouldn’t be sexy when Butcher starts threatening to brutally murder people in his growly voice, I know, but hear me out: sexy growly voice
-        11/10 would let Karl Urban murder me
-        Oh FUCK Lamplighter killed himself
-        Poor Hughie
-        Why do all the bad things happen to him, like having to saw off a dead guy’s hand with a broken whiskey decanter
-        Annie versus Black Noir, beat his/her ass girl!
-        YAY MAEVE
-        Black Noir has an almond allergy that’s such an off the wall weakness
-        Annie’s favourite chocolate bar saved her life
-        Well Maeve did, technically. But still
-        Omg Hughie accidentally saving Annie’s mom
-        Hughie and Annie are too cute
-        Oh shiiiiit Homelander screwed the pooch and showed the kid everything
-        Butcher in his lil jumper
-        For a non-American, this school safety psa video is supremely weird
-        Annie’s mom critiquing her choice in boyfriends while in mortal danger is gas
-        And typical
-        The lads going nuts with weapons they’re so happy look at them
-        And Butcher in his lil jumper again he looks so comfy
-        I would very much like to cuddle him in the soft jumper and give him beard scritches
-        Annie ffs let Hughie enjoy his Billy Joel, that’s a good choice
-        Ahahaha Maeve just called Hughie a twink
-        She’s not wrong
-        Oh fuck off Becca
-        Uuuuugh OF COURSE Mr Edgar is in with the cult
-        Oop Atrain overheard all of that
-        Poor Ashley she’s going bald from stress
-        The kid is gonna have a meltdown
-        Poor Hughie with his mom leaving
-        I wonder if she’ll pop up at some point and turn out to be a supe that would be fun
-        Hold the phone is Homelander actually being a good dad for a minute
-        What the actual fuck is Stormfront on with this white genocide shit
-        Ahahaha the news broke
-        Uh oh the Vought soldiers got caught by Homelander
-        OH SHIT
-        MM BETTER BE OK
-        Becca fuckin constantly squawking about Ryan is so annoying
-        It’s adorable but still
-        Oh FUCK she snapped her neck
-        She’ll be fine
-        She’s like a wolverine, snapped neck won’t keep her down
-        The lads just watching them kicking the shit out of her like uhhh
-        Oh hey Becca did something useful and stabbed the Nazi in the eye
-        Huh. The kid melted Stormfront
-        Good for him
-        I mean yeah, heartbroken sad Butcher isn’t nice to see, but Becca sucked
-        Aaaand now Homelander covered in blood has arrived to listen to Stormfront babble in German
-        This is like in those scenes where it’s like oh who will the dog go to
-        Ayyy Atrain got back into the 7
-        Aww poor Kevin getting rejected again
-        See Kevin this is why we don’t join cults
-        Annie thought he was breaking up with her, girl don’t be daft
-        Butcher and the kid, not awkward at all
-        The one lesson Butcher can teach a kid – “don’t be a cunt”
-        Aww happy endings for all the boys
-        Aaaaand a “happy ending” for Homelander too by the looks of it
-        Oh ffs a corrupt politician in with the cult, what a surprise
-        Wait the politician lady is the head burster? I’m so confused
-        Confusion may have been aided by it being almost 3am
-        Hughie getting a real job, bless him
-        Too bad it’s with the head burster
-        Oh this is such a good song to end the season with
-        Welp, now begins the long wait for season 3, I guess
-        Should I sleep or find fic to read
-        Body says sleep, heart says fic
-        That’s a lie, heart says Butcher
-        ….Butcher fics it is
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tinymiko · 4 years
Coffee and cream
Henry Cavill/ thick woman
Rough sex, swearing, road rage, one night stand lots of swearing seriously I have a filthy mouth
So this is the first time sharing here and the first fic like this I've ever written be gentle. Also it's 4:50am and I'm doing this on my phone so formatting sucks.
Coffee and cream
Henry waited in line at the Starbucks half tempted to take off the ball cap and hoody in order to rush the service. Taking a look at the crowd he quickly changed his mind, his mother always said patience was a virtue. Besides getting his coffee 2 minutes earlier wouldn’t make up for the crowd of fans who would inevitably detain him for at least thirty minutes. He loved his fans was grateful for them but sometimes he wished he could grab a cup of coffee without getting mauled.  
He scooted towards the rear wall hunching in on himself watching the people come through the doors enjoying watching people without them watching him. A rush of hot air blew in as the door opened again. A small woman walked in head down auburn curls swinging down to her back blocking his view of her face. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to see her face but he felt compelled to move forward eyes tracking her as she waited in line. She was striking  pale skin dark eyes, long lashes. She had small lips that seemed to be perpetually smiling. Henry moved closer. Close enough that he got a whiff of her perfume,, she smelled like coconuts and he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. No heavy floral perfume or overly sweet vanilla for the little lady. Coconuts was strangely appropriate, exotic sweet like her smile.
He shook his head and backed up wondering just what it was about this woman that had struck him so. She was pretty no doubt but not the most beautiful he’d seen, hell not even the most beautiful in the Starbucks. She had drawn attention though, more than a few eyes followed her. It wasn’t just that she was tiny barely reaching his chest she was undoubtedly a woman, thick and full. There were no gentle slopes or subtle curves on her. No the little doll was like a mountain road, round and dangerous curves. The sharp dip of her waist almost cartoonish in comparison to the ample hips and the swell of creamy breast. She was built like a brick shit house.
Henry was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice he had moved so close to her until she bumped into him. Her little hands steadying herself on his abs and he felt his gut clench in desire at the heat of her brief touch.
“ I’m so sorry sir, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“No I apologize, I hadn’t realized I was so close to you. I was a bit impatient for my coffee I guess.”  Henry took a deep breath when her brown eyes widened in recognition
“No worries it’s as much my fault as yours patience is a virtue I never possessed, especially not when coffee is involved. Besides it’s a hazard of being small sometimes people don’t see me down here.”
She smiled and then walked towards the pickup line grabbing a comically large Frappuccino. She walked back over to him handing him a grande caramel latte with Henry scrawled on the cup.
“I think this is you.” She told him an amused smirk on her face before she turned and walked away.
He stood for a moment just watching her go before chasing her out the door his long legs catching up to her quickly.
“ You know who I am?”
“ of course you’re huge dude plus a ball cap does not a disguise make.” The smirk was back on her face and Henry got the feeling she was laughing at him
“why didn’t you say anything?”
“ Because no one deserves to get attacked by fans before their first cup of coffee and you were practically crawling into your sweater trying to hide. Which is hard to do when you’re that big so kudos on that.”
Henry looked at her with disbelief before letting out a loud guffaw.
“Let me buy you a cup of coffee.”
“Already got one cutie besides I gotta go to work but enjoy your coffee. Also I loved you in the Witcher the wig really does it for you or does it for me however you want to take it.”
She climbed in a black SUV with a grunt that had him smilin, why did the smallest people drive the biggest cars.
“wait can I buy you dinner tonight. I'm in town for a few days training with Gracie.”
“The ju jitsu guy?” she asked.
“ yeah how’d you know?”
“I’m Puerto Rican we’re raised on boxing and MMA well that and dominoes. Anyways I really do have to go my boss is a hard ass and I’m already  late.”
“wait, just can you call in. I don’t know anyone here and I’d really like to thank you for not outing me.”
Isabella took a deep breath. She was really trying not to freak out. Henry fucking Cavill was talking to her! Asking her to dinner her plain little Isabella Sanchez. Of course she had immediately recognized him, who wouldn’t.  She had also recognized how hard he’d tried to blend into the walls and she felt sorry for him. How hard must it be for him to do anything without being mobbed. She was still trying to decide if it was worth hearing her boss's mouth when a group of girls came out of Starbucks. Unfortunately at that same moment Henry had taken off his cap to run his hands through his hair. The girls immediately squealed and rushed towards him. Not taking the time to think Isabella unlock the doors to her Suburban and yelled for him to get in. The car shook with the force of his body jumping in the passenger side and Isabella pulled the car in reverse tires squealing while she made an illegal turn onto the highway.
“ Wow thanks! I’ve never been actually been in a car chase.”
“that was hardly a car chase.” She said smiling
“Could have fooled me.” Henry muttered loudly.
“I could drive you back to the fangirls.”
“ no you’re a fantastic driver I didn’t fear for my life at all.”
Isabella snorted. So she had a lead foot she got him out of there before he could be molested by overly caffeinated fan girls.
“ I’m Isabella by the way.”
She held one hand towards him while quickly changing lanes and swerving around a slow driver.
“maybe you should keep both hands on the wheel.” He suggested with a dry chuckle. He was also not so discreetly putting on his seat belt. Isabella rolled her eyes. With his shoulders she wasn’t sure anything short of a head on collision would even jostle him.
20 minutes later they were pulling into his hotel and Henry had never been more glad to see a hotel in his life. The fact that the GPS has estimated their driving time at 40 minutes instead of the 20 minutes of near flying it took may have accounted for that. Isabella was sweet and funny and scary and the craziest driver he had ever had the displeasure of riding besides. He wasn’t sure how they had survived or how she hadn’t gotten arrested. She violated more laws than he had known existed cursing in English and Spanish at anyone that didn’t drive fast enough. So anyone driving the speed limit or below. He was a bit terrified of her, turned on to and he wasn’t sure what that said about him.
“ come up to the room well order room service besides I think I need some Dramamine”
“You can’t complain if you didn’t die that’s the rules .”
“I’m not sure I could complain if I did die.”
She snorted at his muttered words maybe she should have taken it easy on him but honestly she loved to drive loved the speed being higher than everyone else for once it was exhilarating.  She followed him to his room half worried half horny and wondered if she should be more concerned. She didn’t usually follow strange men to their hotel rooms. He had looked so panicked when those girls spotted him she couldn’t just abandon him.  She usually had good instincts about people and hers were saying he was a good person. of course her mind was telling her instincts she was thinking with her lady bits and well her lady bits weren’t thinking at all.
They ordered sandwiches and talked while they ate. Henry found himself telling her about his childhood about his love life or recent lack of and everything in between. Isabella was surprisingly easy to talk to. She wasn’t afraid to call him on his shit or to eat with gusto and he was glad. Hollywood and their   and gluten free salads were getting old. He missed comfort foods and comfortable people.  He laughed loudly as she told him about her uncle and father nearly getting into a fist fight over a game of dominoes how her aunt had forbidden the game since the “incident “ as everyone now called. Isabella called It hilarious and was still lamenting the lack of video footage of the two men dueling with canes while cursing up a storm. ( this actually happened)
It was nice really nice actually. He hadn’t felt so normal in years so when she stopped talking to take a drink he kissed her. Pulling her lush little body to him until she was straddling his lap. Her hips rocking against his hardness causing him to hiss.
