blakbonnet · 11 months
whoever lost their last fight has to deal with customer service and wear the car collar at their inn I think
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pastelaspirations · 3 months
....So, um. While I was working on the fan art for the last chapter of Tangled Memories, someone uploaded the very next chapter. Literally two freaking days after they told me that they were "working on it." SO. NOW. I LOOK LIKE. THE SLOWEST FREAKING ARTIST IN THE WEST-
Like. I a m. But I don't need it called out like that-
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HAPPY EXTREMELY BELATED LATE BIRTHDAY, @honeybubbletea33 Here ya go. It is of this particular scene in chapter 15.
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The other two pictures I am attaching are a) one without Error's glitches and b) one where I use your art as an excuse to practice my freaking filters once again-
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edupunkn00b · 4 months
Meus ex Machina, Chapter 19: Silvertongue and Hesper
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Edited public domain image of two hands reaching for each other, lit in deep blue and neon green.
Prev - Silvertongue and Hesper - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 2689 - Rated: T - CW: non-graphic torture, blood
Where Janus went in the pre-dawn hours. But first, what happened to Lucas after he left HQ on Remus and Roman's 21st birthday. If you haven’t yet read Progression, stop here and read it now for maximum impact. The flashback at the start of this chapter takes place two days after the end of that story.
For at least the hundredth time and for the second time in the past 72 hours, Lucas punched in the coordinates to The Inn. This time, though, he made the trip out to their old watering hole alone.
The ghost of Re’s giddy nervousness bounced around the ship. 
Really? You’re gonna let me have a drink tonight?
Sure, Re. You only turn twenty-one once…
Banking around the scaffold of the Newland Towers, Lucas jumped at the static he picked up from the construction site. For the past three days, Lucas had stayed up, listening, waiting. He’d kept the aircar radio open the whole way out, childishly hoping Jan or Pat or anyone else would reach out. Tell him it was all a mistake. Ask him to come home.
No-one did.
He set down behind the bar and circled his and Jan’s old haunt. A flashing ‘closed’ sign shone in the darkness, and the landing pads out front were vacant, but Andrew’s movement behind the bar cast long shadows in the back windows. The gate was down in front so Lucas returned to the alleyway.
Shiny, new, and with five layers of encryption, the deadbolt on the backdoor was impressive. The rusted screws holding it in place, however, were not and one swift kick opened the door.
“What the hell—” Andrew’s tough guy shout from the bar dropped to a whisper when Lucas came into view. His eyes darted side to side, searching for someone in the empty bar to rescue him.
“Lucas! Hey… hey, um, no hard feelings, right? You know I didn’t call the feds on Re… they just… they just showed up and took care of the body, I…” He stepped back, fumbling along the railing under the taps for his emergency call switch. “But y—you got outta here way before they got here, right?”
“The call button’s two meters to your left,” Lucas responded, flipping a bottle sealer at the powerbank just above the switch. It exploded, sparks raining down on Andrew’s hand. “You wouldn’t want the corpos to just show up coincidentally again, now would you?”
“No, Lucas, no…” He shook his head. “Of course not. C’mon, man… You know it’s not like that. You and Jay have been coming here for years… You all are like family to me.”
Lucas’ voice was quiet. “You took my family from me.” He unbuttoned his coat and peeled it off, revealing a harness with an antique taser and five extra charge canisters. “You took my brother.” Gaze focused on his coat, Lucas walked to the rack next to the front doors and hung it on the closest hook before drawing down the window shade and checking the locks on the door. 
“You took my boys.” Andrew’s eyes widened and he slowly straightened, shaking hands raised near his head. Lucas snapped a fresh charge into place and watched the standby light stutter to life. “You took my love.”
Finally he looked up, eyes ablaze. “I’ve lost everything.” Andrew began to tremble, sympathetic nervous system rooting him in place, full freeze mode. As though that could do anything to help him now. Lucas absorbed the fear pouring out with his rank sweat and smiled. “Just as you’re about to.”
Lucas unlocked the taser and flicked it on. A sharp buzzy whine filled the room, followed by the trickling sound of urine dripping from Andrew’s pant leg. Lucas tsked. “So soon? Very well.”
“No, no, no… Lucas… You don—you—you don’t wanna do this… This—this isn’t you.” Lucas aimed the taser and the man’s words jumbled, hands out as though he could stop the assault. “Wha—what would Jan think if he—”
Lucas’ eyes brightened, orange fire pushing away his doubt. “Jan already thinks I’ve been purchased. He already thinks I betrayed him. To you.” He grinned, his smile broad and easy. And empty as the bar. “Let’s show him who I really answer to, shall we?”
