#inkheart capricorn
tarrenterror25 · 1 year
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Capricorn x F!Reader Title: Take Me Home Word Count: 4.5K Rating: E
Summary: You are the second eldest daughter to the Adderhead and not yet married off by some miracle. This leaves room for a budding romance with a certain fire-raiser. The two of you must keep it secret lest your tyrant of a father find out.
Tags: Pre-Inkheart, medieval-typical circumstances, mention of arranged marriage/betrothal, heavy making out, grinding, forbidden relationship, mention of violence, some fluff, angst, pining, lost love, verbally abusive parent and family trauma, probably diverges from canon, reader is an adult (age not specified)
Notes: Title is from “This Could be a Dream” by Aurora. A really self indulgent piece. This is a medieval setting where some less than desirable stuff is canon so there’s mention of arranged marriages, some violence, etc. It’s been awhile since I’ve read the books so this probably is forgetting some canon facts or I’m just choosing to omit them (stares at “castle made of silver”?). This has been sitting complete in my drafts for a loong time, but here it is. I wanted to edit it more, but also was tired of it just sitting there so here ya go!
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Mind the tags
Take Me Home
Clutching the skirt of your gown, you flee from the throne room. You brush past the maidservants and guards in your way, your dress trailing behind you as you hurriedly make your way out of the castle and into the eternal night.
Your father, the Adderhead, the Silver Prince, is a monster in every sense of the word. His wickedness knowing no bounds, he once again did nothing but insult you and your sisters.
“A waste.”
Curse him. Curse him and his reign. You wish for nothing but everything that he does hold dear to turn to ash in his hands; for all of his silver to crumble beneath him.
Your pace slows once you reach the gardens. Soft light from lanterns illuminates the endless night
Seeing no one around, you catch your breath against a wall with some climbing vines.
Violante, the eldest, had just written you a letter telling you about how her marriage was going to Cosimo. Her words sounded neither happy nor sad, it just felt like a clinical account of her days. Worry settles into the pit of your stomach.
You’re supposed to be married; your father had arranged some marriages for you, but for different reasons they all fell through and by now you were older, well into adulthood, harder to get rid of. A waste of space in the eyes of your father. You watched your younger siblings already be promised to others. At this point your father didn’t care who the prospects were, he just wanted you all gone.
And so you were promised to someone, granted they met all the other contingencies like maintaining a pulse in the harsh conditions of Argenta. Nothing was set in stone, yet, but you knew that soon it would be. Soon your will would not be your own; even if it wasn’t your father, you’d still have to answer to someone else.
“Hey!” a voice whispers. “Psst!”
You turn your head towards the sound and smile. Capricorn hangs back in the denser brush behind a tall stone garden wall and beckons you to him.
You run to him and throw your arms around him. The two of you embrace tightly; tighter than the vines that cling to the castle walls, tighter than the roots of the the oldest trees in the Wayless Wood binding themselves to the ground. The two of you pull your heads back far enough to look into each other’s eyes, gaze flicking to the other’s lips. He leans forward and captures your lips in a heated kiss. There’s the faint trace of soot on his lips that you can taste and the smell of smoke wafts to your nostrils. You’d have to sneak to your chambers and run yourself a bath so as to not raise suspicion as to why the scent of fire is on you.
Capricorn carefully guides you to rest your back against the garden wall, his tongue brushing your bottom lip, asking for entrance. Your mouth barely opens before he deepens the kiss, swallowing your moans as he presses a thigh in between your legs. Your dress makes it difficult to feel any friction from his thigh, but with your hands braced on his broad shoulders you try anyways.
“I’d give anything to be out of this dress right now,” you pant.
“I’m sure we can figure something out,” Capricorn snickers in your ear, licking the shell of it and making you squirm in his grasp. “Don’t think your father would take kindly to the idea though,” he adds.
“I couldn’t care less about what he thinks,” you retort. “And you shouldn’t either.”
Capricorn presses against you with a sigh. “I have to,” he breathes. “He’d have my head if he knew I even looked at you.”
Even through the layers of your dress you can feel his member is hard and ready for you.
“How many times do I have to tell you that he doesn’t care about me or any of my sisters?” you huff through a moan.
