#inn conclusion: this show brought me so much more emotions than i ever thought and ill die if the ending isnt warm and fuzzy
zuluc · 4 years
@kookieyachi​ requested: i hate to be that one person but i doubt they'll increase the rate but imma try my best & start saving for zhongli & childe 😼🤚 anYWAY-, i was wondering if u could write another diluc x reader whr they're in a secret relationship (only kaeya knew somehow-) & one of the mcs & paimon heard rumours of diluc having a s/o & decide to follow him, to see him gg on a date w the reader or summ,,, hope its not too confusing haha🥺💖
pairing: diluc x gn!reader
style & genre: written; fluff
warnings: none
notes: i meant rng rates those screw me over when it matters but i hope we get good ones when their banners come in, i wish the best of luck to everyone pulling may we get our dream teams; THIS IS CUTE ty for all your requests you know what’s good 😪😪
the mc in this is aether because i love aether
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“I hear someone has Master Diluc’s heart!”
“Is that so?”
“Aw, man! I wanted him...”
It’s been the talk of the town for longer than he expected and wanted it to be: Diluc’s love life. He was always the private one and never shared anything about his personal life so it was only natural that no one, minus Kaeya it seemed, had a clue as to who took Mondstadt’s most wanted bachelor.
“Are they sure he’s even with someone? Isn’t it just a rumor?” Paimon asks her travel companion as they make their way into the tavern for a late night drink. The pair had travelled back to the town for a few days and while walking through they listened in on what the townspeople were gossiping about this time around.
“Not sure, he doesn’t seem like the type. Why not ask him, Paimon?” 
Paimon flies in front of his face and places her hands on her hips, “You don’t just ask him! He’s so secretive and... and well just that! Also, Paimon thinks he’d just avoid the question.”
“You won’t know it’ll work if you never try.” Aether suggests and opens the door to the tavern. He himself actually wanted to know the truth to those rumors because, well think about it, it’s Diluc and any information that made him seem more emotional than he let on was interesting. He steps inside, seeing the people inside drinking and laughing. They all greet him with their cheerful, yet drunk replies, and Diluc nods his head in acknowledgement. 
“Welcome back. What’ll it be for tonight?” He asks them. Aether places his drink order and Paimon hovers over the bartender with a judging look on her face. Convenient that he is working tonight. He raises a brow, “Can I help you?”
“U-Uh,” she turns her attention to Aether who simply looks back at her and sips his apple cider vinegar, a look of you’re on your own for this one on his face. “Have you heard what’s being said around Mondstadt, Master Diluc?” She asks in a way to slowly lead into the main question. Diluc picks up a glass and shakes his head, turning around to place the item on one of the shelves. 
“I’ve never paid attention to gossip if that’s what you’re referring to. And like I’ve said before,” he eyes the emergency ration suspiciously, “I don’t dwell on idle chat.” Those words, while they weren’t intended to be as cold as they sounded, prevented Paimon from pressing on. She pouts while flying, but her gaze lands on his hands. They are void of his usual gloves and Diluc wore them even while working. She brushes it off as a useless observation and the door of the tavern opens. 
“Evening!” Charles greets them. He waves a hand to Diluc who finishes the last of the glasses he is cleaning, silently thanking the bartender for taking the rest of his shift. He walks out the back and Paimon floats up.
“Does he have something else to do? He usually stays for the rest of the night.” She questions Charles who shakes his head in amusement.
“He must be working hard,” Charles comments, “or maybe taking some time for himself.” Paimon perks up at what he says and she looks at Aether. The traveller finishes his drink and narrows his eyes at her.
“What?” He barely gets another word in before she is rushing out the door. “Paimon!” He places mora on the counter and bids Charles a good night before following her. The door swings open and Aether is met with Paimon flying in front of his face.
“We’ll follow him!” She states confidently, a glint in her eyes.
Aether stares at her blankly. “Uh, why?” Again, she doesn’t give him an answer when she sees a flash of red hair behind his head. They keep quiet and hide behind the stone building when they see Diluc look side to side, almost catching them in his sight.
“He’s definitely going somewhere!” She is much more invested in this than Aether thought, but his own curiosity was overpowering the possibility of getting caught by the pyro user as well. He wordlessly agrees and they quietly tread behind him through Mondstadt, hiding behind every pole and wall whenever they thought he believed someone was following him.
Minutes into their mission Aether catches sight of the Knight of Favonius building and his suspicions are raised. Diluc wouldn’t be caught dead near this place, what more just by walking by it? He stops at the side and Aether tugs his hovering companion away from Diluc’s line of sight when it opens, a familiar person stepping out.
“Honorary Knight!” Huffman interrupts Paimon’s exclamation as he rushes to the both of them. “Would you be able to help us out near Windrise? Quite a lot of slimes showed up and the other knights are preoccupied with their own missions. I know you just got back but...”
“We’re good!” Another knight shows up, running to them, “Captain Kaeya helped us out!” Aether looks back and forth between then before looking at the door. It seems that the person and Diluc had already left. 
“Ah, I see. Sorry to intrude on your evening.” Huffman excuses himself and leaves with the other knight. Paimon flies towards the empty stairs, floating around premises as if looking for clues.
“Paimon saw y/n! Do you think they’re together?” She questions. 
“Isn’t that too much of an assumption?” Paimon floats to Aether’s face with mock anger on her features. “Maybe they could just be well-acquainted.”
“Let’s just see who’s right then! I bet...” she places a finger to her chin, “...5000 mora!”
“You don’t even carry mora.”
The commissions burned you out but you are more than happy to see what awaits you after you leave the building. Bidding Jean goodbye, you settle into your coat and push the doors open. He’s standing there waiting like he said he would and you notice there is no one around, though you had an inkling that someone was watching you. You are broken out of your thoughts when Diluc’s warm hand cups your face. He was initiating more touches after becoming comfortable in your relationship, so you felt happy that he could do so outside though with no one to see.
