#initially this was just gonna be an opposites post but i realizes it's more like. similar but to the left
lightfeltmemories · 6 months
trouble trio sharing a partner.
characters include: feitan, phinks, shalnark
note: fun fact, this was left as a draft on my main for like over a year and i read over it and thought.... it would be better on here, but anyway, there's a lot of adult trio poly stuff, why not trouble trio? I have plans (just me announcing it, I already know it'll take years for me to actually go through with making said content) on making trouble trio content, fanfics and whatnot. so, here's a headcanon post about how the trouble trio would go with a polygamous relationship with the reader, nsfw themes will have a 🔞 on the side so look out! and when it comes to requesting anything similar to this..... no, i will not do the adult trio.
trigger warnings: yandere tendencies (but there's no actual yandere stuff like obsessiveness and whatever, most of it is just their normal way of showing affection), mentions of kidnapping, possessiveness, reader's eventual death, feitan carves his initials onto you because "you're his."
parts of this contain nsfw material, do not interact if you are a minor.
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How It Starts
So, who are you? For them to actually even care about your existence, you would either have to be a part of the troupe or be someone they know way back from Meteor City, I highly doubt they would go heart eyes over some really stunning person they ran into on a mission or so, because looks aren't everything, right? A pretty girl, a handsome boy, or an attractive genderless person isn't gonna phase them in the slightest, unless you're powerful enough to woo them out their boots, other than that, the choices are; being apart of the troupe (which is the most likely case, since they have a chance of them all being with you more often) or you being a friend of theirs in meteor city and their feelings grew overtime.
Who would fall for your first? I'm honestly tied between Phinks and Shalnark, for Feitan it would take like 2 billion years for his crush to kick in since he isn't in tune with his more softer emotions (yet), Shalnark to me is.... odd... he seems like the type to fall for someone oh so easy but dude is like, the personified version of "don't judge a book by its cover," and the only thing Phinks got going for him is..... anger issues, so I'd go with Phinks on this one! of course when people (troupe members) ask him about his affections towards you, he denies them with the most obvious blush on his face, his infatuation isn't exactly that obvious but there are some hints like him wanting to be next to you more or even the two of you hanging out on your off days! next on the list: Shalnark, so how exactly would he fall for you? well, he'd probably get paired up with you more on missions and when he starts to hang out with you more he starts to feel himself grow fond of you more, and it slowly grows into a crush! kind of simple really. And finally after those 2 billion years are up, Feitan is up next! Everyone has this collective idea that if he realizes he has a crush on you, he'd do the opposite of his two counterparts; he'd want to avoid you so that the feelings won't grow stronger as he considers it a distraction, he may even contemplate on killing you, which is something I really hate to say since I feel like the idea is slightly far fetched for his character (i'm guilty of saying this myself but i considering the topic of that specific post i wanted to be dramatic) but I can see why people think this, killing you only goes if you aren't a member of the troupe but since you are, he'd have to deal with you, forcing himself to accept the fact as time goes by that he is in love with you, he's confused with his feelings when it comes to you, he isn't used to crushes, no one to him is that special for him to fall for, love is very sacred to him, it's something he and the others mentioned above haven't really experienced, and as it grows, he starts to form a soft spot for you as he gets to know you well, he starts to find parts of you that made him like you to begin with. (ik Feitan's is kinda longer than the others but I'm biased he's my fav).
How would they act around you? This was really hard to do for some reason but I already stated above that Phinks would hang out with you more and would be near you a lot, at first his affections towards you wouldn't be too different to how he acts towards others, for someone like him he's pretty good at hiding his infatuation, though over time he's starting to loose the "I have a crush on Y/N" allegations, the others would tease him a little for how he acts around you, he shows to have more sympathy and affection for you, like he's more handsy with you than everyone else, and is most definitely protective over you, he really is a girly girl, ain't he? Shalnark is a bit more happier when he's in your presence, he opens up with you way more than everyone else (when you two are alone ofc) and plays video games with you, he'll never give you a break and let you win though, he's just too good! (And competitive) May not be as protective as Phinks but he damn sure isn't gonna let you getting injured slide. Feitan once again is an interesting case, since he's come to terms with him being infatuated with you, the signs will be waaaay more subtle than Phinks', you would lowkey be left confused, like something tells you he likes you but you can't exactly prove he does, you're seen with him more often, he talks to you more, but in the beginning that's about it really, but overtime he gets more handsy with you like Phinks but not as much, he would most definitely tease you when he's in a good mood, giving you nicknames and such, and of course, very protective over you.
Confessing & Relationship
Finding out they all like you! When they start to see one of the other become more affectionate towards you, shit starts to get real, a scenario where Feitan sees you and Shalnark playing a newly released game, the both of you are so happy, laughing and all, and Feitan is hiding somewhere and just stares at the both of you, the worst scenarios are running through his mind, are they dating? do they like him? he wants to do something about it but can't because for one troupe members can't fight and two, he sees how happy you are, how can he ruin that? Another scenario is the old fashioned switcheroo where you and Feitan are getting a little too handsy with one another, he's got his hand on your thigh and your hand on his shoulder, Shalnark is now in Feitan's shoes, bad scenarios running through his brain thinking the two of you have a thing for each other, a part of him wants to step in but he can't. It's kind of subtle at first until everything starts to build up, they can see each other's jealousy seeping through, let's say Phinks was the one to save you from an attacker and Feitan wasn't quick enough, a glare is shot at Phinks' way as he sees the way he's holding you and reassuring you, and he catches it, he's confused, what the hell is going on? Another scenario where the troupe is having fun or whatnot and you and Shalnark are laughing about something a little too hard, he spots both Phinks and Feitan seething in jealousy, he's also confused! Until it all hits the three of them; they all like you!
Them finding out..... So, when they finally sit and conversate about the rising tensions between them to solve it, they come to the conclusion that you are the reason why, how will they go about this? They all have a goal in mind; a monogamous relationship with you, they are all trying their absolute hardest not to start anything between them, they were all on good terms until this very incident, they had no idea what to do about this, their own friends are crushing on the same person they want, and the tensions can only grow from here, and beyond this point things can go either north (good) or south (bad) really quickly. From here on out, they challenge themselves to impress you so that one of them finally gets you, an unspoken rule, until they realize that you like all three of them, and things grow extra confusing, they're happy because "yay they like me!" but also mad because "grrr they like him back!!" So everyone involved is kinda like.............. "omg??"
Poly? So, because everything came out, they all like you and you like all of them back, they're stuck here wondering how this will work, a polygamous relationship isn't even a thought to them because they just want to have you, and it may be one of your biggest fantasies, you eventually let it out that you want all of them at the same time and because of their confusion you would have to explain to them, they argue that it's not going to work well, since for one, they are all territorial when it comes to you, Feitan is most definitely the worst one since he's never exactly felt this feeling before and it's most likely his first crush and potential relationship, and since you're pretty special to him he doesn't want to lose you to someone else, in all honesty he'd probably kidnap you and hide you away from Phinks and Shalnark if you weren't apart of the troupe, so you can be his forever, yayyy, we love yanderes!!!! Phinks is in the middle, while yes he wants you to himself he doesn't want to admit that he would want to at least give it a chance, Shalnark is pretty chill, the idea of him having you to himself is nice also, but a polygamous relationship would probably solve all this conflict between them.
They Agree, so The Relationship Starts Here! So they decided that just for you, they would all agree to date you, of course at first this doesn't sit right with them since they want you to be with one of them, but they're also like... shit, I mean we all technically got what we wanted so we might as well make the best of it!
Small Miscellaneous Things
When they don't receive enough attention. Despite you all agreeing on a polygamous relationship, they all still get jealous whenever one is getting more attention than the other, when Phinks isn't receiving enough attention he gets more agitated, prone to more outbursts and will even straight up pull you away from the other, when Shalnark isn't receiving more attention, he would tap your shoulder or find ways to annoy you like hugging you or getting in your face, when Feitan isn't receiving more attention he finds ways to get yours by breaking something like a glass cup so that you can at least say a few words to him even if they aren't exactly the most kind, or staring at you for an ungodly amount of time to the point where you can physically feel his eyes on you, or like Phinks, will pull you away from the other so that you can be with him more.
🔞 What sex is like! Sex isn't too different from the usual, you can't really have group sex with them often since shit gets competitive real fast, they will go above and beyond to make you cum the hardest and scream the loudest, but when one or two of them so happens to be away, Feitan will make marks on your body to be territorial, so show the other two or to other people outside that he was the one who made that mark there, and it's even worse because he puts them in places that aren't exactly the easiest to cover, either it be a bite mark or a scar that spells out his initials. Shalnark will mark hickeys on your neck or will have photos of you having his cum dripping on your face or you laying beside him just completely slutted out and send them to the other two just for giggles, Phinks won't do anything outrageous (he can't you'll fucking die) but will have you wear his clothes afterwards to let the other two know when they get back who fucked them out ;).
Things start to get better! Overtime they start to realize that the petty fights over who gets to spend more time with you are meaningless, and that they all love you and you all love them, it takes them a while for them to come to these terms, but in the end, it gets better for the future, and everyone loves each other, movie nights aren't filled with who's chest you get to lay on anymore, sex isn't "who gets to make them cum harder" more, you don't feel as if you're some type of prized possession, you're now treated with actual respect and love and consideration, of course there's fights here and there like any other normal couple, but life is good.... for them anyway.
You were murdered! If they ever come into your house to find it ransacked, their first priority is to see if you're alright, they find your body laying in your room, devoid of all life, shit starts to get real, they never rest to look for the one who did this to you, since Shalnark has cameras hidden away around the house, it doesn't take long to find out who did it from hacking and such, and once they find them, it takes so much to not just rip their head to shreds and feed it to wild animals, Feitan wants to give them the worst of all of his tortures, and afterwards they die by their phinks blowing their head clean off their shoulders or shit maybe shalnark will do it.
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fearful-quartet · 2 months
So I've been listening to The Magnus Protocol, and managed to get my dad into TMA last year so he's now listening to Mag Protocol too. So last night we were listening in the car to the latest statement, and I was half-jokingly saying which fear the statement sounded like mostly, to which my dad starts talking about how he doesn't think these statements and the O.A.I.R are connected to the Fears at all. I'm gonna try to put a cut for anyone not caught up but here's how this led to a theory of mine:
So Lena said to Gwen that there's good and bad forces that need to be balanced, but she never said which side of that the O.A.I.R. is part of, if any. I was noting this when it hit me.
Every single Magnus Protocol Statement so far has been about misfortune coming around due to perceived fortune or a fortunate opportunity becoming misfortune.
Let's break this down ep by ep so you see what I mean.
Episode One: It's a little hard to figure out what the fortune is to the misfortune, especially since it's mostly getting us used to the characters and the overall setup of the show, but for the first statement I think it's not the statement giver, but the husband. Harriet (the one emailing) says he sounded excited in an unsettling way (I am assuming the "he" she is talking about is her husband since she doesn't mention anyone else). When she meets him, or what has him, she describes that he laughed and laughed. Her misfortune was his fortune, his joy.
The second statement in that episode of course is about the Institute, but by way of a bunch of spelunkers looking for something intriguing to discuss. I haven't quite figured out the connection here but I am sure there is one, even if it's through the characters (aka Sam) finding something within it.
Two: A lot easier to connect to this. Daria is finding joy through getting this tattoo that allows her to change how she looks and alter her appearance immensely (and grotesquely). Enough said.
Three: This statement is one that overall I just don't understand tbh, but I think it shows the opposite? As in the victim is experiencing fear and discomfort the entire time, but towards the end you'll notice he gets much more happy and calm about the situation.
Four: This is again easy, it's about a violin that needs blood but will give you amazing talent if you pay that price, and horrible bloodshed if you don't. Self-explanatory.
Five: The guy is trying to make a living off watching and reviewing horror movies, gets excited at a live showing of one just for him, then realizes it's not what it seems and posts everyone should see it. Easy enough. (Very Grifter's Bone in energy)
Six: The introduction to infamous new tumblr sexyman, Needles. I shouldn't have to spell out how he gets pleasure from others in pain by needles.
Seven: All I gotta say is it's "all for a good cause" and you should get the picture.
Eight: Utilizes that uncanny fear of false hospitality if you ask me, but either way this statement is clearly taking something associated often as comforting and twisting it.
Nine: The dice literally affect fortune and misfortune and likely make the statement giver into the embodiment of fortune. 'Nuff said.
Ten: Bonzo needs no explanation for this in his introductory episode so let's move on.
Eleven: This one goes more into obsession territory than anything, which is another running theme of the show and another theory, but it also talks about how the sea brings comfort so that could be part of it. (Also I noticed the sneaky possibly Dr. David reference in there lol)
Twelve: Now I know what you're gonna say, "How is this one connected to fortune at all, Cal? It's about some woman being traumatized at a strip club!" Well think about this: what if it wasn't supposed to end in Bonzo? Gwen gave Bonzo an "assignment," didn't she? And Lena pretty much outright says that this statement was that assignment. So it's possible this is what happened after stopping the initial outcome.
Thirteen: The latest episode as of typing this, and the most clear with evidence. The man literally gains a fortune from his own misfortune, so ya know it's right there.
So every statement is a good thing turned bad or a bad thing turned good. So what? Magnus Archives had plenty of statements similarly framed, so why am I focusing on it here?
Because what is the tagline for Magnus Protocol again?
Fear takes many forms.
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likesunsetorange · 2 months
bodyguard au snippet
i had posted part of this scene before but i changed some of it lol and here’s just an extended part overall!!! honestly i really just love mikasa in this au so much like she’s just so funny lmao
“I think we have some things we need to talk about,” a voice that would be sweet if it wasn’t so clearly filled with anger calls out, sending a slew of chills down Eren’s spine. He turns towards the kitchen where her voice came from, the image of her smaller frame greeting him, discontent apparent on her face.
“Umm… Sure… What did you want to talk about?” He hates how there’s so much uncertainty in his voice, but he doesn’t know how to act around her. Is he supposed to feel guilty? Is he supposed to be stern? Is he supposed to try and be her friend?
If she wants to come off intimidating, she’s doing a good job, making no effort to give off friendly smiles or warm, compassionate glimpses—her stare is icy and steely, and she leaves no room for small talk, immediately jumping into the matter. “Let’s not play stupid here—I’m gonna assume you’ve put two and two together and realized I’m pissed off at my parents. But more importantly, you want this job for whatever reason, and I want you gone,” she says candidly. “It seems there’s a very simple solution to both of our issues here—whatever my parents are paying you, I’ll double it. And you can go back to that sad little Garden State of yours, and we’ll both be happy.”
The limits of an Ackerman truly know no bounds, just as Kenny had said, proven by Mikasa merely a few hours after their initial meeting. Eren sits bewildered, unsure of how to handle her proposition, knowing he obviously can’t accept her offer, but inciting more rage into her would only make matters worse.
“I was told by Levi and Kenny that you might try and bribe me…” His voice trails off, watching as Mikasa eyes him intently, waiting for him to finish the remainder of his sentence. “And they also told me to be sure and ignore you.”
The grey of her eye is covered by the way it physically twitches at his words. If Eren’s striving to neutralize the situation, he’s failing horribly. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to win in this scenario.
“Of course they would fucking tell you that,” she says, rolling her eyes. Mikasa lets out a sigh, drumming her freshly manicured fingers against the granite, her mind turning—Eren clearly derailing her plans. After a few beats, she clasps her hands together before leaning forward onto the island. “Fine. If you’re here to stay, then let’s get a few things straight, Eren,” the emphasis on his name apparent, plush lips omitting the “N” at the end—something that might’ve been endearing if she didn’t sound so indignant. “We’re not going to be friends—let’s get that clear.”
