#it was 7-ish? in the morning i believe
baphofemme · 2 years
i have GOT to invest in an actual sleeping schedule because i've been having sleep paralysis episodes for the past week
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lust4life01 · 5 months
Too Sweet - David Loki.
Inspired by the song ‘Too Sweet’ by Hozier because I’m obsessed with it!!
Disclaimer: I haven’t seen anyone do this yet but if it has been done please let me know!! ☺️
Pairing; David Loki x f/reader
Warnings!!: brief smut, oral f/recieving, angst-ish, colleagues, alcohol consumption, grumpy x sunshine, mention of crime/murder, knife mentioned, violence, etc.
Summary: David is profoundly attracted to his colleague but tries to stay away due to her sweet nature, which very much juxtaposes his. sulky nature. (key word- tries)
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It can't be said I'm an early bird It's ten o'clock before I say a word Baby, I can never tell How do you sleep so well?
7:20 am , the clock read as you walked in. Coffees situated in hand as your pretty summer dress swayed softly.
“Hey Bill! Morning Sandra!” You greeted everyone in the morning with coffee and a smile, it’s was that time between spring and summer where everything was bright and made life feel worth living.
You fixed your eyes on Detective Loki, who had his nose buried amongst some case files and a frustrated grumpy look across his sharp features.
Taking out a black coffee from the holder you trailed over to him. You two weren’t exactly friends but you had a desperate need to be liked by him. Maybe it was because he was always so stern and earning yourself a smile would make you feel like a winner, or maybe it had something to do with the fact you were ridiculously attracted to him? Well, both things can be true simultaneously.
“Detective Loki, coffee?” You smiled down at him whilst extending the cup towards him in hopes he would accept your kind gesture.
Peeling his eyes away from his paper he met your gaze after you said his name.
“Oh, yes. Thank you.” He said in his monotone voice.
He grabbed the cup from your hands, lightly brushing over your fingers but snapped his head back to his paper in a matter of seconds.
There was nothing profoundly interesting on the paper but he didn’t want to engage with you. Just the thought of your company was overwhelming, never mind when you were handing him coffee and saying his name in such a sweet tone of voice. The smell of your perfume, your pretty summer dress and the sweetness that surrounds you would sweep him up in the blink of an eye. You were gorgeous, smart, likeable. You didn’t need to be getting involved with an older bitter man like him.
He did however wonder how you remained the way you are in a job like this. I mean how at seven in the moring are you considerate and nice? He imagined that you slept the way a princess would, other wise it would be a true mystery not even he could solve.
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
The huge trees howled and peered down at you. Trapping you in as the screeches of crows was the only noise to be heard amongst the dismal scene.
You and Loki had been sent to a barren camp site out in the woods where two suspects had been reported as camping out. Realistically, you shouldn’t have been there, one because you quite literally weren’t suppose to be but had to be because Loki’s partner was off sick. And secondly, because most of your colleagues doubted your ability and thought infantilising you came from a place of concern rather than blatant misogyny.
Loki, however, didn’t want you there because the thought of just being alone with just you made him want to place his head in his palms. You had only exchanged a couple words as far as a sentence can go and you clearly liked to talk. He wasn’t so keen. He anticipated the awkwardness from the minute his supervisor had told you to go with him.
The crunching of leaves could be heard as the two of you stalked through the woods.
Loki spoke to you lowly as he kept his eyes on the tree line rather than you “These men are dangerous. You let me get them okay.”
You scoffed lightly which prompted him to turn his head to you, with his same expression he always had.
“Believe it or not, I am a fucking detective too. I have a gun strapped to my waist. I’m not an idiot”
Your sweet personality had been lost recently, which was most likely from the frustration of people assuming because you were nice you had to be weak too, and embarrassingly, because you still felt as though Loki was never going to crack. There was something about his cold nature that drew you in. You just wanted him to see you, which felt impossible.
You’re hostile attitude shocked Loki, it was quite attractive the way you stood your ground when he was so accustom to your soft spoken self. He raised his hands slightly as he apologised “Okay, sorry. You're right.”
You both continued to walk in silenced until you could see a campsite through the trees. There was a tent, a blazing bonfire, and some belongings scattered about. Loki protectively stood in front of you as you both spotted a man sat on a log, one which looked exactly like one of the two suspects.
Loki ran towards the man with his gun drawn and shouted “STAY FUCKING STILL!”
You followed behind quickly as Loki wrestled the man to the ground and cuffed him. Even if you were wrapped up in hostility you couldn't help but admit to yourslef that it was one of the hottest scenes you'd ever witnessed.
“Think you can run from me mother fucker.” Loki grunted as the man tried to wriggle his way out of the cuffs.
As Loki was taking care of the sicko criminal on the floor you heard movement from the tent. A man quickly appeared holding a knife but he tried to run from you rather than at you. You chased after him and trapped his foot, sending him flying to the floor, the knife flying from his hand and landing in a brush. Loki had noticed this and leapt up to come and help but you already cuffed the shouting man.
Back up had turned up shortly after to come and collect the two men. You stood by the bonfire and watched as the men were shoved into vans. A feeling of adrenaline consuming you as well as a deep sadness for the women who weren't saved from the foul men.
Loki slowly approached you scanning over your drained features as he stepped closer to you.
“Good job today (y,n).” It was blunt and pretty vague but honestly gaining validation from your older attractive colleague was rewarding and his presents dragged you from your depressing thoughts.
You smiled at him, your face illuminated by the orange flames as the sun started to set. He stared back at you whilst trying to decide if he should say what he wanted to. Fuck it.
“You look like you could use a drink. I’m gonna grab one, you wanna come?” He felt nervous, like he was twelve years old asking out the pretty popular girl to be his date to some cheesy dance. It was purley out of compassion and a need for a drinking buddy he told himself, not because he wanted to spend more of the day with you or anything.
The tiredness in your eyes remained but your lips did form into a smirk “I’d like that a lot, Loki.”
The smell of smoke from the bonfire filled the air before you, as he couldn’t help but stare at the reflection of the flames in your eyes, getting lost in your haze.
He snapped out of his admiration and suggested you guys take his car.
I think I'll take my whiskey neat
The sultry music that played in the background of the barren bar was drowned out by the sound of Loki's glass hitting the bar again, only the smell of whiskey left in the glass. After that day, Loki decided he needed a drink and had reluctantly invited you to come along which was his weird way of forming somewhat of a relationship with you. You absolutely did come along because the thought of the two men you and Loki had caught made you want to drink until a single thought couldn't grace your thoughts. And you felt comfortable with him. It wasn’t some sleazy type of invitation for drinks but more a mutual feeling of despair that could be lifting with the taste of alcohol.
Loki had order whiskey, neat of course, which made so much sense. You however had far one too many vodka and cherry cola’s.
At first Loki admired your ability to somewhat keep up with him, until he realised maybe that wasn’t the case, which he realised when you started to drunkenly cry about how you felt like your boss hated you and everone thought you were weak. Loki knew this was drunk nonsense because nobody could hate you, you‘re too sweet.
“Hey hey come on now, he doesn’t hate you. How could anybody hate you? And nobody thinks you're weak, especially not me.” He tried to calm your drunk ass down and started to think maybe asking you for a drink was not a good idea. That compassion he felt for you did scare him a little though.
He had tried to distance himself from you, but it seemed he couldn’t. Every assignment, there you were. It was impossible to remain distance or blunt around you. Even if he was admittedly a bit of a dick to everyone else he realised after being in your presence continuously that you were now almost friends? In a way?
Loki wasn’t drunk, sure he had drunk but he wasn’t drunk. He walked you to his car and helped you into the front seat. I mean what’s a detective without a little criminal activity, and he was still perfectly fine to drive. You on the other hand was not fine and there was no way Loki was letting you get into a cab on your own , not in this state.
Once driving you had gone quiet from your intoxicated rambling that had entertained Loki as he practically carried you to the car.
“Hey (y,n) what’s your address so I can take you home.”
There was no answer.
Loki peered over and you were sound asleep. Of course you were. He grabbed his phone from his pocket so he could call a colleague to find out where you lived but of course it had died.
He looked over at you and felt an odd feeling in his chest. He let out a huff and made a U turn.
My coffee black and my bed at three
He had helped you into his apartment and made a bed up on the couch for himself. But before that he had fixed you both some coffee in order to help you sober up a little. His was black o. He gave you some toast and your sweetened coffee as you thanked him mercilessly. He was glad you were at least conscious now.
“That’s already. Do you want me to take you home, or you can stay here? I’ll sleep on the couch.”
It was pretty late and he had felt an odd shift towards you from the hours before. Your vunreblity you inviited him to see had eradicated the strange tension you two seemed to possess previously. You felt comfortable with him, so he felt comfortable around you.
Despite your intoxicated state, you could recognise the serenity in his voice, probably being the nicest he’s ever spoken to anyone ever.
You shook your head slightly as you eyes fluttered “David you don’t have to do that, I’ll sleep on the couch. ”
The thought of another car ride did make you want to vomit, and you trusted Loki so there was no harm in staying.
The use of his first name threw him off a bit but he was insistent that you took the bed whilst also briefly apologising for his lack female comfortable clothing. He set out some briefs and a t shirt, that was nowhere close to fitting you, onto the bed.
You slipped them on a thanked him one more time before settling in to his bed. The alcohol in your system left a feeling of guilt upon your conscionous as the smell of him hit you from his pillows. However, after a couple minutes with your head touching his pillows you were fast asleep.
You're too sweet for me
The next morning had arrived and Loki started to get up for work, when he remembered you were sleeping soundly in his bed. He quietly got himself together and left you a note on the bedside table which read;
Gone to work, I’ll let them know you're sick. Help yourself to anything and the keys are on the kitchen counter.
Accompanied with the note was a glass of water and a some aspirin to help with the hangover. He stared down at your face, you looked so pretty. God you were too perfect, far too kind and compassionate to be with the likes of him. He covered the duvet over you before he left and made sure to take a final glance at you before leaving.
After waking up from a pleasant sleep to a not so pleasant headache, you were quickly snapped out of your self pity after realising you were in your colleagues bed. Your colleague who you had been trying to impress forever.
You shortly remembered why that was and the hangxiety demons grabbed ahold of you. You shoved your face into his pillows as you cursed yourself for getting in such a state. God, he probably thought you were ridiculous, a stupid child who couldn’t handle their alcohol. Great.
Then the panic of work hit you, fuck were you late? Where was Loki? What was the fucking time? Your eyes scanned for an indication when they laid upon his note. You let out a sigh of relief after reading that Loki was going to cover your ass. You took the pills, made his bed, changed back into your clothes and called yourself a cab home.
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate
Once you had gotten home you left Loki a message to thank him for his kindness, not only through letting you stay at his house but also for covering your ass at home. The thought of inconveniencing others made you want to die.
Loki's kindness left you with this debilitating feeling in your chest, you two had becomes somewhat friends but the overwhelming attraction you felt to him only became magnified when he provided you with his security last night.
You felt absolutely disgusting with the hangxiety seeping through your soul, your clothes from yesterday, and the fact you hadn’t showered since yesterday morning.
The sound of the shower blasting accompanied with your favourite playlist playing made you feel calmer and cleaner already. You jumped into the shower and decided you had to see Loki. You had to thank him in person. Something about knowing you slept in his bed last night and you haven’t seen him since just didn’t feel right.
If you were seeing Loki, it had to be an everything shower. You had to look and feel perfect. As you massaged your sweet smelling shampoo into your scalp your mind imagined walking up to his door and kissing him. God, the thought made your heart ache and yearn for it to be reality, but you highly doubted he felt the same. I mean it was Loki.
Once every inch of your body smelt, felt and looked divine you admired yourself in the mirror. Your makeup looked stunning but not overbearing, your hair looked like you had just come out of a Victorian secret catalog and you smelt gorgeous.
You quickly checked your phone and saw Loki had replied, meaning he was probably home from work by now. You opened up the message which read;
‘Thats okay (y,n), no need to thank me. Did you get home alright?’
God why did he care so much? Why did it make you want him more, and why did he have to be a colleague? Without even replying to the text you rushed to your car and made your way over to his. Admittedly, you did have one of your friends from the IT department tell you where he lived a little while back. It wasn’t creep or stalking, you’re a detective okay? That makes it fine, I suppose.
Once you arrived and was stood outside his door your heart started to pound. You took a deep breath and gently knocked on his door.
The minutes in which it took him to open the door immediately made you want to run away. But you didn’t. You stayed and stared at the door.
Finally when it opened you saw Loki standing in the doorway, uniform still on and was that a smile plastered on his face?
“Oh hello (y,n).” He said sounding pleasantly shocked to see you. Then he subtly looked you up and down. Fuck you looked so pretty.
You stared for a minute, wide eyed. “Hey, so um-, I just like, wanted to say thanks. Again.” You could feel your cheeks blush from being so self aware.
You could feel his low brow stare as you talked, making you feel even more nervous. You had talked to criminals that had committed heinous crimes but somehow this was far more nerve racking.
He stepped a little closer to you, looking down. “You didn't need to say it again, I told you it’s my pleasure.”
Without saying anything you stood staring into his eyes.
“Well yeah, I just came by to express how thankful I really am.”
He smirked and then brushed a piece of hair behind your ear with his large hand, a small piece of his own hair falling as he leaned forward. God you were so sweet, but he could tell you weren’t here because of that.
Cupping your jaw he gently connected his lips to yours. You gasped quietly making Loki retreat instantly.
“Fuck. I’m sorry I-“
Before he had time to continue you smashed your lips together again, humming into the kiss. It became heated and as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, feeling as though he had reached heavens gate.
Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
You tried to catch your breath as Loki's lips attacked yours mercilessly as you both made your way to his bedroom whilst crashing into every surface on the way.
The base of your back hit the wall as his hands started to undress you in between the hard kisses. “You’re so fucking pretty. Wanted you for so long.”
You could only moan in response as the feeling of his hands hugged your skin and his teeth grazed your neck.
Once he had gotten you in just your lingerie set, which he noticed immediately, he grabbed the backs of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Pulling his hair you whined as he carried you to the bedroom. You were so desperate for him, it was insane.
Placing you down on to the end of the bed, he stood before you. You immediately crawled to your knees, and reached for the hem of his long fitted black shirt. He smiled and reached his big hand around your back and un clasped your bra as his other hand stroked your hair. You bit your lip in anticipation as the shirt slipped over his head, leaving him shirtless with nothing but his work pants on in front you you. You admired his god like torso, covered in tattoos.
You whispered a quiet “fuck” and kissed down his snail trail.
Loki groaned as you reached closer down his torso and gripped your jaw, bending down and kissing you hard once again.
“Lie back for me princess.”
Immediately you did as you were told and Loki quickly followed on top of you. One hand firmly gripped your waist hard enough to bruise, whilst the other held your right wrist again the bed. He kissed your sweet collar bones and made his way down to your nipples. He licked and kissed them as your chest heaved.
“Loki, please. I need you to bad.”
An amused grin spread across his face as blood rushed to his already hard cock. He dipped two large fingers into your underwear and they were immediate soaked by your desperation.
“Not as innocent as you seem, are you baby? Mhm?” He hummed.
You shook your head as you tried to not cry out from your needy incoherent state.
He brought his fingers to your lips and you wrapped your swollen lips around them and moaned.
Seconds later he was tearing off your panties and connecting his wet tongue to your pulsating cunt as he praised you through your moans.
“Taste just as sweet as you seem though. Taste and look so fucking good for me baby.”
He sucked on your clit as if it were a divine exotic fruit, almost as sweet as a grape turned into a majestic wine falling from an enchanted waterfall.
You thread your fingers through his hair and whimpered hysterically “Loki! Fuck!”
You're too sweet for me
The summer breeze trailed in through the open window as your head rested upon Lokis bare chest. You both laid there as you played with his big tattooed fingers and he took in the smell of your shampoo that he so secretly loved.
You started to talk his ear off mercilessly and he simply just listened. Taking in all of your words as if they were the most important words to ever be spoken. He nodded and hummed as he admired you. Your skin glowing. He had to admit to himself your sweet charming personality had caught him in a choke hold. There was an element of purity and sunshine that you brought to his sulky self, he was well and truly fucked. You're too sweet.
(Ugh im so obsessed with this song and it is soooo David Loki.)
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ell-alexanderarnold · 10 months
Everywhere I go leads me back to you
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Summary: Two lovers with two different lives and there’s never ending arguments. Y/n asks herself if the relationship is worth saving. What happens when the two lovers paths starts to collide and goes the other direction?
Angst & Fluff
Note: Let me know your thoughts! <3
You sat in the car, hands on the steering wheel and you stared at your engagement ring on your finger. You thought about how it was two years ago when you didn’t study, and were home all the time, always available for Trent. But he was not always available for you. You would travel to watch him play at Anfield and when he was playing away games, but nowadays you have to study really hard if you want to make it.
Then he proposed of course, you two were so madly in love. However, what happens when two lovers paths starts to collide and goes the other direction?
You and Trent hasn’t been able to catch up with each other for a while, and you miss him. You get sad when you think about it and sometimes you wish it could be how it was before you started studying.
You parked your car and noticed that Trent’s car also was parked, which was strange because you knew he had a game tonight.
You exited your car and then unlocked your door. You smelled that someone was cooking, that someone was Trent.
“Hello” You said and walked in the kitchen where Trent stood cooking.
“Hey love, you hungry?” He answered and smiled at you.
“Yeah, a little” You simply answered and Trent lead you to the dinner table where he had lit up candles for the dinner.
“Sit down the food’s almost ready” He soothed and kissed your forehead.
You were surprised but also happy that he did this with so much effort because of the little time you spend together these days.
”Wow T, I’m actually impressed” You praised as you started to eat, once again surprised by him.
He smiled in response as he joined you at the table. It almost felt surreal seeing Trent sitting in front of you, you finally got to get lost in his brown eyes again. Oh how you have missed looking into his eyes. In the middle of your admiration you remembered to ask him why he was home and not travelling to the game.
“Are you not playing tonight?” You asked and took a sip of your water and watched his eyebrows furrowed.
“Y/n the game is tomorrow” He confirmed and you put your glass down, almost in shock.
“Oh, I thought it was tonight” You nervously chuckled, and couldn’t believe how you could get it so wrong. Trent wasn’t bothered but you were. You realised how tired you really are from focusing on uni all the time.
“Well, it’s not easy for you to know babe” Trent comforted and grabbed your hand gently and drew small circles on your palm.
“What time are you leaving in the morning?” You implored, knowing that you’d probably won’t see each other for a few days so you wanted to be awake when he leaves, which means you have to sacrifice some hours of sleep. But you wanted to everything for him.
“I’ll leave at 7 ish” Trent answered and an idea popped up in his head.
“Want to come with me?” He added as you immediately panicked inside.
