#inkai review
softinsight · 1 year
InkAi Review 2023 | Everything you should know before buying InkAi
What is Ink Ai?
In Ink AI is a groundbreaking app powered by AI that can generate high-quality eBooks, flipbooks, reports, whitepapers, and sales presentations in just a matter of minutes. It has a built-in marketplace that allows users to sell their eBooks and receive instant payments via Paypal, Stripe, cards, and bank accounts. This is a great opportunity to streamline the content creation process and boost profits.
Get Ink AI and instantly tap into a $900 billion industry
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Product name: Ink Ai
Author/Vendor: SeyiAdeleke
Launch date: Ink AI Goes Live On Thursday, 06th April @ 10 am EST
Niche:  Marketing Education » Affiliate Marketing
Money back guarantee: yes, 30-day money back guarantee
Front End Price: $16.99
Recommendations: Yes
Sales page: Click here
Demo video: https://youtu.be/0AtmYt1APnE
Get Ink AI and instantly tap into a $900 billion industry
How can you benefit from Ink Ai?
Ink Ai is the world's first voice-to-ebook generator and is able to make ebooks and flipbooks using your voice. By using Ink AI, you can generate 100% unique, human-like content for your ebooks. With zero knowledge about graphics design, Ink Ai can make a 3D e-cover for your ebook. Profit from the AI wave with a single click. Ink Ai lets you make PDFs, presentations, reports, and more. You can send your e-book to 50+ publications for instant buyer traffic. So, you can start your publishing business today using Ink AI. Another cool feature of Ink AI is that it is 100% cloud-based; there is nothing to install or configure. The app is easy to use and does not require any experience to run. 30-day money-back guarantee, so you do not have to take any risk. Automatically fill your eBook with affiliate links or your products' links. It doesn’t matter what you want to promote; Ink AI will flood you with clicks. Ink AI will take care of all the marketing material for you and give your business in a box. You do not need to hire proofreaders. Ink AI generates content with 100% accuracy for you. Ink AI converts anything into an eBook. Whatever you have, Ink AI can turn it into a fully designed eBook. You can use: URL, keyword, blog post, video, any website, questions, anything. Ink AI will take it and research, format, and design a full eBook within seconds. Now you can, with Ink AI, turn any niche you want into a full storybook. Answer any question, generate articles, Design posters/graphics, create social media plans, write ads, summarize any content, Write emails for you, And so much more. Ink Ai is a money-making tool for Affiliate marketers, email marketers, CPA marketers, coaches, Ecommerce, Crypto, Blogger, Influencers, Course owners, and local businesses.
I think, in the meantime, you have gained a rough idea about Ink Ai. The app is a total game changer, and I am sure buying Ink AI will generate huge profits for you. In this era of AI, why are you not taking advantage of the Ai technology? By investing a little, you can dominate any niche. Thank you for patiently reading my review.
Get Ink AI and instantly tap into a $900 billion industry
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punz4lyfe · 2 years
Pokemon Journeys Episode 145 Review
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Pokemon Journeys Episode 145. Let’s review:
An episode that started off pretty great but then ended up as shit. Let me explain.
The premise for the overall episode is really good: the Team Rocket trio reuniting with all of their past Pokemon that’s been kept at the TR Headquarters. As expected, it’s very grand to see many of these old faces again, as well as the Team Rocket Delibird too. We even get like a little montage of past Team Rocket mons that have been released or given away, which was a nice touch.
What follows after that is also pretty nice, showing us a rather competent plan and set up by Team Rocket, using their mons to slowly pick off Ash and friends until Mime Jr. eventually leads Pikachu to a trap. And along the way, we see a return from Brock and Misty’s teams as well. Brock gets Ludicolo, a nice (and funny) return and Misty gets... Staryu. Boring, but classical I guess?
And for Ash’s reserves this episode, he gets Infernape and Hawlucha... and no one else. Infernape and Hawlucha are both incredibly badass Pokemon and their appearances in this episode was nothing short of awesome, but seriously, why just two? Two episodes and 20 reserves left, just fyi...
The climax was really cool until the near end. Seeing Latias helping both Ash and Pikachu from the distance was heartwarming and Team Rocket’s giant combo attack (a possible reference to the ending of Best Wishes when Ash had his Pokemon do a similar trick to blast off Team Rocket) was badass. But things just took a dive bomb when Latias herself becomes the one who blasts off Team Rocket, quite possibly for the last time within context.
Firstly, the blast off animation is shit. Latias uses Psychic on Team Rocket and their Pokemon (ignoring the fact that Inkay and Morpeko are supposed to be immune to Psychic attacks), lifts them to the air without anyone changing expressions, and then Team Rocket literally zoom out into the sky like without movement on their bodies like it was some kind of old YTP transition.