He should stop he hadn’t meant to go this far but she felt so goddamn perfect in his arms. Squirming in his lap the heat of her cunt burning him through the jeans he was wearing. Fuck it he thought for once throwing caution to the wind. He wanted this wanted her. Isabella with her kind eyes and loud laughter her crazy road rage and gusto for life. It beckoned him a sirens call that he was lost to. He had spent years playing the game enjoying the fruits of fame. Had models and actresses all long limbed lithe all the same. Henry realized as he grabbed a handful of hips that it was like eating rice every day. It would keep you alive but was hardly living. Isabella this vibrant stranger was like a feast after years of famine.
 His hands traveled her back down to cup the fullness of her ass.  He pulled his mouth from hers to run his lips against her throat nipping at her jaw. She tasted like heaven sweet and salty and just fucking divine. Her fingers clawed at his back as ground herself harder against him he could feel her wet heat through the thin panties she wore. Her skirt uselessly rolled around her waist.
“Fuck Henry please”
Her pleas went straight to his cock and he ripped her blouse from her body tearing it in two leaving scraps hanging from her arms. Her nipples dusky rose and pebbled in his hand. He couldn’t help but suck one into his mouth before letting it go with a loud pop. She clenched her thighs and bucked her hips riding his Jean clad cock ferociously.
“You like little doll” he pulled the other nipple into his mouth sucking harder and she made little mewling noises. Dhe was going to be the death of him. He had known the second he had gotten into the car with her. He just hadn’t known she would ride him to death mewing like a kitten while fucking like the devil.
“more please harder"
Never one to deny a beautiful woman Henry pulled her still writhing body off him and tossed her bodily on the bed. She landed on the hard but he didn’t stop just ripped the rest of her clothes from her body. Before shoving his own off. Henry paused to look at her his gaze burning her body. The tattoo of a fiery heart on her hip the scar from an old belly piercing. Her glistening pussy just begging to be tasted. So he did he dived into the bed his weight  making her bounce a bit. Spreading her legs he passed his tongue over her slit. She squirmed trying to  close her legs but he held her thighs open scooting until she was trapped by his shoulders. Pinned beneath the massive girth of his muscular body. Every pass of his tongue sent a jolt between her legs. He plunged his tongue  in and out of her sopping hole fucking her with his tongue. Isabella screamed it was too much his weight his smell his touch everything was too much and she thought she might die of pleasure. He thrust two fingers into her cunt twisting and turning them while his tongue lapped at her clit. Her stomach clenched and her back arched obscenely  her breast jutting in the air and she convulsed the strength of her orgasm taking over her body. She shook with after shocks and Henry crawled up her body his face shiny with her slick.
Isabella felt her body tighten in response seconds before she was sure she was going to pass out but looking at his face covered in her juices his tongue darting out to catch errant drops. She was wet all over again. Pulling his face to hers she licked at the seam of his lips tasting herself. Her fingers ran through his curls and she tugged on them impatiently. In  answer he plunged into his bulbous head stretching her to capacity. He stopped halfway her little cunt so tight that he was afraid he’d hurt her if he fully sheathed himself. Henry could feel the sweat dripping down his head a vein in his neck bulged with the effort to keep still. He wouldn’t hurt her not after she’d been so kind no matter how much he wanted to let go. To fuck her into the mattress.
“ Fuck your so goddammit tight. I can’t fuck, we’re going to have to go slow little doll or I might hurt you. ”
Isabella took a deep breath slammed her hips forward fully sheathing him. She was full so full she could swear he was going to tear her in two but she needed it, need his big cock to fuck her into the wall.
“don’t you hold back don’t you fucking hold back.”
Fuck was all he could think when the tiny woman slammed her body down on him. He pushed into her his big hands holding her hips in a bruising grip as he pulled out to the tip than  slammed her body down his erection over and over. He had lost it. He knew he was holding her too tightly slamming her little body to strongly. The small part of his mind that still was coherent cursed his weakness even as he continued lifting her up before yanking  her down his cock till finally he felt his balls tighten. He wanted to make it good for her though the absolutely filthy sounds of him gliding in and out of her soaked cunt made him think it already was good for her. He managed to capture one luscious tit in his mouth biting hard to keep it as she thrashed screaming a second release and he roared incoherently feeling his seed fill her up he couldn’t help the smug smirk before finally collapsing on the bed. He had enough presence of mind to make sure she landed on top of him so he wouldn’t crush her then fell asleep.
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media reccs? 👀 since apparently you are a man of good taste?
Wow thank you 😏 I have a masterlist of movies that have changed me I often recommend to people, I'll just copy and paste here with quick synopses lol, it's kinda long. I'm not super great at writing synopses tho so bear with me
Dead Poets Society (1989)
One of my favorite movies of all time and a total classic. It's about a group of boys at a strict boarding school who are inspired by their new English teacher (played by Robin Williams) to think for themselves and chase their dreams. This movie literally changed my life lol
Quadrophenia (1979)
This movie is based off of the story behind the concept album by The Who of the same name. It follow the life of a young man named Jimmy who is in a gang called the Mods. Theres this huge gang war between them and the Rockers (I think that's their name, it's been a while since i watched it) and Jimmy questions his beliefs about coming-of-age and his values in life throughout the film
Cabaret (1972)
Based off of the Broadway musical of the same name, this movie is about a British man who moves to Germany during the beginning of the rise of Nazis. He meets a woman who basically turns his world upside down, and it follows their love affair and sexuality and anti-semitism, and it's hilarious and heart wrenching and a beautiful movie
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
This is a super trippy romance film. Basically in the universe of this movie, theres a technology that is developed that can delete memories of an entire person from your mind while you are in a dream-like state, and the main character of this movie (played by Jim Carrey) decides to undergo the procedure after a bad breakup. Its soooo good I highly recommend this movie
It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012)
This is an animated film about a man named Bill who is going through brain cancer. Its told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator essentially communicating everything Bill sees, hears, and experiences. This is the movie that got me into film and it is still a complete masterpiece and one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen
The Dirties (2013)
Loved this one a lot back in high school, it's been a while since I watched it. This is a film made in Canada about a high schooler named Matt Johnson and his friend Owen who decide to make a short film for their class about them killing the gang at their school that bullies them, and things take a dark turn. It's a hilarious movie and hits pretty close to home for me in a lot of ways haha
Logan's Run (1976)
Great movie, pretty cheesy though so be warned. This is based off a book with the same name, and it takes place in the future where most of humanity is wiped out except for a small society that lives under a domed structure. No one is allowed to leave the dome, and to control overpopulation, no one is allowed to live past the age of 30. It's really bizarre but I love this movie
Donnie Darko (2001)
Pretty sure this was Jake Gyllenhaal's first big hit when he was super young (I think he was like 19 in this movie but I'm not sure) basically about this kid, Donnie Darko, who is somewhat schizophrenic and has a habit of sleepwalking. After one particular incident he has a near-death experience and starts seeing a man in a bunny costume everywhere who makes him do weird stuff. Another pretty trippy movie with a crazy ending
American Psycho (2000)
Honestly I'm sure a few on this list you've probably seen (most likely this one included) but I didnt wanna leave any out because they're all so good. If you haven't seen this, it's about a Wall Street executive named Patrick Bateman who is a materialistic phony by day and a serial killer by night. I tried to read the book but the inner dialogue was really hard to get through lmao. Awesome movie though huge recommend.