With Mikasa, it’s clear Eren needs to stand his ground; he can’t falter under unrelenting stares and callous words. So he chooses not to waver, forcing himself to pocket whatever remnants of hesitation or nervous energy that linger. “I expected as much. And you don’t seem like the… friendly type, anyways,” he shrugs, attempting to maintain his usual apathetic demeanor, which for reasons he can’t explain, seems to feel like a foreign concept ever since he’s arrived in New York. “I’m only here to do my job, after all, aren’t I?”
“I’m actually very friendly, just don’t expect me to be friendly to you.” He finds humor in how her voice sounds the exact opposite of the words she speaks. “But anyways, if you’re going to be living in my house, we need to get some things straight here.”
“Shouldn’t I be the one setting rules for you?”
“What rules do I need to follow? You follow me around all day whenever I decide to leave the house, I guess I try not to get into trouble for the sake of my parents , and you lock yourself in the guest room every other hour of the day. Simple as that,” Mikasa says matter-of-factly.
A silence settles over the two of them—on Eren’s end, it’s due to her sheer audacity, mostly because he’s not sure if she’s actually being serious, and on Mikasa’s end, because she expects him to actually agree, awaiting his nod of approval.
Realizing she’s awaiting an approval she won’t get, Mikasa relents. “Fine. You don’t have to lock yourself in the room all day—do as you wish I guess,” she says, releasing a huff. “But this brings me back to things we need to discuss.”
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hapan-in-exile · 5 months
Volume 3 - Post #9: Drugstore Cowgirl
Another installment in this ongoing serialized fanfic
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Genre: Mandalorian x Fem! Reader
Total word count: 2.2K (of 45K total in Volume 3)
Rating: Explicit - smut, language, +18 *NSFW*
IX. “Wait!” You cry out in a rush of panic. “My jacket…” 
You recall slipping it off before following Coral onto the dance floor. And then, you’d lost the chance to grab it when the night club erupted into chaos. 
Surely, Neon Dreams had cleared out by now. Or the initial hysteria would have passed? 
It’s not the first time you’ve had to weigh the consequences of leaving or retrieving Artem’s jacket. Of course, his memory is more than a piece of clothing. You know that. But it’s all you have left of him.
You peer over Mando’s shoulder to glance down the service tunnel. There’s no smoke or signs of a fire from the club basement.
Valine merely shot down a few of the spotlights. The rigging hadn’t collapsed. Maybe everyone had resumed partying, and your jacket remained buried between several booth cushions.  
“I know it seems ridiculous,” you tell him. “But…I have to go back for it.”
“Your brother," Mando asks in a gentle voice. "He’s gone?”
“Yes,” you nod.
“When did you lose him?”
You don’t need to bother with counting.
“It’s been ten years.” 
Hell, you can practically hear the Mandalorian doing the math in his head.
“Is that why you left Hapes?”
“No,” you say, shaking your head. “That’s not why.”
He responds by crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m gonna need more of an answer than that, Thulani.”
Mando’s tone is sarcastic, but just barely. If you’re being honest, he sounds a little hurt. And he has every right to be. He’d told you about what happened to his family…and all those childhood memories you’d seen regardless of whether he wanted to share them or not. 
What had you shared with him in return?  
“So, you think one orgasm entitles you to ask a personal question?”
You smirk, arching an eyebrow artfully in the hopes of recasting your evasiveness as a game. Some flirtatious tactic to seem mysterious rather than withholding.
“Hearing the way you moaned?” He says in that rough voice, leaning closer to your ear. “I’d say I earned it.”
Whew! Suddenly, your stomach clenches into knots. You’re lucky he’s willing to play along. 
Alright. Well. Now you’ve got to give him something. 
“Artem’s death is not why I left Hapes. We escaped together—or tried to. He didn’t make it.”
“Escaped?” He asks, pulling back in surprise.
“Yes,” you sigh. “We thought about running so many times. But where would we go? And then we had this chance to leave and join the Rebellion.” You roll your eyes before reminding yourself to be kind to that naive and desperate girl you’d been. “A new home. Meals, clothes, a bed, a purpose. It was a chance at a new life, and we took it.”
“Why couldn't your family protect you?”
While you don’t know much about Mandalorian culture beyond what you’ve read in books or message boards—you envied their commitment to collective resilience. The safeguarding of Mandalorian life above all else. It’s what you missed most about your time in the Rebel army. When your unit always had each other’s backs. 
Palace politics is the exact opposite. Just the continuous rise and fall of noble houses in an unending cycle. The whole of existence narrowed down to who accumulates and wields power. And your proximity to the throne. Everyone out for themselves.
“Um,” you can’t believe you're about to tell him this. “They’re in prison. For treason. When I said Tigran and I belong to the Queen…that’s why. Our families were declared traitors to the Crown.” 
You hadn’t expected it to come out quite like that. So terribly succinct. 
Then you realize why you didn’t want him to know about any of this. Because it all sounds so fucking tragic. 
Is it too late to change the subject?
“By my count, that was three questions,” you add with a wink before he can dwell too much on your emotional baggage.
“Clarifying questions shouldn’t count against my total,” he says in all seriousness.
Uncrossing his arms, he places both hands on your shoulders consolingly. “We don’t have to keep talking about this if you don't want to. I'm sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you rest your palms over his chest plate. “He would have been really proud of me for making it this far.”
Mando pauses to look down at you in earnest. “You’re nothing if not tenacious.” Then, taking in a deep breath he says, "Thank you for answering my question in the spirit in which it was intended. I've noticed you talk a lot," and he grabs both your wrists to prevent you from punching him. "All that talking makes it seem like you're very open—but you don't actually reveal much about yourself."
"I...yeah, that's fair," you concede.
"It's a good strategy for survival. I just don't want you to use it on me."
He gathers your hands between his leather palms. "When I ask you a question, it's because I want to know more about you."
"You're right," you say. "It's just that I'm also not great with...trusting people. I try to live in the present. That's how my life has been unfolding since…forever. Living moment to moment. But maybe it's also a way to hide things? Because I'm the only one who sees the full picture. Does that make sense?"
The Mandalorian nods, "There's a lot about my past I'm not proud of—that I don't want you to know about. You won't scare me off, so just be honest with me."
"It helps that you're easy to talk to."
"Me?" He asks skeptically.
"Yes, you. Hmmm, more honesty...I know you think Tigran and I have this tortured romance, but it’s not like that.”
“Okay. Then what’s it like?”
Ugh, how do you sum up a toxic twenty-year dumpster fire of a relationship? 
“We share a secret that he doesn’t trust me to keep.”
“What secret?”
“Well, if I told you, I’d just be proving him right, wouldn’t I?” You grin. “He can’t turn me in because I’m a liability, and he won’t kill me because I’m all he’s got.”
“Did he ever try to…with you?”
“No! No,” you reassure him. “Maaaybe when we went through puberty. But staring at my breasts when we were thirteen is kind of water under the bridge at this point. And, I mean, who can blame him? My tits are mesmerizing.”
The Mandalorian huffs, shaking his head, and you give yourself a little pat on the back for getting this all out without having a meltdown or making him deeply uncomfortable.
Yet, whatever happened between him and the mercenary Tigran Vildar must be the stuff of nightmares because the bounty hunter's whole body visibly eases hearing you say that he's never touched you. His immense sense of relief is palpable, and it definitely feels like something more significant than a nagging jealousy that you might have slept with someone he knew.
“If Ingtar knows I’m alive,” you muse, making your way back to the basement cellar. “I guess Tigran will find out soon enough.” 
“Thuli, he found out the minute your profile was updated in the Guild database. He could be on his way to Daiyu City right now.” 
“Or he might find some reason to be conveniently preoccupied until my trail goes cold?” You offer this up as a highly optimistic alternative. “Maybe it’s foolish to pretend I know what he’ll do. In any case, I should get in contact with Ingtar. I feel awful that he thinks you abducted me.”
“Let the old man think what he wants.”
“Come on,” you say, stepping over a pile of liquor boxes. “You want to be on his shit list just for some fucking pussy?”
It’s hard to channel all of Talsala’s outsized ego, but it’s a pretty good impression, in your humble opinion. Then, you laugh, thinking about how satisfying it was to watch Mando slap the teeth out of his mouth. 
“Don’t sell your pussy short,” he replies, his voice sounding gruff through the modulator.
Your cheeks flush scarlet, and that clenching throb in your stomach drags a little lower. 
“Give me a boost?”
The freight elevator built underneath the bar looks super loud. There’s a low drone of music coming through the open service hatch, but no sounds of dancing or partygoers to obscure the noise. If you want to sneak in undetected, you’ll have to climb. 
“You don’t honestly think I’m letting you back in there?” 
“There might be injured people still inside. I could help.”
“You can’t save everyone.” He sighs impatiently—but you swear you can hear him smiling. “Sit this one out. I’ll get the jacket. You stay here.”
You throw your arms around his neck. “Thank you.”
Mando stands there awkwardly as though he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. Until finally, he decides to rest them on your lower back. One of these days, you’re gonna have to teach him how to hug like a normal person.  
In a burst of explosive movement, he jumps up and catches the edge of the hatch. Hanging there momentarily, he rolls his neck before pulling himself up slowly. Despite the layers of fabric and Beskar, you can see the powerful muscles of his back and shoulders flex and tauten. 
You find yourself fanning your face with your hand. 
Listening with rapt attention, you don’t hear anything amiss. No blaster fire or screams or the blare of alarms going off. He might actually manage this without blowing anything up.
You take the time to clean yourself up a bit. Securing your hair beneath your hood, readjusting your visor and gloves, retrieving your inseam from inside you. It’s drenched with your come, but there’s not much you can do about that now.    
Starting to grow anxious, you chew on the corners of your lips until you catch the sound of approaching footsteps. And yes, you are a creepy weirdo who notices everything about him and instantly recognize the cadence of Mando's gait.
Moments later, he vaults down the hatch, landing in a crouch with your jacket clutched in his hand.  
It takes a minute for your heart rate to slow. Really, you’ll never get out of this fucking service tunnel if you give into every impulse to grope him. 
Plus, it’ll seem extra manipulative to seduce him when you know he’s about to fly off the handle after he hears what you have to say next.    
“So I need to tell you something. That I did. Which is unforgivably stupid. And, uh, you have every right to be mad at me about it.” You pull the chip card from your jacket pocket and crush it under the heel of your boot. “Talsala handed it to me right before we met with Vos. I meant to destroy it as soon as we left the ship, but…”
“But then someone tried to slash open your throat, and you forgot about it?”
“Yes, exactly!” 
You shrug the jacket back on, unable to look him in the face—or view plate. “I know that’s not an excuse. Stupid mistakes get people caught or killed. I need to be more vigilant.”  
“I’m not mad,” he lied. 
Oh, the Mandalorian is most definitely pissed at you right now. But you appreciate he’s got the emotional intelligence not to lash out at someone he was hoping to have sex with later. 
“You’re hard enough on yourself,” he continues, stepping closer. He pulls the hem of your jacket together and zips it closed up to the collar. “And I’m sure you’ll find some way to make it up to me.”
You shake your head slowly and grin at him. “We’re just dealing in sexual favors already, are we?” 
Mando slides his hands over the curve of your hips to squeeze your ass between his wide palms. “I get the sense you want to make up for lost time.”
“Hmmm, how long have we got before we’re supposed to meet up with Gwellis?”
“Forty-three minutes.”
“Shit!” You groan, thinking fast. “Shit! The hotel is definitely compromised. I’ll need to hit up a pharmacy on the way there.” You shoot him a sympathetic look. “Guess we have to continue this later, se nia’n cor.”
“What does nia’n cor mean?” He asks, intrigued.
You flash Mando the most enticing smile in your arsenal. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Let the gods bear witness to my love for you, Mandalorian.
There was exactly one bed aboard the shuttle you rented to fly round-trip to/from Daiyu City. And, yeah, you’re being very presumptuous, but a girl likes to be prepared. 
I’m shaving my lady regions in a drugstore toilet on the off chance you're going to fuck me.
With your foot braced against the bathroom sink, you say a little prayer and pass the razor blade between your cheeks.
Stepping out of the restroom stall feeling considerably more aerodynamic, you spy the Mandalorian at one of the payment kiosks.
What could he possibly...?
In the most nonchalant manner possible, you walk down the aisle you'd caught him browsing earlier and try to peruse the merchandise through your peripheral vision.
Sleep aids, aromatherapy, white noise machines, and—
Well, well, well.
Guess you're not the only one being presumptuous.
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raveneira · 6 months
Aight its time to say it
Warning: Anti BoruSara post, dont like dont read.
Aight enough time has passed and now its long overdue to be said so Im gonna be the one to burst the bubble since nobody else is.
Sarada's actions in 78 did not solidify BoruSara because it mirrored the NH moment in the Pain arc, it actually did the OPPOSITE and showed how flimsy the ship actually is and how weak Sarada's feeling for him are.
People love this argument of 'love makes you act irrationally so that proves Sarada's feelings are more real/stronger than Sumire's because she acted reckless like Sakura and Hinata did while Sumire stayed behind and did nothing'
Now at first glace that does seem to be the case, but after the initial shock has worn off and you actually reread the chapter with a much clearer head, you realize how much damage this actually did to both the ship and Sarada's character.
Now what do I mean? to see the problem you just have to answer one simple question, what is the one major difference between the moment with NH and the one with Bsa? the answer is Pay Off.
What do I mean by that? lets compare the two side by side and all will become clear.
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Aight I think it should be clear now, notice the difference? yea, the very scene they claim solidified the ship actually weakened it, the very scene they said solidified Sarada's feelings as more 'real' than Sumire because she acted irrationally, actually showed how flimsy her feelings really are compared to Sumire.
It's true that Sumire staying behind could give that impression, but at the same time people get on Hinata's case all the time here for how stupid her actions was and how she actually made the situation WORSE rather than better by jumping into a situation she knew she couldnt win and made Naruto snap so bad that if not for Minato's fail safe it would've been GGs for everybody and Naruto would've died by undoing the seal.
But Im not here to criticize Hinata right now, because all in all her actions were out of love right? thats the point of this post. So Sumire's actions actually make more sense than Hinata's was because she knew she didnt have a chance to begin with so why bother going there? just to get one shotted? what happened to Sarada is a prime example of WHY she was right not to go, because thats what happened.
But ok since yall wanna be hung up on girls inlove for real all acted irrational and ran to their mans rescue which solidified the ship, well this goes back to what I said the biggest and most important difference between all the other girls vs Sarada, and thats PAY OFF.
Still confused by what I mean? well I'll show you cuz it aint just NH, Sarada failed to be like ANY of the girls who acted irrationally and fought for their man, keyword FOUGHT.
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The difference is night and day atp, when I say Pay Off I meant PAY OFF, and with BoruSara, unlike everyone else I showed, had zero pay off.
What do I mean by pay off? should be obvious by now but the answer is simple, when everyone else fought for their loves they actually FOUGHT, they didnt always win, but they TRIED there were ATTEMPTS made to protect them no matter HOW badly they got hurt. No matter HOW much stronger the enemy was than them they NEVER faltered when their love was in danger and were willing to fight tooth and nail to defend them as much as they were capable of doing.
THATS the sign of true love in the Naruto verse, not the foolishness yall try to make it as just acting irrational = true love, no, its ACTIONS which is something Sarada did not take.
The arguement of she was scared doesnt apply here, because if your gonna use this argument as proof it solidified Bsa then Im gonna use it to prove why it didnt. EVERYONE was scared in those moments but it didnt stop them, they didnt back down, they fought for their loves REGARDLESS of how scared they were, even knowing that they could die they still jumped in head first and FOUGHT.
