#innie turtle
ggthydrangea · 2 years
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Innie turtle! Look at this little cutie!
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yongbokiee-felix · 3 months
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Innie sent a pic on bubble 🫧
“I came here before going to sleep
Lee Know hyung gave me a birthday present and...
I was at a loss for words...
A turtle shell cushion ㅎ
Apparently you're supposed to wear that to sleep.
Is this real.”
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hoodiehorizon · 20 days
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Day 16 of @tmaynt: Favorite Episode/Chapter
Chapter 44 of IDW is sooooo fucking good. Shout out to idw donnie for being the first turtle to become an innie
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dysfunctional-doodle · 2 months
i got bored so… two many turtles chapters 1 and 2 but i translated it badly! (mostly grammar and tense issues (and a bit of a struggle with making up chat and usernames)
Za Dużo Żółwi
1: Zaczynamy Chaos
>>Wojojo Żółwie Ninini <<
to był tylko mały pożar nie wiem czemu panikujesz kolo
no wiesz
taki malutki ogień!!
jako inny mikey współczuję
Wszyscy jesteście okropnym przykładem
Mikey to był duży pożar??!!!
hhhnnngg nie
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Większą część kamery zajmuje płonące złomowisko. W tle widać Leo, który bierze sobie selfie, i Mikey, który rzuca więcej śmieci do ognia. Mikey jest trochę zamazany, jego uśmiech bardziej dziki w świetle ognia. W zdjęciu nie ma Rapha.]
Jestem taki dumny
Ten pożar był o wiele mniejszy jak tam byłem
Powiedziałeś mi że wypuszczasz???
Nie wiem czemu myślałeś że Mikey zrobi co mu kazałeś, w jakimkolwiek wszechświecie.
Ale nie spodziewałem się że Leo dołączy.
a to ma być pożar?
Błagam cię nie zachęcaj ich
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: ten sam obraz co wcześniej, tylko że tym razem, ogony maski Leo płoną. Leo jeszcze nie zauważył, i pozuje dla kamery.]
Mam mu powiedzieć
zrób wideo
Co możesz mi zaoferować @~~Elektro~~
Nic nie powiedz, chcę zobaczyć co się stanie.
Dla nauki.
Ratuj go???
ugaś go jak umrze
@Bootyyyshaker9000 discord nitro może?
Boga się nie boicie
bóg nie istnieje, zabiłem go
nie prawda
ja jestem bogiem
ja też jestem bogiem
Zabij mnie
Jak właściciel mózgu poproszę cię, żebyś nie pozwolił mu spalić się na śmierć @Bootyyyshaker9000
No bo wiesz
To nie byłoby miłe
Ten groupchat istnieje tylko kilka dni, a już nazwałeś wszystkich tchórzami
Wybacz, to moja wina.
Bawiłem się z bronią międzywymiarową która dostałem od tych małych chłopców i bum
Malutki naukowy przypadek
Nie jestem geniuszem ale nie powiedziałbym że tworzenie podróbkę discorda z naszymi klonami to nie malutki naukowy przypadek
Nie kwestionuj nauki!
Nie kwestionuj nauki!
Nie kwestionuj nauki, śmiertelniku
Brakowało mi więcej nerdów w moim życiu
@ZjadłbyMózg Żałujesz że zjadłeś swój mózg?
Czy ktoś zgasił ten pożar?
@Mądrala Gdzie powiedziałem że to był mój mózg
czy smakowało
Nawet nie będę się pytał
Czy Niebieski jest okej???
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Pożar szybko rośnie, Leo mruży oczy i spogląda na aparat w telefonie, gdy płomienie na jego masce rosną.]
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: To samo co wcześniej, tylko że teraz oczy od Lea są komicznie wielkie gdy zauważył jego płomienną maskę .]
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Zamazany obraz Leo kręcącego się wokół, w połowie krzyku, gdy zdejmuje maskę. Mikey krzyczy w tle.]
Nareszcie zauważył.
@ChcęMózg piszesz jak stary dziadek iksde
Czemu to szkoda że przeżył?
Mam się martwić??
po prostu go nie lubię
Donnie lepiej uciekaj
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: Mikey z ramionami owiniętymi wokół Leo. Oboje uśmiechają się do kamery, oboje są wyraźnie opaleni, ale poza tym nic im nie jest. Leo nie ma ubranej maski, a w tle nadal widać ogień.]
@Bootyyyshaker9000 o kurwa zmywaj stąd
Nie ujdzie ci to na sucho
Wasza kara będzie tak długa, że w połowie będziecie martwi
nie fair
prawie zginąłem a ty chcesz mnie ukarać??
Nie ma o co się martwić, szansa twojej śmierci była mała!
to nie pomogło
No nie wiem, szlabany nie działają dla mnie i moimi braćmi
Normalnie i tak wychodzimy??
Nie pochlebiaj sobie przychodzisz tylko bo cię zmuszamy
Nie jesteś fajny
Jak ja
*jak my
Dla nas podobnie jest
Próbuje przez kilka dni ale gdy słyszę wszystkie plany które klują to nie mogę się powstrzymać
A właśnie dla tego tylko chcesz mózg
Stary Leo dosłownie musi być zmuszony żeby złamać zasady
*szept* on nie jest bardzo zabawny, prawda?
spierdalaj @ChcęMózg
Mam wyjąć sprej w butelce?
Powiedziałeś że się tego pozbyłeś!!
Sorki, ale wszechświętne granice to powstrzymują
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: butelka która wygląda przynajmniej dziesięć lat stara, dekorowana brokatem i naklejkami. Dużymi, niestabilnymi literami widnieje na nim niebieski znacznik „SPRAJ DLA ZLYCH BRATAH”. Pismo wygląda jak dzieło małego dziecka.]
@MaMózg na prawdę to wierzyłeś?
Dalej go mam
No, dosłownie czuję się jak opiekuje się kotami z wścieklizną. Kiedy których z nich mnie denerwuje, psikam im tym sprejem
Przywileje starszego brata
Warto wypróbować
Nie mam wścieklizny
Nie zgadzam się
Oprócz Mikey’a najbardziej przypominasz zdziczałego kota
W takich chwilach życzę żebym miał takie coś!
*smutne żółwie dźwięki*
Myślałem że lubicie wodę?
Przynajmniej ty, jesteś suwakiem, prawda?
Właściwie, jestem pewny że @WSZECHŚWIAT_03 lubią wodę? Jak to jest skuteczne?
liczy się motyw
Nie jesteśmy kotami
Kocham wodę ale
Powtarzam, okrucieństwo
@ChcęMózg raportuje cię do PETA
jesteś przejebany iksde iksde iksde
Jako młodszym bratem, nie podobają mi się te przywileje starszego brata
Zgadzam się
Donnie też się zgadza po prostu się chowa od czerwonego
Znęcanie nie jest fajne
Raphael przestań organizować bunty
Głosuje żeby obalić wszystkich Leo.
Bliźniaki???? Ci dwaj???
Ja pierdole
A ja myślałem że bycie bliźniakami z Mikeyem było złe
Raphie jest moim bliźniakiem
Co proszę
>>wyciszony czat<<
Czyj Mikey krzyczy na kanale głosowym ASMR od trzech godzin bez przerwy, czy mógłbyś go wyciągnąć?
