#innnteresting interesting
quietbluejay · 2 months
Lukas the Trickster 1
It is Wolf Wednesday my dudes!
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flufffyyyyy Lukas is living the dream right now
lukas: smelly but comfy hashtag goals okay so space wolves are brawling oh they're fighting over who has to take lukas lmao …very interesting feels like the nail that sticks up gets hammered down but in this case the nail is made of rubber and just bounces back up as soon as the hammer is removed a looney tunes hammer
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so Njal is a really big deal he didn't super give that vibe in Ashes of Prospero lol oh the kids set booby traps for him lmao
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heh oh, drukhari you know, who they should tap to write about drukhari? mercedes lackey that's who this bit reminds me of
yeah you know what lackey wouldn't write it without a mary sue protagonist oh i know she'd write some poor oppressed waif psyker on a (sexist) imperial world who then ends up falling in with the free love forest people exodites who all somehow have mind links with their dinosaurs which have feathers and all act like giant birds of prey me: haha mercedes lackey could write this the monkeys paw curls Sliscus: life is good i can do whatever i want
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you know who I want to see a vs of? Vetinari and Sliscus
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RIP Myrta
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i feel. so horrible about saying this but some of this really does remind me of lackey
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not this this is darkly funny he's basically talking to a sockpuppet and having the sockpuppet make noises back i want to see the drukhari version of the MsScribe saga
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and now having set the scene it's back over to the Wolves
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not even two sentences into the chapter
(this isn't a complaint, I just find it funny)
"NO warrior wanted to be left behind" SMASH CUT wait no i misread lukas is here he's chilling on an icy perch
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foreshadowing doot doot
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the guy in the SPACE WOLVES planet that's VERY COLD has a giant WOLF CLAW that MAKES THINGS COLD also, yeah, there's a reason people in northern climes tend to do a lot of handicrafts
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normal people can carve an elaborate bookcase but due to the infinite sagacity and munificience of the emperor, space wolves can only violence it out so lukas has been bonding with the kids he got stuck with well i say kids baby space marines
they're hunting a kraken Reynolds is good at description but not poetic he's got very good flow FINALLY someone writing a non creepy tentacle monster so lukas and the kids fight the kraken and then the other space wolves show up to killsteal now that it's been weakened the kids are not happy
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ake gets up soon enough, the leader finishes off the kraken lukas tells ake to wear a helmet next time lmao lukas goes and yells at the leader dude (grimblood) for killstealing from the kids somewhere out there, mortarion feels like he should give a thumbs up
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grimblood: they should have left you on that ice where they found you lukas: buuut they didn't~
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innnteresting because if the rules are all that holds you back, what happens when you see someone who breaks all the rules
ah lukas and the kids are planning some mischief
back to team drukhari
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this has been good writing because i feel…icky it manages to get everything across in a suitably horrifying way but it doesn't descend into being lurid back to lukas! everyone is having a feast and he's watching from the ceiling ceiling wolf is watching you eat and judging owo time for lukas' Thoughts
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and then five other people show up in the rafters lukas: hi halvar halvar:??? how'd you know it was me
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some context: it was earlier established that halvar is very smelly because he bathes in bear milk where he obtains it from i dare not ask
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squints what kind of favours no, seriously lmao Grimblood is giving a speech and Lukas is judging him for stealing lines from a famous speech by Russ also, doesn't sound like being a space wolf thrall is super great
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not a cube? we must ponder this i feel like i should apologize for always making orb pondering jokes
and grimblood's hair gets lit on fire lukas: welp didnt' plan that Lukas' old commander: welp i told him so so lukas caused chaos no one really got seriously hurt but theres so much injured pride and time spent looking for him lol
okay time for evil elf party from the pov of some lady with a bladed fan aurelia malys (yes that is her name lmao): it's not a party unless there's some deaths
malys on the outside: im calm and bored malys on the inside: eeee this is exciting
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I'm rolling my eyes. C'mon man, why do you guys keep having eldar making reference to 19th and early 20th century British culture
oh she's got a crystal heart she cut her regular heart out of her chest to replace it is this…symbolizm….
