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#torino #torinocentro #inpiemonte #piemonte #turim #turin #italia #ilikeitaly #ilikeit #goldenretriever #instadogs #portrait_mood #portraitphotography #portraitmood #ritratti_italiani #ritratto #colore_italiano #shadowhunters #luce #architecture #architettura #architecturephotography (presso Turin, Italy)
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miles7one-blog · 7 years
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' It is an aqueduct built to supply the Reggia di Caserta and the San Leucio complex, supplied by water arising at the foot of Taburno, from the springs of the Fizzo, in the territory of Bucciano (BN), which it carries along a winding 38 km route (mostly underground).q Commissioned by Charles of Bourbon and designed by Luigi Vanvitelli (after whom it derives its two names), its construction began in March 1753 and concluded with its opening on 7 May 1762. Of particular architectural value is the perfectly preserved 529-metre-long (1,736 ft) section in tufa bridging the Valle di Maddaloni between Monte Longano (to the east) and Monte Garzano (to the west) - this section was made a World Heritage Site in 1997 and (modelled on ancient Roman aqueducts) is made of three rows of arches, 55.8 metres (183 ft) high at its highest point. ' Source : @wikipedia . • • Ph : The Aqueduct of Vanvitelli or Caroline Aqueduct (@trenitaliafs) . • • #Miles7one #nx7 #7hink #benevento #campania #igcampania #trenitalia #visitcampania #lovecampania #igerspiemonte #aqueduct #inpiemonte #bellacampania #ilikeitaly #italia #italy #traveling #tour #trains #train #think #igdaily #igers #goodvibes #travel #travelgram #travelling #travelphotography (at Aqueduct of Vanvitelli)
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joele-sepel-joelse · 5 years
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#Vercelli #VercelliPiemonte #piemonte #inpiemonte #vercelli🇮🇹 #piemontevercelli #HardRocker #HardRockPerformer #hardrockitalianperformer🇮🇹 #italianshowmanperformer #timearound #musico #theperformercrumblenot #ilcompositore #sänger #ilcantante #cn #THEHARDROCKPERFORMER #ilmusicistatalentuoso #thesingercrumblenot #musicalguy #joelse #JoelSe #JOELSE #joelsepel #JoelSepel #JOELSEPEL #joelesepel #JOELESEPEL #JoeleSepel #crumblenot #im #imamusician #cantadorcrumblenot #crumblenotcantador #juststillaround #grandemusicista #ilsupercantante #awriterofsongs🎼 @joel_sepel @joelsepel https://youtu.be/VTHZnhWL0XI https://youtu.be/qQ5C-BAX0Jc https://youtu.be/Dj6SZ3TEPPg https://youtu.be/RMKpEUGtP1o https://youtu.be/xwGcm8Ayx-w https://youtu.be/CLaAgH8asCg https://youtu.be/A2ExYKUHT08 https://youtu.be/qFidTDmuZfw https://youtu.be/aYowWiOB3Tk https://youtu.be/f6crz4OgM_g https://youtu.be/l3_A0zjf8eI https://youtu.be/1hCC5-3vCyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOi5NnEvuqM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4_neoAmaaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WBvGpCRy5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqa7jlnZLdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As8Pp8tKNW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH57me_3gLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5DfHPxV61M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQoazrhLN4
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#torino #igerstorino #turin #turincity #piemonte #igerspiemonte #inpiemonte #visititaly #visititalia #italia #bellaitalia #nature #naturephotography #natutelovers #neve #snow #inverno #winter #mono_styles #stunningbnw #bnw_magazine #blackandwhite #jj_blackwhite #bnw #bnw_life #mono_styles #fineart_photobnw #biancoenero #bnw_igers #bnwmood (presso Monte dei Cappuccini, Turin)
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miles7one-blog · 7 years
