#inkai bonus
softinsight · 1 year
InkAi Review 2023 | Everything you should know before buying InkAi
What is Ink Ai?
In Ink AI is a groundbreaking app powered by AI that can generate high-quality eBooks, flipbooks, reports, whitepapers, and sales presentations in just a matter of minutes. It has a built-in marketplace that allows users to sell their eBooks and receive instant payments via Paypal, Stripe, cards, and bank accounts. This is a great opportunity to streamline the content creation process and boost profits.
Get Ink AI and instantly tap into a $900 billion industry
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Product name: Ink Ai
Author/Vendor: SeyiAdeleke
Launch date: Ink AI Goes Live On Thursday, 06th April @ 10 am EST
Niche:  Marketing Education » Affiliate Marketing
Money back guarantee: yes, 30-day money back guarantee
Front End Price: $16.99
Recommendations: Yes
Sales page: Click here
Demo video: https://youtu.be/0AtmYt1APnE
Get Ink AI and instantly tap into a $900 billion industry
How can you benefit from Ink Ai?
Ink Ai is the world's first voice-to-ebook generator and is able to make ebooks and flipbooks using your voice. By using Ink AI, you can generate 100% unique, human-like content for your ebooks. With zero knowledge about graphics design, Ink Ai can make a 3D e-cover for your ebook. Profit from the AI wave with a single click. Ink Ai lets you make PDFs, presentations, reports, and more. You can send your e-book to 50+ publications for instant buyer traffic. So, you can start your publishing business today using Ink AI. Another cool feature of Ink AI is that it is 100% cloud-based; there is nothing to install or configure. The app is easy to use and does not require any experience to run. 30-day money-back guarantee, so you do not have to take any risk. Automatically fill your eBook with affiliate links or your products' links. It doesn’t matter what you want to promote; Ink AI will flood you with clicks. Ink AI will take care of all the marketing material for you and give your business in a box. You do not need to hire proofreaders. Ink AI generates content with 100% accuracy for you. Ink AI converts anything into an eBook. Whatever you have, Ink AI can turn it into a fully designed eBook. You can use: URL, keyword, blog post, video, any website, questions, anything. Ink AI will take it and research, format, and design a full eBook within seconds. Now you can, with Ink AI, turn any niche you want into a full storybook. Answer any question, generate articles, Design posters/graphics, create social media plans, write ads, summarize any content, Write emails for you, And so much more. Ink Ai is a money-making tool for Affiliate marketers, email marketers, CPA marketers, coaches, Ecommerce, Crypto, Blogger, Influencers, Course owners, and local businesses.
I think, in the meantime, you have gained a rough idea about Ink Ai. The app is a total game changer, and I am sure buying Ink AI will generate huge profits for you. In this era of AI, why are you not taking advantage of the Ai technology? By investing a little, you can dominate any niche. Thank you for patiently reading my review.
Get Ink AI and instantly tap into a $900 billion industry
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
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primordial0riginator · 2 months
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Got two creatures today
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
Eorzean Gym Leaders
Tagged by @ainyan @mimble-sparklepudding, and @briar-ffxiv, thank you! :D
I'm not sure who all has been tagged already so sorry if you get duplicated lol but I'll tagggg @seasaltandcopper @boggleoflight @sinus-lacrimarum @orime-stories @sayonaramidnight @blucifer08 @starscytheskies @thorstyr @adventuresofmeghatron @dragoon-mid-jump @ronqueesha aannnnd @fieryvoid-scout
Since I got tagged three times, I'll do three characters!
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Pretty spot on for Lyrha actually! xD She has a huge symbolic connection to the wind in her story. I wanted to fit the pelican in but I think Gyarados and Mantine link her to the sea well enough, at least
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Also a good fit! I just wish there were more birdlike electric types. She gets Zapdos bc the Elementals chose her ok take it up with them
If you really piss her off she'll pull out a party of all stunfisk instead and annihilate you
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I did the quiz twice for Nahte bc there were a few questions I felt he could go either way on. It was between Psychic and Dragon, and I felt this description suited him a little better!