To you, it was hard to believe that you managed to attract him in the first place, considering his many suitresses, but despite that he insisted that it was you he was after.
“Something the matter?” He asks gently, removing his hand when he could hear steps behind him. You shake your head and smile at him causing his heart to warm at the sight. “Good, shall we?”
Your dates aren’t like the usual ones. You walk around the sides of Mondstadt when everyone is asleep as you both share what has gone on in your day. Sometimes, you even take a stroll outside the city and sit under the large tree in Windrise, watching the stars twinkle. Going on many secret rendezvous were fun and brought an excitement and mystery to both of your lives when they occured. 
But even so, sometimes you wondered what it would be like if the townspeople knew. 
Diluc never explicitly mentioned that he wanted the whole town to know and you both came to the conclusion that keeping your relationship from the public would be beneficial. He was known to be aloof yet protective of Mondstadt. He had a reputation to uphold and the enemies would otherwise have vital information to his weaknesses if they came to know of your connection.
You know he loves you, he tells you every night before you have to part until you see each other the next day. And any doubt in your mind is gone when your hand is held tightly in his.
“Paimon, we’ve been following them for too long. They’re just talking.” Aether felt uncomfortable doing what they were doing and spying on the both of you. He watches the both of you engage in a regualr conversation. After losing sight of you at the Knights of Favonious building they glided around trying to track you both. He couldn’t see that your hands were intertwined due to how your coat concealed it. 
“Ahh! Fine, we should go rest,” Paimon says defeatedly, “Paimon can’t believe she lost 5000 mora!” Aether rolls his eyes and jumps down from the roof to head to a nearby inn. The streets are quiet but there are audible footsteps from their right as they move through the houses.
“Hey, it’s nice to see you back in town.” Kaeya greets him with the usual lilt to his voice. “Why are you two still up?”
“We were following Master Diluc because we think he’s seeing someone!” Paimon really has no shame, does she? Aether thinks to himself and he looks up at the Cavalry Captain when the latter lets out a light chuckle. 
“What an interesting activity... I do hope you find your answer,” Kaeya nods his head to direct it behind them. Aether and Paimon follow his direction and see the two they had been trailing for the past hours. “Good night.”
“I almost forgot!” The duo’s ears perk at the sound of your voice. You and Diluc are at the front of your home and their eyes widen at the sight of your hand in his. You reach into your coat pocket to pull out his gloves, “You left them here.”
“Thank you,” Diluc replies, lifting the hand he held to his lips and kissing the back. “Good night, my love.”
“Good night, Diluc.” The smile on your face is ever radiant and he leans down for his kiss. You oblige but pull away to lean closer to his ear, “It seems that we have company.” Your hold leaves him and you open your door, disappearing inside. Diluc turns his head and sees the shocked faces of the traveller and ration. 
“Paimon wins.”
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thessaliah · 4 years
The reunion with someone you love,  thanking someone who was unrewarded,  saving of the pitiful who cry for help: universal themes in events and their connection to Roman and Olga
Benienma's charming New Year event ended and there were lots of good moments. Specially for Fionn fans who finally got their favorite to take the spotlight. Fionn is in Ireland, the equivalent of King Arthur, just like Cu Chulainn is the equivalent of Herakles, so the way FGO has handled him was horrible so far but he came around in this event and got impressive feats on his own. But I won't talk about Fionn, others have done before this. When this event dropped years ago, I and a lot of japanese players felt certain uncanny emotional parallel with Beni's old man and Mash's situation with Roman. A man who never knew happiness for themselves and always thought about the happiness of others, cloaking themselves in big lies, misunderstood alive but grieved in death. Who still died smiling because others were saved and happy, yet still they want to thank them and set things right, even if it's an impossible wish.
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Mash is the one who speaks up, while she doesn’t overtly voice her parallel, we know it exists.
If I am to only fulfill my role between larger gears, There isn’t much to worry over, If “only” is good enough.
I’d like to try living, in the time I was granted. I don’t fight to suffer, Just like you said. Please, let the gentle rain fall upon me, upon our will. When I depart, I’d like for you to quietly see me off.
When I was done crying, I could no longer hear your voice. That’s how you urge me on, I see, telling me that there’s no road back.
I was born into this world to live. There is no other definite reason. I don’t need a mission or a meaning. I will live! I don’t want to Let my memories with you end in sorrow. Just like you said, The conclusion can be repainted, always.
Cut for length.
This is the song for her mental and emotional state after what she lost at the end of part 1 (Roman). It’s called Blank Space, it shows that, like Benienma, she’s continued her duty for the chance to see Roman again. This post isn’t about Roman, but also about Olga, since the prologue of Part 2 there are two heavy losses that weight Mash’s heart (also the player but Mash’s more vocal about it): first is her guilt of being unable to save Olgamarie (which was discussed and was the reason they went to save Goredolf) and the other is her sorrow with the separation with Roman whom she didn’t even properly thank for everything he did for her (was hinted how she is comforted by his room in Missions before being tore apart from it in the prologue where she had a breakdown and refused to leave). Events in FGO sometimes don’t exist in isolation, they connect to major plot arcs: Ooku continues CCC and is about the major plot of the Beasts, for example, Oniland and Christmas 2020 with Karna supply dragon lore which surely will be important in Britain Lostbelt or when Arthur confronts the Beast of Revelations. Plenty of events to build the Greek Pantheon and characters. As such, there are these small emotional catharses of events that are sometimes connected to the main characters (Mash and Guda) own desires and wishes. The desire of Guda meeting the one(s) he loved and lost again is ever-present, even in interludes:
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(Abigail interlude)
The person singled out for this is always Roman. Aphrodite's song illusion in Guda's heart led toward Roman and is a mere possibility he was around (even without a blank without body, even without understanding what he's saying) what broke in Guda's defenses. It was always when they gave in about the doctor when the loop was allowed to continue. It was also the source of strength to break out of this. Because Guda can't face Roman unless they are proud of their answer and path, in death or life, they can't thematically meet again (exceptional events aside) until Guda is satisfied with their actions. Events sometimes feature this Roman-loss theme, or rather about being reunited with someone you separate from and lost what is the conclusion of one's journey: Sitonai reunites with that Berserker in Oniland, Beni with the old man, and there's that movie singularity that was all about a man who was misunderstood and made a villain by people who after his death realised their mistake and understood he loved his foster daughter's future and would protect it with his life. Mash was personally touched by that  script (so was Roman, who was included by Nasu changing the original novel that was going to be published, to help the cast reshoot the movie for Mash's sake) and wanted to ensure to preserve it, the end of the movie is the daughter living well while the father is watching over, apparently alive, but with a different appearance who one day might meet his daughter again.