“Where to?” You wondered.
“We’re playing in the Europa League, Toulouse” He asserted and you scratched the back of your neck, something you always do when you’re anxious.
“I can’t, I have to study” You stated and watched his reaction, he wasn’t happy.
“Come on Y/n, can’t you study anywhere?” He pleaded and you knew that this was getting out of hands.
“You mean anywhere you are?” You sighed as you went to put your plate in the dishwasher.
“Please don’t be like that Y/n” Trent tutted and came up to you, giving you that look of disappointment.
“I really need to give it everything if I’m gonna make it Trent” You said and looked at him, and Trent of all people would know the sacrifices that has to be made if you want to make it.
“I understand, just wished that it would be like old times” He mumbled and sat down by the couch as you followed after him.
“Trent you’re saying that you miss when I was a failure, sitting on this couch all day waiting for you to come home and put a ring on my finger?” You snapped. Perhaps it was too much however, you couldn’t stand being in this position in the relationship any longer.
“Y/n, that’s not what I said” Trent said and scoffed as tears started forming in your eyes.
“It’s not about that it is that you don’t want me to have a life separate from yours! I can’t be available all the time Trent” You went on and Trent sat there and reminded himself that you also have a life that doesn’t revolve him.
“What about us then?” Trent spoke up and more tears streamed down your face and you shot a look at your engagement ring.
“I don’t anymore, I gave up something to be at uni and you should know what that’s like because your football is all that matters and all you have time for nowadays Trent” You defended and suddenly you felt your phone buzzing. You looked at Trent with a tear leaving your eye and went upstairs to answer the call.
Trent slammed the coffee table and started crying. Somewhere he felt that this was going to end and he couldn’t control it.
You sat in your shared bed studying, you didn’t have the energy to sit at your desk working. Trent packed his bag for tomorrow and the both of you haven’t spoken since a few hours ago. The silence was too much for you to handle so you sat with your airpods on full volume. You didn’t even know how much the clock was until you heard Trent turning the lights off downstairs.
You got up from the bed and put your books on your desk and then went to the bathroom. You brushed you teeth and you were lost in your thoughts and your music was still playing in your ears, you didn’t even notice Trent standing beside you brushing his teeth as well.
When you were done you looked over at him and saw that he was watching you too, you had to fight the urge to not hug him and absolutely sob into his chest. But Trent already knew how you felt and walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Although this time it wasn’t you who cried, it was Trent.
“Shh, it’ll be alright” You whispered and rubbed his back.
“You make it so difficult sometimes” Trent sniffled and let go of you. You were left in the bathroom struck with a such strong feeling of emptiness after he left.
You both sat at the edge of the bed, wishing some things were better left unsaid.
“Y/n” Trent called.
“Y/n” Trent called again.
“I heard you the first time” You taunted.
“We promised each other not to go to sleep angry” He said and you pulled the duvet over yourself preparing to sleep knowing it will take a while to fall asleep.
“Well, I guess some promises are made to be broken” You ended and turned of your bedside lamp.
Everything changed after that night. Trent came home after a loss against Toulouse, you wanted to comfort him the moment he stepped through the door. Trent was angry, he always was after a loss but this time it was different because of the situation between the two of you.
You two spoke a few times during the day but it was just small talks and it killed you.
It got more worse later in the day when you were preparing to sleep, Trent would start and argument and then it turned to not saying goodnight to each other anymore. Which you both always did before going to sleep despite an argument.
Now, you stopped saying goodnight and Trent stopped sleeping.
It was like torture to sleep next to him, every minute you thought about to whether sleep in the guest room or go downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You could hear Trent sighing and toss and turn, eventually he couldn’t take it anymore.
Trent got up from the bed and left your shared bedroom and closed the door quietly as he thought you were asleep.
You wanted to go after him, so you also left the bedroom. You heard noise from downstairs and you figured it was the tv, slowly walking down the stairs you could see him sitting in the couch, watching football highlights from the night.
You sat down, not too close to him but not so far away either. You watched the tv and the highlights showed a stunning goal which made Trent turn to you and say “What a goal that” He said and really you couldn’t believe him. Silence between the both of you for about three days and that’s the first thing he says to break the silence.
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes met and Trent’s lips curled into a small smile.
The whole situation was sentimental, and it was because the both of you knew. You two couldn’t work it out, no matter how hard you tried. The both of you live completely different lives, with different schedules. The only thing you could go back to was that you two have so much love for one another, and that’s what will always unite you and Trent in the end. But it has been this way for too long.
You looked at Trent and caressed his face, and you gave him a look that says everything he needs to know.
“At least we tried” You said, almost in a whisper and looked at your ring. It was filled with memories, and as you took it off it felt like your heart shattered. Tears streamed down your face as you handed Trent the ring. His hands were shaking as he received it, holding the ring that he thought would be stuck on your finger forever.
“Give it to someone who really deserves it T” You cried and he sniffed, looking at you with eyes filled with tears.
“But I only love you Y/n” He mumbled.
Trent thought that his biggest mistake of his life may be letting you go, letting you slip through his fingers just like that…
Two years later
You sat tense, waiting for the final whistle. They were almost crowned European champions. You were so proud of the team that they made it this far in the competition.
“Any minute now!” You exclaimed to your best friend beside you.
They won.
You celebrated with your friends and watched all the players run onto the pitch to their teammates who played the match. You could cry of happiness.
You watched Liverpool lift the trophy, fireworks and confetti were everywhere in the air. You watched the players get their medals and you saw him, getting his very own medal. He ran up to his family and they all hugged him.
Imagine if you were there with him.
And then he started to walk at your direction. He showed the fans the trophy with such pride and you always adored that side of him.
Without noticing he stood in front of the crowd that you was in, and he hardly even recognised you until he saw you. His heart stopped.
You looked up from your phone to see him standing there. Your friends were too caught up in their own conversation to notice you seeing Trent again after all these years.
You smiled at him and pointed at the trophy he was holding, he looked down at it then back at you and mouthed “Not bad”.
You smiled again and it felt like the time stopped and that is was only you and Trent in the stadium.
You couldn’t help but let a tear leave your eye, as you looked at him one last time.
You turned your back on him and dried your tears as you started to leave with your friends.
Trent didn’t move, he was still hoping for you to come back.
Maybe in another universe.
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megalony · 1 year
I Was Worried
This is my first time writing Evan Buckley from 911 but I am in love with that show and re-watching made me want to write. I'm open to take any requests for Buck or Eddie from the show. I hope you all like it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
Summary: (Y/n) tries to convince everyone at the station that she is fine, especially her boyfriend Buck. But when she takes a bad turn out on a call, he gets panicked.
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"Whatever you're cooking smells good," Buck folded his arms and leaned forward onto the counter, pushing his hips out and arching his back a little to stretch out.
It didn't really matter to Buck what Bobby was cooking, it could have been anything from cats to crocodiles and he would eat it. Half a bowl of cereal wasn't enough to keep Buck going through a hectic morning shift and it was almost two o'clock now, way past dinner. He was starving and he was desperate to eat anything Bobby cooked.
"Pasta bolognaise," Bobby looked up from the large serving bowl he was pouring the pasta into, smiling when he could see Buck's eyes widening happily.
"And garlic bread." A smile worked its way onto (Y/n)'s lips when she walked past Buck and patted his shoulder as she went. She knew her boyfriend like the back of his hand and he was very food orientated.
She felt his hand graze her lower back as she passed him and grabbed the plates from the side to set the table. They didn't know how long they would all get to eat so dinner was usually fast. Set the table within a minute, everybody down and chug the food and drink to get as much as possible before a call sounded. Half the time they gobbled food and ended up with twenty minutes left to spare and they actually got to sit and digest their food and talk. But more often than not, food was partially eaten and left to go cold while they hurried out on a call.
(Y/n) could feel a headache burning behind her eyes and igniting through to the back of her head.
For over a week now (Y/n) had been feeling off, her headaches were becoming more common and persistent and she was feeling sluggish no matter how much sleep she managed to get or how she tried to eat enough and regular to keep her energy up.
Buck had said she was starting to come down with something and now (Y/n) was slowly beginning to believe him.
When the plates were all in place and utensils were laid out in the middle of the table, (Y/n) curled her hands around the back of one of the chairs and took a second to clear her foggy head. It felt like someone was slowly pumping her head full of air and any moment it was going to burst.
"Alright, are we ready?" Chimney clapped his hands and approached the table with a grin as Hen and Eddie followed behind.
(Y/n) tried to keep smiling and slowly shuffled away from the table and towards the cupboard near the sink where they kept the glasses. She couldn't stop her breaths from becoming shaky when her fingers curled around a glass and started to tremble.
"(Y/n), you coming?" Bobby glanced back over his shoulder when he approached the table with the food. She was awfully quiet all of a sudden when normally she would be first at the table to dish out the food and pour out the drinks.
When he didn't receive an answer, he glanced over at Buck who was halfway between the kitchen and the table before he stopped in his tracks and looked across at his girl. He looked back at Bobby with furrowed brows but waved his hand out at them to signal that they could go ahead and get sat down. He turned on his heels and headed over to where (Y/n) was stood in front of the kitchen counter with her back to him.
"Babe… you okay?" His voice was quiet but when he reached out to rest a hand on (Y/n)'s arm, he could feel her subtly shaking. "What's wrong?"
"Buck…" Her head was splitting like someone was banging a drum so harshly that her head was ripping open at the seams. The thudding of her heartbeat pulsed beneath her skin and pounded through her head so badly that she couldn't even see anymore. All she could make out were the black and white sparkles blinking in front of her eyes.
She could feel Buck's hands both coming up to rest on her shoulders and his lips merged against the back of her head but she couldn't hear what he was trying to whisper to her. Everything was turning to static in her ears.
Both Buck's arms moved to bind around (Y/n)'s waist when her knees gave out and she buckled. Her fingers slipped off the edge of the counter and her arms fell limp at her sides.
"Oh shit!" Stooping over, Buck braced himself a little better and slowly moved down until he was kneeling on the floor with (Y/n) hoisted up against his chest. Her head fell forward onto her chest as her legs curled up beneath her but she was still shaking. Buck kept one arm secured around her lower waist and moved his other arm round so he could carefully rest his palm against her temple and tilt her head up so she could lean her head back on his shoulder.
With a mouthful of garlic bread, Eddie pushed his chair back and jogged over to the pair while Hen busied herself grabbing a medical bag from near the stairs.
"Alright, here we go." Eddie knelt down in front of Buck and reached out for (Y/n)'s crumpled legs, carefully pulling them so they were straightened out and she was laid a bit more comfortable up against Buck. He pressed his fingers against (Y/n)'s wrist as Hen came over to them. "Pulse is a bit fast, not too bad. (Y/n), you with us?"
A muffled groan escaped (Y/n)'s lips as she tried hard to open her eyes but the lights suddenly felt like spotlights shining down on her and they were burning her eyes. She could feel Hen carefully taking her arm and sliding a blood pressure cuff up over her elbow and the tightening sensation sent a shiver down her spine and cleared her mind just a little.
"Open your eyes, babe," Buck coaxed while he smoothed his hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm. And something tingled to life in his chest and bubbled through his blood when he felt her hand shakily reach back and squeeze his thigh.
"Do you feel dizzy or sick?" Hen shone a light across (Y/n)'s pupils when she finally managed to open her eyes and something flickered on her face like a brief smile when she managed to follow Hen's finger from left to right.
"Dizzy… I- I'm good, probably just hungry." (Y/n) shuffled herself a little higher against Buck's chest so she was sitting up properly and she could feel the blood rushing back down to her feet and the storm in her head was starting to calm down, finally.
"You blacked out and you think you're good?" Buck rolled his lips together when Eddie gave him a look. He wasn't being rude but he knew (Y/n) better than any of them, he knew she was more likely to brush this under the rug than consider there might be something more serious than just a little dizzy spell. He for one didn't want to act like this was something small when he had said for the last week that she was coming down with a bug from how uneasy she felt and the constant headaches.
"Alright, if she thinks she's gonna be okay then let's all try and eat lunch, but you're benched today (Y/n). Any callouts, you hang back here to be safe I'm not taking any risks."
(Y/n) pressed her lips into a thin line to supress the groan burning at the back of her throat. She didn't want to hang back and wait around for them to come back off a call when she could be needed, she was here to do her job not sit back and worry. But she could see Bobby's reasoning, she would be a liability today if she went on a call and felt rough or this happened again. It was a safety measure.
She let Eddie take her hands and Buck loop his arms beneath hers so they could hoist her up between them. Her legs felt wobbly like setting jelly but she could shuffle them towards the table without worrying that she was about to collapse again.
It was just a blackout, she probably needed something to eat.
Loosening the suspenders on his shoulders, Eddie pulled them off his arms and shimmied out of his overalls and boots. He picked them up and shuffled tiredly through into the locker room, smiling softly when he glanced over and saw (Y/n) sat on a far bench near the glass wall.
"How you feeling?" He dumped his things into his locker but when he didn't hear a response, the smile slowly slipped from his face and he glanced back over at her.
He knew Buck had been worried for the rest of the shift when they went out and left (Y/n) behind at the station. She had kept herself busy, they all saw the tidy kitchen and the mopped floors implying she had been desperate to occupy herself when she got left behind for the afternoon. Buck had been the first one to run up to her when they got back and make sure she had been fine while they had been out. He worried; a lot.
Eddie walked over and gently perched himself beside her on the bench before he clasped his hands together in front of him and stooped over a little. His head tilted to the left to try and see her since she was sat at an angle but he sucked in a sharp breath when she turned to face him.
Her hands were full of used, bloodied tissues and there were streaks of blood smeared all across her mouth and chin and a lot of dried blood caked around her nose.
"What happened?" He was careful when he gingerly reached his hands out to tilt her head back. It looked like the blood had mostly stopped now but there was a hell of a lot on her face and the pile of tissues she had crumpled up in her fists.
"I had a headache, then the heavens poured out my nose for over five minutes. Has it stopped?" (Y/n) tightened the tissues in her hands until she could feel them starting to shred and pull apart between her fingers.
She had barely walked away from Bobby after reassuring him she felt much better, and her nose started to pour like a tap. Her head started to go fuzzy and heavy like it did earlier and no amount of tissue or pinching the bridge of her nose seemed to stop it. And Buck had gone for a shower so he didn't have to bother when they got home, the last thing (Y/n) wanted to do was run to him and ask for help. She would only panic him more than he had been earlier and she didn't want that.
"Yeah, I think it's stopped, are you sure you feel alright? You know this doesn't look so good." Eddie couldn't help but feel nervous, constant headaches, blacking out and a nosebleed on a large scale weren't signs of something minor.
"I feel better than this morning… Eddie, please don't tell Buck. You know he worries."
(Y/n) swiped the last crumpled tissue against her face before throwing them all in the bin. She would have to dart into the bathroom and wash her face clean of the blood if she didn't want Buck or any of the others realising what had happened or getting the wrong impression.
"I won't." A nosebleed could just be that and not mean anything else, it could be a one off and Eddie certainly wouldn't want to worry Buck unnecessarily.
He wouldn't say anything; yet.
A soft smile flooded (Y/n)'s face when the man whose name was John, grabbed her hand and held it tightly to her heart. He needed reassurance and (Y/n) would help him as much as she could and calm him down, it was all part of the job.
"Am I dying?"
"Of course you're not, we won't let that happen. We're going to free your leg and get you to the hospital, you'll be right as rain soon." It always felt easier to reassure someone with minor wounds like this.
It was when the victim had organs spilling out or a crushed chest or third degree burns that wouldn't heal that made (Y/n) panic about giving reassurance to them. When she knew there was no way she could guarantee they would survive, telling them everything would be okay felt like a lie and that wasn't always the best course.
But this man only had a leg crushed by some rubble and a few broken bones, nothing fatal that they needed to worry about. He was going to be fine and (Y/n) knew it.
"Alright, I'm going to let go of your hand so we can get ready to move you, okay?" (Y/n) gave his hand a gentle squeeze before she let go and moved so she was crouching behind him with her hands hooked under his armpits.
Eddie was going to lift the metal beam from the man's leg and Buck was in position to free his legs and help slide him onto the board so they could carry him out. He was the last person trapped in here, everyone else was out and taken care of and after this, the team could head back to the station and wait for the next call of the day.
(Y/n) wasn't sure if it was the dust and smoke filtering through the air that was making her head spin or if it was the headache she'd had since this morning but whatever it was made her feel off. Every part of her felt sluggish and slow and her head felt like it had cotton wool stuffed in it.
On command, (Y/n) pulled him back and lifted him up and she and Buck quickly laid him down on the read board and shuffled him up until his head was safely in the foam brace to keep his neck still and straight.
"Alright let's get out of here."
(Y/n)'s arms had never felt so limp and heavy than they did when she lifted her end of the board and followed Buck back through the small break in the wall they had created to get in. Her hands were tensing and twitching in the grooves of the board and it felt like her centre of gravity was shifting more to the left like the world was tilting at an angle. It made (Y/n) want to lean to the left to balance herself back out but when she tilted her head, she felt like she was about to topple over.
She had carried people out like this thousands of times, she'd hooked people over her shoulders and ran from burning cars before and gone quicker than this but today she couldn't seem to catch up. Buck was going too fast and her feet were heavy and weighted in her boots but she did her best to kick the rubble out the way and keep up. She could feel Eddie close behind and her eyes focused on looking up at Buck.
He was wearing his overalls and his coat and helmet so she couldn't see the way his biceps would twitch and strain or the way he would hunch up his shoulders to tense his muscles and go faster, but she could imagine the way his body would move beneath the jacket.
As soon as they were outside, all of them were coughing from the wave of fresh air that hut them like a truck.
Something burned in the back of (Y/n)'s head like she'd been struck with a knife and as soon as they were clear, they set the board down as close to the ambulance as they could manage. Two paramedics filed over and Buck busied himself reeling off the injuries John had sustained.
Forcing herself to smile, (Y/n) leaned down and rested a hand on his shoulder.
"T-they'll fix your leg and have you up and walking in no time, you will be okay." She couldn't wait to hear his response or wait for a thank you or even a smile, she had to move.
Her feet stumbled beneath her and she could feel herself beginning to shake down to her boots. She didn't feel good. She wasn't sure where she was heading, she just had to get away from the victim so she didn't worry him and be away from prying eyes.
When she couldn't walk any further, (Y/n) threw off her helmet and unzipped her jacket and launched it down on the floor. She was sweating, she was cold, she was burning up and shaking and feeling sick all at once.
"(Y/n), hey, what's up what's going on?"
Running her fingers over her face, (Y/n) turned her back to Eddie and shook her head. She didn't know what was going on or what the problem was but there was just something that didn't feel right. Her head was pounding like it was going to explode and since she'd blacked out, it had been progressively getting worse. All of her symptoms had been getting worse whether she wanted to admit it or not.