Proszę wybaczyć, to mój
Zastanawiałem się, dlaczego był taki cichy
To jest trzeci raz w czterech dniach.
Prosze kontrolować twojego Mikeya albo będę musiał użyć forsy
Nie martw się, zajmę się tym.
>>ASMR Żółwie!<<
[Mikey krzyczy do mikrofonu tak głośno jak tylko może. Jego głos waha się od wysokich pisków po niskie piski, a wszystkie zgrzytliwe dźwięki są zniekształcane przez mikrofon. Mikey milczy przez chwilę, po czym mówi:
“Chcesz żebym przyniósł mój kot do mikrofonu?” się pyta, i, nie czekając na odpowiedź, zaczyna głośno miauczeć. Jest taki głośny że które niemal zagłuszają wściekły krzyk dochodzący z oddali.
Słychać walenie. Mikey krzyczy.
“Co ty pierdzielisz?!” warczy niski głos.
“Hej, Raphie! To tylko trochę relaksującego ASMR! Chciałbyś –“
Słyszeć huk i krzyk.
“Trzy godziny!”
“Ale to jest śmieszne –“
“Wracaj, gówniarzu!”
Z dalszej odległości nad mikrofonem słychać głośny trzask, po którym następuje kilka głośnych wrzasków. Słychać warczenie Rapha i brzmi to tak, jakby w pomieszczeniu przewrócono wiele rzeczy. Walka stale zwiększa głośność i chaos, aż rozbrzmiewa ostry głos.
“Co się tu dzieje?! Co mówiłem o walczeniu w pokojach?!”
Głos jest niski i władczy. Trzaski i huki ustają tylko na chwilę, po czym następuje głośny huk – brzmiący podejrzanie, jakby Mikey właśnie został rzucony o ścianę.
Dźwięki walki wracają dwa razy głośniej niż wcześniej; Krzyknięcia “PRZESTAŃ!” i “NIE GRYŹ GO!” od Lea tylko gorsząc sprawę.
Kolejne szczególnie głośny łomot i chrząknięcie. Leo warczy.
“Czy ty mnie uderzyłeś?”
“To był Raph!”
“Okej, prosisz się o to –“ Leo syczy. Mikey krzyczy blisko mikrofonu gdy Leo dołącza do walki. W oddali słychać inny, wyższy głos (prawdopodobnie Donniego) błagający, aby przestali, „ponieważ rujnujecie kanał ASMR, wy neandertalczycy!”
“Hej Raph –“ Po minucie kolejnych trzasków rozbrzmiewa zuchwały, gruby głos i wrzeszczy. „Zastanawiałem się, czy nie chciałbyś kogoś pobić – czekaj, walczymy?!
“Casey, nie!”
Dźwięk zostaje nagle przerwany po odgłosie tłuczonego szkła.]
>>wyciszony czat<<
Co to było
Moje uszy
O mój borze
Myślę, że właśnie przeszedłem przez wszystkie pierścienie piekła na raz
2: Komora Izolacyjna
>> Wojojo Żółwie Ninini <<
Czy ktoś mi da roztopiony wosk planuje eksperyment kulinarny
Zły chat
zapomni o tym
jaaaaa cie brzmisz jak dziadek stary leo
wyobraź interpunkcję
nie ja
I oto miałem zamiar ogłosić pewne aktualizacje serwera
Ale teraz się martwię dlaczego pytasz się o roztopiony wosk
Ignoruj to proszę chcę słyszeć o aktualizacji!!!!!111!!
Nie nie ja chcę wiedzieć o roztopionym wosku
Brzmi jak coś mój Donnie by próbował gotować
Nie docienasz nauki przed moich eksperymentów, Leo.
Uważaj co mówisz
Zabiorę ci mózg
Przepraszam, o wielki przywódco
czy wyczuwam… sarkazm? Od Donniego?
Mikey, radzę ci trzymać się z daleka od tej domowej kłótni, zanim uznam, że nie warto dzisiaj naprawić twojej konsoli do gier
mam twój roztopiony wosk i casey powiedział że przyniesie proch strzelniczy jeśli pozwolimy mu oglądać
ŻE CO???
Zostałem wezwany, kiedy widziałem dyskusje na temat eksplozji, drodzy bracia naprzemienni. W czym mogę pomóc?
Nie zmuszaj mnie, żebym umieścił cię w więzieniu powietrznym Donnie
Nie zachęcaj go błagam
Przynajmniej Mikey nie widział tej konwersacji
Mikey pamiętasz naszą rozmowę?
Zabij mnie
Czy on zawsze żartuje o śmierci?
Zdziwiłbyś się
Gdy nie robi głupich, niebezpiecznych decyzji to robi to -_-
Moje decyzje nie są niebezpieczne
Ostatnim tygodniu chciałeś skoczyć z wieżowca na autobus bez jakiegoś spadochronu żeby oddać portfel jakieś baby
umieram sksksk
typowy leo
nie rób tego.
Każdej sekundzie kiedy tu jestem, umieram trochę w środku
dołącz do nas
dołącz do nas
Dołącz do nas
Dołącz do nas
dołącz do nas
dołącz do nas
Okej wystarczy mi kultu Mikey’ego na jeden dzień
Ogłoszenie, Donnie?
[Nagrywanie Głosu]
[Bardzo głośny, długi nagranie Mikey’a wydającego dźwięk pierdzenia ustami.]
Bardzo przepraszam
Ciągle robi siarę
@ZgóbiłMózg a ty się dziwisz dlaczego od prawie roku nie dostałeś mózgu
[Nagrywanie Głosu]
[Dłuższy i głośniejszy dźwięk pierdzenia.]
Przysięgam pewnego dnia wyrwę mu język
Nie ma potrzeby, mam rozwiązanie!
>@ZgóbiłMózg był wysłany do Komory Izolacji przez @Mądrala na 120 minut<
zabrano nam mikey’a!!!
Nie mam pojęcia co to było ale jest świetne
ach –
Nareszcie, cisza i spokój
jaaaaaa don ddsłownie powiedzał „idź prosto do więzieniaa ”
To jest coś co @DrużynaDonnie nazywają Komora Izolacji!
Stworzyliśmy go po incydencie ASMR, który stworzył Michelangelo z światu 03
To był najgorszy dzień mojego życia
Planowałem sobie relaksującą sesję ASMR ale zamiast tego musiałem słuchać wściekłego żółwia drapiącego widelcem tablicę i krzyczącego słowa do „Barbie Girl”
iksde CO
Kiedy to się stało???
Wzięliśmy legalną akcje
Dokładnie! Osoby w Komorze Izolacyjnym mogą tylko wysyłać wiadomości w tym kanale, gdzie mają pół godziny na przedstawienie swojej sprawy, zanim cały wyrok wejdzie w życie!