“He cares enough to have nearly throttled me when he caught me staring at you last I was in his presence,” Capricorn explains. “Told me even I was too low to gaze upon his daughters.”
“After putting up with him the way you do, you’re more than deserving,” you say catching his lips in another kiss.
His kisses are even like fire; unpredictable and wild. His touch burns you deliciously like whipping flicks of a flame; his embrace warm like a hearth. By the powers of this world, all you want to do is unlace your bodice and let him ravish you right here among the wisteria.
The sound of footsteps in the grass reaches your ears and you rapidly pat Capricorn’s shoulder to signal for him to stop. It’s like he has to pry himself off of your body, he keeps going back in for ‘one more’ kiss. The footsteps are closer now and you can hear voices. “This way,” Capricorn breathes as he takes your hand.
The pair of you have snuck around the castle many times and know the winding corridors like you know the curves and dips of each other’s bodies. In the early days of your romance with Capricorn, you surprised him with your mischief when you showed him passages outside the castle that made traversing the grounds easier for two people in love. Under walkways and bridges, in abandoned tunnels underneath the foundation of the castle structure, and in lonely tower staircases the two of you exchange forbidden kisses and touches.
Stopping in a quite courtyard, you guide Capricorn to where the trees and brush can conceal your figures. Your fist your hand in his tunic and pull him close to kiss you again. You yearn for him to be closer than this, crave for your bodies to be joined in unison. Lust fills you with the burning desire, nay, the ache for him to just consume you, steal you, do all sorts of sinful things that weren’t meant for the light.
You palm him through his trousers and he grinds into your hand as he trails kisses on your neck and shoulders, pulling the neckline of your dress down as far as he can without exposing your breasts.
The two of you have never lain with the other; you’ve only had these passionate moments to sustain you. There were a couple of times when he had used his hands to pleasure you, bringing you to climax in his arms. You’d done the same for him, turned him into putty in your grip as you drove him over the edge.
Footsteps again and voices.
“Think someone went this way,” the faint voice of a guard notes.
“Follow me,” you say to Capricorn.
You leave the courtyard and enter the castle, careful to not let any of the servants or guards see you. Quietly, the two of you step across a hall to a door that’s set a few feet into a wall. You open it and he shuts it behind the two of you. The hallway you’re in now leads to the storage rooms. You lead him deep into the vaults of grain, wine, fruit, and meats. After some twists and turns, you end up in a room filled only with rolls of fabric, some sacks of cotton, wool, feathers, and other materials. You know that hardly anyone comes into this room specifically. It’s mostly untouched with barrels stacked in a corner that have been there since you were very young.
A few sacks of feathers and wool are already arranged on the floor and are already depressed where you two have laid side by side many times. Both of you settle into the familiar divot. He rests on one elbow and looks down at you with a soft smile.
“One day, I’ll take you away from this, all of this,” he says softly.
You feel your eyes water and you will your bottom lip to not quiver as you reply. “Truly?” you whisper.
He nods, serious and sure. “I’ll have my own castle and take you with me. We won’t have to answer to people like your father anymore.”
When you first met Capricorn, you assumed he was like any other rogue, you were somewhat familiar with his reputation. But he never spoke to you, he only stole glances at you, not the ones filled with lust wishing perverse things, but his eyes looked at you like you were beautiful. You spent your life being told how you were lower than low and if your father treated you as such, so why should anyone else regard you as any more? But Capricorn always looked at you with his soft pale eyes like all he wanted to do was hold you; cup his hands around your face like someone protects the flame of a candle with their hands from a cold wind.
The idea of getting close to one of the fire-raisers who worked for your father out of spite was a nice thought, but it was hardly at the forefront of your mind when you approached Capricorn first. The two of you just talked in passing, harmless chatter. You learned that like you, his family was not something he liked to dwell on and the two of you connected.
Now both of you answered to your father and both of you longed for freedom.
“And where will our kingdom be?” you ask with a smile, hand running through his dark locks of hair.
“Wherever you want,” he replies.
“Do you promise? To take me from here?”
“I swear it.”