There was caution in Eddie's movements when he gingerly placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her round to face him but when he did, he could see that her eyes weren't able to focus on him.
"I think you should sit down,"
"I… wh- I want-"
Eddie couldn't fathom what she was trying to say or what words were passing through her lips, none of it made a sentence or any sort of sense but it didn't matter.
(Y/n)'s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she tumbled down like the collapsed building behind them and Eddie couldn't catch her in time to break her fall, but that didn't matter either. He barely managed to go down on his knees when (Y/n)'s limbs tensed and tightened up like she was a puppet whose strings were being pulled.
Both her hands bent at odd angles and her arms pinned against her chest that pushed off the floor while her head started to tremble and jerk back and forth.
She was having a seizure.
"Cap! Captain, go get Buck! Now." Eddie threw his helmet to the floor and leaned over (Y/n) whose body was taut and tense and looked like she was shivering all over. He was the least bit relieved to see that she wasn't fully thrashing around on the floor and her arms and legs weren't being thrown about at all angles, it was more her head that was jerking than the rest of her body.
He carefully turned (Y/n) over so she was laid on her left side and tried to keep his hand pressed against the back of her neck to keep her head forward. He had no way of knowing if she was going to be sick or if she might bite down on her tongue and make it bleed. Either way, he couldn't risk her choking.
"Hey, what-" Whatever Buck was about to say fizzled into the air when he looked over at his girlfriend, laid on the floor spasming and shaking.
He'd never seen her have a seizure before.
"What happened?!" Fury boiled over in Buck's voice as he roughly grappled with his helmet and chucked it down to the floor before he went down on his knees in front of (Y/n). "Babe? (Y/n), baby it's me, you're okay, it's alright." He tried to keep one hand on her arm to let her know he was there while he pushed his other hand beneath her neck and the floor to feel her pulse and check her airways were still open. They couldn't be trying to intubate her while she was seizing like this.
"Hen, get over here! Don't let that second ambulance go, get it here now!" Bobby waved Hen over and pointed over at a paramedic who was about to take the other empty ambulance away from the scene now that all the people were accounted for and safely being transported.
"Has she had an accident, hit her head? Had a reaction to something?" Hen kneeled down next to Buck and took Eddie's place keeping (Y/n)'s head tilted forward while she tried to clip a monitor onto (Y/n)'s finger and listen to her heartbeat.
"No, nothing. She, she doesn't have seizures, this isn't normal." Something violent flashed across Buck's pupils as his jaw locked shut.
This wasn't normal for her, (Y/n) didn't get seizures or get seriously ill other than the odd bout of flu or a cold. She had never collapsed before, never had a seizure and she hadn't hurt herself or had any reaction to anything that would bring this on. Nothing had happened to her today or even this week for this to happen, Buck had kept a close eye on her to make sure she was alright. Clearly she wasn't.
"Okay, okay I think it's starting to wear off. (Y/n), it's Hen can you hear me?"
(Y/n)'s arms stayed pinned against her chest like she was protecting herself from something and her body started to calm down with the shakes but her upper half was still tilting and pushing back and forth like she was being pushed and pulled.
Hen gently pulled up her eyelid to flash a light across her pupil but her eyes were only half visible, still looking up towards the top of her head. Now that she had stopped shaking, Hen tried to listen to her heartbeat and put a blood pressure cuff on her arm.
"I'm here baby, it's me." Reaching forward, Buck carefully slipped his hand into (Y/n)'s half-curled fist that felt tense and stiff and unusual to him but he knew he could feel her fingers trying to press against the back of his hand. It was enough to make his erratic heartbeat calm down and he brought her hand close enough so he could kiss the back of her hand before he pressed it against his chest.
"Her pulse is steady and her blood pressure isn't too low, she's stable enough. Get her on the stretcher, she needs an MRI."
"On three, Buck. One, two, three." Eddie slipped his hands beneath (Y/n)'s shoulders and Buck lifted her lower half and legs and they carefully laid her down on her back on the stretcher the paramedics wheeled over. She felt so tense and stiff like she was in rigamortis, Buck had never felt her so taut like that before and he hated it.
"I'll ride along with you," Hen patted Buck's shoulder nd glanced over at Bobby for confirmation. One nod of his head was all it took for Buck to shed his jacket which he handed to Eddie before he and Hen climbed in the ambulance.
"We'll meet you at the hospital,"
He wouldn't be able to focus on shift without being by her side and making sure she was alright and everybody knew and understood that.
"Buck, it hurts," (Y/n)'s words were slurred and she could barely keep her eyes open for long but he managed to make out what she said and it broke his heart.
He shuffled closer to the stretcher and brought her hand to rest against his cheek to let her know he was still here with her. He leaned his head to the side a little so he could kiss her wrist and he rubbed his other hand up and down her arm and shoulder to try and stimulate her and keep her awake with him.
"What hurts, baby?"
"My head." (Y/n) tried to lift her free hand to rub her temple but her limbs were so stiff she could barely curl her fingers to her palm.
"It's okay, the doctors will make you better, don't you worry baby. Just keep talking to me, eh? The team will come up and meet us at the hospital, they're all worried 'bout you."
"Stay with me," (Y/n) tried to smile and managed a half smile in Buck's direction and she tried to keep her eyes on him and his baby blue orbs that were staring down at her intently. She could feel his fingertips grazing up and down her skin and his wet lips pressing on her wrist like he was kissing her pulse and helping her heartbeat calm down.
"I ain't going anywhere, baby." Buck smiled down at her and he could feel himself slowly starting to calm down. Maybe this was just a one time thing, maybe she would just need her head checking out and some tablets and be perfectly fine. That was what he was hoping for. But when he looked down at her again, his smile started to fade. "What's wrong with her eyes?"
He glanced between Hen and (Y/n) until she carefully leaned over and pulled (Y/n)'s eyelid higher to get a better look. Both her eyes were trembling from left to right so rapidly it was making Buck's head hurt just from looking at them.
"Baby, talk to me… what's wrong?"
"She's having another seizure." Hen held her wrist and checked her vitals before she sat back down but kept close watch.
"But she…" Buck didn't know what he wanted to say. He'd never seen someone have a seizure like this. Sure, (Y/n) was tense again like her muscles were about to snap, but she wasn't shaking or spasming and her head wasn't moving. Nothing was moving apart from her eyes, he'd never seen anything like it but then again, the fire department didn't deal with seizures all too often.
This wasn't right.
Buck's knee juttered up and down like he was a drummer hitting the bass beat over and over again and it caused his elbows to shake and his neck to strain. He had his shoulders hunched over, his elbows perched on his thighs and his entwined hands propping up his chin.
Something burned to life in his chest when the rest of the team came down to the waiting room to sit with him and wait for any news. He didn't have much of a family out here apart from Maddie who was currently still on shift, but the station had become his make shift family.
He almost clocked himself in the jaw when Eddie gently elbowed him and pointed over to the doctor who was fastly approaching them.
Panic was all Buck could feel and in a moment of desperation, he turned his head until his eyes locked on Bobby who got the silent plea. He advanced over to Buck, laid a hand on his shoulder and followed him to meet the doctor a few feet away from the rest of the team. If it was bad news Buck didn't want everyone else listening in, he wanted to hear it for himself first but he wanted Bobby there too. He was like his dad now and he needed that support.
"Is she okay?" Buck tucked his hands into his pockets to stop himself from scratching his arms to pieces out of nervous habit.
"The MRI showed she had a small bleed on the brain which we've managed to fix, the pressure caused the seizures."
Buck didn't know what to make of that, he wasn't one of the paramedics, sure he had the basic training. He could do CPR, he knew the basic recovery positions and he could help someone in respiratory distress, but this was beyond him.
"What caused the bleeding?" Bobby tightened his hand on Buck's shoulder, it mattered more to know why this happened than how they fixed it.
"We ran a few blood tests which showed her red blood cells were shredded, this is caused by a condition, TTP. It's brought on by pregnancy."
Buck's shoulders slumped and his mouth hung agape as he turned to look at Bobby as if for confirmation and reassurance that he was hearing this correctly. (Y/n) was pregnant. She never said anything to him or to anyone else, surely she couldn't have known about this either. He was going to be a dad. He was gonna have a baby.
"Is she- I- is she okay, though?"
"With medication and close monitoring she will be fine, you can go see her now. Congratulations."
In an instant, Buck had his arms around Bobby, reeling him in for a crushing hug and a breathless laugh before he reeled back and shot down the corridor. He had to go and see her right now, (Y/n) had to be the first person Buck talked to about this, she had to be the one to see his ecstatic face and feel how fast his heart was beating out of his chest at this news. He had to reassure himself (Y/n) was indeed alright after today, he couldn't get excited or relieved until he saw with his own eyes that she was alright.
"Baby," Buck could barely speak from how breathless he felt as he stumbled into (Y/n)'s room and his eyes set on her.
She was sat up in bed, her lips rolled together to supress a smile and tears drenching her exhausted features. He ignored the horrid look of the IV cannula in her hand and the white patch taped to the side of her head where he guessed they had managed to drain the bleed on her brain. All he could focus on was how she was trying to smile at him and just looking at her had his eyes watering.
(Y/n) couldn't help but giggle when Buck hazardly collapsed on the side of the bed and wound his arms tightly around her middle. She smiled when he nuzzled his face in the crook of her shoulder and kissed her neck while she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed the top of his head.
"I- I was so worried,"
"I know… are you happy?" Deep down, (Y/n) already knew the answer to her question but she had to ask anyway, just to be sure. She could feel him laugh into her neck, unable to believe she even had to ask him that and his arms tightened around her until he was pulling her up and crushing her into his chest trying to stuff her into his heart.
"Happy, are you kidding? I'm gonna be a dad!"
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jishyucks · 8 months
Desk Deliveries — ljn
‣ pairing: lee jeno x reader
‣ genre: fluff, implied f2l/coworkers-to-lovers, secret admirer au, office!au
‣ wc: 5.6k
‣ summary: When gifts start appearing on your work desk on December 1st, you have no choice but to hunt down the man who’s been planting them. And with only 7 men on the floor, this shouldn’t be difficult… Right?
‣ warnings: nothing really?, cliche-ish ending, a lot of dialogue (I gotta get this story goingggg)
‣ an: jeno’s wooooo, honestly easier to write than I thought but it’s wayyyy longer than I wanted it to be (I keep underestimating? myself), I just hope it’s up to my own standards lmaooo, but hopefully u guys enjoy!
Series Masterlist
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Desk Delivery!
Starting today, consider your desk a treasure trove of surprises.
‘Tis the season of giving, after all, and your radiant presence in the office deserves to be celebrated.
Each gift is carefully chosen, a small reflection of the little things I love about you. I hope they bring a smile to your face and add a sprinkle of magic to your December days.
Stay curious, 
Your Secret Admirer (or would Secret Santa fit the season?)
You almost laugh out loud, blinking at the note sitting on your desk. This must be a joke, right? 
“What is that?” Karina digs her chin into your shoulder, reading the note from behind you.
“Some joke,” you reply, letting her pluck the card from your fingertips. 
She pouts, “But it’s cute!”
“I didn’t say it wasn’t,” you counter, taking the card back.
“I just don’t believe it’s real.”
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Today, you arrive at the office greeted with a small, neatly wrapped cube on your desk and you’re beginning to think that the message you were given on the 1st wasn’t a joke and that, whoever it was, was being serious.
You glance around the office to see if any of your coworkers were present, but you seemed to be the first one there. Your brows furrow, carefully sliding the box toward you before ripping the wrapping paper. 
You use your office scissors to slice the tape open, and then once you are sure you can open the box to see what was in it, you take a deep breath in. You push the box away from you so it’s at arm’s length, afraid that something was going to pop out when you lift the flaps open. Counting to three in your head, you ready your fingers to lift the covers after the third count.
Fully expecting there to be fake snakes of some sort, you were met with nothing (thankfully). You pull the box back and peek in to find a mug and a card. Your brows furrow, pulling the card out first. 
I know how much you love that mug of yours, Y/N…
But it’s time to retire that broken one.
Got you a new one. Hope you like it! 
Your Secret Admirer 
You can’t help but giggle at the tone of the writer, placing the card down before going for the mug. You’ve been teased maybe once or twice for using a mug with no handle, mostly because you’ve been complaining about how the edges of the glass edges left behind by the absent handles had been poking at your palm.
Carefully, you fish the cup out of the box, making sure you won’t drop and shatter the present before you can even use it, and you use your other hand to pull the box off. And when you finally get a good look at the mug, you laugh out loud, bringing it up to eye level to get a good look at it. 
It was the exact same mug you already have been using, the only difference was that this one actually had a handle.
You were so caught up in your present that you didn't notice Karina approaching you, “Morning, smiley face.”
“Huh?” you blink at her, confused.
“I would take a picture of you right now, but I’m too lazy,” she huffs, “But you’re smiling like a child on Christmas Day.” Karina blatantly points at your face, “Who’s got you smiling like that?”
You shrug but gesture to the card and the mug, “I don’t think that first one was a joke…”
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“Hey! Hey, Y/N!” 
You hear someone call your name, but you don’t actually hear it. It was sort of like background noise to your thoughts, entering one ear and leaving the other. 
“Y/N! Hey!” 
Then, you feel something rough hit the side of your face and you realize that Karina was peeking over the wall of her cubicle and into yours.
“What the fuck do you want!” you whisper. You pick up the balled-up scrap paper she had thrown before throwing it back to her, “I’m trying to work!” 
She dodges the ball with ease, head briefly disappearing then reappearing, “Do you have any candidates for who your secret admirer could be?” 
Karina was speaking a little bit too loud for your liking, so you gestured for her to come closer. She doesn’t hesitate to leave her workspace to enter yours, sitting down on an empty spot on your desk, “So? Candidates?”
You shake your head, “Barely. I was only able to pick out that the writing is a guy’s writing because the girls have neat writing… Other than that, I have nothing.” 
The two letters sitting on your desk were your only explicit clues. Then, you had the thing with the mug, but everyone knew of your broken mug. So really, it was just the handwriting that you had as insight. 
“Okay, so it’s a guy…” Karina hums. She stretches her neck to glance around the office, “And there’s only like… seven? It wouldn’t be difficult to eliminate some of them.” She picks up your two cards to examine the cards. You can see her eyes move back and forth between the letters, pressing her lips into a thin line. “It’s not Renjun.” 
“Huh? How do you know that?” 
“He handwrites,” Karina states, “Like straight-up longhand writing. So it’s not him.” 
“How do you know he’s not just changing up his writing so it’s not obvious?” you narrow your eyes. 
Karina laughs, “Okay, you have a point, but let’s just say that he’s out temporarily, to make it easier on us. In the case that everyone else is out, then it’s Renjun.” 
You don’t notice the way your face scrunches up, your facial features pushing in toward your nose. 
“Hey, what’s with the face?” Karina’s head tilts to the side. It takes a beat and a half before she realizes, “Wait, you don’t want it to be Renjun, do you?” 
You don’t answer, mostly because you didn’t want to outright say that you didn’t want Renjun to be your admirer—no offense to him. Renjun was a great guy, but he wasn’t someone who you saw yourself being with. And if you were to actually build a relationship with this person, you didn’t want it to be Renjun. 
An all-knowing smirk appears on Karina’s face, “Then who do you want it to be?” 
You want to throw a punch at Karina’s knee, but you remember you are still in the workplace and you need to keep it (at least a little bit) professional. “Fuck you, you already know the answer to that.” 
Jeno, Karina thinks.
“Of course you want it to be him,” Karina puts the cards back down, “I should have known. You’re down bad for that man.” 
Karina wasn’t wrong. You and Jeno go way back to your internship days, and your (hopeless) crush on him has been there since then. 
“Down bad for who?” 
From seemingly out of nowhere, Chenle appears at the corner of your cubicle, leaning against it as he takes a sip of his coffee. And of course, wherever Chenle was, Jisung followed, standing right next to the former. 
“Uh, that-that one actor!” you lie in a panic, “From that one show!”
“You suck at lying,” Chenle snorts, “You could have at least named someone. It could have been Nam Joohyuk for all I care.” 
“It’s not you guys if that’s what you’re thinking,” Karina snickers, “Sorry, boys.” 
Jisung and Chenle burst out laughing, almost comically in sync. They even threw in a high-five, though it was out of habit. “No offense, Y/N, but I don’t see you in that light.” Chenle is practically in tears. 
“No offense, Chenle, but I don’t either,” you reply, “Now can you guys please leave my space or I’m reporting you guys to Taeyong.” And that sends them away because it wasn’t the first time they’ve been reported.
“Okay so we can scratch those two off the list,” Karina concludes. 
And you nod. 
So far, so good. This should be easy.
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Okay, it wasn’t as easy as you thought. 
All your interactions with the other guys were normal. None of them seemed suspicious enough for you to star, nor did any of them do anything that ruled themselves off your list, and you had to admit, it was frustrating. 
Of all the boys, the most suspicious was Jaemin, who snickered every time he passed your desk. But when you mentioned this to Karina, Karina pointed out that Jaemin was like that in general, always up to his own shenanigans like Donghyuck was. 
“That or he knows something,” Karina thinks, “We should ask him.” 
It was nearing the end of the day and you and Karina were sitting at one of the open tables by the floor’s wall of windows, mugs in hand while you carefully eyed the boys of the department. 
Karina’s about to walk up to Jaemin when you stop her, pinching her blouse to keep her from leaving, “I don’t think Jaemin’s stupid enough to spill anything if we ask. We have to make it subtle.” 
“Subtle, how?” 
You shrug, “Just subtle.”
“Subtle, how?” Karina repeats. 
You want to bonk her in the head, “I guess pretend like you don’t really care, maybe say you think it’s Renjun or something and see what he says.”
Let’s say Jaemin really did know who your admirer was. If Karina were to think it was someone else, she could note the way Jaemin would react to her guesses and you both can go from there. 
You shoo her away and let her do her thing, staying back to pretend you were watching cars drive past down below. 
In 8 days, the only clues you were able to gather included the fact that he was a boy, he worked on this floor (the mug thing), he liked to end his J’s in loop de loops, and there was always some type of water or coffee stain on the cards. 
The last clue was something you and Karina had just recently discovered, simply because the first few cards were wrinkled in the slightest with water, while the most recent one, today's, had been stained with a drop of coffee. 
You’re not sure if these were purposeful or accidental, but nonetheless, you and Karina took any details as clues, hoping that it would lead to a conclusion.
“You haven’t blinked for a while.” 
“Shit, I didn’t hear you come,” you greet Jeno with an awkward smile, shifting your weight from one leg to the other, “I was just deep in thought.” 