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owo it applies to both lukas and sliscus
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she's got Vibes what shoujo did she depart
oh sjdfklsdfh sliscus is shirtless at his party dangit it didn't say if he was wearing leather pants or not note from future bluejay: i think i have healed from mcneill i didn't even note if it mentioned muscles or not
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they're so Extra and I'm weak to Extra
he slice he attacc he doesn't protecc but more importantly he needs his snacc
oh we get Malys description
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she's wearing a BUSTLE delightful
you know given one of the two major female characters who has shown up is a sex slave, and given previous experiences, this book has been surprisingly respectful of women
time for sliscus to give a speech
sliscus: we're the best ever also it was super sick how we created a chaos god and caused a rift in reality sliscus: so we're going to attack this primitive human world and have fun
once again, this guy can like actually write i see why he's well regarded it's also very…idk how to put it comfortable?
oh hey i know this clown literally (it's Sylandri Veilwalker)
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who do you think does care about spoilers? did Vect make revealing that Luke is Vader's son a punishable offence?
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heh i know enough spoilers to know what it actually means
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volturialice · 1 year
don't read Gilead (by marilynne robinson). someone on here recommended it, could have been you, i don't remember lol. critically acclaimed but talkabout BORING! classic "small town" lit but if your book is about family dynamix™ you gotta have at least 1 (one) interesting family member. 4/10, DNF.
lol nope I have never read that one, much less recced it. "small town" has never really been my thing unless everyone in the small town is dying of radiation poisoning or something. innnteresting
unrecommend me books
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tumblypooclan · 1 year
Moon 87
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Greencough has finally... FINALLY been chased out of the clan.
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It's just Beetleflower and poor Fleetmoth in the medicine den still.
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Fleetmoth has been sick for over a full year now...
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All right, I think that moon was slow enough for some relationship check ins!
I think I... want to do Fleetmoth's ahead of schedule. Just... just in case.
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Interesting pattern here of cats whose lives are shit taking it out on Hickorystar.
Spamwind's third page was just Stella with some low level (like half a bar) trust and respect!
INNNTERESTING that Gibby has mutual feelings for BOTH of the cats who have crushes on him >:3 I wonder who will win the battle.
's love and affection.
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sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
Personally I really enjoy the build up, especially when we get to hear the inner monologue of the antagonist as they slowly become more and more crazy. Having it juxtapose with the protagonists inner monologue is really interesting too to me :) idk if I’m explaining it right but I really love watching the slow transition to becoming the yandere and how they justify everything in their minds as right!! Hope this helps at all :D
innnteresting thanks for weighing in! you explained it well no worries! I always enjoy getting a taste of the antagonists inner monologue when I read fics too! yes this helped and gave me some ideas thank you!
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killian-whump · 6 years
@wyntereyez replied to your post: Okay so this website named evoke...
It’s an Irish article, so maybe for them it’s a Netflix show? It’s an interesting interview, since it actually directly asks him about the Superman rumors, and he doesn’t deny them.
Okay, so I actually went and sought out the article to read it, and... I gotta agree with you. I think OUAT is on Netflix in Ireland, and maybe it’s still considered new-ish on there? I dunno.
Regardless, the article seems legit and current to me, and they talked to him about the Superman rumors and he neither confirmed nor denied them, only saying “...that’s a dot dot dot.”
I mean, that is definitely NOT a denial. At all. Innnteresting.
Even more interesting is the part about him maybe working on a screenplay and saying, “I might be developing some stuff at the moment, although that’s all I can say about it!” MORE SECRETS! D: Makes me wonder if maybe he’s taking a bigger part in bringing KMJ to the screen? Maybe? Although I think the screenplay is already done... but it could be getting retooled with his input.
He also was quoted saying, “I’d love to work in Ireland again. It’s just been the way fortune has fallen that I’ve been abroad, but I’d love to work here.” That fits the rumors we’ve heard about him working with a local agent there.
Overall, it’s a very interesting article that shouldn’t be tossed out just because it came from an Irish website. I mean, that IS where he is right now, so it’s gonna be Irish journalists who are talking to him.
...and his statement on it is downright cryptic, so...