I dont care how you try to twist it, turn it, flip it or reverse it, if your gonna use this argument then you gotta use it all the way, dont just talk about the irrationale, talk about the actions, or in Sarada's case lack thereof.
If you need more proof of how bad this looks on Bsa and just how this moment proves how not strong Sarada's feelings for him is, you need look no further than Haku.
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I mean nuff said right there, Naruto learned where true strength comes from from Haku, which is that when you have someone whos precious to you, romantic or platonic, thats when you can truly become strong, as strong as you need to be, and this is shown time and time again all throughout Naruto through multiple characters who overcame their fears and fought for who was precious to them, unleashing a whole new strength they didnt know they had. It didnt always have to be some brand new ability, but simply just having the courage to put your life on the line for that dear person was enough to solidify who really mattered.
This is what kills Bsa in that moment, not saying the ship is dead obviously, but that moment killed it in terms of perception and their relationship as a whole. We can keep HEARING how deep their bond in, how close they are, how much they mean to eachother, but if you dont show it and instead show the opposite then people will have a hard time believing their actually as close as we're being told they are.
Just imagine Naruto talking about how much Iruka and Team 7 mean to him but we never see any strong actions that proved it, would you still believe their his closest bonds? if Naruto still says Sasuke is like a brother to him, would you still believe that if they barely showed the two of them bonding and being close like sibling? pretty sure you wouldnt, thats why its important to SHOW DONT TELL, because if all your doing is telling people but not showing them your definitely not gonna convince them that anythings really there like you say it is.
Even her bs MS isnt an example, because for every MS there was emotion and build up and the situation was centered around that character, it was THEIR big moment, a moment that showed just how much the person who triggered it meant to them, which is why yall like to use that as proof as well but even that just goes to show how weak her feelings are in the eyes of the narrative and mangaka himself. Sarada's MS is on the same level as Sasuke's half hearted sorry to Karin, it was short, rushed, moved right past like it wasnt a big deal and just went onto the next thing because her MS wasnt important for her character or the plot or even her feelings for Boruto, no what it was is plot convenience.
Plot convenience to convince Sasuke to save Boruto because he wouldnt have believed her otherwise, he needed to see her MS to convince him that if what shes asking is strong enough to trigger that then she must be telling the truth, thats literally the only purpose her MS served, a half assed way for Boruto to be saved, same way Sasuke's apology was a half assed way to address his betrayal and get right back to the real important stuff aka the war.
Again this goes back to what I said about show dont tell, if you want people to believe her MS was triggered by her strong love for Boruto then you have to show it which they didnt, her MS literally ONLY APPEARS when shes trying to convince Sasuke to save him, it was literally a deus ex machina because her eyes didnt budge an inch before then, it was literally ONLY when convincing Sasuke that her MS triggered, do you get just how bad that is yet? that her MS had nothing to do with her character, her growth, her feelings, her bond with Boruto, but just as a plot convenient way to bail Boruto out and then move on like she didnt just awaken a major power up? do you not see how pathetic that is?
I cant make it any clearer, 78 killed BoruSara's credibility as the most solidified ship, and her MS awakening purely out of plot convenience rather than actual emotion and then moved on from like it was nothing just killed it even more.
3 years have passed now and during a huge invasion with an Jigen level threat she doesnt even activate her MS once, and you want me to believe her MS awakening was a really big deal for her character and their relationship? this just proves it even more that the MS really was just plot convenience for Boruto to be saved, thats it, it had nothing to do with her character or her feelings etc, it was literally just a deus ex machina to keep Boruto alive into the timeskip.
It is INSANE to me how people see either of these scenes as solidification for the ship, all it did was prove how flimsy Sarada's feelings for him are and vice versa but thats a topic for another day, this post is just focused on Sarada.
When Boruto was about to be killed by Kawaki she blew one fireball and then buckled under pressure when it was time to actually square up and needed to be saved instead
When everybody was hunting Boruto down she just fell to her knees and cried, even after hearing him say hes going to kill Boruto she did not try to stop him and just sat there crying, and had Sasuke not shown up, she STILL would've been sitting there crying and Boruto would've been killed
Her MS doesnt awaken behind any emotion surrounding Boruto, but purely as a means to make Sasuke go and save him, yet she takes zero action herself to try and protect him and it literally took Sumire spelling everything out to her for her to even try to convince her dad in the first place, if not for Sumire Sarada was all ready to fall apart again and just sit there and cry until Sumire said they need to find a way to save Boruto but she doesnt know how they can which is when Sarada got the idea to ask her dad for help
Which leads me to my next point, since we established Sarada's feelings werent proven to be real or stronger than Sumire's, how does Sumire fair in comparison? well you can probably already guess but these chapters actually solidified BoruSumi alot despite Sumire not stupidly jumping into a losing fight.
How exactly? well lets start with 78, Sumire is being smart about the situation, she knows she cant help even if she tried, but she also knows reinforcements are on their way to help, so its not as if she left Boruto to fend for himself but she KNEW there were people on their way to go help him, her going there would just be in their way.
Sumire was actually trying to explain the situation to Sarada but she freaked out and Shikamaru gave the bare minimum run down of what happened and then she ran off, in this moment Sumire tries repeatedly to keep Sarada from stupidly running into danger but she doesnt listen. There are 2 reasons for Sumire not acting, 1 she knew she couldnt do anything anyway, and 2 because their supposed to be pretending to be under Ada's charm, so leaving Ada behind to go chase after Boruto would be highly suspicious since remember, their supposed to be charmed by Ada, so Boruto being in danger shouldnt pull them away from Ada if their both 'inlove' with Ada now.
You could argue the mission shouldnt have been more important than her love for Boruto but my response is why shouldnt it be? they NEED Ada to believe their affected because by them being the only 2 who arent means their the only ones who can take her out, blow their cover and Daemon will be on their ass like a hawk. Sumire rather than thinking in the moment, she thought long term, she knew people were on their way to help, and she knew she had to keep playing along to make Ada think she's affected, which would have been suspicious if she ran away with Sarada too leaving Ada behind.
But ok lets say I give you that and agree it wasnt a good look, lets move onto 79-80
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Once Ada is GONE Sumire wastes NO time taking action, she immediately puts together what happened and contacts Sarada, SHE'S the one with a clear head with her entire focus on saving Boruto, she's running to meet up with Sarada so they can do something to help him even though she's unsure of what they CAN do, shes still going there to try and think of SOMETHING.
If Sumire never had this convo with Sarada she would have NEVER thought of asking Sasuke for help, it was only thanks to Sumire's explanation and level head that made Sarada act, not through any mental strength or determination of her own, but because of Sumire snapping her out of it.
As much as I hate this for Sarada's character making her this stupid and emotional, it was great characterization for Sumire that really showed her strong feelings for Boruto. She held herself back in order to play along with Ada, but as soon as that was no longer in her way she immediately took action, her mind was clear despite the chaos and she was determined to figure out a way to save Boruto with Sarada even though she had no idea how they could, she was still running over there to try.
So if you wanna be technical then thats closer to all the other moments of people fighting for their loved ones, none of them really knew how they would succeed or if they even could but they were willing to try anyway, and had Sarada not have thought of convincing Sasuke to go save him there's no doubt in my mind that Sumire would've looked for and found and protected Boruto, or atleast try.
But that falls into theory territory since we'll never know for sure how'd that play out cuz things didnt go that way, but you can just look at how the scene played out and see she was determined and planning to help Boruto in any way she could while Sarada was just on the ground falling apart doing nothing to try and help him.
Which goes right back to what I said, when its time for Sarada to act and prove her feelings, romantic or platonic or otherwise, she buckles under pressure, this is something even her own mother and father were able to overcome for their precious bonds, Sarada literally just sat there in despair despite knowing her childhood friend was in danger.
Sumire who's not even shown to be a fighter in the manga [yet] still got moving and kept her head on straight enough to analyze the situation and act accordingly, but Sarada the active ninja whos been through equally stressful situations before now and kept her head on straight now cant? yea, I think its obvious whose feelings are being pushed as genuine and more along what Haku described and whos isnt.
I really need to say no more, I already know antis gonna hate me for this if they read it but hey the truths the truth, when a girl or anyone for that matter in the Narutoverse is truly inlove they always take ACTION no matter what when that love is in danger, Sarada did not, case closed.
PS: All you Sumire/BoruSumi antis really need to thank Sumire, because if not for her your ship would've died, literally, because Sarada was really gonna let him die by not doing anything to help, so yall need to be grateful, she gave yall your 'moment'.
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purplekoop · 7 months
I was gonna make a big, long, overly depressing for my standards ramble post about my thoughts on the state of Overwatch right now, but after one big hit of backspace I think it'd be more efficient to say:
I'm happy.
It's just fun and exciting getting to see so much stuff to look forward to. I know some people are a bit bummed to know what the next year's worth of characters are so far in advance, but like... think about it. For one, the rate of new character's isn't increased. I know it definitely at least we're close to the game actively having too many characters for its own good. I saw one person complain about how "they can't even balance the characters we do have", but I feel like the current balance dilemmas are due to the lingering ramifications of the 5v5 change, and not strictly roster size. I've seen arguments over the years for the opposite, that more characters means that it's less likely for any one individual hero to be overpowered and uncounterable just by the sheer probability of another option beating them out being more likely with more heroes. I don't think I wholeheartedly agree with this take either, but either way I think that the current cadence of hero releases is sustainable. Especially considering that, even before OW2 and the direct financial incentive to release them, new heroes are by far the biggest "event" the game can get. It's just exciting to have new guys to keep the game fresh, so I really don't blame new heroes being such a constant priority. For some numbers though, starting with Hero 43 the game's roster will have officially doubled in size since the initial 2016 release. All things considered, that's... way tamer than it could be. For one reference, League of Legends came out in 2009 with a roster of 40 characters, and has now gone up to 162 (all of these numbers are just going off google anyways, I'm pathetic but I'm at least not a League player). Maybe once we hit 50 total characters I'd like to see them slow down to 2 a year, but even then, at this rate we're not reaching 50 characters until partway into 2027, four years from now, so I'm not too worried yet.
The other sentiment I've seen, or at least anticipate seeing, about how many reveals there were this weekend is that these reveals were too soon and took away surprises for later. I understand this one more, but I still disagree with it.
To explain what I mean, remember how excited people were about Junker Queen finally being revealed? We knew she was coming, her first-person viewmodel was "accidentally" shown in some beta footage, but it was the vindication of finally getting to see that highly anticipated character make it into the game in that made the wait worth it and the payoff so satisfying. We saw that same energy this weekend with Mauga, who was foreshadowed and even somewhat leaked to hell and back, but I was still just grinning ear-to-ear the entire time to see the mad lad in action at long last. Farther back, remember how insane Doomfist's reveal was?? I didn't even think he was gonna actually be more than a one-off cool name, but the fact he was realized and put in as the biggest canonical badass was hype out of this world, who cares if he's sucked for most of his in-game existence? And if you want surprise factor, it's not like those reveals didn't have that too. I wouldn't've guessed in a billion years that Junker Queen was gonna be a buff 7 ft+ badass and not just some edgy punk otherwise just as dainty as the other female characters Overwatch gets so much flak for. While not every "surprise" is a hit, I agree that some of the design changes between Mauga's initial short story art and his final in-game appearance are a little. eyebrow raise emoji, there was still more to learn about his character that made the reveal more than just being able to finally play with the toy that's been sitting sealed away on the shelf for years.
Now think about. The pathetic wet fart that was Lifeweaver's release. A completely new character that just kinda. Showed up. Revealed in a twitter post a day before the seasonal trailer dropped, where he wasn't even focused on barely at all. His pitiful in-game usefulness and Blizzard having its weekly controversy at the same time didn't help things, but it was just so... unceremonious. Not because it was a bad reveal, but because it was so unsatisfying of one. The attachment to him was flimsy at best to start with, and while like his balance, it did get better over time, there just wasn't that same established excitement as there was with characters like Mauga, Doomfist, and Junker Queen. Same goes for other "surprise" reveals too, like Illari, who got foreshadowed in what'll probably be the messiest point in Overwatch history, and Moira, who was the relatively boring side reveal after Reinhardt got his cinematic. OW1 hit a decent balance with heroes that weren't teased in the lore previously. We used to get teasers for new heroes at least a couple days before their proper reveal, building up their lore and hinting at what their kit might be like. That hasn't been the case in OW2 (though Sojourn, JQ, Kiriko, and Ramattra already had teasers established beforehand), and also wasn't the case for Moira and Ashe (who at least got starring role in a cinematic the same day as her reveal as a hero to build her up at least a bit).
The reveals for the next 3 heroes are sort of a backwards approach to this: we know what they look like (or what they might look like for the latter two, Venture seems pretty close to finalized), and we know varying amounts of how they play, but we don't know their names, much of their personalities, or their lore outside of random vague tidbits. I mean with 42 we still know next to nothing anyways, with Sigma's leak we at least had a blurry face and a name. But either way, the effect is the same: we have something to go off of, and from there we can build that preemptive attachment to these characters. I've already seen some great fanart of the two fresh faces from yesterday, and I'm extremely excited for someone to make a better interpretation of 42 than my rush job today. They already feel like part of the gang, but we still know they get to have their special time later. I'll say making Mauga actually playable (even just temporarily) immediately alongside the other reveals was definitely the right call to not overshadow him and make it feel like this is his time, and the other folks can have their time later too when it's more appropriate.
My favorite thing about how the reveals were handled though is how. Unprofessional it was. In the best of ways.
I've mentioned before how I think it's a pitfall for small creatives like myself to feel the need to fit the "professional standard" of holding your cards close to your chest until you can actually put out a "finished product". Like, they don't show beta footage of the next Smash Bros character with an unfinished model and a meme in place of their character select icon, right? No, they wait until a few months max before the character is ready to release. I mean, this is for a few reasons, mostly hype management and promotional reasons, things which have very clearly burned OW's ass before. But this is different, this isn't a forced showing of unfinished work for the sake of pleasing investors and making moronic execs feel good, this was because the devs had cool stuff they were excited about and know fans would be excited about. Somebody says outright at the start of today's panel that they know marketing will be mad at them or something in a tongue-in-cheek way, and like, I get the reasons to be secretive, but it just feels nice to let the pressure off and have fun with it even if it's a little messy, as long as they're transparent about it. It's an always appreciated reminder that there are people behind this game that love their characters the same way that smaller creatives like me love our characters. They got their they/them silly little meow meow with a drill and so do I, but the multi-million dollar company with stock shares or whatever to lose was more willing to share early than me, the one person who doesn't even have a bank account yet. Frankly, it's more a reminder I should finally get to sharing my ideas sooner before I have to say "dude trust me I had this idea for this ability without knowing they had it too" again.
I dunno. Maybe it's silly. but I think it's nice. It's reassuring. This feels like the most candid Overwatch's team has felt in a while. They're excited, they want us to be excited, and personally I'm taking the bait.
Welcome to the team, you three weirdos, excited to meet you later.
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anniflamma · 7 months
Here is my "hate" post on Micah from The Prince's Psalm.
I just want to rant, I guess!
Just to be clear, I don't hate Micah. Actually, I freaking love how he was written, how he affected David so much throughout the story, and the tragic, yet genius way to use parallelism between the relationships David had with him and Jonathan.
So at the start of David's childhood, he was desperate to find a friend that wouldn't smother him like his family does due to their overprotectiveness. So when he met Micah, he mistook Micah's disinterest in him as respect. So in David's perspective, he thinks that Micah was the first person who respected David as an independent person, but as the reader, we know that was the opposite. Eventually, they became friends, and after the bear attack and David saved Micah from the animal, it was then they both realized they loved each other romantically.