His lips find yours and his body is on top of you. He gently guides your hands to rest above your head, hands trailing down your arms and bodice. Reaching down, he finds the hem of your skirt and hikes it up so he can settle between you legs better. He plants a hand on one side of your head and uses the other to pull back your thin chemise, the final layer of cloth separating him from your sex. Slowly, he begins to grind his clothed member against your center.
He’s firm and grinding against you perfectly, but the friction against your front makes your walls clench. The need for more is too hard to ignore, the ache to be filled by him.
Your hands fly down to the laces of his trousers and begin undoing them. He groans and puts a hand over yours to stop you.
“Can’t,” he breathes as he shakes his head. “We can’t.”
A needy whine escapes you. “I just need to feel you for a moment, please,” you beg.
Hesitantly, he shakes his head. “I want nothing more than to be inside you,” he says, his breathing heavy like a huge weight is crushing him, his voice a strained groan. “To even just allow my bare cock to kiss against your cunt, but we can’t.”
You’re grateful he has such a strong will because he’s right. As long as you remain the Adderhead’s daughter, the two of you can never be together in the way you want to.
“Once we’re out of here,” he says putting your hands back above your head, “I’ll take you.” He leans down and kisses your neck. “I’ll take you in every way you want me to.”
“I want you in as many ways as there are stars.”
Capricorn grunts as he grinds harder against you, your cunt throbbing as his clothed length strokes against your folds in just the right way. You’re trying to stifle your moans, but a high pitched cry escapes you.
Your hand flies to cover your mouth and Capricorn stills as the sound of maid servants can be heard outside in the hall.
“Did you hear that?” one says.
“Probably just the rats,” another replies.
Capricorn quickly stands and adjusts himself while you sort out your dress and hair.
The pair of you manage to find your way out of the storage vaults and back outside the castle, just near the edge where a fence keeps the lush green grass of the castle grounds away from the unforgiving dirt roads.
With ease, Capricorn climbs over the top and lands on his feet with a smile.
“Come back tomorrow?” you ask.
“I can’t,” he replies. “The Adderhead has a job for me and my men. I may be away for some time.”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He smirks and leans in close to the iron bars. “You never would have let me make it this far if I had told you.”
A final kiss and then he disappears leaving you alone.
The many days that follow are dull and bleak. You and your sisters try to just make it through your lessons and routine without running into your father. Being the eldest in the castle, you try to protect your younger siblings from his wrath, often taking the sting of poisonous words that he slews at you to spare them. All the years of his disdain have hardened you to take the blows and you even bite back with some of your own remarks.
Night falls and you sit in your chamber at the small desk and with a quill in hand you write to your sister, Violante. You tell her that you will not be marrying anyone your father chooses and you will not end up like her, unhappy and miserable. Someday, you’re going to leave Argenta and never come back. Your sisters will hopefully find their own way out, but as for you, you’ll risk everything to get away from your father.
Something hard pelts against your window and makes you whip your head around.
Your chamber is located upstairs, not too high, though nothing but the occasional bird should be disturbing you from outside.
Again, a loud whack on the pane.
You scrap the letter, pick up the lantern from your desk that provides the light for your room and go over to the window. You undo the latch that keeps it closed and look out.
Down below, a hooded figure stands holding a lantern as well. The figure removes his hood and you see it’s Capricorn.
Your heart swoons at the sight of your lover; it’s been far too long since you two last saw each other.
“Are you mad!” you loudly whisper.
“A little,” he says with a chuckle. “I wanted to see you.”
“You couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“No,” he says, his face turning serious. “No, I couldn’t.”
His words hit you like a catapult.
“If I had gone another day without seeing you,” he says, “then that would have been a day too long.”
Your heart flutters in your chest; you feel weightless, like you could float up into the night and be one with the moon.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” you ask.
He shakes his head.
“Then when?” you plead.
He’s silent for awhile until finally he just says, “I do not know.”
To Hell with all the things that keep you apart; your father, these castle walls, the damn height from your chamber window to the ground.
“Come up,” you say.
He smiles mischievously and places the hooped handle of the lantern in between his teeth and steps toward the stone of the castle wall. His hands search for handholds and he begins to pull himself up. He’s hardly a few feet off the ground when the sound of armor clinks in the distance; guards patrolling the grounds.
Your face is somber as he quietly drops back down to the ground.
“Better not,” he says. The sound of the guards is closer now. “I must go now,” he says.