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latinerph · 6 years
One Day At a Time Sentence Starters (1x08)
*feel free to change pronounce, setting, names, etc etc
“Oh, someone looks nice” “I learned how to do the countouring on youtube.” “Oh, she looks nice, too......innnteresting.” “Should I be interested? Because I’m not.” “[name], it is Friday at 7PM. Usually by now your sweatpants are on and your bra is off.” “You have a date!” “Can’t I just shower and put on lipstick and nice clothes for myself -- yeah, now I’m not buying it.” “So you automatically assume I don’t have any plans?” “What can I say? I’m a terrible liar.” “Have a good date, [name]. And don’t try to hide stuff from us.” “I’m an amazing liar.” “If they had guessed I was a serial killer I would have gone with that, too.” “I was at the movies. Another remake. Well, it was nothing like the original, but I like them both.” “I’m a gay female minority, so anxiety and depression are my two best friends. And isolation is my boo.” “This kind of attention makes me sweat.” “I told you to text me when you were outside.” “I don’t know how to use those things.” “Why do we need to keep it a secret that we’re going to the opera together.” “I don’t want my family to think something is going on. They are so crazy they will probably think we’re on a date.” “We have different senses of humor.” “We’re just two people on a lovely outing. As companions.” “A companions outing. How platonic.” “Thank you so much for joining me, I always buy two tickets to stuff in hopes that someone will come go.” “Careful with those shoes.” “I came out of the womb wearing stilettos. Even my footie pajamas had kitten heels.” “Ohhhh my shoe! My favorite shoe! Taken in the prime of its life.” “What’s so great about Buffy? It’s just a vampire show.” “Oh, and now he says I’m cute? [flattered] What?” “So are you gonna tell [name] you’re not into boys? I mean, in that way?” “All I said is I might be into girls. But I probably like boys, too. I don’t know.” “It’s like, I’ve never tried broccoli. So I can’t say for sure I don’t like broccoli.” “What? [name] is coming over? But I haven’t showered! What to wear? What to wear??” “Oooh, you’re going to have a boy over here alone?” “Please mention me to [name[. Tell him I’m awesome -- no! Too strong. tell him I’m rad!” “[name] you’re an amazing hype woman. You’re coming with me everywhere.” “It just feels so good to let it all out with you ladies.” “[name] this is not necessary. I fell. I have a bruise that I will cure with the power of my mind.” “In the car you told me you were dizzy. I just want to make sure you’re ok because I care about you.” “Allergies are not a real thing.” “There’s not a checkbox for that.” “Oh, a long time ago I had a stroke but it was nothing.” “I can mime in a box, can you?” “Did you do anything different today than usual? What did you eat?” “Ok but no hanky-panky. My body belongs to God and my husband’s ghost.” “Well, this is a problem. You have a hammer toe that has to be shaved down.” “[name] be honest. Will I ever dance again?” “Now that I have the foot of a monster, I want to hide in the shadows until it is fixed.” “So this isn’t like, some bad teen movie where the popular guy pranks the nerd girl and you make me feel special and next thing you know, I’m covered in pig’s blood?” “I’ve had a crush on you all year.” “You know, you look not that bad. I mean....you got good lips. You got nice eyes, blue. Your smile is slightly  uneven but it’s offset by a strong jaw.” “I think you’re super hot, too.” “Do I like you?” “Do you always say your thoughts out loud? Cause I kind of like it.” “I’m gonna kiss you now.” “That was not the reaction I was hoping for but I can totally do better.” “Somebody should do something. Oh, wait that’s me. I should do something!” “I like you so I just don’t wanna mess this up so do you think we should talk more or something?” “I am the go-to male authority figure here. And I am shutting this unauthorized party down.” “You were right, he is super cool.” “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna say anything, it’s your business.” “Why are you limping?” “You should probably get something for your stomach. I’ll go grab you some juice.” “What can I say? I hedge my bets.” “[suspiciously] You’re both dressed up.....wait....[disgust] Were you two on a date?” “It was a platonic companions outing.” “How dare you insinuate that I was lying to you.” “You were lying to me! A weird lie, but it’s still a lie.” “This is your date?” “Oh, no your mom and I weren’t on a date. I mean, she should be so lucky. We were just at therapy.” “How dare you keep a secret from me?” “Take it easy, you have a history of stroke.” “I kept it a secret from you.” “I have a hammer toe that needs to be shaved! How dare you attack me when I’m about to go under the knife?” “It was nothing. You were pregnant with [name], I didn’t want to bother you.” “This is obviously a very personal family matter.” “I’m the mom, I’m allowed to lie.” “I’m the mom’s mom, and I get to lie even more.” “I’m sorry I had him here when no one was home and I’m sorry for lying about it.” “First thing, Monday I’m taking you to get a full physical, but not with Dr. Berkowitz because now you made that weird.” “We kissed, but that’s it.” “Seriously guys, how good do I look in this?”