So Micah's treatment of David change and started to become more similar to how his family treats him. And I was really confused at the start why Micah started to "look down" on David. Like, he just saw him kill a bear with only a spear… ALONE! How could he come to the conclusion that David is weak and needs protection?!
Well, it's because Micah started to become aware of the fact that they are in a queer relationship. And well, the only representation he knew about was the heteronormative ones. That one is the man and one is the woman, and there were expected roles for each one. So the dreams they had when they were younger, about them together becoming warriors and fighting the enemies together, became something uncomfortable for Micah. And that is why he started to avoid David and eventually just straight up ghosting him.
Once he came back after a year, he pretends nothing happened and never mentions it. David tries to initiate intimacy, but Micah rejects him, and understandably David takes it that Micah doesn't like him anymore. However, they eventually actually sit down and talk to each other, and it goes not very well.
Micah proceeds to blabbering out that there are expectations of himself as a man, and he needed to become a warrior, get a wife and have kids. When David tries to argue back and just wants to set boundaries in their relationship, like David wants to be seen as equal to Micah, that he wants to have some type of commitment that they are together, Micah answers him with this line:
"We are not boys anymore."
Then he continues with that he loves David, and yeah, he still will get a wife and get children, but he will still be "together" with David in secrecy. Of course, this breaks David's heart, but David forgives him anyway because he loves him.
And I'm gonna say it! I really like this scene. It's brief, heck, in the book, Micah is in it really brief! And I actually really wanted more time with these two... :(
After their rough conversation, they were intimate one last time. I believe that Micah loved David. He was content and wished he could stay with David.
I think that social expectations and maybe even a type of internalized homophobia buckled him down, which made him drift away.
I freaking loved how Micah was written! But… Then it happened. That scene that made me hate him.
For some freaking reason, Micah just outed David to David's brothers, simply to win a petty argument! I was aghast! I was ready to bring up my fork! That was the moment when I was like, "I don't care for Micah…". Then he died, and I didn't shed a tear… But I did cry when David found out. That was really sad. 😟
There, I think I'll take a pause, 'cause I don't really know what's the point of this post. I just want to talk about The Prince's Psalm, I guess!
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wahbegan · 1 year
Skinamarink (Re-Appraisal)
Okay, so this is the first time i’ve ever done this for a movie, but i couldn’t get this one out of my head. As y’all may remember, i spent my initial review mainly talking about the issues i had with it and then sending it off with a mediocre score and a lukewarm recommendation if you’re into arthouse shit.
But, for whatever reason, i couldn’t stop thinking about it.
I found myself liking the movie more and more the more distance I had from actually watching it, and the more i was just researching the (very sparse) lore and looking at tumblr posts and shit. Which seemed super weird to me, and idk that i should recommend a movie based on how it makes you feel AFTER you’re done watching it
So i watched it again last night
This time, i really thoroughly enjoyed myself. I knew what I was in for, I could follow the plot, I was prepared for the weird way it was shot so it wasn’t distracting, and the nature of the scares meant that they actually stayed pretty effective the second time around as well.
It was MUCH more emotionally effective. It made me anxious, it made me incredibly fucking depressed, it made me feel a little bit sick to tell you the truth. It actually succeeded in just about everything it set out to do. 
I also didn’t realize the first time around how...not irrelevant the visuals are, but secondary. A lot of the movie is told through sound alone, and the sound quality really is incredible and very fucking creepy. I caught myself at times wondering if you could just listen to this entire movie and still get what was going on. You couldn’t, and the visuals are important and very striking sometimes, but almost. Either way, it’s very interesting.
 I would highly recommend this movie, based on my second viewing of it, but therein lies the catch
Okay, my praise out of the way, here’s where i’m gonna start dumping all over it
Skinamarink is kinda like hypnosis. It only works if you let it. You can’t watch it like a normal movie. You have to really immerse yourself in it, i mean, in a sense you have to almost actively TRY to enjoy it, or at least try to engage with and understand it. There’s a whole section of people i know who just read that and went “Oh, well that alone makes it a shit movie.” 
Which is a valid take, and you’ll fucking hate Skinamarink.
But if you let yourself get totally immersed, watch it alone in the dark with like some very nice quality headphones and pay very close to attention to everything you see and hear (because many of the infamous static shots of random ceiling corners and shit are actually giving you some kind of information), you’ll have a really great....great’s probably the wrong word, a really tense and uncomfortable and horrifying experience.
Also, this is almost the opposite of one of those blockbuster Marvel movies where they don’t even want the actors to know what’s going on lest something be spoiled, i would honestly highly recommend going into Skinamarink already knowing the basic beats of the plot. Not y’know a scene-by-scene breakdown, but just knowing what pretty much happens greatly improved my enjoyment of it the second time.
What happens being, essentially, that a kid playing with some imaginary friend seems to fall down the stairs and hit his head. They get home from the hospital later that night and the dad goes to bed. The sister gets up later to find the dad has disappeared into thin air, along with all their house’s doors and windows. From there, it’s largely just the story of these two kids trying to make sense of and survive their situation while they’re fucked with in gradually and then very fucking dramatically escalating ways by what appears to be an omnipotent entity. Think I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream starring two kids just barely too old to be called toddlers, and no motivation or backstory is given for AM and you’ll start to understand what it’s going for.
In terms of technique, it’s shot in a deliberately frustrating and disorienting way that is often supposed to be mimicking a child’s perspective. You don’t get a good look at anyone’s face, ever. The two main characters are exclusively shot from the waist down, usually the knees down. Once in a blue moon you get the back of someone’s head.
Characters are usually completely off-screen, and so is the action. I don’t just mean the gore and scary shit. I mean almost literally everything that happens happens off-screen while the camera is pointed somewhere else. If you’re lucky, you’ll see an object get dragged on or off-screen, but that’s about it.
The dialogue that is there, and there’s not a lot, is almost entirely whispered and almost unintelligible, to the point that about half the lines are subtitled by the movie itself. It’s...not easy to follow.
Again, if that description turns you off, you’re gonna wanna give it a miss
Finally, i’d watch the director’s short film “Heck” first, it’s on youtube for free and it’s only half an hour. It’s not the same story, but it’s a very similar one with a very similar style, and serves as a very nice litmus test for your ability to put up with Skinamarink’s.....idiosyncracies.
So yes, i would recommend the movie. With a lot of fucking qualifiers. If it’s not worth the trouble to you, it’s not worth the trouble to you, and that’s fine. I don’t think i’d call it y’know the BEST horror movie of the year based on just how limited the appeal is. But i do believe for a select group of weirdos and art hoes (myself included) it’s one of the most bleak, disturbing, and anxiety-provoking horror films in a while and highly enjoyable.
TL;DR My first review remains true in that if you love arthouse pretentious shit you should give it a go and if you hate arthouse pretentious shit you should give it a miss and if you’re unsure you should read the long version and use your own discretion, but i actually really liked it. Eventually. I had to warm up to it
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skxllz · 2 years
rant on stranger things because my brain doesn't shut up
now that I'm thinking more into it, the last season is probably gonna circle all the way back to season one. just.. think about it.
byler stans have pointed out multiple times how the behaviors of will and mike, even some of the others, all have interpreted the same setting from at least one episode in season one. personally, I can't remember that shit cause I haven't watched season one since 2017, but looking over all of the posts it makes so much sense.
everything is paralleled for a reason, obviously. It's to give the audience the initiative of making up their own theories to where they break it down to something totally suspected, which is why the duffers, this season, made everything so obvious. In my view, now that I think about it, it's reverse reverse psychology. a typical writer, for a book or movie or whatever, always follows the same classic yet audience catching trope of regular reverse psychology; “ we'll do this so that they fall for that, but in reality they knew all along that it'd be this - what we're doing now ”. the duffer brothers are doing the complete opposite.
If I'm wrong, oh well, but just hear me out.
they're show has been a huge success thus far. sure, other writers were thrown into the mix along the way, but let's not forget it's the duffers' show at the end of the day, so they're calling the shots regardless; meaning they approved of that writing, yeah? so obviously they're thinking logically.
they gave us a scoop of what was to come beforehand through hints, edited pictures, etc. but, even though a lot of clues that were involved were put in, it didn't actually follow out with the way everyone thought. that is the thought process of an open minded writer that has the imagery of a thousand suns - they throw you off then build it up, to where it's still a surprise, but you eventually find out. with this, they threw us all off, and it made it seem like they're gonna be predictable. they'll still do the same shit over, and over, and over, but in different ways. then, at last minute, they'll flip the switch; pull a fucking nicolas cage and blow the audience away with unexpected foreseeing - the facts that were there all along.
I can't say for sure eddie will be back, not all ideas and hopes always work out, but everything else? I highly doubt all the shit mentioned will just be let go like that. it'll all circle back to the principal, which is what has been slowly happening. there's probably way more hidden things in season one that no one has pointed out because they're so plain or even shadowed, that no one would think “ oh that definitely means something ”.
like don't get me wrong, there's so many brainiacs in this fandom, but sometimes things can go over anyone's head.
for example, shit in the background. a mere blurred out picture can refer to something and you wouldn't even catch it because it's made to look like decoration. but, in reality, it could be the main plot's key to the entire story. like karen wheeler? she was spot-lighted in both season 3 and 4. yeah it was for like, what, five minutes each time? not even? but it has to be for a reason, not just spiced up detail. I guarantee you she plays an even bigger part in the last season, even if it's just to make nancy realize it's okay to be single and yadda yadda yadda.
but these types of stories are always the best, because it'll have you thinking “ oh my god, it was right under my nose the whole time ” and that's literally the entire point of syfy and thriller, which is why it's so beautifully infuriating.
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atxxzist · 2 years
If smut is well-written and justified I'm totally into it (unless... I'm not for other reasons), but especially in ETL stories, you have to be careful. Seonghwa and Y/N were already on thin ice, sex would complicate things even more, obviously you could've used it as a plot device, but ultimately I'm glad you didn't.
It makes sense, they're from different worlds for sure, but they're not Romeo & Juliet, so I think they can do it, haha. Also, the opposites certainly attract in their case, after all Hongjoong felt too safe for Y/N and their chemistry just wasn't really there, I'm glad they remained friends though!
I would like to see more of their shenanigans back in university. Is Seonghwa gonna sit next to her? Is she gonna like it? 👀
I've never read any of your stories except Blacklist and I rarely read for other members than Seonghwa - I used to read for San at first - but I'm curious to see more of your writing, which story of yours is your favourite?
Oh, sure can I be 🦔 or 🥦 if they're available - you can choose which one, I don't mind either way!
exactly. which is why i mulled over a smut scene for the longest time, even when it didn't happen in chap 8, i initially said there'll be one for the final chapter just bc i felt something needed to happen between them before i could rlly put a closing to the story once and 4 all. but it's also the eventual realization that they don't need one. and im glad i stuck with that choice; i think it was the right one since they still have so many things to work on.
and u right 😂 after all, with how seonghwa's character is, i believe he will do whatever he want anyways lmao (for the right reasons this time). and yes hongjoong. im glad u brought him up. i wanted to give a dynamic between him and y/n where they really would just b better off as friends. ofc, they got a lot of love for one another, but they also idealized/romanticized the other person in the same way u would look up to an idol, y'know? but with seonghwa, y/n already knows his flaws, his lows, and how stupid he can rlly be; which is what makes their moments all more special when she does like something about him. but with hongjoong, she would have a harder time processing that he's not this dream guy she built in her head. idk if that makes any sense 😭
as for what happens to them post-final chapter, it really is up to the readers' imagination unfortunately. i havent really thought too much about it, but somewhat, somehow, we can say they are endgame <3
as for my other works, i cannot confidently recommend any already existing completed piece bc i am embarrassed about all of them to an extent lmaooo (i am still kind of a new writer to atinyblr). but u will see that i mainly write for San bc he is my bias <3 the only other series i have besides blacklist, is one I wrote for him called push&pull but the outcome of that fic is kinda shitty and i would steer clear. BUT I do have a new series coming out, call Broken though it is for San. Just posted the masterlist for it yesterday, not too long after finishing up blacklist. that would be the only one i'd say u keep your eyes on just if u want to stick around. i've yet to write for it, which is why i hope that when i do, it will turn out okay. i am kind of a fuckboy/badboy lover lmaoooo... u will see that very quick.
and I like 🦔 hehe. it's cute. so thank you again for talking to me, miss 🦔. ur efforts r greatly appreciated. but no pressure! 💖 i also try to keep the response as short as possible, but they always end up being essay-length, im sorry 😭
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celebregol · 2 years
thinking about how the present is a distortion of the past. we don’t know elured and elurin’s exact fates, though it’s likely they died in middle earth. if they died, we don’t know which they would have chosen --- the fate of man, or of elf. elwing, though, survived when they didn’t and escaped to valinor, where she is immortal and made her choice.
we don’t know elladan and elrohir’s fates, though we know they’re likely alive, not dead, and were last in middle earth. we don’t know which fate they chose. arwen didn’t leave middle earth like elwing did, but she did die before her brothers and she very clearly chose her fate, as a mortal.
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shotorozu · 3 years
you like their hands
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, kirishima eijirou, monoma neito (2/?)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk left unmentioned
post type : headcanons + small scenario [fluff, the mildest of spice] not even nsfw
note(s) : i was gonna put denki in this but i had a hard time thinking about what kinda hands he’d have, so i’m putting him in the next post
»»————- ♡ ————-««
shinsou hitoshi
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his hands are big, and his fingers are quite thick.
really likes wearing rings and bracelets, but he usually doesn’t wear them when he’s working (i’d say that bc wearing jewelry while doing physical activity HURTS)
regarding texture, his hands were initially soft— but due to transferring in the hero course, they roughened up over time
he’ll use hand cream if you want, but he doesn’t go the extra mile. and his nails are trimmed at all times. painting his nails a black color would be great once in a while.
lol i forgot to mention nails in the last post
he notices right away that you like his hands when he catches you staring at them when he’s cracking his knuckles
like.. people have said that his hands are nice, but he doesn’t really say much about them bc they’re not you
a crack sound is briefly heard in the rather silent room. the scrolling on your phone halts, and your eyes follow the sound of the crack.
ah, he’s cracking his knuckles. you think to yourself, and you’re left just simply admiring the way he applies pressure on a knuckle. who knew that his rather— large hand would look appealing, even while cracking his knuckles.
you snap out of your observation, but instead of just simply going back to whatever you were doing, you’re met with lilac eyes. “you were staring again.”
your cheeks heat up, and you opt to just turn your head to the opposite direction. “sorry,” you apologize. however— that’s not what hitoshi was looking for apparantly.