“Wait, Capricorn!”
“As soon as I can, I will come to you, I promise,” he says before disappearing into the shadows.
More days pass and there hasn’t been any sign of Capricorn, but there is word of your father hosting a ball at the castle. It’s one of your sister’s birthday and the Adderhead is hoping the side effect of dancing and drinking can convince a noble to step forward and make a proposal.
Your maidservants come into your chamber to prepare you for the ball; they bathe you, dress you, layer fabrics onto you and lace you up into a deep navy gown adorned with silver embellishments. This dress is much fuller than the ones you usually wear; the sleeves rest just off your shoulder with the rest of them falling open at your elbows letting a trail of wispy fabric fall to that it trails should you move your arms. The maidservants adjust your hair and place a silver tiara on the back of your head. And still more silver adorns your body as if the accents on your dress did not serve reminder enough that the Adderhead favored the precious metal above all.
In the grandiose hall of the Castle of Night, the party goes on, but Capricorn has already found you and you guide him through the castle, careful to stay out of sight of everyone else. After navigating through the winding halls and twisting corridors, you stop at a secluded alcove that has a small window facing out towards the expanse of land beyond Mount Adder. No one should disturb you here.
Hand in hand, the two of you sit on the bench by the window. You lean forward to meet him halfway for a kiss. It starts slow and quickly becomes fervent. His hand finds your waist and pulls you close. “I’ve missed you,” you mutter softly.
“I can’t be away from the fortress for long,” Capricorn says. “I had matters to tend to.”
“You should just take me there,” you say moving in close to him again, eyes flicking to his lips. “Steal me away from here.”
His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “You want me to whisk you away then? Like a thief in the night?”
“Yes,” you breathe.
“If I didn’t fear for my life, I would,” he says kissing the corner of your mouth. “Right now.” He kisses the other corner. “I’d take you back with me to my home where we wouldn’t have to sneak around like this.”
“Please,” you beg, arching your body towards his. “Take me home.”
“One day,” he says. “One day, I’ll take you.”
You sigh woefully, almost like you could sob. “Not soon enough. I can’t stand it here any longer, I can’t take another day without you.” Your hands capture his face in between your palms. “Capricorn, I love you, I love you more than this castle loves the night, more than the embers of fires love the coals they cling to. Being without you is like being without air; I suffocate here without your presence.”
He embraces you tightly, his face burying into your neck. “When I am away from you, I am without,” he confesses with strained sigh. “My days and nights become one and I’m merely a wanderer in time.”
“Say you’ll take me home,” you plead softly trying to stifle the tremble in your voice, a tear escaping your eye as you hold him. “Please.”
He pulls away from you and wipes away the tear. “When I come back, I’ll take you.”
He says it with such assurance, like it’s not a fantasy or far off thought of ‘what if’. His eyes look into yours with sincerity that tells you he means it and you should be ready for him.
The rest of the evening is spent catching up on the time missed between the two of you with exploring hands and heavy kisses in between. Capricorn promises that he’ll come for you after he completes a raid. He’ll need the extra coin if you are to come with him.
A fortnight, he’ll come to you within a fortnight.
You’re all set. Everything is ready. You thought about leaving a snarky letter for your father, but decided against it. You have a rucksack packed with a couple of your more comfortable gowns. You’re excited to finally wear trousers and tunics like other women who don’t live in castles. You’ve packed your jewelry, all the silver is sure to be worth something to someone. Your heart races with anticipation to finally be with your lover, to finally be free. When the day arrives, you stay up all night waiting for him to show up.
But he never comes.
None of his fire-raisers are ever seen again.
You wait by your window, in the gardens, and outside near the stables, but Capricorn doesn’t show.
Your father thinks you’ve gone mad when the servants and guards find you standing near the castle gate almost every night. He can’t help but insult your sanity and with every passing day that Capricorn doesn’t show you begin to question it.
Word comes around that Capricorn’s fortress has been abandoned and it’s then that you accept that he is gone.
He is gone and all of the light of your life goes with him.
He’s left you behind.
In a castle in a rural part of the country of Italy, Capricorn sits in a room furnished with a large wooden desk. He sits at the head of a table and next to him a maidservant sits with paper and a pen. She recites to him the letters of the English alphabet, makes their sounds and he echos them back to her. She strings them together into words and sounds them out slowly.