Mogą zrobić cokolwiek myślą pomoże im wyjść
Możemy zrobić takie coś w norze @MaMózg @ChcęMózg żebyśmy mogli zamknąć mikey’a na zawsze
On próbuje włamać się do mojego pokoju abym wpuścił go z powrotem do czatu, więc myślę że powinniśmy to omówić na następnym posiedzeniu zarządu żółwi
Ja, my powinniśmy organizować takie spotkania
Kiedykolwiek moi bracia mają jakieś pomysły, wszyscy po prostu na siebie krzyczymy przy śniadaniu i wygrywa najgłośniejszy
Ja zawsze wygrywam
hej ja chcę krzyczeć
“posiedzenie zarządu żółwi” sksjsjsks
A to nie wszystko! Stworzyliśmy osobne grupy tylko dla naszych odpowiedników! I nareszcie udoskonaliliśmy rozmowę wideo!
Dla tego jest nowy kanał „wideo czat” a także są one dostępne we wszystkich czatach oprócz tego
Nie ma za co
Nareszcie, donnie! Wasze paplacie o nauce i nudach mnie nudziło
@DrużynaDonnie to jest świetne, macie moją wdzięczność :)
no, to będzie ekstra
Po prostu trzymaj mnie Z DALA od czata mikey’ego
Dzięujei!! Zajęło nam dużo czasu, ale było warto!
Łał, to jest bardzo miłe z waszej strony! Na prawdę nie musiliście!
Po co zadowalać się podstawami, skoro dzięki naszemu doskonałemu intelektowi możemy rozwijać się w nieskończoność!
gdybm nei byl taki ekstydowamy na to @Bootyyyshaker9000 nazwał bym cie mądralą iksde
Nie zapomnij że mam moc cię wysłać do Komoru Isolacji z Michelangelem, drogi bliźniaku
czy dlatego toster jest zepsuty @Mądrala??? bo pracowałeś nad tym???
Znowu zepsuliście toster???
A tu myślałem że miałem szansę się relaksować -_-
E tam, ty lubisz robić pierdoły jak budowanie tosterów
Następnym razem nie pozwolimy leowi go używać
Nie wiem czemu, ale raczej ciebie nie wierzę
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: zrzut ekranu czegoś, co wygląda na podróbkę Discorda, zatytułowany „Komora Izolacji”. Znajduje się w nim ta sama wiadomość spamowana w kółko: „WYPUŚĆ MNIE” autorstwa 03 Michelangelo. Wiadomości są powoli pisane coraz bardziej chaotycznie.]
Chcę być wypuszczony.
ktoś my pomóc!
@Mądrala Poprosiłem żebyś naprawił toster wieki temu :(
I to nie moja wina że się psuje kiedykolwiek go urzywam
Wsadziłeś do niego łyżkę
No bo mój tost utknął w tosterze a mówią że nie powinno wsadzać noży do tostera
Potrzebowałem czegoś żeby go wyjąć
ten tost był weglem
Wcale że nie!
@KapitanLeo jak myślałeś że łyżka by pomogła, jestem cziekawy
Ale to brzmi trochę jak Niebieski
nie miłe
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: bryła czarnej sadzy]
@KapitanLeo czy to wygląda jak tost dla ciebie???
“tylko trochę podpalone”
Jak ci się to udało zrobić z tosterem???
Nie widzę żadnego problemu!
To normalny tost!
To wygląda toksyczne
daj to naszemu Mikeowi
Prawdopodobnie by to zjadł gdybyś mu dał paczkę miśków
Co to jest???
Okej teraz mnie atakujecie :(
>> Komora Izolacji <<
[Nagranie Głosu]
[Nieczytelne krzyki]
[Nagranie Głosu]
[“WYPUŚĆ MNIE!” Mikey krzyczy w rózniących się tonach, za blisko mikrofonu więc brzmi bardzo zniekształcono. Powtarza się w kółko, zanim nagle urywa się.]
Michelangelo Splinterson od WSZECHŚWIAT_03, zostałeś postawiony przed sądem, aby bronić swojego honoru i odwołać się od wyroku 120 minut w Komorze Izolacyjnej.
Będziesz miał pół godziny na przedstawienie swojej sprawy Radzie Donów, gdzie zostaniesz osądzony na podstawie siły argumentacji, filozofii i talentu. Możesz to zrobić w dowolny sposób.
Jeśli uznamy Twoją argumentację za godną szacunku, wypuścimy Cię z Izolacji, gdzie będziesz mógł ponownie dołączyć do wszystkich czatów.
Trzeci Donatello z tej Rady jest zajęty, więc my będziemy jedyni z człąkow z Rady z którymi będziesz się dzisiaj kłócić.
Masz pół godziny.
Użyj twój czas mądrze.
[Deskrypcja Zdjęcia: bardzo powiększone zdjęcie twarzy Klunk, tak że widoczne są tylko jej oczy i pysk. Jej oczy są rozszerzone, patrzy się prosto w kamerę. Obraz jest nieco zamazany na krawędziach.]
Przekonał mnie
>>Radza Donów<<
Wypuśćiłem twojego brata @MaMózg
Miał świetny argument
Mistrz w manipulacji
Powiedział jedno słowo
Świetny argument
@Mądrala czy jesteś wolny? Jeszcze nam nie opowiadłesz o twoim ulubionym dinozaurze lub grzyba i jestem ciekawy
Nie dręcz go! Prawdopodobnie jest zajęty naprawianiem tostera.
Nie mam czasu rozmawiać, sorki
Muszę chłopakom naprawiać rzeczy
Ciągle jesteś zajęty nudnymi rzeczami jak naprawianie tosterów
Wszyscy wiemy, że naprawiliśmy toster, zanim nauczyliśmy się chodzić
Nie chcę się wytrącać w nie swoje sprawy, ale Fiolet ma rację. Zauważyłem że twoi braci byli trochę… dokuczliwi jak ci pytali o naprawianiu tego tostera?
Nic nie szkodzi jak nie chcesz o tym rozmawiać, ale wyglądało że byli trochę insensytywni gdy spędzałeś taki długi czas w pomaganiu nam z programowaniem tego czatu
Czy ty w ogóle dostajesz czas na twoje własne sprawy??
Wszystko jest okej.
Po prostu nie byłem wystarczająco szybki w naprawach tego dnia. Moi bracia byli sfrustrowani tylko dlatego, że zawsze mam dla nich rozwiązanie i tak właśnie jest.
@Bootyyyshaker9000 Jestem zbyt zajęty utrzymywaniem nory w porządku i robieniem własnych rzeczy
Moi bracia szanują moje życzenie, gdy coś zepsują to przyjdą do mnie po pomoc ale to nie konieczność.
Rozumią że mam swoje małe projekty w którymi często przesadzam.
Nie chciałem, żeby to zabrzmiało krytycznie w stosunku do twoich braci! Chciałem tylko podzielić się swoją perspektywą :)
Twoi bracia mogą się odpierdolić
Pomposity przestań naprawiać rzeczy dla nich
To nie twój obowiązek żeby zawsze mieć odpowiedź, i nie powinieneś zawracać sobie głowy zmianą planu zajęć, żeby poprawić sytuację wtedy, gdy uznają to za najwygodniejsze
Urządzenie kuchenne są takie… prymitywne. W twoim miejscu bym oszalał
Na prawdę wszystko jest okej. Moja odpowiedzialność jest naprawianie ich problemy, i to tyle.
Trzeba używać ten mózg na coś produktywnego
Muszę wrócić do pracy
Nie powinniśmy wtrącać się w twoje osobiste sprawy, rozumię
Ja nie
Spodziewałem się.