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itwilltoteshappen · 7 years
Observation after two spins of HS1. Everything in the promo period (until the last week) been very tightly coordinated since Another Man. The beginning of the melody in "Meet me in the hallway" matches the intro of the Harry Styles mixtape from that mag; Breathe by Pink Floyd is arguably the musical inspiration. The cactus mentioned in the Cameron Crowe interview & the cactus in "Kiwi." And this one is a huge stretch- so bear with me, RAINBOWS. (P1)
but I hear strains of the "Somewhere over the rainbow" at the midpoint of "From the dining table" ... Do you hear the melodic parallels between : "if happy little bluebirds fly" vs. "May be one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too." Anyway, that & the rainbow pin, bracelet, shoes etc. Not totally sure about that one :) I know there are other examples from interviews and print. But, I do think Harry is a master of staying on script. (P2)
And everything the public has seen (except this week may be) was an effort to tie to his album. Does that make sense? Does anyone else see this coordination to the album in every public move? No judgment, just an observation. And, yeah, IM LOVING THIS ALBUM, you did good Harry. (P3)
Oh one more! How could I forget the whole Jamaica romcom Nicky Spee quote (also in Cameron Crowe) & the spoken beginning in Woman: "Should we just search ‘romantic comedies’ on Netflix then and see what we find?” Like, that's another tidbit that was really coordinated with a song. (P4)
oooh! Anon, you are super observant!!  And  very interesting indeed!! 
Yes, it’s totally reminiscent of Breathe...actually you can see elements from all those songs on the playlist in this album.  I don’t know if that was intentional or it happened that way because in general those are just his influences but it’s definitely there.  
I totally forgot the cactus bit in the RS article! good catch!! 
As for Over the Rainbow, I didn’t notice until you pointed out.  innnteresting.  they’re both minor 3rds (I think...my theory is rull rusty so  @seasurfacefullofclouds correct me if i’m wrong) which isn’t particularly uncommon but knowing Harry he definitely could have gone there on purpose. 
I definitely think almost all of his promo was very meticulously planned, so yeah.  makes sense.  
As for the romcom thing, that’s another thing that’s definitely been pushed yeah!  although I do find it hilarious that he said in one interview today that he doesn’t have Netflix.  Ok, grandpa. 
anyway, good catches, anon!    
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kazzabear · 7 years
Y’all, it’s about to get wild.
I gotta tell you about this local band called Early Eyes from Minneapolis. 
First of all, check out their music bc they’ve got some sick beats. Good jams. Super fuckin’ hipster. Support local bands y’all.
Second: There’s this one member who just quit the band to do his own solo music. For some people, that seems to have come straight outta left field. But this story is about to get wild as fuck. 
So I go to school with these peeps and they’re pretty alright dudes. We lived in the same dorm and usually sat in the same area in the cafe. Well Henry here has rarely been seen w the band this last semester and he’s kinda been doin’ his thing while they do theirs. Which is shady af. But whatever. Then, shit gets wild.
I was sitting at dinner once bc I eat super late and they don’t usually eat as late as I was that day. Henry was sitting there, but I sat a table away listening to my music while he chats on the phone with probably his fam. My music stops playing bc Apple is shit and I was going to figure it out but theeeennnnn I hear Henry. And this bitch is throwin’ hella shade at basically everyone. He’s saying things that they don’t even know yet and I’m like, dude I am getting the TEA. So I eavesdrop like anyone in that situation would do.
First thing he talks about is the rest of the band. And he is SHITTING ON THEM hardcore (also briefly shits on his girlfriend and I wanted to actually message his girlfriend that he’s a piece of shit). And whoever is on the other line is like, dude is this okay. And he’s like, yeah it’s fine no one is here. And I’m like, mmhhmmm kay fam. Not here (mind you this guy follows me and has chatted with me before on social so like, he should recognize me [this becomes important]). And then he’s like, yeah so I’m going to leave the band by the end of summer and do my own thing. And I’m like, interesting. And then he’s like, they don’t know that yet but seriously I’m the glue holding this band together. Without me they’ll be nothing. And I’m like, innntERESTING. 
