your blog is so freaking perfect! sorry it took so long to follow you back :)
Awh thanks cutie
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nlntendo64-blog · 10 years
URL: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
ICON: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
THEME: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
POSTS: okay | good | great | amazing | flawless | asdfghjkl
OUT OF 10: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
FOLLOWING: No sorry | yes | I am now
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amimalcrossing · 11 years
inra1nbows replied to your post: 0 inra1nbows replied to your post: &nbsp...
no thats u sorry to break it to you..
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ghcstly · 11 years
heyYY so hannah and i already announced the winner of our botm. 
and the runners up are....
dnhowelleen & inra1nbows woooo
follow them!!!
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vvomble · 11 years
u pretty u pretty u pretty
alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright
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annnnnj · 11 years
hello yes i got tagged
Tagged by lemme-tell-u-bout-homestuck (thank u friend)
The rules:
Rule one: Post the rules
Rule two: Answer the 11 questions the tagger asked you then make 11 new ones.
Rule three: Tag 11 people and link them to this post
Rule four: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
alrighty i got tagged so uh
1. Who is/are some of your favorite Disney character(s)?
the 2 dudes from road to el dorado (i dont know if thats a disney movie or not but i play by my own rules B-)
2. If you could choose to have one mythical creature as a pet, what creature would you choose?
an anime character
3. What is the strangest crush on a fictional character you’ve ever had?
wow uh i had a crush on morgana from bbc merlin which is kinda weird but
4. Is there anyone that you would consider spending the rest of your life with (as a friend or more)?
ah yes my amigos are very sunglasses emoji
5. What is/are your favorite non-Disney animated movie(s)?
*strums a banjo* spirited away
6. Have you ever been to Disney World? 
no B-(
7. What are some of your OTPs?
8. What type of music do you like to listen to the most?
muse musemusemusemusemusemusemusemusemusemusemusemuse
9. What is your zodiac sign?
i am 69% sure its a taurus
do u see what i did i put 69 i am laughing so hard wow what is air someone help i cant stop lauhgin please call 911 plea
10. What’s your favorite type of bird?
11. What’s cooler than being cool?
1. What is/are your favorite character(s)? (no matter what fandom, just over all)
mikasa, merlin, rose
2. Whats your least favorite Disney movie?
im not too fond of cinderella 
3. What rare pair do you ship?
4. Favorite non animated movie?
5. Hot or cold?
6. Whos your best friend?
7. Whats the strangest thing you have ever done?
jimbles notronbo
8. Best Disney villian? 
9. Whats the WORST birthday present you have ever gotten?
for my 5th birthday my mom got me a mcdonalds and there were only 3 chicken nuggets 
10. Favorite TV show?
avatar the last airbender forever and always
11. What is the stupidest thing any one has ever told you?
'what the heck is moss' -emily from 3rd grade
ah y es my questions
1. If you could eat 1 food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. What is the book closest to you?
3. Water, Earth, Fire, or Airbender?
4. What's your lucky number?
5. If you could live in any book/movie/anime/whatever universe which would it be?
6. Your anime weapon of choice?
7. Favorite song?
8. If you had to live in a room with 3 people (fictional or not) for 3 years who would you choose?
9. If you could delete one word from every single language ever, which word would you delete?
10. Your favorite shirt/piece of clothing/necklace/whatever? 
11. What's the most memorable (funny, embarrassing, inspirational, I don't care, as long as it's memorable) thing you've done?
yeah so im tagging komaahina, cumbungi, halfblackclover, potato-with-a-backstory, inra1nbows, cobwebbedvagina, luminescent-zephyr, nightbagel, suck-my-beepis, birdy-is-sleepy, and whoever else wants to do it ok friend adios
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romanholida · 11 years
inra1nbows replied to your photo
You're both perfect aw
you're so cute so are you!!
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prolapz · 11 years
84 :-)
Url: not my thing | cool | fab | flawless| asdfghjkl;Icon: not my thing | cool | fab | flawless | asdfghjkl; Theme: not my thing | cool | fab | flawless | asdfghjkl;Posts: not my thing | cool | fab | flawless | asdfghjkl;Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |10+ 
vote for me here for a blog rate
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amimalcrossing · 11 years
inra1nbows replied to your post: inra1nbows replied to your post: notta...
ur close 
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vvomble · 11 years
any good blogs for me to follow?
oh wow um im gna tell you my favourites bc they are good blogs yes yes
vickypedias, inra1nbows, sisenegoxe, howull, deansprout, urqa, siqhduck, cyndaphil, alyshealikeswifi, kaleeallover, laetitaxi, muse, dnhowell, anus, cutiesquad, cutebecky, ohmygodcarys, aw—yiss and mysterylnc
i hope that was everything you wanted and more 
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wraithis · 11 years
inra1nbows: I'm here okay yes I posted on my other give me a second
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amimalcrossing · 11 years
inra1nbows replied to your post: M...
ur a twat
idk why u tolerate me tbh
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alyshea · 11 years
wahey I just hit 1k followers:D yay thank you ♡
I get asked a lot who my favourite blogs are so: 0wlbedamned, 69shadesofdan, crimsonveil, fuckedhowell, glabela, inra1nbows, iveneverhadnutella, january--18th, maddifacee, majestic-charizard, originofletty, poppuke, phandelions, serious-music-bipolar, sherlockhlomes, sighfandoms, sincere-liars, sumint, st4ywonderful, tetr0mino, thesenseof-dance, thumbdan, twerking69,  tyrabanksnipple if i follow you ily basically okay 
and thank you to that guy from youtube that reblogs me often too idk lol
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danxieties · 11 years
inra1nbows replied to your photoset
phil kicing ahim int eh face though aim lighauging so ahrd
i know omgf i had to gif it bc laughing
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vvomble · 11 years
inra1nbows reblogged your post look who i just found !!... and added:
aw aw awwww
you only get an oOoOoO with typhoOoooO
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