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' His family was one of the most ancient and wealthy in Lombardy, made famous by several notable men, both in the church and state. The aristocratic Borromeo family's coat of arms included the Borromean rings, sometimes taken to symbolize the Holy Trinity. Borromeo received the tonsure when he was about twelve years old. At this time his paternal uncle, Julius Caesar Borromeo, turned over to him the income from the rich Benedictine abbey of Sts. Gratinian and Felin, one of the ancient perquisites of this noble family. In spite of his youth, Charles made plain to his father that all revenues from the abbey beyond what was required to prepare him for a career in the Church belonged to the poor and could not be applied to secular use. The young man attended the University of Pavia, where he applied himself to the study of civil and canon law. Due to a slight impediment of speech, he was regarded as slow; yet his thoroughness and industry more than compensated for the handicap. In 1554 his father died, and although he had an elder brother, Count Federico, he was requested by the family to take the management of their domestic affairs. After a time, he resumed his studies, and on 6 December 1559 he earned a doctorate in utroque iure (canon and civil law). He was cardinal archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584. ' Source : @wikipedia • Ph: Church of Saint Carlo Borromeo (1538 - 1584) in Piazza San Carlo , Turin (1619-1834) . • #Miles7one #nx7 #7hink #turin #torino #igpiemonte #igerstorino #visittorino #lovetorino #igerspiemonte #ig_piemonte #inpiemonte #bellatorino #ilikeitaly #italia #italy #carloborromeo #borromeo #piazzasancarlo #piazza #think #igdaily #igers #goodvibes #travel #travelgram #travelling #travelphotography (at Torino Piazza San Carlo)
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joele-sepel-joelse · 5 years
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#Vercelli #VercelliPiemonte #piemonte #inpiemonte #vercelli🇮🇹 #piemontevercelli #HardRocker #HardRockPerformer #hardrockitalianperformer🇮🇹 #italianshowmanperformer #timearound #musico #theperformercrumblenot #ilcompositore #sänger #ilcantante #cn #THEHARDROCKPERFORMER #ilmusicistatalentuoso #thesingercrumblenot #musicalguy #joelse #JoelSe #JOELSE #joelsepel #JoelSepel #JOELSEPEL #joelesepel #JOELESEPEL #JoeleSepel #crumblenot #im #imamusician #cantadorcrumblenot #crumblenotcantador #juststillaround #grandemusicista #ilsupercantante #awriterofsongs🎼 @joel_sepel @joelsepel https://youtu.be/VTHZnhWL0XI https://youtu.be/qQ5C-BAX0Jc https://youtu.be/Dj6SZ3TEPPg https://youtu.be/RMKpEUGtP1o https://youtu.be/xwGcm8Ayx-w https://youtu.be/CLaAgH8asCg https://youtu.be/A2ExYKUHT08 https://youtu.be/qFidTDmuZfw https://youtu.be/aYowWiOB3Tk https://youtu.be/f6crz4OgM_g https://youtu.be/l3_A0zjf8eI https://youtu.be/1hCC5-3vCyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOi5NnEvuqM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4_neoAmaaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WBvGpCRy5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqa7jlnZLdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As8Pp8tKNW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH57me_3gLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5DfHPxV61M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQoazrhLN4
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incomingexperience · 11 years
#torino #musei #hotel #instavideo #lamiatorino #inpiemonte (presso Torino)
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valeriocattaneo · 11 years
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18 ottobre 2013
Posti di continuità assistenziale nel Verbano Cusio Ossola - A Torino il primo confronto per trovare una soluzione compatibile con le esigenze del territorio. .           
"E' stato un incontro interlocutorio ma utile e costruttivo; nonostante i diktat del Governo, la Regione ha la ferma intenzione di salvaguardare i posti letto per le post-acuzie importantissimi per il territorio. Entro metà novembre ci ritroveremo per definire le soluzioni percorribili."        
18 ottobre 2013
Porto di Verbania - La situazione e la necessità di fare chiarezza.           
"Credo che si debbano valutare e individuare eventuali responsabilità per quanto è successo nella notte tra giovedì e venerdì anche se indubbiamente ci si è ritrovati di fronte a condizioni meteorologiche eccezionali soprattutto per questa stagione..."                  
18 ottobre 2013
Donatori di sangue ed emocomponenti - L'attenzione del Consiglio regionale..     
"Abbiamo approvato un documento che impegna la Giunta ad attivarsi per il riconoscimento delle quote di trattamento relative alle anzianità contributive anche per i donatori di sangue. Nel Verbano Cusio Ossola interessati quasi 10 mila iscritti alle sezioni AVIS."
18 ottobre 2013
Commemorate le morti bianche in Piemonte.      