He gets solrock and lunatone bc he's half sunseeker/half moonkeeper. And bc i said so
Chingling and Inkay are there because they are cute. 100% in character. They're probably ridiculously strong too you laugh at the little squid guy and then it just latches onto your face
Also as a bonus, Nahte's team, if he was just a Guy instead of a gym leader:
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Find out which type of gym you will lead HERE and then build your own Pokémon team HERE!
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snav1d · 1 year
I have lots of ideas for your pokèmon AU!
Revolver Ocelot
• Mienfoo
• Alolan Meowth
• Combusken
• (Maybe Persian or Farfetch’d?)
Kazuhira Miller
• Exeggutor
• Makuhita
• Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style)
• Machoke
• Pidgeotto (Literally has his hair!)
• Plusle
• Ribombee
• Simipour
• Inkay
• Meloetta (Or Komala?)
Big Boss
• Riolu/Lucario
• Stoutland
• Mightyena
• Arbok
• Gurdurr
• Greninja
• Hitmonlee
• Jolteon
• Kabutops
• Linoone
• Emolga
• Klink
• Pachirisu
• Solosis
• Pidove
Of course it’s more up to personal opinion at the end of the day. I might at more if I get around to it.
i agree so much
some bonus i think ocelot would have a liepard, bb would have a pangoro or ushifu even
kaz would have millotic..... yk pretty people and pretty pokemon
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raptorbricksart · 2 years
I come to you on this cold dark night with two things, first, a question and, second, a glimpse into the future (a WIP of the art piece the question is in relation to).
First, the question :
What do you think would be a decent pub name for a Pokémon World IKEA?
So far I've got INKAYA (like Inkay), POKÉA, and PIKEA, but I'm not so sure on them, so I'm open to any suggestions.
And, secondly the WIPs
Bonus points if you can identify who's that pokémon! The name on the tush tag will grant a small clue if you can translate it.
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magma-queen · 3 years
This is for the anon who requested a Jessie x James tickle fic! (Bonus Meowth cause he’s a cutie pie) Nonnie, I hope you enjoy! And feel free to request fics anytime! That counts for everyone! I write for Pokémon, Trauma Center, and Steven Universe!
The group found themselves laying on the forest floor after landing from yet ANOTHER blast off from the twerps.
“Ugh….” Jessie sat herself up and fixed her ruffled hair from the impact of the fall. “Yet another failed attempt to catch that Pikachu… maybe we should just give up and try looking for a rarer Pokemon.”
Meowth jumped over to her and helped her to her feet. “Don’t worry about it, Jess. We’ll get dose twoips next time, you’ll see! And den dat Pikachu will be ours! Right, Jimmy?”
James stayed silent, and he was still laying on the ground.
“Uh, James…?” Jessie asked, walking closer to him. “Are you even awake? James!”
He groaned, slowly getting himself to at least sit up. He just stared at the ground in mild frustration.
“Look.. Jess.. Meowth.. We should just give up.” He told them, looking probably the worst that the two of them have ever seen. “It’s hopeless. We are NEVER going to catch anything worthwhile for the boss. I’m sick of getting sent off into the sky every single day by those twerps!”
They both stared at him, taking in his words. Then they both sat down next to him. Inkay and Pumpkaboo hovered over to them too.
“Ya don’t mean that, do ya, James?” Meowth asked, laying a paw on his leg. “We just gotta keep on trying. Like we always do!”
Jessie agreed. “Yeah, James. This isn’t like you at all. Just how long have we been going after that Pikachu? YEARS. We can’t just give up now! Team Rocket never gives up.”
James stayed silent.
“Come on…” Jessie nudges him with her elbow. “Cheer up a little. Just because we failed today doesn’t mean we’ll fail the next time!”
James giggled, pushing her arm away. “You’re p-probably right.. I’m sorry for doubting us.”