“No… no, please, Lucas, no—” With a bang, refurbished guidewires shot out and embedded in the man’s neck. 50,000 volts cut short his pleas, the bright white glow rivaled only by Lucas’ orange eyes.
The slow death of Andrew’s brain ripped away the last shreds of Lucas’ control. Eyes squeezed shut, he doubled over, arms crossed over his head as the bartender’s dying cries shot through his heart. Seared flesh set fire to his nerves. Andrew’s fear his pain would never end. The fear of what would happen when it did.
And Andrew’s last thoughts, the tiny spark of relief that it was finally over.
Lucas slumped to the floor, barely noticing the knot on the side of his own head. He lay there for as long as he dared before pulling himself to his feet and staggering to the toilets.
The lukewarm recycled tap did a poor job on his hands and no matter how hard he scrubbed with the bar’s watered down soap, bits of Andrew’s blood clung to his knuckles and under his nails. In the engraving on his ring.
He took it off, twisting to get it past the callouses, and held it up to the light. Dingy rust filled in the swooping cursive ‘Ja’ on the engraving. Shoulders slumped, he fought the tightening in his throat, the burning behind his eyes. 
But he was spent. His eyes flickered weakly under the dingy bathroom lights. A sob ripped up from his throat and hot tears spilled over, dripping down his cheeks and his neck as he rubbed at his stained wedding ring under the faucet.
His wrist buzzed and hope sparked in his chest.
Hope quickly doused by the message on his comm. Instead of a message from Jan, from Pat, from the boys, a bold proximity warning scrolled across the tiny screen. 
A small blast was followed by the crash of the front door coming off its hinges. His ring hit the basin, rattling as it rolled around and down the open drain.
“Come out with your hands up! Come out—shit! Look what they did to him! Dear god…” The buzz of a dozen tazers more advanced than his own couldn’t cover the tremor in the pig’s voice. “Arms up! That’s an order!” 
Lucas’ comm hummed quietly, a constant vibration against his wrist now.
Auto-distress alert enabled. Contacting HQ in 30… 29… 28… 27…
“We have you surrounded!” Jackboots tromped down the old hardwood floors and came to a stop outside the locked bathroom door. Dust sprinkled from the hinges as they banged on it. “Come out or we’re coming in!”
Lucas turned off the water and watched the numbers tick before tapping Disable just as the distress call countdown hit 1.
His comm screen went dark and he wiped his hands on his pants. “Be out in just a mo’!” he sing-songed. Only Jan would’ve caught the hitch in his voice. Well, Pat, too, most likely. But they weren’t here to care.
He checked the mirror, drying his face and smoothing back his hair. He smiled at the dim but growing amber rings around his eyes, then turned and opened the door.
Rain and hail drummed against the hull, a syncopated beat that dragged Lucas from a deep sleep. He’d been dreaming of home again, of the boys chasing each other through the halls. Pat’s more Teddy Bear-than-Papa Bear warnings to slow down. Re promising Pat they’d try before erupting in laughter with Ro, a soft, calm laugh, nothing like his laughter the last time he’d seen him. 
Jan’s smooth hot toddy voice, spice and heat and comfort. His hand, ungloved, unshielded, carding through his hair. 
Lucas leaned back and shook his head to clear away the clingy wisps of dream from his mind.
But Jan’s voice only grew louder. 
-”We need to talk, Hesper. Where can I find you?”-
Amber light bled through his eyelashes and he smiled. -”Mmm… So formal, ma cheri,”- he purred back. -”And yet so rude! Not even a ‘good morning, how did you sleep? How would you like your tea?”-
Jan’s shield was strong, nothing but a faint buzz was his answer.
He was close. Lucas checked the local time. Technically morning, though the sun wouldn’t be up for hours. It had been winter when they’d met, too. He shook off the thought and lit up the room with his eyes. 
-”Is it actually morning where you are?”- Jan asked as though he didn’t know. As though he wasn’t close enough for Lucas to smell his cologne.
Or maybe he just imagined it.
-”I have risen with the light…” Lucas pushed a memory of Jan’s smiling face back at him, hair mussed and splayed out on his pillow. He wasn’t sure how much got through Jan’s shield. Or who he was trying to hurt more. -”Does that count as morning in your calculation?”-
-”I wish to speak with you, Hesper,”- he sent, dull and flat and cold.
