#ink babu
i got bored
now i've made a lil comic thing
enjoy :D <3
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hehe babu nootmare
fingers hurt
happy birthday Dream and Nightmare ig :p
btw they where searching the lab bc Dream felt a negativity spike there. was completely empty when they got there tho.
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arosspeaksnonsense · 1 year
Guys I made smt
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Baby ink frew up...
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Error x Ink (part 8)
Multistream by @qut0kii (new ref)
Erasar by Star-Babu
Erring by DinoCherryArt
Gray Ink by @cimmerianbaby
Muri by @chesnisse444
Reset by @just-ac3
Turpentine by @usagichan97
Clover by @yotyanvino
Lucid by @yuzuki-wolf
Clay by @yuzuki-wolf
Esme by @solusminds
File by US!Emma
Fusion by @bung0us
Gray by Mask
Kaosu Burashi by @lancerspadeprince-blog
Lun by @xnatsuu-wu
Virus by Charlotte
Errink by @maqinessequeen
Fanchild by @slugott
Vials by @slugott
Hologram by @slugott
Catalog by @slugott
Meltallic by @slugott
Pixel Paint by @nepeta-lactone
Latex by ARandomGirlOnD
Infirmity by ARandomGirlOnD
Leaked Code by @littlesweetcake06
Aisa by @sketch012
Marble by @snowy-bones
Critical by @snowy-bones
Pixel by @chry540r-spam
Refix by Lilithblueflame
Bleached by Lilithblueflame
Steve by @donutbroski
Máocì by Randomness3507
Glitch Paint by nutellakuu
Aqua Crayon by @chupirul5700-artblogowo
Harmony by @laly-481
Paintless by @milkunicornmay
Viral by @/darkdraws
White Out by Napstayore
Yarn by VampireCultur3
Craft by @lazydrawershy
GradInk by VAartist
Beauty by @beamari
Melàni by @beamari
Elink by val-the-shipper
Errorink by janis-roxas and Pudp0n
Errorink by Lilithblueflame
Last part / Next part
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an old pic unposted from last Inktobertale. the intent had been to do a different version of Ink every prompt. this one is from an unnamed au. This Ink, or Nintendo as he is nicknamed, is from @official-saltbag's blog.
Much love for him and his babu
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 months
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My human ink demon with his twin babus
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cvbullshit · 1 year
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Meet the babu boi who is a ship kid of CrossStrings/ErrorCross/Error x Cross. I haven't decided a name yet but it could end up being either "Glitch" or "Anomaly X" I need to work on the rest of his outfit and his relationships with other people still but I have his personality and how he was created down. He was simply an accident, kinda like PaperJam. Personality: He's sort of a mix of Error's man baby personality and Cross' compassionate nature, at times it feels like he switches back and forth without a proper development. He loves pranks and jokes in his free time and collects things from other AUs or the original timeline that makes him feel good about his life and himself, or things that distract him. Sometimes it seems as if he cannot control his own emotions, even to the point where, when he's serious, he always claims that he's not or that he doesn't want to be. For example, if he got into a serious fight with another person and acted extremely serious then he wouldn't know why he's so serious and just believes he's not. It's unsure if he truly wishes to be serious at times or that he's actually, deep down, still calm/happy/playful/or whatever, as his self-confusion doesn't help people understand him or what he wants. He's sort of a father's(Cross) boy but also not, as a bit of a misunderstanding caused him to dislike Cross as much as he dislikes Error, though that would be cleared up in time most-likely. He's also a certified 'Grandpa's' boy despite XGaster probably not caring much for him, as he believes XGaster would find him interesting enough to keep around and possibly care for. He has a very very strong desire for proper parental figures but also doesn't trust anyone to provide that for him, sometimes acting as if he doesn't want anyone to take care of him. This often leads to him both being desperate to get the approval of possible supportive adults around him but also acting like an annoyed teen who doesn't want any affection at all, it constantly switching just like his emotions. He has a bit of anger issues but it only really happens if he's in a serious and teenager mood, increasing his man-baby personality he got from Error. Other facts: -He commonly refers to Ink as "Grandma" as he constantly mistakes Ink for being a possible love interest for XGaster and just simply longs to have a complete family. -His favorite things to steal from other places are toys/plushies, blankets, pillows, food, things to listen to songs with, and certain people for company. -Despite being the kid of Error and Cross... He actually heavily dislikes all form of sweet food like candy and chocolate. -He is a shipper. He ships people. A shipper who gets butthurt and whiny when his ship doesn't work out. -He has no care for destroying AUs but doesn't want more AUs as he somewhat agrees that there are too many of them, mostly too many to keep up with. -His favorite 'food' is the Paqui/One chip challenge chip, he believes it's as spicy as a nacho cheese Dorito. -He goes back and forth on adoring Core Frisk and disliking them. -His favorite AUs to spend time in are Reapertale and Outertale.