And secondly, assuming this is the last Team Rocket blast off we’ll get, why Latias? With all these Pokemon, wouldn’t it be more satisfying to have Ash, Pikachu, and any other Pokemon Ash would have with him blast Team Rocket off? Going back to Ash’s reserves for a bit, recall Infernape and Hawlucha. Since the two of them fought TR mons that pertained to their respective region (Infernape v. Carnivine and Hawlucha v. Gourgeist), why not do the same for other mons, like Swellow for Hoenn, Krookodile for Unova, and Lucario for Journeys. At the end of the climax, Ash battles Team Rocket’s full teams with what he’s got, ultimately coming on top with a big Thunderbolt, Air Slash, Flamethrower, Stone Edge, and Aura Sphere combo launched towards Team Rocket by Hawlucha’s High Jump Kick, possibly countering and overpowering Team Rocket’s own combo move before blasting them off.
And now, for the most egregious part of the episode; Team Rocket’s split. For such an iconic trio, this really is NOT the way to send them off, chief. Team Rocket has had petty scuffles before that led to splits, but always got back together, so why do it again here? It literally feels shoehorned as well. And there’s absolutely no respect given to them at all. And look at the other Pokemon, they just look devastated here like a kid watching their parents argue, this isn’t going to leave a good taste in any TR fan’s mouth! And why does it look like TR are abandoning their Pokemon in the middle of nowhere? That’s just not in character in the slightest! I’m really hoping this is all just a rouge and Team Rocket will make a comeback together in either of these last two episodes, cause this is just unacceptable.
And because of that problem, giving this episode a 3/10. You can’t just disrespect characters like these in ways like that. Just... no.
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violetknees · 7 years
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This was my team for Ultra Sun! In the order that they joined the team. Malamar and Lanturn were the stars for most of the playthrough, topsy turvy and thunderwave are very very good moves. Goodra did a lot of sweeping once she hit 50, but didn't do too much before then. Shiinotic was the sole holder of a z-crystal so I could z-sleep powder until I got spore. The last two on the team were added very late in the game so not much to say about them. Overall it was fun, I feel like the story was worse compared to the original Sun though :/ Definately excited to start shiny hunting UBs though!
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
Can you guys hand off a message for me?
[To Executive Operatives Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbufet—
I have been aware of your continuous efforts to acquire a confirmed Chosen One’s partner Pokémon. Reviewing battle footage and going over the list of his achievements has called for an update in Trainer Ash’s priority rating. We are still placing you as the first responder to this trainer don’t worry. Though you may experience an increase in funding soon—the Boss has been focusing on recent developments in other projects... We hope you can understand the change in goal direction over the past few days.
In other news, the “Matori Matrix” is undergoing investigation for potential traitors to our goals. We are looking into some Pokemon you have turned into the Main HQ for reclaiming. Seviper, Yanmega, Gourgiest, Woobat, Frillish (F), Mime Jr., Carnivine, Inkay, Yamask, and Amoonguss. These Pokemon have been having difficulty following the orders of the grunts. Please report to my department for an update on their trained abilities.
From—Assitant Director “Zebra Lily” of the Pokémon Obedience Conditioning and Mission Preparatory Devision.
Postscript: We are aware of your location Trainer Ash~]
Ash: Tell it to them yourself! Aren't you guys supposed to be this big multiregional organization? 😤
Goh: Ash, are you sure we should even reply to this at all? They might hack into the lab's computer systems or something
Ash: Don't worry, if they try to steal our data, we'll fix it like we did before 👍
I know! How about instead of telling this to Team Rocket, maybe we can show this message to that news crew that's hanging around in the World Championship stadium? Then they can get the word out about Team Rocket's plans!
Goh: The ones with the weird names and the Meowth-looking guy?
Ash: Yeah, them!
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daily-inkay · 6 years
Hey, this is mod, and I'm here to announce daily-inkay is going to go on indefinite hiatus after Feb. 27.
Between irl obligations / changing interests / the looming threat of a permanent wrist injury, this blog has kind of become a chore for me, and that's no fun for anybody. I'm gonna continue posting for a month so I can clear out my queue, and so I can reach two full years of daily posts. If you want to send any last asks, please review my ask guidelines first, and make sure to send them in soon!
If I decide to come back, further announcements will be posted here, so you don't need to do anything special to keep up with updates.
Even though things have changed, I've had a lot of fun and learned a lot doing this blog. Thank you for following my small squid blog!
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glassguts · 5 years
so one of my little personal projects is making a tarot deck out of pokemon cards
got curious and was watching a review of that one pokemon tarot deck and i was pleased to see that we both picked mewtwo for the hermit  (and inkay for hanged man, though i used a kakuna card w/ an upside down kakuna cuz i dont have inkay woops)
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