Jeno’s eyes disappear when he smiles and your stomach does that thing it does when he does so. It’s so stupid how you’re feeling like a giddy high schooler around this man, but you’ll defend yourself any day and blame him for everything. 
“Is it about your secret admirer?” Jeno questions. He’s facing the window and you’re facing him. You can see him peeking at you through the corner of his eye and he’s smiling teasingly.
Your eyes widen, “Wait, how do you know about that?” You haven’t told anyone but Karina, Chenle, and Jisung, the last two only earning the information for being the most persistent duo on the planet. 
“Word gets around,” he shrugs, “And I pass your desk to and from the elevator.” 
You’re guessing the two younger boys had let it slip out but you disregard them for now, “Oh… right…”
“So, what about him?” Jeno questions. 
“Just… I don’t know who it is….” 
Jeno turns to you and you’re taken aback by how tired he looks. Sure, everyone in this damn office repped the good ‘ol panda eyes, but Jeno’s hair was a bit dishevelled, eyes half closed from fatigue. You choose not to point it out. 
Jeno’s words register in your head and your brows furrow, “Wait… how do you know they’re a he? I didn’t say anything about him unless…” You don’t quite notice the way Jeno freezes up only because he wasn’t moving much beforehand. “Unless you know who he is!”
Jeno shakes his head, “Jisung told me!”
“I didn’t tell Jisung anything.” “You probably told Karina who told Chenle who told Jisung!” At this point, Jeno’s heart is beating at an erratically fast pace and he’s about to panic until Karina returns. She’s pouting, a tinge of disappointment evident on her face and Jeno takes this as his chance to escape.
“What did Jaemin say?” Your attention is easily pulled away from your friend, “Did he say anything?”
“No,” Karina grumbles, “I accidentally let it slip out that this was about your admirer and all he said was, 'Secret admirer, huh? Wouldn't you like to know.'” Karina mocks Jaemin’s voice, rolling her eyes. “But I guess that just proves that he knows something… it’ll just be harder to get it out of him.” 
“Jeno’s being suspicious now, too,” you nod your head to the boy. 
Sure it could be implied that your admirer was one of the guys, but the way the man had handled your questions was definitely something to take note of. 
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“Please tell me you’ll be leaving after you finish this?” Another one of your coworkers, Minjeong, was standing at the edge of your cubicle, leaning against the divider. You can tell she’s ready to leave, hands stuffed deep into her pockets, “Everyone’s left besides Mr. Jo.” 
Mr. Jo was the custodian.
“I will, I promise.” You don’t even look up from your screen, waving your hand in her direction as if it would make her scurry away, “I’m almost done. Have a good night, Jeongie!” 
She returns your farewell and leaves, knowing that you won’t budge until you finish your task. 
You genuinely were near completion. You just had a few more points in the report to finish before you reached your goal for tonight and you’ll go home. 
Your fingers are flying across your keyboard, fatigued eyes blinking at the words you were producing in hopes that they were coherent. Your brain had shut down an hour ago and now you were on autopilot.
Who cares if it’s coherent if I’m going to edit it anyway? You think. And now you were carelessly typing, making typos left and right. 
When you finally finish the draft, you grab your mug from your coaster to put in the office’s sink. Your eyes finally catch a break from staring at the screen for so long, practically feeling your ocular muscles relax. Closing your eyes, you blindly make your way down the pathway, which honestly was easy after the amount of times you’ve made your way down it.
But when your feet hit something that was obviously not as hard as a cubicle wall you freeze. 
Your eyes fly open and quickly look at what you have unintentionally kicked. 
“Jeno?” You blink your eyes a couple times to make sure you aren’t just seeing things.
Sprawled out on his desk was Jeno, fast asleep. There was a small pond of drool underneath his cheek, mouth hanging open. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Jeno.” You feel the need to whisper now, leaning over to shake his shoulder. “Jeno!” 
He begins to stir, “Huh? Wha?” 
“What are you still doing here?” you ask. 
One eye stuck closed, he glances around the empty office. The side that he had been lying on was flat as if he had been in that position for a while. Jeno yawns and stretches, his back popping a little as he sits up. 
"I was waiting for you to finish," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.
You glance at the clock on his computer screen, realizing it's much later than you thought. "Jeno, it's getting late. You didn’t need to wait for me."
He shrugs, a sleepy smile on his face. "I didn't want you to go home alone in the dark. Plus, I figured you might need some company." 
You hit him on the shoulder, “You dumbass!”
Jeno winces even though you didn’t even hit him too hard. “Ow!” 
“I didn’t even know you were here! Dumbass!” You throw another thwack at his shoulder blade, “You’re lucky I tripped over your foot!” Jeno ignores you and starts getting up, pulling out his packed bag underneath his desk, “You should’ve told me you were gonna wait for me.”
“Yeah, but then you would’ve pushed me onto the elevator so that I could leave,” Jeno replies. "Ready to head home?"
Although you and Jeno don’t live anywhere near each other, your place was on the way to his. Usually, you’d walk home and go sightseeing as you walked past the small shops on the way, but because the weather could freeze your arteries shut, you’re forced to transit home. 
"Sure, let's go." You pack up your things quickly, and the two of you head towards the elevator.
As you wait for the elevator doors to open, you glance at Jeno. His eyes are still a bit heavy with sleep, but there's a warmth in them that makes your heart flutter. When he notices you looking, he tightens his lips to give you a tired grin that reaches his eyes. The office is quiet now, only the hum of the elevator breaking the silence.
Once inside, Jeno presses the button for the ground floor, and the elevator starts its descent. The dim lighting casts a soft glow on both of you, and you can't help but appreciate the peaceful moment.
"Long day, huh?" Jeno breaks the silence, his tone sympathetic. “Your secret admirer mystery still bothering you?"
You chuckle and nod, "Yes. But it just makes me more determined to figure it out."
"Any progress?" Jeno raises an eyebrow, curious.
You shake your head, "Not really. It's driving me crazy." 
"Maybe it's someone you least expect," Jeno suggests with a playful smile.
"Maybe," you reply, unsure. The elevator doors open, and you both step out and into the nearly empty office lobby. Then you think out loud, eyes narrowing as you look at Jeno through your lashes, “Maybe it’s you.” 
The cold wind hits you as you exit the building, making you shiver. You pull your coat tighter around you, and Jeno does the same. 
“Why? Do you want it to be me?” Jeno smirks playfully. 
“I don’t know,” you lie, “I’m just asking because there’s a possibility it’s you. Besides Chenle and Jisung, you’re the only one willingly asking about him.” That really couldn’t even mean anything, but it’s suspicious. You’re starting to think this was a joke set up by all the guys, and you’re the target.
“Nope, it’s not me,” Jeno stares ahead of you both, and you miss the way he swallows his spit when he says it, “And I don’t know who it is either. That’s why I’m asking.”
You look at him to detect if Jeno was lying—maybe a nose twitch, multiple blinks, or a dishonest glance to the side—nothing. 
You feel your heart skip a beat, and not in the way you liked. Because, sure, you didn’t care about who this person was, but for the past week and a half, you’ve been raising your hopes that it was Jeno who had been leaving these presents for you. 
You realize that that was a mistake. 
A weak laugh shoots out your mouth, almost sounding like a huff and you force a smile on your face, “Well… that’s a relief.”
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Losing a bit of interest in your admirer just because it wasn’t the person you wanted it to be wasn’t fair to your actual admirer. Especially when they were still putting the effort into dropping off those presents and writing those letters.
The day after, you had told Karina that Jeno made it clear that your admirer wasn’t him and she refused to believe it, delusion taking over for your sake. She said something along the lines of ‘can’t say it’s not Jeno until there’s solid proof’. 
This morning you decided to switch up your strategy and arrive at work early. For the past 2 weeks, these little deliveries had appeared on your desk either after you left or before you arrived, and since you had kept track of who left the office yesterday evening, you were sure that he was going to be coming in early this morning to leave his present. 
You greet the security guard in the lobby, leaving your mouth more as a yawn than an actual sentence before you hop onto the elevator and cross your fingers for luck. 
The office is quiet and dimly lit as you enter, the only sound being the gears of the elevators turning as the doors slide open. Once you step out, you’re quick to scan the room before ultimately settling your gaze on your desk. 
The universe couldn’t have timed this any better.
Standing at your desk, you see a figure, gently placing a wrapped box on your desk. You hold back a gasp, clamping your mouth shut with your palm, not wanting to bring attention to yourself. The man appeared oblivious to the elevator letting someone off, his back still turned to you.
You catch the sound of his satisfied hum, and just before he pivots, you quickly move to a concealed hallway, keeping yourself out of sight. A lingering fear holds you back from confronting whoever this person is, but you so badly want to know who it is. You figured it would make the confronting part easier. 
Footsteps grow closer before they stop, and you can easily guess he’s standing in front of the elevators. With curiosity getting the best of you, you risk being seen and lean your head around the corner, just enough so that one of your eyes can see who the boy was. 
Another gasp attempts to leave your mouth when you finally recognize who it was. 
The elevator arrives at your floor before you can even process that it was truly him you just saw, almost as if you’ve seen his ghost and he was gone before you knew it. 
So your secret admirer was Na Jaemin? 
In a way it made sense. You and Karina had ruled him as one of the more suspicious ones. He and Jeno were close, so Jeno being curious about your progress added up. Now you have solid proof that Jaemin actually was your secret admirer.
How were you going to let him down easily?
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Despite having the weekend and Karina's assistance to strategize how to break the news to Jaemin, you found yourself at work on Monday without a clear plan. Today, you mentally braced yourself for another gift, feeling a pang of guilt as you realized your friend and coworker had been investing so much effort, only for his feelings to not be returned.
Today’s box was slim and rectangular, wrapped in the paper you’ve grown familiar with. At first glance, it looked like a wine box, but you quickly deemed it too short to be a wine bottle. 
With a bit of hesitation, you carefully pick at the paper, ripping it open before you slice the tape that was keeping the box closed. Then you pry the box open, flipping the flaps over so that you can see the item from a bird’s eye view.
You pull it out—an umbrella in your favourite colour. On the handle, your initials are engraved into the plastic. The umbrella looked beautiful, but considering the other presents, this was… random. 
Your eyes catch sight of a card at the bottom of the box and you stick your arm in to fish it out. 
I bet you’re curious as to who I am, right?
I think I kept you waiting far too long for a hint.
A hint?
Your heart picks up its pace and your eyes scramble to keep reading.
Today’s gift? An umbrella.
Bought one for myself and one for you because we need to be prepared next time.
I don’t know about you, but I didn’t enjoy being drenched in rain at work. 
Your Secret Admirer
A hint.
Hell, it was more than a hint.
Your eyes grow wide as you reread the note over and over, your heartbeat fluttering. It flutters because you know exactly what your admirer was talking about. 
Back during the rainy season, the morning you were getting ready for work, you completely disregarded the weather forecast and left your house without an umbrella or an appropriate coat. And much to your stupidity, you told yourself that it wasn’t going to rain that hard when you heeded the darker clouds in the sky. 
You realized your mistakes on the walk to work when rain started pouring down from the sky, like someone dumping a bucket of rainwater all over you. You were sprinting, sight impaired by the rain pelting your face, flying past other individuals who had been smart enough to pack heavy-duty umbrellas with them. 
Luckily, you finally arrived at your building before you were wet to the bone. When you noticed the elevator was still open, you called out for it, fast-walking through the lobby just so you could catch it. 
“Thanks,” you had sighed out, huffing in relief. 
The man who had held the elevator open for you laughed and spoke up, “I take it you forgot an umbrella too?” 
You laugh at the memory, remembering being thankful that you weren’t the only dumbass who didn’t bring an umbrella—that you weren’t going to be the only one on the floor who would be showing up soaked and dripping wet.
Because Jeno was that other dumbass. 
Even with this realization, with this hard evidence that your admirer could actually be Jeno, you still recount your almost-encounter with Jaemin and the fact that Jeno had denied your accusations. 
You find yourself caught in a web of conflicting emotions. On one hand, the thoughtful gesture of the umbrella brings back memories of that rainy morning with Jeno. On the other hand, the recent revelation and Jeno's denial cast a shadow of doubt on the identity of your secret admirer.
As you stand there, staring at the umbrella, your brain cells are desperately trying to think up a good explanation for all of this. The evidence seems to point to Jeno, yet you can't ignore the possibility that this might be an elaborate misdirection. Or maybe Jaemin was the misdirection?
Your thoughts are interrupted by the familiar voice of Karina, who has just gotten off the elevator. She notices the umbrella in your hands and grins, "Mr. Admirer? An umbrella?"
You manage a half-smile, the weight of the situation pressing on you. "It’s a hint. There’s a memory tied to it.”
Karina arches an eyebrow, intrigued. "Memory?"
You decide to share the story of that rainy morning with Jeno, how both of you got caught in the downpour without umbrellas. As you recount the details, Karina listens attentively, connecting the dots between the past and the present. 
"So, you think Jeno might be your secret admirer because of this shared memory?" she asks, thoughtful. The way her expression brightens at the thought of your admirer actually being Jeno and not Jaemin—just like you wanted.
You shrug, uncertain. "It makes sense, right? But then there's the whole denial part. He flat-out said it's not him."
Karina leans against the reception desk, crossing her arms. "He probably just didn’t want you to find out like that. Maybe he's trying to surprise you later. Who knows?"
You sigh, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity. "I just want to know. I’m this close to banging my head against the corner of my desk." 
Karina snorts and nudges you playfully. "Confront him again but this time, give him no choice but to confess."
You consider Karina's suggestion, realizing that confronting Jeno might be the only way to unravel this mystery. Gathering your resolve, you decide to have a direct conversation with him, determined to get to the bottom of your secret admirer's identity.
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Who would’ve thought that confronting your secret admirer would be nerve-wracking? Cause what if it really wasn’t Jeno and you were making a fool out of yourself?
It’s your break and you’re sitting at one of the lounge tables with Karina and Minjeong, playing with the edge of your instant ramen cup. 
You’re replaying how you want the situation to go down in your head. You want to go up to him, make small talk, he small talks back, you confront him, and he admits it—easier said than done. But your goal was to do it by the end of the day, mostly because you know that if you kept this going for any longer, you’d actually go crazy.
Minjeong and Karina are talking about something, you’re not quite sure what it was when Ningning joins in, “Did Giselle pass by?” 
Karina shakes her head, “Haven’t seen her.” 
Ningning pouts, “I was going to ask her someth—”
And again, you tune them out—not on purpose.
The voice in your head is screaming Jeno repeatedly and it’s driving you insane. You want it to stop, but the only way you can do so is by confronting him.
Then the door opens again and in comes Jeno and Jaemin, laughing about something Donghyuck and Mark related. Karina notices the way your eyes divert toward their direction and she tries to catch your attention, jerking her head in their direction. Eyes widening, you shake your head as if you were saying not now.
“Shit, I got coffee on my shirt,” you hear Jeno huff. 
From where you were sitting, you could see Jeno turning to show Jaemin the coffee stain on his white shirt, pouting. Jaemin laughs, “That’s what you get for using a broken bottle. Just buy a new one.” 
Jeno pouts, “You buy one for me, then.” 
At first, you don’t pay attention to their conversation, passing it off as the usual banter between the two, but then it clicks. Your mouth speaks before you can even process everything, “It’s you!” 
The room grows silent but, frankly, you don’t care because now you’re sure it was Jeno. 
Other than the umbrella and the memory, the only other hint other than handwriting were the water and coffee stains that the cards were always covered in (and you and Karina were still unsure whether that was on purpose or not). 
Jeno’s bottle was broken. 
You rise abruptly, the chair screeching against the floor. Rounding the tables, you navigate toward to get to Jeno, heart beating against your rib cage. Once he is within your reach, you snatch him by the wrist and drag him out of the lounge room and into the hallway. 
“Dumbass!” you smack his shoulder, “It was you! Liar!” You weren’t angry, in fact, you were laughing, disbelief etched on your face.
Jeno looks off to the side, “I… don’t know what you’re talking about…” He’s horribly holding a smile back, cheekbones growing prominent from his attempt. 
“Don’t play dumb,” you say, “The umbrella hint was enough for me to know it was you!” 
Jeno unleashes his smile, physically shrinking and lowering his head as his cheeks grow hot from your statement. “I didn’t think you’d remember it that easily…”
"You've been driving me insane, you know that?" You shake your head, still processing the revelation. "I even thought it was Jaemin for a bit. All this time, it was you!"
“Did you… want it to be Jaemin?” 
You shake your head, “Honestly, I was relieved it was you… no offense to Jaemin. Why didn’t you admit to it when I asked you?”
“Probably a similar reason for why you said ‘that’s a relief’ when I said it wasn’t me,” Jeno counters, slowly regaining his confidence. 
You chuckle, realizing the playful banter unfolding between you and Jeno. "Good point."
He grins, "Plus, watching you try to figure it out was entertaining." There’s a mischievous glint in Jeno’s eyes as he's holding back a smile.
You cross your arms, glaring up at him, "So you enjoyed torturing me?" 
Jeno panics slightly, shaking his head, "No! It’s not like I was torturing you! It was just something fun! I liked seeing your reactions!"
You playfully roll your eyes. "You're lucky I like you."
Jeno freezes, “Wait, you like me like me?” 
You look at Jeno as if he just said the dumbest shit that’s ever come out of someone’s mouth. “Lee Jeno, I literally told you I was relieved it was you and you think I don’t have feelings for you?” You want to smack him again.
“Ow!” Jeno rubs his arm and frowns. 
“Of course I like you!” You’re looking up at Jeno, “I was working my ass off trying to figure out who my admirer was because I had hopes that it was you!”
Jeno's eyes widen with surprise, and then a broad grin stretches across his face. "You... really?" he stammers, almost disbelieving, “So would… this be the right time to ask you on a date?” 
You stuck out your bottom lip and shrug, half-joking, “I mean… it’s the least you can do after putting me through all that.” 
“You’re right,” Jeno laughs. He takes a step closer, looking down at you with the world’s prettiest smile, “So will you?”
“Will I, what?” you tease, staring back up at him.
“Will you go out with me?”
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taglist: @tytrackfebreze @lovesuhng @hoonieji @niinjo @dinonuguaegi @reignessance
an: the answer is yes 👀,,, Felix's is up next and it's gonna be cute
359 notes · View notes
empress-simps · 5 months
Close To Me
Pairing: Bodyguard! Marauders x Fem! Reader, Bodyguard! Sirius x Fem! Reader AU: Bodyguard AU / Muggle AU CW: Reader getting kidnapped. Sirius getting injured. Note: This might be the longest one shot I have written so far, this is also my first time writing an action-ish fic? So please do keep it in mind, some parts may be inaccurate.. I also published this at 12 midnight lol. Enjoy!(2.5k words)
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You always thought it was a tad bit excessive.