The other point of emotional struggle is to help or save those who pitifully want to be saved. While the reunion is nearly always involving a man (sometimes a father figure or someone who was a guardian), the saving part is almost always about a girl, usually, a girl who is doing evil actions and needs to be put down for the sake of others but Guda and Mash (if she’s around) refuse. Imaginary Scramble features two of them: "Gogh" (Clytie) and  Yang Guifei.  The Olga factor goes tacit in all but the male exception, Goredolf was a man, but the Olga connection was brought up explicitly in his case. This plot-line might have started with Ereshkigal Christmas event and Salem (on that note, Abigail's search and longing for her dead friend also connect and echos with Guda's losses). This started after part 1, because during Observer, those who were twisted or darkened or made villains were disposed of instead of saved (Ushiwakamaru in Babylonia for example, or all the Servants affected by madness in Orleans). Because it was not important during part 1, but it is for part 2.
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(in a nonsubtle way).
IMO, the Greek Lostbelt was also a climax to voice what Mash’s (and Guda’s) wants. Mash finally breaks out and says she wants to meet Roman again and thank him for everything after the Person of Chaldea appears. They aren't speculating about his identity or his warnings, rather they are emotional about how he can't be the Doctor because his eyes are different and wish to meet him again in an emotional My Room scene. Olympus was for Olga, after U Olgamarie appears and they are left confused by her actions, that is Olga but she's their enemy, a Beast, but still they want to help her. Because that's always been one of their biggest regrets. Greek Lostbelt kicks the course of their personal emotional catharsis arc: Olga is there, but she's an enemy; an ally who resembles Roman appears but he's not their doctor. Man of Chaldea and U-Olga have the same function: to be different kinds of emotional hurdles Mash and Guda face, aside from their role in the plot (obviously they are more important than just angsty plot devices). So it begins their personal goal: meet Roman again, save Olga. Atlantis and Olympus also have a little of both. Olympus with that dream which had an emphasis Guda's feelings toward Roman, among all their losses, while Atlantis with the subplot of Corday and the nanomachines (which the priestess witnessed).
To wrap up, this is merely tangential, but this scene was translated at last, so I might give context to those who don't know it:
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This weaver is "Miss Crane", who appears in Waltz in the Moonlight Lostroom, a special game released on anniversary with the plot by Nasu. Just to show how tied is Roman's story and Benienma's event narrative. The doctor created the Moonlight Room, that became a harmless singularity that exists linking past and future, similar to the Inn. Crane manages it by his request and one of Crane's goal is to reward him, even with the little she could do for him. Roman gets the broadcast of the Ball Crane arranged for him in the game’s ending. This foreshadowing that leads back to Roman was included in the same chapter Beni tells us her backstory and her wish to thank and meet that man again. And she did, in the very end, as a personal reward for her efforts, and his.
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(Fate/Grand Order is a story of many meetings and departures, and meetings again).
Note that because I interpret that Mash’s and Guda’s emotional catharsis arc require: needing to help Olga (to exercise their regrets), and meeting Roman in the end (as reward), it doesn’t mean that Olga or Roman will be alive or playable in the end. Olga could sacrifice herself as Corday or Ophelia did after being saved (her choice is going to be important, because it seems build up for her to finally make a stand she wants), Roman can be met in a death-state or in the Lostroom/Moonlight room as connection of past and future. It’s just that those things needed to happen for the emotional closure and they have had a built up before the Greek Lostbelt.
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ladynestaarcheron · 5 years
Like Pristine Glass - Chapter Seven
ao3 - ff.net - masterpost
(tagging these cuties: @humanexile @skychild29 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @candid-confetti ​ @rhysandsrightknee @missing-merlin @azriels-forgotten-shadow @books-and-cocos @sezkins79 @city-of-fae @someonemagical)
okay fam, I have only like 2 minutes to do this so not much time to talk but here you go! also I'm in the market for a beta so if you’re interested here’s some info on that.
October 23 - 4 years after
Cassian has spent the last two days apologizing for acting against Nesta’s wishes by obsessively asking her permission for things. She is grudgingly appreciative at first, but it quickly gets on her nerves. After the umpteenth time Cassian answers an innocent question from one of the children with, “Well, we have to ask Mummy first,” she snaps at him.
“Are you capable of following my ground rules and using your own discretion to decide when you need to check things with me?”
He pales the slightest. “Yes. I’m sorry.”
She bites her tongue. She never thought she’d get tired of hearing him say that.
“I’m irritating you further, I know. I just. I’m really...trying...not to screw up anymore here, Nesta,” he says, and his voice is pleading enough, she softens just a bit. “I don’t really trust my judgment.”
“You can’t be a parent if you don’t trust your judgement,” she says, and her words are harsh but her tone is not. “I don’t need another person to take care of.”