Lucas checked the sensors. The others weren’t with him. Jan had actually come alone. He chewed at his lip. Whatever this was, the platform was already dotted with intent detonators. If this was some surprise attack, Lucas would soon know. He sighed, his curiosity getting the better of him, and he lowered the gangway. 
“Welcome aboard, ma cheri,” he called down the open ramp. An elegant shadow in grey and yellow stepped into view and Lucas bowed, one arm sweeping out. “Wipe your feet before you come up, s’il vous plaît. It’s simply filthy out there.”
Hurrying back to his bunk, he pushed up the platform to hide his bedding and flipped down both benches on either side of the little table where he ate and planned and built most of his tools. He started to sit, then rose again and dispensed two cups of hot water for tea, dropping in sachets from his dwindling stash and set them down across from each other.
By the time Jan turned the corner into the main area of the ship, Lucas was sat back, right arm hooked over the back rest, left leg crossed over the other, ankle to knee. He lowered orange-tinted lenses over his eyes and smiled.
“Welcome aboard,” he repeated, biting his cheek when he realized he’d already run through his script.
“You already said that,” Jan replied, voice smooth. Well, mostly smooth, with only a tiny catch at the end which could just be a bit of his old morning hoarseness. Jan’s mind was completely shielded—fuck he’d gotten good at that—but there was a twitch in his left pinkie and he hesitated before sitting. “I appreciate the hospitality,” he nodded before switching their cups and taking a slow sip from the one that had been in front of Lucas.
“Ah, ma cheri, you wound me…” He shook his head and took the other tea cup, blowing away the steam. “You still don’t trust me.” Lucas clucked his tongue, grateful he’d thought to don his glasses as his eyes burned in the attempt to keep his voice light. “Well?” He looked up over the lip of his cup between sips. “While your company is a pleasure as always…” They could both pretend Jan’s cheeks warmed from the heat of his tea. “You said you had something to discuss with me.”
Jan set down his cup and watched the steam rise. “To be completely honest with you, Luc, I’m not entirely sure why I’m here.”
All Lucas’ powers couldn’t stifle how much he wanted Jan to say his name again, how much he needed Jan to say his name again. He hid his face behind his cup and took another sip to buy time to settle his heart. “Interesting,” he murmured, cracked voice betraying him. Jan’s eyes shot up.
Lucas sat, silent and pinned down by his gaze, until Jan finally continued. “I suppose given everything that’s happened, I…” Jan addressed his cup, lifting it up for another slow sip. “I was so sure we’d done everything we could do to help Re. That we’d given him every safeguard, every protection possible. But…” He shook his head. “If I was wrong about that,” he whispered, more to himself than to Lucas. “What else have I been wrong about?”
“What’s happened?” Lucas leaned forward, reaching for Jan before he could even think to stop himself. “What’s wrong with Re?”
Jan leaned back, eyebrow raised, and sipped his tea. -”You don’t hear him?”- he asked silently.
Brow furrowed, Lucas closed his eyes and reached out. There was the buzz of Jan’s shield, a dark, staticy hole where his feelings should be. A couple asleep in their ship two platforms down. The rumble of families in the surrounding shelters. A little boy crying from a nightmare. And then…
Lucas gasped. Like finally noticing a song playing in the background, he suddenly registered the touch of Re’s mind in the distance. His cup clattered to the table and he leapt to his feet. Re! “You left him alone? Unshielded and alone and—”
“And happy,” Jan murmured to his cup, seated serenely across from him. “And not alone.”
Lucas slowly took his seat, stretching, feeling for any sense he could detect of Re’s thoughts over the distance. He’d moored this ship on the knife’s edge of his own abilities, near enough to hear everyone in HQ. Far enough he wouldn’t be too tempted to listen.
Re was completely unshielded but… he was calm. His thoughts rippled around him, gentle and rhythmic drops on a pond. Sleeping? Given the hour and the wordlessness of his thoughts, probably. A light sleep, no dreams yet, nothing that would trigger a strong emotional response at least. He was calm and content and… happy.
And Jan was right. Re was not alone.
“Is Ro—” He shook his head, answering his own question. No, if Ro had been with him, the boys most certainly would be up and making good trouble around—or outside—the house. No, he was with…
“He’s with Machina,” Jan answered.
