#inky mystery animated pilot
brainyrot · 4 months
Yeah here to announce that there's gonna be an inky mystery animated pilot, with voice acting, soundtracks, obviously animation and lots of free space for whoever wants to participate.
we're currently working on the storyboard, and the list for the shots (in total 79) are so many that I can't just take them all and finish them.
Who wants to join me ?? Come on look at this it's so fun come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on
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You can also just join the server and watch the pilot being made!!!!
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onyxmistkes · 22 days
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Some frames I storyboarded for the Inky Mystery animated pilot!! Because I'm working at that!! I don't I think I've said that yet..
Anyways, sorry for not being active Life decided to start life-ing again, unfortunately, and I am currently trying to convince myself that quitting my job just so that I have more time to animate is unreasonable with not a lot of success
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patchwork-artists · 3 months
The @inkymysteryanimatedpilot is calling for animators, non-experienced and experienced!
We are not doing the animation of the storyboard, no! We'd like people who either already animate, or do not have much experience but would like to learn and warm up before animating the storyboard. We want to make specific gifs for the credits scene, of which are already storyboarded and animated, and only need artists that will line over it and color it in black and white.
As we have few gifs left, we won't take in every one that asks, so we made this form for you to put your art and your @ for us to decide who to give the remaining gifs to.
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emolly242 · 2 months
I made a tiny gif! @theinkymystery @inkymysteryanimatedpilot
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midnightfire830 · 4 months
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Hehehe. I’ve been given a wonderful opportunity to help lend a hand in the creation of Inky Mystery pilot episode!
(Pete is so cussing hard to draw cussing hell man)
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A first glance into our animatic!
Storyboarders: Atleastdraco, midnightfire830 "Sanity", Icecore, Meisushi
Voice actors: Cawcaw as pete, Nick "royally blue" as Bendy
V.A director: Whatsafelony
Audio editors: khanasukre
Editing: Patchwork system
Animation's script: Whatsafelony, Patchwork system (co-writer)
Producing and directing: Patchwork system, Whatsafelony
Originally written by That animated phantom and Mercowe: Bendy and Boris in @theinkymystery, AO3
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benito-cereno · 7 years
The Further Adventures of Santa Claus, chapter 2: The Count at the North Pole (Part one)
(Chapter 1 part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here. You should definitely read chapter 1 first.)
“No!” shouted the child who had been a puddle who had once been a child, as if she were a protoplasmic being that, upon being galvanized, careened through the billion-year process of evolution in a fraction of a second, leaving an upright, and righteously indignant, homo sapiens sapiens staring into the face of her tutor.
The tutor was somewhat taken aback by the sudden apparition of interest in the girl’s demeanor. “I’m sorry, what?”
The child flailed her arms above her head in anger. “You can’t even be serious about that story, you jerk!”
“First of all,” said the tutor, removing his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose, “I am nominally an authority figure in this scenario and you probably shouldn’t say ‘jerk’ to me.” He then glared hard at her through the side of his half-lidded and suspicious eyes. “That said, what do you feel was the matter with that perfectly good story?”
The child continued gesticulating wildly as the tutor looked on with disdain. “You just told a story about Santa Claus and Santa lost! Santa always wins everything! That's why he's not allowed to play the lottery!” She now jabbed an angry finger at the offended storyteller. “That is not how it would have played out at all! Where were the reindeer? I don't think you even said ‘North Pole’ at any point!” Pausing, she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Additionally, I feel you played pretty fast and loose with what qualifies as a ‘ghost story.’”
“All right,” said the tutor, replacing his glasses and settling smugly back into his chair. “Why don’t we see if you’re better at telling stories than you are at reducing fractions. Give me the best story you’ve got.”
At this, the child stood stupefied, jaw slack, finger raised limply and half-heartedly, at half-mast. A second later, a shadow of inspiration crossed the child’s face, and her finger sprung to life and her eyes lit with excitement. “Yeah! I will! A real corker!”
And here, to the best of the tutor’s recollection, is the story she told:
The North Pole! A tall, candy-striped pole rises high above the snow drifts! It stands as a marker to the northernmost point of this island Earth, as well as the signpost to Santa Claus Village!
But what’s this? Suddenly, the crystalline globe at the top of the pole begins to blink steadily with a bright red warning light! “Bnk! Bnk! Bnk!” goes the blinking light.
From underneath the pole, a hatch from some unknown subterranean facility begins to rise from the snow. A blanket of white falls all around the top of the hatch. The light of the globe, blinking though it is, reveals a long metal corridor leading at an incline deep into the earth. Out of the shadows at the depth of the run, something is coming. From the inky depths, the sound of bells.
But is it? A figure who had been buried in snow now rises, shedding the frosty cloak with which he had draped himself.  Before him is revealed the fully unusual but still fully expected sight of reindeer beginning to soar out of the hatch.