He nods. “Of course. I understand.”
He makes an effort to be more authoritative, she thinks, but he still glances at her every time before saying anything.
“And this bothers you?” Amorette says to her, sitting next to her on a bench at the park.
Nesta tucks a stray lock of hair behind her ears. She is watching them play with the children--one of them jumping out from behind a tree and chasing the others in turn. “Yes,” she says. “He’s a military general. He should be capable of...knowing what to do in regular domestic situations.”
“I would hardly classify this as a regular domestic situation,” Amorette says wryly.
“Well, it’s ours, and he’ll have to get used to it,” she says, stubborn. “I’m not asking for much here.”
“He doesn’t know how to be a parent,” she reminds her. “Patience. It’ll take time. He’s trying to do right by them while still doing right by you. That’s a lot to ask of anyone.” Amorette gives her a brief, teasing smile.
Nesta rolls her eyes. “He’s over five hundred years old. I’m sure he can handle it.”
“Is he really doing such a bad job?”
Nesta studies him, letting each child catch him in turn, ducking in and out of their reach. She’s angry and hurt and confused, but he’s the father of her children and they’re shrieking with joy. Even Ollie.
She can see Amorette smile a little in her periphery. “I think it’s a good thing. Is he staying long this time?”
“He has to leave later today.”
“How are you doing with that? These sporadic visits?”
“We’ve...yet to figure out an arrangement,” she says. “I have to stay here. He needs to stay there.”
“So you’re staying here, then?”
Nesta looks at her. “Of course I am.”
“Why do you think you need to stay here?”
“My whole life is here!”
“I’m not attacking,” Amorette says. “I’m only asking.”
Most of their conversations when they first met had gone this way: with Amorette trying to get to the bottom of Nesta’s emotions and thought process and her immediately going on the defensive. She thought she had gotten past that.
“I know,” she says, apologetic. “I...I have work here. The children have everything they know here. I have...friends here. And Zeyn,” she adds hurriedly.
Amorette is quiet for a minute. Then she says, “And those are enough to stay?”
Nesta leans back a little on the bench. “You know what it was like for me there,” she says. “I have a home here now.”
“You’re different. It would be different.”
“You want me to leave? You think I should go?”
“I think you should figure out what your long-term plan is, because I know you, and you’re going to lose your mind with him just coming by whenever it fits his schedule, however often that might be,” she says. “Work shouldn’t be what’s keeping you here.”
“I love my job.”
“There are book stores in Velaris.”
“This is the first place I made for myself. The first place I really was able to support myself.”
“I know that,” she says. “I watched you rebuild your life here.” In truth, she was a very big help in the process, but she is too kind to say so. “What was best for you and the children then might not be what is best for you now.”
“I can’t go to Velaris,” Nesta says. “You never saw me around them. I’m a different person here. I wouldn’t be a good mother.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” she says. “But I think you should consider your options. If this were me, I’d give myself a year or so to feel out what’s best, but you’re more time-pressed. I think you want to know for certain what your future holds.”
She is right about that. But Nesta can’t decide what she should do until she figures out what she wants.
She can’t hate him while watching him make her children laugh. But she is still angry--at him for showing up now, for not finding her then. Not for the first time, she wonders what would have happened if she came back to the Night Court and knocked on his door after finding out she was pregnant. And then she is angry at herself, too.
“What is best for the children...is me at my most functional,” she says, mostly to herself.
Amorette lets out a short chuckle. “I think you can go bigger than functional.”
“Then...whatever. My best. That’s here. With our routine.”
“You know better than anyone,” Amorette says. “But I still think you should seriously consider if you want them to have irregular visits with him or to live with you both. I don’t know which is better. Discuss it with Miri. Adil. Me, if you’d like. Him.”
She doesn’t mention Zeyn by name, but then she says, “Have you...talked?”
“Not yet,” Nesta says. She feels guilt clench her insides.
“I’m not sure how big a part of the equation he should be, Nesta,” she says.
Nesta is already shaking her head before she finishes her sentence. “You don’t know how much he’s given us.”
“I do. More than you asked for. But that’s the thing. You didn’t ask him. You know you’re not...what he imagines you to be.”
“You’re free the twenty-seventh of the month?” Nesta asks, firmly ending the discussion on the subject of Zeyn and Cassian.
Amorette nods, well-used to Nesta’s aversion to delving into topics she’s uncomfortable with. “Of course.”
“Thank you,” she says, and means it. Of all the help she’s been given by the various people in Sugar Valley, Amorette’s help with the children at the end of each month is probably what she values most.
“Are you leaving now?” she asks her.
Nesta chews on her bottom lip as she overlooks Cassian and her children. “I’ll let them wear themselves out a little longer, I think.”
But even though they had been running around for well over an hour, she didn’t think any of them looked like they were even a little bit tired.
November 9- Year of
Emerie’s shop was not normally full of conversation, but the past few days had held only silence, except for talking to customers. Emerie did not apologize to Nesta and Nesta did not want  her to.
At first, because she was too angry to think about it, and if Emerie brought it up in conversation, then she would have to. And she certainly wasn’t going to forgive her, so there wasn’t any point in apologizing.
After a few days of that, Nesta decided that neither of them should bring it up because it didn’t matter. She didn’t care. Emerie probably didn’t care either; that was why she hadn’t made any effort to talk to her as well.
But then Nesta grudgingly came to the conclusion that perhaps her boss--and only companion who generally did not irritate her on sight--was not entirely in the wrong, and perhaps someone else would have appreciated her concern.
And perhaps it was the Solstice decorations she had begun to see hanging in the shops, or maybe it was that she had finally managed to read yesterday without her head aching...truth be told, Nesta wasn’t entirely sure what it was that possessed her to say, at the end of the work day, “You can come for dinner, if you want.”