Being the sole heir to a vast family fortune meant that you had the finest thing you could ever want in your life; it also meant that you had the finest protection. Your father handpicked every staff member that was assigned to protect and care for you- going as far as doing not just a background check on them, but also their entire family. Doing a bunch of psychology and loyalty tests were also a must so it was rest assured that they would do their job.
Having one bodyguard? Understandable. Two? Oh, alright just some precautions. Three? That sounds... very safe. Four? Now, that's where you draw the line.
Sure, being born with a golden spoon is great- wonderful, even; but you felt like you were trapped.
You wanted to live life like any other normal human being, away from assassination or kidnapping attempts that were made in your life. So, mustering up every courage you have, you stormed into your father’s study to try and persuade him to just at least assign one to watch over you.
It was expected, you failed.
Now you were stuck with four goofballs bodyguards who would protect you with their life.
James Potter- the strategist. He could sense danger from miles away and best believe that a safe escape plan for you was already formulated if ever things went south.
Remus Lupin- the mediator. He has the ability to appear calm and composed even in the face of danger. Remus saved you more than once just from his voice and words.
Peter Pettigrew- the tech wizard. He’s the one responsible for surveillance, turning any kind of technology into a means of protecting you.
And then there was Sirius Black, the jack of all trades. When your father chose the top candidate, it was him. He was an exceptionally skilled fighter, good with weapons, fast and light reflexes, can speak multiple languages (mainly French), and over all just a well-rounded protector.
Being born into a family with a long tradition and a reputation for producing some of the best security experts in the muggle world, Sirius stood out like a sore thumb. He was the black sheep who defied family expectations. His family's company, BlackGuard Security, was known for its merciless efficiency and rigid standards.
His abilities were evident. Succeeded in every training program he participated in, frequently outperforming his peers with fast thinking and adaptability. Your father noticed Sirius's unconventional approach to security and saw potential in his abilities. When he was assigned to be your bodyguard, he took it as an opportunity to show himself beyond the shadow of his family's legacy.
Sirius is your shadow. He’s never more than a few paces behind. But it wasn’t just duty that kept him so close; it’s the quiet and unspoken bond that had formed between you two throughout the years. A bond that went beyond the call of duty, beyond the formalities. Which he desperately tries to deny.
“Good morning, Remmy!”
You beamed, smiling as you opened the door of your bedroom to see the tall man standing outside, on watch.
It’s still a mystery to you how he looks so put together with his neat hair, suit, and the signature earpiece in his ear even though it’s still 7:00 in the morning.
“Good morning, Miss.” He smiles, closing the door behind you as you headed towards the grand staircase, Remus following a step behind.
“I rarely see you during mornings,” You comment, going down the stairs to grab breakfast.
“James had some matters to attend to, Miss.” He answered, offering a small and polite smile. You hummed, “It’s alright. I like your company, Remmy. Jamie can get a tad bit enthusiastic in mornings.” You laugh, as Remus looks at you.
“Don’t let him hear that or he might just throw a fit.” He chuckled.
“He’s James, it’s normal.” You grinned, seeing the familiar long black-haired guy talking quietly in his earpiece.
“Morning, Sirius!” You waved at him; his piercing grey eyes looked in your direction. “Good morning, Y/n.” he smiled, then went back to talking in his earpiece.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t a bit bummed that you don’t have his undivided attention, Remus noticed this and raised his eyebrow, smiling to himself.
Taking a seat at the rather large dining table, you couldn't help but sigh. Remus decided to tease you a bit, "Were you expecting more from Padfoot?" He smiles, chuckling at the way you desperately try to hide the blush on your cheeks.
"What?! No! I was just pre-occupied with other things!"
Remus doesn't believe it when your eyes wandered in the direction of Sirius who was still talking into the earpiece. "No prongs, she has an event she needs to attend in the evening." You heard him talking to what you can assume is James from the other line.
The scent of breakfast wafted through the air, making your stomach growl as the staff placed the dishes and arranged the silverware for you.
"Would you like some, Remmy?"
"No thank you, miss. I already ate."
As you ate a piece of your breakfast, you looked up to Remus. "Anything interesting stuff for today?"
"I'm afraid today will be quite normal, miss. Just a charity ball your family would attend hosted by the Malfoy family."
You frowned. It's not like you hate the Malfoys, you just don't like how they're trying to set you up with their son, Lucius Malfoy, when it was clear that he is infatuated with his mother's bodyguard- Narcissa Black.
"Do I really have to go?" You complained,
"Prongs already picked up your dress for later, Y/n." Sirius suddenly spoke up, and standing beside Remus. You huffed, already feeling tired.
“Maybe I’ll just sneak out again-“
“No can do, Y/n!” James appeared out of nowhere, his famous grin plastered on his face, Peter trailing behind him, tinkering with what seems to be a mini remote of some sort.
You crossed your arms, eyebrows raised. “And why would that be, Mr. Potter?”
“Because your escort would be Malfoy.” he grumbles, clearly not liking the idea and the dude.
“I beg your pardon?”
You tried not to roll your eyes, keyword, tried. Remus clears his throat, trying to mask his surprise. Sirius felt his eye twitch.
What if something happens at the ball? Sirius is the most capable one of protecting you from danger, sorrynotsorry.
“But!” James blurts, “We’d still attend the ball, not just that close to you.”
“Like that’s any better.”
James frowns, “Sorry. The Malfoys actually don’t even want us to attend and guard you. Your father insisted, telling them you won’t attend the ball without us.” He says, taking a seat beside you despite Remus’ warning glances directed at him.
“Just what do they want…?” Sirius mumbles to himself, already getting highly suspicious of Lucius and his family. (Not because of the fact that you’re about to get arranged to the Malfoy heir, no not at all.)
“They’re probably just annoyed, Lucius really can’t make a move on Y/n with us around.” James said, grabbing a handful of grapes and popping them onto his mouth, making you chuckle as you pushed the bowl closer to him.
“Alright, looking good Y/n!” James grinned, seeing you come down the grand staircase dressed in a red lavish gown with a gold accent.
Sirius felt his heart stop.
There was just something about you that makes his heart beat a little faster, time freezing, and the unusual flips his stomach did when he sees you.
Fuck— you were absolutely breathtaking.
You twirled, making your boys smile and compliment you, but Sirius just stood there, not reacting.
“Do I look presentable, Siri?”
You asked, trying to pass it off as a joke but they know damn well you were serious as you fiddled with a random lace in your dress. Not like Sirius noticed it, no, he was transfixed to your beauty.
That was all you needed to hear.
“Mr. Malfoy, good evening.”
Lucius smiled slightly, taking your hand, and kissing it. “The night could not compare to your beauty, Y/n.”
It took every single fiber of Sirius’ being to not punch Lucius square in the face. How dare he flirt with you when he’s secretly dating his cousin?
You smiled politely, even though all you wanted to do is to stay a good couple of feet away from him. “You flatter me, Mr. Malfoy.”
“I am just stating facts, Y/n.” He offered his arm to you, “Shall we?”
Right. Might as well get over it.
Linking your arm with his, you nodded. “We shall.”
The boys instantly knew there was something off as soon as they stepped inside the venue.
James kept twisting the ring on his pinky finger, already thinking of numerous escape plans for different situations. Peter was on his phone, eyebrows furrowing as he checked and tries to figure out why he can't access some surveillance cameras in the venue. Sirius was on high alert, nothing could go unnoticed, he knows who approached you, how long you've spoken to them, the food that you consumed, and how that stupid Lucius kissed your hand, and interacted with you.
Remus also was alert, but one thing that made the alarms go off inside his head was the four suspicious men dressed in tuxedos quietly slipped inside the venue without getting noticed.
"Marauders, two o'clock. Four men, nearing darling's area quick." He told in the comms, eyes never leaving the four figures.
"Copy, Moony. Wormtail, any news?" Remus' earpiece was filled with James' voice. "Negative. Still trying to access." Out of the corner of his eye, Remus can see Sirius slowly inching to your direction. "Padfoot, do not engage. Wait it out." Remus heard James order Sirius, "I won't." he grunts.
That was when hell broke loose.
With lightning reflexes, one of the men pulled out a pistol and shot the large crystal chandelier causing it to fall and crash to the ground, breaking into thousands of tiny pieces. It was pure chaos, people were trying to rush out of the exits, chairs and tables were turned as they pushed through.
Sirius felt his blood run cold.
He was in autopilot, he dodged a panicked guest and leaped over fallen chairs, all while keeping his eyes on you. He cannot afford for the men to reach you before he does.
Luck was not on his side today.
He quickly closed the distance between both of you. He was your protector; he swore on his life he would protect you. Sirius would even sacrifice his life if it meant that you would be safe. He would do anything for you.
It was proven it wasn't enough when one of the men grabbed your arm, dragging you towards a hidden exit while Lucius Malfoy was escorted by the others.
"Fuck!" He yelled, as one of Malfoy's henchmen shot him in the shoulder to prevent him from going after you.
"Prongs! They have her!" They could all hear his anguished voice through the comms. Remus runs over to Sirius from where he was stationed, "Padfoot, you're injured-"
"I don't care!" He yells at his friend, "We need to fucking find her!"
"Wormtail, you better have the damn access already or I'll skin you alive!" Sirius barks angrily, talking to his comms as he fought the rest of the men with Remus helping him. "I'm in, but it's too late. They jammed the signals earlier and destroyed footages. Go to the exit, you'll see a motorbike on your left-" Sirius doesn't need to be told twice, he did what Peter told him and mounted the motorcycle, Remus quickly joining him.
"Can you see the black car ahead of you? That's them." Peter told him. Sirius was focusing on chasing the damn vehicle, so Remus answered on his behalf.
"Yeah, we're closing in. Prongs, what's your status?"
"Backsup are on their way, they'll be right behind you in 2 minutes."
Sirius felt the distant throb in his shoulder, the warm blood seeping through made his dress shirt clung onto him, but he paid it no mind.
"Keep your eyes on the road, Padfoot!" Remus reminds him as they narrowly missed an incoming truck. Sirius only nodded in reply as he grips the motorcycle tightly, weaving through the traffic and desperately trying to reach the speedy vehicle you're in.
"We're gaining on them!" Remus updates, seeing the familiar back up vehicles approaching, "Back up's near."
"Do not engage until the back ups arrive." James told them in a calm and commanding tone.
Of course.
Sirius will always be Sirius. When had he ever listened to Prongs' orders?
He is driven by his instinct, which is currently screaming at him to attack right then and there. As they neared an intersection, an opportunity was presented to him. He would be a fucking idiot to ignore it. With a calculated risk, he accelerated, effectively pulling alongside the car.
Remus sighs, already knowing his friend's thoughts and getting ready.
"Now, Moony!" Remus, who's on cue, leaned out and desperately tried to reach the car's door handle, and with a few tries, he managed to open it succesfully making him grapple with a man inside.
The car swerves, tires screeching but Sirius kept his pace. He can see you struggling with your captors, and he can hear the backup seconds away. He couldn't wait, every second counts, anything could happen.
"Hang on!" Sirius shouts, with a burst of speed, the backup cars sandwiched the car with you inside, forcing it to halt. Sirius and Remus dismounted the motorbike, guns drawn.
"It's either you release her, or I'll kill all of you and blondie." He growls, referring to Lucius Malfoy who is also inside the car.
The situation was tense, but the arrival of their team shifted the balance. The henchmen, overwhelmed and outgunned, let you go, their plan thwarted. Keeping the Malfoy Heir safe is their top priority.
Dust settled down, and the other staff handled the situation, wrapping it up. Sirius stormy grey eyes met yours in the midst of chaos. His shoulder stung, a reminder of the events that had happened tonight, although it paled in comparison to the concern etched in his face as he rushes to you.
"You're not hurt, are you?" His voice was barely above a whisper as he scanned your form. Your eyes found its way on his injury, "No, I'm alright. But Sirius, you're hurt."
Sirius exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, and the world seems to slow down. "I'll live, darling. The important thing is that you're safe."
The sirens, flashing lights, and the buzz all seemed to fade out into the background as you stared into his eyes. Taking your hand in his, he placed it to his lips, pressing a kiss, his gaze never leaving yours.
"I was so afraid I'd lose you," he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice unlike anything you'd heard before. Sirius hugged you tightly, feeling him press a kiss against your hair as you leaned to his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart.
"You'll never lose me. Never in a million years, how could you when you're always close to me?"
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rottmnt-residuum · 2 years
Some Things You Aught to Know (this also the index)
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“At the end of it all, what’s left of you?”
The long reaching ramifications of an alien invasion… it all starts here. After the Kraang were defeated, the boys have taken a back step from their usual activities to heal. Which has been surprisingly easy due to sudden lack of activity from their rogue gallery. At least, until Donnie disappears.
Hi! Welcome to the side blog that hosts my comic, Residuum. This little brain baby of mine was conceived in a dream my subconscious cooked up one night and then refused to leave me in the morning! Yes, yes, very interesting, but why is that relevant? Well, my darling reader, dreams can get really, really fucked up. As suuuch, this comic gets kinda, okay a lot, fucked up ( ̄▽ ̄|||)
So, this handy dandy pinned post is both the content/trigger warnings and where to find parts. The warnings do contain some spoilers for future installments, so I’ve put them under the read more. I do stress again that this comic is fucked, but to those who don’t read the warnings:
Probably don't read this if you're squeamish. It will contain a lot of, uh. Gore. Seriously. I'm not kidding around here.
This comic will not contain anything sexual, consensual or not. Nothing implied, either. (I can’t believe I have to say this, but no incest, and yes, I am kink-shaming you.)
Directory | F.A.Q.
Parts that have gore or the more extreme tw's will be red. Parts with mild-ish tw's will be yellow. Censored versions of extreme gore will be blue.
Read it chronologically: [censored gore] [full gore] (only works on desktop as far as I am aware. also! part 17 isn't showing up in either of the links, and i don't know why...)
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[ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | part 16 | part 17 | part 18 C - part 18 G | part 19 C - part 19 G | part 20 C - part 20 G | part 21 | part 22 | part 23 | part 24 | part 25 | part 26 ] - Arc I Complete
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part 27 | part 28 | part 29 | part 30 | part 31 | part 32 | part 33 C - part 33 G | part 34 | part 35 | part 36 | part 37 | part 38 C - part 38 G | part 39 | part 40 | part 41 | part 42 | part 43 | part 44 | part 45 | part 46 | part 47 | part 48 | part 49 (September 29th)
(Updates every other Sunday)
Content/Trigger Warnings
Subject to change, I’ll tell y’all if they change when I update. They probably won’t change much, but the creative process is annoying :)
Feel free to message directly for any reason, be it clarification or something else
Desturbing Imagery, Trypophobia, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Guns, Gun Violence, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Ableism, Coercion of Minors, Solitary Confinement, Contractual Slavery, Blood & Gore, Implied Death/Actual Death, Major Character Death, Animal Death, Animal Experimentation, Dismemberment, Disembowelment, Non-Consensual Medical Procedures, Irreversible Alterations, Cannibalism, PTSD, Anatomically Correct Organs, Lobotomy, Imprisonment of Innocents, Medical Experimentation, Body Horror, Police Brutality, Corrupt Government Institutions, Xenophobia
2K notes · View notes
sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 22/22
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21
STORY 2 - Sequel
I can't believe it?? I made it, Ma!
Luci's General Suit inspired by this FANART on twt by @kajina_97
This is the COMIC that inspired me to write the whole thing because I wanted this ending so bad klajdklsa it's by @Sandranetta_13 on twt
Dk what tomorrow might entai. Might be the first chapter for the sequel?
Let me know what you guys think! Please, I'm very desperate.
I'm willing to do a Q&A regarding your thoughts. DMs and Asks are OPEN! <3
Will link the sequel here once posted
Everything was relatively normal the following week. His and Charlie's long overdue moment with no more miscommunication made Lucifer feel a whole lot better. He couldn't ask for a better daughter.
Dressing himself in one of his battle suits, he felt like he could take on the world. Nothing says King of Hell like your best warrior outfit and a badass sword in full display.
Lucifer: Looking pretty dapper there, me.
Lucifer doesn't even bother to style his hair- it now flows animatedly like that of Lilith's.
Flowers were still being sent to him especially when he was first spotted roaming around the hotel after a week-ish long recovery. Charlie had the amazing idea of making a greenhouse or some sort of garden to put all the flowers and keep them alive as long as possible.
They got rid of any red ones after someone sent a buttload of them which then caused him to have a mini panic attack. Alastor is subtly trying to take that moment off his mind by leaving Marigolds everywhere. It's sweet but soon they're going to need a separate greenhouse for just the Marigolds. Where'd he even get these??
Finding his first Marigold of the day, in the bathroom of all places really Alastor??, he makes his way to the lobby. Everyone was there doing their own thing.
Husk and Angel are at the bar as usual, with the latter talking animatedly about something that puts an endearing expression on Husk's face. Nifty is putting on roach puppet shows for Alastor. The radio demon notices him and conveys his most 'help me' face but he just chuckled and gives him a thumbs up. The cyclops named Cherri is today's gift screener, grumbling about the pollen and the shitty taste some demons have.
Charlie and Vaggie were talking to a small group of demons by the entrance. As soon as his daughter sees him, she said something to the group then walked over to him.
Charlie: Good morning, dad!
Lucifer: You look busy.
Charlie: They're sinners who are asking about the hotel! I'm so happy that people are at least coming here to check it out. Did you have a good sleep?
Lucifer: Well, I don't feel like passing out today. So pretty good!
Charlie: That's great, dad!
Angel: Short king! Looking good in that fit!
Cherri: Yeah! Do a spin, hot stuff!
He blushes at the sudden attention. Everyone is looking at him in awe- maybe it was too much?
Alastor: Nonsense, dear.
Alastor appeared beside him in a flurry of shadows, seemingly reading his mind. He bends down at Lucifer's level to whisper in his ear. He plucked the Marigold Lucifer was holding, putting it behind the King's hair.
Alastor: I, for one, think you never looked so.. raveshing~
Damn him.
Lucifer: Shut up.
Lucifer hisses in response. Like, seriously? In front of his daughter? Thank Father, Charlie didn't hear that.
Charlie: Yeah! You look so cool. I don't think I've seen you wear that except for when there's a banquet.
Lucifer: Yeah, well, I wanted to look put together after everything.
Charlie softens at his words.
Alastor: No need for that, sire. I'm sure no one is foolish enough to comment negatively on what the King of Hell chooses to look like.
Lucifer: What does that make you then?
Alastor: Privileged, my King~
Lucifer rolls his eyes at the audacity but he can't help but smile. Man, he never thought he'd miss their constant banter.