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zoguy1 · 3 months
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Here's Flame and Mulberry!!
Flame was an OC my high school sweetheart came up with. He's a Sans x Grillby child.
Mulberry is a Swap!Sans x Fell!Sans ship child I made back in middle school. For whatever reason, I was obsessed with the Sanscest ship children. I think it was because I loved the idea of combining two character designs and fusing design motifs and whatnot.
Also, this Mulberry has no connection to Star-Beau's Mulberry. UT OC | MULBERRY + BIO by Star-Babu on DeviantArt. Complete coincidence that we both have CerryBerry children named Mulberry. Lol.
I've explained half of Mulberry's story in Calli's Pride Art.
Mulberry's story starts before he meets Calli. He canonically was just a child that spawned into existence, and Swap Sans was like "omg so cute! Fell Sans, can we keep him?" And Fell Sans was like "Bitch, why? We can barely afford food on the table." And Swap Sans was like "I'm gonna keep him anyway."
The reason why I chose the CherryBerry ship wasn't because I actually shipped these two. It was because I didn't see any popular CherryBerry children. Like, Ink x Error had Paperjam and Gradient. Ink x Dream had Palette. Geno x Reaper had Goth, and so on and so forth. So I believed that having a Swap Sans x Fell Sans would be well received. My actual opinion on the ship at the time was very meh. I liked Swap!Sans, I didn't like Fell!Sans very much. And that favoritism was obvious in this story. Lol.
Mulberry grew up with a normal-ish childhood. It was obvious that things weren't going great at home. But Mulberry didn't let it sway him at the time. He was a very sweet child. Very friendly and nice to his fellow peer group.
But things at home got progressively worse. Fell!Sans was pretty much the breadmaker of the house. He had to work double time to keep food on the table, and that piled onto an alcohol addiction he apparently had. Swap!Sans had a problem with this because Fell!Sans was pretty neglectful of Mulberry.
Arguments would pile up and one day, in a drunken rage, Fell!Sans severely injured Swap!Sans, ending up with him in the hospital, Fell!Sans loses custody of Mulberry, and Mul ending up in the care of Swap!Papyrus while Swap!Sans was recovering. Once Swap!Sans recovered, he moved in with his brother and that's where Mulberry lived by the time he meets Calli.
The only reason why this story had this child of divorce plot was literally that Mulberry was a Mary Sue, and I, like every young teenager, thought that giving him a tragic backstory would fix that. Now having gone to therapy for several years, I can see where little kid me came up with this story.
Tips for being a story writer: don't give your OCs trauma. Give yourself trauma and then project it onto your OCs. /j
Post Calli's adoption, Mulberry made some friends. One of them being Flamelight. Mulberry and Flame kind of became self-inserts for me and my at the time bf. So they were just pretty much a fluffy romance. I don't remember Flame having much of a story. He's a chill nerd who loves science and has anxiety.
When Mulberry and Flame grew up, Flame got his dad's restaurant, and Mulberry became a baker. having that passion since he was a kid. They have a child named Cambri Pepper who was close to his cousin Juniper.
I have a fondness for Mulberry because he was the first time I started posting my art and my OCs. I opened up an ask blog on Amino, and I had frequent engagement with it. It made me feel like I had something to give to the world, and that the world appreciated what I did.
I want to start up another ask blog at some point. Not now. But at some point.
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Here's some Mulberry pictures I didn't share on Calli's Pride post. This is him with Parasplat.