“What’s so funny?” Jessie asked, nudging him again.
He squeaked, almost falling back down. “J-Jessie!”
“What?? Oh…” It clicked in her head what was going on. “I see. Well… it looks like James needs some cheering up, wouldn’t you say, Meowth?”
The cat Pokemon smirked. “Absolutely, Jess! Now.. let’s get em!”
With that, they both tackled James to the ground and started tickling him mercilessly. Meowth gently clawed at his sides, and Jessie got his ribs.
“It’s absolutely necessary, Jimmy.” Meowth laughed. “We’re cheerin’ you up! So come on, smile!”
Jessie found his armpits. “Why would we stop when you’re having this much fun? Ticklish here, James?”
“No? It looks like a yes!” Jessie laughed, digging her fingers in. “My my, I’ve never seen you so happy, James. It’s pretty cute.”
Tears flew from the blue haired man’s eyes, he wiggled and squirmed to get away, but he just couldn’t. He couldn’t do anything but laugh.
“Okay okay, I tink he’s had enough.” Meowth said, hopping away next to James. Jessie had stopped too, letting James breathe.
“Haha… heh.. what was that for?!” He giggled.
“Like we said. You needed some serious cheering up.” Jessie told him. “So you- EEEEAAAAH!!!”
Meowth almost jumped in response to her scream. He watched as James poked her sides and her stomach.
“J-JAHAHAMES!” She tried to smack his hands away. “St-Stop ihihihiit!!! You’re not the only one here thahahat’s ticklish!”
“Oh?” He smirked at her, pinning her down. “Is that so? Well.. I guess I probably shouldn’t do this then!” He laughed as he wiggled his fingers on her sides.
“AHAHAHAHA!!! JAMES!! KNOCK IHIHIHIT OFF!! HAHAHA!! STOP!” She snorted, which he found cute.
“Jess, did you just snort?” He cackled. “Haha, that’s amazing!”
Meowth shook his head while watching the scene.
“Haha… what lovebirds.. hey! Can you too just go ahead and kiss already?”
James stopped tickling Jessie, and they both stared Meowth down like hawks. Realizing his smartass mistake, Meowth started to back away slowly.
“Ah.. hehe.. Jess… James… why are you two lookin’ at me like dat?”
With that, the forest was filled with Meowth’s laughter, as Jessie and James attacked him from both sides.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 years
Invader Zim Pokémon AU redone:
IZ Pokémon au: everything is the same Zim gets banished and is still pretending to be a human except! He gets it in his head that he must defeat the Pokémon league, and become a Pokémon master in order to take over the world!
 ...And he’s actually very good at it! much to Red and Purple’s shock as he calls them every once in a while to tell them how his “mission” is going. They are very envious of Zim’s trophy shelf, filled with medals, tournament plaques, contest ribbons and shiny shiny badges, so much so, that they’re actually considering going to earth, starting their own Pokémon journey. (Zim sent them his Ditto who Purple affectionately named ‘Slushy’ to play with, now Purple won’t stop bugging Red about it!)
Prof. Membrane is well still a Professor, His main rival is Dib (Gaz is the eighth Gym leader) however, they have been known to team up to fight Tak’s evil organization Team Wrest who trying to steal Zim’s Mission and pokemon from him.
Zim’s Team: shiny Treecko [starter] Inkay, Ferroseed, Zorua, Joltik, “Mimikyu” (Gir in disguise.) and an actual Mimikyu, (and he had a Ditto but he gave it to the Tallest.)
Gir’s team: Trubbish, Goomy, and Spinda [caught on accident with Pokéballs he found laying around, Sometimes Zim borrows them.]
Skoodge’s Team: Muk, Wooper and Brumy. (again Zim barrows them too sometimes]
Dib’s team: Froaky [starter] Beldum, Blipbug, Blitzel, Rotom, Litwick.