"...occorre proseguire nel percorso intrapreso dalle istituzioni volto ad assicurare sempre di più la piena osservanza di tutte le garanzie della salute e dell'integrità fisica dei lavoratori"               
18 ottobre 2013
Cultura della legalità e dell'uso responsabile del denaro.      
Concorso per le scuole medie superiori bandito dall'Osservatorio regionale sull'Usura in collaborazione con l'Ufficio scolastico regionale del Piemonte e la Regione Piemonte."                    
18 ottobre 2013
Dal Comitato regionale per la Solidarietà oltre 115 mila euro per lo sviluppo.  
   "Intendiamo dare una mano alle associazioni di volontariato piemontesi che si occupano di cooperazione internazionale per consentire loro di realizzare e portare a termine progetti di sostegno e di sviluppo in paesi decisamente meno fortunati del nostro e che, soprattutto in tempi di crisi, è quanto mai doveroso aiutare".                
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hotelgenio-blog · 11 years
Torino profuma di Parigi
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Amici ! Come state? Tante news dal vostro Genio Wizzy! Non vi tengo sulle spine e vi svelo in anteprima che l'Hotel Genio e la citta di Torino hanno respirato aria Parigina per 3 giorni…di cosa sto parlando?
#Turinpourmoi! 15 famosi blogger francesi hanno invaso il web e la citta acconpagnati dal Consorzio Turistico Incoming Experience, Torino Turismo e Provincia e dal sottoscritto ovviamente... ma all’insaputa di tutti!
Per curiosita o per sfida vi invito a cercare l’# #Turinpourmoi sui social network per vedere la miriade di scatti, video, tweet, post e chi piu ne ha piu ne metta che sono stati pubblicati dai blogger…
Rifatevi gli occhi con le immagini sublimi, dettagli unici delle nostre piazze storiche e interni dei Palazzi Reali…
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Approposito di reale…mi sono intrufolato insieme al gruppo quando ho letto nel programma “Merenda Reale”: merenda per golosoni …cioccolata pura fondente con marron glace, baci di dama, cioccolatini, savoiardi… tutto accompagnato con dolci melodie classiche interpretate da un trio composto da soli violini!
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Un’altra attivita’ tres chic e’ stata la visita a Villa della Regina, una delle sedi estive dei Reali di Casa Savoia, i giardini francesi alla Versailles e gli interni con affreschi “da Reggia” hanno sicuramente fatto sentire i giovanissimi blogger a casa…
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Che dire ancora? sono state giornate intense e appetitose! 
Se volete assaporare parte della magia vissuta, cercate l’# Turinpourmoi, fidatevi, le sorprese non mancheranno!
E io in tutto ciò io mi sono goduto lo spettacolo nel vedere stupore, curiosita e brillio neglio occhi dei nostri ospiti!
Ancora una volta Torino ha fatto la differenza !
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Continuate a seguirmi…prestissimo faro una “recensione gustosissima”!
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miles7one-blog · 7 years
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Ciao #Torino .. . • • • #Miles7one #nx7 #7hink #turin #torino #igpiemonte #igerstorino #visittorino #lovetorino #igerspiemonte #ig_piemonte #inpiemonte #bellatorino #ilikeitaly #italia #italy #monarchy #horse #knight #think #igdaily #igers #instagood #goodvibes #travel #travelgram #travelling #travelphotography (at Torino Piazza San Carlo)
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miles7one-blog · 7 years
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' The building was conceived and constructed as a synagogue. The Jewish community of Turin had enjoyed full civil rights since 1848, and at the time the construction of the synagogue began, Turin was the capital of the new Italian state, a position it held only from 1860 to 1864. The community, with the intention of having a building worthy of a capital city, hired Antonio Antonelli. The relationship between Antonelli and the Jewish community was not happy. He proposed a series of modifications which raised the final height to 167.5 meters, over 46 meters higher than the dome in the original design. Such changes, in addition to greater costs and construction time than were originally anticipated, did not please the Jewish community and construction was halted in 1869, with a provisional roof. With the removal of the Italian capital to Florence in 1864, the community shrank, but costs and Antonelli's ambition continued to rise. In 1876 , the Jewish