Clockwork Orange (1971)
Yet another trippy one. And fuck it's been a long time since I've seen it so I might get some stuff wrong here. But it's basically about this serial rapist guy who hangs out with this group of goons and they all like to go beat up homeless people and shit, but the main character gets captured and has to go through reformation therapy to make him a better person. It's an extremely bizarre movie but soooo good and kind of hilarious lol
Creep (2014)
Of course this is on my list haha. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a horror movie about this freelance film guy who answers an ad on craigslist to help a man with cancer film a movie for his unborn son. And shit gets weird real fast. One of my favorite horror movies ever, I wouldnt say it's super scary but it's fun as fuck
Hereditary (2018)
If I'm being honest, I don't like a lot of big movies made in super recent years and especially not horror movies (mostly because they're all cheap cash grabs with no substance) but this one is an exception for me. Hereditary is fucking masterful in my opinion, legitimately creepy as hell and well-produced and well written. To put the plot as vaguely as possible without spoiling anything, it's about a family (mostly the mother) who go through some crazy fucked up shit. That's literally all I can say without giving anything away. Super good flick, big recommend
Gattaca (1997)
This list isn't in any particular order, and I love all these movies to death, but if I had to rank them this would probably be on the lower end. It's not a bad movie, it's still great but it's just not as life-changing as the other ones lmao. This takes place in the future where genetic modifications have progressed to a point where you can modify your unborn child's DNA to have the perfect baby. This has led to, essentially racial bias against those who never had that procedure when they were born. The main character was not one of these "special" children, but he wants an extremely prestigious job which requires that of the employee. Through the film, he is trying to fake his identity and fool the company into thinking he is one of these perfect people. Still a great film
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Johnny Depp, man, he is something else. I LOVE this movie. Based off a true story and a book written by the man who lived it, Hunter S. Thompson, this follows the adventure of the writer and his attorney as they go on a drugged-out, psychedelic romp through Las Vegas with the original intention being to cover a story on a motorcycle race, but things go off the rails as they both terrorize the entire city in a way. Just a fun ride the whole way, a great movie
The Truman Show (1998)
God I'm realizing this list is long as fuck. Don't watch all of these movies, it might take you a lifetime lmao. Anyway, this is a classic Jim Carrey movie and another one you've probably seen. But again, if you haven't, this movie is about a man whose entire life has been fabricated and shot for television without him knowing. Super great, super moving, fantastic film 10 outta 10 I gotta wrap this shit up
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
A lesser known Keanu Reeves movie, but fuck I wish more people have seen this. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and it's based off a book which is just as amazing. This movie takes place in the near future, where facial recognition technology has progressed wayyy too far, and drugs have gotten to the point of no return. The plot follows a detective who is undercover in a junkie house trying to figure out who is the top of the drug dealing totem pole, but ends up wrapped in the junkie lifestyle a little too deeply. Seriously, I recommend this movie to everyone who asks, it's so damn good
Fight Club (1999)
Another popular one. If you havent seen it, it's based off a book by Chuck Palahniuk following the story of a man (the main character actually doesnt have a name lol) who meets a guy named Tyler Durden who changes his entire perspective on how the world works. They start an underground boxing club together to help themselves and other men blow off steam and get away from the capitalist consumer-centric lifestyle they are forced into. Big twist at the end, great movie five stars on yelp
Harold and Maude (1971)
This is a weird one. Gotta say. It's about a guy in his 20s who meets an old woman at a funeral and falls in love with her. Sounds pretty ok at face value but theres a lot of really strange subplots and a huuuuge twist at the end (one of the subplots being the guy compulsively fakes his suicide to get his mother's attention) big recommend
Polyester (1981)
This one I cant even explain u just have to watch it its fucking bizarre
Fargo (1996)
Ok lightning round on the synopses, this movie is about a man who wants to commit fraud by hiring guys to kidnap his wife so her father can pay them ransom and instead the husband gets the money but everything goes wrong it's really good
Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Another modern movie I actually like, last time I watched this I was on shrooms and it was crazy but it's about this hotel right on the border of california and (Nevada I think?) And all these weird people are staying at it and there are twists at every turn and chris hemsworth is a cult leader in it its great
Memento (2000)
GREAT MOVIE GOD PLEASE WATCH THIS ONE it's about a man who develops short term memory loss after witnessing the rape and murder of his wife AND WHEN I SAY THERE ARE TWISTS LIKE EVERY TEN MINUTES I MEAN IT. The film is chronologically backwards, in that the first scene takes place at the end of the story and works back from there in increments of like 5 minutes. Basically each scene is a segment of time that this guy remembers before his memory loss kicks in and he forgets and FUCK it's so good please god watch it
Almost Famous (2000)
This is another one that would probably be low on my ranking but still a great and fun movie, it's about this kid that wants to write articles about rock stars for the rolling stone (based off a true story btw) and he ends up running away to go ride on a tour bus with some band and gets into all types of shenanigans and its great and sad
Parasite (2019)
Another modern movie I love, fuck this is getting too long lmao. Poor family wants to make money and they hatch a scheme to pretend to be bougie and work for this rich family but shit gets weird and everything goes wrong and it's so good (also literally the only film ever that made me speechless afterwards)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pretty much lives up to the hype, I totally forgot the plot but it's pretty damn good I remember that lmao
The Warriors (1979)
Fun movie, theres a bunch of teen gangs in New York and the leader of all of em is like "hey we should rally all the gangs together and fuck up the cops so we can rule this city" but then he gets shot by someone in the crowd and the gang The Warriors gets blamed so the whole movie is them running from all the other gangs so they can get back to home base and it's just an all around fun time movie
12 Monkeys (1995)
THIS MOVJE IS CRAZY it takes place in the future where a virus has almost completely wiped humans off the face of the earth so these scientists send this guy back in time to figure out where it came from so they can stop it from ever happening but obviously everything goes wrong and yadda yadda yadda it's amazing
Waking Life (2001)
Gonna preface this by saying this film is definitely not for entertainment, it's kind of an arthouse-type flick. It's the type of movie you have to think really really hard about to watch. The basic plot is the main character is stuck inside his own lucid dream, and is walking around listening to all these characters in his dream talk to him about, idk like the meaning of life and consciousness and shit. It's really good if you're in the mood for that type of thing.
Okay I'm finally done, you probably didnt expect this but I've been meaning to put my movie recommendations on this blog anyway haha. I deleted some just cause it was getting wayyyy too long. If u want a shorter list I can just give u like a top 5 in DMs but there u go have at it, every movie on that list is a banger I swear
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atrixfromice · 3 years
One of the weirdest things that happened to me on the internet yet
I wasn’t going to talk about this, but I think I wil have to do it a bit, cos that incident freaked the hell out of me! Definitively not as scary and painful as it was too be in a relationship with my ex, but maybe cos this one was a brief encounter.
 It happened like a week ago now, and it was not a big trouble, I mean it was not necessary to take any action like blocking the user or anything. But even so to this day, I feel chills down my back due fear when I remember it...
One of the rare times I had real fear due someone I found on the internet. And I feel writting about it will make me feel a lot less scared, and probably forget about that.
It happened on twitter. There was an user who dropped a message my private messages presenting himself as a guy on his 20′s, and saying that he liked my art a lot and it was awesome, while asking me at the same time if I could make him a drawing of himself. 
I didn’t feel surprised cos I thought it was just the classic “please draw me a sheep” kind of user. Y’know, that type of user who comes to artists to ask for free drawings, and I’ve been seen a lot of those before and I know how to deal with them. Though it seemed strange to me that when I went to his twitter page to see if it could tell me info about who was this person, I discovered it was a page with an anime girl image as an profile picture and no info in the bio. And it was even more strange the fact it was an account joined recently with a couple of tweets.
In any case, I told him I was a busy with comission work and job searching, and I wasn’t doing request at the moment. And this is when things started to get awkward.
He kept insisting he wanted a self portrait and this time he said he wanted a nude portait, and that he was going to give me photos of himself for reference. I told him “No mate, sorry but I don’t draw this kind of stuff, and specially not with real people, because it’s difficult to know if the photos a person gives me are theirs ” And I told him he was sounding weird and making me feeling uncomfortable and awkward.
Then seemed to get mad at me and called me selfish and a jerk for not drawing what he wanted for free, and he didn’t talk me for a while and a couple of days passed. 
I know I should have blocked him but I thought he got tired of being weird and it all was over. But no he came back two days later, asking me if I could give him a nude selfie so he could take it as a reference to make a drawing of me. Which was weird cos he had no drawings posted. 
I told him “I don’t do that either mate" and I told him he was starting to sound really awkward and that he should cut it out and back off.
And it started to scare me cos he not only didn’t listen to what I said about him being awkward and didn’t backed off, but the fact he acted a lot more weird! He sent me a photo and a video of someone’s genitals claiming it was his genitals (I say “someone’s genitals” cos I’ll never know for sure if it was really his privates, or just random stuff he found on the internet and saved and then shared it to me for I don’t know what reason ) and that he gave them to me “for reference” cos he wanted me to draw them. (still for free) 
And since it was late at night at that day, I went to sleep to thinking about “what should I do now?”  and about if I was going to block him or not. And the next day when I went to my twitter and I realized all his messages had dissappeared! There were only mine left. So I went to see to his profile, because I thought he had blocked me or something, and there was nothing in it but a text that said “this account doesn’t exist”. And that was the last time I saw this user.
But that wasn’t the most spooky thing, the most scary thing is that I google searched for the username he used on twitter to see if he had other social networks, and he wasn’t there!! 
It was like the user had just banished form the internet. And I can assure you that one wasn’t a robot account. It was a real person because we got to get a decent amount of conversation before he went spooky.
And also the spooky thing is that I’ll never know who was this person, where he came from or what were his true intentions. Or if he was telling me the truth about his age. 
At least it’s over now. I hope!
But yeah, this is probably one of my top weirdest things that have happened to me on the internet! Maybe I can make a top 10 next time, with this one in number 2. 
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kolbisneat · 4 years
MONTHLY MEDIA: January 2021
A new year but this monthly recap of media consumed keeps on keeping on! Here’s how January shaped up.
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Little Shop of Horrors (1986) I’d forgotten how bonkers the ending is. Just so much fun and hopefully someday I’ll be able to check a stage production of the musical. Funny and horrifying in a way that only the absurd can be.
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Time Bandits (1981) Just surreal. I wasn’t exaaaactly sure what to expect but somehow it completely delivered. I love a good fantasy picaresque. Silly and sincere but perhaps not the best pacing, I still love the whole premise and execution.
A Simple Favor (2018) In looking up what year this was released, it appears to be billed as a black comedy and...okay. It’s absolutely a weird movie and maybe putting it into a category is unfair. Some of the twists definitely feel like they’d work better in a book. I sound like I hated the movie but I mean...it kept me hooked the entire runtime, but I’m not sure I’d recommend it. Like I said, it’s a weird one.
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Chernobyl (Episode 1.01 to 1.05) Oofadoof. I mean I knew it was going to be bleak, but I wasn’t expecting the parallels to the current situation (science denial, underplaying severity due to politics, and just a general attitude of “I can’t see it so it’s fine”) to really hit home. Not for the faint of heart but really fantastic television for those that can stomach it.
Superstore (Episode 1.01 to 1.11) After Chernobyl, we needed something a little...lighter. It’s one of those sitcoms where you don’t reeeeeally need to watch them in any order, and it’s nice and light and fun. I mean I was sold on the idea that the co-lead is Ginsberg from Mad Men.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Episode 4.01 to 4.08) Across four seasons there were absolutely a couple episodes that really delivered on the premise (or at least what I had hoped from the series). Batibat! The “TV” episode! All good stuff. But the rest of the time it just felt like it both had too much going on (in the background) and not enough happening (in the foreground). And I was shocked, SHOCKED, at the implications of the very last scene. Why include this?!? Anyway I might check out the comics in the hopes that it delivers a little better.
The Bachelor (Episode 25.01 to 25.04) This season started strong, but I’ll admit that Victoria feels like a villain from the early 2000s and this past episode (where new contestants are introduced) felt like the show at its worst (mean-spirited, focusing on women fighting each other, and at the same time kinda dull). Will it get better? I mean hell if I should know. 
The Stranger (Episode 1.01 to 1.08) Solid British mystery series and Rupert from Ted Lasso makes an appearance! The season started with some...frustrating decisions being made, but the series evens out after a few episodes and most of the characters learn from their questionable decisions so overall, a satisfying watch.
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Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett (Complete) I’ve always loved Pratchett’s writing and Discworld is, without a doubt, my favourite fantasy setting. It really feels like he’s hit his stride with balancing fantasy tropes, novel ideas, his humour, and his good-natured characters. Fantastic read and I can’t recommend this series enough. If you’re looking for an alternative to grimdark fantasy, this is it.
Animal Wife by Lara Ehrlich (Complete) A beautiful collection of short stories that almost feels like a collection of long-form poetry. There’s a rhythm and musicality to each entry that is unlike anything I’ve read before. Perhaps not as over-the-top or...fun...as the cover would hint at, but it’s still a collection I 100% recommend.