Charlie: You look awesome, dad, okay? Al, please slow down with the Marigolds, Nifty's going crazy. Oh! Dad, right, Aunt Bel called said that the Sloth Ring is making incredible progress and that she'll visit again soon. I think Aunt Bee is planning a party with the other Sins and would like it to be held here in Pride! At the hotel! It would be so cool and of course if you're not ready I can tell them and maybe a little get together would be better. I'll even invite Sev! He gave flowers for you too and Vaggie was so jealous when I said he was my ex and thought the flowers were for me, she was so cute-
Lucifer tried, but he stopped listening halfway through his daughter's talk. It was a bit of an information overload but he kept a small, genuine smile on his face for her.
Then something caught his eye that made him stopped smiling altogether.
Charlie notices this causing her to stop talking.
Charlie: Dad?
He should answer but his eyes were locked on the wall behind Charlie. Plastered on the higher part of the lobby's wall was a glowing mark- gold wings with a dot on the center.
Lucifer turns around so fast to look outside the hotel's window. Heaven looks so out of place up there, sticking out like a sore thumb upon Hell's red skies.
A glint in the distance made him act. Without warning, he took off with such force that those inside the hotel were knocked down by the gust of his wings.
He breaks the window on his way out and pulls out Lightbringer. Lucifer brings the sword up and-
A powerful explosion lit up the sky. The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over Pride. At that moment, everyone became so hot that they couldn't bear it, as if their whole body was on fire. They wanted to rip their skin off just to get a sense of relief but then the sky shut closed. A strong thump was heard by every demon in the vicinity and then they were all thrown a few meters.
It felt like an eternity before Charlie and the others could get their bearings. Those that didn't get knocked out went outside, once there, they see Lucifer far up in the sky, holding up a flaming sword. The signature pentagram of the city has been fractured by whatever happened and demons all around were either hurt or unconscious.
Charlie: Dad!
Charlie calls out to her dad but he doesn't acknowledge her. His gaze never leaving Heaven, as if he's seeing something that no one else can.
A screen locked on Hell zooms out as the machine's voice rang out 'target disengaged'.
An angel looking similarly to Lucifer, except there's blue tints on the spots where Lucifer had reds, was looking down at Hell pulling back a large, golden gun. They blew the smoke residue and sighed.
Michael: Hello, Lucifer... Still causing trouble, I see.
it's done??
cliffhanger but don't worry, there's a sequel!
I spent 30 minutes looking for that comic that inspired this ending.
Did y'all catch that Lemmino reference? I'd have that description in my head rent free ever since I watched Grazed by the Apocalypse
Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! This was my first published baby and I'm so proud !
101 notes · View notes
crappymixtape · 2 years
come back to me • part two
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PART ONE HERE • PART THREE HERE // after steve gets his heart broken by nancy, tommy dares him to try something different as a rebound, someone who isn’t his type at all, and at first he’s doing it to prove a point, but when the upside down gets involved he realizes just how he really feels • 18+ | ( 6k – violence / upside down, lots of angst, some fluff, enemies to lovers-ish, steve x reader, king!steve x reader ) REQUEST @carinacassiopeiae → king!steve, reformed!king steve x reader
C O M E B A C K T O M E • P T . 2 🎶 i don't mind falling in love with you - milk.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” Steve said, lips firmed in a line as the curly haired boy in the passenger seat gave him a look.
“What? It’s not my fault!” Dustin protested, a hand clasped to his chest.
“Oh, it’s absolutely your fault. In fact, all of you little shitheads are guilty,” glancing at himself in the rearview mirror Steve tried to get his hair to lay flat, but the cowlick in the back kept flipping out like a middle finger at 7:43am. He swore under his breath before turning back to Dustin, “I’m gonna be late for class. So Thursday? You better be at your place by 4 or your ass can start walking to the arcade.”
The younger boy’s mouth fell open, scoffing, so offended, “Uncalled for. And mean.”
“S’what you get for not being able to drive,” Steve shoved his door open and piled out, Dustin following close behind.
“Yeah, well. Once I can you’re gonna miss me!”
“Hah! Not a chance. 4 o’clock, Henderson. Not a minute later or you can get cozy with your stupid bike,” Steve shot, pointing a finger at Dustin as they parted ways, and the younger boy replied by flipping him off. Both hands. “Oh, real mature!”
“Kiss my ass!”
Grumbling, Steve let the boy have the last word and half-jogged across the quad toward the side entrance to the school where Tommy was waiting for him.
Carol was tucked in against the freckle-faced boy, mouth twisted in a grimace and Steve felt his stomach drop. The last people he wanted to see.
“The hell are you doing with that dweeb?” Tommy snarked, jerking his head back at where Dustin had gone into the computer lab.
“Just gave him a ride,” Steve lied because no one would believe him about Dart, hell sometimes even he didn’t believe himself, “His mom gave me twenty bucks.”
“Oh yeah? Well, you can just give that to me now,” Tommy shouldered into Steve, reaching a hand out and mock-grabbing at his wallet, “Its Wednesday! I don’t see you makin’ any moves yet.”
“Shut up, Tommy,” Steve shoved him off and Tommy just started laughing. Shaking his head and clicking his tongue at him.
“What? Where’s your cute little sign, Stevie boy? Tick tock!”
“I said shut up!” Steve turned and got in Tommy’s face, eyes flickering with a challenge. King Steve shit and Tommy’s grin pulled up wickedly.
“Whoa, touchy this morning. You on your period?”
“I’m gonna ask tonight.”
“Whatever you say, Harrington. You got two days left,” Tommy murmured, giving Carol a squeeze at his side and she giggled as he wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.
“Two days, King Steve,” Carol purred, a more subtle taunt, but somehow worse than Tommy and Steve jammed his tongue into his cheek, staring them both down.
He hadn’t exactly planned on jumping the question on you today, in fact he didn’t have a plan at all, but studying had gone well the last two nights. Much better than he’d expected it to and you told him he could come by again after school if he needed it, but now he was feeling nervous. Anxious. Unsure. You were being so nice to him, helping him and not asking for anything in return and here he was playing some game. Like all the assholes you said you hated and he couldn’t help the pang of guilt that squeezed tight in his chest.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” Steve muttered, shoving past them and into the school. Class couldn’t be over soon enough.
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“Scoot over.”
“What? I’m not even that close to you, there’s plenty of–”
“You’re on my side, just–” you reached a hand out to shove at Steve’s thigh, trying but failing to move him off the edge of your cushion and he only settled in further. “Seriously, Harrington?”
“Just ask the next question. C’mon, I got it,” he waved a hand at you and the notecards stacked in a pile on the side table. It earned him an eye roll and a sigh.
“You’re impossible,” you grumbled, tucking yourself as far away from him as you could and grabbed one of the flash cards, fixing him with a glare.
It was now the third day he’d come over after school to study and even though you’d told him on Monday that you needed to stop at seven he somehow managed to hang around. Weaseled his way into your room as you picked out notes on your guitar, lounging lazily on your bed while you sat in the window playing.
You almost told him you wanted to be alone, almost made him go home, but it was nice. Playing with someone else around. Nice to have someone to talk to, to laugh with, and god. The way he looked at you, eyes all brown sugar and honey, you couldn’t say no.
Especially when he told you how he liked the sound. How well you played and it didn’t seem like a ploy, wasn’t a ruse, he meant it. He actually sat and listened quietly and smiled, tapping his fingers along with the notes and it made your stomach flip over. Made you feel silly.
Because he was a jock. An asshole. King Steve. He wasn’t supposed to be all sweet and encouraging and teasing you and giving you looks like he did. Right? Right?
And now it was Wednesday and Steve Harrington sitting in your living room felt kind of normal and he was funny. Smug, but kept up with your banter and actually answered a few questions correctly for once and you wondered when it would all end. When would it all come crashing down around you? King Steve jumping out from behind the curtain with some shitty comment loaded and at the ready.
You felt your guard still up, not letting him in completely, but he was wearing you down and it scared you. What you wanted. What the feelings stirring in your chest meant. Especially when he was sitting so close and…
“When did the Revolutionary War start?” your eyes flicked up to look over at him as he picked at a loose thread on the arm of the couch.
“Uh–” he tilted his head back against the cushion and screwed his face up in thought, tongue flicking out across his lips, working through it. “April something? 1774?” he turned to you, brows lifted in hopes he got it right, but your smirk told him no and he groaned, “Jesus, can we take a break?”
“Oh, now you want a break? C’mon, 1775! That’s so easy!”
“Yeah, for you maybe! Not everyone’s a genius, genius,” he teased and you huffed a laugh. Damn him.
“Poor baby,” you snarked, nudging his knee with yours and he grumbled under his breath enough that you took pity on him. “Fine, break. I need to play a little bit anyway,” tossing the notecards back onto the table you stood from the couch and stretched, cut-off sweater lifting just high enough that the dip of your lower back peeked out and Steve couldn’t help looking.
You were right there and shit, you were cute, and his cheeks grew warm, flushed and pink, and for once in his life he didn’t know what to do.
Usually he’d reach over and grab Nancy, pulling her down into the couch with him or dig his fingers into her waist, reaching and wanting more, but this was different. You weren’t Nancy or Tammy Thompson or Allie Parker. You were different, but then he heard Tommy. Taunting. Laughing. Smirking.
I got a proposition for you. Little game, huh? I dare you to get a freak to catch feelings for you. You’re losing your grip on shit, King Steve.
He had to ask. Tonight. No, he hadn’t planned on it, but he could already see Tommy waiting for him in the quad. Arms crossed and a stupid smirk on his face. Ready to dig into him and give him shit and tell him he was a pussy. That he’d lost it over a bet and Steve already felt fed up. Anxious. Frustrated. But then he looked at you again and the anger in his chest stuttered. Would he hurt you just for the clout?
“Uh, can I stay? If it’s okay with you?” he choked out realizing he was still staring. Clearing his throat he dragged his eyes away from you and stood from his spot on the couch.
“Again?” fell out in surprise and your cheeks turned pink as his face shifted, apologetic and a little startled, and it made your stomach flip over.
“S-sorry, I can go–”
“No! No, it’s okay. I just–” you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to pick your words, “–its just funny. Steve Harrington wanting to hang out.”
His lips tugged up into a lopsided smile, brows pinched together in mild confusion, “Why is that funny?”
“Are you joking?”
Standing just a few steps apart you laughed. You couldn’t help it. It was incredulous and amused and bewildered and he tried to laugh with you, but clearly wasn’t getting it.
“Steve, look at us. Carol throws fries at me at lunch,” it might’ve been a little too deadpan, but you didn’t shy away from it and he just stood there for a minute letting your words settle in the space between you before looking down at his feet.
The first time you’d said his actual name. Not Harrington. Not dingus. Not genius. Not idiot. How was he supposed to do this? Make you fall for something that wasn’t real? It was easier when you were at school and not sat close on the couch. Easier when he didn’t know you. Easier when he hadn’t been in your room, but now…
“Yeah, she sucks.”
You snorted and covered your mouth, waiting for him to take it back, but he didn’t and you let your hand fall away. “She sucks so much,” you said, braver, and he looked over at you with a grin.
“A real piece of work.”
“Oh my god, Harrington. I’m telling,” you teased and the air grew lighter as you traced the steps to the stairs, Steve following behind you still grinning and laughing.
“Okay, but you’re gonna have to avenge me after Tommy kicks my ass.”
“Kicks your ass?”
“Yeah, you know, come to find out I’m actually shit at a fist fight. Everyone else: 2. Steve: 0.”
“Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?” you half-laughed, crinkling up your nose and looking over your shoulder at him as you reached the landing and he played it off so easy.
“Yeah and?”
“You’re a weirdo Steve Harrington.”
“Been called worse, princess.”
“Shut up.”
It was dark in your room when you reached the doorway, Steve hovering over your shoulder waiting for you to go in. As you clicked on the lamp everything was washed in gold, warm and hazy, and things fell together like they had the last two nights.
You went in first to grab your guitar. Steve followed suit and kicked his shoes off before taking up his now usual spot. Flat on his back in the middle of your bed, eyes wandering the band posters on your ceiling while you perched yourself on the window seat.
The silence between the notes you played had been uncomfortable at first and you’d felt the need to fill it with stupid conversation, but now only two days later it was easy. Or easier. Especially as Steve kicked his feet off the end of your mattress while he read one of your Thrasher magazines and you smiled a little at the thought of it.
Were you friends?
Plucking out a few chords you hummed along with it and scribbled a few more lyrics down in your tattered notebook. Steve looked up over the edge of his magazine, but didn’t say anything and you tried to ignore it, tried to keep playing, but you could feel him. Still looking.
“Can I help you?” you glanced up at him through your lashes and quirked a brow, a bit unimpressed but tolerant and he grinned.
“No, just sounds nice,” he replied, voice all sugary sweet and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“It’s hard to focus when you’re staring,” you pushed, setting your pen down and he raised his brows in mock surprise.
“Sorry, I’ll just–” Steve held up his magazine and tucked back into it and you shook your head, taking up your pen, but a few minutes later he was looking. Again.
This time you put your guitar aside and tilted your head, lips twisted half in thought and half in a scowl. “What?” you prodded, but this time he softened and you felt your stomach flip over. You wished you hadn’t asked.
“So listen,” he started, setting the magazine down and you instinctively tucked your knees into your chest, his tone making you feel all kinds of things. Anxious, anticipation, excitement? Worry. “You don’t seem like the type to go to football games or dances and all that, but–”
“Oh no. No,” you cut him off, feet hitting the floor as you abruptly stood from the window seat, “Absolutely not. Don’t finish that question.”
“Oh, c’mon princess! You don’t even know what I’m gonna–”
“And god I hate that. Don’t call me princess.”
Steve was standing now too, socked feet almost toe to toe with your bare ones as he crowded into you and you could smell fresh laundry. Mint gum. Cedar like the tree outside your window and boy. Your head felt hazy and you swallowed thick, kept your eyes on his, chin tilted up in defiance as he grinned down at you just a little.
“Why? Just go with me. To homecoming,” there, it was out now and as he looked down at you, you made a noise somewhere between a groan and a sigh.
“No, I hate that shit. It’s just a bunch of jocks parading around and slapping each other on the ass for a couple of hours before everyone crams into the gym to grind on each other,” you muttered, still a touch defensive, but softening the longer he looked at you.
“Okay, so maybe we watch a little of the game and then we can ditch. Do whatever you want,” he offered, still so close to you and you felt yourself giving in.
“Do you really want to take me?” you asked and his grin cracked, thoughts of Tommy and the bet swept out the window with the look in your eyes and he stuttered over his words.
“Y-yeah, course. W-why would I ask you if I didn’t?”
“Because. You’ve lived right there your whole life and you’ve never once said hi to me,” you pointed a finger through your curtains over to his room next door, “C’mon, Harrington. Why are you here?”
Steve’s heart was racing. He knew why he was here originally. Knew he wanted to shut Tommy up. Knew he didn’t want to admit he was losing his grip on shit. Didn’t want to be perceived as weak or whipped. Like the break up with Nancy didn’t matter, but it did. And he was hurt and he was losing his grip, but when he was with you it didn’t suck so bad and he could be himself and you laughed at his dumb jokes. Held him to his to shit and didn’t shy away and god, he liked you.
“Okay, fine. I’ve been an asshole, but can’t I change? Can’t I want to hang out with you? What’s so wrong with that?” and with those words he knew he was done playing the game, he meant what he’d said and the sudden confession felt freeing. Terrifying, but like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and he felt his heart thudding hard against his chest. Waiting for you.
You didn’t say anything for a moment, eyes searching his, looking for the punch line and waiting for the gotcha! moment, but it didn’t come and you bit the inside of your cheek. Trying to ground yourself. Trying to be realistic, but he was making it so damn hard.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” you finally said, voice soft and low, reluctantly letting your chin dip back down. “I just–”
“You just what? C’mon. Come with me. Please?”
A no bubbled up in your chest almost immediately for preservation, survivor’s instinct, and it was like he sensed it. Lifting his hand to your cheek he tucked a stray lock of hair behind your ear and as his fingers brushed against your skin you felt the embers in your chest flicker, cracking and snapping into flames. Breath hitching in your throat you took a small step back, enough to gather yourself, and looked back up at him with a small scowl.
“Fine, but I’m not staying past kickoff. And I want pizza. And ice cream. Two scoops,” you demanded and it pulled a grin from him, all smug and shit and you shook your head trying to fight off a smile of your own. “Wipe that stupid thing off your face,” you grumbled and he laughed.
“No, don’t think I will. Think I’ll keep it. People tell me I’ve got a nice smile.”
“That’s not a smile, Harrington. That’s a certified shit-eating grin and it doesn’t become you.”
“Oh yeah? Well you should try it more often, I like when you smile,” he shot back and it caught you off guard and your lips parted, trying to find words but at a loss.
I like it when you smile. I like it.
Taking another step back you curled back up on the window bench, Steve looking at you like he could do it all day, and you felt your cheeks flush. “Thanks,” came out soft, tentative, and he smiled. One that pulled up at the corner of his lips ever so gently, crinkled in the corners of his eyes, so fucking fond and sweet and he shook his head.
“You’re welcome.”
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Steve had stayed late and somewhere around eleven you forgot about your guitar and instead took up a spot next to him on your mattress. Thigh to thigh and shoulder to shoulder. Talking about school. About college. About how neither of you wanted to go because what a waste of money and maybe working at Family Video or the mall wasn’t that bad.
You told him your parents were gone a lot and it was mostly just you and your sister. Fighting over clothes and eating cereal for dinner and he’d laughed. Commiserated with you because his parents were never home and it had its perks. Staying up as late as he wanted, eating pizza all the time, no one bugging him about his grades. He’d told you to come swim in his heated pool sometime because it was like a giant hot tub this time of year and you’d blushed at the thought of him in swim trunks.
Finally he left a little after midnight, eyes heavy and reluctant, and you wondered what it would be like to fall asleep next to him. What it would be like to wake up next to him. And when you opened your eyes the next morning you saw the Thrasher magazine he’d thumbed through sitting just under your pillow.
Most nights you didn’t dream, but last night. Oh last night. You’d dreamt of Steve. And that smile. The one that made your stomach flip over. The one that made you feel dizzy. Wrapped itself around you soft and warm like summer and oh my god he’d asked you to Homecoming.
Well. To kickoff and then pizza and ice cream and you’d agreed, but what was happening? You couldn’t deny the feelings that were flickering under the surface. The ones that only happened when you had a stupid crush, and they were made even worse by the fact that it was Steve.
Steve Harrington.
King Steve.
It all felt like a joke, but he’d been so sincere standing there in your room, glowing in the soft light from your lamp and maybe you’d been too hasty. Too caught up in how it made you feel and as you rolled over to look out the window you thought maybe you should cancel. Tell him you weren’t feeling well. Find Eddie on Friday instead and go smoke out under the bleachers and make fun of all the cheerleaders, but as you turned your cheek into your pillow you caught fresh laundry. Spearmint. Cedar and Steve and dammit. Who were you kidding, you couldn’t cancel.