“if you like my hands alot,” he scoots next to you, hands sliding up and down your arms— his firm grip practically making the pre existing butterflies in your stomach act up again. “then you should’ve said so, kitty.”
is he conscious of his actions? hm. you could say that
he’ll purposely play with his capture tool right in front of you— the material wrapping around his hand. and he can only laugh when you immediately get absorbed into it
the back of his hand will brush against your cheek. then, when he comes in to kiss you, he’ll cup your cheek— kissing you with his other hand resting at your nape
under the table, his hand will start to slide against yours, interlocking hands with you. he’ll act like nothing is happening, but on the inside— he’s taking in your reaction
a little spicy, but when he wants you to look at him— he’ll do that thing where his thumb brushed against your bottom lip, as it almost dips right into your mouth
if he feels a little extra, his hand will also be tugging on your hair (if you’re fine with that. otherwise, he’s sticking to the one above)
oh and he also does that thing where he rests his hand on your neck, thick fingers squeezing your throat lightly.
overall— THIS MAN omg, he’ll entertain your interest in his hand nicely, just for you. and every single thing he does is memorable
kirishima eijirou
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his hands are quite normal regarding size, they are almost always veiny, a lot more than bakugou’s actually. i think at some point he was concerned about them
his hands are rather flushed in color, but that’s because of his quirk. his fingers have a few tiny scars here and there,
he occasionally has pen marks on his wrists due to bad penmanship, and his nails.. don’t look the best, but they’re not the worst it’s bc of his quirk
the palms of his hands are ridden with callouses. but he wears them with pride because it’s the pure evidence of his hard work with his training.
but he starts to get worried about them when he goes to hold your hand.
you always had a thing for kirishima’s hands, but you just never had the chance to tell him that. i guess asking you did it for him
did you even realize how hard you were staring at his hands right now? it happened every single time he enlaced his arms around you, his hands resting at the sides of your arms
at first, he thought it might’ve been because his hands are too rough, or you might’ve been in discomfort— because maybe, just maybe, he accidentally activated his quirk?
the fact that he can’t exactly tell what it is worried him, maybe he should just ask you.
but his worry washed off when you told him upfront that you ‘liked his hands’
“wait so.. you’re staring at my hands because you like them?” kirishima wants to confirm your words, and— so casually, by the way— nod in agreement.
tracing the veins on his hands, you elaborate “your hands are really nice, i can tell how hard you must’ve worked.” pressing your smaller hand against his, you smile.
eijirou takes a moment to process it, but it’s surprisingly quick. “oh t-thanks!” he sheepishly took the compliment, a small blush sporting on his cheeks. “i’m glad it wasn’t because you thought they were weird.”
kirishima unintentionally feeds your interest with his hands. like sometimes.. he’s just not aware of it, but yes— he is feeding your interest well
will always make you compare hand sizes with him, chuckling softly at the dazed look on your face when your palms touch
if you allow him, he’ll fix your hair for you. doesn’t matter what hair type you have, he’ll do LOTS of research to know how to style it
those hands are magical
if you get a papercut, or a wound from cooking— he’ll patch you up, then he’ll press a kiss on the bandaid.
he’ll do this thing where he’ll squeeze your sides when you pull in for a hug. but if you’re not okay with that, he’ll opt to just rubbing your back with his hand— rocking you softly as he hugs you
a little spicy, but his hands do wander a lot. you might need to even hold them in place to make sure they don’t go too wild
in addition to that, he’ll just SLIGHTLY, activate his quirk to make sure you’re conscious of his touch. his finger tips gliding against your back, sending shivers down your spine.
but of course, he’s careful. he doesn’t activate it to the point it causes scratch marks, nor will his actions draw blood. he doesn’t wanna do that
in short— kirishima’s a little clueless at first. he wouldn’t really tease you in public, but he’s surprisingly attentive to your interest.
monoma neito
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his hands are on the tipping edge of slightly above average. he doesn’t have a lot of veins on his hands, but they do pop out depending on what quirk he’s using
monoma’s hands are pretty spotless of any scars (from cuts, abrasions, etc.) because he gets REALLY annoyed with wounds pretty easily
to the point he’d want to attend to the wound immediately, he doesn’t let them sit— it’s just a personal preference
his nails are at the perfect length. not too long and not too short to the point it hurts, you don’t know how he does it.
wears watches on his wrists, and not the digital type— he sorta acts like he can read it easily, but it takes him a few seconds to even get to know the time
you know this because kendo snitched on him and told you LOL
you secretly hate yourself for this, but you really like his hands because of how he takes care of them. you’d never tell monoma even though you’re dating him
you’re unsure of yourself on how your boyfriend— monoma, found out about your fascination with his hands. it was supposed to be a secret for the rest of your life, and you only remember talking about it once out loud
which you assumed was a close call, considering that you thought he didn’t hear it at all— but he did.
“so i heard you like my hands, huh Y/N?” monoma’s teasing tone does not aid the situation. your cheeks heat up with embarassment, and you can’t get yourself to answer his question— without sounding like a fool anyway.
you fake annoyance, “where’d that come from?” you ask, and monoma doesn’t seem to want to switch the topic
“i’m asking you a question, dear Y/N— i heard you like my hands,” his tone would’ve sounded condescending to any other person, but you can tell that he’s either genuinely curious
or just teasing you, because that’s how he is.
to aid his question, he brushes his fingers along your neck— near your pulse. you jolt, stunned by the sudden action— heart beating rapidly against your chest.
“see,” monoma presses his hand against your chest, where your heart is palpitating, grinning in a way that’s teasing you “it’s true, isn’t it? sweet Y/N has a thing for my hands, hm?”
you furrow your eyebrows, and flick his forehead— and he hisses in reaction, “fine then, i do like your hands.” you finally give in, admitting final defeat.
ever since then, you haven’t heard the end of it
definitely that person that’ll just randomly bring it up to you, no matter what hour of the day it is.
“oh Y/N, you were totally fawning over my hands earlier—”
“i will castrate you.”
you know he means well most of the time, but sometimes he just loves teasing the heck out of you.
but that doesn’t mean he neglects your obvious interest in his hands.
he’ll compliment you, he’s a snarky person in general— but to you, he’s totally smooth with it.
slides his hand from your forearm to your hands, only to bring them up to his lips, pressing a kiss against your hand
squeezes your hand everytime he sees you, it’s kind of a nonverbal greeting at this point
similar to kirishima, he likes comparing hand sizes— teasing you about the size difference (even if it’s not even a big of a difference, he’ll take that chance.)
does this thing where he rubs his thumb against his palm. does it a lot when he’s concentrated about something, or just out of the blue
a little spicy, but he’ll make you tell him what you like about his hands, and what you like about the things he does with those hands of his. if that makes sense
he wants all of the details, doesn’t care if it’s mundane, or things he does when he’s feeling a certain way.
he wants to know, because as soon as you’re done with your spewl, he’ll do exactly what you like, teasing you while he’s at it. and so he can start incorporating those habits whenever he’s around you.
totally someone that’ll make you suck on those fingers. oh, but he’ll purposely get some dessert on them— asking you to suck them off
“good grief, i got some dessert on my fingers again. Y/N, come suck them off”
sometimes he’s serious, sometimes he’s just teasing.
overall— it’s pretty adventurous. he starts to act on it as soon as the revelation is revealed to him.
but i’d say he does just fine.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, translate, repost, or use my work for audio readings without my consent :))
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary: Reader decides to cause a little trouble on vacation.
Category: SMUT (18+)
Warnings: Language, sex (dom!Spencer, hair pulling, spanking, female masturbation, rough sex, light choking, oral sex- male receiving, crying during sex, degradation, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, cum play / if I missed anything, please let me know!)
Word Count: 6.6k
Full Requests: 
+ “...this is for dom spencer/post prison spencer!! okay so you guys are all out with the team on like a team vacation type thing! you decide to wear the cutest and smallest black bikini and tease spencer the whole day. and i mean tease him!! after you guys all separate off for the night he punishes you! spanks you and fucks you until you’re a whimpering mess! maybe you even fall into sub space and his aftercare is 10/10 amazing!!” — @slutforthegubes​ 
 + “A one-shot for reader being bratty for being clingy in front of the team, so then he punishes her by spanking, edging ect?” — @smexyreid​ 
NOTE: I actually had a fluff planned for today, but I’ve been feeling rather ~spicy~ lately, so I hope this is alright 😉😂
Normally you didn't like to get into trouble on vacations. And really, who did? Vacations were meant to be relaxing, a way to kick back, relax, and take a break from the monotony of day-to-day life. Not to mention you and the team were far over-due for one of those breaks.
So naturally, your instincts would tell you to do just that: relax. Right?
You couldn't help it. As of late, your sex life was getting... interesting, to say the least. And now more than ever you were always in the mood for trouble; Whether it meant purposely bending over in the office (right in front of your boyfriend, where everyone else was in the room and he couldn't do anything about it) or touching yourself without permission, also sometimes right in front of him.
Bottom line: right now you were looking for trouble. And you knew exactly where to find it.
Trouble, in this case, took the form of a skimpy black bikini you'd spotted while shopping for the trip. it was barely a bathing suit at all, held together by thin strings that you knew would fall apart with just a mere little tug. And if that wasn't enough to entice you, it had little lace detailing that you knew would drive him insane.
Your body practically burned with desire as it sat in a bag in the backseat of your rental car, Spencer's hand on your thigh burning equally as hot.
"You feel really warm," he noted, giving your leg a comforting squeeze. "Are you okay? If you're not feeling well we can stay behind..."
"No, I'm fine," you answered truthfully with a smile. "I'm just really excited to take some time off. Lord knows we need it."
"Yeah, I know... I just wish we weren't going somewhere so... water-y..."
You laughed, placing your hand on top of his and giving it the same reassuring squeeze he'd given you. "It'll be fun. Trust me, you'll have a great time."
He didn't sound so sure about that, but he didn't know the plan you had cooked up. He was going to have fun on this trip whether he thought so or not.
The resort was beautiful. Hell, beautiful was nowhere near the right word for it. It was everything you'd always dreamed about, just like those fancy commercials that showed people in big pools, surrounded by palm trees and workers with white polo shirts who brought you whatever you wanted.
And the hotel rooms you stayed in? They were immaculate. It may have seemed like you were exaggerating, but honestly, you felt like a princess. The bed was just about the most comfortable thing you'd ever had the pleasure of laying on, the view was incredible, sweeping over the resort with a beautiful sunrise every morning, and the complimentary robes and towels were heavenly.
You never wanted to leave.
"Remind me to give Rossi a big hug the next time I see him," you sighed as you rolled over in bed and snuggled into Spencer's side.
He laughed softly into your hair and pulled you closer. "I know it's only been a day, but I could stay here forever. In this bed, with you..."
You smiled, feeling your heart warm at his words. "Me, too... But if you think you're gonna get out of today by being charming, then you're sorely mistaken."
Yesterday, the day you all arrived, you made a plan with Spencer: that first day would be spent settling in and having dinner with the team, going out for drinks and relaxing. And then the next day (today), you were all going to spend the day outside, enjoying the sun and enjoying each others' company. He wasn't too fond of the idea spending all day outside in the heat, but you were sure that by the end of the night he would have found it very rewarding.
Because today was the day you were initiating your plan. Since you would be in public (and you knew your boyfriend wasn't a fan of being too publicly affectionate), you were going to tease him as much as you could. You knew it would kill him, not being able to touch you in front of everyone, and you also knew it would make him mad. Most likely, he would warn you to drop it, and you would feign innocence, continuing on your merry way and proceed with the plan. And if you knew him as well as you thought, chances are he would tolerate you all day, barely putting up with your antics until you were alone for the night.
And then? Then you were hoping he would punish the hell out of you. Because honestly, nothing got your blood pumping faster than when he called you names... When he spanked you, or choked you, or refused to let you come. Or even when he did the opposite and made you orgasm so many times you cried from the overstimulation.
But you knew that whatever punishment he decided this time, it was going to be absolutely delicious.
Just the thought of it made you clench your thighs together, and Spencer seemed to notice; He brought one of his hands down to rest between them, feeling the dampness that was forming through the fabric of your underwear.
"Someone's excited this morning," he mused, pressing a kiss to your forehead as his middle finger pushed the fabric aside and gently glided through your pussy.
You sucked in a breath, nuzzling into his neck and failing to hide a smile. "Well, since we're gonna be out and about all day, don't you think we should do something about that?"
Spencer laughed again, this time slipping his finger all the way inside you, causing you to gasp out.
"That sounds like a fantastic idea, princess."
To say you were anxious would have been an understatement.
Because of the material of your cover-up dress, no one could see what you had on underneath unless you took it off. In reality it was more like a summer dress, landing just above the knee in a pretty black floral pattern. Your hair was up in a clip for easy taking-down, and cheap dollar-store sunglasses sat firmly on the bridge of your nose.
And just the knowledge of what was hiding beneath your seemingly innocent get-up had your stomach twisted in knots. Even as Spencer swung your hand in his as the two of you made your way to the lounge area, you pictured that same hand fisting the sheets as his wrapped around your throat while he fucked you absolutely senseless.
You hadn't even realized you were squeezing his hand so tight until he wiggled his fingers and gently nudged you with his shoulder. "You've been... squirmy and tense lately, are you sure you're alright?"
Your hand loosened its grip on his, and then you brought them up to kiss the back of his hand. "I'm fine, just excited to be in the sun all day, that's all."
There was some degree of truth to your words, but he didn't have to know that.
So, to convince him you really were fine, you practically jumped once you reached the gateway to the pool and lounge area, spotting all your friends as they waved you over. Spencer laughed as you parted from him and started walking a little faster.
"Someone's eager," Rossi mused from his chair, a glass of lemonade in his hand.
As Spencer approached behind you, Luke snickered. "Not eager enough, apparently. They're late. What were you lovebirds up to, eh?"
"Alvez, if you have to ask, you probably couldn't handle the answer," Tara said with a snicker of her own.
Funny thing was, she was absolutely right. And it made your stomach twist into even bigger knots just thinking about what happened just an hour before you left the room.
Thankfully the mood was kind enough to shift, courtesy of JJ removing her sheer cover-up and taking her sunglasses off with them. "Anyone up for a light morning swim before more people show up?"
You weren't sure whether or not it was a good idea... Did you want to start your teasing so early on that by the end of the day it was going to be an even bigger struggle to keep your hands off of Spencer, silently begging him to whisk you away and have his way with you? But what if he held out and decided to cut the day off early? If that was the case, he'd most likely drag out your punishment for hours, and is that something you wanted?
Your mind swam in a current of filthy images and possible scenarios, all of which were too damn good to pass up.
So, you counted yourself in and handed Spencer your bag, to which he gladly took and then planted a kiss on your forehead.
You waited until he was settled down, sitting at the table with Rossi—who also decided to hang back—to start removing your accessories.
The first to go was the sunglasses, easy and still unsuspicious. You were going to remove the hairclip first, but then an idea came to mind, so you easily slid out of the cover-up and let it fall to the ground.
Spencer's jaw dropped open at about the same speed, though he quickly closed it to seemingly remain unbothered. The smallest of smirks played across your lips as you bent down to pick the garment up. And you took your sweet time, purposely struggling to get it between your fingers. At one point, you had it halfway up before you 'accidentally' dropped it again, mumbling a curse under your breath.
But eventually you gave up the charade, successfully grabbing the dress and holding it out to Spencer. "Would you put this in my bag for me, babe?"
"Uh huh," he muttered, his hands practically shaking when he took it from you.
To add sugar to the pot, you took a step towards him and kissed him chastely on the mouth, just before taking the clip from your hair and shaking it out like in the movies. Truthfully you weren't sure if it was as sexy as they always made it seem, but judging by your boyfriend's inability to look at you, you figured it did the trick.
You turned and made your way to the pool then, leaving him behind with a little extra spring in your step.
Your swim extended until lunch time at around noon, where everyone gathered at their table. There were about thirty of these tables all around the pool, each attaching a tall umbrella to keep from the sun.
Though Spencer had seemed rattled and more shocked than anything at your outfit reveal before, now he just seemed calm. Oddly calm.
As you opened a beer, you looked over at him. "You okay, baby?"
"Yep. I'm all good."
He clearly wasn't. His hand twitched under the table, and it made your stomach flutter with butterflies as you wondered what he was thinking. Was he thinking about fucking you out here in front of everyone? Was he imagining and concocting ways to make sure you knew how much of an affect you had on him later? The thought of all of it excited you to the point of squirminess again.