Capricorn takes the pen and practices the motions that make legible text. During his first lessons, he was quite shaky and was easily frustrated when he failed, but now it’s much smoother though still a bit wonky.
The maidservant reads a book to him though he’s hardly paying attention to the actual meaning of the words, he’s only focusing on recognizing the letters and their sounds.
Finally, Capricorn dismisses the maid from his presence. When she leaves, he let’s out a long sigh.
He’s ready.
It’s taken many months after being in this world, but he feels he has enough literacy to look for the next person he wants Darius to read out. He has his servants, his fire-raisers, and even Mortola.
He reaches across the table and takes the pen and paper and slowly writes out the letters that spell your name.
He’s said it enough times in his head to know he has it right and there it is in front of him, in his handwriting.
He takes the paper and heads to his bedroom. There he opens a chest that has a a copy of Inkheart in it, his personal copy. He removes it and sits on his bed. One hand holds the paper with your name on it and the other flips through the pages of the book, his eyes skimming the text and looking for the familiar pattern of your name. He could have just asked Darius or the maidservants to look, but he wants to find you first, he wants to see with his own eyes the text that binds you.
It’s a crawl to get through the entire book at his pace, his eyes hurt from the walls of text he’s been searching through. He doesn’t take in much of what the words mean, he’s just trying to find you.
There are some words he recognizes and he clings to those letters and scans around the page looking for your name.
Adderhead. Silver. Castle of Night. Beautiful. Love.
None of these associations led him to your name. He’d have to resort to looking for other words that mention you. Not all of his fire-raisers or maidservants were listed by name and Darius was able to bring them here. Surely he could do the same for you.
Between the pages of this cursed book, Capricorn searches through all descriptions of Argenta from Mount Adder to his fortress, but all he finds is mention of your sister, Violante. There’s plenty about her, but none of you.
The next day, Capricorn tosses a copy of Inkheart to Darius and the paper with your name. He demands that the stuttering man find you within these pages. He says your name out loud and it nearly stuns him, the way it rolls off his tongue. How long has it been since he’s said or heard your name out loud?
“Any mention of her should bring her out, correct?” Capricorn snaps.
“Y-Yes!” Darius says. “B-But what d-d-do I look f-for ex-ex...exactly?”
“The Adderhead’s daughters. She’s the second eldest,” Capricorn explains. He describes you to Darius, your distinguishable features, your personality, and all the places you might be. “Find her.”
Capricorn leaves a couple of his men to keep an eye on Darius while he looks through the pages.
Night falls and there is still no word from the reader as to your whereabouts. Capricorn spends most of the day pacing in his room, snapping at anyone who bothers him.
He’s nervous; He’ll make sure to make Darius nice and comfortable for when he reads so not a single part of you gets left behind in the book. What will he say to you when you come out? He’ll have to explain everything and help you navigate the world, but he’ll have kept his promise to you, he’ll have stolen you away from your father, from Argenta, and most of all from world of Inkheart. He can’t wait to hold you in his arms again. You must be quite angry with him for not having returned when he said he would, but once Darius reads you out, you’ll forgive him and the two of you can go on living a new free life.
It’s Basta who fetches Capricorn from his chamber and insists that he speak to Darius himself.
“What?!” Capricorn shouts at the meek reader. “I gave you one simple task and you can’t even manage that?!”
“I-I’m s-s-sorry!” Darius says cowering from his captor. “I’ve g-g-gone through it m-many times!”
Capricorn shouts and yells at the reader to try harder, he slams the book in front of him and demands that he provide proof of his lack of findings.
But with every turn of the page, Capricorn feels rage inside of him at seeing that Darius is right; there is no mention of you in the book.
There is not even a single whisper about the Adderhead’s other daughters.
Distraught, Capricorn knocks the book out of Darius’ hands and storms off.
He stands in his bedroom looking out the window trying to remember the taste of your kiss, the scent of your perfume wafting off your soft skin, and the sound of your sweet voice in his ear.
In his hand is the paper with your name, crumpled now from being in his fist. He didn’t even notice he swiped it from Darius before he turned away from the reader, refusing to believe that there was no trace of you.