Community had spent too much for a building that was still far from finished announced that it was withdrawing from the project. The people of Turin, who had watched the synagogue rise skyward, demanded that the city take over the project, which it did. An exchange was arranged between the Jewish community and the city of Turin for a piece of land on which a handsome Moorish Revival synagogue was quickly built. The Mole was dedicated to Victor Emmanuel II. Antonelli again began construction, which took the height to 146, 153, and finally 167.5 meters (550 feet). From 1908 to 1938, the city used it to house its Museum of the Risorgimento, which was moved to the Palazzo Carignano in 1938. The Mole Antonelliana is the tallest unreinforced brick building in the world .' Source : @Wikipedia . • The Mole Antonelliana (1863-1889) by Alessandro Antonelli (1798-1888) , Torino . • • • #Miles7one #nx7 #7hink #moleantonelliana #torino #igpiemonte #igerstorino #visittorino #lovetorino #igerspiemonte #ig_piemonte #inpiemonte #bellatorino #ilikeitaly #italia #italy #brick #building #architecture #architechturelovers #architechturephotography #archilovers #igdaily #igers #travel #travelgram #travelling #travelphotography (at Mole Antonelliana)
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miles7one-blog · 7 years
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' He was also a suitor to Lady Elizabeth Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII of England. With the Peace of Cateau Cambrésis between France and Spain signed in 1559, the duchy was restored to Emmanuel Philibert and he married his first cousin once removed, Margaret of France, Duchess of Berry, the sister of King Henry II of France. Their only child was Charles Emmanuel I of Savoy. Following the death of his uncle, Henry I of Portugal, on 31 January 1580, Emmanuel Philibert fought to impose his rights as a claimant to the Portuguese throne. However, he soon realised that he had quite a fragile position due to the claims of Philip II, who gained control of the country, thus uniting Spain and Portugal.' Source : @Wikipedia . • The Caval ëd Brons ('Bronze horse' 19th century) by Carlo Marocchetti (1805-1867) in Piazza San Carlo , Torino . • • • #Miles7one #nx7 #7hink #emanuelefiliberto #torino #igpiemonte #igerstorino #visittorino #lovetorino #igerspiemonte #ig_piemonte #inpiemonte #bellatorino #ilikeitaly #italia #italy #monarchy #horse #knight #think #igdaily #igers #instagood #goodvibes #travel #travelgram #travelling #travelphotography (at Piazza San Carlo)
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miles7one-blog · 8 years
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' Partly under the influence of Giuseppe Mazzini, the freedom of Italy became his ruling motive in life, its emancipation, not only from foreign masters, but from modes of thought alien to its genius, and detrimental to its European authority. In 'Del primato morale e civile degli Italiani', dedicated to Silvio Pellico, he traced history down through the splendors of the papacy starting with the greatness of ancient Rome, and recounting all that science and art owed to the genius of Italy, he declared that the Italian people were a model for all nations. Method is with him a synthetic, subjective and psychological instrument. He reconstructs, as he declares, ontology, and begins with the ideal formula, the "Ens" creates ex nihilo the existent. God is the only being (Ens); all other things are merely existences. God is the origin of all human knowledge (called lidea, thought), which is one and so to say identical with God himself. It is directly beheld (intuited) by reason, but in order to be of use it has to be reflected on, and this by means of language. A knowledge of being and existences (concrete) and their mutual relations, is necessary as the beginning of philosophy.' Vincenzo Gioberti (Torino 1801 – Paris 1852) philosopher, publicist and politician. Source : @Wikipedia • Statue of Vincenzo Gioberti (1859) by Giovanni Albertoni (1806-1887) in Piazza Carignano , Torino . • • • #Miles7one #nx7 #7hink #vincenzogioberti #torino #igpiemonte #igerstorino #visittorino #lovetorino #igerspiemonte #ig_piemonte #inpiemonte #bellatorino #ilikeitaly #italia #italy #philosophy #philosopher #politician #think #igdaily #igers #instagood #goodvibes #travel #travelgram #travelling #travelphotography (at Piazza Carignano)
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joele-sepel-joelse · 5 years