It was safe to say that Spencer noticed. His hand reached out and brushed your knee about ten minutes into lunch, and it sent a jolt of electricity through you. He was never this way in public, but now he was full-on gripping your knee under the table and slowly sliding it up and up and up...
"Excuse me? Do you guys have an extra chair we could use by chance?" A voice sounded from the other side of you, and you jumped as Spencer quickly removed his hand from you.
But then you got another idea.
"Oh, here, you can use mine," you told the voice, which belonged to a middle-aged woman in a blue one-piece and a sun hat.
"Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble..."
You stood up and smiled at her, handing over your chair as you insisted. "It's not a problem. Really."
"Thank you," she returned with a smile. "Have a great day."
"You, too!" you called as she walked off with the chair. You turned to Spencer with a smile. "You don't mind if I sit on your lap, right?"
He didn't answer, only shifted in the chair, and that gave you all the permission you needed. So you promptly sat down between his legs, and you snuggled as close to him as you could, making sure to wiggle a little more than needed without being too obvious as your friends continued chatting. Spencer's left hand gripped your hip so tightly you thought he was going to leave bruises.
That excited you more than it probably should have.
So to test your luck, you placed your hand over the top of his and drew little patterns into the back of his hand. Your other hand worked at occasionally grabbing fries to eat.
What you didn't expect was for Spencer to ask for one. Really, you didn't think much of it, though those butterflies returned in your lower belly when he ate the fry right out of your hand, bringing his face to rest right above your shoulder. Before he pulled away, he whispered just inconspicuously enough to avoid raising any red flags.
"Watch yourself, princess..."
He hissed out the nickname so harshly it made you shudder, and your thighs clenched under the table as he leaned back again.
Just in time for someone to talk.
"Why, you two are awfully clingy today." It was Penelope, giggling through a bright pink bendy straw.
You decided to play off of that, smiling and leaning back to press yourself fully against him. "This is our first vacation together, I guess I'm just excited," you said sweetly.
Spencer lightly kissed your cheek, but his hand squeezed your bare hip again. A warning not to push it.
"You know, Will and I haven't had a vacation in a while. It's kind of a bummer he had to work, otherwise we could've taken the kids." JJ pouted playfully before taking a fry.
"We'll definitely have to plan for another one of these in the future," Penelope offered happily.
You wiggled your hips just the tiniest bit as your head dropped onto Spencer's shoulder. "I agree."
His fingers were gripping your hip with brutal force now, and to cover a yelp, you faked a cough. He eased his grip, settling on splaying his entire hand flat across it instead. Its warmth mixed with the knowledge of how big it was made you all warm inside. And, God, if you didn't want to fake being sick so you could drag him up to the hotel room right then...
But you held on, ready for phase two of your plan.
While swimming before, You decided with Luke, Penelope, Tara, Matt, and Emily that a game of water-volleyball was in your future. JJ offered to call points while the rest of you, in teams, played against each other. Despite their efforts to get Rossi and Spencer to join, they both declined, but in a way you were thankful.
Being in action might just be the thing you needed to finally push him over the edge.
So soon after lunch, you all moved over to the open water-volleyball pool. JJ, Spencer, and Rossi all sat at the edge on lounge chairs to watch while you divided into two teams, Penelope, Luke, and Emily on one side, you, Tara, and Matt on the other.
Truth be told, during the game you almost completely forgot about the other little game that you were playing with Spencer—the one only you two knew about. You were quite content and happy having fun with your friends for so long that it was a distant memory.
But at one point, Matt lifted you out of the water to hit the ball, his hands firmly gripping your waist to help you do it. And you didn't think anything of it until you realized your second, and probably your most fatal, mistake.
You'd successfully spiked the ball and scored the winning point, to which your team loudly cheered. And when Matt brought you back down into the water, you flung your arms around his neck in a hug. He lifted you out of the water again as he hugged you, and over his shoulder, you spotted Spencer.
He was furious.
No one would have been able to tell, of course, but you knew. You'd seen that look before, when you were teasing him badly enough that it warranted a pretty severe punishment.
You may have won the volleyball game, but in the process you inadvertently won another game, one that excited you far more and presented you with the grand prize of one very long night.
Spencer was quiet with you the rest of the day. After the game, you all decided to just lay out in the sun for a few hours. Occasionally, you would sneak a glance at your boyfriend to find him in that oddly calm state again, the one that borderline scared and excited you at the same time, and for a moment you wondered if maybe you'd gone too far, even if you hadn't intentionally meant to make him jealous.
But if something was truly wrong, he would have told you. You both knew the lines between playful and serious, and this odd calm that Spencer was exuding was most definitely playful.
He only further proved that to be true when you got up to the bar to get a margarita, and you felt a presence behind you.
His hands splayed over your hips and slid forward to your stomach, pulling you back to him. The hardness you felt pressing into the thin material of your bikini made you tremble.
"I want you to finish your drink, and then I want you to meet me in our room. Take your time, princess. I'll be waiting."
Before you could even answer, he was gone, his hand lingering on your body for a moment before he let himself fully walk away. And as you slowly sipped on your drink, chatting a bit with Penelope when she came over, your skin still burned hot from his touch.
You took a deep breath before stepping ino the room. Your hands were shaking with excitement and your stomach churned at the sight of him.
He was perched on the bed, freshly showered, wearing nothing but a towel hung low on his hips while he read a book. His hair was wet, towel dried and hanging in soft curls in front of his eyes.
Spencer always took your breath away, but this?
You were in deep shit.
He didn't even look up from his book. He continued flipping the page and gently nodded towards the bathroom door. "Go get a shower ready. I'll be in in a minute."
Your first instinct was to obey. But then again, trouble was what you wanted in the first place, so trouble was what you were going to deliver.
"Because you're covered in chlorine from the pool, and you have to shower." He still didn't look up at you. And that just wouldn't do.
"I'm sure you're right, babe, but I just don't feel like it. And you can't make me."
His eyes flitted up to meet you, just for a brief second before he sighed and shut the book. "Y/N..."
"You've been a tease all day, do you really want to make it harder for yourself?" This time he was looking up at you fully, meeting you with a bored expression that was just so fucking hot. You couldn't resist.
"I don't know," you teased, crossing your arms. "Do I?"
"Trust me, princess, you don't..."
You giggled at the nickname and started walking towards him, kicking off your flip flops and uncrossing your arms in the process. "Hmm... I think I do."
"Take another step, see what happens," he offered plainly.
Just for the hell of it, you stopped and then took one giant step forward, bringing you to the edge of the bed where he was sitting. You smiled down at him and felt your insides heat up as he brought his hand out, roughly pulling at the thin fabric of your bikini. He pulled you right on top of him, just for you to be rolled over and pinned on your stomach.
His hands pinned your hands behind your back as he pushed his body into yours, making you whimper out excitedly.
"So be it. Don't make a sound unless I tell you to. Understand?" The sternness in his voice sent another chill through you as you nodded. But then one of his hands came up and tugged on your hair, pulling your neck back. "Answer me."
"I understand," you said, though not without making it sound like you were bored.
That only seemed to make him more mad, which of course was a win for you. He tugged your hair harder, causing you to yelp out with a masochistic laugh.
"Something funny?" he inquired evenly.
"You're cute when you're mad," you offered with a shit-eating grin, wiggling your ass against him.
This time, instead of pulling your head back, he shoved it down into the mattress, his hand shifting to hook his middle finger around your cheek and into your mouth. "You're cute when you shut up and obey me... But I have a feeling you're not going to be very good for me tonight, are you princess?"
You only hummed around his finger in response, clenching your pussy around nothing as your body suddenly went wild with a wave of pleasure at his words.
"That's what I thought... Let's see how well you take your spankings, maybe then I'll go easy on you later."
He wasted no time then, yanking your swim bottoms down and running his hand over the curve of your ass.
"Let's see... One—" SMACK. "—for making a show of wearing this slutty little bikini."
To keep it interesting, you wiggled your ass for more, and he returned the favor by spanking you even harder than the last time. "Two, for giving away your chair just to sit in my lap." Very quickly after, he administered another one, following with, "Three, for teasing me at lunch in front of our friends."
"But I d—"
SMACK. "Four, for interrupting me," he said quietly. And with the way his hand was rubbing over your stinging skin, he was no doubt admiring his work so far. He even hummed, lifting his hand occasionally, leading you to think he was going to spank you again— Only for him to settle on rubbing over your ass again.
He was drawing this out. Taking his time. Seeing how antsy you would get.
Needless to say, it was working.
Your hands, which were still pinned behind your back by Spencer's other hand, started to flex, and you whimpered out in want.
"What's the matter, princess?" he cooed.
"I... I want you," is all you could think to say. Because you really did.
"Bad girls don't get what they want. Especially brats. So tell me, do you think I'm going to give you what you want?"
You were supposed to answer him, but in the name of trouble, you remained silent.
He waited for an answer that never came. And when he was tired of waiting, realizing what you were doing, Spencer spanked you again. "Five, for not answering me."
Before you could do or say anything, he landed another slap to your ass. "And six, for having Matt's hands all over you."
You couldn't help it. You laughed. "Oh, that got to you, huh? His hands were nice and big. Reminded me of y—ah!"
He spanked you again, hard. Tears stung behind your eyes and you smiled through them.
"Seven," he growled. "For being a fucking brat."
You took a few deep breaths before speaking again. "Aw, are you jealous? You really think I would—fuck!"
Another spank. "Eight. Don't you dare get it to ten." It was obvious that he was challenging you. Either that, or you were just looking for trouble so badly that you were willing to hear his words as a challenge. But regardless, you challenged him back with one simple, breathy word.
SMACK. "Nine. You must really be looking for trouble, huh?"
You laughed, wiggling your ass one more time. "You don't even know the half of it."
Spencer spanked you one last time, harder than all the rest of them, and you actually yelped out, squeezing your eyes shut.
"Ten. Now get in the shower, or I'll make it double."
You thought about it, but a shower actually sounded really good, and it would give you a chance to breathe before he utterly wrecked you in a little while.
"Okay," you offered, slumping against the bed loosely to show him your surrender. He gently let go of you then, rubbing over your ass a few times before pulling away from you and helping you stand.
"You want me to put something on that now or later?" he asked gently, brushing the hair from your face.
"Later," you returned with a wink and a smile.
He huffed a laugh before gently smacking your ass one more time and sending you off in the shower.
As excited as you were for the rest of the evening, you were tempted to take as long in the shower as you wanted, just to see what Spencer would do. But you decided to just take a shower normally, rinsing out your hair just as you always did. You quickly washed up your body, wincing a bit at the sting of your ass under the soap and warm water.
And then you started thinking about how exhilarated you felt as he punished you. Each sharp, warm smack of his hand on your skin made you feel utterly electric and wet. It was a wonder you weren't actually dripping down your leg and onto the bed at how badly you wanted him.
The thought sent your hand down to said wetness. You really shouldn't have been touching yourself, but you were practically burning for him, melting at the amount of teasing you'd done today and the anticipation that came with every move. Your hand was relentless, looking for its own trouble as you moaned out as quietly as you could. The water was still cascading down your back as you rubbed tight, fast circles on your clit, hoping to get fast relief.
And then a knock came at the door.
"I want you out here in five minutes!"
Sure enough, Spencer's voice was enough to finally push you off the edge, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through you. But as soon as it subsided, you turned the water off and got out to dry yourself off.
Hopefully he wouldn't ever find out what you've done. But the devious side of you really wanted to know what he'd do if he did.
With that thought flooding your brain, you quickly finished drying off and walked out into the bedroom to find Spencer waiting on the bed again. His towel was still wrapped around his waist, and it gave you an idea.
You winked and dropped your own towel, revealing yourself fully to him.
"Did I ask you to drop the towel?" he chastised.
"Nope," you replied, placing your hands on your hips.
"Then why did you do it?"
You decided to take the mocking route, drawling out an overexaggerated, "Because I'm a dirty little whore, and I need you to put your big cock inside me."
"Are you done?"
He looked bored again, and it made you want him even more. So you said, "No. Once your cock is in me, I wa—"
"Were you touching yourself in the shower?"
Holy fuck.
Spencer stood up and glided over to you until he was towering over you, clearly unbelieving of your blatant lie. "No?"
"No," you repeated, the tiniest of smirks forming on your lips.
Without warning, his hand was between your legs, and a gasp left you as he found your clit, rubbing it almost exactly the same way you'd been earlier. You couldn't help the strangled moan that left your mouth, and he smirked knowingly.
"Yep. Those are definitely the sounds I heard."
And then he removed his hand, making you whine at the loss of contact. "I'm sorry," you whispered, hoping he'd return, if only to punish you for what you did by overstimulating you.
He seemed to have another idea, though.
"You're sorry?"
"Mhm," you whimpered, reaching out to grab his hand. "I'm so sorry."
When you had hold of his hand, he took control, gripping your wrist and pushing it away, and then he grabbed your shoulder. "Then why don't you get on your knees—" he pushed on your shoulder and you obliged happily, "—and show me how sorry you are..."
Your pussy throbbed around nothing as you looked up at him, eagerly waiting for his towel to drop. But he didn't move, and it was clear that he was waiting on you to do it.
So you yanked the towel down and marveled at how hard and ready he was. Your head seemed to move of its own accord, like it was magnetically drawn to his dick, and you weren't complaining. And then your tongue flattened and licked a broad stripe underneath him, before you quickly made work of taking him completely into your mouth.
It didn't take long to start a nice rhythm bobbing up and down, occasionally looking up to see him. Again, he looked bored, and though that would have spurred you on before, now you were desperate to please. So you worked your mouth faster, slacking your jaw and taking him in deeper, using your hands to keep yourself steady by gripping the back of his thighs. You moaned and gagged around him, yet kept your pace up regardless.
"Come on, princess, you can do better than that," he teased, fisting your hair and holding you down on his cock. "Apologize like you mean it."
He released your hair then, and you pulled back to take a breath of air before spitting obscenely on his dick and quickly stroking him with your hand. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm so so sorry," you whined, right before taking his balls in your mouth. You kept at that for a few moments before going to take him in your mouth again.
This time you were meaningful in every single movement, taking him in slow and deep. Each time he hit the back of your throat you held yourself there and choked around him as long as you could, tears falling from your eyes. And then you'd pull away slowly, swirling your tongue around his tip before repeating.
Eventually though, he pulled you away completely and studied you as you sat there, knelt on the floor in front of him with red eyes, and tears and spit completely coating your face. Your lips were glistening and puffy as you panted, whispering soft apologies.
"What a good girl," Spencer mused, brushing hair from your eyes and wiping tears from your cheeks. "I accept your apology. Come here."
His gentle voice all but pulled you to him as you stood on shaky knees. He hadn't even really done anything to you yet, and you were already a mess. That fact made you smile.
You wiped most of the mess from your face and nodded. "So, what's my reward?"
Spencer huffed a laugh. "For being a brat? Nothing."
"Aw, but I thought I earned your forgiveness..." You pouted playfully, and he pulled you closer by the waist.
"Yeah, well you're being cocky, so I take it back."
Before you could say anything, he kissed you, bringing both of his hands up to cradle the sides of your head. You all but melted into him and let him lead you to the bed, where you were turned around and bent over again.
He used his leg to spread yours apart, right before bringing a hand to the nape of your neck. As he grabbed a fistful of your hair and gently tugged your head back, his other hand fell between your legs and gently parted you.
"You ready, princess?"
"Uh huh," you whined back, right as he pushed forward and glided his cock through your pussy. He waited, making you anticipate that sweet moment when he'd finally enter you, and you could tell he was enjoying every second. You wiggled against him, and he yanked your hair.