“You left him alone with your twitchy bot?” Again, Lucas was on his feet, stomping toward the controls. “You trust him not to hurt him? I know you remember what hap—”
Jan followed and caught his arm, pulling him away from the pilot’s seat. His hand was warm through his gloves, gentle as it lingered on his forearm. “The Muse would never hurt Machina. Never intentionally.”
“I’m not talking about your fucking robot getting hurt! How do you know it won’t hurt Re?”
He never got to answer.
Lucas’ wrist buzzed half a second before a charge rocked the ship. “Get down!” he ordered and pushed Jan to the deck. Another blast hit the other side of the ship. 
The glow of his comm screen peeked out from under Jan’s sleeve and he pushed it back. Jan swore. “They’re close. Too many to count.”
Lucas nodded, shifting to tap at his own wrist. Bright white dots surrounded their location. The hull clanked, hurricane clamps tearing at the fuselage. “Damn.” 
Jan twisted beneath him, eyes wide and staring at his wrist. “You still wear your—”
He ignored the question and pushed to his feet before offering a hand to Jan. “You turned off your proximity alarm.”
“Had to,” he muttered, brushing imagined dust off his cloak. “It went off every day at the DC. Don’t avoid the question. Why do you still wear—”
Another blast rocked the ship. The corpos were getting bolder. And closer. A second blast was followed by a pained cry. They were now near enough to trigger the intent charges.
Lucas shook his head, eyeing the roof hatch. “We need to get out of here.”
The outer hull blew and jackboots tromped up the gangway, comms crackling. Lucas dropped the inner blast door just before they reached the top, then grabbed Jan and a pack. He sealed off the corridor from the inside just before the corpos entered the main control room.
They were now trapped inside the ship.
-“We need help,”- Jan corrected and pressed the HQ alert on his wrist. -“Now.”-
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Treasure Planet Shorts: The Innkeeper
Jim wasn't here.
That was the first 'Oh-No' scenario that registered in his mind.
The second came in the form of two steely blue eyes (so much like Jim's) icing him to the polished new floorboards of the inn he stood in.
"Oh, you're John Silver?" Sarah Hawkins said before she crossed her arms, one holding a dishrag. A slow, and strangely devious, smile spread across her face as she examined him - this was definitely Jim's mother. Unlike Jim, however, full of spunk and attitude that Silver could swat away, Sarah Hawkins was monumental in a quieter way. Within that one look, Silver felt five years shaved off his life.
Because, really, what do you do when you go looking for that one pup you accidentally took a liking to years ago and find yourself, instead, standing in front of his mother whose inn you once burned to the ground during your gold-frenzied days?
"Jim's not here right now. He had orders from the Navy to ship out toward Waystation Grant," she explained, understanding his quiet question. "But he told me he should be home in a week or so."
This was a trap. No, an invitation. She was inviting him to stay. Why?
Because this was a trap.
She grinned, "Why don't you just start with lunch, Mister Silver?"
Silver removed his tricorn hat with a flourish of his robotic arm as he gave a small bow. He was nothing if not a charmer.
"A meal sounds lovely, Missus Hawkins."
"Just Sarah is fine," she laughed as she led him to a nearby table in front of the bay windows overlooking the road. Could she sense his anxiety? His sudden desire to run? Or was she just a fantastic host? Both could be true.
"If we be sharin' first names already, then call me John," he said, settling in.
"Very well, John." And she smiled again. A rare rose in the thorny underbrush that was Silver's life.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay while he waited for Jim.
He began to reach into his pockets to assess his current financial situation for the meal and boarding when Sarah again waved him off.
"I've got a better idea - if you do plan to stick around for a week, why don't you help me with some projects I have around here? Jim tells me you're a good cook."
There it was. The gentle coercion to stay still with the promise of an exit.
"Ah, heh," Silver rubbed his massive chin, an awkward laugh escaping him. "I've served aboard many a ship with hungry crews, aye."
"Good. Tomorrow morning, you can help me serve breakfast, but tonight I want to hear more about how you met my son." Then she spun on her heel to deal with a particularly noisy customer near the back while Silver released a resigned chuckle. The turn of her countenance alone was both mirthful and cutting. Jim's mother, sweet as she may be, was no fool. She was definitely playing with him. Trap indeed.
"Jim, Lad, ye better be worth it," Silver muttered.
But in his heart he knew Jim already was.
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shecanball · 2 months
they can never make me hate you mr. worldwide
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chiropteracupola · 7 months
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Who goes there...?