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#Vercelli #VercelliPiemonte #piemonte #inpiemonte #vercelli🇮🇹 #piemontevercelli #HardRocker #HardRockPerformer #hardrockitalianperformer🇮🇹 #italianshowmanperformer #timearound #musico #theperformercrumblenot #ilcompositore #sänger #ilcantante #cn #THEHARDROCKPERFORMER #ilmusicistatalentuoso #thesingercrumblenot #musicalguy #joelse #JoelSe #JOELSE #joelsepel #JoelSepel #JOELSEPEL #joelesepel #JOELESEPEL #JoeleSepel #crumblenot #im #imamusician #cantadorcrumblenot #crumblenotcantador #juststillaround #grandemusicista #ilsupercantante #awriterofsongs🎼 @joel_sepel @joelsepel https://youtu.be/VTHZnhWL0XI https://youtu.be/qQ5C-BAX0Jc https://youtu.be/Dj6SZ3TEPPg https://youtu.be/RMKpEUGtP1o https://youtu.be/xwGcm8Ayx-w https://youtu.be/CLaAgH8asCg https://youtu.be/A2ExYKUHT08 https://youtu.be/qFidTDmuZfw https://youtu.be/aYowWiOB3Tk https://youtu.be/f6crz4OgM_g https://youtu.be/l3_A0zjf8eI https://youtu.be/1hCC5-3vCyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOi5NnEvuqM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4_neoAmaaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WBvGpCRy5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqa7jlnZLdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As8Pp8tKNW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH57me_3gLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5DfHPxV61M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQoazrhLN4
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joele-sepel-joelse · 5 years
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#Vercelli #VercelliPiemonte #piemonte #inpiemonte #vercelli🇮🇹 #piemontevercelli #HardRocker #HardRockPerformer #hardrockitalianperformer🇮🇹 #italianshowmanperformer #timearound #musico #theperformercrumblenot #ilcompositore #sänger #ilcantante #cn #THEHARDROCKPERFORMER #ilmusicistatalentuoso #thesingercrumblenot #musicalguy #joelse #JoelSe #JOELSE #joelsepel #JoelSepel #JOELSEPEL #joelesepel #JOELESEPEL #JoeleSepel #crumblenot #im #imamusician #cantadorcrumblenot #crumblenotcantador #juststillaround #grandemusicista #ilsupercantante #awriterofsongs🎼 @joel_sepel @joelsepel https://youtu.be/VTHZnhWL0XI https://youtu.be/qQ5C-BAX0Jc https://youtu.be/Dj6SZ3TEPPg https://youtu.be/RMKpEUGtP1o https://youtu.be/xwGcm8Ayx-w https://youtu.be/CLaAgH8asCg https://youtu.be/A2ExYKUHT08 https://youtu.be/qFidTDmuZfw https://youtu.be/aYowWiOB3Tk https://youtu.be/f6crz4OgM_g https://youtu.be/l3_A0zjf8eI https://youtu.be/1hCC5-3vCyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOi5NnEvuqM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4_neoAmaaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WBvGpCRy5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqa7jlnZLdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As8Pp8tKNW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH57me_3gLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5DfHPxV61M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQoazrhLN4
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joele-sepel-joelse · 5 years
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#Vercelli #VercelliPiemonte #piemonte #inpiemonte #vercelli🇮🇹 #piemontevercelli #HardRocker #HardRockPerformer #hardrockitalianperformer🇮🇹 #italianshowmanperformer #timearound #musico #theperformercrumblenot #ilcompositore #sänger #ilcantante #cn #THEHARDROCKPERFORMER #ilmusicistatalentuoso #thesingercrumblenot #musicalguy #joelse #JoelSe #JOELSE #joelsepel #JoelSepel #JOELSEPEL #joelesepel #JOELESEPEL #JoeleSepel #crumblenot #im #imamusician #cantadorcrumblenot #crumblenotcantador #juststillaround #grandemusicista #ilsupercantante #awriterofsongs🎼 @joel_sepel @joelsepel https://youtu.be/VTHZnhWL0XI https://youtu.be/qQ5C-BAX0Jc https://youtu.be/Dj6SZ3TEPPg https://youtu.be/RMKpEUGtP1o https://youtu.be/xwGcm8Ayx-w https://youtu.be/CLaAgH8asCg https://youtu.be/A2ExYKUHT08 https://youtu.be/qFidTDmuZfw https://youtu.be/aYowWiOB3Tk https://youtu.be/f6crz4OgM_g https://youtu.be/l3_A0zjf8eI https://youtu.be/1hCC5-3vCyw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOi5NnEvuqM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4_neoAmaaA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WBvGpCRy5w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqa7jlnZLdc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As8Pp8tKNW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH57me_3gLU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5DfHPxV61M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQoazrhLN4
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