Emerie, who was straightening out children’s coats, turned to her. “What did you say?” Disbelief colored her voice.
Nesta lifted her chin, ignoring the heat rushing to her cheeks. “I said you can come for dinner, if you want.”
Emerie raised an eyebrow.  “I heard you.”
Nesta sucked on her bottom lip for a moment. “He isn’t here. I was going to make stew.”
She wasn’t quite sure why she said that, too. She had never made stew before.
Emerie saw through her. “You don’t look like you eat much.”
“Forget it.” She shrugged her coat on. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“No, wait, Nesta,” Emerie said, and she started a little at the sound of her name. She had never heard her use it before. “I’ll come for dinner.”
Nesta made a non-committal sound as a response. “Come along, then.”
As they left the shop together, Nesta realized that it had been months since she had walked alongside another female.
November 1 - 1 year after
The Sugar Valley inn was so charming, Nesta couldn’t help but be suspicious. Especially when she saw the rest of the town: quiet, sleepy, like something from a storybook...it seemed unreal.
The similarities to the village Nesta’s family had lived in when they lost their fortune were numerous, but only on paper. It was eerie how different it was in practice.
Nothing ever happened in this town or in that village, but here, people still had a sense of purpose. It wasn’t about survival. And people smiled when they met others. Always. Every single time. Good mornings and How are yous and Come round for jams chorused in every direction.
Everyone knew everyone. That was how it was in small towns and villages alike. But everyone here seemed to care, too. They gossiped and chattered with everyone they met, all ridiculously involved in each other’s lives. Nesta didn’t think she had ever cared that much about the going-ons of others.
She had wandered around Ciyaluck for a few days, not quite sure of what her next plan was. The city was quite a shock to her after a year in the Illyrian mountains with only two people she spoke to, and she found she didn’t like it much. So she had gone to the City Offices and looked at a list of towns nearby, and found Sugar Valley on it. The name leaped out at her immediately because it seemed like the last place anyone would expect to find her.
But she had had enough of mountains, she decided. So the valley it would be.
There wasn’t much to explore in Sugar Valley. It was small, and after one lap around the town, Nesta knew where she wanted to work.
So she stepped into Sugar Books Manufacturing and Archiving.
There were too many books to look properly organized, which made her like it instantly. The shelves were overflowing, and perhaps that meant that no one in this town read, but she didn’t care. There would be more for her.
“Hello?” she called.
“Hello! I’m here, one moment, please!” The voice came from behind a door that said Employees only on it.
“All right, then,” she said to herself, and turned about the shelves.
She recognized some of the authors, but only from books she had read in the Night Court. Nothing a human had written. And most of them she didn’t recognize, some in a language she didn’t know, either. Gilameyvan, she assumed. She hadn’t realized the language was still heavily in use.
“Hello,” said the voice from earlier.
Nesta turned around. Her eyes widened slightly, and his did too. But he smiled where she pursed her lips.
He was lesser fae. Like a satyr, but instead of half-man half goat, he was half-man half-deer.
He was tall and thin. His skin was brown and spotted white, and his legs ended in hooves. His eyes were large and a warm brown, and they reminded her a bit of Elain’s. His hair was white, and on either side of the top of his head were two horns, curling a bit at the ends.
Nesta was used to seeing fae, but she had not seen so many who looked it. And she had seen very few who looked it and still looked...attractive...to her.
“You must be new in town,” he said, smiling at her. “I heard we had a new resident. You’re staying at the inn, yes?”
Nesta nodded. This town really did like to talk.
He extended an arm. “Zeynal Omarov,” he said, taking her hand. “Everyone calls me Zeyn.”
“Nesta,” she said, not offering anything else and taking her hand back.
“What can I help you with, Nesta?”
He smiled the whole time he was talking, just like everyone she had met here. “I want a job.”
His eyebrows rose a little. “Well...I’ll take you to Adil, then. Come with me.”
She followed him through the door with the Employees only sign on it.
“Adil,” he said, raising his voice a little. “There’s...someone here to see you.”
Adil didn’t answer. Zeyn stopped in front of a door marked Head Archivist and knocked. He repeated himself.
“Send them in.”
“Go on in,” he told her cheerfully. “And good luck!” He winked at her before leaving.
Nesta nodded at his retreating back and squaredherself. She opened  the door.
The room was small, and overly crammed with books. It was almost comical; piles upon piles everywhere. Even on the chair across from where he was sitting.
“Go on then, sit,” he said, not looking up from what he was reading.
“I’ll just move these over here, then,” she said, and then he picked up his head.
He blinked. “You’re not...from here.”
“I’ve just moved here,” she said.
“Where do you live?”
“I’m...staying at the inn.”
“Oh,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “I think I heard someone new was staying there.”
He didn’t smile the whole time he spoke, which was oddly comforting to her, and gave her enough confidence to say, “I want a job. Here.”
He didn’t miss a beat. “We’re not hiring.”
“I have bookkeeping experience. And I can clean. And organize. And...” her voice faltered. And I need a job. “And I love to read.”
Adil studied her. His eyes were nearly black, his skin a deep brown. He was someone Nesta might have mistaken for High Fae before she had learned the differences. Adil’s lips were blue and his ears were pointed, but flat against his head.
“You can organize?” he said finally.
“Yes,” she said immediately. “Just tell me your sorting system. Or if you don’t have one, I can create one. By genre and author. Or something else, if you’d like.”
“Genre and author is fine,” he said, waving a hand. “Have Zeyn introduce  you to Miri. She can help you get started.”
And he waved a hand again, shooing her out of the room.
She didn’t particularly care if it was rude. It wasn’t like she had a track record of being much more polite.
And she had a job. At a bookstore.
Nesta allowed herself a short grin before moving back into the front room to find Zeyn.