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Feel it Out by Jordan Sondler (Complete) While certainly not a replacement for therapy, it’s great to have a lot of general advice and support in a concise, beautifully illustrated format! Check out Sondler’s work and if it resonates, so will this book.
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Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment by Roger Stern, Mike Mignola, Kevin Nowlan, and more (Complete) Having only seen Doctor Doom in a few cartoons and the movies, this is still my best introduction to the character and gives a glimpse as to why he’s such a good villain. It actually works well at introducing both Doctors and has a great inciting incident as to why these two join forces. Really great reread and now I want more stories of both characters!
Silver Surfer Black by Donny Cates, Tradd Moore, and Dave Stewart (Complete) Rereading this cause I love how concise, fantastical, and psychedelic it all is! This and Cosmic Ghost Rider (who I’m just learning was also written by Cates) are two of my top reads of recent Marvel stuff so I plan on checking out his Guardians of the Galaxy and Dr. Strange offerings next!
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Off Menu (Podcast) Love the concept (interviewing mostly comedians on their ideal meal) and the hosts are excellent.
The Chernobyl Podcast (Podcast) An excellent compliment to the series and I wish more series would dive into production like this; I love a good peek behind the curtain.
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Inside (Playdead) So atmospheric and spooky and probably the upper limit for me, as far as “scariness” in games is concerned. It does a great job of changing things up and each puzzle really feels like a set piece. No filler and I’m only now just mentioning how beautiful the game is. 100% recommend.
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Hades (Supergiant Games) I wasn’t sure I’d like it (Roguelike games are not my jam) but this is proving to be a loooooot of fun! Though I have a deep love of Greek mythology so there’s probably some bias creeping in. Anyway I’m knee-deep in this and am more than happy to chat about it if you’re playing as well.
Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Holiday special has wrapped up and now the group is stuck in a hive of giant insects! The longer recap is on Reddit and is chock full of hexcrawling details.
And that’s it! As always, let me know if you have anything to suggest and happy Sunday!
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gunmetal-magnus · 3 years
And what if I can’t?  What if I’m not worthy of my ideals?
As I stare out my apartment window and watch the drizzling sky, I’m drawn to the subtle gradient of yellow.  Clouds coasting through the sky, gray yet without dismay.  And the sun?  The sun will live to break another day, that I am confident in.  I only wish I were so confident in myself.
Life is strange.  Mine in particular looks like it might be going in a good direction.  I’ve been getting interviews for jobs and as someone who’s spent their fair share of time hopelessly unemployed and depressed, not knowing what to do with themselves (besides salsaing with suicide ideation), I should be elated about any progress.  I wish I could say that I am or even that I was but that wouldn’t be accurate.  The truth is that I’m a harrowing hailstorm of things - surprisedsleepybusycuriousthankfuloptimisticexposedhorrifiedcriticalnervousanxiousinsecurepressuredtired - it’s all a bit overwhelming, isn’t it?
Knocking on the looming doors of success, I find myself feeling the crushing weight of my expectations.  The walls are a deafening white with not a texture or pattern in sight.  If you try to touch them they ripple like water.  There are no windows for me to peer through.  Fog creeps around me like a cheetah stalking its prey.  It’s so thick you could choke on it.  Success is...scary.
I know I know, that sounds a ridiculous thing to say, shouldn’t I be more afraid of failing?  Welllll...no.  You see, the weight I mentioned earlier was not merely crushing, it was also comforting.  Over time failure became familiar and eventually, my friend.  I got used to failure as the status quo, smothered in its cosy embrace and the threat of change, of combing out of this embrace into the chilling embrace of uncertainty, of becoming someone worthy of their success - it’s unfamiliar, it’s scary.  But just what is so comforting about not achieving your goals - about not getting what you really want?  For me it’s because of one paralyzing question: And what if I can’t?  What if I’m not worthy of my ideals?
“But…I’m…I’m just a soldier, I-I’m not worthy.”
It’s a terrifying prospect that I could give something my all and find that I just couldn’t do it.  I don’t want to be saying “I did my best and it wasn’t good enough,” because what I may mean is “I wasn’t good enough.  I don’t have the power.”  But that’s exactly the point!  I do have the power and if that is true then I have to come to terms with my responsibility to that power - that it’s up to me to use that power because when you can do the things that you can do...and then the bad things happen...they happen because of you.  I don’t want that burden so it’s easier to cast it off and reinvent the narrative by claiming powerlessness.  It’s easier to identify as a fraud and be done with it, to say to myself “men like me should’ve never dared to believe.”
Haha…paradoxically in our journey to discover our own power we discover just how little power we hold, that our only power is in ourselves.  Time and how bound we are to what we know at present, our surrounding circumstances, and the fact that we’re only people who can only do people things - these serve to remind us that the power of what we control and free will are only so vast.  It’s strange - you are responsible for how you use your power but not the outcome because you’re not omnipotent.  Bad things don’t always happen because of you.  Sometimes they just happen.  Sometimes things in general...just happen.
Let’s say I achieve success, what then?  The pressure to maintain is immense and to exceed - it’s even more so.  Who perpetuates this pressure?  For many of us it’s society but the greater threat lies within the darkness of our own hearts.  The societal gaze is nothing without validation and that validation comes from our self-worth and how grossly entangely that is with achieving success.  There is an expectation of linearity and escalation in progress, if you get good grades you’re expected to keep getting good grades and then some, so it’s shocking and disappointing when you don't.  People wonder how that could’ve happened, you wonder how it could’ve happened, you start to doubt yourself...should you though?  Writer and retired athlete Christopher Bergland challenges the expectation of linearity in success and explained in a conversation with his daughter, “I learned as an athlete that in order to succeed and become the best that I could be, I had to fail again and again—but always keep trying. Inevitably, every time I raised the bar, and took on a new athletic challenge, I would have to fail first in order to ultimately succeed and break a record." He embraced failure as part of the ebb and flow, it was part of success.  To him, failure was no reason for doubt.  So why should it be for me?  I don’t know, because life’s not that simple I suppose?  Identifying as unworthy and fraudulent, these are not easy to shake.  Negative self-identity manifests itself in habitual self-sabotage.  Worrying about how we align with our perceptions of ourselves, procrastination via instant gratification distractions like Instagram scrolling and going back on our promises such as taking that drink we know we shouldn’t become commonplace - habitual and they will take habitual work to undo them.
Even so, is this really just about the burden of ideals?  Perhaps not.  Susanne Babbel writes in her article “Fear of Success'' that the physiological reactions to trauma and excitement over success are similar - too similar. “When we experience a traumatic event — such as a car accident or a school bullying incident — our body associates the fear we experience with the same physiological feelings we get while excited.”  Heart tensions, shortness of breath, quivering and more - they are triggered in me by both stimuli and my body cares not for the messenger, only the message and that message is “be afraid.”  
if I’m responding to excitement as if it were trauma, the question is what is my trauma?  
Babbel mentions that throughout our lives, we may be made to feel less than, “many of us — especially if we've been subject to verbal abuse — have been told we were losers our whole lives, in one way or another. We have internalized that feedback and feel that we don't deserve success.”  I knew someone who made me feel like this, I called her my mum.  I spent a lifetime being told by her in one way or another that I wasn’t good enough.  I remember being dragged into the unlit attic by her for losing a crayon as a child, I remember being shouted at for getting some mediocre grades in junior high school - being told that I better do better, I remember being told that she had given up hope on me - I remember, all of it.  We don’t talk anymore - except we do.  I internalised her voice and I made it my own, I began to identify with failure.  I have an excerpt from an old journal entry that illustrates this identity crisis all too well.
“Sometimes I really wonder
If it’s better
To be a 
Than a Success
The Interesting Mess.
...Why do I have to compromise the things that make me who I am to be happy?...Why can’t I have my misery?...I hate doing the right thing...Maybe I like being a failure, a mess, a no man’s man.”
By this time I had long since left home but you can’t outrun your demons, only challenge them.  I have only begun to unravel this voice due the therapy I have recently completed and am fighting this battle every day.  Sometimes I lose and they gain territory.  Other times I manage to reclaim it and even add more.  It’s an endless battle.
And yet, the voice of Failure clings to me like some foul smog.  Since he doesn’t want to let me try and fall, he’ll say, “It’s comfortable here.  Flounder into the fondue of failure, it’s what you know - it suits you.  What precisely is so wrong with failure in the first place?”
It’s a good question.  In an ideal world, the answer may be, “nothing in particular,” because I don’t need to succeed to be valid - do the people you love need to be successful for you to love them?  I should hope not.  However, it is not so simple for me to love myself.  Failure will cost me something more than money and a career.  The price of failure is stagnation, embracing the non-linearity of progress and I hate that.  I’m grossly impatient and want to move forward with my life, not wallow in the depths of Misery Mires.  I’ve been stuck here all my life and I’ve just begun the journey out of here.  Failure, as far as I’m concerned, you don’t suit me as well as you think.  I must change sometime because I don’t want to die in the claws of the demons from which I was born.
I can’t stay in my comfort zone.  Yet I can - I’d even quite like to.  Why?  Because...because...deep down I’m still reconciling with the idea that I’m worthy, that I’m worthy of living a life worth living, that I can be what I say I am without fear that it’s all a lie and always will be.  The only way for me to challenge such a belief is to fly in the face of it - to say that “I am worthy” and to act like I mean it, whatever that means - I don’t quite know yet.  My therapist and I agreed that this would be a long road and that ideals are nothing without practice.  I guess all I can do now is drive…
“If you aren’t worthy, you’ll keep trying until you are.”   In order for me to be worthy of my ideals, I first need to believe that I even have a shot.  Beyond that, I need to believe that I deserve to take it. Being worthy means recognising my power to change and the responsibility to act that  comes with that.  Simultaneously, my power is not all-controlling as I am only a person.  Success isn’t linear and failure is a part of that.  However the burden of trauma is heavy.  The self-sabatory habits I picked up from that will require me to reinvent my self-identity and in turn deconstruct those habits.   Lastly and perhaps most importantly, I need to be willing to give the process time.  Can I?  Haha! - s-sure, why not?
Perhaps one day I will find myself staring out into the sky - maybe it’s drizzling, maybe it’s not.  Maybe through an apartment window, maybe in a lush field as the gentle breeze brushes by.  The clouds are coasting by as they always have, slowly but surely.  What colour are they?  Who cares, I don’t even know what colour the sky will be.  Maybe it’s illuminated with a lovely peach pink that reaches out and touches the heart of my inner romantic.   Maybe it’s an apocalyptic red that leaves you weak in the knees - the possibilities are endless but it doesn’t matter - it doesn’t matter what may be.  What matters is what will be and 
I will be watching.