But it’s true.
Capricorn unfurls the paper.
There must be a way for him to see you again, there has to be. Until then, only in your name, in the written word, are you waiting for him.
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littlebodyinkheart · 1 year
Is Mama’s Boy by Dominic Fike genuinely written about Capricorn?? Cause there's no way
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peppermintfreak · 2 years
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Capricorn in this gaudy circus wear... thing
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heloss423 · 10 months
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Paul was the perfect choice to play dustfinger but in these photos he's exactly how i imagine Capricorn
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feydrautha · 4 months
The more you think about it, the most pressing question about Fenoglio's Inkheart isn't "who in the hell was the protagonist of it?" (it's either Cosimo, the Prince, or, y'know, the guy the literal title refers to - or all three of them), but rather "what in the raging hell was the Shadow's deal?" considering he was immortal, implied to be invincible, could only be destroyed by being rewritten, and as much of an asshole as his boss to the point where you wonder how this guy was dealt with in-story unless the ending saw Capricorn not just get away with everything but also win
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thedoji · 9 months
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Sketched fellas cause I’m rereading the trilogy AGAIN
Captioned who’s who in this
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hauntedvulcan · 16 days
Roommate couldn't find her sheet music and she looked at me and went "Capricorn stole it"
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tarabyte3 · 1 year
I made some Andy Serkis blorbo themed autumn/horror moodboards for spooky season. 🎃🍁🔪🩸🧡 Enjoy!
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Kino Loy, Andor (2022)
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David Robey, Luther: The Fallen Sun (2023)
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Alfred Pennyworth, The Batman (2022)
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Liam Black, The Accused (2010)
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Capricorn, Inkheart (2008)
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Mr. Alley, The Prestige (2006)
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Dr. Adrian King, Death of a Superhero (2011)
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George Clements, SAS: Red Notice (2021)
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David, The Cottage (2008)
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Colleoni, Brighton Rock (2010)
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weepylucifer · 10 months
looking back, my one grownup take on inkworld is that they would've had far fewer problems if the whole "roxane, dustfinger and basta" thing had ended in a threesome
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teresafolchart · 2 years
ok but with the recent success of adaptations like shadow and bone, the sandman, lockwood & co, good omens, his dark materials, and percy jackson coming soon, etc. it’s about time we get a new inkheart adaptation. i’m just saying
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Its the Capricorn anon again!
Here is the question incase youd like to read it:
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I have to say i completely agree with you, I cant really picture him🙈 But it sounds like she just used the character Dudley Smiths as a model because he is also a very cold-hearted guy, and not the looks that would make sense
In my head Capricorn just looks like David Bowie from now on😂
Hi again ^^
Thank you sm for the QnA! And yes, it does sound like she used him for personality, etc. Which is... good because else I would have been forced to really question her decisions xD
(Here is the other post btw)
Anyways, love that u see him too now xD Perhaps I will watch L.A Confidential soon to see what Cornelia is on about!
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tarrenterror25 · 2 years
“We’re all liars when it serves our purpose.”
I don’t own clips or music!
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littlebodyinkheart · 1 year
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The Jesus meme template
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peppermintfreak · 1 year
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
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inkheart vs inkspell/inkdeath is one of my favorite things to rant about but like.
in inkheart dustfinger refuses to dwell on what and who he's lost because the grief is making him insane so he doesn't tell us anything and all we get about the inkworld is hateful, unreliable snippets from capricorn and basta so you think, yeah, this man is kind of a lunatic to be willing to be so horrible and to suffer so much in return for the chance to return to so little.
then you get through the rest of the series and see how extremely loved dustfinger is by so many people and it paints the first book in such a different light that it makes me rabid knowing the majority of people just stop there. like most people have to just. believe basta of all people and never know that dustfinger is being grieved by the people who raised him and grew up with him and worked with him and chose him and whose nights were less dark just because he existed. I'd burn the skin off my hands too for that kind of love.
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the-paper-furler · 1 year
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I decided to do that "Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" challenge, but with Inkheart, and here is the result.
(The image depicts the part where Mo tells Meggie and Elinor the night he read Capricorn, Dustfinger, and Basta out)
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