October 23 - 4 years later
The children are indeed exhausted after running themselves ragged in the park, and Nesta and Cassian can barely manage to keep them awake during dinner. Each of them nods off into their plates and the two of them quickly bathe them together so as to get them into bed fastest. They’re asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows; only Nicky is lucid enough to say a sleepy “Good night, Mummy and Appa,” before going down as well.
“Are they always like that after playing outside?” Cassian whispers to Nesta as they leave the room.
She shuts the door behind them. “When they do so all afternoon, then yes,” she says.
“Oh,” he says, his tone normal. “I didn’t realize they’d tire so soon.”
“They’re children,” she says. “Not military generals.”
“Right,” he says, grinning. “I knew that. I just didn’t realize....” He trails off.
Nesta leads them downstairs into the kitchen. “Are you leaving tonight or tomorrow morning?” she says, pouring herself a glass of berry wine spritzer.
“First light,” he says. Then he takes a deep breath. “Listen, Nesta, I...I wanted to ask you something.”
She turns away from him, busying herself with wiping down her already clean countertops. “What?”
“I...I’m having a wonderful time,” he says. His voice is soft. “Getting to know them. They’re amazing. They’re perfect. You’ve done an incredible job.”
She pauses, still not looking at him. She can feel his eyes on her and she nods slightly.
“And I just...wish I could give you more than just these gifts I brought and the money.”
“We’re doing all right. And the money....” Nesta tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. She turns to face him. “The money helps. Really.”
He smiles at her, and it’s one of his quiet smiles. She’s never seen it in front of other people before, just her, a long time ago, in the Illyrian mountains. “Good.”
She drops her gaze. This is not the Illyrian mountains. This is Sugar Valley.
“Well, I was thinking...I understand your aversion. I get--I know, I really do, Nesta. I get it. But I was hoping that after seeing me with them...I’m doing all right, aren’t I?”
Nesta goes back to the countertops. “You’re doing fine.”
“Well. I was hoping you might...consider...” Cassian stops take a deep breath. Then he says in a rush, “letting your sisters come visit them.”
Nesta puts down the cloth. She closes her eyes tightly.
“What. Did. I. Say.”
“I know, I know, it’s your decision.”
“I don’t know how many times--”
“I’m just--I’m begging you to give them a chance.”
“And they asked you for this? I cannot believe them. What gall.”
“They love you, Nesta, please. Please. Just a visit. They love you so much. They’re so sorry.” He reached out and turns her towards him. “Nesta,” he pleads, hand still on her arm. “Just to meet them. Here, in your house. Or wherever you’d like. For however long you say is all right. But just--”
“I say no time.”
“Nesta, they’re your siblings.”
She flinches.
Siblings, he says. Not sisters. Probably to stir her children in her mind. Or maybe not. Either way, it did.
She lets out a breath.
She does not want her children to grow up to be like her. She wants them happy and full of love.
And they love each other--so much. They are so kind to one another. So good together. For a moment, Nesta imagines them living as she and her sisters do--one wronging another, and then again, and again, and again, and never apologizing, and herself dead and unable to mend things between them, and her throat constricts.
She gasps a little, having not noticed she was holding her breath.
“I’ll...think about it,” she says hoarsely.
Cassian exhales in relief. “Okay. Thank you. Really.”
“You should go.”
“I will. Thank you. I--thank you. All right. I’ll go.”
And he does, and she wishes he doesn’t, because the thoughts in her head are too terrifying to be left to herself.
November 6 - Year of
It became very clear to Emerie than her employee did not know how to make stew essentially the moment they entered the kitchen. Nesta clearly did not know where the pots were.
After watching her gather everything she needed (or thought she needed--Emerie didn’t know what kind of stew she intended to make with only three potatoes and various spices), Nesta said under her breath, “Now, I suppose I should wash these,” and Emerie thought that was enough.
“Why don’t we go out for dinner?” she suggested. “There’s a place I like.”
Nesta blinked. “Are there...places here? To eat?”
Emerie rolled her eyes internally. “There’s one.”
She lead them to the restaurant. Although she guessed that was a generous term. It was...a place you could buy food. But it was quiet and tucked out of the way and clean, and that was enough for Emerie.
It seemed enough for Nesta as well, judging by her build. The girl was pitifully thin. It was still talk of the camp, how the Commander did not feed the High Lady’s sister. But after working alongside her for the past few weeks, Emerie guessed that that was not entirely his fault.
“Why did you come here?” she asked as they looked at the menus.
Nesta looked up, eyes widening a bit. Then they narrowed. She looked back down.
That was all right. Emerie was used to Nesta simply not answering questions she didn’t want to.
But she wasn’t much for small talk, and she didn’t know what else to say, so she said, “Do you like the cold?”
Nesta frowned. “What?”
“You grew up in the South of the island, didn’t you?”
She nodded slowly.
“So do you like the cold?”
Nesta pursed her lips. “It’s...cold down there too, you know.”
“Oh,” Emerie said. “Well. No. I didn’t know that.”
And they settled into silence again.
“I don’t like the wind, though,” she said suddenly.
“The wind. In the mountains. I don’t like it.”
“Oh,” she said again. “Is there any wind in the south?”
Nesta scoffed. “Not like the mountains.”
“Well, perhaps you should move to a valley inland,” she said.
“Perhaps I will. Do you know of any?”
Emerie paused. “Not by name,” she admitted. “I’ve never looked for a new place to live by wind factor. I don’t know that many do.”
“Hurricane survivors,” Nesta said, ticking off fingers. “People with precise hairstyles. Those with...” she eyed Emerie closely. “Weak wings.”
Emerie’s mouth opened a bit. Then she let out a surprised laugh. “I didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”
“That’s odd,” Nesta said, settling back into her chair, picking up her menu again. “I’m always told that being funny is my greatest charm.”