Gaz’s team: Stunky, Spoink, Poochyena, Noibat, Croagunk, Sableye
Tak’s team: Purrloin, Glameow, Houndour Meowth (Galar), Espurr (male), Impidimp. 
(and Mimi is disguised as a Purrloin, Tak also has a Stunfisk (galar), Mawlie and Woobat and other Pokémon stored in Mimi’s head, when she needs to switch things around.)
Update!: Okay So after Purple finally convinces Red to go Earth, albeit with better and believable human disguises, the two set off to catch up with Zim, and are enjoying their vacation, Red is slaying the gyms! while Purple is all about the Contests.
Tallest Red’s team: Snorlax, Honedge, Hawlucha, Clobbopus, Grubbin, Applin.
Tallest Purple’s team: Slushy (Ditto), Sobble, Venonat, Morpeko, Sinistea, Milcery.
Prof. Membrane’s team: Type: Null, Porygon, Rotom, Sharpedo, Magnezone, Beheeyem.
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plummyplums · 4 years
Wick (2015) Pokémon Teams Because Why Not
I just felt like making these, so here ya go.  I gave them all 6, but if they were in a game or if I wrote a story or smth, I would def shrink most of their teams.
Sam: Litwick, Lanturn, Umbreon, Kirlia, Growlithe, Falinks
Whether or not it’s a constant on their team, Sam needs a Litwick, and Lanturn is a secondary light-source Pokémon.  Umbreon also sort of counts here, being categorized as the Moonlight Pokémon.  The last three are headcanon territory.  Kirlia is the Emotion Pokémon, and I consider Sam to be a very kind, empathetic person.  Growlithe and Falinks both come from my headcanon that they’re an amazing friend and become close with the kids post-5AM, and I see them both as reliable Pokémon with a good sense of teamwork.  Plus, Growlithe is a fire-type.
Benny: Komala, Snorlax, Absol, Deino, Drowzee, Jigglypuff
Komala and Snorlax should be obvious; they’re sleep-based Pokémon, and Benny’s whole thing in Wick revolves around him sleeping.  Absol is seen as a bringer of disaster when it doesn’t cause it, just warn of it.  In my mind this is similar to how Mary blamed the twins for all of their problems, but I didn’t want to give both of them Absol, so I gave it to Benny, who I think believed her the most.  Deino is blind and known for attacking anything that gets too close, similar to Benny’s attack pattern and my headcanon of him having poor vision.  Next are Drowzee and Jigglypuff, both known for causing sleep (with Drowzee even being named Sleep in Japanese), and I can see Lillian giving him a Jigglypuff.
Tim: Yamask, Solrock, Phantump, Pawniard, Koffing, Ledian
Yamask not only has mask in the name, but it also has an alternate form, making it perfect for the twins to share!  I gave Tim the Unovan form, mostly because I thought the Galarian form fit Tom more.  Plus, Cofagrigus (its evolution) is a sarcophagus, which historically hold mummies, who are wrapped in bandages, referencing one of his lines.  Solrock is another Pokémon that comes in a pair, and I gave Tim Solrock over Lunatone as I see Tim as more of an active, day-time person than Tom.  Phantump is said to be derived from the souls of children who died in the woods (sounds familiar), and Tim is also known for dropping down from the trees for an attack.  Pawniard essentially represents his whittling knife.  Koffing is more of an ironic choice, based on my headcanon that he was asthmatic in life and died of an asthma attack.  In a similar vein, Ledian is said to live in areas with clean air and come out on starry nights.
Tom: Galarian Yamask, Lunatone, Zorua, Mimikyuu, Chingling, Abra
Just like his brother, Tom has a Yamask, though he has the Galarian variant.  This is because its evolution, Runerigus, is a large slab of stone broken into various pieces, a slight nod to his injuries as a ghost.  It is also a ground-type, and depending on how you evade him, you may be looking at the ground a lot when he’s around.  Lunatone is the partner Pokémon to Solrock, and I consider Tom more of a night owl.  Plus, to evade him, you may be looking at the moon quite a bit when he’s around.  Zorua and Mimikyuu come from his aversion to being looked at, with Zorua having the added bonus of causing illusions, like Tom’s ability to glitch your view when you look at him.  Chingling is a reference to one of his items, the rattle, and I believe he may just like soft sounds like that, making Chingling a good buddy.  Lastly is Abra, a reference to his teleporting (plus, its eyes are closed).