You left the house way earlier than usual to avoid having to see him, the maroon BMW still sitting in his driveway. It wasn’t like you to shy away from anyone, but this was all so new. Uncharted. Untouched and unknown and maybe if you saw him again alone something bad would happen. He’d realize he’d fucked up and take it all back. So you’d wait until first period science and it’d be better. Right?
“Tommy,” Carol was practically whining, sitting in Tommy’s lap with his head tucked into her neck and he huffed a laugh against her skin pulling a breathless giggle from her.
Wrong. Not better.
Paired up into groups of four you were all crowded around the square desks with beakers and vials of liquids and materials for an experiment and of course your group had landed you with Steve. And Tommy and Carol.
“Seriously?” you muttered under your breath, putting a hand up to your face between you and the disgusting display of PDA happening across the table.
“Sorry,” Steve had muttered under his breath to you, sheepish and shying away from it just as much as you were. He knew he’d been just as bad with Nancy and watching it now made him feel like an idiot.
He’d tried to help a little, but Tommy kept distracting him and surprise. You were carrying the majority of the work. Taking all the notes, prepping everything Mr. Nelson had set out for the experiment, even wrote down the stupid equation used to find the correct amounts of elements, but no one cared.
You felt yourself growing irritated. At tweedle dee and tweedle dum for sucking face in class. At Steve for not helping you and as the bunson burner flickered under your beaker full of liquid, you watched Steve’s friends through the glass.
“You like that? Huh, babe? Wanna skip seventh period? Meet me in the bathroom?” Tommy grinned into Carol’s mouth and you make an overly noisy gagging sound.
Turning to look at you, Tommy caught your gaze through the beaker and smirked. His freckled cheeks pulling up with it as he chewed on his gum.
“What? You jealous?” he teased, voice edging on mean, “Bet you’d be a wild one if you loosened up.”
“C’mon, man,” Steve’s tone was short, clipped and irritated. He’d been sitting quiet the whole time, tolerating and ignoring it all, but when Tommy turned to you something in him snapped. Cheeks flushed and embarrassed at his friends he threw a pencil across the table and it only made Tommy grin wider.
“In your fucking dreams, Hagan. What, is Carol too boring for you?” you shot, wanting to slap the look off his face as heat crept up your chest and the shock on Carol’s face was worth it.
Tommy’s smirk fell a bit as he watched you, eyes narrowing as he considered what he wanted to say. No one challenged him like that, not even Steve who was grinning down at the table. You were quick and shit. He loved it, but Tommy didn’t.
“Nah, we’re good here, but I bet Harrington’d show you a good time. Maybe after Homecoming, you’re going together right?” Tommy snarked, licking along his lips, waiting for Steve to take the bait.
Your eyes pulled away from Tommy to look at Steve, quick wit and sharp words stolen away from you by the way your stomach lurched.
The punchline you’d been waiting for.
“Christ,” Steve hissed, face flushed like you’d never seen before and he nearly jumped across the table to smack a hand over the other boy’s mouth. He gave Tommy a look. A warning. Shut up. But it only pushed the other boy to go further.
“Seriously, I got a twenty in my wallet. C’mon Stevie boy, show her how it’s done–“
“Can you tell Nelson I went to the nurse? M’not feeling very good all of a sudden,” you didn’t let Tommy finish and glared at Steve, throat tightening as you tried to push down the emotion welling up in your chest.
You shoved yourself away from the table a little too harshly and the glass beaker clattered against its metal stand as you grabbed your things and headed for the door.
“Awh, c’mon! I’m only teasing, sweetheart!” Tommy mock-pleaded, snickering between his words as Carol watched amused and smug from the safety of his lap.
Steve opened his mouth to tell him to shut up, defend you even, but it didn’t matter anymore. You were already gone.
“God, Tommy. You’re such an asshole,” Steve snatched his binder from the table and hurried out the door after you.
You could hear Steve’s shoes slapping against the hallway tile behind you, trying to catch up, but you didn’t slow down. Heart hammering in your chest you tried to suck in deep breaths, tried to calm yourself down, but god you were angry.
“Hey! Just wait!” and Steve’s hand caught yours, hitching your steps and spinning you around to look up at him.
“What?” you hissed, flinging his hand off of yours and hurt flickered in his eyes for a second.
“I just–”
“You just what?” you said again, just as firm, just as plain, waiting for him to cook up some excuse and his lips parted but nothing came out. “I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. You’re just as bad as he is,” you pointed back down the hall to Tommy. To Carol. All cut from the same fucking cloth. You turned to walk away and Steve grabbed your hand again.
“Please,” he said voice edging on pleading and you spun around, walking right up to him so that your shoes were almost toe-to-toe.
“Twenty bucks? This was all a joke, right? Is that what I am to you? A joke?”
“No! No, I like hanging out with you now that–” but Steve caught his slip up and swallowed the rest of his words, watching as your cheeks burned bright under the bad florescent lighting.
“Now? What the hell does that mean?”
“Well–I just mean that, y-you know, we weren’t really friends before and–”
“God,” you choked out, willing the tears away that were stinging at the corners of your eyes, “Save it, Harrington. Good luck on your stupid test.”
And you didn’t wait, didn’t give him another chance to defend himself, so damn frustrated with yourself for trusting him. For letting him into your room. Letting him listen to you play your guitar and oh my god. For helping him.
Slamming your hands into the cold metal push bar of the exit door you ran out through the quad and slipped in the gravel between the gym and computer lab. Sweater catching on the brick as you slid down the wall to the floor, you buried your head in your hands. Hiding. Trying your best to undo all the delusions you’d dreamed up about Steve being different.
Because no. Steve Harrington was an asshole. Nothing had changed and you were a fool for believing it could.
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Somehow you made it through the rest of the day. Passed a pop quiz in math and ate your lunch alone the bathroom. Steve wasn’t in any of your other classes until seventh period, Click’s class, and when you slammed your locker shut you looked down the hallway to see him walking up from the opposite direction.
He looked wrecked. Like he’d been punched and when his eyes met yours you scowled. A deep pinch between your brows, hoping he felt just how angry you were and he couldn’t hold your gaze. Glancing away for a minute confirmed that he was a coward and you took some solace in it, but decided you didn’t want to go to class. You hadn’t missed one yet this year and Click could deal.
You didn’t have a car and as you walked across the parking lot a rumble of thunder growled in the distance. Fantastic. A walk home in the rain sounded great.
Tugging your coat around your frame you felt the air shift, a drop in temperature, and it was slow at first. Little drops here and there. Pattering soft against the pavement as you hurried between the cars, but they got bigger and bigger until another clap of thunder cracked the sky in two and then it poured.
Almost halfway home and you were soaked. Shoes squelching with each step you took. Rain dripping off the hood of your coat and onto your face where it mingled with the tears streaming down your cheeks. Cars sped by you on the road, tires kicking up water as they went loud and wet and you almost didn’t hear one slowing down over the rain until a horn honked.
“Hey! Are you crazy? Get in!”
Squeezing your eyes shut you stopped, rain still dumping down on you and the voice called again.
“C’mon! Please?”
It wasn’t too much further, but it was so damn cold. The rain didn’t show any sign of stopping and you weren’t an idiot, so against your better judgement you turned and hurried back the short distance to the maroon BMW idling on the side of the road and climbed into the passenger seat.
The loud smack of rain on the road was sliced in two as you shut your door, leaving you and the boy in the driver’s seat in silence.
You didn’t look at Steve, instead tangling your hands in your hair to wring out the water onto your lap, but you could see him stealing glances out of the corner of your eye. If you opened your mouth you knew you’d say things you’d regret, knew you’d be too mean with it, so you bit your lips in between your teeth and stared at the tiny grooves and patterns on the dash.
“Silent treatment? Seriously?” Steve finally asked, voice low. Miserable and unsure and it pulled your eyes up to look at him.
He was a sight. Hair stuck wet and messy across his forehead, probably from running out after you into the rain. Drips of water beading along his lashes, the tip of his nose, the line of his jaw. Still so damn pretty even when he was a wreck and the anger in your chest flickered at the how your thoughts betrayed you.
“Yeah. Seriously,” you said matter-of-factly, holding his gaze, making sure he saw just how hurt you were and he loosed a heavy sigh.
“I’m really sorry,” he tried, turning so he could see you a little better and god he did look sorry. You’d honestly never seen anyone look more sorry in your life, but Tommy’s stupid laugh echoed in your head and you screwed your eyes shut.
“That doesn’t fix it, Harrington,” came out wobbly and you swallowed the lump in your throat, pushing yourself forward, he needed to hear it. “You think you’re untouchable, like you run shit, and maybe you do right now, but tell me its worth it. Is it worth it?”
His face shifted, pained, his eyes dropping to the center console as he ran a hand through his wet hair. It wasn’t. He knew it wasn’t as soon as he saw Tommy that morning. Knew it wasn’t when you’d said yes to going out with him. He thought maybe he knew it all along, but couldn't admit it.
“No,” he finally managed, shaking his head, “No. It’s not and I’m really sorry.” When he looked back up at you, you felt like he sucker punched you. Either he was a fantastic actor or he’d meant what he’d just said. No doubt about it and you roughed your hands over your face.
“Please just drive me home,” you said quietly, leaning your head against the window all fogged up from the moisture and wet clinging to your bodies.
“Yeah. Okay,” he agreed and pulled back onto the main road, still stealing glances at you. Checking to see if you were alright. If you needed anything. If you’d listened to him.
He weaved through the puddles in the road, lightening rippling across the sky ahead of you through the windshield and he didn’t push. Didn’t make you talk. Didn’t want answers right away and instead settled into the quiet.
You wished you could go back to how it was before. Go back to seeing Steve in his room across the side yard from yours throwing a tennis ball against he wall. Back to him floating in his pool while you read your book, safely tucked away in your room. Back to walking past him in the hallway at school and saying nothing, but you knew you couldn’t now. Knew things had changed and you wondered at it. What would it be now?
Looking out the window you realized you’d missed the turn at the hospital down your road and were off toward the Steel Mill now.
“Harrington, this isn’t our street,” you grumbled, fixing him with a look as he pulled off into a driveway you didn’t recognize and threw the BMW into park.
“I know, I know. I just gotta check something really quick. I promise, like, five minutes and then I’ll take you home. Okay?” he gave you an apologetic look, a real one and you groaned, but relented. Shaking your head and leaning back against the window.
“Whatever, just hurry up,” you muttered and he nodded.
“I promise,” he said again before popping the trunk and hopping out of the car into the rain.
You didn’t know whose house this was, but you’d recognized Barb’s place on the way and there was a bike tossed against the garage that you knew you’d seen before. The curly-haired kid with the walkie talkie?
Catching Steve in the rearview mirror you saw him grab something from the trunk before slamming it shut and as he ran up the walk a flash of lightening caught silver. Lit up what it was he had held tight in his hands.
The bat. Full of nails. And when he wrenched the front door open you caught strings of Christmas lights, but it wasn’t even Thanksgiving yet. What the hell was going on?
Crawling over into the driver’s seat you unrolled the window, feeling a little braver, a little bolder, and strained your ears to see if you could hear anything. Hear why the hell Steve Harrington needed a bat full of nails or why someone put Christmas lights up this early and for a minute it was quiet. Normal. Not unusual.
Until you saw it.
The colored lights in the windows started to flicker erratically. Flashing and blinking and stuttering against the paned glass and your brow furrowed. Power outage? But then a high pitched screech pierced the air and you jumped in your seat. Not human. Not animal. Something else and goosebumps trailed up your arms. And then a yell, this one human, and your stomach lurched.
“Oh shit! Oh shit, oh shit!”
“Jesus, gimme the bat! The bat!”
You didn’t know what was going on, but something was horribly wrong and mad him or not, fuck if you were gonna sit around and wait. Fingers wet and slipping against he handle on the car door you flung it open and sprinted through the mud and the rain toward the house.
He might’ve been an asshole, but said it himself, Steve Harrington was shit in a fist fight and lucky for him you had a hell of a swing.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist
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baronessblixen · 11 months
Fictober 2023
All the stories in one place. A huge thank you to everyone for their support this month.
Day 1: Secret Spots - This is cotton candy-flavored fluff set after "Millennium": Mulder and Scully go to Mrs. Scully's house and find themselves all alone for a moment...
Day 2: Just in Case - This is angst/hurt/comfort with a dash of hopeful cheesiness. Starts off in Dod Kalm (yes, you read that right). Mulder decides to be brave in what he believes to be his last moments on earth.
Day 3: The Deepest Cut - Diana/IVF angst (with a soft ending): Scully is already upset about a colleague's pregnancy and then Diana shows up and makes things worse.
Day 4: Always Expect The Unexpected - Some soft, fluffy silliness today: Scully and Mulder see her mother out on a date with... A.D. Skinner?
Day 5: If I Were The King of The World - Fluffy-fluff set in Detour: We get to see a bit more of Scully singing to Mulder...
Day 6: In The Blink Of An Eye - Angst/Mulder in peril: Mulder happens to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time...
Day 7: Glimpses of October - Post-IWTB/Pre-Revival vignette: Mulder watches his son play in the fallen leaves. Or is he?
Day 8: A Very Queequeg Morning - Hurt/comfort AND humor after "Pusher": Mulder doesn't mind Scully showing up at his apartment after the case at all. Only problem: she's not alone.
Day 9: Talk Vanilla to Me - Rated M/banter/humor(?): Mulder can't sleep, but luckily, Scully is there to listen… and maybe more.
Day 10: Wishes - Fluff(?) post "Je Souhaite": Mulder wants to know what Scully's wishes would have been.
Day 11: Always Partners - Set in season 6, hurt/comfort, some angst: Kersh puts Scully on another case without Mulder and once again she gets hurt.
Day 12: The Easiest Choice - Fluff, rewrite of the last scene in "Existence": Mulder asks Scully what she's going to name the baby.
Day 13: Don't Forget The Cake - Fluff-ish, season 6: Diana throws Mulder a surprise birthday party. Chaos ensues.
Day 14: Preparation is Everything - Fluff, set after "Alone": With Mulder being unemployed, and Scully on maternity leave, they spend their time thinking about furniture, baby names, and all the ways their lives will change.
Day 15: Temporary Insanity - Angsty first kiss fill-in for "Paper Clip": What happened on that elevator ride?
Day 16: Mothers Always Know - Post-ep (sort of) for "Chimera", fluff: It's the Sunday morning after Mulder stayed over at Scully's and he has a somewhat awkward run-in with her mother.
Day 17: In Sickness And in Health - Hurt/comfort post-"Arcadia": They're on their way back home from The Falls at Arcadia when Scully gets sick.
Day 18: Beautiful In My Eyes - UST-filled post-ep fic: Mulder thinks Scully is the most beautiful person wherever she goes. She doesn't believe him so he tries to make her see it his way.
Day 19: It's Us Against The World - Angst, canon divergence for "Nothing Important Happened Today": No matter what Kersh said, Scully doesn't want Mulder to leave her and the baby. But what choice do they have?
Day 20: Shooting Stars - Mulder and Scully sharing a bed during two nights in The Rain King. After a first awkard night, what happens during the second one after the party ?
Day 21: No Longer Stuck In The Past - A different kind of post-episode fic for "The Unnatural": After his and Scully's baseball date, Mulder runs into Diana.
Day 22: Cookie Theft and Other Crimes - How the Ghosts Stole Christmas post-ep, hurt/comfort, angst, fluff - all the fixings: Bill Jr. runs into Mulder in the middle of the night and it goes as well as you might expect.
Day 23: You're Not Welcome Here - AU in which Diana didn't die and Mulder didn't leave after "Existence": Scully and William are waiting for Mulder when no other than Diana Fowley walks into the basement office.
Day 24: Rules Are Rules - Set in season 7, fluff: They're not supposed to share a room while on assignment. But aren't rules meant to be broken anyway?
Day 25: Another Banner Year - Set after "Our Town", before "Anasazi": Melissa shows up at her sister's apartment, demanding a few answers.
Day 26: I Saw Your Face In A Dream - AU where Mulder and Scully meet on karaoke night at a bar.
Day 27: Christmas With You By My Side - Sequel to day 22 "Cookie Theft And Other Crimes" but can be read as a stand-alone: What happens when Mulder wakes up with Scully in his arms?
Day 28: The Truth Is (Not) Found In A Glass of Whiskey - All Mulder wanted to do was drop off a report. Now he has to deal with a drunk Skinner.
Day 29: Glass Half Full - Sequel to "The Truth Is (Not) Found In A Glass of Whiskey": It's the morning after and Skinner wakes up with a hangover - and remembers way too much from the previous night.
Day 30: Feelings You Can't Hide - A post-ep for "Bad Blood" obviously. A jealous Mulder, an attempt at humor and the hint of angst may be found here.
Day 31: Trick or Treat - IVF arc, angsty fluff: They're supposed to go to the Gunmen's Halloween party, but there's something they need to make sure of first.
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transmurderbug · 2 months
🪱Weekly Tag Wednesday🪱
Thank you for the tags Macy @heymacy, Evie @energievie, Pie @gallapiech, Kat @mybrainismelted, Rory @roryonic
Kak @stocious and Keely @thepupperino 🥰 you all get a cookie: 🍪
name: Sky 🪲
age: It's not my turn to have it.
location: Underwater in a nice cave.
top sheet, yes or no? English bed vocabulary will never not confuse me. Just give me a blanket.
how many stuffed animals do you own? A LOT. I'll have to count them one day. I collected them as a child and never got rid of them.
the names of your pets (and the explanations behind them): My dog is Muri, which translates to "spree" or "fun", more or less. He got his name when he was being transported to our shelter. I don't know the exact reason, but I always thought it was because when he wags his tail, his entire body moves like a snake and that's "muris", so "funny", basically. My cockatiel is called Pogi. It stems from the word "pogácsa" which is this slavic/balkan/(Hungarian) puff pastry. Pogi is the shortened version of the word, and my brother named him.
favorite color: I only ever managed to narrow it down to four colors, black, blue, green and orange.
any tattoos? Ask me again in... [checks calendar] 7 days!
how you transport your belongings (purse, tote, hands, pockets, etc.): Bag and pockets. I have my system.
the last movie you watched: The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) with @creepkinginc and @ian-galagher. It was fun!
how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 20-ish minutes.
favorite weather: That very specific one that happens around the end of September, when it's cool already, but still happy summer-y warm. Also rainy. And I love the snow.
relationship status: Single.
ice cream flavor of choice: Hmmm. Menthol+chocolate. It sounds weird, but it's lovely.
first fandom: Good question. Supernatural, I think?
how many books have you read this year? I have NO idea.
first 4 words of your last notes app entry: Paradicsom (tomato), olaj (oil), sajt (cheese), tojás (egg). Why isn't this in my shopping list folder though.
and finally, if you had to change your URL tomorrow, what would you change it to? No please, it was so hard to come up with this one (and I didn't do it alone, thank you Kaka for the input again :ianguestwomb:). Maybe murderbug. So creative, I know.