Przestałem naprawiać rzeczy dla moich bracia i wiesz co się stało? Nauczyli się być ostrożni. I nigdy żaden z nich nie marudził do mnie że jestem ‚za wolny’ w moich naprawach, albo że czegoś nie wiem.
Twoi bracia brzmią jak dupki.
Fiolet! Wystarczy!
Wolałbym o tym nie rozmawiać.
Zmieńmy temat
Ulubiony dinozaur?
Stegozaur. Są proste, ale fascynujące.
Kocham stegozaury! Mam kilka faktów o nich!
Porównajmy notatki
Powinienem mieć czas na to, to jest ważne
Dinozaury zawsze są ważne, przyjacielu
Yo, this is sick!
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lunarsun12 · 3 months
Don’t Touch My Kids - Part 5
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After Mingi finished explaining his side of his story. It lead to a sigh a relief from Chan, as he scared it was the parents who taught the kids bad stuff. He heard from his buddy Shownu, how his kids got crazy due to a certain someone.
Lee know was about to kick the door down, until Bangchan used his special tactic on him.
After they dealt with Lix and Innie situation, however an even bigger situation has occurred. Which lead to Bangchan to be scared.
What could it be?
Back at the Chat
Bangchan🐺: Hold a mins? Why is your Eomma getting harassed?
Mingi🦄: Erm…his bestie husband. Appa banned us from mentioning his name
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi! Why did you tell that part! That was so unnecessary!
Mingi🦄: Look man, the dude with a knife wants info. I give everything!
Lee Know🐱: Blah blah, enough of seonghwa drama! So Mingi did it, well then I hope you like baseball bats
After Lee Know said, there was a shriek coming from the door. Either Changbin or Mingi
Bangchan🐺: Hey! What did I say no beating peope up!
Bangchan🐺: It was an accident, I’m sure Mingi must be so destressed. To see his Eomma getting harassed
Mingi🦄: Yeah totally…
Bangchan🐺: He must have said it, without thinking
Hongjong🏴‍☠️: Seonghwa, can you give some food to our er pet? The pet wants ramen?
Seonghwa🌸: Oh the kid, these kids are so handful. Locking people for fun
Mingi🦄: Eomma? Didn’t you-
Seonghwa🌸: Mingi, let’s make these ramen shall we? For San turtle
Lee Know🐱: Since it was an accident, I guess I can let it slide. Not whatsoever Chan will leave my cats on the streets
Bangchan🐺: Good I glad, you understood what I meant. Let’s go home and sort out mess out
Bangchan🐺: It was nice talking to you three, please bring Binnie home escorted please
Bangchan🐺: Also, work on those lies…it was so obvious you locked Binnie in the broom closet
Lee Know🐱: Chill, I won’t do anything. I don’t care what happens to him, he speaks too much
Seonghwa🌸: What family…
After Bangchan and Lee Know, left the Ateez dorm. Leaving a lot a question about Felix and IN bullying situations.
When Bangchan and Lee Know entered their house. The house was dead quiet as it was 1am, which is rare as they will definitely be noises from one person. They did their round check, until they realise Han is missing from his room. The panic Bangchan, texted the chat immediately.
Back at SKZ Chat
Bangchan🐺: Where is Han?
Hyunjin🕺: Han? Who? Definitely I haven’t seen him
Felix☀️: We have being chilling with Hyunjin. After we apologise to Han
Seungmin🤓: Nope no clue, I have been busy studying
Bangchan🐺: One of you fess up…I see someone unlocked the door using my Twice keychain keys
Lee Know🐱: Han is missing?
Bangchan🐺: Yes! How we gonna catch him this time! He definitely, will hide super well!!
Hyunjin🕺: He will be back soon, gotta sleep
Felix☀️: S-same me and Innie as well
Seungmin🤓: I won’t be sleeping but not talking
Back SKZ Kids Chat
Han 🐿️: I AM FREE! THE AIR NEVER FELT SO GREAT!! I can’t wait to set up camp!!
Previous Part
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I think it should be canonical that once everyone meets the love of their lives and gets settled, they all move to like a neighborhood and just take up an entire cal du sac. With like completely open yards that are on a woods. There’s a little creek the pups can play in.
Minkitten have an animal rescue and teach the pups about the importance of respecting nature. Cats obvi, but have expanded to fostering bunnies, turtles/tortoises, and even a chicken or two. Had to work hard to keep eager pup forms out sometimes.
Chris and Pretty are in the dead center and have a massive dining room and outdoor area for everyone. Big movie room fit for family and pack snuggles. Pretty would 10000% be at the end of the driveway, making sure every pup was on and off the school bus safety.
GingerBin have all the sports and play set stuff. Always an activity, always something to, in the words of Min, “tire these pups out of fucks sake”. Very competitive dodgeball tournaments.
Jisung and Suengmin’s houses are calm spaces, Jisung is a calm down area who also participates in Minkitten’s animal rescue (they are next door neighbors obvi) but Suengmin’s is where the pups go for homework and lessons (image if they homeschooled so all the pups can stay together).
Hyunlix and Moss would be arts and crafts as well as baking. It is not a calm household tho. It is everything a chaotic art studio should be with probably a basement entirely dedicated to getting messy. The pups are clutching their works so proudly to bring back to their mama and papa’s.
Innie, he’s hard bc we don’t know much yet, but I feel like he’s the rainy day house. Has tons of board games and video games to keep them entertained. AMAZING at games like tag and hide and seek.
I hope everyone enjoys something that literally no one asked for 😄
omg, this is soooo preciousss. i've got nothing to add... just... so cute.
can you imagine??? all of them in their own little neighbourhood??
including moss' pack and everything?????
i'm warm. so warm. thanks for this, kiwi baby 🥺💜
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nordic-language-love · 6 months
4, 7 and 15 for the language asks !
Thank you so much! 💖
4) Favorite book in your target language that you read this year? Does the unpublished book my friend wrote count? It's called Ragnar Katt og Islandske Tomater
7) Favorite song in your target language this year? Ooof, there's lots, so these are just ones I picked out of all the ones I love! Norwegian: Ekko inni meg - Jone Japanese: Why Can't I Be a Turtle FF7R. Ver - 鈴木光人、土岐望
15) What are you most proud of in your language learning journey this year? Difficult to say really because there are lots of small things that make me feel proud in regards to Japanese. It's things like being able to deal with a situation in the classroom because I understand what the kids are saying, or finally understanding every word of the announcement on the train, or recognising a word because I actually learned the kanji. I guess I'm just proud that I've made some progress. It's not the progress I was hoping to make, but it's still progress!