I’ll say I’m worthy and
I will mean it.
I don’t know yet know how
But I will
Because that’s what I’ve decided.
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adobe-outdesign · 5 years
Little something for everyone while y’all are in quarantine. Part 2 coming whenever.
Transcript under the cut:
Five Nights at Freddy’s. Where do we even start with this one? FNAF is probably one of the most confusing games out there when it comes to trying to figure out what the hell happened in it. Everyone has their own opinions and interpretations, so I figured I’d provide my own.
Do keep in mind that I’m not going to cover every single part of the lore, as some of it’s fairly self-explanatory. Instead, I’m going to focus mostly on FNAF 4, as that’s where this Gordian Knot of confusion really stems from.
Be warned, this video’s going to contain something truly scary: OPINIONS. [scream effect] Yes, my views on the lore are much different than everyone else’s, so don’t get your springlocks set off just because my theories don’t align with yours. Because for starters…
[Why I don’t think Michael is the brother]
[Mob noises]
Okay, okay, hear me out. Basically, there are two main family in FNAF: There’s the Aftons, comprised of William, Elizabeth and Michael. Then there’s the - is this really their name? Really? okay - Emilys, comprised of Henry and Charlie.
However, in the books Charlie had a brother named Sammy. So the question is, is Sammy canon? And the answer is yes: During Stage 01, we see one of the kids disappear when left alone with Spring Bonnie, which parallels Sammy slash Charlie’s kidnapping in Fredbear’s by William.
This raises another question though: Who is Sammy in canon, then? And I’ll jut outright say it: He’s the Bitten Child. Yeah, I’m kind of amazed more people don’t realize this. The Fredbear Plush is implied to be possessed by Charlie, as its talk about putting the Bitten Child back together parallels the Puppet giving cake in Happiest Day, and the empty girl’s room indicates that the Bitten Child has a dead sister - her being the Plush explains why the Fredbear Plush cares so much about the welfare of this random kid.
Likewise, Charlie and Sammy were twins. The Bitten Child and Charlie have the same blocky sprites, and they both have brown hair and brown eyes.
Most importantly, the Bitten Child is spirited to look exactly like the Puppet. Given that he isn’t the one possessing it, the only way this makes sense if the two were related.
Finally, the Bitten Child freaks the hell out when approached by an employee in a Fredbear suit, and the Fredbear plush says that he’ll “know what happens if he catches you”. Many people believe this means the Bitten Child witnessed the children being murdered, but it’s too early in the timeline for that - Phone Guy says in 2 that the Freddy’s where the murders occurred was shut down and left to rot afterward. The restaurant in 4 is still open, meaning the murders haven’t occurred yet - given some other context, it’s likely they died in 1985.
The only other incident the Bitten Child could be reacting to… would be the kidnapping back in Fredbear’s, where William stole one of the twins while in a Spring Bonnie suit. And the only way he would know about it is if he was there during the kidnapping - which is enough for me to say with confidence that the Bitten Child is indeed Sammy.
Also, Sister Location has a lot of kidnapping references. [I kidnapped you.]
Especially in the Immortal and the Restless. Vlad represents William throughout the games - not dong much in FNAF 1, working the night shift in 2, being in the burning building in 3, and the hidden scene representing Baby not killing Michael who she thinks is William. And what is said every episode?
[The baby isn’t mine]
The baby isn’t his because Sammy literally isn’t William’s child; he’s Henry’s.
However, if the Bitten Child is Sammy, then that means this [Older Brother footage] cannot be Michael.
Now, I know all of you smart people out there are already thinking the obvious: The books are an AU. Couldn’t Sammy be the one kidnapped in canon, thus allowing Michael to still be the Brother? And to that I say: …Yeah. If you want to work with Michael being the Brother, then this is the best way to do it, and it’s entirely possible this is the correct answer. …But with that said, I’m not entirely convinced.
[Why Charlie was kidnapped and not Sammy]
For starters, there’s the simple question of motivation. Why would WIlliam be raising Henry’s kid? Killing kids is kind of his M.O.. Even in the books, he killed the child he kidnapped. The idea of him kidnapping and raising a kid is even brought up in the Fourth Closet… then dismissed because it would be out of character for him, which would be strange if he did exactly that in canon.
As established earlier, Sammy also remembers the kidnapping, which would make it weird if he was the one kidnapped and yet is just allowed to freely wander the neighborhood. What’s to stop him from telling someone else, or even just running away?
Moving on to actual evidence, the map in SL’s breaker room lists the FNAF 4 house and the minigame house as two separate observation areas. This could be to differentiate the two for the player, but I don’t know why they’d be separated in-universe unless they were two separate houses. This would also explain why the living rooms don’t look the same and why the grandfather clock is in two different locations.
Likewise, the Fredbear Plush has either a camera or a walkie-talkie in it to spy on Sammy. However, the private room also reveals that William has the FNAF 4 gameplay house bugged. He shouldn’t need to use the Fredbear Plush to spy on Sammy, given that he can watch him both through the house cameras and the (presumable) cameras in Fredbear’s - unless Sammy is still in Henry’s house, which would force William to slip a camera into the place discreetly.
Speaking of the minigame house, there are a few parallels between it and Henry’s house in the books. The house was connected to an underground location in the Twisted Ones, just like it’s connected to the Sister Location in canon. And one of the rooms contains a tiny toy animatronic - just like the ones Henry built for Charlie in the Silver Eyes.
Continuing on that train of thought, let’s look at that tiny Toy Mangle. Assuming the Toy Chica principle is in place here - that being that the literal toys in this game look the same as the Toy Animatronics - the Mangle here looks like the FNAF 2 version of Mangle, not like William’s Funtime Foxy, pointing to it being Henry’s creation and not William’s. The SL extras even reveal that Funfox was supposed to be purple at first, which doesn’t make sense if it was supposed to match the tiny toy version.
But perhaps one of the biggest pieces of evidence regarding this toy is in Mangle’s Quest. While walking, you can encounter a huge silhouette of the Puppet… which makes Mangle look toy-sized in comparison. This only makes sense if this room was Charlie’s, and the Mangle toy was hers.
This also makes sense considering that Sister Location didn’t exist at the time of 4′s release. Scott claimed you could solve the lore back then using only the first four games, and if this was Charlie’s room, you could do it by combining the knowledge of the Fredbear Plush with Sammy’s missing sister and Charlie from the novels. If this is Elizabeth’s room, the only way that could be would be if it was retconned into place behind the scenes.
Additionally, I don’t think Elizabeth’s death is the correct date for this room to be empty in 1983. Handunit says that CBEAR didn’t open until after Freddy’s closed, as it gave them the opportunity to move into the entertainment space without competition. I’d assume this also applies to the original Circus Baby’s Pizza World, which indicates Elizabeth didn’t die until after FNAF 1. Given that Michael still has eyes in FNAF 1, SL in general had to have taken place after it - it’s unlikely William waited 10+ years to finally send Michael to save her, so her death being after FNAF 1 makes more sense timeline-wise.
Meanwhile, Charlie died in the very first Freddy’s location, before the other murders. HW confirms the FNAF 4 location was this first Freddy’s, meaning that she died in 1983. This not only lines up with her death date in the Fourth Closet, but also explains why the room in 4 hasn’t been cleaned out; she only died recently.
This would also explain why Henry claims that no-one was there to save Charlie. It’s his restaurant; wouldn’t he have, like, been there and been watching her if he was the one who brought her in?
And finally, I do have one massive piece of evidence that I feel proves the idea that Charlie is the one who was kidnapped.
[Chica School Days opening]
I know, I know, stay with me. Each of Toy Chica’s husbandos in these cutscenes represent one of William’s victims and how he killed them, as proven by her talking about running over a dog which aligns with Susie’s death in both Fruity Maze and the novels. There are a total of six people she targets.
However, that’s the thing - there are six victims, one for each of the original five - and the Puppet. That means Charlie’s death has to be included in here. And yet, none of the deaths line up with what we see in the minigames… unless you assume Charlie was the one kidnapped. In which case, there is one that fits…
[Toy Chica talking about kidnapping]
There are six deaths, so Charlie must be included. If the only thing that lines up with her death is the kidnapping scene, then Charlie must have been the one who was kidnapped, not Sammy.
But that brings us back to the original problem: If Charlie was the one who was kidnapped, Sammy is still living in Henry’s house. Which means Michael is not the Brother.
[Why do people think Michael is the Brother?]
Let’s move on to explaining away some of the evidence for Michael being the Brother.
The first and most obvious piece is that we play as the Brother in FNAF 4. Michael lives in the FNAF 4 house, so he must be the Brother. Which is a fair piece of evidence. However, I do think there’s something that explains this: Midnight Motorist.
Yes, the reason this minigame has perplexed so many fans might be because they’ve been looking at the entirety of FNAF 4 wrong. Let’s start with the Yellow Guy, who’s likely Henry. Why? Well, he’s driving William’s purple car and yet isn’t purple himself, so he can’t be William yet must have a connection to him. Henry and William were friends and business partners, so the idea of this being a company car or one of them just borrowing it for the weekend makes sense.
Likewise, every minigame and cutscene in FNAF 6 pertains to one of the main characters. The Puppet minigame for, well, the Puppet; Fruity Maze for William slash Scraptrap; and Candy Cadet’s stories for Scrap Baby and Molten Freddy. Henry is the only main character who wouldn’t have something in-game pertaining to him unless this sprite is him.
Moving on, we see him interact with a green sprite. I’d wager this is Clay Burke, for no other reason other than the sprite is presumably color-coded because we know the character, and because Clay is a cop and therefore could easily kick Henry out a bar.
Out a bit from Henry’s house, we see a grave, and around the back of the house there’s a smashed window and an animatronic footprint. In the books, the Twisted animatronics specifically targeted Henry’s family, kidnapped people through aggressive means, and buried themselves during the day. Given that the Twisteds are just AU Nightmare animatronics, it’s likely one of William’s robots was trying to kidnap another one of Henry’s kids.
However, the kid being targeted doesn’t seem to be Sammy or Charlie. Henry’s wife is still present and this is a different house than the one in FNAF 4, suggesting this is early on in the timeline, as Henry got a divorce and moved shortly after the kidnapping. The kid that was targeted here was old enough to lock himself in his room and make a run for it, suggesting it wasn’t one of the two babies but rather the Brother from 4, who’s certainly enough of an Angsty Teen to lock himself in his room several times.