“At last!” exclaims the mysterious figure as Santa and his sleigh, pulled by a full team of nine reindeer, burst out of the hatch, hurtling into the sky, issuing forth a chorus of tintinnabulation and a raucous “HO! HO! HO!”
The figure, now having fully shed his snowy mantle, reveals himself to be dressed in black from head to toe, a stark contrast against the snowy ground as he leapt through the air with preternatural strength and speed toward the cannonball of cheer that was Santa’s sleigh.
The Lord of the Vampires rocketed through the sky and burst through the body of Vixen, who exploded into a fine pink mist as Dracula clawed his way over all of the other reindeer toward the sleigh. “SANTA!” he shouted with a vengeful glee.
At the reins, Santa’s face was covered equally with the blood spray of his cervine friend and a look of shock. “DRACULA?” he sputtered with incredulity.
Dracula, covered in gore, reached a clawed hand toward Santa. His face bore a menacing smile. “I’ve come for my revenge,” he said coolly.
The normally jolly old elf struggled to right his sleigh, which was now piloted by eight spooked reindeer dragging the mutilated corpse of their comrade through the air as it hung lifelessly from the line. As Santa yanked at the reins, the count successfully made his way to the front of the sleigh.
“Your revenge?” shouted Santa indignantly. “You came out the better in our last encounter, vampire!”
Dracula shook his fist in rage at the fur-clad figure in front of him. “That may be, elf, but oh, what you did after!” In his mind’s eye, he could picture the sadistic glee with which Santa had doubtlessly applied his name--DRACULA--to the top of his notorious Naughty List. He shook off this painful image and shouted, “You know what you did to my name! I was never able to bounce back!” In rage, the vampire swiped a gnarled and claw-tipped hand at Santa, who just barely managed to dodge while still keeping grip on the reins. “Everyone knew me after that, and knew my nature! Everyone knew the curse of Dracula!” His shadowy eyes flashed red. “A tarnished reputation garners no man an invitation into a stranger's home.”
Santa placed the sole of his black leather work boot on the crawling vampire’s face and gave him the least gentle shove he could muster, trying desperately to keep control of his careening sleigh at the same time.
Dracula’s own desperation showed as he reached for the red and white mass at the helm with his vampiric talons, screaming, “You've ruined me, elf! You have no idea what you did!” His mind’s eye flashed once again to the sight of a pile of rats, drained of blood in an alley. “Or what I had to do to survive!”
At this memory, the black-cloaked count hissed like a cornered animal and his wild, thrashing swipe finally found purchase, raking three trails of blood across Santa’s face.
Santa calmly touched the fresh cuts on his face. Lowering his hand, he saw the blood that now stained his mitten. “Very well, vampire,” he said, tying the reins to the sleigh. He turned behind him and reached into his bulging sack of toys that he had intended to deliver to all the good girls and boys of Earth that very night. “I have something here for you.”
Dracula, perched on the beak of the sleigh like some hideous bird of prey, hissed with disdain. “Unless it is five centuries of reparations, elf, I have little interest--”
Santa interrupted. “No, I think you'll like it.  After all,” he said, standing back to his full height and revealing what he had pulled out of his sack: two large stake carved out of sprigs of holly, “‘tis the season to be sharing, Vlad.”
The gift-bringer lunged at Dracula with one stake, aiming for his heart. But Dracula at the last second turned into a cloud of mist, and Santa’s fruitless momentum caused him to fly through where Dracula once was and then tumble off the side of the sleigh.
“Hah!” cackled Dracula, rematerializing as Santa fell. What he didn’t count on was the speed with which the falling Santa managed to grab Dracula’s once again corporeal cloak, pulling him out of the sleigh with him.
“Hah, indeed!” retorted Santa as the two figures, one corpulent and red, the other gaunt and black, freefell through the night sky, with the lights of the city twinkling below them. The reindeer, now pilotless, streaked off toward the horizon.
Santa, still gripping his stakes, struggled to stab the squirming lord of the vampires as they plummeted toward the earth. “In my travels and experiences, Count, I have learned that basketballs bounce. Volleyballs, kickballs, soccer balls, even bumbles bounce. Tell me, sir...do vampires?”
Inside a suburban home, two children dressed in footie pajamas sat in a fire-lit family room bedecked with tree and stockings and lights perked up their ears as they heard a sound whistling through the sky toward their roof.
“Up on the housetop--!” said one.
“Do you hear what I hear?” asked the other.
It wasn’t through the chimney that this visit from Saint Nicholas came, however, but straight through the roof of their house, which splintered and shattered from the impact of the two immortal bodies that crashed into it from the heights of the stratosphere.