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trsrina · 1 year
thanks for tagging me @hannikz <33
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when is ur bday? 11/11
favourite colour? honestly can’t pick but blue & yellow
any pets? no but i used to have three turtles
height? 161cm but ive probably grown a few centimetres since i last measured
how many pairs of shoes do u own? i have three pairs that don’t fit anymore but i still keep them for some reason 😰 and my three pairs of plain white sneakers and a pair of black loafers for school (don’t ask me why i have so many) and three pairs of shoes i actually wear and a pair that’s still in the shoe box not worn at all
favourite song(s)? island by youha, you’re on your own kid, daylight, death by a thousand cuts by taylor swift, the perfect pair by beabadoobee, farewell neverland and our summer by txt, shooting star by xg and a lot more i forgot about
favourite movie? i love coco, barbie and the 12 dancing princesses, clueless and Aladdin the live action
ideal partner? giggles minatozaki sana but she technically she doesn’t know yet but like she technically kinda my wife already not delulu!!! also yang jungwon my side chick 🫶 ahem also alhaitham and xiao (without the angsty stuff) and ningguang sugar mommy 😳
do u want children? no 💀 i don’t ever plan of getting married at all rlly and 90% of children are annoying af
have u gotten in trouble with the law? ofc not
what colour socks r u wearing? navy with cat patterns
favourite music genre? I like anything rlly but mainly pop and i like bossa nova
how many pillows do u sleep with? one
what position do u sleep in? sideways usually facing the wall
smth u hate when sleeping? light and sounds im the type that has to sleep in complete darkness and silence
breakfast? usually just any kind of bread occasionally choco cakes with milk/choco milk/milk tea mixed with coffee
have u tried archery? no and i’d probably suck i can’t even aim on roblox 😭
favourite fruit? apples 🫶
r u a good liar? i can’t lie for my life well maybe sometimes if it’s for smith rlly serious
mbti? intp-t 😎
innie or outie? going out if it’s with ppl i enjoy being with
leftie or rightie? rightieee
favourite food? very unhealthy but chicken nuggets and beef 😰
favourite foreign food? i have an unhealthy obsession with shrimp tempura 🍤 and i love love love shabu shabu
r u clean or messy? usually clean but messy when im in a bad mood
favourite phrase? oh my god ig
how long do u take to get ready? approximately 15 mins if excluding my skincare routine and brushing my teeth and the time it takes for me to get out of bed but like including that it’s an hour im usually someone who’d be like 20 minutes early so no rush
do u talk to yourself? a concerning amount the psych ward is calling for their missing patient
do u sing to yourself? yes a lot
r u good at singing? not at all 💀
biggest fear? clowns, drowning, ghosts if real, serial killers, exams, my primary school class teachers (im telling u i was at the verge of tears every time they talked to me literal trauma), my science teacher last year, death and yeah pretty much most things
r u a gossip? definitely yes i gossip a lot
long or short hair? short hair like long hair is pretty but it seems rlly annoying
favourite subject? english cause im good at it
introvert or extrovert? introvert with strangers and ppl im not so close with but i suddenly become an extrovert with friends like I wouldn’t be shy at all and would approach random ppl if i wanted to
what makes u nervous? everything i have really bad anxiety like the lift is slow? im gonna be late even if i was 20 minutes early. haven’t done my assignments yet? the deadline is next month but still
who’s ur first real crush? my 1st grade classmate we used to be friends for a while and then he’s now an ass so we don’t rlly talk anymore
how many piercings? two, one on each earlobe
how many tattoos? none ofc but i would love to have some when im older
how fast can u run? average speed? but i have great stamina like i could run 15 laps max at a moderate speed
what colour is ur hair? very dark brown in the dark but a chocolate light brown under light idk i had multiple ppl ask me if i dyed my hair before tho i didn’t my mom says it’s bc of malnutrition
what colour are ur eyes? very dark brown almost black
what makes u angry? lots of things i have anger issues
do u like ur name? i used to hate it when i was younger bc it’s regularly used as a masculine name and i thought it was bad but now ive learnt to embrace it and it’s unique so great 👍 but I still not enjoy trying to explain it to ppl 😕
would u like a boy or girl if u had a child? girl
what are ur strengths? being early and flee the facility on roblox im like rlly good at that game
what are ur weaknesses? mention one thing about a father figure and im done for
what is the colour of ur bedspread? i have no idea what that is but i googled and i still don’t rlly understand but i think i have none sry my brain doesn’t work
what colour is ur bedroom? well i have this really really light blue wall colour basically white at first glance and brown wood furniture
tagging (no pressure!!) @seungiepup @wonillaa @aerisfy @winteringdream @badmuni @yeniiverse @yenqa @hypesahi @jwonsociety
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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A blast from the past...
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Michael Steven "Myk" Friedman, also known as Toonsmyth Productions, was a youtube animator who did fun and silly fights. Vegeta Vs Mordecai and Rigby, Doofenshmirtz Vs Ash from Pokemon, even Adventure Time Vs My Little Pony. Sadly, he passed away in 2014 at the age of 45. So for fun, I figured I would go over the Second Season of Ultimate Cartoon Fighting where Goku faces everyone and with my own research and mostly others, determine if Goku can truly win.
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His first opponent is the Hulk. Now you would think with Thor Vs Vegeta that Hulk would scale to him, right? Well, there are two problems with that: First, Thor has a lot more powers than the Hulk and those were definitely the thing that gave Thor the edge when Vegeta could get stronger via Ultra Ego. And more importantly, as seen with this video, Thor tends to beat the Hulk more often than lose. So Goku can definitely beat the Hulk.
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Optimus Prime is Next. He should scale to Megatron and a popular opponent for him is Frieza, so he should likely compare. Though I don’t think Prime can beat Goku since Goku will always beat Frieza. Next is Finn Vs Jake. According to Vs wiki they max out at Large Planet Level. I’m pretty sure the majority of the cast of Dragon Ball can do that at this point and Goku is way stronger than that. So that’s 4 for 4. Good job Goku! 
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Next up, Super Mario. The Vs Wiki has him at lowest Galaxy Level and highest Multiversal. Not sure how much I buy his scaling via Super Paper Mario but even including it Goku has the capability of destroying multiple Universes as a Super Saiyan God. And most of his abilities do not require additional power ups, so I can say Goku can beat Mario. Now Popeye will definitely be his first legit defeat. Death Battle may have put him at Star Level, but with how much he can literally destroy the fiction they’re on and survive disintegration, it's a matter of when for Popeye to overcome the Saiyan.
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And now Superman. We had two Death Battles already with Goku losing both, but a lot of things have changed since then. Goku has become a lot more powerful, but DC keeps showing up ridonculous feats. And honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if Superman can still beat Goku despite Goku now getting the multiple writers treatment. Also want to point out that most likely Hal Jordan, who was noping out after that fight, could most definitely beat Goku. And of course he can beat the Annoying Orange. Since that was an actual collaboration with the creator of the Annoying Orange, it counts.
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Pikachu is next and he puts up more of a fight in the animation than the others. But can Goku beat the electric mouse of Ash Ketchum? According to the Vs wiki Pikachu has the potential to be High universal (somehow), he requires to be supercharged. So Goku can likely beat him or eat him. And I’m pretty sure Goku can beat the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, including the Rise stuff and those Dragon Forms. 
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I’m going to skip a lot because there’s a ton of people who show up but don’t get an animated sequence like the others. So Sonic is next and I’m pretty sure he’s in the same boat as Mario. Naruto I’m pretty sure is also unable to beat Goku considering how often we’ve done calculations for him. And Inuyasha (I like to call him Inny) doesn't stand a chance against Goku. Pikachu comes back with Thor, Lum (an anime I actually know despite never seeing it) and I presume Nate Grey. Since I don’t know who he is, I’ll skip him
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Thor definitely could beat Goku since we’ve seen him beat Vegeta and they’re both pretty comparable with each other. Ultra Instinct may help, but as of this writing Thor has access to all the Thor Force (Odin Force) and Goku doesn’t have the Ultra Ego “hit me makes me stronger” trick Vegeta has. Lum is apparently Star Level so she can’t win. And the final opponent is Skips from Regular Show. But in reality Goku from the Future. So by that logic, Future Goku should beat Past Goku right?