She didn’t quite smile then, her frightening Other employee. But it was close.
Chapter Eight
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kihocrystal · 6 years
Winter 2018 Final Impressions
I’m a month late, as usual (whoops!), but here’s my final thoughts on the animes I watched this past season! 
The “reviews” will be in alphabetical order!
3-gatsu no Lion S2 - 9.0 / 10 (A)
This second season of 3-gatsu was great! It’s just… a really great drama show about fighting depression (& a bunch of other character storylines)!
extremely complicated, emotionally complex… this arc brings all sorts of emotions & angles into the forefront
multiple perspectives too: Hina’s, Rei’s, the bullied girl’s, the bully’s, the teachers’, and Akari too!
The art style can pull off both thick-outlined / bright colored style and watercolor-esque style incredibly well
it really is beautiful how it can visually portray both light-hearted and emotionally intense scenes
This season continues to show how good it is at character development for characters both main & supporting!
We get to see Rei moving through the ranks as a shogi player
and also moving through the ranks of conquering his depression! He’s improved more than ever before!
We get to learn about the white-haired master player (Souya); I liked how he has his own quicks and challenges he has in his daily life
Along with the other head shogi guy (Yanagihara)! (& how he shoulders his legacy for his friends)
Even the last episode offered some perspective from the foster mom about Rei & her kids
this show is just… really good at making normally-hated characters sympathetic, hot damn
Aside from bullying arc, this season also showed Hina preparing for the transition to high school
The finale episode was nice and sweet, with Hina saying goodbye to Takahashi and even getting a haircut!
This continues to be one of the best drama anime in recent years! Not to mention SHAFT’s best show since Madoka Magica :3
Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z - 7.5 - 8.0 / 10 (C+)
And so ends the G series of Cardfight Vanguard… this final season I’ll say though is kind of a mixed bag
The plot had interesting ideas and moments at times, but the execution and pacing left a bit to be desired
though I will say it was definitely better than last season (CFV G NEXT)
This season didn’t waste any time getting to the main plot, as Chrono has to face off against a Diffrider right away
the diffrider stuff is continued from last season, but for the most part, it’s a new plot kicking off!
The rollout of all the new Diffrider Apostles (& them showing their strength) definitely made them look like powerful foes
not to mention the Zeroth Dragons, which were also shown to be powerful and very risky to use
Also knowing that anyone in the main cast could end up being The Vessel added some intrigue as well
the reveal that Kazuma would be the vessel definitely was a well executed twist imo~
However the pacing in places felt a bit too fast for me… the Relics subplot felt like it wrapped up too quickly, for example
the final fight against Gyze also kinda felt rushed… Gyze didn’t even have any dying words after his defeat :/
As a final season specifically, I feel like it kinda pales in comparison to Stride Gate, unfortunately
The cast was also kinda hit and miss in terms of how well they were utilized in the plot
some of the apostles definitely had more screen time than others (gredora only got like… two episodes)
plus gastille (the supposed apostle leader) got beaten sooner than like 3 other ones???
some villains carry over from last season too, such as Noa (Chaos Breaker) and the red-head punk kid
I liked all the new villains this season, personality-wise! (Also Yukari Tamura in there is a plus)
also no Am and Luna this season, really…
the previously established OG cast were integrated fine, for the most part
including Aichi and Kai getting the kill against Chaos Breaker Dragon
but the final episodes kinda just shoe-horn in a bunch of cameos that just didn’t feel natural :/
it just felt like “OH SHIT, this is the last season actually! Quick, throw in a bunch of cameos!”
this also applies to G characters, which makes less utilized characters (like Am & Luna, as mentioned before) look out of place :(
Sure, I’m saying a bunch of negative stuff right now, but I REALLY LOVE THIS CAST… I JUST WANT THE BEST FOR THEM
It’s the main reason I love CFV G, after all~
This season was definitely an improvement over NEXT for sure! The plot was interesting, I just wish the conclusion was better
The final episode basically just felt like an OVA, really… aside from the last scene, it didn’t really feel like an epilogue at all
I guess it just bums me out bc the original series got a good epilogue episode, so I know they could do it here, too…
In any case, this was a decent season to end the G series with! Not the strongest, but not the weakest either.
I’m gonna look back on my time with CFV G fondly for sure, if for nothing else than the great ensemble cast :’)
It’s gonna be weird going back to the OG cast for sure… I arguably liked the G cast better than the OG one :’D
Osomatsu-san S2 - 8.0  / 10 (B)
The consensus among fans seems to be that this season wasn’t as good as the first season
As for me, I… probably agree with that (though I still enjoyed this season!)
As with most comedy anime, whether the jokes land is pretty subjective. I feel like I didn’t laugh as hard this season? IDK
There were more “seasonal/holiday”-based episodes this time around (i.e. summer, new year’s, etc.)
What stays the same though is that this show is at its best when featuring the main brothers themselves
Skits involving the side characters (like Iyami, Dayon, etc.) didn’t make me laugh much…
I will say though that I enjoyed the second half of the season more than the first half~
Enough about the negatives, let’s talk about this season’s memorable skits / episodes!
The premiere was really good, as it poked fun at the huge popularity the show unexpectedly got xD
plus a bunch of references that *aren’t* gonna get them removed from streaming sites this time!
Jyushimatsu getting an “apprentice” with a little kid was also pretty funny~
The Karamatsu taxi skit, the spooky inn, & all the characters being stuck on an island were also good skits!
Ep. 18 (Iyami, Alone in the Wind) was also a crowd favorite, since it brought the feels for a change :’)
The finale 2-parter pulled a bait-and-switch yet again!