It’s so innnterestinnngggg bc no one actually knows Henry. If you think of Early Eyes, you DO NOT think Henry. First of all, Henry isn’t actually that good as a musician. Idk who is gonna tell him that, but it’s the truth. I’ve been to a few shows, enough to know it’s not “just an off day.” If you think of the band you think of Jake or Des. And maybe Wyatt. I talked to someone who dated Wyatt for a time and they didn’t even know who Henry was. Literally forgot that the band actually has this member. And she was dating the drummer.
Anyway, so then he’s like. Yeah this is just temporary and we’re building up a fanbase and then I’m gonna take off. I’ve been reaching out and doing some social media stuff to get on that and I think I can maintain this fanbase for myself. 
Now this bitch just followed me on insta and NOW I see that he is being fake af and looking out for his own interests. Cool shit. Little bit offended. But okay. And he’s not wrong in terms of building up a fanbase. Early Eyes just got put on Spotify at this point, and they’re being backed by a local radio station (The Current) as well as our student station (Radio K). They’ve been doing pretty regular shows at 7th Street Entry of First Ave and doin’ pretty well locally (outside the TC area no one knows them bc they refuse to do shows outside of the TC area bc it’s not convenient. I offered to help them get booked in ‘sconnie for some shows and they said no. Sooooo idk how that’s gonna work out for them but not the point). Henry? There’s no way he’s going to maintain this fanbase. No way. There just isn’t bc he doesn’t have the same presence. He also CAN’T PERFORM FOR SHIT. He can’t stay on beat, his voice is too quiet for the mic, and he doesn’t really chat fans up between songs. He also can’t proper tune his guitar between songs. So he’s not doin’ well there. And in this convo he’s like, “yeah I don’t need to rehearse or practice at all because I’ve got this down and if they don’t think they do then whatever that’s on them.” Sure kid. 
But anyway, this convo was before one of their biggest performances at Spring Jam Battle of the Bands (didn’t get to Spring Jam itself bc Vessel fit more with the line up and was also good as hell, listen to him too). So Spring Jam comes around and I go with one of my friends who I told about this conversation. We listen to their set. I think this is the first performance since Henry actively started being like, hey I’m leaving. And he’s trying to compete on stage to gain attention from fans. After the end of a song, Henry tries to compete with Des a few times on guitar (like a play guitar battle thing) and actively makes a fool of himself bc he can’t keep a beat or stay on tune w the song. After the first failure, when he does it three more times, Des is like, What The Fuck dude. It’s written all over his face. But Henry is being really competitive and oblivious of this trainwreck for this whole, please attention on me thing. And it is really not working in his favor, but hey he’s getting attention.
Well last week he friended me on facebook and I was like, I see through this. I know this is lies. But I add him anyway bc why not. And today he post his “I’m leaving the band, going solo, like my page and here’s my website” thing. And he already drops an album. I was like, interesting. So the band must have posted something too. NOPE. The band literally just cropped him out. Like his arm is still in the photos. And I’m deaddddd bc the shade is soooo real. 
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elyserollston · 6 years
Hautelinks: Best of the SAG Awards, Anna Wintour on Meghan Markle's Text Messages, Interview Tips & More
Here's what we recently read and loved.
Harper's Bazaar reports that Kylie Jenner may be dropping a mascara called Kylash in the near future. So excited to check this out!
Speaking of mascaras, Pat McGrath is adding one to her line too. There is always room for more mascara on the market.
Here are all the best looks from the SAG Awards. Yara Shahidi and Gemma Chan have my votes for best dressed!
And here are the best beauty looks from the awards ceremony.
Finally, People broke down the top trends that we saw on the SAG red carpet.
Vox explains exactly why 30-day challenges like Whole30 and Dry January are so popular.
This great piece on distinction bias is a must-read if you want to understand why you make the choices you do.
Anna Wintour shares her thoughts on platform shoes and Meghan Markle's text messages.
LOL: Anne Hathaway tricked Ellen's audience into a fake "citrus healing" ritual. It's so true, people will do anything if a celeb recommends it.
Also, Anne has confirmed that Princess Diaries 3 is in the works!!!