Caleb: Bunnelby, Dugtrio, Pikachu, Cubone, Drilbur, Linoone
Caleb’s main gimmick is the fact that he digs underground.  Thus, he gets three digging Pokémon; Drilbur, Dugtrio, and Bunnelby (likely a match with Lillian’s Buneary).  Then we have Pikachu and Linoone, two of the few Pokémon that can learn the move Extreme Speed.  With him being a track star, I thought that Pokémon associated with speed and movement would be fitting.  Lastly is Cubone, a reference to Cal’s decayed, skeletonized look as a ghost.
Lillian: Buneary, Frillish, Inkay, Ralts, Azurill, Wishiwashi
You had to expect a bunny Pokémon.  We have Buneary (preferably shiny so it’s pink, but y’know) and Azurill (eventually evolves into a rabbit).  Ralts is a reference to her ability to teleport the player.  Frillish is the only water/ghost type other than its own evolution, a reference to the idea that she died by drowning in the well, and it also comes in pink.  Inkay is a floating, adorable water-type, which reminds me of her.  Wishiwashi is a cute fish Pokémon that can be dangerous when used properly, which I think fits her being a cute little girl who can easily kill the player.
Bonus, Travis: Rotom, Porygon, Gengar, Pancham, Litwick, Lanturn
Rotom and Porygon are from his love of internet videos and phenomena, and Gengar is his subject; ghosts.  Pancham is the Playful Pokémon, which I think fits his personality nicely.  Of course, as one of the creators of Wick, he also gets a Litwick and Lanturn (candle and flashlight).
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houkou-nrl · 4 years
Time for another New Pokémon Snap deep dive!
To get started, let’s talk about the new Pokémon confirmed in this trailer. There’s a few more than last time, but more significantly, many of them are pretty hard to spot! Like the first trailer, a good few of them are only visible in small photos.
This trailer reveals 29 new Pokémon (yes, you can count fine, hang on), and 1 additional form:
Raichu (Alolan)
Vivillon (Ocean)
Lycanroc (Midnight)
The official site also updated recently. New materials there reveal 2 new Pokémon, and 1 additional form:
Sawsbuck (Summer)
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Just look at all those teeny little photos! As before, I have to thank some friends for helping to ID a couple Pokémon. We’re up to 96 confirmed species.
This trailer also gave us a much better look at some of the difficult-to-spot Pokémon from the previous trailers, such as Inkay and Sandygast. We can also be more certain that the coral is just coral.
And thanks to the site, we’ve also gotten a better look at at least one area only seen in small pieces in the trailers. This oasis, never seen clearly elsewhere, is not quite as mysterious anymore.
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That said, a brand new mystery cropped up in this trailer to take the place of those that have been solved. You may have noticed something familiar that happened with the first trailer. And that is...this bug, unidentified, hanging off the backside of the tree near Hoothoot! Definitely a 97th Pokémon, as it doesn’t match any of the others seen yet, but there’s not nearly enough here for a positive identification. The current suspicions are that this is most likely Venomoth, however.
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A couple smaller mysteries are also present. A growl can be heard during the trailer’s final scene, with no visual cues for which Pokémon it came from. It sounds likely to be Liepard, already confirmed for the game, but we can’t be sure quite yet. Was a bit of a surprise either way.
And a new NPC can also be spotted in the lab in this trailer, one who is yet to be introduced.
Now then, how about other reveals? We already knew Pokémon food from the original was returning, but the new trailer reveals a proper name for it in this title: Fluffruit. This trailer also reveals the return of the Poké Flute in some form. And a new item, called an Illumina Orb, can reportedly make any Pokémon glow. We still don’t know much about the effects of glowing.