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Well, he’s Future Goku alright… Future Goku of GT Goku. He isn’t the Goku from Super who shook the Multiverse, he’s a Goku who went higher than Super Saiyan 4. So he ain’t on the good stuff like God Ki Goku can produce. So Skips, either Regular Show or Future GT Goku, can not beat Goku. And of course Galactus can beat Goku. He could turn Goku into an inanimate object before he could do anything.
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And that’s a score of 16 Wins and 4 Loses (if you count Hal Jordan). Pretty good.
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chlorinecake · 5 months
Someone on the internet was like Han Jisung would be the type of person to search for their phone with the flash of their phone and today I was getting so worried at work cause I couldn't find my phone and then I called my bff and was like I CANT FIND MY PHONE and I'm pretty sure he side eyed me through the call because I was calling him at seven in the morning........... With my phone.
I think we chose the correct skz ship for us jagi.
(PS: omg the octopus named Chloe which we got like last week HAD BABIES AND THEY'RE SO FUCKING ADORABLE and I had the honour of naming like two of them because apparently my co workers don't trust me after I named the turtle Turtlenado, and I named them Seungmin and Innie because THEY'RE SO TINY AND I JUST CANT HANDLE THE CUTENESS)
UGH you poor thing 😭 like, part of me finds the story hilarious, but at the same time, I can imagine you freaking out like Han does sometimes when he's anxious, on the verge of LITERALLY losing your mind all while typing in the password... to your phone...
"I think we chose the correct skz ship for us jagi." Agreed 🥲
(BRO, not her tryna hop on the mommy train with me 😭😭 and what the frick, she had MORE than TWO ?!?!?! (🤲 gimme) Hold on tho, bc "Turtlenado" was destined to slay with a name like that ✨ and naurrrrr, Seungmin and Innie 🥹 that's literally too precious, I'm gonna UGLY CRYYYY now-)
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tinn-mann · 5 months
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Anytime a have the privelage of a teen wanting to touch any part of me I simply get hysterical . I worry she'll laugh or not want to touch my man part at all because it's so weirdly small and could gross out some people due to how kinda freaky it looks.
Definetly can't grab it ,just have to put your finger in the top and finger my nub inside my foreskin that covers it up like a turtle hiding his head in the shell
My balls are kinda inside me alot and my scrotum is tight ... not hanging . Looks like just a tight wrinkly rough patch of skin just below my "innie" penis
Thus, I'd be way too embarassed to accept her offer
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writer59january13 · 1 year
Reflections upon mine gender identity redux
Although heterosexual
predilections punctuated physiological pulsations about five inches below innie belly button of mine showcasing undersize male member, when fully erect not much to crow about, contributed
diminished masculinity within body electric regarding
wordsmith crafting poem linkedin with his feelings of diminished machismo male sexuality sputtered courtesy handy dynamo powered ample male germ cells birthing offspring two healthy females born approximately twenty six months apart, thine eldest born right at Capricorn
cusp, and youngest made her debut exactly where
Aquarius midpoint bitter cold day ideal for Esquimau
one grateful father prematurely ejaculate fantastico blessed gift, which helped reinforce against being emasculated empowered at reproductive prowess happy as a lark feeling
indomitable as Geronimo an Apache leader and medicine man best known for his fearlessness in resisting anyone–Mexican or American, who attempted to remove his people from tribal lands ruinous and sacrilegious historico plus torturous legacy settlers gawking, kickstarting
and muckraking mistruths about indigenous people shamelessly reducing so called "noble savages" as one after another charade, façade trumped up lame excuse to invade sacred hallowed lands impresario gigs stereotypical presumptions didst buzzfeed fire re: kindling sparking eventual
their genocide insult to injury courtesy diatribe deliberately fomenting ill will, where Native peoples at receiving end of jingo token "fake" reverence bestowed upon rightful awk queue pants place evidenced courtesy place name whether state, county, borough... such as Kickapoo
hollow benevolence meted out, but obliterating cult chore wars hashtagging "redman," courtesy eminent domain of "Turtle Island" indignantly stolen by Forbe heirs by trumpeting school of vandals battering down
millenniums back once impregnable walls of Jericho
indefatigable marauders
wrought wrongs upon in us sent occupants proclaiming might of arms justifiable
reason (not necessarily with rhyme) to smote women men and children down with deadly force transforming happy go lucky agrarian festive folks thriving landscape courtesy brute force utilizing mo' sophisticated weapon
re: of mass destruction rendering harmonious leitmotif
presaging tranquility said near picture perfect Kodak
moment lifestyle into veritable charnel/slaughterhouse
desecrating thence scattering lovely bones + trappings of then helplessly, melancholically quickly vanishing oral
culture to the four winds,
where archeologists painstaking
efforts piece together long extinct histories analogous to All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again, nevertheless tragedy writ large
indelibly etched upon collective consciousness longview
hounding one doggone muttering long haired pencil neck
geek three score plus four years; he reflects upon Homo sapiens wanton killing of docile brothers and sisters part and parcel of same genus and species differentiated by: creed, gender, language, nationality, race, religion, sex,
et cetera since time immemorial inherited without choice
genetic predisposition nsync with environmental influence
(liberal Unitarian upbringing) wages internal war against
himself, and times gone by mentally toyed with notion of
homosexuality, yet never acted upon said impulse somewhat attributed and linkedin with anticipated regret.
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
get to know me tag !! <3
as always, thank you pj for tagging me @wonunuu <3 i'm sorry for the ppl who tag me during my hiatus that i didnt get to play hdbfhjsfb i was in such a bad place T-T
tagging @fallinchan @cheolbooluvr and @j-pping but no pressure if you dont wanna do it! ^^
What day is your birthday?
march 5
What is your favorite color?
What’s your lucky number?
either 3 or 5 bc its my bday and im the 3rd child haha
Do you have any pets?
nopee, but my dad has turtles
How tall are you?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
4??? or 5? i think?
Favorite song?
you gotta be detailed here HAHA but ig currently it's between pinwheel and second life - seventeen
Favorite movie?
i dont watch a lot of movies so... tangled? maybe?
Who would be your ideal partner?
umm, just someone that wouldn't make me feel small. someone that hopefully i can grow together to be better persons with.
Do you want children?
i used to. now i'm not sure anymore haha
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Baths or showers?
both but i dont have bath tube in my house <//3
What color socks are you wearing?
not wearing socks rn
What type of music do you like?
i listen to just about everything but mostly kpop and kballads
How many pillows do you sleep with?
What position do you usually sleep in?
on my left side, but these days i sleep on my back
What you don’t like when you are sleeping?
when it's hot, completely dark, or silence. i watch with either music or my laptop on haha
What do you typically have for breakfast?
i.. rarely have breakfasts. but when i do it's bread bc it's easy to eat haha
Have you ever tried archery?