If you're job seeking, Refinery29 has tips on how to prepare for a phone interview and what to bring to an in-person interview.
Zara just changed their logo and I love it! What do you think?
Fashionista did an interesting piece on the future of "Fashion Editor" as a career. If this is a dream job for you, read this article ASAP.
Viktor and Rolf's new meme-inspired collection is now -- shocker -- inspiring memes of its own.
Sad! Conversation sweethearts are no longer being sold.
Glamour goes into the real cost of Afterpay, the service that works like layaway for popular brands.
Karl Lagerfeld is launching denim next.
Loved what Valentino did for couture week in respect to inclusivity. We need more of this, especially in couture.
According to WhoWhatWear, this is going to be the "it" skirt of 2019.
Here are some Valentine's Day date ideas that you can do from the comfort of your own home. Going out is overrated, tbh.
ELLE UK breaks down the most out-of-this-world beauty looks from Couture week.
If you're into hair accessories, this is the Instagram account you need to follow.
These embarrassing celebrity fashion trends will make you glad you don't have paparazzi documenting your every style misstep.
Get excited for the 2020 election: Here's a list of who is running for president so far.
Innnteresting: Justin Beiber just launched a few fashion line called "Drew".
Glossier has expanded their shade range in a few key products. It's about time.
How Celine Dion became a fashion icon and still slays every look. Yes!
And finally, yes, that is my baby!
Hautelinks: Best of the SAG Awards, Anna Wintour on Meghan Markle's Text Messages, Interview Tips & More published first on https://getyourcoupon.tumblr.com/
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Praetorian of Dorn 1
I'm feeling...weird about this one like I shouldn't post it? it's probably irrational. This is also probably why I procrastinated with this tab open for like an entire week
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it's about Horus Horus feels…very different a lot more ominous this is post-Molech, though
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"ooooo i'm horus let the galaxy burn"
and now we hit what seems to be a major POV character, Imperial fist dude who's served for at least 150 years his hair is starting to go white
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atmospheric i know he's a major character because i read reviews lol
also sounds like the Fists can be as obnoxious as the Ultramarines lol this is very fragmented so many short different POV segments
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lost in the sauce OH YEAH THE RAD WOLVES rad wolves my beloved
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GW where are the radwolf plushies
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i didn't think Dorn was on the up and up about Chaos at this point mission impossible music plays as what is presumably the alpha legion infiltrates the palace
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very archaic feeling
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oooof ohhhhh nooo SURPRISE NIGHTMARE FUEL i thought this was just going to be industrial depressing stuff not
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BUGS UNDER PEOPLES SKIN like this was literally a horror movie scene i did NOT expect this kind of horror okay! maybe I shouldn't have been reading this at night this is one of my nopes
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you can slap "cyber-" on any word! we're 60 pages in and they're still being coy about saying this is the alpha legion
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given stuff I've seen about Dorn already in other books/short stories, I'm really interested on if this book is going to dig into this
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dorn 🤝 guilliman but dorn gets angry in a very different way huh much colder
oh, so the bugs were a hallucination saying this she calmly threw away a large can of bug spray
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before the war began, alpha legion was planning this? owo
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sir are you going to elaborate on that or just leave after saying a cryptic one liner
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okay but like its not a binary here your options aren't "hide everything" vs "reveal everything" …we could be saying something about dorn with that lol
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is this child alpharius
okay, nvm the kid has gotta be a space marine aspirant (term?)
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that's a fun line
Man French really likes playing with stuff like this as recurring motifs, heat and cold in this book, light and darkness over in Ahriman series
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it's a child's response but there's a truth in it
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dorn: i knew what i was doing and the implications
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dominion over all the galaxy huh okay a lot more about dorn is making sense he's a lot like guilliman huh
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"but sorry kid, you have no choice whether or not to walk that path, and if you survive, well then, there's zero other options available to you!"
This isn't just theatre to Dorn, that's not his style at all.
annnd we get a whole breakdown of the making of a space marine from the POV of this kid French really enjoys this stuff, huh. Digging into choice, loyalty, obligation, honour. But also the boys who became space marines.