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On the subject of the Illumina Phenomenon though, and keeping on track with the mysteries, the website seems to hint at some strange flowers being related to it, and these can be seen all over the third trailer (in addition to showing up a few times in the earlier ones). These flowers have large, prominent crystals in the center and come in multiple colours. It seems like these flowers are what the lab’s crest is modeled after.
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Onto other things that came up in the trailer, let’s talk about scores. I didn’t touch on it much last time as it was only seen on the website and not in the trailer, but we got another look at the scoring system for the game, which does some things differently than in the original. For the unfamiliar, the original Pokémon Snap featured the following scoring metrics: Special, Size, Pose, Technique, and Other PKMN.
In New Pokémon Snap, it appears that Technique has been broken up into Direction and Placement and is no longer a multiplier. Same PKMN has been generalized to Other Pokémon and does not need to be the same species. And while the Size bonus appears to be more lenient than the original at first glance, not seen in the trailer is that the Size score is not capped at 1,000. There is also a new scoring metric for Background.
While it’s not seen yet whether the Special pose bonuses will return, it’s possible they’ve been replaced by something new: a system that ranks how rare the behavior captured is. Each Pokémon’s page in the Photodex allows you to assign a photo for each level of rarity, which should lend an extra layer to the replayability that Pokémon Snap is already known for.
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Also shown off in the trailer are features for editing the photos you take. You’ll be able to fine tune photos, add filters, and apply stickers. The system is far more robust than you’d expect to be possible for any real photo, but is in line with what we’ve seen in many other games with screenshot modes. ;)
Also teased was a built-in online gallery, available for players with NSO service. The site also reveals that there will be online leaderboards.
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And that’s it! There’s a little more information to be found on the site, though I’ve already written about the bulk of it for now. And in just two short months, New Pokémon Snap will be released. Regardless of whether we get more information in that time, we definitely don’t have long left to wait.
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zeeyaaa · 5 years
Pokemon Hermits: Tango
Gym leader that runs a cabin-themed gym in the middle of nowhere (the closest thing to it is probs Cleo’s graveyard)
He specializes in dark types and really runs with the idea
(Trainers brave enough to walk into the shack will just see Tango with red horns and a black cape and go “oh he’s a dork”)
Tango’s Team (◓ is for what Pokemon gym leaders use in gym battles)
Zorua: ◓
His Zorua is easily the prankster of the team, always up to no good
If Tango has a stupid idea, his Zorua is there to happily help him
Sometimes if Tango doesn’t feel like being a gym leader, he’ll have his Zorua disguise as himself and stand in for him
Absol: ◓
Tango never once believed that Absol was a bad omen, so he didn’t hesitate to add one to his team
He also wants to end the bad reputation Absols bring, because they’re helpful Pokemon that shouldn’t be feared by humans
Inkay: ◓
Zorua’s the trickster but Inkay is the dorkiest of Tango’s team
It loves to play into the “scariness” of dark types, especially when Trainers come to the gym (they get eager to scare them)
Most likely to be dramatic when Tango is giving his speech to challengers
All of his Pokemon are laid-back and friendly, but his Houndour is absolutely feral
It won’t disrespect Tango or attack him, but when it sees wild Pokemon or a Trainer it’ll charge them (which is why Tango doesn’t use it in battles until he can get it to calm down)
Since Tango practically lives in his gym in a secluded area, wild Pokemon live around there, too (especially dark types that are attracted to the aura of him and his team–or was it the wild PKMN that attracted Tango and his team? :o)
Tango has been haunted with nightmares for a while. He knows it’s the work of a Pokemon, but he can tell it’s no ordinary Pokemon just from the powerful aura around him. So now he’s wondering what Pokemon could possibly have the power to plague his dreams?