As we can see by the footprints and Henry’s blase attitude, it looks like the Brother escaped from the animatronic… this time. It’s likely William kept trying to kidnap him until he succeeded, locking him into his house once he was successfully captured after the Bite. The dialogue from the FNAF 4 trailer might actually apply to William; he brought home the Brother, he think he sees a ghost haunting him which is why he’s observing him in the first place, and he treats this whole thing like a sick game.
So with the FNAF 4 house out of the way, there’s only a few other pieces of evidence. The logbook shows Michael having drawn N. Fredbear… but given that the Nightmare animatronics were still in his house, it’s likely he would have seen then at some point during the night.
The logbook also indicates that Michael is Mike Schmidt from FNAF 1, with his pseudonym being a combo of his own first name and “Eggs Benedict”. FNAF 4 plays like FNAF 1 does, and you can hear one of Phone Guy’s calls in the background, meaning the Brother must have worked in the FNAF 1 location and heard Phone Guy’s messages. And while Michael does fit these requirements… there is one other character who fits them even better.
[Continued in Part 2]
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jjuzoir · 5 years
Hello! I just read your Omi falling in love/relationship headcannons and I love it 😊 Can I request the same for Juza? Thank you for reading my ask 😁
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A/N: of course!! i’m so sorry it took so long;; i’ve been surprisingly unmotivated recently;; hopefully the length makes up for it!
To Date Juza Hyodo:
- Ah…. my baby boy.
- You two met at a popular cafe that had just opened.
- You were one of the first in line at a sweet store that had opened recently and had grown in popularity due to the quality of their sweets, while Juza happened to be farther behind (having been kept up by practice).
- And you felt bad for him, surprisingly. The look in the boy’s face was pretty depressing if you were honest.
- At first you didn’t really recognize him, but when you did and looked him over shocked you decided to keep quiet as he avoided eye contact with you.
- He knew you, you went to school with Settsu, he had seen you walk with the blue eyes boy a couple of times, and he knew that he had developed a bit of an… attraction to you.
- You seemed nice and you were undeniably good looking, how could he not?
- And now you had seen him at the worst place to see a guy like him, a sweet shop by himself.
- You see him turn around and leave and a big part of your consciousness starts nagging at you; had you really made him 180° on the shop?!
- So you simply picked what looked the best and bought it for him in a rush (while buying something for yourself, you hadn’t waited for a whole hour for nothing), you weren’t about to make him lose his chance at eating such good sweets over accidentally embarrassing him!
- You had to guide yourself solely from the route you and Banri took and by the time you did he was almost across the street from the dorms.
- “Hey! Hyodo, h-hey!” By the time the yellowed-eyed boy turns around looking at you- you’re sure your breath had transcended purgatory and heaven and was now on its way to the sixth dimension, “Why the fuck- are your legs so darn long?!”
- He’s absolutely confused as you stumble your way towards him and shove a paper bag into his arms.
- “Take it, take it and you better eat it and savor it.”
- “What?” He looked at you confused, what were you on? That is until he checks the logo on the bag and he notices, “It’s from there…? Why-why did you get me somethin’?”
- “Cause,” you bite into your croissant while trying to catch your breath, “You’re the Juza Hyodo who beat Settsu’s ass, how could I not?”
- He looks at you cautiously before nodding and taking the bag off of you, after all you were one of Banri’s closest classmates that weren’t in on all that gang shit.
-You looked over at him and smiled, mission accomplished.
- But now you had one of the most prominent “delinquents” in town staring at you as he munched confused at a strawberry jam filled vanilla cupcake; basically, a shit ton of sugar.
- “So… heard you were working with Settsu, huh?”
- “Who told you that?” He snapped his head towards you and you felt your spirit follow the path your breath had previously taken, how did he manage to look so scary while eating a damn cupcake?!
- “B-Banri….”
- “O-oh.” He flushed red as he avoided eye contact with you once again.
- “Look… I won’t tell anyone.”
- “Tell what?”
- “That you Settsu are in this theater troupe or about the sweets incident, I know how annoyed Settsu gets whenever I talk about it…”
- And that, my friends, is how Juza (as the romantics say) fell for you.
- After that, you and Juza began… you know, hanging out more.
- You took him places where he’d like the food and in turn he made sure no one messed with you (not that it was needed considering you were one of Banri’s friends lol).
- At first it was hard to get him to come out of the house but eventually he kind of… started expecting it and liking it more than he’d admit.
- And Banri was pissed at first bro
- You were his friend!
- But soon he realized that neither of you really saw the other as just friends.
- He confronts Juza and does his best to get him to confess to you, since and I quote “They’ve been talking about you nonstop, it’s fuckin’ clear they like you.”
- He is not letting Juza hurt you, so when he opens up and confesses Banri is oddly supportive.
- He sets you two up to meet and for Juza to ask you to make it official.
- He says he only did it for you though, and Juza knows not to mess with you.
- Not that he would by this point; Juza is as whipped as the cream Omi made.
- To date Juza would be to date your own bodyguard, he keeps anyone that even remotely looks like trouble out of your way.
- He’s also strangely puppy-like, not that he’d know, but there’s no way he’d know.
- Once Hyodo gets passionate about something, it’s all he can see and feel free with/doing.
- Being with you has helped him open up and grow closer to who he wants to be.
- Though there’s still a lot of self-loathing in him and you’ll need to help him get out of those tough patches.
- He’s not the best showing affection, at least not verbally, but he always goes out of his way to make your life easier.
- So get ready for him to get you random gifts that remind him of you and for him to take you out sweet-shop-testing.
- He’d love it if you knew how to cook sweets, he’d be like a puppy looking at you while you baked him something.
- “Are you done yet?”
- “Juza, baby- I just got here 25 minutes ago, chill.”
- I don’t know how to describe a relationship with Juza,,,,
- Think of him as pitbull, he looks scary and like they can bite your hands off but in reality once you get to know them, he’s going to be your best friend and nothing but sweet.
- PleasetakecareofhimIlovehim
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Paella and Pukwudgies || Remmy and Kaden
TIMING: Before Kaden got shot PARTIES: @whatsin-yourhead and @chasseurdeloup SUMMARY: A very normal White Crest cooking class where Kaden pulls a Kaden and Remmy pulls a Jane
The world was a terrifying place. As Remmy stood outside the small building wedged between the bakery and what looked like a second hand office supply store, they couldn’t help but feel the anxious tension wafting around them. They’d hardly left Morgan’s place since the incident at Pat’s and they could tell she was getting a little annoyed with them. Because life, as per usual, kept moving along, even if Remmy didn’t want it to. It was with a strained hand and clenched jaw that Remmy had clicked ‘Sign-Up’ on the evening cooking class and now here they were, standing awkwardly outside the building as Morgan pulled away in the car and they had no choice, now, but to go inside. Or stay out here, but that really wasn’t an option. Remmy squeaked inside behind someone and made sure the door shut behind them before looking around the room, doddling in. The door opened again and the bell rang and Remmy spun on their foot to make sure whoever it was wasn’t-- well, they weren’t sure. But when they turned back around, they almost ran head first into someone else. A tall-ish man, with scruff and an annoyed look on his face. He almost looked familiar but Remmy couldn’t quite place him. “Oh, sorry,” they muttered. “Is, um-- is this one taken?” they asked, pointing to the station next to him.
It felt more and more like Kaden had to fight and claw for something normal. He used to be able to find pockets with Regan but they seemed fewer and farther between recently. When he saw the flyer for the cooking class at the shelter, it just struck him as something to do, something simple and easy and normal. And he figured it might be nice to sharpen his skills a bit. Cooking wasn’t something Kaden had ever really considered himself particularly skilled in, not before coming to White Crest. Really it was just because the rest of the town was seemingly woefully inept at feeding themselves. He didn’t understand. He spent so much time growing up eating shitty MREs or dehydrated fruit, anything that could easily be brought on long hunting trips. Whenever there was a moment to get a home cooked meal, warm and rich and fresh, well, there was nothing like it. He couldn’t imagine opting for anything else besides a good meal at a restaurant worth going to, maybe. Kaden picked a spot near the back of the class. He’d never been much of an eager student. And it looked like he might even get a station to himself. Even better. Unitil a straggler came in and ran smack into him. “Putain,” he grumbled, mostly to himself. His brow raised at their question. Part of him wanted to lie. There really didn’t seem to be a point to, though. “No, it’s not,” he said with a sigh, gesturing for them to take a spot there next to him. “So, uh, what brings you here?” Well that was a dumb question. “I mean, cooking. I figured. But, uh, why? All that.” Small talk was the worst.
“Oh, cool, nice,” Remmy said, too nervous now to turn and look for another station. Anxiety crawled through them and they shuffled over to it, setting the flyer down on the counter and glancing around. They used to come to the shelter often to help out in the kitchen, but it’d been months since they’d been back and the little bits of guilt still inside of them tried to resurface. They swallowed them back down and thanked the universe for the small distraction as the guy next to them asked a question. “Oh, um-- yeah! Cooking. But also, like...I used to come here all the time to help out during lunches, and uh, you know,” they picked at a corner on the counter. “I like cooking, so I thought I’d try a class and see if I could get any better. Not that I’m like, good at it or anything, just that like, you can always get better at things, you know! Especially cooking. There’s so much to learn and so many different flavors that go together, it’s like, you’re never really done,” they rambled, thinking about how they couldn’t technically taste anymore, so why did it matter? It mattered because they could still do this for themself. That’s why it mattered. “So, um...what about you?”
Kaden nodded along with their explanation. Whoever they were, they were incredibly nervous. He was never sure what to make of people who were like that, not at first at least. He had a pretty decent feeling that it wasn’t him making them nervous, though. It seemed to him like a personality type thing. Not as fun to mess with but less concerning, he supposed. Hell, it had been a while since he’d tried to really intimidate someone and here he was, not even trying and succeeding. Still had the scary hunter vibes. Nice. “Good to hear it,” he said as he straightened up the small bowls and plates of ingredients in front of him. They sure did talk a lot, but he nodded along all the same. At least they weren’t too weird. And certainly not a mime with that much rambling. Two points in their favor. “Yeah, I like cooking. I’m pretty good but like you said, always room to learn more. Plus, there’s not a whole lot of point to me in doing something without ever trying to get better. Especially if you like it at all.” He doodled some circles with his pen on the edge of the printed out recipe in front of him. He hated the part of lessons that involved sitting still and listening. The doing was the best part. “I’m Kaden, by the way,” he offered while they waited.