Part 1 was actually pretty serious, but the actual finale just has them trying to break out of hell xD
OH YEAH, I still really like the live-action stuff they do during the ending sequences
the first half’s ED was my favorite (the stop-motion of the brothers riding in the car)
I don’t have much to say about comedies generally, but Osomatsu-san is still my favorite in recent years ^^
Even though this season didn’t hit as hard as S1, it still provided some fun laughs~
Pop Team Epic - 7.5 / 10 (C+)
What can I really say about this show? It kind of defies description ^^;
Ok, yeah, it’s a sketch comedy, but it’s a really… crazy and random sketch comedy
The jokes are hit and miss (and in my experience was a bit more… miss than hit)
I never really laughed out loud at this show either
but then again, the humor here is more “being confused at what’s going on, but going along with it anyway”
There’s also a lot of modern anime references, so you might not get those jokes if you don’t follow most recent anime
Each episode has a long skit in it, plus a bunch of bite-size skits
I personally preferred the short skits over the long ones
There were a couple song parodies which I enjoyed (including the Earth Wind & Fire parody)
Also, this series definitely benefits from having an English simuldub! Some skits I found funnier in English!
OH YEAH, the voice actors (in both languages) change every episode, with female and male VAs in each episode
that enhanced the enjoyability of the sketches too, since I liked hearing favorite VAs do silly dialogue and performances!
I wouldn’t say this ranks among my favorite anime comedies, but it’s definitely unlike any other I’ve seen! ^^;
Your mileage will *definitely* vary with this one, so give it a try and see if it’s for you!
The Ancient Magus’ Bride (Mahoutsukai no Yome) - 8.5 - 9 / 10 (A-)
This was a very enjoyable fantasy drama show! Some people feel this show was overhyped, but I still thought it was really good!
I really liked the cast overall, especially Chise
She has really good character development throughout the show! She really becomes more strong and confident!
Seeing the fantastical world through her eyes was interesting as well!
Especially since those mystical elements were also responsible for her terrible childhood…
Elias was also an interesting guy… he and Chise have an interesting relationship together
Their relationship definitely has aspects that are unhealthy, but they do grow closer to each other by the end
If people can’t get past the whole premise of “him buying Chise to be his bride” though, I totally understand ^^;
They help each other learn too, which I liked to see
The supporting cast was also enjoyable! Not much to say about them individually though
The dragon keeper was nice and we got to learn about Elias’ origins through him
The dragons in general were great! Especially the old one that turned into a tree :’)
He gives Chise some good sage advice, even after death :’)
Angelica, Silky, and Stella (among others, like the other anti-hero duo) were good support characters too~
I liked Stella’s role of “normal girl who learns of the supernatural’s existence”
Cartaphilus was an… okay villain, I guess (though his methods were quite creepy indeed, which added some intrigue)
Some character designs are a bit questionable though… like who approved the vampire’s design? ^^;
Another large appeal of this was the world building of the fantastical elements!
I liked seeing all the different types of locales & supernatural creatures, both good and bad
As a low-fantasy show, this show does a Dang Good Job with the fantasy!
Chise learning more about herself and gaining confidence through these experiences were a highlight as well
I enjoyed each story arc as well, even though most of them were more explorative and introspective
This show can be dang beautiful sometimes, through both its art/animation and its stories (Thanks, Studio WIT!)
Some were better than others, but they all deliver either a heartwarming (or a dark) story
Some favorites of mine were the dragon-based ones, and the vampire loving the old man
The finale was good too! It’s unknown whether this conclusion is anime-original or not, but it was definitely a good S1 ending~
If you love low-fantasy shows, this is definitely one to check out!
Violet Evergarden - 8.5 - 9.0 / 10 (A-)
Best *new* anime (that I watched) of this past season, hands down~
Though to be fair, I still need to watch A Place Farther than the Universe… and Yuru Camp… and After the Rain…
Going into this season, this show was hyped and back and somehow… a lot of people were *disappointed* with this show?
I think it had to do with expecting a different show than what we got; as for me, I knew it’d be an episodic drama the whole time :P
But yes, this show has a (mostly) episodic plot with an overarching character arc. If that’s too slow for you, then you probably won’t like this show.
In any case, back to the positives! The first one being how good this show looks visually… as expected from KyoAni~
there’s so much detail in the backgrounds and the character elements (especially the lighting on objects like Violet’s metal hands)
this aspect is one thing *everyone* agrees on regardless, so… yeah, this show’s really pretty!
The main star (and focus) of this show was Violet herself… you can really see how she changes for the better from beginning to end
You get to see how “robot-like” she was at the start of the show, but she slowly learns about dealing with emotions of others… and herself
This character arc is definitely the “main” plot of the show, along with her coming to terms with Gilbert’s death and her war killings
The episodic plots were good in their own right, too!
Ranging from Violet’s start as a Memoir Doll to the different clients she works with, they all teach her something along the way
These sometimes focus on the side characters working at the Doll Agency too, so we get to learn more about them as well
The one that comes to mind first is Iris’ episode, where she (messily) reconnects with a former lover
Not all of them get a full episode in the spotlight, but they do get some focus scenes from time to time
Violet’s clientele episodes were the most memorable out of this lot IMO
ESPECIALLY EPISODE 10… that was the BIGGEST feels trip
I knew exactly how the episode was going to end, but I still teared up at that ending!
The finale was action packed, but also was a beautiful way to show how far Violet has come
I know some people’s issue with this show is that “it doesn’t know what show it wants to be” re: the action stuff, but I was fine with it personally
in any case, it was a pretty good book-end for Violet’s development, since she finally understands (a least a little) what “I love you” means :’)
I understand certain people’s gripes with this show, but this really is a great little drama show that *will* deliver the feels~
P.S. I also watched Fate/Extra: Last Encore this season. It hasn’t technically ended yet, so I can’t give final impressions on it right now. However, my current score for it is a 7.5/10 (C+).
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