"Ah-ah, be patient... Be patient..."
He continued just sliding himself through your opening until you weren't expecting it. And then he slammed into you, eliciting a loud moan from the back of your throat.
"Sh, shh," Spencer expressed, releasing your hair and sliding his hand to cover your mouth. "Everyone's going to hear you, princess, you need to keep quiet. Can you do that for me?"
"Mhm," you mumbled against his hand, letting out a strangled sigh when he placed it on your shoulder instead. He kept up a nice, hard pace pounding into you, each slap of his hips against your burning ass just the right amount of pain to be pleasant. And you were thankful for the bed underneath you, because if you didn't have it, you'd surely have buckled under the weight of your knees already.
Feeling how limp you were in his grasp, Spencer used both his hands to wrap around the front of your throat, keeping you upright as your hands pressed into the mattress.
"Tell me, princess, do you think you deserve to come so soon?"
You were so caught up in how hard and deep he was fucking you that you were pretty sure it wouldn't matter what you told him— you were going to orgasm regardless, because there was no way you could even fathom trying to hold it in. Whether or not Spencer would show you any mercy at that point was a mystery.
You were just going to have to find out.
"I—I... Ohhhh..."
You heard him laugh lowly, and it made you clench around him. "Oh, it hasn't even been five minutes, and I've already fucked you so dumb you can't even speak? Huh?"
You whined in response, letting your head fall to the side as you tried to look at him. And you barely caught a glimpse of his hair as he continued speaking. "Aw... My poor little princess... That's what you get, isn't it? When you act like a dirty little whore..."
He was recalling what you'd teased earlier, and it brought you closer to the edge more than you liked to admit.
"Uh... huh," you whined out, dangerously close to coming undone.
"Alright then, princess. Come for me, show me what you got."
Unsurprisingly, it didn't take very long for that to happen. You let out a string of whimpers and cries as he fucked you through your orgasm, his hands slightly tightening around your throat as well. Every sensation was blinding and intense, just like you knew it'd be, even if it was only your second orgasm of the night.
And you had a decent suspicion that it wasn't going to be your last.
Even after you were done, Spencer kept at it, relentlessly fucking you into the mattress until your legs were surely numb. Your knees were still sore from being on the floor before, and likewise, your ass was still burning. Not to mention the overstimulation you were experiencing as one of his hands moved down to rub at your clit.
Eventually though, he stopped, and you weren't sure why. But then he flipped you around, laying you on the edge of the bed and leaning over you, his hands brushing more of the tears from your cheeks.
"I wanna see your pretty little eyes when I come, okay? You think you can keep 'em open for me, princess?"
"Mhm," you whined out as he pushed into you again.
He settled on a slow pace that built and built until he was fucking you fast and hard and incredibly deep. His entire body leaned into yours as he snapped his hips forward over and over again, brutal in their goal to completion. You kept whining out, feeling another orgasm coming quickly as you let yourself succumb to him.
"That's it, princess, you're taking it so well. We're almost done..." He whispered comforts into your temple, moments before you reached your peak once more. You shook violently underneath him, which was all he needed to finish himself.
He pulled back and looked into your eyes, filled with tears at the overstimulation, as he snapped his hips forward once, twice, and then three times before letting go. He held himself inside of you, moaning out while looking into your eyes. The feel of his cock throbbing and spilling over inside of you was just about the most comforting thing in the world right then, accompanied by soft brushes of his fingers through your hair and even softer declarations of love.
Long after he stayed inside of you, catching his breath, Spencer pulled out and examined you, the way your body glistened perfectly with the right amount of sweat. Your chest heaved, each dip and curve and peak of your breasts slowly rising and falling as you trembled. He slid down your body, until finally his eyes caught sight of your pussy, glistening and dripping with his cum. It absolutely wrecked him in the best way possible, so much so that he couldn't help himself.
He brought his hand to your opening, gently scooping up his cum and gathering it onto the pads of his fingers. You moaned out as he did it, and he knew then exactly what he wanted.
"Open up, princess," he pried softly, bringing his fingers to your mouth. You gladly did what you were told and sighed out as he glided them over your tongue, practically spoon-feeding you his cum. He pumped his fingers in and out of your mouth slowly, feeling every vibration on your tongue from the sounds you made. And then he did it again, bringing his fingers back to your pussy to gather more of his mess.
He did this until it was pretty much all gone, and truthfully, you would have let it go on forever. The intimacy of it all, the soft and sensual way in which he explored and watched you, and the love you felt for each other all wrapped up in a shiny, red bow was the perfect end to a perfect day.
You would have fallen asleep, but Spencer was gently nudging your arm. "Hey, you," he said gently, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I think it's time to run us a bath, don't you think?"
"Sure," you agreed quietly with a smile. "And then we can sleep, right?"
"I think the team might get mad at us for ditching dinner, but I'm willing to risk that."
With a laugh, you reached over and kissed him. "Good. I love you, Spencer."
"I love you, too, princess."
TAGS NOT WORKING: @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith
@elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @s1utformgg @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse
If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment, and I’ll add you!
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Animator vs. Animation Franchise Hug Collection - Part 2 (*Comes with Personal Headcanon about Hugs for Four Characters*)
♥ Would you like to check out the first part? Then click here! ♥
♥ Would you like to check out the third part? Then click here! ♥
"There's something in a simple hug that always warms the heart. It welcomes us back home and makes it easier to part." -Johnny Ray Ryder, Jr.
Here are some more hug screenshots I've gathered.
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Also, while I was creating this post, I've begun to think of a personal headcanon on how King Orange, The Dark Lord, The Chosen One, and Victim would react if they got a hug, because we've never actually seen them receive one.
(Now, keep in mind that I don't usually come up with theories, headcanons, etc.; I just enjoy reading them, and this is my first time sharing one of these topics with a fandom in general, so please bear with me.)
King Orange, or King (or, as you people like to call him, Mango Tango, or MT for short): There are a couple of possibilities. He's definitely feared in the Nether, while at the same time, he's beloved in the Titan Ravager village, though it's mostly because the villagers are currently unaware of his true nature. If I had to take a stab at it, I would headcanon that anyone who knows King Orange's actual personality and / or serves him wouldn't attempt at, let alone even dare, to give him a hug. Of course, bows would be the appropriate gesture. Regarding his reaction, if the interaction was based on him continuing his facade of a good publicity to others who meet him or don't know him enough, he would appreciate the gesture. If the interaction was based on those who are aware of his real image and / or serves him, he would harshly push the hugger off and warn them never to do it again, or else he'll harm them.
The Dark Lord: A little similar to King's reaction regarding one of the options, he wouldn't like someone hugging him, but this stems from a different reason. Considering that he was abandoned by noogai, even when he was at the mercy of the Chosen One, and that the Chosen One, his enemy-turned-only friend-turned-enemy again, was at opposition with him about his plans to destroy the internet, saving noogai from the ViraBot and working with him to defeat him, any genuinely nice gestures he's given, Dark will initially start to accept, but then quickly push them away in fears that he'll be betrayed again. If ever Dark's given a redemption arc (and if he's still alive, even after the Second Coming's final attack on him, which I would like to believe so), it's going to take a long while for him to regain some sense of trust and realize that there are people who would actually care for him (I think Chosen still does, despite all that's happened in Animator vs. Animation V). However, with the right people, it could be possible for him to attain this goal... hopefully...
I thought this quote might be a little fitting for him:
"How you gonna forget with me around? I'm the source of all your problems! Don't pretend you want me here. What's your plan for me, huh? You gonna put me somewhere? You gonna leave me alone?!" -Spinel, Steven Universe: The Movie
The Chosen One: Chosen... hmm... assuming that he's working at bettering himself since the events of Animator vs. Animation V, I think he would just have a neutral reaction for the time being if he received a hug: no pushing away or harming others, no expressions of happiness or gratitude, just... yeah... plain reactions. Maybe he'll respond with something like, "Okay, thanks for the gesture," in a neutral tone.
Victim: And last, but definitely not least, Victim, our beloved. I really enjoyed seeing a few posts about him, a couple of thoughts about how he's still alive in a void after being deleted in Animator vs. Animation I, about him trying to find some way to return to the computer world, about his attempts to interact with the other living stick figures...
(Side note: seeing these posts made me want to attribute this song to Victim.)
Ohhh, he absolutely deserves all the love and friendship in the world. There is no doubt from me saying that he would always appreciate a hug from anyone.
So, if you had a chance, which of the four characters would you like to give a hug to?
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antigoddex-a · 2 years
So, hi, hello, PSA: I have been going through recent events that I can see belong to the fact that I have O.SDD-1 / O.SDDID ( a sub-type of O.ther S.pecified D.issociative D.isorders that is most similar to D.issociative I.dentity D.isorder ), specifically OSDD-1b. As far as I am aware, I have two alters, Yancy who came around recently on May 8th and a little who I can’t recall when exactly, but most likely somewhere in 2020 ( I always felt ashamed fully properly acknowledging them while also believing it’s just Normal to slip into the little headspace here and there, but, now, I get them... ). Huzzah!
With this fact in mind, I am going to try to keep track of ourselves and my life while trying to fully grasp them when I am usually known to be extremely detached with myself and life to often truly not care about anything that would happen to and around me. I have always wanted to do journalling, but couldn’t because of erratic motivation, but I want to try again while trying to rebuild my own sense of self that is usually distorted. It is gonna be tiring and repetitive and annoying, but I think actually acknowledging my own presence and even trying to appreciate where I am and the fact of how I am still here despite what I would go through does very helpful. Honestly, I and especially Yancy are proud of me for gradually coming to terms with all of this and taking immediate actions about them. Also, I have never taken any medications or done any therapy sessions for ever anything with me, so... The fact I’m doing this as well all alone, either Yancy wants to help or not, we are very impressed as well.
Now in terms of if Yancy will front while I would be active on here ( e.g. reblogging posts, replying threads, etcetera ) or interacting with someone through messages, I don’t know how often that will be a thing, as this is all new to us, but we will start to end our sentences wirh our names ( - Morningstar or - Yancy ) in comments or tags to indicate who is talking. With D.iscord or T.umblr IMs, assume it’s me, Morningstar, otherwise Yancy would most likely state their presence, but while I doubt they ever would because these conversations are my own businesses, who knows. I will also be making a Carrd or such platform as a little about info for me and my alters. I do have to say, noticing this, that one of Yancy’s spelling habits is they really don’t give a fuck about misspellings and don’t capitalize the I’s or names in the entire sentences, while I am complete opposite, so if they happen to forget signing their name yet their speech seems more LOUD and messy, that’s most likely them.
The details under cut is just me sharing the experience where Yancy fronted I think briefly in the morning today on the 9th because I want people to really See what I mean when I say we have OSDD-1b. It was really Something to go through. It’s not obligated to be read though, so if you’re stopping by here, just please know that I am extremely appreciative and thankful for the continuous support and love. My emotional detachment really makes it so difficult for me to interact with literally everyone I know here regardless of how close we are, initiating or carrying conversations, as well as the tolerance in how I speak / type, behave, etcetera, is so beyond appreciated. I had lost a very few people who I had been long mutuals with on Sunday around the time Yancy came through especially with their very prideful and rowdy self, so it was disheartening seeing that we got “ too much “, but I still recall how Yancy made a sneering face realizing who softblocked me and only said out loud it’s okay ( they even actually planned to hardblock them to make me feel less bad seeing them around but I stopped them ‘cause it’s just not worth it as I can understand why ), so, to those who is still here with us, thank you so much. <3 <3 <3
I’m not going to share a whole lot of else that had happened with Yancy yesterday on Sunday because Sunday was just? A lot that I can’t remember what happened exactly other than the prominent fact that I was in multiple of people’s inboxes, but while you already know about the softblock thing and how they would usually type as a habit, I am aware that their tags of their selfies posts came across as very boastful, which... I can get it’d be overwhelming to others, but honestly, I don’t blame Yancy being like that especially when I had really negative thoughts regarding my mom and my birth / existence. ( I do highly appreciate them helping being there for me during Mother’s Day though. ) Now about today, Yancy fronted very briefly in the morning a few minutes after I replied to this thread and it was a lot to handle. It happened while I was scrolling through my blog and I suddenly felt very large / tall and I noticed I would be slouching over with my arms out ( imagine a werewolf being like this posture wise ). And I was able to catch / sense that I kept clenching my fists as if I wanted to hold a knife since the thread had the said weapon involved. Morningstar stims and shouting is one of xyr stims as it makes xem more happier and free, but the urge to shout is very sudden while there’s a heavy, sharp sensation building in the chest, along with the sick feeling of wanting to explode. We did release the shout into the pillow, but after that, the details are blur as I can not remember when did I front back. It was just intense... I have a lot of questions than answers about me and Yancy and my little alter, but while I am extremely relieved to find an exact label of what I am going through, I really hope as time goes on, we will all come to understand each other completely as whole and move forward towards the genuine peace. Together.
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ptersparkers · 4 years
the art of eating pussy (5)
summary: upon realizing you lack skills in the bedroom when a touron asks you out on a date, you turn to jj, a self-proclaimed sexual deviant, for help.
warnings: smut, y’all. 
notes: i haven’t been in the right headspace to right recently and wanted to give my reads something of quality and substance, not something to rush just for satisfaction. behold, chapter five.
co-authored and co-written with @storiesbymads​. SHOW MY WIFE SOME LOVE.
add yourself to my taglist + series masterlist 
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JJ’s hung up. 
You’d been spending less time at the Chateau in favor of spending time with Trent since it was the last week that he’d be on the island. His mind was racing, conflicted with the thoughts of your mouth on Trent and his lips on your neck. The night of the party had been the worst moment of the week and his jaw hurt from clenching by the time he ended up crashing out on John B’s couch. JJ always drank to forget and that night wasn’t an exception. 
He knew it wasn’t just about sex with you anymore. It wasn’t about the opportunity for him to get off by the hand of someone else. It wasn’t about him taking advantage of you. There was nothing complicated about the two of you in the bedroom. 
But outside of the bedroom, JJ’s head was spinning every time you said goodbye or forced him out the door because your parents were home. He didn’t have to think when he was with you; JJ knew what you wanted and knew what to expect. He knew that his time alone with you was the product of these lessons but that didn’t mean he had to think of this time as anything but passionate. When his tongue wasn’t down your throat, he was thinking about the tight feeling in his chest that left him wondering what was going to happen once you told him it was over because he didn’t want this to end.
JJ hadn’t thought about the lessons ending until he saw you tucked underneath Trent’s arm at the party. This whole situation wasn’t friends with benefits and he knew it, which is why it messed with his head so much. Yes, there was the whole “no strings attached” ordeal, but this wasn’t just one of you calling the other for sex. This was much more complicated. You were one of JJ’s best friends but the only difference is you’d seen him naked, intentionally. 
His thoughts are preoccupied with the idea that once the lessons end, you might still be with Trent despite him no longer being on the island. JJ would have to go back to being just friends and he’d have to pretend that he never saw you naked. He’d have to pretend he didn’t revel in the thought of you trembling beneath him. The other Pogues, to his knowledge, had no idea that the both of you were fooling around and he didn’t know if it was something he wanted to disclose. On one hand, he wanted a second opinion on whether or not this was something healthy. On the other hand, he knew what they would say; that JJ didn’t care about catching feelings and it was unlikely that he would consider succumbing to being a boyfriend. He knew he’d expressed his disdain for relationships in the past, but now he wasn’t so sure. 