When Tango isn’t busy at his gym (which is 90% of the time), he and Impulse get together to hang out
Occasionally, Tango stops by to visit Cleo at her graveyard and they just chat (Cleo has been getting nightmares, too, which is making her uneasy)
Has a good friendship with False because they’re both gym leaders (funnily enough, Tango has really good relationships with Trainers who have super effective Pokemon against dark types) 
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Bad Nicknames GTS Giveaway!
You can now receive your set of shiny Pokemon with bad nicknames. To get them, put up Rockruffs that are nicknamed For Wolf. I cannot accept Dusk Rockruffs. This giveaway will last until Sunday at 4 PM PST.
They are all shiny. You may have one of each.
Underwear the Abra [Level 25, Female]
Fried Rice the Starmie [Level 100]
Inkayyyye the Inkay [Level 25, Female]
WeedWacker the Scyther [Level 100, Male]
Weird Eyes the Venonat [Level 25, Male]
This week’s bonus shiny is a Gengar [Level 47, Female]! The bonus shiny is for everyone and you receive it the same way as the others.
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strawb3rrylover · 6 years
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@bi-kim-seokjin tagged me to to do the baby bias thingy! hyung line owns my whole hort and if ur my friend u know how much i love showin off my baby photos so.... all of hyung line + 4 baby photos of me!
i tag @jihyogay, @galaxyksj, @butchyoongi, @fairykjw, @jkangel, @jiminsbaldspot, @l-inkai, @infpline, and @banthestraighties! (if u already did it i probably didn’t see >.< link me tho, i wanna see em!)
BONUS: a pic of me stuffing a hotdog (bun?) in my face that wouldn’t fit in the collage, but that i need to show y’all anyways
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kuya-gago · 7 years
B/c I hate sleeping and I want to do this, I’mma answer all of the Make Me Choose: Pokemon Edition Questions
(My answers are bolded, jsyk)
1: Bulbasaur, Charamander, or Squirtle?
2: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Tododile?
3: Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip?
4: Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup?
5: Snivy, Tepig, or Oshawott?
6: Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie?
7: Grass starters (yadamean), Fire starters, or Water starters?
8: Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y?
Bonus: Rowlet, Litten, Popplio
9: Flareon, Jolteon, or Vaporeon?
10: Umbreon or Espeon?
11: Leafeon or Glaceon?
12: Huntail or Gorebyss?
13: Vileplume or Bellossom?
14: Beautifly or Dustox?
15: Slowbrow or Slowking?
16: Politoed or Poliwrath?
17: Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, or Hitmontop?
18: Gardevior or Gallade?
19: Nidoking or Nidoqueen?
20: Omanyte or Kabuto?
21: Lileep or Armaldo?
22: Cranidos or Shieldon (my love <3)?
23: Archen or Tirtouga?
24: Tyrant or Aurorus?
Similar Looks:
24: Whiscash or Wailord?
25: Psyduck or Ducklett?
26: Buneary of Bunnelby?
27: Pansage, Panpour, or Pansear?
28: Forretress or Claydol?
29: Butterfree, Venomoth, Beautifly, or Vivillion?
30: Zubat, Woobat, or Noibat?
31: Arbok or Seviper?
Similar Pokemon/Types:
32: Pumpkaboo or Phantump?
33: Feebas or Magikarp?
34: Gyarados or Milotic?
35: Pikachu, Emolga, or Dedenne?
36: Pidgey, Spearow, Tailow, Starly, Pidove, or Fletchling?
37: Sawk or Throh?
38: Arbok or Weezing?
39: Jigglypuff or Clefairy?
40: Plusle or Minun?
41: Skrelp or Clauncher?
42: Aggron or Tyrannitar?
43: Combee or Cherubi?
44: Ditto, Mew, or Zoroark?
45: Inkay or Pumpkaboo?
46: Tyrannitar, Flygon, or Salamence?
47: Pinsir or Heracross?
48: Camerupt or Sharpedo?
49: Magnezone or Probopass?