Kaden. Hadn’t Remmy heard that name before? They racked their brain for a moment, felt like they’d almost gotten it-- but couldn’t place it. So they just held their hand out and said, “That’s a cool name! I’m Remmy!” with a grin. “Have you been cooking long?” they asked, the mention of him being good meaning he probably had been. “I mean, that’s probably an obvious answer, I just meant like…” they paused, “No, never mind. I don’t know what I meant. Uh-- did you always like to cook? Yeah, there, that-- that’s what I meant!” They beamed a little, looking over at him. The instructor was heading to the front now, ready to begin the basic instructions that was in the packet in front of them before the actual cooking started. “Oh, it’s starting!” Focused their attention up front, picking up the pen they’d been providing with and scratching it a few times to make sure it worked. “I wonder what we’re gonna make today. I’ve always wanted to try and make a flan. Have you ever made flan?”
“Thanks, I guess. Yours is, too.” Kaden’s brow furrowed. The name sounded familiar. “Do you know Blanche?” he asked. Really it wouldn't mean a whole lot either way if they did. Half the town knew pipsqueak. Still, worth asking, right? Hopefully the question wouldn’t fluster them as much as their own question had. “Breathe,” he assured them. They look like they had forgotten for a moment. “Anyway, my mom taught me. Way back. Not that I did a lot when I was younger but, uh, guess I like it.” Small talk was the worst, he always felt like it was a dance he hadn’t learned all the steps to. He brushed his fingers along the edge of the table, just to give himself something to do. “What about you?” A sigh of relief came as the lesson started. “Flan?” He thought a moment, trying to remember any equivalent. “Not really. I’ve made a cr��me caramel. Not very good, mind you. My crème brûlée is much better. I’ve gotten really good at pies lately, though.” The instructor informed them they’d be making paella. Nice. Not something he was too familiar with. He started getting ingredients together, picking the knife he wanted to chop vegetables with. “You ever made this before?” he asked them. There was a strange rumbling in the front of the class. Weird. Someone must just be rummaging for pots or pans. Didn’t mean anything.
“Blanche?” Remmy said, “Yeah! I know Blanche, do you know her? How do you know her? We met cause we both worked at Mooseventures for a bit. Well, I think she still works there even though I’ve told her several times that she doesn’t need to. She has enough to worry about, between school and-- uh,” they stopped short, “other things.” Turned awkwardly to face the front again, rubbing their arm absentmindedly. “Sorry, I tend to ramble a lot when I’m nervous. Not that you make me nervous! I’m just nervous in general. And about being here. As in outside, here-- um, anyway…” they cleared their throat. “That’s so cool! That your mom used to cook with you, that she taught you. I feel like most moms are good at cooking, you know? It seems like a nice way to bond. I learned mostly on my own when I got tired of microwave dinners. Um-- Bobby Flay was a big inspiration. I used to watch his cooking show on TV and try and replicate his stuff with whatever I had in the kitchen. I tried to make spaghetti sauce with ketchup once. That...did not go well. But you! That sounds impressive. I’ve never made crème brûlée before, o-or even tried. I’m much better at baking. Cakes, pies, brownies...cinnamon rolls are fun, too. Am I talking too much? I feel like I’m talking too much.” They turned away. They were probably bothering this poor guy, but the talking seemed to really help relax them. Swallowing, they started setting out all the pots the instructor told them, too. “Nope,” they said shortly, “never made paella. You?” The banging up front caught their attention, even if no one else really seemed to notice. They squinted for a moment, trying to focus in on it.
“Yeah I know Blanche. She’s--” Kaden paused a moment. He never knew how to describe her. Sure, he gave a shit but friends always seemed like the wrong way to phrase it. “She’s a pain in the ass most of the time but I care about her.” His brow shot up at the mention of other things. Did they mean supernatural things? How much did they know? “I know about the other things. By the way,” he said, figuring he’d test the waters. With how much they rambled, he wasn’t sure they’d hear him much either way. Still. Didn’t bother him much. If he minded awkward rambling, he wouldn’t be dating who he was. Still all he could manage to most of it was a nod as he messed with the knife in his hand, twirling and twisting it like it was a weapon and not a cooking instrument. When he looked back over, he noticed that Remmy was waiting. Probably for an answer. Putain. He played back what they had just said in his mind. “Huh? Oh no. I’ve never made pa--” There was another crash from the front. His grip on the knife tightened, his muscles tensed and then there was screaming and people dodging and jumping out of the way. Kaden made sure his knife was in hand and ran over towards whatever the commotion was. So far all he saw was quills. Putain de merde.
“Yeah,” Remmy answered, “sounds about right.” Blanche could definitely be a bit stubborn, always getting into trouble, but she had such a big heart, it was hard to not care about her. “Oh, you do? Good. Good! That makes it uh-- easier…” They awkwardly shuffled back to their station and started sorting out stuff, watching Kaden twist and twirl his knife. They wondered where he’d learned to do something like that. “I’ve heard it’s really--” but then suddenly there was a loud crash and Kaden was darting away from his station. Remmy’s instincts were to run, their body tingling, but they found themself dropping their shit and running for the commotion. “What is it? What’s going--” they started, but some deep instinct in them let their eye catch the creature and ducked just in time to watch quills soar over their head. “Woah!” they said, lurching forward. “Watch it!” they reached for the instructor, tugging them away. They looked across to Kaden, wielding his chef’s knife. “Watch the quills!”  
Kaden went to lunge and tackle the pukwudgie running through the place, but it dodged and climbed onto a table before he could even hope to brush it let alone grab it. It crashed through plates and bowls, a set of kitchen knives went flying off the table and Kaden ducked to avoid the blades, cursing under his breath. “We have to trap it!” he shouted out, unsure of who the fuck “we” was. He was pretty sure he meant himself. What a time not to have any of his animal control gear. He glanced around for anything useful, a net or even a blanket. Yeah, funny enough none of those to be found in a cooking classroom. The beast hopped off the table and started weaving in and out between people’s legs at the various stations. He could follow its path by the screams and squeals as well as the occasional body falling to the ground after tripping over the monster. “Try and corner it! Can someone--” As he tried to run over to the monster, he had to push past the frightened attendees, really not sure anyone else here was equipped to help. He threw a hopeful glance over to his cooking partner. They knew about the supernatural, right? And they knew Banche so they couldn’t be completely immune to trouble. And they couldn’t be less helpful than Blanche with a pukwudgie, that was certain enough.
Right, corner it. The porcupine looking animal was dodging in and out of people’s legs, hissing and growling as Kaden chased it. Remmy shoved the teacher away, behind a cabinet to keep him safe, and leapt over and around some of the stations quickly. They grabbed a pot that someone had left on their station and dove off the table, trying to cut it off. It screeched, sliding to a halt, before turning and running straight at someone else. “No, no!” they shouted, as the person shrieked, ramming into one of the shelves. Plates and cups and cutlery dumped onto the floor, as everyone else in the room scrambled out of the way and towards the exit. Someone shouted about calling the police, or animal control, but Remmy couldn’t stop to think about that right now. “There!” they shouted to Kaden, pointing as it skittered straight for him. They positioned themself behind them, hoping the creature would take the bait and run itself straight into the corner. Its tiny body slammed into a cabinet and Remmy watched it wobble. “The shelf!” they shouted, abandoning the pot, leaping over the station, and onto the table, just in time to catch the large, heavy shelf that was about to topple. “Q-quick!” they said to Kaden, “it’s cornered! Grab it!”
“I am animal control! Now get out of my way!” Kaden shouted as he heard the cries and callouts from some of the other students, shoving aside anyone who was blocking his path. The beast came right towards him and he lunged, but it skirted away. Putain de merde. Him and Remmy almost had it. His eyes darted up to the cabinet and was about to brace his arms out to try and stop it, only, he didn’t have to. They had it covered. Well, shit. For a moment, he stood there, blinking, and stunned. Were they a hunter after all? Strange. “Right,” their words jostled him out of his stupor and he locked onto the pukwudgie again, darting over to it. He had no net, no plans, no nothing other than his hands. Against a quilled creature. Fuck. Kaden quickly kicked out at it, trying to topple it, and reached down for one of its legs, yanking it upside down by its feet. He did his best to hold it in place, pushing his knee into the beast’s belly and grabbing its flailing limbs together in his hands. “Is there a cabinet or closet we can throw this in?” he asked Remmy, seemingly the only helpful person in the room.
Remmy was trying to shove the cabinet back into place when they looked over and watched Kaden nab the creature by the leg, flipping it over. Wow, he was pretty fast with his reflexes. And he ate weird food. Was he…? No. Remmy needed to concentrate. They put the cabinet back and scrambled around, throwing a door open. “Here!” they yanked a tablecloth out and came back over, tossing it over the creature. “We can wrap it up in this!” they grabbed a cord from the closet as well, readying to tie off the top after he scooped it up. The creature was hissing and snorting under the tablecloth, quills poking through, but it’s struggle was getting more and more useless. “Flip it on three, okay?” They looked at him, hoping he’d trust them. “One, two-- three!”
With that resourceful thinking and the super strength that they clearly demonstrated, there was no doubt in Kaden’s mind by now that he wasn’t the only hunter in the room. “Quickly,” he grumbled through grit teeth as he tried to keep the monster grappled under his grasp. It was wriggling and fighting him and sure to break free in a matter of seconds if he had to hold on too much longer. The pain in his side was throbbing by now, but he pushed it aside, ignored it, focused on the task at hand; containing the monster He nodded and did as Remmy asked as soon as the tablecloth was in place. The pukwudgie squealed as he turned it around and watched his fellow hunter make quick work of the tie around the cloth. Kaden hopped away to open a cabinet door under one of the stations, pulling out all the items and artifacts he saw in it. No shelves, clear enough, didn’t see any pipes, best he had for now in lieu of a cage. “Help me swing it in here,” he shouted as he grabbed one of the ends of the beast in the sack, avoiding the quills where he could. “Three again! One, two, three!”