Despite their house being destroyed, the roaring crash, and the fact that they were now covered in debris, the two children were overjoyed to see the man with all the toys in their very home. “Santa! Santa!” they cried, picking up a platter of cookies and milk, now covered in splinters of wood, bits of shingle, and insulation fluff, and carrying it toward the fallen gift-bringer.
“Children!” shouted Santa, bloodied and bruised and crawling toward the frightened tots. “Santa needs cookies for strength!”
Behind him, Dracula regained his feet. He grabbed Santa by the boot and dragged him away from the children. “You'll not get away that easily, you ponderous pixie!”
Dracula hurled Santa like a hammer throw through the house’s picture window, which exploded in a shower of glass slivers that fell like rain on the blanket of snow outside. Santa’s massive form, depleted of all strength, plowed through the snow until, momentum expended, it slid to a terrible stop somewhere in the yard.
Stepping out through the massive hole in the side of the house where once a window gazed out upon the front yard, Dracula grabbed the supine Santa by the front of his red fur coat and slammed him pitilessly against the aluminum siding of the neighboring house.
“At last!” cackled the undead son of the dragon. “My final revenge is nigh! Any final words, you wretch, before I rip out your throat?”
Santa, bloodied and crying, gazed deep into the starry sky. “I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Gumdrop ships on fire off the coast of Candyland. I watched snowflakes glitter in the dark near the peppermint mines of the Yukon. All these moments will be lost in time...like tears in snow…”
Dracula’s jaws opened to such an inhuman degree they seemed to have come unhinged. As he lunged his long, pointed canines toward the white-bearded jugular, he gleefully shrieked:
“Time to die!”
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patchwork-artists · 4 months
The inky mystery animated pilot(IMA) congratulates all of those who managed to get approved as the official Voice Actors for our characters! You all did amazing and made such a perfect cast!
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What is this project?
This project is an animated pilot for @thisanimatedphantom and @mercowe 's fanfic @theinkymystery , ran by @patchwork-artists "Patchwork" as the producer and @whatsafelony "Felony" as the codirector. We are animating the beggining chapters as a volunteer passion project!
Will there be more episodes?
No, this is a one-episode only. It is not intended to be picked up by a studio, either. These characters are copyrighted characters and we do not claim them nor owe them, so we can not do further than this.
Where will the pilot be released?
At our youtube channel!
When will it be released?
If everything goes according to the calendar, we plan for it to release one week before christmas.
Can I join?
Yes, you can! Simply join our discord server if we are calling for any animators, editors or subtitlers! As of currently(30/3/24) we have both "Background Oc entries" and "Call for animators(experienced and non-experienced)" open!
Can I just watch it being made?
Also yes! On our server we have a tourist role that allows you to observe everything without participating!
How can we support the project?
Please talk about it! We fear it being recieved as a product to be consumed, only seen once and then forgotten about to be left in the dust, which is very upsetting for everyone who has been working on this project all year long! We need to spread it and let it be known, engage with the art, show excitement, talk about it! Be as passionate about it as we are making it!
What about copyright?
Full answer here.
How can I know of more news?
We will begin posting more about it on this tumblr, so follow to stay tuned on things related to it! If you post any art related to it or your storyboards, don't be shy to tag us!
Signed, Patchwork system.
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We're currently at 76 followers...if we reach 100 and you all spread the project to more IM fans, we'll post a new video on the channel! :] - Patchwork system
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midnightfire830 · 4 months
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Another day another panel. And another angy boi.
Idk how to do depth lines so I did it like I do with my building drawings.
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This was never made public because it wasn't necessary, not to mention it wasn't a full turn around, but yesterday we posted a design of what kid!bbros would have looked like in the pilot's artstyle.
Two funfacts, one is that Boris is slightly dirtier because it's considering the labyrithn memory of him travelling on the snow, making it so he has a red nose from the cold and the end of his pants are stained with melted snow. The second funfact is that Bendy's height is the exact same as from his adult ref.
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👀The pilot's going well. We hope to post more exciting news soon
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teaser comes out in a week :)
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Due to unforseen circunstances, we are switching the time of calling subtitlers from november to now, both to use this extra time as well as to have the due date of Months to work on the subtitles. Subtitlers now won't subtitle straight into the video, but they will translate the lines into the language of their choice at a specific shared document that has Only the lines of the script, keeping the default script format so that we can tell what line is which.
If you are interested, please join the IMA Discord, go into #roles, topics and the #request-role-for-subtitler and type "Language:[blank]" the reason it is not an auto role is so that we can have a more controlled list of who is subtitling for what language.
If you have taken the role of subtitler but noticed you are no longer interested on it, please warn us so that we can free up the spot.
Deadline: Not set yet
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Thank you @onyxmistkes for the redraw of our thumbnail, which will now be our final thumbnail! Support our artist team and give them a follow!
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