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(manifest destiny! take a shot!) but also, this is like the most coherent argument presented in the text of any of these books that shows why the idea of the great crusade is appealing to people
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seriously tho this does remind me of some early American rhetoric
we're going to the moon! Heliosa is…interesting very creepy but, interesting this is another scene where I can hear the music lol
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yeah, making warriors with high anger levels, what a great idea! we also saw the result of this in the whole training sequence with Kye
Andromeda's introduction will have to wait til next time
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volturialice · 2 years
How do you think Jasper handled his gift when they joined the Cullens?
I personally headcanon that Alice and Jasper made them aware of its existence, however Jasper refrained from using the 'active' part of it (influencing others) for a good while out of respect for the Cullen's personal boundries and because he wanted to avoid them thinking he 'made' them like him and Alice.
He was miserable during most of that time because of suddenly being around six vampires with very different emotional climates and feeling them all at the same time is not fun (yes, newborns, but they are mostly anger and thirst, so one ball of the same emotions while Emmett could totally be entertained seeing Rosalie and Edward fight, Esme could fear for the life of her new antique dresser and Alice could be bored because she saw the argument and its outcome already) but he did it anyway because he did not want to risk ruining Alice's dream of a belonging to that family.
Looking forward to reading youe thoughts!
love this question. innnteresting! I know @jessicanjpa has kind of the opposite take, that jasper was so paranoid he used his ability on the others without telling them about it for the first while.
I myself have honestly never thought about it, but I like both? I can see things going either way, depending on how well alice had managed to convince him of their safety at that point, whether he had taught her to fight yet, and various other factors.
I have to kinda disagree with that last paragraph—I don't think disparate emotions would feel as bad as uniform-but-overwhelmingly-negative ones. if anything, I would imagine it creates more equilibrium, closer to how a normal, non-pathokinetic person experiences a range of emotions over their day. I bet the emotions of the cullens, where any negativity is mostly limited to the ongoing edward vs rosalie rancor and (probably) some healthy general suspicion of jasper and alice as newcomers, would seem like a cakewalk after the years of violence and backstabbing in the vampire army, horrifying death throes of human prey, and even the awkward pity of peter and charlotte. jasper even says in eclipse that "this is a climate I enjoy." I'm sure it was an adjustment after hanging out with only alice for years, but it seems to me like a relatively easy one, especially considering alice is his #1 emotional connection and she must have been delirious with joy and excitement for that initial period.
but yes, I think you're right on the money that however the truth of jasper's gift came out, there would have to be a conversation about boundaries. I think rosalie in particular would be like absolutely NOT, don't you DARE influence my emotions. edward too—he's a self-admitted masochist, I think he would consider any kind of artificial mood-lifting to be Cheating And Cowardly—he thinks he deserves to suffer. esme and emmett wouldn't much care, especially once they got to know and trust jasper a bit. carlisle would be mainly concerned that jasper use his influence respectfully, and not for personal gain or long-term manipulation, and then pretty hands-off after those caveats.
in the books jasper seems to deploy his gift whenever however, with zero permission and total impunity (see: knocking bella fully unconscious with a pathokinetic crowbar to the head.) but to me that feels like yet another case of smeyer using something As The Plot Demands and not bothering to consider the full implications. she retconned jasper's gift into being "physical," she retconned him into having basically the power of invisibility in midnight sun...,it doesn't exactly smack of thoughtful worldbuilding and characterization to me. super fun and interesting to play around with for us fans, though!
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hauntedmiumiuflats · 7 years
you had a really great teacher in high school who inspired you and whom you considered a mentor, and they didn’t rape you? idk can’t relate
TG was actually kind of a shitty teacher honestly and definitely a fucking abysmal guidance counselor... i convinced myself he was a good mentor but i think i just liked him because he seemed “worldly” and his interest kinda coincided with mine... and of course because he complimented me and made me feel cool and stuff
looking back, things were already not 100% above board by the end of freshman year. we spent a decent amount of time together at mock trial practice and on related field trips, and he was revealing quite a bit of personal stuff to us and acting way too much like a peer. as far as towards me specifically, he’d like... say things to remind me that he was watching me in a sexual way? idk like i remember some comments like “hmm it seems like the boys at school really overlook you, but anytime we’re out together older men are all over you... innnteresting” and one time on some field trip we went to a mall and i bought a flannel nightgown and and he was so smirky and creepy about it and kept mentioning how it made him really notice how much more mature i was than my peers
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