You ended up skipping out on the last two beach sessions in favor of Trent. Pope had decided to stay behind on the sand with JJ while Sarah, Kiara, and John B. enjoyed themselves under the warmth of the sun and the contrasting coolness of the ocean waves. Pope could sense something was amiss when JJ was the first to propose having a relaxing afternoon and hadn’t shown up with his surfboard tucked underneath his arm. 
“Something’s up,” Pope stated. “Something’s been up for a while and I didn’t want to say anything about it until I knew for sure, but something’s definitely up.” JJ shook his head. 
“It’s nothing.” Pope nudged JJ with his shoulder. 
“C’mon, man. You don’t want to surf, your mind is a million miles from where you are, and not to mention, this entire week you’ve been moody.”
“I’m not moody,” JJ muttered with a scowl, flicking at a clump of sand near his foot. Pope’s mouth formed a knowing smile. JJ sighed. “Okay, I’ve been moody.” 
“What’s up? Is it your dad again?” 
“No,” JJ replied softly. “I just think life is bullshit.”
“We all think life is bullshit.” 
“Feelings are bullshit.” Pope’s ears perked with interest. 
“Feelings?” JJ looked at Pope before looking back at the view in front of him, watching as Kiara had playfully splashed Sarah with ocean water. He wished he could feel that carefree. 
“They suck,” he began. “I think it’s stupid that people are allowed to feel something for people and not know if they feel the same.” 
“Are you talking about someone?” JJ paused. 
“No,” he replied. 
“Okay...” Pope trailed off. JJ sighed once more.
“What I’m trying to say, is, I wish we weren’t cursed with not knowing where the lines are blurred and I wish we could all say how we feel without consequence.” 
Pope sensed that JJ was trying to speak metaphorically and project his emotions on a secondary situation. He nodded, trying to follow the blond’s train of thought. He pursed his lips as JJ spoke and wanted to understand what he was saying to the fullest extent, but the boy decided to let JJ talk. 
“Have you ever thought about getting off this island?” JJ asked after a few moments of silence. 
“What kind of question is that?” Pope asked, laughing. “Of course I do.”
“But really,” said JJ. “Not just getting off and seeing what it’s like. I mean, like, what you’re gonna be doing in twenty years and the people who are going to be in your life.”
“Sometimes,” Pope replied with a casual shrug. “I try to take things one day at a time. I never want to overwhelm myself.”
“Lucky you,” JJ muttered. “I see myself off of this stupid fucking island by the time I’m thirty. I don’t want to live in a place where I feel trapped and can’t say what I want to fucking say.”
“I want to be able to forget about the Kooks,” Pope chimed in. JJ nodded. “I kinda want to live in San Francisco.”
“I’d probably live in Europe or something,” JJ said. “Don’t know where but I’d want to experience life as far away from North Carolina as possible.”  
“You sure you’re okay?” Pope asked. He knew he wasn’t. 
“Yeah, man,” JJ replied. “Just got a lot of things on my mind.”
The idea of fooling around with anyone that wasn’t you hadn’t crossed JJ’s mind. He’d been to Boneyard keggers since the lessons began but the notion of flirting and bringing a girl back to the Chateau was way off his radar. The Pogues didn’t take much notice but JJ wondered if they knew something was amiss or if they’d say something about it if they did. If he was able to realize he hadn’t slept with anyone since he began “teaching” you, then they might have. JJ knew their worlds didn’t revolve around him, and the boy was still as goofy and troublesome as ever, but there was a seeded doubt that made him awkward whenever he was around his friends if you happened to be there. 
It wasn’t that his stomach felt queasy or that his heart was racing. He’d be lying to himself if he admitted that. His head was clear when it came to how he felt about you and he wouldn’t hesitate rushing to your house if you called him for another lesson or if you just wanted to kick back with him in your room and jam out to vinyls you pulled out whenever you felt nostalgic. Before, he would never have considered approaching your side of the island but now he didn’t feel as small as he did when he didn’t have a reason to be there. Your parents were familiar with your friends and didn’t mind JJ stopping by, which gave him more of an incentive to visit you when he had had enough of the Chateau and his friends’ loud personalities. 
JJ knew his head was clear when it came to how he was feeling. The only part that clouded his judgement was Trent and dealing with the different friendship he’d have with you. He was sure that if the Touron wasn’t in the picture, things would be much easier for him. Trent’s dark and slick hair reminded him of greed and filth. His boisterous personality reminded JJ of everything he never wanted to be and he couldn’t understand why you’d pay attention to him for longer than a quick glance. The Touron was casually cool, the type of person who wanted to say they were able to rub elbows with the socialites of New York City by posting it on his social media accounts. You, on the other hand, were down to earth and courageous about your future potential. He couldn’t fathom why you were so attracted to someone who was your opposite. 
Your head had been spinning too. Trent was the perfect gentleman and he hadn’t given you a reason to not trust him. And yet, every moment you spent with him reminded you that you weren’t spending it with JJ. You couldn’t understand why you’d been thinking about his shaggy hair when he wakes up or the way his eyes squint when he laughs a little too hard. Trent was giving you his full and undivided attention, and you always felt guilty when you needed to force yourself back into reality because you had been zoning out, daydreaming of being anywhere else. 
But JJ never seemed to be anything other than friendly with you. You opted to disregard how he acted during the lessons, summing that up to pent up sexual frustration and a genuine interest to help you out after years of teasing you. You weren’t completely naive; you knew this was a way for JJ to get himself off, much like it was for you. The only difference between JJ taking advantage of you versus not was the fact that you wanted him to teach you how to make others feel good and how to make yourself feel like a goddess in the bedroom. You weren’t exactly sure why there had been a lack of awkwardness between the both of you despite him being your best friend since birth. There was never a question of doubt from JJ when you asked him to help you learn. There was no laughing when you admitted your lack of knowledge. Perhaps that’s why your initial doubt disappeared the first time he asked you to kiss him.
Trent had apologized for the beach date when he’d gotten startled by strangers parking next to him and promised you he’d make it up to you. He came through on his promise after you got worked up before your dinner date. You arrived at the hotel he was staying at while his father attended an event on the other side of Figure Eight and his hand glided up the side of your dress. Trent wasn’t rough nor was he gentle; he was giving you what you thought you wanted but it didn’t feel as skilled or as tender as when JJ’s fingers were inside of you. With JJ, your orgasm approached as if JJ already knew everything there was to know but Trent took his sweet time making you cum. 
You always cursed yourself for letting your mind wander innocuously to JJ when Trent’s lips were on your neck or when his fingers were toying with the hem of your clothing. There wasn’t much going on between you and Trent, sexually, despite him wanting to take it further. You were lucky enough that Trent verbally expressed his willingness to wait, but you wondered if that wait time had an expiration date. You wanted to make sure if it felt right before you were able to deliver on a promise. You knew that your lessons with the blond would come to an end the moment you two had gone all the way, or until you were ready to experience sex without JJ, and you always moved that thought to the back of your mind to avoid thinking about it. 
By now, you felt guilty for spending the majority of this week with Trent. Kiara had texted you a few times but understood wanting to spend time with him until he left. As far as you could tell, neither John B. nor Pope cared too much because they were happy their youngest friend was happy with someone. JJ, on the other hand, you couldn’t read. You didn’t understand why it was so difficult for you to reach out to him first or comprehend him, which you were usually good at. Suddenly, you were overthinking the way he talked to you and if he chose to sit next to you or someone else. You were overthinking his lingering gaze either on your thighs or some girl who walked past him with a weird knot in the pit of your stomach. 
You kept telling yourself none of that mattered because you had Trent and you were sure you knew how you felt. Trent treated you right, was willing to wait, and never made you feel second best for not being as sexually promiscuous as he was. Yet something was lacking and you couldn’t figure out what it was. 
You tried not to think about it on your way to the Chateau. The screen door slammed shut as you walked into the living room to try and save yourself from the downpour of rain. After Trent had dropped you off when his father had called him during the middle of a movie marathon, you opted to see the Pogues and spend some time with them once you realized how many times you had declined their offer to hang out. You saw JJ already sprawled out on the couch, seemingly all by himself. 
“John B’s out with Sarah,” he said casually, pushing himself up onto his elbows to give you some room to sit down. You nodded a thank you, crossing your arms over your wet torso in an attempt to warm your shivering body as you sat down. Glancing down at your chest, you silently swore as you noticed your red bra was, in fact, very visible under your white shirt. 
“Nice bra,” he chuckled, trying not to ogle too long. JJ hoped his comment didn’t make you feel awkward; he was having a hard time talking to you because he didn’t exactly know where he stood with you. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled but you couldn’t help the heat that rose to your cheeks. 
“So…” JJ trailed off. “How’ve you been? Haven’t seen you in a few days.” 
“I’ve been good,” you nodded. 
“And Trent?” he asked, attempting, and majorly failing, to hide the venom that laced his tongue. You mistook this as annoyance.
“Good,” you said, not wanting to talk about him anymore. JJ cleared his throat, his teeth grinding as he clenched his jaw, as he shifted on the couch so that he was sitting upright and facing you. 
“You've been putting my lessons to good use?” he asked. He didn’t know why he’d asked. He had no desire to hear about you with another guy. 
“You could say that,” you said. Were you really putting them to good use if you weren’t enjoying yourself with Trent nearly as much as you had been with JJ? You couldn’t tell JJ that Trent’s hands on you just sent your mind spiraling back to him or when Trent’s lips were on yours, it reminded you of that first night you started the whole thing. 
“Oh? Does he make you feel good?” he asked, moving closer to you. “Because it’s not worth it if you’re not getting something out of it, too.”
“Uh, well-”
“Do you want me to make you feel good?” he asked suddenly. He knew he was asking the question more for himself but he was desperate to have you again. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to show you how a real man treats his girl. 
“What?” you were taken aback by the forwardness of his question. You watched as his eyes dilated, flicking back and forth from your lips to your chest. 
“You know what I mean,” he said. “You need to be shown what it’s like to be taken care of.”
“But you already-”
“Just let me do this for you,” he snapped. “Please.”
“Okay,” you said before turning your body on the couch to face him. You hadn’t stopped shivering since entering the Chateau not too long ago and your goosebumps increased as you watched JJ move closer to you. He used his right hand to pry your knees apart, positioning himself between them. Your heart rate picked up as he leaned forward to press his lips against yours, the cold air hitting your wet skin when JJ pushed the soaked fabric of your t-shirt up so that it rested just under the hemline of your bra. 
“Up,” he mumbled against your lips, the vibrations forcing a soft moan out of you as you broke the kiss to lift your arms above your head. You let out a small laugh when your shirt made a sloshing sound against the ground. It stopped as soon as it started, however, because you felt JJ start applying open-mouthed kisses along your collarbones. 
Feeling his body pressed up against yours stirred up all the daydreams you’d had every time you’d gotten intimate with Trent. You’d been in this position before with him, but somehow it felt better without the pretense of a lesson. You were under the guise that this wasn’t just about teaching you what you liked and what you didn’t. Part of you wanted to believe that this was more than a lesson you’d acquire from JJ’s depth of knowledge. JJ’s kisses trailed lower and lower until his teeth started toying with the waistband of your shorts. The throbbing between your legs was growing steadily and you let out a sigh of relief when he finally dipped his fingers into the waistband and tugged the wet shorts down your legs with effort because of the rain, dropping them on the floor with your shirt. 
“JJ,” you whimpered as he took his time moving down your body. He slipped his hands under your knees so that he could place them on his shoulders delicately before he laid out on the couch with his face centimeters away from your nearly bare pussy. 
He let out a soft laugh in disbelief at how incredibly soaked you already were. It was practically coating your thighs at this point and your cunt was aching in anticipation for his touch. All JJ could think about is how you let another man see you from this point of view, which was enough to give rise to JJ’s ego. His mission was to make you feel so good that you’d think of him the next time Trent put his hands down your pants; he wanted you to remember this moment and know what it was like to be eaten out by someone who was determined to make you orgasm like a holy grail. 
JJ’s jealousy didn’t cause him to act rashly and dominate the situation. He started by pressing fluttering kisses to the side of your knee, his eyes flickering up to see you watching him intently. JJ began by tenderly kissing the inside of your thighs, making comments about how soft you are and how you smelled so sweet. He does all he can to make you squirm underneath his touch, loving that your gaze didn’t leave him even if you tried. JJ pressed a kiss to the waistband of your underwear and you whimpered at the thought of him being so close to you in a way that was more intimate than before. 
He chuckled when he heard you whimper again and moved his mouth to kiss along your clothed entrance. You knew JJ’s game all too well and you knew he’d take his time teasing you until you were begging for it. It took a while to come to this conclusion, but you figured out that you enjoyed the slow pace before the big finish. JJ had taught you that when you reached an orgasm, it was less about the other party getting off by getting you off. The point of your orgasm was to make you feel like a queen in the bedroom, not like a used toy to get someone else off. 
So when JJ used the pad of his index finger to move your underwear aside and toy with your cunt, you didn’t bother begging for his mouth. Instead, you closed your eyes and relished in the feeling of his warm hands on you. JJ looked pleased at your reaction and wanted to make this moment last for as long as he could. His finger moved in slow circles before hitting a sensitive nerve that caused your hips to rise, to which JJ laughed and pinned you down in the cushions. 
JJ pressed two delicate kisses on your entrance. His mouth was being coated in your slick and he licked his lips, closing his eyes to savor the way you tasted. His body inched forward in an attempt to be as close to you as possible before licking a stripe with his tongue pressed flat against you, causing you to let out a deep moan in satisfaction. 
JJ’s tongue worked like magic, as if he already knew all of your weak spots and was discovering the different sounds you could make by his tongue. His hands were gripping your thighs and his eyes would look at his meal before back up at you, and you had taken the liberty to use your hands to tug on his hair when he had hit a pleasure point. 
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered against you to himself, proud of how loud and unapologetic you were being. He swore that if the Pogues had walked in the door, he’d stop eating your pussy and show them how pretty you looked underneath him. But he knew they would all be at Kiara’s until the storm passed. 
His motions were delicate until he recalled the thought of you and Trent together in bed. His tongue began to dart in and out of you at a faster speed with every increasing thought. Giving Trent a handjob. Trent stripping you out of your bra and underwear. His fingers inside of you. His tongue down your throat. His cock in your mouth. His cock in your - JJ’s - pussy. He knew he was irrational and wrong to think that last thought, but in this moment, your pussy was his for the taking and he was going to make your orgasm like your life depended on it. 
JJ’s grip on your thighs became tighter and you felt locked underneath him. Your toes curled and your hips bucked at the pressure and pace at which JJ was eating you out. His head was moving like he was catching every last drop of your wetness before going back for some more. JJ had taken the liberty to lift his head and spit on your entrance before diving back in, his tongue so deep inside of you that you almost considered asking him to use his cock instead. 
“JJ,” you muttered, tugging on his hair. 
“Just cum, baby,” he urged. “I’m ready for you.” 
You obliged and it didn’t take you that long to release. JJ lapped the white pearls that were spilling out of you and his eyes were rolling to the back of his head as he realized this was the first time he was seeing you, and tasting you, from this angle. JJ’s jaw was becoming sore but he paid no attention as your legs spread wider against the couch and your body moved to the rhythm of his tongue. 
When you were coming down from your high, JJ couldn’t have imagined anything hotter than the sight and sound before him, but your fingers reached down to your aching core in oblivion and began toying with your clit as your breathing steadied. JJ watched in awe as your fingers moved in slow, delicate and circular motions, your bottom lip in between your teeth and your eyes shut. His mouth hung open at how totally, completely, and utterly fucked you were in this orgasmic haze and was pulled out of this fantasy when you tugged your hand away and reached for a tissue to clean yourself up. 
JJ couldn't think of anything to say and neither could you. You settled on watching a movie in silence. 
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