Kaden was strong, and he seemed to know what he was doing. It wasn’t far fetched for Remmy to believe he knew about the supernatural. And by the way he handled himself, he knew a lot. Definitely more than them. They couldn’t help but wonder what he was, even if it was rude to outright ask someone their species. But he wasn’t attacking them, so he wasn’t a hunter. He wasn’t looking at them the way Alain always did. His voice snapped them back to attention. “Right! Got it!” when he signaled, they grabbed the other end and shoved as hard as they could, watching the poor beastie slam into the cabinet, before shutting the doors on it quickly. They grabbed on of the heartier looking spatulas and jammed it into the handles of the cabinet as a little extra lock, before stepping back. They didn’t even notice the quill that had stuck into their leg. Looking back over at Kaden, they waited for another direction, before realizing the danger had pretty much passed. The room was mostly empty, except a few brave souls who had stayed behind to watch or had been too afraid to leave and hid instead-- including the teacher. Remmy backed away and leaned over to Kaden, murmuring, “Now what?” so only he could hear.
With the creature tied up and contained in the cabinet, Kaden collapsed and sat on the floor, back against the door of the cabinet just in case. “Now we clear people out and I come back later with my cage and snare pole to get it out of here for real.” So that he could kill it once it was out of sight of the general public. It was never fun trying to explain why animal control was killing a “harmless animal.” He’d found methods to work around it. “Thanks for the help. Wouldn’t have guessed you were that strong. Guess I shouldn’t make assumptions.” He looked around the room and took in all the evidence of the chaos. Cutlery strewn across the floor, puffs and patches of flour lining the counters and walls, tables overturned. He sincerely hoped the janitorial staff in White Crest had a union. “You think we’ll get our money back?”
“Oh,” was all Remmy said. Animal Control. That was a dangerous job in White Crest. He had to be someone super strong and not afraid of dying, then, if that was the case. Right? No sane human would take that job. Remmy looked around the area, following his gaze to take in the mess the small, quilled critter had caused, wincing a bit. They bent over and picked up a pan, setting it back on the table in front of them. “Yeah, uh-- a lot of people say that. Guess it’s cause I look small and weak,” they said nonchalantly, looking back over at him. “Are you okay? You didn’t get stuck with a quill, right? I’ve heard that shit hurts-- or um, should hurt.” They glanced down at their own legs, “Uh…” looked back up quickly, ignoring the quill. “You know...I kinda hope so. I wanna sign up for another class since this one got ruined…”
Kaden waved off their concern. “Nah, any injuries I have right now I think are just leftovers.” His brow furrowed as he noticed something. “You might want to look at that, though,” he said pointing to the quill in their leg. They didn’t even flinch. They must be really tough, pretty seasoned hunter for their age. His mother probably would have pointed out that he should be more like them. “I get the impression you know some first aid but if you need any help, offer stands.” He pulled himself up to stand and brushed off the flour from his pants that he could manage. “Maybe next time we get here early and do a critter check first.”
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dangerous love - erling haaland & jadon sancho fanfic
Part 3 – Ending
When Grace was six, she watched a film with her older brother. The film wasn’t known for being scary but it had elements in it that put a horrible feeling in her stomach, she knew that it was a situation that she never wanted to find herself in. Little did she know, fourteen years later she would find herself having to deal with the aftermath. She had found herself at Erling’s house; just the two of them, alone and talking about their issues.
But they weren’t alone for long.
Just before Erling had the chance to kiss Grace, they were interrupted by strange voices from downstairs. The footsteps were noisier as they moved closer towards the room the two ex-lovers were in; the voices became deafening, the breathes became heavier, the screams became louder.
Grace was terrified. She had never been in this position before, she was just glad that she had Erling with her. Her cheeks were bright red from all the crying, she had lost count of all the bruises and scratches that now covered her dainty body. She didn’t know how long they had been in the room, but she was praying that it was almost over.
Fourteen days on and Grace still wasn’t feeling herself, most nights she would cry herself to sleep. She had excused herself from work, she didn’t know how long she was going to be off for but she knew it was going to take some time before she was ready to go back. She hadn’t properly spoken to Jadon in seven days; the last conversation they had was just before she left the hospital, he was trying to be strong around her but it was becoming tough.
That wasn’t helped by the constant presence of Erling, Grace found comfort in her former boyfriend. Not only had they been through the same experience, he was the only person she truly felt she could be herself around. As the days went on she found herself wishing that everything could back to the way it was; she felt bad for Jadon, she understood that it was awkward for him.
Jadon had spent twenty minutes staring at his teammates; he was hosting the latest team bonding session, but his mind was still on Grace. He had only been asked a simple question by Marco, but even that was hard to answer.
How was he doing? He didn’t have the answer, he was feeling lots of emotions.
“Bro, you good?” Jadon’s eyes focused on a waving Marco. He scanned the room to see everyone’s eyes on him, patiently waiting for an answer. His gaze landed on Erling, they hadn’t spoken since the incident had happened.
“It’s been a difficult couple of weeks, but I’m doing good,” Jadon said, a reassuring smile appearing on his face.
But he was lying. The past two weeks had been a nightmare and he knew it was all his fault, he just didn’t want to admit that to anybody yet. However, he knew that he had to be honest for the people he cared about to start healing, he was just worried about the consequences the truth would cause.
- Erling knew something was bothering Jadon, they hadn’t said a word to each other in nearly two weeks. They had tried to make conversation but it always ended quickly; Jadon was finding it difficult to accept the budding new friendship between the pair, whilst Erling was annoyed at the lack of interest his teammate had shown in Grace recently.
“I know you said to the team your alright bro, but I don’t believe you. Are you angry with me and Grace?” Erling sighed, he needed answers.
“I’m not mad at you, I’m not overly happy with what’s going on between you two but I have no right to complain,” Jadon said with a shrug of the shoulders.
“It’s such a messed-up situation,” Erling exhaled. He understood how hard this conversation was going to be for the both of them, but he knew it was one they needed to have. “But you need to sort yourself out and be there for Grace, she really needs you!”
“Please don’t tell me how I’m supposed to act with my girlfriend, it’s between me and her!”
Grace was now sitting on the stairs outside the living room; she had heard the loud voices and wondered what was going on, she was surprised to hear the two teammates in a deep conversation.
“Then start acting like it!” Erling yelled. “You know what she’s been through and you haven’t been there for her since it happened!”
“It’s because I can’t!” Jadon screamed. He was now pacing around the living room, anger filling his body. “I can’t face her knowing what I did. I look in her eyes and I see the sadness and hurt and all I can think of is how it’s my fault, I caused this.”
Erling froze; loads of scenarios were now going through his mind, every new one making it hard for him to hold in his rage. “How is this your fault? Please tell me that you didn’t have something to do with this!”
Jadon took a slow deep breath, he was preparing himself for the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “Please listen so I can explain everything!” Jadon pleaded, earning a little nod from Erling. “After I found out about your relationship with Grace I was so angry, the only person I felt comfortable speaking with was my brother. I was so convinced that she was still in love with you and going to leave me that I started going crazy, I needed to find out if anything was still there.”
“So, this all happened because you were jealous? Grow up Jadon, you should have spoken to us!”
“I didn’t know this was going to happen,” Jadon sighed. “They were supposed to watch and question you and Grace on a night out, I had no idea they were going to do what they did. I was devastated when I found out, I was so scared about what would happen when you found out I was involved.”
Erling was in shock, he didn’t know how to respond to what the Englishman was saying. His thoughts were interrupted by the slamming of the door, where a red-faced Grace was now stood. She was staring at her boyfriend; anger building within her body, she wasn’t sure what words would come out of her mouth.
“I am struggling to process that the reason I am covered in bruises, scars and scratches, is because you were jealous of my connection with my former partner!” Grace screamed, she was now stood inches away from Jadon’s face. “What makes it worse is that it’s taken you two weeks to reveal this. I was in the hospital crying myself to sleep whilst you were sat next to me knowing the reason this happened!”
Jadon couldn’t control his emotions, the tears started to fall at a rapid pace. The misery in Grace’s eyes were so evident, he knew that this was going to be the end of their relationship. He had no words left to say, he understood that it was going to take time before he was potentially forgiven.
- Grace started to feel a small breeze on her cheeks; she couldn’t remember how long she had been stood in the same spot, but she knew it was in double figures. She didn’t know what emotion she was feeling, she had felt numerous emotions over the past few weeks. She started to get flashbacks as she scanned her location, she knew this place all too well.
That place being Erling’s house.
Three weeks ago; she found herself in the same spot, little did she know the events that would occur. She still wasn’t over that day and it was made worse knowing that her now ex-boyfriend was involved.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the figure of Erling, who was now stood in front of her. “You going to stand out there all day?”
Grace felt her heart beat speed up, she was mentally preparing herself for the conversation she was about to have. She had spoken to Erling several times but today she was struggling to find the words.
“How’ve you been keeping?” Erling asked, he hadn’t spoken to Grace or Jadon since their monumental conversation a week ago.
“It’s been hard but I’m alright,” Grace softly smiled. “When you left, me and Jadon had a very long conversation. I cried, shouted and screamed at him until I had nothing left to say.”
“What was the outcome of the conversation?”
“We decided that it was best we go our separate ways, it was a tough decision but it was one we needed to make,” Ashley spoke. “But that’s not the only reason why I’m here, this is my final stop before I leave Dortmund.”
Erling’s heart stopped, just for a split second but that was long enough for his whole body to fill with sadness. He had only just got her back into his life and now she was leaving.
“Grace, you can’t leave, I’ve only just got you back!” Erling cried, he was struggling to believe what was going on. “You can stay with me, we can go back to the way we were. I can’t lose you again.”
“I can’t,” Grace sighed, several tears ran down her cheeks as her eyes stared at the photo frame in her hand. The photo bought back happy memories for her; it contained her best friend who was also the love of her life, the man who she had fallen completely in love with only for him to leave her. “I need to leave this place, I need to start thinking about myself.”
Erling moved closer towards Grace, their faces now a few millimetres apart. He slowly moved his lips onto hers, their mouths started to move in sync with each other. She took a few steps back until her body was now connected with the mattress on the bed. Her hands were now roaming around the blonde locks as his hands were carefully placed onto her hips.
“Gracie, I love you, please stay,” Erling pleaded, he was now sitting on the edge of the bed. “You will forever be my always.”
Grace stared into the eyes of the Norwegian for the last time, she couldn’t help but feel sad about the situation but she knew it was for the best.
“Something inside of me knows that I will never get over you, you are the unfinished chapter in my book of heartaches.”
a.n: and that is the end!! what do you think? did you like the ending? drop me a message about it!
but don’t worry it’s not over... the sequel ENDLESS LOVE is coming!
as always thank you for reading - kirsty x
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