50: Butterfree or Beedrill?
51: Ampharos or Luxray?
52: Ratatta, Dunsparce or Bidoof?
53: Growlithe or Vulpix?
54: Druddigon, Haxorus, or Hydreigon?
55: Gardevior or Gothitelle?
56: Poochyenna or Purrloin?
57: Geodude or Roggenrola?
Form Changes:
58: Normal Castform, Water castform, Fire Castform, or Ice Castform?
59: Normal Rotom, Fan Rotom, Oven Rotom, Washing machine rotom, fridge rotom, or mower rotom?
60: Shaymin land form of Shaymin sky form?
61: Moltres, Zapdos, or Articuno?
62: Mew or Mewtwo?
63: Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y?
64: Raikou, Suicune, or Entei?
65: Lugia or Ho-Oh?
66: Celebi or Jirachi?
67: Latios or Latias?
68: Regirock, Regice, or Registeel?
69: Kyogre, Groudon, or Rayquaza?
70: Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf?
71: Palkia, Dialga, or Giratina?
72: Darkrai or Cresselia?
73: Manaphy or Phione?
74: Coballion, Terrakion, or Virizion?
75: Tornadus, Thunderus, or Landorus?
76: Reshiram, Zekrom, or Kyurem?
77: Keldeo, Genesect, or Meloetta?
78: Xerneas, Yveltal, or Zygarde?
Moves, Types, Abilities, and Items:
79: Physical attacks or special attacks?
80: Fly or Surf?
81: Tackle, Pound, or Scratch?
82: Fighting, Psychic, or Dark?
83: Fairy or Dragon?
84: Drought, Drizzle, Sand Stream, or Snow Warning?
85: Quick ball or Timer Ball?
86: Full Heal, Lum Berry, Lava Cookie, Old Gateau, Castellicone, or Lumiose Galette?
87: Team Aqua or Team Magma?
88: Team Magma or Team Flare?
89: Team Rocket, Team Magma, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, or Team Flare?
90: Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny?
91: Professor Oak, Elm, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, or Sycamore (and Kukui)?
92: Misty, May, or Dawn?
93: Cilan, Cress, or Chili?
94: Gym Leader, Elite Four, or Champion?
95: Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Alder, or Diantha?
96: Shauna, Travis, or Tierno?
(Hardest question for me lol) 97: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, or Kalos (and Alola)?
98: Pokemon trainer games, pokemon ranger games, or pokemon mystery dungeon games?
99: Pokemon Cards, Games, or Show?
100: Pokemon or Other Fandoms?
(Bonus) Games:
101: Red, Blue, or Yellow?
102: Gold, Silver, or Crystal?
103: Leaf Green or Fire Red?
104: Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald?
105: Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum?
106: Heart Gold or Soul Silver?
107: Black or White?
108: Black 2 or White 2?
109: X or Y?
110: Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire?
111: Sun or Moon?
112: Stadium or Battle Revolution?
113: Colosseum or XD: Gale of Darkness?
114: Pokemon Snap or Pokemon Pinball?
115: Pokemon Rumble or Pokemon Conquest?
116: PokePark or Pokken Tournament?
117: Pokemon GO or Magikarp Jump?
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tiararalene-blog · 7 years
Thony Berikan Bonus Untuk Atlet Inkai Berprestasi
Tiara Ralene Thony Berikan Bonus Untuk Atlet Inkai Berprestasi Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Thony Berikan Bonus Untuk Atlet Inkai Berprestasi Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Thony Berikan Bonus Untuk Atlet Inkai Berprestasi Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Thony Berikan Bonus Untuk Atlet Inkai Berprestasi Pengcab Institute Karatedo Indonesia (Inkai) Kabupaten Bangka menggelar latihan bersama (Gashuku) Semester I Tahun 2017 http://www.unikbaca.com
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pokemonworldupdates · 7 years
$67.12 End Date: Wednesday May-17-2017 22:16:00 PDT Buy It Now for only: $67.12 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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