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Him with Nova.
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A playlist I made, because I noticed that a lot of songs that reminded me of Mulberry were all candy, food, and comforty themed songs.
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splendidsneb · 1 month
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So I've been busy lately.
I've come into the possession of a lovely piece of furniture that I've always been fond of, even when I was a wee babus.
It had been sitting in my Mum's basement, unused for many years, and through the process of downsizing, she passed it on to me.
Thrilled, I got to work. It had seen better days at that point, smelling of cigarette smoke and mold from the previous years freak flood occurrence, on top of the wear and tear of just being old. (some of it being inflicted by yours truly, as I used to use it as a drawing station, and the insides of the drawers were full of scribbles and my name stamped all over it from my youth. (and a few ink spills from broken pens)
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That being said, I thought it would be fitting to strip it down, clean it, and restore it to its former glory and use it store my art and shop supplies.
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Which is exactly what I did.
My feline advisor even being so kind as to help me with the paint job.
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In the end, I scrubbed down the whole unit (good lord the amount of brown water that came off this thing), repainted all the coloured parts, replaced the hinges and glass pannels, removed a broken lower shelf, and put vinyl liners in all the drawers.
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I also vinyl'd the super cool pull out table! Which was a herculean effort as to not get any air bubbles trapped under it.
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It was a big under taking but I am very proud of the results!
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aleiasanova · 11 months
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Today's prompt is "Favorite Mythical" so here is a foof babu~ Not Floof. FOOF >W<
Winter is coming (on my side of the world at least haha) so that means packing on layers to stay warm~ Mew gotta get fluffy to keep it's tiny body warm~
Today I was able to take this nice and slow and relax~ In between pauses of drying ink, I picked up my knitting needles and started on a new Beanie~ I hope it feels as good on my head as it does looking pretty~
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veloonia · 1 year
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More babu ink!!
That moment when you have an inky child that hates socks and boots 🤣 it's hard beeing a dadster!
I used a stockphoto as a reference. It's under the cut!
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dorkycreature-89 · 8 months
so, i still kinda got a soft spot for pj's daycare despite.........everything. i dunno a bunch of babu sanses is pretty fuckin adorable
now that i said that, let's tear apart some depictions of the characters in the series (i'm kinda basing this off some of my personal headcanons)
let's start with ink, i fucking hate how ink is this quiet shy boi. that's not my ink. from what i've learned about him, he should've either a. be a skeleton version of mable from gravity falls or b. be an emotionaless being that keeps to himself. just....not the quiet shy skeleton
i don't have much to say about fresh (cuz i don't know that much about him) but from what i've gathered from him, shouldn't he be like stuck in the 90's? 80's? idk. like, shouldn't he be the one annoying kid no one likes but once you talk to him, he's actually a pretty chill person? again, i don't know much about him but something just annoys me with how he's portrayed
i do not know where he is, BUT WHERE IN THE FUCK IS NIGHTMARE?????? small nitpick but you CANNOT have dream and no nightmare. that should be undertale au fandom rule number fuckin one. DO NOT SEPARATE THE BROTHERS- (watch, he actually did show up and i look like a fucking idiot)
geno. ohhhhh geno, what'd they do to you? why is he such a brat to his brothers? just why? i know very little of his backstory but i know he would not be acting like that with them. he'd actually be a bit overprotective of them cuz he wouldn't want to let them go. or maybe he'd be laid back, again i know very little of his backstory. but fuck this depiction of him. i hate it
error's fine until he gets into a "marriage" with ink. idk. error should just be pure tantrum child
sans is also fine, i just wish his main character trait wasn't just eepy
i think that's about it. lemme know if i missed anything or got some things wrong. or maybe add on some things
i might do a rewrite of the series. maybe not. i'm not sure tho
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arosspeaksnonsense · 1 year
So I thought of an au during class today
Hear me out:
Newly weds zephyrtop hears a cry in the distance, investigates it, and finds a baby ink, surrounded by animals and paint.