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moghedien · 1 year
the funny thing is that you KNOW that couldn't have been the only inn that Lanfear had ready. like her first instinct would not be to hang out with LTT in the slums. she would want to be in the nicer areas of the city and she would prepare for that but of course Rand would want to be in the Foregate and wouldn't even try to get into nicer areas. she wouldn't know that but she would have prepared for that. girl probably owned half the inns in Cairhein just to make sure that Rand would wander into one of hers and she adapted her persona based on which one he chose
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july-19th-club · 2 days
absolutely doxxing myself with this one but tonight ten minutes from my house 2007 one-hit wonder soulja boy is cranking that at the suspicious bar slash stable (thirty horses. about two acres) down the way from me at the corner of the state route and a dirt road to an audience of like probably mostly my middle school classmates . hard times for him i imagine but extremely funny for us
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hauntedhowlett · 10 months
it’s december 1
you know what that means?
time to bring down the holiday tropes from the attic
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flashbic · 6 months
So, as someone who does not have any French or Canadian heritage, what exactly is Cartouche? I haven't heard of it before, but it seems like there's a show and books and stuff, is it fairly popular among french-speaking communities? You've made me curious lol
Ngl i went "nyehehehehehe" out loud when i found out i was being given an excuse to ramble about the thing :D
The short answer is it's a french cartoon from the early 2000s! One season-long, with 26 episodes! And yeah in 2010 they eventually made little books that are based on some eps, and they are very cute! They all have unique artwork because instead of using screenshots from the show they hired an artist to illustrate everything.
Most of the show is sort-of lost media, by which i mean that there are only 5 episodes still available in the original french audio… BUT an arabic dub exists, so I've been going through that with a translation app for funsies in my free time! So to answer your question, no, it's not a well-known show, but to me it's a nostalgic one asfdkg
More rambling about the thing under the cut!
What it's about:
Think Robin Hood in the early 1700s, but in Paris! Specifically, it takes place 2-3 years after Louis XIV's death : the future king is a tiny 7yo kid, and since he can't reign yet, the old king's nephew, Philippe II d'Orléans, is regent. In real life, the regency lasted 8 years, and Philippe d'Orléans is generally now considered by historians to have been An Okay Guy Who Did His Best, but every show needs a villain, so here he's the Prince John to Cartouche's Robin Hood! So the bulk of the show is Cartouche and his lil group of buddies helping out poor people and fighting for justice.
I was always fond of the show, but ngl part of the fun in recent months has been reading up on the time period; it's a unique but very short transition era between two very long reigns, and a lot of stuff actually happened during it! The show has a fun amount of references to real people and events here and there. Makes reading all those History books feel like the Pepe Silvia meme, really
Who are these characters:
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Our main character is this dude! Cartouche is your brave hero archetype, but also a bit of a smartass with a penchant for shenanigans. And he's named after a real-life criminal! The actual Cartouche was notably Not Nice, but a lot of people at the time did cheer him on because, well, he stole from and attacked rich people. There are actual books and movies about him that did generally keep the bandit-with-a-heart-of-gold legend alive! Cartoon!Cartouche is even designed after one of the movie versions, where he was played by actor Jean-Paul Belmondo. He's got the same outfit and everything, it's cute :D
Real!Cartouche had his own group of allies called the Cartouchiens, and some of the characters from the show are named after them! The main ones are…
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Louis du Châtelet, aka le Lorrain, he's a noble who decided to join the good guys! He's a fancy dude, and notably he used to be a massive jerk, but he got better!
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Fleur d'Épine and Galichon! Galichon was sentenced to the galleys and escaped! He's the team dad… and is also Fleur d'Épine's actual adoptive dad. Fleur d'Épine is the youngest of the group and has a whole backstory the show takes time to uncover: she was found by Galichon when she was just a baby! She gets a bunch of episodes about her mysterious family situation...
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Freluquet, who is, let's be real, the token kid they added for the show. But he's generally a fun little dude, and very importantly he often relays messages from...
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Isabelle d'Entraigues, Philippe d'Orléans's niece! She's not named after a real person, but after a character in the Belmondo Cartouche movie. She's a fave, she's got a temper! She's a spy from the good guys.
And then we have our main villains!
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Philippe d'Orléans, the Regent. He's cruel and power-hungry and not above trying to get rid of the young king.But of course, he's not going to get his hands dirty. (The real guy is super interesting! I've been reading up on him a lot!) He has two people doing work for him:
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Demachault, the police lieutenant, who is named after a real guy and is doing his best but honestly just sucks at this job, poor guy.