I cant believe how on time I am! Be proud of me please.
Tags below the cut, join if you wanna, if not, here, have some ice cream: 🍦
@ian-galagher @creepkinginc @transmickey @spacerockwriting @palepinkgoat
@jrooc @deathclassic @blue-disco-lights @spookygingerr @lee-ow
@look-i-love-u @sam-loves-seb @ms-moonlight-inn @lupeloto
@sickness-health-all-that-shit @sleepyheadgallavich @darlingian @transsexual-dandelions @mickittotheman and anyone I'm forgetting.
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blue-disco-lights · 5 months
✨ Weekly Tag Wednesday ✨
Honored and delighted to be tagged by @heymacy @mybrainismelted @energievie @stocious @deedala
@spookygingerr @lingy910y @roryonic @mmmichyyy @sgtmickeyslaughter
@jrooc & @ardent-fox - thank you! i love these chances to get to know everyone better each week!
name: julia
age: X=(Nosho)x2
your time zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) / UTC -8 (it's a pleasure to hang out with you Australians on discord at night!)
what do you do for work? manage operations for a small agency
do you have any pets? a cat and a dog who are the most reluctant roommates and eat each other's food
what first drew you to this fandom? i was perusing the schitts creek subreddit in 2021 and someone recommended the show, specifically these mysterious mickey and ian characters. I was looking for a new show so in i went... and i have yet to emerge! This is really my first fandom and i can’t believe how nice and SO talented everyone here is!
are you a morning person or a night owl? for those of us who stay up late reading fics and then wake up early and read fics, this is a tricky question...
what are your hobbies? reading, galladrabbling, learning to draw a little, walking with audiobooks
how tall are you? 5' 6”-ish
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? I’ve toyed with chicago, but considering how california i am, i’d probably freak out the minute the temp got below 45 degrees F (7 C?)
favorite color? aquamariney-blue
favorite book? tough question! one that comes to mind right now is Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
favorite movie?  I can watch Pride & Prejudice (2005) anywhere anytime
favorite fic? Well this is basically impossible. None the Wiser, ORFNSP, You Deserve Good Things, Like Real People Do, and and and ...
favorite musical artist: new order & depeche mode, as this will answer the above age question for you
what is your average screen time so far this week? uhh… i do a lot of stuff on my phone ok??
what's the first app you open in the morning? instagram & discord
how long have you been on tumblr?  2 years
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: there’s a chance i might still be able to do a cartwheel
(note: tumblr is glitching and can only tag 5 people per line!) I'm late today, but I shall still tag you
@krysmiss @suzy-queued @palepinkgoat @ms-moonlight-inn @mickeysgaymom
@tv-obssessions @astaraels @too-schoolforcool @bawlbrayker @deathclassic
@transmurderbug @ian-galagher @sandrashaine @francesrose3 @doshiart
@jademickian @piefrans @sweetbee78 @vintagelacerosette @gillyp
@gembu-tortuesouscafeine @heymrspatel @jessieoneday @callivich @look-i-love-u
@creepkinginc and anyone who I've missed and would like to play!
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breezy141 · 8 months
༺♡༻ similar stories || simon ‘ghost’ riley ༺♡༻
༻✦༺ part two ~ basement ༻✦༺
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“y/n!” you heard your name being called out from somewhere within the house, without being fully awake you hummed in response. the cosy duvet was so warm and soft, wasn’t like anything you were used to, you didn’t want to leave. as you were snuggling deeper into the warm bed you heard the basement door open and heavy footsteps getting closer to you.
“christ i’ve been calling you for ages, get up” the man was wearing the dressing gown and slippers but now he had blue joggers on. his loud voice startled you, but nonetheless you slowly sat up.
“i’m sorry, this bed is so comfy. ive never felt something so soft” he furrowed his eyebrows but nodded in response. “well, come on then. your breakfast will be going cold soon” you nodded and climbed out of bed.
“you can use to bathroom upstairs, the one down here doesn’t work to well. it’s on your left as soon as you walk up the stairs” you smiled as he walked off heading back up.
yawning, you grabbed an oversized jumper and some baggy jeans as well as fluffy socks. you cursed to yourself as you realised that through your frantic packing you had completely forgotten to pack a hairbrush. you attempted to use your fingers to brush out any knots, praying it would work, you made your way to the bathroom.
the bathroom was way bigger then yours, but not too big. you did your business, washed your hands and then headed towards the lovely smell of bacon. “do you want a drink? orange juice? cup of tea or coffee?” god what a luxury
“i’ll have orange juice please” you took a seat at the small dinner table that was in the kitchen, you mindlessly looked around. he had a few succulent plants dotted around, as well as an impressive rack of herb and spices next to his microwave.
“here you are” he turned around and handed you a plate full of different foods, as well as your juice. “thank you so much, although i may not be able to eat all of this if that isn’t to much of a problem. i’m not used to a big-ish portion like this” he nodded and took his own seat next to you.
“just eat what you can” you nodded and began eating the food, a small smile crept onto your face. it was lovely, the feeling was short lived before before he began asking you questions.
“what’s your plan?” he asked before taking a sip of his coffee, you swallowed and met his eye “i don’t really have one to be honest, i just had to get out of my home” he nodded.
“what happened?” he dove back into his food, eating slow and proper, unlike you. he could tell you were hesitant to explain. “i offered you a place in my home for the night, you at least owe me an explanation” you nodded.
“my mother wasn’t the kindest of people, and i don’t mean that in a bratty teenagers way. if you get me” he nodded waiting for you to elaborate.
“my mum used to make me cook all the food from a young age, 7 id say, it was only so she could bring another man home that she could have a quick one with and send home the next morning. sometimes..she would make me be apart of it. if i said no she’d beat me black n’ blue. my brother was forced to watch as it was to ‘teach him a lesson’ as she’d say. he was only young when it started”
the man seemed to actually listen to every word you said. although, he never responded. instead he waited for you to finish eating before he started talking.
“here’s what i’m going to offer you y/n, i don’t believe in all those camps for kids shit, yeah? they don’t work and they only care about money” you listened as he spoke.
“i’ll offer you a permanent place” eyes widening, you sat up straight.
“however, there are a few rules. one, you find yourself a job and earn some money, you can buy whatever your heart desires as well as pay me board. i could support the both of us however i want you to understand how life works. rule two, you look after my house while i’m away, which i’ll give you the dates for and that means proper cleaning, no friends around, and no snooping. rule three, you respect me and anyone else who walks through that door as well as the rules. we clear?”
it was a lot to take in however you were good at sticking to rules. “yes sir”
“was starting to get worried! didn’t think you were gonna make it, it’s your own celebration!” a cheerful voice shouted out to you. ah, gaz aka kyle garrick.
“i know i know i’m sorry!” giggling to yourself at the extremely energetic fella. you took a seat next to Cap, he flashed a cheesy smile to you, in which you returned one. “so, how did you manage to become to owner of one of the biggest cafes in this little town?” johnny asked plonking himself next to another one of his colleagues.
ghost. aka. simon riley. he doesn’t talk to you much, well, doesn’t talk to anyone much. but he seems to enjoy it when he’s alone.
“honestly i have no idea, but i do know i would not have do that if it wasn’t for the man sitting next to me!” you cheerfully said, looking over to the bearded man.
“don’t be silly, you did this on your own. proud of you kid. certainly different from the rest of us, but we get a free coffee when we go down there” he smiled down at you, clearly looking impressed. you, yourself, wouldn’t have even guessed you’d be sat here celebrating you becoming the owner of one of, if not the biggest, cafe in your area. it was a huge milestone for you.
“proud of you lass, came a long way” tears pricked at your eyes dont cry don’t cry don’t cry you kept saying to yourself. you were extremely sensitive, you weren’t used to this type of praise but you certainly weren’t against it.
“awhh don’t be all sappy johnny” he put his hands up in defense. “well, we are all thinking it. even this big pile of stone” he said flinging his arm around ghost.
“yeah” is all he said in response, you felt sorry for him in all honesty. you could tell he didn’t want to be here, which you had no problem in. not everyone is a huge fan of social gatherings, you certainly not a fan.
after a few more hours of chinwag and pizza slices, everyone decided it was time to turn in. saying your good nights and hugging people, apart from the obvious person, you made your way to the basement when your official room was.
it was 100x more cosy then what it used to be, you had added plants, string lights, endless amounts of decoration and a new lick of paint on the walls which were losing their colour.
you took of your makeup and got into something more comfy.
*knock knock*
“come in” a surprising face, well mask, approached you. “is everything okay?” you asked, while studying him. he was in a balaclava type thing, only his chocolate brown eyes on show, he had short-ish light eyelashes and freckles dotted sparingly over his nose and cheek bones. he nodded. he even studied you.
you watched as his eyes traced over the scar on your cheek, it went from the top of your temple to the bottom of your jaw. it was faded by now, but you couldn’t miss it.
“wanted to say congrats. was quiet outside” gosh he was blunt, but you understood it wasn’t something he could control.
you smiled “thank you simon” he nodded “it’s nice down here, cosy” he stated looking around “ yea, took me awhile to figure out just how i wanted it” he nodded.
“well, goodnight y/n”
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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Pairing: Kirishima X Reader
Warnings: Hurt//Comfort. Injuries & Hospitalizations.
Word Count: 1k ish
A//N: I’ve been in a coffee shop AU mood so I present to you, this fuckin’ thing. It’s not proofed or anything. Thanks @meggsngrits for letting me ramble this morning. Ily ♥︎
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Ever since Kirishima switched agencies, started his own, he’s been going to the same little coffee shop every single morning.
The lines were usually long but he never cared. He’d wake up with plenty of time to wait his turn and order his coffee with far too much cream and just a pinch of sugar and the box of half dozen little donut holes that he savored each and every morning.
Of course, seeing your pretty face first thing bright and early was always a bonus. He might’ve even developed a little crush on you— if only he knew you’d been harboring one for him too…
You couldn’t forget the day Red Riot walked into your coffee shop. The way he stood well over a foot taller than most of your other customers. And then there was his bright red hair and his blindingly bright grin. Too bright for 7 AM.
Just because you ran a coffee shop didn’t exactly mean you were a morning person…
Kirishima made it easier though (you only called him Red Riot once since he asked you to call him Kirishima from the moment you wrote his name on that first paper cup). For almost two years now you wrote his name down 6 days a week. Sometimes 7 if he came in on his day off.
You got to know the man over 3 minute conversations. While you pour equal amounts of coffee to cream in that paper cup. You learned when he had late patrols, when he had office days. You learned to pick up on his moods, the man wore them on his sleeve. You saw him with fresh injuries and watched as they healed, adorning his hands, arms, and face with new scars, but none were ever bad enough to make him miss a morning.
The first morning he did miss, you assumed he’d finally gotten a much needed extra day off. The following day was his scheduled day off and the next he wasn’t in either. He must’ve taken a long weekend.
Good. You couldn’t think of anyone more deserving.
But then rumors started circling. You saw them on the front page of a tabloid first:
The Sturdy Hero Red Riot - - Breakable After All
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Ignoring the line of people you and making them increasingly mad, you flipped to the article that you knew better than to believe. They exaggerated everything after all. 80% of what was in this was plain false but you read it anyway.
There wasn’t much to go on. Just that there was a battle and Kirishima had fallen while protecting a group of civilians as well as his own sidekicks. He was in critical condition at a local hospital.
“Yeah, it’s true, don’t know how they got the info though. We do everything we can to keep Pro’s identities hidden while they’re in our care,” you friend told you on the phone after work that night. “Your crush is stable though. But, he’s still in a coma…”
The week that followed had never been more bleak. People seemed more irritable, hardly any of them had a smile, or maybe it was just none of them compared to Kirishima’s. Either way, you had to do something.
So, you start to make his order every morning before opening. Pouring the coffee into a to-go cup and packing 6 donut holes plus one extra for good luck.
You’d walk down to the hospital and leave the order with your friend to drop off all before opening the store up for the day.
He hadn’t woken up yet. But when he did, you wanted him to have his favorite treat. The coffee would probably be cold but at least the donuts would still be tasty.
Days turned into weeks that you kept up your little ritual and you had every intention of waking up the next morning and doing it all over again but, you’d been putting up the chairs when the bell above the front door rang. “Sorry, we’re—“
It’d been almost a month since you’d seen him. The longest you’d gone since he first showed up nearly two years ago. His dark roots were poking through matching the stumble that was covering his jaw but, other than that, he looked like the same smiling Kirishima you’d been falling in love with over paper cups and donut holes.
You clutched a mug so tightly between your hands it threatened to shatter, just trying to process that he was here in front of you again with that to-go cup in his hand.
He stayed close to the door but cleared his throat. “They told me I was out for a bit.” What a fat understatement that was. “Pretty sure it was your coffee and donuts that brought me back around… I never feel fully awake until I get my cup. So, I just wanted to drop by and say thank you but I know you’re closed so, I’ll just see ya—“
“Do you want a fresh cup?” You blurted out and his hand hovered on the door handle. “I brought that this morning. It’s gotta be ice by now.”
His smile was as soft as the first day you saw him. “Only if you have a cup with me.”
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morningstarbee · 10 months
One of the things about Season 1 Hannigram that i think about a lot is that we know S1 takes place over around 4-6 months, so we also know that we don't see a lot of Will and Hannibal's friendship.
Like they have a standing appointment every week, and we only ever see 15-ish of their appointments. But this is including all the times Will shows up to Hannibal's office unannounced or at a time that's clearly earlier in the morning (when we know his appointment is at 7:30pm). There were also probably weeks he missed it entirely.
Like when is the first time Will went to Hannibal's house? He shows up there in distress after sleepwalking in 1x5 Coquilles, but we don't know if he showed up there on his own, or called ahead and Hannibal invited him there. Was that his first time?
He's there and then dips before the dinner party in 1x7 Sorbet, and is clearly comfortable enough not only showing up, but just walking in like he owns the place by 1x8 Fromage. Also, does Hannibal just leave his door unlocked? Or does Will have a key? Because we know Hannibal at least temporarily had a spare key to Will's house to feed his dogs in 1x4 Euf. (That he probably "forgot" to return or made a copy of to plant evidence later.)
Will also just walks in to his office a lot. He clearly knows Hannibal's patient schedule, because he never seems to accidentally interrupt a session. He seems to show up between patients, or even before Hannibal's first patient. Sometimes it looks like Hannibal is arranging his desk and looking over notes while Will is pacing around and it's clearly light out.
Actually, when was the first time Will ate dinner at Hannibal's home? He's having dinner with him, Abigail, and Freddie Lounds in 1x9 Trou Nourmand, but that can't be the first time right?
So many of their scenes together start mid-conversation and end before they part ways.
I just love how many places there are to fill in the gaps. How all those spaces can imply something deeper than what they could accomplish by trying to show all of it.
I choose to believe gay things happened in those missing scenes.
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inazumaclown · 1 year
finally. the gouenji post where i rate his looks (soccer and school uniforms excluded).
gouenji is the face of the franchise along with endou and kidou, he has his own manga spinoff, and he's regularly elected as a fan favourite in every popularity contest.
canonically, gouenji has a huge fanclub of girls rooting for him and it's definitely not only because soccer.
so why is he so popular ?
well mostly because he's non verbal most of the time (girls love boys who can shut up), he makes bomb ass takoyaki, and he's also very handsome. but are his clothes helping or is he THAT handsome ? let's find out.
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ah, the OG season 1 classic. the first ever outfit. he looks great. orange is as much his color as it is endou's, it suits him very well. we already know gouenji is careful with his looks, since he canonically spikes his hair every morning, and now, we can be sure the fucker knows how to dress himself. he knows how to make colors match, he even matches the sunset. truly unparalleled.
if kazemaru didn't exist, i would have fell in love with him. 10/10
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OG season 2. man i want that hoodie. i want it so much. it's as cool in the game as it is in the anime.
i really like how this outfit manages to hide him and completely reveal him at the same time. the orange color, the fucking saiyen hairstyle under the hood. this dumbass had to keep the spikes even though he knew he had to hide them under a fucking hoodie that would ruin his work. it's called dedication. 11/10
before moving on to GO, (where the problems lies mostly), let's talk about two out of category looks.
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i love gouenji's looks in the games, especially the very first. he looks like a whole different character, way more rebellious and loudmouthed with his frosted tips, jet black eyes and eyebrows, unbuttoned jacket (we'll talk about those) and single earring. he looks very homosexual. 10/10
after the first game tho, they dropped the delinquent look and he got the inverted pikachu treatment, they made him rounder. a little saddened but not complaining, they kept the best features. 8/10
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one day i'll talk about the orion endings in detph, with all the emotions they triggered in me. persisting in giving him a hood is funny though. 7/10
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the ishido shuuji outfit. iconic.
my man looks EXPENSIVE and that's great. i can see the first game gouenji in him. i cannot tell if he's gay or european. the raybans, the blood read suit, the slutty unbuttoned shirt, the jewelry, the kazemaru blue streaks iN his unspiked hair ! this outfit would cost me more than my day job monthly salary. he's living the life.
i can't buy him as a villain but i can buy him as a mean girl. 100/10
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the concept art is as good as the final design. i do get why they didn't keep the spikes for this look. he would have looked a little too much like a gay broly. not a bad thing but understandably unpreferable.
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there it is. the glowdown.
his hair does look good unspiked but... where are the blue streaks. why is he suddely hiding his chest under three layes of clothing. gouenji darling you know warm colors suit you best so why the grey-blue-ish suit ? am i supposed to believe this is the real you ? i know it's not. i hope you find yourself. 4/10
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wtf went through everybody's head while designing this. i get this is a way to mimic adult endou's charm but it does not work. gouenji isn't endou. you love endou because he's a very wholesome bundle of joy (voiced by naruto), and you love gouenji bc he is one half of the inazuma eleven equivalent of sasuke (kidou being the other half), you can't dress them the same way and not see the dissonance.
this man is not gouenji, this man buys cheap beers in the early afternoon without saying thank you to the cashier. this man pretends to be a metalhead. this man just divorced kanye. i would not trust him with my kids.
this is not a relaxed look, this is a sad, depressed look. please gouenji talk to someone. people love you. you can be helped. 0/10
conclusion : i don't know how they fucked up so bad at the end, they really made gouenji forgot about his hard-earned fashion skills. thank god he actually IS that handsome but before that he's all W after W. i'm eager to see him in victory road.
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