Favorite fruit?
WATERMELOOOOOOOOOOOOON; it has lots of water and my dad used to freeze them bc i like chewing on ice haha
Favorite swear word?
i dont actually swear tbh..
Do you have any scars?
a lot D: my skin is v sensitive especially my legs T-T
Are you a good liar?
i... yeah. i think quick on my feet and sometimes im alrd lying before i even realized to save myself (like..in an interview HAHA)
What is your personality type?
infp ^^
What is your favorite type of girls?
as long as you dont belittle others, i love you
Are you an innie or an outie?
i.. actually have no idea
Left or right handed
right handed
Favorite food?
my grandma's fried pork meatball??? but what i eat most is ice cubes HAHAHAHA
Favorite foreign food?
prolly tonkatsu
Are you a clean or messy person?
depends on when do you catch me :]
Most used phrase?
How long does it take for you to get ready?
not long unless we're going to a wedding
Do you talk to yourself?
you have no idea
Do you sing to yourself?
to the point where my dad said i'd be rich if i put in coin for every song i sing
Are you a good singer?
i'm not tone-deaf is the best i can say about my own singing ability. you be the judge of it :p
Biggest Fear?
being the center of attention.....
Are you a gossip?
Do you like long or short hair?
Favorite school subject
english but bc it was easy lol so i guess history?
Extrovert or Introvert?
What makes you nervous?
Who was your first real crush?
why is this phrased like i can't answer Li Shaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura
How many piercings do you have?
4; one on my right ear, 3 on my left (i might or might not have been influenced by roronoa zoro HAHHAHAHA)
How fast can you run?
i.. have not run in a long time to tell
What color is your hair?
black with magenta underneath
What color are your eyes?
dark brown
What makes you angry?
ppl who say shit without thinking and refuse to accept others' opinion
Do you like your own name?
i do bc it's pretty uncommon where i'm from :D
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
if it comes to it, i dont mind either. but if i have to choose, girls.
What are your strengths?
watching going seventeen everyday and not getting bored
What are your weaknesses?
i doubt myself a lot
Color of your bedspread?
baby green
Color of your room?
baby green :D
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spookybias · 3 years
ᝰ get to know me tag ˎˊ˗
tagged: @sherlockholicsbysoobin tsym <3
note: this is a long tag, like longer than any other i've done. i wouldn't even tag my worst enemy in this /j
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what day is your birthday? feb 3
what's your favorite color? right now, it's this pretty shade of blue called blue salt.
what's your lucky number? i guess 4? i choose that number often.
do you have any pets? yes. a cat, 3 birds, and 4 turtles.
how tall are you? 5'3.
how many pairs of shoes do you have? i can't remember so i'll just say that i have at least 10 pairs.
favorite song? at the moment, it's happy by the bottom line.
favorite movie? as of now, IT (2017), child's play (2019), hugo, x + y, and luca.
what would your ideal partner be like? tomioka giyū idc idc.
do you want children? only if kim taehyung will be the father ;)
have you gotten in trouble with the law? dude, i get nervous just passing by a cop car.
bath or shower? shower.
what color socks are you wearing? gray and black. yeah i know they're shades. don't even bother sending an ask smartmouth.
favorite type of music? i like songs that take note on experiences through abstract imagery and small tales (txt's songs are a good example of this) and songs that are just relatable to my experiences of misery and heartbreak.
how many pillows do you sleep with? six.
what position do you sleep in? any.
what you don't like when you're sleeping? too personal bestie.
what do you have for breakfast? i eat food. it depends on my mood and the time i get up.
have you ever tried archery? uh no, but younger me wanted to try it.
favorite fruit? grapes 😋🍇
favorite swear word? duck.
do you have any scars? yep, on the back of my head.
are you a good liar? when i want to be, yeah, but i prefer to be blunt with others.
what's your personality type? isfj.
what's your favorite type of girl? i thought this was a general tag-
innie or outtie? innie
left or right handed? right.
favorite food? baked ziti.
favorite foreign food? i just like how fried chicken is seasoned in other countries.
are you clean or messy? clean.
most used phrase? probably 'bruh'.
how long does it take you to get ready? it depends on how i'm feeling and where i'm going, but on a regular day after a shower, i can get ready in like 12 minutes.
do you talk to yourself? when i'm planning out a fic LMAO
do you sing to yourself? i might just be dumb, but i'm confused on what this is asking lmao
are you a good singer? man, listen-
biggest fear? nope. only my best friends can know that.
are you a gossip? 🤔 do you think i am?
do you like long or short hair? long hair!
favorite school subject? back in grade school it was math, but now it's philosophy.
introvert or extrovert? ambivert.
what makes you nervous? the smile of a cute guy that goes to this BBQ place i know.
who was your first real crush? this skaterboy from a local park back in 8th grade.
how fast can you run? i don't like running, but if i'm being chased, all you'll see is a beam of light go down the street.
what color is your hair? brown.
do you like your own name? yep. i like genny and my real name and all the variations of it a lot.
what makes you angry? a lot. i'm easily irritable. to keep it short, narcissists and people who complain a lot and don't appreciate what they have.
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? both.
what are your strengths? i'm a good listener and i can keep secrets.
what are your weaknesses? i bottle my emotions a lot to please people and i always feel the need to step in and defend others who won't defend themselves.
what's the color of your bedspread? white.
what's the color of your room? white.
tagging: @softbbyg0rl @tyunni @iuwon @koosocks @heephoriia @berrytaerry @jitaros (no pressure)
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wonunuu · 3 years
get to know me tag !! <3
tagged by: thank you for the tag aria @kwonsyoungs !!!! <3
tagging: @shuajeong @sunflowergyeomie @wonwoonlight @softforqiankun @moonlit-willow @lavenonie and to anyone else who’d like to do it heheh (to the humans i tagged, you don’t have to if you’re not comfortable,, no pressure hehe) 
What day is your birthday?
april 23
What is your favorite color?
don’t have one but yellow looking nice these days
What’s your lucky number?
uh i don’t have one but i do have a favourite number which is 17 :p
Do you have any pets?
nah. i want a turtle tho
How tall are you?
you mean how short am i?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
uh idk? 7? 8? 9? i only use two of them
Favorite song?
at the moment,, love poem - iu
Favorite movie?
cant think of any other rn but doctor strange
Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who have the same interests and same taste i food ig. someone who’ll keep me in control and someone clever hahaha
Do you want children?
in the future, yes
Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Baths or showers?
What color socks are you wearing?
not wearing socks rn
What type of music do you like?
depends on my mood. but can never go wrong with good ballads
How many pillows do you sleep with?
i like sleeping with 3
What position do you usually sleep in?
on the side or on my stomach. but i move a lot haha
What you don’t like when you are sleeping?
i don’t like when i feel hot + noise + lights
What do you typically have for breakfast?
eggs and rice
Have you ever tried archery?
no but i’d like to
Favorite fruit?
pomegranates! they’re cool
Favorite swear word?
shit. she’s multi purpose.
Do you have any scars?