Basically babu Ink AU
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Error x Ink Fanchildren [E-F]
Easel, by @clearlyclueless
Ei, by @pocketbonesstuff
Enk by @crazyswan-blog1
Ekon, by @ooyoichioo
Elink by val-the-shipper
Embree, by @edinchik
Emilia, by @Pastels____
Era, by @BUNNIIXspy
Erasar by Star-Babu
Eraser, by @anxisketches
Erik, by @melody69dark-thelostboy-blog
Erin, by @270Paw
Erin, by @GarayMey
Erin, by @premiumsans
Erin, by @supermidnightqueen
Eroded by @slugott
Errin, by @verinel2
Errink by @maqinessequeen
Erring by DinoCherryArt
Errorink by janis-roxas and Pudp0n
Errorink by Lilithblueflame
Esme by @solusminds
Evelyn, by @star-gamerxox
Export, by @bobateaboo
Ezekiel, by @wipart
Fake Color by momluckysheep
Falla, also known as Tuhota, by 🧡Mari🤍 
File by US!Emma
Florika, by TheSt4rlitOukio
Flowglitch by @slugott
Frame by @dixeclipseblog-blog
Fonda, by DaWeird1
Fountain Pen, by @roadkill-creatures
[0-#] [A-B] [C-D] [E-F] [G-H] [I-J] [K-L] [M-N] [O-P] [Q-R] [S-T] [U-V] [W-X] [Y-Z]
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blindone- b5 Modigliani's opium den MIX
Variex- Fighting For The Fight (prod. by Cars & Trains)
Ellay Khule- Dumb It Down feat Acid Reign
david bars & showbiz- dont panic feat. fred the godson
RunLike- Move 2 The Light (feat. Tay Da Crown)
ink operated- eyes fell slave
EL Da Sensei- TOP DOWN Produced by P Original
Juggaknots- Watch Ya Head (Remix)
ghettosocks- the mustardstation featjeff spec timbuktu moka only andmuneshine-soundz
awol one and daddy kev- looks like
Mr. Lif- Triangular Warfare
Smif-n-Wessun- The A.L.L
birdapres & dj moves- the alibi
zilla rocca and andrew- the river knows
St. Louis Gibbor- D.L.T.L.O.I. (feat. Medusa the Gangsta Goddess, MisterCrane, Dapper Dan, CloseOne & Volume 10)
Dark Time Sunshine- Star Scream
Randal Bravery & Joshua Virtue- Occam's Pager
Black Sheep- Birds Of A Feather Feat. Q -tip
Farm Fresh- Limelight 1
flex mathews and damu the fudgemunk- deadin the weight
Planet Asia & Goldchain Military- Chain Of Command (Prod. By DJ Babu)
Open Mike Eagle- Original Butterscotch Confection (Feat. Busdriver)
a.g.- dancin with a shifter
Count Bass D- Aural S(ECT)s
gensu dean- opponents (feat. j-live)
El da Sensei & The Returners- Knowledge Be the Key (feat. Rakaa Iriscience)
alldeadly jizzm- b-boy bentley feat. tony da skitzo and neb luv
Teddy Faley- Straw Man Argument
Thorts131- Train Tracks
Ialive- Drewplex (feat. Andrew)
dwight yorke (feat. shazzam and gruf the druid)
Factor Chandelier- So Cold feat. Moka Only
tachichi and dj moves- how we is
Shabaam Sahdeeq- Men Of Respect (feat. PH, Torae & 8thW1)
Lxvndr & Moves- Andromedan Slice
Diamond District- First Time
sole- All Tommorrow's Sewers
9th Scientist- Throw Stones (Prod by Mannie Gee)
Binary Star- k g b
Kaigen- Still Keep It Underground (feat. Fatlip & Meiso)
Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice- Led by Gaslight
Zion I & The Grouch- Current Affairs
taktloss and the rifleman- git em up ft. riddlore and aceyalone
Thee Tom Hardy- Around I Go ft. Deacon The Villain
Nolto & Factor- Deathbed Confessions
Th' Mole & Friends- Om Manipadme Hum (Here Is A Gun) ft. Body Holliday & Terms None
Kitz Willman- My Driving Hand
The Station Signal- merd
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celexdraw · 4 years
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MerMay Day 15: Mer-RK900 (But baby)
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enby-art-creations · 5 years
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The babie now has a tail and a tutu !
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