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Nero Falconi, who is the Regent's right-hand man. He's the competent one here, but unlike our other villains he's not a noble!! His sad backstory ties with le Lorrain's, but instead of acting angsty about it, he's just seething with rage at all times. I Just Think He's Neat <3 He's the one main character who isn't named after a real person or a movie character!
There are other characters, but these are the main ones! It's a cute show! The references and links to real events are fun to spot, the setting is neat :D
Also Falconi's sad backstory lives in my brain rent-free, despite the flashback being only 60 seconds long. I can't justify that one, it's not that deep, it's just been occupying space in my brain for almost 20 years for some reason
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neptuniadoesstuff · 6 months
Little Revision of Edith
Name: Edith Amoure Sinclair (Or just Edith)
Gender: Genderfluid, He/She/They/It (Or just any pronouns)
Height: 6.4 ft
Age: Late 20s to early 30s
Personality: Acts very warming to who checks into their inn to stay for a bit, whether it be to recover or just want to hang out, Edith doesn't mind. She however will snap anytime a cult is mentioned or when his place is trashed without reason. Generally will keep their mood on the low out of fear of losing patrons.
Occupation: Ex-Cult member, now Inn Owner (It owns a Inn called "Inn Sinclair" which is named after them)
Biography: Edith was born & raised in a cannibalistic cult in one of provinces of a far away continent. The thing was.. Edith hated it there as she never understood why the ppl he knew would eat their own kind. At the age of 9 however, Edith began to take a liking to cooking they never rlly liked the idea of eating human meat + the food they were given was often not cooked fully thus giving it food poisoning. Edith sadly wasn't allowed to cook for himself in the cult so she ran away at the age of 16 to start a new life. After 3 years of camping out in the wild they found a inn she can stay in, it was empty however, no cooked food or clean floors/rooms, this was when Edith decided to finally have a new life as a Inn owner, thus recycling this old & ruined inn into the one we have today. Throughout the years Edith became very rich due to the amount of travelers coming in to stay, that he decided to fund other growing Inns to other first starting Inn owners & other first starting out businesses in her town. Sadly it's unknown if Edith will likely give up their own history since it's body would afoten want to crave human flesh & Edith has to bite themselves to relieve that craving.
Description: Edith is a pale, almost female looking individual but who clearly has a masculine voice. She has a pale-blond coloration in her hair that fades to white at the ends & has around a few stripes of ocean blue, pine green, & rose red stripes in their hair. They have brownish-green eyes with a hint of light blue in them. Edith also has red freckles but those are often covered in the dress/robe it wears. While adventuring, Edith wears a red, white, & bronze dragon-like mask with red & bronze armour, the mask distorts his voice just incase anyone dangerous does come up to her. Edith is actually a good hunter & fighter & will beat you the hell up if you mess with them at the worst times.
This idea is for a frend of mine named Ash/Ashes. If you(Ashes) by any don't want this goober than I can keep em, or give this idea to someone else.
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blakbonnet · 10 months
by calling stede "babe" ed has opened the door to stede calling him "angel" every chance he gets btw hope he knows that
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justasightseer · 1 year
Day 9! Tbh, I'm not the biggest fan of Edward but I fell in love with this edit immediately I saw it 😅.
I love that TLK pulled a misdirect with Edward's character, after watching S3, you'd NEVER have expected him to act the way he does in S4. Brilliant writing.
This might also be an unusual take but I am most fond of Tim's S3 portrayal, I think he makes for a very convincing bratty, yet well-meaning teenager.
He does look really good in his S4 battle gear though 👀
PS. I don't know who said that Edward is Aelswith's kid while Aethelfled is Alfred's kid but I've come to agree with you!!
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icharchivist · 4 months
also love how in the remake when Aerith comes in with her most beautiful dress Cloud is awestruck and clearly finds her pretty, meanwhile in the OG when she's like "so how do i look? :)" the only reply he gives is visibly shaking his head and sighing and her calling him no fun
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he really doesn't have an opinion about it he just wants it all to end right now.
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blushouyo · 6 months
"i only hope we will see each other again anon, for i long to hear more of your tales, your life, and your experiences."
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psilactis · 1 year
do you guys think there is a correlation between silver being a straight, cis, white man, and why he was basically the only one willing to risk the war or..
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