Are you a good liar?
i don’t like lying but ig i’m pretty good when i do haha. i mean mai falls for my tricks :p
What is your personality type?
same as jeonghan. isfj-a hehee
What is your favorite type of girls?
those who are friendly and matches my energy
Are you an innie or an outie?
in betweenie :p
Left or right handed
right.. but i’m training my left hand to write cos i think ambidextrousl people are cool
Favorite food?
galbi hehe
Favorite foreign food?
i love me my asian cuisines
Are you a clean or messy person?
both? im not the cleanest but im not the messiest either
Most used phrase?
oh my god
How long does it take for you to get ready?
depends where im going
Do you talk to yourself?
who doesn’t?
Do you sing to yourself?
too much
Are you a good singer?
i’d say im mediocre
Biggest Fear?
Are you a gossip?
Do you like long or short hair?
Favorite school subject?
mathematical courses hehe i like my numbers
Extrovert or Introvert?
What makes you nervous?
Who was your first real crush?
someone from grade 5
How many piercings do you have?
one each ear but i wanna get more
How fast can you run?
not fast
What color is your hair?
black but i badly want to dye it
What color are your eyes?
dark brown
What makes you angry?
annoying and stupid people. esp those who have no common sense
Do you like your own name?
not rlly
Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
doesn’t matter they’re all gonna cost me money and patience anyways
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
waking up
Color of your bedspread?
Color of your room?
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jenniferecand · 3 years
get to know me game~
Tagged by @fluttering-tbz (ur literally gonna be the only one who sees this and possibly interested in this but it's fun so why not XD)
when is ur birthday?
i’m a january aquarius cause apparently the month matters,,, but if ik u and u want the actual date then u can just ask lol
what is ur favorite color?
pink, black, and blue
what’s ur lucky number?
i don’t exactly have one but whenever people ask I just switch between 3 or 7 *shrug*
do u have any pets?
i have a pet turtle but it’s technically my older sisters lol
how tall are u?
i am 5′6, pretty satisfied with this height too~
how many shoes do u have?
a good couple. just different types of shoes for different uses or occasions but they’re all black 😀
favorite song?
i’m really indecisive lmao but the ones i’ve often played for a long period of time are
favorite movie?
i'm actually not crazy about movies but i watched sisterhood of the traveling pants when i was younger and when i rewatched it like a year or two ago it just really hit
what would be your ideal partner?
a guy who isn't too silent about his affection, funny, a bit of a flirt but just in a playful way, doesn't get mad too often and is usually very chill but still energetic in a way, has clear morals and follows them (,,,bonus if they're also asian and has a hobby in the performing arts 😗)
do u want children?
not exactly,,, like if my partner wants a child then i'll be fine with it but if not then i wouldn't have a child. i told my mom that her grandchild will be a dog and i'm not joking 😀
have u gotten in trouble with the law?
no... don't think so lol
what color socks are u wearing?
none rn but i usually wear black socks
both or shower?
favorite type of music?
kpop, r&b, and indie
how many pillows do u sleep with?
I sleep with 2 with my Ryan (kakao) plushy 😀
which position do u sleep in?
usually on my side but occasionally my back, whichever feels comfortable that night
what you don't like when ur sleeping?
feeling hot, it just makes me uncomfortable which usually leads to me being in a bad mood. also being woken up for no reason, like it's fine if there a reason but if it's just cause ur being loud then i get really annoyed
what do u have for breakfast?
usually just leftovers, if not then i make myself maybe 2 eggs or just one of my health/diet drinks
have u ever tried archery?
i... had a nerf bow and arrow when i was younger lmao, but i really. wanna try archery with my friends in the future
favorite fruit?
melons, especially cantaloupe and watermelon
favorite swear work?
fuck, easiest to use in any situation with any emotion loll
do u have any scars?
i have two and they're both from when i was a toddler. one on the right side of my nose, not really noticeable but i got it when i burned myself. also one on my left hand that i got from a bracelet that fell of my wrist when i was playing with my cousins, it's not that noticeable since a lot of my friends took a long time to notice it but it's definitely more noticeable than the one on my nose lol
are u a good liar?
yes 😀it's not that i lie often but when i do it for fun i do admit that i'm joking or that i lied after if it's just for fun everyone believes me so it's fun knowing that i can lie and get away with it easily
what's ur personality type?
i'm a infj-t and a hufflepuff
what's ur favorite type of girl?
one that's calm, is self-aware but also has awareness of other around her, considerate and humble, doesn't let others take advantage of her, is passionate about something, doesn't fight others but will stand up for their friends or for what's right
innie or outie?
innie....why is this question tho 😆
left or right-handed?
favorite food?
clean or messy?
i'm usually very clean about things like my bag, locker, bed, and other things but if it's not something i use or am around constantly use then it could get a lil messy until i get the urge to suddenly clean...
favorite foreign food?
....other than sushi, i honestly really like any dish i'm not a picky eater so i'm fine with anything. UNLESS IT HAS BELL PEPPERS i can't eat those lol
how long does it take for u to get ready?
only about 15 minutes on a regular day
most used phrase?
the only thing i can really think of is "oh my god" lol
are u a good singer?
i would like to think i am loll, obviously not the best but i was in a singing club in my school until i had to leave due to scheduling conflicts
do u sing urself?
yesss, it's fun
biggest fear?
being alone, like not having anyone to talk to and they'll never reply or acknowledge u again
do u like long or short hair?
i honestly love both but i'm had decently short hair for a while now and i've been wanting to grow it out again but so far i've always been impulsively cutting it short again and i hate this loop 😭
extrovert or introvert?
i'm introverted but since my whole friend group is introverted, i'll be the one to order or speak to other for us lol. so i'm introverted but also the extrovert of my group also depends on my mood tho cause sometimes i can just get really hyper or really quiet,,, like na jaemin lmao
are u into gossip?
no, never really cared for gossip but if u wanna tell me something then i can listen as long as i don't get dragged into anything
favorite school subject?
any class in the performing arts but if it's from the standard ones then math
what makes u nervous?
i'm usually really good about not being nervous about things unless it's like a rollercoaster but i always get nervous before a big performance and i usually need a moment of silence or a friend to tell me it's ok
who was ur first real crush?
i've never really had a real crush, i've only ever had those sudden but very short crushes like u sit next to a boy in elementary school and "......emotions??? crush??" but yeah other than that, never had a crush on anyone
how many piercings do u have?
one on each ear, regular earrings
how fast can u run?
what color are ur eyes?
average, not too fast but i'm also not that slow
what color is ur hair?
naturally black hair but some of my ends are green since i'm playing around with them before school starts again.
dark brown
what makes u angry?
when someone belittles another and actually mean it, being inconsiderate towards other around u, or when a person really doesn't listen or take time to understand something someone else is trying to tell them
do u like ur own name?
wasn't crazy about it when i was younger but i actually like it now with how my friends call me with my nickname
do u want a boy or a girl as a child?
i'd actually a boy human and dog wise lmaoo ,,,lowkey surprised myself with this answer lol
what are ur weaknesses?
i'm actually pretty sensitive and i cry easily but i don't want others to see that side of me often since it usually differs with their perspective of me
what are ur strengths?
i usually manage my emotions pretty well, i can care for others very well being a mom friend lol and i think of myself to be very well rounded in many things and aspects
what color is ur bedspread?
color of ur room?
white with some parts of the wall being cover in my wall paintings
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